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Summary of Content
OWNER’S MANUAL & SERVICE BOOKLET • Keep With Vehicle At All Times • Contains Important Information On Safety, Operation & Maintenance Part No. 99011M79M09-74E April, 2017 ENG This Owner M anual & S ervice Booklet a pplies t o t he CIAZ series produced by MAR UTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED © C OPYRIGHT MAR UTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 2017 Note: The illustr ated model is one of the CIAZ Serie s. 9,1 02'(/ 2:1(5 1$0(  $''5(66 9$5,$17 &2/285 (1*,1(12 &217$&712 .(<12 (PDLO,' ,192,&('$7( 2'20(7(55($',1* .0 5(*,675$7,2112 6(//,1* '($/(51$0( &2'( %$77(5<0$.( '($/(5 6+2:5220 $''5(66  &217$&712 67$03 %$77(5<12 %$77(5<%$7&+ 7<5( 0$.(%$7&+&2'( )URQW5LJKW )URQW/HIW 5HDU5LJKW &217$&712 )256(59,&( $332,170(17 6833257 5HDU/HIW 6SDUH )RUDQ\DVVLVWDQFHZLWKUHJDUGWRRXUSURGXFWSOHDVHFRQWDFW*HQHUDO0DQDJHU:RUNV0DQDJHUDWDQ\RIRXUDXWKRULVHG0DUXWL6X]XNL1H[D GHDOHU  DXWKRULVHG 0DUXWL 6X]XNL :RUNVKRS )RU DGGLWLRQDO HQTXLU\ \RX PD\ FRQWDFW RXU 5HJLRQDO 2IILFH RU 6HUYLFH 'HSDUWPHQW 7KH DGGUHVVHVDQGSKRQHQXPEHUVDUHJLYHQLQ6HUYLFH1HWZRUNVHFWLRQRIWKLV0DQXDO6HUYLFH1HWZRUNERRNOHW MAINTENANCE SERVICE RECORDS DATE OF SERVICE KIND OF SERVICE MILEAGE (KM) DESCRIPTION OF JOB F: .... FREE SERVICE, P:.... PAID SERVICE, W:.... WARRANTY JOB, A:.... ACCIDENTAL JOB NAME OF SERVICING WORKSHOP JOB CARD NO. MECHANICS SIGNATURE &86720(5¶6&23< .0RU0217+ :+,&+(9(5&20(6),567 ,1$/#4-Ũ%JGEMGF1-##FLWUV%%NGCP44GRNCEGQT%JCPIG..WDTKECVG66KIJVGP 14QVCVG++PURGEVCPFEQTTGEVQTTGRNCEGKHPGEGUUCT[ '($/(5¶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/GEJCPKEŏU5KIPCVWTG 5GTXKEG/CPCIGTŏU5KIPCVWTG %WUVQOGTŏU5KIPCVWTG #RRNKECDNGHQT#WVQOCVKE6TCPUOKUUKQPQPN[ &2672)0$7(5,$/6$1'&21680$%/(672%(%251(%<&86720(5 0RGHO&RGH&,$= 3HWURO $9% &,$= 'LHVHO $9%' /QFGN%QFG %JCUUKU0Q 'PIKPG0Q /KNGCIG &CVGQH+PXQKEG &CVGQH+PURGEVKQP 4GIKUVTCVKQP0Q 5GTXKEG&GCNGT%QFG )RU6HUYLFLQJ'HDOHU /GEJCPKEŏU5KIPCVWTG 5GTXKEG/CPCIGTŏU5KIPCVWTG %WUVQOGTŏU5KIPCVWTG FOREWORD This manual is an essential part of your vehicle and should remain with the vehicle when resold or otherwise transferred to a new owner or operator. Please read this manual carefully before operating your new MARUTI SUZUKI and review the manual from time to time. It contains important information on safety, operation and maintenance. You are invited to avail the three Free Inspection Services as described in the manual. Three free inspection coupons are attached to this manual. Please show this manual to your dealer while you take your MARUTI SUZUKI for any Service. To prolong the life of your vehicle and reduce maintenance cost, the periodic maintenance must be carried out according to “PERIODIC MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE” described in “INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” section of this manual. It is essential for preventing trouble and accidents to ensure your satisfaction and safety. Daily inspection and care as per “DAILY INSPECTION CHECKLIST” described in the “INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” section of this manual is essential for prolonging the life of the vehicle and for safe driving. MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED believes in conservation and protection of Earth’s natural resources. To that end, we encourage every vehicle owner to recycle, trade-in or properly dispose of, as appropriate, used Engine Oil, coolant and other fluids, batteries and tyres etc. MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED All information in this manual is based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. Due to improvements or other changes, there may be discrepancies between information in this manual and your vehicle. MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED reserves the right to make production changes at any time, without notice and without incurring any obligation to make the same or similar changes to vehicles previously built or sold. This vehicle may not comply with standards or regulations of other countries. Before attempting to register this vehicle in any other country, check all applicable regulations and make any necessary modifications. 1 68PH0-74E IMPORTANT MODIFICATION ING WARNING/ CAUTION/NOTICE/ NOTE Please read this manual and follow its instructions carefully. To emphasize special information, the symbol and the words WARNING, CAUTION, NOTICE and NOTE have special meanings. Pay particular attention to messages highlighted by these signal words: WARNING WARNING Indicates a potential hazard that could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION Indicates a potential hazard that could result in minor or moderate injury. NOTICE Indicates a potential hazard that could result in vehicle damage. NOTE: Indicates special information to make maintenance easier or instructions clearer. WARN- 75F135 The circle with a slash in this manual means “Don’t do this” or “Don’t let this happen”. Do not modify your vehicle. Modification could adversely affect safety, handling, performance, or durability and may violate governmental regulations. In addition, damage or performance problems resulting from modification may not be covered under warranty. NOTICE Improper installation of mobile communication equipment such as cellular telephones, CB (Citizen’s Band) radios or any other wireless transmitters may cause electronic interference with your vehicle’s ignition system, resulting in vehicle performance problems. Consult your MARUTI SUZUKI dealer or qualified service technician for advice. NOTICE Severe damage may be caused by the use of either poor quality fuel and/or lubricants not recommended by MARUTI SUZUKI. 2 68PH0-74E WARRANTY POLICY (4) Limitation: This warranty shall not apply to: Maruti Suzuki India Limited (hereinafter called “Maruti Suzuki”), warrants that each new Maruti Suzuki vehicle distributed in India by Maruti Suzuki and sold by an authorised Maruti Suzuki NEXA dealer will be free, under normal use and service, from any defects in material and workmanship at the time of manufacture SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (1) Qualification: To qualify for this warranty: The Maruti Suzuki vehicle must be delivered by authorised Maruti Suzuki NEXA dealer and serviced by authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. (2) Term: The term of the warranty shall be twenty-four (24) months or 40,000 kilometers (whichever occurs first) from the date of invoice to the first owner. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (3) Maruti Suzuki Warranty Obligation: If any defect(s) should be found in a Maruti Suzuki vehicle within the term stipulated above, Maruti Suzuki’s only obligation is to repair or replace at its sole discretion any part shown to be defective, with a new part or the equivalent at no cost to the owner for parts or labour, when Maruti Suzuki acknowledges that such a defect is attributable to faulty material or workmanship at the time of manufacture. The owner is responsible for any repair or replacements which are not covered by this warranty. (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Normal maintenance service required other than the three free services, including without limitation, oil and fluid changes, headlight aiming, fastener retightening, wheel balancing, wheel alignment and tyre rotation, cleaning of injectors, adjustments of carburettor, ignition timing, clutch and valve clearance. The replacement of normal wear parts including without limitation, bulbs, tyres and tubes, spark plugs, belts, hoses, filters, wiper blades, brushes, contact points, fuses, clutch disc, brake shoes, brake pads, cable and all rubber parts (except oil seal and glass run). Any vehicle which has been used for competition or racing. Any repairs or replacement required as a result of accidents or collision. Any defects caused by misuse, negligence, abnormal use or insufficient care. Any vehicle which has been modified or altered, including without limitation, the installation of performance accessories. Any vehicle on which parts or accessories not approved by Maruti Suzuki have been used. Any vehicle which has not been operated in accordance with the operating instructions in this Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet. Any vehicle which has not received, during the warranty term, the service inspections prescribed in this Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet. Any vehicle which has been assembled, disassembled, adjusted or repaired by other than authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Any vehicle which has been used for purposes other than what it was designed for. 3 68PH0-74E (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) Any damage or deterioration caused by industrial pollution and bird droppings. Insignificant defects which do not affect the function of the vehicle including without limitation, sound, vibration and fluid seep. Any natural wear and tear including without limitation, ageing etc. Installation and usage of domestic LPG gas/LPG Cylinder. V-belts, hoses and gas leaks. Any vehicle retrofitted with LPG/CNG kits. (5) Extent of Warranty: This warranty is the entire written warranty given by Maruti Suzuki for Maruti Suzuki vehicles and no dealer or its or his agent or employee is authorised to extend or enlarge this warranty and no dealer or its or his agent or employee is authorised to make any oral warranty on Maruti Suzuki’s behalf. Maruti Suzuki reserves the right to add any improvements or change the design of any model at any time with no obligation to make the same changes on units previously sold. (6) Warranty Service: – Make certain that the authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop has certified the work on the “Maintenance Service Record” page in the “Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet and – Present the Maruti Suzuki “Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet to the authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop whenever requesting service inspections or warranty service. If the “Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet” should be lost or destroyed the owner should consult the authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop from whom the vehicle was purchased for instructions concerning replacement of the “Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet”. (8) Disclaimer of Consequential Damage: Maruti Suzuki assumes no responsibility for loss of vehicle, loss of time, inconvenience or any other indirect incidental or consequential damage resulting from the vehicle not being available to the owner because of any defect covered by this warranty. (9) Change of Owner Even if ownership of the vehicle changes, the remaining warranty period is effective for the new owner. To obtain warranty service, the complete vehicle must be presented at the owner’s expenses to any authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. (7) Owner’s Warranty Responsibilities: It is responsibility of each owner to: – Have performed, at his own expenses, by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop all the service inspections specified in the Maruti Suzuki “Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet and maintain adequate proof that such service inspections have been performed. 4 68PH0-74E EMISSION WARRANTY POLICY Maruti Suzuki offers the Emission Warranty on all Maruti Suzuki vehicles (apart from the Regular Warranty and will run parallel to the regular product warranty) only in four metropolitan cities (New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai) with effect from July 1st, 2001. Terms: The Emission Warranty will be applicable for 80,000 kms or 3 years (Whichever comes earlier) from the date of invoice to the first owner. The remaining warranty terms will be valid in case of any change in ownership provided the production of all valid documents. Conditions: 1. Under Emission Warranty, Warranty claims will be admitted for a prima-facie examination, in case vehicle fails to meet the Emission Standard as specified in sub rule (2) of rule no. 115 of Central Motor Vehicles Rules (CMVR), 1989. 2. The warranty claims will only be accepted after examination carried out by Maruti Suzuki or authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop which leads to firm conclusions that the a) Original settings have not been tampered in any case. b) Part (as given in Annexure - A) has a manufacturing defect. c) Vehicle is unable to meet the Emission Standards (as given in 1.), inspite of the vehicle having been maintained and used in accordance with the instructions as specified in Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet and the used fuel and different oils (Engine oil, Transmission oil, Brake oil etc.) are also as per specification. 3. The method of examination for deciding the warranty of the parts will be at the sole discretion of Maruti Suzuki and authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop and results of the examination will be final and binding. If after examination, the warrantable condition is not established, Maruti Suzuki and authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop has the right to charge all, or part of the cost of such examination. 4. Under Emission Warranty, the parts (as given in Annexure - A) will be changed free of cost, but the consumables will be charged as per actual. 5. If the part covered under Emission Warranty or the associated parts, are not independently replaceable, on account of these being integral parts of a complete assembly, Maruti Suzuki and authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop will have the sole discretion to replace either the entire assembly or by using some of the parts of the system through suitable repairs or modifications. 6. Any consequential repairs or replacement of parts which may be found necessary to establish compliance of Emission Warranty, will not be considered under warranty, unless the same is under product warranty. The consumable will be charged as per actual under such repair or replacement. 7. Maruti Suzuki will not be responsible for the cost of transportation of the vehicle to the nearest authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop or any loss due to non-availability of the vehicle during the period of lodging of a warranty claim and examination and/or repair by Maruti Suzuki workshop. 8. Maruti Suzuki will not be responsible for any penalty that may be charged by statutory authorities on account of failure to comply with the EMISSION STANDARDS. 9. Emission Warranty will not be affected by the change of owner, provided all the documents are available. 5 68PH0-74E 10. All maintenance actions (as specified in the Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet) need to be followed and recorded in the manual for emission warranty. 11. The customer needs to produce the PUC (Pollution Under Control) certificate valid for the period preceding the test during which the failure is discovered. The receipts (for the maintenance of the vehicle as per specification in Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet from the date of original purchase of the vehicle) will also be required. Conditions under which the Emission Warranty is not APPLICABLE 1. In the absence of valid PUC certificate. 2. Vehicle not serviced from authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as per the schedule specified in the Owner’s Manual. 3. Vehicle subjected to abnormal use (accident, motor race, rallies or for the purpose of establishing the records etc). 4. Use of non MGP (Maruti Genuine Part). 5. Vehicle that has been tampered with. 6. Tampering with odometer so that the actual kilometer reading cannot be determined. 7. Use of adulterated fuel and/or unspecified oils (Engine oil, Transmission oil and Brake oil etc). Annexure - A List of parts covered under Emission Warranty 1. Fuel Injection Assembly, Pressure Regulator, Throttle Body Assembly. 2. Electronic Control Module (ECM). 3. Intake Manifold. 4. EGR valve. 5. Ignition Coil. 6. Canister Assembly. 7. Vapour Liquid Seperator. 8. Fuel Tank and Filler Cap. 9. PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) Valve. 10. Oil Filler Cap. 11. Catalytic Convertor. 12. Exhaust Manifold. 13. All Fuel Injection System related Sensors. 14. High Pressure Fuel Pump. 15. Glow Plug. 16. Glow Plug Controller. 6 68PH0-74E TABLE OF CONTENTS FUEL RECOMMENDATION 1 BEFORE DRIVING 2 OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE 3 DRIVING TIPS 4 OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT 5 VEHICLE LOADING AND TOWING 6 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 7 EMERGENCY SERVICE 8 APPEARANCE CARE 9 GENERAL INFORMATION 10 SPECIFICATIONS 11 SERVICE NETWORK 12 FUEL RECOMMENDATION FUEL RECOMMENDATION S 1 Fuel Recommendation ........................................................ 1-1 1 79MH0-74E FUEL RECOMMENDATION Fuel Recommendation Petrol Engine You must use unleaded Petrol with an octane number (RON) of 91 or higher. Petrol/Ethanol blends Blends of unleaded Petrol and ethanol (grain alcohol), also known as gasohol, are commercially available in some areas. Blends of this type may be used in your vehicle if they are no more than 10% ethanol. Make sure this Petrol-ethanol blend has octane ratings no lower than those recommended for Petrol. Petrol/Methanol blends Blends of unleaded Petrol and methanol (wood alcohol) are also commercially available in some areas. DO NOT USE fuels containing more than 5% methanol under any circumstances. Fuel system damage or vehicle performance problems resulting from the use of such fuels are not the responsibility of MARUTI SUZUKI and may not be covered under the New Vehicle Warranty. Fuels containing 5% or less methanol may be suitable for use in your vehicle if they contain cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors. NOTE: If you are not satisfied with the driveability or fuel economy of your vehicle when you are using a Petrol/alcohol blend, you should switch back to unleaded Petrol containing no alcohol. NOTICE The fuel tank has an air space to allow for fuel expansion in hot weather. If you continue to add fuel after the filler nozzle has automatically shut off or an initial blowback occurs, the air chamber will become full. Exposure to heat when fully fuelled in this manner will result in leakage due to fuel expansion. To prevent such fuel leakage, stop filling after the filler nozzle has automatically shut off, or when using an alternative non-automatic system, initial vent blowback occurs. NOTICE Be careful not to spill fuel containing alcohol while refueling. If fuel is spilled on the vehicle body, wipe it up immediately. Fuels containing alcohol can cause paint damage, which is not covered under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Diesel Engine The diesel fuel should be with Cetane Number (CN) higher than 51 and sulphur content less than 350 ppm (parts per million). MARUTI SUZUKI recommends to use the diesel fuel conformable to EN590. Do not use marine diesel fuel, heating oils and so forth. NOTICE The fuel tank has an air space to allow for fuel expansion in hot weather. If you continue to add fuel after the filler nozzle has automatically shut off or an initial blowback occurs, the air chamber will become full. Exposure to heat when fully fuelled in this manner will result in leakage due to fuel expansion. To prevent such fuel leakage, stop filling after the filler nozzle has automatically shut off, or when using an alternative non-automatic system, initial vent blowback occurs. NOTICE Be careful not to spill fuel containing alcohol while refueling. If fuel is spilled on the vehicle body, wipe it up immediately. Fuels containing alcohol can cause paint damage, which is not covered under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. 1-1 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING BEFORE DRIVING 60G404 Keys ..................................................................................... 2-1 Door Locks ......................................................................... 2-2 Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller/ Keyless Entry System Transmitter ................................... 2-5 Security System ................................................................. 2-13 Windows ............................................................................. 2-15 Mirrors ................................................................................. 2-17 Front Seats ......................................................................... 2-19 Rear Seats ........................................................................... 2-20 Seat Belts and Child Restraint Systems .......................... 2-20 Supplemental Restraint System (air bags) (if equipped) ........................................................................ 2-33 Instrument Cluster ............................................................. 2-39 Speedometer ...................................................................... 2-40 Tachometer ......................................................................... 2-40 Fuel Gauge .......................................................................... 2-40 Temperature Gauge ........................................................... 2-41 Brightness Control ............................................................. 2-41 Information Display ............................................................ 2-42 Warning and Indicator Lights ........................................... 2-49 Lighting Control Lever ....................................................... 2-55 Front Fog Light Switch (if equipped) ............................... 2-56 Headlight Leveling Switch ................................................. 2-56 Turn Signal Control Lever ................................................. 2-56 Hazard Warning Switch ..................................................... 2-57 Windshield Wiper and Washer Lever ............................... 2-58 Tilt Steering Lock Lever .................................................... 2-59 Horn ..................................................................................... 2-60 Heated Rear Window Switch ............................................. 2-60 2 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Keys Immobilizer System EXAMPLE 54G489 Your vehicle comes with a pair of keys. The key(s) may or may not be equipped with a transmitter depending on model variant. Keep the spare key in a safe place. One key can open all of the locks on the vehicle. The key identification number is stamped on a metal tag provided with the keys or on the keys. Keep the tag (if equipped) in a safe place. If you lose your keys, you will need this number to have new keys made. Write the number below for your future reference. KEY NUMBER: This system is designed to help prevent vehicle theft by electronically disabling the engine starting system. The engine can be started only with your vehicle’s original immobilizer ignition key or keyless push start system remote controller which has an electronic identification code programmed into it. The key or remote controller communicates the identification code to the vehicle when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. If you need to make spare keys or remote controllers, see your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. The vehicle must be programmed with the correct identification code for the spare. A key made by an ordinary locksmith will not work. 80JM122 If the immobilizer/keyless push start system warning light blinks when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the engine will not start. For vehicles without keyless push start system If this light blinks, turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK” position, then turn it back to the “ON” position. If the light still blinks after the ignition switch is turned back to the “ON” position, there may be something wrong with your key or with the immobilizer system. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to have the system inspected. For vehicles with keyless push start system If this light blinks, change the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF), then change back to “ON”. Also refer to “If the master warning indicator light blinks and the engine cannot be started” in “Starting the Engine (Vehicle with Keyless Push Start System)” in the “OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE” section. If the light still blinks after the ignition mode is changed back to “ON”, there may be something wrong with your key or with the immobilizer system. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to have the system inspected. The immobilizer/keyless push start system warning light may also blinks if the remote controller is not in the vehicle when you close the door or attempt to start the engine. 2-1 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING NOTE: • If you lose your immobilizer ignition key or remote controller, see your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible to have the lost one deactivated, then have the new key or remote controller made by them. • If you own other vehicles with immobilizer keys, keep those keys away from the ignition switch or the engine switch when using your Vehicle, or the engine may not be started because they may interfere with your Vehicle immobilizer system. • If you attach any metal objects to the immobilizer key or remote controller, it may not start the engine. NOTICE The immobilizer key and remote controller are sensitive electronic instruments. To avoid damaging them: • Do not expose them to impacts, moisture or high temperature such as on the dashboard under direct sunlight. • Keep them away from magnetic objects. Ignition Key Reminder (if equipped) A buzzer sounds intermittently to remind you to remove the ignition key if it is in the ignition switch when the driver’s door is opened. Door Locks EXAMPLE Side Door Lock EXAMPLE (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) Door Lock Knob (4) 74LHT0201 79MH0201 (1) (2) (3) (4) LOCK UNLOCK Front Rear To lock a driver’s door from outside the vehicle: • Insert the key and turn the top of the key toward the front of the vehicle, or • Turn the lock knob forward, then pull and hold the door handle as you close the door. (1) LOCK (2) UNLOCK To lock a door from inside the vehicle, turn the lock knob forward. Turn the lock knob rearward to unlock the door. To lock a rear door from outside the vehicle, turn the lock knob forward and close the door. You do not need to pull and hold the door handle as you close the door. NOTE: Be sure to hold the door handle when you close a locked front door, or the door will not remain locked. To unlock a driver’s door from outside the vehicle, insert the key and turn the top of the key toward the rear of the vehicle. 2-2 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Central Door Locking System NOTE: You can switch the function that unlocks all doors from twice operations to once operation, and vice versa, via the setting mode of the information display. For details on how to use the information display, refer to “Information Display” in this section. (1) (2) (3) To unlock the driver’s door only, insert the key in that door lock and turn the top of the key toward the front of the vehicle once. (4) EXAMPLE 54G294 (1) (2) (3) (4) LOCK UNLOCK Front Rear EXAMPLE (1) (2) (3) You can lock and unlock all doors simultaneously by using the key in the driver’s door lock. To lock all doors simultaneously, insert the key in the driver’s door lock and turn the top of the key toward the front of the vehicle once. To unlock all doors simultaneously, insert the key in the driver’s door lock and turn the top of the key toward the rear of the vehicle twice. 79MH10206 (1) LOCK (2) UNLOCK You can also lock or unlock all doors by depressing the front or rear of the switch,(3) respectively. NOTE: • You can also lock or unlock all doors by operating the transmitter or remote controller. Refer to “Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller/Keyless Entry System Transmitter” in this section. • If your vehicle is equipped with the keyless push start system, you can also lock or unlock all doors by pushing the request switch. Refer to “Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller/Keyless Entry System Transmitter” in this section. NOTE: • All doors are automatically unlocked when you change the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF) or turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK” position and pull out the key. • All doors are automatically locked for safety when the vehicle speed reaches 15 km/h. • You can change the automatic locking or unlocking function mentioned above via the setting mode of the information display. For details on how to use the information display, refer to “Information Display” in this section. 2-3 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Child-Proof Locks (rear door) Trunk Lid EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (1) (2) (2) (1) EXAMPLE 79MH0236 (1) LOCK (2) UNLOCK Each of the rear doors is equipped with a child-proof lock which can be used to help prevent unwanted opening of the door from inside the vehicle. When the lock lever is in the “LOCK” position (1), the rear door can only be opened from outside. When the lock lever is in the “UNLOCK” position (2), the rear door can be opened from inside or outside. WARNING Be sure to place the child-proof lock in the “LOCK” position whenever children are seated in the rear. 79MH0202 79MH0203 (Vehicle with keyless entry system) To unlock the all doors, push the “UNLOCK” button twice on the keyless entry system tramsmitter. Push the trunk lid unlatch switch (1) and lift the trunk lid to open the trunk lid. You can unlock the lid by pushing the trunk lid unlatch button (2). (Vehicle with keyless push start system) Push the trunk lid unlatch switch (1) and lift the trunk lid to open the trunk lid. The trunk lid unlatch switch (1) operates when the keyless push start system remote controller is within the switch’s operating range. The trunk lid unlatch switch (1) operates only to open the trunk lid. If you close the trunk lid with the keyless push start system remote controller left in the trunk with all the doors locked, the trunk will be automatically unlatched. WARNING Always make sure that the trunk lid is closed and latched securely. Otherwise, it may open unexpectedly while driving. Completely closing it also helps keep exhaust gases from entering the vehicle. If you cannot unlatch the trunk lid by pushing the unlatch switch (1) due to a discharged battery or malfunction, follow the procedures below to unlatch the trunk lid from inside the vehicle. 2-4 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller/Keyless Entry System Transmitter EXAMPLE (4) Type A Type B (3) 1) Remove rear side scuff (3). 2) Push the tab of cushion clip (4) on both right and left side and lift up the left side of rear seat cushion. EXAMPLE 79MH0205 Your vehicle is equipped with either a keyless push start system remote controller (Type A) or a keyless entry system transmitter (Type B). The remote controller has a keyless entry system and a keyless push start system. The transmitter has only a keyless entry system. For details, refer to the following explanations. EXAMPLE (5 5) 3) Pull the emergency lever (5). If the trunk lid cannot be unlatched by pushing the unlatch switch (1), have the vehicle inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. WARNING Radio waves from the keyless push start system antenna(s) may interfere with operation of electrical medical equipment such as pacemakers. Failure to take the precautions listed below can increase the risk of severe injury or death due to radio wave interference. • Anyone who uses electrical medical equipment such as a pacemaker should consult the medical equipment supplier or their medical advisor about whether radio waves from the antenna(s) can interfere with the medical equipment. • If radio wave interference is a concern, have the function of the antenna(s) disabled by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller (Type A) The remote controller enables the following operations: • You can lock or unlock the doors by operating the LOCK/UNLOCK buttons on the remote controller. Refer to the explanation in this section. • You can lock or unlock the doors by pushing the request switch. For details, refer to the explanation in this section. • You can start the engine without using an ignition key. For details, refer to 2-5 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING “Engine Switch” in the “OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE” section. • You can unlatch and let the trunk lid slightly open by pushing and holding the TRUNK LID UNLOCK button on the remote controller. Refer to the explanation in this section. EXAMPLE NOTE: You can switch the function that unlocks all doors from twice operations to once operation, and vice versa, via the setting mode of the information display. For details on how to use the information display, refer to “Information Display” in this section. The turn signal lights will flash once and the siren will sound once when the doors are locked. (3) (2) When the doors are unlocked: • The turn signal lights will flash twice and the siren will sound twice. • If the interior light switch is in the “DOOR” position, the interior light will turn on for about 15 seconds and then fade out. If you press the engine switch during this time, the light will start to fade out immediately. (1) 79MH0206 (1) “LOCK” button (2) “UNLOCK” button (3) “TRUNK LID UNLOCK” button You can lock or unlock all doors simultaneously by operating the remote controller near the vehicle. Central door locking system • To lock all doors, push the “LOCK” button (1) once. • To unlock only the driver’s door, push the “UNLOCK” button (2) once. • To unlock other doors, push the “UNLOCK” button (2) once again. Be sure the doors are locked after you operate the “LOCK” button (1). If no door is opened within about 30 seconds after the “UNLOCK” button (2) is operated, the doors will automatically lock again. TRUNK LID UNLOCK button (3) function Push and hold the “TRUNK LID UNLOCK” button pressed for more than 1 second; the trunk lid will be unlatched and open slightly. Car locator function This function helps in locating the vehicle. Push both of the “LOCK” button (1) and “UNLOCK” button (2) for more than 3 seconds. The turn signal lights will blink for about 27.5 seconds. Also, the siren will sound for about 27.5 seconds at the same time. To cancel car locator function, press any button (LOCK or UNLOCK). You can also press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ON” to cancel the car locator function. NOTE: The car locator function will not activate when the ignition mode is “ACC” or “ON” or pre warning / full blast warning by shock sensor or alarm is in activated condition. NOTE: • If you lock the doors using the remote controller when the trunk or engine hood are open, the siren will sound 3 times to remind you. • If the security system was triggered due to an unauthorised entry into the vehicle and then you unlock the doors using the remote controller, the siren will sound 4 times to remind you. If this happens, check whether your vehicle has been broken into while you were away from it. • Once you push both of the “LOCK” button (1) and “UNLOCK” button (2), then you push one of the buttons within 5 seconds, the siren will not sound. However, If you push one of the buttons twice 2-6 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING within 5 seconds, or push one of the buttons 5 seconds later, the siren will sound. • You can set whether the siren sounds when locking or unlocking the door(s) via the setting mode of the information display. For details on how to use the information display, refer to “Information Display” in this section. NOTE: • The maximum operating distance of the remote controller is about 5 m (16 ft.), but this can vary depending on the surroundings, especially near other transmitting devices such as radio towers or CB (Citizen’s Band) radios. • The door locks cannot be operated with the remote controller if the ignition mode is other than the “LOCK” (OFF). • If any door is open, you cannot lock the door by operating the remote controller, however unlock the door. • If you lose one of the remote controllers, ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible for a replacement. Be sure to have your dealer program the new remote controller code in your vehicle’s memory so that the old code is erased. Keyless unlocking/locking using the request switches (1) EXAMPLE 79MH0207 When the remote controller is within the operating range described in this section, you can lock or unlock the doors by pushing the request switch (1) on the driver’s door handle or front passenger’s door handle. To lock all doors when all doors are unlocked: • To lock all doors, push one of the request switches once. The turn signal lights will flash once and the exterior siren will sound once when the doors are locked. To unlock a door or all doors: • Push one of the request switches once to unlock only one door. • Push one of the request switches twice to unlock all doors. NOTE: You can switch the function that unlocks all doors from twice operations to once operation, and vice versa, via the setting mode of the information display. For details on how to use the information display, refer to “Information Display” in this section. When the doors are unlocked: • The turn signal lights will flash twice and the exterior siren will sound twice. • If the interior light switch is in the “DOOR” position, the interior light will turn on for about 15 seconds and then fade out. If you press the engine switch during this time, the light will start to fade out immediately. Be sure the doors are locked after you operate the request switch to lock the doors. NOTE: • The door locks cannot be operated by the request switch under the following conditions: – If any door is open or is not completely closed. – If the ignition mode is other than “LOCK” (OFF). • If no doors are opened within about 30 seconds after unlocking the doors by pushing the request switch, the doors will be locked again automatically. 2-7 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING (1) EXAMPLE (1) 79MH0208 (1) 80 cm (2 1/2 feet) When the remote controller is within approximately 80 cm (2 1/2 feet) from a front door handle, you can lock or unlock the doors by pushing the request switch. NOTE: • If the remote controller is outside the request switch operating range described above, you will not be able to operate the request switch. • If the battery of the remote controller runs down or there are strong radio waves or noise, the request switch operating range may be reduced or the remote controller may be inoperative. • If the remote controller is too close to the door glass, the request switches may not operate. • If a spare remote controller is in the vehicle, the request switches may not operate normally. • The remote controller will only operate a request switch if it is within the switch’s operating range. For example, if the remote controller is within the operating range of the driver’s door request switch but not the front passenger’s door request switch, the driver’s door switch can be operated but the front passenger’s door switch cannot be operated. • Avoid operations of switch with sharp objects or long nails. NOTICE The remote controller is a sensitive electronic instrument. To avoid damaging the remote controller: • Do not expose it to impacts, moisture or high temperature such as by leaving it on the dashboard under direct sunlight. • Keep the remote controller away from magnetic objects such as a television. NOTE: The keyless push start system may not function correctly in certain environments or under certain operating conditions such as the following: • When there are strong signals coming from a television, power station or a cellular phone. • When the remote controller is in contact with or covered by a metal object. • When a radio wave type remote keyless entry is used nearby. • When the remote controller is placed near an electronic device such as personal computer. Some additional precautions you should take and information you should be aware of are: • Make sure the key is stowed in the remote controller. If the remote controller becomes unreliable, you will not be able to lock or unlock the doors. • Be sure that the driver always carries the remote controller. • If you lose one of the remote controllers, ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible for a replacement. Be sure to have your dealer program the new remote controller code in your vehicle’s memory so that the old code is erased. • You can use up to four remote controllers and the keys for your vehicle. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for details. • The battery life of the remote controller is about two years, but it can vary depending on usage conditions. 2-8 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING EXAMPLE 57L21016 To stow the key into the remote controller, push the key in the remote controller until you hear a click. EXAMPLE (A) Request switch warning buzzer This exterior buzzer beeps for about 2 seconds in the following conditions to warn you that the request switch is not working: • The request switch is pressed after all doors are closed with the ignition mode changed to “ACC” or “ON” by pressing the engine switch. • The request switch is pressed in any of the following conditions after changing the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF) by pressing the engine switch. – The remote controller is left inside the vehicle. – Any door is open. Reminder function Press the request switch again after doing the following: With the ignition mode changed to “LOCK” (OFF) by pressing the engine switch, bring out the remote controller if it is inside the vehicle and check that all doors are completely closed. If the remote controller is not in the vehicle under the following conditions, the buzzer sounds intermittently for about 2 seconds and the immobilizer/keyless push start system warning light on the instrument cluster blinks: When one or more doors are opened and all of the doors are later closed with the ignition mode is other than “LOCK”. EXAMPLE 79MH10201 The indicator light will turn off within several seconds after the remote controller is returned to an area of the vehicle other than the trunk. 68LM247 To remove the key from the remote controller, push the button (A) in the direction of the arrow and pull the key out from the remote controller. 2-9 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING If the remote controller is left in the vehicle and you lock the driver’s door or front passenger’s door as described below, the door will be automatically unlocked. • If you open the driver’s door and lock the door by turning the lock knob forward or pushing the power door locking switch, the driver’s door will be automatically unlocked. • If you open the front passenger’s door and lock the door by turning the lock knob forward or pushing the power door locking switch, the front passenger’s door will be automatically unlocked. If you close the trunk lid with the remote controller left in the trunk with all the doors locked, the trunk will be automatically unlatched. NOTE: • The reminder will not operate when the remote controller is on the instrument panel, in the glove box, in a storage compartment, in the sun visor or on the floor etc. • Be sure that the driver always carries the remote controller. • Do not leave the remote controller in the vehicle when leaving the vehicle. Replacement of the battery If the remote controller becomes unreliable, replace the battery. To replace the battery of the remote controller: EXAMPLE (1) Lithium disc type battery: CR2032 or equivalent 3) Replace the battery (1) so its + terminal faces the bottom of the case as shown in the illustration. 4) Close the remote controller firmly. 5) Make sure the door locks can be operated with the remote controller. 6) Dispose of the used battery properly according to applicable rules or regulations. Do not dispose of lithium batteries with ordinary household trash. WARNING 57L20201 1) Pull the key out from the remote controller. 2) Insert a flat blade screwdriver covered with a soft cloth in the slot of the remote controller and pry it open. EXAMPLE Swallowing a lithium battery may cause serious internal injury. Do not allow anyone to swallow a lithium battery. Keep lithium batteries away from children and pets. If swallowed, contact a physician immediately. NOTICE The remote controller is a sensitive electronic instrument. To avoid damaging it, do not expose it to dust or moisture or tamper with internal parts. (1) 57L21140 NOTE: Used batteries must be disposed properly according to applicable rules or regulations and must not be disposed with ordinary household trash. 2-10 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Keyless Entry System Transmitter (Type B) EXAMPLE The turn signal lights will flash once and the siren will sound once when the doors are locked. When the doors are unlocked: • The turn signal lights will flash twice and the siren will sound twice. • If the interior light switch is in the “DOOR” position, the interior light will turn on for about 15 seconds and then fade out. If you insert the key into the ignition switch during this time, the light will start to fade out immediately. (1) (2) 79MH0237 (1) “LOCK” button (2) “UNLOCK” button You can lock or unlock all doors simultaneously by operating the transmitter near the vehicle. Central door locking system • To lock all doors, push the “LOCK” button (1) once. • To unlock only the driver’s door, push the “UNLOCK” button (2) once. • To unlock other doors, push the “UNLOCK” button (2) once again. NOTE: You can switch the function that unlocks all doors from twice operations to once operation, and vice versa, via the setting mode of the information display. For details on how to use the information display, refer to “Information Display” in this section. Be sure the doors are locked after you operate the “LOCK” button (1). If no door is opened within about 30 seconds after the “UNLOCK” button (2) is operated, the doors will automatically lock again. NOTE: • If you lock the doors using the transmitter when the trunk or engine hood is open, the siren will sound 3 times to remind you. • If the security system was triggered due to an unauthorised entry into the vehicle and then you unlock the doors using the transmitter, the siren will sound 4 times to remind you. If this happens, check whether your vehicle has been broken into while you were away from it. • Once you push both of the “LOCK” button (1) and “UNLOCK” button (2), then you push one of the buttons within 5 seconds, the siren will not sound. However, If you push one of the buttons twice within 5 seconds, or push one of the buttons 5 seconds later, the siren will sound. • You can set whether the siren sounds when locking or unlocking the door(s) via the setting mode of the information display. For details on how to use the information display, refer to “Information Display” in this section. NOTE: • The maximum operating distance of the keyless entry system transmitter is about 5 m (16 ft.), but this can vary depending on the surroundings, especially near other transmitting devices such as radio towers or CB (Citizen’s Band) radios. • The door locks cannot be operated with the transmitter, if the ignition key is inserted in the ignition switch. • If any door is open, you cannot lock the door by operating the transmitter, however unlock the door. • If you lose one of the transmitters, ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible for a replacement. Be sure to have your dealer program the new transmitter code in your vehicle’s memory so that the old code is erased. 2-11 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING NOTICE The transmitter is a sensitive electronic instrument. To avoid damaging the transmitter: • Do not expose it to impacts, moisture or high temperature such as by leaving it on the dashboard under direct sunlight. • Keep the transmitter away from magnetic objects such as a television. Car locator function This function helps in locating the vehicle. Push both of the “LOCK” button (1) and “UNLOCK” button (2) for more than 3 seconds. The turn signal lights will blink for about 27.5 seconds. Also, the siren will sound for about 27.5 seconds at the same time. To cancel the car locator function, press any button (LOCK or UNLOCK). You can also turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position to cancel the car locator function. NOTE: The car locator function will not activate when the key is in the ignition switch or pre warning / full blast warning by shock sensor or alarm is in activated condition. Replacement of the battery If the transmitter becomes unreliable, replace the battery. To replace the battery of the transmitter: EXAMPLE (1) (2) 3) Put the edge of a flat blade screwdriver in the slot of the transmitter (2) and pry it open. 4) Replace the battery (3) so its + terminal faces the “+” mark of the transmitter. 5) Close the transmitter and install it into the transmitter holder. 6) Close the transmitter cover, install and tighten the screw (1). 7) Make sure the door locks can be operated with the transmitter. 8) Dispose of the used battery properly according to applicable rules or regulations. Do not dispose of lithium batteries with ordinary household trash. WARNING 68LM248 1) Remove the screw (1), and open the transmitter cover. 2) Remove the transmitter (2). EXAMPLE (2) Swallowing a lithium battery may cause serious internal injury. Do not allow anyone to swallow a lithium battery. Keep lithium batteries away from children and pets. If swallowed, contact a physician immediately. NOTICE The transmitter is a sensitive electronic instrument. To avoid damaging it, do not expose it to dust or moisture or tamper with internal parts. (3) 68LM249 (3) Lithium disc type battery: CR1620 or equivalent NOTE: Used batteries must be disposed properly according to applicable rules or regulations and must not be disposed with ordinary household trash. 2-12 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Security System The security system is armed after you lock all doors by using the keyless entry system transmitter, keyless push start system remote controller or request switch. Once the system is armed, any attempt to open a door by using any other means (*) than the keyless entry system transmitter, keyless push start system remote controller or open the engine hood, will cause the alarm to be triggered. * These means include the following: – The key – The lock knob on a door – The central door locking switch – The trunk lid unlatch button – The trunk lid emergency lever Also, in case that you have set the shock sensor to enabled state and set sensitivity of the pre-warning function and full blast warning function to a level other than 0, the warning will be triggered in case of any attempt to tamper with the vehicle. The shock sensor can be selected enabled or disabled state, and sensitivity of each warning can be adjusted as desired. To set the shock sensor, ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop or use the setting mode of the information display. NOTE: • The default setting of the shock sensor is in the disabled state. Set to the enabled state and adjust sensitivity of each warning according to your preference. For details on how to use the information display, refer to “Information Display” in this section. • Your dealer may have already set the shock sensor of the vehicle to the enabled state before you purchase it. Consult your dealer for further information. NOTE: • The security system generates alarms when any of the predetermined conditions is met. However, the system does not have any function of blocking unauthorised entry into the vehicle. • Always use the keyless entry system transmitter or keyless push start system remote controller to unlock the doors when the security system has been armed. Using a key instead will trigger the alarm. • If a person who does not know the security system is going to drive the vehicle, we recommend you explain the system and its operation to the person, or disable the system beforehand. Mistakenly triggering the alarm may cause a nuisance to others. • Even if the security system is armed, you should still be careful to guard against theft. Do not leave money or things of value in the vehicle. How to arm the security system Lock all doors (including engine hood and trunk lid) using the keyless entry system transmitter or keyless push start system remote controller. when the system is armed, the indicator continues to blink at intervals of approximately 2 seconds. EXAMPLE (1) 79MH0210 NOTE: • To prevent the alarm from being accidentally triggered, avoid arming it while anyone remains inside the vehicle. The alarm will be triggered if any person inside opens the door, trunk, engine hood, or the warning may be triggered if anyone swings the vehicle (if the shock sensor is in the enabled state). • The security system is not armed when all doors are locked using the key from outside, using the door lock knobs or the central door locking switch from inside. 2-13 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING • If any door is not operated within approximately 30 seconds after the doors have been unlocked using the keyless entry system transmitter or keyless push start system remote controller, the doors are automatically locked again. When the doors are locked, the security system will be armed. • If the security system indicator (1) blinks when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, there may be something wrong with the security system. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to inspect the system. How to disarm the security system Simply unlock the doors using the keyless entry system transmitter or keyless push start system remote controller. The security system indicator will go out, indicating that the security system is disarmed. How to stop the alarm Should the alarm be triggered accidentally, the alarm will stop by the following operations. • Press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ON” or turn the ignition switch to “ON” position. • Unlock the doors using the keyless push start system remote controller, the request switch, or the keyless entry system transmitter. NOTE: • Even after the alarm has stopped, if you lock the doors using the keyless entry system transmitter or keyless push start system remote controller, the security system will be rearmed. • If you disconnect the battery while the security system is in the armed condition or the alarm is actually in operation, the alarm will be re-triggered when the battery is then reconnected. • Even after the alarm has stopped at the end of the predetermined operation time, it will be triggered again if any of the doors, trunk or engine hood is opened, or the warning may be triggered if the vehicle feels a shock (if the shock sensor is in the enabled state), without disarming the security system. Checking whether the alarm has been triggered during parking If the alarm was triggered and you then turn the ignition switch to “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the security system indicator will blink rapidly for about 8 seconds and a buzzer will beep 4 times during this period. If this happens, check whether the vehicle has been broken into while you were away from it. Security system indication • If any of the doors or trunk are opened without unlocking by the keyless entry system transmitter or keyless push start system remote controller, all turn signal lights start to blink and the interior buzzer beeps intermittently. After 5 seconds, the siren will sound for about 27.5 seconds. The security system indicator continues to blink during this time. • If the engine hood is opened, all turn signal lights blink, and the siren sounds for about 27.5 seconds. The security system indicator continues to blink during this time. • If the shock sensor is in the enabled state and the vehicle feels a shock higher than the pre-warning sensitivity, the siren sounds for about 2 seconds (pre-warning). If the vehicle feels a shock higher than the full blast warning sensitivity, siren will sound for about 4.5 seconds (full blast warning). The security system indicator continues to blink during this time. NOTE: If you set the full blast warning sensitivity higher than the pre-warning sensitivity in the setting mode of the information display, or the vehicle feels such shock as to be able to trigger the full blast warning, the full blast warning will be triggered preferentially. In this case, the pre-warning will not be triggered. 2-14 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Windows Passenger’s door (at toll booths or drive-through restaurants, for example). This means the driver can open or close the window without holding the window switch in the “Down” or “Up” position. Press down or lift up the driver’s window switch completely and release it. To stop the window before it reaches the full-down or full-up position, pull up or push down the switch briefly. EXAMPLE Electric Window Controls The electric windows can only be operated when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”. Driver’s side EXAMPLE (5) Lock switch (1) EXAMPLE (3) 79MH0214 The passenger’s door has a switch (5) to operate the passenger’s window. (2) CLOSE (4) EXAMPLE 79MH0213 The driver’s door has a switch (1) to operate the driver’s window, and a switch (2) to operate the front passenger’s window or there are switches (3), (4), to operate the rear right and left passenger windows, respectively. 79MH0215 OPEN 81A009 To open a window, push the top part of the switch and to close the window lift up the top part of the switch. The driver’s door also has a lock switch for the passenger’s window(s). When you push in the lock switch, the passenger’s window(s) cannot be raised or lowered by operating any of the switches (2), (3), (4) or (5). To restore normal operation, release the lock switch by pushing again. The driver’s window has “auto-down” and “auto-up” features for added convenience 2-15 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Pinching Prevention Function WARNING • You should always lock the passenger’s window operation when there are children in the vehicle. Children can be seriously injured if they get part of their body caught by the window during operation. • To avoid injuring an occupant by window entrapment, be sure no part of the occupant’s body such as hands or head is in the path of the electric windows when closing them. • Always remove the ignition key or take the keyless push start system remote controller with you when leaving the vehicle even if only for a short time. Also do not leave children alone in a parked vehicle. Unattended children could use the electric window switches and get trapped by the window. NOTE: If you drive with one of the rear windows open, you may hear a loud sound caused by air vibration. To reduce the sound, open the driver’s or front passenger’s window, or narrow the rear window opening. The driver’s window is equipped with the pinching prevention function. The function detects a foreign object caught in the window while being closed by the “auto-up” feature, which you can close the window without holding the window switch in the “Up” position, and stops the window closing to prevent damage. WARNING To avoid injuring an occupant by window entrapment, be sure no part of the occupant’s body such as hands or head is in the path of the electric window when closing it. The function may not detect the object depending on size, hardness, and position of the object caught by the closing window. CAUTION • The pinching prevention function does not act while you are holding the window switch in the “Up” position. • The pinching prevention function may not detect an object caught in the window just before the window is fully closed. NOTE: Even if you cannot close the window by the auto-up feature because there may be something wrong with the pinching prevention function, you can close the window by holding the window switch in the “Up” position. If you drive in extreme off-road condition, the pinching prevention function may operate accidentally because the window react to vehicle jolting. The Pinching Prevention Function Initialization When you disconnect and re-connect the battery or replace the fuse, the function will be deactivated. In this condition, the autodown feature will be deactivated, while the auto-up feature may remain being activated. The pinching prevention function needs to be initialized. To initialize the pinching prevention function, use the following procedure: 1) Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position or press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ON”. 2) Open the driver’s window fully by holding the window switch in the “Down” position. 3) Close the driver’s window by holding the switch in the “Up” position, and keep holding the switch for 2 seconds after the window fully closed. 4) Check the driver’s window if the autodown/up feature work. 2-16 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING WARNING Whenever you disconnect and reconnect the battery or replace the fuse, the pinching prevention function needs to be initialized. The pinching prevention function will not be activated until the initialization complete. Mirrors WARNING Inside Rearview Mirror EXAMPLE 68LMT0205 If the auto-down/up feature would not work after initialization, there might be something wrong with the pinching prevention function. Have your vehicle inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. • Always adjust the mirror with the selector set to the day position. • Only use the night position if it is necessary to reduce glare from the headlights of vehicles behind you. Be aware that in this position you may not be able to see some objects that could be seen in the day position. Auto Dimming Rearview Mirror (if equipped) EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (1) (2) (3) 68LMT0206 (2) Day driving (3) Night driving You can adjust the inside rearview mirror by hand so as to see the rear of your vehicle in the mirror. To adjust the mirror, set the selector tab (1) to the day position, then move the mirror up, down or sideways by hand to obtain the best view. (1) (2) 79MH0216 When driving at night, you can move the selector tab to the night position to reduce glare from the headlights of vehicles behind you. 2-17 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING You can adjust the auto dimming rearview mirror by hand so you can see to the rear of your vehicle in the mirror. This rearview mirror has a function of automatically reducing glare from the lights of vehicles behind you. The function works when the ignition mode has been changed to “ON” by pressing the engine switch. • The mirror is always set to the automatic dimming mode when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”. • When the switch (2) is pushed, the green indicator (1) is lit, indicating that the mirror is set to the automatic dimming mode. To cancel the automatic dimming mode, push the switch (2); the indicator (1) then goes out. • The auto dimming rearview mirror is automatically deactivated while the gearshift lever is in the “R” position. EXAMPLE WARNING Do not touch or cover the sensor (3) since this may impair normal operation of the system. Blocking glare from the sensor with an object such as a shade, sticker, accessory or baggage may also impair proper operation of the system. NOTICE Do not hook anything heavy on the mirror, or the mirror may break under the weight. Outside Rearview Mirrors Adjust the outside rearview mirrors so you can just see the side of your vehicle in the mirrors. WARNING (3) (3) Be careful when judging the size or distance of a vehicle or other object seen in the side convex mirror. Be aware that objects look smaller and appear farther away than when seen in a flat mirror. EXAMPLE (1) (3) (2) (4) (1) (2) L R (3) (4) 79MH0217 The switch to control the electric mirrors is located on the driver’s door panel. You can adjust the mirrors when the ignition switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position, or the ignition mode is “ACC” or “ON”. To adjust the mirrors: 1) Move the selector switch to the left or right to select the mirror you wish to adjust. 2) Press the outer part of the switch that corresponds to the direction in which you wish to move the mirror. 3) Return the selector switch to the center position to help prevent unintended adjustment. 57L30020 2-18 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Outside Rearview Mirrors Folding Switch (if equipped) EXAMPLE Front Seats EXAMPLE Seat Adjustment WARNING Never attempt to adjust the driver’s seat or seatback while driving. The seat or seatback could move unexpectedly, causing loss of control. Make sure that the driver’s seat and seatback are properly adjusted before you start driving. (1) (2) WARNING 79MH0218 You can fold the mirrors when you park the vehicle in a narrow space. When the ignition switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position, or the ignition mode is “ACC” or “ON”, push the folding switch (1) to fold and unfold the mirrors. Make sure the mirrors are completely unfolded before you start driving. CAUTION Moving mirrors can pinch and injure a hand. Do not allow any one’s hand to get near the mirrors when folding and unfolding the mirrors. To avoid excessive seat belt slack, which reduces the effectiveness of the seat belts as a safety device, make sure that the seats are adjusted before the seat belts are fastened. WARNING All seatbacks should always be in an upright position when driving, or seat belt effectiveness may be reduced. Seat belts are designed to offer maximum protection when seatbacks are in the upright position. (3) (1) 79MH0219 Seat position adjustment lever (1) Pull the lever up and slide the seat. Seatback angle adjustment lever (2) Pull the lever up and move the seatback. Seat height adjustment lever (3) (if equipped) Pull the lever up to raise the seat. Push the lever down to lower the seat. After adjustment, try to move the seat and seatback forward and rearward to ensure that it is securely latched. 2-19 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Head Restraints EXAMPLE NOTE: It may be necessary to recline the seatback to provide enough overhead clearance to remove the head restraint. Seat Belts and Child Restraint Systems EXAMPLE Front EXAMPLE 80J001 Head restraints are designed to help reduce the risk of neck injuries in the case of an accident. Adjust the head restraint to the position which places the center of the head restraint closest to the top of your ears. If this is not possible for very tall passengers, adjust the head restraint as high as possible. WARNING • Never drive the vehicle with the head restraints removed. • Do not attempt to adjust the head restraint while driving. 68PM2001 61MM0A032 To raise the front head restraint, pull upward on the restraint until it clicks. To lower the restraint, push down on the restraint while holding in the lock lever. If a head restraint must be removed (for cleaning, replacement, etc.), push in the lock lever and pull the head restraint all the way out. Rear Seats Head Restraints Head restraints are designed to help reduce the risk of neck injuries in the case of an accident. WARNING Wear Your Seat Belts at All Times. WARNING An air bag supplements, or adds to, the frontal crash protection offered by seat belts. The driver and all passengers must be properly restrained by wearing seat belts at all times, whether or not an air bag is mounted at their seating position, to minimize the risk of severe injury or death in the event of a crash. 2-20 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE as low as possible across the hips Above the pelvis Across the pelvis 65D606 WARNING • Never allow persons to ride in the cargo area of a vehicle. In the event of an accident, there is a much greater risk of injury for persons who are not riding in a seat with their seat belt securely fastened. • Seat belts should always be adjusted as follows: – the lap portion of the belt should be worn low across the pelvis, not across the waist. – the shoulder straps should be worn on the outside shoulder only, and never under the arm. – the shoulder straps should be away from your face and neck, but not falling off your shoulder. (Continued) 65D201 WARNING (Continued) • Seat belts should never be worn with the straps twisted and should be adjusted as tightly as is comfortable to provide the protection for which they have been designed. A slack belt will provide less protection than one which is snug. • Make sure that each seat belt buckle is inserted into the proper buckle catch. It is possible to cross the buckles in the rear seat. (Continued) 65D199 WARNING (Continued) • Pregnant women should use seat belts, although specific recommendations about driving should be made by the woman’s medical advisor. Remember that the lap portion of the belt should be worn as low as possible across the hips, as shown in the diagram. • Do not wear your seat belt over hard or breakable objects in your pockets or on your clothing. If an accident occurs, objects such as glasses, pens, etc. under the seat belt can cause injury. (Continued) 2-21 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Safety reminder WARNING (Continued) • Never use the same seat belt on more than one occupant and never attach a seat belt over an infant or child being held on an occupant’s lap. Such seat belt use could cause serious injury in the event of an accident. • Periodically inspect seat belt assemblies for excessive wear and damage. Seat belts should be replaced if webbing becomes frayed, contaminated, or damaged in any way. It is essential to replace the entire seat belt assembly after it has been worn in a severe impact, even if damage to the assembly is not obvious. • Children age 12 and under should ride properly restrained in the rear seat. • Infants and small children should never be transported unless they are properly restrained. Restraint systems for infants and small children can be purchased locally and should be used. Make sure that the system you purchase meets applicable safety standards. Read and follow all the directions provided by the manufacturer. • For children, if the shoulder belt irritates the neck or face, move the child closer to the center of the vehicle. (Continued) WARNING (Continued) • Avoid contamination of seat belt webbing by polishes, oils, chemicals, and particularly battery acid. Cleaning may safely be carried out using mild soap and water. • Do not insert any items such as coins, clips, etc. into the seat belt buckles, and be careful not to spill liquids into these parts. If foreign materials get into a seat belt buckle, the seat belt may not work properly. • All seatbacks should always be in an upright position when driving, or seat belt effectiveness may be reduced. Seat belts are designed to offer maximum protection when seatbacks are in the upright position. Sit up straight and fully back Low on hips EXAMPLE 60A038 EXAMPLE Low on hips Lap-Shoulder Belt Emergency locking retractor (ELR) The seat belt has an emergency locking retractor (ELR), which is designed to lock the seat belt only during a sudden stop or impact. It also may lock if you pull the belt across your body very quickly. If this happens, let the belt go back to unlock it, then pull the belt across your body more slowly. 60A040 To reduce the risk of sliding under the belt during a collision, position the lap portion of the belt across your lap as low on your hips as possible and adjust it to a snug fit by pulling the shoulder portion of the belt upward through the latch plate. The length of the diagonal shoulder strap adjusts itself to allow freedom of movement. 2-22 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING All Seat Belts Except Rear Center All seat belts except rear center are the lap-shoulder belt. Rear Center Seat Belt TO TIGHTEN EXAMPLE refitted into the buckle and the belt tightened as previously described. To unfasten the belt, press the release button on the buckle catch. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE Low on hips CENTER 80JS028 60A036 To fasten the seat belt, sit up straight and well back in the seat, pull the latch plate attached to the seat belt across your body and press it straight into the buckle until you hear a “click”. Rear center seat belt is the lap belt. To fasten the belt, pull the latch plate attached to the seat belt across your hips and press it straight into the buckle until you hear a “click”. To reduce the risk of sliding under the belt during a collision, position the belt across your lap as low on your hips as possible and adjust it to a snug fit. To tighten the belt, pull the free end of the belt across alongside the lap strap. EXAMPLE TO LOOSEN 79MH0239 NOTE: The word “CENTER” is marked on the buckle for the rear center belt. The buckles are designed so a latch plate cannot be inserted into the wrong buckle. Driver’s Seat Belt Reminder EXAMPLE Right angle 80JS029 To lengthen, release the latch plate from the buckle, pull the latch plate (adjuster) in the direction of the arrow, at right angles to the belt. The latch plate should then be 79MH10202 2-23 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING WARNING It is absolutely essential that the driver and passengers wear their seat belts at all times. Persons who are not wearing seat belts have a much greater risk of injury if an accident occurs. Make a regular habit of buckling your seat belt before putting the key in the ignition or pressing the engine switch. There are two kinds of operations on the driver’s seat belt reminder depending on the vehicle’s specification. Type A When the driver doesn’t buckle his or her seat belt with the ignition switch in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the driver’s seat belt reminder light in the instrument cluster will blink until the driver’s seat belt is buckled. Type B If the driver’s seat belt remains unbuckled when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. The reminder works as follows: 1) The driver’s seat belt reminder light will come on. 2) After the vehicle’s speed has reached about 15 km/h, the driver’s seat belt reminder light will blink and a buzzer will sound for about 95 seconds. 3) After step 2) has finished, the reminder light will remain on until the driver’s seat belt is buckled. If the driver has buckled his or her seat belt and later unbuckles the seat belt, the reminder system will be activated from step 1) or step 2) according to the vehicle’s speed. When the vehicle’s speed is below about 15 km/h, the reminder will start from step 1). When the vehicle’s speed is above about 15 km/h, the reminder will start from step 2). The reminder will be automatically canceled when the driver’s seat belt is buckled or the ignition switch is turned off, or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF). the anchor up. To move downward, slide the anchor down while pulling the lock knob out. After adjustment, make sure that the anchor is securely locked. WARNING Be sure that the shoulder belt is positioned on the center of the outside shoulder. The belt should be away from your face and neck, but not falling off your shoulder. Misadjustment of the belt could reduce the effectiveness of the safety belt in a crash. Seat Belt Inspection EXAMPLE Shoulder Anchor Height Adjuster EXAMPLE 65D209S 64J198 Adjust the shoulder anchor height so that the shoulder belt rides on the center of the outboard shoulder. To move upward, slide Periodically inspect the seat belts to make sure they work properly and are not damaged. Check the webbing, buckles, latch plates, retractors, anchorages, and guide loops. Replace any seat belts which do not work properly or are damaged. 2-24 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Infant restraint - rear seat only WARNING EXAMPLE Be sure to inspect all seat belt assemblies after any collision. Any seat belt assembly which was in use during a collision (other than a very minor one) should be replaced, even if damage to the assembly is not obvious. Any seat belt assembly which was not in use during a collision should be replaced if it does not function properly, it is damaged in any way or the seat belt pretensioners were activated (that is, if the front air bags were activated). 80JC007 Child restraint EXAMPLE MARUTI SUZUKI highly recommends that you use a child restraint system to restrain infants and small children. Many different types of child restraint systems are available; make sure that the restraint system you select meets applicable safety standards. All child restraint systems are designed to be secured on vehicle seats by seat belts (lap belts or the lap portion of lap-shoulder belts). Whenever possible, MARUTI SUZUKI recommends that child restraint systems be installed on the rear seat. According to accident statistics, children are safer when properly restrained in rear seating positions than in front seating positions. If you must use a front-facing child restraint in the front passenger’s seat, adjust the passenger’s seat as far back as possible. Child Restraint Systems NOTE: Observe any statutory regulation about child restraints. 80JC016 Booster seat EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 60G332S 58MS030 80JC008 2-25 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING WARNING Installation with Lap-Shoulder Seat belts EXAMPLE If your vehicle is equipped with a front passenger air bag, do not install a rear-facing child restraint in the front passenger’s seat. If the passenger’s air bag inflates, a child in a rearfacing child restraint could be killed or seriously injured. The back of a rear-facing child restraint would be too close to the inflating air bag. ELR type belt EXAMPLE 65D609 WARNING WARNING If you install a child restraint system in the rear seat, slide the front seat far enough forward so that the child’s feet do not touch the front seatback. This will help avoid injury to the child in the event of an accident. EXAMPLE 80JC021 Children could be endangered in a crash if their child restraint systems are not properly secured in the vehicle. When installing a child restraint system, be sure to follow the instructions below. Be sure to secure the child in the restraint system according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Install your child restraint system according to the instructions provided by the child restraint system manufacturer. Make sure that the seat belt is securely latched. Try to move the child restraint system in all directions to make sure it is securely installed. WARNING 65D608 In an accident or sudden stop, the rear seat armrest (if equipped) could fall forward. If there is a child in a rear-facing child restraint in the rear center seating position, the falling armrest could injure the child. Do not install a rear-facing child restraint in the rear center seating position. 2-26 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Installation with ISOFIX type Anchorages Installation with a Lap Belt EXAMPLE restraint system in all directions especially forward to make sure the connecting bars are securely latched to the anchorages. EXAMPLE Pull to tighten 60G132A Install your child restraint system according to the instructions provided by the child restraint system manufacturer. To lengthen or tighten the belt, refer to the “Lap-belt” item in this “Seat Belts and Child Restraint Systems” section. After making sure that the seat belt is securely latched, try moving the child restraint system in all directions, to make sure it is securely installed. If you need to tighten the belt, pull the free end of the webbing. EXAMPLE 79MH0240 79MS00216 Your vehicle is equipped with the lower anchorages in the rear seat outboard seating positions for securing a ISOFIX type of child restraints with the connecting bars. The lower anchorages are located where the rear of the seat cushion meets the bottom of the seatback. Be sure to use the top strap of the child restraint according to the instructions provided by the child restraint system manufacturer. Here is a general instruction: 1) Raise the head restraint (if equipped) to the most upper position. WARNING Be sure to install the ISOFIX type of child restraint(s) in the only outboard seating positions, not in the central position for rear seat. NOTICE Before installing a child restraint system in the rear seat, raise the head restraint (if equipped) to the most upper position. Install the ISOFIX type child restraint system according to the instructions provided by the child restraint system manufacturer. After installing, try moving the child 2-27 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING NOTE: If the most upper position head restraint interferes a child restraint system and prevents the child restraint system from being installed securely, remove the head restraint. Stow the removed head restraint in the luggage compartment so it will not inconvenience the occupants. 4) Push the child restraint toward the anchorages so that the connecting bar tips are partially hooked to the anchorages. Use your hands to confirm the position. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 54G183 3) Use your hands to carefully align the connecting bar tips with the anchorages. Take care not to pinch your fingers. 54G185 5) Grasp the front of the child restraint and push the child restraint forcefully to latch the connecting bars. Make sure they are securely latched by trying to move the child restraint system in all directions, especially forward. 6) Attach the top strap referring to “Installation of Child Restraint with Top Strap” section below. EXAMPLE 78F114 2) Place the child restraint in the rear seat, inserting the connecting bars to the anchorages between the seat cushion and the seatback. 54G184 2-28 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Installation of Child Restraint with Top Strap EXAMPLE 4) Hook the top strap to the anchor bracket and tighten the top strap according to the instructions provided by the child restraint system manufacturer. Be sure to attach the top strap to the corresponding anchor located directly behind the child restraint. Do not attach the top strap to the luggage restraint loops. WARNING 79MH0241 Some child restraint systems require the use of a top strap. Top strap anchor brackets are provided in your vehicle at the locations shown in the illustrations. The number of the anchor bracket provided in your vehicle depends on the vehicle specification. Install the child restraint system as follows: 1) Raise the head restraint (if equipped) to the most upper position. 2) Secure the child restraint on the rear seat using the procedure described above for securing a restraint system that does not require a top strap. 3) Open the cover that is marked with the anchor bracket symbol to access the anchor bracket. Close the cover when not using the anchor bracket. 6) Install the head restraint, then pass the top strap under the head restraint as shown in the illustration. (Refer to “Head Restraints” section for details on how to raise or lower the head restraint.) NOTE: Maruti Suzuki recommends use of Maruti Suzuki Genuine accessory of “Child seat, ISOFIX”. Do not attach the child restraint top strap to the luggage restraint loops Incorrectly attached top strap will reduce the intended effectiveness of the child restraint system. EXAMPLE 79MH0242 5) Check that the seat is securely attached after fitment of child restraint. 2-29 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Child Restraint System for India Child Restraint The suitability of each passenger’s seat position for carriage of children and fitting of child restraint system is shown in the table below. Whenever you carry children up to 12 years of age, properly use the child restraints which conform to AIS 072, the standard for child restraints, referring to the table. Seating position (or other site) Front Passenger Rear Outboard Rear Centre Intermediate Outboard Intermediate Centre Group 0 Up to 10 kg X U X N.A. N.A. Group 0+ Up to 13 kg X U X N.A. N.A. Group I 9 to 18 kg X U X N.A. N.A. Group II 15 to 25 kg X U X N.A. N.A. Group III 22 to 36 kg X U X N.A. N.A. MASS GROUP Key of letters to be inserted in the above table: U =Suitable for ‘universal’ category restraints approved for use in this mass group X =Seat position not suitable for children in this mass group N.A = Seat position not available for children in this mass group. NOTE: ‘universal’ is the category in the AIS 072. : ‘Outboard’ indicates window side seat. 2-30 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Seat Belt Pretensioner System (if equipped) and/or EXAMPLE Label 63J269 WARNING This section of the owner’s manual describes your Vehicle SEAT BELT PRETENSIONER SYSTEM. Please read and follow ALL these instructions carefully to minimize your risk of severe injury or death. To determine if your vehicle is equipped with a seat belt pretensioner system at the front seating positions, check the label on the front seat belt at the bottom part. If the letters “p” and/or “PRE” appear as illustrated, your vehicle is equipped with the seat belt pretensioner system. You can use the pretensioner seat belts in the same manner as ordinary seat belts. Read this section and the “Supplemental Restraint System (air bags)” section to learn more about the pretensioner system. The seat belt pretensioner system works with the SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (Air Bags). The crash sensors and the electronic controller of the air bag system also control the seat belt pretensioners. When the air bags are triggered, the pretensioners are also triggered. For precautions and general information including servicing the pretensioner system, refer to the “Supplemental Restraint System (air bags)” section in addition to this “Seat Belt Pretensioner System” section, and follow all those precautions. The pretensioner is located in each front seat belt retractor. The pretensioner tightens the seat belt so the belt fits the occupant’s body more snugly in the event of a frontal crash. The retractors will remain locked after the pretensioners are activated. Upon activation, some noise will occur and some smoke may be released. These conditions are not harmful and do not indicate a fire in the vehicle. The driver and all passengers must be properly restrained by wearing seat belts at all times, whether or not a pretensioner is equipped at their seating position, to minimize the risk of severe injury or death in the event of a crash. Sit fully back in the seat; sit up straight; do not lean forward or sideways. Adjust the belt so the lap portion of the belt is worn low across the pelvis, not across the waist. Please refer to the “Seat Adjustment” section and the instructions and precautions about the seat belts in this “Seat Belts and Child Restraint Systems” section for details on proper seat and seat belt adjustments. Please note that the pretensioners along with the air bags will activate in severe frontal collisions. They are not designed to activate in rear impacts, side impacts, rollovers, or minor frontal collisions. The pretensioners can be activated only once. If the pretensioners are activated (that is, if the air bags are activated), have the pretensioner system serviced by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible. 2-31 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING If the “AIR BAG” light on the instrument cluster does not blink or come on briefly when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, stays on for more than 10 seconds, or comes on while driving, the pretensioner system or the air bag system may not work properly. Have both systems inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible. Service on or around the pretensioner system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop who is specially trained. Improper service could result in unintended activation of pretensioners or could render the pretensioner inoperative. Either of these two conditions may result in personal injury. To prevent damage or unintended activation of the pretensioners, be sure the battery is disconnected and the ignition switch has been in the “LOCK” position or the ignition mode has been “LOCK” (OFF) for at least 90 seconds before performing any electrical service work on your Vehicle. Do not touch pretensioner system components or wiring. The wires are wrapped with yellow tape or yellow tubing, and the couplers are yellow. When scrapping your Vehicle ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop, body repair shop, or scrap yard for assistance. 2-32 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Supplemental Restraint System (air bags) (if equipped) WARNING EXAMPLE 2 1 This section of the owner’s manual describes the protection provided by your vehicle SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (air bags). Please read and follow ALL these instructions carefully to minimize your risk of severe injury or death in the event of a collision. Your vehicle is equipped with a Supplemental Restraint System consisting of the following components in addition to a lapshoulder belt at each seating position. 1. Driver’s front air bag module (if equipped) 2. Front passenger’s front air bag module (if equipped) 3. Seat belt pretensioners (if equipped) 4. Air bag controller 5. Forward crash sensor 5 4 3 79MH0221 2-33 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Air bag symbol (if equipped) meaning WARNING EXAMPLE An air bag supplements, or adds to, the crash protection offered by seat belts. The driver and all passengers must be properly restrained by wearing seat belts at all times, whether or not an air bag is mounted at their seating position, to minimize the risk of severe injury or death in the event of a crash. 72M00150 “AIR BAG” light (if equipped) You may find this label on the sun visor. EXAMPLE WARNING 63J030 If the “AIR BAG” light on the instrument cluster does not blink or come on when the ignition switch is first turned to the “ON” position, or the ignition mode is first changed to “ON”, or the “AIR BAG” light stays on, or comes on while driving, the air bag system (or the seat belt pretensioner system) may not work properly. Have the air bag system inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible. NEVER use a rearward facing child restraint on a seat protected by an ACTIVE AIRBAG in front of it, DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY to the CHILD can occur. Front air bags are designed to inflate in severe frontal collisions when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”. Front air bags are not designed to inflate in rear impacts, side impacts, rollovers or minor frontal collisions, since they would offer no protection in those types of accidents. Remember, since an air bag deploys only one time during an accident, seat belts are needed to restrain occupants from further movements during the accident. Therefore, an air bag is NOT a substitute for seat belts. To maximize your protection, ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS. Be aware that no system can prevent all possible injuries that may occur in an accident. Driver’s front air bag (if equipped) EXAMPLE Front Air Bags (if equipped) EXAMPLE 79MH0222 63J259 2-34 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Front passenger’s front air bag (if equipped) EXAMPLE WARNING EXAMPLE Do not install a rear-facing child restraint in the front passenger’s seat. If the passenger’s front air bag inflates, a child in a rear-facing child restraint could be killed or severely injured. The back of a rear-facing child restraint would be too close to the inflating air bag. (1) (1) 80J098E Please refer to the “Seat Belts and Child Restraint Systems” section in this section for details on securing your child. 79MH0223 The driver’s front air bag is located behind the center pad of the steering wheel and the front passenger’s front air bag is located behind the passenger’s side of the dashboard. The words “SRS AIRBAG” are molded into the air bag covers to identify the location of the air bags. Conditions of front air bags deployment (inflation) EXAMPLE • In collisions such as above at an angle of about 30 degrees (1) or less from the front. Conditions of front air bags may inflate Receiving a strong impact to the lower body of your vehicle, the front air bags will inflate in many cases. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 80J097 • In frontal collisions with a fixed wall that does not move or deform in more than about 25 km/h. 80J099 • Hitting a curb or medial strip. 58MS030 2-35 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING EXAMPLE EXAMPLE • Approximately 50 km/h or lower speed frontal collision to a stopped vehicle. EXAMPLE 80J119 80J100E • Falling into a deep hole or ditch. • Collision from the side. 80J103 EXAMPLE • Collision that the front of your vehicle goes under the bed of a truck etc. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 80J110 80J101 • Landing hard or falling. Front air bags may inflate in a strong impact EXAMPLE • Vehicle rollover. Front air bags may not inflate The front air bags may not inflate when the impact is absorbed since the collision object moved, vehicle body deformed, or collision angle was greater than about 30 degrees from the front. 80J104 • Collision with a utility pole or stumpage. (1) EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 80J120 • Collision from the rear. 80J105E 80J102 2-36 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING • Collision with a fixed wall or guardrail at an angle of greater than about 30 degrees (1) from the front. EXAMPLE 80J106 • In frontal collisions with a fixed wall that does not move or deform in less than about 25 km/h. EXAMPLE 80J107 • Collision angle is offset from the vehicle angle (offset collision). How the system works In a frontal collision, the crash sensors will detect rapid deceleration, and if the controller judges that the deceleration represents a severe frontal crash, the controller will trigger the inflators. The inflators inflate the air bags with nitrogen or argon gas. The inflated air bags provide a cushion for your head and upper body. The air bag inflates and deflates so quickly that you may not even realize that it has activated. The air bag will neither hinder your view nor make it harder to exit the vehicle. Air bags must inflate quickly and forcefully in order to reduce the chance of serious or fatal injuries. However, an unavoidable consequence of the quick inflation is that the air bag may irritate bare skin, such as the facial area. Also, upon inflation, a loud noise will occur and some powder and smoke will be released. These conditions are not harmful and do not indicate a fire in the vehicle. Be aware, however, that some air bag components may be hot for a while after inflation. A seat belt helps keep you in the proper position for maximum protection when an air bag inflates. Adjust your seat as far back as possible while still maintaining control of the vehicle. Sit fully back in your seat; sit up straight; do not lean over the steering wheel or dashboard. Please refer to the “Front Seat” section and the “Seat Belts and Child Restraint Systems” section in this section for details on proper seat and seat belt adjustments. EXAMPLE 65D610 WARNING • The driver should not lean over the steering wheel. The front passenger should not rest his or her body against the dashboard, or otherwise get too close to the dashboard. In these situations, the outof-position occupant would be too close to an inflating air bag, and may suffer severe injury. • Do not attach any objects to, or place any objects over, the steering wheel or dashboard. Do not place any objects between the air bag and the driver or front passenger. These objects may interfere with air bag operation or may be propelled by the air bag in the event of a crash. Either of these conditions may cause severe injury. 2-37 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Note that even though your vehicle may be moderately damaged in a frontal collision, the collision may not have been severe enough to trigger the air bags to inflate. If your vehicle sustains ANY front-end damage, have the air bag system inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to ensure it is in proper working order. Your vehicle is equipped with a diagnostic module which records information about the air bag system if the air bags deploy in a crash. The module records information about overall system status, which sensors activated the deployment. Servicing the air bag system If the air bags inflate, have the air bags and related components replaced by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible. If your vehicle ever gets in deep water and the driver’s floor is submerged, the air bag controller could be damaged. If it does, have the air bag system inspected by the authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible. Service on or around air bag components or wiring must be performed only by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop Improper service could result in unintended air bag deployment or could render the air bag inoperative. Either of these two conditions may result in severe injury. To prevent damage or unintended inflation of the air bag system, be sure the battery is disconnected and the ignition switch has been in the “LOCK” position or the ignition mode has been “LOCK” (OFF) for at least 90 seconds before performing any electrical service work on your Vehicle. Do not touch air bag system components or wires. The wires are wrapped with yellow tape or yellow tubing, and the couplers are yellow for easy identification. Scrapping a vehicle that has an uninflated air bag can be hazardous. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop, body repair shop or scrap yard for help with disposal. Special procedures are required for servicing or replacing an air bag. For that reason, only an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop should be allowed to service or replace your air bags. Please remind anyone who services your MARUTI SUZUKI that it has air bags. 2-38 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Instrument Cluster 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Speedometer Tachometer Fuel gauge Temperature gauge Information display Trip meter selector knob Indicator selector knob Warning and indicator lights EXAMPLE 6 2 5 1 2 7 For Petrol 7 8 4 8 8 8 3 79MH10203 2-39 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Speedometer Fuel Gauge Refer to “Low Fuel Warning Light” in “Warning and Indicator Lights” in this section for details. The speedometer indicates vehicle speed. The mark (2) indicates that the fuel filler door is located on the left side of the vehicle. Tachometer The tachometer indicates engine speed in revolutions per minute. NOTICE Never drive the vehicle with the engine revving in the red zone or severe engine damage can result. Keep the engine speed below the red zone even when downshifting to a lower gear position. Refer to “Downshifting maximum allowable speeds” in the “OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE” section. (2) (1) EXAMPLE 79MH0225 When the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, this gauge gives an approximate indication of the amount of fuel in the fuel tank. “F” stands for full and “E” stands for empty. If the indicator gets off the graduation of “E” (not character “E”), refill the tank as soon as possible. NOTE: The indicator moves a little depending on road conditions (for example, slope or curve) and driving conditions because of fuel moving in the tank. If the low fuel warning light (1) comes on, fill the fuel tank immediately. 2-40 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Temperature Gauge Brightness Control EXAMPLE To reduce the brightness of the instrument panel lights, turn the brightness control knob (1) counterclockwise. WARNING (1) If you attempt to adjust the display while driving, you could lose control of the vehicle. Do not attempt to adjust the display while driving. EXAMPLE 79MH0226 79MH0227 When the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, this gauge indicates the engine coolant temperature. Under normal driving conditions, the indicator should stay within the normal, acceptable temperature range between “H” and “C”. If the indicator approaches “H”, overheating is indicated. Follow the instructions for engine overheating in the “EMERGENCY SERVICE” section. When the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, the instrument cluster lights come on. NOTICE Continuing to drive the vehicle when engine overheating is indicated can result in severe engine damage. Your vehicle has a system to automatically dim the brightness of the instrument panel lights when the position lights or headlights are on. NOTE: • If you do not turn the knob for more than 10 seconds while activating the brightness control, the brightness control display will be canceled automatically. • When you reconnect the battery, the brightness of the instrument panel lights will be reinitialized. Readjust the brightness according to your preference. The information display is shown when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”. When the position lights and/or headlights are ON, you can control the meter illumination intensity. To increase the brightness of the instrument panel lights, turn the brightness control knob (1) clockwise. 2-41 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Information Display The information display shows the following information. Display (A) Thermometer (A) (B) Display (B) Transaxle selector position indicator (for automatic transaxle vehicles) / Gearshift Indicator (if equipped) (C) (D) (E) Thermometer When the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the display (A) shows the thermometer. The thermometer indicates the outside temperature. EXAMPLE (a) Display (C) Trip meter / Instantaneous fuel consumption / Average fuel consumption / Driving range EXAMPLE (1) 79MH10204 Display (E) Clock (1) Information display EXAMPLE (2) Display (D) Odometer (3) 68LM258 If the outside temperature nears freezing, the mark (a) will appear on the display. NOTE: • The outside temperature indication is not the actual outside temperature when driving at low speed, or when stopped. • If there is something wrong with the thermometer, or just after the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, the display may not indicate the outside temperature. 79MH0228 (2) Trip meter selector knob (3) Indicator selector knob 2-42 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Transaxle selector position indicator (for automatic transaxle vehicles) / Gearshift Indicator (if equipped) EXAMPLE (b) 68LM260 Transaxle selector position indicator When the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the display (B) indicates the gear position (b). For details on how to use the transaxle, refer to “Using the Transaxle” in the “OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE” section. Gearshift indicator Refer to “Gearshift Indicator” in the “OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE” section. Trip meter / Instantaneous fuel consumption/ Average fuel consumption/ Driving range When the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the display (C) shows one of the following five indications, trip meter A, trip meter B, Instantaneous fuel consumption, Average fuel consumption or Driving range. To switch the display indication (C), push the trip meter selector knob (2) or the indicator selector knob (3) quickly. EXAMPLE Push the trip meter selector knob (2). Push the knob (3). (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) indicator selector Trip meter A Trip meter B Instantaneous Fuel Consumption Average fuel consumption Driving range WARNING If you attempt to adjust the display while driving, you could lose control of the vehicle. (c) Do not attempt to adjust the display while driving. NOTE: • Indications will change when you push and release a knob. • The display shows estimated values. Indications may not be the same as actual values. (d) (e) Trip meter The trip meter can be used to measure the distance traveled on short trips or between fuel stops. You can use the trip meter A or trip meter B independently. (f) (g) 79MH0230 To reset the trip meter to zero, push and hold the trip meter selector knob (2) for a while when the display shows the trip meter. 2-43 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING NOTE: The indicated maximum value of the trip meter is 9999.9. When you run past the maximum value, the indicated value will return to 0.0. Instantaneous Fuel Consumption If you selected instantaneous fuel consumption the last time you drove the vehicle, the display does not show the last value of instantaneous fuel consumption from previous driving when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. The display shows the value only when the vehicle is moving. NOTE: • The display does not show the value unless the vehicle is moving. • Depending on the vehicle’s specification, the fuel consumption units of initial setting are indicated as L/100km or km/L. • For “L/100km” or “km/L” setting, the indicated maximum value of instantaneous fuel consumption is 30. No more than 30 will be indicated on the display even if the actual instantaneous fuel consumption is higher. • The indication on the display may be delayed if fuel consumption is greatly affected by driving conditions. • The display shows estimated values. Indications may not be the same as actual values. • For “L/100km” or “km/L” setting, you can change the units that instantaneous fuel consumption is displayed in. Refer to “Average fuel consumption” in this section. Average fuel consumption If you selected average fuel consumption the last time you drove the vehicle, the display shows the last value of average fuel consumption from previous driving when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. Unless you reset the value of average fuel consumption, the display indicates the value of average fuel consumption which includes average fuel consumption during previous driving. To reset the average fuel consumption to zero, push and hold the indicator selector knob (3) for a while when the display shows the average fuel consumption. NOTE: When you reset the indication or reconnect the negative (–) terminal to the battery, the value of average fuel consumption will be shown after driving for a while. (For “L/100km” or “km/L” setting) To change the unit of average fuel consumption, while pushing and holding the trip meter selector knob (2), turn the indicator selector knob (3). EXAMPLE 68LM262 NOTE: • When you change the units that average fuel consumption is displayed in, the instantaneous fuel consumption units will be changed automatically. • When you reconnect the negative (–) terminal to the battery, the unit of the average fuel consumption will be reinitialized. Change the unit again to your preference. Driving range If you selected driving range the last time you drove the vehicle, the display indicates “---” for a few seconds and then indicates the current driving range when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. 2-44 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING The driving range shown in the display is the approximate distance you can drive until the fuel gauge indicates “E”, based on current driving conditions. When the low fuel warning light comes on, the display “---” will appear. If the low fuel warning light comes on, fill the fuel tank immediately regardless of the value of driving range shown in the display. NOTICE Keep track of your odometer reading and check the maintenance schedule regularly for required services. Increased wear or damage to certain parts can result from failure to perform required services at the proper mileage intervals. As the driving range after refueling is calculated based on the most recent driving condition, the value is different each time you refuel. Clock NOTE: • If you refuel when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the driving range may not indicate the correct value. • When you reconnect the negative (–) terminal to the battery, the value of driving range will be shown after driving for a while. To change the time indication: 1) Push the trip meter selector knob (2) and the indicator selector knob (3) together. 2) To change the hour indication, turn the indicator selector knob (3) left or right repeatedly when the hour indication blinks. To change the hour indication quickly, turn and hold the indicator selector knob (3). To set the hour indication, push the indicator selector knob (3) and the minute indication will flash. 3) To change the minute indication, turn the indicator selector knob (3) left or right repeatedly when the minute indication blinks. To change the minute indication quickly, turn and hold the indicator selector knob (3). To set the minute indication, push the indicator selector knob (3). Odometer When the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the display (D) shows the odometer. The odometer records the total distance the vehicle has been driven. When the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the display (E) shows the time. 2-45 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Setting Mode In the setting mode, you can set up the following functions. Indication Functions Central door locking system “ ” Automatic door locking function “ ” Automatic door unlocking function “ Door locking and unlocking siren “ Footwell light settting “ ” ” ” Additional flashes of the turn signal “ ” 2-46 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Indication Functions Shock sensor “ ” Pre-warning sensitivity of the shock sensor “ ” Full blast warning sensitivity of the shock sensor “ ” Turn the indicator selector knob (3). Push the knob (3). indicator selector NOTE: Depending on vehicle’s specifications, some items may not be displayed. Initialization setting “ ” Exit the setting mode “ ” How to operate the setting mode: 1) When the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ON” and the vehicle is stationary, push the trip meter selector knob (2) to switch the information display indication (C) to the tripmeter. 2) Push and hold the indicator selector knob (3) until the display shows “ ”. 3) Turn and/or push the indicator selector knob (3) to select a function that you want to set up according to the above chart. 4) Turn and/or push the indicator selector knob (3) to register settings of the following functions. Central door locking system “ ” • : Unlock all doors by turning the key, pushing the keyless entry system transmitter, keyless push start system remote controller or request switch once • : Unlock all doors by turning the key, pushing the keyless entry system transmitter, keyless push start system remote controller or request switch twice (default setting) 2-47 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Automatic door locking function “ ” • : Disable the automatic door locking function • : Lock all doors when the vehicle speed reaches 15 km/h (default setting) • : (For automatic transaxle vehicle) Lock all door when the gearshift lever is in other than “P” Automatic door unlocking function “ ” • : Disable the automatic door unlocking function (default setting of vehicle with keyless push start system) • : (For automatic transaxle vehicle) Unlock all doors when the gearshift lever is moved to the “P” from other position • : (Vehicle with keyless entry system) Unlock all doors when the key is pulled out from the ignition switch (default setting of vehicle with keyless entry) (Vehicle with keyless push start system) Unlock all doors when the ignition mode is “LOCK” (OFF) Door locking and unlocking siren “ ” • : Siren sounds when the door(s) is(are) locked or unlocked by using the keyless entry system transmitter, keyless push start system remote controller or request switch (default setting) • : Siren does not sound when the door(s) is(are) locked or unlocked by using the keyless entry system transmitter, keyless push start system remote controller or request switch Footwell light setting “ ” • : Footwell light comes on when any of doors is open or headlights are on • : Footwell light comes on when any of doors is open (default setting) • : Disable the footwell light Additional flashes of the turn signal “ ” • : Turn signal flashes three times after the turn signal lever is returned (default setting) • : Disable the additional flashes of turn signal Shock sensor “ ” • : Enable the shock sensor • : Disable the shock sensor (default setting) Pre-warning sensitivity of the shock sensor “ ” • : Disable the pre-warning • to : Adjust the pre-warning sensitivity of shock sensor (Lowest sensitivity level is L01 and highest is L15, and default setting is L14) Full blast warning sensitivity of the shock sensor “ ” • : Disable the full blast warning • to : Adjust the full blast warning sensitivity of shock sensor (Lowest sensitivity level is L01 and highest is L15, and default setting is L09) Initialization setting “ ” • : Initialize all settings 2-48 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Warning and Indicator Lights EXAMPLE Brake System Warning Light The light also comes on together with the ABS warning light when the rear brake force control function (proportioning valve function) of the ABS system fails. 76MH017 NOTE: • As shown in the above illustration, “ ” indicates on the display of currently setting item. • To go back to the higher level display during operation, turn the indicator selector knob (3) to display “ ” or “ ” and then push the indicator selector knob (3). 5) To exit the setting mode, switch the display to show “ ” and then push the indicator selector knob (3). The light should go out after starting the engine and fully releasing the parking brake, if the fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir is adequate. 65D477 For working check of this light, there are following three different type of operations depending on the vehicle's specification. 1) The light comes on briefly when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. 2) The light comes on when the parking brake is engaged with the ignition switch in the “ON” position or the ignition mode “ON”. 3) The light comes on when under either or both of above two conditions. The light also comes on when the fluid in the brake fluid reservoir falls below the specified level. If the brake system warning light comes on while you are driving the vehicle, it may mean that there is something wrong with the vehicle’s brake system. If this happens, you should: 1) Pull off the road and stop carefully. WARNING Remember that stopping distance may be longer, you may have to push harder on the pedal, and the pedal may go down farther than normal. 2) Test the brakes by carefully starting and stopping on the shoulder of the road. 3) If you determine that it is safe, drive cautiously at low speed to the nearest authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for repairs, or 4) Have the vehicle towed to the nearest authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for repairs. 2-49 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING WARNING If any of the following conditions occur, you should immediately ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to inspect the brake system. • If the brake system warning light does not go out after the engine has been started and the parking brake has been fully released. • If the brake system warning light does not come on when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. • If the brake system warning light comes on at any time during vehicle operation. NOTE: Because the brake system is self-adjusting, the fluid level will drop as the brake pads become worn. Replenishing the brake fluid reservoir is considered normal periodic maintenance. NOTE: (Parking Brake Reminder Buzzer) A buzzer sounds intermittently to remind you to release the parking brake if you start the vehicle without releasing the parking brake. Make sure that the parking brake is fully released and the brake system warning light turns off. Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Warning Light (if equipped) If the light and the brake system warning light stay on, or come on simultaneously when driving, your ABS system is equipped with the rear brake force control function (proportioning valve function) and there may be something wrong with both the rear brake force control function and anti-lock function of the ABS system. 65D529 When the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, the light comes on briefly so you can check that the light is working. If the light stays on, or comes on when driving, there may be something wrong with the ABS. If this happens: 1) Pull off the road and stop carefully. 2) Turn the ignition switch to “LOCK” or change the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF) by pressing the engine switch and then start the engine again. If the warning light comes on briefly then turns off, the system is normal. If the warning light still stays on, there is something wrong in the system. If one of these happens, have the system inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. If the ABS becomes inoperative, the brake system will function as an ordinary brake system that does not have this ABS system. Oil Pressure Light 50G051 This light comes on when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, and goes out when the engine is started. The light will come on and remain on if there is insufficient oil pressure. If the light comes on when driving, pull off the road as soon as you can and stop the engine. Check the oil level and add oil if necessary. If there is enough oil, the lubrication system should be inspected by your autho- 2-50 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING rised Maruti Suzuki workshop before you drive the vehicle again. Driver’s Seat Belt Reminder Light WARNING NOTICE • If you operate the engine with this light on, severe engine damage can result. • Do not rely on the oil pressure light to indicate the need to add oil. Be sure to periodically check the engine oil level. Charging Light 60G049 When the driver doesn’t buckle his or her seat belt, this light will come on and/or blink. For details about the seat belt reminder, refer to “Seat Belts and Child Restraint Systems” in this section. If the “AIR BAG” light does not blink or come on briefly when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, stays on for more than 10 seconds, or comes on while driving, the air bag system or the seat belt pretensioner system (if equipped) may not work properly. Have both systems inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Malfunction Indicator Light “AIR BAG” Light (if equipped) 50G052 This light comes on when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, and goes out when the engine is started. The light will come on and remain on if there is something wrong with the battery charging system. If the light comes on when the engine is running, the charging system should be inspected immediately by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. 65D530 63J030 This light blinks or comes on for several seconds when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON” so you can check if the light is working. The light will come on and stay on if there is a problem in the air bag system or the seat belt pretensioner system (if equipped). Your vehicle has a computer-controlled emission control system. A malfunction indicator light is provided on the instrument panel to indicate when it is necessary to have the emission control system serviced. The malfunction indicator light comes on when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON” to let you know the light is working and goes out when the engine is started. 2-51 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING If the malfunction indicator light comes on or blinks when the engine is running, there is a damage in the emission control system. Take the vehicle to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to have the damage fixed. Suzuki workshop to have the system inspected. Low Fuel Warning Light Immobilizer/Keyless Push Start System Warning Light NOTICE 54G343 Continuing to drive the vehicle when the malfunction indicator light is on or blinking can cause permanent damage to the vehicle’s emission control system, and can affect fuel economy and driveability. Transaxle Warning Light (if equipped) If this light comes on, fill the fuel tank immediately. 80JM122 When the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, the light comes on briefly so you can check that the light is working. If this light stays on, there is a problem with the system. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to have the system inspected. Open Door Warning Light When this light comes on, a ding sounds once to remind you to fill the fuel. If you do not fill the fuel, a ding sounds every time when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. NOTE: The activation point of this light varies depending on road conditions (for example, slope or curve) and driving conditions because of fuel moving in the tank. Electric Power Steering Light 80J219 This light comes on for several seconds when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON” so you can check the light is working. If this light comes on when the engine is running, there is a problem with the transaxle system. Ask your authorised Maruti 54G391 This light remains on until all doors are completely closed. 79J039 If any door is open when the vehicle is moving, a ding sounds to remind you to close all doors completely. This light comes on when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the 2-52 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING ignition mode to “ON”, and goes out when the engine is started. If this light comes on while driving, the power steering system may not work properly. Have the system inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. NOTE: Following operations of the steering wheel while parking or driving at a very lowspeed may have steering effort bigger gradually. This is not a malfunction of the steering system, but the power steering control system limits the power assist in order to prevent them from overheating. • The steering wheel is operated very often. • The steering wheel is kept in a fully turned position for a long while. When the power steering control system cool down, the power steering system back to the original condition. However, repeating these operations could cause the power steering system damaged. NOTE: If the power steering system does not work properly, you will feel heavier to steer but you still will be able to steer. NOTE: If the steering is operated, you may hear a rubbing noise. This is normal and indicates that the power steering system works properly. Turn Signal Indicators Glow Plug Indicator Light (For Diesel Engine Model) 50G055 When you turn on the left or right turn signals, the corresponding green arrow on the instrument panel will flash along with the respective turn signal lights. When you turn on the hazard warning switch, both arrows will flash along with all of the turn signal lights. Main Beam (high beam) Indicator Light 50G056 This indicator comes on when headlight main beams (high beams) are turned on. 60A543 If the coolant temperature is cool enough, this light comes on when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON” and goes out when the glow plug is heated enough for engine starting. Fuel Filter Warning Light (For Diesel Engine Model) 60A541 This light comes on for several seconds when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON” so you can check that light is working. If the light comes on when driving, there is a possibility to have water in the fuel filter. Drain water as soon as possible. Have 2-53 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING your vehicle inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. “ACC” Indicator Light (if equipped) Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller Battery Consumption Warning Light (if equipped) 82K097 This light comes on when the ignition mode is “ACC”. 70K122 If the remote controller becomes unreliable, this light comes on for several seconds when the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. Ignition “ON” Indicator Light (if equipped) This light comes on for several seconds when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON” so you can check that the light is working. While you are driving the vehicle, when deceleration energy regenerating function, engine power assist function or starter motor function is activated, this indicator light will come on. “ENG A-STOP” Indicator Light (if equipped) “PUSH” Indicator Light 82K098 This light comes on when the ignition mode is “ON” with the engine off. 82K174 “SHVS” Indicator Light (if equipped) If this light comes on when depressing the brake pedal for automatic transaxle vehicles, or the clutch pedal for manual transaxle vehicles, you can start the engine. 72M00032 When the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, this light comes on briefly to let you know the light is working. When the engine is stopped by the “ENG A-STOP” system, this light comes on. 79MH10205 For details, refer to “ENG A-STOP System (Engine Auto Stop Start System)” in the “OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE” section. 2-54 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Lighting Control Lever “ENG A-STOP OFF” Light (if equipped) OFF (1) All lights are off. EXAMPLE (2) Front position lights, tail lights, license plate light and instrument lights are on, but headlights are off. (3) Front position lights, tail lights, license plate light, instrument lights and headlights are on. 72M00159 When the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, this light comes on briefly to let you know the light is working. When you push the “ENG A-STOP OFF” switch, this light comes on. If this light blinks when driving, there may be something wrong with the ENG ASTOP system or the SHVS system. You should have the system inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. For details, refer to “ENG A-STOP System (Engine Auto Stop Start System)” and “SHVS (Smart Hybrid Vehicle by Suzuki)” in the “OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE” section. 65D611 EXAMPLE WARNING To avoid possible injury, do not operate controls by reaching through the steering wheel. EXAMPLE 60MK012 With the headlights on, push the lever forward to switch to the high beams (main beams) or pull the lever toward you to switch to the low beams. When the high beams (main beams) are on, a light on the instrument panel will come on. To momentarily activate the high beams (main beams) as a passing signal, pull the lever slightly toward you and release it when you have completed the signal. Lighting Operation (3) (2) (1) 60MK011 To turn the lights on or off, twist the knob on the end of the lever. There are three positions: Lights “On” reminder (if equipped) A buzzer/chime sounds to remind you to turn off the lights if they are left on when the ignition key is removed and the driver’s door is opened. 2-55 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Front Fog Light Switch (ifequipped) Headlight Leveling Switch Turn Signal Control Lever EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 80JM040 64J058 The front fog light comes on when the fog light switch is pushed in with the position lights, tail lights and/or the headlights are on. An indicator light above the switch will be lit when the front fog light is on. NOTE: In some countries the lighting operation may be different from the above description according to local regulations. Level the headlight beam according to the load condition of your vehicle by turning this switch. The chart below shows the appropriate switch position for different vehicle-load conditions. Vehicle Load Condition Switch Position Petrol Diesel Driver only 0 0 Driver + 1 passenger (in front seat) 1 0 Driver + 4 passengers, no cargo 2 1 Driver + 4 passengers, cargo added 4 2 Driver + full cargo 4 3 65D611 WARNING To avoid possible injury, do not operate controls by reaching through the steering wheel. 2-56 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Turn Signal Operation With the ignition switch in the “ON” position or the ignition mode “ON”, move the lever up or down to activate the left or right turn signals. to cancel the turn signal. For convenience, you can flash the turn signal by moving the lever part way and holding it there. The lever will return to its normal position when you release it. Hazard Warning Switch NOTE: The turn signal and its indicator flash three times even if you return the lever immediately after moving it. Normal turn signal EXAMPLE NOTE: The turn signal and its indicator can be set whether they flash three times after the turn signal lever is returned via the information display. Refer to “Information Display” in this section. 60MK013 Move the lever all the way upward or downward to signal. When the turn is completed, the signal will cancel and the lever will return to its normal position. Lane change signal EXAMPLE NOTE: You can customize the setting for the number of times of flashing of the turn signal and its indicator. Please ask an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for the customization. EXAMPLE 79MH0231 Push in the hazard warning switch to activate the hazard warning lights. All turn signal lights and both turn signal indicators will flash simultaneously. To turn off the lights, push the switch again. Use the hazard warning lights to warn other traffic during emergency parking or when your vehicle could otherwise become a traffic hazard. 60MK014 Sometimes, such as when changing lanes, the steering wheel is not turned far enough 2-57 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Windshield Wiper and Washer Lever Windshield Washer Windshield Wipers EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 65D611 WARNING To avoid possible injury, do not operate controls by reaching through the steering wheel. Wiper and Washer Operation When the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, you can use the wiper/washer lever. 79MHA0001 79MH0235 To turn the windshield wipers on, move the lever down to one of the three operating positions. In the “INT” position, the wipers operate intermittently. The “INT” position is very convenient for driving in mist or light rain. In the “LO” position, the wipers operate at a steady low speed. In the “HI” position, the wipers operate at a steady high speed. To turn off the wipers, move the lever back to the “OFF” position. Move the lever up and hold it to the “MIST” position, the windshield wipers will turn on continuously at low speed. To spray windshield washer fluid, pull the lever toward you. The windshield wipers will automatically turn on at low speed if they are not already on and the “INT” position is equipped. WARNING • To prevent windshield icing in cold weather, turn on the defroster to heat the windshield before and during windshield washer use. • Do not use radiator antifreeze in the windshield washer reservoir. It can severely impair visibility when sprayed on the windshield, and can also damage your vehicle’s paint. 2-58 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING NOTICE To help prevent damage to the windshield wiper and washer system components, you should take the following precautions: • Do not continue to hold in the lever when there is no windshield washer fluid being sprayed or the washer motor can be damaged. • Do not attempt to remove dirt from a dry windshield with the wipers or you can damage the windshield and the wiper blades. Always wet the windshield with washer fluid before operating the wipers. • Clear ice or packed snow from the wiper blades before using the wipers. • Check the washer fluid level regularly. Check it often when the weather is bad. • Only fill the washer fluid reservoir 3/4 full during cold weather to allow room for expansion if the temperature falls low enough to freeze the solution. Tilt Steering Lock Lever WARNING Never attempt to adjust the steering wheel height while the vehicle is moving or you could lose control of the vehicle. EXAMPLE (1) (2) 74LHT0333 (1) LOCK (2) UNLOCK The lock lever is located under the steering column. To adjust the steering wheel height: 1) Push down the lock lever to unlock the steering column. 2) Adjust the steering wheel to the desired height and lock the steering column by pull up the lock lever. 3) Try moving the steering wheel up and down to make sure it is securely locked in position. 2-59 79MH0-74E BEFORE DRIVING Horn Heated Rear Window Switch Type A EXAMPLE When the rear window is misted, push this switch (1) to clear the window. An indicator light will be lit when the defogger is on. The defogger will work only when the engine is running. To turn off the defogger, push the switch again. NOTICE 68LM240 Press the horn button of the steering wheel to sound the horn. The horn will sound with the ignition switch in any position. EXAMPLE The heated rear window uses a large amount of electricity. Be sure to turn off after the window has become clear. (1) 79MH0232 Type B 1 2 0 NOTE: • The defogger will work only when the engine is running. • The defogger will automatically turn off after the defogger remains on for 15 minutes to prevent discharging of the battery. 3 4 A/C EXAMPLE (1) 79MH0233 2-60 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE 60G408 Exhaust Gas Warning ......................................................... 3-1 Daily Inspection Checklist .................................................. 3-1 Engine Oil Consumption .................................................... 3-2 Ignition Switch (Vehicle without Keyless Push Start System) .................. 3-3 Engine Switch (Vehicle with Keyless Push Start System) ........................ 3-4 Keyless Push Start System (if equipped) ......................... 3-5 Parking Brake Lever ........................................................... 3-8 Pedal ..................................................................................... 3-9 Starting the Engine (Vehicle without Keyless Push Start System) .................. 3-10 Starting the Engine (Vehicle with Keyless Push Start System) ........................ 3-12 3 Using the Transaxle ............................................................ 3-15 Gearshift Indicator (if equipped)..........................................3-19 SHVS (Smart Hybrid Vehicle by Suzuki) (if equipped).......3-20 ENG A-STOP System (Engine Auto Stop Start System) (if equipped)...........................................................................3-21 Parking Sensors (if equipped) ........................................... 3-24 Rearview Camera (if equipped) .......................................... 3-27 Braking ................................................................................. 3-30 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Exhaust Gas Warning WARNING EXAMPLE 52D334 WARNING Avoid breathing exhaust gases. Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, a potentially lethal gas that is colorless and odorless. Since carbon monoxide is difficult to detect by itself, be sure to take the following precautions to help prevent carbon monoxide from entering your vehicle. • Do not leave the engine running in garages or other confined areas. (Continued) (Continued) • Do not park with the engine running for a long period of time, even in an open area. If it is necessary to sit for a short time in a parked vehicle with the engine running, make sure the air intake selector is set to “FRESH AIR” and the blower is at high speed. • Avoid operating the vehicle with the tailgate or trunk open. If it is necessary to operate the vehicle with the tailgate or trunk open, make sure the sunroof (if equipped) and all windows are closed, and the blower is at high speed with the air intake selector set to “FRESH AIR”. • To allow proper operation of your vehicle’s ventilation system, keep the air inlet grille in front of the windshield clear of snow, leaves or other obstructions at all times. • Keep the exhaust tailpipe area clear of snow and other material to help reduce the buildup of exhaust gases under the vehicle. This is particularly important when parked in blizzard conditions. • Have the exhaust system inspected periodically for damage and leaks. Any damage or leaks should be repaired immediately. Daily Inspection Checklist Before Driving EXAMPLE 60A187S 1) Make sure that windows, mirrors, lights and reflectors are clean and unobstructed. 2) Visually check the tires for the following points: – the depth of the tread groove – abnormal wear, cracks and damage – loose wheel nuts – existence of foreign material such as nails, stones, etc. Refer to “Tires” in “INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” section for details. 3) Look for fluid and oil leaks. 3-1 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: It is normal for water to drip from the air conditioning system after use. Once a week, or each time you fill your fuel tank, perform the following under-hood checks: 4) Make sure the hood is fully closed and latched. 5) Check the headlights, turn signal lights, brake lights and horn for proper operation. 6) Adjust the seat and head restraint. (if equipped) 7) Check the brake pedal and the parking brake lever. 8) Adjust the mirrors. 9) Make sure that you and all passengers have properly fastened your seat belts. 10)Make sure that all warning lights come on as the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. 11)Check all gauges. 12)Make sure that the BRAKE SYSTEM WARNING light turns off when the parking brake is released. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Engine oil level Coolant level Brake fluid level Battery solution level Windshield washer fluid level Hood latch operation Pull the hood release handle inside the vehicle. Make sure that you cannot open the hood all the way without releasing the secondary latch. Be sure to close the hood securely after checking for proper latch operation. See the item “All latches, hinges and locks” of “CHASSIS AND BODY” in the “Periodic Maintenance Schedule” in the “INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” section for lubrication schedule. WARNING Make sure the hood is fully closed and latched before driving. If it is not, it can fly up unexpectedly during driving, obstructing your view and resulting in an accident. Once a month, or each time you fill your fuel tank, check the tire pressure using a tire pressure gauge. Also check the tire pressure of the spare tire. Engine Oil Consumption It is normal for the engine to consume some engine oil during normal vehicle operation. The amount of engine oil consumed depends on the viscosity of the oil, the quality of the oil and the conditions the vehicle is driven under. More oil is consumed during high-speed driving and when there is frequent acceleration and deceleration. Under high loads, your engine also will consume more oil. A new engine also consumes more oil, since its pistons, piston rings and cylinder walls have not yet become conditioned. New engines reach the normal level of oil consumption only after approximately 5000 km driving. Oil consumption: Max. 1.0 L per 1000 km When judging the amount of oil consumption, note that the oil may become diluted and make it difficult to accurately judge the true oil level. As an example, if a vehicle is used for repeated short trips, and consumes a normal amount of oil, the dipstick may not show any drop in the oil level at all, even after 1000 km or more of driving. This is because the oil is gradually becoming diluted with fuel or moisture, making it appear that the oil level has not changed. 3-2 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE You should also be aware that the diluting ingredients evaporate out when the vehicle is subsequently driven at high speeds, such as on an expressway, making it appear that oil is excessively consumed after high-speed driving. Ignition Switch (Vehicle without Keyless Push Start System) LOCK This is the normal parking position. It is the only position in which the key can be removed. Manual transaxle EXAMPLE EXAMPLE Turn to “LOCK” Push 65D611 WARNING 60G033 To avoid possible injury, do not operate controls by reaching through the steering wheel. EXAMPLE • Manual transaxle vehicles You must push in the key to turn it to the “LOCK” position. It locks the ignition, and prevents normal use of the steering wheel after the key is removed. • Automatic transaxle vehicles The gearshift lever must be in the “P” (Park) position to turn the key to the “LOCK” position. It locks the ignition and prevents normal use of the steering wheel and gearshift lever. 60B041 The ignition switch has the following four positions: To release the steering lock, insert the key and turn it clockwise to one of the other positions. If you have trouble turning the key to unlock the steering, try turning the 3-3 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE steering wheel slightly to the right or left while turning the key. ACC Accessories such as the radio can operate, but the engine is off. ON This is the normal operating position. All electrical systems are on. START This is the position for starting the engine using the starter motor. The key should be released from this position as soon as the engine starts. Ignition key reminder (if equipped) A buzzer sounds intermittently to remind you to remove the ignition key if it is in the ignition switch when the driver’s door is opened. EXAMPLE WARNING • Never return the ignition switch to the “LOCK” position and remove the ignition key while the vehicle is moving. The steering wheel will lock and you will not be able to steer the vehicle. • Always return the ignition switch to the “LOCK” position and remove the ignition key when leaving the vehicle even if only for a short time. Also do not leave children alone in a parked vehicle. Unattended children could cause accidental movement of the vehicle or could tamper with power windows or power sunroof. They also could suffer from heat stroke in warm or hot weather. These could result in severe injury or even death. NOTICE 81A297S • Do not use the starter motor for more than 12 seconds at a time. If the engine does not start, wait 15 seconds before trying again. If the engine does not start after several attempts, check the fuel and ignition systems or consult your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. • Do not leave the ignition switch in the “ON” position if the engine is not running as the battery will discharge. Engine Switch (Vehicle with Keyless Push Start System) EXAMPLE 61MM0B001 LOCK (OFF) This mode is for parking the vehicle. When this mode is selected by pressing the engine switch and then any door is opened or closed, the steering will be locked automatically. ACC Press the engine switch to select this ignition mode to use such electric equipment as the audio system, outside rearview mirrors and accessory socket with the engine off. When this position is selected, the information display in the instrument cluster come on. Refer to “Warning and Indicator Lights” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section for details. 3-4 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE ON • With the engine off You can use such electric equipment as the power windows and wipers with the engine off. When this ignition mode is selected by pressing the engine switch, the information display in the instrument cluster will come on. • With the engine on All electric equipment is operational. The vehicle can be driven when you have selected this ignition mode by pressing the engine switch. START Automatic transaxle – Provided you have the keyless push start system remote controller with you, the engine automatically starts when you press the engine switch to select this ignition mode after placing the gearshift lever in the “P” position and depressing the brake pedal. (If you need to re-start the engine while the vehicle is moving, shift into “N”.) Manual transaxle – Provided you have the keyless push start system remote controller with you, the engine automatically starts when you press the engine switch to select this ignition mode after shifting to “N” (Neutral) and depressing the brake and clutch pedals. NOTE: You do not need to keep the engine switch pressed to start the engine. NOTICE Do not leave the engine switch in the “ACC” or “ON” mode when the engine is not running. Avoid using the radio or other electric accessories for a long time when the engine switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” mode when the engine is not running, otherwise the battery may discharge. NOTE: • The steering lock may not be released if some load is acting on the steering wheel. If this happens, turn the steering wheel to the right or left to relieve it from the load before you press the engine switch again to change to the desired ignition mode. • In the presence of strong radio signals or noise, you may not be able to change the ignition mode to “ACC” or “ON” or to start the engine using the engine switch. Keyless Push Start System (if equipped) Provided the keyless push start system remote controller is within the “interior workable area” (refer to the related explanation in this section), you can use the engine switch for starting the engine and selecting an ignition mode (“ACC” or “ON”). In addition, the following functions can be used: • Keyless entry function. Refer to “Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section for details. • Locking and unlocking doors using a request switch. Refer to “Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section for details. • Immobilizer (anti-theft) function. Refer to “Immobilizer System” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section for details. 3-5 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Engine Switch Illumination Selection of Ignition Modes The engine switch is illuminated (lit) in the following situations: • When the engine is off and the driver’s door is open, or for 15 seconds after the driver’s door is closed. The illumination will fade out after the 15 seconds past. • When the engine is off and the position lights are on. The illumination will go out when the position lights are turned off. • When the engine is on and the position lights and/or the headlights are on. The illumination will go out when the headlights are turned off. Press the engine switch to select the “ACC” or “ON” mode as follows when you use an electric accessory or check the operation of instruments without running the engine. EXAMPLE 1) Bring the keyless push start system remote controller with you and sit in the driver’s seat. 2) Manual transaxle – Without depressing the clutch pedal, press the engine switch (1). Automatic transaxle – Without depressing the brake pedal, press the engine switch (1). Automatic transaxle Gearshift lever in LOCK (OFF) P ACC ON (Audio equipment) Gearshift lever in a position other than P 57L31006 Manual transaxle EXAMPLE LOCK (OFF) ACC ON (Audio equipment) 82K253 NOTE: To save the battery, the illumination will be automatically turned off when both of the following conditions are simultaneously met: • The headlights and position lights are turned off. • A period of 15 minutes has elapsed after opening the driver’s door. (1) 82K254 57L31033 Every time you press the engine switch, the ignition mode changes as follows. NOTE: Automatic transaxle – If the gearshift lever is in any position other than “P”, or if the knob button is pushed when the gearshift lever is in “P” position the ignition mode cannot be returned to “LOCK” (OFF). 3-6 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE If the “PUSH” indicator light blinks and the ignition modes cannot be selected Your keyless push start system remote controller may not be sensed as being within the “interior workable area” (refer to the related explanation in this section). Try again after making sure you have the remote controller with you. If the ignition modes still cannot be selected, the battery of the remote controller may be discharged. To be able to select an ignition mode, you must then use the following method: EXAMPLE (1) (2) 57L21131 1) Without depressing the brake pedal and the clutch pedal, push the engine switch (1). 2) Within about 10 seconds during which the “PUSH” indicator light in the instrument cluster is blinking, touch the engine switch with the lock switch end of the remote controller (2) for about 2 seconds. NOTE: • If you still cannot select the ignition modes, there may be some problem with the keyless push start system. Contact an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for an inspection of the system. • The immobilizer/keyless push start system warning light come on for about 5 seconds while the “PUSH” indicator light is blinking. Refer to “Warning and Indicator Lights” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section for details. • You may customize the system to cause the interior buzzer to sound once for the “remote controller out of sensing range” warning. To incorporate this customization, please contact an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. • If the battery of the remote controller is about to become completely discharged, the keyless push start system remote controller battery consumption warning light in the instrument cluster will come on for a few seconds when you press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ON”. Refer to “Warning and Indicator Lights” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section for details. For details on replacing the battery, refer to the “Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section. “Remote Controller Outside” Warning When the conditions described below are met, the system gives a “remote controller outside” warning by sounding the interior and exterior buzzers and blinking the immobilizer/keyless push start system warning light. • Any door is opened and then closed while the remote controller is not inside the vehicle and the engine is running or the ignition mode has been changed to “ACC” or “ON” by pressing the engine switch. • The remote controller is not inside the vehicle when you attempt to start the engine after changing the ignition mode to “ACC” or “ON” by pressing the engine switch. EXAMPLE (1) 79MH0315 (1) Immobilizer/keyless push start system warning light (blinks) 3-7 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: • If the warning is given, locate the remote controller as soon as possible. • Any attempt to start the engine will fail while the warning is active. Blinking of the immobilizer/keyless push start system warning light in the instrument cluster will indicate this condition. Refer to “Warning and Indicator Lights” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section for details. • Blinking of the immobilizer/keyless push start system warning light should stop shortly after the remote controller is brought back inside the vehicle. If they do not stop blinking, change the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF) by pressing the engine switch and then perform the engine starting operation. • Always keep the remote controller with you as the driver. Interior Workable Area for Engine Starting, Ignition Mode Selection and “Remote Controller Outside” Warning EXAMPLE (1) 57L31004 (1) Interior workable area The “interior workable area” for these functions is defined as all the interior spaces except for the space above the instrument panel. NOTE: • Even when the remote controller is in the “interior workable area”, if it is in any of the following conditions, you may not be able to start the engine or select the ignition modes, and the “remote controller outside” warning may be given. –The remote controller’s battery is low. –The remote controller is affected by strong radio signals or noise. –The remote controller is in contact with or covered by a metallic object. –The remote controller is in stowage like the glove box or a door pocket. –The remote controller is in the sun visor pocket or on the floor. • Even when the remote controller is outside the “interior workable area”, if it is in any of the following conditions, you may be able to start the engine or select the ignition mode. The “remote controller outside” warning may not be given at that time. –The remote controller is outside the vehicle but very close to a door. –The remote controller is on the instrument panel. Parking Brake Lever EXAMPLE (1) (2) (3) 54G039 (1) To set (2) To release (3) To release The parking brake lever is located between the seats. To set the parking brake, hold the brake pedal down and pull the parking brake lever all the way up. To release the parking brake, hold the brake pedal down, pull up slightly on the parking brake lever, push the button on the end of the lever with your thumb, and lower the lever to its original position. For automatic transaxle vehicles, always set the parking brake before moving the gearshift lever to the “P” (PARK) position. If you park on an incline and shift into “P” before setting the parking brake, the weight of the vehicle may make it difficult to shift out of “P” when you are ready to drive the vehicle. 3-8 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE When preparing to drive the vehicle, move the gearshift lever out of the “P” position before releasing the parking brake. WARNING • Never drive your vehicle with the parking brake on: rear brake effectiveness can be reduced from overheating, brake life may be shortened, or permanent brake damage may result. • If the parking brake does not hold the vehicle securely or does not fully release, have your vehicle inspected immediately by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. WARNING Always set the parking brake fully before leaving your vehicle or it may move, causing injury or damage. When parking, make sure the gearshift lever for manual transaxle vehicles is in reverse or first gear and the gearshift lever for automatic transaxle vehicles is in “P” (Park). Remember, even though the transaxle is in gear or in Park, you must set the parking brake fully. WARNING When parking the vehicle in extremely cold weather, the following procedure should be used: 1) Set the parking brake. 2) Manual transaxle - turn off the engine, then shift into reverse or first gear. Automatic transaxle - shift into “P” (Park) and turn off the engine. 3) Get out of the vehicle and put chocks under the wheels. 4) Release the parking brake. When you return to your vehicle, you must remember to first set the parking brake, then remove the wheel chocks. Parking Brake Reminder Buzzer A buzzer sounds intermittently to remind you to release the parking brake if you start the vehicle without releasing the parking brake. Make sure that the parking brake is fully released and the brake system warning light turns off. Pedal Manual transaxle EXAMPLE (1) (2) (3) 80J2121 Automatic transaxle EXAMPLE (2) (3) 80J2122 3-9 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Clutch Pedal (1) (For manual transaxle) The clutch pedal is used to disengage the drive to the wheels when starting the engine, stopping, or shifting the gearshift lever. Depressing the pedal disengages the clutch. WARNING Do not drive with your foot resting on the clutch pedal. It could result in excessive clutch wear, clutch damage, or unexpected loss of engine braking. WARNING Do not “ride” the brakes by applying them continuously or resting your foot on the pedal. This will result in overheating of the brakes which could cause unpredictable braking action, longer stopping distances, or permanent brake damage. Starting the Engine (Vehicle without Keyless Push Start System) Before Starting the Engine EXAMPLE Accelerator Pedal (3) This pedal controls the speed of the engine. Depressing the accelerator pedal increases power output and speed. Brake Pedal (2) Your MARUTI SUZUKI vehicle is equipped with front and rear drum brakes. Depressing the brake pedal applies both sets of brakes. You may hear occasional brake squeal when you apply the brakes. This is a normal condition caused by environmental factors such as cold, wet, snow, etc. WARNING If brake squeal is excessive and occurs each time the brakes are applied, you should have the brakes checked by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. 79MH0301 1) Make sure the parking brake is set fully. 2) Manual transaxle – Shift into “N” (Neutral) and depress the clutch pedal all the way to the floor. Hold the clutch pedal while starting the engine. Automatic transaxle – If the gearshift lever is not in “P” (Park) position, shift into “P” (Park). (If you need to re-start the engine while the vehicle is moving, shift into “N”.) 3-10 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: Automatic transaxle vehicles have a starter interlock device which is designed to keep the starter from operating if the transaxle is in any of the drive positions. WARNING Make sure that the parking brake is set fully and the transaxle is in Neutral (or Park for vehicles with an automatic transaxle) before attempting to start the engine. Starting a Cold and Warm Engine (For Petrol Engine Model) With your foot off the accelerator pedal, crank the engine by turning the ignition key to “START”. Release the key when the engine starts. NOTICE • Stop turning the starter immediately after the engine has started or the starter system can be damaged. • Do not crank the engine for more than 12 seconds at a time. If the engine doesn’t start on the first try, wait about 15 seconds before trying again. If the engine does not start after 12 seconds of cranking, wait about 15 seconds, then press down the accelerator pedal to 1/3 of its travel and try cranking the engine again. Release the key and accelerator pedal when the engine starts. If the engine still does not start, try holding the accelerator pedal all the way to the floor while cranking. This should clear the engine if it is flooded. (For Diesel Engine Model) Cold engine Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position and wait until the glow plug indicator goes out if it comes on. Crank the engine by turning the ignition key to “START”. Release the key when the engine starts. NOTICE • Stop turning the starter immediately after the engine has started or the starter system can be damaged. • Do not crank the engine for more than 30 seconds at a time. If the engine doesn’t start on the first try, wait about 15 seconds before trying again. Caution when stopping the engine with turbocharger When stopping the engine after climbing or high speed driving, let the engine idle for about one minute or more (if it is not prohibited) to cool down the turbocharger and engine oil. This is to prevent the engine oil from over-deteriorating. Deteriorated engine oil will damage the bearings of the turbocharger. Restarting diesel engine after fuelempty stop If the engine stops and the low fuel warning light and the malfunction indicator light come on, use the following procedure: 1) Fill the fuel tank. 2) Hold the ignition key in “ON” position for 5-10 seconds to feed fuel. 3) Perform above engine starting procedure to start the engine. If the malfunction indicator light still comes on after the engine started, there may be some problem with the engine. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to have the engine inspected. Warm engine Crank the engine by turning the ignition key to “START”. Release the key when the engine starts. 3-11 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Starting the Engine (Vehicle with Keyless Push Start System) Before Starting the Engine EXAMPLE NOTICE EXAMPLE (1) 82K254 3) The “PUSH” indicator light in the instrument cluster will come on. Push the engine switch (1). When the engine is started, the starter motor will automatically stop. WARNING 79MH0302 1) Make sure the parking brake is set fully. 2) Manual transaxle – Shift to “N” (Neutral) and fully depress the clutch pedal. Hold the clutch and brake pedals fully depressed. Automatic transaxle – If the gearshift lever is not in the “P” (Park) position, shift it to “P”. Hold the brake pedal fully depressed. Make sure that the parking brake is set fully and the transaxle is in Neutral (or Park for vehicles with an automatic transaxle) before attempting to start the engine. • Do not depress the accelerator during the engine starting procedure. • If the engine does not respond when you try to start it with the engine switch or if the engine switch repeats cycling through the “LOCK”(OFF) - “ACC” - “ON” mode, the vehicle battery may be discharged. Check the voltage of the vehicle battery before trying again. NOTE: • You do not need to keep the engine switch pressed to start the engine. • The engine of a manual transaxle vehicle will not start unless the clutch pedal is depressed. • Automatic transaxle vehicles have a starter interlock device which is designed to keep the starter from operating if the transaxle is in any of the drive positions. • You should turn off such loads as the headlights and air conditioning system to facilitate starting of the engine. • Even if you fail to start the engine, the starter motor will stop turning automatically after a short time. After the starter motor has stopped or if there is some problem with the system, the starter motor will rotate only while the engine switch is being pressed. 3-12 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Stopping the engine Starting a Cold and Warm Engine • Depress the engine switch to stop the engine after the vehicle stopped completely. • In case of emergency, you can stop the engine by quickly pushing the engine switch more than 3 times, or pushing and holding the engine switch more than 2 seconds while the vehicle in motion. (For Petrol Engine Model) With your foot off the accelerator pedal, crank the engine by pressing the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “START”. NOTE: Except in emergency, do not stop the engine while the vehicle in motion. The steering and braking operation will require more efforts when the engine stopped. Refer to “Braking” in this section. NOTICE If you stop the engine while the vehicle is in motion, the automatic transaxle may be damaged. Avoid stopping the engine while driving. • If the engine has been stopped and stayed as it as for while after the engine was stopped unexpectedly or was raced before stopped, a clicking sound may be heard from around the engine when engine restarted. This is not a malfunction. In this case, always let the engine idle before stop it. NOTICE Do not crank the engine for more than 12 seconds at a time. If the engine doesn’t start on the first try, wait about 15 seconds before trying again. After pressing the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “START”, the starter cranks the engine for about 12 seconds before it can start the engine. If the engine fails to start at the first attempt, wait about 15 seconds, then try again while keeping the engine switch pressed while pressing down the accelerator pedal to 1/3 of its travel. Release the accelerator pedal when the engine starts. If the engine still does not start, try holding the accelerator pedal all the way to the floor while cranking. This should clear the engine if it is flooded. If you are unable to start the engine using this procedure, consult your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. (For Diesel Engine Model) Cold engine Depress the clutch and brake pedals fully and press the engine switch to crank the engine. If the glow plug indicator light comes on, the engine will start automatically after the glow plug indicator light goes off or 10 seconds past. NOTICE Do not crank the engine for more than 30 seconds at a time. If the engine doesn’t start on the first try, wait about 15 seconds before trying again. Warm engine Crank the engine by pressing the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “START”. Caution when stopping the engine with turbocharger When stopping the engine after climbing or high speed driving, let the engine idle for about one minute or more (if it is not prohibited) to cool down the turbocharger and engine oil. This is to prevent the engine oil from over-deteriorating. Deteriorated engine oil will damage the bearings of the turbocharger. 3-13 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Restarting diesel engine after fuelempty stop If the engine stops and the low fuel warning light and the malfunction indicator light come on, use the following procedure: 1) Fill the fuel tank. 2) Press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ON” for 5-10 seconds to feed fuel. 3) Perform above engine starting procedure to start the engine. If the malfunction indicator light still comes on after the engine started, there may be some problem with the engine. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to have the engine inspected. If the “PUSH” indicator light blinks and the engine cannot be started Your keyless push start system remote controller may not be sensed as being within the “interior workable area”. Try again after making sure that you have the remote controller with you. If the engine still cannot be started, the battery of the remote controller may be discharged. You must then use the following method to be able to start the engine. EXAMPLE (1) (2) 57L21131 1) Make sure the parking brake is set fully. 2) Manual transaxle – Shift to “N” (Neutral) and fully depress the clutch pedal. Hold the clutch and brake pedals fully depressed. Automatic transaxle – If the gearshift lever is not in the “P” (Park) position, shift it to “P”. Hold the brake pedal fully depressed. 3) The “PUSH” indicator light in the instrument cluster will come on. Press the engine switch (1). 4) Within about 10 seconds of blinking of the “PUSH” indicator light in the instrument cluster, touch the engine switch with the lock switch end of the remote controller (2) for about 2 seconds. NOTE: • If you still cannot start the engine after several attempts using the above method, there may be a problem elsewhere, such as a low battery. Contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for inspection. • The immobilizer/keyless push start system warning light come on for about 5 seconds while the “PUSH” indicator light is blinking. • You may customize the system to cause the interior buzzer to sound once for the “remote controller out of sensing range” warning. Please contact an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for the customization. • If the battery of the remote controller is about to be completely discharged, the keyless push start system remote controller battery consumption warning light in the instrument cluster will come on for a few seconds when the ignition mode is changed to “ON” by pressing the engine switch. For details on replacing the battery, refer to the “Keyless Push Start System Remote Controller” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section. 3-14 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Returning the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF) Automatic transaxle – To ensure safety, the ignition mode can be returned to “LOCK” (OFF) by pressing the engine switch only when the gearshift lever is placed in the “P” position without pressing the knob button. NOTE: In the case of an automatic transaxle model, the engine cannot be returned to the “LOCK” (OFF) position if the gearshift lever is in any other position than “P”. Certain problems like a fault in engine system may prevent the engine switch from going back to the “LOCK” (OFF) mode. If this happens, have the vehicle inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop after doing the following: • Lock the doors using the key to prevent theft. (The request switches and the keyless push start system remote controller cannot be used to lock them.) • Disconnect the negative cable from the battery to prevent discharge. “LOCK” (OFF) mode reminder buzzer If the driver’s door is opened without returning the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF) by pressing the engine switch, a buzzer sounds to warn you of this state. Using the Transaxle Manual transaxle • If you open the driver’s door after pressing the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ACC”, the interior buzzer beeps intermittently. • The buzzer will stop sounding if you then push the engine switch twice, thus bringing it back the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF). NOTE: Whenever you leave the vehicle, make sure you have returned the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF) using the engine switch and then lock the doors. Without returning the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF), you cannot use a request switch or keyless push start system remote controller to lock the doors. Steering lock warning buzzer If the steering lock fails to engage due to a fault in the system when the ignition mode is turned to “LOCK” (OFF) by pressing the engine switch and then any door is opened or closed, the interior buzzer will warn you of this condition with repeated short beeps. If this happens, have the vehicle inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. EXAMPLE 79MH0303 Starting off To start off, depress the clutch pedal all the way to the floor and shift into 1st gear. After releasing the parking brake, gradually release the clutch. When you hear a change in the engine’s sound, slowly press the accelerator while continuing to gradually release the clutch. Shifting All forward gears are synchronized, which provides for quiet, and easy shifting. Always depress the clutch pedal all the way to the floor before shifting gears. Keep the engine speed does not rise into the red zone of the tachometer. 3-15 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Downshifting speeds maximum allowable WARNING For Petrol engine Downshifting km/h 2nd to 1st 10 3rd to 2nd 40 4th to 3rd 58 5th to 4th Any Speed is OK For Diesel engine Downshifting km/h 2nd to 1st 12 3rd to 2nd 45 4th to 3rd 71 5th to 4th Any Speed is OK *NOTE: You may not accelerate to the maximum allowable speed because of the driving situation and/or the vehicle condition. NOTICE When downshifting to a lower gear, make sure not to downshift at the speed faster than the maximum allowable speeds for the next lower speed, or severe engine damage can result. • Reduce your speed and downshift to a lower gear before going down a long or steep hill. A lower gear will allow the engine to provide braking. Avoid riding the brakes or they may overheat, resulting in brake failure. • When driving on slippery roads, be sure to slow down before downshifting. Excessive and/or sudden changes in engine speed may cause loss of traction, which could cause you to lose control. 4-Speed Automatic Transaxle EXAMPLE (1) 58MS20301 (1) Overdrive off switch EXAMPLE NOTICE Make sure that the vehicle is completely stationary before you shift into reverse. NOTICE • To help avoid clutch damage, do not use the clutch pedal as a footrest while driving or use the clutch to keep the vehicle stationary on a slope. Depress the clutch fully when shifting. • When shifting or starting off, do not race the engine. Racing the engine can shorten engine life and cause negative effect to smooth shifting. 58MS20302 Overdrive off switch The transaxle is a 4-speed (3-speed plus overdrive) automatic transaxle. By operating the overdrive off switch, the transaxle can be converted to a 3-speed automatic transaxle that will not move to the overdrive position. To convert the transaxle to 3-16 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE the 3-speed mode, push in the overdrive off switch and release it. To return the transaxle to the 4-speed mode, push in the overdrive off switch again. When the ignition switch is turned to the “ACC” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ACC”, the transaxle in the 3-speed mode is converted to the 4-speed mode automatically. The 3-speed mode is suitable for the following driving conditions: • Driving on hilly, winding roads – You can drive more smoothly with less frequent gear changing • Going down a steep hill – Some engine braking is provided Gearshift lever EXAMPLE The gearshift lever is designed so that it cannot be shifted out of the “P” position unless the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON” and the brake pedal is depressed. WARNING Always depress the brake pedal before shifting from “P” (Park) (or “N” (Neutral) if the vehicle is stationary) to a forward or reverse gear, to help prevent the vehicle from moving unexpectedly when you shift. The gearshift lever has a lock mechanism to help prevent accidental shifting. To shift the gearshift lever: Shift with the knob button (1) pushed in and the brake pedal depressed. Shift with the knob button (1) pushed in. (1) Shift without the knob button (1) pushed in. 58MS20303 (1) knob button NOTE: • Always shift the gearshift lever without pushing in the knob button (1) except when you shift from “P” to “R”, from “D” to “2”, from “2” to “L”, from “N” to “R” or from “R” to “P”. If you always push in the knob- button (1) when shifting the gearshift lever, you could shift into “P”, “R”, “2”, or “L” by mistake. • If driver’s or passenger’s knee hits the gearshift lever while driving, the lever could move and the gear could be changed unexpectedly. Use the gearshift lever positions as described below: P (Park) Use this position to lock the transaxle when the vehicle is parked or when starting the engine. Shift into Park only when the vehicle is completely stationary. R (Reverse) Use this position to reverse the vehicle from stop. Make sure that vehicle is completely stationary before shifting into Reverse. N (Neutral) Use this position for starting the engine if the engine stalls and you need to restart it while the vehicle is moving. You may also shift into Neutral and depress the brake pedal to hold the vehicle stationary during idling. D (Drive) Use this position for all normal driving. With the gearshift lever in “D” range you can get an automatic downshift by pressing the accelerator pedal. The higher the vehicle speed is, the more you need to press the accelerator pedal to get a downshift. 3-17 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE 2 (Low 2) Use this position to provide extra power when climbing hills, or to provide engine braking when going down hills. L (Low 1) Use this position to provide maximum power when climbing steep hills or driving through deep snow or mud, or to provide maximum engine braking when going down steep hills. NOTE: If you move the gearshift lever to a lower gear while driving faster than the maximum allowable speed for the lower gear, the transaxle will not actually downshift until your speed drops below the maximum speed for the lower gear. NOTICE Be sure to take the following precautions to help avoid damage to the automatic transaxle: • Make sure that the vehicle is completely stationary before shifting into “P” or “R”. • Do not shift from “P” or “N” to “R”, “D”, “2”, or “L” when the engine is running above idle speed. • Do not rev the engine with the transaxle in a drive position (“R”, “D”, “2”, or “L”) and the front wheels not moving. • Do not use the accelerator to hold the vehicle on a hill. Use the vehicle’s brakes. If You Cannot Shift Automatic Transaxle Gearshift Lever Out of “P” (PARK) (1) (2) 4) With the release button (1) pushed, push the knob button (2) and shift the gearshift lever to the desired position. This procedure is for emergency use only. If repeated use of this procedure is necessary, or the procedure does not work as described, take the vehicle to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for repair. EXAMPLE 71LS10309 Vehicles with an automatic transaxle have an electrically operated park-lock feature. If the vehicle’s battery is discharged, or there is some other electrical failure, the automatic transaxle cannot be shifted out of Park in the normal way. Jump starting may correct the condition. If not, follow the procedure described below. This procedure will permit shifting the transaxle out of Park. 1) Be sure the parking brake is firmly applied. 2) If the engine is running, stop the engine. 3) Make sure the key is in the “ON” or “ACC” position, or the ignition mode is “ON” or “ACC”. 3-18 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Gearshift Indicator (if equipped) Example of the gearshift indicator Indication Description Lower gear position is selected for the vehicle speed and/or engine revolution. Changing to a higher gear position is recommended. • In this case, shifting up to 4th gear position is recommended. EXAMPLE (1) 79MH10301 (1) Gearshift indicator Current gear position is optimal for the vehicle speed and/or engine revolution. • In this case, 3rd gear position is the best. Higher gear position is selected for the vehicle speed and/or engine revolution. Changing to a lower gear position is recommended. • In this case, shifting down to 2nd gear position is recommended. In the following cases, the gearshift indicator is indicated on the information display when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”. • When the gearshift lever is in a position other than “N” (Neutral). 3-19 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE The electronic control system monitors driving condition (such as vehicle speed and/or engine revolution), and it shows which gear position is optimal for your driving with the indication on the display. If UP/DOWN arrow and the gear position other than currently selected are indicated on the display while driving, we recommend you to shift up or down the gear to indicated position. It is the optimal gear position for a driving condition that reduces the over revolution and stress to the engine, and improves fuel consumption. For details on how to use the transaxle, refer to “Using the Transaxle” in this section. WARNING The gearshift indicator is designed to indicate optimal gear position for your driving, however, a driver will not be relieved from the duty of care of driving operation or gear change with this indicator. To drive safe, do not gaze the gearshift indicator, pay attention to your driving situation and shift up or down if necessary. NOTE: • The gearshift indicator is not indicated when the gear position is in “N” (Neutral). • If you depress the clutch pedal while UP/ DOWN arrow is indicated, the indication will disappear. • If you release your foot from the accelerator pedal while UP arrow is indicated, the indication will display the currently selected gear position. • The indication of gearshift indicator timing may differ depending on the vehicle condition and/or driving situation even in the same vehicle speed and engine revolution. SHVS (Smart Hybrid Vehicle by Suzuki) (if equipped) SHVS has an Integrated Starter Generator (ISG) instead of conventional generator to get a better fuel consumption. Integrated Starter Generator (ISG) is a generator which incorporated a motor function. The ISG has the following 3 functions. • Deceleration energy regenerating function • Engine power assist function • Starter motor function Deceleration Energy Regenerating Function While decelerating your vehicle, the ISG generates electricity without engine power. This reduces engine loads and improves fuel consumption. While decelerating your vehicle, deceleration energy regenerating function will be activated when the following conditions are satisfied. • Gearshift lever is not in “N” (Neutral). • Clutch pedal is not depressed. NOTE: The deceleration energy regenerating function may not work depending on vehicle conditions. 3-20 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Engine Power Assist Function Starter Motor Function While the vehicle is running, ISG assists engine power as a motor in the following limited condition. This reduces engine loads and improves fuel consumption. After the engine auto stop by the ENG A-STOP system, the engine will be restarted using a cranking power of the ISG. While the vehicle is running with the engine speed at approximately 2500 rpm or less, engine power assist function will be activated when all of the following conditions are satisfied. The starting with the ISG is quiet compared with starting by the conventional starter motor. • SHVS system and ENG A-STOP system are working properly. (“ENG A-STOP OFF” indicator light is not blinking.) • Brake pedal is not depressed. • ABS (if equipped) is not activated. • Accelerator pedal is depressed slightly for acceleration. • Battery is fully charged and the battery inside temperature is in normal condition. • Engine coolant temperature is in normal condition. • Headlights are off. NOTE: • The engine power assist function may not work while the battery capacity is being checked right after the engine start, and so on. • The subjective feeling of the horn sound is likely to be different when the deceleration energy regenerating function and engine power assist function are active. “SHVS” Indicator Light ENG A-STOP System (Engine Auto Stop Start System) (if equipped) The ENG A-STOP system (Engine Auto Stop Start System) automatically stops and restarts the engine without operating the ignition switch or the engine switch when the vehicle is stopped, such as at a traffic signal or in a traffic jam, to reduce exhaust gases and fuel consumption. • When the vehicle will be stopped for a long time or when you will leave the vehicle unattended, turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK” position or press the engine switch to stop the engine. 79MH10205 “SHVS” indicator light will come on during operation of deceleration energy regenerating function, engine power assist function or starter motor function. Refer to “Warning and Indicator Lights” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section for details. EXAMPLE 72M2042 3-21 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE WARNING • Do not go out of the vehicle when the engine is stopped by the ENG A-STOP system. If the driver’s seat belt is unfastened and the driver’s door is opened, the engine will stall. • When the engine does not restart automatically even if you operate vehicle properly, start the engine using the ignition switch or engine switch. – In such situation, stopping on the road may result in rear collision. – In case the vehicle moves, the steering and braking operation will require more efforts, since the engine is turned off. The ENG A-STOP system is automatically activated when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”. The system activation also requires the following conditions: • Driver’s seat belt is fastened. • Driver’s door is closed. • Engine hood is closed. (1) For more details, refer to the explanation below. Automatically Stopping the Engine 1) With the clutch pedal fully depressed, stop the vehicle. EXAMPLE 79MH10303 3) Release the clutch pedal. The “ENG A-STOP” indicator light (green) (1) in the instrument cluster will illuminate and the engine will stop automatically. NOTICE NOTICE Only use the vehicle battery type (Exide Ecoserve DIN70) that has been approved by MARUTI SUZUKi, otherwise you would damage your vehicle, and the ENG A-STOP system could not be available. If a vehicle battery has to be replaced, consult your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. EXAMPLE The brake booster becomes inoperative and the pedal effort will increase when the engine is stopped automatically. If the vehicle is moving, press down the brake pedal harder than usual. 79MH10302 2) While depressing the brake and clutch pedal, place the gearshift lever in the “N” (Neutral) position. NOTE: The ENG A-STOP system will not operate and engine does not stop automatically under the following conditions: • The “ENG A-STOP OFF” switch is pressed to deactivate the ENG A-STOP system. • The “ENG A-STOP OFF” light blinks. 3-22 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE • Engine coolant temperature is either low or high. • Vehicle battery performance is low. • The temperature of the vehicle battery is either low or high. • Brake booster vacuum pressure is low. • Depressing the accelerator pedal. • Blower speed selector is set to the “ON” mode and the inside of the vehicle has not sufficiently cooled and warmed (for the vehicle with automatic air conditioning). • The defrost switch is set to the “ON” mode (for the vehicle with automatic air conditioning). • During or after the ABS system (if equipped) is activated, and the vehicle is stopped. • During the first period use, to initialize the system. • After the engine restarted automatically, and the vehicle speed had not exceeded approximately 3 km/h. • When the engine is started with the hood open. • The vehicle is being driven at an altitude of approximately 2500 m and above. If the vehicle is unattended for more than two weeks, the engine should run for more than 20 minutes continuously to reactivate the ENG A-STOP system. Depending on battery condition, the engine may have to run for longer duration also. In case the system still does not respond, you may contact nearest authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Automatically Restarting the Engine NOTE: While vehicle taking off, if the clutch is released too quickly leading to engine stall, then vehicle can be restarted with gear position in “N” (neutral) and the clutch pedal deeply depressed, without cranking the vehicle. EXAMPLE (1) 79MH10304 Depress the clutch pedal while the gearshift lever is in the “N” (Neutral) position. “ENG A-STOP” indicator light (green) (1) in the instrument cluster will be turned off and the engine will restart automatically. NOTICE The ENG A-STOP system will not operate and engine does not restart automatically or the engine stalls with warning buzzer under the following conditions: • Driver’s seat belt is not fastened and driver’s door is open. • Engine hood is open. • If the gearshift lever is moved to a position other than the “N” (Neutral) position without depressing the clutch pedal. When the engine stalled, restart the engine by usual operation. Refer to “Starting the Engine” in this section for details. NOTE: Under the following conditions, the engine will restart automatically even if the engine was stopped by the ENG A-STOP system: • When the vehicle coasts down a slope. • An engine stopped, and a few minutes passed. • Brake booster vacuum pressure is low. • Vehicle battery performance is low. • Blower speed selector is set to the “ON” mode and the inside of the vehicle has not sufficiently cooled and warmed (for the vehicle with automatic air conditioning). • The defrost switch is set to the “ON” mode (for the vehicle with automatic air conditioning). • Electric power consumption is high, such as when the heated rear window switch is “ON” or other electrical components (audio, air conditioning etc.) are operating. • The “ENG A-STOP OFF” switch is pressed to deactivate the ENG A-STOP system. NOTE: When the engine restarts, the sound of the audio may be interrupted. This is normal and not the malfunction of the audio system. 3-23 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE To Deactivate the ENG A-STOP System EXAMPLE 61MM0A101 Push the “ENG A-STOP OFF” switch until the “ENG A-STOP OFF” light comes on. “ENG A-STOP OFF” Light If the “ENG A-STOP OFF” light blinks when driving, there may be something wrong with the ENG A-STOP system. You should have the system inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. For details, refer to “Warning and Indicator Lights” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section. Parking Sensors (if equipped) • The parking sensor system uses ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles near the rear bumpers. If obstacles are sensed while you are parking or moving the vehicle slowly, the system warns you by sounding a buzzer. • The system emits an ultrasonic wave and the relevant sensor detects the return of the wave reflected by an obstacle. The system measures the time taken by the ultrasonic wave to reach the obstacle and return from it, from which it determines the obstacle’s position. • The parking sensor function can be used when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, the gearshift lever is in the “R” position and the parking sensor switch is in the “ON” position. This function is helpful in the following cases: pulling over to the curb; parallel-parking the vehicle; steering the vehicle into a garage; driving along an alley; and moving slowly in a place with obstacles. WARNING • The parking sensor warns you of obstacles with buzzers However, you must still pay full attention yourself while driving. • The sensors can detect obstacles only within a limited area and only when the vehicle is moving within a limited speed range. So, in tricky areas, you must move the vehicle slowly while checking around it using your direct vision or rearview mirrors. There is increased risk of an accident if you control the vehicle relying only on the parking sensor. NOTICE Parking sensors are only for driver's assistance. 3-24 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Sensor Locations EXAMPLE Working sensors The sensors that work depends on the position of the gearshift lever as follows: Manual Automatic Gearshift lever transaxle transaxle position N, 1st N, D, 2 R R – 5th or L Rear Center On sensors Corner On (2) (1) (1) (2) 79MH0307 (1) Rear center sensors (2 places) (2) Rear corner sensors (2 places) NOTICE • Avoid hitting the sensor areas or directing the nozzle of a high-pressure car washer onto the sensor areas. Otherwise, the sensors may be damaged. • If the bumper hits a hard object, the sensors on it may not work properly. If this occurs, have the sensors inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Off On Off Off On Off Approximate areas where obstacles can be detected EXAMPLE 79MH0308 • An obstacle within about 20 cm (8 in) from a sensor or just below a sensor is not detectable. • The sensors can detect an obstacle up to about 1.5 m (5 ft) from the rear of vehicle. WARNING • Under the following conditions, the parking sensor system may not work normally because the sensors cannot detect obstacles correctly. – Sensors are covered with mud, ice or other materials. (Such materials must be removed for normal operation.) – Sensors are wet from water splashes or heavy rain. – Sensors are covered by a hand, sticker, accessory, etc. – There is an accessory or other object attached within the sensor’s sensing area. – Items such as tow hooks, commercially available corner poles, radio antenna, etc. are installed on the bumper. – The height of the bumper is changed due to alteration to the suspension or other causes. – The sensor areas are extremely hot from direct sunlight or cold due to freezing weather. – The vehicle is on a rough surface, slope, gravel road or grass field. – The vehicle is at a steep angle. (Continued) 3-25 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE How to Use the Parking Sensor WARNING (Continued) – Sensors have intercepted ultrasonic noise from another vehicle’s horn, engine, air braking system (large vehicles), or parking sensor. – Obstacles are too close to the sensors. – Sensors are at an angle to a highly reflective object such as glass. (Ultrasonic waves are not reflected back from the obstacle.) • Sensors may not be able to correctly detect the following types of obstacles: – Objects made of a thin material like wire netting and ropes – Square-shaped curbstones or other objects with sharp edges – Tall objects with a large upper part like a road sign – Low-profile objects such as curbstones – Sound-absorbing objects such as cotton and snow NOTE: • Thin poles or obstacles lower than the sensors may become undetectable as the vehicle moves closer to them even if they have been detected from longer distances. • The system may calculate the distance to a road sign or similar obstacle to be shorter than the actual distance. Switch position Parking sensor switch EXAMPLE (2) EXAMPLE ON • When the indicator light is on and all necessary conditions are met, system becomes ready for operation. EXAMPLE OFF • The system does not operate. Push the switch to turn off the indicator if you do not wish to use the parking sensor. (1) 79MH0309 (1) Parking sensor switch (2) Indicator • Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position or press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ON” with the parking sensor switch in the “ON” position. • Push the switch again and it stays in; this is the OFF position. The indicator in the switch goes out and the parking sensor is deactivated. State NOTE: • If you push the parking sensor switch from the “OFF” to “ON” position when the ignition switch is turned to “ON” position or the engine switch is pressed to change the ignition mode to “ON”, the inside buzzer sounds. • When the gearshift lever is shifted to the “R” (Reverse) position with the system ON, a buzzer will sound once. 3-26 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Obstacle Indication by Parking Sensor Upon detecting an obstacle, the parking sensor causes an interior buzzer to sound. • A buzzer located behind the rear seat sounds when a sensor at the rear detects an obstacle. • Warnings when obstacles are detected by corner sensors Distance (approx.) 45 – 60 cm (18 – 24 in.) 35 – 45 cm (14 – 18 in.) Less than 35 cm (14 in.) Buzzer Short beeps at short intervals Short beeps at very short intervals Continuous beep • Warnings when obstacles are detected by center sensors Distance (approx.) 60 – 150 cm (24 – 59 in.) 45 – 60 cm (18 – 24 in.) 35 – 45 cm (14 – 18 in.) Less than 35 cm (14 in.) Buzzer Short beeps at long intervals Short beeps at short intervals Short beeps at very short intervals Continuous beep Warning and Indicator Messages If there is a problem or warning regarding the parking sensor system, a buzzer and the status of the indicator on the parking sensor inform it. Follow its instruction. • The buzzer sounds intermittently. The indicated sensor is contaminated. Wipe it clean with a soft cloth. If the buzzer does not stop after wiping, there may be problem with the parking sensor system. Have your vehicle inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. • The indicator does not come on when the parking sensor switch is pressed. The indicator goes off while operating. There may be a problem with the parking sensor system, Have your vehicle inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Rearview Camera (if equipped) When the gearshift lever is shifted to the “R” position while the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, the view behind the vehicle will automatically appear on the display of the inside rearview mirror. WARNING The distance viewed in the rearview camera may differ from the actual distance according to the condition of road or the load the vehicle is carrying. Since the camera display area is also limited, backing up by only looking at the display may cause an accident or a collision with an object. The rearview camera cannot replace the driver’s attention. The driver alone is responsible for parking and similar driving maneuvers. • Use the rearview camera only to provide driving assistance. • Always drive carefully confirming the safety of the rear and the surrounding conditions by looking directly with your eyes and using the rear view mirror. • Make sure that the trunk lid is securely closed when backing up. 3-27 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE NOTICE NOTICE If you use the rearview camera for a long time when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”, but the engine is not running, the battery may discharge. The rearview camera is a precision instrument. If you strike the camera, it may be broken and cause damage resulting in a catching fire or a malfunction. Do not leave the ignition switch in the “ON” position or the ignition mode “ON” for a long time when the engine is not running. • Do not strike the camera. • Do not remove snow or mud on the camera lens with a stick. NOTICE Rearview Camera Location If water enters the rearview camera, it may cause a malfunction or catching fire. Do not use high pressure water around the camera. NOTICE (1) EXAMPLE 79MH0312 (1) Rearview camera The rearview camera is installed beside the license plate light. This lens is hard coated to prevent damage or discoloration. Damage or discoloration of lens may obscure the image. • Do not use a brush to clean lens. • Do not use alcohol, benzene or thinner to clean the lens. • Do not use wax on the camera lens. NOTE: If body wax does get on the camera lens, wipe off the wax with a clean cloth dampened with mild detergent diluted with water, then wipe with a dry cloth. How to Use Rearview Camera 1) Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position or press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ON”. 2) Shift the gearshift lever in the “R” position. • The view behind the vehicle will automatically appear on the display of the inside rearview mirror or Navigation display (if equipped). • When the gearshift lever is shifted from “R” to another gearshift lever position, the display will return to its original indication. Display Range of Rearview Camera The rearview camera display shows the area behind the rear end of the trunk lid. The display cannot show objects which are close to the bumper or under the bumper. The rearview camera display cannot show obstacles which are higher than the camera. Upper parts of tall objects such as road signs cannot be viewed on the display. 3-28 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Example of display range of rearview camera (1) EXAMPLE 57L210301 EXAMPLE (1) 57L210302 (1) Display range NOTE: • Images shown on the display from the rearview camera are reversed images (mirror images). • The colors of objects on the rearview camera may differ from the actual object colors. • The rearview camera display may be difficult to see under the following condi- tions, but this is not a system malfunction. – In dark areas, on a rainy day or at night. – When the temperature around the lens is too high/low, or the camera is wet such as on a rainy day or during periods of high humidity (dew condensation may occur on the camera lens). – When a foreign object such as mud or a drop of water is stuck around the camera lens. – When strong light directly enters the camera (vertical lines may be seen on the display). – Under fluorescent light. (The display may flicker.) – When the outside temperature is low (the image on the display may be darkened). Example of rearview camera screen indication The distance viewed in the rearview camera may differ from the actual distance according to the condition of the road or the load the vehicle is carrying. Uphill Incline behind the Vehicle EXAMPLE (1) (2) (3) 79MH0313 (1) Object (2) Actual distance (3) Distance on the display When there is an uphill incline behind the vehicle, the object shown on the display appears farther away than the actual distance. 3-29 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Downhill Incline behind the vehicle EXAMPLE (1) (3) (2) 79MH0314 (1) Object (2) Actual distance (3) Distance on the display When there is a downhill incline behind the vehicle, the object shown on the display appears closer than the actual distance. If the rear view from the rearview camera is not shown or there is a poor image • If the rear view from the rearview camera is not shown. – Check to make sure that the ignition switch is in the “ON” position or the ignition mode is “ON”. – Check to make sure that the gearshift lever is shifted to the “R” position. • If the image from the rearview camera is poor. – Check to make sure that the camera lens is not dirty. – Check to make sure that light from the sun or the beam of the headlights from the vehicle behind is not shining directly into the lens. If the rearview camera system is still not working properly after checking the above, have the system inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as soon as possible. Braking EXAMPLE 60G165S The distance needed to bring any vehicle to a halt increases with the speed of the vehicle. The braking distance needed, for example, at 60 km/h will be approximately 4 times greater than the braking distance needed at 30 km/h. Start to brake the vehicle when there is plenty of distance between your vehicle and the stopping point, and slow down gradually. 3-30 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE Brake Assist System (if equipped) WARNING If water gets into the brake devices, brake performance may become poor and unpredictable. After driving through water or washing the underside of the vehicle, test the brakes while driving at a slow speed to see if they have maintained their normal effectiveness. If the brakes are less effective than normal, dry them by repeatedly applying the brakes while driving slowly until the brakes have regained their normal effectiveness. Power-Assisted Brakes (if equipped) Your vehicle has power-assisted brakes. If power assistance is lost due to a stalled engine or other failures, the system is still fully operational on reserve power and you can bring the vehicle to a complete stop by pressing the brake pedal once and holding it down. The reserve power is partly used up when you depress the brake pedal and reduces each time the pedal is pressed. Apply smooth and even pressure to the pedal. Do not pump the pedal. WARNING When you slam the brakes on, the brake assist system judges as an emergency stop and provides more powerful braking for a driver who cannot hold down the brake pedal firmly. NOTE: If you quickly and forcefully depress the brakes, you may hear a clicking sound in the brake pedal. This is normal and indicates that the brake assist system is activated properly. Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) ABS will help you avoid skidding by electronically controlling braking pressure. It will also help you maintain steering control when braking on slippery surfaces or when braking hard. The ABS works automatically, so you do not need any special braking technique. Just push the brake pedal down without pumping. The ABS will operate whenever it senses that the wheels are locking up. You may feel the brake pedal moves a little while the ABS is operating. NOTE: The ABS will not work if vehicle speed is under about 10 km/h. WARNING • On some types of loose surfaces (such as gravel, snow-covered roads, etc.) the stopping distance required for an ABS-equipped vehicle may be slightly greater than for a comparable vehicle with a conventional brake system. With a conventional brake system, skidding tires are able to “plow” the gravel or snow layer, shortening the stopping distance. ABS minimizes this resistance effect. Allow for extra stopping distance when driving on loose surfaces. • On regular paved roads, some drivers may be able to obtain slightly shorter stopping distances with conventional brake systems than with ABS. • In both of the above conditions, ABS will still offer the advantage of helping you maintain directional control. However, remember that ABS will not compensate for bad road or weather conditions or poor driver judgment. Use good judgment and do not drive faster than conditions will safely allow. Even without reserve power in the brake system, you can still stop the vehicle by pressing the brake pedal harder than normally required. However, the stopping distance may be longer. 3-31 79MH0-74E OPERATING YOUR VEHICLE How the ABS Works EXAMPLE WARNING (1) (2) 63J081 (1) ABS warning light (2) Brake system warning WARNING • If the ABS warning light (1) on the instrument panel comes on and stays on while driving, there may be a problem with the ABS system. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to inspect the ABS system immediately. If the ABS system becomes inoperative, the brake system will function as an ordinary brake system that has no ABS. (Continued) (Continued) • If the ABS warning light (1) and the Brake system warning light (2) on the instrument panel simultaneously stays on or comes on when driving, both anti-lock function and rear brake force control function (proportioning valve function) of the ABS system may have failed. If so, the rear wheels may easily skid or the vehicle can even spin in the worst case when braking on a slippery road or when hard braking even on a dry paved road. Ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to inspect the ABS system immediately. Drive carefully, avoiding hard braking as much as possible. A computer continuously monitors wheel speed. The computer compares the changes in wheel speed when braking. If the wheels slow suddenly, indicating a skidding situation, the computer will change braking pressure several times each second to prevent the wheels from locking. When you start your vehicle after a stop, you may hear a momentary motor or clicking noise as the system resets or checks itself. WARNING The ABS may not work properly if tyres or wheels other than those specified in the owner’s manual are used. This is because the ABS works by comparing changes in wheel speed. When replacing tyres or wheels, use only the size and type specified in this owner’s manual. 3-32 79MH0-74E DRIVING TIPS DRIVING TIPS Running-in ........................................................................... 4-1 Catalytic Converter ............................................................. 4-1 Improving Fuel Economy ................................................... 4-2 Highway Driving .................................................................. 4-3 Driving on Hills .................................................................... 4-3 Driving on Slippery Roads ................................................. 4-4 Driving on Wet Roads.......................................................... 4-5 Do's & Don'ts for Safe Driving ............................................ 4-6 Margin for Safety.................................................................. 4-8 4 60G409 79MH0-74E DRIVING TIPS Running-in EXAMPLE Catalytic Converter NOTICE 52D078S WARNING • Wear Your Seat Belts at All Times. Even though air bags are equipped at the front seating positions, the driver and all passengers should be properly restrained at all times, using the seat belts provided. Refer to the “Seat Belts and Child Restraint Systems” section for instructions on proper use of the seat belts. • Never drive while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Alcohol and drugs can seriously impair your ability to drive safely, greatly increasing the risk of injury to yourself and others. You should also avoid driving when you are tired, sick, irritated, or under stress. The future performance and reliability of the engine depends on the care and restraint exercised during its early life. It is especially important to observe the following precautions during the initial 960 km of vehicle operation. • After starting, do not race the engine. Warm it up gradually. • Avoid prolonged vehicle operation at a constant speed. Moving parts will break in better if you vary your speed. • Start off from a stop slowly. Avoid full throttle starts. • Avoid hard braking, especially during the first 320 km of driving. • Do not drive slowly with the transaxle in a high gear. • Drive the vehicle at moderate engine speeds. • Do not tow a trailer during the first 960 km of vehicle operation. EXAMPLE 80G106 The purpose of the catalytic converter is to minimize the amount of harmful pollutants in your vehicle’s exhaust. Use of leaded fuel in vehicles equipped with catalytic converters is prohibited, because lead deactivates the pollutant-reducing components of the catalyst system. The converter is designed to last the life of the vehicle under normal usage and when unleaded fuel is used. No special maintenance is required on the converter. However, it is very important to keep the engine properly tuned. Engine misfiring, which can result from an improperly tuned engine, may cause overheating of the catalyst. This may result in permanent heat damage to the catalyst and other vehicle components. 4-1 79MH0-74E DRIVING TIPS NOTICE To minimize the possibility of catalyst or other vehicle damage: • Maintain the engine in the proper operating condition. • In the event of an engine malfunction, particularly one involving engine misfire or other apparent loss of performance, have the vehicle serviced promptly. • Do not turn off the engine or interrupt the ignition when the transaxle is in gear and the vehicle is in motion. • Do not try to start the engine by pushing or towing the vehicle, or coasting down a hill. • Do not idle the engine with any spark plug wires disconnected or removed, such as during diagnostic testing. • Do not idle the vehicle for prolonged periods if idling seems rough or there are other malfunctions. • Do not allow the fuel tank to get near the empty level. Improving Fuel Economy EXAMPLE The following instructions will help you improve fuel economy. Avoid excessive idling If you are to wait for more than a minute while you are parked, stop the engine and start it again later. When warming up a cold engine, allow the engine to idle until the temperature gauge pointer comes up to the “C” position (if the idling is not prohibited). In this position, the engine is sufficiently warm for starting off. 54G584S WARNING Be careful where you park and drive; the catalytic converter and other exhaust components can get very hot. As with any vehicle, do not park or operate this vehicle in areas where combustible materials such as dry grass or leaves can come in contact with a hot exhaust system. Avoid “fast” starts Fast starts away from lights or stop signs will consume fuel unnecessarily and shorten engine life. Start off slowly. Avoid unnecessary stops Avoid unnecessary deceleration and stopping. Try to maintain a slow, steady speed whenever possible. Slowing down and then accelerating again uses more fuel. Keep a steady cruising speed Keep as constant a speed as road and traffic conditions will permit. 4-2 79MH0-74E DRIVING TIPS Highway Driving Keep the air cleaner clean EXAMPLE 60A183S If the air cleaner is clogged with dust, there will be greater intake resistance, resulting in decreased power output and increased fuel consumption. Keep weight to a minimum The heavier the load, the more fuel the vehicle consumes. Take out any luggage or cargo when it is not necessary. Keep tire pressures correct Underinflation of the tires can waste fuel due to increased running resistance of the tires. Keep your tires inflated to the correct pressure shown on the label on the driver’s side door or the driver’s door lock pillar. When driving at highway speeds, pay attention to the following: • Stopping distance progressively increases with vehicle speed. Apply the brakes far enough ahead of the stopping point to allow for the extra stopping distance. • On rainy days, “Hydroplaning” can occur. “Hydroplaning” is the loss of direct contact between the road surface and the vehicle’s tires due to a water film forming between them. Steering or braking the vehicle while “Hydroplaning” can be very difficult, and loss of control can occur. Keep speed down when the road surface is wet. • At high speeds, the vehicle may be affected by side winds. Therefore, reduce speed and be prepared for unexpected buffeting, which can occur at the exits of tunnels, when passing by a cut of a hill, or when being overtaken by large vehicles, etc. Driving on Hills EXAMPLE 79MM04001 • When climbing steep hills, the vehicle may begin to slow down and show a lack of power. If this happens, you should shift to a lower gear so that the engine will again be operating in its normal power range. Shift rapidly to prevent the vehicle from losing momentum. • When driving down a hill, the engine should be used for braking by shifting to next lower gear. (Do this with either a automatic transaxle or manual transaxle.) 4-3 79MH0-74E DRIVING TIPS WARNING Try not to hold the brake pedal down too long or too often while going down a steep or long hill. This could cause the brakes to overheat, resulting in reduced braking efficiency. Failure to take this precaution could result in loss of vehicle control. Driving on Slippery Roads EXAMPLE While moving uphill/gradient from a stand still condition • Apply the parking brake firmly so that the vehicle does not roll backwards. • Depress the Clutch pedal and Shift the gearshift lever to 1st Select position. • Do not slip the clutch. • When ready to start, press accelerator pedal and slowly release the clutch pedal simultaneously. When the vehicle starts to move, gradually release the parking brake. NOTICE When descending a down hill, NEVER turn the ignition key to the “LOCK” position or press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “LOCK” (OFF). Emission control system and automatic transaxle (if equipped) damage may result. NOTICE • If you hear the chains hitting against the vehicle body while driving, stop and tighten them. • If your vehicle is equipped with full wheel caps, remove the wheel caps before installing the chains or the wheel caps can be damaged by the chain bands. If Your Vehicle Gets Stuck 60G089S Under wet road conditions you should drive at a lower speed than on dry roads due to possible slippage of tires during braking. When driving on icy, snow-covered, or muddy roads, reduce your speed and avoid sudden acceleration, abrupt braking, or sharp steering movements. Tire Chains Tire chains should only be used if they are needed to increase traction or are required by law. Make sure that the chains you use are the correct size for your vehicle’s tires. Also make sure that there is enough clearance between the fenders and the chains as installed on the tires. Install the chains on the front tires tightly, according to the chain manufacturer’s instructions. Retighten the chains after driving about 1.0 km (1/2 mile) if necessary. With the chains installed, drive slowly. If your vehicle gets stuck in snow, mud, or sand, follow the directions below: 1) Shift the transaxle back and forth between a forward range (or first gear for manual transaxle) and reverse. This will create a rocking motion which may give you enough momentum to free the vehicle. Press gently on the accelerator to keep wheel spinning to a minimum wheel rpm. Remove your foot from the accelerator while shifting. Do not race the engine. Excessive wheel spin will cause the tires to dig deeper, making it more difficult to free the vehicle. 2) If your vehicle remains stuck after a few minutes of rocking, we recommend you to consult your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop or a roadside assistance service. If a towing service is not available in an emergency, your vehicle may be temporarily towed by a towing cable or chain secured to the towing 4-4 79MH0-74E DRIVING TIPS hook either on the front of the vehicle or on the rear of the vehicle. Refer to “Frame Hooks” in the “OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT” section. WARNING Do not allow anyone to stand near the vehicle when you are rocking it, and do not spin the wheels faster than an indicated 40 km/h on the speedometer. Personal injury and/ or vehicle damage may result from spinning the wheels too fast. NOTICE Do not continue rocking the vehicle for more than a few minutes. Prolonged rocking can cause engine overheating or transaxle damage. Driving On Wet Roads WARNING NOTICE • When driving on wet roads, avoid driving through large amount of standing water on the road. Large amount of water entering the engine compartment may cause damage to the engine and or electrical components. • If stuck in deep water, do not start till water level drops. • Water is incompressible substance, water inside engine is harmful to the engine. EXAMPLE 54G638S In addition to following the driving tips in this section, it is important to observe the following precautions. • Make sure your tires are in good condition and always maintain the specified tire pressure. Refer to “Tires” in the “INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” section for details. • Do not use tires other than those specified by MARUTI SUZUKI. Never use different sizes or types of tires on the front and rear wheels. For information regarding the specified tires, refer to the Tire Information Label located on the driver’s door lock pillar. • Never use oversized tires or special shock absorbers and springs to raise (jack up) your vehicle. This will change the handling characteristics. Oversized tires may also rub against the fender over bumps, causing vehicle damage or tire failure. (Continued) 4-5 79MH0-74E DRIVING TIPS WARNING (Continued) • After driving through water, test the brakes while driving at a slow speed to see if they have maintained their normal effectiveness. If the brakes are less effective than normal, dry them by repeatedly applying the brakes while driving slowly until the brakes have regained their normal effectiveness. Do’s and Dont’s for Safe Driving 4) Don’t start quickly, since it is dangerous and wastes fuel. Exercise care in handling your vehicle. Be conscious of not only your own safety but also the safety of others on the road, and thus enjoy the best and most comfortable driving experience. General driving 1) Be sure to stop before the stop light and stop sign. When moving into the inter-section without any traffic lights or signs, drive slowly to confirm safety. This section contains basic rules for safe driving. Read it carefully for good understanding of the content so that you can enjoy safe and pleasant driving in your Maruti Suzuki vehicle. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 72F-08-008 72F-08-002 Starting 1) Adjust the driver’s seat for the proper driving posture. 2) Adjust the rear view mirror so as to obtain the best possible rear view. 3) Before moving off, look forward and back to confirm safety. 2) Always follow other vehicles at a safe distance in order to prevent a rear-end collision, in case the vehicle ahead make a sudden stop. 3) Turn ON the turn signal at least 30 meters before making a turn or chang-ing the lane so as not to be hit from behind. 4) Before entering a corner, decelerate to a safe speed. Don’t apply brakes during cornering, or a cornering skid may occur. 4-6 79MH0-74E DRIVING TIPS 5) When overtaking other vehicles, watch out for the oncoming vehicle and care-fully confirm the safety. 6) Don’t attempt zigzag driving which will hinder your control over the vehicle and cause an accident. EXAMPLE Braking 1) Use the parking brake when parking your vehicle and shift the gear shift lever into the first gear or reverse gear position for the sake of safety. 2) Don’t use handbraking unless unavoidable. It causes the vehicle to skid and a rearend collision occur. It is especially dangerous when the tyres are worn, for they allow a larger skid. 4) Avoid reckless high speed driving and try to drive at a safe speed suitable for the road conditions while maintaining a constant speed. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 72F-08-015 72F-08-012 72F-08-011 Use foot brake in three stages 1. Warn the vehicle behind you 2. Gradually apply the brake. 3. Bring the vehicle to a halt. 3) When driving on a downhill, try not to apply the brake but use the engine brake effectively. Overuse of the foot-brake may result in total brake failure. 5) The higher the speed, the narrower the driver’s visual range becomes. In such a state, it is difficult to anticipate any hazard and the driver feels much fatigued. 6) Never do sharp handling during high speed driving. You will lose your control over your vehicle. 7) When overtaking or changing the lane while driving at a high speed, keep an ample vehicle-to-vehicle distance. 4-7 79MH0-74E DRIVING TIPS Long distance driving 1) Be sure to perform safety checks before starting a trip. 2) Take rest at certain intervals to prevent an accident which may occur when you are sleepy or tired. when the windshield glass is dry or the wiper blade and glass may get damaged. EXAMPLE Margin For Safety It is important to allow yourself a margin for safety during driving so that you can cope with erroneous or unexpected driving of other drivers. For that, observe the following. • Drive at a safe speed. • Maintain a sufficient distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead. • Don’t force yourself to overtake other vehicles. • Don’t make quick start, hard steering or sudden stops. • Allow an ample time in the driving schedule. • Observe traffic rules and regulations. EXAMPLE 72F-08-021 A perfect driver does not exist. The endeavour of every motorist should be to strive for perfection. Safety consciousness not only ensures your safety and the safety of other road users, it also helps reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle, prolongs its life, gives more mileage and ensures a comfortable driving experience. Follow the do’s and don’ts listed, and driving will never be the same again. EXAMPLE 72F-08-020 Night time driving 1) Drive more slowly at night than in the daytime, for the visual range is restricted at night. 2) Don’t overtake other vehicles at night. Darkness bothers your sense of speed and hinders your judgement on the vehicle-to-vehicle distance. 3) Don’t use the high headlight beam unless its use is inevitable. Its dazzle may blitz the driver of the oncoming vehicle, thus causing an accident. 4) Always keep the window glasses clean. Don’t operate the windshield wiper Conclusion 72F-08-022 4-8 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT 68PM5002 Fuel Filler Cap ..................................................................... 5-1 Engine Hood ........................................................................ 5-2 Sun Visor ............................................................................. 5-3 Interior Light ........................................................................ 5-4 Accessory Socket ............................................................... 5-6 AUX/USB Socket (if equipped) ........................................... 5-7 Assist Grips (if equipped) .................................................. 5-7 Glove Box ............................................................................ 5-8 5 Overhead Console (if equipped) ........................................ 5-8 Cup Holder and Storage Area ............................................ 5-9 Footrest ................................................................................ 5-11 Floor Mats (if equipped) ..................................................... 5-11 Roll Sun Shade (if equipped) ............................................. 5-12 Frame Hooks ....................................................................... 5-12 Heating and Air Conditioning System ............................... 5-14 Manual Heating and Air Conditioning System ................. 5-16 Automatic Heating and Air Conditioning System (Climate Control) ................................................................. 5-20 Radio Antenna ..................................................................... 5-25 Installation of Radio Frequency Transmitters .................. 5-25 Audio System (Type A) (if equipped) ................................ 5-26 Audio System (Type B) (if equipped) ................................ 5-66 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Fuel Filler Cap EXAMPLE Close Open NOTE: The cap holder (1) holds the fuel filler cap (2) by hooking the groove (3) when refueling. To reinstall the fuel filler cap: 1) Turn the cap clockwise until you hear several clicks. 2) Close the fuel filler door. EXAMPLE 57L51093 79MH0501 To remove the fuel filler cap: 1) Open the fuel filler door. 2) Remove the cap by turning it counterclockwise. EXAMPLE WARNING Fuel is extremely flammable. Do not smoke when refueling, and make sure there are no open flames or sparks in the area. CAUTION Remove the fuel filler cap slowly. The fuel may be under pressure and may spray out, causing injury. EXAMPLE (1) WARNING If you need to replace the fuel cap, use a Maruti Genuine cap. Use of an improper cap can result in a malfunction of the fuel system or emission control system. It may also result in fuel leakage in the event of an accident. (3) 74LHT0511 The fuel filler cap is located on the left rear side of the vehicle. The fuel filler door can be unlocked by pulling up the opener lever located on the outboard side of the driver’s seat and locked by simply closing the door. (1) (1) (2) 61MM0B104 5-1 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Engine Hood 2) Push the under-hood release lever sideways with your finger, as shown in the illustration. While pushing the lever, lift up the engine hood. EXAMPLE CAUTION The release lever can be hot enough to burn your finger right after driving. Touch the lever after it becomes cool enough. NOTICE 79MH0502 To open the engine hood: 1) Pull the hood release handle located on the outboard side of the driver’s side of the instrument panel. This will disengage the engine hood lock halfway. Make sure that the wiper arms are not raised before you lift up the engine hood to avoid damaging the wiper arms and the engine hood. EXAMPLE CAUTION • The prop rod can be hot enough to burn your finger right after driving. Touch the rod after it becomes cool enough. • Insert the end of the rod into the hole securely. If the rod drops off, your body may be caught in the hood. • The rod may drop off when the hood is hit by a wind. Be careful on windy days. To close the engine hood: 1) Lift the hood up slightly and remove the prop rod from the hole. Put the prop rod back to the holding clip. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 79MHA0501 79MH0540 79MH0503 3) While holding the hood, pull the prop rod out from the holding clip, then insert the end of the rod into the designated hole. 2) Lower the hood to about 20 cm above the hood latch, then let it drop down. Make sure the hood is securely latched after closing. 5-2 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT WARNING Make sure the hood is fully closed and latched before driving. If it is not, it can fly up unexpectedly during driving, obstructing your view and resulting in an accident. Sun Visor Card holder (if equipped) EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (1) CAUTION To avoid injury, be sure no part of the occupant’s body such as hands or head is in the path of the hood when closing it. (2) 80JM152 79J161 NOTICE Pressing the hood from above may damage the hood. The sun visors can be pulled down to block glare coming through the windshield, or they can be unhooked and turned to the side to block glare coming through the side window. NOTICE When unhooking and hooking a sun visor, be sure to handle it by the hard plastic parts or the sun visor can be damaged. (1) Mirror cover (2) Card holder You can put a card in the card holder (2) on the back of the sun visor. NOTICE When you park your vehicle outdoors in direct sunlight or in hot weather, do not leave plastic cards in the holder. The heat may distort them. 5-3 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Interior Light Vanity mirror (if equipped) EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (3) / (4) (5) (3) 79MH0541 (3) Vanity mirror To use the vanity mirror (3) on the back of the sun visor, pull up the mirror cover (1). WARNING • Do not use the mirror while driving your vehicle or could lose control of the vehicle. • When using the vanity mirror, do not move too close to a front air bag location or lean against it. If the front air bag is accidentally inflated, it could hit you hard. (1) (2) (1) 79MH0504 (6) (6) (1) Footwell lights (if equipped) (2) Instrument panel pocket light (if equipped) (7) 79MH0505 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Front (without overhead console) Front (with overhead console) Center (if equipped) Rear (if equipped) Trunk lid 5-4 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Footwell Lights (if equipped) (1) A footwell light is provided in the leg space in front of each front seat. The light comes on when the door is opened. After closing all doors, the light will remain on for about 15 seconds and then fade out. If you insert the key, or press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ACC” or “ON” during this time, the light will start to fade out immediately. After removing the key from the ignition switch, the light will turn on for about 15 seconds and then fade out. NOTE: You can change the footwell lights operation via the information display. Refer to “Information Display” in the “BEFORE DRIVING” section. Front (with overhead console) (4) EXAMPLE ON (a) The light comes on and stays on regardless of whether the door is open or closed. (d) (c) (b) (a)(d) 79MH0506 Center (if equipped) (5) EXAMPLE (c) (b) (a) Instrument Panel Pocket Light (2) DOOR (b) The light comes on when the door is opened. After closing all doors, the light will remain on for about 15 seconds and then fade out. If you insert the key, or press the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “ACC” or “ON” during this time, the light will start to fade out immediately. After removing the key from the ignition switch, the light will turn on for about 15 seconds and then fade out. OFF (c) The light remains off even when the door is opened. This light comes on while the position lights, tail light and/or the headlights are on. Front (without overhead console) (3) EXAMPLE These light switches have three or four positions which function as described below: 61MM0A107 Rear (if equipped) (6) EXAMPLE (c) SPOT LIGHT (d) When the light switch is in the DOOR or OFF position, push the switch to turn on the light and push it again to turn off the light. (b) 61MM0A205 Push the switch to turn on the light and push it again to turn off the light. (a) 61MM0B022 5-5 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Trunk Lid (7) NOTE: The number of doors involved in the lighting operation of the interior light depends on the vehicle specification. If there is a switch (rubber projection) at the door opening as shown, the door is involved in the lighting operation. The trunk lid is not involved in this operation. EXAMPLE Accessory Socket Center console EXAMPLE 79MH0507 When you open the trunk lid, the trunk light comes on and remains on as long as you keep the lid open. NOTICE 79MH0509 Floor console EXAMPLE Do not leave the trunk lid open for a long time, or the battery will discharge. EXAMPLE 79MH0510 79MH0508 The accessory socket will work when the ignition switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position, or the ignition mode is “ACC” or “ON”. Each socket can be used to provide 12 volt/120 watt/10 ampere power for electrical accessories when used alone. Make 5-6 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT sure that the cap remains on the socket when the socket is not in use. NOTICE • To prevent the fuse from being blown, when using sockets at the same time, do not exceed the total combined power capacity of 12 volt/120 watt/10 ampere. • Use of inappropriate electrical accessories can cause damage to your vehicle’s electrical system. Make sure that any electrical accessories you use are designed to plug into this type of socket. AUX/USB Socket (if equipped) EXAMPLE Assist Grips (if equipped) EXAMPLE 54G249 79MH0515 Connect your portable digital music player, etc. to this socket to enjoy music through the vehicle’s audio system using it as a source. Refer to “Audio System” in this section NOTICE Always close the lid when not in use, since entry of foreign material, dust, water, conductive liquids may damage the audio system or USB device. Assist grips are provided for convenience. NOTICE To avoid damaging the assist grip and the molded headlining, do not hang down the assist grip. Coat Hooks (if equipped) EXAMPLE 61MM0B025 You can hang clothing on the coat hooks. These hooks are not designed for large or heavy items. 5-7 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Glove Box Overhead Console (if equipped) EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (1) 79MH0512 Use this stowage to keep small articles. You can open the lid (1) by pressing the raised portion on it. 79MH0511 To open the glove box, pull the latch lever. To close it, push the lid until it latches securely. WARNING Never drive with the glove box lid open. It could cause injury if an accident occurs. WARNING • Do not drive with the overhead console lid open, or the articles stowed inside could fall down during braking, acceleration or in the event of a collision. Always close the lid after putting something into or taking something out of the console. • If you park your vehicle outdoors in direct sunlight or in hot weather, the overhead console can get very hot since it is close to the roof. So, when parking in such conditions: – Do not leave eyeglasses in the overhead console. The heat may distort plastic lenses or frames. – Do not place flammable items, such as a lighter, in the overhead console. The heat may cause a fire. NOTICE • Do not apply undue force to the lid when closing it. Doing so could break the lid and articles inside. • Place glasses in a case when stowing them in the overhead console, or the lenses may be damaged. 5-8 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Cup Holder and Storage Area Instrument Panel Pocket (1) / Driver’s Pocket (8) EXAMPLE WARNING (1) (3) (8) Do not place any objects which may fall out from the pocket when the vehicle is moving. Failure to take the precaution may result in an object interfering with the pedals and causing a loss of vehicle control or an accident. (6) (7) (4) (5) (5) (6) (2) (3) 79MH0513 (1) (3) (5) (7) Instrument panel pocket Front bottle holder Front seat back pocket Rear armrest with cup holders (2) Front bottle holders (4) Front armrest with console box (6) Rear bottle holder (8) Driver’s pocket 5-9 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Front Bottle Holders (2) WARNING Failure to take the precautions listed below could cause personal injury or vehicle damage. • Be careful when you are using the cup holders to hold a cup containing hot liquid. Spilling out hot liquid can cause burn injury. • Do not use the bottle holders to hold sharp-edged, hard, or breakable objects. Objects in the bottle holders may be thrown about during a sudden stop or impact, and could cause personal injury. • Be careful not to spill liquid or insert any foreign materials into the moving part of the gearshift lever, or any electrical components. Liquid or foreign materials may damage these parts. Console box Use this stowage for keeping small items. Open the compartment by raising the top lid while keeping the lever (1) up. CAUTION EXAMPLE (1) Do not put hard or breakable objects in the pocket. If an accident occurs, objects such as bottles, cans, etc. can injure the occupants in the rear seat. Rear Armrest with Cup Holders (7) EXAMPLE 79MH0514 NOTE: Always close the lid after you put something into or take something out of the box. Front Seat Back Pocket (5) (1) Front Bottle Holder (3) / Rear Bottle Holder (6) You should hold a bottle with a cap in the holder. 79MH0517 (1) Cup holders Front Armrest with Console Box (4) The rear armrest is stowed in the center of the seatback. Tilt it down forward to use. NOTICE To avoid damage to the armrest, do not lean on it or allow a child to sit on it. This pocket is provided for holding light and soft things such as gloves, newspapers or magazines. EXAMPLE 79MH0516 5-10 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT WARNING • If the seat belt is obstructed by any part of the armrest when fastened, it cannot provide the intended protection. After fastening the seat belt, always check that the armrest is not interfering with the belt. • In an accident or sudden stop, the rear seat armrest could fall forward. If there is a child in a rear-facing child restraint in the rear center seating position, the falling armrest could injure the child. Do not install a rear-facing child restraint in the rear center seating position. Footrest Floor Mats (if equipped) EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 68LM554 (1) 58MST0509 Use the footrest (1) as a support for your left foot. To prevent the driver’s side floor mat from sliding forward and possibly interfering with the operation of the pedals, Maruti Genuine floor mats are recommended. Whenever you put the driver’s side floor mat back in the vehicle after it has been removed, be sure to hook the floor mat grommets to the fasteners and position the floor mat properly in the footwell. When you replace the floor mats in your vehicle with a different type such as allweather floor mats, we highly recommend using Maruti Genuine floor mats for proper fitting. 5-11 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT WARNING Failure to take the following precautions may result in the driver’s side floor mat interfering with the pedals and causing a loss of vehicle control or an accident. • Make sure that the floor mat grommets are hooked to the fasteners. • Never place additional floor mats on top of the existing floor mat. Roll Sun Shade (if equipped) Frame Hooks Front EXAMPLE 1) Take out the necessary tools (jack handle) from the onboard tool set. 2) Use the end of the jack handle (a) wrapped with a cloth (b) to open the front tow hook cover (c). (1) EXAMPLE 79MH0539 To use shade, hold the tab (1) on the top, and pull the shade all the way up. Hook the straps (2) to the holes. WARNING Do not use the roll sun shade while driving. It could obstruct the driver’s rear view. (c) (b) (a) 79MH0518 EXAMPLE For storage; Hold the tab (1) and raise the shade upward to unhook the straps (2). And release the shade slowly. NOTE: Do not pull down the shade in mounted condition. It could damage the shade. (1) 79MH0519 5-12 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT The frame hook (1) is provided on the front of the vehicle for use in emergency situations and train shipping purposes only. To tow your vehicle on the road or highway, follow the instruction of “Towing” in “EMERGENCY SERVICE” section. Rear NOTICE EXAMPLE When you use the frame hook (2), avoid the driving that gives significant physical shock on hook. Such operation can damage the hook, the vehicle body or the drive system. WARNING Do not use the frame hooks to tow another vehicle or to have your vehicle towed on the road or highway. The hook (1) is designed for use in emergency situations only, such as if your vehicle or another vehicle gets stuck in deep mud or snow. NOTICE When you use the frame hook (1), avoid the driving that gives significant physical shock on hook. Such operation can damage the hook, or the vehicle body. Do not accelerate suddenly. • Do not accelerate suddenly. • Do not tow the vehicle heavier than your vehicle. (2) 79MH0759 The frame hook (2) is provided on the rear of the vehicle for use in emergency situations and train/sea shipping purposes only. To tow your vehicle on the road or highway, follow the instruction of “Towing” in “EMERGENCY SERVICE” section. WARNING Do not use the frame hooks to tow another vehicle or to have your vehicle towed on the road or highway. The hook (2) is designed for use in emergency situations only, such as if your vehicle or another vehicle gets stuck in deep mud or snow. 5-13 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Heating and Air Conditioning System Air Outlet (1) There are two of heating and air conditioning systems as follows: (2) • Manual Heating and Air Conditioning System • Automatic Heating and Air Conditioning System (Climate Control) (3) (4) (2) (3) (5) (6) (5) (6) EXAMPLE 79MH0520 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Windshield defroster outlet Side defroster outlet Side outlet Center outlet Floor outlet Rear outlet 5-14 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Rear outlet Center outlet EXAMPLE (1) EXAMPLE (2) (2) (3) (1) (4) (3) 79MH0521 Side outlet (2) (1) 79MH0522 Move the knob (3) vertically or horizontally to adjust the direction of airflow as desired. The rear outlet opens when you turn the dial (4) to the right and closes when you turn it to the left. EXAMPLE 79MH0542 Move the knob (1) vertically or horizontally, to adjust the direction of airflow as desired. The center outlet/side outlet opens when you turn the dial (2) upward and closes when you turn it downward. NOTE: For more air flow from rear outlet, turning dials (2) downward to close the center outlet is effective. 5-15 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Manual Heating and Air Conditioning System Air flow selector (3) (c) Description of Controls EXAMPLE (2) 1 2 0 (b) (a) 3 4 (d) (e) EXAMPLE 61MM0A019 This is used to select one of the functions described below. A/C Ventilation (a) EXAMPLE (1) (4) (5) (3) 79MH0543 Temperature selector (1) This is used to select the temperature by turning the selector. 79MH0523 Blower speed selector (2) This is used to turn on the blower and to select blower speed by turning the selector. Temperature-controlled air comes out of the center, side and rear air outlets. 5-16 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Bi-level (b) EXAMPLE Temperature-controlled air comes out of the floor outlets and the side outlets, also comes out of the windshield defroster outlets and also comes slightly out of the side defroster outlets. Heat & defrost (d) Temperature-controlled air comes out of the windshield defroster outlets, the side defroster outlets and the side outlets. Air intake selector (4) EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (f) (g) 61MM0A020 This selector is used to select the following modes. 79MH0524 Fresh Air (f) When this mode is selected, the indicator light will go off and outside air is used. Temperature-controlled air comes out of the floor outlets and cooler air comes out of the center, side and rear outlets. When the temperature selector (1) is in the fully COLD position or fully HOT position, however, the air from the floor outlets and the air from the center, side and rear outlets will be the same temperature. Temperature-controlled air comes out of the floor outlets, the windshield defroster outlets, the side defroster outlets and the side outlets. Heat (c) Defrost (e) EXAMPLE 79MH0526 EXAMPLE Recirculated Air (g) When this mode is selected, the indicator light will come on, outside air is shut out and inside air is recirculated. This mode is suitable when driving through dusty or polluted air such as in a tunnel, or when attempting to quickly cool down the interior. “FRESH AIR” and “RECIRCULATED AIR” are switched alternately each time the air intake selector is pushed. 79MH0525 79MH0527 NOTE: If you select “RECIRCULATED AIR” for an extended period of time, the air in the vehicle can become contaminated. Therefore, you should occasionally select “FRESH AIR”. 5-17 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Air conditioning switch (5) To turn on the air conditioning system, set the blower speed selector to a position other than off and push in the “A/C” switch. With this “A/C” switch operation, an indicator light will come on when the air conditioning system is on. To turn off the air conditioning system, push the “A/C” switch again. During operation of the air conditioner, you may notice slight changes in engine speed. These changes are normal, the system is designed so that the compressor turns on or off to maintain the desired temperature. Less operation of the compressor results in better fuel economy. System Operating Instructions Natural ventilation Select “VENTILATION” and “FRESH AIR”, the temperature selector to the desired temperature position, and the blower speed selector to off. Fresh air will flow through the vehicle during driving. Forced ventilation The control settings are the same as for natural ventilation except you set the blower speed selector to a position other than off. Normal heating (using outside air) Select “HEAT” and “FRESH AIR”, the temperature selector to the desired temperature position and the blower speed selector to the desired blower speed position. Setting the blower speed selector to a higher blower speed position increases heating efficiency. You can switch the air intake selector to either “FRESH AIR” or “RECIRCULATED AIR” as you desire. Choosing “RECIRCULATED AIR” increases cooling efficiency. Quick heating (using recirculated air) The control settings are the same as for normal heating except you select “RECIRCULATED AIR”. If you use this heating method for an extended period of time, the air in the vehicle can become contaminated and the windows can become misty. Therefore, use this method only for quick heating and change to the normal heating method as soon as possible. Quick cooling (using recirculated air) The control settings are the same as for normal cooling except you select “RECIRCULATED AIR” and the highest blower speed. Head cooled/Feet warmed heating Select “BI-LEVEL” and “FRESH AIR”, the temperature selector to the desired temperature position, and the blower speed selector to the desired blower speed position. Unless the temperature selector is in the fully COLD position or fully HOT position, the air that comes out of the center and side outlets will be cooler than the air that comes out of the floor outlets. Normal cooling Set the air flow selector to “VENTILATION”, the temperature selector to the desired temperature position and the blower speed selector to the desired blower speed position, and turn on the “A/C” switch. Setting the blower speed selector to a higher blower speed position increases cooling efficiency. NOTE: • If you select “RECIRCULATED AIR” for an extended period of time, the air in the vehicle can become contaminated. Therefore, you should occasionally select “FRESH AIR”. • If your vehicle has been left in the sun with the windows closed, it will cool faster if you open the windows briefly while you operate the air conditioner with the air intake selector at “FRESH AIR” and the blower at high speed. Dehumidifying Set the air flow selector to a desired air flow selector position, the temperature selector to the desired temperature position and the blower speed selector to the desired blower speed position. Also select “FRESH AIR” and turn on the “A/C” switch. 5-18 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT NOTE: Because the air conditioner dehumidifies the air, turning it on will help keep the windows clear, even when blowing heated air using the “DEFROST” or “HEAT & DEFROST” functions. EXAMPLE 79MH0528 NOTE: If you need maximum defrosting: • select “DEFROST” and “FRESH AIR”, • set the blower speed selector to HIGH, • adjust the temperature selector to the HOT end, • turn on the “A/C” switch, and • adjust the side outlets so the air blows on the side windows. Models equipped with SHVS system (if equipped) • If the air conditioning performance can no longer perform at a sufficient level due to automatically stopping the engine, press the ENG A-STOP OFF switch to deactivate the ENG A-STOP system. (The engine will automatically restart and the air conditioning performance will be restored.) • If the windshield and/or the driver’s side/ passenger side door windows are fogged during automatically stopping the engine, stop the ENG A-STOP system and restart the engine. Then, turn the Air flow selector (3) to change the air flow to the “Heat & defrost” or “Defrost” position to defog the windows. Maintenance If you do not use the air conditioner for a long period, such as during winter, it may not give the best performance when you start using it again. To help maintain optimum performance and durability of your air conditioner, it needs to be run periodically. Operate the air conditioner at least once a month for one minute with the engine idling. This circulates the refrigerant and oil and helps protect the internal components. If your air conditioner is equipped with air filters, clean or replace them as specified in the “Maintenance Schedule” in the “INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” section. NOTE: Your vehicle uses the air conditioning refrigerant HFC-134a, commonly called “R-134a”. R-134a replaced R-12 around 1993 for automotive applications. Other refrigerants are available, including recycled R-12, but only R-134a should be used in your vehicle. NOTICE Using the wrong refrigerant may damage your air conditioning system. Use R-134a only. Do not mix or replace the R-134a with other refrigerants. 5-19 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Automatic Heating and Air Conditioning System (Climate Control) Temperature selector (1) (1) EXAMPLE Description of Controls EXAMPLE (1) (9) (2) 79MH0530 Turn the temperature selector (1) to adjust the temperature. Blower speed selector (2) EXAMPLE (3) (6) (7) (8) (2) (4) (5) 79MH0529 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Temperature selector Blower speed selector Air intake selector Air flow selector Defrost switch Air conditioning switch “OFF” switch “AUTO” switch Display 79MH0531 The blower speed selector (2) is used to turn on the blower and to select blower speed. If the “AUTO” switch (8) is pushed, the blower speed will vary automatically as the climate control system maintains the selected temperature. 5-20 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Air intake selector (3) FRESH AIR (b) When this mode is selected, outside air is introduced. EXAMPLE (3) “FRESH AIR” and “RECIRCULATED AIR” are selected alternately each time the air intake selector is pushed. If the “AUTO” switch (8) is pushed, the air flow will vary automatically as the climate control system maintains the selected temperature. Ventilation (c) EXAMPLE NOTE: If you select “RECIRCULATED AIR” for an extended period of time, the air in the vehicle can become contaminated. Therefore, you should occasionally select “FRESH AIR”. (a) (b) 79MH0532 Push the air intake selector (3) to change between the following modes. If the “AUTO” switch (8) is pushed, the air intake will vary automatically as the climate control system maintains the selected temperature. Air flow selector (4) (c) EXAMPLE 79MH0523 Temperature-controlled air comes out of the center, side and rear air outlets. (d) Bi-level (d) NOTE: When you select the recirculated air mode, the automatic operation system is deactivated if you push the “AUTO” switch (8). RECIRCULATED AIR (a) When this mode is selected, outside air is shut off and inside air is recirculated. This mode is suitable when driving through an area with polluted air such as a tunnel, or when attempting to quickly cool down the vehicle. (e) (4) EXAMPLE (f) 79MH0533 Push the air flow selector (4) to change among the following functions. The indication of the selected mode appears on the display. 79MH0524 5-21 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Temperature-controlled air comes out of the floor outlets and cooler air comes out of the center, side and rear outlets. When the temperature selector (1) is in the fully COLD position or fully HOT position, however, the air from the floor outlets and the air from the center, side and rear outlets will be the same temperature. Heat & defrost (f) Defrost EXAMPLE EXAMPLE Heat (e) EXAMPLE 79MH0527 79MH0526 Temperature-controlled air comes out of the floor outlets, the windshield defroster outlets, the side defroster outlets and the side outlets. Defrost switch (5) 79MH0525 Temperature-controlled air comes out of the floor outlets and the side outlets, a small amount of air comes out of the windshield defroster outlets and also comes slightly out of the side defroster outlets. EXAMPLE Temperature-controlled air comes out of the windshield defroster outlets, the side defroster outlets and the side outlets. NOTE: When the defrost switch (5) is pushed to turn on the defroster, the air conditioning system will come on and the “FRESH AIR” mode will be selected automatically. In very cold weather, however, the air conditioning system will not turn on. (5) 79MH0534 Push the defrost switch (5) to turn on the defroster. 5-22 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT System Operating Instructions Air conditioning switch (6) (6) EXAMPLE Automatic operation EXAMPLE (6) (1) You can use the air conditioning switch (6) to manually turn the air conditioner on or off according to your preference. When you turn the air conditioning switch off, the climate control system cannot lower the inside temperature below outside temperature. To turn the climate control system off, push the “OFF” switch (7). 79MH0535 The air conditioning switch (6) is used to turn on and off the air conditioning system only when the blower is on. To turn on the air conditioning system, push in the switch and “A/C” will appear on the display. To turn off the air conditioning system, push in the switch again and “A/C” will go off. (7) (8) 79MH0536 You can let the climate control system work automatically. To set the system for fully-automatic operation, follow the procedure below. 1) Start the engine. 2) Push the “AUTO” switch (8). 3) Set the desired temperature by turning the temperature selector (1). The blower speed, air intake and air flow are controlled automatically to maintain the set temperature. However, the air flow is not changed to the “Defrost” position automatically. NOTE: When you select the recirculated air mode, the automatic operation system is deactivated if you push the “AUTO” switch (8). NOTE: If the “AUTO” on the display blinks, there is a problem in the heating system and/or air conditioning system. You should have the system inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. NOTE: • To find the temperature at which you are most comfortable, start with the 25°C (75°F) setting. • If you turn the temperature selector (1) until “HI” or “LO” appears on the display, the climate control system will operate at maximum heating or cooling and the blower will run at full speed. • To avoid blowing cold air in cold weather or hot air in hot weather, the system will delay turning on the blower until warmed or chilled air is available. • If your vehicle has been left in the sun with the windows closed, it will cool faster if you open the windows briefly. • Even under the automatic operation, you can set individual selectors to the manual mode. The manually selected func- 5-23 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT tions are maintained, and the other functions remain under automatic operation. • If the windshield and/or the front door windows are fogged, push the defrost switch (5) to turn on the defroster, or push the air flow selector (4) to change the air flow to the “Heat & defrost” position to defog the windows. • To return the blower speed selector (2), air intake selector (3), and air flow selector (4) to automatic operation, push the “AUTO” switch (8). Manual operation You can manually control the climate control system. Set the selectors to the desired positions. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (11) (10) 74LHT0510 Be careful not to cover the interior temperature sensor (10) located between the steering wheel and the climate control panel, or the solar sensor (11) located at the top of the driver’s side dashboard. These sensors are used by the automatic system to regulate temperature. 79MH0528 NOTE: If you need maximum defrosting: • push the defrost switch (5) to turn on the defroster (the air conditioning system will come on and the “FRESH AIR” mode will be selected automatically), • set the blower speed selector to HIGH, • adjust the temperature selector to the “HI” indication on the display, and • adjust the side outlets so the air blows on the side windows. Models equipped with SHVS System (if equipped) • If the air conditioning performance can no longer perform at a sufficient level due to automatically stopping the engine, press the ENG A-STOP OFF switch to deactivate the ENG A-STOP system. (The engine will automatically restart and the air conditioning performance will be restored.) • If the windshield and/or the driver’s side/ passenger side door windows are fogged during automatically stopping the engine, press the defroster switch. (When the defroster switch is pressed the engine will automatically restart and the defroster will be activated) Maintenance If you do not use the air conditioner for a long period, such as during winter, it may not give the best performance when you start using it again. To help maintain optimum performance and durability of your air conditioner, it needs to be run periodically. Operate the air conditioner at least once a month for one minute with the engine idling. This circulates the refrigerant and oil and helps protect the internal components. Your air conditioner is equipped with air filters. Clean or replace them as specified in the “Maintenance Schedule” in the “INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” section. Have this job done by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop as the lower glove box must be lowered for this job. 5-24 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT NOTE: Your vehicle uses the air conditioning refrigerant HFC-134a, commonly called “R-134a”. R-134a replaced R-12 around 1993 for automotive applications. Other refrigerants are available, including recycled R-12, but only R-134a should be used in your vehicle. Radio Antenna Installation of Radio Frequency Transmitters Printed antenna (1) EXAMPLE NOTICE Using the wrong refrigerant may damage your air conditioning system. Use R-134a only. Do not mix or replace the R-134a with other refrigerants. We recommend that you always ask a authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop about frequency band, max output power, antenna position at vehicle and specific conditions for installation and/or use before installing a radio transmitter in your vehicle. Such equipments may cause the electronic control system to malfunction if they are incorrectly installed or they are not suited for the vehicle. 79MH0545 The radio antenna (1) wire is printed inside the rear window. NOTICE • Do not attach any metal objects to the rear window glass, or place metallic film near it. Either of these conditions may cause poor reception or noise. • When cleaning the inside of the rear window, be careful not to scratch or damage the rear window antenna. Wipe the rear window lightly along the antenna with a dampened soft cloth. 5-25 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Audio System (Type A) (if equipped) EXAMPLE AM/FM CD PLAYER 76MH0A091 NOTE: For vehicle equipped with SMARTPLAY INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM, refer to the audio manual available with the vehicle. 5-26 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Safety Information WARNING If you pay extended attention to operating the audio system or viewing the audio system display while driving, an accident can occur. If you set the sound volume too loud, it could prevent you from being aware of road and traffic conditions. • Keep your eyes on the road and your mind on the drive. Avoid paying extended attention to operating the audio system or viewing the audio system display. • Familiarize yourself with the audio system controls and operation of the audio system before driving. • Preset your favorite radio stations before driving so that you can quickly tune to them using the presets. • Set the sound volume to a level that will allow you to continue to be aware of road and traffic conditions while driving. Notes on Discs Precautions • When the inside of the vehicle is very cold and the player is used soon after switching on the heater, condensation may form on the disc or the optical parts of the player and proper playback may not be possible. If condensation forms on the disc, wipe it off with a soft cloth. If condensation forms on the optical parts of the player, do not use the player for about one hour. This will allow the condensation to disappear normally. • Driving on extremely bumpy roads which cause severe vibrations may cause sound to skip. • This unit uses a precision mechanism. Even in the event that trouble arises, never open the case, disassemble the unit, or lubricate the rotating parts. Please bring the unit to an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Cautions on Handling EXAMPLE (A) 52D274 This unit has been designed specifically for playback of compact discs bearing mark (A) shown above. No other discs can be played. Removing the disc Proper way to hold the compact disc EXAMPLE 52D275 To remove the compact disc from its storage case, press down on the center of the case and lift the disc out, holding it carefully by the edges. Always handle the compact disc by the edges. Never touch the surface. 5-27 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 52D348 52D347 To remove fingermarks and dust, use a soft cloth, and wipe in a straight line from the center of the compact disc to the circumference. Never stick labels on the surface of the compact disc or write on the surface with a pencil or pen. 52D351 Do not expose compact discs to direct sunlight or any heat source. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (B) (C) ((B) 52D349 Do not use any solvents such as commercially available cleaners, anti-static spray, or thinner to clean compact discs. EXAMPLE 52D277 New discs may have some roughness around the edges. The unit may not work or the sound may skip if such discs are used. Use a ball-point pen (B), etc. to remove the roughness (C) from the edges of the disc before inserting it into the unit. 52D350 Do not use compact discs that have large scratches, are misshaped, or cracked, etc. Use of such discs will cause damage or prevent the system from operating properly. 5-28 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT NOTE: • Do not use commercially available CD protection sheets or discs equipped with stabilizers, etc. These may get caught in the internal mechanism and damage the disc. • It may be impossible to play CD-R discs with this unit due to the recording conditions. • CD-RW discs cannot be played with this unit. WARNING This is a class I laser product. Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. Do not open covers and do not attempt to repair this unit by yourself. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. (if equipped) The Bluetooth® word mark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Ink. Stop using this unit and a Bluetooth® ready device whenever requested. This unit shares the communication frequency with other private or public wireless communication equipment such as a wireless LAN and other wireless communication radios. You should stop using this unit whenever you are notified that your unit disturbs other wireless communication immediately. 5-29 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Basic Operations EXAMPLE Mute Press the MUTE button (3) to mute the sound. To cancel the mute, press the MUTE button (3) again. Bluetooth® Mic (1) (if equipped) EXAMPLE (3) (2) (1) (1) 76MH0A092 (1) VOL PUSH POWER knob (2) TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (3) MUTE button Turning power on/off Press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1). The unit starts in the function mode it was in when the power was turned off last. 79MM05001 Adjusting bass/treble/balance /fader 1) Press the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2). Each time the knob is pressed, sound adjustment will change as follows: Adjusting the volume Turn the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1). Turning it clockwise increases the volume; turning it counterclockwise decreases the volume. Preset-EQ (EQ OFF) NOTE: While driving, adjust the volume to an extent that sound and/or noise coming from outside the vehicle can be heard. Balance adjustment (BALANCE 0) 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to adjust the sound. Adjusting the AVC (Auto volume control) The Auto Volume Control (AVC) function automatically adjusts (increases/decreases) the sound volume in accordance with vehicle speed. The AVC control is provided with three selectable levels (LEVEL OFF, 1, 2, 3). The range of volume adjustment increases together with the LEVEL number. 1) Press the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) until the AVC adjustment mode is selected. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select the desired AVC adjustment level. (Initial setting: LEVEL 2) Bass adjustment (BASS 0) Treble adjustment (TREBLE 0) Fader adjustment (FADER 0) AVC adjustment (AVC LEVEL 2) 5-30 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Preset-EQ Preset-EQ calls up various sound types in accordance with the listening music type. 1) Press the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) several times until “PRESET-EQ” appears. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2). Each time the knob is turned, preset EQ mode will change as follows: Listening to the Radio EXAMPLE (3) (4) (1) (2) (5) (7) 76MH0A093 Display (A) ROCK POP CLASSIC (B) HIP-HOP (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) FM button AM button Up button Down button TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob Preset buttons ([1] to [6]) AS button (A) Band (B) Frequency FM1 FM2 Selecting the AM band Press the AM button (2). (6) OFF (FLAT) JAZZ Selecting the FM band Press the FM button (1). Each time the button is pressed, the reception band will change as follows: Seek tuning Press the seek Up button (3) or the seek Down button (4). The unit stops searching for a station at a frequency where a broadcast station is available. Manual tuning Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (5). The frequency being received is displayed. Preset memory 1) Select the desired station. 2) Hold down a desired button ([1] to [6]) of the Preset buttons (6) to which you want to store the station for 2 seconds or longer. Auto store Hold down the AS button (7) for 2 seconds or longer. Six stations in good reception will automatically be stored to the Preset buttons (6) in order, starting from a station whose frequency is the lowest. 5-31 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT NOTE: • Auto store can be released by pressing AS button (7) while auto store is under way. • When the auto store is performed, the station previously stored in the memory at the position is overwritten. • When there are fewer than 6 stations that can be stored even if 1 round of auto store operation is performed, no station will be stored at the remaining Preset buttons (6). • 6 stations can be preset for FM1 and FM2 in common, and 6 stations for AM in auto store mode. Listening to a CD EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (1) (2) (4) (5) (3) (6) (8) (7) 52D274 76MH0A094 Display (A) Auto store mode on/off Press the AS button (7). Each time the button is pressed, the mode is switched as follows: AS mode on AS mode off Radio Reception Radio reception can be affected by environment, atmospheric conditions, or radio signal’s power and distance from the station. Nearby mountains and buildings may interfere or deflect radio reception, causing poor reception. Poor reception or radio static can also be caused by electric current from overhead wires or high voltage power lines. (A) • CDs or CD-ROMs carrying no mark (A) cannot be used. • Some discs recorded in CD-R/CD-RW format may sometimes be impossible to use. EXAMPLE (B) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Insertion slot Eject button CD button Up button Down button RPT button RDM button DISP button 52D291 • A CD is to be inserted with its label side up. • When there is a CD already in the unit, it is impossible to insert another CD without ejecting the CD in the unit. Do not use force to insert a CD into the CD insertion slot. (A) Track number (B) Play time NOTE: This product does not support 8 cm CD (sometimes called as “mini single CD”, “3inch CD”, “CD3”, etc.). 5-32 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT NOTICE • Never insert your finger or hand into the CD insertion slot. Never insert foreign objects. • Never insert a CD with glue coming out from adhesive tape or a rental CD label or with a trace indicating that adhesive tape or a rental CD label has been removed. This may cause the CD not to eject or result in a malfunction. Loading a CD Insert a CD in the Insertion slot (1). When a CD is loaded, play starts. Ejecting a CD Press the Eject button (2). When the ignition mode is “LOCK”, the CD remained ejected for around 15 seconds or longer will automatically be drawn inside the unit. (Auto reload function) The backup eject function: This function allows you to eject a CD by pressing the Eject button (2) even when the ignition mode is off. NOTICE If you forcefully try to push an ejected CD inside the unit before auto reloading, the disc surface might be scratched. When reloading a CD, remove it from the unit completely before reloading. Listening to a CD When a CD is inserted, playback will automatically start. When a CD is already inside the unit, press the CD button (3) to start playback. Selecting a track • Press the Up button (4) to listen to the next track. • Press the Down button (5) twice to listen to the previous track. When the Down button (5) is pressed once, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • Hold down the Up button (4) to fast forward the track. • Hold down the Down button (5) to fast rewind the track. Random playback Press the RDM button (7). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: Repeat playback Press the RPT button (6). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF TRACK REPEAT • TRACK REPEAT The repeat indicator “RPT” will light. The track currently being played will be played repeatedly. Display change Press the DISP button (8). Each time the button is pressed, display will change as follows: Play time Disc title Track title OFF TRACK RANDOM • TRACK RANDOM The random indicator “RDM” will light. The tracks in the loaded disc will be played in random order. NOTE: • “NO TITLE” will be displayed when there is no text information in the disc currently being played. • If text data contains more than 16 characters, the “>” mark will appear at the right end. Holding down the DISP button (8) for 1 second or longer can display the next page. 5-33 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Listening to an MP3/WMA/AAC Disc EXAMPLE (2) (3) (4) (1) (6) (5) 76MH0A095 Display (A) (D) (B) (C) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob Up button Down button RPT button RDM button DISP button (A) (B) (C) (D) Folder number Track number Play time DISC type Selecting a folder Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select a folder. Selecting a track • Press the Up button (2) to listen to the next track. • Press the Down button (3) twice to listen to the previous track. When the Down button (3) is pressed once, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. Repeat playback Press the RPT button (4). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF FILE REPEAT FOLDER REPEAT Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • Hold down the Up button (2) to fast forward the track. • Hold down the Down button (3) to fast rewind the track. • FILE REPEAT The repeat indicator “RPT” will light. The track currently being played will be played repeatedly. • FOLDER REPEAT The repeat indicator “F. RPT” will light. All tracks in the currently selected folder will be played repeatedly. Random playback Press the RDM button (5). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: Display change Press the DISP button (6). Each time the button is pressed, display will change as follows: OFF FOLDER RANDOM ALL RANDOM Play time Folder name • FOLDER RANDOM The random indicator “F. RDM” will light. The tracks in the current folder will be played in random order. • ALL RANDOM The random indicator “RDM” will light. The tracks in the loaded disc will be played in random order. File name Album name (MP3, AAC only) Track title Artist name 5-34 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT NOTE: • “NO TITLE” will be displayed when there is no text information in the disc currently being played. • If text data contains more than 12 characters, the “>” mark will appear at the right end. Holding down the DISP button (6) for 1 second or longer can display the next page. Notes on MP3/WMA/AAC What is MP3? • MP3 (MPEG audio layer3) is an audio compression format that has become the standard format among PC users. Its merit is that the original audio data is compressed to approximately 1/10 and high sound quality is maintained. This means that it is possible to store the data of approximately 10 music CDs on a single CD-R/RW disc, which in turn makes it possible to play music for a long time without having to change the disc. What is WMA? • An abbreviation of “Windows Media Audio,” WMA is an audio compression format developed by Microsoft. • WMA files for which the DRM (Digital Rights Management) function is ON cannot be played. • Windows MediaTM and the Windows® logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. What is AAC? • An abbreviation of “Advanced Audio Coding,” AAC is an audio compression format used by MPEG2 and MPEG4. Points to remember when making MP3/ WMA/AAC files Common • High bit rate and high sampling frequency are recommended for high quality sounds. • Selecting VBR (Variable Bit Rate) is not recommended. Selecting VBR may cause display of incorrect playing time and jumpiness of playback. • Playback sound quality varies depending on the encoding environment. For details, refer to the user manual of the encoding software and the writing software in use. NOTICE Never assign the “.mp3”, “.wma”, or “.m4a” file name extension to a file if it is not in the MP3/WMA/AAC format file. Failure to observe this may result in damage to the speaker due to noise production. Recording MP3/WMA/AAC files on a CD media • It is recommended not to write both CDDA files and MP3/WMA/AAC files on a disc. • If both CD-DA files and MP3/WMA/AAC files are on the same disc, tracks may not be played in the correct order or some tracks may not be played at all. • When storing both MP3 data and WMA data on the same disc, sort and place them in different folders. • Do not write files other than MP3/WMA/ AAC files and unnecessary folders on a disc. • MP3/WMA/AAC files should be named to meet the standards and the file system specifications as shown below. • The file extension “.mp3”, “.wma” or “.m4a” should be assigned to files based on their format independently. • You may encounter a trouble in playing MP3/WMA/AAC files or displaying information of MP3/WMA/AAC files depending on the writing software or CD recorder in use. • This unit does not have a play list function. • It is recommended to write discs in Discat-Once mode even though Multi-session mode is supported. 5-35 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Compression formats MP3 • Bit rate: MPEG1 Audio Layer III: 32 k - 320 kbps MPEG2 Audio Layer III: 8 k - 160 kbps MPEG2.5 Audio Layer III: 8 k - 160 kbps • Sampling frequency: MPEG1 Audio Layer III: 32 k/44.1 k/ 48 kHz MPEG2 Audio Layer III: 16 k/22.05 k/ 24 kHz MPEG2.5 Audio Layer III: 8 k/11.025 k/ 12 kHz WMA (Ver. 7, Ver. 8, Ver. 9*) • Bit rate: CBR 32 k - 320 kbps • Sampling frequency: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz * WMA 9 Professional/LossLess/Voice are not supported. AAC* • Bit rate: ABR 16 k - 320 kbps • Sampling frequency: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz * Apple Lossless is not supported. Supported file systems ISO 9660 Level 1/Level 2, Joliet, Romeo Maximum number of files/folders • Maximum number of files: 512 • Maximum number of files in a folder: 255 • Maximum depth of tree structure: 8 • Maximum number of folders: 255 (Root folder is included.) Listening to files stored in a USB device EXAMPLE (3) (4) NOTICE (1) (6) (5) (2) (7) 76MH0A096 Display (A) Do not connect any USB device other than a USB memory or a USB audio player. Do not connect multiple USB devices to the USB connector using a USB hub, etc. Supplying power to multiple USB devices from the connector could cause overheating and smoking. Selecting a USB device mode Press the MEDIA button (1). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: (B) USB (iPod®) (if equipped) Bluetooth® audio (if equipped) (D) (C) AUX (if equipped) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MEDIA button TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob Up button Down button RPT button RDM button DISP button (A) (B) (C) (D) Folder number Track number Play time File type Selecting a folder Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select the desired folder. Selecting a track • Press the Up button (3) to listen to the next track. • Press the Down button (4) twice to listen to the previous track. When the Down button (4) is pressed 5-36 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT once, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • Hold down the Up button (3) to fast forward the track. • Hold down the Down button (4) to fast rewind the track. Random playback Press the RDM button (6). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF FOLDER RANDOM ALL RANDOM • FOLDER RANDOM The random indicator “F. RDM” will light. The tracks in the currently selected folder will be played in random order. • ALL RANDOM The random indicator “RDM” will light. The tracks in the connected USB device will be played in random order. Repeat playback Press the RPT button (5). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: Play time Folder name OFF FILE REPEAT FOLDER REPEAT File name Album name (MP3, AAC only) Track title • FILE REPEAT The repeat indicator “RPT” will light. The track currently being played will be played repeatedly. • FOLDER REPEAT The repeat indicator “F. RPT” will light. All the tracks in the folder currently selected will be played repeatedly. Display change Press the DISP button (7). Each time the button is pressed, display will change as follows: Artist name NOTE: • “NO TITLE” will be displayed when there is no text information in the disc currently being played. • If text data contains more than 16 characters, the “>” mark will appear at the right end. Holding down the DISP button (7) for 1 second or longer can display the next page. 5-37 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Notes on USB device Compatible USB devices • USB Mass Storage Class For details as to whether your USB memory/USB Audio is compatible with USB Mass Storage Class, please contact the USB memory/USB Audio manufacturer. • USB Standard Compatibility 1.1/2.0 Full Speed • File System FAT12/16/32, VFAT • Maximum current less than 1.0 A • If devices such as USB hub, extension cable are connected to the audio system, it may not be recognized. In such case connect the USB device directly to the audio system. • Devices such as MP3 player/Mobile phone/digital camera may not be recognized by the audio system for playing music. USB device connection • When connecting a USB device, make sure that the connector is pushed all the way into the port. • Do not leave the USB device for long periods of time in places inside the vehicle where the temperature can rise too high. • Back up any important data beforehand. We cannot accept responsibility for any lost data. • It is recommended not to connect a USB device that contains data files other than MP3/WMA/AAC format. Recording MP3/WMA/AAC files on a USB device • Playback or display may not be possible depending on the type of USB device in use or the condition of the recording. • Depending on the connected USB memory, the files may be played in different order from the order that the files were stored. Compression formats MP3 • Bit rate: MPEG1 Audio Layer III: 32 k - 320 kbps MPEG2 Audio Layer III: 8 k - 160 kbps MPEG2.5 Audio Layer III: 8 k - 160 kbps • Sampling frequency: MPEG1 Audio Layer III: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz MPEG2 Audio Layer III: 16 k/22.05 k/24 kHz MPEG2.5 Audio Layer III: 8 k/11.025 k/12 kHz WMA (Ver. 7, Ver. 8, Ver. 9*) • Bit rate: CBR 32 k -320 kbps • Sampling frequency: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz * WMA 9 Professional/LossLess/Voice are not supported. AAC* • Bit rate: ABR 16 k - 320 kbps • Sampling frequency: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz * Apple Lossless is not supported. Maximum number of files/folders • Maximum number of files: 2500 • Maximum number of files in a folder: 255 • Maximum depth of tree structure: 8 • Maximum number of folders: 255 (Root folder is included.) Listening to an iPod® EXAMPLE (3) (4) (5) (7) (2) (1) (6) (8) 76MH0A098 Display (A) (B) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (C) MEDIA button TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob Up button Down button RPT button RDM button DISP button Preset buttons ([1] to [6]) (A) Track title (B) Track number (C) Play time 5-38 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Selecting an iPod® mode Press the MEDIA button (1). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: USB (iPod®) (if equipped) Random playback Press the RDM button (6). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF SONG RANDOM ALBUM RANDOM Bluetooth® audio (if equipped) AUX (if equipped) Selecting a track • Press the Up button (3) to listen to the next track. • Press the Down button (4) twice to listen to the previous track. When the Down button (4) is pressed once, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • Hold down the Up button (3) to fast forward the track. • Hold down the Down button (4) to fast rewind the track. • SONG RANDOM The random indicator “RDM” will light. The tracks in the iPod® will be played in random order. • ALBUM RANDOM The random indicator “F.RDM” will light. The albums in the iPod® will be played in random order. Repeat playback Press the RPT button (5). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF Display change Press the DISP button (7). Each time the button is pressed, display will change as follows: Playlist name / Track title (Playlist mode only) Artist name / Track title Album name / Track title Track title / Play time NOTE: If text data contains more than 16 characters, the “>” mark will appear at the right end. Holding down the DISP button (7) for 1 second or longer can display the next page. SONG REPEAT • SONG REPEAT The repeat indicator “RPT” will light. The track currently being played will be played repeatedly. 5-39 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Playing Mode selection 1) Press the button numbered [1] of the Preset buttons (8) for 1 second or longer. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2). Each time the knob is turned, the mode will change as follows: PLAYLIST ARTIST ALBUM SONGS GENRE 3) Press the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select the desired mode. NOTE: • When the button numbered [1] of the Preset buttons (8) is pressed, the previous mode will be displayed. Notes on iPod® iPod® Supported • iPod® touch (5th generation) • iPod® touch (4th generation) • iPod® touch (3rd generation) • iPod® touch (2nd generation) • iPod® touch (1st generation) • iPod® classic • iPod® nano (7th generation) • iPod® nano (6th generation) • iPod® nano (5th generation) • iPod® nano (4th generation) • iPod® nano (3rd generation) • iPod® nano (2nd generation) • iPod® nano (1st generation) • iPod® (5th generation) • iPhone® 6 • iPhone® 6 Plus • iPhone® 5S • iPhone® 5 • iPhone® 4S • iPhone® 4 • iPhone® 3GS • iPhone® 3G • iPhone® * Some functions may not be available depending on the model of iPod®. * iPod® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. * iPhone® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. * Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. iPod® connection • Make sure to detach the iPod® after pressing the engine switch to change the ignition mode to LOCK. The iPod® may not be shut down when it is being connected and may result in battery depletion. • Please do not connect iPod® accessories such as an iPod® remote control or headphones while connecting the iPod® with the unit. The unit may not operate correctly. 5-40 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT AUX Function EXAMPLE CAUTION (1) 76MH0A100 (1) MEDIA button AUX connection To listen to auxiliary audio sources (sold separately) through the unit, follow the instruction below. 1) Connect the auxiliary audio source to the AUX/USB socket (separately attached) with an AUX cable. 2) Press the MEDIA button (1). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: USB (iPod®) (if equipped) Bluetooth® audio (if equipped) AUX (if equipped) • Before connection, mute the unit, and also keep the volume of the auxiliary audio source within a range that will not cause distortion. • When the audio source is turned off, noise may be emitted. Be sure to turn off the unit or switch to another mode before turning off the audio source. NOTE: • Please consult your place of purchase for details about whether a given auxiliary audio source can be connected and the proper auxiliary cord to use. • The volume and tone controls of the auxiliary audio source can be adjusted on the unit. • In AUX mode, the volume setting is different from another mode. Bluetooth® Hands-Free (if equipped) EXAMPLE (1) (2) (3) 76MH0A102 (1) TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) VOL PUSH POWER knob (3) Preset buttons Steering switch EXAMPLE (4) (5) (6) 79MH0A140 5-41 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT in use for how to establish the pairing with the phone. • Bluetooth/Telephone setup mode can be entered only during vehicle is stationary(or speed less than ~ 8 kmph) EXAMPLE (7) 76MH0A132 (4) (5) (6) (7) Bluetooth® setup button Off Hook button On Hook button VOL switch Phone registration To use the hands-free function with this unit, it is required to register the phone in advance. NOTE: • Up to 5 phones can be registered. • To set up a new phone, disconnect the audio player from the unit. Connect the audio player again after phone setup is completed if necessary. • When failed to establish the pairing within 120 seconds, the connecting operation will be canceled. Please try again or refer to the manual of the phone 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Pairing”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Select “CAR AUDIO” from the Bluetooth® menu of the phone and establish the pairing. Refer to the manual of the phone in use for further information. 5) Enter the Passkey displayed on the unit to the phone. 6) Press the On Hook button (6). NOTE: • When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. • When additionally registering a phone, operate the same step from 1). Ending a call Press the On Hook button (6) to end a call. Rejecting a call (only for supported models) Press the On Hook button (6) to reject a incoming call. Adjusting the listening volume • Turn the VOL PUSH POWER knob (2) during a call. Turning it clockwise increases the volume; turning it counterclockwise decreases the volume. • Press the VOL switch (7) during a call. Pressing “+” of the switch increases the volume, pressing “-” of the switch decreases the volume. Adjusting the ring volume • Turn the VOL PUSH POWER knob (2) while a call coming in. Turning it clockwise increases the volume; turning it counterclockwise decreases the volume. • Press the VOL switch (7) during a call. Pressing “+” of the switch increases the volume, pressing “-” of the switch decreases the volume. Receiving a call Press the Off Hook button (5) to receive a call. 5-42 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Adjusting the call or ringtone volume Follow the instructions below to adjust the call or ringtone volume. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Telephone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Sound Setting”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Call Volume” or “Ringtone Volume”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. The current call or ringtone volume will be displayed. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select desired call or ringtone volume, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. Selecting the Ringtone Follow the instructions below to select a ringtone. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Telephone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Sound Setting”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Ringtone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. The current ringtone will be sounded. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select desired ringtone, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. Dialing using Missed/Incoming/ Outgoing Calls Follow the instructions below to dial to the last dialed number again. 1) Press the Off Hook button (5). The Bluetooth® phonebook menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Missed Calls”, “Incoming Calls” or “Outgoing Calls”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. To dial from the dialed history or the received history, select “Missed Calls”, “Incoming Calls” or “Outgoing Calls” respectively. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select the desired number, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Dial”, and press the knob (1) or the Off Hook button (5) to dial to the selected number. NOTE: • When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. • Pressing “Confirm” after selecting “Add Speed Dial” can register the selected number in the speed dial. • Pressing “Confirm” after selecting “Delete” can delete the selected number from the call history. NOTE: Up to 10 phone numbers of the latest calls can be stored. (10 each for dialed, received and missed call) 5-43 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Deletion of call history Follow the instructions below to delete a missed/incoming/outgoing call history. 1) Press the Off Hook button (5). The Bluetooth® phonebook menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Phonebook”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Delete History”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Missed Calls”, “Incoming Calls”, or “Outgoing Calls”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select a number to be deleted or “ALL”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 6) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Delete?” or “Delete All?”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 7) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (1) to complete the deletion. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. Registration in Phonebook Registration of numbers in the phonebook. Follow the instructions below to register phone numbers in the Phonebook of the unit. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Telephone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Phonebook”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Add Contacts”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Overwrite All” or “Add One Contact”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. The “Rest of Memory XXXX: Ok?” will be displayed. 6) Press or turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 7) Transfer contacts from the phone. When the registration is completed, the “Setup Phonebook” will be displayed. NOTE: • When selecting “Go Back” the previous menu will be displayed. • Up to 1000 numbers can be registered in Phonebook. Transfer of call history (Call History) Follow the instructions below to transfer call history of the registered phone. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Telephone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Call History”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Call History?”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (1) to transfer the call history from the phone. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. 5-44 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Making a call by Phonebook Follow the instructions below to dial a number registered in Phonebook. 1) Press the Off Hook button (5). The Bluetooth® phonebook menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Phonebook”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select the initial of the name you would like to make a call, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. The registered numbers will be displayed in sequence. If names have been registered together with numbers, the names will be displayed. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Dial”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Press the Off Hook button (5). The displayed number or the number registered with the displayed name will be dialed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Telephone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Phonebook”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Delete Contacts”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select a number to be deleted, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 6) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Delete?”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 7) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (1) to complete the deletion. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. Deletion of registered data (Delete Entry) Follow the instructions below to delete a number registered in Phonebook. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. Registration in speed dial Follow the instructions below to assign a number to one of the Preset buttons to use as the speed dial. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Telephone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Phonebook”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Add Speed Dial”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select a number to be assigned, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 6) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Choose Preset”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 7) Press one of the Preset buttons (3) to which the selected number is to be assigned. If a number is already assigned to the selected button, a confirmation message will be displayed. Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (1) to complete the assignment. When the assignment is completed, the “Setup Phonebook” will be displayed. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. 5-45 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT One-touch call (Speed dial) Follow the instructions below to dial the number assigned to each of the Preset buttons (3). 1) Press the Off Hook button (5). The Bluetooth® phonebook menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Speed Dials”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Press one of the Preset buttons (3). When no number is assigned, “No Entry” is displayed. 4) Press the Off Hook button (5). The selected number will be dialed. Deletion of speed dial (Del Speed Dial) To delete a number assigned for the speed dial, follow the instructions below. 1) Press the Off Hook button (5). The Bluetooth® phonebook menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Speed Dials”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Press one of the Preset buttons (3) to which the number to be deleted is assigned. “No Entry” appears if the number is not registered. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Delete”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Del Speed Dial”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 6) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (1) to complete the deletion. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. Display of device data (Device Name) Follow the instructions below to display the BD (Bluetooth® Device) address and device name. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Bluetooth Info”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Device Name” or “Device Address”, and press the knob (1) to display the device name or the BD (Bluetooth® Device) address. Reset to the factory defaults Follow the instructions below to reset all the settings to the factory defaults. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Initialize”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “All Initialize”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (1) to start the reset. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. 5-46 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Selection of phone (Select Phone) Follow the instructions below to select a phone to be paired with from the registered phones. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “List Phone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select a phone to be paired with, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Select”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. NOTE: • When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. • The Bluetooth® ready audio device will be disconnected when the phone is selected. List of phones (List Phones) Follow the instructions below to display the names of the registered phones in sequence. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “List Phone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. The names of the registered phones are displayed in sequence. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. Passkey setting (Set Passkey) Follow the instructions below to set the security number (Passkey). 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Passkey”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “New Passkey”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Press or turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Confirm”. 6) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select a number for the first digit, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. Select and determine numbers for the second, third and fourth digits in order in the same manner. When not entering up to the eighth digit, enter blanks for the successive digits. 7) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to determine the passkey setting. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. 5-47 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Deletion of phone information (Delete Phone) Follow the instructions below to delete the registered information of the phone. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “List Phone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select a phone to be deleted, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Delete Phone”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 6) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Delete?”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 7) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. BT function on/off (BT Power) Follow the instructions below to turn on/off the Bluetooth® function. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (4). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “BT Power”, and press the knob (1) to determine the selection. 4) Press the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (1) to select “BT Power On” or “BT Power Off”. Bluetooth® audio (if equipped) NOTE: • When the BT function is turned off, the connection between this unit and the registered phone in use will be disconnected. • When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. Steering switch EXAMPLE (3) (4) (1) (5) (2) 76MH0A103 NOTE: Applicable for Bluetooth® audio version 2.1 and above. EXAMPLE (6) 79MH0A141 5-48 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Display Registration of audio devices (A) (B) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MEDIA button TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob Up button Down button DISP button Bluetooth® setup button (A) Track number (B) Play time To use Bluetooth® ready audio devices with this unit, it is required to register the devices. NOTE: • To set up a new audio player, disconnect the phone from the unit. Connect the phone after audio player setup is completed if necessary. • When failed to establish the connection within 120 seconds, the connecting operation will be canceled. Please try again or refer to the audio player manual for assistance with the pairing process. • A separate audio mobile device can be selected for Bluetooth audio, even if a phone is already connected to the hands free profile. Refer to the manual of the audio player in use for further information. 5) Enter the Passkey displayed on the unit to the audio player. (For phones with Bluetooth version 2.1 or above passkey input is not required) NOTE: • When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. • When additionally registering audio devices, operate the same step from 1). 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (6). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Pairing”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 4) Select “CAR AUDIO” from the Bluetooth® menu of the audio player and establish the pairing. 5-49 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Selecting the Bluetooth® audio mode Press the MEDIA button (1). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: USB (iPod®) (if equipped) Bluetooth® audio (if equipped) AUX (if equipped) Selecting a group (only for supported models) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select a group. Selecting a track • Press the Up button (3) to listen to the next track. • Press the Down button (4) twice to listen to the previous track. When the Down button (4) is pressed once, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • Hold down the Up button (3) to fast forward the track. • Hold down the Down button (4) to fast rewind the track. NOTE: Some functions may not be available depending on Bluetooth® audio. Display change Press the DISP button (5). Each time the button is pressed, display will change as follows: Play time Track name Artist name Album name NOTE: If text data contains more than 12 characters, the “>” mark will appear at the right end. Holding down the DISP button (5) for 1 second or longer can display the next page. Selection of audio device (Select Audio) Follow the instructions below to select an audio device to be paired with from the registered audio devices. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (6). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “List Audio”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select an audio device to be used, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Select”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 6) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (2) to complete the pairing. NOTE: • When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. • The phone will be disconnected when the Bluetooth® ready audio device is selected. 5-50 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT List of audio devices (List Audio) Follow the instructions below to display the names of the registered audio devices in sequence. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (6). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “List Audio”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. The names of registered audio devices will be displayed in sequence. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. Passkey setting (Set Passkey) Follow the instructions below to set the security number (Passkey). 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (6). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Passkey”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “New Passkey”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 5) Press or turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Confirm”. 6) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select a number for the first digit, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. Select and determine numbers for the second, third and fourth digits in order in the same manner. When not entering up to the eighth digit, enter blanks for the successive digits. 7) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to determine the passkey setting. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. 3) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “List Audio”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 4) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select an audio device to be deleted, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 5) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Delete”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 6) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Delete?”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 7) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Confirm”, and press the knob (2) to complete the deletion. NOTE: When selecting “Go Back”, the previous menu will be displayed. Deletion of audio device information (Delete Audio) Follow the instructions below to delete the registered information of audio device. 1) Press the Bluetooth® setup button (6). The Bluetooth® setup menu will be displayed. 2) Turn the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (2) to select “Setup Bluetooth”, and press the knob (2) to determine the selection. 5-51 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Remote Audio Controls (if equipped) Controlling of basic functions of the audio system is available using the switches on the steering wheel. FM2 (Radio) CD EXAMPLE (2) FM1 (Radio) Bluetooth® audio (if equipped) (3) AUX (if equipped) USB (iPod®) (if equipped) AM (Radio) (1) (4) 68LM553 < Selecting the mode Press the switch (3). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: Selecting the radio station (FM1, FM2, AM mode) • To select the next preset station, press “ ” of the switch (4) only for a moment. • To select the previous preset station, press “ ” of the switch (4) only for a moment. • To scan a higher frequency radio station, press “ ” of the switch (4) for 1 second or longer. • To scan a lower frequency radio station, press “ ” of the switch (4) for 1 second or longer. < Adjusting the volume • To increase the volume, hold down “+” of the VOL switch (1). The volume will keep on being increased until the switch is released. • To decrease the volume, hold down “-” of the VOL switch (1). The volume will keep on being decreased until the switch is released. • To mute the sound, press the switch (2). It is possible to turn on the audio system by pressing the switch (3). < • Depending on the mobile phone models, some phones may not be compatible fully or partially (some function may be restricted). • Connectivity or voice quality may get affected depending on circumstances. • After the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position, the audio system takes few seconds to detect and connect to the Bluetooth® device (if already paired). • Make sure that you are aware of all applicable local laws and accordingly use Bluetooth device. < Disclaimer for Bluetooth® function 5-52 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Anti-Theft Feature EXAMPLE < < Selecting the track (CD, USB (iPod®), Bluetooth® audio mode) • To skip to the next track, press “ ” of the switch (4) only for a moment. • To skip to the previous track, press “ ” of the switch (4) twice only for a moment. When the switch (4) is pushed down once only for a moment, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. < (1) (4) (2) < Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • To fast forward, press “ ” of the switch (4) for 1 second or longer. • To fast rewind, press “ ” of the switch (4) for 1 second or longer. (3) 76MH0A105 (1) (2) (3) (4) VOL PUSH POWER knob Preset buttons ([1] to [6]) Up button TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob The anti-theft function is intended to discourage thefts, such as that the audio system becomes inoperable when it is installed on other vehicles. This function works by entering a Personal Identification Number (PIN). When the unit is disconnected from its power source, such as when the audio system is removed or the battery is disconnected, the unit will become inoperable until the PIN is reentered. Setting the Anti-Theft Function 1) Press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1) to power off. 2) Hold down the buttons numbered [1] and [6] of the Preset buttons (2) and press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1). “SECURITY” will be displayed. 3) Press the Up button (3) and the button numbered [1] of the Preset buttons (2) simultaneously. 4) Enter a 4-digit number to be registered as PIN using the buttons numbered [1] [4] of the Preset buttons (2). 5) Hold down the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (4) for 1 second or longer to set the anti-theft function. NOTE: Take a note of the registered PIN and keep it for the future use. 5-53 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Canceling the anti-theft feature To cancel the anti-theft function, delete the registered PIN. 1) Press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1) to power off. 2) Hold down the buttons numbered [1] and [6] of the Preset buttons (2) and press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1). “PIN ENTRY” will be displayed. 3) Press the Up button (3) and the button numbered [1] of the Preset buttons (2) simultaneously. 4) Enter a 4-digit number to be registered as PIN using the buttons numbered [1] [4] of the Preset buttons (2). 5) Hold down the TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (4) for 1 second or longer to delete the registered PIN. The indication “----” will be displayed and the anti-theft function will be canceled. NOTE: To change your PIN, first delete your current PIN, then set a new one. Confirming the Personal Identification Number (PIN) When the main power source is disconnected such as when the battery is replaced, etc, it is required to enter the PIN to make the unit operable again. 1) Set the ignition switch to the “ACC” position. “SECURITY” will be displayed. 2) Press the Up button (3) and the button numbered [1] of the Preset buttons (2) simultaneously. 3) Enter a 4-digit number to be registered as PIN using the buttons numbered [1] [4] of the Preset buttons (2). 4) Hold down TUNE FOLDER PUSH SOUND knob (4) for 1 second or longer. When the PIN same as registered is entered, the power of the audio system will be turned off automatically and it will become operable again. NOTE: If an incorrect PIN is entered, “ERROR” and the total number of incorrect entry attempts will be displayed. If an incorrect PIN is entered 10 times, “HELP” will be displayed and the audio system will become inoperable. Battery Installation Install a lithium battery (CR2025) with the poles facing the correct direction. EXAMPLE 79MM05002 Battery replacement timing • When battery power is depleted, the button may not be operable. If the remote controller does not operate, replace the battery and check the operation. Caution on battery • Be sure to follow the instructions to prevent battery leakage, over-heating, ignition or explosion. WARNING • Do not expose the battery to flame. Do not short circuit, disassemble, or heat the battery. • Do not charge the battery. • Use the specified type battery. • Keep the button-shaped battery away from children to prevent accidental swallowing. If the battery is swallowed, contact a doctor immediately. 5-54 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT CAUTION • Install the battery with the poles facing the correct direction. • When not in use for a long period of time, or if the battery is dead, remove the battery from the remote controller. If battery leakage has occurred, wipe the container first then install a new battery. If the battery solution contacts the skin, wash off with water completely. Caution on Remote Controller • Do not leave the remote controller in an area exposed to direct sunlight, such as on the dashboard or steering wheel. The remote controller may deform because of the heat, (Be especially careful of the dashboard exposed to direct sunlight in the summer, as it will become extremely hot). • When the vehicle is parked in an area exposed to direct sunlight, Ensure the remote controller is placed in an area not exposed to direct sunlight. For example: Glove box. Under direct sunlight, signal reception from the remote controller weakens. If this happens, hold the remote controller close to the signal receptor on the front panel. 5-55 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Remote Controller Common operations POWER button Power ON / OFF VOLUME button Press to adjust volume. (including at AUX mode) TUNE FOLDER UP/DOWN button In Sound Mode Press to adjust the sound.(bass/treble/balance/fader) In Preset-EQ Mode The Preset-EQ setting switches as follows: OFF (FLAT) JAZZ ROCK POP CLASSIC HIP-HOP SEEK TRACK MODE button The mode switches as follows: FM1 OFF LEVEL 1 TUNE/FLD ENT VOL + SEEK TRACK Press to mute the sound. Press it again to cancel the mute. TUNE/FLD 1 MENU 2 3 4 RPT 5 RDM 6 DISP MODE AS SOUND SOUND button While playback, the sound mode switches as follows (including at AUX mode, except while displaying iPod® menu): FM2 In AVC Mode The AVC setting switches as follows: MUTE button VOL - CD Preset-EQ Bluetooth® audio (if equipped) BASS AUX (if equipped) TREBLE ® LEVEL 2 USB (iPod ) (if equipped) LEVEL 3 AM BALANCE FADER AVC 5-56 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Radio operations AS button Press to return to the last received frequency in the previous auto store mode. Press it for 2 seconds or longer. It selects the stations with the stronger signals and stores them in order. VOL - SEEK TRACK TUNE/FLD ENT VOL + SEEK TRACK SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button Press to select the radio station. TUNE/FLD 1 MENU 2 4 RPT 5 RDM MODE AS 3 6 DISP SOUND PRESET buttons (1-6) Press to select the desired preset station. NOTE: When there are fewer than 6 stations that can be stored even if 1 round of auto store operation is performed, no station will be stored at the remaining preset buttons. 5-57 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT CD operations SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous track. Press it for 1 second or longer to fast-forward/ fast-rewind the track. RDM (5) button Press to play the current track randomly. Press it again to cancel. VOL - SEEK TRACK TUNE/FLD ENT VOL + SEEK TRACK TUNE/FLD RPT (4) button Press to plays the current track repeatedly. Press it again to cancel. DISP (6) button The display switches as follows: 1 MENU 2 3 Play time 4 RPT 5 RDM 6 DISP Disc title MODE AS SOUND Track title Press it for 1 second or longer to display the next page. 5-58 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT MP3/WMA/AAC Disc operations SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous track. Press it for 1 second or longer to fast-forward/fastrewind the track. TUNE FOLDER UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous folder. DISP (6) button The display switches as follows: RPT (4) button The repeat mode switches as follows: OFF VOL - SEEK TRACK ENT VOL + SEEK TRACK Play time Folder name File name FILE REPEAT FOLDER REPEAT TUNE/FLD TUNE/FLD 1 MENU 2 3 4 RPT 5 RDM 6 DISP MODE AS Album name (MP3, AAC only) Track title RDM (5) button The random mode switches as follows: SOUND Artist name Press it for 1 second or longer to display the next page. OFF FOLDER RANDOM ALL RANDOM 5-59 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT USB operations SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous file. Press it for 1 second or longer to fast-forward/fastrewind the file. TUNE FOLDER UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous folder. DISP (6) button The display switches as follows: RPT (4) button The repeat mode switches as follows: OFF VOL - SEEK TRACK ENT VOL + SEEK TRACK Play time Folder name File name FILE REPEAT FOLDER REPEAT TUNE/FLD TUNE/FLD 1 MENU 2 3 4 RPT 5 RDM 6 DISP MODE AS Album name (MP3, AAC only) Track title SOUND Artist name RDM (5) button Press it for 1 second or longer to display the next page. The random mode switches as follows: OFF FOLDER RANDOM ALL RANDOM 5-60 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT iPod® operations SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button ENT button Press to skip to the next/previous file. Press it for 1 second or longer to fast-forward/fastrewind the file. While displaying iPod® menu, press to select the desired item and display the list. When a track is selected from the list, the playback starts. DISP (6) button TUNE FOLDER UP/DOWN button While displaying iPod® menu, press to display the next/previous list in the same layer. The display switches as follows: VOL - SEEK TRACK RPT (4) button Press to play the current track repeatedly. Press it again to cancel. TUNE/FLD ENT VOL + SEEK TRACK 2 3 4 RPT 5 RDM 6 DISP AS Artist name / Track title Album name / Track title TUNE/FLD 1 MENU MODE Playlist name / Track title (Playlist mode only) SOUND Track title / Play time Press it for 1 second or longer to display the next page. RDM (5) button The random mode switches as follows: OFF SONG RANDOM MENU button ALBUM RANDOM During playback • Press to display iPod® menu. • Press it for 1 second or longer to display the top menu. While iPod® menu is displayed • Press to display the folder in one layer upper. • Press it for 1 second or longer to display the top menu. 5-61 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Troubleshooting When encountered a problem, check and follow the instructions as described below. If the described suggestions do not solve the problem, it is recommended to take the unit to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Problem Possible cause Possible solution Common Unable to operate The security function is on. When “SECURITY” is displayed, enter the ID. When “HELP” is displayed, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Unable to turn on the power (no sound). (No sound is produced) Fuse is blown. Contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Much noise It may not be exactly tuned in to the station. Tune it in exactly to the station. Unable to receive by auto tuning There may be no station emitting signals powerful enough. Pick up a station by manual tuning. The disc is dirty. Wipe the disc with a soft cloth. The disc has a major scratch or is warped. Replace the disc with the one with no scratch and also not warped. Radio CD Sound skips or noise produced 5-62 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Problem Possible cause Possible solution MP3/WMA/AAC No playback The disc contains unsupported formatted data. Check the file format. Sound skips or noise produced Sound skipping may occur when playing VBR (Variable Bit Rate) files. It is not recommended to play VBR files. There is no supported format file to play on this unit. Check the file format. The current consumption of the USB device exceeds 1.0 A. Use an USB device with a current consumption lower than 1.0 A. The distance between this unit and the Bluetooth® ready device is too far, or a metallic object may be located between the Bluetooth® ready device and this unit. Change the location of the Bluetooth® ready device. The Bluetooth® function of the Bluetooth® ready device is off. Refer to the manual of the Bluetooth® ready device. (Some devices have the power saving function that automatically activates after a certain time.) Unable to receive a call. Your current location may be out of service area. Drive your vehicle to the service area of the phone. The voice quality of hands-free is low (Distortion, noise etc.). Another wireless device may be located near the unit. Switch off the wireless device or keep it away from the unit. USB Playback does not start when the USB device is connected. Bluetooth® Pairing failed 5-63 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Error Display Messages Display Possible cause Possible solution CD ERROR 1 The disc cannot be read. Insert the disc with its label side up. Check the disc if it is not warped or is free of flaws. When ERROR 1 does not disappear even when a normal disc is inserted, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. ERROR 3 The player developed an error of an unidentified cause. When the CD is in the unit, press the CD eject button to remove the disc. When the disc cannot be ejected, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. ERROR 1 The USB device is disconnected. Check the connection of the USB device. ERROR 2 Impossible to communicate correctly with the USB device. Unplug the USB device and plug it again. Check the USB device. ERROR 3 Inoperable due to an unidentified cause. Unplug the USB device and plug it again. When ERROR 3 does not disappear, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. ERROR 4 The current consumption of the USB device exceeds 1.0 A. Check the USB device. USB/iPod® 5-64 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Display Possible cause Possible solution The player developed an error of an unidentified cause. Disconnect the Bluetooth® ready device and connect it again. When ERROR 1 does not disappear, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Failed to establish pairing Try to establish the pairing again. Reached the limit for the number of connected device information Delete information of unnecessary devices and try to establish the pairing again. Not Avail. Inoperable during driving Operate the system after pulling over your vehicle. Not Linked Phone is disconnected Try to establish the pairing again. Bluetooth® ERROR 1 Failed Memory Full 5-65 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Audio System (Type B) (if equipped) EXAMPLE AM/FM CD PLAYER 84MS0T506 NOTE: For vehicle equipped with SMARTPLAY INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM, refer to the audio manual available with the vehicle. 5-66 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Safety Information WARNING If you pay extended attention to operating the audio system or viewing the audio system display while driving, an accident can occur. If you set the sound volume too loud, it could prevent you from being aware of road and traffic conditions. • Keep your eyes on the road and your mind on the drive. Avoid paying extended attention to operating the audio system or viewing the audio system display. • Familiarize yourself with the audio system controls and operation of the audio system before driving. • Preset your favorite radio stations before driving so that you can quickly tune to them using the presets. • Set the sound volume to a level that will allow you to continue to be aware of road and traffic conditions while driving. Notes on Discs Precautions • When the inside of the vehicle is very cold and the player is used soon after switching on the heater, condensation may form on the disc or the optical parts of the player and proper playback may not be possible. If condensation forms on the disc, wipe it off with a soft cloth. If condensation forms on the optical parts of the player, do not use the player for about one hour. This will allow the condensation to disappear normally. • Driving on extremely bumpy roads which cause severe vibrations may cause sound to skip. • This unit uses a precision mechanism. Even in the event that trouble arises, never open the case, disassemble the unit, or lubricate the rotating parts. Please bring the unit to an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Removing the disc Proper way to hold the compact disc EXAMPLE 52D275 To remove the compact disc from its storage case, press down on the center of the case and lift the disc out, holding it carefully by the edges. Always handle the compact disc by the edges. Never touch the surface. EXAMPLE Cautions on Handling EXAMPLE (A) 52D347 52D274 This unit has been designed specifically for playback of compact discs bearing mark (A) shown above. No other discs can be played. To remove fingermarks and dust, use a soft cloth, and wipe in a straight line from the center of the compact disc to the circumference. 5-67 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT (B) (C) Do not expose compact discs to direct sunlight or any heat source. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE ((B) 52D349 52D277 New discs may have some roughness around the edges. The unit may not work or the sound may skip if such discs are used. Use a ball-point pen (B), etc. to remove the roughness (C) from the edges of the disc before inserting it into the unit. Do not use any solvents such as commercially available cleaners, anti-static spray, or thinner to clean compact discs. EXAMPLE WARNING 52D350 EXAMPLE NOTE: • Do not use commercially available CD protection sheets or discs equipped with stabilizers, etc. These may get caught in the internal mechanism and damage the disc. • It may be impossible to play CD-R discs with this unit due to the recording conditions. • CD-RW discs cannot be played with this unit. Do not use compact discs that have large scratches, are misshaped, or cracked, etc. Use of such discs will cause damage or prevent the system from operating properly. This is a class I laser product. Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. Do not open covers and do not attempt to repair this unit by yourself. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. EXAMPLE 52D348 Never stick labels on the surface of the compact disc or write on the surface with a pencil or pen. 52D351 5-68 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Basic Operations EXAMPLE Mute Press the MUTE button (3) to mute the sound. To cancel the mute, press the MUTE button (3) again. (3) (1) (2) Adjusting bass/treble/balance /fader 1) Press the SOUND button (2). Each time the button is pressed, sound adjustment will change as follows: Preset-EQ (EQ OFF) 84MS0T507 (1) VOL PUSH POWER knob (2) SOUND button (3) MUTE button Turning power on/off Press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1). The unit starts in the function mode it was in when the power was turned off last. Adjusting the volume Turn the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1). Turning it clockwise increases the volume; turning it counterclockwise decreases the volume. NOTE: While driving, adjust the volume to an extent that sound and/or noise coming from outside the vehicle can be heard. Bass adjustment (BASS 0) Treble adjustment (TREBLE 0) Balance adjustment (BALANCE 0) Fader adjustment (FADER 0) AVC adjustment (AVC LEVEL 2) 2) Turn the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1) to adjust the sound. Adjusting the AVC (Auto volume control) The Auto Volume Control (AVC) function automatically adjusts (increases/decreases) the sound volume in accordance with vehicle speed. The AVC control is provided with three selectable levels (LEVEL OFF, 1, 2, 3). The range of volume adjustment increases together with the LEVEL number. 1) Press the SOUND button (2) until the AVC adjustment mode is selected. 2) Turn the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1) to select the desired AVC adjustment level. (Initial setting: LEVEL 2) Preset-EQ Preset-EQ calls up various sound types in accordance with the listening music type. 1) Press the SOUND button (2) several times until “PRESET-EQ” appears. 2) Turn the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1) to adjust the sound. Each time the knob is turned, preset EQ mode will change as follows: OFF (FLAT) JAZZ ROCK POP CLASSIC HIP-HOP 5-69 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Listening to the Radio EXAMPLE (7) Selecting the reception band Press the FM/AM button (1). Each time the button is pressed, the reception band will change as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) FM1 FM2 AM (6) 84MS0T508 Display (A) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) FM/AM button SEEK Up button SEEK Down button TUNE Up button TUNE Down button Preset buttons ([1] to [6]) AS button Seek tuning Press the SEEK Up button (2) or the SEEK Down button (3). The unit stops searching for a station at a frequency where a broadcast station is available. Manual tuning Press the TUNE Up button (4) or the TUNE Down button (5). The frequency being received is displayed. Preset memory 1) Select the desired station. 2) Hold down a desired button ([1] to [6]) of the Preset buttons (6) to which you want to store the station for 2 seconds or longer. Auto store Hold down the AS button (7) for 2 seconds or longer. Six stations in good reception will automatically be stored to the Preset buttons (6) in order, starting from a station whose frequency is the lowest. NOTE: • Auto store can be released by pressing AS button (7) while auto store is under way. • When the auto store is performed, the station previously stored in the memory at the position is overwritten. • When there are fewer than 6 stations that can be stored even if 1 round of auto store operation is performed, no station will be stored at the remaining Preset buttons (6). • 6 stations can be preset for FM1 and FM2 in common, and 6 stations for AM in auto store mode. (A) Band (B) Frequency 5-70 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Auto store mode on/off Press the AS button (7). Each time the button is pressed, the mode is switched as follows: Listening to a CD EXAMPLE NOTE: This product does not support 8 cm CD (sometimes called as “mini single CD”, “3inch CD”, “CD3”, etc.). (1) (2) AS mode on AS mode off EXAMPLE (3) (4) (5) (8) (A) 52D274 Radio Reception Radio reception can be affected by environment, atmospheric conditions, or radio signal’s power and distance from the station. Nearby mountains and buildings may interfere or deflect radio reception, causing poor reception. Poor reception or radio static can also be caused by electric current from overhead wires or high voltage power lines. (6) (7) 84MS0T510 Display • CDs or CD-ROMs carrying no mark (A) cannot be used. • Some discs recorded in CD-R/CD-RW format may sometimes be impossible to use. EXAMPLE (A) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Insertion slot Eject button MEDIA button TRACK Up button TRACK Down button RPT button RDM button DISP button (A) Track number (B) Play time (B) 52D291 • A CD is to be inserted with its label side up. • When there is a CD already in the unit, it is impossible to insert another CD without ejecting the CD in the unit. Do not use force to insert a CD into the CD insertion slot. 5-71 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT NOTICE NOTICE • Never insert your finger or hand into the CD insertion slot. Never insert foreign objects. • Never insert a CD with glue coming out from adhesive tape or a rental CD label or with a trace indicating that adhesive tape or a rental CD label has been removed. This may cause the CD not to eject or result in a malfunction. If you forcefully try to push an ejected CD inside the unit before auto reloading, the disc surface might be scratched. When reloading a CD, remove it from the unit completely before reloading. Loading a CD Insert a CD in the Insertion slot (1). When a CD is loaded, play starts. Ejecting a CD Press the Eject button (2). When the ignition switch is “LOCK” position, the CD remained ejected for around 15 seconds or longer will automatically be drawn inside the unit. (Auto reload function) The backup eject function: This function allows you to eject a CD by pressing the Eject button (2) even when the ignition switch is “LOCK” position. Listening to a CD When a CD is inserted, playback will automatically start. When a CD is already inside the unit, press the MEDIA button (3) to start playback. Selecting a track • Press the TRACK Up button (4) to listen to the next track. • Press the TRACK Down button (5) twice to listen to the previous track. When the TRACK Down button (5) is pressed once, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • Hold down the TRACK Up button (4) to fast forward the track. • Hold down the TRACK Down button (5) to fast rewind the track. Random playback Press the RDM button (7). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF TRACK RANDOM • TRACK RANDOM The random indicator “RDM” will light. The tracks in the loaded disc will be played in random order. Repeat playback Press the RPT button (6). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF TRACK REPEAT • TRACK REPEAT The repeat indicator “RPT” will light. The track currently being played will be played repeatedly. 5-72 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Display change Press the DISP button (8). Each time the button is pressed, display will change as follows: Play time Listening to an MP3/WMA/AAC Disc EXAMPLE Selecting a folder • Press the FOLDER Up button (1) to jump to the next folder. • Press the FOLDER Down button (2) to jump to the previous folder. (7) (1) (2) Selecting a track • Press the TRACK Up button (3) to listen to the next track. • Press the TRACK Down button (4) twice to listen to the previous track. When the TRACK Down button (4) is pressed once, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. (3) (4) Disc title Track title (5) (6) 84MS0T512 NOTE: • “NO TITLE” will be displayed when there is no text information in the disc currently being played. • If text data contains more than 12 characters “>”mark will appear at the right end. Holding down the DISP button (8) for 1 second or longer can display the next page. Display (A) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (C) Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • Hold down the TRACK Up button (3) to fast forward the track. • Hold down the TRACK Down button (4) to fast rewind the track. FOLDER Up button FOLDER Down button TRACK Up button TRACK Down button RPT button RDM button DISP button (A) DISC type (B) Folder number (C) Track number 5-73 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Random playback Press the RDM button (6). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF FOLDER RANDOM ALL RANDOM Display change Press the DISP button (7). Each time the button is pressed, display will change as follows: Folder No., Track No. Play time • FOLDER RANDOM The random indicator “F.RDM” will light. The tracks in the current folder will be played in random order. • ALL RANDOM The random indicator “RDM” will light. The tracks in the loaded disc will be played in random order. Repeat playback Press the RPT button (5). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF FILE REPEAT FOLDER REPEAT • FILE REPEAT The repeat indicator “RPT” will light. The track currently being played will be played repeatedly. • FOLDER REPEAT The repeat indicator “F.RPT” will light. All tracks in the currently selected folder will be played repeatedly. Folder name File name Album name (MP3, AAC only) Track title Artist name NOTE: • “NO TITLE” will be displayed when there is no text information in the disc currently being played. • If text data contains more than 16 characters “>” mark will appear at the right end. Holding down the DISP button (7) for 1 second or longer can display the next page. Notes on MP3/WMA/AAC What is MP3? • MP3 (MPEG audio layer3) is an audio compression format that has become the standard format among PC users. Its merit is that the original audio data is compressed to approximately 1/10 and high sound quality is maintained. This means that it is possible to store the data of approximately 10 music CDs on a single CD-R/RW disc, which in turn makes it possible to play music for a long time without having to change the disc. What is WMA? • An abbreviation of “Windows Media Audio,” WMA is an audio compression format developed by Microsoft. • WMA files for which the DRM (Digital Rights Management) function is ON cannot be played. • Windows MediaTM and the Windows® logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. What is AAC? • An abbreviation of “Advanced Audio Coding,” AAC is an audio compression format used by MPEG2 and MPEG4. 5-74 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Points to remember when making MP3/ WMA/AAC files Common • High bit rate and high sampling frequency are recommended for high quality sounds. • Selecting VBR (Variable Bit Rate) is not recommended. Selecting VBR may cause display of incorrect playing time and jumpiness of playback. • Playback sound quality varies depending on the encoding environment. For details, refer to the user manual of the encoding software and the writing software in use. NOTICE Never assign the “.mp3”, “.wma”, or “.m4a” file name extension to a file if it is not in the MP3/WMA/AAC format file. Failure to observe this may result in damage to the speaker due to noise production. Recording MP3/WMA/AAC files on a CD media • It is recommended not to write both CDDA files and MP3/WMA/AAC files on a disc. • If both CD-DA files and MP3/WMA/AAC files are on the same disc, tracks may not be played in the correct order or some tracks may not be played at all. • When storing both MP3 data and WMA data on the same disc, sort and place them in different folders. • Do not write files other than MP3/WMA/ AAC files and unnecessary folders on a disc. • MP3/WMA/AAC files should be named to meet the standards and the file system specifications as shown below. • The file extension “.mp3”, “.wma” or “.m4a” should be assigned to files based on their format independently. • You may encounter a trouble in playing MP3/WMA/AAC files or displaying information of MP3/WMA/AAC files depending on the writing software or CD recorder in use. • This unit does not have a play list function. • It is recommended to write discs in Discat-Once mode even though Multi-session mode is supported. Compression formats MP3 • Bit rate: MPEG1 Audio Layer III: 32 k - 320 kbps MPEG2 Audio Layer III: 8 k - 160 kbps MPEG2.5 Audio Layer III: 8 k - 160 kbps • Sampling frequency: MPEG1 Audio Layer III: 32 k/44.1 k/ 48 kHz MPEG2 Audio Layer III: 16 k/22.05 k/ 24 kHz MPEG2.5 Audio Layer III: 8 k/11.025 k/ 12 kHz WMA (Ver. 7, Ver. 8, Ver. 9*) • Bit rate: CBR 32 k - 320 kbps • Sampling frequency: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz * WMA 9 Professional/LossLess/Voice are not supported. AAC* • Bit rate: ABR 16 k - 320 kbps • Sampling frequency: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz * Apple Lossless is not supported. Supported file systems ISO 9660 Level 1/Level 2, Joliet, Romeo Maximum number of files/folders • Maximum number of files: 512 • Maximum number of files in a folder: 255 • Maximum depth of tree structure: 8 • Maximum number of folders: 255 (Root folder is included.) 5-75 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Listening to files stored in a USB device EXAMPLE (1) (4) (5) (8) (2) (3) (6) (7) 84MS0T514 Display NOTICE Do not connect any USB device other than a USB memory or a USB audio player. Do not connect multiple USB devices to the USB connector using a USB hub, etc. Supplying power to multiple USB devices from the connector could cause overheating and smoking. Selecting a USB device mode Press the MEDIA button (1). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: When the TRACK Down button (5) is pressed once, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • Hold down the TRACK Up button (4) to fast forward the track. • Hold down the TRACK Down button (5) to fast rewind the track. Random playback Press the RDM button (7). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF FOLDER RANDOM ALL RANDOM DISK (if inserted CD) USB (iPod®) (if connected) (A) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MEDIA button FOLDER Up button FOLDER Down button TRACK Up button TRACK Down button RPT button RDM button DISP button (A) Folder number (B) Track number (B) AUX (if connected) Selecting a folder • Press the FOLDER Up button (2) to jump to the next folder. • Press the FOLDER Down button (3) to jump to the previous folder. • FOLDER RANDOM The random indicator “F.RDM” will light. The tracks in the currently selected folder will be played in random order. • ALL RANDOM The random indicator “RDM” will light. The tracks in the connected USB device will be played in random order. Selecting a track • Press the TRACK Up button (4) to listen to the next track. • Press the TRACK Down button (5) twice to listen to the previous track. 5-76 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Repeat playback Press the RPT button (6). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF FILE REPEAT FOLDER REPEAT • FILE REPEAT The repeat indicator “RPT” will light. The track currently being played will be played repeatedly. • FOLDER REPEAT The repeat indicator “F.RPT” will light. All the tracks in the folder currently selected will be played repeatedly. Display change Press the DISP button (8). Each time the button is pressed, display will change as follows: NOTE: • “NO TITLE” will be displayed when there is no text information in the disc currently being played. • If text data contains more than 12 characters “>” mark will appear at the right end. Holding down the DISP button (8) for 1 second or longer can display the next page. Notes on USB device Compatible USB devices • USB Mass Storage Class For details as to whether your USB memory/USB Audio is compatible with USB Mass Storage Class, please contact the USB memory/USB Audio manufacturer. • USB Standard Compatibility 1.1/2.0 Full Speed • File System FAT12/16/32, VFAT • Maximum current less than 1.0 A USB device connection • When connecting a USB device, make sure that the connector is pushed all the way into the port. • Do not leave the USB device for long periods of time in places inside the vehicle where the temperature can rise too high. • Back up any important data beforehand. We cannot accept responsibility for any lost data. • It is recommended not to connect a USB device that contains data files other than MP3/WMA/AAC format. Recording MP3/WMA/AAC files on a USB device • Playback or display may not be possible depending on the type of USB device in use or the condition of the recording. • Depending on the connected USB memory, the files may be played in different order from the order that the files were stored. Play time Folder name File name Album name (MP3, AAC only) Track title Artist name 5-77 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Compression formats MP3 • Bit rate: MPEG1 Audio Layer III: 32 k - 320 kbps MPEG2 Audio Layer III: 8 k - 160 kbps MPEG2.5 Audio Layer III: 8 k - 160 kbps • Sampling frequency: MPEG1 Audio Layer III: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz MPEG2 Audio Layer III: 16 k/22.05 k/24 kHz MPEG2.5 Audio Layer III: 8 k/11.025 k/12 kHz WMA (Ver. 7, Ver. 8, Ver. 9*) • Bit rate: CBR 32 k -320 kbps • Sampling frequency: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz • WMA 9 Professional/LossLess/Voice are not supported. Listening to an iPod® EXAMPLE Selecting an iPod® mode Press the MEDIA button (1). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: (1) (2) (3) (8) (9) USB (iPod®) (if connected) AUX (if connected) (6) (7) (4) (5) 84MS0T516 Display AAC* • Bit rate: ABR 16 k - 320 kbps • Sampling frequency: 32 k/44.1 k/48 kHz * Apple Lossless is not supported. (A) Maximum number of files/folders • Maximum number of files: 2500 • Maximum number of files in a folder: 255 • Maximum depth of tree structure: 8 • Maximum number of folders: 255 (Root folder is included.) DISK (if inserted CD) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MEDIA button TRACK Up button TRACK Down button RPT button RDM button MENU button ENT button DISP button VOL PUSH POWER knob (B) Selecting a track • Press the TRACK Up button (2) to listen to the next track. • Press the TRACK Down button (3) twice to listen to the previous track. When the TRACK Down button (3) is pressed once, the track currently being played will start from the beginning again. Fast forwarding/Rewinding a track • Hold down the TRACK Up button (2) to fast forward the track. • Hold down the TRACK Down button (3) to fast rewind the track. (A) Track number (B) Play time 5-78 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Random playback Press the RDM button (5). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF SONG RANDOM ALBUM RANDOM Display change Press the DISP button (8). Each time the button is pressed, display will change as follows: Playlist name / Track title (Playlist mode only) Artist name / Track title • SONG RANDOM The random indicator “RDM” will light. The tracks in the iPod® will be played in random order. • ALBUM RANDOM The random indicator “F.RDM” will light. The albums in the iPod® will be played in random order. Repeat playback Press the RPT button (4). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: OFF Album name / Track title Track title / Play time Playing Mode selection 1) Press the MENU button (6) for 1 second or longer. 2) Turn the VOL PUSH POWER knob (9). Each time the knob is turned, the mode will change as follows: PLAYLIST ARTIST ALBUM SONGS PODCAST GENRE NOTE: If text data contains more than 12 characters “>” mark will appear at the right end. Holding down the DISP button (8) for 1 second or longer can display the next page. AUDIOBOOK 3) Press the ENT button (7) to select the desired mode. NOTE: • When the MENU button (6) is pressed, the previous mode will be displayed. SONG REPEAT • SONG REPEAT The repeat indicator “RPT” will light. The track currently being played will be played repeatedly. 5-79 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Notes on iPod® iPod® Supported • iPod® touch (5th generation) • iPod® touch (4th generation) • iPod® touch (3rd generation) • iPod® touch (2nd generation) • iPod® touch (1st generation) • iPod® classic • iPod® nano (7th generation) • iPod® nano (6th generation) • iPod® nano (5th generation) • iPod® nano (4th generation) • iPod® nano (3rd generation) • iPod® nano (2nd generation) • iPod® nano (1st generation) • iPod® (5th generation) • iPhone® 5S • iPhone® 5 • iPhone® 4S • iPhone® 4 • iPhone® 3GS • iPhone® 3G • iPhone® * Some functions may not be available depending on the model of iPod®. * iPod® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. * iPhone® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. * Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. iPod® connection • Make sure to detach the iPod® after pressing the engine switch to change the ignition mode to LOCK. The iPod® may not be shut down when it is being connected and may result in battery depletion. • Please do not connect iPod® accessories such as an iPod® remote control or headphones while connecting the iPod® with the unit. The unit may not operate correctly. AUX Function EXAMPLE (2) (1) 84MS0T518 (1) AUX/USB socket (2) MEDIA button AUX connection To listen to auxiliary audio sources (sold separately) through the unit, follow the instruction below. 1) Connect the auxiliary audio source to the AUX/USB socket (1) with an AUX cable. 2) Press the MEDIA button (2). Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change as follows: DISK (if inserted CD) USB (iPod®) (if connected) AUX (if connected) 5-80 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT CAUTION • Before connection, mute the unit, and also keep the volume of the auxiliary audio source within a range that will not cause distortion. • When the audio source is turned off, noise may be emitted. Be sure to turn off the unit or switch to another mode before turning off the audio source. Anti-Theft Feature EXAMPLE (1) (3) (4) (2) 84MS0T519 NOTE: • Please consult your place of purchase for details about whether a given auxiliary audio source can be connected and the proper auxiliary cord to use. • The volume and tone controls of the auxiliary audio source can be adjusted on the unit. • In AUX mode, the volume setting is different from another mode. (1) (2) (3) (4) VOL PUSH POWER knob Preset buttons ([1] to [6]) TRACK Up button SOUND button The anti-theft function is intended to discourage thefts, such as that the audio system becomes inoperable when it is installed on other vehicles. This function works by entering a Personal Identification Number (PIN). When the unit is disconnected from its power source, such as when the audio system is removed or the battery is disconnected, the unit will become inoperable until the PIN is reentered. Setting the Anti-Theft Function 1) Press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1) to power off. 2) Hold down the buttons numbered [1] and [6] of the Preset buttons (2) and press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1). “SECURITY” will be displayed. 3) Press the TRACK Up button (3) and the button numbered [1] of the Preset buttons (2) simultaneously. 4) Enter a 4-digit number to be registered as PIN using the buttons numbered [1] [4] of the Preset buttons (2). 5) Press the SOUND button (4) for 1 second or longer to set the anti-theft function. NOTE: Take a note of the registered PIN and keep it for the future use. 5-81 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Canceling the anti-theft feature To cancel the anti-theft function, delete the registered PIN. 1) Press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1) to power off. 2) Hold down the buttons numbered [1] and [6] of the Preset buttons (2) and press the VOL PUSH POWER knob (1). “PIN ENTRY” will be displayed. 3) Press the TRACK Up button (3) and the button numbered [1] of the Preset buttons (2) simultaneously. 4) Enter a 4-digit number to be registered as PIN using the buttons numbered [1] [4] of the Preset buttons (2). 5) Press the SOUND button (4) for 1 second or longer to delete the registered PIN. The indication “----” will be displayed and the anti-theft function will be canceled. Confirming the Personal Identification Number (PIN) When the main power source is disconnected such as when the battery is replaced, etc, it is required to enter the PIN to make the unit operable again. 1) Set the ignition switch to the “ACC” position. “SECURITY” will be displayed. 2) Press the TRACK Up button (3) and the button numbered [1] of the Preset buttons (2) simultaneously. 3) Enter a 4-digit number to be registered as PIN using the buttons numbered [1] [4] of the Preset buttons (2). 4) Press the SOUND button (4) for 1 second or longer. When the PIN same as registered is entered, the power of the audio system will be turned off automatically and it will become operable again. NOTE: To change your PIN, first delete your current PIN, then set a new one. NOTE: If an incorrect PIN is entered, “ERROR” and the total number of incorrect entry attempts will be displayed. If an incorrect PIN is entered 10 times, “HELP” will be displayed and the audio system will become inoperable. Battery Installation Install a lithium battery (CR2025) with the poles facing the correct direction. EXAMPLE 79MM05002 Battery replacement timing • When battery power is depleted, the button may not be operable. If the remote controller does not operate, replace the battery and check the operation. Caution on battery • Be sure to follow the instructions to prevent battery leakage, over-heating, ignition or explosion. WARNING • Do not expose the battery to flame. Do not short circuit, disassemble, or heat the battery. • Do not charge the battery. • Use the specified type battery. • Keep the button-shaped battery away from children to prevent accidental swallowing. If the battery is swallowed, contact a doctor immediately. 5-82 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT CAUTION • Install the battery with the poles facing the correct direction. • When not in use for a long period of time, or if the battery is dead, remove the battery from the remote controller. If battery leakage has occurred, wipe the container first then install a new battery. If the battery solution contacts the skin, wash off with water completely. Caution on Remote Controller • Do not leave the remote controller in an area exposed to direct sunlight, such as on the dashboard or steering wheel. The remote controller may deform because of the heat, (Be especially careful of the dashboard exposed to direct sunlight in the summer, as it will become extremely hot). • When the vehicle is parked in an area exposed to direct sunlight, Ensure the remote controller is placed in an area not exposed to direct sunlight. For example: Glove box. Under direct sunlight, signal reception from the remote controller weakens. If this happens, hold the remote controller close to the signal receptor on the front panel. 5-83 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Remote Controller Common operations POWER button Power ON / OFF VOLUME button Press to adjust volume. (including at AUX mode) TUNE FOLDER UP/DOWN button In Sound Mode Press to adjust the sound.(bass/treble/balance/fader) In Preset-EQ Mode The Preset-EQ setting switches as follows: OFF (FLAT) JAZZ ROCK POP CLASSIC HIP-HOP SEEK TRACK MODE button The mode switches as follows: FM1 FM2 In AVC Mode The AVC setting switches as follows: MUTE button VOL - CD AUX OFF USB (iPod®) LEVEL 1 AM TUNE /FLD AS VOL + SEEK TRACK Press to mute the sound. Press it again to cancel the mute. TUNE /FLD 1 RPT 2RDM 3 4 5MENU 6 ENT MODE DISP SOUND SOUND button While playback, the sound mode switches as follows (including at AUX mode, except while displaying iPod® menu): Preset-EQ BASS TREBLE BALANCE LEVEL 2 FADER LEVEL 3 AVC 5-84 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Radio operations AS button Press to return to the last received frequency in the previous auto store mode. Press it for 2 seconds or longer. It selects the stations with the stronger signals and stores them in order. VOL - SEEK TRACK TUNE /FLD AS VOL + SEEK TRACK SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button Press to select the radio station. TUNE /FLD 1 RPT 4 MODE 2RDM 5MENU DISP 3 6 ENT SOUND PRESET buttons (1-6) Press to select the desired preset station. NOTE: When there are fewer than 6 stations that can be stored even if 1 round of auto store operation is performed, no station will be stored at the remaining preset buttons. 5-85 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT CD operations SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous track. Press it for 1 second or longer to fast-forward/ fast-rewind the track. RDM (2) button Press to play the current track randomly. Press it again to cancel. VOL - SEEK TRACK TUNE /FLD AS VOL + SEEK TRACK TUNE /FLD RPT (1) button Press to plays the current track repeatedly. Press it again to cancel. DISP button The display switches as follows: 1 RPT 2RDM 3 Play time 4 5MENU 6 ENT Disc title MODE DISP SOUND Track title Press it for 1 second or longer to display the next page. 5-86 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT MP3/WMA/AAC Disc operations SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous track. Press it for 1 second or longer to fast-forward/fastrewind the track. TUNE FOLDER UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous folder. DISP button The display switches as follows: RPT (1) button The repeat mode switches as follows: OFF VOL - SEEK TRACK The random mode switches as follows: SEEK TRACK Play time Folder name TUNE /FLD 1 RPT 2RDM 3 4 5MENU 6 ENT MODE RDM (2) button AS VOL + File name FILE REPEAT FOLDER REPEAT TUNE /FLD DISP Album name (MP3, AAC only) Track title SOUND Artist name Press it for 1 second or longer to display the next page. OFF FOLDER RANDOM ALL RANDOM 5-87 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT USB operations SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous file. Press it for 1 second or longer to fast-forward/fastrewind the file. TUNE FOLDER UP/DOWN button Press to skip to the next/previous folder. DISP button The display switches as follows: RPT (1) button The repeat mode switches as follows: OFF VOL - SEEK TRACK AS VOL + SEEK TRACK Play time Folder name File name FILE REPEAT FOLDER REPEAT TUNE /FLD TUNE /FLD 1 RPT 2RDM 3 4 5MENU 6 ENT MODE DISP Album name (MP3, AAC only) Track title SOUND Artist name RDM (2) button Press it for 1 second or longer to display the next page. The random mode switches as follows: OFF FOLDER RANDOM ALL RANDOM 5-88 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT iPod® operations TUNE FOLDER UP/DOWN button SEEK TRACK UP/DOWN button iPod® While displaying menu, press to display the next/previous list in the same layer. Press to skip to the next/previous file. Press it for 1 second or longer to fast-forward/fastrewind the file. RPT (1) button Press to play the current track repeatedly. Press it again to cancel. VOL - SEEK TRACK RDM (2) button The random mode switches as follows: OFF ALBUM RANDOM AS VOL + SEEK TRACK ENT (6) button While displaying iPod® menu, press to select the desired item and display the list. When a track is selected from the list, the playback starts. TUNE /FLD 1 RPT 2RDM 3 4 5MENU 6 ENT MODE SONG RANDOM TUNE /FLD DISP SOUND DISP button The display switches as follows: Playlist name / Track title (Playlist mode only) MENU (5) button Artist name / Track title During playback • Press to display iPod® menu. • Press it for 1 second or longer to display the top menu. While iPod® menu is displayed • Press to display the folder in one layer upper. • Press it for 1 second or longer to display the top menu. Album name / Track title Track title / Play time Press it for 1 second or longer to display the next page. 5-89 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Troubleshooting When encountered a problem, check and follow the instructions as described below. If the described suggestions do not solve the problem, it is recommended to take the unit to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Problem Possible cause Possible solution Common Unable to operate The security function is on. When “SECURITY” is displayed, enter the ID. When “HELP” is displayed, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Unable to turn on the power (no sound). (No sound is produced) Fuse is blown. Contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Much noise It may not be exactly tuned in to the station. Tune it in exactly to the station. Unable to receive by auto tuning There may be no station emitting signals powerful enough. Pick up a station by manual tuning. The disc is dirty. Wipe the disc with a soft cloth. The disc has a major scratch or is warped. Replace the disc with the one with no scratch and also not warped. Radio CD Sound skips or noise produced 5-90 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Problem Possible cause Possible solution MP3/WMA/AAC No playback The disc contains unsupported formatted data. Check the file format. Sound skips or noise produced Sound skipping may occur when playing VBR (Variable Bit Rate) files. It is not recommended to play VBR files. There is no supported format file to play on this unit. Check the file format. The current consumption of the USB device exceeds 1.0 A. Use an USB device with a current consumption lower than 1.0 A. USB Playback does not start when the USB device is connected. 5-91 79MH0-74E OTHER CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT Error Display Messages Display Possible cause Possible solution CD ERROR 1 The disc cannot be read. Insert the disc with its label side up. Check the disc if it is not warped or is free of flaws. When ERROR 1 does not disappear even when a normal disc is inserted, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. ERROR 3 The player developed an error of an unidentified cause. When the CD is in the unit, press the CD eject button to remove the disc. When the disc cannot be ejected, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. ERROR 1 The USB device is disconnected. Check the connection of the USB device. ERROR 2 Impossible to communicate correctly with the USB device. Unplug the USB device and plug it again. Check the USB device. ERROR 3 Inoperable due to an unidentified cause. Unplug the USB device and plug it again. When ERROR 3 does not disappear, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. ERROR 4 The current consumption of the USB device exceeds 1.0 A. Check the USB device. USB/iPod® 5-92 79MH0-74E VEHICLE LOADING AND TOWING VEHICLE LOADING AND TOWING Vehicle Loading ................................................................... 6-1 Trailer Towing ...................................................................... 6-1 6 54G215 68PH0-74E VEHICLE LOADING AND TOWING Vehicle Loading Your vehicle was designed for specific weight capacities. The weight capacities of your vehicle are indicated by the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) and the Permissible maximum Axle Weight (PAW, front and rear). The GVWR and PAW (front and rear) are listed in the “SPECIFICATIONS” section. GVWR – Maximum permissible overall weight of the fully loaded vehicle (including all the occupants, accessories and cargo plus the trailer nose weight if towing a trailer). PAW – (Front and Rear) Maximum permissible weight on an individual axle. Actual weight of the loaded vehicle and actual loads at the front and rear axles can only be determined by weighing the vehicle. Compare these weights to the GVWR and PAW (front and rear). If the gross vehicle weight or the load on either axle exceeds these ratings, you must remove enough weight to bring the load down to the rated capacity. WARNING Never overload your vehicle. The gross vehicle weight (sum of the weights of the vehicle, all the occupants, accessories, cargo plus trailer nose weight if towing a trailer) must never exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). In addition, never distribute a load so that the weight on either the front or rear axle exceeds the Permissible maximum Axle Weight (PAW). WARNING Always distribute cargo evenly. To avoid personal injury or damage to your vehicle, always secure cargo to prevent it from shifting if the vehicle moves suddenly. Place heavier objects on the floor and as far forward in the cargo area as possible. Never pile cargo higher than the top of the seat backs. Trailer Towing EXAMPLE 60A185 Your MARUTI SUZUKI was originally designed to carry people and a normal amount of cargo, not to tow a trailer. MARUTI SUZUKI does not recommend you use your vehicle to tow a trailer. Towing a trailer can adversely affect handling, durability, and fuel economy. 6-1 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 60G410 Maintenance Schedule ....................................................... 7-2 Periodic Maintenance Schedule ........................................ 7-2 Drive Belt ............................................................................. 7-6 Engine Oil and Filter ........................................................... 7-6 Engine Coolant .................................................................... 7-11 Air Cleaner ........................................................................... 7-13 Spark Plugs (Petrol engine) ................................................ 7-13 Gear Oil ................................................................................ 7-14 Clutch Pedal ........................................................................ 7-15 Automatic Transaxle (AT) Fluid ......................................... 7-15 Fuel Filter (Diesel engine) .................................................. 7-16 Brakes .................................................................................. 7-17 Steering ................................................................................ 7-19 Tires ...................................................................................... 7-19 Battery .................................................................................. 7-22 Fuses .................................................................................... 7-23 Headlight Aiming ................................................................. 7-26 Bulb Replacement ............................................................... 7-26 Wiper Blades ....................................................................... 7-30 Windshield Washer Fluid ................................................... 7-31 Air Conditioning System .................................................... 7-32 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE EXAMPLE WARNING 60B128S WARNING You should take extreme care when working on your vehicle to prevent accidental injury. Here are a few precautions that you should be especially careful to observe: • To prevent damage or unintended activation of the air bag system or seat belt pretensioner system, be sure the battery is disconnected and the ignition switch has been in the “LOCK” position or the ignition mode has been “LOCK” (OFF) for at least 90 seconds before performing any electrical service work on your MARUTI SUZUKI. Do not touch air bag system components, seat belt pretensioner system components or wires. The wires are wrapped with yellow tape or yellow tubing, and the couplers are yellow for easy identification. • Do not leave the engine running in garages or other confined areas. (Continued) (Continued) • When the engine is running, keep hands, clothing, tools, and other objects away from the fan and drive belt. Even though the fan may not be moving, it can automatically turn on without warning. • When it is necessary to do service work with the engine running, make sure that the parking brake is set fully and the transaxle is in Neutral (for manual transaxle vehicles) or Park (for automatic transaxle vehicles). • Do not touch ignition wires or other ignition system parts when starting the engine or when the engine is running, or you could receive an electric shock. • Be careful not to touch a hot engine, exhaust manifold and pipes, muffler, radiator and water hoses. • Do not allow smoking, sparks, or flames around fuel or the battery. Flammable fumes are present. • Do not get under your vehicle if it is supported only with the portable jack provided in your vehicle. • Be careful not to cause accidental short circuits between the positive and negative battery terminals. (Continued) WARNING (Continued) • Keep used oil, coolant, and other fluids away from children and pets. Dispose of used fluids properly; never pour them on the ground, into sewers, etc. 7-1 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Maintenance Schedule The following table shows the times when you should perform regular maintenance on your vehicle. This table shows in kilometers and months when you should perform inspections, adjustments, lubrication and other services. WARNING MARUTI SUZUKI recommends that maintenance on your Maruti Suzuki vehicle should be performed by MARUTI SUZUKI authorised workshop / Service station. Periodic Maintenance Schedule “C”:Clean “R”:Replace or Change “I”:Inspect, clean, adjust, lubricate or replace as necessary “L”:Lubricate “T”:Tighten to Specified Torque “O”:Rotate NOTE: This table includes services as scheduled up to 80000 km mileage. Beyond 80000 km, carry out the same services at the same intervals respectively. NOTICE Whenever it becomes necessary to replace parts on your vehicle, it is recommended that you use genuine MARUTI SUZUKI replacement parts or their equivalent. 7-2 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Interval: This interval should be judged by odometer reading or months, whichever comes first. FREE INSPECTION PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AT COST km (x1000) 1 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 months 1 6 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 Engine 1-1. Water pump drive (Tension, Wear) Petrol Diesel (Vehicle equipped with SHVS) - - - - - I - - - R - - - - - - - R - - 1-2 ISG Belt Diesel (Vehicle equipped with SHVS) - - - - R - - R - - 1-3 Engine Coolant (Level, Leakage) l l l R l R l R l R 1-4 Engine oil, engine oil filter and drain plug gasket (Level, Leakage) l l R R R R R R R R 1-5 Cooling system hoses and connections (Leakage and Damage) l l l l l l l l l l 1-6 Engine bolts (All Cylinder head and manifold fixings) Petrol - T - T - T - T - T 1-7 Engine Mounting (loose, damage) Petrol - I - I - I - I - I 1-8 Valve Clearance Petrol - - - - I - - I - - 1-9 Exhaust System (Noise, Leakage etc.) - l - l - I - I - l 1-10 Positive Crank Case Ventilation System (Hoses, Connections and Valve) Petrol - l - l - I - I - l 1-11 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Diesel - - - - C - - C - - IGNITION 2-1. Ignition wiring (Damage, Deterioration) - - - l - l - I - l 2-2. Spark Plug - - - - - R - - - R Petrol FUEL Paved-road 3-1. Air cleaner filter element Dusty Condition Petrol Clean after every 5,000 KM. Replace after every 40,000 KM. Diesel Replace after every 20,000 KM. Cleaning not required. Petrol Clean after every 2,500 KM or as required. Replace after every 40,000 KM. Diesel Replace after every 20,000 KM. Cleaning not required. More frequent replacement if dust condition is severe. 3-2. Fuel tank cap, fuel lines and connections (Leakage and Damage) - l - - - l - - - l 3-3. Fuel Filter (Leakage) Petrol l l l l l R l l l R 3-4. Fuel Filter and Water Draining Diesel I I I R I R I R I R l l l R l R l R l R CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION 4-1. Clutch fluid (level, leakage) 7-3 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Interval: This interval should be judged by odometer reading or months, whichever comes first. FREE INSPECTION PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AT COST km (x1000) 1 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 months 1 6 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 l l l l l l l l l l 4-2. Clutch slipping (Dragging or Excess Damage) 4-3. Manual Transmission Oil (Level, Leakage) Replace at 1,60,000 km or 10 years whichever comes first 4-4. Automatic Transmission Fluid (Level, Leakage) Replace at 1,65,000 km or 11 years whichever comes first 4-5. Hose, Automatic Transmission Fluid l l l l l l l l l l 4-6. Gear shifter (Operation) I I I I I I I I I I DRIVE SHAFT 5-1. Drive shaft noise l l l l l l l l l l 5-2. Drive shaft boot (boot damage) - l l l l l l l l l 6-1. Brake Fluid (Level, Leakage) I I I R I R I R I R 6-2. Brake pedal (pedal - wall clearance) I I I I I I I I I I 6-3. Parking brake lever and cable (Play, damage) I I I I I I I I I I 6-4. Brake disc and pad (Wear) - I I I I I I I I I 6-5. Brake drum and shoes (Wear) - - I I I I I I I I 6-6. Brake hoses and pipes (Fluid leakage, damage) I I I I I I I I I I 6-7. Master cylinder, wheel cylinder and caliper piston (Fluid leakage, boot/seal damage) I I I I I I I I I I 7-1. Tyres (air pressure, abnormal wear, crack and rotation) I I&O I&O I&O I&O I&O I&O I&O I&O I&O 7-2. Wheels (Damage) I I I I I I I I I I 7-3. Front/Rear wheel bearing (Loose, damage) I I I I I I I I I I BRAKE WHEEL FRONT / REAR SUSPENSION 8-1. Suspension strut (Oil leakage, damage) I I I I I I I I I I 8-2. Suspension arms / Knuckle support and Torsion rods (Loose, damage) - I I I I I I I I I 8-3. Rear spring (Damage) I I I I I I I I I I 8-4. Shock absorbers (Oil leakage, damage) I I I I I I I I I I 8-5. All bolts and nuts (Loose) - T T T T T T T T T 7-4 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Interval: This interval should be judged by odometer reading or months, whichever comes first. FREE INSPECTION PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AT COST km (x1000) 1 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 months 1 6 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 STEERING 9-1. Steering wheel (Play, loose) I I I I I I I I I I 9-2. All rods and arms (Loose, damage, wear) I I I I I I I I I I 9-3. Tilt Steering (Operation) I I I I I I I I I I ELECTRICAL 10-1. Battery - electrolyte (Level, leakage) and voltage I I I I I I I I I I 10-2. Wiring harness connection (Loose, damage) - I I I I I I I I I 10-3. Lightening system (Operation, stains, damage) I I I I I I I I I I 10.4 Wiper (Operation, Stains, Damage) I I I I I I I I I I 10-5. Horn (Operation) I I I I I I I I I I 10-6. AUX, USB and accessory socket (Operation) - I I I I I I I I I 11-1. All chassis bolts and nuts (Tighten) - T T T T T T T T T 11-2. All latches, hinges and locks (Function) I I&L I&L I&L I&L I&L I&L I&L I&L I&L BODY ROAD TEST 12-1. Operation of Brakes, gear shifting and speedometer I I I I I I I I I I 12-2. Body and chassis noise I I I I I I I I I I AIR CONDITIONER 13-1. Check belt tension I I I I I I I I I I 13-2. Tighten compressor mounting bolt - T T T T T T T T T 13-3. All hose joint (Check, tighten) I I I I I I I I I I 13-4. Check functioning of Recirc flap I I I I I I I I I I 13-5. Clean condensor with low pressure water - C C C C C C C C C 13-6. Check belt for frayed edges I I I I I I I I I I 13-7. Check all mounting bolts I I I I I I I I I I 13-8 Air conditioner filter element I I I I R I I R I I 7-5 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Drive Belt Engine Oil and Filter (For Petrol Engine Model) Specified Oil WARNING When the engine is running, keep hands, hair, clothing, tools, etc. away from the moving fan and drive belts. Make sure the drive belt tension is correct. If the belt is too loose, insufficient battery charging, engine overheating, poor power steering, poor air conditioning, or excessive belt wear can result. When you press the belt with your thumb midway between the pulleys, there should be a deflection according to the following chart. The belts should also be examined to ensure that they are not damaged. If you need to replace or adjust the belt have it done by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. (For Petrol Engine Model) DEF: 4.0 – 4.5 mm (0.16 – 0.18 in.) (1) EXAMPLE 71LST0701 (1) Preferred GE Be sure that the engine oil you use comes under the quality classification of SL. Select the appropriate oil viscosity according to the above chart. o: 100 N (10 kg, 22 lbs) press GE: Generator DEF: Deflection EXAMPLE SAE 0W-20 (1) is the best choice for good fuel economy, and good starting in cold weather. 68LM70703 (For Diesel Engine Model) The drive belts tension is adjusted automatically. 7-6 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE (For Diesel Engine Model) EXAMPLE (1) vehicle’s engine. Check the oil level with the vehicle on a level surface. The oil level indication may be inaccurate if the vehicle is on a slope. The oil level should be checked either before starting the engine or at least 5 minutes after stopping the engine. The handle of the engine oil dipstick is colored yellow for easy identification. Upper Lower EXAMPLE 5W-30 o C -30 F -22 o -20 -4 -10 14 0 32 10 50 20 68 30 86 40 104 79MH0760 Be sure that the engine oil you use comes under the quality classification of ACEA A5/B5. Select the appropriate oil viscosity according to the above chart. SAE 5W-30 (1) is the best choice for good fuel economy, and good starting in cold weather. 52D084 (For Diesel Engine Model) EXAMPLE Oil Level Check (3) Pull out the oil dipstick, wipe oil off with a clean cloth, insert the dipstick all the way into the engine, then remove it again. The oil on the stick should be between the upper and lower limits shown on the stick. If the oil level indication is near the lower limit, add enough oil to raise the level to the upper limit. NOTICE (For Petrol Engine Model) Failure to check the oil level regularly could lead to serious engine trouble due to insufficient oil. EXAMPLE (2) (1) NOTICE 84E012 80G064 (For Diesel Engine Model) Do not top up the oil over the MAX limit. Too much oil causes serious engine trouble. (1) MIN (2) MAX (3) Engine oil dipstick It is important to keep the engine oil at the correct level for proper lubrication of your 7-7 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Refilling Petrol Changing Engine Oil and Filter Drain the engine oil while the engine is still warm. EXAMPLE 3) Place a drain pan under the drain plug. 4) Using a wrench, remove the drain plug and drain out the engine oil. CAUTION EXAMPLE The engine oil temperature may be high enough to burn your fingers when the drain plug is loosened. Wait until the drain plug is cool enough to touch with your bare hands. 79MM07001 EXAMPLE Refilling Diesel EXAMPLE 61MM0B061 1) Remove the bolts and screws, then remove the engine under cover. EXAMPLE Open ENGINE OIL 60G306 Close 79MM07002 Remove the oil filler cap and pour oil slowly through the filler hole to bring the oil level to the upper limit on the dipstick. Be careful not to overfill. Too much oil is almost as bad as too little oil. After refilling, start the engine and allow it to idle for about a minute. Stop the engine, wait about 5 minutes and check the oil level again. Tightening torque for drain plug Petrol engine : 35 Nm (3.6 kg-m, 25.8 lb-ft) Diesel engine : 20 Nm (2.0 kg-m, 14.8 lb-ft) 56KN054 2) Remove the oil filler cap. 7-8 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Replace the Oil Filter WARNING • New and used oil can be hazardous. Children and pets may be harmed by swallowing new or used oil. Keep new and used oil and used oil filters away from children and pets. • Repeated, prolonged contact with used engine oil may cause skin cancer. • Brief contact with used oil may irritate skin. • To minimize your exposure to used oil, wear a long-sleeve shirt and moisture-proof gloves (such as dish-washing gloves) when changing oil. If oil contacts your skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. • Launder any clothing or rags if wet with oil. • Recycle or properly dispose of used oil and filters. 5) Reinstall the drain plug and gasket. Tighten the plug with a wrench to the specified torque. Tightening (viewed from filter top) EXAMPLE (For Petrol Engine Model) 1) Using an oil filter wrench, turn the oil filter counterclockwise and remove it. 2) Using a clean rag, wipe off the mounting surface on the engine where the new filter will be seated. 3) Smear a little engine oil around the rubber gasket of the new oil filter. 4) Screw on the new filter by hand until the filter gasket contacts the mounting surface. (2) (1) 54G093 EXAMPLE (1) Oil filter (2) 3/4 turn NOTICE To tighten the oil filter properly, it is Important to accurately identify the position at which the filter gasket first contacts the mounting surface. (1) (2) 54G092 (1) Loosen (2) Tighten 5) Tighten the filter specified turn from the point of contact with the mounting surface (or to the specified torque) using an oil filter wrench. Tightening torque for oil filter 3/4 turn or Petrol engine: 14 Nm (1.4 kg-m, 10.3 lb-ft) 7-9 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE (For Diesel Engine Model) NOTE: Since special procedures and tools are required, it is recommended that you trust this job to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. 1) Using a socket or a ring spanner remove oil filter housing cover (3). (1) (3) EXAMPLE (2) Tightening torque for oil filter Diesel engine: 25 Nm (2.5 kg-m, 18.5 lb-ft) NOTICE To prevent oil leakage, make sure that the oil filter is tight, but do not over-tighten it. Refill with Oil and Check for Leaks 1) Pour oil through the filler hole and install the filler cap. For the approximate capacity of the oil, refer to the “Capacities” item in the “SPECIFICATIONS” section. 2) Start the engine and look carefully for leaks at the oil filter and drain plug. Run the engine at various speeds for at least 5 minutes. 3) Stop the engine and wait about 5 minutes. Check the oil level again and add oil if necessary. Check for leaks again. NOTICE • When replacing the oil filter, it is recommended that you use a Maruti genuine replacement filter. If you use an aftermarket filter, make sure it is of equivalent quality and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. • Oil leaks from around the oil filter or drain plug indicate incorrect installation or gasket damage. If you find any leaks or are not sure that the filter has been properly tightened, have the vehicle inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. 61M7001 (1) Loosen (2) Tighten 2) Remove the old oil filter element and replace it with a new oil filter element. 3) Clean the surface of oil filter cap and replace the O-ring. 4) Tighten the oil filter housing cover on the oil filter housing using a socket or ring spanner to the specified torque. 7-10 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Engine Coolant Selection of Coolant To maintain optimum performance and durability of your engine, use Maruti Genuine Coolant or equivalent. This type of coolant is best for your cooling system as it: • Helps maintain proper engine temperature. • Gives proper protection against freezing and boiling. • Gives proper protection against corrosion and rust. Failure to use the proper coolant can damage your cooling system. Your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop can help you select the proper coolant. NOTICE To avoid damaging your cooling system: • Always use a high quality ethylene glycol base non-silicate type cool ant diluted with distilled water at the correct mixture concentration. • Make sure that the proper mix is 50/ 50 coolant to distilled water (Diesel) and 30/70 (Petrol). Concentrations greater than this may cause overheating conditions. • Neither use 100% coolant nor 100% Plain water. • Do not add extra inhibitors or additives. They may not be compatible with your cooling system. • Do not mix different types of base coolants. Doing so may result in accelerated seal wear and/or the possibility of severe overheating and extensive engine/automatic transaxle damage. Coolant Level Check Check the coolant level at the reservoir tank, not at the radiator. With the engine cool, the coolant level should be between the “FULL” and “LOW” marks. Adding Coolant WARNING Engine coolant is harmful or fatal if swallowed or inhaled. Do not drink antifreeze or coolant solution. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Immediately contact a poison control center or a physician. Avoid inhaling mist or hot vapors; if inhaled, remove to fresh air. If coolant gets in eyes, flush eyes with water and seek medical attention. Wash thoroughly after handling. Solution can be poisonous to animals. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. NOTICE • The mixture you use should contain 50% concentration of antifreeze. • If the lowest ambient temperature in your area is expected to be –35°C (–31°F) or below, use higher concentrations up to 60% following the instructions on the antifreeze container. 7-11 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE (For Petrol Engine Model) Coolant Replacement (For Diesel Engine Model) Since special procedures are required, we recommend you take your vehicle to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for coolant replacement. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE FULL LOW 79MH0701 If the coolant level is below the “LOW” mark, more coolant should be added. Remove the reservoir tank cap and add coolant until the reservoir tank level reaches the “FULL” mark. Never fill the reservoir tank above the “FULL” mark. NOTICE When putting the cap on the reservoir tank, line up the mark on the cap and the mark on the tank. Failure to follow this can result in coolant leakage. 74LHT0705 WARNING It is hazardous to remove the reservoir tank cap (degassing tank cap) for a diesel engine when the water temperature is high, because scalding fluid and steam may be blown out under pressure. Wait until the coolant temperature has lowered before removing the cap. If the coolant level is below the “LOW” mark, more coolant should be added. When the engine is cool, remove the degassing tank cap by turning it anticlockwise slowly to release any pressure. And add coolant until the degassing tank level reaches the “FULL” mark. Never fill the degassing tank above the “FULL” mark. 7-12 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Air Cleaner Spark Plugs (Petrol engine) (For Diesel Engine Model) If the air cleaner is clogged with dust, there will be greater intake resistance, resulting in decreased power output and increased fuel consumption. Unclamp the side clamps or loosen the screws, and remove the element from the air cleaner case. If it appears to be dirty, replace it with a new one. Clamp the side clamps or tighten the screws securely. EXAMPLE Replacing and inspection spark plugs Since special procedures, materials and tools are required, it is recommended that you trust this job to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. (For Petrol Engine Model) EXAMPLE 74LHT0702 74LHT0713 7-13 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Gear Oil Gear Oil Level Check EXAMPLE Manual Transaxle Oil When adding gear oil, use gear oil with the appropriate viscosity and grade as shown in the chart below. We highly recommend you use: “75W-80” for manual transaxle gear oil. NOTICE Manual transaxle oil EXAMPLE (1) 75W-80 o C -30 F -22 o -20 -4 -10 14 0 32 10 50 CAUTION After driving the vehicle, the gear oil temperature may be high enough to burn you. Wait until the oil filler plug is cool enough to touch with your bare hands before inspecting gear oil level. 20 68 30 86 40 104 68LM728 79MH0762 (1) Oil filler & level plug To check the gear oil level, use the following procedure: 1) Park the vehicle on a level surface with the parking brake applied. Then, stop the engine. 2) Remove the oil filler and level plug.(1) 3) If gear oil flows from the plug hole, the oil level is correct. Reinstall the plug. If gear oil does not flow from the plug hole, add oil through the filler plug hole until oil flows a little from the plug hole. When tightening the plug, apply the following sealing compound or equivalent to the plug threads to prevent oil leakage. MARUTI SUZUKI Bond No. “1216E” or “1217G” Gear Oil Change Since special procedures, materials and tools are required, it is recommended that you trust this job to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Tightening torque for oil filler and level plug Manual transaxle (1): 21 Nm (2.1 kg-m, 15.5 lb-ft) 7-14 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Clutch Pedal Automatic Transaxle (AT) Fluid Fluid Control Clutch EXAMPLE Specified Fluid Use an automatic transaxle fluid MARUTI SUZUKI ATF AW-1. Fluid Level Check MAX MIN 54MN132 Check the clutch pedal for smooth operation and clutch fluid level from time to time. If clutch dragging is felt with the pedal fully depressed, have the clutch inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. If the clutch fluid level is near the “MIN” line, fill it up to the “MAX” line with Maruti Genuine Brake Fluid (MGBF) or DOT 3. We highly recommend to use “Maruti Genuine Brake Fluid” (MGBF). NOTICE Driving with too much or too little fluid can damage the transaxle. You must check the fluid level with the automatic transaxle fluid at normal operating temperature. To check the fluid level: 1) To warm up the automatic transaxle fluid, drive the vehicle or idle the engine until the temperature gauge indicates normal operating temperature. 2) Then drive for ten more minutes. NOTICE NOTE: Do not check the fluid level if you have just driven the vehicle for a long time at high speed, or if you have driven in city traffic in hot weather. Wait until the fluid cools down (about 30 minutes), or the fluid level indication will not be correct. 3) Park your vehicle on level ground. 4) Apply the parking brake and then start the engine in “P” (Park). Let it idle for two minutes and keep it running during the fluid level check. 5) With your foot on the brake pedal, move the gearshift lever through each gear, pausing for about three seconds in each range. Then move it back to the “P” (Park) position. WARNING Be sure to depress the brake pedal when moving the gearshift lever, or the vehicle can move suddenly. EXAMPLE Be sure to use the specified automatic transaxle fluid. Using automatic transaxle fluid other than MARUTI SUZUKI ATF AW-1 may damage the automatic transaxle of your vehicle. 75F086 7-15 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 6) The handle of the A/T fluid dipstick is colored orange for easy identification. Remove the dipstick, clean it and push it back in until the cap seats. Then pull out the dipstick. 7) Check both sides of the dipstick, and read the lowest level. The fluid level should be between the two marks in the hot range on the dipstick. EXAMPLE Fuel Filter (Diesel engine) EXAMPLE NOTICE 80J2071 Deterioration Checking or Changing Oil EXAMPLE H (3) C After checking or adding oil, be sure to insert the dipstick securely. Since special procedures, materials and tools are required to check the deterioration of automatic transaxle oil or change, it is recommended that you trust this job to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. (1) (2) 57L20701 (1) FULL (2) LOW (3) The lowest point = Fluid level 79MH0751 The fuel filter works as a water sedimentor as well. Drain water according to the Periodic Maintenance Schedule. To drain water: 1) Remove the battery. (Refer to “Battery” in this section.) 2) Place a pan or ample rag under the fuel filter drain nozzle. 3) Loosen the drain knob. The water will be drained. 4) Tighten the drain knob when the water changes to the diesel fuel. 5) Tighten the drain knob. Tightening torque for drain knob 1.5 Nm (0.15 kg-m, 1.1 lb-ft) 7-16 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Brakes WARNING Brake Fluid EXAMPLE MAX MIN 54MN132 Check the brake fluid level by looking at the reservoir in the engine compartment. Check that the fluid level is between the “MAX” and “MIN” lines. If the brake fluid level is near the “MIN” line, fill it up to the “MAX” line with Maruti Genuine Brake Fluid (MGBF) or DOT 3. We highly recommend to use “Maruti Genuine Brake Fluid” (MGBF). Failure to follow the guidelines below can result in personal injury or serious damage to the brake system. • If the brake fluid in the reservoir drops below a certain level, the brake warning light on the instrument panel will come on (the engine must be running with the parking brake fully disengaged). Should the light come on, immediately ask your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop to inspect the brake system. • A rapid fluid loss indicates a leak in the brake system which should be inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop immediately. • Do not use any fluid other than Maruti Genuine Brake Fluid (MGBF) or DOT 3. Do not use reclaimed fluid or fluid that has been stored in old or open containers. It is essential that foreign particles and other liquids are kept out of the brake fluid reservoir. WARNING Brake fluid is harmful or fatal if swallowed, and harmful if it comes in contact with skin or eyes. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Immediately contact a poison control center or a physician. If brake fluid gets in eyes, flush eyes with water and seek medical attention. Wash thoroughly after handling. Solution can be poisonous to animals. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. NOTE: With disc brakes, the fluid level can be expected to gradually fall as the brake pads wear. Brake Pedal Check if the brake pedal stops at the regular height without “spongy” feeling when you depress it. If not, have the brake system inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. If you doubt the brake pedal for the regular height, check it as follows: CAUTION Brake fluid can harm your eyes and damage painted surfaces. Use caution when refilling the reservoir. 7-17 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Parking Brake EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (1) “a” ‘’b’’ 54G108 60G104S Pedal to floor carpet minimum distance “a”: 68 mm (2.7 in.) WARNING With the engine running, measure the distance between the brake pedal and floor carpet when the pedal is depressed with approximately 30 kg (66 lbs) of force. The minimum distance required is as specified. Since your vehicle’s brake system is selfadjusting, there is no need for pedal adjustment. If the pedal to floor carpet distance as measured above is less than the minimum distance required, have your vehicle inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. NOTE: When measuring the distance between the brake pedal and floor carpet, be sure not to include the accessory mat or rubber mat on the floor wall in your measurement. If you experience any of the following problems with your vehicle’s brake system, have the vehicle inspected immediately by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. • Poor braking performance • Uneven braking (brakes not working uniformly on all wheels.) • Excessive pedal travel • Brake dragging • Excessive noise 54G109 Ratchet tooth specification “b”: 4th – 9th Lever pull force (1): 200 N (20 kg, 45 lbs) Check the parking brake for proper adjustment by counting the number of clicks made by the ratchet teeth as you slowly pull up on the parking brake lever to the point of full engagement. The parking brake lever should stop between the specified ratchet teeth and the rear wheels should be securely locked. If the parking brake is not properly adjusted or the brakes drag after the lever has been fully released, have the parking brake inspected and/or adjusted by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. 7-18 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Steering Tires WARNING EXAMPLE “c” EXAMPLE 74LHT0704 68LM708 Steering wheel play “c”: 0 – 30 mm (0.0 – 1.2 in.) Check the play of the steering wheel by gently turning it from left to right and measuring the distance that it moves before you feel slight resistance. The play should be between the specified values. Check that the steering wheel turns easily and smoothly without rattling by turning it all the way to the right and to the left while driving very slowly in an open area. If the amount of free play is outside the specification or you find anything else to be wrong, an inspection must be performed by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. The front and rear tire pressure specifications for your vehicle are listed on the Tire Information Label. Both the front and rear tires should have the specified tire pressure. Note that the value does not apply to the compact spare tire, if equipped. • Air pressures should be checked when the tires are cold or you may get inaccurate readings. • Check the inflation pressure from time to time while inflating the tire gradually, until the specified pressure is obtained. • Never underinflate or overinflate the tires. • Underinflation can cause unusual handling characteristics or can cause the rim to slip on the tire bead, resulting in an accident or damage to the tire or rim. • Overinflation can cause the tire to burst, resulting in personal injury. Overinflation can also cause unusual handling characteristics which may result in an accident. Tire Inspection Inspect your vehicle’s tires at least once a month by performing the following checks: 1) Measure the air pressure with a tire gauge. Adjust the pressure if necessary. Remember to check the spare tire, too. 7-19 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE NOTICE CAUTION EXAMPLE Hitting curbs and running over rocks can damage tires and affect wheel alignment. Be sure to have tires and wheel alignment checked periodically by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. (1) 4) Check for loose wheel bolts. 5) Check that there are no nails, stones or other objects sticking into the tires. (2) 54G136 (1) Tread wear indicator (2) Indicator location mark 2) Check that the depth of the tread groove is more than 1.6 mm (0.06 in.). To help you check this, the tires have molded-in tread wear indicators in the grooves. When the indicators appear on the tread surface, the remaining depth of the tread is 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) or less and the tire should be replaced. 3) Check for abnormal wear, cracks and damage. Any tires with cracks or other damage should be replaced. If any tires show abnormal wear, have them inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Replacing the original tires with tires of a different size may result in false speedometer or odometer readings. Tire Rotation 4-TYRE ROTATION 5-TYRE ROTATION WARNING • Your MARUTI SUZUKI is equipped with tires which are all the same type and size. This is important to ensure proper steering and handling of the vehicle. Never mix tires of different size or type on the four wheels of your vehicle. The size and type of tires used should be only those approved by MARUTI SUZUKI as standard or optional equipment for your vehicle. • Replacing the wheels and tires equipped on your vehicle with certain combinations of aftermarket wheels and tires can significantly change the steering and handling characteristics of your vehicle. • Therefore, use only those wheel and tire combinations approved by MARUTI SUZUKI as standard or optional equipment for your vehicle. 54G114 To avoid uneven wear of your tyres and to prolong their life, rotate the tyres as illusrated. Tyres should be rotated as mentioned in periodic maintenance schedule. After rotation, adjust front and rear tyre pressures to the specification listed on your vehicle’s Tyre Inflation Pressure Label. Wheel Balancing If the vehicle vibrates abnormally on smooth road, have the wheel balanced at authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. 7-20 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Wheel Alignment In case of abnormal tyre wear or pulling towards one side, have the wheel aligned at authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Tubeless Tyres (If equipped) The vehicle is equipped with Tubeless Tyres. In tubeless tyre, a thin layer of butyl rubber is used for lining the inside of the tubeless tyre. This layer is to prevent air loss and fulfilling the purpose of tube. The air pressure is maintained by the sealing between tyre bead and wheel rim. Tubeless tyres are having advantage of slow air loss and preventing sudden deflation while driving. Care and maintenance tips for tubeless tyres 1) Always maintain recommended inflation pressure. Driving continuously at low inflation pressure can lead to tyre damage. 2) In case any leakage is found, check for any nail penetration/valve core damage or rim bent. Damaged wheel mu not be used. 3) In case tyre has run at low pressure, it must be inspected for any defect. 4) Whenever new tyre is fitted, replace the valve. 5) If continuous high speed driving is required, increase tyres pressure by 5 psi over recommended inflation pressure. 6) Never run the tyre beyond TWI (Tread wear indicator). The tyre is recommended to be replaced when the remaining tread has worn to this point. The indicators are spaced across the tread around the tyre marked by a triangular symbol (TWI). 7) Always prefer tubeless tyre mounting machine. In case of manual mounting tyre/ wheel rim damage may occur. 8) In case of any problem, please get in touch with authorised MARUTI SUZUKI workshop. Temporary Spare Tire (if equipped) Your vehicle comes equipped with the temporary spare tire. It is only intended for temporary emergency use, until the conventional tire can be repaired or replaced. The inflation pressure of the temporary spare tire should be checked at least monthly. At the same time, check that the tire is stored securely. If it is not, tighten it. Note that two or more temporary spare tires should not be used on one vehicle simultaneously. WARNING The temporary spare tire and wheel are intended for temporary emergency use only. Continuous use of this spare can result in tire failure and loss of control. Always observe these precautions when using this spare: • Your vehicle will handle differently with this temporary spare. • Do not exceed 120 km/h speed (only vehicle with 195/55R16 87H tire). • Replace this spare with a standard tire and wheel as soon as possible. • Use of this spare will reduce ground clearance. • Set the specified tire pressure indicated on the tire information label located on the driver’s door lock pillar. • Do not use tire chains on the temporary spare. If you must use tire chains, rearrange the wheels so standard tires and wheels are fitted to the front axle. • The temporary spare tire has a much shorter tread life than the conventional tires on your vehicle. Replace the tire as soon as the tread wear indicator appears. • When replacing the temporary spare tire, use a replacement tire with the exact same size and construction. 7-21 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Battery Replacement of the battery (For Petrol Engine Model) EXAMPLE WARNING • Batteries produce flammable hydrogen gas. Keep flames and sparks away from the battery or an explosion may occur. Never smoke when working in the vicinity of the battery. • When checking or servicing the battery, disconnect the negative cable. Be careful not to cause a short circuit by allowing metal objects to contact the battery posts and the vehicle at the same time. • To avoid harm to yourself or damage to your vehicle or battery, follow the jump starting instructions in the “EMERGENCY SERVICE” section of this manual if it is necessary to jump start your vehicle. • Diluted sulfuric acid spilled from battery can cause blindness or severe burns. Use proper eye protection and gloves. Flush eyes or body with ample water and get medical care immediately if suffered. Keep batteries out of the reach of children. EXAMPLE (3) (1) (2) (4) 54GM701 The level of the battery solution must be kept between the “MAX” and the “MIN” level lines at all times. If the level is found to be below the “MIN” level line, add distilled water to the “MAX” level line. You should periodically check the battery, battery terminals, and battery hold-down bracket for corrosion. Remove corrosion using a stiff brush and ammonia mixed with water, or baking soda mixed with water. After removing corrosion, rinse with clean water. If your vehicle is not going to be driven for a month or longer, disconnect the cable from the negative terminal of the battery to help prevent discharge. 51KM038 (For Diesel Engine Model with SHVS system) EXAMPLE (3) (1) (2) (4) 79MH10702 7-22 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE (For Diesel Engine Model without SHVS system) (1) EXAMPLE 2) Tighten the bracket bolt and battery cables securely. Your vehicle has three types of fuses, as described below: NOTICE Do not use regular battery in ISG Vehicle. Use only Exide Ecoserve DIN70 battery, else it may deteriorate SHVS performance. (2) EXAMPLE (4) (3) Main fuse The main fuse takes current directly from the battery. Primary fuses These fuses are between the main fuse and individual fuses, and are for electrical load groups. Individual fuses These fuses are for individual electrical circuits. NOTICE THIS VEHICLE USES SPECIAL BATTERY. ONLY USE BATTERY TYPR APPROVED BY THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER FOR THIS VEHICLE. FOR MORE DETAILS REFER OWNER’S MANUAL. 51KM039 To remove a fuse, use the fuse puller provided in the fuse box. To remove the battery: 1) Disconnect the negative cable (1). 2) Disconnect the positive cable (2). Fuses in the Engine Compartment EXAMPLE For Petrol Engine Model or Diesel Engine Model with SHVS system; 3) Remove the retainer nuts (3) and remove the retainer (4). For Diesel Engine Model without SHVS system Model; 3) Remove the bracket bolt (3) and remove the bracket (4). 4) Remove the battery. To install the battery: 1) Install the battery in the reverse order of removal. Fuses (5) (5) (4) (4) (3) (2) (6) (1) (3) (2) (1) 79MM07003 You may find this label on the inside of hood. 74LHT0715 7-23 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE MAIN FUSE / PRIMARY FUSE (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) ((20)) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (32) (33) (34) (35) (1) (29) (30) (31) ((28)) (27) 79MH0702 100 A FL1 (GAS) 450 A FL1 (DIESEL) (2) 100 A FL2 (3) 100 A FL3 (4) 50 A FL4 (5) 80 A FL5 (6) 100 A FL6 (7) 50 A Ignition switch -2 (8) 7.5 A ECM (9) 15 A Automatic transaxle relay (10) – Blank (11) 10 A Air compressor (12) 15 A FI (GAS) (13) 30 A FI (DIESEL) (14) 60 A Power steering (15) 30 A Radiator fan (16) 30 A CDSR (17) 30 A Blower fan (18) 30 A Starting motor (19) 40 A ABS motor (20) 30 A B/U (21) 15 A Headlight Lo (Left) (22) 15 A Headlight Lo (Right) (23) 25 A ABS control module (24) 30 A DCDC (25) 20 A Front fog light (26) 25 A Headlight (27) 40 A Ignition switch (28) 7.5 A Starting Signal (29) 20 A INJ DRV (DIESEL) (30) 10 A FI 2 (31) 15 A F/P (DIESEL) (32) 15 A Headlight high (Left) (33) 15 A Headlight high (Right) (34) – (35) 7.5 A Blank WIP SUB The main fuse, primary fuses and some of the individual fuses are located in the engine compartment. If the main fuse blows, no electrical component will function. If a primary fuse blows, no electrical component in the corresponding load group will function. When replacing the main fuse, a primary fuse or an individual fuse, use a Maruti genuine replacement. To remove a fuse, use the fuse puller provided in the fuse box. The amperage of 7-24 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE each fuse is shown in the back of the fuse box cover. Fuses under the Dash Board PRIMARY FUSE EXAMPLE OK BLOWN EXAMPLE 60G111 74LHT0711 WARNING If the main fuse or a primary fuse blows, be sure to have your vehicle inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Always use a Maruti genuine replacement. Never use a substitute such as a wire even for a temporary repair, or extensive electrical damage and a fire can result. NOTE: Make sure that the fuse box always carries spare fuses. (3) (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (1) 20 A Power window (2) 20 A Steering lock (3) – (4) 20 A (5) – Blank (6) – Blank (7) – Blank (8) 7.5 A Blank Rear defogger Starting Signal (9) 15 A ACC-2 (10) 30 A Power window (11) 10 A Hazard (12) 7.5 A BCM (13) 15 A Ignition coil (14) 10 A ABS control module (15) 15 A ACC (16) 10A A-STOP controller (17) 15 A Horn (18) 10 A Stop light (10) 79MH0703 (19) 10 A Air bag (20) 10 A Back-up light 7-25 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE (21) 15 A WIP (22) 25 A Front wiper (23) 7.5 A Dome light (24) – Blank (25) – Blank (26) – Blank (27) 7.5 A Ignition-1 signal (28) 15 A Radio 2 (29) 10A ACC-3 (30) 15 A Radio (31) 10 A Tail lamp (32) 20 A D/L (33) 7.5 A Stop lamp sw / Clutch sw (34) 10 A Meter (35) 7.5 A Ignition-2 signal (36) – Headlight Aiming EXAMPLE Since special procedures are required, we recommend you take your vehicle to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for headlight alignment. Bulb Replacement OK BLOWN 81A283 WARNING Always be sure to replace a blown fuse with a fuse of the correct amperage. Never use a substitute such as aluminum foil or wire to replace a blown fuse. If you replace a fuse and the new one blows in a short period of time, you may have a major electrical problem. Have your vehicle inspected immediately by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. CAUTION • Light bulbs can be hot enough to burn your finger right after being turned off. This is true especially for halogen headlight bulbs. Replace the bulbs after they become cool enough. • The headlight bulbs are filled with pressurized halogen gas. They can burst and injure you if they are hit or dropped. Handle them carefully. • To avoid injury by sharp-edged parts of the body, wear gloves and a long-sleeved shirt when replacing light bulbs. Blank NOTICE The oils from your skin may cause a halogen bulb to overheat and burst when the lights are on. Grasp a new bulb with a clean cloth. 7-26 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE NOTICE EXAMPLE Frequent replacement of a bulb indicates the need for an inspection of the electrical system. This should be carried out by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. (2) EXAMPLE (1) Headlights 79MH0706 Halogen headlights NOTE: You can see the position of retaining spring from the hole of headlight. EXAMPLE Other General Lights (1) Bulb holder (3) (2) EXAMPLE 79MH0704 (1) Headlight (High Beam) (2) Headlight (Low Beam) 79MH0705 Open the engine hood. Remove the sealing rubber (1) and disconnect the coupler (2). Push the retaining spring (3) forward and unhook it. Then remove the bulb. Install a new bulb in the reverse order of removal. (2) (1) (2) (1) 54G123 (1) Removal (2) Installation To remove a bulb holder from a light housing, turn the holder counterclockwise and pull it out. To install the holder, push the holder in and turn it clockwise. 7-27 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Front Turn Signal Light (1) Front Position Light (2) Bulb EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (2) EXAMPLE (1) (1) (3) (4) (2) 79MH0707 54G124 (3) Removal (4) Installation There are two types of bulb, “Full glass type” (1) and “Glass/metal type” (2). To remove and install a full glass type bulb (1), simply pull out or push in the bulb. 61MM0B081 3) Open the end of the cover inside the fender. Front Fog Light (if equipped) 1) Start the engine. Turn the steering wheel to the opposite side of the replacing fog light to replace the bulb easily. Then turn off the engine. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE To remove a glass metal type bulb (2) from a bulb holder, push in the bulb and turn it counterclockwise. To install a new bulb, push it in and turn it clockwise. You can access the individual bulb or bulb holders as follows. 80JM071 (1) 79MH0752 2) Remove the clips (1). 4) Disconnect the coupler by pushing the lock release. Turn the bulb holder counterclockwise and remove it. 7-28 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE License Plate Light EXAMPLE Front (with overhead console) EXAMPLE CLOSE Rear Combination Light EXAMPLE (1) PUSH T I LT OPEN (1) (2) 61MM0A129 79MH0753 Center Remove the bolts (1) and pull the light housing (2) straight. EXAMPLE Reversing Light EXAMPLE 79MH0755 Open the trunk lid. Remove the bulb holder (1), turn the holder counterclockwise and remove it. (2) Interior Light (1) Remove the lens by using a flat blade screwdriver covered with a soft cloth as shown. To install it, simply push it back in. 60G115 Rear EXAMPLE Front (without overhead console) 79MH0754 Open the trunk lid. Disconnect the coupler (1) by pushing the lock release. Turn the bulb holder (2) counterclockwise and remove it. EXAMPLE 61MM0A207 61MM0A130 7-29 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Wiper Blades 2) Squeeze lock (1) towards wiper arm (2) and remove the wiper frame from the arm as shown. 3) Unlock the lock end of the wiper blade and slide the blade out as shown. For windshield wipers: EXAMPLE EXAMPLE Removal EXAMPLE 70G119 1) Hold the wiper arm away from the window. 54G129 If the wiper blades become brittle or damaged, or make streaks when wiping, replace the wiper blades. EXAMPLE (2) To install new wiper blades, follow the procedures below. NOTICE 60A260 Installation (1) (1) To avoid scratching or breaking the window, do not let the wiper arm strike the window while replacing the wiper blade. NOTE: Some wiper blades may be different from the ones described here depending on vehicle specifications. If so, consult your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for proper replacement method. (2) EXAMPLE (1) (1) 54G132 54G130 (1) Locked end 7-30 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE EXAMPLE Windshield Washer Fluid EXAMPLE (3) EXAMPLE (A) (B) (3) (3) 60MH072 79MH0756 (3) Retainer 4) If the new blade is provided without the two metal retainers, move them from the old blade to the new one. EXAMPLE (3) (3) (A) Up (B) Down NOTE: When you install the metal retainers (3), make sure the direction of metal retainers as shown in the above illustrations. 5) Install the new blade in the reverse order of removal, with the locked end positioned toward the wiper arm. Make sure the blade is properly retained by all the hooks. Lock the blade end into place. 6) Reinstall wiper frame to arm, making sure that the lock lever is snapped securely into the arm. 80JM078 Check that there is washer fluid in the tank. Refill it if necessary. Use a good quality windshield washer fluid, diluted with water as necessary. WARNING Do not use “anti-freeze” solution in the windshield washer reservoir. This can severely impair visibility when sprayed on the windshield, and also damage your vehicle’s paint. NOTICE Damage may result if the washer motor is operated with no fluid in the washer tank. 79MH0757 7-31 79MH0-74E INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Air Conditioning System If you do not use the air conditioner for a long period, such as during winter, it may not give the best performance when you start using it again. To help maintain optimum performance and durability of your air conditioner, it needs to be run periodically. Operate the air conditioner at least once a month for one minute with the engine idling. This circulates the refrigerant and oil and helps protect the internal components. Replacement of the Air Conditioner Filter (if equipped) EXAMPLE Since special procedures are required, we recommend you take your vehicle to your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop for the air conditioner filter replacement. (3) (1) EXAMPLE (2) 79MH0761 2) Remove the cover (1) and pull out the air conditioner filter (2). 79MH0763 1) To approach the air conditioner filter, press inward on both side of the grove box and remove it. NOTE: When you install a new filter, make sure the UP mark (3) faces upward. 7-32 79MH0-74E EMERGENCY SERVICE EMERGENCY SERVICE Tire Changing Tool ............................................................. 8-1 Jacking Instructions ........................................................... 8-1 Changing Wheels ................................................................ 8-3 Jump Starting Instructions ................................................ 8-4 Towing .................................................................................. 8-6 If the Starter Does Not Operate .......................................... 8-6 If the Engine is Flooded ...................................................... 8-7 If the Engine Overheats ...................................................... 8-7 Warning Triangle ................................................................. 8-8 8 60G411 79MH0-74E EMERGENCY SERVICE Tire Changing Tool EXAMPLE Jacking Instructions CAUTION The jack should be used only to change wheels. It is important to read the jacking instructions in this section before attempting to use the jack. (1) (4) (3) EXAMPLE EXAMPLE (2) (5) 75F062 79MM08001 The jack, wheel wrench and jack handle are stowed in the luggage compartment. NOTE: • Hang the luggage carpet (1) with help of string (3) in the hook (4) before removing the spare tire (5). • Remove the luggage box (2) before spare tire removal and while refitment place spare tire first and then put luggage box. WARNING After using the tire changing tools, be sure to stow them securely or they can cause injury if an accident occurs. (1) 80J048 To remove the spare tire (if equipped), turn its bolt (1) counterclockwise and remove it. 1) Place the vehicle on level, hard ground. 2) Set the parking brake firmly and shift into “P” (Park) if your vehicle has an automatic transaxle, or shift into “R” (Reverse) if your vehicle has a manual transaxle. WARNING • Be sure to shift into “P” (Park) for an automatic transaxle vehicle, or into “R” (Reverse) for a manual transaxle vehicle when you jack up the vehicle. • Never jack up the vehicle with the transaxle in “N” (Neutral). Otherwise, unstable jack may cause an accident. 8-1 79MH0-74E EMERGENCY SERVICE 3) Turn on the hazard warning flasher if your vehicle is near traffic. 4) Block the front and rear of the wheel diagonally opposite of the wheel being lifted. 5) Place the spare wheel near the wheel being lifted as shown in the illustration in case that the jack slips. WARNING EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 63J101 54G253 EXAMPLE 6) Position the jack at an angle as shown in the illustration and raise the jack by turning the jack handle clockwise until the jack-head groove fits around the jacking bar beneath the vehicle body. 7) Continue to raise the jack slowly and smoothly until the tire clears the ground. Do not raise the vehicle more than necessary. • Use the jack only to change wheels on level, hard ground. • Never jack up the vehicle on an inclined surface. • Never raise the vehicle with the jack in a location other than the specified jacking point (shown in the illustration) near the wheel to be changed. • Make sure that the jack is raised at least 50 mm (2 inch) before it contacts the flange. Use of the jack when it is within 50 mm (2 inch) of being fully collapsed may result in failure of the jack. • Never get under the vehicle when it is supported by the jack. • Never run the engine when the vehicle is supported by the jack and never allow passengers to remain in the vehicle. To Raise the Vehicle with a Garage Jack • Apply the garage jack to one of the points indicated below. • Always support the raised vehicle with jack stands (commercially available) at the points indicated below. 63J100 8-2 79MH0-74E EMERGENCY SERVICE Front jacking point for garage jack (1) EXAMPLE Application point for jack stand (3) or two-column lift EXAMPLE (3) (3) 61MM0B103 NOTICE (1) 79MH0758 Rear jacking point for garage jack (2) Never apply a garage jack to the exhaust pipe, side under spoiler (if equipped), engine undercover or rear torsion beam. Changing Wheels To change a wheel, use the following procedure: 1) Clear all passengers and luggage from the vehicle. 2) Remove the jack, tools and spare wheel from the vehicle. 3) Loosen, but do not remove the wheel nuts. 4) Jack up the vehicle. 5) Remove the wheel nuts and wheel. 6) Before installing the new wheel, clean any mud or dirt off from the surface of the wheel and hub with a clean cloth. Clean the hub carefully; it may be hot from driving. 7) Install the new wheel and replace the wheel nuts with their cone shaped end facing the wheel. Tighten each nut snugly by hand until the wheel is securely seated on the hub. EXAMPLE NOTE: For more details, please contact an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. (2) 79MH0759 8-3 79MH0-74E EMERGENCY SERVICE Jump Starting Instructions Full Wheel Cover (if equipped) EXAMPLE EXAMPLE WARNING Loosen Tighten 60G309 54G116 Tightening torque for wheel nut 100 Nm (10.2 kg-m, 73.8 lb-ft) 8) Lower the jack and fully tighten the nuts in a crisscross fashion with a wrench as shown in the illustration. WARNING Use Maruti genuine wheel nuts and tighten them to the specified torque as soon as possible after changing wheels. Incorrect wheel nuts or improperly tightened wheel nuts may come loose or fall off, which can result in an accident. If you do not have a torque wrench, have the wheel nut torque checked by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. Insert a piece of cloth between the spokes of the wheel cover and try to pull the cover outward (as shown in figure). Take out the detached wheel cover from the wheel rim. For installation first match the slot at the wheel cover with the air filling nozzle of the wheel. Apply equal pressure at the circumference of the wheel cover to fix it in the wheel rim. EXAMPLE 54G117 When installing the cover, make sure that it is positioned so that it does not cover or foul the air valve. • Never attempt to jump start your vehicle if the battery appears to be frozen. Batteries in this condition may explode or rupture if jump starting is attempted. • When making jump lead connections, be certain that your hands and the jump leads remain clear from pulleys, belts, or fans. • Batteries produce flammable hydrogen gas. Keep flames and sparks away from the battery or an explosion may occur. Never smoke when working in the vicinity of the battery. • If the booster battery you use for jump starting is installed in another vehicle, make sure the two vehicles are not touching each other. • If your battery discharges repeatedly, for no apparent reason, have your vehicle inspected by an authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. • To avoid harm to yourself or damage to your vehicle or battery, follow the jump starting instructions below precisely and in order. If you are in doubt, call for qualified road service. 8-4 79MH0-74E EMERGENCY SERVICE NOTICE WARNING Your vehicle should not be started by pushing or towing. This starting method could result in permanent damage to the catalytic converter. Use jump leads to start a vehicle with a weak or flat battery. When Jump Starting Your Vehicle, Use the Following Procedure: 1) Use only a 12-volt battery to jump start your vehicle. Position the good 12-volt battery close to your vehicle so that the jump leads will reach both batteries. When using a battery installed on another vehicle, DO NOT LET THE VEHICLES TOUCH. Set the parking brakes fully on both vehicles. 2) Turn off all vehicle accessories, except those necessary for safety reasons (for example, headlights or hazard lights). Never connect the jump lead directly to the negative (–) terminal of the discharged battery, or an explosion may occur. (1) CAUTION (3) EXAMPLE (2) 71LS30801 3) Make jump lead connections as follows: 1. Connect one end of the first jump lead to the positive (+) terminal of the flat battery (1). 2. Connect the other end to the positive (+) terminal of the booster battery (2). 3. Connect one end of the second jump lead to the negative (–) terminal of the booster battery (2). 4. Make the final connection to an unpainted, heavy metal part (i.e. engine mount bracket (3)) of the engine of the vehicle with the flat battery (1). Connect the jump lead to the engine mount bracket securely. If the jump lead disconnects from the engine mount bracket because of vibration at the start of the engine, the jump lead could be caught in the drive belts. 4) If the booster battery you are using is fitted to another vehicle, start the engine of the vehicle with the booster battery. Run the engine at moderate speed. 5) Start the engine of the vehicle with the flat battery. 6) Remove the jump leads in the exact reverse order in which you connected them. 8-5 79MH0-74E EMERGENCY SERVICE Towing If you need to have your vehicle towed, contact a professional service. Your dealer can provide you with detailed towing instructions. NOTICE To help avoid damage to your vehicle during towing, proper equipment and towing procedures must be used. 2-Wheel Drive (2WD) Automatic Transaxle Automatic transaxle vehicles may be towed using either of the following methods. 1) From the front, with the front wheels lifted and the rear wheels on the ground. Before towing, make sure that the parking brake is released. 2) From the rear, with the rear wheels lifted and a dolly under the front wheels. NOTICE Towing the 2WD vehicle with the front wheels on the ground can result in damage to the Automatic transaxle. 2-Wheel Drive (2WD) Manual Transaxle Manual transaxle vehicles may be towed using either of the following methods. 1) From the front, with the front wheels lifted and the rear wheels on the ground. Before towing, make sure that the parking brake is released. 2) From the rear, with the rear wheels lifted and the front wheels on the ground, provided the steering and drivetrain are in operational condition. Before towing, make sure that transaxle is in neutral, the steering wheel is unlocked (vehicle without keyless push start system - the ignition key should be in the “ACC” position) (vehicle with keyless push start system - the ignition mode is “ACC”), and the steering wheel is secured with a clamping device designed for towing service. If the Starter Does Not Operate 1) Try turning the ignition switch to the “START” position or try pressing the engine switch to change the ignition mode to “START” with the headlights turned on to determine the battery condition. If the headlights go excessively dim or go off, it usually means that either the battery is flat or the battery terminal contact is poor. Recharge the battery or correct battery terminal contact as necessary. 2) If the headlights remain bright, check the fuses. If the reason for failure of the starter is not obvious, there may be a major electrical problem. Have the vehicle inspected by your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. NOTICE The steering column is not strong enough to withstand shocks transmitted from the front wheels during towing. Always unlock the steering wheel before towing. 8-6 79MH0-74E EMERGENCY SERVICE If the Engine is Flooded If the Engine Overheats (Vehicle without Keyless Push Start System) If the engine is flooded with Petrol, it may be hard to start. If this happens, press the accelerator pedal all the way to the floor and hold it there while cranking the engine. • For Petrol engine model, do not operate the starter motor for more than 12 seconds. • For diesel engine model, do not operate the starter motor for more than 30 seconds. The engine could overheat temporarily under severe driving conditions. If the engine coolant temperature gauge indicates overheating during driving: (Vehicle with Keyless Push Start System) If the engine is flooded with Petrol, it may be hard to start. If this happens, press the accelerator pedal all the way to the floor and hold it there while cranking the engine. • For Petrol engine model, do not operate the starter motor for more than 12 seconds. • For diesel engine model, do not operate the starter motor for more than 30 seconds. 1) Turn off the air conditioner, if equipped. 2) Take the vehicle to a safe place and park. 3) Let the engine run at the normal idle speed for a few minutes until the indicator is within the normal, acceptable temperature range between “H” and “C”. WARNING If you see or hear escaping steam, stop the vehicle in a safe place and immediately turn off the engine to let it cool. Do not open the hood when steam is present. When the steam can no longer be seen or heard, open the hood to see if the coolant is still boiling. If it is, you must wait until it stops boiling before you proceed. If the temperature indication does not come down to within the normal, acceptable range: 1) Turn off the engine and check that the water pump belt and pulleys are not damaged or slipping. If any abnormality is found, correct it. 2) Check the coolant level in the reservoir. If it is found to be lower than the “LOW” line, look for leaks at the radiator, water pump, and radiator and heater hoses. If you locate any leaks that may have caused the overheating, do not run the engine until these problems have been corrected. 3) If you do not find a leak, carefully add coolant to the reservoir and then the radiator, if necessary. (Refer to “Engine Coolant” in the “INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” section.) NOTE: If your engine overheats and you are unsure what to do, contact your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. NOTE: If the engine refuses to start, the starter motor automatically stops after a certain period of time. After the starter motor has automatically stopped or there is anything abnormal in the engine starting system, the starter motor runs only while the engine switch is held pressed. 8-7 79MH0-74E EMERGENCY SERVICE Warning Triangle EXAMPLE EXAMPLE MHO-07-001 79J007 WARNING • It is hazardous to remove the radiator cap (or degassing tank cap for a diesel engine) when the water temperature is high, because scalding fluid and steam may be blown out under pressure. The cap should only be taken off when the coolant temperature has lowered. • To help prevent personal injury, keep hands, tools and clothing away from the engine cooling fan and air-conditioner fan (if equipped). These electric fans can automatically turn on without warning. In case of vehicle break-down or during emergency stopping, where, your vehicle could become a potential traffic hazard, keep the warning triangle, provided with your vehicle, on the road free from any obstacles behind your vehicle so as to warn the approaching traffic, at an approximate distance of 50-100 m. The reflecting side of the triangle should face the on coming traffic. Please activate the hazard warning lamps before alighting the vehicle to keep the warning triangle. EXAMPLE • Remove the warning triangle carefully from the cover as shown by arrow 1. • Open both the reflector arms as shown by arrow and lock the arms with each other with the clip provided in the right arm. Open the bottom stand in counter clock-wise direction as shown by arrow 3. Position the warning triangle behind the vehicle on a plain surface. • Reverse the removal procedure for keeping inside the cover. EXAMPLE MHO-07-015 MHO-07-014 8-8 79MH0-74E APPEARANCE CARE APPEARANCE CARE Corrosion Prevention ......................................................... 9-1 Vehicle Cleaning ................................................................. 9-2 60G412 9 68PH0-74E APPEARANCE CARE Corrosion Prevention It is important to take good care of your vehicle to protect it from corrosion. Listed below are instructions for how to maintain your vehicle to prevent corrosion. Please read and follow these instructions carefully. Important Information About Corrosion Common causes of corrosion 1) Accumulation of road salt, dirt, moisture, or chemicals in hard-to-reach areas of the vehicle underbody or frame. 2) Chipping, scratches and any damage to treated or painted metal surfaces resulting from minor accidents or abrasion by stones and gravel. Environmental conditions which accelerate corrosion 1) Road salt, dust control chemicals, sea air or industrial pollution will all accelerate the corrosion of metal. 2) High humidity will increase the rate of corrosion particularly when the temperature range is just above the freezing point. 3) Moisture in certain areas of a vehicle for an extended period of time may promote corrosion even though other body sections may be completely dry. 4) High temperatures will cause an accelerated rate of corrosion to parts of the vehicle which are not well ventilated to permit quick drying. This information illustrates the necessity of keeping your vehicle (particularly the underbody) as clean and dry as possible. It is equally important to repair any damage to the paint or protective coatings as soon as possible. How to Help Prevent Corrosion Wash your vehicle frequently The best way to preserve the finish on your vehicle and to help avoid corrosion is to keep it clean with frequent washing. Wash your vehicle at least once during the winter and once immediately after the winter. Keep your vehicle, particularly the underside, as clean and dry as possible. If you frequently drive on salted roads, your vehicle should be washed at least once a month during the winter. If you live near the ocean, your vehicle should be washed at least once a month throughout the year. For washing instructions, refer to the “Vehicle Cleaning” section. Remove foreign material deposits Foreign material such as salts, chemicals, road oil or tar, tree sap, bird droppings and industrial fall-out may damage the finish of your vehicle if it is left on painted surfaces. Remove these types of deposits as quickly as possible. If these deposits are difficult to wash off, an additional cleaner may be required. Be sure that any cleaner you use is not harmful to painted surfaces and is specifically intended for your purposes. Follow the manufacturer’s directions when using these special cleaners. Repair finish damage Carefully examine your vehicle for damage to the painted surfaces. Should you find any chips or scratches in the paint, touch them up immediately to prevent corrosion from starting. If the chips or scratches have gone through to the bare metal, have a qualified body shop make the repair. Keep passenger and luggage compartments clean Moisture, dirt or mud can accumulate under the floor mats and may cause corrosion. Occasionally, check under these mats to ensure that this area is clean and dry. More frequent checks are necessary if the vehicle is used off road or in wet weather. Certain cargos such as chemicals, fertilizers, cleaners, salts, etc. are extremely corrosive by nature. These products should be transported in sealed containers. If a 9-1 79MH0-74E APPEARANCE CARE spill or leak does occur, clean and dry the area immediately. Store your vehicle in a dry, well-ventilated area Do not park your vehicle in a damp, poorly ventilated area. If you often wash your vehicle in the garage or if you frequently drive it in when wet, your garage may be damp. The high humidity in the garage may cause or accelerate corrosion. A wet vehicle may corrode even in a heated garage if the ventilation is poor. Vehicle Cleaning Cleaning the Interior EXAMPLE WARNING Do not apply additional undercoating or rust preventive coating on or around exhaust system components such as the catalytic converter, exhaust pipes, etc. A fire could be started if the undercoating substance becomes overheated. 76G044S WARNING When cleaning the interior or exterior of the vehicle, NEVER USE flammable solvents such as lacquer thinners, Petrol, benzene or cleaning materials such as bleaches or strong household detergents. The materials could cause personal injury or damage to the vehicle. Vinyl upholstery Prepare a solution of soap or mild detergent mixed with warm water. Apply the solution to the vinyl with a sponge or soft cloth and let it soak for a few minutes to loosen dirt. Rub the surface with a clean, damp cloth to remove dirt and the soap solution. If some dirt still remains on the surface, repeat this procedure. Fabric upholstery Remove loose dirt with a vacuum cleaner. Using a mild soap solution, rub stained areas with a clean damp cloth. To remove soap, rub the areas again with a cloth dampened with water. Repeat this until the stain is removed, or use a commercial fabric cleaner for tougher stains. If you use a fabric cleaner, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions and precautions. 9-2 79MH0-74E APPEARANCE CARE Leather upholstery Remove loose dirt with a vacuum cleaner. Using a mild soap or saddle soap solution, wipe dirt off with a clean damp soft cloth. To remove soap, wipe the areas again with a soft cloth dampened with water. Wipe the areas dry with a soft dry cloth. Repeat this until the dirt or stain is removed, or use a commercial leather cleaner for tougher dirt or stains. If you use a leather cleaner, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions and precautions. Do not use solvent type cleaners or abrasive cleaners. NOTE: • In order to keep leather upholstery looking good, it should be cleaned at least twice a year. • If leather upholstery becomes wet, immediately wipe it dry with tissue paper or a soft cloth. Water may cause leather to harden and shrink if it is not wiped off. • When parking on sunny days, select a shady place or use a sunshade. If leather upholstery is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, it may discolor and shrink. • As is common with natural materials, leather is inherently irregular in grain and cowhide has spots in its natural state. These do not affect the performance of the leather in any way. Seat belts Clean seat belts with a mild soap and water. Do not use bleach or dye on the belts. They may weaken the fabric in the belts. Vinyl floor mats Ordinary dirt can be removed from vinyl with water or mild soap. Use a brush to help loosen dirt. After the dirt is loosened, rinse the mat thoroughly with water and dry it in the shade. Carpets Remove dirt and soil as much as possible with a vacuum cleaner. Using a mild soap solution, rub stained areas with a clean damp cloth. To remove soap, rub the areas again with a cloth dampened with water. Repeat this until the stain is removed, or use a commercial carpet cleaner for tougher stains. If you use a carpet cleaner, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions and precautions. Instrument panel and console NOTE: • Wipe up spills containing chemicals, alcohol, etc., immediately with a soft, damp cloth. Use a mild soap solution if necessary. Do not use cleaners or polishes containing strong solvents or acidic solutions. These chemicals may stain and discolor the instrument panel and console. • Do not use any chemical that contains silicone to clean the air conditioning, audio and other electrical components or switches, as well as the areas surrounding these parts. Adhesion of silicone may cause failure. Cleaning the Exterior NOTICE It is important that your vehicle be kept clean and free from dirt. Failure to keep your vehicle clean may result in fading of the paint or corrosion to various parts of the vehicle body. Caring for Aluminum Wheels NOTE: • Do not use an acidic or alkaline detergent, or a cleaner containing petroleum solvent to wash aluminum wheels. These types of cleaner will cause permanent spots, discoloration and cracks on finished surfaces and damage to center caps. • Do not use a bristle brush and soap containing an abrasive material. These will damage finished surfaces. 9-3 79MH0-74E APPEARANCE CARE Washing EXAMPLE CAUTION If your vehicle is equipped with an rain-sensing wiper system, place the wiper control lever in the “OFF” position. If the lever is left in the “AUTO” position, the wipers could unexpectedly operate and cause an injury, and could also be damaged. 60B212S WARNING • Never attempt to wash and wax your vehicle with the engine running. • When cleaning the underside of the body and fender, where there may be sharp-edged parts, you should wear gloves and a long-sleeved shirt to protect your hands and arms from being cut. • After washing your vehicle, carefully test the brakes before driving to make sure they have maintained their normal effectiveness. When washing the vehicle, park it where direct sunlight does not fall on it and follow the instructions below: 1) Flush the underside of body and wheel housings with pressurized water to remove mud and debris. Use plenty of water. NOTICE When washing the vehicle: • Avoid directing steam or hot water of more than 80°C (176°F) on plastic parts. • To avoid damaging engine components, do not use pressurized water in the engine compartment. 2) Rinse the body to loosen the dirt. Remove dirt and mud from the body exterior with running water. You may use a soft sponge or brush. Do not use hard materials which can scratch the paint or plastic. Remember that the headlight covers or lenses are made of plastic in many cases. NOTICE To avoid damage to the paint or plastic surface, do not wipe the dirt off without ample water. Be sure to follow above procedure. 3) Wash the entire exterior with a mild detergent or car wash soap using a sponge or soft cloth. The sponge or cloth should be frequently soaked in the soap solution. NOTICE When using a commercial car wash product, observe the cautions specified by the manufacturer. Never use strong household detergents or soaps. 4) Once the dirt has been completely removed, rinse off the detergent with running water. 5) After rinsing, wipe off the vehicle body with a wet chamois or cloth and allow it to dry in the shade. 6) Check carefully for damage to painted surfaces. If there is any damage, “touch-up” the damage following the procedure below: 1. Clean all damaged spots and allow them to dry. 2. Stir the paint and “touch-up” the damaged spots lightly using a small brush. 3. Allow the paint to dry completely. 9-4 79MH0-74E APPEARANCE CARE NOTICE If you use an automatic car wash, make sure that your vehicle’s body parts, such as spoilers, cannot be damaged. If you are in doubt, consult the car wash operator for advice. Waxing EXAMPLE 60B211S After washing the vehicle, waxing and polishing are recommended to further protect and beautify the paint. • Only use waxes and polishes of good quality. • When using waxes and polishes, observe the precautions specified by the manufacturers. 9-5 79MH0-74E GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION Vehicle Identification .......................................................... 10-1 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tag ........................10-1 84MM01001 10 79MH0-74E GENERAL INFORMATION Vehicle Identification Engine Serial Number EXAMPLE Chassis Serial Number EXAMPLE Radio frequency identification (RFID) tag (if equipped) As per Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, the Radio frequency identification (RFID) tag (1) is mandatory for each vehicle for the purpose of electronic toll collection or any other purpose as may be defined by the Government of India. 60G128 79MH0A01 The chassis and/or engine serial numbers are used to register the vehicle. They are also used to assist your dealer when ordering or referring to special service information. Whenever you have occasion to consult your authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop, remember to identify your vehicle with this number. Should you find the number difficult to read, you will also find it on the identification plate. The engine serial number is stamped on the cylinder block as shown in the illustration. In case of any damage to RFID tag or replacement of front windscreen, please contact your nearest authorised Maruti Suzuki workshop. EXAMPLE (1) 68MH1001 10-1 79MH0-74E GENERAL INFORMATION As seen from inside of the vehicle EXAMPLE As seen from outside of the vehicle EXAMPLE 68MH1003 68MH1002 Note: The picture shown is for indicative purpose only. Internal structure of actual device mounted on vehicle may be different. Note: The picture shown is for indicative purpose only. Internal structure of actual device mounted on vehicle may be different. Note: • RFID tag needs to be registered by government authorised agency (if applicable). • Any attempt to remove the tag from the windscreen will result in permanent damage to the tag. • Use of chemical cleaners to clean the windscreen area where the tag is mounted can damage the tag. • Use of any sharp objects on the tag can damage the tag. 10-2 79MH0-74E SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. M/T: Manual transaxle A/T: Automatic transaxle Petrol : Petrol engine model Diesel: Diesel engine model ITEM: Dimensions UNIT: mm Overall length Overall width Overall height Wheelbase Track 4490 1730 1485 2650 Front Rear 1495 1505 115 (laden condition) 170 (unladen condition) Ground clearance ITEM: Mass (weight) Curb mass (weight) Gross vehicle mass (weight) rating Permissible maximum Axle Weight UNIT: kg PETROL ENGINE MODEL DIESEL ENGINE MODEL M/T 1010 – 1030 1105 – 1135 A/T 1025 – 1030 – M/T 1490 1585 – 1595 A/T 1500 – Front 745 840 Rear 780 780 11 11-1 79MH0-74E SPECIFICATIONS ITEM: Engine Type K14B (DOHC) D13A (DOHC) 4 4 Bore 73.0 mm 69.6 mm Stroke 82.0 mm 82.0 mm Piston displacement 1373 cm3 1248 cm3 11.0 + 0.4 : 1 17.6 + 0.4 : 1 Number of cylinders Compression ratio ITEM: Electrical Standard spark plug NGK LKR6F-10 Petrol 34B19L Petrol Battery Fuses Diesel without SHVS system DIN50# equipped with SHVS system DIN70* See “INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” section. # Do not use battery other than DIN50 type. Else it may lead to performance deterioration. * When battery replacement is necessary, use only DIN70 (Exide Ecoserve) battery. Else it may deteriorate SHVS performance. 11-2 79MH0-74E SPECIFICATIONS ITEM: Lights Headlight WATTAGE Halogen BULB No. High Beam 12V 55W H7 Low Beam 12V 55W H7/H11* Front fog light (if equipped) 12V 35W H8 Position light 12V 5W W5W Front 12V 21W WY21W Rear 12V 21W Turn signal light Side turn signal light PY21W LED Tail/brake light 12V 21/5W High mount stop light P21/5W LED Reversing light 12V 16W W16W License plate light 12V 5W W5W Interior light Footwell light (if equipped) / Instrument panel pocket light (if equipped) LED Front 12V 5W – Rear 12V 10W – Trunk lid light 12V 5W – * During bulb replacement, use same BULB No. as used in the vehicle. 11-3 79MH0-74E SPECIFICATIONS ITEM: Wheels and Tires 185/65R15 88S*1,185/65R15 88H*1, 195/55R16 87H*1 Tire size, front and rear Tire size, spare For vehicle equipped with 185/65R15 tire 185/65R15 (Steel Wheel) For vehicle equipped with 195/55R16 tire 185/65R15 (Steel Wheel) Rim size 185/65R15 tire: 15X5 1/2J*2 195/55R16 tire: 16X6J*2 Tire pressures For the specified tire pressure, see the Tire Information Label located on the driver’s door lock pillar. *1: When tire replacement is necessary and if the specified load index and speed rated tire is not available, then use a tire of higher load index and speed rating. *2: The spare wheel provided with alloy wheel variant is steel wheel rim, hence follow 4 tire rotation only. (Refer: under section “Inspection and maintenance”) 11-4 79MH0-74E SPECIFICATIONS ITEM: Recommended Fuel/Lubricants and Capacities (approx.) Fuel Engine oil Engine coolant 43 L Petrol 3.1 L (with oil filter) Diesel Petrol Diesel 3.2 L (with oil filter) 5M/T 4.8 L 4A/T 4.7 L 6.6 L Manual transaxle oil 2.6 L Automatic transaxle fluid 5.0 L 11-5 79MH0-74E For latest Service Network details kindly visit mentioned below. MARUTI SUZUKI SERVICE NETWORK (AS ON .201) or contact our regional office / area office as REGIONAL OFFICE (NORTH-I) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED PLOT NO. 1, NELSON MANDELA ROAD, VASANT KUNJ, NEW DELHI-110070 PH : (011) 46781000, 46150291 WEST UP, UTTARAKHAND, DELHI, GURGAON, FARIDABAD, NOIDA, GHAZIABAD, REWARI, MAHENDRAGARH, NORTH-UP REGIONAL OFFICE (NORTH-II) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED S.C.O. 39-40, SECTOR 8-C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH-160008 PH : (0172) 2780057, 2781352, 2540787 PUNJAB, CHANDIGARH, JAMMU & KASHMIR REGIONAL OFFICE (NORTH-III) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED G.F., B-I BLOCK, PICUP BHAWAN, VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW-226010 PH : (0522) 2720931-34 PART OF U.P. AND UTTARAKHAND REGIONAL OFFICE (NORTH-IV) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED S.C.O. 81, FIRST FLOOR, SECTOR 5, PANCHKULA-134109 PH : (0172) 2590056, 2580056 HARYANA, HIMACHAL PRADESH REGIONAL OFFICE (NORTH-V) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 7TH FLOOR, POOJA TOWER, 3 GOPALPURA BY-PASS, TONK ROAD, JAIPUR-302018 PH : 0141-5157000, 5118006 / 7 RAJASTHAN REGIONAL OFFICE (EAST-I) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED L & T CHAMBERS, 4TH FLOOR, 16 CAMAC STREET, KOLKATA-700 017 PH : (033) 22835252-54 WEST BENGAL, SIKKIM, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR REGIONAL OFFICE (EAST-II) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 401, 4TH FLOOR, ROHINI APARTMENT, OPPOSITE HOTEL APSARA, 56 CIRCULAR ROAD, NEAR LALPUR CHOWK, RANCHI-834001, PH : (0651) 2563931 BIHAR, JHARKHAND REGIONAL OFFICE (EAST-III) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 5A, 5TH FLOOR, ABOVE CITY MART SHOPPING MALL, 724, PEACE ENCLAVE, ULUBARI, GUWAHATI–781 007, ASSAM PH.: (0361) 2734308/ 10/ 11/ 12 REGIONAL OFFICE (EAST-IV) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED "vvˆViÊ œ°ÊÈäx]ÊÈäÈ]ÊÈÌ ÊœœÀ]Ê1̎>Ê-ˆ}˜>ÌÕÀi]Ê*> >]Ê ‡x]Ê * Ê\ÊäÈÇ{‡ÈÇx£xn£ ÕL>˜ià Ü>ÀʇÊÇxÓ£ä£ ­"`ˆÃ >®]Ê ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ASSAM, MANIPUR, MEGHALYA, MIZORAM, NAGALAND, TRIPURA " -]Ê /-,  MARUTI SUZUKI SERVICE NETWORK (AS ON .201) REGIONAL OFFICE (WEST-I) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 602, MADHAVA BLDG., BANDRA KURLA COMPLEX, BANDRA (E), MUMBAI-400 051 PH : (022) 2659 0165/0286/0290/0291 FAX : 26590285 MUMBAI, NAVI MUMBAI, THANE, RAIGAD, RATNAGIRI, SINDHUDURG & GOA REGIONAL OFFICE (WEST-II) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 7TH FLOOR, NORTH BLOCK, SACRED WORLD WANOWARIE, PUNE-411040 PH : (020) 64002641 / 2 / 3 /0 4 REST OF MAHARASHTRA REGIONAL OFFICE (WEST-III) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 211, ISKON MALL, ABOVE STAR INDIA BAZAAR, SATELLITE ROAD, AHMEDABAD-380015 PH : (079) 40036660/40036671 GUJARAT , DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI, DAMAN AND DIU REGIONAL OFFICE (WEST-IV) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 3RD FLOOR, COMMERCE HOUSE, 7 RACE COURSE ROAD, INDORE-452001 PH : (0731) 4069481, 4069382 FAX : 4069382 MADHYA PRADESH REGIONAL OFFICE (SOUTH-I) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 7TH FLOOR, CAPITAL TOWERS, 180, KODAMBAKKAM HIGH ROAD, NUNGAMBAKKAM, CHENNAI - 600 034 PH: (044) 28233050-53 FAX: (044) 28242059 TAMILNADU, PONDICHERRY REGIONAL OFFICE (SOUTH-II) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 204, 2ND FLOOR, “EMBASSY CLASSIC”, VITTAL MALLYA ROAD, BENGALURU-560001 PH. : (080) 22127384-85, 5112017-18 FAX : (080) 22484841 KARNATAKA REGIONAL OFFICE (SOUTH-III) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED 2ND FLOOR, TUTUS TOWER, NH-47 BYPASS, PADIVATTOM, COCHIN-682024 PH. : (0484) 4088400 KERALA, LAKSHADWEEP REGIONAL OFFICE (SOUTH-IV) MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED MAHAVIR CHAMBERS, DOOR NO. 3-6-363 & 3-6-1/1, CHAMBER NO. 101 & 102, 1ST FLOOR, LIBERY SQUARE, HIMYATNAGAR, HYDERABAD PH : (040) 66729999 ANDHRA PRADESH, TELANGANA  -!254) 35:5+) 3%26)#% .%47/2+ !3 /.  DETAILS OF AREA OFFICES A O L Agra A O A Maruti Suzuki India Limited, 7th Floor, B-15/8, Shri Vrindavan Tower Sanjay Palace, Agra - 282001, Ph. : 0562-4052646 Bhopal Maruti Suzuki India Limited, 522, 5th Floor, Corporate Zone, Ashima Mall, Hoshangabod Road, Bhopal-462026, Ph: 0755 - 6051555 Calicut Maruti Suzuki India Limited, 1st Floor, Central Arcade, Bye pass Road, Puthyara Calicut - 673 004, Ph: +91 495 2723151 Coimbatore Dehradun Maruti Suzuki India Limited, A-203, 2nd Floor, Raheja Center, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore  641018, Ph: (0422)-2242109 Maruti Suzuki India Limited, 70 Rajpur Road, Opp Madhuban Hotel, Dehradun 248001, Ph: 0135-2740549 Hubli Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Shiva Avenue, 2nd Floor, Gokul Road, Hubli - 580030, Ph: 0836-4259447 Jammu Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Area Office - N2, Holl No. 116, Fast Flour, A-2, South Block, Bahu Plaza, Jammu Ludhiana Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Sco No. 16/17, 4Th Floor, Fortune Chambers, Feroze Gandhi Market, Ludhiana-141001, Ph: 0161-4649763, 4649765            DETAILS OF AREA OFFICES A O L O A Madurai Maruti Suzuki India Limited, 3rd Floor, ADR Towers Kalavasal, Theni By-pass Road, Madurai - 625016, Ph.: 0452-4200203 Nagpur Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Plot No. 244, 1st Floor, Narayani House, Hill Road, Dhasampeth Ext., Nagpur-440010, Ph.:0712-2225808 Nashik Maruti Suzuki India Limited, 2nd Floor, Rushiraj Towers, Gargapur Road, Nashik 422013, Ph.: 0253-6698551,52 Patna Maruti Suzuki India Limited, 538, AG Plaza, East Boring Canal Road Adj. St Johns School, Patna-800001, Ph.: 0612-2521145 Raipur              !"  #$&'*; < = >>$## Surat Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Above TGB Restaurant, Shivalik Western, L.P. Savani Road, Adajan, Surat Gujarat -395009, Ph:0261-6544450,51 Trivandrum Visakhapatnam  A Maruti Suzuki India Limited, ? @ Q[Q \] ""^ <_ ` x*, Vazuthacaud, Trivandrum - 695010, Ph: 0471-2322336 Maruti Suzuki India Limited, #209, 2nd Floor, Dutt Island, Siripuram Jumction, Visakhapatnam - 500003, Ph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