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Summary of Content
FOREWORD This manual includes procedures for diagnosis, maintenance and adjustments, m inor service operations, and removal and installation for com ponents of Chevrolet Light Duty Trucks. Procedures involv­ ing disassembly and assembly of m ajor components for these vehi­ cles are contained in the 1977 Chevrolet Passenger Car and Light Duty Truck Overhaul Manual. W iring diagrams for 1977 trucks are contained in a separate W iring Diagram Booklet. The Section Index on the contents page enables the user to quickly locate any desired section. At the beginning of each section containing more than one major subject is a Table of Contents, which gives the page num ber on which each major subject begins. An Index is placed at the beginning of each m ajor subject w ithin the section. S um m aries of Special Tools, w hen required, and specifications are found at the end of m ajor sections. This manual should be kept in a handy place fo r ready reference. If properly used, it w ill enable the technician to better serve the o w n ­ ers o f Chevrolet built vehicles. All inform ation, illustrations and specifications contained in this literature are based on the latest product inform ation available at the tim e of publication approval. The right is reserved to make changes at any tim e w ithout notice. IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE P r o p e r s e r v ic e and re p a ir is im p o rta n t to the safe, re lia b le o p e ra tio n of a ll m otor v e h ic le s . The s e r v ic e p ro ce d u re s re c o m m e n d e d and d e scrib e d in this s e r v ic e m anual a re e f f e c t iv e m ethods of p e rfo rm in g s e r v ic e o p e ra tio n s. Som e of these s e r v ic e o p e ra tio n s re q u ire the use of to o ls s p e c ia lly designed fo r the purpose. T h e s p e c ia l tools should be used when and as reco m m e n d e d . It is im p o rta n t to note th a t this m anu al c o n ta in s va rio u s W arn in g s, and C a u tio n s w h ich should be c a r e f u lly read in o rd er to m in im iz e the risk of perso n al in ju ry to s e r v ic e person nel or the p o s s ib ility th a t im p ro p e r s e r v ic e m eth od s w ill be fo llo w e d re n d e r it W a rn in g s, u n safe. and It is C a u tio n s also are w h ich im p o rta n t not m ay d am ag e the v e h ic le or to e x h a u s tiv e . u nd erstan d We cou ld th a t not these possibly kn ow , e v a lu a te and a d vise the s e r v ic e tra d e of a ll c o n c e iv a b le w ays in w h ich s e r v ic e m ig h t be done or of the possible h azard ous co n seq u e n ce s o f each w a y . C o n se q u e n tly , we h ave not u n d e rta k e n an y such broad e v a lu a tio n . A c c o rd in g ly , anyo ne who uses a s e r v ic e p ro c e d u re or tool w h ich is not reco m m e n d e d by the m a n u fa c tu r e r m ust firs t s a tis fy h im s e lf th o ro u g h ly th a t n e ith e r his s a fe ty nor v e h ic le s a fe ty w ill be je o p a rd iz e d by the s e r v ic e m eth od he s e le c ts . 1977 LIGHT DUTY TRUCK (SERIES 10-35) CHASSIS SERVICE MANUAL CA U TIO N This vehicle contains some parts dimensioned in the metric system as well as in the customary system. Some fasteners are metric and are very close in dimension to familiar cus­ tomary fasteners in the inch system. It is important to note that, during any vehicle maintenance procedures, replace­ m ent fasteners must have the same measurements and strength as those removed, whether metric or customary. (Numbers on the heads of metric bolts and on surfaces of metric nuts indicate their strength. Customary bolts use ra­ dial lines for this purpose, while most customary nuts do not have strength markings.) Mismatched or incorrect fasteners can result in vehicle damage or malfunction, or possibly per­ sonal injury. Therefore, fasteners removed from the vehicle should be saved for re-use in the same locations whenever possible. Where the fasteners are not satisfactory for re-use, care should be taken to select a replacement that matches the original. For information and assistance, see your au­ thorized dealer. SECTION NAME OA GENERAL INFORMATION OB LUBRICATION 1A HEATER 1B MANUAL AIR CONDITIONING 2A FRAME 2B BUMPERS 2C SHEET METAL 2D BODY 3A FRONT ALIGNMENT 3B STEERING 3C FRONT SUSPENSION 3D REAR SUSPENSION 3E WHEELS AND TIRES 4A PROPSHAFT 4B DRIVE AXLE 4C FOUR WHEEL DRIVE BRAKES 6A ENGINE MECHANICAL 6B ENGINE COOLING 6C FUEL SYSTEM 6D ENGINE ELECTRICAL 6E ENGINE EMISSION 6F ENGINE EXHAUST 7A AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 7B MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7C CLUTCH 8 CHASSIS ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES © 1976 G eneral M o to rs C o rp o ra tio n P rinted in U.S.A. SECTION OA GENERAL INFORMATION C O N TE N TS OF TH IS SEC TIO N Truck Model Identification............................................. OA-1 Vehicle Identification N u m b e r and Rating Plate... OA-1 Engine N u m b e r ...................................................................OA-1 U nit and Serial N u m b e r L ocations............................OA-1 Service Parts Identification P la te ................................ 0A-3 Keys and Locks................................................................. 0A-3 T o w in g .................................................................................. 0A-3 T R U C K M O DEL ID E N T IF IC A T IO N Axles All 10-30 series models are identified by the model system shown in the chart on the following page. Basically the designation consists o f 7 characters, 2 letters followed by live numbers. The first letter indicates a model and the second identifies the chassis type. The first n u m b er designates the G V W range, the second and third identify the cab-to-axle dimension or model type and the last two identify the cab or body style. C h ev ro le t B uilt VEHICLE ID E N T IF IC A T IO N N U M B ER A ND R A TIN G PLATE A com bination vehicle identification num ber and rating plate used on all models (fig. 0A-1) is located on the left door lock pillar o f C-K-G models. On Forward Control models, it is attached to the dash and toe panel. The vehicle identification num b er stamped on the plate decodes into the inform ation shown in Figure 0A- • On 10 Series, the Code is stamped on Front of Right Rear Axle Tube. • On 20-30 Series, the Code is stamped on U pper Surface of the Right Rear Axle Tube. Dana Built • On Front Axles, code is stamped on Front Surface o f Left Axle Tube. • On R ear Axles, code is stamped on Rear Surface o f Right Axle Tube. Transmissions The engine num b er indicates m anufacturing plant, m onth and day o f m anufacture, and transmission type. A typical engine num b er would be F1210TFA, which would breakdown thus: F - M anufacturing Plant (F-Flint, T-Tonawanda) 12 - M onth o f M anufacture (December) 10 - Day o f M anufacture (tenth) T - Truck FA - Transmission and engine type • On 3-Speed Transmissions (except Tremec), the Unit N u m b er is located on Lower Left Side o f Case Adjacent to Rear o f Cover. • On Tremec Transmissions, Unit N u m b er is located on U p p er Forward M ounting Flange o f Case. • On 70 mm 4-Speed Transmissions, Unit N um ber is stamped on U pper Center Front o f Case. On Borg W arn er 4-Speeds, Unit N u m b er is located on Left Side of Case Rearward o f Side Cover. Muncie 4-Speeds, Unit N u m b e r is located on R ear Face o f Case below Retainer. • On Turbo Hydra-Matic 350 Transmission, Unit N u m b er is Located on Right Rear Vertical Surface of Oil Pan. • On the Turbo Hydra-Matic 400 Transmission, Serial N u m b er is Located on the Light Blue Plate on the Right Side of the Transmission. U N IT AND SERIAL N U M B E R LO CATIO NS Engines 2. EN G IN E N U M B E R For the convenience o f service technicians and engineers when writing up certain business papers such as W arran ty Reports. Product Inform ation Reports, or reporting product failures in any way, the location of the various unit num bers have been indicated. These unit num bers and their prefix or suffix are necessary on these papers for various reasons - such as accounting, followup on production, etc. The prefixes on certain units identify the plant in which the unit was m anufactured and thereby permits proper follow-up of the plant involved to get corrections m ade when necessary. Always include the prefix in the number. • 6-Cylinder Engine at Right Hand Side of Distributor. • 8-Cylinder Engine at Front, Right Hand Side Unit N u m b er Located on Pad Cylinder Block at Rear of Unit N u m b e r Located on Pad o f Cylinder Block. Generators G en erato r Unit Serial N u m b er is located on the Drive End F ram e Below the Part N um ber. Batteries Battery Code N u m b er is Located on Cell Cover Top o f Battery. TRUCK MODEL IDENTIFICATION c c 0703 + E63 + LG9 1. C = C h e vro le t; T = GM C Truck 2. C h assis Type_________________________ 3. G V W R a n g e _________________________ 4. CA Dimension/Model Type_ 5. C a b or Body S ty le ___________ 6. Body O rdering C o d e _______ 7. Engine O rdering C o d e . © © C A Dimension/Model Type C hassis Type C— C o n v e n t i o n a l 4 x 2 G — F o r w a r d C o n t ro l 4 x 2 (B ody-Fram e In te g ra l) K— C o n v e n t i o n a l 4 x 4 (Four W h e e l Drive) P—- F o r w a r d C o n tro l 4 x 2 ( C o n v e n t i o n a I) 05- B l a z e r , Jimmy, S tep-Van, V a lu e Van 07- 4 2 " / P i c k u p , C h as s is -C a b 08- FC or M o t o r Ho m e Chassis, S t e p - V a n , V a l u e Van 09— 5 6 "/S u bu rb an, C h a s s is - C a b , Pickup 6 0 " / F C Chassis, Chevy V a n , V a n d u r a , S p o r tv a n , R a lly W a g o n , C h a s s is - C a b , S t e p - V a n , V a lu e Van 10 © Series/GVW Range 1 — 4 8 0 0 to 7 3 0 0 1 1— M o t o r H o m e Chassis 1 3 — Chevy V a n , V a n d u r a , S p o r t v a n , Rally W a g o n , C u ta w a y Van , H i-C u b e Van 1 4 — 84"/F C or M otor Home Chassis, C h a s s is -C a b , S te p-V a n , V a lu e Van 1 6 — C u ta w a y Van, H i-C u b e Van 1 8 — M o t o r H o m e Chassis 2 — 6 4 0 0 to 8 4 0 0 3 — 6 4 0 0 to 14,500 © Body Code Z W 9 — Base Body Z 5 8 — B l a z e r , Jimmy w / W h i t e © C a b or Body Style 0 3 — C o nventional C a b ( C -K mo dels); C u ta w a y V an , H i-C ub e V a n ( G models) 0 5 — C h ev y V a n , V a n d u r a 06 — Suburban/S portvan, R a lly W a g o n with P a n e l R e a r Doors 16 — B l a z e r , Jimmy 3 2 — M o t o r H o m e Chassis 4 2 — F o r w a r d Co n tro l Chassis, S t e p - V a n , V a lu e Van 4 3 — Bonus C a b . C r e w C a b Top Z 5 9 — B l a z e r , Jim m y w / B la c k Top Z 6 4 — RV C u t a w a y V a n E 3 1 — H i - C u b e V a n (1 O' Steel 96" W id e ) E 3 2 — S te p-V a n , V a lu e Van ( S t e e l) E 3 3 — S te p -V a n , V a lu e Van (A lu m in u m ) E 3 4 — H i - C u b e V a n (10 ' Steel 82" W id e) E 3 6 — H i-C ub e Van ( 96" W id e 10' A lu m in u m ) E 3 8 — H i - C u b e V a n (1 2' Steel 96" W id e ) E 3 9 — H i-C u b e Van (9 6 " W id e 1 2' A lu m in u m ) E 5 5 — S u b u r b a n (w /E nd G a t e ) E 6 2 — S te p s id e ( F e n d e r s i d e ) Pickup E 6 3 — Fle e ts ide ( W i d e S i d e ) Pickup E 9 4 — B e a u v i l l e S p o r tv a n , R a lly STX © Engine Code LD4— 2 5 0 Six L25 — 2 9 2 Six L G 9 —3 0 5 - 2 V 8 LS 9 — 3 5 0 - 4 V 8 LF4 — 4 0 0 - 4 V8 LF8— 4 5 4 -4 V8 MFD. BY GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION GVWRI □ GAWR FRONT GAWR REAR ! o o SERVICE PARTS IDENTIFICATION V I N — VtHIClf IDENTIFICATION NUMBER THE S P E CI A L EQUIPMENT L IS TED B E L O W HA S T H I S V E H I C L E . F O R P R O P E R IDE N T I FIC AT IOh ______ P A R T S BE S U R E TO S P E CI FY THE A PP LI CA BLI 573 I nccroiDT.AM I OPTION I NOTE: VIN CAMPER LOADING DATA CWR DIM A DIM B INFLATION DATA FOR TIRES FURNISHED WITH VEHICLE FRONT I ~1 PRESSURE □ REAR I 1 PRESSURE □ Q WARRANTY VOIDED IF LOADED IN EXCESS OF RATINGS □ SEE OWNERS MANUAL FOR OTHER LOADING AND INFLATION DATA INSTALLED OK REPLACEMEN' rtON NUMBERS IM P O R T A N T : R E TA IN THIS PLA T E A S A P E R M A N E N T RE C O R D o Fig. 0A-3-Service Parts Id e n tifica tio n Plate Fig. 0A-1--Vehicle Id e n tifica tio n N um ber and Rating wheelbase, and all Production options or Special Equipment on the vehicle when it was shipped from the factory including p a in t inform ation. A L W A Y S REFER T O Plate In fo rm a tion T H IS IN F O R M A T IO N W H E N O R D E R IN G P A R T S . E N G IN E D E S IG N A T IO N KEYS AND LOCKS - V 8 - 4 5 4 - 4 - ( P M o d e ls ) — V 8 - 4 5 4 - 4 - ( C M o d e ls ) = V 8 -4 0 0 -4 Two separate identifiable keys (with different cross section) are provided for the lock cylinders o f each vehicle. The key codes are stamped on the "knock out" plug in the key head. • Key with square head (stamped " E ") - or ignition SERIES 1 44 TO N 2 % D IV IS IO N 3 1 C = CHEVRO LET T= GMT \ CHASSIS TYPE — M O D E L YEAR 7 = 1977 fo r a ll S e rie s. S E Q U E N T IA L N U M B E R C - 2 W HEEL DR IV E G = L IG H T DUTY FO RW ARD CO NTRO L K = 4 W HEEL DR IV E L = LIG H T UTILITY P = FO RW ARD CO NTRO L BO D Y STYLE 2 -F o rw a rd C o n tro l chassis o n ly 3 - C a b -c h a s s is - Pickup and Van 4 5- Panel ASSEM BLY A -L a k e w o o d B - B a ltim o r e F -F lin t J - J a n e s v ille PLANT V -G M T r u c k -P o n tia c S-St. Louis U -L o r d s to w n Z -F re m o n t 1 -O s h a w a 3 -G M A D D e tr o it 4 -S c a r b o r o u g h 6 - S u b u rb a n 7 - M o to r H o m e 8 - U tility Fig. 0A-2-Vehicle Id e n tifica tio n N um ber Starters Starter Serial N u m b e r and Production Date are Stam ped on O uter Case, Toward Rear. SERVICE PARTS IDENTIFICATION PLATE The Service Parts Identification Plate (fig. OA-3) is provided on all Truck models. On most series it will be located on the inside o f the glove box door, or, on Forward Control series, it will be located on an inner body panel. The plate lists the vehicle serial number, switch only. • Key with oval head (stamped " H " ) - or all other locks. TOWING Proper lifting or towing equipm ent is necessary to prevent dam age to the vehicle during any towing operation. State (Provincial in C anada) and local laws applicable to vehicles in tow must be followed. All Except Four W h e e l D riv e Tru cks Norm ally this vehicle may be towed on all four wheels, at speeds o f less than 35 MPH, for distances up to 50 miles, provided the driveline, axle and transmis­ sion, and steering system are otherwise normally operable. Use only towing e q u ip m e n t specifically designed for this purpose, following the instructions of the equipm ent m anufacturer. A separate safety chain system must be used. For such towing the steering must be locked, transmission in neutral and park in g brake released. A ttachm ents must be m ade to m ain structural m em bers o f the vehicle. Do not attach to bumpers or associated brackets. R em em ber that power brake and power steering assists will not be available when engine is inoperative. The rear wheels must be raised off the ground or the drive shaft disconnected when the transmission is not operating properly or when a speed o f 35 MPH or distance of 50 miles will be exceeded. C A U T IO N : I f a truck is towed on its front wheels only, the steering wheel must be secured with the wheels in a straight ahead position. TIPS FOR T O W I N G F O U R W H E E L D R I V E V E H I C L E S FRONT WHEELS OFF THE G R O U N D FULL TIME ( 4 X 4 ) P A R T T I M E (4 X 4) A U T O M A T I C T R A N S M I S S IO N M A N U A L T R A N S M IS S IO N 1. 2. 3. 4. T R A N S F E R C A S E IN N E U T R A L T R A N S M I S S I O N IN P A R K M A X I M U M S P E E D 3 5 MPH M A X IM U M D IS T A N C E 50 M IL E S N O T E : F o r distances o v e r 5 0 miles, d i s c o n n e c t rear p r o p s h a f t at rear axle c a r r ie r an d secure in safe p o s i ti o n . 1. T R A N S F E R C A S E IN 2 H 2. T R A N S M I S S I O N IN N E U T R A L 3. M A X I M U M S P E E D 3 5 M PH 4. M A X I M U M D I S T A N C E 5 0 M I L E S N O T E : F o r dis tances o ver 5 0 miles, d is c o n n e c t the rear p r o p s h a f t at rear ax le c a r r ie r and secure in safe p o s i ti o n . REAR WHEELS OFF THE GRO U ND C A U T IO N : W h e n t o w i n g a v e h ic le in t h is p o s it io n , th e s te e r in g w h e e l s h o u ld be s e c u re d t o k e e p th e f r o n t w h e e ls in a s t r a ig h t a h e a d p o s it io n . P A R T T I M E (4 X 4) F U L L T I M E (4 X 4) 1. 2. 3. 4. T R A N S F E R C A S E IN N E U T R A L T R A N S M I S S I O N IN P A R K M A X I M U M SPEED 35 MPH M A X IM U M D IS T A N C E 50 M IL E S N O T E : F o r distances ovei 5 0 miles, d i s c o n n e c t f r o n t p r o p s h a f t at f r o n t ax le c a rr ie r a nd secuie in safe p o s i t i o n . 1. 2. 3. 4. T R A N S F E R C A S E IN 2 H T R A N S M I S S I O N IN N E U T R A L M A X I M U M S P E E D 3 5 MPH M A X I M U M D IS T A N C E 50 M IL E S NOTE: For distances over 5 0 miles, d is c o n n e c t the f r o n t p r o p s h a f t at f r o n t axle c a r r ie r and secure in safe p o s i ti o n . ALL FOUR WHEELS ON G R O U N D F U L L T I M E ( 4 X 4) P A R T T I M E (4 X 4) 1. T R A N S F E R C A S E IN N E U T R A L 2. T R A N S M I S S I O N IN P A R K N O T E : D o n o t exceed speed as per S tat e laws f o r t o w i n g vehicles. 1. 2. 3. 4. T R A N S F E R C A S E IN 2 H T R A N S M I S S I O N IN N E U T R A L M A X I M U M SP E E D 3 5 M PH M A X IM U M D IS T A N C E 50 M IL E S N O T E : For speeds or distances greater than above, b o t h p r o p s h a ft s m u s t be d i s c o n n e c t e d at th e axle c a r r ie r end an d secured in a safe p o s i ti o n . It is r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t b o t h p r o p s h a ft s be re m o v e d and st o re d in the ve hicle. N O T E : Do n o t excee d speeds as per State laws f o r t o w i n g vehicles. Keyliner Towing Chart OA-2 F our W h e e l D riv e Tru cks It is recom m ended that the truck be towed with the fron t wheels off the ground. T he truck can be towed, however, with the rear wheels off the ground if there is d a m ag e in the rear wheel area. Refer to Chart on "Tips for Towing Four Wheel Drive Vehicles". LOADED— M A X IM U M GVW R: 6200-LBS. FRONT GAWR: 3250 LBS. REAR GAWR: 3582 LBS. STEEL T U B IN G R E P LACEM ENT In the event that replacem ent o f steel tubing is required on brake line, fuel line, evaporative emission, and transmission cooling lines, only the recom m ended steel replacem ent tubing should be used. Only special steel tubing should be used to replace brake lines. T hat is, a double layer and brazed steel tubing m eeting G.M . Specification 123M. Further, any oth e r steel tubing should be replaced only with the released steel tubing or its equivalent. U n der no co ndition should copper or alum inum tubing be used to replace steel tubing. Those materials do not have satisfactory fatigue durability to withstand normal vehicle vibrations. All steel tubing should be flared using the upset (double lap) flare method. VEH IC LE LO ADING Vehicle loading must be controlled so weights do not exceed the numbers shown on the Vehicle Identification * F ro n t C u rb 2261 lb s . * R e a r C u rb Pass. L o a d 1 5 4 9 lb s . R ear C a rg o & F ro n t C a r g o & 4 5 0 lb s . 2711 Pass. L o a d 1 9 4 0 lb s . 3 4 8 9 lb s . lb s . TOTAL W EIGHT AT GROUND: 6200 lbs. * C u r b w e ig h t e q u a ls th e w e ig h t o f th e v e h ic le w it h o u t d r iv e r , p a s s e n g e r o r c a r g o , b u t in c lu d i n g f u e l a n d c o o la n t . Fig. 0A-4--Typical Vehicle Loaded Condition N u m b e r and Rating Plate for the vehicle. A typical example o f a truck in a loaded condition is shown in Figure OA-4. N ote that the axle or GVW capabilities are not exceeded. SECTION OB LUBRICATION INDEX M aintenance S c he d ule...................................................... E n g in e ..................................................................................... Oil and Filter R e c om m end ation s.............................. Drive B e lts......................................................................... Positive Crankcase Ventilation (P.C.V.).................. Air Injection Reactor System (A .l.R .).................... Controlled Combustion System (C.C.S.)................. E vaporation Control System (E.C.S.)...................... Early Fuel Evaporation (E.F.E.) S ystem ................ Air C le a n e r ........................................................................ Fuel F ilt e r .......................................................................... Accelerator L in k a g e ........................................................ Automatic Transm ission.................................................. M an u al T ra n s m is s io n ....................................................... Transm ission Shift L in k ag e........................................... Clutch...................................................................................... OB-1 OB-1 OB-l OB-2 OB-2 OB-3 OB-3 OB-3 OB-3 OB-3 OB-3 OB-3 OB-3 OB-4 OB-4 OB-4 R ear A x le ................................................................... Propeller Shaft Slip Joints................................... Universal J o i n t s ........................................................ Wheel B earin g s......................................................... Brake Master C ylinder.......................................... Brake and Clutch Pedal Springs........................ Parking B rake............................................................ S te e r in g ........................................................................ Hood Latch and Hood H inge............................. Body L u b ric a tio n ..................................................... Speedometer A d a p t e r ............................................. Complete M aintenance Schedule........................ Recommended Fluids L u b rican ts....................... Lubrication D i a g r a m s ............................................ Conventional and Forward Control Models 1/2 Ton G M o d e ls............................................... M A IN T E N A N C E SCHEDULE ENG INE A separate m aintenance folder has been provided with each vehicle which contains a complete schedule and brie f explanation of the safety, emission control, lubrication and general m aintenance it requires. The m aintenance folder inform ation is supplemented by this section o f this manual, as well as the separate vehicle and emissions w arranty booklet also furnished with each vehicle. Read all three publicatio n s for a full understanding o f vehicle m aintenance requirements. Oil and Filter Recom m endations The time or mileage intervals for lubrication and m aintenance services outlined in this section are intended as a general guide for establishing regular m aintenance and lubrication periods for trucks with light and heavy duty emission control systems (see chart). Sustained heavy duty and high speed operation or operation under adverse conditions may require more frequent servicing. LIGHT A N D H EA VY DUTY EM ISSION C LA SS VEHICLES L ig h t D u ty V ehicle C lO -P ickup (exc. o v er 6000 lbs. GVW ) H eavy D u ty C lO -P ickup (o v er 6000 lbs. G VW ) C IO -S uburban C-10-Utility C20-30 A ll models A ll K m odels A ll P m odels OB-4 OB-4 OB-4 OB-4 OB-5 OB-5 OB-5 OB-5 OB-5 OB-6 OB-6 OB-6 OB-17 OB-18 OB-18 OB-19 The letter designation "S E " has been established to correspond with the requirements o f G M 6136-M. "SE" engine oils will be better quality and p erform better than those identified with "S A " through " S D " designations and are recommended for all light-duty gasoline trucks regardless of model y ear and previous engine oil quality recommendations. O il C h an g e Period • Use only SE engine oil. ENGINE OIL PERFORMANCE AND ENGINE SERVICE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM L e tte r Designation GM S p e c ific a tio n A p p lic a b le M odel Year SA N one None SB None None SC G M 4745-M 1967 and P rio r Years SD GM 6041 -M (1 9 6 8 Release) 1 970 and P rio r Years SE G M 6136-M 1972 1977 and P rio r Years • L ig h t D uty Em ission V eh icles-C h an ge oil each 12 months or 7,500 miles. If more than 7,500 miles are driven in a 12 month period, change oil each 7,500 miles. • H e a v y D uty E m ission V eh icles-C h an ge oil each 4 months or 6,000 miles. If more than 6,000 miles are driven in a 4-m onth period, change oil each 6,000 miles. • C hange oil each 3 months or 3,000 miles (2 m onths or 3.000 miles on Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), whichever occurs first, u nder the following conditions: —Driving in dusty conditions. —Trailer pulling or c am per use. —M otor Home use. —Extensive idling. —Short-trip operation at freezing temperatures (engine not thoroughly warmed-up). • O p eration in dust storms may require an im m ediate oil change. • F o r Light D uty Emission Vehicles replace the oil filter at the first oil change, and every second oil change thereafter, if mileage (7,500 miles is the determ ining factor. If time (12 month) is the determ ining factor, then c hange oil filter with every oil change. For Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles, replace the oil filter at the first oil ch an ge and every other oil change th ereafter using 6,000 miles or 12 m onth as the d eterm ining factors. AC oil filters (or equivalent) provide excellent engine protection. The above recom m endations apply to the first c hange as well as subsequent oil changes. The oil change interval for the engine is based on the use o f SE oils and quality oil filters. Oil change intervals longer than those listed above will seriously reduce engine life and may affect the m a n u fa c tu rer’s obligation under the provisions o f the New Vehicle W arranty. A high quality SE oil was installed in the engine at the factory. It is not necessary to change this factoryinstalled oil prior to the recom m ended normal change period. However, check the oil level more frequently d u rin g the break-in period since higher oil consumption is norm al until the piston rings become seated. N O T E : Non-detergent and other low quality oils are specifically not recommended. O il F ilter T y p e and C a p a c ity • Throw aw ay type, 1 qu a rt U.S. measure, .75 quart Imperial measure. • 250 and 292 cu. in., AC Type PF-25. 305, 350, 400 and 454 cu. in., AC Type PF-35. ____________SOW 2 0 . 2 0 W 4 0 l I • I °F - 2 0 C -3 0 I 0 20 lo w I I 60 40 0 I 4 0 .......... 30. l o w I 20 -1 0 ? 0 w 50 I 10 80 20 100 30 40 Tem peratu re Range A ntic p a te d Before N ext O il C hange NOTE: SAE 5 W -3 0 oils a re re co m m en d e d fo r all seasons in vehicles n o rm a lly o p e rate d in C anada. SAE 5 W -2 0 oils are n o t re co m m en d e d fo r sustained hig h -sp eed d rivin g . C h ec kin g O il Level The engine oil should be m aintained at p rop er level. The best time to check it is before operating the engine or as the last step in a fuel stop. This will allow the oil accumulation in the engine to drain back in the crankcase. To check the level, remove the oil gauge rod (dipstick), wipe it clean and reinsert it firmly for an accurate reading. The oil gauge rod is m arked " F U L L " and " A D D " . The oil level should be m aintained in the safety margin, neither going above the " F U L L " line nor below " A D D " line. NOTE: The oil gauge rod is also m arked "Use SE Engine Oil" as a rem inder to use only SE oils. S u p p lem e n ta l E n gin e Oil A dditives The regular use o f supplemental additives is specifically not recom mended and will increase operating costs. However, supplemental additives are available that can effectively and economically solve certain specific problems without causing other difficulties. For example, if higher detergency is required to reduce varnish and sludge deposits resulting from some unusual operational difficulty, a thoroughly tested and approved additive "G .M . Super Engine Oil S upplem ent" (or equivalent) - is available. C ra n k c a s e C a p a c ity (D o es N o t Inclu d e F ilte r) Drive Belts • 292 L6 Engine; 5 quarts U.S. measure, 4.25 quarts Im perial measure. • All other engines; 4 quarts U.S. measure, 3.25 q uarts Imperial measure. Drive belts should be checked every 7,500 miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles) for proper tension. A loose belt will affect water pu m p and generator operation. R e c o m m e n d e d V isc o s ity Positive Crankcase V entilation Valve (P.C.V.) To help assure good cold and hot starting, as well as m axim um engine life, fuel economy, and oil economy, select the pro p e r oil viscosity for the tem perature range anticipated from the following chart: Every 30,000 miles (24,000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles) or 24 months the valve should be replaced. Connecting hoses, fittings and flame arrestor should be cleaned. At every oil change the system should be tested for pro per function and serviced, if necessary (Also see m aintenance schedule at end o f this section.) Air Injection Reactor System (A .I.R .)--C ontrolled Combustion 1. On V8 engine, lubricate the ball stud at the carburetor lever. 2. On L6 engine, lubricate the two ball studs at the carburetor lever and lubricate the lever m ounting stud. Do not lubricate the accelerator cable. System (E.C.S.) A U T O M A T IC T R A N S M IS S IO N The Air Injection Reactor system should have the drive belt inspected for w ear and tension every 24 m onths or 30,000 miles (4 m onths or 6,000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), whichever occurs first. In addition, complete effectiveness o f either system, as well as full power an d perform ance, depends upon idle speed, ignition timing, and idle fuel mixture being set according to specification. A quality tune-up which includes these adjustm en ts should be p e rfo rm e d periodically to assure norm al engine efficiency, operation and perform ance. Fluid Recom m endations Evaporation Control S ystem (E.C.S.) Every 30,000 miles (24,000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles) or 24 months, (more often under dusty conditions) the filter in the base o f the canister must be replaced and the canister inspected. Early Fuel Evaporation (E.F.E.) System First 7,500 miles or 12 months check valve for freedom o f operation. A binding condition must be corrected. Check hoses for cracking, abrasion or deterioration. Replace parts as necessary. Air C leaner CAUTION: Do not remove the engine air cleaner unless temporary removal is necessary during repair or maintenance o f the vehicle. When the air cleaner is removed backfiring can cause fire in the engine compartment. N O T E: U n d e r prolonged dusty driving conditions, it is recom m ended that these operations be perfo rm e d more often. Replace the engine air cleaner element under norm al operatin g conditions every 30,000 miles (12,000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles except C alifornia 350-400 engines, replace every 24,000 miles). Use automatic transmission fluids identified with the mark D E X R O N ® II. Check the fluid level at each engine oil change period. Automatic transmissions are frequently overfilled because the fluid level is checked when the fluid is cold and the dipstick indicates fluid should be added. However, the low reading is norm al since the level will rise as the fluid tem perature increases. A level change o f over 3 /4 inch will occur as fluid tem perature rises from 60 F to 180°F. Overfilling can cause foam ing and loss o f fluid through the vent. Slippage and transmission failure can result. Fluid level too low can cause slipping, particularly, when the transmission is cold or the vehicle is on a hill. Check the transmission fluid level with engine running, the shift lever in PARK and the vehicle level. NOTE: If the vehicle has recently been operated for an extended period at high speed o r in city traffic in hot w eather or the vehicle is being used to pull a trailer, an accurate fluid level cannot be determ ined until the fluid has cooled down usually about 30 minutes after the vehicle has been parked. Remove the dipstick and touch the transmission end o f the dipstick cautiously to find out if the fluid is cool, w arm or hot. W ipe it clean and re-insert until cap seats. Remove dipstick and note readings. • If the fluid feels cool, about room temperature 65 °F to 8 5 °F the level should be 1/8 to 3 /8 inch below the ADD mark. The dipstick has two dimples below the "A D D ' mark to show this range (fig. 0B-1). • If it feels warm , the level should be close to the ADD m ark (either above or below). Fuel Filter L ig h t D u ty Em ission V eh icles-R ep lace filter element located in c arburetor inlet every 12 months or 15,000 miles whichever occurs first, or, if an in-line filter is also used, replace both filters every 30,000 miles. Heavy Duty Em ission Vehicles-R ep lace filter ele­ ment in carburetor inlet every 12 months or 12,000 miles, w hichever comes first, except C alifornia 350-400 engines should be replaced every 24 months or 24,000 miles. A c c ele rato r Linkage Lubricate with engine oil every 15,000 miles (12,000 miles Heavy D uty Emission Vehicles) as follows: (6 5 85 F .) COOL i - r ^ ADD 1 \ ____ I __ S (1 8 ? 9 C .) HOT HOT ' ______________ W ARM NOTE: DO NOT OVERFILL. It takes only one pint to raise level from ADD to FULL with a hot transmission. • If it feels hot (cannot be held comfortably), the level should be between the A D D and FU LL marks. Drain Intervals The transmission operating temperature resulting from the type o f driving conditions under which your vehicle is used is the m ain consideration in establishing the proper frequency of transmission fluid changes. C hange the transmission fluid and filter every 15,000 miles (12,000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), if the vehicle is usually driven under one or more of the following conditions which are considered severe transmission service: • In heavy city traffic. • W here the outside tem perature regularly reaches 90 °F. • In very hilly or m ountainous areas. • Frequent trailer pulling. • Commercial uses, such as taxi, police car or delivery service. If you do not use your vehicle under any o f these conditions, change the fluid and filter every 60,000 miles, (24,000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles). T o C h a n g e T urbo H y d ra -M a tic 4 0 0 and Turbo H y d r a -M a tic 3 5 0 fluid , remove fluid from the transm is­ sion sump, add approximately 7.5 pints U.S. measure (6.25 pints Imperial measure) for the T urbo Hydra-M atic 400 and 2-1/2 qts. U.S. measure (2 qts. Imperial measure) for the Turbo Hydra-M atic 350 o f fresh fluid, to return level to proper mark on the dipstick. Every 6 0 ,0 0 0 M ile s ( 2 4 ,0 0 0 m iles H e av y E m ission V e h ic le s )- the T u rbo H ydra-M atic 400 Duty linkage idler lever at fitting) every 7,500 miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles) with water resistant EP chassis lubricant which meets G eneral Motors Specification G M 6 0 3 l-M. REAR AXLES S tan d ard Every 12 months or 7,500 miles (4 months or 6,000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), whichever occurs first, check lubricant level and add lubricant, if necessary, to fill to level o f filler plug hole. Use SAE 80W or SAE 80W-90 GL-5 G e a r Lubricant. For those vehicles normally operated in Canada, use SAE 80W GL-5 G ear Lubricant. Positive Locking or Positraction Every 12 months or 7,500 miles (4 months or 6,000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), whichever occurs first, check lubricant level and add SAE 80W or SAE 80W-90 GL5 gear lubricant, if necessary, to fill to level of filler plug hole. PROPELLER SHAFT SLIP JO IN T S Propeller shaft slip joints should be lubricated every 7,500 miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty Emis­ sion Vehicles) with water resistant EP chassis lubricant which meets General Motors Specification GM 603l-M. trans­ mission sum p filter should be replaced. 3-A N D 4-SPEED M A N U A L T R A N M IS S IO N UNIV E R S A L JO IN T S Lubricant All universal joints are the needle bearing type. Lubricate those universal joints (depending on truck model) equipped with lube fittings every 7,500 miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles) with water resistant EP chassis lubricant which meets G eneral Motors Specification G M 60 3 l-M. More frequent lubes may be required on heavy duty or "O ff the R o a d " operations. Every 12 months or 7,500 miles (4 months or 6.000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), whichever occurs first, check lubricant level and add lubricant, if necessary, to fill to level o f filler plug hole with SAE 80W or SAE 80W-90 GL-5 G e a r Lubricant. If temperatures below + 3 2 ' F are expected, use SAE 80W GL-5 G e a r L ubricant only. For those vehicles normally operated in C a na da , use SAE 80W GL-5 G e a r Lubricant only. T R A N S M IS S IO N S H IF T LINKAG E WHEEL BEARINGS Fro nt (M A N U A L AN D A U T O M A T IC ) Every 7,500 miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), lubricate shift linkage and, on M anual transmission floor control, lever contacting faces with w ater resistant EP chassis lubricant which meets G eneral Motors Specification GM6031-M. Clutch The clutch pedal free travel should be checked at regular intervals. Lubricate the clutch cross-shaft at fitting (on Series 10 Forward Control models also lubricate the clutch NOTE: Use wheel bearing lubricant G M Part No. 1051344 or equivalent which meets all require­ ments o f G eneral Motors Specification G M 6031 M. Due to the weight of the tire and wheel assembly it is recom m ended that they be removed from hub before lubricating bearings to prevent dam age to oil seal. Then remove the front wheel hub to lubricate the bearings. The bearings should be thoroughly cleaned before repacking with lubricant. Front wheels are equipped with tapered roller bearings on all trucks. Wheel bearings should be lubricated every 30,000 miles (24.000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles) - lubricate every 12,000 miles in four wheel drive trucks. Do not mix wheel bearing lubricants. CAUTION: "Lo n g fibre" type greases should not be used on roller bearing front wheels. Rear The rear wheel bearings receive their lubrication from the rear axle. W hen installing bearings which have been cleaned, prelube with wheel bearing grease. BRAKE M A S TE R CYLINDER Check m aster cylinder fluid level in both reservoirs every 7,500 miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles). If the fluid is low in the reservoir, it should be filled to a point about 1/4" from the top rear o f each reservoir with Delco Supreme No. 11 Hydraulic Brake Fluid or equivalent. BRAKE A N D CLUTCH PEDAL S PR IN G S Lubricate brake and clutch pedal springs every 7,500 miles or 12 m onths (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles) with engine oil for all models. P A R K IN G BRAKE Every 7,500 miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 m onths Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles) clean and lubricate all park in g brake pivot points with w ater resistant EP chassis lubricant which meets G eneral M otors Specification G M 6 0 3 1-M. STE ER IN G M anual S teering Gear The steering gear is factory-filled with steering gear lubricant. Seasonal change of this lubricant should not be perfo rm e d and the housing should not be drained-no lubrication is required for the life o f the steering gear. Every 30,000 miles (36.000 miles Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), the gear should be inspected for seal leakage (actual solid grease-not ju st oily film). If a seal is replaced or the gear is overhauled, the gear housing should be refilled with No. 1051052 (13 oz. container) Steering G e a r Lubricant which meets G M Specification G M 4673-M or its equivalent. N O TE : Do not use EP Chassis Lube, which meets G M Specification G M 6 0 3 1-M. to lubricate the gear. D O N O T O VER-FILL the gear housing. Pow er S teering System Check the fluid level in the pum p reservoir at each oil change period. Add G M Power Steering Fluid (G M 1050017 or equivalent) as necessary to bring level into pro p e r range on filler cap indicator depending upon fluid tem perature. If at op eratin g tem perature (approximately 150 °Fhot to the touch), fluid should be between " H O T " and " C O L D " marks. If at room tem perature (approximately 70 F), fluid should be between " A D D " and " C O L D " marks. Fluid does not require periodic changing. Linkage and Suspension M aintain correct front end alignment to provide easy steering, longer tire life, and driving stability. Check control arm bushings and ball joints for wear. Lubricate tie rods, upper and lower control arms, and ball joints at fittings with water resistant EP chassis lubricant which meets G eneral Motors Specification G M 6 0 3 1-M every 7,500 miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles). Lubricate every 3,000 miles or 3 months (2 months Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), whichever occurs first, under the following conditions: • Driving in dusty or muddy conditions. • Extensive off-road use. NOTE: Ball joints must be at + 1 0 GF. or more before lubricating. Keep spring to axle U bolts and shackle bolts properly tightened (see Specifications Section for torque recommendations). Check U bolt nuts after the first 1,000 miles o f operation if the U bolt or U bolt nuts are changed in service. HOOD LATCH AN D HOOD H IN G E Every 7,500 miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty Emission Vehicles), whichever occurs first, lubricate hood latch assembly and hood hinge assembly as follows: 1. Wipe off any accumulation of dirt or contaimination on latch parts. 2. Apply lubriplate or equivalent to latch pilot bolt and latch locking plate. 3. Apply light engine oil to all pivot points in release mechanism, as well as prim ary and secondary latch mechanisms. 4. Lubricate hood hinges. 5. M ake hood hinge a n d latch m echanism allowed to remain, these materials can result in accelerated rusting and deterioration o f underbody functional check to assure the assembly is working components such as fuel lines, fram e and floor pan, correctly. exhaust system, etc. At least once each year, preferably after a w in te r’s exposure these corrosive materials should BODY L U B R IC A T IO N be removed by flushing the underbody with plain water. N o rm a l use of a truck causes metal-to-metal Particular attention should be given to cleaning out those movem ent at certain points in the cab or body. Noise, areas where mud and other foreign materials collect. w e a r and im p ro p er operation at these points will result w hen a protective film o f lubricant is not provided. For exposed surfaces, such as door checks, door lock SPEEDO M ETER ADAPTER bolts, lock striker plates, dovetail bu m per wedges, etc. apply a thin film o f light engine oil. On vehicles so equipped, lubricate ad ap ter at fitting W h ere oil holes are provided in body parts a with water resistant E P chassis grease which meets dripless oil can be safely used, but any lubricant should G eneral Motors Specification G M 6031-M every 7,500 be used sparingly, and after application all excess should miles or 12 months (6,000 miles or 4 months Heavy Duty be carefully wiped off. Emission Vehicles). The seat adjusters and seat track, ordinarily overlooked, should be lubricated with w ater resistant EP chassis lubricant which meets G eneral Motors Specifica­ C O M PLETE VEHICLE M A IN T E N A N C E tion G M 6 0 3 1-M. SCHEDULE T here are other points on bodies which may occasionally require lubrication and which are difficult to Three separate M aintenance Schedules are used for service, window regulators and controls are confined in the 1977 truck models. Two schedules (L-6 Schedule and the space between the upholstery and the outside door V-8 Schedule) are used on the Light Duty Emission panel. Easy access to the w orking parts m a y be m ade by Vehicles while a third schedule applies only to Heavy removing the trim. Door weatherstrips and rubber hood D uty Emission Vehicles. bum pers should be lightly coated with a rubber Presented on the following pages are the M ainte­ lubricant. nance Schedules, followed immediately by the schedule explanation. Section " A " (Lubrication and General U N D ER B O D Y M A IN T E N A N C E M aintenance) and Section "B " (Safety M aintenance) are Corrosive materials used for ice and snow removal the same for both L-6 and V-8 Schedules; however, and dust control accumulate on the underbody. If Section " C " (Emission Control M aintenance) differs. COMPLETE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE I Series 10 with V -8 Engine and Light D uty Emission System T h is M a in te n a n c e S c h e d u le is a p p lic a b le to a ll C h e v r o le t e n g in e s w h ic h do no t c o n ta in th e le tte r “ U ” in th e e n g in e id e n tific a tio n c o d e (w h ic h b e g in s w ith the n u m e ra l “ 7 ” ) s h o w n in th e u p p e r left c o r n e r o f th e u n d e r h o o d " V e h ic le E m is s io n C o n tro l In fo r m a t io n " la b e l. (E x a m p le : 712Y2). When To Perform Services Months or Miles, Whichever Occurs First) Item No. Services S E C TIO N A —Lubrication and G eneral M aintenance Every 12 Months or 7,500 Miles See Explanation A-1 Chassis Lubrication A -2 •*Fluid Levels Check A-3 ‘ Engine Oil Change A-4 *Oil Filter Change A -5 Tire Rotation A -6 Rear Axle Lube Change Every 12 Months A-7 Air Conditioning Check Every 12 Months or 15,000 Miles A -8 *Cooling System Check Every 30,000 Miles A -9 W heel Bearing Repack A -10 Manual Steering G ear Check A -1 1 Every 60,000 Miles A -1 2 Clutch Cross Shaft Lubrication *Auto. Trans. Fluid & Filter Change S E C TIO N B —Safety M aintenance Every 12 Months or 7,500 Miles B-1 B-2 B -3 B-4 B-5 Every 12 Months or 15,000 Miles B-6 Owner Safety Checks Tire, W heel and Disc Brake Check *Exhaust System Check Suspension and Steering Check Brake and Power Steering Check *Drive Belt Check B-7 Drum Brake and Parking Brake Check B-8 Throttle Linkage Check B-9 Underbody Flush & Check S E C TIO N C —Emission Control M aintenance At First 6 Months or 7,500 M ile s C-1 Thermo. Controlled Air Cleaner Check Then at 18 M onth/22,500 Mile C -2 Carburetor Choke Check Intervals as Indicated in Log C -3 Engine Idle Speed Adjustment C -4 Every 12 Months or 15,000 Miles Carburetor Mounting Torque C -6 Vacuum Advance System, Hoses Check C -7 Fuel Filter Replacem ent C -8 C -9 Every 22,500 Miles Every 24 Months or 30,000 Miles Every 30,000 Miles •Also A Safety Service EFE System Check C -5 PCV System Check —PCV Valve & Filter Replacem ent Spark Plug Wires Check C -10 Idle S p eed-U p Solenoid Check C -1 1 Spark Plug Replacem ent C -1 2 Engine Timing Adjustment & Dist. Check C -1 3 Carburetor Vacuum Break Adjustment C -1 4 ECS System Check & Filter Replacem ent C -1 5 Fuel Cap, T an k and Lines Check C -1 6 Air Cleaner Element Replacem ent *Also An Emission Control Service (1) (1) Applies to 305 C ID engine only Your 1977 Chevrolet has been certified to m eet emission standards at either high or low altitude as designated on the underhood Vehicle Emission Control Information Label. Vehicle driveability will be optimum at the altitude designated on the Label but will be satisfactory at all altitudes. T h e exhaust emission control systems used on 1977 model GM vehicles are not designed for conversion to allow the vehicles to meet emission standards when operated at other than the altitude designated on the Label. However, for some GM vehicles, conversion to meet emission standards at other th^p the designated altitude is possible and is permitted by government regulations. Information regarding conversion of your vehicle, if permitted, can be obtained from: (Customer Services Manager, Chevrolet Central Office —Detroit, Michigan 48202). Include your Vehicle Identification Number in your request. COMPLETE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE II Series 10 w ith L-6 Engine and Light D u ty Emission System This Maintenance Schedule is applicable to all Chevrolet engines which contain the letter “U” in the engine identification code (which begins with the numeral “7”) shown in the upper left corner of the under hood “Vehicle Emission Control Information” label. (Example: 712F1U). When To Perform S e rv ice s (Months or Miles, Whichever Occurs First) Item No. S e rv ic e s SECTION A —Lubrication and General Maintenance Every 12 Months or 7,500 Miles See Explanation Every 12 Months Every 12 Months or 15,000 Miles Every 30,000 Miles Every 60,000 Miles A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 Chassis Lubrication •*Fluid Levels Check ♦Engine Oil Change *Oil Filter Change Tire Rotation Rear Axle Lube Change Air Conditioning Check ♦Cooling System Check Wheel Bearing Repack Manual Steering Gear Check Clutch Cross Shaft Lubrication *Auto. Trans. Fluid & Filter Change SECTION B -S a fe ty Maintenance Every 12 Months or 7,500 Miles Every 12 Months or 15,000 Miles B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 Owner Safety Checks Tire, Wheel and Disc Brake Check ♦Exhaust System Check Suspension and Steering Check Brake and Power Steering Check ♦Drive Belt Check Drum Brake and Parking Brake Check Throttle Linkage Check Underbody Flush & Check SECTION C —Emission Control Maintenance See Explanation At First 6 Months or 7,500 MilesThen at 24 Month/30,000 Mile Intervals as Indicated in Log C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 Carburetor Choke Check Thermo. Controlled Air Cleaner Check Engine Idle Speed Adjustment EFE System Check Carburetor Mounting Torque Vacuum Advance System, Hoses Check Every 12 Months or 15,000 Miles Fuel Filter Replacement PCV System Check C-8 —PCV Valve & Filter Replacement Every 15,000 Miles C-9 Spark Plug Wires Check Every 30,000 Miles C-10 Idle Stop Solenoid Check C-11 Spark Plug Replacement C-12 Engine Timing Adjustment & Dist. Check C-13 Air Cleaner Element Replacement Every 24 Months or 30,000 Miles C-14 ECS System Check & Filter Replacement C-15 Fuel Cap, Tank and Lines Check •Also A Safety Service *Also An Emission Control Service Your 1977 Chevrolet has been certified to meet emission standards at either high or low altitude as designated on the underhood Vehicle Emission Control Information Label. Vehicle driveability will be optimum at the altitude designated on the Label but will be satisfactory at all altitudes. The exhaust emission control systems used on 1977 model GM vehicles are not designed for conversion to allow the vehicles to meet emission standards when operated at other than the altitude designated on the Label. However, for some GM vehicles, conversion to meet emission standards at other than the designated altitude is possible and is permitted by government regulations. Information regarding conversion of your vehicle, if permitted, can be obtained from: (Customer Services Manager, Chevrolet Central Office —Detroit, Michigan 48202). Include your Vehicle Identification Number in your request. EXPLANATION OF COMPLETE 1977 VE H ICLE MAINTENANCE SCH EDU LE SECTION A - L U B E & GENERAL MAINTENANCE O B -9 ITEM NO. SERVICES A-1 CHASSIS — Lubricate all grease fittings in front suspension and steering linkage. Also lubricate transmission shift linkage, hood latch, hood and door hinges, and parking brake cable guides and linkage, clutch linkage, propeller shaft slip joint, universal joints and brake and clutch pedal springs. Lubricate suspension and steering link­ age every 3 months or 3,000 miles when operat­ ing under dusty or muddy conditions and in extensive off-road use. Also see Item B-8.* A-2 FLUID LEVELS-Check level of fluid in brake mas­ ter cylinder*, power steering pump*, battery, engine*, axle, transmission* and windshield washer*. Check test indicator on battery (if so equipped). Engine coolant should be checked for proper level and freeze protection to at least —20°F (—29°C) or to the lowest temperature expected during the period of vehicle opera­ tion.* Proper engine coolant also provides cor­ rosion protection. L U B R IC A T IO N Presented below is a brief explanation of each of the services listed in the preceding Complete Vehicle Maintenance Schedule. NORMAL VEHICLE USE—The owner’s maintenance instructions contained in this maintenance schedule are based on the assumption that your vehicle will be used as designed: • to carry passengers and cargo within the limita­ tions indicated on the VIN plate affixed to the edge of t'he driver’s door, • on reasonable road surfaces within legal operat­ ing limits, • on a daily basis, as a general rule, for at least several miles, and • on unleaded fuel. Unusual operating conditions will require more fre­ quent vehicle maintenance as specified in the re­ spective sections included below. After each of the following maintenance services is performed, it is recommended that you insert the month, day and mileage in the maintenance sched­ ule under the appropriate “Owner Service Log” column. Any significant fluid loss in any of these systems A-10 MANUAL STEERING GEAR-Check for seal leakage around the pitman shaft and housing. If leakage or units could mean that a malfunction is devel­ oping and corrective action should be taken is evident (solid grease oozing out—not just oily film), it should be corrected immediately. immediately. A low fluid level in the brake mas­ ter cylinder front reservoir could also be an indi­ A-11 CLUTCH CROSS SHAFT - Lubricate clutch cross cator that the disc brake pads need replacing. shaft lever. A-3 ENGINE OIL*—Change each 12 months or 7,500 A-12 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID*-Under normal miles, whichever occurs first under normal driv­ driving conditions, change the transmission fluid ing conditions, or each 3 months or 3,000 miles and service the sump filter every 60,000 miles. when the vehicle is operated under the following Under unusual conditions such as constant conditions: (a) driving in dusty conditions, (b) driving in heavy city traffic, trailer pulling, and trailer pulling, (c) extensive idling or (d) shortcommercial applications, services should be trip operation at freezing temperatures (with performed at 15,000-mile intervals. See your engine not thoroughly warmed-up). See your Owner's and Driver’s Manual for further details Owner’s and Driver’s Manual for additional de­ on transmission care. tails on engine oil. A-4 ENGINE OIL FILTER * - Replace at the first oil SECTION B - S A F E T Y MAINTENANCE change and every other oil change thereafter, if mileage (7,500 miles) is the determining factor. NOTE: Items B-1 (a) thru (v) can be checked by If time (12 months) is the determining factor, the owner or driver, while items B-2 thru B-9 then change oil filter with every oil change. should only be checked by a qualified mechan­ A-5 TIRES—To equalize wear, rotate tires as indi­ ic. It is particularly important that any safety cated in Owner’s and Driver’s Manual and adjust systems which may have been adversely af­ tire pressures. Steel-belted radial tires should fected in an accident be checked and repaired be rotated at first 7,500 miles and then at every as necessary before the vehicle is returned to 15,000 miles thereafter. Bias-belted tires should use. be rotated every 7,500 miles. B-1 SAFETY CHECKS TO BE PERFORMED BY OWNER OR A-6 REAR AXLE — Change lubricant every 7,500 miles DRIVER—The following checks should be made on all type rear axles or final drives when using regularly during operation at no greater interval vehicle to pull a trailer. than 12 months or 7,500 miles, whichever oc­ A-7 AIR CONDITIONING—Check condition of air condi­ curs first, and more often when the need is in­ tioning system hoses and refrigerant charge at dicated. Any deficiencies should be brought to sight glass (if so equipped). Replace hoses and/ the attention of your dealer or another service or refrigerant if need is indicated. outlet, as soon as possible, so the advice of a qualified mechanic is available regarding the A-8 COOLING SYSTEM*-At 12-month or 15,000-mile need for repairs or replacements. intervals, wash radiator cap and filler neck with clean water, pressure test system and radiator (a)STEERING COLUMN LOCK (EXCEPT VAN) cap for proper pressure holding capacity, tighten Check for proper operation by attempting to hose clamps and inspect condition of all cool­ turn key to LOCK position in the various ing and heater hoses. Replace hoses if checked, transmission gear ranges when the vehicle swollen or otherwise deteriorated. Clean exte­ is stationary. Key should turn to LOCK rior of radiator core and air conditioning con­ position only when transmission control is denser. Every 24 months or 30,000 miles, drain, in PARK on automatic transmission mod­ flush, and refill the cooling system with a new els. Key should be removable only in LOCK coolant solution as described in your Owner’s position. and Driver’s Manual. (b) PARKING BRAKE—Check parking brake hold­ A-9 WHEEL BEARINGS—Clean and repack front wheel ing ability by parking on a fairly steep hill bearings with a lubricant as specified in the and restraining the vehicle with the parking “Recommended Fluids & Lubricants” chart in brake only. this folder. CAUTION: Before making checks (c) or (d) be­ low, be sure to have a clear distance ahead and ‘Also a Safety Service behind the vehicle, set the parking brake and *Also an Emission Control Service firmly apply the foot brake. Do not depress ac- celerator pedal. Be prepared to turn off ignition switch immediately if engine should start. (c) STARTER SAFETY SWITCH (AUTOMATIC TRANS­ MISSION VEHICLES)-Check starter safety switch by attempting to start the engine with the transmission in each of the driving gears. The starter should operate only in the Park (“P”) or Neutral (“N”) positions. (d)STARTER SAFETY SWITCH (MANUAL TRANS­ MISSION VEHICLES)—To check, place the shift lever in neutral, depress the clutch halfway, and attempt to start. The starter should op­ erate only when clutch is fully depressed. (e) TRANSMISSION SHIFT INDICATOR—Check to be sure automatic transmission shift indicator accurately indicates the shift position se­ lected. ( f ) STEERING—Be alert to any changes in steer­ ing action. The need for inspection or servic­ ing may be indicated by increased effort to turn the steering wheel, excessive free play or unusual sounds when turning or parking. (g) WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND BALANCE—In addition to uneven or abnormal tire wear, the need for wheel alignment service may be indicated by a pull to the right or left when driving on a straight and level road. The need for wheel balancing is usually indicated by a vibration of the steering wheel or seat while driving at normal highway speeds. (h) BRAKES—Be alert to illumination of the brake warning light or changes in braking action, such as repeated pulling to one side, unusual sounds either when braking or between brake applications, or increased brake pedal travel. Any of these could indicate the need for brake system inspection and/or service. (i) EXHAUST SYSTEM—Be alert to any change in the sound of the exhaust system or a smell of fumes which may indicate a leak or overheat condition requiring inspection and/or ser­ vice. (See also Engine Exhaust Gas Caution and Catalytic Converter information in Own­ er’s and Driver's Manual and Item B-3 in this folder.) (j) WINDSHIELD WIPERS AND WASHERS - Check operation of wipers, as well as condition and alignment of wiper blades. Check amount and direction of fluid sprayed by washers during use. (k) DEFROSTER—Check performance by moving controls to “DEF” and noting amount of air directed against the windshield. (I) REARVIEW MIRRORS AND SUN VISORS-Check that friction joints are properly adjusted so mirrors and sun visors stay in the selected position. (m) HORN—Blow the horn occasionally to be sure that it works. Check all button locations. (n) LAP AND SHOULDER BELTS - Check belts, buckles, latch plates, retractors, reminder systems, guide loops, clips and anchors for proper operation or damage. Check to make certain that anchor mounting bolts are tight. (o) SEAT ADJUSTERS—Check that seat adjusters (and swivel seat lock, if present) securely en­ gage by pushing forward and backward (and twisting) whenever seat is adjusted. (p) SEAT BACK LATCHES-Check to see that seat back latches are holding by pulling forward on the top of each folding seat back. (q) LIGHTS AND BUZZERS - Check all instrument panel illuminating and warning lights, seat belt reminder light and buzzer (if so equipped), interior lights, license plate lights, side marker lights, headlamps, park­ ing lamps, tail lamps, brake lights, turn sig­ nals, backup lamps, and hazard warning flashers. Have headlamp aim checked every 12 months or 15,000 miles, or more often if light beams seem to be aimed improperly. (r) GLASS—Check for broken, scratched, dirty or damaged glass on vehicle that could obscure vision or become an injury hazard. (s) DOOR LATCHES — Check for positive closing, latching and locking. ( t ) HOOD LATCHES — Check to make sure hood closes firmly by lifting on the hood after each closing. Check also for broken, damaged or missing parts which might prevent secure latching. (u) FLUID LEAKS—Check for fuel, water, oil or other fluid leaks by observing the ground be­ neath the vehicle after it has been parked for a while. (Water dripping from air condition­ ing system after use is normal.) If gasoline fumes or fluid are noticed at a n y tim e, the cause should be determined and corrected without delay because of the possibility of fire. (v) SPARE AND JACK—Check that spare tire as­ sembly and jack equipment are securely stowed at all times. B-2 TIRES, WHEELS AND DISC BRAKES - Check disc. brake pads for wear and surface condition of rotors while wheels are removed during tire ro­ tation (see Item A-5). Check tires for excessive wear or damage. Make certain wheels are not bent or cracked and that wheel nuts have been tightened to torque value specified in Owner’s and Driver’s Manual. Check tire inflation pres­ sure (including spare tire) when tires are “cold” at least monthly, or more often if daily visual in­ spection indicates the need. B-3 EXHAUST SYSTEM* — Check complete exhaust system including catalytic converter and nearby body areas for broken, damaged, missing or mispositioned parts, open seams, holes, loose con­ nections or other deterioration which could per­ mit exhaust fumes to seep into the passenger compartment or cause a heat buildup in floor pan. Any necessary corrections should be made immediately. To help continue integrity, exhaust system pipes and resonators rearward of the muffler must be replaced whenever a new muffler is installed. (Also see Item B-1 (i). B-4 SUSPENSION AND STEERING—Check for damaged, loose or missing parts, or parts showing visible signs of excessive wear or lack of lubrication in front and rear suspension and steering system. Questionable parts noted should be replaced by a qualified mechanic without delay. B-5 BRAKES AND POWER STEERING—Check lines and hoses for proper attachment, leaks, binding, cracks, chafing, deterioration, etc. Any question­ able parts noted should be replaced or repaired immediately. When abrasion or wear is evident on lines or hoses, the cause must be corrected. B-6 ENGINE DRIVE BELTS*-Check belts driving fan, AIR pump, generator, power steering pump and air conditioning compressor for cracks, fraying, wear and tension. Adjust or replace as neces­ sary. B-7 DRUM BRAKES AND PARKING BRAKE—(See Item B-2 for disc brake check.) Check drum brake linings for wear or cracks and other internal brake com­ ponents at each wheel (drums, wheel cylinders, etc.). Parking brake adjustment also should be checked whenever drum brake linings are checked. NOTE: More frequent brake checks should be made if driving conditions and habits result in frequent brake application. B-8 THROTTLE LINKAGE — Lubricate as covered in Owner’s and Driver’s Manual. Check for dam­ aged or missing parts, interference or binding. Any deficiencies should be corrected without delay by a qualified mechanic. f- B-9 UNDERBODY—Corrosive material used for ice and snow removal and dust control can accumulate on the underbody. If allowed to remain, these materials can result in accelerated rusting and deterioration of underbody components such as fuel lines, frame and floor pan, exhaust system, etc. At least once each year, preferably after a winter’s exposure, these corrosive materials should be removed by flushing the underbody with plain water. Particular attention should be given to cleaning out those areas where mud and other foreign materials collect. SECTION C—EMISSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE L-6 ENGINE NOTE: Additional recommended maintenance instructions relating to vehicle use, evidence of maintenance, and service replacement parts are included in the New Car Warranty Information folder. C-2 THERMOSTATICALLY CONTROLLED AIR CLEANER Inspect installation to make certain that all hoses and ducts are connected and correctly installed. Also check valve for proper operation. C-5 CARBURETOR MOUNTING—At designated intervals torque carburetor attaching bolts and/or nuts C-7 FUEL FILTER—Replace filter in carburetor at des­ ignated intervals or more frequently if clogged. C-8 POSITIVE CRANKCASE VENTILATION SYSTEM (PCV) —Check the PCV system for satisfactory oper­ ation at 15,000-mile intervals, and clean filter. Replace the PCV valve at 30,000-mile intervals and blow out PCV valve hose with compressed air. Replace deteriorated hoses. The PCV filter (located in the air cleaner) should be replaced whenever the air cleaner element is replaced. C-9 SPARK PLUG WIRES—Clean exterior of wires; re­ move any evidence of corrosion on end termi­ nals. Inspect spark plug wires for evidence of checking, burning, or cracking of exterior insu­ lation and tight fit at distributor cap and spark plugs or other deterioration. If corrosion cannot be removed or other conditions above are noted, replace wire. C-10 IDLE STOP SOLENOID—Check for proper operation. An inoperative solenoid must be replaced. C-11 SPARK PLUGS—Replace plugs at designated in­ tervals with type specified in Owner’s and Driver’s Manual. C-12 TIMING AND DISTRIBUTOR CAP - Adjust ignition timing following the specifications shown on label under the hood. Also, carefully inspect the interior and exterior of the distributor cap and rotor for cracks, carbon tracking and terminal corrosion. Clean or replace as necessary. C-13 AIR CLEANER ELEMENT— Replace the engine air cleaner element at designated intervals. The PCV filter should be replaced at the same inter­ val. Operation of vehicle in dusty areas will necessitate more frequent replacement. Your dealer can be of assistance in determining the proper replacement frequency for the condi­ tions under which you operate your vehicle. CAUTION: Do not operate the engine without the air cleaner unless temporary removal is necessary during repair or maintenance of the vehicle. When the air cleaner is removed, back­ firing can cause fire in the engine compartment. SECTION C — EMISSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE V-8 ENGINE NOTE: Additional recommended maintenance instructions relating to vehicle use, evidence of maintenance, and service replacement parts are included in the New Vehicle Warranty Informa­ tion folder. C-1 THERMOSTATICALLY CONTROLLED AIR CLEANER Inspect installation to make certain that all hoses and ducts are connected and correctly in­ stalled. Also check valve for proper operation. C-2 CARBURETOR CHOKE AND HOSES - Check choke mechanism and vacuum break for proper oper­ ation. Any binding condition which may have de­ veloped due to petroleum gum formation on the choke shaft or from damage should be corrected. Check carburetor choke hoses for proper connection, cracking, abrasion or deteri­ oration and correct or replace as necessary. C-3 ENGINE IDLE SPEED - Adjust engine idle speed accurately (following the specifications shown on the label under the hood). Adjustments must be made with test equipment known to be accu­ rate. C-4 EARLY FUEL EVAPORATION (EFE) SYSTEM-Check valve for proper operation. A binding condition must be corrected. Check thermal vacuum switch for proper operation. Check hoses for cracking, abrasion or deterioration. Replace parts as necessary. C-5 CARBURETOR MOUNTING—At designated intervals, 0 B -1 1 C-3 ENGINE IDLE SPEED - Adjust engine idle speed accurately (following the specifications shown on the label under the hood). Adjustments must be made with test equipment known to be accurate. C-4 EARLY FUEL EVAPORATION (EFE) SYSTEM-Check valve for proper operation. A binding condition must be corrected. Check thermal vacuum switch for proper operation. Check hoses for cracking, abrasion or deterioration. Replace parts as necessary. C-6 VACUUM ADVANCE SYSTEM AND HOSES-Check system for proper operation and hoses for proper connection, cracking, abrasion or deteri­ oration. Replace parts as necessary. C-14 EVAPORATOR CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS)-Check all fuel and vapor lines and hoses for proper con­ nections and correct routing as well as condi­ tion. Remove canister and check for cracks or damage. Replace damagedordeteriorated parts as necessary. Replace filter in lower section of canister. C-15 FUEL CAP, FUEL LINES AND FUEL TANK 1. Inspect the fuel tank, cap and lines for dam­ age which could cause leaks. 2. Remove fuel cap and inspect gasket for an even imprint from the filler neck, and any indi­ cations of physical damage. 3. Replace any damaged or deteriorated parts. L U B R IC A T IO N C-1 CARBURETOR CHOKE AND HOSES-Check choke mechanism and vacuum break for proper oper­ ation. Any binding condition which may have developed due to petroleum gum formation on the choke shaft or from damage should be cor­ rected. Check carburetor choke hoses for proper connection, cracking, abrasion or deteri­ oration and correct or replace as necessary. Check operation at 6 months or 7,500 miles, 24 months or 30,000 miles and every 12 months or 15,000 miles thereafter. to compensate for compression of the gasket. OB-12 SERVICE MANUAL nections and correct routing as well as condi­ tion. Remove canister and check for cracks or damage. Replace damaged or deteriorated parts as necessary. Replace filter in lower section of canister. C-15 FUEL CAP, FUEL LINES AND FUEL TANK— 1. Inspect the fuel tank, cap and lines for dam­ age which could cause leaks. 2. Remove fuel cap and inspect gasket for an even imprint from the filler neck, and any indi­ cations of physical damage. 3. Replace any damaged or deteriorated parts. C-1G AIR CLEANER ELEMENT—Replace the engine air cleaner element at designated intervals. Oper­ ation of vehicle in dusty areas will necessitate more frequent replacements. Your dealer can be of assistance in determining the proper replace­ ment frequency for the conditions under which you operate your vehicle. CAUTION: Do not operate the engine without the air cleaner unless temporary removal is nec­ essary during repair or maintenance of the vehicle. When the air cleaner is removed, back­ firing can cause fire in the engine compartment. TRUCK be removed or other conditions above are noted, replace wire. C-10 IDLE SPEED-UP SOLENOID—Check for proper oper­ ation. An inoperative solenoid must be replaced. C-11 SPARK PLUGS—Replace plugs at 22,500-mile in­ tervals with type specified in Owner’s and Driver's Manual. C-12 TIMING AND DISTRIBUTOR CAP - Adjust ignition timing following the specifications shown on label under hood. Also, carefully inspect the in­ terior and exterior of the distributor cap and rotor for cracks, carbon tracking and terminal corrosion. Clean or replace as necessary. C-13CARBURETOR VACUUM BREAK ADJUSTMENT — In­ spect vacuum break linkage for proper oper­ ation. A binding condition must be corrected. Check hoses for proper connection, cracking, abrasion or deterioration. Replace parts as nececessary. Adjust vacuum break at specified in­ tervals following procedure and specifications found in appropriate service manual. C-14 EVAPORATION CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS)-Check all fuel and vapor lines and hoses for proper con­ LIGHT torque carburetor attaching bolts and/or nuts to compensate for compression of the gasket. C-6VACUUM ADVANCE SYSTEM AND HOSES - Check system for proper operation and hoses for proper connection, cracking, abrasion or deteri­ oration. Replace as necessary. C-7 FUEL FILTER—Replace filter in carburetor at des­ ignated intervals or more frequently if clogged. C-8 POSITIVE CRANKCASE VENTILATION SYSTEM (PCV) —Check the PCV system for satisfactory oper­ ation at 15,000-mile intervals, and clean filter. Replace the PCV valve at 30,000-mile intervals and blow out PCV valve hose with compressed air. Replace deteriorated hoses. The PCV filter (located in the air cleaner) should be replaced whenever the air cleaner element is replaced. C-9 SPARK PLUG WIRES—Clean exterior of wires; re­ move any evidence of corrosion on end termi­ nals. Inspect spark plug wires for evidence of checking, burning, or cracking of exterior insu­ lation and tight fit at distributor cap and spark plugs or other deterioration. If corrosion cannot COMPLETE VEHICLE MAINTENAHCE SCHEDULE Heavy Duty Emission System When To P erfo rm S e r v ic e s (Months or Miles, Whichever Occurs First) Every 4 months or 6,000 miles Every 6,000 miles At 1st oil change-then every 2nd Every 12,000 miles Every 12 months or 12,000 miles Every 24,000 miles Every 36,000 miles Every 4 months or 6,000 miles Every 6,000 miles Every 12 months or 12,000 miles At 1st 4 months or 6,000 miles — then at 12 month/12,000 mile intervals Every 12 months or 12,000 miles Every 12,000 miles Every 12 months or 12,000 miles Every 24 months or 24,000 miles Every 12,000 miles Every 12 months or 12,000 miles Item No. (For Details, See Numbered Paragraghs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Chassis Lubrication •Fluid Levels *Engine Oil Air Conditioning System Tire Rotation *Engine Oil Filter Rear Axle Cooling System Wheel Bearings** Automatic Transmission Manual Steering Gear Owner Safety Checks Tires and Wheels Exhaust System *Engine Drive Belts Suspension and Steering Brakes and Power Steering Disc Brakes Drum Brakes and Parking Brake Throttle Linkage Underbody Carburetor Choke and Hoses (1) Engine Idle Speed Adjustment (1) Carburetor Mounting (1) Thermostatically Controlled Air Cleaner (1) Manifold Heat Valve (1) Spark Plugs (2) Engine Timing Adjust. & Distributor Check (2) EGR System Carburetor Fuel Inlet Filter (1) Engine Idle Mixture (1) Throttle Return Control (1) Idle Stop Solenoid PCV System ECS System Fuel Cap, Tank and Lines Air Cleaner Element (2) Spark Plug and Ignition Coil Wires (1) S e r v ic e s *Also an Emission Control Service *Also a Safety Service **On 4-Wheel Drive Vehicles, lubricate wheel bearings every 12,000 miles. (1) All except California 350 CID & 400 CID engines which receive this service at 24 months or 24,000 miles. (2) All except California 350 CID & 400 CID engines which receive this service at 24,000 miles. EXPLANATION OF COMPLETE 1977 VEH ICLE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Presented below is a brief explanation of each of the services listed in the preceding Complete Vehicle Maintenance Schedule. NORMAL VEHICLE USE—The owner’s maintenance instructions contained in this maintenance schedule are based on the assumption that your vehicle will be used as designed: • to carry passengers and cargo within the limita­ tions indicated on the VIN plate, • on reasonable road surfaces within legal operat­ ing limits, and • on a daily basis, as a general rule, for at least several miles. Unusual operating conditions will require more fre­ quent vehicle maintenance as specified in the re­ spective sections included below. After each of the following maintenance services is performed, it is recommended that you insert the month, day and mileage in the maintenance sched­ ule under the appropriate “Owner Service Log” column. LUBE & G ENERAL MAINTENANCE ITEM NO. SERVICES 1 CHASSIS — Lubricate all grease fittings in front suspension, steering linkage, and constant ve­ locity universal joint. Also lubricate transmission and transfer case shift linkage, hood latch, hood and doorhinges, parking brake cable guides and linkage, clutch linkage, propeller shaft slip joint, universal joints, and brake and clutch pedal springs. Lubricate suspension and steering link­ age every 2 months or 3,000 miles when oper­ ating under dusty or muddy conditions and in extensive off-road use. See your Owner’s and Driver’s Manual for additional services required on four wheel drive models. Also see Item 20/ 2 FLUID LEVELS—Check level of fluid in brake mas­ ter cylinder*, power steering pump*, battery, en­ gine, axles, transmission, transfer case and windshield washer*. Check test indicator on bat­ tery (if so equipped). Check coolant for proper level regularly (daily if necessary, depending on severity of service), and every 4 months or 6000 miles for freeze protection to at least —20°F (—29°C) or to the lowest temperature expected during the period of vehicle operation. Proper ‘ Also a Safety Service ‘ Also an Emission Control Service engine coolant also provides corrosion protec­ tion. Any significant fluid loss in any of these systems or units could mean that a malfunction is devel­ oping and corrective action should be taken immediately. On vehicles with disc brakes, a low fluid level in the brake master cylinder front res­ ervoir could also be an indicator that the disc brake pads need replacing. 3 ENGINE OIL* — Change each 4 months or 6,000 miles, whichever occurs first, or each 2 months or 3,000 miles when the vehicle is operated un­ der the following conditions: (a) driving in dusty conditions, (b) trailer pulling, (c) extensive idling or (d) short-trip operation at freezing temper­ atures (with engine not thoroughly warmed-up). See Owner’s and Driver’s Manual for additional details. 4 AIR CONDITIONING—Check condition of air condi­ tioning system hoses and refrigerant charge at sight glass (if so equipped). Replace hoses and/ or refrigerant if need is indicated. 5 TIRES—To equalize wear, rotate tires and adjust tire pressures as indicated in Owner’s and Driver’s Manual. 6 ENGINE OIL FILTER* —Replace at the first oil change and every other oil change thereafter, if mileage (6,000 miles) is the determining factor. If time (4 months) is the determining factor, then change oil filter with every oil change. 7 REAR AXLE—On 20 and 30 Series trucks, change lubricant every 24,000 miles. Change lubricant every 12,000 miles on all type rear axles under severe operating conditions. FRONT AXLE AND TRANSFER CASE-Check every 6,000 miles. See Owner’s and Driver’s Manual for further information. 8 COOLING SYSTEM - At 12-month or 12,000-mile intervals, wash radiator cap and filler neck with clean water, pressure test system and radia­ tor cap for proper pressure holding capacity, tighten hose clamps and inspect condition of all cooling and heater hoses. Replace hoses if checked, swollen or otherwise deteriorated. Clean exterior of radiator core and air condi­ tioning condenser. Every 24 months or 24,000 miles, drain, flush, and refill the cooling system with a new coolant solution as described in your Owner’s and Driver's Manual. 9 WHEEL BEARINGS—Clean and repack front wheel bearings with a lubricant as specified in the “Recommended Fluids & Lubricants” chart in this folder. 10 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID-Under normal driving conditions, change the transmission fluid and service the sump filter every 24,000 miles. Under unusual conditions such as con­ stant driving in heavy city traffic during hot weather, trailer pulling, etc., these services should be performed at 12,000-mile intervals. See your Owner's and Driver’s Manual for fur­ ther details on transmission care. 11 MANUAL STEERING GEAR-Check for seal leakage around the pitman shaft and housing. If leakage is evident (solid grease oozing out—not just oily film), it should be corrected immediately. SA F E T Y MAINTENANCE NOTE: Items 12(a) thru (v) can be checked by the owner or driver while Items 13 thru 22 should only be checked by a qualified mechanic. It is particularly important that any safety systems which may have been adversely affected in an accident be checked and repaired as necessary before the vehicle is returned to use. 12 SAFETY CHECKS TO BE PERFORMED BY OWNER OR DRIVER—The following checks should be made regularly during operation at no greater interval than 4 months or 6,000 miles, whichever occurs first, and more often when the need is indicated. Any deficiencies should be brought to the atten­ tion of your dealer or another service outlet, as soon as possible, so the advice of a qualified mechanic is available regarding the need for repairs or replacements. (a) STEERING COLUMN LOCK (IF SO EQUIPPED) Check for proper operation by attempting to turn key to LOCK position in the various transmission gear ranges when the vehicle is stationary. Key should turn to LOCK posi­ tion only when transmission control is in PARK on automatic transmission models or in reverse on manual transmission models. Key should be removable only in LOCK posi­ tion. (b) PARKING BRAKE—Check parking brake hold­ ing ability by parking on a fairly steep hill and restraining the vehicle with the parking brake only. CAUTION: Before making the checks (c) or (d) below, be sure to have a clear distance ahead and behind the vehicle, set the parking brake and firmly apply the foot brake. Do not depress accelerator pedal. Be prepared to turn off igni­ tion switch immediately if engine should start. bent or cracked and that wheel nuts have been tightened to torque value specified in Owner’s and Driver’s Manual. Check tire inflation pres­ sure (including spare tire) when tires are “cold” at least monthly, or more often if daily visual inspection indicates the need. EXHAUST SYSTEM—Check complete exhaust sys­ tem and nearby body areas for broken, dam­ aged, missing or mispositioned parts, open seams, holes, loose connections or other dete­ rioration which could permit exhaust fumes to seep into the passenger compartment. Any nec­ essary corrections should be made immediately. To help continue integrity, exhaust system pipes and resonators rearward of the muffler must be replaced whenever a new muffler is installed. Also see Item 12(i). 15 ENGINE DRIVE BELTS*—Check belts driving fan, AIR pump, generator, power steering pump and air conditioning compressor for cracks, fraying, wear and tension. Adjust or replace as neces­ sary. 16 SUSPENSION AND STEERING—Check for damaged, loose or missing parts, or parts showing visible signs of excessive wear or lack of lubrication in front and rear suspension and steering system. Questionable parts noted should be replaced by a qualified mechanic without delay. 17 BRAKES AND POWER STEERING - Check lines and hoses for proper attachment, binding, leaks, cracks, chafing, deterioration, etc. Any ques­ tionable parts noted should be replaced or re­ paired immediately. When abrasion or wear is evident on lines or hoses, the cause must be corrected. 18 DISC BRAKES — Check brake pads for wear and surface condition of rotors while wheels are re­ moved during tire rotation. (See Item 5.) NOTE: More frequent brake checks should be made if driving conditions and habits result in frequent brake application. 19 DRUM BRAKES AND PARKING BRAKE-Check drum brake linings for wear or cracks and other in­ ternal brake components at each wheel (drums, wheel cylinders, etc.). Parking brake adjustment also should be checked whenever drum brake linings are checked. 14 NOTE: More frequent brake checks should be made if driving conditions and habits result in frequent brake application. O B -1 5 (m) HORN—Blow the horn occasionally to be sure that it works. Check all button locations. (n) LAP AND SHOULDER BELTS - Check belts, buckles, latch plates, retractors, reminder systems, guide loops, clips and anchors for proper operation or damage. Check to make certain that anchor mounting bolts are tight. (o) SEAT ADJUSTERS—Check that seat adjusters (and swivel seat lock, if so equipped) se­ curely engage by pushing forward and back­ ward (and twisting) whenever seat is ad­ justed. (p) SEAT BACK LATCHES (IF SO EQUIPPED)-Check to see that seat back latches are holding by pulling forward on the top of each folding seat back. (q) LIGHTS AND BUZZERS - Check all instrument panel illuminating and warning lights, seat belt reminder light and buzzer (if so equipped), interior lights, license plate lights, side marker lights, headlamps, park­ ing lamps, identification or clearance lights, tail lamps, brake lights, turn signals, backup lamps, and hazard warning flashers. Have headlamp aim checked every 12 months or 15,000 miles, or more often if light beams seem to be aimed improperly. (r) GLASS—Check for broken, scratched, dirty or damaged glass on vehicle that could ob­ scure vision or become an injury hazard. (s) DOOR LATCHES — Check for positive closing, latching and locking. ( t ) HOOD LATCHES — Check to make sure hood closes firmly by lifting on the hood after each closing. Check also for broken, damaged or missing parts which might prevent secure latching. (u) FLUID LEAKS — Check for fuel, water, oil or other fluid leaks by observing the ground be­ neath the vehicle after it has been parked for a while. (Water dripping from air condi­ tioning system after use is normal.) If gaso­ line fumes or fluid are noticed a t a n y tim e, the cause should be determined and cor­ rected without delay because of the possi­ bility of fire. (v) SPARE AND JACK—Check that spare tire as­ sembly and jack equipment are securely stowed at all times. 13 TIRES AND WHEELS — Check tires for excessive wear or damage. Make certain wheels are not L U B R IC A T IO N (c) STARTER SAFETY SWITCH (AUTOMATIC TRANS­ MISSION) — Check starter safety switch by attempting to start the engine with the trans­ mission in each of the driving gears. The starter should operate only in the Park (“P”) or Neutral (“N") positions. (d) STARTER SAFETY SWITCH (MANUAL TRANSMIS­ SION)—To check, place the shift lever in neu­ tral, depress the clutch halfway, and attempt to start. The starter should operate only when clutch is fully depressed. (e) TRANSMISSION SHIFT INDICATOR—Check to be sure automatic transmission shift indicator accurately indicates the shift position se­ lected. ( f ) STEERING—Be alert to any changes in steer­ ing action. The need for inspection or servic­ ing may be indicated by increased effort to turn the steering wheel, excessive free play or unusual sounds when turning or parking. (g) WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND BALANCE—In addition to uneven or abnormal tire wear, the need for wheel alignment service may be indi­ cated by a pull to the right or left when driv­ ing on a straight and level road. The need for wheel balancing is usually indicated by a vibration of the steering wheel or seat while driving at normal highway speeds. (h) BRAKES—Be alert to illumination of the brake warning light or changes in braking action, such as repeated pulling to one side, un­ usual sounds when braking or increased brake pedal travel. Any of these could indi­ cate the need for brake system inspection and/or service. (i) EXHAUST SYSTEM—Be alert to any change in the sound of the exhaust system or a smell of fumes which may indicate a leak requiring inspection and/or service. (See also Engine Exhaust Gas Caution in Owner’s and Driver’s Manual and Item 14 in this folder.) (j) WINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER-Check op­ eration of wipers, as well as condition and alignment of wiper blades. Check amount and direction of fluid sprayed by washers during use. (k) DEFROSTER—Check performance by moving controls to “DEF” and noting amount of air directed against the windshield. (I) REARVIEW MIRRORS AND SUN VISORS-Check that friction joints are properly adjusted so mirrors and sun visors stay in the selected position. L I N K A G E — Lubricate as covered in Owner’s and Driver’s Manual. Check for dam­ aged or missing parts, interference or binding. Any deficiencies should be corrected without delay by a qualified mechanic. UN DE R B OD Y — Corrosive material used for ice and snow removal and dust control can accumulate on the underbody. If allowed to remain, these materials can result in accelerated rusting and deterioration of underbody components such as fuel lines, frame and floor pan, exhaust system, etc. At least once each year, preferably after a winter’s exposure, these corrosive materials should be removed by flushing the underbody with plain water. Particular attention should be given to cleaning out those areas where mud and other foreign materials collect. 20 T H R O T T L E 21 27 28 ENGINE TIMING A DJ U S T ME N T & D I S T RI BU T O R C H E C K —Adjust ignition timing following the specifica­ tions shown on label under the hood. Also, care­ fully inspect the interior and exterior of the dis­ tributor cap and rotorforcracks, carbon tracking and terminal corrosion. Clean or replace as necessary. 25 T H E R M O S T A T I C A L L Y C O N T R O L L E D AI R C L E A N E R - Inspect installaticntomake certain that all hoses and ducts are connected and correctly installed. Also, check valve for proper operation. - At 12 month/12,000 mile intervals, inspect and if deposits exist, clean the EGR valve. Inspect the EGR passages in the inlet manifold and clean as required. A damaged EGR valve must be re­ paired or replaced. Check thermal switch for proper operation. A malfunctioning switch must be replaced. Check hoses for proper connection, cracking, abrasions, or deterioration and re­ place as required. C A R B U R E T O R F U E L I NL E T F I L T E R - Replace filter at designated intervals or if clogged. 30 31 ENGINE I DLE MI X T U R E — At designated intervals or in case of a major carburetor overhaul, or when poor idle quality exists, adjust mixture by a me­ chanical method (lean drop), following the speci­ fications shown on the label under the hood. 32 T H R O T T L E R E T U R N C O N T R O L ( T R C ) S Y S T E M - Check hoses for proper connections, cracking, abrasion, or deterioration and replace as neces­ sary. Check for proper operation of system. - Check for proper oper­ ation. An inoperative solenoid must be replaced. 33 I DLE S TOP SOLENOID 34 POS I TI VE C R A N K C A S E VENTI LAT I ON S YS TEM ( P C V ) — Check the PCV system for satisfactory oper­ ation at 12-month or 12,000-mile intervals. Re­ place the PCV valve at 24-month or 24,000-mile intervals, blow out PCV valve hose with com­ (ECS)-Check all fuel and vapor lines and hoses for proper con­ nections and correct routing as well as condi­ tion. Remove canisters and check for cracks or damage. Replace damaged or deteriorated parts as necessary. Replace filter in lower section of canister. If vehicle is equipped with two canis­ ters, filter is located in lower canister only. F U E L CAP, F U E L LI NES AND F U E L T A N K -Inspect the fuel tank, cap and lines for damage which could cause leakage. Inspect fuel cap for correct sealing ability and indications of physical dam­ age. Replace any damaged or malfunctioning parts. AI R C L E A N E R E L E ME N T - Replace the engine air cleaner element at designated intervals. Oper­ ation of vehicle in dusty areas will necessitate more frequent element replacement. Your dealer can be of assistance in determining the proper replacement frequency for the conditions under which you operate your vehicle. CAUTION: Do not operate the engine without the air cleaner unless temporary removal is neces­ sary during repair or maintenance of the vehicle. When the air cleaner is removed, backfiring can cause fire in the engine compartment. 35 EVAPORATI ON CO N T RO L S Y S T E M 29 E X H A U S T GAS R E C I R C U L A T I O N S Y S T E M ( E G R ) EMISSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE NOTE: Additional recommended maintenance instructions relating to vehicle use, evidence of maintenance, and service replacement parts are included in the New Vehicle Warranty Informa­ tion Folder. 22 C A R B U R E T O R C HOKE AND HOSES - Check choke mechanism for proper operation. Any binding condition which may have developed due to petroleum gum formation on the choke shaft or from damage should be corrected. Check carbu­ retor choke hoses for proper connection, crack­ ing, abrasion or deterioration and correct or replace as necessary. 23 ENGINE I DLE S P E E D A DJ US T ME N T - Adjust engine idle speed accurately (following the specifica­ tions shown on the label under the hood). Adjust­ ments must be made with test equipment known to be accurate. 24 CARBURETOR MOUNTING-At designated intervals, torque carburetor attaching bolts and/or nuts to compensate for compression of gasket. pressed air and replace the filter. The PCV valve should be replaced at 12-month or 12,000-mile intervals when the vehicle is used in operations involving heavy dust, extensive idling, trailer pulling, and short trip use at freezing tempera­ tures where engine does not become thoroughly warmed up. The PCV filter should be replaced at 12-month / 12,000-mile intervals under dusty driving conditions. H E A T V A L V E -S o m e engines are equipped with a manifold heat valve which should be inspected and repaired as necessary to insure free operation. S P A R K PLUGS — Replace at designated intervals with type specified in Owner's and Driver’s Manual. 26 M A N I F O L D 36 37 - Clean exterior of wires; remove any evidence of corro­ sion on end terminals. Inspect spark plug and ignition coil wires for evidence of checking, burning, or cracking of exterior insulation and tight fit at distributor cap and spark plugs, or other deterioration. If corrosion cannot be re­ moved, or other conditions above are noted, replace wire. 38 S P A R K PLUG AND IGNITION COI L WI RE S RECOMMENDED FLUIDS & LUBRICANTS USAGE FLU ID /LU BRICAN T Power steering system and pump reservoir GM power steering fluid Part No. 1050017 or equivalent D iff e r e n tia l- s t a n d a r d & p o s itr a c t io n f r o n t a x le & p a rt tim e T ra n s fe r case SAE-80W or SA E-80W -90 G L-5 gear lubricant(S A E -80W in Canady) F u ll T im e tr a n s fe r case E n g in e o il M anual steering gear L u b ric a n t G M Part No. 1051052 o r e q u iva le n t. Manual transmission SAE-80W or SAE-80W -90 G L-5 gear lubricant (SAE-80W in Canada) Brake system and master cylinder Delco Supreme 11 flu id or D O T-3 C lutch linkage (Man. trans. only) a. Pivot points b. Push rod to clu tch fork jo in t, and cross shaft pressure fittin g Engine oil Chassis grease m eeting require­ ments of GM 6031-M Manual transm ission shift linkage, colum n shift Engine oil Shift linkage, floor shift Engine oil Hood Latch assembly a. Pivots and spring anchor Engine oil b. Release pawl Chassis grease Hood and Door hinges Engine oil A utom atic transm ission shift linkage Engine oil Chassis lubrication Chassis grease m eeting require­ ments of GM 6031-M Constant V e lo city Universal Jo in t GM Lubricant Part No. 1050679 or grease m eeting requirem ents of GM 6040-M A u to m atic transm ission DEXRON® II autom atic transm ission fluid Parking brake cables Chassis grease Front wheel bearings W heel b e a rin g lu b ric a n t GM Part No. 1051344 o r e q u iva le n t. Body door hinge pins, ta ilg a te hinge and linkage, folding seat, fuel door hinge, rear com partm ent lid hinges Engine oil W indshield washer solvent GM O ptikleen washer solvent Part No. 1051515 or equivalent Battery Colorless, odorless, drinking w ater Engine coolant M ixture of water and a high quality Ethylene G lycol base type an ti-fre e ze conform ing to GM Spec. 1899-M C O N V E N T IO N A L AND FORWARD CONTROL MODELS L U B R IC A T IO N P O IN T S 1 2 3 4 5 Low er C o n tro l Arm s Upper C o n tro l Arm s Upper and Low er C o n tro l A rm Ball Jo in ts Interm e dia te Steering Shaft (PA10) Tie Rod Ends Wheel Bearings Steering Gear A ir Cleaner — Elem ent Master C ylin d e r Transm ission - Manual — A u to m a tic 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 T h ro ttle Bell C rank - L-6 C a rbu re tor Linkage - V-8 Brake and C lutch Pedal Springs Universal Joints Rear A xle FOUR WHEEL DRIVE MODELS L U B R IC A T IO N P O IN T S 1 2 3 4 5 A ir Cleaner C o ntrol Linkage Points Tie Rod Ends Wheel Bearings Steering Gear 6 7 8 9 10 Master C ylin d e r Transm ission - Manual — A u to m a tic C a rbu re tor Linkage — V-8 Universal Joints Propeller Shaft Slip Jo in ts Fig. 0B-3--Lubrication Points Conventional 11 12 13 14 15 Four Wheel Drive F ro n t and Rear A xle Drag L in k Brake and Clutch Pedal Springs Transfer Case T h ro ttle Bell C rank - L-6 1 / 2 TON " G " MODELS L U B R IC A T IO N P O IN T S 1 2 3 4 C o n tro l A rm Bushings and Ball Jo in ts Tie Rod Ends Wheel Bearings Steering Gear C lutch Cross-Shaft 5 6 7 Trans. C o n tro l S ha ft A ir Cleaner - Elem ent T ransm ission - Manual - A u to m a tic Fig. 0B-4--Lubrication Points 1 /2 Ton G-Van 8 9 10 11 Rear A x le O il F ilte r Brake Master C ylin d e r Parking Brake Linkage SECTION 1A HEATER C O N T E N T S OF T H IS SEC TIO N Stan dard H e a t e r ............................................................................... 1A-1 Auxiliary H e a te r............................................................................... 1A-14 Specifications...................................................................................... 1A-18 STANDARD HEATER INDEX G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n ............................................................. 1A-1 System C om ponents........................................................ 1A - 1 System C ontrols............................................................... 1A-3 D ia g n o sis............................................................................... 1A-4 O n Vehicle Service Blower M o t o r .................................................................... 1A-9 H eater Distributer and Core A ssem b ly ................. 1A-9 H e a te r H o s e s .......................................................................... 1A-10 Center Distributor Duct - G M o d els..................... Left Distributor Duct - G M o d e ls .......................... Defroster D u c t ................................................................. Control A ssem bly............................................................ C on , rol C Control C aa bb le le s................................................................. s ................................................................. Blower Switch.................................................................... Resistor U n it..................................................................... 1A-10 1A-10 1A-10 1A - 10 1A-11 1A-11 1A-12 1A-13 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Heating components are attached to the dash panel on the right side of the vehicle. The blower and air inlet assembly and water hoses are located on the forward side o f the dash panel while the heater core and distributor duct are on the passenger side. which outside air is heated and then mixed in varying amounts with cooler outside air to attain the desired air temperature. The system consists basically o f three parts: (1) the blower and air inlet assembly, (2) the heater distributor assembly and (3) the heater control assembly. The heater system is an air mix type system in Fig. 1A 1-H eater A ir Flow Schematic- G Models 1 A-2 HEATER & DEFROSTER A S M HEATER A DEFROSTER A S M (HEATER IN OFF P O S I T I O N ) AIR OUTLET LIGHT TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL V IE W A A IR F L O W L E G E N D Q] TEMPERATURE V A L V E [ (jj DEFROSTER V A L V E GO PURGE V A L V E HEATER A S M D A S H PA N E L - C-K MODELS Fig. 1A-2- Heater A ir Flow Schem atic-C-K Models O U T S ID E AIR M I X E D AIR HEATED AIR BLOWER AN D AIR INLET ASSEMBLY T he blower and air inlet assembly draws outside air through the outside air inlet grille located forward o f the windshield reveal m olding and channels the air into the heater distributor assembly. The operation of the blower motor is controlled by the FA N switch on the heater control. The motor is connected in series with the FA N switch and also the blower resistor assembly. Located in the fuse block, in series between the blower motor and the battery, is a 25 amp. fuse C-K models - a 20 am p fuse on G models. radio o f heated to unheated temperature door). air (controlled by the CO NTRO LS C-K Models (Fig. 1A-3) These controls are mounted in the center o f the dash, above the radio assembly. The control incorporates two levers which m ake use o f bowden cables to control positioning o f the purge, tem perature and defroster doors. HEA TER D IS T R IB U T O R ASSEMBLY Tem perature Lever T he heater distributor assembly houses the heater core an d the doors necessary to control mixing and c hanneling o f the air. Since the unit has no w ater valve, water circulation keeps the core hot at all times. That portion of the air passing through the core receives m ax im um heat from the core. Air entering the distributor assembly is channeled as follows: This lever control the positioning o f the T E M P E R A ­ T U R E door in the heater distributor assembly. All incoming "outside" air is directed around the heater core in the CO LD position or through the core in the HO T position. The desired outlet tem perature is obtained by blending the heated and unheated air according to the setting o f the tem perature lever. C-K Models Heater-Def Lever A ir entering the distributor can be directed out the purge door opening, on the right end o f the distributor assembly, by the purge door. If the purge door is closed, then air is directed through a n d / o r around the heater core by the tem perature door. Air is then directed into the passenger com partm en t through the heater (floor) outlets a n d / o r the defroster (dash) outlets by the defroster door. The tem perature o f the outlet air is de p e n d e n t on the ratio o f heated to unheated air (controlled by the tem perature door). G Models A ir flow is controlled by three doors in the distributor assembly. The air door can be adjusted to vary airflow. If air is allowed to enter the distributor assembly, it is then directed through a n d / o r around the heater core by the tem perature door. Air is directed into the passenger co m p artm en t through the heater (floor) a n d / o r defroster (dash) outlets by the defroster door. The tem peratu re o f the outlet air is dependent o f the The H E A T E R -D E F lever controls the position of the D E FR O ST E R door and the P U R G E door. In the O F F position, the blower is " o n " and incoming air is directed up under the dash through the purge door opening. As the lever is moved to the right o f the O F F position, the door closes, directing airflow on into the distributor assembly. With the lever at HEATER, the D E FR O STE R door directs almost all airflow to the heater (floor) outlets - a small am ount of air is directed to the defroster (dash) outlets. In the D E F position, most airflow is diverted to the defroster outlets. Moving the lever part way, as desired, will split airflow between the floor and defroster outlets. Fan Control The blower fan lever is located at the left hand side o f the control assembly. The blower motor will operate as soon as the ignition switch is turned to the R U N position. The control has three' positions only; LO, MED, HI. There is no O F F position. G Models (Fig. 1A-4) The controls are located in the instrum ent panel, just to the right o f the instrument cluster. In opeation, two levers control all heating operations. Fig. lA -3~ H eater Control -C-K Models Fig. 1A-4- Heater C ontrol-G Models Tem perature Lever This lever controls the positioning o f the TEM PER ATURF. door in the heater distributor assembly. All incoming "outside" air is directed around the heater core in the C O L D position or through the core in the HOT position. The desired outlet tem perature is obtained by blending heated an d unheated air according to the setting o f the tem perature lever. H eater-D ef Lever T he H E A T E R -D E F lever controls positioning o f the A IR and D E F R O S T E R doors in the heater distributor assembly. In the O F F position, no air is allowed to enter the system. Moving the lever to the right (toward HEATER) opens the air door with the AIR door being fully open at the H EATER position. Incoming air is directed to the heater outlets (with slight air bleed to the defroster outlets). Moving the lever between HEATER and DKF, directs increasing amounts of air to the defroster outlets until all air is directed to the defroster outlets in the D EF position. Fan Control The blower fan lever is located on the left h an d side o f the control assembly. W hen the lever is fully down, the blower motor is inoperative. M oving the lever upward actuates the three speed blower motor (LOWMED-HI). DIAGNOSIS TROUBLE Temperature of heater a ir a t outlets too low to heat up pas­ senger compartment. Temperature of heater a ir a t outlets adequate but the v e h i c l e w ill not build up s u ffic ie n t heat. Inadequate defrosting action. Inadequate c irc u la tio n of heated a i r through v e h i c l e . E rra tic heater operation. Hard operating or broken controls. CAUSE AND CORRECTION 1. See "In s u ffic ie n t Heat Diagnostic Chart". 1. Check fo r body leaks such as: Floor side kick pad ven tilato rs p a r tia lly open. 2. Leaking grommets in dash. 3. Leaking welded seams along rocker panel and windshield. 4. Leaks through access holes and screw holes. 5. Leaking rubber molding around door and windows. 6. Leaks between sealing edge of blower and a ir in le t assembly and dash, and between sealing edge of heater d istrib u to r assembly and dash. 1. Check that DEFROST lever completely opens defroster door in DEF position - Adjust i f necessary. 2. Insure that temperature and a ir doors open f u l ly - Adjust. 3. Look fo r obstructions in defroster ducts - Remove any obstructions. 4. Check for a ir leak in ducting between defroster o u tle t on heater assembly and defroster duct under instrument panel Seal area as necessary. 5. Check position of bottom of nozzle to heater locating tab Adjust. 6. Check position of defroster nozzle openings re la tiv e to in stru ­ ment panel openings. Mounting tabs provide positive position i f properly in s ta lle d . 1. Check heater a ir o u tlet for correct in s ta lla tio n - R e in s ta ll. 2. Inspect flo o r carpet to insure that carpet lie s f l a t under fro nt seat and does not obstruct a ir flow under seat, and also inspect around o u tlet ducts to insure that carpet is well fastened to flo o r to prevent cupping of a ir flow - Correct as necessary. 1. Check coolant level - F i l l 2. Check for kinked heater hoses - re lie v e kinks or replace hoses. 3. Check operation of a ll bowden cables and doors - Adjust as necessary. 4. Sediment in heater lin es and radiator causing engine thermo­ s ta t to stick open - flush system and clean or replace thermo­ sta t as necessary. 5. P a r t ia lly plugged heater core - backflush core as necessary. 1. Check fo r loose bowden cable tab screws or mis-adjusted bowden cables - Correct as required. 2. Check fo r sticking heater system door(s) - Lubricate as required using a silico n e spray. to proper le v e l. INSUFFICIENT HEAT DIAGNOSIS P osition th e c o n tro ls so th a t the: Tem perature lever is o n fu ll heat. Selector o r heater lever is o n Heater. Fan sw itch is o n H i. | *C H E C K DUM P DO O R O U T L E T FOR A IR FLO W ~| NO A IR FLO W A d ju st d um p d o o r fo r no air flo w . CHECK D E F R O S T E R O U T L E T S FO R A IR FLOW ( I f in d o u b t as to High o r L o w air flo w set selector o n D E F w h ich is High and com pare. Reset selector on Heater) H IG H A IR FLOW NO OR LOW A IR FLOW J CHECK H E A T E R O U T L E T A IR FLOW A d ju st d efro ster d o o r fo r lo w a ir flo w . ( If in d o u b t, sw itch fan sw itch fro m Hi to Lo) C H A N G E IN A IR FLOW L IT T L E OR NO C H A N G E IN A IR FLOW ......... ...... T .............. N O R M A L A IR FLOW LOW OR NO A IR FLOW Check heater o u tle t tem perature w ith 2 20 ° F range the rm om ete r. **C h e c k s h u to ff d o o r p o s itio n fo r fu ll system a ir flo w . A d ju st if necessary. (a p p ro xim a te o u tle t a ir tem peratures) O u tle t A ir A m b ie n t A ir 145 0 150 25 165 75 155 40 LOW A IR FLOW NO A IR FLOW Check heater o u tle t fo r o b s tru c tio n - re­ move. CHECK FUSE NORM AL TEM PER ATURE Remove a ll o b stru ctio n s under fro n t seat. Check m o to r voltage at closest m o to r line co nn ectio n w ith a v o ltm e te r. Car does n o t b u ild up heat - operate vent c o n tro ls and see th a t th e air vent doors close c o m p le te ly, if n o t, adjust. FUSE BLO W N - replace fuse. A IR FLOW - system okay. LOW T E M P E R A T U R E U N D E R 10 V O L T S HZ (Check th e system tem pe ra ture a fte r re­ p airin g th e item checked to co m p lete the diagnosis.) X Check c o o la n t level; if low , f ill. L o o k fo r or feel a ll ra d ia to r and heater hoses and conn ectio n s fo r leaks. Repair o r replace. Check th e ra d ia to r cap fo r damage and re­ place if required. BLOWS FUSE O V E R 10 V O L T S Check b a tte ry vo lts - under 10 volts, recharge then recheck m o to r voltage. Check w irin g and co nnections fo r under 10 v o lts fro m m o to r to fan sw itch. Repair or replace last p o in t o f u nder 10 v o lt reading. Remove p ositive lead fro m m o to r and replace fuse. FUSE R E M A IN S O K - rem ove m o to r and check fo r o b s tru c tio n in system opening, if none, R E PLACE M O TO R . If o b s tru c tio n , remove m aterial and re -in sta ll m o to r. X Check heater a nd ra d iato r hoses fo r kin ks straighten and replace as necessary. Check tem pe ra ture d o o r fo r m ax heat po­ sitio n. A d ju s t if necessary. [ BLOWS FUSE - check fo r shorted w ire in b low er electric c irc u it See Heater C irc u it Diagnostic Chart. A p p ly external ground, (jum p e r w ire) to m o to r case. IN C R E A S E D A lR FLOW re p air ground. H E A T E R CORE r FUSE OK | Feel tem peratures o f heater in le t and o u tle t hoses, j SAM E A l R FLO W - rem ove m o to r and check fo r o b s tru c tio n in system open­ ing. I f none, R EPLACE M O T O R . If o b stru ctio n , rem ove m aterial and re­ install m o tor. W A R M IN L E T A N D O U T L E T HOSES X i Check engine the rm osta t. H O T IN L E T A N D W A R M O U T L E T HOSES ......:.....................— ~ Check p u lle ys, belt tension, etc., fo r p ro ­ per o p e ra tio n . Replace o r service as neces­ sary. .................. i . ~xz Remove hoses fro m heater core. Reverse flush w ith tap water. I f plugged, repair or replace. ‘ C H E C K F OR C-K M O D E L S ONLY " C H E C K F O R G M OD E L S ONLY FUSE O K - See Heater C irc u it Diagnostic Chart. HEATER C IRC U IT DIA GN O SIS* BLO W E R M O T O R (A N Y IN O P E R A T IV E SP E E D) X Check fuse in fuse pane!. I_ J L _ FU S E B L O W N “ FU S E O K I___ I T h e fo llo w in g te sts s h o u ld be m ade w it h W ith I g n itio n s w itc h in th e ig n itio n s w itc h in " R U N " p o s itio n " R U N " p o s itio n and b lo w e r th e b lo w e r speed s w itc h " O N " a n d th e speed s w itc h " O N " use lever on h e a t p o s itio n . m e te r to lo ca te s h o rt in one X o f th e fo llo w in g w ire s : Check b lo w e r m o to r g ro u n d speed s w itc h . x X P O O R O R NO G R O U N D G R O U N D OK R e p a ir g ro u n d Check m o to r c o n n e c to r 2. F ro m b lo w e r speed s w itc h to h eater re sisto r. 3. F ro m h e a ter re sisto r to x b lo w e r. N o te : w it h S h o rt c ir c u it m a y be Circuit HEATER Fig. lA-5-H eater 1. F ro m fuse p an el to b lo w e r 12 v o lt te s t lig h t. in t e r m it t e n t . I f m e te r does n o t in d ic a te a s h o rt c ir c u it, X m o ve harness a ro u n d as | L A M P L IG H T S Diagnosis m u c h as p o s sib le to re-create L A M P D O E S N O T L IG H T X s h o rt c ir c u it . W a tch and Replace Motor lis te n f o r a rcin g . L A M P D O E S N O T L IG H T Use 12 v o lt te s t lig h t a nd c h e c k feed te r m in a l (b ro w n ) o n b lo w e r speed s w itc h . Check blower feed wire in connector on resistor with 12 volt test light | L A M P L IG hT T ) Repair open in feed wire from resistor to blower motor. L A M P D O E S N O T L IG H T L A M P L IG H T S R e p a ir o p e n in b ro w n w ire Replace switch "See heater circuit diagrams f r o m b lo w e r speed s w itc h to fuse pan el. 1 A-7 BLOWER MOTOR a RESISTOR • DASH r T tp p i— S | 721 ■1 4B LBL STR-1 4 BRN 14B ORN STR -------- 14B LBL STR — □3 ■14B ORN STR---------14 BRN 14B ORN STR---------- BLOWER SWITCH Z QO £ C i i _ P TO FU SE PANEL C-K MODELS I fV W W —t l OFF LO MED HI , HEATER O P E R A T I O N CIRCUIT B A T -O N L Y B A T -B L O SW-RES Rl R 2 BLO M T R - G R D LO B A T -L O MED B A T -M E D B A T-H I HI HI R I | i j r B A T -B L O SW-RES RlBLO M T R - G R D S BL OWER RESISTOR It |B L O MED| B A T -B L O S W BLO M T R - G R D - 1 6 LBLMED 0 < CQ CSCN C T T o r n " LO 1 6 YEL 16 O R N ' [52B | 50 BAT J BL OWER S W IT C H , DASH i 52 I L-1 14 ORN 1 J j / INST. PA NEL H A R N C IR C U IT #4 (ACC) 2 5 A M P IN FUSE PANEL I : rn FUSE PANEL I LJ 1 !52 i r* i on eng h a r n ) 15 2 * \ BUL KHEAD C O N N J U N C T I O N BLOCK BLOWER MOTOR eo □ :o i ON VEHICLE SERVICE BLOWER M O TO R Removal (Fig. 1A-7) 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. G Models - Remove the battery. 2. Disconnect the blower m otor lead wire. 3. Remove the five blower motor m ounting screws and remove the motor and wheel assembly. Pry gently on the blower flange if the sealer acts as an adhesive. 4. Remove the blower wheel to motor shaft nut a n d separate the wheel and motor assemblies. 5. To install a new motor, reverse Steps 1-4 above. b. If the motor m ounting flange sealer has hardened, or is not intact, remove the old sealer and apply a new bead o f sealer to the entire circumference o f the mounting flange. c. Check blower operations: blower wheel should rotate freely with no interference. HEATER D IS T R IB U T O R A N D CORE ASSEMBLY C-K Models Replacement (Fig. 1A-8) N O T E : The following precautions should be taken to assure proper installation: 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. a. Assemble the blower wheel to the motor with 2. Disconnect the heater hoses at the core tubes the open end o f the wheel away from the blower motor. and drain engine coolant into a clean pan. Plug the core tubes to prevent coolant spillage at removal. 3. Remove the nuts from the distributor duct studs projecting into the engine compartment. 4. Remove the glove box and door assembly. 5. Disconnect the Air-Defrost and Tem perature door cables. 6. Remove the floor outlet and remove defroster duct to heater distributor duct screw. the 7. Remove the heater distributor to dash panel screws. Pull the assembly rearward to gain access to w iring harness and disconnect all harnesses attached to the unit. 8. Remove the heater-distributor from the vehicle. 9. Remove the core retaining straps and remove the core. Fig. lA -7- Blower M otor Assembly Fig. lA-8--Heater D istrib u to r Assem bly-C K Models N O TE : Be sure core to case and case to dash pane! sealer is intact before assembling unit. G Models Replacem ent (Fig. 1A-9) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Place a clean p a n under the vehicle and then disconnect the heater core inlet and outlet hoses at the core connections (see " H e a te r Hoses-Replacem ent" later in this section). Quickly plug the heater hoses and support them in a raised position. Allow the coolant in the heater core to drain into the p a n on the floor. 3. Disconnect the right h an d air distributor hose fro m the heater case and rotate it up out o f the way. 4. Pry off the tem perature door cable eyelet clip and then remove the bowden cable attaching screw. 5. Remove the distributor duct to heater case screws and pull the duct rearw ard out o f the heater case retainer. 6. Remove the four heater case to dash screws and then remove the heater case an d core as an assembly. Tilt the case assembly rearw ard at the top while lifting up until the core tubes clear the dash openings. 7. Remove the core retaining strap screws and remove the core. 8. To install a new core, reverse Steps 1-7 above. N O T E : Be sure core to case and case to dash panel sealer is intact before assembling unit. HEATER HOSES H eater hoses are routed from the tnermostat housing or inlet m anifold and w ater p u m p (radiator on some automatic transmission vehicles) to the core inlet and outlet pipes as shown in Figure 1A - 10. Hoses are attached at each end with screw type clamps. Replacem ent The heater core can be easily dam aged in the area o f the core tube attachm ent seams whenever undue force is exerted on them. W henever the heater core hoses do not readily come off the tubes, the hoses should be cut just forward o f the core tubes. The portion o f the hose rem aining on the core tube should then be split longitudinally. Once the hoses have been split, they can be removed from the tubes without d am age to the core. CENTER D IS T R IB U T O R D U C T - G Models Replacement (Fig. 1A -11) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. U nsnap the engine cover front latches. Remove the two cover to floorpan screws and remove the cover. 3. Remove the heater core case and core as an assem bly (see " H e a te r D is trib u to r and CoreReplacement"). 4. Disconnect the right h a n d heater outlet hose and the two defroster hoses from the distributor duct. 5. Disconnect the air and defroster door cables by prying off the eyelet clips and removing the cable attaching screws. 6. Pull the center distributor duct to the right and remove it from the vehicle. 7. To install, reverse Steps 1-6 above. NOTE: Check cable and door opeation; cables should be free from kinks or binding and doors should close properly. If cable adjustm ent is necessary, see "Bowden Cable-Adjustment." LEFT D IS T R IB U T O R DUC T - G Models Replacement (Fig. 1A -11) 1. 2. the two 3. duct. 4. Disconnct the battery ground cable. U n snap the engine cover front latches. Remove cover to floorpan screws and remove the cover. Remove the duct bracket screw and remove the To install, reverse Steps 1-3. N OTE: All the duct. It down as the duct is fully three bowden cables are routed under m ay be necessary to hold the cables duct is being installed. Be sure the left installed over the center duct. DEFROSTER DUCT The defroster hose and illustrated in Figure 1A -12. outlet assemblies are CO N TR O L ASSEMBLY C-K M odels Replacement (Fig. 1A -13) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the instrum ent panel bezel. 3. Disconnect the bowden cables and the blower switch wiring harness. A U T O M A TIC TRANSMISSION MODELS EXCEPT C -K IO 3 5 0 V 8 W / O V O I OR C 6 0 C -K M O D EL S G M O D EL S Fig. lA -1 0 -Heater Hose Routings C A U T IO N : Be careful not to kin k the bowden cables. 4. Remove the control through the opening above the control. 5. If a new unit is being installed, transfer the blower switch to the new unit. 6. To reinstall, reverse Steps l -4 above. 4. Disconnect the three bowden cables, the control illumination bulb, the blower switch connector and remove the control from the vehicle. 5. Remove the blower switch screws an d remove the blower switch. 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 above. C O NTRO L CABLES G Models Replacem ent (Fig. 1A -14) C-K Models Replacement 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the ignition switch from the instrument panel (see Section 3B o f this manual). 3. R em o ve the control to in stru m e n t p a n e l m oun ting screws and carefully lower the control far enough to gain access to the bowden cable attachments. C A U T IO N : Care should be taken to prevent kin kin g the bowden cables while lowering the control. 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the instrument panel bezel. 3. Remove the control to instrument panel screws. 4. Raise or lower control as necessary to remove cable push nuts and tab attaching screws. 5. Remove glove box and door as an assembly. 6. Remove cable push nut an d tab attaching screw at door end o f cable. 7. Remove cable from retaining clip and remove cable assembly. LEFT DISTRIBUTOR DUCT CENTER DISTRIBUTOR DUCT HEATER CORE CASE Fig. 1A-11 -D istrib u to r Ducts--G Models 8. To install, reverse Steps 1-7 above. NOTE: If cable adjustment is required, see below. C A U TIO N : Be careful not to kink the cable Adjustm ent during installation. Be sure to route the cable as when removed. Check cable adjustment. 1. 2. U nsnap cover to G Models Replacem ent (Fig. 1A -15) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. U nsn a p the engine cover front latches. Remove the two cover to floorpan screws an d remove the cover. 3. Remove the left distributor duct attaching screw and remove the duct. 4. Pry off the cable eyelet clip at both the door and control lever. Remove the cable attaching screw at both doo r and control locations. 5. Attach a 4 ’ piece o f wire to the door end o f the cable. Place protective tape around the cable m ounting tab and attached wire and carefully pull the cable from the vehicle. Remove the tape and disconnect the 4 ’ piece o f wire. 6. To install, attach the new cable to the 4 ’ piece of wire. Tape the m ounting tab and attached wire. Carefully pull the new cable into position. 7. Reverse Steps 1-4. Disconnect the battery ground cable. G Model Air and Defroster Door Cables - the engine cover front latches. Remove the two floorpan screws and remove the engine cover. C-K Models - Remove glove box and door as an assembly. 3. Pry off the appropriate cable eyelet clip and disconnect the cable from the door. 4. Remove the cable retaining screw. 5. While holding the cable with pliers, rotate the m ounting tab on the cable to lengthen or shorten the cable, whichever is required. NOTE: Do not pinch the cable too tightly or dam age to the cable could result. 6. Install the cable, reversing Steps 1-4 above. BLOWER S W ITC H C-K Models Replacement (Fig. 1A-13) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the instrument panel bezel. 3. Remove the control to instrum ent panel screws and lower the control onto the radio. Fig. 1A-14-C ontrol Assembly G Models C-K M O D EL S DEFROSTER HOSES G MODELS Fig. 1A 1 2 -D e fro ster Outlets 4. Disconnect the switch electrical harness. 5. Remove the swith attaching screws and remove the switch. 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 above. G Models Replacement (Fig. 1A -14) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect the blower switch wiring harness connector at the switch. 3. Remove the two switch attaching screws and remove the switch assembly. 4. To install a new switch, reverse Steps 1-3 above. RESISTOR Replacement (Figs. 1A-7 and 1A-9) 1. connector. Disconnect the wiring harness at the resistor 2. Remove the two resistor m ounting screws and remove the resistor. 3. above. To install a new resistor, reverse Steps 1 and 2 AUXILIARY HEATER INDEX G eneral D e s c r ip tio n ........................................................................ C o n tr o l............................................................................................... D ia g n o sis ............................................................................................. On Vehicle Se rv ice .......................................................................... S pecifications...................................................................................... 1A-14 1A-15 1A - 15 1A-15 1A - 18 GENERAL DESCRIPTION A n auxiliary heater is available as a dealer installed accessory to provide additional heating capacity for the rearmost extremities o f the C-K (06) and G (05 and 06) models. This unit operates entirely independent o f the standard heater and is regulated through its own controls at the instrum ent panel. Heater hoses extend from the unit to the front of the vehicle w here they are connected to the standard heater hoses with "tees". An "on-off" w ater valve is installed in the heater core inlet line in the engine compartm ent. This valve must be operated manually-"o n " for cold weather, "off" in warm weather. The purpose o f the valve is to cut off coolant flow to the This system consists o f a separate core and fan unit mounted as shown in Figures 1A-16 and 1A-17. CONTROL SWITCH EXISTING HEATER AUXILIARY HEATER WATER VALVE Fig. 1A-16--Auxiliary Heater Installations (C-K Models) auxiliary core during w arm weather an d eliminate the r a d ia n t heat tha t would result. in the core inlet line). D uring the sum m er months, this valve should be placed in the "off" position. CO N TR O LS Two methods of control are employed with this system: Fan Sw itch (Fig. 1A -19) W a te r Valve (Fig. 1A -18) T he three speed fan switch (LO W -M ED-HI) is located in the instrument panel, to the right of the steering column. Full down, the blower is inoperative; fully up the blower is on HI. W hen heat is desired, the w ater valve must be in the " o n " position (valve located in the engine com partm ent DIAGNOSIS Refer to the "S tan d a rd H ea te r” section o f this m a n u a l for diagno stic in fo rm a tio n ; see Electrical D iag ram Figure 1A-20. NOTE: If the heater blower motor is inoperative on C-K models (equipped with Overhead Air Conditioning), check that the connectors have not been interchanged with one another. EXISTING HEATER HEATER (ALL 1 2 5 " WATER VALVE Fig. 1A -17-A uxiliary Heater In sta lla tion s (G M odels) 110" W.B. MODELS) INSTALL V A L V E W IT H A R R O W P O I N T I N G A W A Y F R O M TEE. O RIENT V A L V E S O " O N " " O F F ” IS VISIBLE Fig. 1A -18-W ater Valve In sta lla tion - G Model Shown Fig. 1A 19--A uxiliary Heater Control as Typical OFF LO MED HI CIRCUIT B AT -O NL Y BAT-LO BAT-MED BAT-H I HEATER OPERATION BAT-BLO SW-RES Rl R2LO BLO M TR-G RD BAT-BLO SW-RES R2MED BLO M TR-G RD BAT-BLO SW HI BLO M TR-G RD v/\ZV\Arf Rl vW i blclL Imed lo Hi------------ 1 n MEDl U -14 ORN- BLOWER SWITCH -1 4 YEL- -1 4 LBL- 12 BRN 50C n " I 51 5 2A 5 2B i|BAT_____ D LO 50A ,500 ^ ,2BI,N 16 BLOWER RESISTOR R2 I 14 ORN |52B| [5 2 ] 15 AM P INLINE FUSE 14 B BRN{ s OB] ■ j "CK" I G N # 3 - 3 0 0 UNFUSED " G " IG N A C C # 4 FUSED MH1 FUSE PANEL GRD (o BLOWER M O TO R Fig. 1A-20-E lectrical Diagram - All Models ON VEHICLE SERVICE Since a detailed list o f installation instructions is included with the auxiliary he a te r unit, replacement procedures will not be repeated in this section. CAUTION: G M odels--W hen replacing heater hoses, m aintain a 1 /2 " m inim um clearance between hose clip and upper control arm, a 1 -1/2" m inim um clearance between hoses and propshaft and a 1 -1 /4 " m inim um clearance between the auxiliary heater core lines an d the exhaust pipe as shown in Figure 1A-22. A ll M odels-D raw hoses tight to prevent sag or rub against other components. Be sure to route hoses through all clamps as originally installed. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 1A HEATER V o lts A m p s. (Cold) RPM (Cold) Blower Motor C-K Models............. 13.5 G M o d e ls................13.5 6.25 Max. 7.1 Max. 2550 2950 2850 3250 Min. Max. Min. Max. Fuses C-K Models........................................................................20 Amp. G M o d e ls.......................................................................... 20 Amp. A U X IL IA R Y Blower Motor . . . . HEATER Volts Amps. (Cold) 13.5 9.6 Max. RPM (Cold) 2700 Min. SECTION IB AIR CONDITIONING CONTENTS G e n e ra l D e sc rip tio n .......................................................... Four-Season System (C-K M odels)........................... C60 System (G M odels)............................................... Overhead Systems (C-K-G M o d e ls)......................... M otor Home Chassis S y stem ...................................... Basic Air C o n d itio n e r ................................................... M ain Units o f the S y s te m .......................................... System C o n tro l............................................................... D ia g n o s is ............................................................................ R efrig eran t S y s te m ....................................................... Compressor D ia g n o sis................................................. Vacuum System D ia g n o sis......................................... Insufficient C o o lin g ....................................................... Electrical System D ia g n o sis....................................... Air C onditioning System C a p a c ity ......................... Perform ance T e s t .......................................................... Perform ance D a t a ......................................................... Checking O il.................................................................... R efrig eran t Quick-Check P ro ced u re....................... On Vehicle Service.......................................................... Thermostatic Switch...................................................... Potentiometer (G M o d e ls )......................................... Expansion V a lv e ............................................................ Engine Idle C om p en sato r........................................... C o m p resso r....................................................................... Four Season S y stem -C -K M o d e ls.......................... C o n d e n s e r......................................................................... A c c u m u la to r..................................................................... Blower Assembly............................................................ E vaporator C o r e ............................................................ Expansion T u b e ............................................................. Selector Duct and Heater C o re ............................... Kick Panel Air Valve................................................... Plenum Air V a l v e ......................................................... Control A sse m b ly .......................................................... T em p eratu re D oor Cable A d ju s tm e n t................ M aster Switch a n d / o r Blower S w itch................... V acuum T a n k .................................................................. Blower Resistor U n i t .................................................... T herm ostatic Switch...................................................... D ischarge Pressure S w itc h ......................................... F u s e ..................................................................................... O verhead System--C-K M odels................................ R e a r D u c t......................................................................... Blower M otor R esistor................................................ Blower M otor A sse m b ly ............................................. Expansion V a lv e ............................................................ IB-2 IB-2 IB-2 IB-2 IB-2 IB-2 IB-5 I B-12 IB-16 IB -16 IB -16 IB-17 IB -19 IB-21 IB -17 IB-17 IB-30 IB-30 IB-32 IB-33 IB-33 IB-33 IB-34 IB-34 IB-35 IB-36 IB-36 IB-37 IB-37 IB-37 IB-38 IB-38 IB-39 IB-39 1B-39 IB-40 IB-40 IB-40 IB-41 IB-41 IB-41 IB-42 IB-42 IB-42 IB-42 IB-42 IB-44 Evaporator C o r e ............................................................ 1B-44 Blower Motor Switch................................................... IB-45 Fuse..................................................................................... IB-45 C60 S y s te m - G M o d els............................................... IB-45 C o n d e n se r......................................................................... IB-45 R eceiv er-D eh y d rato r.................................................... 1B-45 Sight Glass Replacem ent............................................ IB-46 A /C Air Distributor D u c t ......................................... IB-46 A /C Center and Right Dash O utlets................... IB-47 Heater, A ir D istributor and Extension Ducts.. IB-48 Heater Core Case and C o r e .................................... IB-48 Expansion V a lv e ............................................................ IB-48 Blower M o to r.................................................................. IB-48 Evaporator C o r e ............................................................ IB-49 Air Inlet V alve............................................................... IB-49 Temperature D oor C a b l e ........................................... 1B-49 C o n tr o l.............................................................................. 1B-49 Blower Switch................................................................. IB-50 Amplifier Circuit B o a rd .............................................. IB-50 Resistors............................................................................ IB-50 Blower Motor R e la y .................................................... IB-50 Resistors............................................................................ IB-50 Blower Motor R e la y .... ................................................ IB-50 Discharge Pressure S w itc h ......................................... IB-50 Vacuum T a n k ................................................................. IB-51 Circuit Breaker............................................................... IB-51 Overhead S y s te m - G Models.................................... IB-51 Blower-Evaporator S h r o u d ........................................ 1B-51 Blower M otor A ssem blies........................................... 1B-51 Expansion Valves........................................................... IB-52 Evaporator C o r e ............................................................ 1B-53 Resistor.............................................................................. IB-54 Blower Sw itch................................................................. IB-54 Rear Blower Relay........................................................ IB-54 Tie Relay.......................................................................... IB-54 Dash M ounted S y ste m -M o to r Home U n i t s ...... IB-54 C o n d e n s e r......................................................................... IB-54 R e c e iv e r-D eh y d ra to r.................................................... IB-55 Sight G la ss....................................................................... IB-55 Blower-Evaporator A ssem bly.................................... IB-55 Blower Assembly............................................................ IB-56 Expansion Valve, Evaporator Case or C o r e ...... 1B-56 Thermostatic a n d / o r Blower S w itches.................. IB-57 Resistor.............................................................................. IB-57 Fuse..................................................................................... IB-57 Specifications......................................................................1B-57 Special Tools........................................................................IB-58 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FOUR-SEASON SYSTEM (C-K MODELS) Both the h e a tin g a n d cooling functions are perform ed by this system. Air e ntering the vehicle must pass through the cooling unit (evaporator) and through (or around) the heating unit, in that order, and the system is thus referred to as a " r e h e a t" system. The evap orator provides m aximum cooling o f the air passing through the core when the air conditioning system is calling for cooling. A thermostatic switch, located on the blow er-evaporator case, acts to control compressor op eration by sensing the evaporator inlet line temperature. System operation is as follows" Air, either outside air or recirculated air, enters the system and is forced through the system by the blower. As the air passes through the evaporator core, it receives m axim um cooling if the air conditioning controls are calling for cooling. A fter leaving the evaporator, the air enters the H eater and Air C onditioner Selector Duct Assembly where, by m eans o f diverter doors, it is caused to pass through or to bypass the heater core in the proportions necessary to provide the desired outlet temperature. Conditioned air then enters the vehicle through either the floor distributor duct or the dash outlets. W hen, during cooling operations, the air is cooled by the evapo rator to below com fort level, it is then warm ed by the heater to the desired tem perature. D uring "h eating only" operations, the evaporator will not be in operation and am bien t air will be w a rm e d to the desired level in the same m anner. The dash outlets are rectangular in design. The outlets can be rotated horizontally or vertically to direct air as desired. U n de r the left distributor duct is located a floor cooler which can be rotated to provide cooling air or shut off completely. C 6 0 SYSTEM (G M O DELS) This system perform s both the heating and cooling functions: however, the h eating and cooling systems operate independently o f one another — the system provides e ith er heating or cooling and thus is referred to as a "p arallel system". In the air conditioning modes, air (either a mixture o f inside an d outside at N O R M or inside air only at MAX) enters the system and passes through the evaporator core (receiving m axim um cooling) an d is then directed into the passenger c om partm ent through the dash outlets and foot coolers. A therm ister clipped to the evaporator core is used to control com pressor o p e r a tio n by sensing air tem perature as it leaves the evaporato r core. As the core tem peratu re increases the resistance o f the therm ister to 400 ohms, the amplifier (on the control) furnishes current to energize the compressor clutch coil. As the eva p o ra to r cools down, the tem perature o f the thermister decreases which biases the amplifier off and compressor clutch coil is de-energized. The dash outlets are rectangular in design and can be rotated horizontally or vertically to direct air as desired. Foot coolers are provided on both driver and passenger side. In the heater-defrost modes, the air conditioning outside air door is closed. The heater air door is open and outside air is allowed to pass through the heater core (receiving m aximum heating) and is then directed into the passenger co m p artm en t through the heater a n d /o r defroster outlets. OVERHEAD SYSTEMS (C-K-G MODELS) These systems (C69 on C-K -G Models) operate in conjunction with the Four-Season System (C-K Models) or C60 System (G M o d e ls)-th e y do not operate independently. N OTE: O verhead system kits are available for non-factory installation on C-K Models, providing the vehicle is equipped with the front system. These units are self contained, operating on inside (recirculated) air only. Air is drawn into the unit, passed through the evaporator core and then directed into the passenger com partm ent through the air distributor duct. System control is through the front system. The only control on the overhead system is a three speed blower switch. M O TO R H O M E CHASSIS SYSTEM This system perform s the cooling functions only. W hen heating (above am bient temperatures) is desired, the vehicle heater must be used. W hen air conditioning is desired, the heater should be completely shut off. This self-contained unit is bracket m ounted to the dash by the body m anufacturer. It operates on inside (recirculated) air only. Air is drawn into the unit, passed throu gh the e v a p o ra to r core (receiving m axim um cooling) and then directed into the vehicle through adjustable outlets. A thermostatic switch, located on the face plate is used to control compressor operation by sensing air tem perature as it leaves the evaporator core. BASIC A IR C O N D IT IO N E R W hen we look at an air conditioning unit, we will always find a set o f coils or a finned rad iato r core through which the air to be cooled passes. This is known as the "evaporator". The refrigerant boils in the evaporator. In boiling, or course, the refrigerant absorbs heat and changes into a vapor. By piping this vapor outside the car we can bodily carry out the heat that caused its creation. Once we get vapor out o f the evaporator, all we have to do is remove the heat it contains. Since heat is EVAPORATOR CORE BLOWER & EVAPORATOR ASM CONTROL ASM A /C SHROUD R.H. OUTLET VIEW A / CENTER OUTLET R.H. OUTLET L.H. OUTLET AIR C O N D IT IO N IN G OVERHEAD SYSTEM EVAPORATOR CORE 3 FLOOR OUTLET R.H CENTER OUTLET A /C DASH PANEL DUCT ASM AIR INLET \ \ DUCT ASM. \ AIR VACUUM CONTROL BLOWER & EVAPORATOR ASM A IR J L O W H______ FLOOR OUTLET L.H LEGEND RECIRCULATED H i g B i COOLED AIR f e r S e - l HEATED AIR (G) MODELS Fig. lB - l- A ir flo w Chart G-Models L.H. OUTLET 1 B-4 EVAPORATOR CORE BLOWER & EVAPORATOR A S M SHROUD R.H. OUTLET CONTROL R.H. OUTLET AIR CONDITIONING OVERHEAD SYSTEM TRUCK Fig. lB-2-Airflow R.H. CENTER OUTLET INLET VALVE DISTRIBUTOR M DUCT HEATER CORE Models ^TEM P MANUAL Chart - CK PLENUM VALVE SERVICE AIR ^ VALVE [ 3] BLOWER & EVAPORATOR ASM L.H. CENTER OUTLET ^ DEFROSTER VALVE Q ] ^ \ DIVERTER VALVE OR HEATER [ 2] 7 ^ A /C DASH PANEL ^ ■EVAPORATOR CORE (CK) MODELS L.H. OUTLET LIGHT CENTER OUTLET VIEW A SELECTOR DUCT ASM FOOT DEFLECTOR 3 . Liquid re frig e ra n t flo w rate is re g u la te d 2 . U p o n re m o v a l o f h e a t, h e re. H igh pressure v a p o r b e c om es High liquid becom es low pressure liq u id . pressure liquid. 4. H e a t rem oved from a ir e n te rin g veh icle v a p o riz e s lo w pressure liquid. 1. R e frig e ra n t leaves com pressor as a high pressure high te m p e ra tu re v a p o r. 16 . R e frig e ra n t returns to com pressor as low pressure v a p o r. 5 - Liquid re frig e ra n t a n d v a p o r a re s e p a ra te d here. C-K FOUR-SEASON SYSTEM COMPRESSOR EXPANSION VALVE H P. VAPOR H.P. LIQUID L.P. LIQUID L.P. VAPOR CONDENSER EXCEPT C-K FOUR-SEASON SYSTEM £ ^ 3 the only thing that expanded the refrigerant from a liquid to a v apor in the first place, removal of that same h e a t will let the vapor condense into a liquid again. Then we can return the liquid refrig erant to the evaporator to be used over again. Actually, the vapor com ing out of the evaporator is very cold. We know the liquid refrigerant boils at tem peratures considerably below freezing and that the vapors arising from it are only a shade w arm er even though they do contain quantities o f heat. Consequently, we c a n ’t expect to remove heat from sub-freezing vapors by "cooling" them in air tem peratures that usually range between 15 C and 38 C (60 °F and 100 °F)...heat refuses to flow from a cold object toward a w arm er object. But with a pump, we can squeeze the heat-laden v apor into a smaller space. And, when we compress the vapor, we also concentrate the heat it contains. In this way, we can make the vap or hotter without adding any heat. T hen we can cool it in comparatively w arm air. T h a t is the only responsibility o f a compressor in an air conditioning system. It is not intended to be a pump just for circulating the referigerant. Rather, its jo b is to exert pressure for two reasons. Pressure makes the vapor hot enough to cool off in w arm air. At the same time, the compressor raises the re f rig e r a n t’s pressure above the condensing point at the tem perature o f the surrounding air so it will condense. As the refrigeran t leaves the compressor, it is still a v a p o r although it is not quite hot and ready to give up the heat that it absorbed in the evaporator. One o f the easiest ways to help refrigerant vapor discharge its heat is to send it through a readiator-like com ponent known as a condenser. The condenser really is a very simple device having no moving parts. It does exactly the same jo b as the fam iliar radiator in a typical home steam -heating system. There, the steam is nothing more than water vapor. In passing through the radiator, the steam gives up its heat and condenses back into water. The purpose o f the condenser, as the nam e implies, is to condense the high pressure, high temperature refrigeran t vapor discharged by the compressor into a high pressure liquid refrigerant. This occurs when the high pressure, high tem perature refrigerant is subjected to the considerably cooler metal surfaces o f the condenser. This is due to the fu ndam ental laws, which state that " h e a t travels from the w arm er to the cooler surface," an d that "when heat is removed from vapor, liquid is produced." W hen the refrigerant condenses into a liquid, it again is ready for boiling in the evaporator. So, we run a pipe from the condenser back to the evaporator. MAIN UNITS OF THE SYSTEM T hese three units then; the e v a pora tor, the compressor, and the condenser...are the main working parts in any typical air conditioning system. We have the evapo rator w here the refrigerant boils and changes into a vapor, ab sorbing heat as it does so. We have the pum p or compressor to put pressure on the refrig erant so it can get rid o f its heat. And we have a condenser outside the car body to help discharge the heat into the surrounding air. Now let’s look at the compressor in detail, and some o f the components that work with these m ain units to complete the air conditioning system. AXIAL SIX-CYLINDER CO M PRESSO R The prim e purpose o f the compressor (fig. IB-4) is to take the low pressure refrigerant vapor produced by the evaporator and compress it into a high pressure, high tem perature vapor which will be sent on to the condenser. It utilizes the principle that "when a vapor is compressed, both its pressure and tem perature are raised" which we have already discussed. The axial six cylinder compressor is mounted above the engine in a special ru b b e r mounted bracket and is belt driven from the engine through an electromagnetic clutch pulley on the compressor. The compressor has three double-acting pistons, making it a six cylinder compressor. The compressor has a l .5 inch bore and 1.1875 inch stroke, giving it a total displacement of 12.6 cu. in. Identification o f the compressor is by model and serial n um b e r stamped on a plate on top of the compressor. Clutch-Pulley The movable part o f the clutch drive plate is in front of the pulley and bearing assembly. The arm ature plate, the movable m ember, is attached to the drive hub through driver springs and is riveted to both members. The hub o f the drive plate is pressed over a square drive key located in the compressor shaft. A spacer and retainer ring are assembled to the shaft and the assembly is held in place with a self-locking nut. The pulley rim, power element ring and pulley hub are formed into a final assembly by molding a frictional material between the rim and the hub with the power element ring im bedded in the forward face of the assembly. A two-row ball bearing is pressed into the pulley hub and held in place by a retainer ring. The entire pulley and bearing assembly is then pressed over the front head o f the compressor and secured by a retainer ring. Clutch coil The coil is molded into the coil housing with a filled epoxy resin and must be replaced as a complete assembly. Three protrusions on the rear o f the housing fit into alignm ent holes in the compressor front head. A retainer ring secures the coil and housing in place. The coil has 3.85 ohms resistance at 26.7X1 (80 °F) am bient tem perature and will require no more than 3.2 amperes at 12 vols D.C. Since the clutch coil is not grounded internally, a ground lead is required as well as a "h o t" lead. Compressor Connector Compressor connectors, are attached to the compres­ sor rear head by means o f a single bolt and lock washer. FRONT DISCHARGE V A L VE PLATE SHAFT SEAL ASM. PULLEY PULLEY BEARING CLUTCH PLATE AND HUB ASSEMBLY REAR HEAD OIL PUMP GEARS SEAL SEAT RETAINER RING SEAL SLEEVE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE CLUTCH COIL AND HOUSING OIL PICK-UP TUBE OIL SUMP THRUST RACE REAR CYL INDER HALF FRONT CYLINDER HALF RETAINER RING (CO NVEX . SIDE FACING SPACER) SHAFT NUT Fig. IB -4 -A x ia l Six Cylinder Compressor -Cross Sectional View All have inlet and outlet connections connected by a strap to form an integral unit. G Models have gauge fittings located on the muffler a n d com pressor inlet line. M otor Home Chassis unit fittings are located on the inlet and outlet lines. C-K model gauge fittings are located on the accumulator and ev ap orator inlet line. All fittings are equipped with a valve core. Pressure Relief Valve The pressure relief valve, located on the compressor rear head, is simply a safety valve designed to open automatically if the system pressure should reach a p re ­ determined level high enough to cause system damage. A fter the pressure drops to a safe level the valve will close. A fter such an occurence, the system should be throughly checked to discover and correct the cause of the abnorm al pressure increase, and then should be purged, evacuated and charged. RAD IA L FOUR CYLINDER CO M PRESSO R A Radial four cylinder compressor (Fig. IB-5) is used on a vehicle with a six cylinder engine. T he compressor is m ounted to the engine by m ounting brackets (Fig. IB-6) an d is belt driven by the engine w hen the electromagnetic clutch assembly on the compressor is energized by the air conditioning controls. The purpose o f the compressor is to pum p low pressure, low tem perature refrigerant vapor produced by the evapo rator and compress it into a high pressure, high tem perature vapor which can then be readily condensed back to a liquid state by the condenser. The compressor has a displacement o f 10.0 cu. in. The compressor has variations in the pulley rim d iam eter specified for the respective vehicle applications. The basic compressor m echanism is a modified scotch yoke with four cylinders located radially in the same plane. Opposed pistons are pressed into a yoke which rides upon a slider block located on the shaft eccentric. Rotation o f the shaft provides reciprocating piston motion with no "connecting rods". The m echa­ nism is completely balanced with counterweights. Needle bearings are used for the shaft journals and the shaft eccentric. Pistons and yokes, along with the m ain cylinder housing an d fro nt cover, are m ade from alum in um to provide light weight. Teflon piston rings are used to provide both a gas compression seal and piston-to-bore bearing surface. The outer shell is a simple steel band which encloses a large annu lar discharge muffler space. Two O-rings provide a seal between the compressor shell and the compressor cylinder. A ru b b er seal ring seals the front head to the cylinder assembly and the sh aft seal assembly provides a front head to shaft seal. R efrigerant flows into the crankcase from the connector block at the rear, is draw n through the reeds attached to the piston top during the suction stroke, and is discharged outward through the discharge valve plate which is held in place at the top o f the cylinder by a snap ring. D ischarge gas flows out of the compressor muffler cavity through the connector block at the rear. Clutch Coil The clutch coil is molded into the steel coil housing an d must be replaced as a complete assembly. Three protrusions on the rear o f the housing fit into alignment holes in the compressor front head. The coil is secured to the front h e a d by a pressed fit between the coil housing and neck portion of the fron t head. The coil has 3.65 ohm s resistance at 26.1X1 (80 °F) am b ient and will require no m ore than 3.2 am peres at 12 volts D.C. The clutch coil has two terminals for the power and ground leads. shaft and is tightened against the shaft. The rotor and hub is a welded assembly and contains six threaded holes for mounting the pulley rim. The pulley rim is secured to the rear portion o f the rotor by six screws and six special lock washers. A two-row ball bearing is pressed into the rotor hub and held in place by three punch stakes, 1200 apart, into the rotor hub near the hub bore. The entire clutch coil, pulley rim, rotor and bearing assembly is pressed on the front head o f the compressor and secured by a retainer ring. W hen power is supplied to the clutch coil the arm ature plate o f the drive plate and hub assembly electromagnetically engages the slotted portion o f the rotor face which then drives the crankshaft through the drive plate leaf springs and hub. Refrigerant Lines Special refrigerant hose lines are required to carry the refrigerant liquid and vapor between the various system components. The hose line with the smallest diam eter is called the high pressure liquid line. It is routed from the condenser or receiver-dehydrator to the evaporator or thermostatic expansion valve. The large diam eter hose line connecting the compressor and evaporator (or accumulator) is the low pressure vapor line. The large diam eter hose between the compressor and condenser is the high pressure vapor discharge line. These hoses are constructed with a synthetic material core covered by a woven fabric and coated for extra protection. This hose is so constructed to withstand the extreme pressures and temperatures found in the m odern refrigeration system. None but special refriger­ ant type hoses should be used. All systems make use o f swaged type connections (hose to metal fittings) with metal to metai fittings being m ade using " O " rings. Care must be taken when making these connections that they not be turned down too tightly or dam age to the " O " rings m ay result. Flexible refrigerant hoses should not be permitted to contact the hot engine manifold nor should they be bent into a radius o f less than 4 times their diameter. M uffler A muffler, located in the high pressure line from the compressor to the condenser, serves as a surge cham ber for high pressure gas to reduce the noise level o f the system while in operation. The muffler is actually a welded portion of the compressor connector assembly. It is found on all truck air contiioning systems. C lutch-Pulley The m ovable part o f the clutch drive plate is in f ro n t of an d adjacent to the rotor and bearing assembly. T he arm a tu re plate, the movable m ember, is attached to the drive hub through driver springs riveted to both m em bers. The hub of the drive plate is pressed on the com pressor sh a ft and keyed to the shaft by a square drive key. A self-locking nut threads on the end o f the Fan Slip Clutch A special engine fan is used on most systems. It is a 19.5 inch six or seven bladed fan, limited by means o f a viscous clutch to a m axim um speed o f 3400-3700 rpm, regardless of the speed o f the engine. The silicone fluid in the clutch transmits only enough torque to drive the fan at this limited speed, thus avoiding excessive noise 1. Screw 20. B e lle v ille W a s h e r 2. Locking W a s h e r 21. O -R in g S h e l l Assy. 3. P u l l e y Rim 11 • P r e s s u r e R e l i e f V a l v e 22. 4. C o il a n d 12. O -R in g 23. Ring S e a l 5. R o tor B e a r i n g 13. Screw 24. M a in 6. R o t o r a n d B e a r i n g As s y . S h ip p in g P late 25. F r o n t H e a d Assy. H o u s i n g A ssy . B e a rin g 7. R e ta in in g Ring 15. O -R in g 26. S c r e w a n d W a s h e r Assy . 8. C l u t c h D r i v e As s y . 16. R e t a i n in g Ring 27. O -R in g 9. C lutch H u b Key 17 . V a l v e P l a t e Assy . 28. S h a ft Seal 18. C y l i n d e r a n d S h a f t Assy. 29. Seal Seat 19 . Thrust W a s h e r 30. R e t a i n in g Ring 10 . S h a f t N u t Fig. lB-5--Radial Four Cylinder Compressor-Exploded View and power consum ption by the fan at higher engine speeds. Condenser In a properly charged system, the condenser delivers sub-cooled liquid. This is because all the vapor condenses before the end o f the condenser and the rem aining portion o f the condenser subcools the liquid. Receiver-D ehydrator (G and M o to r Hom e Chassis M odels) The receiver-dehydrator, serving as a reservoir for storage o f high pressure liquid produced in the condenser, incorporates a screen sack filled with the dehydrating agent. OUTLET Fig. IB 6- Compressor M ou n tin g - L6 Engine T he receiver-dehydrator, used prim arily as a liquid storage tank, also functions to trap minute quantities of moisture and foreign material which may have rem ained in the system after installation or service operations. A re frig e ran t sight glass is bult into the receiverd e h y d ra to r to be used as a quick check o f the state and condition o f charge o f the entire system. The receiverd eh y d ra to r is mounted near the condenser. S ig h t Glass (G and M o to r Hom e Chassis Models) W hile having no real function to perform in the system, the sight glass is a valuable aid in determ ining w heth er or not the refrigerant charge is sufficient and for elim inating some guess work in diagnosing difficulties. The sight glass, is built into the receiver-dehydrator outlet connection and is designed and located so that a shortage of refrigerant at this point will be indicated by the appearance o f bubbles beneath the glass. The dust cap provided should be kept in place when the sight glass is not in use. T h erm o static Expansion Valve (Fig. IB -7 ) C-K Overhead, G C60 and O verhead and Motor Home Chassis systems use a thermostatic expansion valve in place o f a float system. The valve consists prim arily o f the power element, body, actuating pins, seat an d orifice. At the high pressure liquid inlet, is a fine mesh screen which prevents dirt, filings or other foreign m atter from entering the valve orifice. W hen the valve is connected in the system, high pressure liquid refrigeran t enters the valve through the screen from the receiver-dehydrator or condenser and passes on to the seat an d orifice. Upon passing through the orifice the high pressure liquid becomes low pressure liquid. T he low pressure liquid leaves the valve and flows into the e vaporator core where it absorbs heat from the e vapo rato r core and changes to a low pressure vapor. Fig. lB-7--Expansion Valve and leaves the evaporator core as such. The power element bulb is clamped to the low pressure vapor line just beyond the outlet o f the evaporator (fig. IB-7). The operation o f the valve is quite simple. It is a matter o f controlling opposing forces produced by a spring and the refrigerant pressures. For example: The pressure in the power element is trying to push the seat away from the orifice, while the adjusting spring is trying to force the seat toward the orifice. These opposing pressures are established in the design of the valve so that during idle periods the adjusting spring tension and the referigerant pressure in the cooling coil are always greater than the opposing pressure in the power element. Therefore, the valve rem ains closed. W hen the compressor is started, it will reduce the pressure and tem perature of the refrigerant in the cooling coil to a point where the vapor pressure in the power element becomes the stronger. The seat then moves off the orifice and liquid starts to flow through the valve orifice into the cooling coil. The purpose o f the power element is to help determ ine the quantity o f liquid that is being metered into the cooling coil. As the tem perature of the low pressure line changes at the blub, the pressure o f the vapor in the power element changes, resulting in a change o f the position o f the seat. For example if the cooling coil gets more liquid than is required, the tem perature o f the low pressure line is reduced and the resultant lowering o f the bulb tem perature reduces the pressure o f the vapor in the power element, allowing the seat to move closer to the orifice. This immediately reduces the am ount of liquid leaving the valve. Under norm al operation, the power element provides accurate control o f the quantity o f refrigerant to the cooling coil. To employ our tire pu m p analogy once more for clarity, it is the same situation that would exist if you were inflating a tire with a very slow leak. Providing you pu m p ed the air into the tire as fast as it leaked out. you would be able to m aintain pressure even though the air would merely be circulating through the tire and leaking out through the puncture. A ccum u lato r-C -K M odels (Fig. IB -8 ) T he accumulator is located at the evaporator outlet. Its most im p ortant function is not to "accum ulate" although this too is im portant. Its prim ary function is to separate liquid retained from vapor, retain the liquid and release the vapor to the compressor. Thus, in and ideal accumulator with no oil bleed hole, an d in a correctly designed system, no liquid can get to the compressor. In an actual accumulator, there is some entrained liquid in the vapor stream to the compressor. The measure o f a good accumulator is how well it separates vapor from liquid and how little entrained liquid is released to the com pressor. Also, in an actual accumulator, an oil bleed hole is required to prevent trap ping o f oil in the bottom o f the accumulator; this oil bleed hole bleeds some liquid refrigerant as well. Therefore, flow out o f the accumulator to the compressor consists mostly of vapor with the addition of entrained liquid and liquid flow through the oil bleed hole. A bag o f desiccant (dehydrating agent) is located in the base of the accumulator as a moisture collecting device. N OTE: There is no sight glass in the accumulatorclutch cycle system. Expansion T ube-C -K Models Expansion tube flow rate depends on pressure difference and on subcooling; however, the flow rate is more sensitive to subcooling. The expansion tube is located in the evaporator inlet line (fig. IB-9). Therm ostatic Switch System tem perature is controlled by running the compressor intermittently, automatically turning it on and off as necessary to m aintain proper temperatures. The compressor is started and stopped through the use o f an electro-magnetic clutch and a thermostat affected by variations in temperature. The thermostatic switch incorporates a metallic tube which contains a highly expansive gas. This tube is inserted into the evaporator inlet line (C-K Four-Season System) or is located in the air stream as it leaves the evaporator (Motor Home Chassis Unit). The tube leads to a bellows operated switch. As air tempeature rises, the gas inside the tube expands, travels through the tube to the bellows and closes the electrical switch which engages the compressor clutch. As soon as the compressor starts running, the tem perature begins to go down. As the air being cooled gets colder, the gas in the thermostatic tube begins to reduce the pressure on the switch bellows. This allows the X T * switch contact disengages. to open and the compressor clutch Low R efrigerant Charge P rotection System C-K-G Models The compressor discharge pressure switch perform s the function o f shutting off the compressor when it senses low refrig erant pressure. The switch is located in the evaporator inlet line (high pressure). The switch electrically is wired in series between the compressor clutch and the master switch on the control. W hen the switch senses low pressure it breaks contact and opens the circuit to the compressor clutch, thus shutting off the A / C system an d preventing compressor failure or seizure. The compressor discharge pressure switch also perform s the function o f the am bient switch as the pressure at the switch varies directly with am bient tempeatures. The compressor should not run below -3 .91 (25 °F) am bient or 37 psi at the switch. The compressor should run in A / C modes above 7.2 C (45 F) a m b ien t or 42 psi at the switch. T he switch interacts with other switches so that in an A / C system where the compressor will not operate above 12 °C (45 °F) am bient the following components should be checked for continuity: 1. Compressor discharge pressure switch. 2. Master switch (on control head). If both switches show proper continuity, check the harness for shorts or im proper ground conditions. SYSTEM CONTROLS FOUR-SEASON SYSTEM (C-K M O DELS) FIG. IB -1 0 The system selector lever (air control lever) determ ines the mode o f operation: OFF, MAX, N O R M , BI-LEVEL, VENT, HEATER, DEF. W hen the system selector lever is placed in the MAX, N O R M , BI-LEVEL or DEF. positions, electical circuit connection is made to the compressor clutch through the control panel switch and the discharge pressure switch. If the compressor discharge pressure switch is closed (am bient tem perature above approxim ately 5 . 5 ^ (42 T ) , the compressor will run. In the O FF, or EC O N O M Y , (VENT or HEATER) positions, the compressor is not energized. The system selector lever also determ ines the direction o f outlet air flow. Moving the lever from mode to mode varies the position o f a sliding-type vacuum valve on the control. The position o f the vacuum valve will supply vacuum to, or vent, vacuum diaphragm s which position the upper and lower mode and defroster air doors in the selector duct assembly. The position of these air doors determines if output air flow is from heater outlet (OFF), the heater outlet with slight air flow from defroster nozzles (HEATER), heater and A /C outlets (VENT), A / C outlets only at MAX and N O R M , heater. A /C and defroster outlets (BI-LEVEL) or the defroster nozzles with slight air flow from the heater outlet (DEF). W hen the system is in M AX A /C mode and the tem perature lever is at full CO LD the air inlet door is positioned to reduce the supply o f outside air from a p p ro x im a tely 100% to a p p rox im ately 20%. The re m ain der of the air input 80% to the A /C system is then taken from the interior o f the passenger compartment. This recirculation o f interior air (recirc operation) provides a source of fast cool down of interior temperatures. A switch connected to the selector lever overrides the blower (F A N ) switch (in MAX A /C ) and automatically provides high blower speed. Tem perature Control The tem perature lever determines the temperature of outlet airflow by positioning the tem peature door in the slector duct assembly, through the motion of a bowden cable linking the control panel lever to the tem perature door. NOTE: An engine thermal switch prevents LO blower operation until the tem perature at the switch reaches 3 5 1 (95 °F). This blower delay can be by-passed by placing the fan switch in any of the other three positions. Fan Switch The blower (FA N ) switch provides a means of selecting! th e 'a m o u n t o f airflow from the system by regulating the speed o f the blower motor. There are, however, limitations to the control of blower speed. To provide constant ventilation, the blower m otor electrical circuitry prevents the blower motor from being shut off w hen the ignition switch is on. Therefore, the blower speeds available are HI, LO and two m edium speeds. The control m aster switch incorporates a n "over­ ride " function which overrides the blower speed switch and automatically provides HI blower speed when the system selector lever is in MAX and the temperature lever is set to full COLD. System Operation - CK Truck System operation is as illustrated in Fig. IB-11. Vacuum Schem atic - CK Truck Fig. lB-10-Four-Season System Controls (C-K Models) The CK Truck air conditioning vacuum schematic is illustrated in Figure IB-12. S Y S T E M O P E R A T IO N - C K T R U C K SELECTOR LEVER POSITION COMPRESSOR BLOWER SPEEDS A V A IL AIR SOURCE AIR ENTERS VEHICLE HEATER A/C DOOROPEN TO: HEATER DEFROSTER DOOR-OPEN TO: OFF OFF LOW OUTSIDE FLOOR OUTLETS HEATER HEATER M A X A/C ON HI INSI DE% DASH OUTLETS A/C HEATER NORM A/C ON ALL OUTSIDE DASH O UTLETS A/C HEATER OUTSIDE FLOOR AND DASH OUTLETS A /C & HEATER HEATER B I-LE VEL ON ALL VE NT OFF ALL OUTSIDE DASH OUTLETS A/C HEATER HTR OFF ALL OUTSIDE FLOOR OUTLETS HEATER HEATER HEATER DEFROST DEF OUTSIDE DEFROST OUTLETS ON ALL NOTE % 100% Inside air is not availab e, some bleed through o f outside air is allowed. Fig. 1 B 1 1 -S yste m Operation - CK Truck Fig. 1B- 12 -Air C o n d itioning Vacuum Schematic - CK Truck O VERHEAD SYSTEM (C-K MODELS) This system operates in conjunction with the FourSeason System. Since refrig eran t flow is controlled by the front system, the only control provided for on the overhead system is a three-speed fan switch (LOW, MED, HI). T he fan switch is mounted in the instrum ent panel, to the right o f the steering coloumn (fig. IB-13. In the O F F position, the blower is inoperative; however, refrigerant is circulating in the system if the Four-Season System is ON. In any o f the three blower positions (LOW, MED, HI), the blower will be operative regardless if the Four-Season System is ON. N OTE: To o btain m axim um cooling, the FourSeason System should be on A /C , temperature amplifier on the control and th e rm iste r evaporator) to control compressor operation. on the (Heater-Defrost Modes) The tempeature lever determ ines the tem perature of outlet air flow by positioning the tem perature door in the heater distributor assembly, through the motion o f a bowden cable linking the control panel lever to the tem perature door. Fan Switch Fig. IB -13-O verhead U n it Control (C-K Models) lever on COLD, blower switch on HI and the overhead unit blower switch should be on HI. C 6 0 SYSTEM (G M O DELS)~FIG . IB -1 4 The system selector lever (air control lever) determ ines the mode o f operation: OFF, MAX, N O R M , HEAT, D E F O G or D EF. W hen the system selector lever is placed in the A /C , positions, electrical circuit connection is m ade to the compressor clutch through the control panel switch and the discharge pressure switch. If the switch is closed (am bient tem perature above 4 .4 XI.), the compressor will run. In the O FF, HEAT, D E F O G or D E F positions, the compressor is not energized. The system selector lever also determines the direction o f outlet air flow. M oving the lever from mode to mode varies the position o f a rotary vacuum valve on the control. The position o f the vacuum valve will supply vacuum to, or vent, vacuum diaph rag m s which position the air and defroster doors in the heater distributor duct and the outside air door in the right side o f the cowl plenum. The position o f these doors determines if ouput air flow is from the A / C outlets using recirc air (MAX), or recirc and outside air (N O R M ), the heater outlet (HEAT), heater and defroster outlets (D E FO G ), or the defroster nozzles with slight air flow from the heater outlet (DEF). The blower (FAN ) switch provides a means of selecting the am ount o f air flow from the system by regulating the speed of the heater or A /C blower motor. There is no O F F position on the fa n switch; however the blower is inoperative if the selector lever is placed in the O F F position. If the selector lever is placed in any of the heater or A /C modes, the appropriate blower is operative. The blower speeds available are LO, M l, M2 and HI. O VERHEAD SYSTEM (G MODELS) This system opeates in conjunction with the C60 system. Since refrigerant is controlled by the C60 system, the only control provided on the rear overhead system is a three speed blower switch (fig. 1B -15). In the O F F position, the blower is inopertive; however, refrigerant is circulating in the system if the front system is ON. To operate the rear overhead system, simply select the desired blower speed (LOW, MED, HI). W hen air circulation only is desired, the rear A /C Tem perature Control (A /C Modes) T he tem perature lever activates a potentiom eter on the control assembly (connected in series with the Fig. IB-15-O verhead U nit Control (G Models) Fig. 1B-14--C60 System Controls (G Models) Fig. lB -1 6 -M o to r Home U n it Control M e t a l T u b e O .D . 1 /4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 T h r e a d and F ittin g Size A lu m . T ubing T orque* 7 /16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 -1 /1 6 6 12 18 24 30 *Foot Pounds blower m otor m ay be operated in d ep end en t o f the front A / C blower m otor and without the cooling function. DASH M O U N T E D U N IT (M O T O R HO M E CH A SS IS U N IT S ) This system is self contained and is mounted below the dash by the body m anufacturer. System controls consist o f an AIR knob and T E M P knob located in the center o f the unit face plate (fig. IB-16). Air Knob T u rning the AIR knob clockwise operates a three speed (L O W -M E D -H I) blower motor. Temp Knob This knob is used to control the degree o f cooling desired. Fully clockwise at CITY provides maximum cooling, while turning the knob to H IW AY provided adequate cooling for highway operation. N O T E: Reduced cooling could be encountered w hen operating at highway speeds with the controls at the CITY setting. The heater must be fully off to ob tain m axim um cooling. R E FR IG E R A N T LINE C O N N E C T IO N S " 0 " Rings Always replace the " O " ring when a connection has been broken. W hen replacing the " O " ring, first dip it in clean re frigeration oil. Always use a backing wrench on " O " ring fittings to prevent the pipe from twisting and d a m a g in g the " O " ring. D o not overtighten. Correct torque specifications are as follows: CAUTION: Where steel to alum inum connec­ tions are being made, use torque fo r alum inum tubing. Hose Clam ps W h e n hose clamp connections are encountered, special procedures are necessary for both removal and installation. Removal Fig. IB-17- Hose Clamp Connections 1. Carefully, with a sharp knife, make an angle cut in the hose as shown in Figure IB -17. This should loosen the hose so that it may be worked off the fittings. 2. Cut off slit end of hose. CAUTION: Use only approved refrigeration hose. Never use heater hose. Use extereme care not to nick or score the sealing beads when cutting o ff the hose. Cutting the hose lengthwise m ay result in this problem. Installation 1. Coat tube and hose with clean refrigeration oil. 2. Carefully insert hose over the three beads on the fitting and down as fa r as the fourth, or locating bead. Hose must butt against this fourth bead. CAUTION: Use no sealer o f any kind. 3. Install clamps on hose, hooking the locating arms over the cut end o f the hose. 4. Tighten the hose clamp screw to 35-42 in. lbs. torque. DO N O T R E T O R Q U E . The clamp screw torque will normally decrease as the hose conform s to the force o f the clamp. The screw should be retorqued only if its torque falls below 10 in. lbs. In this case, retorque to 2025 in. lbs. F urther tightening may dam age the hose. DIAGNOSSS REFRIGERANT SYSTEM The following is a description o f the type o f sym ptom each refrig eran t com ponent will evidence if a defect occurs: CO M PRESSO R A compressor defect will ap p e a r in one o f four ways: Noise, seizure, leakage, or low discharge pressure. N O T E : R esonant com pressor noises are not cause for alarm ; however, irregular noise or rattles m ay indicate broken parts or excessive clearances due to wear. To check seizure, de-energize the magnetic clutch and check to see if drive plate can be rotated. If rotation is impossible, compressor is seized (See "False C om pressor Seizure"). To check for a leak, refer to leak testing in the service m anual. Low discharge pressure m ay be due to a faulty internal seal o f the compressor, or a restriction in the compressor. Low discharge pressure m ay also be due to an insufficient refrigerant charge or a restriction elsewhere in the system. These possibilities should be checked prior to servicing the compressor. If the compressor is inoperative, but is not seized, check to see if current is being supplied to the magnetic clutch coil terminals. CO NDENSER A condenser may be defective in two ways: it may leak, or it may be restricted. A condenser restriction will result in excessive compressor discharge pressure. If a partial restriction is present, sometimes ice or frost will form im m ediately after the restriction as the refrigerant expands after passing through the restriction. If air flow through the condenser or rad ia to r is blocked, high discharge pressures will result. D uring norm al condenser operation, the outlet pipe will be slightly cooler than the inlet pipe. RECEIVER-DEHYD RATO R A defective receiver-dehydrator may be due to a restriction inside the body o f the unit. A restriction at the inlet to the receiver-dehydrator will cause high head pressures. Outlet tube restrictions will be indicated by low head pressures and little or no cooling. An excessively cold receiver-dehydrator outlet may be indicative o f a restriction. E X P A N S IO N VALVE A m alfunction o f the expansion valve will be caused by one o f the following conditions: valve stuck open, valve stuck closed, broken power element, a restricted screen o r an im properly located or installed power elem ent bult. The first three conditions require valve replacement. The last two may be corrected by replacing the valve inlet screen and by properly installing the power element bulb. Attachment o f the expansion valve bulb to the evaporator outlet line is very critical. The bulb must be attached tightly to the line and must make good contact with the line along the entire length of the bulb. A loose bulb will result in high low side pressures and poor cooling. Indications o f expansion valve trouble are provided by Perform ance Tests; consult Diagnostic Charts. VALVE STU CK OPEN NOISY COM PRESSOR. N o Cooling - Freeze Up. VALVE STUCK CLOSED, BROKEN POW ER E L E M E N T OR P L U G G E D SCREEN Very Low Suction Pressure. N o Cooling. PO ORLY LOCA TED POW ER E L E M E N T BULB N orm al Pressure. Poor Cooling. Diagnosis for Defective Valve The following procedure must be followed to determine if a malfunction is due to a defective expansion valve. 1. Check to determ ine if the system will meet the perform ance test as outlined previously. If the expansion valve is defective, the low pressure readings (evaporator pressure) will be above specifications. 2. The loss o f system perform ance is not as evident when the compressor head pressure is below 200 psi. Therefore, it m ay be necessary to increase the system head pressure by partially blocking the condenser. Disconnect the blower lead wire and repeat the "perform ance check" to determ ine if the evaporator pressure can be obtained. 3. The system will also indicate a low refrigerant charge by bubbles occurring in the sight glass. EVAPO RATOR W hen the evaporator is defective, the trouble will show up as an inadequate supply o f cool air. A partially plugged core due to dirt, a cracked case, or a leaking seal will generally be the cause. REFR IG ER A N T LINE R E S TR IC TIO N S Restrictions in the refrigerant lines will be indicated as follows: 1. Suction Line - A restricted suction line will cause low suction pressure at the compressor, low discharge pressure and iittle or no cooling. 2. Discharge Line - A restriction in the discharge line generally will cause the pressure relief valve to open. 3. Liquid Line - A liquid line restriction will be evidenced by low discharge and suction pressure, and insufficient cooling. S ight Glass Diagnosis (G and M o to r Hom e Chassis U nits) At tem peratures higher than 21 XT (70 degrees F), the sight glass may indicate w heter the refrigerant charge is sufficient. A shortage o f liquid refrigerant is indicated after above five minutes o f compressor operation by the appearance o f slow-moving bubbles (vapor) or a broken column o f refrigerant under the glass. Continuous bubbles m ay app ea r in a properly ch arged system on a cool day. This is a no rm al situation. If the sight glass is generally clear and perform ance is satisfactory, occasional bubbles do not indicate refriger­ an t shortage. If the sight glass consistently shows foam ing or a broken liquid column, it should be observed after partially blocking the air to the condenser. If under this condition the sight glass clears and the perform ance is otherwise satisfactory, the charge shall be considered adequate. In all instances w here the indications o f refrigeran t shortage continues, additional refrigerant should be added in 1/4 lb. increments until the sight glass is clear. A n additional charge o f 1/2 lb. should be added as a reserve after the glass clears. In no case should the system be overcharged. VACUUM SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS (C-K-G FOUR-SEASON SYSTEM ) Start the engine and allow it to idle - move the selector lever to each position and refer to the vacuum d iagram s and operational charts for proper airflow, air door functioning and vacuum circuits. If air flow is not out of the proper outlets at each selector lever position, then proceed as follows: 1. Check for good hose co nn ectio ns-at the vacuum actuators, control head valve, reservoir, tees, etc. 2. Check the vacuum source circuit as follows: Install vacuum tee and gauge (with restrictor) at the vacuum tank outlet (see V acuum D iagram ). Idle the engine and read the vacuum (a norm al vacuum is equivalent to manifold vacuum) at all selector lever positions. a. Vacuum Less Than N orm al At All PositionsRemove the tee and connect the vacuum gauge line directly to the tank - read the vacuum. If still low, then the problem lies in the feed circuit, the feed circuit to the tank or in the tank itself. If vacuum is now normal, then the problem lies downstream. b. Vacuum Less T han N orm al at Some Posi­ tio n s - If vacuum was low at one or several o f the selector lever positions, a leak is indicated in these circuits. c. Vacuum N orm al at Alt P osition sIf vacuum was norm al and even at all positions, then the m alfunction is probably caused by improperly connected or plugged defective vacuum valve or valves. lines or a 3. Specific Vacuum Circuit Check Place the selector lever in the m alfunctioning position and check for vacuum at the pertinent vacuum actuators. If vacuum exists at the actuator but the door does not move, then the actuator is defective or the door is mechanically bound. If low or no vacuum exists at the actuator, then the next step is to determ ine w hether the cause is the vacuum harness or the vacuum valve. Check the vacuum harness first. Vacuum Harness Circuit Check 4. a. Disconnect the vacuum harness at the control head. b. The black line ( # 1 ) should show engine vacuum - if not, trace back through connector to vacuum tank. c. To check any individual circuit place the selector lever at the involved circuit position and check for vacuum presence. CHECK IN G SYSTEM O P ER A TIO N 1. O perate system for a maxim um o f five minutes at maximum cooling, high blower speed and with engine operating at 2000 R P M (exhaust should be vented if inside). 2. W hen system is stabilized, the pressure gauges on the charging station should read pressures corre­ sponding to values listed under P E R F O R M A N C E DATA. 3. W hen correct system pressures are observed, check system charge as described under "R efrig era n t Quick Check Procedure". 4. Feel outlet air distribution to ensure that cold air is being distributed. 5. Disconnect gauge lines and cap fittings. C A U TIO N : When removing gauge lines fr o m fittings, be sure to remove the adapters fro m the fittings rather than the gauge lines fr o m the adapters. PER FO R M A N C E TEST U n d e r norm al circumstances, it will not be necessary to Perform ance Test a sytem as outlined below; however, in certain instances, the following procedure may be advantageous in diagnosing system malfunction. The following fixed conditions must be adhered to in order to make it possible to compare the perform ance o f the system being tested with the standards below: 1. Doors and window closed. (Vehicle inside or in shade.) 2. Hood up and engine exhaust suitably ventilated. 3. Vehicle in N E U T R A L with engine running at 2000 rpm. 4. Air C onditioning controls set for • M axim um cooling. • High blower speed 1B-18 CO M PR ESSO R DIAGNOSIS Retrace electrical circuit back to source of power loss. NO V O L T A G E A T C O M PRESSO R C O IL. (See wiring diagrams). C-K-G MODELS: Check for defective discharge Pressure Switch by jumping switch connector terminals. operates, check for low refrigerant charge. If compressor If charge is satisfactory, switch is defective-replace. COMPRESSOR N O T E N G A G E D . PRO PER VO LTAG E TO C O M P R E S S O R C O IL. C LU T C H S L IP P IN G . C h eck f o r p ro p e r g ro u n d and g o o d cle an e le c tric a l c o n ta c t C h eck f o r p ro p e r a ir gap. I f p re v io u s ste p does n o t C o rre c t if necessary. c o rre c t c lu t c h slip p ag e , (.0 2 2 .0 5 7 ) re p a ir c o m p re s s o r. ENGAGED LIGHT COM PRESSO R I f c o il is s t ill in o p e ra tiv e , re p la ce c o m p re s s o r c o il. at te rm in a ls . B U T N O T O P E R A T IO N A L . B E L T S L IP P IN G . C h eck a n d c o rre c t b e lt te n s io n . TRUCK Fig. IB-18 A d d one p o u n d R E F R IG E R A T IO N H IG H T O R Q U E C O M PRESSO R. CHARG E re frig e ra n t. IS D E P L E T E D . (S E IZ E D ) H A S SO M E R E F R IG E R A N T . T H R O W S O IL . rl LEAKS REFRIGERANT. R e p a ir c o m p re s s o r. O p e ra te a n d leak re m o v in g c o m p re s s o r. te s t s y s te m . MANUAL Diagnosis 8 lo w o u t seal c a v ity COM PRESSO R L e a k te s t c o m p le te syste m b e fo re R e p a ir c o m p re s s o r. w it h a ir hose and le ak test. DO ES NOT LEAK W ip e o ff o il - O .K . N O IS Y O N L Y W H E N C LU T C H IS E N G A G E D . CO MPRESSOR lin e s to u c h in g m e tal p a rts . Is o la te and C h eck a n d a d iu s t b e lt te n s io n . R e p a ir c o m p re s s o r if noise is o b je c tio n a b le . re -e va lu a te noise. N O IS Y . N O TE: Check f o r re frig e ra n t A/C system noise is to be evaluated in the vehicle with doors and windows closed and low blower on. N O IS Y W H E N C LU T C H IS NO T E N G A G E D . SERVICE -Compressor SYSTEM R e m o ve c o m p re s s o r b e lt C h eck f o r in te r fe re n c e I f in te rfe re n c e to d e te rm in e if noise b e tw e e n c o il h o u s in g e x is ts , re p a ir s till persists. a nd p u lle y h u b . c o m p re s s o r. INSUFFICENT COOLING-FOUR SEASON SYSTEM(C-K MODELS) I M o v e te m p e ra tu re le v e r ra p id ly b a ck a nd fo rth fro m m ax h ea t to m a x c o ld Listen fo r te m p e ra tu re d o o r hitting a t e a c h end. | H ittin g ] -------------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------------------------------------1 N o t H ittin g | Adjust D o or 1. Set T e m p eratu re Leve r a t D e ten t to the Right o f C o ld 2 Set S e le cto r L e ve r a t A / C 3. Set B lo w e r S w itch on High 4. O p e n D o ors a n d H o o d 5. W a rm Engine 6. Run Engine at ld le ( E x c e p t 0 6 M o d e ls) 1 0 0 0 R P M . ( C -K 0 6 M o d e ls ) Feel For A ir Flow A t H e a te r A n d A / C O utle ts Som e o r A ll A ir Flow From H e ate r O utle t C h eck M o d e D oor O p e ra tio n -R e p a ir O f f A ll the Tim e A ir Flow From A / C O u tle ts O n ly ------ 1-------C h eck C o m p re ssor Hot Lead W ire W ith Test C h eck V isually For C om p re ssor Clutch O p e ra tio n Light o r P lace a Jum per W ire From The | E ng a ge d o r C y c lin g j"~ NOTE : THIS SYSTEM DOES NOT HAVE A SIGHT GLASS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD A SIGHT GLASS BE INSTALLED I Feel Liquid Line B efo re Expansion Tube ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 _______________________________ |----------------------------------- I C o ld o o Visually Look For Frost Spot to L ocate Restriction R epair, E vacuate , Z3 O ( O .K.) ~T to o c o ld - See P e rfo rm a n ce D ata High - _r System (OK.) W a rm as ~T~ ( O.K.) Frost ~T~ D e fe c tiv e Therm ostatic S w itch I R eplace I System (O K .) Therm ostatic S w itch High To N o rm a l System a n d E va cu a te , C h a rg e a n d C h eck System . ( O .K.) at High Side Fitting ( A t Pressure S w itch ) System o r R e place a n d E va cu a te , C h argi System A bove R e place E xpansion Tube P lugged E xpansion Tube. Repair N o Frost D ischarge Pressure S w itch Pipes Sam e T e m p e ra tu re ( C old) o r O u tle t C o ld e r Than Inlet Check R e frig e ra n t Pressure Lo* E va p o ra to r Pipes For Frost. a t the F o llo w in g : | For P lugged Filter E vacu a te a n d C h a rg e Pipes Still C o ld a nd See P e rfo rm a n ce D ata ( See P e rfo rm a n ce D a ta) i To L ow , I C h eck For O p e n Circuit System C h eck Inlet & O u tle t Pipe Tem p eratu res. C h eck A ccu m u la to r Pressure a n d O b s e rv e A ccu m u la to r a nd if Clutch is Still n ot E n g a ge d , R eplace C om p re sor Clutch - See the _L O u tle t T e m p eratu re E ng a ge d A p p ly E xternal G ro u n d to C o m p re sso r, Leak C h eck S ystem -R epair Leak If N o Leak is Found, C h eck E xpansion Tube _L_ O u tle t Tem p eratu re S a tisfa cto ry o r | C h eck For B low n M a in Fuse O v e ra u l M a n ua l O C h a n g e B lo w e r S pe e d p Inlet Pipe C o ld e r Than O u tle t Pipe Install the T h e rm o m e te r in A / C O u tle t and C h eck P e rfo rm a n c e -S e e P e rfo rm a n ce Test a nd P e rfo rm a n ce D a ta O u tlin e d E arler in This Section. I System | N o t E ng a ge d W a rm Pipes same Tem p eratu re o r O u tle t C o ld e r Than Inlet C h arge a nd C h eck The System I The B attery. Feel E va p o ra to r Inlet a n d A ccu m u la to r O u tle t Pipes -------------------------------- L - Restriction in High Side o f System. (TO C o m p re ssor to The P ositive ( +) Term inal o f a n d C h eck System. I System (OK.) ( O .K .) - I A b o v e 5 0 PSIG C h eck C o m p re ssor C y c lin g ~r Jump S w itch O n C ontinuously f C y c le s on a n d O f f | ~r C h eck For M issing E xpansion Tube M issing _L D e fe c tiv e Therm o sta tic S w itch ~T Install E xpansion Tube, E vacu a te , C h a rg e a n d Check System , Inlet S creen i __________ System P lugged C h a rg e a n d Check S ystem , i i Replace S witch, Evacuate, System Charge a nd C h eck System. (O .K .) I System C le a n System O v e r-C h a rg e d .P u rg e , E vacu a te , C h a rg e a n d C h eck System. I System System ( O.K.I ( O K .) i ( O .K.) ~r~ R epair o r R e place S creen, E v a c u a te , C h a rg e a nd C h eck System System i (OK.) T“ Leak Check System, R e place In P lace I C h eck C om p re ssor i Com pressor Runs i D e fe ctive Switch I ' 5 0 PSIG Lost C h a rg e Leak Test a nd R epair Evacuate, ( O K.) D e fe c tiv e S w itch I R e place I System ( O .K.) INSUFFICIENT COOLING D IA GNO SIS CHART (EXCEPT C-K FOUR-SEASON SYSTEM) The following procedures should be applied before performance testing an A/C System. 1. Check for proper belt installation and tension w ith J-23600. 2. Check for proper clutch coil terminal connector installation. 3. Check for clutch air Gap (.022 - .057). 4. Check for broken, burst, or cut hoses. Also check for loose fittings on all components. I NORMAL AIR FLOW \ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Check Check Check Check Install 1 JORMAL BLOWER OPERATION | _______ CHECK FOR BLOWN FUSE, DEFECTIVE BLOWER SWITCH, BROKEN WIRE, LOOSE CONNECTIONS, LOOSE BLOWER MOTOR GROUND WIRE OR INOPERATIVE BLOWER MOTOR. ICE BLOCKING EVAPORATOR NO FOAMING CHECK FOR LOW EVAPORATOR PRESSURE 1. ALLOW SYSTEM TO WARM UP. 2. S10P ANU RESTART ENGINE. 3. CHECK EVAPORATOR PRESSURE IM M EDIATELY AFTER RESTART AND PULL DOWN OF EVAPORATOR PRESSURE. , SYSTEM MAY BE EITHER FU LLY CHARGED OR FMPTY. FEEL HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE PIPES AT COMPRESSOR. HIGH PRESSURE PIPE SHOULD BE WARM. LOW PRESSURE PIPES SHOULD BE COLD. . IF PIPES ARE NOT INDICATING PROPER TEMPERATURES, RECHARGE SYSTEM AS RECOMMENDED. IF NOZZLE AIR TEMPERATURE IS STILL HIGH. CHECK EVAPORATOR PRESSURE. ~T~ SYSTEM IS PROBABLY LOW ON REFRIGERANT. CHECK FOR LEAKS, REPAIR, AND ADD REFRIGERANT. IF FOAMING S TILL OCCURS, CHECK FOR RESTRICTION IN REFRIGERANT SYSTEM BETWEEN CONDENSER AND SIGHT GLASS. o ‘ CHECK EVAPORATOR PRESSURE! NORMAL EVAPORATOR PRESSURE LOW EVAPORATOR * PRESSURE 33 C o t: SYSTEM HAS EXCESS MOISTURE. REPLACE RECEIVER UEHYDRATOR AND EVACUATE THOROUGHLY. RECHARGE SYSTEM. Check fo r malfunctioning expansion valve-See Component Diagnosis. HIGH EVAPORATOR * PRESSURE CHECK EVAPORATOR OUTLET LINE EVAPORATOR OUTLET LINE WARM Check fo r loose or disconnected air distribution ducts, restricted or leaking air ducts, partially closed air out­ let valve or clogged evaporator core, if above check is OK, check for ice blocking evaporator. CHECK SIGHT GLASS ( f o a m in g ! " LOW EVAPORATOR •PRESSURE :___ OWER NOT OPERATING 1 CHECK FOR AIR LEAKS THROUGH DASH PANEL. DOORS, WINDOWS, OR FROM HEATER. i CHECK BLOWER OPERATION CHECK DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE (SEE PERFORMANCE DATA) 1 HIGH OUTLET AIR TEMPERATURE ro o - IN O OR LOW AIR FLOW I CHECK AIR FLOW I DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE AT OUTLET COLD CD fo r condenser air blockage due to foreign material. fo r proper air ducting hose connections. heater temperature dour adjustment, adjust if incorrect. evaporator sealing fo r air leak, repair if leaking. pressure gages and thermometer and make performance test. NORMAL EVAPORATOR PRESSURE CHECK COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PRESSURE c/j m 33 < O m | Check Compressor Discharge Pressure. I 1. CHECK FOR LIQ UID LINE RESTRICTION (FROST SPOT ON LINE). IF NOT, 2. CHECK FOR PLUGGED INLET SCREEN IN EXPANSION VALVE. IF NOT, 3. CHECK FOR DEFECTIVE EXPANSION VALV E BY REMOVING VALVE AND BLOWING THROUGH V ALV E. IF U N A B IF TO RLOW THROUGH V ALV E. BULB IS DISCHARGED. REPLACE EXPANSION V ALVE. LOW DISCHARGE * PRESSURE Check fo r malfunctioning expansion valve-See Component Diagnosis. * | HIGH DISCHARGE PRESSURE | - I NORMAL DISCHARGE PRESSURE I i 1. Check engine cooling system, fan clutch and check for restricted air flow thru condenser. 2. Check expansion valve bulb contact. Correct if necessary. 3. Check tor refrigerant restriction in condenser. Return bends at equal elevation should be approximately same temperature. If temperature of bends is appreciably different, the cooler bend indicates a restricted circuit, replace con­ denser if restriction is found, If condenser is OK, check for air in system. To check observe outlet air temperature and compressor discharge pressure while slowly discharging system at receiver inlet connection. OUTLET AIR TEMPERATURE DROPS AS COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PRESSURE DROPS •REFER TO PERFORMANCE CHART FOR CORRECT PRESSURES | LOW DISCHARGE PRESSURE \ Check for restriction in liquid line, partially plugged inlet screen at expansion valve, or defective expansion valve, replace valve if defective. OUTLET AIR TEMPERATURE INCREASES AS COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PRESSURE DROPS i ............... LEAK TEST SYSTEM, REPAIR AS NECESSARY, DISCHARGE, EVACUATE, AND RECHARGE. REPLACE EXPANSION VALVE ' —r _ _ . Refrigeration System is ok 1. Check for proper function of heater TEMPERATURE door. L Check fo r proper sealing of evaporator case. 3. Check fo r proper operation and seal around temperature door. 4. Non-Foaming sight glass does not always indicate a fully charged system. Add 1/2 lb. refrigerant and observe performance. 5. Check for excess oil in system. A symptom of excess oil is a slipping clutch or belt or broken belt. To remove excess oil in system see "CHECKING COMPRESSOR OIL CHARGE". NOTE: G-MODELS, Insufficient cooling, or too much cooling may be the result of a potentiometer out of calibration; see "A m p lifier Board Potentiometer Adjustm ent" in the Maintenance and Adjust­ ment portion of this section. c > ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC CHART BLOWER MOTOR B L O W E R M OTOR IN O P E R A T IV E (C E R T A IN S P E E D S - E X C E P T H IGH ON C-K F O U R - SE A SO N ) IN O PER ATIVE ( A N Y SPE E D) Check for proper fuse |FUSE ( BLOW N! fuse o k ) Disconnect resistor connectors, connect one lead of a self powered test light to any one terminal and use the other lead to probe each of the other terminals. Th e f o l l o w i n g tests sh ou ld be made With ign. switch in " R u n " position and heater or A/C on, locate short in one of the following wires: (see note) w i t h the ig n iti o n s w it c h in " R u n " p o s it io n , heater or A / C on and b lo w e r s w it c h on high. C-K Four-Season System Check b lo w e r m o t o r g ro un d X X | P O O R O R NO G R 0 U N D | | Re pai r g r o u n d ] I g ROUND T E S T L I G H T DO E S NO T OkI L IG H T ON A L L TEST L IG H T T ER M IN ALS I Check m o t o r c o n n e c t o r w it h JL X Check w ir e c o n n e c t o r on Replace m o t o r 1. From fuse panel to blower switch. 2. From blower switch to resistor. 3. From resistor to blower motor. b lo w e r relay w i t h 12 v o l t test ligh t. [L A M P | LAM P DOES NOT L IG H T ) I L A M P L IG H T S Diagnois N O TE: Short circuit may be inter­ mittent. If tester does not indicate a short circuit, move heater harness around as much as possible to re­ create short circuit. Watch and listen for arcing. m o t o r to b lo w e r IN A L L Check w ir e c o n n e c t o r on b lo w e r f r o m resistor t o b lo w e r relay). relay w i t h 12 v o lt test light. 1 I LAM P LIG H T S l Chart | L A M P DOES NO T L I G H T j Use 12 v o l t test lig h t a nd c hec k I lam p lig h t s Replace relay ! 1 LAMP DOES NOT L IG H T IN A L L POSITIONS Co nne ct 12 v o lt test light at wire relay. X Replace b lo w e r relay. |L A M P DOES N O T L I G H T | X Turn ignition key off and put Heater or A/C Control in off position. With blower resistor wire connector disconnected, connect a jumper lead from battery positive terminal to the wire terminal in connector. Use 12 volt test light to check for voltage at wire at blower speed switch connector. Repeat same test on the other wires. Re pair open in wire X f r o m resistor to b lo w e r relay. LA M P L IG H T S ON A L L W IR E S w ir e t er m in al s at resistor. X LAMPOFF POSITIO NS| t e r m in a l on b lo w e r relay (wire Repair open in w ir e f r o m b lo w e r LIG H TS C O N D ITIO N IN G With ignition switch in " R u n " position and heater or A/C on, use 12 volt test lamp to check for voltage at resistor connector with blower speed switch in each position. LA M P DOES N O T L IG H T l | LAMP L IG H T s l Except C-K Four-Season ON X Replace resistor 12 v o lt test light. L IG H TS A L L T E R M IN A LS AIR Fig. IB -2 1 -E le ctrica l System 1. From fuse panel to master switch on control. 2. From master switch to compressor clutch. 3. Master switch to blower switch. 4. From blower speed switch to resistor. 6. From resistor to blower motor. LA M P L IG H T S L A M P D O ES NO T L IG H T ON A L L W IR E S Replace b lo w e r speed Repair open in switch. a ff e c te d wir e. T Replace resistor Check F E E D wi re f r o m resistor t o b lo w e r speed s w it c h . | la m p q n | 'L A M P OFF I _ speed s w it c h . I Re pair open in wi re f r o m b lo w e r speed s w it c h . 1B -21 Replace b lo w e r 1B-22 E L E C T R IC A L S Y S T E M D IA G N O S T IC CHART BLOWER M OTOR IN O P E R A T IV E COMPRESSOR CLUTCH IN O P E R A T IV E * A T HIG H SPEED O N LY (C-K FOUR-SEASON SYSTEM) ^^hed^use^ Check | FUSE BLOWN | in-line fuse FUSE OK | I Check Compressor S olenoid Ground W ith ig n itio n switch in " R u n ” position, and A /C "O n ", connect tester and locate short in one o f the fo llo w in g wires or com po­ FUSE B L O W N ! Connect Tester. Use to check w ire fro m ju n c tio n to blow er relay to locate short. Repair short c irc u it as required.* nents. Replace a shorted w ire o r defective switch. C-K M O D E L SYSTEMS heater or A /C on, move the blow er speed sw itch to Hi. 1. Wire fro m fuse panel to master switch (on control). 2. Master sw itch. 3. Wire fro m master sw itch to therm ostatic switch. 4. Therm ostatic sw itch. 5. Wire fro m therm ostatic switch to discharge pressure switch. 6. Discharge pressure switch. Relay "c lic k ” should be heard when sw itch is moved. | C LIC K H E A R D I — 1 I NO C LIC K H E A R D ! -* Check relay coil connector w ith 12 v o lt test lig h t. w ith 12 v o lt test lamp. I LAM P DOES NOT L IG H T ! I LAM P L IG H TS I Repair open in w ire Replace blow er relay. fro m ju n c tio n block to relay. ok |bad ground 12 v o lt test light. | lam p l ig h t s Chart I 1 Replace relay Repair ground Repair open in w ire fro m blow er speed switch to relay. * S h o rt c irc u it may be in te rm itte n t. If tester does n o t indicate a short circ u it, move harness around as much as possible to re-create short c irc u it. Watch and listen fo r arcing. * * R e fe r to W iring Diagrams w h ile perform ing the fo llo w in g checks. 6. Discharge pressure sw itch. 7. Wire fro m discharge pressure switch to compressor clutch solenoid. MOTOR HOME U N IT 1. Wire fro m fuse panel to blow er switch. 2. Blower switch. 3. Wire fro m blow er switch to therm ostatic switch. 4. Therm ostatic switch. 5. Wire fro m therm ostatic switch to compressor clu tch solenoid. | ) LAM P DOES NOT L IG H T 1 Replace Blower speed switch. I NO C L IC K H E A R D ! CLICK H E A R D Replace solenoid W ith ig n itio n sw itch in " R u n ” p ositio n and A /C ” 0 n ” , check fo r defective sw itch at the fo llo w in g locations. Using an external jum per w ire, disconnect the electrical lead at the switch and ju m p the sw itch term inals (see "W irin g Diagrams” ). C-K M O D E L SYSTEM 1. Master S witch. 2. 3. G 1. 2. 3. Therm ostatic S w itch. Discharge Pressure Switch. M O D E L SYSTEM A m p lifie r. Therm ister. Discharge pressure sw itch. MO TO R HOME U N IT 1. B lower sw itch. 2. Therm ostatic sw itch. NO TE: If the compressor is s till inoperative a fte r the above checks, check fo r power feed at each com ponent since tw o or m ore com ponents are defective or there is an open in the wires connecting the components. MANUAL Diagnosis |G R O U N D Check w ire term inal on blower speed switch connector w ith Check ground on relay r ..... “ I I LAM P DOES NOT L IG H T ! and apply 12 volts to solenoid. 7. Wire fro m discharge pressure switch to compressor clutch solenoid. G M O D E L SYSTEMS 1. Wire fro m fuse panel to a m plifier. 2. A m p lifie r. 3. Wires fro m a m p lifie r to therm ister. 4. Therm ister. 5. Wire fro m a m p lifie r to discharge pressure switch. | GROUND O k I Disconnect connector on compressor clu tch solenoid SERVICE LAM P L IG H TS Repair ground TRUCK Check w ire term inal on relay th a t goes to ju n ctio n block | POOR OR NO G R 0 U N D | LIGHT Fig. IB 22- Electrical System W ith ig n itio n sw itch in the " R u n " positio n and the JU N C T IO N BLOCK / oN J (^ 4 ' COM PRESSOR DISCHARGE R E S IS T O R B L O W E R M O TO R C U T-O U T SW ITCH 10 R E D z 0J o I INL INE FUSE 30 A M P I I" 16 BLK Wiring Diagram POS OFF MED 1 MED 2 HIGH DK GRN ORN YEL DK G R N / D B L W HT ST R ORN L T GRN L T BLU C IR C U IT BATT. TO B A TT. TO B A TT. TO B A TT. TO NONE Ml M2 BLOWER C O N D ITIO N IN G System -16 -10 -16 -16 -18 -16 -16 AIR Fig. lB-23-Four-Season ; 40 (C-K Models) SELECTOR SWIT CH . 1 R ECIRC |------ 1-----O V E R R ID E (T50B159AK 50A SWITCH 51 7V 1 B -2 3 1B-24 LIGHT TRUCK Fig. IB 24- Four-Season Vacuum SERVICE System MANUAL Diagram (C-K Models) AIR Fig. lB-25-Overhead Wiring Diagram C O N D ITIO N IN G System (C-K Models) 1 B -2 5 Fig. IB -2 6 -C60 System W iring Diagram (G Models) V A C U U M R E S E R V O IR (IN E N G I N E C O M P A R T M E N T ) T O V A CUUM S O R C E :g r a y : DASH P A N E L H E A T E R C O RE CASE ra y : ____ H EA TER TEM PERATURE DOOR C A B L E AIR Fig. IB-27 -C60 :g = p in k : Vacuum Diagram C O N D ITIO N IN G System HEATER D IS T R I B U T O R DUCT H E A T E R AIR DEFROST (G Models) : ORANGE S E L E C T VALV E O PEItA T IN G CHA RT P O R T NO. 9 2 4 1 8 HEAT DEF A / C - O . S. A IR H T R AIR SOURCE OFF VAC VAC VENT VAC VAC MAX NO RM H T R VAC VAC VAC VENT VENT VENT VENT V E N T VA C VAC VENT VAC VAC VAC VA C DEFOG DEF VENT VENT VENT VAC VENT VENT VENT VENT VA C VAC 1 B -2 7 AIR Home Chassis C O N D ITIO N IN G Fig. lB-29--Motor Wiring Diagram THERMOSTATIC SWITCH IB - 2 9 5. T E M P control set at " C O L D " and all air c on ditioning outlets open. 6. G a u g e set installed. 7. System settled out (run-in approxim ately 10 minutes). 8. A therm om eter placed in front o f vehicle grille and ano th er in the right h a nd diffuser outlet. N OTE: On O verhead Systems, place a third therm o m eter in the rear unit center outlet. 9. An 18" fan placed in front of the vehicle and blowing into the condenser. N O TE : H igher tem peratures and pressures will occur at higher am bien t temperatures. In areas o f high humidity it is possible to have therm om eter and gauge readings approach but not reach the figures listed in the perform ance tables and still have a satisfactory op eratin g unit. However, it is im po rtan t to rem e m be r that low pressure has a direct relationship to nozzle outlet temperature. If pressure is too low, ice will gradually form on the evaporato r fins, restricting air flow into the passenger area and resulting in insufficient or no cooling. Overhead System (C -K Models) (R efrig e ra n t C harge - 5 lbs.-4 o z .) T e m p e ra tu re of A ir E n tering C o n d en ser 70° 90° 80° E ngine rp m 100° 110° 2000 C om pressor H ead P ressure * 135185 160210 195245 230280 270320 A c c u m u la to r P ressure * 2228 2230 3038 3341 3747 D ischarge A ir T em p , a t R ig h t H and O u tle t * 4248 4248 5058 5462 5767 R ear C en ter O u tle t * 4349 4753 5058 5563 5868 P E R F O R M A N C E DATA The following Perform ance D ata define normal operation o f the system un der the above conditions. Relative hum idity does not a p p e a r in the tables because after ru n n in g the prescribed length o f time on recirculated air and m axim um cooling, the relative hum idity o f the air passing over the evaporator core will re m ain at approximately 35% to 40% regardless o f the a m b ien t tem perature or humidity. C 6 0 System (G Models) (R efrig eran t Charge — 3 lb s .) T e m p eratu re of Air E ntering C ondenser 80° Engine rp m C H E C K IN G OIL C om pressor H ead Pressure* In the six cylinder compressor it is not recom­ m ended that the oil be checked as a matter o f course. S u ctio n Pressure* D ischarge Air T em p, a t R ight U pper O utlet* Four-Season A ir Conditioning (C-K Models) 70° 90° 100° 110° 120° 2 0 0 0 RPM 10 60 39 42 48 20 70 140190 160210 190240 210260 39 39 410 714 1018 4248 4349 4557 4956 5360 (R efrigerant Charge - 3 Lbs. - 1 2 o z . ) T em perature of Air E ntering C ondenser 70° 80° Engine rpm Com pressor Head Pressure * 90° 100° 110° 2000 150205 170220 190240 220270 240290 A ccum ulator Pressure * 2026 2028 2129 2230 2332 Discharge Air Tem p, at Right Hand O utlet * 4147 4147 4250 4351 4351 Generally, compressor oil level should be checked only where there is evidence o f a m ajor loss of system oil such as might be caused by: • A broken refrigerant hose • A severe hose fitting leak • A very badly leaking compressor seal • Collision dam ag e to the system components As a quick check on compressor oil charge, operate the engine at idle on maximum cold for approximately 10 minutes, turn off the engine and momentarily crack open the oil drain plug on bottom of the compressor letting a slight am ount o f oil d rain out. Retighten plug. Again slightly crack open the plug. If oil comes out, the compressor has the required am ount of oil. Overhead System (G Models) Dash M ounted U n it (M o to r Hom e Chassis) (R efrigerant Charge — 5 lbs.-4 o z.) (R efrig eran t Charge — 3 lb s.-4 oz.) T em p eratu re o f Air E ntering C ondenser 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° 120° T em p eratu re o f Air E nterin g C ondenser 70° 80° 90° Engine rpm S uction Pressure* D ischarge A ir T em p, at R ight F ro n t U pper O utlet* 110° 120° 19 0 200 220230 260270 2000 Engine rpm C om pressor Head Pressure* 100° 502 00 160210 200250 225275 250300 280320 13 19 1 321 1624 1927 23 31 2634 38 38394544 44 47 53 R ear systejn tem p e ra tu re s a t ru n 5 - 1 0 higher th a n fro n t 505458 62 ce n ter o u tle t system . 2000 C om pressor Head Pressure* 110120 13 5 145 1 60170 S u ctio n Pressure psi* 6 7 9 10 10 13 D ischarge A ir T em p eratu re* 4 045 41 46 4146 4247 4449 4 449 * Ju st p rio r to com pressor clu tch disengagem ent. N O T E: The oil may app e a r foamy. This is considered normal. To further check the compressor oil charge, should the above test show insufficient oil, it is necessary to remove the compressor from the vehicle, drain and m easure the oil as outlined under "C hecking Compressor Oil C h arg e." 4. In the event that it is not possible to idle the compressor as outlined in Step 1 to effect oil return to it, proceed as follows: a. Remove the compressor, drain, measure and discard the oil. b. If the am ount drained is more than 1-1/2 C hecking Com pressor Oil Charge fluid oz. and the system shows no signs of a m ajor leak, 1. Run the system for 10 minutes at 500-600 engine rpm with controls set for m axim um cooling and high blower speed. 2. T urn off engine, discharge the system, remove compressor from vehicle, place it in a horizontal position with the drain plug downward. Remove the drain plug and, tipping the compressor back and forth and rotating the compressor shaft, d rain the oil into a clean container, m easure and discard the oil. 3. Add new refrigeration oil to the compressor as follows. a. If the quantity drained was 4 fluid oz. or more, add the same am ou nt of new refrigeration oil to the replacem ent compressor. b. If the quantity drained was less than 4 fluid oz., add 6 fluid oz. of new refrigeration oil to the replacem ent compressor. c. If a new service compressor is being installed, drain all oil from it an d replace only the am ount specified in Steps 3a and 3b above. d. If a field repaired compressor is being installed, add one additional fluid oz. to the compressor. add the same am ount to the replacement compressor. c. If the am ount drained is less than 1-1/2 fluid oz. and the system appears to have lost an excessive am ount o f oil, add 6 fluid oz. of clean refrigeration oil to replacement compressor, 7 fluid oz. to a repaired compressor. If the oil contains chips or other foreign material, replace the receiver-dehydrator (expan­ sion tube on C-K models) and flush or replace all com ponent parts as necessary. A dd the full specified volume o f new refrigeraton oil to the replacement compressor. 5. Add additional oil in the following amounts for any system components being replaced. Evaporator C o r e ................................... 3 fluid oz. C o n d e n s e r.... :......................................... 1 fluid oz. R eceiv er-D eh y d rato r........................... 1 fluid oz. A ccu m u la to r........................................... 1 fluid oz. C A U TIO N : When adding oil to the compressor, it will be necessary to tilt the rear end o f the compressor up so that the oil will not run out o f the suction and discharge prots. Do not set the compressor on the shaft end. REFRIGERANT Q U IC K -C H EC K PROCEDURE The following procedure can be used to quickly determ ine w hether or not an air conditioning system has a proper charge o f refrigerant. This check can be m ade in a m anner of m inutes thus facilitating system diagnosis by pinpointing the problem to the am ount of charge in the system or by elim inating this possibility from the overall checkout. C-K Models G M odels and Motor H om e Chassis Units 1. 2. 3. 4. Start engine and place on fast idle. Set controls for maximum cold with blower on high. Engine m ust be warm (therm ostat open). Hood and body doors open. Selector lever set at A/C. T em perature lever at first detent to the right of COLD (set for outside air). 5. Blower on HI. 6. Engine idling at 1000 RPM. 7. Feel tem perature of evaporator inlet and accum ulator o u t­ let pipes with com pressor engaged (fig. 52). a. If both are cold this is a proper condition. b. If inlet pipe is cooler than outlet pipe, system is low on charge. • A dd a slight am ount of refrigerant until bo th pipes feel the same (system stabilized —3-5 m inutes). • Then add 15 oz. (1 can) additional refrigerant. Bubbles present in sight glass. No bubbles. clear. Sight glass System low on charge. Check with leak detector. Correct leak, if any, and fill s y s te m to proper charge. S y s te m is either fully charged or em pty. Feel high a n d low p r e s s u r e pipes at com pressor. High pressure pipe should be warm; low pressure pipe should be cold. I"" No appreciable tem pera­ ture differential noted at com pressor. | T e m p e ra tu re differential noted at com pressor. System em pty or nearly em pty. Turn off engine a n d c o n n e c t Charging Station. Induce 1/ 2 # of refrigerant in system (if system will n o t accept charge, start engine and draw 1 /2 # in through low p r e s s u r e s id e ) . Check system with leak detector. Even though a differential is noted, there exists a possibility o f overcharge. An overfilled system will result in poor cooling dur­ ing low speed operation (as a result of excessive head pressure). An overfill is easily checked by dis­ connecting the com pressor c l u tc h connector while observing the sight glass. I I If refrigerant in sight glass remains clear for more than 45 seconds (before foaming and then settling away from sight glass) an overcharge is indicated. Verify with a perform ance check. If refrigerant foams and then settles away from sight glass in less than 45 seconds, it can be assumed that there is a proper charge of refrigerant in system . C ontinue checking out system using perfor­ m a n c e checks outlined previously. Fig. IB -3 0 Checking Evaporator Inlet and A cu um ulator O utlet Tem peratures ON VEHICLE SERVICE T H E R M O S T A T IC S W ITCH C-K Systems and Motor Home Chassis Units make use o f a therm ostatic switch with either an air or evapo rator inlet line sensing capillary. This capillary controls the switch by sensing the tem perature o f the air leaving the evaporator core (M otor Home Units) or tem perature o f the core fins (C-K models). Checking for Proper Operation M o to r Hom e Chassis Units 1. Install the gauge set and set up the vehicle as described un der "P erfo rm an ce Test." 2. M ovem ent o f the tem perature control knob should result in a definite change in suction pressure and cycling o f the compressor clutch. • If compressor continued to operate regardless o f the knob adjustment, it indicates that the switch points are fused which will lead to evaporator freeze-up. Replace the switch. • If the compressor does not operate, regardless o f the position o f the knob, a loss o f the power element charge is indicated (provided that it has been established that power is supplied to the switch). This, o f course, results in no cooling. Replace the switch. C-K Models 1. Install the gauge set and set up the vehicle as described under "P erfo rm an ce Test". 2. Set the control at A /C , HI blower, max C O LD and run the engine at 2000 rpm. • The thermostatic switch should cycle the compressor off when the low limit o f the outlet air tem perature is reached (see Peformance Data). If it does not, the switch points are fused which will lead to evaporator freeze up. Replace the switch. • If the compressor does not operate, a loss of power element charge is indicated (provided that it has been established that power is supplied to the switch). This, of course, results in no cooling. Replace the switch. N OTE: Do not attem pt to run a Performance Check with the system disassembled since inaccu­ rate readings would be the result. ALWAYS reinstall switch and capillary and any duct work before run ning a perform ance check. A M P LIFIE R BOARD P O TE N TIO M E TE R (Fig. IB -3 1 ) To cure a "too cold" or "not cold e n o ug h" capacity complaint, the sensor should be simulated by a 400 ± 1%, 1/2 W att resistor. By connecting the resistor as shown in Figure IB-31, the control pot can be rotated until the compressor clutch energizes. The procedure is as follows: 1. Remove the headlam p switch knob and then remove the instrum ent panel bezel. 2. Remove the control to instrum ent panel screws. 3. Rem ove the left foot cooler bracket to instrument panel reinforcement screws and remove the foot cooler and duct. 4. With the system in the vehicle and the engine running, disconnect the terminals F and J from the connector at the control wiring harness connector. 5. Connect a 400 ohm ± 1% , 1/2 W att resistor across terminals F and J. 6. Set the control tem perature lever at C O LD and then adjust by rotating the pot until the compressor clutch engages. 7. Reverse the adjustm ent by carefully rotating the pot until the compressor clutch just disengages. 8. Reverse Steps l -4 above and check system operation. C A P I L L A R Y BULB E XP A N SIO N VALVE (Fig. IB -3 2 ) An expansion valve is used on C-K Model Overhead Systems, all G Model systems and Motor Home Chassis Units. A malfunction o f the expansion valve will be caused by one o f the following conditions; valve stuck open, valve stuck closed, broken power element, a restricted screen or an im properly located or installed power elem ent bulb. A ttachm ent of the expansion valve bulb to the e v ap orator outlet pipe is very critical. The bulb must be attached tightly to the pipe and must make good contact with the pipe along the entire length of the bulb. A loose bulb will result in high " h ig h side" pressures and poor cooling. Indications o f expansion valve trouble provided by the P erform ance Test are as follows" VALVE S T U C K OPEN Noisy Compressor. N o Cooling - Freeze Up. VALVE STUCK C LO SED , PLUGGED SC R E E N OR BRO K EN POW ER ELE M EN TS Very Low Suction Pressure. N o Cooling. 1. Connect 400 ± 1% Vi W att re sistor across te rm in a ls F and J 2. W ith e n g in e ru n n in g , syste m on A/C, te m p le v e r a t COLD, rota te sh a ft un til com p re sso r clutch engages. Then reverse a d ju stm e n t un til the com p re sso r just OUTLET Fig. lB-32--Expansion Valve PO O R L Y BULB LOCATED POWER ELEMENT N orm al Pressure. Poor Cooling. Check for Defective Valve The following procedure must be followed to determine if a malfunction is due to a defective expansion valve. 1. Check to determ ine if the system will meet the perform ance test as outlined previously. If the expansion valve is defective, the low pressure readings will be above specification. 2. The loss o f system performance is not as evident when the high side pressure is below 200 PSI. Therefore, it m ay be necessary to increase the system high side pressure by partially blocking the condenser. Disconnect the blower lead wire and repeat the "P erform ance Check" to determ ine if the low side pressure can be obtained. 3. The system will also indicate a low refrigerant charge by bubbles occurring in the sight glass. E N G IN E IDLE C O M P E N S A TO R Fig. IB -3 1 -A m p lifie r Board Potentiom eter A d ju stm e nt This additional aid to prevent stalling during prolonged hot weather periods is included with all air conditioned vehicles. The idle c o m p e n sato r is a thermostatically controlled air bleed which supplies additional air to the idle mixture. On V-8 engines, with factory installed air conditioning systems, the com pensa­ tor is located w ithin the carbureto r and is accessible w hen the engine air cleaner is removed. 2. Remove connector attaching bolt and connector. Cap or plug open connections at once. 3. C O M PRESSO R Removal (Fig. IB -3 3 ) C-K Models 1. Disconnect electrical lead to clutch actuating coil. Purge the refrig eran t from the system. 3 0 5 - 3 5 0 V -8 3 0 5 - 3 5 0 V -8 4 5 4 V - 8 C- G 4. Loosen brace and pivot bolts and detach belt. 5. Remove the nuts and bolts attaching C MODELS AN D MOTOR HOME CHASSIS MODELS 4 5 4 V-8 MOTOR HOME CHASSIS the compressor brackets to the m ounting bracket. Remove 2. Position compressor on the mounting bracket the compressor. and install all nuts, bolts, lock washers, and ground wire. 3. Install the connector assembly to the compressor 6. Before beginning any compressor disassembly, d ra in and measure oil in the compressor. Check for rear head, using new " O " ring coated with clean evidence of c ontam ination to determ ine if rem aind er of refrigeration oil. system requires servicing. Compressor servicing in fo rm a ­ 4. Connect the electrical lead to the coil and install tion is located in the Overhaul Manual. and adjust compressor belt, using idler pulley. See "C om pressor Belt Tension Adjustment." Installation 5. Evacuate, charge and check the system. 1. If oil previously d rained from the compressor 6. Replace air cleaner. On G models, replace the upon removal shows no evidence o f contamination, engine cover. replace a like am o unt o f fresh refrigeration oil into the 7. Connect the battery ground cable. compressor before reinstallation. If it was necessary to Com pressor B elt Tension Adjustm ent service the entire system because of excessive con ta m in a ­ tion in the oil removed, install a full charge o f fresh Adjust the compressor belt to the specifications re frigeration oil into the compressor. shown in the T une-U p chart in the Engine section o f the 2. Position compressor on the mounting bracket Service Manual. an d install all nuts, bolts and lock washers. NOTE: On some G and Motor Home Chassis 3. Install the connector assembly to the compressor models it may be necessary to increase idler pulley rear head, using new " O " rings coated with clean slack adjustment. This may be accomplished by (l) re frigeration oil. Remove and discard the idler adjustment bolt. (2) 4. Connect the electrical lead to the coil and install Remove the idler backing plate and elongate all 3 and adjust compressor belt. adjusting slots 1/2 inch inboard or outboard as 5. Evacuate, charge and check the system. required. (3) Reinstall the idler assembly and G and M o to r Hom e Chassis Models adjust belt tension using a lever (screwdriver, etc.) to move the pulley outboard until proper belt Removal (Fig. IB -3 3 ) tension is reached. If the belt is being replaced it 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. may be necessary to remove and replace the 2. Disconnect compressor clutch connector. throttle cable during the belt replacement. If so 3. Purge the system o f refrigerant. check throttle cable adjustm ent upon completion. It 4. Release the belt tension at the idler pulley and may also be necessary to remove the crankshaft remove the bit from the compressor pulley. On some pulley to install a new compressor belt. vehicles it may be necessry to remove the crankshaft FOUR-SEASON SYSTEM-C-K pulley in order to remove the belt. MODELS 5. G M o dels-R em ove the two bolts and two clamps that hold the engine cover and remove the cover. CO NDENSER 6. Remove the air cleaner to aid access to the compressor. Replacement (Fig. IB -34 ) 7. Remove fitting and muffler assembly and cap or l. Disconnect battery ground cable. plug all open connections. 8. Remove the nuts and bolts attaching the compressor to the bracket. 9. Remove the engine oil tube support bracket bolt and nut from the compressor, also compressor clutch ground lead. Before beginning any compressor disassembly, d ra in and measure oil in the compressor. Check for evidence o f contaim ination to determ ine if rem ain der o f system requires servicing. Compressor Servicing in fo r­ mation is located in the O verhaul Manual. Installation l. If the oil drained from the compressor showed no evidence of contam ination replace a like am ount of fresh re frigeration oil into the compressor before reinstallation. If it was necessary to service the entire system because o f excessive contam ination in the oil removed, install a full charge o f fresh refrigeration oil in the compressor. (See Checking Compressor Oil C harge in the Diagnosis Section o f this Service M anual.) 2. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 3. Remove the grille assembly. 4. Remove the ra d ia to r grille center support. 5. Remove the left grille support to upper fender support (2) screws. 6. Disconnect the condenser inlet an d outlet lines and the outlet tube line at the right end o f the condenser. C ap or plug all open connections at once. 7. Remove the condenser to radiator support screws. 8. Bend the left grille support outboard to gain clearance for condenser removal. 9. Remove the condenser assembly by pulling it forw ard and then lowering it from the vehicle. 10. To install a new condenser, reverse Steps l -9 above. Add one fluid ounce o f clean refrigeration oil to a new condenser. N O T E : Use new " O " rings, coated with clean refrigeration oil, w hen connecting all refrigerant lines. 11. Evacuate, charge an d check the system. A C C U M U L A TO R Replacem ent (Fig. IB -3 5 ) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable and the compressor clutch connector. 2. Purge the system o f refrigerant. W A R N IN G : Be sure system is completely purged of refrig eran t before completely d isco n nectin g re frig e ra n t lines. Visually check th e accum ulator fo r fro s t. The presence of frost indicates th a t the system is not fully discharged. To complete purging, connect the vacuum line to th e vacuum pump, turn on the vacuum pump and open vacuum control valve. An alternate method would be to place warm w ater soaked cloths (n o t exceeding 51 C (125 F) around the accum ulator to boil off any rem aining refrigerant. 3. Disconnect the accumulator inlet and outlet lines and cap or plug the open connections at once. 4. Remove the accumulator bracket screws and remove the accumulator from the vehicle. 5. Drain any excess refrigerant oil from the accumulator into a clean container. M easure and discard the oil. 6. If a new accumulator is being installed, add one ounce o f clean refrigeration oil to the new accumulator PLUS an am ount equal to that drained in Step 5 above. 7. To install the new accumulator, reverse Steps 1-4 above. Connect all lines using new "O " rings, coated with clean regrigeration oil. C A U TIO N : Do not uncap the new unit until readv to fasten the inlet and outlet line to the unit. 8. Evacuate charge and check the system. BLOWER ASSEMBLY Replacement 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect the blower motor lead and ground wires. 3. Disconnect the blower motor cooling tube. 4. Remove the blower to case attaching screws and remove the blower assembly. Pry the blower flange away from the case carefully if the sealer acts as an adhesive. 5. Remove the nut attaching the blower wheel to the motor shaft and separate the assemblies. 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 above; replace sealer as necessary. EVA PO RA TOR CORE Replacement (Fig. IB -3 6 ) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 3. Remove the nuts from the selector duct studs projecting through the dash panel. 4. Remove the cover to dash and cover to case screws and remove the evaporator case cover. 5. Disconnect the evaporator core inlet and outlet lines and cap or plug all open connectins at once. 6. Rem ove the therm ostatic switch and the expansion tube assemblies. 7. Remove the evaporator core assembly. 8. To install, reverse Steps 1-7 above. Add three ounces o f clean refrigeration oil to a new evaporator core. Fig. IB -3 5 -A ccu m u la to r In sta lla tion (C-K Models) C A U TIO N : Be sure to install the thermostatic switch capillary in the sam e position as when removed. See Thermostatic switch replacement. 2. Disconnect the condenser to evaporator line at the evaporator inlet. Cap the open line at once. 3. Using needle-nose pliers, remove the expansion tube from the evaporator core inlet line (fig. IB-37). 4. Remove the expansion tube " O " ring from the core inlet line. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 above. NOTE: Install the expansion tube using a new " 0 " ring coated with clean refrigeration oil, by inserting the short screen end o f the tube into the evaporator inlet line. 6. Evacuate, charge and check the system. SELECTOR D U C T AND HEATER CORE ASSEMBLY Replacement (Figs. IB -3 8 and IB -3 9 ) Fig. IB -3 6 -Blower Evaporator (C-K Models) N O T E: Use new " O " rings, coated with clean regrigeration oil, when connecting refrigerant lines. Be sure cover to case and dash panel sealer is intact before reinstalling cover. 9. Evacuate, charge and check the system. E X P A N S IO N TU B E The expansion tube is located in the evaporator core inlet line. Replacem ent (Fig. IB -3 7 ) l. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 1. 2. Disconnect the battery ground cable. D rain the radiator and remove the heater hoses from the core tubes. Plug the core tubes to prevent coolant spillage during removal. 3. Remove the glove box and door as an assembly. 4. Remove the center duct to selector duct and instrument panel screws and remove the center lower and center upper ducts. 5. Disconnect the bowden cable at the temperature door. 6. Remove the nuts from the three selector duct studs projecting through the dash panel. 7. Remove the selector duct to dash panel screw (inside vehicle). 8. Pull the selector duct assembly rearw ard until the core tubes clear the dash panel. Lower the selector assembly fa r enough to gain access to all vacuum and electrical harnesses. Fig. 1 B-37-Expansion Tube - Typical Fig. IB-38- Heater Hose Routings (C-K Models) UPPER CENTER DISTRIBUTO R DUCT R IG H T H A N D OUTLETS LEFT DISTRIB UTO R DUCT A N D F O O T COOLER LOW ER CENTER DISTRIBUTO R DUCT Fig. IB -39 -Air Selector and Ducts (C-K Models) 9. Disconnect the vacuum and electrical harness an d remove the selector duct assembly. 10. Remove the core mounting strap screws and remove the core. 11. To install, reverse Steps 1-10 above. 12. Refill coolant system and connect the battery ground strap. Check tem perature door cable adjustment. KICK PAD VALVE Replacem ent (Fig. IB -4 0 ) 1. 2. Disconnect the vacuum hose at the actuator. U nhook the valve return spring at the actuator end. 3. 4. separate 5. separate 6. To install reverse Steps 1-5 above. PLENUM VALVE Replacement (Fig. IB -4 0 ) 1. Raise the hood. 2. Remove the cowl plastic grille. 3. Remove the three cowl to valve assembly screws and remove the valve assembly from the vehicle. 4. Remove the actuator arm push nut. 5. Remove the actuator to valve nuts and separate the valve and actuator. 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 above. CO N TR O L ASSEMBLY Removal (Fig. IB -4 1 ) Remove the actuator bracket mounting screws. Remove the cam to actuator arm screw and the actuator and bracket from the cam. Remove the actuator to bracket nuts and the actuator and bracket. 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the radio as outlined in Section 9 of this manual. 3. Remove the instrument panel bezel. 6. 7. master 8. control Remove the control. If a new unit is being installed, transfer the blower switches to the new control. To reinstall, reverse Steps l -6 above. Check operation. T E M P E R A T U R E DOOR CABLE ADJUSTM ENT 1. Remove glove box and door assembly. 2. Loosen the cable attaching screw at the selector duct assembly. 3. M ake sure the cable is installed in the bracket on the selector duct assembly. 4. Place temperature lever in full CO LD position and hold while tightening cable attaching screw. M A STER S W ITC H A N D /O R BLOWER S W ITCH The master switch is located on rear o f the control assembly. Replacement Fig. lB -4 0 -A ir In le t Valves (C-K M odels) 4. Remove the control to instrum ent panel screws and lower the control far enough to gain access to the control assembly. C A U TIO N : Be careful not to kink the bowden cable. 5. Disconnect the bowden cable, vacuum harness and electrical harness at the control. Fig. IB 41--Control Assembly (C-K Four-Season System) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the instrument panel bezel. 3. Remove the control to instrum ent panel screws and allow control to rest on top o f the radio. 4. Remove the switch to control screws, disconnect the electrical harness (and vacuum harness on master switch) at the switch and remove the switch assembly. 5. To install a new switch, reverse Steps 1-4 above. V A C U U M TA N K The vacuum tank is mounted to the engine side of the dash panel above the blower assembly (fig. IB-42). Replacement 1. Disconnect the vacuum lines at the tank. 2. Remove the tank to dash panel screws and remove the tank. 3. To install, reverse Steps 1 and 2 above. BLOWER M O T O R RESISTO R 1. 2. Remove electrical connectors to the switch. Remove screws to loosen body from evaporator case. 1. Disconnect the wiring harness at the resistor. 2. Remove the resistor to case attaching screws and remove the resistor. 3. Place the new resistor in position and install the attaching screws. 4. Connect the resistor wiring harness. 3. A capillary line (small tube) extends from the swtich with the other end attached to the evaporator inlet pipe ( 1 /2 " O.D.) with two clamps. This end is covered with an insulation material. Carefully remove the insulation and loosen clamps enough to pull the formed end o f the capillary tube out from under the clamps. Solvent clean pipe area to remove rem aining insulation material and dirt. 4. Identify area by m arking the capillary tube location on the inlet pipe from where it was removed. BLOW ER M O TO R RELAY The replacement switch’s tube should be installed at this location. The blower motor resistor is located in the blower side of the blower-evaporator case (fig. IB-43). Replacement T he blower motor relay is located on the blower side o f the blower-evaporator case. Replacement 1. Disconnect the wiring harness at the relay. 2. Remove the relay to case attaching screws and remove the relay. 3. Place the new relay in position and drive the m o unting screws. 4. Connect the relay wiring harness. T H E R M O S T A T IC S W ITC H The thermostatic switch is mounted on the bracket which supports the inlet tube in position at the e v ap orator case. The switch sensing capillary is attached by means o f a clamp to the evap orato r inlet tube. Removal Installation 1. M ount switch body to previous location. Do not over-torque screws. The recom mended reassembly torque is 15-20 in. lbs. Do not dam age or distort the switch body, as this m ay affect switch calibration. 2. M ount form ed end o f capillary tube to the inlet pipe in SAME POSITION AS THE O R IG IN A L tube. D O N O T INSTALL N E W TUBE M O R E T H A N 1/2" in either direction o f previously marked location. 3. Adjust each clamp before tightening so that width of the clamp covers the capillary tub e’s formed end. Tighten to 1.69 to 2.25 N m (15 to 20 in. lbs.) of torque. Do not overtorque. 4. Re-cover tube and pipe with insulation material. If original insulation is damaged, replace with same type material. (G M P D Part No. 3014431 or equivalent). 5. Reconnect electrical terminals. DISCHARGE PRESSURE S W ITCH The discharge pressure switch is located in the condenser to evaporator line (fig. IB-44). Replacement 1. Fig. IB -4 3 -R e sisto r, Relay and T herm ostatic Switch (C-K Models) Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. 3. 4. 5. Purge the system o f refrigerant. Disconnect the w iring harness at the switch. Remove the switch from the refrigerant line. To replace, reverse Steps 1-4 above. N OTE: Be sure to use new " O " rings, coated with clean regrigeration oil, w hen installing the switch. 6. Evacuate charge and check system operation. FUSE A 25 am p fuse, located in the junction block protects the entire air conditioning system except for the blower circuit, the fuse for the blower circuit is located in the electrical wiring between the junction block and the blower relay (fig. IB-45). OVERHEAD SYSTEM--C-K MODELS the rear o f the vehicle, and incorporates four adjustable air outlets (fig. IB-46). Replacement 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect the drain tube from the rear duct. 3. Remove the screws securing the duct to the roof panel and rear header brackets. 4. Remove the duct. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 above. BLOWER M O TO R RESISTOR The blower m otor resistor is located on the cover side of the Four-Season System blower-evaporator as shown in Figure IB-47. Replacement T he Overhead System is used in conjunction with the Four-Season System. Since replacement o f FourSeason System components has been covered previously, only those components peculiar to the O verhead System will be covered in this section. 1. 2. 3. remove 4. above. Disconnect battery ground cable. Disconnect the electrical harness at the resistor. Remove the resistor attaching screws and the resistor. To install a new resistor, reverse Steps 1-3 REAR D U C T BLOWER M O TO R ASSEMBLY This duct covers the blower-evaporator assembly, at Removal (Fig. IB -4 8 ) J U N C T IO N B L O C K COMPRESSOR B L O W E R R E S IS T O R y L IN E D IS C H A R G E PR ESSURE S W IT C H BLOW ER M O T O R C A U TIO N : Before removing the case screws, support the lower case to prevent damage to the case or motor assemblies. 6. Remove the motor retaining strap and remove the motor and wheels. Remove the wheels from the motor shaft. Installation 1. Place the blower wheels onto the m otor shaft making sure the wheel tension springs are installed on hub o f wheels. Fig. lB -4 6 -R e a r Duct (C-K Overhead System) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the rear duct as outlined previously. 3. Disconnect the blower m otor ground strap. 4. Disconnect the blower motor lead wire. 5. Remove the lower to u pper blower-evaporator case screws and lower the lower case and motor assembly. C A U TIO N : Be sure that the blower wheels are installed as shown in Figure IB-49. 2. Install the blower motor retaining strap and foam. 3. Place the blower motor and wheel assembly into the lower case. Align the blower wheels so that they do not contact the case. 4. Place the lower case and blower motor assembly in position in the vehicle and install the lower to upper case screws. NOTE: Rotate the blower wheels to make sure that they do not rub on the case. 5. Install the center ground wire and connect the blower lead wire. 6. Install the rear duct assembly as described previously. 6. Remove the expansion valve sensing bulb clamps. 7. Disconnect the valve inlet and outlet lines and remove the expansion valve assembly. Cap or plug the open connections at once. Installation 1. Remove caps or plugs from system connections and install the new valve assembly using new " O " rings coated with clean refrigeration oil. 2. Install the sensing bulb, making sure that the bulb makes good contact with the core outlet line. 3. Install the lower case and blower motor assemblies. Connect the blower motor lead and ground wires. 4. Install the rear duct as outlined previously. 5. Connect the battery ground cable. 6. Evacuate, charge and check the system. Fig. lB -48-B low er-E vaporator (C-K Overhead System) EVA PO RA TOR CORE(Fig. IB -5 0 ) Removal M OTOR CLAM P FO AM STRIP LO W ER EVAPORATOR CASc BLADE ANG LE Fig. lB-49--Blow er M otor (C-K Overhead System) 7. Connect the battery ground cable. E X P A N S IO N VALVE This sytem incorporates and expansion valve which does not utilize and external equalizer line (fig. IB-50). 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Purge the system or refrigerant. 3. Remove the rear duct as outlined previously. 4. Disconnect the blower motor lead and ground wire connections. 5. Disconnect the refrigerant lines at the rear of the blower-evaporator assembly. Cap or plug the open connections at once. 6. Remove the blower-evaporator support to roof rail screws, lower the blower-evaporator assembly and place it on a work bench upside down. 7. Remove the lower to upper case screws and remove the lower case assembly. Remove the support to upper case screws and remove the upper case from the evaporator core. 8. Remove the expansion valve inlet and outlet lines and cap or plug the open connections at once. Remove the expansion valve capillary bulb from the evaporator outlet line and remove the valve. 9. Remove the plastic pins holding the screen to the core and remove the screen. Installation EVAPO RATO R B L O W E R -E V A P O R A T O R SCREEN UPPER C A S E Removal 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 3. Remove the rear duct as outlined previously. 4. Disconnect the blower motor lead and ground wires. 5. Remove the lower to upper blower-evaporator case screws and lower the lower case and motor assembly. C A U T IO N : Before removing the case screws, support the lower case and motor assemblies. E X P A N S IO N EVAPO RATO R VALVE CORE S E N S IN G BU LB 1. Install the wire screen to the front o f the core and insert the plastic pins. 2. Install the expansion valve inlet and outlet lines using new " O " rings coated with clean refrigeration oil. Install the sensing bulb to the evapo rator outlet line as shown in Figure IB-50; make sure the bulb has good contact with the line. N O T E: Add 3 oz. clean refrigeration oil when installing a new core. 3. Install the upper case an d supports to the core. 4. Install the lower core case and blower assembly. 5. Install the blower-evaporator assembly to the ro o f and install the support to ro o f rail screws. 6. Connect the refrigerant lines to the blowere v ap orator unit using new " O " rings coated with clean refrigeratio n oil. 7. Connect the blower lead and ground wires. 8. Install the rear duct as outlined previously. 9. Connect the battery ground cable. 10. Evacuate, charge and check the system. BLOWER M O T O R S W ITC H T he three-speed (LO -M ED -H I) blower motor switch is located in the instrument panel, just to the left of the ash tray (fig. IB-50). Replacem ent 1. 2. 3. remove 4. Disconnect the battery ground cable. Remove the switch retaining screws. Disconnect the wiring harness at the switch and the switch. To install, reverse Steps 1-3 above. FUSE T he F our Season portion of this system is protected by a 25 am p fuse in the junction block. The rear blower high speed circuit is protected by a 20 am p in-line fuse, located between the junction block and the rear blower motor switch. C60 SYSTEM -G MODELS CO NDENSER Replacement (Fig. IB -5 2 ) 1. Remove the batery ground cable and com pres­ sor clutch connector. 2. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 3. Remove the left and right hand h eadlam p bezels and parking lamp lens. Place a piece o f protective tape over upper surface o f the front bum per. Remove the grille to rad iato r support screws and remove the grille. 4. Remove the screws from rad iato r center brace and remove the bracke. 5. Remove the upper ratiato r supports. Move the upper edge o f the rad iato r rearw ard to gain access to condenser attachment. 6. Remove the condenser to radiato r support nuts and bolts. 7. Disconnect the condenser inlet and outlet lines and remove the condenser. Cap or plug the open connections at once. 8. Remove the condenser mounting brackets from the condenser. 9. To install, reverse Steps 1-8 above. Add 1 fluid ounce o f clean refrigeration oil to a new condenser. C A U TIO N : Use new "O " rings, coated with clean regrigeration oil, when connecting all refrigerant lines. 10. Evacuate, charge and check the system. RECEIVER-DEHYDRATO R Replacement (Fig. IB -5 2 ) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable, and the compressor clutch connector. 2. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 3. Remove left and right hand headlam p bezel and parking lam p lens. Place a piece o f protective tape over the upper surface o f the front bum per. Remove the grille to radiator support screws and remove the grille. 4. Disconnect the receiver-dehydrator inlet and outlet lines and cap or plug the connections at once. 5. Remove the receiver-dehydrator bracket attach­ ing screws. 6. R em ove the re c e iv e r-d e h y d ra to r from the vehicle. 7. If a new receiver-dehydrator is being installed, add 1 fluid ounce o f clean refrigeration oil to the new unit. 8. Connect the inlet and outlet lines using new " O " rings coated with clean refrigeration oil. 10. Evacuate, charge and check the system. S IG H T GLASS R E P LACEM ENT If dam age to the sight glass should occur, a new sight glass kit should be intalled. The kit contains the sight glass, seal and retainer. (See Figure IB-53). 1. Purge system. 2. Remove the sight glass retainer nut using a screwdriver and remove old glass and " O " ring seal. 3. Install the new glass and seal and retainer nut, being careful not to turn the nut past the face o f the housing. To do so may dam age the " O " ring seal. 4. Evacuate, charge and check the system. A /C AIR D IS T R IB U T O R DUC T Replacement (Fig. IB -5 4 ) C A U TIO N : Do not uncap the new unit until ready to fasten the inlet a n d outlet lines to the unit. 9. Install receiver-dehydrator by reversing Steps 1-6 above. 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove screws securing the blower-evaporator shield; remove the shield. Remove the shield bracket to instrum ent panel reinforcem ent screws and remove the bracket. 3. Remove the heater intermediate duct to A /C distributor duct screw and remove the duct. RH DASH O U TLE T Fig. lB-54--A ir D istrib u to r Ducts (C60 System - G MOdels) 4. U nsn a p the engine cover latches, remove the lower tab m ounting bolts and remove the engine cover. 5. Loosen both steering column instrum ent panel re inforcem ent screws; remove one screw. 6. R em ove the left foot cooler bracket to instru m ent panel reinforcem ent screws, disconnect the outlet fro m the duct and remove the outlet and bracket assembly. 7. Disconnect the speedom eter cable. 8. Remove the instrum ent panel to lower rein­ forcem ent attaching screws. Rotate the instrum ent panel up to gain access to the air distribution duct. 9. Disconnect the blower resistor electrical harness. 10. Remove the duct to instrum ent panel attaching screws and remove the duct assembly. 11. If a new duct is being installed, transfer the blower resistor to the new duct. Reverse Steps 1-10 above. NOTE: Make sure all ducts and seals are installed properly. A /C CENTER A N D R IG H T DASH OUTLETS Replacement (Fig. IB -54 ) 1. Follow Steps Duct-Replacement". 1-10 o f " A / C Air Distributor 2. Remove the outlet to instrument panel screws and remove the outlet. 3. To install, reverse Steps 1-2 above. A /C LEFT DASH O UTLET Replacement (Fig. IB -54 ) 1. Follow Steps 1-8 o f " A / C Air D istributor DuctReplacement". 2. Remove the outlet to instrument panel screws and remove the outlet. 3. To install, reverse Steps l -2 above. HEATER AIR D IS T R IB U T O R Make sure expansion valve sensing bulb makes good physical contact with the evaporator core connector block. 6. Evacuate, charge and check system operation. AN D EXTEN S IO N D U C T - G M O DEL Replacement (Fig. IB -54 ) A /C BLOWER M O TO R 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Remove engine cover. 3. Remove evaporator-blower shield. 4. Remove shield bracket. 5. Remove left floor outlet deflector and bracket. 6. Loosen steering column to instrum ent panel reinforcem ent screws. Remove one screw. Torque both screws on installation. 7. Disconnect speedometer cable at meter. 8. Remove instrum ent panel to lower reinforce­ ment attaching screws. 9. Move instrum ent panel assembly rearward. Disconnect radio a n te n n a and electrical connector. Support instrum ent panel at right visor. Disconnect electrical connector at brake switch. 10. Remove blower-evaporator support bracket to do or pillar and forward engine housing attaching screws. Move rearw ard to gain access. 11. Disconnect vacuum lines and electrical connec­ tors. R emove heater distributor duct assembly. 12. T ran sfe r duct and relays. 13. To reassemble. Reverse Steps 1-12. Replacement (Fig. IB -5 5 ) HEA TER CORE CASE AN D CORE-G MODEL Replacement (Fig. IB -54 ) Follow Steps 1-10 o f "H e a te r Air Distributor and Extension Duct Replacem ent" procedure. 11. Remove battery. 12. Disconnect heater hoses at heater core (drain pan below hoses) refill ra d ia to r upon completion. 13. Remove air inlet valve assembly. 14. Remove tem perature door control cable at heater case. 15. Remove heater assembly. 16. Remove heater core. Reseal heater case. 17. To reassemble. Reverse Steps 1-16. E X P A N S IO N VALVE Replacement (Fig. IB -55 ) 1. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 2. Follow Steps 1-8 o f D istrib u to r DuctReplacement. 3. Loosen the expansion valve sensing bulb clamps and remove the bulb from the evaporator core. 4. Disconnect the expansion valve inlet and outlet lines and remove the expansion valve assembly. Cap or plug all open connections at once. 5. To install a new expansion valve, reverse Steps 1-4 above. 1. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 2. Follow Steps 1-8 o f " A / C Air D istributor DuctReplacement". 3. Disconnect evaporator inlet and outlet lines. C ap or plug open connections at once. 4. Remove the blower-evaporator support bracket to door pillar and forward engine housing screws and lower the blow er-evap orater assembly. D isconnect electrical connections, pull drain hose m through the dash panel and remove the blower-evaporator as an assembly. 5. Separate the front and rear case halves. 6. Remove the blower motor retaining strap and insulator strip and remove the m otor and blower wheels as an assembly. 7. M ark the blower wheel locations (L and R) and then remove the blower wheels from the motor shaft. 8. To reinstall, reverse Steps 1-7 above. NOTE: Install blower wheels in pro per position (L and R) as marked at removal (blade angle as shown in Figure IB-55). Be sure to install insulation around motor before installing motor clamp. Check blower operation that wheels do not rub on case. CORE SCREEN THERMISTER SENSING LINE EXPANSION VALVE CORRECT BLADE ANGLE Fig. IB -55 Blower and Evaporator (C60 System - G N O T E : Use new " O " rings, coated with clean refrig eration oil when connecting all lines. Models) W hen m aking evaporator core connections, use new " O " rings coated with clean refrigeration oil. 9. Evacuate, charge and check system operation. E VA PO R A TO R CORE Replacem ent (Fig. IB -5 5 ) 1. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 2. Follow Steps l -8 o f " A / C Air D istributor DuctR eplacem ent". 3. Disconnect evaporator inlet and outlet connec­ tions. C ap or plug open connections at once. 4. Remove the blower-evaporator support bracket to door pillar and forward engine housing screws and lower the blower-evaporator assembly. Disconnect the electrical connections, pull drain hose through the dash panel and remove the blower-evaporator as an assembly. 5. Remove the expansion valve sensing bulb clamps and disconnect the line from the evaporator core. Disconnect the expansion valve inlet and outlet lines and remove the expansion valve. C ap or plug all open connections at once. 6. Remove the evaporator core line clamp screws. Remove the core to case attaching screws and remove the evap orato r core assembly. 7. To install a new core, reverse Steps 1-6 above. T ra n sfer the core screen to the new core. NOTE: Add three ounces o f new refrigeration oil to a new core. Use new " O " rings, coated with clean refrigeration oil, when connecting all refrigerant lines. T ransfer thermister to the new evaporator. NO TE: Make sure the expansion valve sensing bulb makes good contact with the core connector block. 8. Evacuate, charge and check system operation. Follow Steps 1-10 o f "Fleater Air Distributor and Extension Duct Extension Duct Replacem ent" procedure. 11. Remove duct assembly. Disconnect vacuum hose. 12. Remove vacuum valve. 13. To reassemble. Reverse Steps 1-12. TE M P E R A TU R E DOOR CABLE - G MODEL Replacement Follow Steps 1-10 o f "H e a te r Air D istributor and Extension Duct Replacem ent" procedure. 11. Disconnect tem perature door control cable at heater case. 12. Disconnect temperature door control cable at control. 13. Make up new cable. 14. To reassemble. Reverse Steps 1-13. CO NTRO L Replacement (Fig. IB -5 7 ) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the headlam p switch control knob. 3. Remove the instrum ent panel bezel. 4. Remove the control to in stru m e n t panel attaching screws. 5. Remove the temperature cable eyelet clip and mounting tab screw. 6. Pull the control through the instrum ent panel opening as follows: First pull the lower right mountin tab through the opening, then the upper tab and finally the lower right tab. 7. Disconnect electrical and vacuum connections and remove the control assembly. AIR IN LE T VALVE ■ G MODEL Replacem ent (Fig. IB -5 6 ) Fig. 1B-56 -Air Inlet Valve (G Model C60 System) Fig. IB -5 7 -C o n tro l (G Model C60 System) 8. To install, reverse Steps l -7 above. tem perature door operation; adjust if necessary. Check 4. To install, reverse Steps 1-3 above. BLOWER M O TO R RELAY BLOWER S W ITC H Replacem ent (Fig. IB -5 7 ) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the left foot cooler outlet assembly at the instrum ent panel attachm ent. 3. Disconnect the switch electrical harness. 4. Remove the switch m ounting screws and remove the switch. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 above. A M P LIFIE R C IR C U IT BOARD R EPLAC EM ENT (Fig. IB -5 7 ) 1. Remove the control assembly as outlined under "C ontrol-R eplacem ent". 2. Remove the potention meter gear from the pot shaft. 3. Remove amplifier board cover retainers and lay the cover back. 4. Remove the circuit board attaching screws and remove the circuit board and pot assembly. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1 and 4 above. The blower motor relay is attached to the left end of the heater air distributor duct (fig. IB-59). Replacement 1. Follow Steps 1-8 o f " A /C Air D istributor DuctReplacement". 2. Disconnect electrical harness at the relay. 3. Remove the relay mounting screw and remove the relay. 4. To install, reverse Steps 1-3 above. D ISCHARGE PRESSURE S W ITCH Replacement (Fig. IB -6 0 ) 1. 2. Raise the hood. Purge the system o f refrigerant. RESISTO RS The heater blower motor resistor is mounted in the right h a n d plenum (in the same position as without air conditioning). The A /C blower motor resistor is mounted in the forward face of the A /C air distribution duct (fig. IB-57). Replacem ent 1. Follow Steps 1-8 o f " A / C Air Distributor DuctR eplacem ent". 2. Disconnect electrical harness at the resistor. 3. Remove the resistor m ounting screws and remove the resistor. Fig. IB -5 8 Resistors (G Model C60 System) Fig. IB 59 Relays (C60 and Tie Relay w ith C69) Fig. IB-60- Discharge Pressure Switch (G Models) 3. 4. 5. Disconnect the electrical harness at the switch. Remove the switch from the refrigerant line. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 above. N O T E: Use a new " O " ring coated with clean regrigeration oil, when installing switch. 6. Evacuate, charge and check system opeation. V A C U U M TA N K Replacement (Fig. IB -61 ) 1. Raise the hood. 2. Disconnect the vacuum harness at the tank. 3. Remove the tank attaching screws and remove the tank. 4. To install, reverse Steps 1-3 above. C IR C U IT BREAKER T he entire air conditioning system is protected by a 45 am p circuit breaker located on the left side of the dash, in the engine com partm ent. Fig. IB -6 2 -C irc u it Breaker OVERHEAD SYSTEM -G MODELS This system is used in conjunction with the C60 system. Since replacement o f the C60 System C om po ­ nents has been covered previously, only those com po­ nents peculiar to the Overhead system will be covered in this section. BLO W ER-EVAPO RATO R SHRO UD This shroud covers the blower-evaporator at the rear o f the vehicle, and incorporates four air outlets. Replacement (Fig. IB -63 ) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect the d rain tubes at the rear corners of the shroud. 3. Remove the screws securing the shroud to the unit and roof panel. Fig. IB-63-B low er-E vaporator Shroud (G Overhead System) 4. Remove the shroud from the side and rear retaining flanges and remove the shroud. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 above. BLOWER M O T O R ASSEMBLIES Removal (Fig. IB -6 4 ) 1. D isconnect the battery gro und cable and compressor clutch connector. 2. Rem ove the blow er-ev ap orato r shroud as outlined previously. 3. Remove the blower motor ground straps at the center connector between the motors. 4. Disconnect the blower motor lead wires. W ARNING: Before removing the case screws, support the lower case to prevent damage to the case or motor assemblies. CORRECT BLADE ANGLE V A LV E SE N SIN G BULBS LOWER CASE HALF VALVES Fig. lB-64--Blow er M otors (G Overhead System) 5. Remove the lower to upper case screws and lower the lower assemblies. 6. Remove the motor retaining the motor and wheels. Remove the motor shaft. blower-evaporator case and motor strap and remove wheels from the Installation 1. Place the blower wheels onto the motor shaft. C A U TIO N : Be sure that the blower wheels are installed as shown in Figure IB-64. 2. Install the blower m otor retaining strap and foam strip. 3. Place the two blower m otor and wheel assemblies into the lower case. Aligtt the blower wheels so that they do not contact the case. 4. Place the lower case and blower motor assemblies in position in the vehicle and install the blower to upper case screws. N O T E: Rotate the blower wheels to make sure that they do not rub on the case. 5. Install the center ground wires and connect the blower lead wires. 6. Install the blower-evaporator shroud assembly as described previously. 7. Connect the b attery ground cable and compres­ sor clutch connector. E X P A N S IO N VALVES This system incorporates two expansion valves. These valve do not use and external equalizer line (fig. IB-65). Removal (In n er Valve) Fig. IB -65-E xpansion Valves (G Overhead System) 1. D isconnect the battery gro un d compressor clutch connector. 2. Purge the system of refrigerant. 3. Remove the blo w er-ev apo rator outlined previously. cable shroud and as W A R N IN G : Before rem oving the lower case screws, support the case to prevent damage to the case or m otor assemblies. 4. Disconnect the center ground wire and the blower motor lead wires. Remove the lower to upper case screws and lower the lower case and blower motor assemblies. 5. Disconnect the valve sensing bulb from the core outlet line. 6. Disconnect the core inlet and outlet lines and remove the valve assembly. C ap or plug the open connections at once. Installation (In n e r Valve) 1. Remove caps or plugs from system connections and install the new valve assembly using new " O " rings coated with clean refrigeration oil. 2. Install the sensing bulb, m aing sure that the bulb makes good contact with the core outlet line. 3. Install the lower case and blower motor assemblies. 4. Install the blower-evaporator shroud as outlined previously. 5. Connect the battery ground cable and compres­ sor clutch connector. 6. Evacuate, charge and check the system. Removal (O uter Valve) 1. D isconnect the battery g ro u n d compressor clutch connector. 2. Purge the system of refrigerant. cable and 3. R em ov e the b lo w e r-ev a p o rato r shroud as outlined previously. 4. Disconnect the blower m otor ground straps and leads. 5. Disconnect the refrig eran t lines at the rear o f the blower-evaporator assembly. Cap or plug all open connections at once. 6. Remove the blower-evaporator to ro o f panel attachm ents and lower the blower-evaporator assembly. Remove the assembly and place on a work bench upside down. 7. Remove the lower to upper case screws and remove the lower case assembly. Remove the upper shroud from the upp er case and then remove the upper case from the core. 8. Remove the expansion valve bulb from the e vapo rato r outlet line. Remove the expansion valve inlet an d outlet lines and cap or plug the open connections at once. Remove the valve. BOW SUPPORT EVAP & BLOWER ASM SUPPORT BLOWER GRD WIRES BRACKET Fig. IB-66-B low er-E vaporator (G Overhead System) Installation (Outer Valve) 1. Remove the caps or plugs from the refrigerant connections and install the new valve using new " O " rings coated with clean refrigeration oil. Install the sensing bulb, m aking sure that the bulb makes good contact with the core outlet line. 2. Install the u pper case to the core making sure the sealing strips are positioned correctly. Install the upper shroud on the upper case. 3. Install the lower case and blower assemblies. 4. Install the blower-evaporator to the roof panel. 5. Connect the refrigerant lines at the rear o f the blow er-evaporator unit using new " O " rings coated with clean refrigeration oil. 6. Connect the blower lead wires and ground straps. 7. Install the blower-evaporator shroud as d e ­ scribed previously. 8. Connect the battery ground cable and the com pressor clutch connector. 9. Evacuate, charge an d check the system. E VA PO R A TO R CORE 6. Remove the blower-evaporator to ro o f panel attachments an d lower the blower-evaporator assembly. Remove the assembly and place it on a work bench upside down. 7. Remove the lower to upper case screws and remove the lower case assembly. Remove the upper shroud and u pper case from the evaporator care. 8. Remove the expansion valve inlet and outlet lines and cap or plug the open connections at once. Remove the expansion valve capillary bulbs from the evaporator outlet line and remove the valves. 9. Remove the plastic pins holding the screen to the core and remove the screen. Installation 1. Install the wire screen to the fro nt o f the new core and insert the plastic pins. 2. Install the expansion valve inlet and outlet lines using new ”0 " rings coated with clean refrigeration oil. Install the sensing bulbs to the evaporator outlet line. Make sure the bulbs have good contact with the line. Removal (Fig. IB -6 6 ) 1. D isconnect the b a tte ry g ro u n d com pressor clutch connector. 2. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 3. R em ove the blo w e r-e v a p o rato r outlined previously. 4. Disconnect the blower m otor leads wire. 5. Disconnect the refrigerant lines at the blower-evaporator assembly. Cap or connections at once. cable N OTE: Add 3 oz. clean refreigeration oil when installing a new core. 3. Install the upper case and upper shroud to the and core. shroud as and ground the rear o f plug open W A R N IN G : Before rem oving th e blowerevaporator unit, support the case to prevent dam age to components. 4. Install the lower core case and blower assemblies. 5. Install the blower-evaporator to the roof panel. 6. Connect the refrigerant lines to the blowerevaporator unit using new " O " rings coated with clean regrigeration oil. 7. Connect the blower lead wires and ground straps. 8. Install the blower-evaporator shroud as outlined previously. 9. Connect the battery ground cable and the compressor clutch connector. Fig. lES-67~Rear Blower M otor Switch Fig. IB -6 8 -R e a r Blower M otor Relay 10. Evacuate, charge and check the system. R ESISTO R See "R esistor" in the G Model C60 System Section o f this m a n ual (fig. IB-58). 4. operation. To install, reverse Steps 1-3 above. Check system T IE RELAY Replacement (Fig. IB -59 ) BLOWER S W ITCH Replacement (Fig. IB -67 ) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the h e a d la m p and blower switch control knobs. 3. Remove the instrum ent panel bezel. 4. Disconnect the wiring harness at the switch. 5. Remove the switch locknut and remove the switch. 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 above. REAR BLOWER RELAY The rear blower relay is attached to the instrument panel reinforcem ent, just left o f the steering column (fig. IB-68). Replacement 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect relay wiring harness at the relay. 3. Remove the relay attaching screw and remove the relay. 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove screws securing the blower-evaporator shield; remove the shield. Remove the shield bracket to instrument panel reinforcem ent screws and remove the bracket. 3. Remove the heater interm ediate duct to A /C distributor duct screw and remove the duct. 4. U n snap the engine cover latches, remove the lower tab m ounting bolts and remove the engine cover. 5. Loosen both steering column instrument panel reinforcem ent screws; remove one screw. 6. Remove the left foot cooler bracket to instrument panel reinforcement screws, disconnect the outlet from the duct and remove the outlet and bracket assembly. 7. Disconnect the speedometer cable. 8. Remove the instrument panel to lower rein­ forcement attaching screws. Rotate the instrum ent panel up to gain access to the relay. 9. Disconnect electrical harness at the relay. 10. Remove the relay m ounting screw and remove the relay. 11. To install, reverse Steps 1-10 above. DASH MOUNTED SYSTEM-MOTOR HOME CHASSIS This system is installed on the vehicle and checked at assembly. The blower-evaporator is then disconnected and shipped with the chassis unit to the body supplier. F or this reason, it will only be possible to give basic replacement procedures on some components. CO NDENSER Replacement (Fig. IB -69) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. Fig. lB-69~C ondenser (M o to r Flome Chasis U n it) 2. Purge the system o f ref rigerant. 3. Disconnect the condenser inlet and outlet lines and cap or plug all open connections at once. 4. Remove the condenser to radiator support screws and remove the condenser. 5. To install a new condenser, reverse Steps 1-4 above. Add one fouid ounce of clean refrigeration oil to a new condenser. N O T E : Use new " O " rings, coated with clean refrigeratio n oil. w hen connecting all refrigerant lines. Fig. IB -70-R eceiver-D ehydrator (M o to r Flome Chassis U nit) 6. Evacuate, charge and check the system. S IG H T GLASS R E P LACEM ENT Refer to "Sight Glass Replacem ent" in the G Model C60 System Section o f this manual. BLO W ER-EVAPO RATO R ASSEMBLY (Fig. 1B71) Removal 6. Evacuate, charge and check the system. RECEIVER-DEHYD RATO R Replacement (Fig. IB -7 0 ) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Purge the system o f refrigerant. 3. Disconnect the inlet and outlet lines at the receiver-dehydrator and cap or plug the open lines at once. „ 4. Remove the receiver-dehydrator bracket attach­ ing screws and remove the bracket and receiverdehydrator. 5. To install a new receiver-dehydrator, reverse Steps 1-4 above. Add one fluid ounce o f clean refrigeration oil to a new receiver-dehydrator. N O T E : Use new ”0 " rings, coated with clean refrigeration oil, when connecting all refrigerant lines. 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Purge system of refrigerant. 3. Disconnect inlet and outlet refrigerant lines from the back o f unit. Cap or plug all open connections at once. 4. Disconnect d rain tubes from evaporator case. 5. Disconnect electrical connector from com pres­ sor. Remove the term inal (See Figure IB-72) and allow connector to h ang on ground wire. 6. Remove screws securing grom m et retainer to dash panel. Remove wire from grom m et through slit. 7. Disconnect electrical lead at connector. 8. Remove unit m ounting bolts. Remove unit from vehicle, carefully pulling compressor electrical lead through dash panel. Once the unit has been removed from the vehicle, continue with com ponent replacem ent as follows: BLOW ER ASSEMBLY CORRECT BLOWER BLADE A N G LE Fig. lB-73--ESIower Assem bly (M o to r Home Chassis U n it) Removal (Fig. IB -73 ) 1. Remove the cover plate an d separate the upper an d lower case halves. Remove blower motor mounting strap screw and remove strap. 2. Remove blower assembly. Remove the wheels from the motor shaft. Installation 4. Reverse Steps 1-8 on the "Blower-Evaporator Assembly" removal procedure. 5. Evacuate, charge and check the system. E XP A N SIO N VALVE, EVA PO RA TO R A N D /O R EVA PO RA TO R CASE Removal (Fig. IB -74 ) 1. Install the blower wheels on the motor so that the lower blades curve toward the dash panel side o f the unit w hen the m otor is placed in the case as illustrated in Figure IB-73. 2. Place the motor in the bracket with the electrical connector side o f the m otor to the right side o f the bracket. Attach the m ounting strap. Align blower wheels so that they do not contact case. 3. Assemble the case halves and attach the cover plate. 1. Remove the cover plate and separate up per and lower case halves. 2. R em ove inlet and outlet lines from the expansion valve. Remove sensing bulb from the evaporator outlet manifold. Remove expansion valve. Cap or plug open connections at once. 3. Remove evaporator core retaining screws and remove core. TERMINAL THERMOSTATIC SWITCH CAPILLARY TUBE SCREW DRIVER (NAR RO W BLADE) SCREEN MESH CO NNECTO R TANG G RO O VE A. Insert screw driver in groove & press tang toward terminal to release. EXPANSIO N VALVE BUMPER B. Pry tang back out to insure locking when reinstalled into connector. Fig. lB-74--Expansion Valve (M o to r Home Chassis U nit) 2. Reverse steps 1-8 o f the "Blower Evaporator A ssembly" removal procedure. 3. Evacuate, charge and check the system. T H E R M O S T A T IC A N D /O R BLOWER SW ITCHES Replacement 1. Remove the cover plate assembly from the evaporator case. 2. Remove two screws securing either switch to the cover plate and remove appropriate switch (fig. IB-75). 3. Install replacement switch, reinstall cover plate and reverse steps 1-8 o f the "Blower-EVaporator Assembly" removal precedure. Fig. IB -7 5 -Therm ostatic and Blower Switches 4. from case. Remove blower motor and harness assembly RESISTOR Installation 1. procedure. NOTE: W hen installing thermostatic switch, be sure to position sensing capillary as when unit was removed. Reverse applicab le steps in the removal CAUTION: Use new "O " rings coated with clean refrigeration oil when connecting lines. A d d 3 oz. o f new refrigeration oil to a new core. The blower motor resistor is located on the top of the unit. The entire unit must be removed to replace the resistor. FUSE This U nit does not incorporate an in-line fuse. The lead wire is connected to the H eater W iring Harness and operates off the 20 am p Heater Fuse. SPECIFICATIONS A IR C O N D I T I O N IN G Compressor M ak e............................................................................. Frigidaire T y p e .................................................................. 6 Cylinder Axial D isplacem ent.......................................................... 12.6 Cu. In. Rotation........................................................................ Clockwise Volts Amps. (Cold) RPM (Cold) Blower Motor C-K Four Season . . 12.0 C-K-G Overhead, G Floor and Motor Home1 U n its.................. 12.0 12.8 Max. 3400 Min. 13.7 Max. 3400 Min. C-K Four-Season System ................................ 3 lbs. C-K-G Overhead S y s t e m s ........................5 lbs. 4 oz. G Floor S ystem ...........................................3 lbs. 4 oz. Motor Home Chassis U n i t ........................3 lbs. 4 oz. Torque Specifications Compressor Suction and Discharge Connector B o l t ............................................. 25 ft. lbs. Rear Hend to Shell Stud N u ts.......................... 23 ft. lbs. Shaft Mounting N u t .......................................... 20 ft. lbs. Compressor Mounting Bracket Bolts.............. 25 ft. lbs. Front Bracket to Compressor B o lts ................20 ft. lbs. Belt T ensio n........................................See Tune Up Chart Fuses Compressor Clutch Coil Ohms (at 8 0 ° F ) ........................................................ 3.70 Amps, (at 8 0 ° F ) ..................................... 3.33 @ 12 volts Fuse Block— C-K S y s t e m s .................................................. 25 Amp. Motor Home Chassis Unit............................. 20 Amp. In-Line— System Capacities Refrigerant 12 C-K S y s t e m s .................................................. 25 Amp. Motor Home Chassis U n i t .................................. None Circuit Breaker G Model Systems.............................................45 Amp. SPECIAL TOOLS 1 . J - 2 5 0 3 0 C l u t c h H u b H o l d i n g To ol 2. J - 2 5 0 2 9 Rotor B e a r in g Remover a n d 3. R o t o r Assy. I n s t a l l e r J - 2 4 8 9 5 M a i n B e a r in g In staller 4. J - 2 4 8 9 6 M a i n B e a r in g Remover 5. J - 2 5 0 3 1 - 2 R ot or a n d B e a r i n g P u l l e r 6. J - 2 5 0 3 1 -1 R ot or a n d B e a r i n g P u l l e r G u i d e 7. J-25008-1 8. J - 2 5 0 0 8 - 2 S h e ll In s ta llin g Fixture C o m p r e s s o r H o l d i n g F i x t u re %■ 4 5 11 22 25 18 19 20 21 23 26 27 28 24 30 32 1. J - 8 3 9 3 C h a r g in g S t a tio n 11. J - 5 4 2 1 - 0 2 P o c k e t T h e rm o m e te rs (2 ) 22. J -9 3 9 8 P u lle y B e a r in g R e m o v e r 2. J - 2 4 0 9 5 O il I n d u c e r 12. J - 5 4 0 3 N o . 21 S n a p R in g P lie rs 2 3 . J -9 4 8 1 P u lle y a n d B e a r in g I n s t a lle r 3. J -5 4 5 3 G o g g le s 13. J - 6 4 3 5 N o . 2 6 S n a p R in g P lie rs 24. J -8 0 9 2 H a n d le 4. J -9 4 5 9 7 / 1 6 " - 2 0 9 0 u G a u g e L in e 14. J - 9 3 9 6 C o m p re s s o r H o ld in g 25. J -2 1 3 5 2 J -2 5 4 9 9 3 /8 "-2 4 A d a p te r F ix tu r e I n t e r n a l A s s e m b ly S u p p o r t B lo c k 7 / 1 6 " - 2 0 S t r a ig h t G a u g e L in e 15. J - 2 5 0 3 0 C o m p r e s s in g F ix tu r e 26. J -5 1 3 9 3 /8 " A d a p te r 16. J - 9 4 0 3 C lu tc h H u b H o ld in g T o o l 27. J -9 4 3 2 N e e d le B e a r in g I n s ta lle r 6 . J -6 0 8 4 L e a k D e te c to r 17. J - 9 3 9 9 9 / 1 6 " T h in W a l l S o c k e t 28. J -9 5 5 3 -0 1 S e a l S e a t " O " R in g 7. J -8 4 3 3 P u lle r 18. J -9 4 0 1 8. J -9 3 9 5 P u lle r P ilo t 29. J -2 1 5 0 8 Seal Seat 9. J -2 3 5 9 5 R e f r ig e r a n t C a n V a lv e 5 . J -5 4 2 0 J -2 5 4 9 8 19. J -9 4 8 0 - 0 1 R em over H u b a n d D r iv e P la te " O " R in g I n s ta lle r A s s e m b ly in s t a lle r 30. J -2 2 9 7 4 S h a ft S e a l P r o te c to r R e f r ig e r a n t C a n V a lv e 2 0 . J -9 3 9 2 S e a l R em over 31. J -9 6 2 5 P re s s u re Test C o n n e c to r (T o p - T a p ) 2 1 . J -2 3 1 2 8 S e a l S e a t R em over 3 2 . J -9 4 0 2 P a rts T r a y ( S id e - T a p ) 1 0 . J -6 2 7 1 -01 H u b a n d D r iv e P la te A s s e m b ly R e m o v e r O il P ic k u p T u b e R e m o v e r SECTION 2A FRAME CO NTENTS G eneral D e s c rip tio n ........................................................................2A-1 On-Vehicle Service........................................................................... 2A-1 M aintenance and In spectio n......................................................2A-1 U nd erb ody Inspection................................................................ 2A-1 F ram e In sp e c tio n ......................................................................... ■2A-1 Fram e A lig n m en t........................................................................... 2A-1 U n d erb o d y A lig n m e n t................................................................. 2A-3 Excessive Body D a m a g e .............................................................. 2A-3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Light duty 10-30 Series fram es are of the ladder channel section riveted type. Figure 2A-1 thru 2A-4 illustrates typical light duty truck fram es with crossmembers, body mounts and suspension attaching brackets. This section also includes general instructions for checking fram e alignment and recom m endations on frame repair. The G-Van fram e side rails, cross sills and outriggers are part o f the underbody assembly which is a welded unit. M isalignment o f the underbody can affect door opening fits and also influence the suspension system, causing suspension m isalignm ent. It is essential, therefore, that underbody alignment be exact to within 1/16" o f the specified dimensions. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION UN D ER B O D Y IN S PE C TIO N Raise the vehicle on a hoist (preferably a twin-post type). Check for obvious floor pan deterioration. Check for loose dirt and rust around the inside of the floor pan reinforcem ent m em b er access holes. This is the first indication that corrosion may exist in hidden areas, and that repairs might be required before the final cleaning and protective treatm ent is performed. U sing a chisel, ensure that the drain provisions in the floor pan reinforcem ent m em bers are open. T here are drain holes in the body side panels also. These holes can be opened by using a punch or drift. The side panel drain holes are in the rear section o f the rocker panels, and in the lower rear quarter panels. FRAM E IN S PE C TIO N Raise the vehicle on a hoist (preferably a twin-post type). Check for obvious floor p an deterioration. Check for loose dirt and rust around the inside of the fram e rails, on top and at the ends where corrosion may exist in hidden areas. Check especially in the frame box sections for accumulation of debris. FRAME A L IG N M E N T Horizontal fram e checking can be m ade with tram m ing gauges applied directly to the fram e or by transferring selected points of measurem ent from the frame to the floor by means o f a plum bob and using the floor layout for measuring. Figure 2A-2 or 2A-4 may be used as a general guide in the selection o f checking points; however, selection o f these points is arbitrary d ep e n d in g on accessibility and convenience. An im portant point to rem em ber is that for each point selected on one side o f the frame, a corresponding point on the opposite side of the fram e must be used for vertical checks, opposite and alternate sides for horizontal checks. Vehicle Preparation Points to rem em ber when preparing vehicle for frame checking: 1. Place vehicle on a level surface. 2. Inspect dam ag ed areas for obvious frame misalignment to eliminate unnecessary measuring. 3. Support vehicle so that fram e sidemem bers are length. Opposite side m easurem ent should correspond parallel to the ground. within 3/16". 3. Measure diagonals marked A, B and C. If the Tram m ing Sequence (Fig. 2A -1) lengths o f intersecting diagonals are equal and these diagonals intersect the centerline, frame area included 1. D im ensions to bolts a n d / o r holes in fram e between these points o f m easurem ent may be considered extend to dead center of the hole or bolt. in alignment. 2. D imensions must be w ithin 3/16". 4. If front or rear end of fram e is dam ag ed and 3. If a tram b a r is used, for horizontal alignment width is no longer within limits, fram e centerline may be " X " - check from opposite and alternate reference points drawn through the intersection o f any two previously AA. BB and CC. as illustrated by the lines in Figure 2A1. Error will result if a tram bar is not level and centered drawn pairs o f equal, intersecting diagonals. at the reference points. Vertical Check 4. O b tain vertical dim ensions and com pare the differences between these dimensions with the d im e n ­ Vertical dimensions are checked with a tram m ing sions as shown in figure 2A-3 or 2A-4. bar from indicated points on the fram e (figs. 2A-2 and H orizontal Check 1. M easure fram e width at front and rear. If widths correspond to specifications, draw centerline full length o f vehicle halfway between lines indicating front and rear widths. If fram e widths are not correct, layout centerline as shown in Step 4. 2. M easure distance from centerline to correspond­ ing points on each side o f fram e layout over entire 2A-4). For example, if the tram bar is set at point B with a vertical pointer length o f 8-1/4 inches, and at point E with a vertical pointer length of 5-1/4 inches (a height difference o f 3 inches), the tram bar should be parallel with the frame. If the area is twisted or misaligned in any way, tram bar will not be parallel. Placing the tram bar vertical pointers on opposite sides o f the fram e side rail is preferable in that fram e twist will show up during this vertical check. Figures 2A-2 and 2A-4 show typical Fig. 2A-1--Frame H orizontal Checking -Typical DIMENSIONS TO HOLES OR SLOTS ARE MEASURED TO THE CENTER OF HOLE OR SLOT GAUGE HOLES ARE 5/8" DIAMETER © INDICATES THAT THE DIMENSION IS TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE FRAME TOP SURFACE OR INSIDE OF THE FRAME OUTER SURFACE NOTE: FRAME ILLUSTRATED IS TYPICAL. FRAME DESIGN VARIES ACCORDING TO TRUCK MODEL Fig. 2A-2--C-K-P Series Truck Frame checking points, with dimensions for various frames shown in figure 2A-3. Fram e Repair Welding Before welding up a crack in frame, a hole should be drilled at the starting point o f the crack to prevent spreading. W id en V groove crack to allow complete weld penetration. N O T E: Do not weld into corners o f fram e or along edges o f side rail flanges. W elding at these points will tend to weaken the fram e and encourage new cracks. Bolting W herever rivets or failed bolts are replaced, bolt hole must be as n e ar the O.D. o f the bolt as possible to prevent bolt from w orking and wearing. Drill out and line ream hole (or holes) to the bolt O.D. U N D ER B O D Y A L IG N M E N T O ne m ethod o f d eterm ining the alignm ent of the u n derbo dy is with a tram gauge which should be sufficiently felxible to o btain all necessary measurements up to three quarters the length o f the vehicle. A good tra m m in g tool is essential for analyzing and determ ining the extent o f collision m isa lig n m e n t p resent in underbo dy construction. M E A S U R IN G To measure the distance accurately between any two reference points on the underbody, two specifications are required. 1. The horizontal dimension between the two points to be trammed. 2. The vertical dim ension from the datu m line to the points to be trammed. The tram bar should be on a parallel to that o f the body plane. The exception to this would be when one o f the reference locations is included in the misaligned area; then the parallel plane between the body and the tram bar may not prevail. A fter completion of the repairs, the tram gauge should be set at the specified dimension to check the accuracy o f the repair operation. EXCESSIVE BODY DAM AG E If dam age is so extensive that key locations are not suitable as reference points, rep air operations should always begin with the underbody area. All other components should be aligned progressively from this area. Unlike the conventional type of fram e design, the unitized type o f body construction seldom develops the two conditions o f "twist" and " d ia m o n d " in the underbody area as a result o f front or rear end collisions, therefore, there usually is an u n dam ag ed area suitable as a beginning reference point. M odel A B C D E F G H 1 J K L M N P S R T U V CA107 13-3/8 15-1/4 16 19-7/8 12 13 10 14-7/8 17-3/4 17 3/4 19-7/8 16 3/4 15-5/8 17-3/4 69 5/8 76-1/2 110 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 CA109 13-3/8 15-1/4 16 19-7/8 12 13 10 14-7/8 17-3,4 17-3/4 19-7/8 16-3/4 15-5/8 17-3/4 69-5/8 86-1/2 120 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 CA209 13-3/8 15-1/4 17 19-7/8 12 13 10 14 7/8 17-3/4 17 3/4 19-7/8 16-3/4 15-5/8 17 3/4 69-5/8 86-1/2 120 16-7/8 16 7/8 14 C A 210 310 13-3/4 15-1/4 16 18-1/2 10 13 10 14-1/4 17-3/4 17-3/4 19-7/8 15-5/8 17-3/4 69 7/8 105 131 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 CA314 13-3/8 14-7/8 16 18-1/2 10 13 10 14-1/4 17-3/4 17-3/4 19-7/8 15-5/8 17-3/4 69-7/8 129 155-1/2 16-7/8 16 7/8 14 KA107 13-3/8 15-1/4 17 19-7/8 12-1/2 13 10 14 7/8 17-3/4 17-3/4 19-7/8 16-3/4 15-5/8 17-3/4 69-5/8 76-1/2 no 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 13-3/8 15 1/4 17 19-7/8 12-1/2 13 10 14-7/8 17-3/4 17 3/4 19-7/8 16-3/4 15-5/8 17-3/4 69 5/8 86-1/2 120 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 7-5/8 9-3/8 11 14-5/8 9-1/2 13 10 7-5/8 9-3/8 115/8 14-5/8 9-1/2 13 10 9-1/2 7-5/8 9-3/8 11-5/8 14-5/8 9-1/2 13 10 9-1/2 K A 109 209 PA 100 p A 208 308 PA 210 310 9 1/2 13 10-7/8 13 717/8 36 89 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 13 9-1/2 13 10-7/8 13 72-1/4 59 131 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 9-1/2 13 9-1/2 13 10-7/8 10-7/8 13 71-7/8 67 153 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 9-1/2 13 PA314 7 5/8 9-3/8 11-5/8 14-5/8 13 10 9-1/2 13 10 7/8 10-7/8 13 71-7/8 91 177 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 CA105 13-3/8 15-1/4 17 19-7/8 12 13 10 14-1/4 20 17-3/4 15-5/8 17-3/4 69-5/8 46 88 16-7/8 16 7/8 14 KA105 13-3/8 15-1/4 17 19-7/8 12-1/2 13 10 14-1/4 20 17 3/4 15-5/8 17 3/4 69-5/8 46 88 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 9-1/8 11-1/2 10-7/8 9-1/2 13 10 9-1/2 13 9-1/2 13 10-7/8 10-7/8 13 68-1/2 71 157 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 9-1/8 11-1/2 10-7/8 9-1/2 13 10 9-1/2 13 9-1/2 13 9-7/8 10-7/8 13 68-1/2 92-1/2 178-1/2 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 9-1/8 11-1/2 10-7/8 9-1/2 13 10 9-1/2 13 9 1/2 13 10-7/8 10-7/8 13 68-1/2 112 240 3/16 16-7/8 16-7/8 14 PE 31132 (137) PE 31432 (157) PE 31832 Fig. 2A-3--C-K-P Series Frame Reference Dim ensions Fig. 2A-4 G Van Truck Reference Dim ensions SECTION 2B BUMPERS C O N TE N TS G e n e ra l D escrip tion .......................................................... Service Procedures - 10 thru 30 Series.................... Fron t Bumper - C, K and P M o dels..................... R ear Bum per - C and K M odels............................. 2B-1 2B-1 2B-1 2B-1 Rear Step Bumper - C and K M odels.................. Front Bumper G Series................................................ Rear Bumper G S e rie s................................................. Specifications........................................................................ 2B-2 2B-2 2B-2 2B-3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION All 1977 truck front and rear bumpers are o f a single piece design. Bumper attachments are the sta n d a rd bracket and brace to fram e mountings. This section contains procedures for the removal and installation o f face b a r , brackets, brackes and license plate brackets. SERVICE PROCEDURES—10 THRU 30 SERIES F R O N T BUM PER-C, K AN D P MODELS Installation Removal Fig. 2B-1, 2B-2 Assemble and install front bum per following the removal procedure in reverse order. 1. frame. Remove bolts securing two bum per brackets to 2. Remove bolts securing bum per face bar to frame, and left and right bu m per brackes and remove bu m p e r from vehicle. 3. If necessary, disassemble bu m p er by removing bolts attaching brackets and brackes to bum per face bar. 4. If equipped with b um p e r guards (Fig. 2B-2) remove re m a in in g nuts and bolts. REAR BUM PER-C AND K MODELS (FIG 2B3) Removal 1. Remove bolts attaching bum per to each bum per brace. Disconnect license lamp wiring on sub urb an and panels and pickup. 2. Remove bolts attaching bum per to frame. 3. Remove b um p e r from vehicle. 4. If necessary, replace body splash shield. Installation Install rear bum p er following removal procedure in Fig. 2 B -l~ F ro n t Bumper-C, K and P Models Fig. 2B-2--C, K Model Front Bum per Guards I 1. Remove nuts securing bumpers to brackets and braces from left and right side. Remove bumper. 2. Remove the license plate support nut and bolts. 3. If necessary to remove the braces and brackets, remove screws securing brackets and braces to sheet metal. NOTE: The bum per may be removed with the brackets and braces attached. 4. If equiped with bumper guards (Fig. 2B-6) they may be removed from the face bar at this time. installation Reverse removal steps to install bumpers. REAR BUM PER-G MODELS Removal Fig. 2B-7, 2B-8 1. Remove nuts securing bum per to brackets and braces and remove bumper. 2. Remove brackets and braces from vehicle. Fig. 2B-3--Rear Bum per • C, K Models reverse order. Connect license lam p wiring on suburban panel, and pickup models. REAR S TE P B U M PE R C AN D K MODELS Removal (Fig. 2B-4) 1. 2. 3. Disconnect license lam p wiring. Remove bolts connecting bum per to brackes. Remove bum per assembly. 4. Remove bolts securing bu m p er brace to fram e and remove brace. Installation Install rear step bu m p e r by reversing procedure. Connect license lam p wiring. F R O N T B U M P E R - G MODELS removal Fig. 2B 5 -F ro n t Bum per - G Models Removal Fig. 2B-5, 2B-6 Fig. 2B-4-R ear Step Bum per C and K Models Fig. 2B-6-G-Models Front Bum per Guards Fig. 2B-8--G-Model Rear Step Bum per Fig. 2B-7 -Rear Bumper-G Models N OTE: The bum per may be removed with brackets and braces attached if necessary. Installation Instal1 in reverse order o f removal. SPECIFICATIONS TO R Q U E S P E C IF IC A TIO N S C , P A N D K Front Bum per ......................................................................... 35 Front Bum per Bracket a n d B race ............................... 70 Rear Bum per to O u te r Bracket .....................................35 Rear Bum per O u te r B racket a n d Brace .................. 5 0 License P la te B r a c k e t ..........................................................18 G ra v e l D e fle c to r ................................................................. 85 Rear Step Bum per to Bracket or Fram e .................. 4 0 ft.-lb s . ft.-lb s . ft.-lb s . ft.-lb s . ft.-lb s . in .-lb s . ft.-lb s . TO R Q U E S P E C IF IC A TIO N S G Front Face B a r to B racket ............................................... 24 Bracket to Cross S i l l ............................................................ 24 License P late Bracket to Face B ar .......................... 100 Rear Face Bar to B r a c k e ts ............................................... 55 B ra c k e t to F lo o r ft.-lb s . ft.-lb s . in .-lb s . ft.-lb s . .............................................................................. 5 5 f t . - l b s . SECTION 2C CHASSIS SHEET METAL CONTENTS G e n e ra l D escription.......................................................... O n Vehicle S e rv ic e ........................................................... Hood Assembly - CK Series....................................... Hood Hinge Spring R e p lacem ent........................... Hood H i n g e ..................................................................... Hood Lock A sse m b ly ................................................... Hood A ssem bly.............................................................. Hood Assembly - G S e r ie s ......................................... Hood H in g e ..................................................................... Hood Lock A sse m b ly .................................................. Hood B u m p e r.................................................................. 2C-1 2C-1 2C-1 2C-1 2C-1 2C-2 2C-2 2C-3 2C-3 2C-3 2C-4 Hood Assem bly.............................................................. ..2C-4 Front Sheet Metal - CK S e rie s................................ ..2C-6 Radiator Su p p o rt............................................................2C-8 Front F e n d e r .................................................................. .2C-8 Front Fender and S k i r t ............................................. .2C-8 Front F ender S k i r t ........................................................2C-9 R unning B o a r d .............................................................. .2C-9 Front Sheet Metal - G Series................................... .2C-9 Sheet Metal C h ecking................................................. .2C-10 Fender Skirt - P Series................................................ .2C-K) Wood G ra in Applique Installation P ro c e d u re .... .2C-10 Specifications.........................................................................2C-12 GENERAL DESCRIPTION not provide assembly. CK Series The chassis sheet metal assembly is attached to the fram e and body at adjustment points. The front of the assembly is supported by two mounts located at the fram e side rails. Fore and aft and side adjustment is allowed by oversize holes at the fender rear attaching point an d chassis sheet metal mounts. Special shims at the rear locations allow adjustm ent of the rear of the assembly. The lower rear edge of the assembly is attached to the body at the rocker panel by bolts on each side. Shims are used at this location to provide in and out adjustm ent at the rear o f the fender. The bolts that retain the sheet metal braces must be torqued to the required torques. If these bolts are loose, the braces will additional support for the sheet metal G Series The front end sheet metal design does not include the radiator support and fenders as loose items inasmuch that these items are welded together as an integral part of the body. Front end sheet metal includes the hood assembly, hood hinges, hood lock catch and support, a hood rod assembly which supports the hood, a bolted radiatorupper tie bar, and series designation plates and hoods emblems. Refer to figure 13 for sheet metal checking. Refer to Section 6B for R adiator and Grille service procedures. Section 2B for Bumpers, and Section 1A for Heater. ON VEHICLE SERVICE HO O D ASSEMBLY - CK SERIES Hood Hinge (Fig. 2C-2) Hood Hinge Spring R eplacem ent Removal For Hinge Spring Replacement, a tool can be made to dimensions as shown in Figure 2C-1. 1. Raise and safely support the hood in full open position. 2. As shown in Figure 2C-2, engage hooked end of tool to spring, then carefully pull forward to engage or disengage spring from hinge assembly. 1. Prop the hood in the extreme open position and place protective covering over the cowl and fenders. 2. Scribe position o f hinge attachment on hood rear reinforcem ent and remove two bolts. 3. Remove hood hinge spring as described above. 4. Scribe position of hinge attachm ent on fender assembly and remove bolts. 5. Remove hinge. Installation 1. Install hinge assembly within scribe marks. Install bolts. to fender and align HOOD .110 REF SUPPORT NUT L O C K IN G PLATE LOCK NUT G U ID E IN LOCK BOLT HOOD ASSY. NUBBLE VIE W VIE W LOCK N U B B L E T O BE CENTERED IN G U ID E HOOD BUMPER Fig. 2C-2-Hood Hinge and Spring—CK Series 2. Install hood hinge spring. 3. Install bolts a n d align A lignm ent in this section. hood. See Hood Hood Lock Assem bly A bolt-type hood lock is used as shown in Figure 2C-3. The lock bolt, located on the hood dovetails with the m ounted striker plate, preventing upward or downward m ovem ent of the hood while the vehicle is in Fig. 2C-4-Hood Lock Bolt and Bum per—CK Series motion. Integral with the striker plate is the combination lock release lever and safety catch. Replacement 1. Open hood and remove the four bolts holding the com bination lock support and lock bolt. N OTE: If original hood lock assembly is to be replaced, scribe a line around lock for alignment on installation. 2. Place hood lock assembly in position. 3. Adjust as outlined under Adjustments. Adjustment (Fig. 2C-4) 1. Loosen lock nut on lock bolt and adjust lock bolt approxim ately 2 7/16 inches from bottom o f lock bolt to bottom o f support. 2. Adjust tightness o f support screws so they are just snug enough to hold support in position. 3. Adjust support fore and aft until nubble enters center o f elongated guide. Bending nubble to accomplish this adjustm ent may seriously effect lock operation and safety latch e n g a g e m e n t and is. therefore, not recom m ended. 4. Tighten screws to 14(1 pound inches. 5. Adjust lock bolt to o btain a secure hood closure and reasonable lock release effort. Hood Bum per Adjustm ent Hood Bumpers must be adjusted until hood and fender line up flush at front corner. Adjust hood lock bolt to o btain a m inim um load o f 45 pounds to a m axim um load o f 55 pounds on each bum per after hood is firmly slammed. Hood Assembly Removal 1. Open hood and prop in full open position. N O T E: If hood is to be reinstalled and present a lignm ent is satisfactory, mark each hinge in relation to hood, to assure original alignment. 2. Remove two (2) cap screws which attach each hinge to hood; then with a helper remove hood from vehicle. Installation 1. If original hood is to be installed, position hood to hinges and install four cap screws snug which attach hinges to hood. N O TE: If a new hood is to be installed, perform procedures as outlined under Alignment, directly below. 2. Shift hood on hinges to location marks made before removal o f hood, then tighten attaching cap screws at hinges firmly. Close hood and check fit. If necessary to align hood perform procedure as outlined u nder "A lig n m e n t” which follows. Alignment (Fig. 2C-2) 1. Loosen hood hinge bolts. Note that rear most bolt hole in hinge is slotted to allow hood trailing edge to move up and down. 2. Adjust hood rear bu m p e r bolt so that bu m p er is flush with fender. N ut must be threaded completely onto bolt before torquing to m a intain design height. 3. Perform hood lock adjustment as outlined in this section if necessary. Hood Assembly - G Series The alignment o f the hood is controlled by the position o f the hood hinges and the height o f the two bumpers located one at each side o f the rad iato r support. The adjustm ent at the hood lock must be m ade after the hinges and bum pers are properly adjusted (refer to Hood Lock A djustment fig. 2C-6). To align the hood and lock proceed as follows: Hood Hinge (Fig. 2C-5) The body mounted portion o f the hood hinges are slotted to provide up and down movement. The hood mounted end is slotted to provide forward and rearward movement. Hood support rod assembly must operate freely without binding in assembled position. Hood Lock Assembly A bolt-type hood lock is used as shown in Figure 2C-6. The lock bolt, located on the hood, dovetails with the mounted striker plate, preventing upward or downward movement o f the hood while the vehicle is in motion. Integral with the striker plate is the combination lock release lever and safety catch. 1. Scribe a line around the entire hinge plate to be repositioned. 2. Loosen the appropriate screws and shift the position o f the hood into correct alignment using the scribe marks to check am ount o f movement. Check alignment by tightening screws and closing the hood. Replacement 1. O pen hood and remove the four bolts holding the com bination lock catch and lock bolt. N O T E: If original hood lock assembly is to be replaced, scribe a line aro un d lock for alignment on installation. 2. Place hood lock assembly in position. 3. Adjust as outlined u nder Adjustments. Adjustment CAUTION: H ood lock assembly to be adjusted fo r e a nd a ft until hood lock bolt enters center o f elongated guide. Bending bolt to accomplish this adjustm ent m ay seriously effect lock operation a n d safety catch engagement and is, therefore not recommended. 1. Adjust lock bolt as shown in Figure 2C-7. 2. O pen hood and adjust tightness o f catch assembly so that it is just "sn u g " enough to hold lock bolt in position. 3. Close hood in a normal m anner. 4. Raise hood again; lock bolt assembly will have shifted to operating position. Tighten bolts fully. Further adjustm ent may be made at lock bolt support, if necessary. 5. Adjust lock bolt to obtain a secure hood closure and reasonable lock release effort. HO O D LATCH CABLE RELEASE - CK MODELS (FIG. 2C-8) Replacement 1. Release the hood from below, using a suitable rod, by pressing on the hood release tab at the right side o f the lock assembly. 2. Remove the cable at the lock assembly. 3. Rem ove hood release hand le to kickpad attaching screws. 4. Remove hood release cable. 5. To install, reverse steps 2 through 4 above. HOOD EMBLEM - CK MODELS (FIG . 2C -9) Hood Bumper (Fig. 2C-7) Adjust hood bumpers so that hood top surface is flush with the fender and grille top surfaces. Refer to Figure 13 for correct sheet metal adjustm ent dimensions. Hood Assembly (Fig. 2C-7) Removal 1. Lay a fender cover along cowl top to prevent hood from scratching painted surfaces. 2. O pen hood and prop in full open position. NOTE: If hood is to be reinstalled and present alignment is satisfactory, mark each hinge in relation to hood, to assure original alignment. 3. Remove rod assembly (see fig. 2C-5). 4. Remove two cap screws which attach each hinge to hood; then with a helper remove hood from vehicle. Installation 1. If original hood is to be installed, position hood to hinges with helper and install four cap screws snug which attach hinges to hood. 2. Install rod assembly. N OTE: If a new hood is to be installed, perform procedures as outlined under Alignment, directly below. 3. Shift hood on hinges to location marks made before removal o f hood, then tighten attaching cap screws at hinges firmly. Close hood and check fit. If Fig. 2C-8- Hood Release Cable ■ CK Models necessary to align hood perform procedure as outlined under "A lignm ent” which follows. Alignment 1. Loosen hood hinge bolts. Note that rear bolt holes in hinge is slotted to allow hood trailing edge to move up and down. 2. Adjust hood bumpers so that hood and adjacent surfaces are flush. 3. Perform hood lock adjustment as outlined in this section if necessary. NOTE: Hood Lock Assembly to be adjusted fore and aft until nubble (part o f Hood Lock Bolt Support Assembly) enters center o f elongated guide (Socket). Bending nubble to accomplish this adjustment may seriously effect lock operation and R A D IA TO R GRILLE M O LD IN G - CK MODELS (FIG. 2C -12) FRO NT SHEET M ETA L ASSEMBLY-CK SERIES Removal o f entire front sheet metal assembly including radiator involves disassembly o f mounts, disconnecting rad iato r hoses and removal of front bumper. Vehicles equipped with air conditioning a n d / o r power steering will require special handling. Refer to appropriate sections o f this m anual for instructions. Shims which are found at various locations should be recorded to ease installation of sheet metal assembly. Refer to Figure 2C-13 for sheet metal clearance. Removal safety catch engagem ent and is, therefore, N O T RECOMMENDED. Hood Rod Support - G-Series Refer to Fig. 2C-10 for removal and installation of hood rod support. C A R B U R E TO R O U TS ID E AIR INLET SNO RKELS (Fig. 2 C -1 1) Removal 1. Raise hood and remove carburetor air duct from air snorkel by sliding duct rearward. 2. Remove two (2) screws attaching air snorkel to ra d ia to r support and remove from vehicle. SNORKEL L O C A T IO N L6 SNORKEL Fig. 2C -11-C arburetor Outside A ir Inlet Snorkels—CK Series 1. D ra in radiator and remove radiato r hoses. Disconnect oil cooler lines if so equipped. 2. Disconnect wire connectors at the dash and toe panel and wire connector to horn and voltage regulator. 3. Disconnect battery and generator wires. 4. R em ove front b um p e r bolts and remove bumper. 5. Remove bolts attaching fender upper edge to cowl door frame. 6. Remove fan shroud. 7. W orking from underneath rear o f fender, remove attachm ent from each fender at the hinge pillar. HOOD ASS’ HOOD ASSY FLUSH HOOD ASSY •FENDER ASSY FLUSH /-F E N D E R / ASSY -FENDER ASSY FENDER ASSY DOOR ASSY •FLUSH SECTION E -E SECTION B -B SE CTION C-C ] Hood su rfa c e . 06 below a t Section C -C to flush a t Section B -B an d S ection D -D . SECTION D -D N OTE I \ I ' —DOOR SECTION F - F ^ l - 0 0 ASSY I NOTE 1 Shim fro n t fen d er to obtain su rfa c e flu sh n e ss s ta r tin g a t a point approx 1.00 fro m leading edge of d o o r. (T ypical e n tire length of fe n d e r to door). HOOD ASSY FENDER ASSY RADIATOR GRILLE U PPER PANEL ROCKER PANEL FLUSH r____?EgTioii tt-fi SECTION A-A 1 NOTE [Shim fro n t fe n d e r to obtain su rfa c e flu sh n e ss to r o c k e r p a n el. Fig. 2C-13--Sheet M etal Clearance—CK Series 8. R em ove bolt from each ra d ia to r sup po rt mounting. 9. Remove bolts at each fender skirt to cab underbody (tig. 2C-14). 10. With a helper, remove front sheet metal assembly, with radiator, battery, horn and voltage regulator attached. Installation 1. With a helper place sheet metal assembly in position. N O T E : Install all bolts loosely to facilitate aligning after complete installation. 2. Install fender bolts at cowl. 3. Install c o m b in a tio n bolt an d flat w asher assembly into each fender reinforcem ent while inserting shims required between fender reinforcem ent and body (See Figure 2C-15). 4. Install two bolts and shims required at each fen der rear lower edge to hinge pillar. 5. Install bolt in each fend er skirt to underbody. 6. Install bolts at steering column skirt reinforce­ ment, final torque 25 ft. lbs. 7. Tighten each radiator support mounting bolt 33 ft. lbs. 8. Torque bolts at fender to cowl 25 ft. lbs. 9. Install front bumper. 10. Connect wire connectors at dash and toe panel. Attach g enerator and regulator wires. Fig. 2C-14--Fender S kirt Assembly—CK Series 11. Connect upper and lower rad iato r hoses. Connect oil cooler lines to the rad iator on models so equipped. 3. Connect hood latch plate. 4. Connect ra d iato r support brackets to fenders. 5. Connect support to fenders. 6. Connect screws from underside o f fender skirts to support bottom. 7. Attach grille upper panel to fenders loosely. 8. Attach grille lower panel to fenders. 9. Tighten radiator support bolts. 10. Place battery tray in position and fasten to radiator support. 11. Install radiator coolant recovery tank hoses and shroud. 12. Connect removed wiring to radiator support. 13. Install both head lamp assemblies. 14. Tighten all previously installed bolts and screws. 15. Install battery and connect leads and wires. 16. Install grille assembly. 17. Fill rad iato r with coolant as specified in Section 13. 18. Install hood on previously m arked outline. FRO NT FENDER (FIG. 2C -15) Removal Fig. 2C-15--Front Fender Assem bly—CK Series 1. Remove hood and hinge assembly. 2. Remove head lamp bezel, wiring and attach­ 12. Connect battery and fill radiator. Start engine ments from fender. and check for leaks. 3. Remove screws attaching upper and lower radiator grille panels. Radiator Support 4. Remove screws attaching fender wheel opening Removal flange to skirt. 1. Remove hood as described in this section. 5. Remove skirt to fender bolts, located inboard on 2. D ra in radiator, saving coolant, loosen attach­ underside o f skirt. ments an d remove radiator and coolant recovery tank. 6. Remove two (2) screws attaching support 3. Disconnect and remove battery. bracket to fender. 4. Remove battery tray with battery hanger. 7. Remove five (5) screws attaching radiator 5. Remove wiring from ra d iato r support. support to front fender. 6. Disconnect fan shroud and lay back on engine. 8. Remove bolt and shim attaching trailing edge 7. Remove both head lam p assemblies. of fender to hinge pillar. 8. Remove grille assembly. 9. Remove two bolts and shims at top rear of 9. Remove upper and lower radiator grille panels. fender attaching to cowl. (Fig. 2C-16). Installation 10. Remove screws securing front fenders to To install, reverse the removal procedure using ra d ia to r support. sealing tape between filler panel and fender. Check sheet 11. Remove screws securing fender skirts to metal alignment. ra d iato r support bottom. (Fig. 2C-14). 12. Remove bolt securing center grille support to FRONT FENDER AND S K IR T (FIGS. 2C -14 ra d ia to r support. AMD 2C -15) 13. Remove bolts securing hood catch assembly to ra d ia to r support. Removal 14. Remove rad iato r support bolts secured to 1. Remove hood and hood hinge assembly. frame. 2. Disconnect and remove battery (right side or 15. Tilt radiator support rearw ard and lift up and auxiliary left side). off. 3. Remove head lamp bezel, wiring and attach­ Installation ments from fender. 4. Remove screws attaching upper and lower 1. Rotate radiator support into position and loosely radiator grille panels. install attachments to fram e. 5. Remove screws attaching skirt to radiator 2. C onnect center grille sup po rt to ra d ia to r support. support. UPPER R A D IA T O R PANEL SUPPORT R A D IA T O R M O U N T IN G PANEL BRACKET LOWER PANEL Fig. 2C-16--Radiator Upper and Lower Grille Panels—CK Series 6. Remove two (2) top re ar fender bolts and shims. 7. Remove bolt and shims at bottom o f fender. 8. Remove bolt and shim(s) attaching skirt to underbody. 9. Remove two (2) screw attaching support bracket to fender. 10. Remove five (5) screws attaching radiator support to front fender. 11. Lift fender and skirt from truck. Installation Install front fender and skirt assembly in reverse order o f removal. FR O N T FENDER SK IR T Refer to figure 2C-14 for removal and installation of Front F en der Skirt. R U N N IN G BOARDS Refer to figure 2C-17 for removal and installation of running boards. Front Sheet M e ta l Assembly - G Series The fro nt end sheet metal components not covered in this section are covered in the Body Section IB. COWL TO HOOD ± 1 /3 2 3 /1 6 NOTE H o o d s u r f a c e flu sh to b e lo w from cowl (£_ to vent hood g rille rear and 1/16 constant c o r n e rs . FENDER TO COWL 1 /1 6 GAP (Ref) NOTE Cowl vent grille FENDER TO HOOD 3 /1 6 1 /3 2 GAP NOTE Hood corner and becom e NOTE Full range any Fig. 2C-17--Running Boards—CK Series ± the surface one gap. range of dictate that f lu sh f lu sh of gap C learances good gap to at 1 /1 6 front b e lo w of tolerances to be a ssem b ly c le a ra n c e s do h e ld at be not a p p ly u n ifo rm ly practices. shou ld fender rear hood. to w ith in A p p earances p a ralle l. SHEET M E TA L C H EC K IN G Refer to the sheet metal checking illustration figure 2C-18 for pro per gaps an d hood adjustments. Fender Skirt - P Series Refer to figure 2C-19 for removal and installation o f fend er skirt, brackets, rear supports and hangers. W O O D G R A IN A PPLIQ U E IN S T A L L A T IO N PRO CEDURE Genera! The wood grain applique (transfer film) is a vinyl m aterial with a pressure sensitive adhesive backing. The transfers are serviced in pre-cut panels. The transfers are designed with an appealing wood grain pattern and a 50 degree or semi-gloss finish. P reparation o f the surface to which the transfer will be applied is very im portant. In cases where body metal rep air has been m ade it is necessary to prime and color coat these areas to blend with the undam aged surface. Fig. 2C-18 Front End Sheet M etal Checking—G Series Apply the transfer film to color coated panels only, never to bare metal or primer. The surface must be free o f any im perfections that might high-light through the film. Remove dirt nibs and other foreign material in the paint by light sanding with 600 grit sandpaper. The tem perature of the body must be m aintained at a moderate level between approximately 70 and 90 degrees. Too warm a body will cause the wood grain film to stick prem aturely while too cool a body will reduce the adhesion o f the wood grain film. Cool the body panel with cool water when too warm and heat the body panel with a heat gun or a heat lamp w hen too cold. Transfers should not be replaced in temperatures below 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The transfer should not be subjected to temperature greater than 175 °F and should not be left at or near this tem perature for extended periods of time. Fig. 2C 19 Fender S kirt, Dash and Toe Pan—P Series S h elf life of the transfer material is 90 days at a tem perature not to exceed 105 F. Removal Remove the moldings from the affected panel. The transfer film may then be removed by lifting an edge and peeling the material from the painted surface. Exercise care so as not to da m a ge the paint. Application o f heat to the transfer and the panel by means o f a heat gun or heat lam p will aid in the removal. Installation 1. With a solvent d a m p e n e d sponge, clean entire surface to be covered with applique. 2. W ipe area dry with a clean cloth. 3. Prior to application of transfer, wet down the complete transfer surface o f the fender with a solution o f 1/4 oz. of neutral detergent cleaner (must not contain oils, perfumes, or bleaches) per gallon o f clear water. It is essential that no substitute for this solution be used and tha t the specified proportions be maintained. 4. While entire area is still wet with solution. remove pap er backing from transfer and align upper edge with pierced holes in fender and press on lightly. 5. Start at center o f transfer and squeeze outboard from middle to edges removing all air bubbles and wetting solution to assure a satisfactory bond. Use teflonbacked plastic squeegee only. 6. Notch applique at fender rear contour bend areas with scissors. Also notch out front m ark er lamp. 7. Fold ends o f applique over fender flanges using squeegee. Heat the wrap-around area o f applique with a heat lamp or gun to approximately 90 T and press with squeegee to secure entire edge surface. 8. If the w rap-around of the transfer has trouble sticking to fender edges, brush vinyl adhesive onto the fender or transfer area. Allow the adhesive to set for one minute then press transfer to fender for adhesion. 9. Inspect transfer installation from critical angle using adequate light reflection to detect any irregularities that may have developed during installation. Remove all air or moisture bubbles by piercing each at an acute angle with a fine pin or needle and by pressing the bubble down. 10. Install previously removed parts and clean up vehicle as required. SPECIFICATIONS SHEET METAL S E C T IO N 2 C TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS CK Lock Support to Hood Lock Bolt Nut Bumper Bolt Nut Hood Hinge Hood Lock Catch Lock Support to Rad. Support Rad. Support to Frame Rad. Support to Fender Fender Skirt to Fender Fender to Cowl Rad. Grille Panel 150 30 85 35 150 18 35 150 150 35 150 in. lbs. ft. lbs. in. lbs. ft. lbs. in. lbs. ft. lbs. ft. lbs. in. lbs. in. lbs. ft. lbs. in. lbs. P G 150 40 150 18 18 18 in. ft. in. ft. ft. ft. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 30 ft. lbs. 150 in. lbs. SECTION 2D BODY The following caution applies to one or more steps in the assembly procedure o f components in this portion o f the m anual as indicated at a p propriate locations by the terminology "See Caution on page 1 o f this Section". CAUTION: T H I S F A S T E N E R I S A N I M P O R T A N T A T T A C H I N G P A R T I N T H A T I T CO U LD A F F E C T T H E P E R F O R M A N C E OF V I T A L C O M P O N E N T S A N D S Y S T E M S , A N D / O R C O U LD R E S U L T IN M A JO R R E P A IR E X PEN SE. I T M U S T BE R E P L A C E D W ITH O N E OF T H E S A M E P A R T N U M B E R OR W IT H A N E Q U I V A L E N T P A R T I F R E P LA C E M E N T B E C O M E S N E C E S S A R Y. DO N O T U SE A R E P L A C E M E N T P A R T OF L E S S E R Q U A L I T Y OR O F S U B S T I ­ T U T E D E S IG N . T O R Q U E V A L U E S M U S T B E U S E D A S S P E C I ­ F IE D D U R I N G R E A S S E M B L Y TO A S S U R E P R O P E R R E T E N T I O N OF T H I S P AR T. C O N TE N TS OF TH IS SECTION G eneral D escrip tion ........................................................................ 2D-1 C-K M odels...................................................................................... 2D-1 G M o d e ls.......................................................................................... 2 D - 1 On Vehicle Service.......................................................................... 2D-4 Specifications.............................................................................. 2D-61,62 Special To ols.................................................................................... 2D-63 GENERAL DESCRIPTION On the following pages, service procedures will be given for com ponents on all 10-20-30 series trucks in C. K and G models. Reference will be made, both in text and illustrations, to vehicle model lines and to individual model num bers within these model lines. As an aid to identification o f specific models, the following general descriptions are given. Chassis/Cabs All chassis cabs use "03 " as the See figure 2D-1. Two-wheel drive C-20 an d C-30 series. Four-wheel either K-10 or K-20. O ptional available. model identification. units come in CIO, drive units may be pickup boxes are Crew C ab/Chassis Model n u m b e r " 6 3 " designates the crew cab/chassis models. See figure 2D-2. Optional pickup boxes are available. Coach The four-door coach model num ber is "06". See figure 2D-3. Base models have rear cargo doors. An optional endgate with moveable window is available. U tility Utility models are designated with the n u m b e r "16". See figure 2D-4. An optional removable roof is also available. Vans G-Series Vans are available in three model nu m b er designations. See figures 2D-5 and 2D-6. Vans without body windows use nu m b e r "05"; vans with body windows are " 0 6 " models; "03 " vans have an open cargo area, as shown in figure 2D-6. Fig. 2 D -5-T ypical ” 0 5 " and " 0 6 " Vans Fig. 2D-6--Typical ” 0 3 '' Van ON VEHICLE SERVICE C-K M O D ELS INDEX Front End W indshield W ip ers....................................................... 2D-5 Glove Box........................................................................ 2D-5 R ear View M irro rs ....................................................... 2D-6 Body Glass W indshield G la s s .......................................................... 2D-7 Stationary Body G la ss................................................ 2D-9 Side Doors A d ju stm e n ts................................................................... 2D-11 Fro nt Side D o o r ......................................................... 2D-12 R e p la ce m e n t............................................................. 2D-12 Hinges......................................................................... 2D-12 V e n tila to r................................................................... 2D-12 Window and R e g u la to r ....................................... 2D-14 Locks, Handles, R o d s ........................................... 2D-16 W eath erstrip ............................................................. 2D-17 Rear Side D o o rs......................................................... R ep lacem ent............................................................. Hinges......................................................................... Stationary G la ss..................................................... Window and R e g u la to r...................................... Locks, Handles, R o d s ........................................... W eatherstrip ............................................................. R ear Doors A djustm ents.................................................................. Locks, Handles, R o d s ............................................... H inges..........................!.................................................. Gates E n d g ates......................................................................... T ailg ates......................................................................... Removable Top - Folding Top (Utility)............... S e a ts .................................................................................... Body M o u n tin g ............................................................... 2D-17 2D-17 2D-17 2D-18 2D-19 2D-19 2D-20 2D-20 2D-20 2D-20 2D-24 2D-28 2D-29 2D-30 2D-34 FRONT END pivot shaft assembly to windshield frame. Remove wiper linkage and transmission from plenum. W IN D S H IE LD W IPERS W indshield wiper units on all models are o f the twospeed electric type. A single wiper motor unit, mounted to the left side o f the dash panel inside the engine c om partm ent, powers both wiper blades. The wiper blade op eratin g link rods and pivot mountings on these models are located in the outside air inlet plenum chamber. Installation 1. Place wiper linkage and transmission into position. Secure assembly with two screws at each transmission. 2. Attach end o f cross rod to drive arm o f motor assembly. Secure rod. 3. Before installing wiper arms, operate wiper motor m omentarily which should rotate pivot shafts to park position. Install arms and shafts. Arm Adjustm ent To adjust sweep of blades, turn on wipers and note sweep o f arms. If necessary, remove one or both arms as follows: Pull outer end o f arm away from glass which will trip lock spring at base o f arm and release spring from undercut o f pivot shaft. W hile holding arm in this position, pull outward on cap section at base o f arm to remove arm. A rm can be reinstalled in any one o f several positions due to serrations on pivot shaft and in arm cap. See figure 2D-7. IN S T R U M E N T PANEL C O M P A R T M E N T AND LOCK Replacement Removal o f the entire assembly including door may be accomplished by removing four screws which attach hinge just below box. See figure 2D-8. The outer door panel may be removed, leaving the com partm ent intact, by removal o f four screws. Access to the door stop W iper Arm Pivot Shafts and Linkage Removal 1. Remove windshield w iper arms from pivot shafts. Procedure for removing arms is explained previously u nd e r A rm A djustemnt". " 2. Remove two nut and lock washer assemblies frfom the connector link to m otor drive arm via the plenum access hole. 3. Remove two screws from each transmission N OTE: C am p er mirror installation is similar to the Fig. 2D-10--Rear View M irrors below eyeline mirror installation. bu m p e r is gained by reaching into c om partm ent opening with door partially open. IN S ID E REAR VIEW M IR R O R - FIG URE 2D- A d ju stm ent 11 E ngagem ent of lock in striker may be adjusted by loosening striker retaining screws and moving the striker to desired position. Replacement 1. Remove screw retaining m irror to its glass- mounted bracket and remove mirror. 2. O U T S ID E REAR V IE W M IR R O R S Rear view mirror installations are shown in figure 2D-9, 2D-10 and 2D-11. Occasional tightening o f Install m irror into its mounting bracket. Torque screw to specifications. COWL V E N T VALVE - FIGURE 2D-12 mounting and assembly bolts and screws will sharply Two styles are shown in Figure 2D-12. Removing decrease occurrence of failure due to door slamming or the attaching screws allows removal of the valve from road shock. the side panels. Fig. 2D-12 Cowl Vent Valves BODY GLASS W A R N IN G : Always w ear gloves when handling glass. W IN D S H IE L D GLASS T he windshield is a one-piece type and is retained in the windshield opening by a molded rub ber weatherstrip. See figure 2D-13. W hen replacing a cracked windshield glass, it is very im p o rta n t that the cause o f the glass breakage be determ ined and the condition corrected before a new glass is installed. Otherwise, it is highly possible that a small obstruction or high spot somewhere around the windshield o pening will continue to crack or break the newly installed windshield especially w hen the strain on the glass caused by this obstruction is increased by such conditions as wind pressures, extremes of temperature, motion o f the vehicle, etc. NOTE: T he p rocedu re for rem oval of the VIEW A w in dsh ie ld applies to o th e r sta tio n a ry glass applications, such as in figures 2D-20 and 2D-21. Removal 1. Before removing the windshield, mark the location o f the break on the windshield rubb er channel and the body. Protect the pain t finish inside o f the cab. Mask around the windshield opening and outside, lay a suitable covering across the hood and fenders. N O T E : The windshield glass ru bb er w eatherstrip is one piece. The glass is held in a channel within the weatherstrip. 2. On vehicles w ithout reveal moldings, "u n z ip " the locking strip shown in figure 2D-18. 3. On vehicles with reveal moldings, remove reveal molding with tools show in figure 2D-19. 4. To free windshield r u b b e r channel of w eather­ strip loosen the lip of the windshield weatherstrip from the pinchweld flange along the top and at the sides by Fig. 2D-14--Applying Pressure to W indshield applying firm, controlled pressure to the edge o f the glass. At the same time assist the lip o f the rubber weatherstrip channel over the pinchweld flange with a flat bladed tool. See figures 2D-14 and 2D-15. 5. With the aid o f an assistant outside the cab, remove the windshield from the opening. See figure 2D16. Checking W indshield Opening Due to the expanse and contour of the windshield it is im perative in the event of a stress crack that the windshield opening be thoroughly checked before installing a replacement windshield. The replacement glass is used as a template. 1. Check for the following conditions at the previously marked point o f fracture. a. Chipped edges on glass. b. Irregularities in bodyopening. c. Irregularities in ru bb er channel weatherstrip. 2. Check flange area for solder, weld high spots, or hardened spot-weld sealer. Remove all high spots. 3. Check windshield glass to opening, by support­ ing glass with six spacers contained in packet J-22577. See figure 2D-17. C A U TIO N : Do not strike glass against body metal. Chipped edges on (he glass can lead to future breaks. 4. With the windshield supported and centered in its opening, check the relationship of the glass to the body opening flange around the entire perim eter of the glass. 5. Check the relationship o f glass to opening as follows: a. Inside edge o f glass to body flange. b. Outer edge of glass to parallel body metal. 6. M ark areas of body metal or flange to be reform ed remove glass and correct as necessary. 2ZBS Fig. 2D -17-C hecking W indshield Opening 7. Recheck windshield satisfactory proceed as follows: in its opening and if Installation 1. Place a protective covering over front fenders and hood, then apply soapy w ater to all grooves of the w eatherstrip. 2. Install w e a th e rstrip centrally to the body opening, with the pinchweld flange in the inner w eatherstrip groove. See figure 2D-18. N OTE: Because o f the configuration of the w eatherstrip and o f the im portance o f centrally locating the w eatherstrip in the body opening, it is not recomm ended to use the "cord-type" installa­ tion technique. 3. Position the lower edge o f the windsheild glas into the outer weatherstrip groove. Gently push the glass " in to " the weatherstrip, assisting rub ber over edge o f glass. 4. W hen glass is in position, lock the weatherstrip to the glass as follows: a. Base W eatherstrip - Bend the "locking strip" over and use a thin bladed tool to lock w eatherstrip tightly against windshield. See figure 2D-18 for detail. b. O ptional W eatherstrip - Use J - 2 189-24 and J - 2 189-23 in Handle J -2 189 to install flexible reveal m olding into locking slot o f weatherstrip, as shown in figure 2D-19. This will expand the w eatherstrip to a tight Fig. 2D 18 -Locking the W eatherstrip to the Glass fit against the windshield. Install reveal molding so that joint is at center o f lower edge of windshield. Cover the joint with the molding cap. S TA TIO N A R Y BODY GLASS Replacement The method used to remove the windshield glass may be applied to other stationary glass, such as shown in figures 2D-20 and 2D-21. R em em ber to check for cause o f breakage, and to always w ear gloves when handling glass. Installation procedures are similar to G-Van windshield. Refer to figures 2D-94 and 2D-95, later in this section. Fig. 2D-21--Body Side W indow (14 and 06) BODY SIDE DOORS DOOR A D JU S T M E N T S Doors can be adjusted for alignm ent o f clearance in the cab door opening, and for proper latching. D oor alignm ent adjustments are made at the striker bolt, and at door hinges. The door, w hen properly located in door opening, will have .19 inch clearance at the top and side edges, and .25 inch clearance at the bottom. The door should be adjusted in the o pening so the edge of the door across the top and also at the lock side is parallel with the body opening as nearly as possible. Hinge Adjustm ent D o o r hinge bolt holes are oversized to make adjustm ent possible. A lignm ent adjustments can be m ade by loosening the proper hinge bolts, aligning door to pro p e r position, and tightening bolts securely. See figure 2D-22, for typical adjustments. Striker Bolt Adjustm ent With the use o f J-23457, shown in figure 2D-23. the striker bolt can be adjusted in any o f three ways. See figure 2D-24. 1. Up and down - To adjust striker up or down, loosen bolt, adjust to desired height, and tighten bolt securely. NOTE: This adjustm ent is im portant to assure that the right proportion o f d o o r’s weight will rest on striker bolt when door is closed. If bolt is positioned too high on pillar, rapid w ear will occur to the lock cam; if too low, an extra load will be placed on door hinges as well as pull door downward and out o f alignment. 2. In and Out - To adjust striker in and out, loosen bolt, adjust horizontally to desired position and tighten bolt securely. Fig. 2D-22 -Door Hinge Fig. 2D-24--Typical Striker Bolt A djustm ent 3. Foreward and R e a rw a rd -T o make this adjust­ front door check-hinge assembly is replaced ment, loosen striker bolt, shim to desired position, and complete unit as follows. See figure 2D-22. tighten bolt securely. as a Removal FR O N T DOOR ASSEMBLY R eplacem ent Remove the door assembly from rem oving the hinges from the door. the body by DO O R H IN G E The door check is p art o f the front door upper hinge. The front door torque rod check holds the door in either of two positions between full open and closed. The 1. Loosen front fender rear bolts. 2. With special Tool J-22585 remove 3 bolts securing front door upper hinge to cowl pillar. a. Remove the door to upper hinge retaining bolts. b. With aid o f an assistant to support weight of door, remove the door to lower hinge retaining bolts and remove door. Installation 1. Install hinge snugly hinge removed. 2. With the aid of an the hinge. 3. Adjustment o f the should be made after the opening. on pillar in same location as assistant fasten the door to door lock and striker plate door is positioned in the DOOR T R IM PANELS - CK MODELS Door trim panel installation is illustrated in Fig. 2D-25. DOOR V E N TILA TO R ASSEM BLY-Fig. 2D -26 Removal NOTE: The channel between the door window glass and door vent is removed as p art o f the vent assembly. 1. Regulate the door window glass to the full down position. 2. Remove clip from the window regulator handle, and knob from lock rod. 3. Remove arm rest screws and rim panel. See figure 2D-27. Fig. 2D-27--Door Trim Pad Fig. 2D-2b--Door T rim Panel Fig. 2D-28--Removing V entilator Assembly Fig. 2D -26-D oor V e n tila to r Assembly 4. R em ove screws a tta c h in g v en tila to r lower assembly to door panel. 5. Loosen inner to outer panel attaching screw through access hole just rearward o f the lower vent pivot. 6. Slide door window glass rearw ard away from ventilator. 7. Remove three screws at the upper front of the door frame. 8. T urn vent assembly 90" and carefully remove by guiding up and out. See figure 2D-28. V en tilato r Glass Replacement 2. Thoroughly clean the inside of the glass channel with sandpaper, removing all rust, etc. 3. Using new glass channel filler, cut the piece to be installed two inches longer than necessary for the channel. Place this piece o f filler (soapstoned side of filler away from glass) evenly over the edge o f the glass which will fit in the channel. The extra filler extending beyond the rear edge of the glass should be pinched together to hold it in place during glass installation. NOTE: One side o f this filler (the outside o f the roll) is soapstoned. This is the side which goes into the metal channel. 4. Brush the inside o f the metal glass channel freely with ordinary engine oil. This will enable the glass 1. Using an oil can or similar means, squirtand filler to slide freely into the channel. Push the glass prepsol or equivalent on the glass filler all around the with the filler around it into the channel until it is firmly glass channel or fram e to soften the old seal. W hen the seated. A fter the glass is firmly in place, the oil softens seal has softened, remove the glass from the channel. the filler, causing it to swell, thereby making a watertight seal. Trim off the excess filler material around channel and at the ends o f the channel. the N O T E : Glass should be installed so that rear edge is parallel to the division post. Allow full cure before w ater testing. Installation N OTE: Replace the door window glass and regulate to the full down position before installing the door ventilator assembly. 1. Lower the ventilator assembly into the door frame. 2. Make certain the ru b b e r lip is positioned inside the inn er and outer panel before tightening screws. 3. Slide door glass forward engaging glass in vent channel. 4. Reinstall all screws and tighten. 5. Install and tighten the three screws at the upper front o f the door. Adjustment 1. Adjust the ventilator by placing wrench on adjusting nut thru access hole and turning vent window to the desired tension. See figure 2D-29. 2. A fter m aking adjustment bend tabs over the hex nut on base o f assembly. See figure 2D-30. 3. Install arm rest screws and trim panel. 4. Install window regulator handle. DOOR W IN D O W ASSEM BLY-FIG . 2D-31 Replacement 1. Completely lower glass to bottom o f door. 2. Remove window regulator handles using tool J-7797. and remove remote control push button knob. 3. Remove door arm rest and trim pad. 4. Mask or cover upper portion o f door window fram e. Remove ventilator assembly as previously outlined. 5. Slide glass forward until front roller is in line with notch in sash channel. Disengage roller from channel. 6. Push window forward and tilt front portion of window up until rear roller is disengaged. See figure 2D32. 7. Put window assembly in norm al position (level) and raise straight up and out. 8. Reverse above procedure for installation. W IN D O W R E G U LA TO R -M A N U A L-FIG . 2D-31 Replacement Fig. 2D-29--Adjusting Tension BEND TAB O VER HEX NU T 1. Remove ventilator assembly and door window as outlined previously. 2. Remove screws attaching regulator to door inner panel. 3. Remove regu lato r assembly through door opening. NOTCH ROLLER Fig. 2D 32 Removing Door Glass 4. Install regulator by reversing above Lubricate regulator gear with lubriplate or equivalent. steps. W IN D O W REG ULATO R - POW ER - CK MODELS Fig. 2D-34--Power W indw Regulator, M otor and Connector In the case that window will not operate, check electrical connections first. Figure 2D-33 illustrates location o f junctions, switch, relay and circuit breaker. Replacem ent C A U T IO N : Electrical connectors m ust be rem oved fr o m window lift m otor before perform ing any operation on the regulator. Figure 2D -34 illustrates location o f regulator on door a n d wiring. 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Remove door upper trim panel. 3. Remove arm rest bracket and pull assist handle bracket. 4. Remove remote control bolts and lay control assembly aside for access. 5. Remove glass outer seal. 6. Remove rear glass run channel. 7. Remove regulator to door panel attaching nuts and screws, and pull rear of glass up as far as possible and rotate clockwise approximately 90° to remove glass from door. 8. Disconnect harness from regulator. 9. Rotate motor regulator approxim ately 90° to access hole in door. W A R N IN G : Step 10 must be performed when reg u lato r is rem oved from door. The regulator lift arms are under tension from the counterbalance spring and can cause serious injury if the m otor is removed without locking the sector gear in position. Fig. 2D-33--Power W indow Switch, Relay and Breaker Assembly 10. Drill a hole through the regulator sector gear and back plate. DO N O T drill hole closer than 1/2" to edge o f sector gear or back plate. Install a pan head sheet metal tapping screw (No. 10 - 12 x 3/4 ) in drilled hole to lock sector g ear in position. 11. Remove m otor to regulator attaching screws. 12. Remove m otor from regulator. 13. Prior to installation, lubricate the motor drive gear and regulator sector teeth. N O T E : The lubrication used must be cold w eather approved to a m inim u m of minus 20° fahrenheit. 14. Install regulator m otor to regulator. Make sure the motor pinion gear teeth mesh properly with the sector gear teeth before installing the three motor attaching screws. 15. Remove screw locking sector gear in a fixed position. 16. Insert regulator into door in such a position that motor connector can be installed onto motor. 17. Reinstall regulator into door. LOCKS, HANDLES A N D RODS T he d oo r lock, handles and control rods are shown in figure 2D-32 as they would be installed in the vehicle. N ote the clips which attach the three control rods to the lock assembly. N O T E: All clips which attach control rods to lock assembly must be replaced whenever removed. Door Lock Assembly Replacem ent 1. Raise window to gain access to lock. 2. Remove regulator handle. 3. Remove remote control push botton knob. 4. Remove trim panel. 5. Remove clip from inside handle rod-to-lock. 6. Remove clip from outside handle rod-to-lock. This is best accomplished by inserting a long screwdriver through the daylight opening, as shown in figure 2D-35. 7. Remove screws which attach lock assembly to door panel. 8. Remove lock and rem ote control rod as an assembly. 9. To install lock assembly, reverse above steps. Be sure to replace all clips removed earlier. Door Outside Handle--Fig. 2D -36 Replacement 1. 2. 3. Raise window to gain access to lock. Remove window regulator handle. Remove remote control rod. 4. Remove trim panel. 5. Remove clip from outside handle rod-to-lock. This is best accomplished by inserting a long screwdriver through the daylight opening, as shown in figure 2D-35. 6. Remove screws which retain outside handle to door panel. 7. Remove handle and control rod. 8. Reverse above procedures to install outside handle. Door Lock Cylinder Fig 2D -36 - Replacement 1. Raise door window. 2. Remove window reg ulator handle, rem ote control knob and trim panel. 3. Use a screwdriver or other suitable tool to slide the lock cylinder retaining clip out o f engagem ent with the lock cylinder. 4. Remove lock cylinder. 5. To install, reverse the above steps. Door Inside Handle Replacement 1. Rem ove window re g ula to r handle, rem ote control push button knob and trim panel. 2. Disconnect control rod from inside handle, as shown in figure 2D-37. 3. Remove screws retaining inside handle to door. 4. Remove inside handle. 5. Reverse above steps to install. ' ACCESS FOR REA* CLIP REMOVAL (WITH GLASS IN FULL DOWN POSITION) REMOTE CONTRO L KNO B HANDLE INSIDE HANDLE DOOR LOCK Fig. 2D-35~Lock, Handles and Rods .. . mmmm 6. To install, reverse steps 1 through 5 above. DOOR TO BODY O P EN IN G W E A TH ER S TR IP -FIGS. 2D -39, 2D -40 Side door sealing incorporates an inner seal. The inner seal is mounted on the body opening welding flange and goes completely around the periphery of the opening. The molded weatherstrip material is snapped in place. Success o f w eatherstrip replacem ent depends e n ­ tirely upon the quality of the cement used and the care with which it is applied. All rust, road dirt and grease or oil must be completely removed as should all old cement and bits of old weatherstrip. A fter removing all foreign material from door opening surface proceed as follows: Fig. 2D 3 7 -Inside Handle , Q p e n d o o r a n d b |o c k Q pen 2. Remove sill plate retaining screws and remove sill plate. 3. Remove side door inner weatherstrip seal. 4. Install molded corner o f inner weatherstrip, starting at the bottom o f the door opening. 5. Trim inner w eatherstrip with a notch and butt ends together. VIEW B POWER DO O R L O C K HARN 6. screws. Reinstall sill plate and sill plate retaining REAR SIDE DOOR (0 6 AND 63 ONLY) Adjustments and Hinge Replacement VIEW A The procedures for hinge replacement, and for hinge and striker bolt adjustment are sim ilar to those detailed in the front door adjustment procedure. Access to the hinges o f the rear door is shown in figure 2D-41. Fig. 2D -38-Pow er Door Lock Assembly POW ER DOOR LOCKS - CK MODELS (Fig. 2D -38) Replacem ent 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Remove door trim panel (fig. 2D-25) to gain access to power door lock motor. If equipped with optional trim, remove pull handle assist bracket. 3. 4. panel. Disconnect electrical connector from motor. Remove screws attaching motor to door inner 5. Remove door lock lever from ru bb er mount at top of motor actuator and remove motor through access F jg 2 D .3 9 . . D o o r Weath e rstrip (03-63-06) S T A T IO N A R Y G LA S S -R E A R DOOR alignment o f the glass to the rear glass run channel for full up and down travel. Replacem ent 1. Lower window to full down position. 2. Remove remote control knob and window regulator handle. 3. Remove screws retaining door rim pad, and remove trim pad. See figure 2D-42. 4. Remove glass ru n channel by removing screws retaining channel to door. See figure 2D-43. 5. Remove stationary glass. 6. Replace glass by reversing above procedure. Glas Run C hannel Adjustm ent s Figure 2D-44 illustrates the front ru n channel. At the lower end, a slotted bracket provides for in-and-out adjustment. The screw and locknut at that bracket allow fore -a n d-aft adjustment. Together, this allows proper W IN D O W G LA SS-FIG . 2D 4 5 Replacement 1. Lower glass to full down position. 2. Remove remote control push botton knob, window regulator handle and trim pad. 3. Remove stationary glass as previously outlined. Remove screws from rear division channel, and slide channel rearw ard in the opening. 4. Raise glass as fa r as possible, then slide glass until the roller is in line with the notch in the sash channel. See figure 2D-45. Disengage roller from channel. 5. Tilt window outboard and move until other roller can be removed from channel. 6. Raise window up and out. 4. Install regulator by reversing above procedure. Lubricate regulator gear with lubriplate or equivalent. LOCKS HANDLES AND RODS Lock Assem bly-Fig. 2D-46 Replacement 1. control 2. 3. to lock Remove window regulator handle and remote push button knob. Remove trim pad. Disengage three clips which retain control rods assembly. a. Inside handle control rod. b. Remote control lower rod. c. Outside handle control rod. 4. Remove screws retaining lock assembly to door panel, then remove lock assembly. 5. Install lock by reversing above procedure. Be sure to replace all clips removed with new clips on installation. Inside H andle-Fig. 2D-46 Replacement 7. Reverse above procedure for installation. W IN D O W REG ULATO R A SSEM B LY-FIG . 2D45 Replacem ent 1. Remove trim pad, stationary glass, and window glass as outlined earlier. 2. Remove screws attaching regulator assembly to door in n e r panel. 3. door. Remove regulator assembly through opening in 1. Remove regulator handle, remote control knob and trim pad as outlined previously. 2. Disconnect control rod from inside handle by removing clip as shown in figure 2D-46. 3. Remove inside handle by removing four screws which secure handle to door panel. 4. Replace handle by reversing above procedure. Install new clip when installing control rod. R em ote C ontrol-Fig. 2D-47 Replacement 1. Remove regulator handle, remote control knob and trim pad. 2. Disconnect remote control lower rod from door lock assembly. 3. Remove two screws securing each remote control lever to door panel. 4. Remove remote control levers and rods through door opening. 5. Replace by reversing above procedure. W EATH ERSTRIP--FIG . 2D -49 The procedure outlined in Front Door W eatherstrip may be applied to the R ear Side Door Weatherstrip, shown in figure 2D-49. Outside H an dle-Fig. 2D -48 REAR DOORS (0 6 ONLY) Replacement Adjustments 1. Remove regulator handle, remote control rod and trim pad. 2. D isengage outside handle control rod from lock assembly by rem oving clip, as shown in figure 2D-43. 3. Remove two screws securing outside handle to doo r panel. 4. Remove handle assembly. 5. Replace by reversing above procedure. Be sure to use new clip when attaching control rod to lock assembly. R ear doors may be adjusted in the body loosening hinge bolts and repositioning retightening bolts. See figure 2D-53 for location. R ear door wedges and strikers adjusted as shown in figure 2D-48. opening by door, then hinge bolt should be Glass Run Channel Adjustm ent Figure 2D-50 illustrates the front run channel. At the lower end, a slotted bracket provides for in-and-out adjustment. The screw and locknut at that bracket allow fore-and-aft adjustment. Together, this allows proper alignment o f the glass to the rear glass run channel for full up and down travel. LOCKS, HANDLES AND RODS The rear door lock, outside handle, lock cylinder, control rods and latch are shown in figures 2D-51 and 2D-52. The rods can be disconnected from the lock, latch or handle by disengaging the retaining clips, as shown. The lock cylinder is removed in the same m an ner as the front side door lock cylinder. REAR D O O R -Fig. 2D-53 Replacement 1. Remove bolts securing check arm bracket to body pillar. 2. Remove upper and lower hinge bolts, and with aid from an assistant, remove the rear door. attaches to the pillar with three screws; the strap is fastened to the door panel with two screws and an attaching bar. REAR D O O R -S TR IK E R AND WEDGE A D JU S TM E N TS Figure 2D-54 illustrates the rear door latch strikers and door wedges. Be sure that adjustments are as shown to insure p rop er latching o f the rear doors. CHECK A R M -F IG . 2D-53 Replacement 1. Remove bolts securing check arm bracket to body pillar. 2. Remove check arm access cover. 3. With one h an d supporting housing assembly and insulator on the inside o f the door panel, remove bolts securing housing assembly to door. 4. Remove housing, insulator and check arm. 5. To separate check arm from bracket, remove holding pin connecting the two parts. 3. Reverse above steps for reinstallation. REAR DOOR CHECK S TR A P M odel 0 6 Figure 2D-53 shows the cloth check strap used for rear doors. The door may be completely opened by rem oving the strap pin from the bracket. The bracket 6. above. To install check arm, reverse the procedure W E A TH E R S TR IP W eatherstrip installation is shown in figure 2D-55. Proper installation is dependent on completely cleaning all foreign m aterial from old installation and using a quality cement on the new installation. Fig. 2D-51--Rear Door Controls Fig. 2D-52- Rear Door O utside Handle and Lock Cylinder W EDGE A D JU S TM E N T UPPER STRIKER AD JU S TM E N T .1 7 ± ,0 3 ( 1 1 / 6 4 DRILL) IN S E C O N D A R Y L A T C H E D .0 4 M A X . C L E A R A N C E / IN S E C O N D A R Y L A T C H E D P O S IT IO N O R 0 1 0 T O T 0 . 0 5 0 IN TER FER EN C E IN FULL L A T C H E D P O S IT IO N . Fig. 2D-54--Wedge and S trike r Adjustm ents Fig. 2D-55 W eatherstrip--L.H. and R.H. Rear Door ENDGATES (06 AND 14) Coach models (06) and utility models (14) use endgates o f similar, yet distinct design. Separate procedures follow for service on each of these endgates. 7. To install, reverse removal procedure. HINGES Replacement E N D G A TE ASSEMBLY - (0 6 ) MODELS ONLY Replacem ent 1. Lower endgate, and removed hinge access covers. See figure 2D-56. 2. Remove endgate-to-hinge bolts. 3. Remove L.H. torque rod bracket, shown in figure 2D-57. 4. If equipped with electric powered window, disconnect wiring harness. 5. Lift endgate to almost closed position and rem ove support cables. 6. Remove endgate with torque rod. If necessary to remove hinges, remove endgate as outlined previously, and proceed as follows: 1. Remove bolts from each o f the hinge assemblies on the underside o f the body. See figure 2D-56. 2. Remove hinge assemblies. If the hinge pins are to be removed, note the position o f bushings so they may be reinstalled in the same position. 3. Reverse procedure to install. ENDGATE DISASSEMBLY 1. Remove access cover shown in figure 2D-58, to gain access to interior components. 2. Detach remote control rods from lock assembly by removing clips. ACCESS Fig. 2D-58- Latch and Remote Controls (06 Only) W A R N IN G : Step 10 must be perform ed if the window is removed or disengaged from the regulator lift arms. The lift arms are under tension from th e counter balance spring, and can cause injury if the m otor is removed without locking the sector gears in position. a. Drill a 1/8 inch hole through the sector gear and back plate, as shown in figure 2D-59. Install a sheet metal tapping screw into the hole to lock the sector gears in position. b. Remove the regulator motor attaching screws and remove the motor assembly. 11. From inside the endgate, remove the nuts fastening the outside handle to endgate and remove the outside handle. See figure 2D-60. 3. Remove bolts securing lock assembly, and remove lock assembly. 4. Remove handle assembly bolts and remove inside handle. 5. Remove R.H. torque rod bracket screws, ligure 2D-57, then remove torque rod from endgate. 6. Remove screws connecting cam assemblies to sash assembly, ligure 2D-59, then rem ove cam assemblies. 7. Remove glass from endgate. 8. Unclip and remove inner and outer seal assemblies. 9. Remove screws connecting window regulator assembly to endgate, figure 2D-59. and remove regulator. 10. For endgates with electric window, secure the window regulator lift arms before removing the electricmotor, when the window glass has been removed or disengaged from the lift arms. NOTE: If equipped with power tailgate window, detach wiring harness from motor. 12. Remove side bolts connecting left and right glass channels to endgate and remove channels. 13. Removed side latch bolts and remove side latches with control rods. See figure 2D-58. NOTE: Detach wiring harness from R.H. latch if so equipped. 14. Separate side latch from control rod by pulling control rod thru nylon guide. 15. Reverse the above procedure for reassembly and installation. Adjustments Loosen bolts, adjust at either endgate hinge position or endgate latch, then retighten bolts. ENDGATE ASSEMBLY~(14) MODELS ONLY Replacement 1. Lower endgate, then remove four bolts securing Fig. 2D -61-Endgate, Hinges and Support (14) Fig. 2 D -62 -P u llin g Hinge Away From Body (14) Fig. 2D -60 -Outside Flandle (06 and 14) hinge to body on each side. See figure 2D-61. Disconnect wiring harness, if so equipped. 2. Disconnect torque rod anchor plate on each side. It is necessary to remove lower bolt only, then let plate swing down. See figure 2D-65. 3. W ith an assistant, raise endgate p art way, then disconnect support cables from endgate. See figure 2D61. 4. Remove endgate by pulling disconnected hinge from body, figure 2D-62, then grasping torque rod with one hand and pulling torque rod over gravel deflector, as shown in figure 2D-63. 5. Individual com ponents may be removed from the endgate now, or after reinstallation. 6. To install endgate, reverse the above procedure. HING E Replacement 1. Lower endgate and disconnect hinge to be replaced by removing hinge-to-body bolts. See figure 2D61. 2. At the other hinge, loosen the hinge-to-body bo its. 3. On the hinge to be replaced, remove the hinge to-endgate bolts. 4. Pull the endgate away from the body several inches and withdraw hinge from body. Then lift endgate slightly to allow removal o f hinge from endgate. See figure 2D-62. 5. To install hinge, reverse the above procedure. Be BRACKET SILENCER TORQUE ROD FRAME Fig. 2D-65 -Torque Rod In sta lla tion (14) Fig. 2D-63 -Grasping Torque Rod (14) sure to install hinge into e ndgate first, then into the body. 7. Lift torque rod up and slide from endgate as shown in figure 2D-66. 8. Reverse the procedure above for installation. T O R Q U E ROD ENDGATE DISASSEMBLY Replacem ent 1. Lower endgate and remove access cover, as shown in figure 2D-64. 2. Disconnect torque rod anchor plate. It is necessary to remove the lower bolt only, then let plate swing down. See figure 2D-65. 3. Loosen four bolts retaining endgate hinge to body. 4. Move endgate slightly away from body. 5. Remove torque rod retaining bracket on lower edge o f endgate. See figure 2D-65. 6. Remove torque rod retaining clip on side edge o f endgate. 1. Lower endgate and remove acess cover. 2. Disconnect side latch remote control rods from center control by removing retaining clips. See figure 2D-67. 3. Remove four screws from each side latch, and withdraw latch and control rod from endgate, as sown in figure 2D-68. 4. Disconnect control rod from latch. 5. Refer to figure 2D-69 for installation o f latch control and blockout rod. 6. Disconnect blockout rod from control assembly by detaching spring and removing two screws retaining rod to inner panel. 7. Disconnect inside handle control rod from Fig. 2D 6 7 -Latches and Rods Fig. 2D 68 Removing Side Latch Fig. 2D-70--Removing Control Assembly and Inside control assembly, then remove screws which secure inside handle to inner panel. 8. Remove three screws which retain remote control assembly to inner panel. 9. Remove control assembly and inside handle as shown in figure 2D-70. 10. Refer to figure 2D-71 for window and regulator installation. 11. Roll window to up position. 12. Disconnect sash from regulator as shown in figure 2D-72. 13. Remove glass from endgate. 14. Remove four regulator attaching screws and withdraw regulator from endgate as shown in figure 2D73. 15. Remove outside handle by removing nuts from inside o f outer panel. See figure 2D-74. 16. Reverse the above steps for reassembly. Handle TAILG ATES (03, 63 and 14) Replacement Utility vehicles (14) without removable tops utilize a tailgate shown in figure 2D-75. C hassis/cab (03 and 63) models have optional pickup units which utilize tailgates as shown in figures 2D-75 and 2D-76. The tailgate shown in figure 2D-75 can be removed by disconnecting both links from the tailgate, removing screws attaching both trunnions to body, and lifting the tailgate off the vehicle. The tailgate shown in figure 2D-76 can be separated from the vehicle by removing the bolt and lock washer from each trunnion in carrier box, and removing the tailgate. Fig. 2D-73--Removing Regulator Fig. 2D-72- D isconnecting Sash from Regulator Fig. 2D-74--Outside Handle b. REM O VABLE TO P-FO LDING TO P (1 6 ONLY) Removal 1. Remove the bracket-to-roof bolt from each o f the top-to-header panel attaching brackets as shown in Figure 2D-77. 2. Remove the bolts which retain the top to the body side panels, shown in figure 2D-78. 3. Lower the rear window into the endgate, and lower endgate. 4. Lower the door windows. 5. Slide top rearw ard approxim ately 18" to expose the bottom re a r top-to-pickup box attaching holes. 6. To prevent possible flexing o f the sides on removal, connect the sides o f the top with support braces as follows. a. Fabricate 2 braces 72" long from wood square a lum inum tubing. Drill two (2) 3 / 8 " diam eter holes, 63 inches apart in the brace. Attach one brace to the holes exposed in Step 7. c. Slide top forward to expose the front bottom top-to-pickup box attaching holes. d. Attach the second brace to these holes. 7. With assistance, rearw ard for removal. lift the top and move M andatory Assembly Sequence (Fig. 2 D -78 ) Removable top must be clamped in direction of arrow A at pints X and Y. Clam p load must be great enough to force the removable top against the steel cab at the attachm ent locations. After clamping, bolting must start with the rear vertical bolt (1) and then going forward, install (2), (3) and (4). W hen all but the front bolt or (5) are in place, release the clamp and drive the front bolt. Then drive the horizontal bolts into the steel cab. it Fig. 2D-77--Roof-to-Header Brackets cases, impossible to completely remove. W hen cleaning this type of stain or soilage, care must be taken not to enlarge the soiled area. It is sometimes more desirable to have a small stain than an enlarged stain as a result of careless cleaning. CAUTION: When cleaning interior soft trim such as upholstery or carpeting, do not use volatile cleaning solvents such as: acetone, lacquer thinners, carbon tetrachloride, enamel reducers, nail polish removers; or such cleaning m aterials as laundry soaps, bleaches or reducing agents (except as noted in the instructions on stain removal). Never use gasoline or naphtha fo r any cleaning purpose. These materials may be toxic or flam m able, or m ay cause damage to interior trim. SEATS Cleaning Fabrics with Cleaning Fluid Care and Cleaning of Interior Soft Trim This type o f cleaner should be used for cleaning stains containing grease, oil or fats. Excess stain should be gently scraped oft' trim with a clean dull knife or Dust and loose dirt that accumulate on interior fabric trim should be removed frequently with a vacuum cleaner, whisk broom or soft brush. Vinyl or leather trim should be wiped clean with a d am p cloth. N orm al cleanable trim soilage, spots or stains can be cleaned with the pro per use o f trim cleaners available through G e n e ra l Motors dealers or other reputable supply outlets. Before attem pting to remove spots or stains from upholstery, determine as accurately as possible the nature and age o f the spot or stain. Some spots or stains can be removed satisfactorily with w ater or mild soap solution (refer to accom panying "R em oval o f Specific Stains"). For best results, spots or stains should be rem oved as soon as possible. Some types o f stains or soilage such as lipsticks, some inks, certain types of grease, mustard, etc., are extremely difficult and, in some scraper. Use very little cleaner, light pressure, and clean cloths (preferably cheese cloth). Cleaning action with cloth should be from outside of stain towards center and constantly changing to a clean section o f cloth. W hen stain is cleaned from fabric, im mediately wipe area briskly with a clean absorbent towel or cheese cloth to help dry area and prevent a cleaning ring. If ring forms, immediately clean entire area or panel section o f the trim assembly. NOTE: Sometimes a difficult spot may require a second application o f cleaning fluid followed Fig. 2D-78--Removable Top im m ediately by a soft brush to completely remove the spot. Cleaning Fabrics with D etergent Foam Cleaners This type o f cleaner is excellent for cleaning general soilage from fabrics and for cleaning a panel section w here a minor cleaning ring m ay be left from spot cleaning. Vacuum area to remove excess loose dirt. Always clean at least a full trim panel or section o f trim. Mask adjacent trim along stitch or weld lines. Mix detergent type foam cleaners in strict accordance with directions on label o f container. Use foam only on a clean sponge or soft bristle brush. Do not wet fabric excessively or rub harshly with brush. W ipe clean with a slightly d a m p absorbent towel or cloth. Immediately after cleaning fabric, dry fabric, with a dry towel or hair dryer. Rewipe fabric with dry absorbent towel or cloth to Fig. 2D-79--Folding Top Assembly Fig. 2D-80--Folding Top Side M oldings and Header Tar Remove excess with dull knife, moisten with fabric cleaning fluid, scrape again, rub lightly with additional cleaner. restore the luster o f the trim and to eliminate any dried residue. Blood Wipe with clean cloth moistened with cold water. Use no soap. Rem oval of Specific Stains Urine Candy Chocolate, use cloth soaked in lukewarm water; o ther than chocolate, use very hot water. Dry. If necessary, clean lightly with fabric cleaning fluid. Sponge stain with lukewarm soap suds from mild neutral soap and clean cloth, rinse with cloth soaked in cold water, saturate cloth with one p art household am m onia water and 5 parts water, apply for 1 minute, rinse with clean, wet cloth. C hew ing Gum Vomitus H arden gum with ice cube and scrape off with dull knife. Moisten with fabric cleaning fluid and scrape again. Fruit Stains, Coffee, Soft Drinks, Ice Cream and M ilk W ipe with cloth soaked in cold water. If necessary clean lightly with fabric cleaning fluid. Soap and water is not recom m ended as it might set the stain. Sponge with clean cloth dipped in clean, cold water. Wash lightly with lukewarm w ater and mild neutral soap. If odor persists, treat area with w ater-baking soda solution (1 teaspoon baking soda to one cup o f tepid water). Rub again with cloth and cold water. Finally, if necessary, clean lightly with fabric cleaning fluid. SEAT M O U N T IN G Catsup W ipe with cloth soaked in cool water. If further cleaning is necessary, use a detergent foam cleaner. Grease, Oil, Butter, M arg arin e and Crayon Scrape off excess with cleaning fluid. dull knife. Use fabric- Typical Seat M ounting provisions are shown in figures 2D-82 through 2D-90. C A U TIO N : See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding fasteners used on seats and seat belts. BODY M O U N T IN G Paste or Wax Type Shoe Polish Light application of fabric cleaning fluid. The sequence of m ounting attachm ents is shown in figures 2D-91 through 2D-94. Fig. 2 D -8 5 -D n ve r’s Bucket Seat (14) Fig. 2D-86--Passenger's Bucket Seat (14) Fig. 2D -89-R ear Folding Seat (06) Fig. 2D 9 0 -Rear Bench Seat (14) MOUNT 1 ^M O U N T MOUNT 4 2 M OUNT ^ 1 MOUNT 3 Fig. 2D 94- Body M ounting (14) G MODELS INDEX Front Fnd W indshield W ip e rs..................................................... Cowl Ventilator G rille .............................................. Side Ventilator V a lv e ............................................... Rear View M i r r o r ...................................................... Bodv Glass Windshield G la s s ........................................................ Stationary G la s s .......................................................... Swingout G la s s ............................................................ Front Door A djustm ents................................................................... R e p lacem en t.................................................................. W e a th e rstrip .................................................................. H in g e s............................................................................. V e n tila to r ....................................................................... Window and R egulator............................................ 2D-41 2D-4I 2D-4I 2D-42 2D-43 2D-45 2D-45 2D-45 2D-4(> 2D-46 2D-46 2D-47 2D-48 Locks, Handles, R o d s ............................................... Sliding Side Door D e sc rip tio n ................................................................... A djustm ents.................................................................. Front L a tc h ................................................................ Rear L a tc h ................................................................. Upper Rear H in g e .................................................. S trik e rs ........................................................................ Rear Door H in g e .............................................................................. Remote Control........................................................... Latches and Rods...................................................... A djustm ents.................................................................. Seats Drivers S e a t ................................................................. Passenger S e a t............................................................. Rear S e a t s .................................................................... 2D-48 2D-49 2D-51 2D-51 2D-51 2D-51 2D-51 2D-55 2D-55 2D-55 2D-55 2D-57 2D-58 2D-58 FRONT END W IN D S H IE L D WIPERS W indshield wiper units on all models are o f the twospeed electric type. A single w iper motor unit, mounted to dash panel at top and to left o f engine cover inside cab, powers both wiper blades. The wiper blade operatin g link rods and pivot mountings on these models are located in the outside air inlet plenum chamber. 2. Attach end o f link rod to motor drive and arm. Secure rod with the two attaching nuts. 3. Install outside air cowl ventilator grille to top of cowl. 4. Before installing wiper arms, operate wiper motor m om entarily which should rotate pivot shafts to park position. Install arms. Arm Adjustm ent COWL V E N TILA TO R GRILLE To adjust sweep o f blades turn on wipers, then note sweep o f arms. If necessary, remove one or both arms as follows: Pull outer end of arm away from glass which will trip lock spring at base of arm and release spring from undercut o f pivot shaft. W hile holding arm in this position, pull outward on cap section at base o f arm to remove arm. Arm can be reinstalled in any one o f several positions due to serrations on pivot shaft and in arm cap. See figure 2D-95. Replacement 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove Remove Remove Reverse windshield wiper blades. screws retaining grille, figure 2D-97. grille and seal. above steps to install grille. W IP E R ARM PIVO T SHAFTS AND LINK R O D — FIG. 2D-96 Removal 1. Remove windshield wiper arms from pivot shafts. Procedure for rem oving arms is explained previously under "A rm Adjustments." 2. Remove screws which attach outside air cowl ventilator grille to cowl. Carefully remove grille from cowl. 3. At center o f cowl, remove two attaching nuts which attach link rod to motor drive. Disengage link rods from pins. 4. Remove screws which attach each arm transm is­ sion pivot shaft assembly to cowl. Remove pivot shaft assembly with link rod from plenum chamber. Installation 1. Place pivot shaft assembly with link rod into position at cowl bracket. Secure assembly to bracket with two screws. Fig. 2D-96--W indshield Wiper Linkage Replacement 1. Remove screws retaining valve guide to panel, as shown in figure 2D-98. 2. Remove valve assembly by depressing pins at top and bottom o f valve. 3. Reverse the above steps for installation. REAR VIEW M IR R O R S Inside Rear View Mirror Replacement The inside m irror m ay be removed by removing screw retaining mirror to its glass-mounted bracket, and lifting m irror off bracket. Outside Rear View Mirrors Outside rear view m irro r installations are shown in figure 2D-100. Occasional tightening o f m ounting and a ssem bly bolts a n d screws will sharply decrease occurence o f failure due to door slam m ing or road shock. Fig. 2D-100--Outside Rear View M irrors BODY GLASS W A R N IN G : Always wear gloves when handling glass. W IN D S H IE L D GLASS The windshield is a one-piece type and is retained in the windshield opening by a moulded ru bb er w e a th e rstrip . This w e a th e rs trip is sealed in the w indshield opening and sealed to the windshield glass. See figure 2D-101. W hen replacing a cracked windshield glass, it is very im p o rta n t that the cause o f the glass breakage be determ ined and the condition corrected before a new glass is installed. Otherwise, it is highly possible that a small obstruction or high spot somewhere around the windshield opening will continue to crack or break the newly installed windshield, especially when the strain on the glass caused by this obstruction is increased by such conditions as wind pressures, extremes o f temperature, motion o f the vehicle, etc. The precedure for removal of the windshield applies to the complete windshield assembly and to other stationary glass, such as in figure 2D-104. Removal NOTE: Refer to figures 2D-14 to 2D-16 in the "CK Models" portion o f this section for illustration of removal technique. 3. Check flange area for solder, weld high spots, or hardened spot-weld sealer. Remove all high spots. 4. Check windshield glass to opening, by support­ ing glass with six spacers contained in packet J-22577, as shown in figure 2D-102. C A U TIO N : Do not strike glass against body metal. Chipped edges on the glass can lead to fu tu re breaks. NOTE: It is necessary to modify the spacers by cutting off 3 /1 6 " from the back o f the spacer with a knife, as shown in figure 2D-102. With the windshield supported and centered in its opening, check the relationship of the glass to the body opening flange around the entire perim eter o f the glass. 6. Check the relationship o f glass to opening as follows: a. Inside edge of glass to body flange. b. Outer edge o f glass to parallel body metal. 7. M ark areas o f body metal or flange to be reformed, remove glass and correct as necessary. 8. Recheck windshield in its opening and if satisfactory proceed as follows: Fig. 2 D -10 1 -W in d sh ie ld Glass 1. Before removing the windshield, mark the location o f the break on the windshield rubb er channel and the body. Protect the p a in t finish inside o f the cab. Mask around the windshield o pening and outside, lay a suitable covering across the hood and fenders. N O T E: The windshield glass rub ber weatherstrip is one piece. The glass is held in a channel within the weatherstrip. 2. D o not try to remove reveal moldings while windshield is in body opening. Remove reveal molding fro m custom w e a th e rs trip re ten tion groove a fter windshield is removed from body opening. 3. To free windshield ru b b er channel of w eath er­ strip loosen the lip o f the w indshield w eatherstrip from the pinchweld flange along the top and at the sides by applying firm, controlled pressure to the edge o f the glass. At the same time assist the lip o f the rub ber w e atherstrip channel over the pinchweld flange with a flat bladed tool. C hecking W indshield Opening D ue to the expanse an d contour of the windshield it is im perative in the event of a stress crack that the windshield opening be thoroughly checked before installing a replacement windshield. The replacement glass is used as a template. 1. Check for the following conditions at the previously marked point o f fracture. a. Chipped edges on glass. b. Irregularities in body opening. c. Irregularities in ru b b e r channel weatherstrip. 2. Remove all sealer from flange and body around w indshield opening. Installation 1. Apply sealer to weatherstrip and install on glass. 2. Install a cord around periphery o f weatherstrip, leaving a loop at the top and the loose ends at the bottom. See figure 2D-103. 3. Place protective covering over plenum grille, front fenders and hood. 4. Place windshield and w eatherstrip assembly in opening. With one technician lightly pushing in on windshield, another technician within the cab should pull on the cord as follows: a. Pull on loose ends until each is within 2" of its respective upper corner. b. Pull on loop until cord is within 2" o f the upper corners. C H E C K I N G BLOCKS Fig. 2D 103- Cord Insta lla tion d. strip to body. Seal windshield to weatherstrip and w eather­ S W IN G O U T W IN D O W Removal 1. 2. 3. w'indow. 4. Swing out the window. See figure 2D-105. Remove screws retaining latch to body. Remove window hinge retaining screws and Remove latch from glass. Installation 1. Install latch to glass using escutcheon, spacer, washer latch and screw. Torque to specifications. 2. Place window into opening and install hinge retaining screws and window. 3. Install latch to glass. LATCH S W IN G O U T W IN D O W Replacement c. Finish seating corners by simultaneously 1. Swing out the window. pulling on both ends o f the cord at each corner. This will 2. Remove latch to body and latch to window insure proper positioning o f the critical upper corners. screws and remove latch. 3. Reverse above steps for installation. FRONT DOOR DOOR A D J U S T M E N T S Doors can be adjusted for alignm ent o f clearance in the cab door opening, and for proper latching. Door alignm ent adjustments are m ade at the striker bolt, and at door hinges. The door, when properly located in door opening, will have equal clearance around its perimeter. The door should be adjusted in the opening so the edge of the door across the top and also at the lock side is parallel with the body opening as nearly as possible. Hinge Adjustment D oor hinge bolt holes are oversized to make adjustment possible. Alignment adjustments can be made by loosening the proper hinge bolts, aligning door to pro per position, and tightening bolts securely. See figure 2D-106. for typical adjustments. Fig. 2D-107-Loosening S trike r Bolt Striker Bolt Adjustment With the use o f J-23457. shown in figure 2D-107, the striker bolt can be adjusted in any of three ways. See figure 2D-108. 1. Up and d o w n -T o adjust striker up or down, loosen bolt, adjust to center of lock entry, and tighten bolt securely. N O T E : This adjustment is im portant to assure that the right proportion o f d o o r’s weight will rest on striker bolt when door is closed. If bolt is positioned too high on pillar, rapid w ear will occur to the lock cam; if too low, an extra load will be placed on door hinges as well as pull door downward and out o f alignment. 2. In and O u t-T o adjust striker in and out, loosen bolt, adjust horizontally to m atch the door surface to the body surface, and tighten bolt securely. 3. Forward and R e a rw a rd - To make this adjust­ ment, loosen striker bolt, shim to desired position, and tighten bolt securely. DOOR H IN G E Remove 1. Remove hinge access hole cover from door hinge pillar. 2. If removing one hinge, support door in such a m an n e r that weight is taken off oth er hinge, and that the door will not move. 3. Remove hinge screws from both body and from door and remove hinge. See figure 2D-106. Installation 1. Install hinge to door and body. Snug bolts. 2. Remove door supports. 3. A d ju st d o o r as o utlined under "D oor A djustm ent". 4. Torque bolts to specifications. 5. Install hinge access hole covers. DOOR W E A TH E R S TR IP Success o f weatherstrip replacement depends e n­ tirely upon the quality of the cement used and the care with which it is applied. All rust, road dirt and grease or oil must be completely removed as should all old cement and bits o f old weatherstrip. After removing all foreign material from door opening surface, wipe down with prepsol or its equivalent. Use only a good quality cement which is m ade specially for weatherstrip installation, following the m a n u fa c tu rer’s directions. Proceed as follows: 1. Open door and block open. 2. Remove side door weatherstrip. 3. Remove used adhesive from door with adhesive or cement remover, and remove all plastic nails. 4. Apply adhesive to door. 5. Position weatherstrip by locating p art num ber at top of vent window, m aking sure that plastic nails align with holes in door. 6. the door. T R IM Install weatherstrip by pressing each nail into PANEL, ARM REST AND HANDLES Removal 1. Remove screws retaining arm rest to trim panel. 2. Remove door handles with Tool J-7797 and pull from shaft. 3. Remove trim panel screws and remove panel. If seal is d am aged, replace seal. Installation 1. Install trim panel. 2. Install arm rest. Install door handle washers and handles. DOOR V E N TILA TO R ASSEMBLY Removal N OTE: The channel betwen the door window glass and door vent is removed as p art of the vent assembly. 1. Regulate the door window glass to the full down position. 2. Remove door handles with Tool J-7797. 3. Remove trim panel. 4. Remove rear window run channel screws. 5. Slide door window glass rearw ard away from ventilator. 6. Remove three screws at the upp er front of the door, as shown in figure 2D-109. 7. Turn the vent assembly 90° and carefully remove by guiding up out, as shown in figure 2D-109. Fig. 2D 1 1 0 -Removing Ventilator Ventilator Glass Replacement 1. Using an oil can or similar means, squirt prepsol on the glass filler all around the glass channel or frame to soften the old seal. W hen the seal has softened, remove the glass from the channel. 2. Thoroughly clean the inside of the glass channel with sandpaper, removing all rust, etc. 3. Using new glass channel filler, cut the piece to be installed two inches longer than necessary for the channel. Place this piece of filler (soapstoned side o f filler away from glass) evenly over the edge o f the glass which will fit in the channel. The extra filler extending beyond the rear edge of the glass should be pinched together to hold it in place during glass installation. NOTE: One side of this filler (the outside of the roll) is soapstoned. This is the side which goes into the metal channel. 4. Brush the inside o f the metal glass channel freely with o rdinary engine oil. This will enable the glass and filler to slide freely into the channel. N OTE: Glass should be installed so that rear edge is parallel to the division post. Allow full cure before w ater testing. Installation NOTE: Replace the door window glass and regulate to the full down position before installing the door ventilator assembly. 1. Lower the ventilator assembly into the door frame. Center into position. 2. Make certain the rub ber lip is positioned before tightening screws. 3. Slide door glass forward engaging glass in vent channel. 4. Reinstall all screws and tighten. 5. Install and tighten the three screws at the upper front o f the door. Adjustm ent 1. Adjust the ventilator adjusting nut by turning clockwise to increase operating tension, as shown in figure 2 D - 1 1 I . 2. A fter m aking adjustm ent bend tabs over the hex nut. 3. Install trim panel. 4. Install door and window regulator handles. DOOR W IN D O W ASSEMBLY Replacem ent 1. Completely lower glass to bottom o f door. 2. Remove inside door an d window regulator handles using Tool J-7797. 3. Remove door arm rest an d trim pad. 4. Mask or cover u pper portion o f door window fra m e . Remove v e n tila to r assembly as previously outlined. 5. Slide glass forw ard until front roller is in line with notch in sash channel. Disengage roller from channel. See figure 2D-1 12. 6. Push window forward and tilt front portion of w indow up until rear roller is disengaged. 7. Put window assembly in normal position (level) and raise straight up and out. 8. Reverse above procedure for installation. W IN D O W REGULATOR Replacem ent 1. 2. 3. 4. panel. 5. holding W in d window all the way up. Remove inside do or handles with Tool J-7797. Remove door trim pad. Remove screws securing regulator to inner Push regulator out o f door opening while rear o f assembly, then slide assembly to the notches in the carrier channel and out through the door access hole. 6. Install regulator in reverse order o f removal, lubricate regulator gears with lubriplate or equivalent. DOOR LOCK—FIGURE 2D-113 Removal 1. Raise window. 2. Remove inside handles with Tool J-7797. 3. Remove trim panel. 4. Remove remote control sill knob. 5. From outside the door remove screws retaining lock to door edge and lower the lock assembly. 6. Remove screws retaining remote control. 7. Rem ove screws securing glass run guide channel. 8. Remove lock, push button rod and remote control rod as an assembly. 4. Secure remote handle. 5. Check all controls for proper operation before reinstalling trim and handles. 6. Install remote control sill knob. REMO TE C O N TR O L AND C O N N E C T IN G ROD -Fig. 2D-113 Replacement 1. Raise door window and remove door trim pad. 2. Remove bolts securing remote control to door inner panel. 3. Pivot remote inboard slightly, to disengage connecting rod, and remove remote control from door. NOTE: Connecting rod can be removed at this point by disconnecting spring clip from lock. 4. To install, reverse removal procedure. LOCK CYLINDER ASSEMBLY--FIG. 2D-114 Replacement Installation 1. T ra n sfer remote rod with clip to new lock. 2. Connect remote door handle rod to lock after lock is positioned. 3. Secure lock screws. 1. Raise door window and remove door trim pad. 2. With a screwdriver, or other suitable tool, slide lock cylinder retaining clip (on door outer panel) out o f engagem ent and remove lock cylinder. 3. To install, reverse removal procedure. SLIDING SIDE DOOR D E S C R IP TIO N T he weight o f the sliding side door is supported by the up p e r re a r hinge-and-roller assembly, and by the lower front catch-and-roller assembly. The front and rear latches retain the door in the locked position, while the re a r wedge assembly restricts door vibration on rough road surfaces. ADJUSTMENTS C A U T IO N : See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding all sliding door fasteners and adjustm ents fo u n d below. T he side door can be adjusted for alignment a n d / o r clearance in the body o pening and for proper latching. W h en properly positioned in the body opening, the door should have equal clearances around its perimeter. A djustm ents for door positioning and proper latching can be m ade at the locations shown in figure 2 D - 1 15. 2. Remove upp er rear hinge cover, shown in figure 2 D - 1 16. 3. Loosen upper rear hinge-to-door bolts. 4. Loosen re a r lock striker and door wedge assembly. 5. Align rear edge o f door up or down, then tighten upper rear hinge-to-door bolts to specifications. 6. Loosen upper front roller bracket-to-door bolts. 7. Partially close door and align front edge o f door up or down by loosening front lower hinge-to-door bolts. W hen door is correctly positioned, tighten bolts to specifications. 8. Position u pper front roller in center o f track, then tighten roller bracket to door. 9. Adjust front and rear strikers and rear wedge assembly as outlined in their respective procedures later in this section. In and Out Front in and out adjustments are provided by means o f an adjustable lower roller mounting bracket, view D o f figure 2D-115. and by a slotted upper bracket, view B U p and down adjustments are provided by means of o f figure 2 D - 1 15. R ear in and out adjustment is provided slotted holes located at the upper front roller, view B of by adjusting the rear latch striker, view E of figure 2Dfigure 2D-112; at the lower front catch-and-roller, view 115. To position the door in or out: D; and at the upper rear hinge-and-roller assembly, view A. To reposition the door up or down: 1. Loosen front latch striker. 2. Loosen upper front roller from its bracket. 1. Partially open door and loosen front latch striker on pillar. 3. Loosen lower front roller bracket-to-arm bolts. Up and Down STRIKER FORE-AND-AFT ADJUSTMENT SLOTS UP-AND-DOWN ADJUSTMENT SLOTS CENTER ROLLER VERTICALLY IN TRACK SO IT DOES NOT CONTACT THE TRACK fr---- ----IN FULL OPEN OR FULL 1, ..............J CLOSED ' POSITION UPPER REAR HINGE-AND-ROLLER SECTION B-B TOP VIEW UPPER LEVER. .LOWER LEVER UP-AND-DOWN / ADJUSTMENT SLOTS STRIKER, ^ UPPER FRONTSVN'AND-°UT ROLLER ASSEMBLYJ ad ju stm en t; FRONT LATCH STRIKER FACE VIEW GUIDE UP-AND-DOWN ADJUSTMENT IN-AND-OUT ADJUSTMENT RUBBER-" CUSHION LATCH SECTION C-C LOWER ROLLERS t AND CATCH ASM REAR REAR LATCH WEDGE STRIKER ASSEMBLY SECTION E-E HOLD-OPEN & CATCH 3. Center the striker vertically to door striker opening. 4. Adjust the striker laterally to match outer panel to the body panel surfaces, view E o f figure 2 D - 1 16. 5. Apply grease to the striker. 6. Gently push the door in until the rear lock contacts the striker enough to make an impression in the grease. 7. Open the door and measure the distance from the rear of the striker head to the impression. The distance should be between .20 inch and .30 inch. Refer to view E of figure 2 D - 1 15. 8. Adjust position of striker by a dding or deleting shims between the striker and the pillar. 9. Adjust rear wedge assembly as outlined later in this section, and torque all fasteners to specifications. Upper Rear Hinge-To-Striker Adjustment Fig. 2D-116--Hinge Cover 4. Adjust front o f door in or out, then tighten bolts to specifications. 5. Adjust door hold open catch bracket, rear wedge assembly, rear latch striker, upper front roller and front latch striker as outlined later in "Adjustm ents". Fore and Aft Fore and aft adjustm ent is provided at the upper r e a r hinge striker by means o f a slotted bracket mounted to the body, view A o f figure 2 D - 1 15. 1. Partially open door and remove front latch striker and rear lock striker. 2. Loosen rear wedge assembly. 3. Remove upper rear track cover. 4. Loosen upper rear hinge striker. 5. Move door assembly forward or rearward, then tighten striker bolts to specifications. 6. Reinstall upper rear track cover. 7. Reinstall front and rear latch strikers. 8. Adjust latch strikers and rear wedge assembly as outlined below. Latch Striker Adjustments Front Striker 1. Loosen front latch striker screws, view C of figure 2 D - 1 15. 2. Visually align latch-to-striker relationship and adjust i f necessary. 3. Slide door slowly toward striker. The guide on the door, just above the latch, must fit snugly within the rubber-lined opening on the striker assembly. 4. Assure that the latch engages fully into the striker. Add or delete shims behind the striker as necessary. 5. Tighten striker screws to specified torque. Rear Striker 1. 2. Loosen striker with J-23457. Loosen rear wedge assembly. CAUTION: I f door has been removed and is being reinstalled, adjust striker-to-lower hinge lever before closing door. Failure to do so may cause possible lever breakage. The upper rear hinge must be positioned as shown in view A o f figure 2D-116, in order to insure proper latching. 1. The hinge lower lever must contact the striker at least .06 inch above the lower edge o f the striker tang. 2. The lower lever must extend at least .10 inch outboard o f the striker tang. A dd or delete shims between the striker and the body as necessary. 3. If necessary to shim roller away from guide, shims are added between the nylon block and hinge and between roller and hinge. They must be installed in pairs. For example, if one shim is added behind the nylon block another must be added behind the roller. Door Hold-Open Catch Adjustment This catch, mounted on the lower front roller bracket, holds the door in the full open position. See figure 2D-117. The catch engages a striker installed at the rear o f the lower roller channel, view D of figure 2D115. 1. Loosen the screws retaining the catch rod bracket to bottom o f door. 2. Adjust catch-to-striker engagem ent by sliding the bracket laterally. Catch should fully engage striker. Rear Wedge Assembly Adjustment 1. Loosen screws attaching rear wedge assembly to the body pillar, then close the door to the fully latched position. 2. Center the wedge assembly on the door wedge, as shown in figure 2 D - 1 18, and scribe a line around the wedge assembly. 3. Open the door, and move the wedge assembly 3/16 inch. Fig. 2D-117--Hold-Open Catch Fig. 2 D -1 1 9 -Sliding Door Front Latch Fig. 2 D -11 8 -Adjusting the Rear Wedge Assembly Fig. 2D-120--Disconnecting Lower Latch Rod from Latch F R O N T LATCH ASSEMBLY Removal 1. Remove trim panel, if so equipped. 2. Remove access cover. 3. Unscrew door lock knob from rod. 4. Disconnect the following rods from latch, shown in figure 2 D -1 19. a. Rear latch rods. b. Lock cylinder rod. c. Door lock rod. 5. Remove door handle. 6. Remove screws retain in g latch assembly to door. 7. Slide latch rearw ard and lift front o f latch. Disconnect rod leading to lower hinge door catch by pushing rod out o f hole an d rotating rod clear o f latch. See figure 2 D - 1 19. 8. Remove latch assembly from door. Installation 1. Install latch assembly into door by working latch assembly behind the lower hinge door catch. 2. Connect lower hinge door catch, lock cylinder rod, door lock rod, and both rear latch rods. 3. Install latch assembly-to-door attaching screws. Torque to specifications. 4. Install door lock knob and door handle. 5. Install access cover and trim panel. 6. Adjust door front striker as outlined earlier under "Adjustm ents". REAR LATCH A N D /O R LATCH A C T U A T IN G RODS Removal 1. 2. Remove trim panel (if so equipped). Remove front latch assembly access cover. Fig. 2D-122--Rear Track Cover Fig. 2D-121--Sliding Door Rear Latch 3. Disconnect rear latch rods assembly, shown in figure 2D. 4. Remove rear latch attaching 2 D -1 2 1. 5. Slide rear latch toward front clips become exposed. Disconnect rod latch from door. from front latch screws. See figure o f door until rod clips and remove Installation 1. Connect rods to latch and T orque screws to specifications. 2. Connect rods to front latch 3. Install access covers and equipped). 4. Adjust rear latch striker under "A djustm ents". install latch to door. assembly. trim panels (if so as outlined earlier UPPER REAR H IN G E Removal 1. Remove the hinge cover and rear track cover. See figures 2D-116 and 2D-122. 2. O pen the door. 3. removal 4. 5. Disengage spring from bolt, using a spring tool. Close the door. Remove the hinge assembly. Installation NOTE: W hen holding hinge assembly as in figure 2D-124. the lower latch must engage cam. 1. Install hinge assembly to door. Torque bolts to specifications. 2. Check and adjust latch to striker position as outlined under "Adjustm ents". 3. Open the door and reconnect the hinge spring. 4. Install the rear track cover and hinge cover. 5. Check the operation of the door hinge. STRIKERS The front and rea r strikers are shown in figure 2D115. The rear striker can be removed with J-23457 as in figure 2D-107, and the front striker can be removed by removing attaching screws. Refer to "A djustm ents" when reinstalling. 1. Roller 2. Lockwashers 3. N ut 4. Cam 5. Washer 6. Bushing 7. Bushing 8. B olt 9. Plate 10. Upper lines 11. Spacer 12. Spring (Upper Lever) 13. Spring (Low er Level) 14. Lower Lever 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Screw Guide Block Hinge (Body Half) N ut Bushing Bushing Fig. 2D-123--Upper Rear Hinge Components 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Cam Bushing Hinge (D oor Half) Spring Spring retainer Hinge liner Fig. 2D-124--Checking Assembly of Hinge REAR DOORS REAR DOOR HING E STR A P REAR DOOR HING E Replacement Removal 1. Remove strap release pin. See figure 2D-125. 2. Remove screws retaining strap to door. 3. Install strap to door. Torque retaining screws to specifications. 1. Open door. Support door so that when hinge screws are removed d oo r weight will be on support. 2. Remove hinge strap release pin. 3. Remove hinge-to-door bolts and remove door assembly. 4. Remove hinge-to-body bolts and hinge. Installation 1. Install grom m et into door hinge opening (if removed). 2. Install hinge into door. Snug bolts. 3. Install seal and retainer on body half o f hinge (if removed). 4. Install hinge into body opening and install bolts. 5. Take care to compress seal between body and retainer and snug bolts. 6. Install hinge strap and its retaining pin. 7. Adjust door and torque hinge bolts to specification. REAR DOOR REM O TE CO NTRO L Removal 1. Remove trim panel. 2. Disengage upper and lower latch rods from control by rem m oving retaining clips. See figure 2D-126. 3. Rem ove rem ote control by rem ov in g its retaining screws. Installation 1. 2. 3. Install remote control screws loosely. Attach upper and lower control rods. Rotate remote control lever clockwise, and hold 4. Adjust latch to strikers. REAR DOOR O UTSIDE HANDLE Removal 1. Remove trim panel. 2. Remove door handle retaining screws, handle and gaskets. See figure 2D-127. Installation 1. Apply plunger makes 2. Install specifications. 3. Install grease to remote control where handle contact. handle and gaskets. Torque screws to trim panel. REAR DOOR LOCK CYLINDER Removal 1. 2. 3. Remove trim panel. Remove remote control. Remove lock cylinder retainer and lock cylinder. Installation Fig. 2D-126--Remote C ontrol and Latch in this position while to rq u in g specifications. 4. Install the trim panel. the screws to REAR DOOR UPPER OR LOWER LATCHES A N D /O R LATCH RODS Removal 1. Remove trim panel. 2. Disengage rod from remote control assembly. See figure 2D-126. 3. Remove latch retain in g screws and withdraw latch and control rod. 4. Remove spring clip retaining rod to latch. Installation 1. Install latch rod to latch. N OTE: W hen reinstalling the lower latch rod to control, the short straight section attaches to the latch. 2. Install latch and rod assembly into door and connect rod to remote control. 3. Install latch retaining screws and torque to specifications. 1. Install lock cylinder and retainer. 2. Install rem ote control. T orq ue specifications. 3. Install trim panel. screws to REAR DOOR GLASS AND W E A TH ER S TR IP Removal and installation procedures are the same as for the stationary body side windows. Refer to those procedu res for rear doo r glass and w eath erstrip replacement. REAR DOOR A D J U S T M E N T S NOTE: Door adjustments are provided by slotted holes, at hinge attachment, in body and door. 1. Remove or loosen door strikers and wedges. 2. Loosen door hinge bolts and adjust door to provide equal clearances between body and door around perim eter of door. 3. Adjust door in and out so that door panel is flush with body. 4. Install door strikers and wedges and adjust as outlined under door striker adjustment. REAR DOOR STRIKER AND WEDGE ADJUSTMENT CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regaring Rear Door Striker fasteners. 1. Adjust striker by adding or deleting shims as necessary to obtain dimension as shown in figure 34G. This dimension can be checked by applying grease to the latch and slowly closing door until striker fully engages latch. Then open door and measure from grease im pression to bottom o f latch slot. Torque to specifications. 2. Adjust door wedge by adding or deleting shims as necessary so that wedge contact ram p on body when door is closed. See figure 2D-128. STRIKER A D JU S TM E N T Fig. 2D -128-R ear Door S triker and Wedge A d ju stm e nt SEATS CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding fasteners used on seats and seat belts. 4. Install seat onto seat riser, and torque nuts to specifications. SEAT RISER DRIVERS SEAT Seat Adjuster R eplacem ent 1. Remove seat by rem oving nuts securing seat adjuster to seat riser. 2. Remove adjuster from seat. See figure 2D-129. 3. Install seat adjuster to seat. Torque bolts to specifications. Replacement 1. Remove seat and adjusters as an assembly by removing nuts securing seat to riser. 2. Remove nuts securing seat riser to floor. 3. Install seat riser to floor. Torque nuts to specifications. Fig. 2D -129--D river’s Seat 4. Install seat and torque nuts to specifications. plates are used. W hen the latch assemblies are depressed, their cams and the hooks o f the retainers are drawn tightly onto the anchor pins for secure seat attachment. PASSENGER S E A T -M O U N T IN G BRACKETS Removal Removal procedure: 1. Remove seat and brackets from seat riser. See figure 2D-130. 1. Pull up on quick release latches located at lower front of seat legs (right and left hand sides). 2. 2. Install brackets to seat. Torque to specifications. Install seat to seat riser. Torque to specifications. Removal 2. seat an d m ounting bracket as following 3. Lift seat up and remove from van. 4. To replace, reverse steps 1 to 3. SWIVEL BUCKET SEATS ■ G MODELS Refer to the illustration in Figure 2D-132 for swivel Bucket Seat Assembly installation. Installation 2. the an Remove riser from floor. 1. Install specifications. using C A U TIO N : When replacing seals m ake sure that seal retainer hooks are fu lly engaged with anchor pins and latching assembly is fully depressed into place. SEAT RISER 1. Remove assembly. accomplished 2. Tilt up front o f seat and push seat rearw ard to clear anchor pins located beneath floor at front and rear of seat legs. Remove brackets from seat. Installation 1. is riser to floor. To rqu e nuts to Install seat riser. Torque nuts to specifications. All models equipped with 2nd, 3rd and 4th bench seat assemblies feature a quick release m echanism which facilitates removal o f the seats for added cargo space. Instead o f the conventional clamp and bolt method o f seat retention, cam type latch assemblies and hooked retainers, which fit onto anchor pins in floor anchor ROOF V E N T - G MODELS Roof vent installation is illustrated in Figure 2D133. CARE AN D CLEANING OF SEATS Instructions on care and cleaning o f interior soft trim may be found in "C -K Models—Seats", earlier in this section. SPECIFICATIONS BODY SECTION 2D C AND K MODELS FRO NT END Windshield Wiper Linkage to Plenum ........................ 25 in. lb. Sunshade S u p p o r t .......................................................... 20 in. lb. Inside Rear View Mirror to Bracket............................. 45 in. lb. Outside Rear View Mirror to Door Panel — Base M i r r o r ............................................................. 25 in. lb. West Coast Mirror—Lower Bracket to Door . . . 20 in. lb. —Upper Bracket to Door. . . . 45 in. lb. END GATE (0 6 ) Hinges—Hinge to B o d y .................................................. 35 ft. lb. —Hinge to End Gate.............................................20 ft. lb. Support Cable B o lts ....................................................... 25 ft. lb. Torque Rod-Silencer Bracket..................................... 40 in. lb. —End Support Bracket............................. 90 in. lb. Latch Assembly to End G a t e ........................................20 ft. lb. Latch Remote Control Assembly to End Gate . . . . 40 in. lb. Access Cover .................................................................. 18 in. lb. Outside Handle .............................................................55 in. lb. Glass C hannel.................................................................. 45 in. lb. DOORS Window Regulator Assembly to Door P a n e l ............. 85 in. lb. Remote Control Door Lock to Door P a n e l ................45 in. lb. Lock Striker to Body P ill a r ........................................... 45 ft. lb. Outside Door Handle........................................................85 in. lb. Inside Door H a n d l e ........................................................85 in. lb. Hinges to Body and D o o r ............................................. 35 ft. lb. Front Door-Window Run Channel Upper Screw Assembly ........................................85 in. lb. Lower Bolt Assembly. . ........................................ 18 in. lb. Front Door-Ventilator Assembly Top Vent S c r e w ..................................................... 18 in. lb. Side Vent Screws and S p a c e rs............................. 25 in. lb. Lower Vent Channel B o l t s .................................. 40 in. lb. Side Rear Door—Run Channel Front Upper to D o o r ............................................. 40 in. lb. Rear Upper to Door ............................................. 20 in. lb. Front and Rear Lower to Door............................. 85 in. lb. Lock Lever to Door ............................................. 85 in. lb. Rear Door—Lock Striker (06) ..................................... 95 in. lb. Rear Door—Latch L.H. and R.H. to Door (06) . . . . 85 in. lb. Rear Door—Latch Control Assembly to Door (06) —Upper A sse m b ly ........................................85 in. lb. —Lower A ssem bly........................................90 in. lb. Rear Door—Weatherstrip L.H. ( 0 6 ) ............................. 18 in. lb. E N D G A T E (1 4 ) Hinges—Body Half and Gate H a l f ................................35 ft. lb. Support Assembly-Body to End G a t e ........................25 ft. lb. Torque Rod-Retainer Assembly.................................. 85 in. lb. —Anchor A sse m b ly .................................. 18 ft. lb. Latch Assembly to End G a t e ........................................85 in. lb. la tc h Control Assembly to End Gate ........................ 40 in. lb. Access Cover..................................................................... 18 in. lb. Handle to Latch Control A ssem bly............................. 55 in. lb. Glass Channel Assembly to End Gate ........................85 in. lb. Cap Assembly to Channel Assembly............................. 24 in. lb. Striker—Body Mounted ................................................18 ft. lb. T A I L G A T E (03, 6 3 - w i t h E63) Trunnion A ssem b ly ........................................................18 ft. lb. Linkage and Striker Assembly—Support .................. 25 in. lb. T A IL G A T E (03, 6 3 - w i t h E62) Trunnion A sse m b ly ....................................................... 35 ft. lb. Chain Support Assembly .............................................90 in. lb. SEATS Front Bench Seat Adjuster-to-Seat ................................................155 Adjuster-to-Floor.................................................. 25 Front Bucket Type (14, 03) Driver Adjuster-to-Seat.............................................18 Adjuster-to-Floor ....................................... 25 Passenger (03) Support-to-Seat.............................................18 Support-to-Floor (F r o n t) .............................25 Support-to-Floor ( R e a r ) ............................. 40 Passenger (14) Latch Support-to-Seat (Rear) ...................18 Striker-to-Floor (Rear) .............................25 Support (Upper)-to-Seat (Front) ............. 18 Support (Lower)-to-Floor ( F r o n t ) ............. 25 Support (Upper)-to-Support (Lower) . . . . 30 Rear Bench (06, 14) Support-to-Seat.....................................................18 Support-to-Floor .................................................. 50 Rear Bench (63) Support-to-Seat.................................................. 150 Support-to-Floor .................................................. 35 Folding Rear Seat (06) Support Asm-to-Floor....................................... 150 Seat-to-Support A s m .............................................18 in. lb. ft. lb. ft. lb. ft. lb. ft. lb. ft. lb. ft. lb. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. ft. lb. ft. lb. In. lb. in. lb. in. lb. in. lb. BODY MOUNTING (C-K MODELS)-FT. LBS. Model (03) (06) (14) (63) #1 45 35 55 55 #2 45 35 45 35 #3 — — 35 55 #4 #5 — 35 35 - #6 — — — 35 — _ - - G MODELS M IR R O R S A N D S U N S H A D E S L I D I N G S ID E Inside Rear View Mirror to Bracket ........................15 in. lb. Outside Rear View Mirror to P a n e l ............................. 40 in. lb. Sunshade Support to Header P a n e l ............................. 15 in. lb. S ID E W IN D O W (S W IN G O U T ) Latch to B o d y .................................................................. 40 in. lb. Latch to Glass.................................................................. 40 in. lb. Hinge to B ody.................................................................. 40 in. lb. F R O N T S ID E DOORS Door H in g e s..................................................................... 30 ft. lb. Door Hinge Access Hole Cover ...................................18 in. lb. Door Lock S tr ik e r ...........................................................45 ft. lb. Door Lock to D o o r ........................................................20 ft. lb. Outside Door H a n d l e ..................................................... 45 in. lb. DOOR Remote Control (front latch) to D o o r ........................ 90 in. lb. Rear Latch to D o o r ........................................................90 in. lb. Rear Plate to Door ........................................................90 in. lb. Lower Front Roller and Roller Support Support-to-Door .................................................. 24 ft. lb. Support to Roller Bracket ...................................24 ft. lb. Roller to Roller Bracket........................................ 20 ft. lb. Catch to Roller B ra c k e t........................................ 45 in. lb. Upper Front Roller Bracket Bracket to D o o r ..................................................... 24 ft. lb. Roller to B r a c k e t .................................................. 20 ft. lb. Upper Left Hinge (Door Half) Hinge to D o o r ........................................................25 ft. lb. Upper Left Hinge (Body Half) Roller to Hinge........................................................20 ft. lb. Guide Block to Hinge............................................. 40 in. lb. Lever Arm-to-Hinge Retaining Nut ................120 in. lb. Lever Retaining Sc re w ........................................... 40 in. lb. Striker to Body........................................................20 ft. lb. Rear Striker Bolt (Body M o u n t e d ) ............................. 45 ft. lb. Front Striker Retaining Screws (Body Mounted) . . 90 in. lb. SEATS REAR DOOR Hinge Strap to D o o r ........................................................45 Hinge Strap Bracket to B o d y ........................................45 Hinge (to body and d o o r ) ............................................. 30 Remote Control Retaining Screws ............................. 85 Latch-to-Door Retaining S crew s.................................. 90 Door Strikers-to-Body .................................................. 90 Outside Door H a n d l e ..................................................... 45 Seat Belt to S e a t ............................................................. 37 ft. lb. in. lb. Passenger and Drivers Seat to Adjuster (Mounting Bracket) ................18 ft. lb. in. lb. ft. lb. Saat to R i s e r .......................................................... 18 ft. lb. in. lb. Seat Riser-to-Floor................................................50 ft. lb. in. lb. Bench Seats in. lb. Seat to Seat S u p p o r t ............................................. 18 ft. lb. in. lb. Seat Support to Floor Clam ps............................. 40 ft. lb. SPECIAL TOOLS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. J-2189 J-22585 J-22577 J-7797 J-23457 W eatherstrip T o o l Set F ro n t D o o r Hinge, B o lt W rench W indshield C hecking Blocks D o o r Handle C lip Remover D o o r S trik e r B o lt Remover and Installer SECTION 3A FRONT ALIGNMENT CONTENTS G eneral D e sc rip tio n ................... M aintenan ce and Adjustments Specifications................................. 3 A- 1 3A-2 3A-6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION F R O N T A L IG N M E N T The term " f ro n t alig nm en t" refers to the angular relationships between the front wheels, the front suspension attaching parts and the ground. The pointing in or "toe-in " of the front wheels, the tilt of the front wheels from vertical (when viewed from the front of the vehicle) and the tilt o f the suspension m em bers from vertical (when viewed from the side of the vehicle), all these are involved in front alignment. The various factors that enter into front alignment are covered here each one under its own heading. CASTER Caster is the tilting o f the front steering axis either forward or backward from the vertical (when viewed from the side o f the vehicle). A backward tilt is said to be positive ( + ) and a forward tilt is said to be negative (-). O n the short and long arm type suspension you cannot see a caster angle without a special instrument, but you can understand that if you look straight down from the top o f the upper control arm to the ground you would lind that the ball joints do not line up (fore and aft) when a caster angle other than 0° is present. If you had a positive caster angle the lower ball joint would be slightly ahead (toward the front o f the vehicle) o f the upper ball jo in t center line. In short then, caster is the forward or backward tilt o f the steering axis as viewed from a side elevation. Caster is designed into the front axle assembly on all K series vehicles (l'our-wheel drive), an d is no n-adjustab le. See caster copy un d e r A D JU ST M EN TS. CAMBER Cam ber is the tilting of the front wheels from the vertical when viewed from the front o f the vehicle. W hen the wheels tilt outward at the top, the cam ber is said to be positive ( + ) . W hen the wheels tilt inward at the top, the cam ber is said to be negative (—). The am ount of tilt is measured in degrees from the vertical and this m easurem ent is called the c am ber angle. C am ber is designed into the front axle assembly o f all K series vehicles and is non-adjustable. See cam ber copy under A D JU ST M E N T S. TOE-IN Toe-in is the turning in o f the front wheels. The actual am ount o f toe-in is normally only a fraction of an inch. The purpose o f a toe specification is to ensure parallel rolling o f the front wheels. (Excessive toe-in or toe-out will cause tire wear). Toe-in also serves to offset the small deflections o f the wheel support system which occurs when the vehicle is rolling forward. In other words, even when the wheels are set to toe-in slightly when the vehicle is standing still, they tend to roll parallel on the road when the vehicle is moving. See toein copy under A D JU STM E N T S. S U B T R A C T S H IM S HERE '- T O IN C R E A S E C A STE R 2. Draw a graphic as in Fig. 3A-4 that is representative o f the fra m e angle (either " u p " in rear or "d ow n" in rear). 3. D eterm ine the caster angle from the alignment equipm ent and draw a line that is representative o f the caster reading. 4. To determine an "actual (corrected) caster re ad in g " with various fra m e angles and caster readings, one of the following rules applies: a. A DOWN IN REAR" frame angle must be SUBTRACTED from a POSITIVEcaster reading. b. An UP IN REAR" fram e angle must be ADDED to a POSITIVE caster reading. c. A "DOWN IN REAR" fram e angle must be ADDED to a NEGATIVE caster reading. d. An "U P IN REAR" fram e angle must be SUBTRACTED from a NEGATIVE caster reading. How to Adjust Caster 5. Add or subtract as necessary to arrive at the corrected caster angle. 6. Measure dim ension " A " (bum p stop bracket to fram e) and check the specifications for that dimension. 7. Correct the actual caster angle, as arrived at in Step 4, as necessary to keep within the specifications by "B ” IS LESS T H A N " A " W H E N W H E ELS T O E -IN Fig. 3A-3-Toe-In A d justm ent a dding or subtracting shims from the front or rear bolt on the upper control arm shaft, shown in Figure 3A-2. Camber 1. D eterm ine the cam ber angle from the align­ ment equipment. 2. Add or subtract shims from both the front and rear bolts to affect a change. Toe-In 1. D etermine the wheel toe-in from the alignment equipment. 2. Change the length of both tie rod sleeves to affect a toe change. Toe-in can be increased or decreased by changing the length o f the tie rods. A threaded sleeve is provided for this purpose. W hen the tie rods are mounted ahead o f the steering knuckle they must be decreased in length in order to increase toe-in. W hen the tie rods are mounted behind the steering knuckle they must be lengthened in order to increase toe-in. See Section 3B for proper tie rod clamp orientation and positioning. w n D i7 r> M T A i H O R IZO N TAL FRAME ANG LE — ^ D O W |sj FRAME ANG LE = CASTER ANGLE READING = ACTUAL (CORRECTED) CASTER ANGLE = FRAME ANG LE = 1° UP AN G LE READING ACTUAL (CORRECTED) CASTER ANGLE + (2 °) + (3 °) = = ACTUAL (CORRECTED) CASTER ANGLE FRAME ANG LE = = = ANG LE READING + ( 2' A° ) + (1 ° ) V2 0 D O W N VA° JOUNCE BUMPER BRACKET - ( 13/4 °) UP CASTER ANG LE READING ACTUAL (CORRECTED) CASTER ANGLE - ( l ’/ 4 ° ) = - ( '/4 0) = D IM EN SIO N (A) + (1 °) SPECIFICATIONS W HEEL A L IG N M E N T SP EC IFIC A TIO N S CASTER* DIMEN SION “A ' IN INC HES* MODELS 2 1/2" 2 3 /4 " 3" + 2° CIO + 1 1/2° + 1 1/4° C20.C30 + 1° 3 1/4" + 3/4° K10,K20,K30 + 1/2 3 3/4" 4" 4 1/4" 4 1/2" 4 3/4" 5" + 1"' + 3/4 + 1/2 + 1/4" 0: -1 / 2 C + 1/ 4° 0° -1/4° -1/2° -3/4 -1° -1/4 - 1 /2 ' 0 :' - 1 /4 “ (8°) (NO ADJUSTMENT PROVISION) G I0.G20.G30 + 2 1/4" PI0.P20.P30 + 2 1/2° + 2 1/4° MOTOR HOME (32) 3 1/2" + 1 1/2" + 1 1/4 +5 3/4 + 2° +5 1/2 + 1 1/2" + 1 1 /4 J + 2° +5 + 1L + 3/4 + 1/2- + 1/4" +1 3/4° + 1 1/2 + 1 + 3/4° + 1/ 2 0 +4 1/4 +4 +5 +4 1/2 0 + 1/ 4° +4 +3 1/2 +3 1/4 +3 i CAMBER + 1/4' C10.C20.C30 K10,K 20,K 30 NO ADJUSTMENT PROVISION GI0.G2O.G3O + 1/4° Camber on P-Truck is dependent on dimension ‘A’. After measuring dimension ‘A ’ set camber as follows: 2 1/2" 2 3/4 " 3" 3 1/4" 3 1/2" 3 3/4" 4" 4 1/4" 4 1/2" 4 3/4" 5" 5 1/4" P10 0 0 + 1/4" + 1/4° + 1/4" + 1/4 + 1/ 4" 0 0" 0° -1/4"' -1/2 -3/4" P20.P30 0 0 + 1/4° + 1/4° + 1/4' + 1/ 4" + 1/4° + l/4 ‘ 0° 0° -1/4° -1/2" -3/4° MOTOR HOME (32), 0 0 + 1/4° + 1/4° + 1/4° + 1/4° 0° 0° 0° -1 /2 ° -3 /4 ° -1° TOE-IN CI0.C20.C30 ALIGNMENT TOLERANCES 3/16" WARRANTY RESETTING TARGET K10,K20,K30 0 REPAIR G10.G20.G30 3/16" CHECKING P10.P20.P30 3/16" MOTORHOME P30 (32) -1 /4 ° 5 1/2" 5 /16 ” PERIODIC MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION CASTER ±1 ±1/2° ±2“ CAMBER ± 3 /4 " ± 1 /2 " ±1 1/2° TOE-IN ± 1/8" ±1/16" ±3/8° / SECTION 3B STEERING The following caution applies to one or more steps in the assembly procedure o f components in this portion of the m anual as indicated at a ppropriate locations by the terminology "See Caution on page l o f this Section". CAUTION T H IS F A S T E N E R I S A N IM P O R T A N T A T T A C H IN G P A R T IN T H A T I T C O U LD A F F E C T T H E P E R F O R M A N C E OF V IT A L C O M P O N E N T S A N D S Y S T E M S , A N D /O R C O U LD R E S U L T IN M A JO R R E P A IR E X P E N S E . I T M U S T B E R E P L A C E D W IT H O NE OF T H E S A M E P A R T N U M B E R OF W IT H A N E Q U IV A L E N T P A R T IF R E P L A C E M E N T B E C O M E S N E C E S S A R Y . DO N O T U SE A R E P L A C E M E N T P A R T OF L E S S E R Q U A L IT Y OR S U B S T IT U T E D E S IG N . TO R Q U E V A L U E S M U S T B E U SE D A S S P E C IF IE D D U R IN G R E A S S E M B L Y TO A S S U R E P R O P E R R E T E N T IO N OF T H IS P A R T . CONTENTS G e n e ra l D e sc rip tio n .......................................................... 3B-2 D ia g n o s is .............................................................................. 3B-3 Steering L in k ag e.............................................................. 3B-3 M anual Steering G e a r .................................................. 3B-5 Steering Column (C and K ) ......................................... 3B-7 Electrical Analyzer J-23980.......................................... 3B-7 Collision D ia g n o s is ......................................................... 3B-7 Automatic C o lu m n ........................................................ 3B-9 M an u al C o lu m n ........................................................... 3B-12 Tilt C o l u m n .................................................................. 3B-13 Signal Sw itch.................................................................. 3B-14 Power Steering System................................................ 3B-15 External Leak ag e......................................................... 3B-26 M aintenance and A djustm ents................................... 3B-31 L u b ric a tio n ....................................................................... 3B-31 A djustm en ts...................................................................... 3B-31 Steering G e a r - M a n u a l................................................. 3B-31 Steering G e a r High Point C e n te rin g.................... 3B-32 Steering W heel A lig n m en t......................................... 3B-32 Steering Colum n Lower Bearing A d ju stm e n t.... 3B-32 Shifter Tube A djustm en t............................................ 3B-32 Power Steering G e a r ................................................... 3B-33 Belt T en sio n ................................................................... 3B-34 Fluid Level..................................................................... 3B-35 Bleeding System ........................................................... 3B-35 System Checks.............................................................. 3B-36 C om ponent Replacement and R e p a ir s ................... 3B-37 Steering W h e e l............................................................... 3B-37 Steering C o u p lin g .......................................................... 3B-37 Flexible T y p e................................................................ 3B-37 Interm ediate Steering Shafts with Pot Joint C o u p lin g s........................................................................ 3B-38 Intermediate Steering Shaft with Universal Joint C o u p lin g s............................................................ 3B-39 Steering G e a r ............................................................... Pitman Shaft Oil Seal R eplacem ent................... Directional Signal Switch......................................... Lock C ylinder............................................................... Ignition Switch............................................................. Steering C o lu m n .......................................................... R em o v al........................................................................ Column Disassembly (Except T ilt) ...................... Column Assembly (Except T i l t ) ............................ Column Disassembly-Tilt.......................................... Column Assembly-Tilt............................................... Column Installation-M andatory S e q u e n c e ........... Steering Colum n Service G and P ........................ Upper Bearing G and P .......................................... Lower Bearing P ........................................................ Directional S w itch...................................................... Tilt Column Bearing H o u s in g ............................... Column Rem oval......................................................... Disassembly Standard C o lu m n ............................ Assembly Standard C o lu m n ................................. Disassembly Tilt C o lu m n ...................................... Assembly Tilt C o l u m n ............................................ Column Installation P S e rie s................................. Column Installation G S e rie s ................................ Steering L in kage............................................................ Tie R od........................................................................... Relay R o d ..................................................................... Idler A r m ....................................................................... Pitman A r m .................................................................. Steering Connecting R o d ........................................ Power Steering System ................................................ Power G e a r ................................................................... P u m p ............................................................................... Hoses................................................................................ Special Tools...................................................................... 3B-40 3B-41 3B-41 3B-43 3B-45 3B-45 3B-46 3B-47 3B-47 3B-50 3B-53 3B-55 3B-56 3B-56 3B-56 3B-56 3B-57 3B-58 3B-59 3B-60 3B-61 3B-61 3B-65 3B-66 3B-66 3B-66 3B-69 3B-70 3B-70 3B-71 3B-7I 3B-71 3B-72 3B-73 3B-78 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The steering gear is o f the recirculating ball type. This gear provides for ease o f handling by transmitting forces from the w orm shaft to the pitm an shaft through the use o f ball bearings. The steering column is connected to the steering g ear by a flexible coupling. This coupling incorporates a capturing strap which is designed to prevent column-to- coupling deflection from exceeding the length o f the coupling alignm ent pins. The trucks incorporate "F o rw ard Steering" whereas the steering linkage is located forward o f the front crossmember. Steering effort is transmitted to left and right hand adjustable tie rod through a relay rod. The relay rod is connected to an idler arm on the right and to the pitm an arm on the left. CONDITION Excessive Play or Looseness in Steering System. Excessive looseness in tie rod or intermediate rod pivots, or excessive vertical lash in idler support. POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION Front wheel bearings loosely adjusted. Adjust bearings to obtain proper end play. Worn steering shaft couplings. Replace part. Worn upper ball joints. Check and replace if necessary. Steering wheel loose on shaft, loose pitman arm, tie rods, steering arms or steering linkage ball studs. Tighten to specified torque, or replace if necessary. Steering gear thrust bearings loosely adjusted. Adjust preload to specification. Excessive over-center lash in steering gear. Adjust preload to specification. Worn intermediate rod or tie rod sockets. Replace worn part. Seal damage and leakage resulting in loss of lubricant, corrosion and excessive wear. Replace damaged parts as necessary. Properly position upon reassembly. CONDITION Hard Steering — Excessive Effort Required at Steering Wheel. Poor Returnability. POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION Low or uneven tire pressure. Inflate to specified pressures. Steering linkage or bolt joints need lubrication. Lube with specified lubricant. Tight or frozen intermediate rod, tie rod or idler socket. Lube replace or reposition as necessary. Steering gear to column misalignment. Align column. Steering gear adjusted too tightly. Adjust over-center and thrust bearing preload to specification. Front wheel alignment incorrect, (manual gear) Check alignment and correct as necessary. Steering linkage or ball joints need lubrication. Lube with specified lubricant. Steering gear adjusted too tightly. Adjust over-center and thrust bearing preload to specifications. Steering gear to column misalignment. Align column. Front wheel alignment incorrect. (Caster) Check alignment and correct as necessary. CONDITION Rattle or Chuck in Steering Gear. POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION Insufficient or improper lubricant in steering gear. Add lube specified. Pitman arm loose on shaft or steering gear mounting bolt loose. Tighten to specified torque. Loose or worn steering shaft bearing. Replace steering shaft bearing. Excessive over-center lash or worm thrust bearings adjusted too loose. Adjust steering gear to specified preloads. NOTE: On turns a slight rattle may occur, due to the increased lash between ball nut and pitman shaft as gear moves off the center of “high point” position. This is normal and lash must not be reduced to eliminate this slight rattle. Poor Returnability Steering column misaligned. Align column. Insufficient or improper lubricant in steering gear or front suspension. Lubricate as specified. Steering gear adjusted too tight. Adjust over-center and thrust bearing preload to specifications. Front wheel alignment incorrect (Caster) Adjust to specifications. CONDITION Excessive Play or Looseness in Steering System. Hard Steering Excessive Effort Required at Steering Wheel POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION Front wheel bearings loosely adjusted. Adjust to obtain proper end play. Worn upper ball joints. Check and replace ball joints if necessary. Steering wheel loose on shaft, loose pitman arm, tie rods, steering arms or steering linkage ball nuts. Tighten to specification, replace if worn or damaged. Excessive over-center lash. Adjust over-center preload to specifications. Worm thrust bearings loosely adjusted. Adjust worm thrust bearing preload to specifications. Low or uneven tire pressure. Inflate to specified pressures. Insufficient or improper lubricant in steering gear or front suspension. Lubricate as specified. Relubricate at specified intervals. Steering shaft flexible coupling misaligned. Align column and coupling. Steering gear adjusted too tight. Adjust over-center and thrust bearing preload to specifications. Front wheel alignment incorrect. (Manual Gear) Adjust to specifications. DIAGNOSIS C AND K STEERING COLUMNS This section contains diagnostic inform ation to help locate the cause of the problem in the column. Reference should be m a de to the correct method o f column disassembly, repair, adjustm ent and reassembly. D a m ­ aged, broken or deform ed parts must be replaced with the correct replacement. G E NER AL IN F O R M A T IO N evident or whenever the vehicle is being repaired due to a front end collision. W henever a force has been exerted on the steering wheel or steering column, or its components, inspection should also be made. If dam age is evident, the afftected parts must be replaced. The inspection procedure for the various steering column components on C and K trucks is as follows: Column Support Bracket All C a n d K models are equipped with function D am age in this area will be indicated by separation locking e n e rg y a b so rb in g S teering Colum ns. T he of the m ounting capsules from the bracket. The bracket columns are o f five basic designs as follows: will have moved forward toward the engine co m pa rt­ 1. Synchrom esh - The synchromesh column is ment and will usually result in collapsing o f the jacket used on models with the standard transmission and section o f the steering column. column m ounted shift levers. The shift tube, within the outer column jacket, includes two lower shift levers for C O LUM N JACKET connection to the transmission control linkage. Inspect jacket section o f column for looseness, a n d / 2. Floor S hift - This column is used on models or bends. equipp ed with a m anual transmission with the shift lever on the floor. This column does not incorporate a shift SHIFTER SHAFT tube. Separation o f the shifter shaft sections will be 3 A U T O M A T IC T R A N S M IS S IO N - Available with internal and cannot be visually identified. Hold lower column shift only, Locks the transmission and steering end o f the "shifter sh aft" and move "shift lever" on wheel while in park position and the lock cylinder is in column through its ranges and up and down. If there is "L o ck " position. little or no movement of the "shifter shaft", the plastic 4. T IL T W HEEL O P T IO N - The upper end and joints are sheared. steering shaft o f this column is specifically designed to accom m odate the optional tilt steering wheel. It is Steering Shaft available with either m anual (the fourth column type) or If the steering sh aft plastic pins have been sheared, autom atic transmission on (the fifth column type). the shaft will rattle w hen struck lightly from the side and To p erform diagnostic procedures on the steering some lash m ay be felt when rotating the steering wheel colum n upp er end components, it is not necessary to while holding the rag joint. It should be noted that if the remove the column from the vehicle. steering shaft pins are sheared due to m inor collision T he steering wheel, horn components, directional with no appreciable dam age to other components, that signal switch, ignition switch and lock cylinder may be the vehicle can be safely steered; however, steering shaft removed with the column re m ain in g in the vehicle as replacement is recom mended. described in the Service M anual u nder "C om p on ent Part Because o f the differences in the steering column Replacem ent". types, be sure to refer to the set o f instructions below C A U T IO N : The outer m ast ja c k e t shift tube, which apply to the column being serviced. steering shaft a n d instrum ent panel m ounting M E TH O D TO D E T E R M IN E CO LUM N bracket are designed as energy absorbing units. Because o f the design o f these components, it is COLLAPSE absolutely necessary to handle the column with Measure distance between top o f neutral-start switch care when perform ing any service operation. window opening and the bottom o f the upper jacket. The A vo id hammering, jarring, dropping or leaning correct value is shown below: on any portion o f the column. When reassem­ a. C-Truck 5 11/16" to 5 1/2". bling the column components, use only the b. K-Truck 5 11/16" to 5 1/2". specijied screws, nuts a n d bolts a nd tighten to specified torque. Care should be exercised not STEERING C O LU M N ELECTRICAL to use over-length screws or bolts as they m ay ANALYZER J -2 3 9 8 0 FOR C AND K SERIES prevent a portion o f the colum n from CO LUM NS compressing under impact. COLLISION DIA G N O S IS To determ ine if the energy absorbing steering column com ponents are functioning as designed, or if repairs are required, a close inspection should be made. An inspection is called for in all cases where dam ag e is A new tool has been developed to help the technician analyze the steering column wiring harness for electrical problems. The tool in actuality eliminates the steering column, related wiring and components; and replaces them with the tool itself. In this way disassembly ri Instrument Panel Bracket Capsule Damage NOTE: The bolt head must not contact surface “A”. If contact is made, the capsule shear load w.ill be increased. If this condition exists replace the bracket. SU RFA CE “A” L = □ =□ A U T O M A T IC T R A N S M IS S IO N C O L U M N S LOCK S Y S T E M - W I L L NOT UNLOCK Cause Solution A. Lock bolt damaged. A. Replace lock bolt. B. Defective lock cylinder. C. B. Replace or repair lock cylinder. Damaged housing. C. Replace housing. D. Damaged or collapsed sector. D. Replace sector. E. Damaged rack. E. Replace rack. F. Shear Flange on sector shaft collapsed. F. LOCK S YS TE M Replace. W IL L N O T LOCK Cause Solution A. Lock bolt spring broken or defective. A. Replace spring. B. Damaged sector tooth, or sector installed incorrectly. C. Defective lock cylinder. B. Replace, or install correctly. C. Replace lock cylinder D. Burr or lock bolt or housing. D. Remove Burr. E. Damaged housing. E. Replace housing. F. Transmission linkage adjustment incorrect. F. Readjust (see Sec. 7). G. Damaged rack. G. Replace rack. H. Interference betw een bowl and coupling (tilt). H. Adjust or replace as necessary. I. I. Readjust or replace. J. Readjust or replace. Ignition switch stuck. J. Actuator rod restricted or bent. LOCK S Y S TE M - H IG H EFFO RT Cause Solution A. Lock cylinder defective. A. Replace lock cylinder. B. Ignition switch defective. C. B. Replace switch. Rack preload spring broken or deformed. C. Replace spring. D. Burrs on sector, rack, housing, support, tang of shift gate or actuator rod coupling. D. Remove Burr. E. Bent sector shaft. E. Replace shaft. F. Distorted rack. F. Replace rack G. Misalignment of housing to cover (tilt only). G. Replace either or both. Fig. 3 B -5 -A u to m a tic Transm ission Column Diagnosis o f the column is not perform ed until the problem has been determ ined to be in the column. By moving the tester switch, (with the key in the " o n " position), the various functions m ay be checked. The switch positions are " O F F " , " H O R N " , " L E F T T U R N " , " R IG H T T U R N " , "K E Y B U Z Z E R ", and "H A Z A R D " . (Trucks do not incorporate a Key Buzzer Switch) if the systems function properly while using the tester, then the malfunction has been narrowed to the column wiring or components. W hen this has been determ ined then the column may be serviced to correct the malfunction. To use the tool just unfasten the harm onica LOCK S Y S TE M - H IG H E F F O R T (C O N T 'D .) Cause Solution H. D istorted coupling slot in rack (tilt). H. Replace rack. I. Bent or restricted actuator rod. I. Straighten remove restriction or replace. J. Ignition switch mounting bracket bent. J. Straighten or replace. H IG H E F F O R T LOCK C Y L IN D E R - B ETW EEN " O F F " A N D " O F F -L O C K " P O SITIO N S Cause Solution A. Burr on tang of shift gate. A. Remove burr. B. Distorted rack. B. Replace rack. S TIC K S IN " S T A R T " P O S ITIO N Cause Solution A. Actuator rod deformed. A. Straighten or replace. B. Any high effort condition. B. Check items under high effort section. K E Y C A N N O T BE R E M O V E D IN " O F F -L O C K " P O S IT IO N Cause Solution A. Ignition switch is not set correctly. A. Readjust ignition switch. B. Defective lock cylinder. B. Replace lock cylinder. LOCK C Y L IN D E R CAN BE R E M O V E D W IT H O U T D EP R ES S IN G R E T A IN E R Cause Solution A. Lock cylinder with defective retainer. A. Replace lock cylinder. B. Lock cylinder without retainer. B. Replace lock cylinder. C. Burr over retainer slot in housing cover. C. Remove burr. LOCK B O LT H IT S S H A F T LOCK IN " O F F " A N D " P A R K " P O S ITIO N S Cause Solution A. Ignition switch is not set correctly. A. Readjust ignition switch. IG N IT IO N S Y S TE M - E L E C T R IC A L S Y S TE M W IL L N O T F U N C T IO N Cause Solution A. Defective fuse in “accessory” circuit. A. Replace fuse. B. Connector body loose or defective. B. Tighten or replace. C. Defective wiring. C. Repair or replace. IG N IT IO N S Y S T E M - E L E C T R IC A L S YSTEM W IL L N O T F U N C T IO N (C O N T 'D .) Cause Solution D. Defective ignition switch. D. Replace ignition switch. E. Ignition switch not adjusted properly. E. Readjust ignition switch. SW ITCH W IL L N O T A C T U A T E M E C H A N IC A L L Y Cause Solution A. Defective ignition switch. A. Replace igntion switch. S W ITCH CAN N O T BE S ET C O R R E C T L Y Cause Solution A. Switch actuator rod deformed. A. Repair or replace switch actuator rod. B. Sector to rack engaged in wrong to o th (tilt). B. Engage sector to rack correctly. N O IS E IN C O L U M N Cause Solution A. Coupling bolts loose. B. Column not correctly aligned. C. Coupling pulled apart. A. Tighten pinch bolts to specified torque. B. Realign column. D. Sheared intermediate shaft plastic joint. C. Replace coupling and realign column. D. Replace or repair steering shaft and realign column. E. Horn contact ring not lubricated. E. Lubricate with lubriplate. F. Lack of grease on bearings or bearing surfaces. F. Lubricate bearings. G. Lower shaft bearing tight or frozen. G. Replace bearing. Check shaft and replace if scored. H. Upper shaft tight or frozen. H. Replace housing assembly. I. Shaft lock plate cover loose. J. Lock plate snap ring not seated. Tighten three screws or, if missing, replace. CAUTION: Use specified screws. (15 in. lbs.) J. Replace snap ring. Check for proper seating in groove. I. K. Defective buzzer dog cam on lock cylinder. K. Replace lock cylinder. L. One click when in “off-lock” position and the steering wheel is moved. L. Normal condition - lock bolt is seating. Fig. 3B-7--Autom atic Transm ission Column Diagnosis H IG H S T E E R IN G S H A F T E F F O R T Cause Solution A. Column assembly misaligned in vehicle. A. Realign. B. Improperly installed or deformed dust seal. B. Remove and replace. C. Tight or frozen upper or lower bearing. C. Replace affected bearing or bearings. D. Flash on l.D. of shift tube from plastic joint. D. Replace shift tube. H IG H S H IF T E F F O R T Cause Solution A. Column not aligned correctly in car. A. Realign. B. Improperly installed dust seal. B. Remove and replace. C. Lack of grease on seal or bearing areas. C. Lubricate bearings and seals. D. Burr on upper or lower end of shift tube. D. Remove burr. E. Lower bowl bearing n o t assembled properly (tilt). E. Reassemble properly. F. Wave washer w ith burrs (tilt only). F. Replace wave washer. IM PR O PER T R A N S M IS S IO N S H IF T IN G Cause Solution A. Sheared shift tube joint. A. Replace shift tube assembly. B. Improper transmission linkage adjustment. B. Readjust linkage. C. Loose lower shift lever. C. Replace shift tube assembly. D. Improper gate plate. D. Replace with correct part. E. Sheared lower shift lever weld. E. Replace tube assembly. LASH IN M O U N T E D C O L U M N A SS E M B LY Cause Solution A. Instrument panel mounting bolts loose. A. Tighten to specifications. (20 ft. lbs.) B. Broken weld nuts on jacket. B. Replace jacket assembly. C. Instrument panel bracket capsule sheared. C. Replace bracket assembly. D. Instrument panel to jacket mounting bolts loose. D. Tighten to specifications. (15 ft. lbs.) E. Loose shoes in housing (tilt only). E. Replace. F. Loose tilt head pivot pins (tilt only). F. Replace. G. Loose shoe lock pin in support (tilt only). G. Replace. M IS C E L L A N E O U S Cause Solution A. Housing loose on jacket - will be noticed with ignition in "Off-Lock" and a torque applied to the steering wheel. A. Tighten four mounting screws - (60 in. lbs.) B. Shroud loose on shift bowl. B. Bend tabs on shroud over lugs on bowl. M A N U A L T R A N S M IS S IO N C O LU M N S GENERAL INFORMATION All of the preceding diagnosis information for automatic transmission will apply to the manual transmission. The following information is supplied in addition to and specifically for manual transmission columns. D R IV E R C AN LO C K S T E E R IN G IN SEC O N D G E A R Cause Solution A. Defective upper shift lever. A. Replace shift lever. B. Defective shift lever gate. B. Replace shift lever gate. C. Loose relay lever on shift tube. C. Replace shift tube assembly. D. Use of upper shift lever prior to 1969 model year. D. Replace with current lever. H IG H S H IF T E F F O R T Cause Solution A. Column not aligned correctly in car. A. Realign column. B. Lower bowl bearing not assembled correctly. B. Reassemble correctly. C. Improperly installed seal C. Remove and replace. D. Wave washer in lower bowl bearing defective. D. Replace wave washer. E. Improper adjustment of lower shift levers. E. Readjust (see Sec. 7). F. Lack of grease on seal, bearing areas or levers. F. Lubricate seal, levers and bearings. G. Damaged shift tube in bearing areas. G. Replace shift tube assembly. IM PR O PER T R A N S M IS S IO N S H IF T IN G Cause Solution A. Loose relay lever on shift tube. A. Replace shift tube assembly. T IL T C O L U M N S GEN ERAL INFORMATION A ll o f the precedin g diagnosis w ill generally apply to tilt colum ns. T h e fo llo w in g is supplied in a d d ition to and sp ecifically fo r tilt colum ns. H O U S IN G S C R APPIN G ON BOWL Cause Solution A. Bowl bent or not concentric with hub. A. Replace bowl. S T E E R IN G W H EE L LOOSE Cause Solution A. Excessive clearance between holes in support or housing and pivot pin diameters. A. Replace either or both. B. Defective or missing anti-lash spring in spheres. B. Add spring or replace both. C. Upper bearing seat not seating in bearing. C. Replace both. D. Upper bearing inner race seat missing. D. Install seat. F. Loose support screws. F. Tighten to 60 in. lbs. G. Bearing preload spring missing or broken. G. Replace preload spring. S T E E R IN G W H EE L LOOSE E V E R Y O T H E R T IL T P O S ITIO N Cause Solution A. Loose tit between shoe and shoe pivot pin. A. Replace both. NO ISE W H EN T IL T IN G COLUM N Cause Solution A. Upper tilt bumper worn. A. Replace tilt bumper. B. Tilt spring rubbing in housing. B. Lubricate. S T E E R IN G C O L U M N N O T L O C K IN G A N Y T IL T P O S IT IO N IN Cause Solution A. Shoe seized on its pivot pin. ivot pin. A. Replace shoe and-pivot pin. B. Shoe grooves may have burrs or dirt. B. Replace shoe. C. Shoe lock spring weak or broken. C. Replace lock spring. S T E E R IN G W H E E L F A IL S T O R E T U R N TO TOP T IL T P O S IT IO N Cause Solution A. Pivot pins are bound up. A. Replace pivot pins. B. Wheel tilt spring is defective. B. Replace tilt spring. C. Turn signal switch wires too tight. C. Reposition wires. F ig.-3B -11-S teering Colum n Electrical Analyzer J -23980 Fig. 3B 12- Checking Fuses on Fuse Block connector on the column and plug the harness from J-23980 into the vehicle chassis harness. The "A ", "B", and " C " term inals on the tester will overhang the chassis connector. This does not affect the test results. These terminals are for vehicles with cornering lights. Connect the single black ju m p e r to a good ground. The tester is now ready for use (Fig. 3B -11). T U R N S IG N A L D IA G N O S IS C AN D K SERIES W hen a complaint is m ade involving the turn signal system, it must first be determ ined w hether the problem is mechanical o r electrical. If mechanical, the switch itself is at fault and must be repaired or replaced. If electrical, J-23980 should be used to determine whether the switch, or the chassis wiring is in need of rep air or replacement. This diagnostic procedure has been designed to guide the mechanic through the proper diagnosis and re p air of the turn signal system. The service section is to be used where assembly a n d / o r disassembly procedures are required. The wiring diagram , found in Section 12, should be used to trouble shoot the chassis and body wiring after the problem has been isolated. The nature o f the customer complaint will generally point to the problem area. Fig. 3 B -1 3 -Checking Harm onica Connector on Column Electrical Chassis Electrical The most common turn signal system problems are generally electrical and may easily, be fixed by the replacement of fuses, bulbs or flashers in both directions. If the lever does not return to the neutral position, disassemble the upper p art o f the column until the switch is visible. 2. Check the return from lane change by holding the lever in lane change and releasing (both left and right). If the lever does not return to neutral, disassemble the upper part o f the column. 3. If the hazard w arning button cannot depressed or released, the switch must be replaced. be Switch Visual Inspection 1. With the upper part of the column disassembled so that the signal switch is visible (Figure 3B-15) check for missing springs. Replace any spring that is missing, inspecting the molded pins which secure them. If these pins are broken, the switch must be replaced. 2. Check the position o f the switch in the bowl. If it appears cocked or crooked, loosen the securing screws (3) and visually inspect the switch. If any o f the plastic is broken or badly deform ed, the switch must be replaced. Fig. 3B -14-C hecking Hazard W arning Flasher First make these checks and replace any non­ operative components. 3. If the switch appears undam aged, replace it being careful to seat the pilot into the housing, tighten the screws to 25 lbs. in. o f torque. POWER STE ER IN G SYSTEM DIA G N O S IS 1. Check fu se s(F ig u re 3B-12). Replace if blown. If new fuse blows, replace flasher in system. (There are 2 flashers in the signal switch system. The hazard w arning flasher and turn signal flasher are located on the fuse block. 2. Check for secure connection at the chassis to switch connector. This is the harm onica connector on the column (Figure 3B-13). Secure if loose. Check all individual wire terminals for proper seating in the connector bodies. Term inals should be locked in place. 3. Depress hazard w arn in g button and check all lights in signal swritch system. Replace any which do not work. If all lamps light w hen hazard w arning is depressed, but flashing does not occur, replace hazard w a rning flasher. (On fuse block) (Figure 3B-14). 4. If all directional lamps light w hen lane change or turn indicator is actuated, but no flashing occurs, replace the turn signal flasher. T he above four steps will, in most cases, cure the com m on signal switch system troubles. If the system is still not operating correctly, use J-23980 to determine w h e th e r the chassis wiring or the signal switch itself is at fault. Complaints of faulty steering are frequently the result o f problems other than the steering gear or pump. Those areas o f the steering system which can be easily checked and quickly corrected without disassembly and overhaul of any m ajor components should be attempted first. Conditions such as hard or loose steering, road shock or vibrations are not always due to the steering gear or pump, but are often related instead to such factors low tire pressure and front end alignment. These factors should be checked and corrected before any M echanical 1. If the c u sto m e r’s c o m p la in t indicates the problem is in the switch, function check as to return from full left an d full right turns. Actuate the turn lever into a full turn position in e ither direction, then turn the steering wheel (motor on - power steering) at least 1/4 turn in the direction indicated and then back to center. Do this LANE CHANGE RETURN S P R IN G SIGNAL SWITCH DIAGNOSIS C O N D ITIO N T u rn signal w ill not cancel POSSIBLE CAUSE A. B. C. D. T u rn signal d iffic u lt to operate R eposition o r replace springs as required D. A djust switch position 1. If interference is correct and switch w ill still not cancel, replace switch. 2. If interference cannot be corrected by switch adjustm ent, replace cancelling cam. T ig h ten m ou n ting screw (1 2 in-lb) Replace switch B. Y o k e broken or distorted Loose o r misplaced springs Foreign parts a n d /o r materials S w itch m ounted loosely B. A. B. C. Broken lane change pressure pad or spring hanger B roken, missing or misplaced lane change spring Jamm ed base o r wires T ig h ten to specified to rq u e (2 5 in-lbs) Replace switch C. A. E. Hazard switch cannot be tu rn ed o ff B. A c tu a to r rod loose D. T u rn signal w ill not stay in tu rn position A. A. C. T u rn signal w ill not indicate lane change Loose switch m ounting screws Sw itch or anchor bosses broken B roken, missing or o ut o f position d ete n t, retu rn or cancelling spring U neven o r incorrect cancelling cam to cancelling spring interference. ( .1 2 0)/sid e CORRECTION C. D. E. R eposition or replace springs Remove foreign parts a n d /o r m aterial T ig h ten m ou n ting screws ( 2 5 in-lbs) A. Replace switch B. Replace o r reposition as required C. Loosen m ou n ting screws, reposition base o r wires and retighten screws(2 5 in-lbs) A. Foreign m aterial or loose parts impeding m ovem ent o f yo k e A. Remove m aterial a n d /o r parts B. Broken or missing detent or cancelling springs B. Replace spring C. N one o f th e above C. Replace switch A. Foreign m aterial between hazard support cancelling leg and yoke A. Remove foreign m aterial 1. No foreign m aterial im peding fu n c tio n o f hazard switch — replace tu rn signal switch SIGNAL SWITCH DIAGNOSIS C O N D ITIO N Hazard switch w ill not stay on o r d iffic u lt to tu rn o ff No tu rn signal lights POSSIBLE CAUSE A. B. C. Loose switch m ounting screws In terference w ith other com ponents Foreign m aterial D. None o f th e above D. A. D efective or b lo w n fuse In o p erative tu rn signal flasher Loose chassis to colum n connector Disconnect colum n to chassis connector. C onnect new switch to chassis and operate switch by hand. If vehicle lights now operate n o rm a lly , signal switch is inoperative If vehicle lights do not operate check chassis w irin g fo r opens, grounds, etc. A. B. B. C. D. E. T u rn indicator lights on, but not flashing CORRECTION A. B. C. D. E. In o p erative turn .flasher Loose chassis to colum n connection In o p erative tu rn signal switch T o determ in e if tu rn signal switch is defective, substitute new switch into circu it and operate switch by hand. If th e vehicle’s lights operate n o rm ally, signal switch is inoperative If th e vehicle's lights do not operate, check light sockets fo r high resistance connections, the chassis w irin g fo r opens, grounds, etc. A. C. B. C. D. T ighten m ou n ting screws (2 5 in-lbs) Remove interference Remove foreign m aterial Replace switch Replace fuse and check operation Replace tu rn signal flasher Connect securely, check operation Replace signal switch E. Repair chassis w irin g as required using manual as guide A. Replace tu rn flasher N ote: Th ere are tw o flashers in th e system. Consult manual fo r location. Connect securely and check operation Replace tu rn signal switch Replace signal switch B. C. D. E. Repair chassis w iring as required using manual as guide SIGNAL SWITCH DIAGNOSIS C O N D ITIO N F ro n t o r rear tu rn signal lights not flashing A. Burned o u t fuse A. B. Burned o u t or damaged tu rn signal bulb High resistance connection to ground at bulb socket Loose chassis to colum n connector Disconnect colum n to chassis connector. C onnect new switch into system and operate switch by hand. If tu rn signal lights are now on and flash, tu rn signal switch is inoperative. If vehicle lights do not operate, check chassis w iring harness to light sockets fo r opens, grounds, etc. B. C. D. E. F. Stop light not on when tu rn indicated C. D. E. Replace fuse and check operation Connect securely and check op eratio n Replace signal switch A. B. Loose colum n to chassis connection Disconnect colum n to chassis connector. C onnect new switch into system w ith o u t rem oving old. O perate switch by hand. If brake lights w o rk w ith switch in th e tu rn position, signal switch is defective If brake lights do not w o rk check connector to stop light sockets fo r grounds, opens, etc. B. A. B. C. Burned o u t bulbs High resistance to ground at bulb socket Opens, grounds in w irin g harness fro m fro n t tu rn signal bulb socket to indicator I ights Remove o r repair defective connection and check o p eration Connect securely and check operation Replace tu rn signal switch. Repair chassis w irin g as required using manual as guide Burned o u t fuse D. Replace fuse and check o p eratio n Replace bulb F. A. C. T u rn indicator panel lights n ot flashing CORRECTION POSSIBLE CAUSE C. D. Repair connector to stop light circuits using manual as guide. A. B. Replace bulbs Replace socket C. Locate and repair as required. Use shop manual as guide. S IG N A L S W IT C H D IA G N O S IS C O N D IT IO N T u rn signal lights flash very slow ly A. B. C. D. E. F. Hazard signal lights w ill not flash — tu rn signal functions no rm ally C O R R E C T IO N P O S S IB L E C A U S E Inoperative tu rn signal flasher System charging voltage low High resistance ground at light sockets A. Loose chassis to colum n connection Disconnect colum n to chassis connector. Connect new switch into system w ith o u t rem oving o ld . O perate switch by hand. If flashing occurs at normal rate, th e signal switch is defective. If th e flashing rate is still e xtrem ely slow, check chassis w irin g harness fro m the connector to light sockets fo r grounds, high resistance points, etc. D. B. C. E. F. A. B low n fuse A. B. Inoperative hazard w arning flasher Loose chassis to colum n connection Disconnect c o lu m n to chassis connector. C onnect new switch into system w ith o u t rem oving o ld . Depress the hazard w arning b u tto n and observe th e hazard w arning lights. If th e y now w o rk n o rm a lly , th e tu rn signal switch is defective. If the lights do n ot flash, check w irin g harness " K " lead (brow n ) for open between hazard flasher and harm onica connector. If open, fuse block is defective. B. C. D. E. C. D. E. Replace tu rn signal flasher I ncrease voltage to specified. See Sec. 6 Y Repair high resistance grounds at light sockets C onnect securely and check operation Replace signal switch Locate and repair as required. Use manual as guide. See Section 12 Replace fuse and check operation Replace hazard w arning flasher Connect securely and check operation Replace the tu rn signal switch Replace fuse block (See Sec. 12) adjustm ent or disassembly o f the power steering gear or p u m p is attem pted. System Checks M any factors affect power operation o f the steering system, o f which the most com m on are: 1. Fluid level and condition. 2. Drive belt tension. 3. Loose c om ponent mountings. 4. Loose p u m p pulley. These factors must be checked and corrected before m aking any further diagnosis o f the steering system. The need for proper diagnosis cannot be over-emphasized. A fter the source o f the problem has been found, determ ine the cause. For example, if the oil level in the reservoir is found to be low, refill and check the entire hydraulic system for oil leaks. Refilling the reservoir will not necessarily correct problem. Fluid Level 1. R un engine to norm al operating temperature, then shut engine off. Remove reservoir filler cap and check oil level to " h o t" m ark on dipstick. 2. If oil level is low, add hydraulic fluid to proper level on dipstick and replace filler cap. N OTE: W hen a dd in g or making a complete fluid change, always use G M power steering fluid or equivalent. 3. W hen checking fluid level after the steering system has been serviced, air must be bled from the system. Proceed as follows: a. W ith wheels turned all the w ay to the left, add power steering fluid to "C o ld " mark on dipstick. b. Start engine, and run ning at fast idle, recheck fluid level. Add fluid if necessary to "C old" m ark on dipstick. c. Bleed system by turning wheels from side to side without hitting stops. M aintain fluid level just above internal p u m p casting. Fluid with air in it will have a light tan or red appearance. This air must be eliminated from fluid before norm al steering action can be obtained. d. Return wheels to center position and continue to run engine for two or three minutes, then shut engine off. e. Road test car to m ake sure steering functions normally and is free from noise. f. Recheck fluid level as described in steps 1 and 2, m aking sure fluid level is at " h o t" m ark on dipstick after the system has stabilized at its normal operating tem perature approximately 170° to 190°F. B elt Adjustm ent W hen adjusting a power steering p u m p belt, never pry against the pu m p reservoir or pull against the filler neck. To increase belt tension move the pu m p outward by prying against the p u m p housing casting extension directly behind the pum p drive pulley. A belt that has been previously tensioned is considered to be a used belt and should be tightened to 75 pounds. A belt that has never been tensioned is considered to be a new belt and should be tightened to 125 pounds. Place belt tension gage, J-23600 or equivalent midway between the pulleys on drive belt being checked. If the belt tension is incorrect proceed as follows: 1. W hen power steering pum p is driven by a single belt: a. Loosen the p u m p attaching bolts and adjust the belt to correct tension by moving the pu m p outward, away from the engine. b. Snug all pu m p mounting bolts and remove pry bar. c. Tighten all pum p mounting bolts to specified torque. d. Check belt tension and remove the belt tension gage. Hydraulic System Checks The following p rocedure outlines m ethods to identify and isolate power steering hydraulic circuit difficulties. The test provides means o f determ ining whether power steering system hydraulic parts are actually faulty. This test will result in readings indicating faulty hydraulic operation, and will help to identify the faulty component. Before perform ing hydraulic circuit test, carefully check belt tension, fluid level and condition o f driving pulley. Power Steering Hydraulic System Test Engine must be at normal operating temperature. Inflate front tires to correct pressure. All tests are made with engine idling, check idle adjustment and if necessary adjust engine idle speed to correct specifica­ tions listed in Section 6C and proceed as follows: 1. With engine N O T running disconnect pressure hose from pum p and install Tool J-5176 using a spare pressure hose between gauge and pump. G au ge must be between shut-off valve and pump. Open shut-off valve. 2. Remove filler cap from pum p reservoir and check fluid level. Fill p u m p reservoir to full mark on dipstick. Start engine and, m omentarily holding steering wheel against stop, check connections at Tool J-5176 for leakage. 3. Bleed system as outlined under M aintenance and Adjustments. 4. Insert therm om eter (Tool J-5421) in reservoir filler opening. Move steering wheel from stop to stop several times until therm om eter indicates that hydraulic fluid in reservoir has reached tem perature of 150° to 170°F. CAUTION: To prevent scrubbing fla t spots on tires, do not turn steering wheel more than fiv e times without rolling vehicle to change tire-tofloor contact area. 5. Start engine and check fluid level adding any fluid if required. W hen engine is at norm al operating temperature, the initial pressure read on the gauge (valve open) should be in the 80-125 PSI range. Should this CONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION SYSTEM NOISE There is some noise in all power steering systems. Common complaints are listed as follows: Pump noise-“chirp” . Loose belt. Adjust belt tension to specification. Belt squeal. Loose belt. Adjust belt tension to specification. Gear noise ( “ hissing” sound) There is some noise in all power steer­ ing systems. One of the most common is a hissing sound most evident at standstill parking. There is no relation­ ship between this noise and perfor­ mance of the steering. “ Hiss” may be expected when steering wheel is at end of travel or when slowly turning at standstill. Do not replace valve unless “ hiss” is extremely objectionable. Slight “ hiss” is normal and in no way affects steer­ ing. A replacement valve will also exhi­ bit slight noise and is not always a cure for the objection. Investigate clearance around flexible coupling rivets. Be sure steering shaft arid gear are aligned so flexible coupling rotates in a flat plane and is not distorted as shaft ro­ tates. Any metal-to-metal contacts through flexible coupling will transmit “hiss" into passenger compartment. Rattle. Pressure hose touching other parts of car. Adjust hose position. Loose pump pulley nut Replace nut, torque to specs. Pump vanes not installed properly. Install properly. Pump vanes sticking in rotor slots. Free up by removing burrs, varnish or dirt. Improper over-center adjustment Adjust to specifications. Gear noise (rattle or chuckle). NOTE: A slight rattle may occur on turns because of increased clearance off the “ high point” . This is normal and clearance must not be reduced below specified limits to eliminate this slight rattle. Loose pitman arm. Tighten to specifications Gear loose on frame. Check gear-to-frame mounting bolts. Tighten bolts to 70 foot-pounds. Rattle or chuckle. Steering linkage looseness. Check linkage pivot points for wear. Replace if necessary. Groan. Low oil level. Fill reservoir to proper level. Groan. Air in the oil. Poor pressure hose connection. Bleed system by operating steering from right to left full turn. Check connections, torque to specs. Growl. Excessive back pressure caused by hoses or steering gear, (restriction) Locate restriction and correct. Replace part if necessary. CONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION Scored pump pressure plates, thrust plate or rotor. Replace affected parts, flush system. Extreme wear of pump cam ring. Replace affected parts. Swish in pump Defective pump flow control valve Replace valve Whine in pump Pump shaft bearing scored. Replace housing and shaft, flush system Squawk in gear (not belt) Dampener “0 ” ring on valve spool cut Replace “0 ” ring. Pump growl Note: Most noticeable at full wheel travel and stand still parking SYSTEM OPERATION Excessive wheel kick-back or loose steering. Poor return of steering. Backlash in steering linkage. Adjust parts affected or replace worn parts. Air in system. Add oil to pump reservoir and bleed by operating steering. Check all connections. Excessive “ over-center” lash. Adjust to specification. Loose thrust bearing preload adjust­ ment. Adjust to specification. Worn poppet valve (Gear) Replace poppet valve. Steering gear loose on frame. Tighten attaching bolts to 70 foot­ pounds. Steering gear flexible coupling too loose on shaft or rubber disc mounting screws loose. Tighten flange pinch bolts to 30 foot­ pounds, if serrations are not damaged. Tighten upper flange to coupling nuts to 20 foot-pounds. Steering linkage ball studs worn enough to be loose. Replace loose components. Front wheel bearings incorrectly ad­ justed or worn. Adjust bearings or replace with new parts as necessary. Tires under-inflated. Inflate to specified pressure. Lower coupling flange rubbing against steering gear adjuster plug. Loosen pinch bolt and assemble prop­ erly. Steering wheel rubbing against direc­ tional signal housing. Adjust steering jacket. Tight or frozen steering shaft bearings. Replace bearings. Steering linkage or ball joints binding. Replace affected parts. Steering gear to column misalignment. Align steering column. Tie rod pivots not centralized. Adjust tie rod ends as required to center pivots. Lack of lubricant in suspension ball joints and steering linkage Lubricate and relubricate at proper intervals CONDITION Poor return of steering. (Cont’d.) Car leads to one side or the other. (Keep in mind road condition and wind. Test car on flat road going in both directions) POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION Steering gear adjustments over specifications. Check adjustment with pitman arm disconnected. Readjust if necessary. Sticky or plugged valve spool. Remove and clean or replace valve. Rubber spacer binding in shift tube. Make certain spacer is properly seated. Lubricate inside diameter with sili­ cone lubricant. Improper front suspension alignment. Check and adjust to specifications. Tight steering shaft bearings. Replace bearings. Front suspension misaligned Adjust to specifications. Steering shaft rubbing ID of shift tube. Align column. Unbalanced or badly worn steering gear valve. Replace valve. NOTE: If this is cause, steering effort will be very light in direction of lead and heavy in opposite direction. Steering wheel surges or jerks when turning with engine running especially during parking. Momentary increase in effort when turning wheel fast to right or left. Hard steering or lack of assist. Steering linkage not level. Adjust as required. Low oil level in pump. Check oil level, add as necessary. Loose pump belt. Adjust tension to specification. Sticky How control valve. Inspect for varnish or damage, replace if necessary. Insufficient pump pressure. Check pump pressure. (See pump pressure test). Replace relief valve if defective. Steering linkage hitting engine oil pan at full turn. Correct clearance. Pump belt slipping. Tighten or replace belt. Low oil level in pump. Check oil level, add as necessary. High internal leakage. Check pump pressure (Test) High internal leakage. (Gear or pump) Check pump pressure test). Loose pump belt. Adjust belt tension to specification. Low oil level in reservoir. Fill to proper level. If excessively low, check all lines and joints for evidence of external leakage, torque to specs. pressure. (See pump CONDITION Hard Steering or lack of assist (Continued) Low oil pressure due to restriction in hoses: Low oil pressure due to steering gear: (See pump pressure test) POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION Lack of lubricant in suspension or ball joints. Lubricate, relubricate at proper intervals. Tires not properly inflated. Inflate to recommended pressure. Steering gear to column misalignment. Align steering column. Steering gear adjusted too tight. Test steering system for binding with front wheels off floor. Adjust as neces­ sary. Excessive friction in steering linkage. Check tie rod pivot points for exces­ sive friction. Replace the affected pivot. Lower coupling flange rubbing against steering gear adjuster plug. Loosen pinch bolt and assemble properly. Sticky flow control valve. Replace or clean valve. Frame bent. Check frame for proper alignment or cracking. Repair or replace as neces­ sary. Front springs weak and sagging. Check standing height. Weak or sag­ ging springs should be replaced with new ones. Insufficient oil pressure. If above checks do not reveal cause of hard steering, diagnose hydraulic system to determine problem. Check for kinks in hoses. Remove kink. Foreign object stuck in hose. Remove hoses and remove restricting object or replace hose. Pressure loss in cylinder due to worn piston ring or scored housing bore. Remove gear from car for disassembly and inspection of ring and housing bore. Replace affected parts. Leakage at valve rings, valve body to worm seal. Remove gear from car for disassembly and replace seals. Loose fit of spool in valve body or leaky valve body. Replace valve. Damaged poppet valve. Replace valve. POSSIBLE CAUSE CONDITION Low oil pump: pressure due to steering CORRECTION Loose belt. Adjust tension to specification Low oil level. Fill reservoir to proper level. Air in the oil. Locate source of leak and correct. Bleed system. Defective hoses or steering gear. Correct as necessary. Flow control valve stuck or inopera­ tive. Remove burrs or dirt or replace. Loose screw in end of flow control valve. Tighten. Cracked or broken thrust or pressure plate. Replace part. Pressure plate not ring. Replace pressure plate. (See pump pressure test.) Note: flat against cam Steering system externa! leakage Foaming milky power steering fluid, low level and possible low pressure. Extreme wear of cam ring. Replace parts, flush system Scored pressure plate, thrust plate or rotor. Replace parts. (If rotor, replace with rotating group kit), flush system Vanes not installed properly. Install properly. Radius edge to outside. Vanes sticking in rotor slots. Free-up by removing burrs, varnish or dirt. Air in the fluid, and loss of fluid due to internal pump leakage causing overflow. Check for leak and correct. Bleed system. Extremely cold temperatures will cause system aeriation should the oil level be low. If oil level is correct and pump still foams, remove pump from vehicle and separate reservoir from housing. Check welsh plug and housing for cracks. If plug is loose or housing is cracked, replace housing. Fig. 3B-24~Power Steering System Diagnosis A HIGH PRESSURE HOSE FROM PUMP B ADDITIONAL HIGH PRESSURE P/S HOSE TO GEAR C TOOL J-5176 Fig. 3B-25-C hecking Power Steering Pressures pressure be in excess o f 200 PSI - check the hoses for restrictions and the poppet valve for proper assembly. 6. Close gate valve fully 3 times. Record the highest pressures attained each time. C A U TIO N : Do not leave valve fully closed for m ore than 5 seconds as th e pump could be damaged internally. 4. Check hose connections - tighten if necessary. 5. Verify exact point o f leakage. Example:Torsion bar, stub shaft and adjuster seals are close together; exact leakage point could be confused. Example: The point oil drips from is not necessarily the leakage point - oil overflowing from reservoir for instance. 6. W h en service is required: A. Clean leakage area upon disassembly. B. Replace leaking seal. C. Check c o m pon e nt sealing surfaces for damage. D. Reset bolt torque to specifications where required. Some o f the customer complaints associated with the power steering system may be reported as: 1. Oil leakage on garage floor. 2. Oil leaks visible on steering gear, pump, or anywhere else on the left side of engine compartment. 3. Growling noise especially when parking or when engine is cold. 4. Loss of power when parking. 5. Heavy steering effort. For the purpose o f trouble shooting complaints o f this nature, assume that there is an external leak in the power steering system. Leakage Diagnosis (Fig. 3 B -2 6) a. If the pressures recorded are within the listed specs and the range of readings are within 50 PSI, the This section is a guide, which when used in p u m p is functioning within specs. (E X . Spec. 900 - 1500 conjunction with your service m anual will enable you, a PSI - readings - 1270 - 1275 - 1280). service mechanic, to locate, identify, and repair leaks in b. If the pressures recorded are high, but do not the power steering system. It contains: repeat w ithin 50 PSI, the flow controlling valve is A. D iagram o f the complete power steering system sticking. Remove the valve, clean it and remove any with the areas of potential leakage identified. burrs using crocus cloth or fine hone. If the system B. Recommended procedure for locating external contains some dirt, flush it. If it is exceptionally dirty, leakage in the vehicle. both the pum p and the gear must be completely C. Areas o f leakage to be checked, which can be disassembled, cleaned, flushed and reassembled before serviced at once. further usage. D. Part replacement recommendations. c. If the pressures recorded are constant, but E. D iagram o f the actual areas where leakage will more than 100 PSI, below the low listed spec., replace the be observed and the action recommended to repair this flow control valve and recheck. If the pressures are still leakage. low, replace the rotating group in the pump. 7 If the pu m p checks within specifications, leave Leakage Check the valve open an d turn (or have turned) the steering The purpose o f the diagnostic procedure is to pin­ wheel into both corners. Record the highest pressures point the location o f the leak. The method outlined in and com pare w ith the m axim um pu m p pressure this m anual can be followed to locate the leak and repair recorded. If this pressure cannot be built in either (or one) side o f the gear, the gear is leaking internally and In some cases you will be able to locate the leak must be disassembled an d repaired. See the current easily. However, seepage type leaks may be more difficult Overhaul Manual. to isolate. For seepage leaks, the following method is 8. Shut off engine, remove testing gauge, spare recommended. hose, reconnect pressure hose, check fluid level a n d /o r A. With the vehicle’s engine off, wipe the complete make needed repairs. power steering system dry (gear, pump, hoses, and connections). Pow er Steering System External Leakage B. Check oil level in p u m p ’s reservoir and adjust General Procedure as directed in m aintenance section. 1. W ipe suspected area dry. C. Start engine and turn steering wheel from stop 2. Check for overfilled reservoir. to stop several times. D o not hold in corner for any length o f time as this can dam age the power steering 3. Check for oil aeration and overflow. RESERVOIR DEFECTS RESERVOIR CAP DRIVE SHAFT RETURN HOSE & CLAMPS DEFECT RESERVOIR " 0 " RING ADJUSTER PLUG "O " RING TORSION BAR " 0 " RING RING & STUD/BOLT " 0 " RINGS PRESSURE HOSE PRESSURE & RETURN PORTS STUB SHAFT SEAL SIDE COVER " 0 " RING ADJUSTER LOCK NUT BALL PLUG END COVER " 0 " RING PITMAN SHAFT SEAL HOUSING DEFECT pump. It is easier if someone else operates the steering wheel while you search for the seepage. Housing or Cover Seepage - Both the power steering gear and pu m p assemblies are leakage checked before D. Find the exact area of leakage. E. Refer to the diagnostic chart recom m ended method of repair. shipment. However, occasionally oil seepage m ay occur from the gear or pum p other than the seal areas. If this type of leakage is found, replace the leaking part. The following diagram s have been prepared to show the potential areas o f leakage. If leakage occurs in the zones shown, replace the part listed using the service manual as a guide. to find the Quick Fixes The purpose o f this section is to acquaint you with the types o f leakage which can be repaired very easily. It contains inform ation on reservoir oil level, the hoses and the hose connections. An overfilled pu m p reservoir can be a cause for leakage complaint. The oil in the steering system expands as heated during norm al usage. If overfilled the excess is forced thhrough the b reath er cap hole and may be sprayed over the engine by air blast. O perate the engine and steering system until normal operating tem perature is obtained. Remove the reservoir cap and check the graduated level on the dipstick. Adjust the oil level as required. Seepage at the hose connections can be a cause for leakage com plaint and can be due to loose connection nuts. If leakage is observed at the hose connections, and the nut is not cross threaded, tighten the nuts at the gear to 30 foot pounds. The nut at the power steering pu m p should be tightened to 40 foot pounds. If tightening to this torque does not stop the leak, refer to the diagnostic chart. If either the return hose or the pressure hose leaks, replace the hose. Component Replacement Lip seals, which seal rotating shafts, require special treatm ent. This type of seal is used on the steering gear at the p itm a n shaft, at the stud shaft, and on the drive shaft o f the pump. W hen leakage occurs in one o f these areas, always replace the seal(s), after inspecting and thoroughly cleaning the sealing surfaces. Replace the shaft only if very severe pitting is found. If the corrosion in the lip seal contact zone is slight, clean the surface of the shaft with crocus cloth. Replace the shaft only if the leakage can no t be stopped by smoothing with crocus cloth first. Steering Gear Leakage Diagrams (Fig. 3B -27) Pay particular attention to the exact source of leakage as an im proper diagnosis will result in an ineffective repair. 1. Replace adjuster plug " O " R IN G SEAL. 2. Replace dust and stub shaft seals. Refer to above on stub shaft seal ride. 3. Replace rotary valve assembly. 4. Seat ball flush with punch and restake. If seepage persists, replace housing. 5. Replace both pitman shaft seals. Refer to above on seal ride area o f p itm an shaft. 6. Replace end plug " O " ring seal. 7. Tighten nut to 35 pounds foot. Replace nut if leakage persists. 8. Replace side cover "O " ring seal. 9. If leakage persists upon tightening the fitting nut (30 foot pounds), replace brass connector and reface hose tube flare. If leakage is due to d am aged threads (cross threaded), replace brass connector. Repair fitting nut or replace hose as required. If housing threads are badly stripped, replace housing. Pump Leakage Diagrams (Fig. 3 B -28) 10. Tighten hose fitting nut to 40 pounds foot. If leakage persists, replace discharge fitting and reface hose tube flare or replace hose as required. 11. Tighten fitting to 35 pounds foot. If leakage persists, replace both " O " ring seals. 12. Replace reservoir " O " ring. 13. Replace drive shaft seal. Refer to above on seal ride area of drive shaft. 14. Replace reservoir. 15. Check oil level. If leakage persists with the level right and the cap tight, replace the cap. MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS Lubrication The m anual steering gear is factory-filled with steering gear lubricant. Seasonal change o f this lubricant should not be perform ed and the housing should not be drain e d no lubrication is required for the life of the steering gear. Every 36,000 miles, the m anual gear should be inspected for seal leakage (actual solid grease - not just oily film ) If a seal is replaced or the g ear is overhauled, the gear housing should be refilled with 1051052 (13 oz. container) Steering Gear Lubricant which meets GM Specification GM 4673M , or its equivalent. N O T E : Do not use EP Chassis Lube, which meets G M Specification GM 6 0 3 1M, to lubricate the gear DO NOT OVER-FILL the gear housing. 6. Turn the steering wheel gently in one direction until stopped by the gear; then turn back on e-half turn. CAUTION: Do not turn the steering wheel hard against the stops when the steering linkage is disconnected from the gear as damage to the ball guides could result. 7. M easure and record "b e arin g d ra g " by applying a torque wrench with a socket on the steering wheel nut and rotating through a 90° arc (fig. 3B-30). NOTE: Do not use a torque wrench having a maximum torque reading o f more than 50 inch pounds. 8. Adjust "thrust bearing p relo ad " by tightening the adjuster plug until the proper "thrust loading The steering linkage un der norm al conditions should be lubricated with any w ater resistant EP type chassis lubricant every 7,500 miles or six months, whichever occurs first. Lubricate every 3,000 miles or two months whichever occurs first when operating in dusty or muddy conditions or if the vehicle is used "off-road". Lubrication points an d additional info rm atio n on the chassis lubricant recom m en ded can be found in Section 0—General Info rm atio n and lubrication. Adjustm ents CAUTION: See Caution on page one o f this section regarding the fasten ers referred to in steps 9d a nd 10. Manual Steering Gear CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fa sten er referred to in step 10. Before any adjustments are made to the steering gear attem pt to correct complaints o f loose or hard steering, or other wheel disturbances, a careful check should be m ade of front end alignment, shock absorbers, wheel balance and tire pressure for possible steering system problems. See Diagnosis in sections 3A and 3B. C orrect a d ju stm e n t o f steering g ear is very im portant. W hile there are but two adjustmentss to be made, the following procedure must be followed step-bystep in the orde r given. 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Raise the vehicle. 3. R em ove the p itm a n arm nut. M a rk the relationship o f the p itm an arm to the p itm an shaft. Remove the pitm an arm with Tool J-6632 or J-5504 as shown in Figure 3B-50. 4. Loosen the steering gear adjuster plug locknut an d back the adjuster plug off 1/4 turn (fig. 3B-29). 5. Remove the horn shroud or button cap. Fig. 3B 2 9 -Steering Gear A djustm ent Points-Typical pre lo ad " is obtained (See specifications section). W hen the p rop er preload has been obtained, tighten the adjuster plug locknut to specifications and recheck torque. If the gear feels " lu m p y " after adjustment, there is probably dam ag e in the bearings due to severe impact or im prop er adjustment; the gear must be disassembled and inspected for replacem ent o f dam aged parts. 9. Adjust "over-center p re lo a d " as follows: a. Turn the steering wheel gently from one stop all the way to the other carefully counting the total n u m b e r o f turns. Turn the wheel back exactly half-way, to center position. b. Turn the lash adjuster screw clockwise to take out all lash between the ball nut and pitm an shaft sector teeth and then tighten the locknut. c. Check the torque at the steering wheel, taking the highest read in g as the wheel is turned through center position. See the Specifications Section for proper over­ center preload. d. If necessary, loosen locknut and readjust lash adjuster screw to obtain pro p e r torque. Tighten the locknut to specifications and again check torque reading through center o f travel. N O T E : If m axim um specification is exceeded, turn lash adjuster screw counterclockwise, then come up on adjustm ent by turning the adjuster in a clockwise motion. 10. Reassemble the p itm a n arm to the p itm an shaft, lining up the marks m ade during disassembly. T orque the p itm a n shaft nut to sspecifications. CAUTION: I f a clamp type pitm an arm is used, spread the pitm an arm ju s t enough, with a wedge, to slip the arm onto the pitm an shaft. Do not spread the clamp more than required to slip over pitm an shaft with hand pressure. Do not ham m er the p itm a n arm onto the pitm an shaft. Be sure to install the hardened steel washer before installing the nut. 11. Install the horn button cap or shroud and connect the battery ground cable. 12 Lower the vehicle to the floor. S teering Gear High Point C entering 1. Set front wheels in straight ahead position. This can be checked by driving vehicle a short distance on a flat surface to determ ine steering wheel position at which vehicle follows a straight path. 2. W ith fro nt wheels set straight ahead, check position o f mark on w o rm sh aft designating steering gear high point. This mark should be at the top side o f the shaft at 12 o ’clock position and lined up with the mark in the coupling lower clamp. 3. O n C, G and P series if gear has been moved off high point w hen setting wheel in straight ahead position. Loosen adjusting sleeve clamps on both left and right h a nd tie rods, then turn both sleeves an equal nu m b e r of turns in the same direction to b ring gear back on high point. N O T E: T urning the sleeves an unequal num ber of turns or in different directions will disturb the toein setting o f the wheels. 4. On K series if the gear has been moved off high point when setting wheels in straight ahead position. Loosen adjusting sleeve clamps on the connecting rod then turn sleeve to bring gear back on high point. 5. Readjust toe-in as outlined in Section 3A (if necessary). 6. Be sure to properly orient sleeves an d clamps as shown in figures 3B-104, 3B-106 and 3B-109 when fastening and torqueing clamps to proper specifications. Steering W heel Alignm ent NOTE: On all series vehicles check steering gear for high point centering before checking steering wheel alignment. 1. Set wheels in straight ahead position by driving vehicle a short distance. 2. Note steering wheel position. If off more than 1 inch from center (fig. 3B-31), remove steering wheel as outlined u nder "Steering Wheel - Rem oval", center high point on gear, reposition and reinstall the wheel. Steering Column Lower Bearing Adjustm ent G and P Series 1. Loosen clamp on steering shaft. 2. Applying 50 lb. force to the steering wheel end o f the steering shaft, adjust clamp to o btain clearances indicated in Figure 3B-32. 3. Tighten clamp bolt to specified torque. Shifter Tube Adjustm ent G and P Series 3-Speed Transm ission 1. Loosen adjusting ring attaching screws and clamp bolt. 2. Rotate adjusting ring to give .005" end play between adjusting ring and first and reverse shifter lever (fig. 3B-33). Fig. 3B-34--Shift Tube A djustm ent-A utom atic Transmission Power Steering G ear Adjustm ent Procedure Fig. 3B-32--Steering Column Lower Bearing A djustm ent Adjustment of the steering g ear in the vehicle is discouraged because o f the difficulty encountered in adjusting the worm thrust bearing preload and the confusing effects of the hydraulic fluid in the gear. Since a gear adjustment is m ade only as a correction and not as a periodic adjustment, it is better to take the extra time and make the adjustment correctly the first time. Since a handling stability complaint can be caused by im properly adjusted worm bearings as well as an im proper gear over-center adjustment, it is necessary that the steering g ear assembly be removed from the vehicle and both thrust bearing and over-center preload be checked and corrected as necessary. An in-vehicle check o f the steering gear will not pin-point a thrust bearing looseness. Thrust Bearing Adjustment Fig. 3B-33--Shift Tube A djustm ent-3 Speed M anual Transm ission 3. Tighten attaching screws and clam p bolt. Automatic Transmission 1. Place the shift tube lever in " N e u tra l" or "D rive ". 2. Loosen adjusting ring clam p screws and rotate the shift tube adjusting ring to obtain .33" to .36" clearance between the shift tube lever and adjusting ring (fig. 3B-34).). 3. Tighten the adjusting ring clamp screws to 70 in. lbs. If a gear is known to contain the new thrust bearing parts, thrust bearing adjustment in service is simplified. Recomm ended procedure: 1. D rain power steering fluid from gear by rotating the stub shaft full travel in both directions several times. 2. Loosen and remove adjuster plug lock nut (Fig. 3B-35 and 3B-36). 3. Using spanner wrench J-7624, turn the adjuster plug in (clockwise) until the plug and thrust b earing are firmly bottomed approximately 20 foot-pounds (Fig. 3B37). 4. Mark the housing even with one o f the holes in the face o f the adjuster plug (Fig. 3B-38). 5. Measure back (CCW direction) 1/2 inch and place a second mark on the housing (Fig. 3B-39). 6. Turn adjuster plug counterclockwise until the hole in the face o f the adjuster plug, which was even Fig. 3B-37- B ottom ing Adjuster Plug Fig. 3B-35--Loosening Lock Nut Fig. 3B-38--M arking Housing Pump Belt Tension 1. Loosen pivot bolt and pum p brace adjusting nuts. Fig. 3B 36 -Removing Lock Nut CAUTION: Do not move pum p by prying with the first mark is in line with second mark (Fig. 3Bagainst reservoir or by pulling on filler neck. 40). 2. Move pump, with belt in place until belt is 7. Tighten lock nut securely. Hold (or have held) tensioned to specifications as indicated by Tool J-23600 adjuster plug to maintain alignm ent of hole with mark (Fig. 3B-42). (Fig. 3B-41). Fig. 3B-39-M easure Back and Remark Housing F ig . 3 B - 4 1 --T ig h te n L o c k N u t Fig. 3B-40 -Align Hole W ith Second M ark 3. Tighten p u m p brace adjusting nut. Then tighten pivot bolt nut. Fluid Level 1. Check oil level in the reservoir by checking the dipstick when oil is at operating temperature. O n models e quipped with remote reservoir, the oil level should be m a in tain ed approximately 1/2 to 1 inch from top with wheels in full left turn position. 2. Fill, if necessary, to prop er level with G M Power Steering Fluid or equivalent. Fig. 3B -42-C hecking Belt Tension w ith J-23600 Bleeding Hydraulic System 1. Fill oil reservoir to pro per level and let oil rem ain undisturbed for at least two minutes. 2. Start engine and run only for about two seconds. 3. Add oil if necessary. 4. Repeat above procedure until oil level remains constant after run ning engine. 5. Raise front end o f vehicle so that wheels are off the ground. 6. Increase engine speed to approximately 1500 rpm. 7. T urn the wheels (off ground) right and left, lightly contacting the wheel stops. 8. Add oil if necessary. 9. Lower the vehicle and turn wheels right and left on the ground. 10. Check oil level and refill as required. 11. If oil is extremely foamy, allow vehicle to stand a few minutes with engine off and repeat above procedure. a. Check belt tightness an d check for a bent or loose pulley. (Pulley should not wobble with engine running.) b. Check to make sure hoses are not touching any other parts o f the truck, particularly sheet metal except w here design calls for a clamp. c. Check oil level, filling to proper level if necessary, following operations 1 through 10. This step an d Step " D " are extremely im p ortant as low oil level a n d / o r air in the oil are the most frequent causes of objectional p u m p noise. d. Check the presence o f air in the oil. If air is present, attem pt to bleed system as described in operations 1 through 10. If it becomes obvious that the pu m p will not bleed after a few trials, proceed as outlined und er Hydraulic System Checks. Hydraulic System Checks T he following p ro c e d u re outlines m ethods to identify and isolate power steering hydraulic circuit difficulties. The test provides means o f determ ining w heth er power steering system hydraulic parts are actually faulty. This test will result in readings indicating faulty hydraulic operation, and will help to identify the faulty component. Before perfo rm in g hydraulic circuit test, carefully check belt tension, fluid level and condition o f driving pulley. Pow er S teering Hydraulic System Test Engine must be at norm al operating temperature. Inflate fron t tires to correct pressure. All tests are made with engine idling, check idle adjustment and if necessary adjust engine idle speed to correct specifica­ tions listed in Section 6C and proceed as follows: 1. With engine NOT ru n nn in g disconnect pressure hose from pum p and install Tool J-5176 using a spare pressure hose between gauge and pump. G auge must be between shut-off valve and p u m p (Fig. 3B-43), Open shut-off valve. 2. Remove filler cap from pum p reservoir and check fluid level. Fill pum p reservoir to full mark on dip stick. Start engine and, m om entarily holding steering wheel against stop, check connections at Tool J-5176 for leakage. A HIGH PRESSURE HOSE FROM PUMP B ADDITIONAL HIGH PRESSURE P/S HOSE TO GEAR C TOOL J-5176 Fig. 3B 43 Checking Power Steering Pressures 3. Bleed system as outlined under Maintenance and Adjustments. 4. Insert therm om eter (Tool J-5421) in reservoir filler opening. Move steering wheel from stop to stop several times until therm om eter indicates that hydraulic fluid in reservoir has reached tem perature of 150 to 170 F. CAUTION: To prevent scrubbing fla t spots on tires, do not turn steering wheel more than Jive times without rolling vehicle to change tire-tofloor contact area. 5. Start engine and check fluid level adding any fluid if required. W hen engine is at norm al operating temperature, the initial pressure read on the gage (valve open) should be in the 80-125 PSI range. Should this pressure be in excess of 200 PSI - check the hoses for restrictions and the poppet valve for proper assembly. 6. Close gate valve fully 3 times. Record the highest pressures attained each time. CAUTION: Do not leave valve fully closed fo r more than 5 seconds as the pum p could be dam aged internally. a. If the pressures recorded are within the listed specs and the range o f readings are within 50 PSI, the pum p is functioning within specs. (Ex. Spec. 1250 - 1350 PSI - readings - 1270 - 1275 - 1280). b. If the pressures recorded are high, but do not repeat within 50 PSI, the flow controlling valve is sticking. Remove the valve, clean it and remove any burrs using crocus cloth or fine hone. If the system contains some dirt, flush it. If it is exceptionally dirty, both the pum p and the gear must be completely disassembled, cleaned, flushed and reassembled before further usage. c. If the pressures recorded are constant, but more than 100 PSI, below the low listed spec., replace the flow control valve and recheck. If the pressures are still low. replace the rotating group in the pump. 7. If the pu m p checks within specifications, leave 1. Place the steering wheel onto the steering shaft, the valve open and turn (or have turned) the steering aligning the marks made at removal. wheel into both corners. Record the highest pressures 2. Position into place and secure to proper torque an d com pare with the m axim um pum p pressures and com pare with the m axim um p u m p pressure recorded. If with washer and nut. Install snap ring. this pressure cannot he built in either (or one) side of the 3. Install belleville spring, receiving cup, bushing gear, the g ear is leaking internally and must be and attaching screws. disassembled and repaired. See the current Overhaul 4. Install horn button assembly. M anual. 5. Connect battery ground cable. 8. Shut off engine, remove testing gauge, spare Removal C and K Series hose, reconnect pressure hose, check fluid level a n d / o r 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. make needed repairs. 2. Remove horn button cap. C O M P O N E N T R E P L A C E M E N T A N D REPAIRS 3. Remove snap ring and steering wheel nut. 4. Using tool J-2927. thread puller anchor screws S teering W heel into holes provided on steering wheel. T urn center bolt Removal G and P Series o f tool clockwise to remove wheel. !. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Remove horn button or shroud, receiving cup. belleville spring and bushing and mark steering wheel to steering shaft relationship. 3. Remove snap ring, steering shaft nut and washer. 4. Use Tool J-2927 to remove wheel (Fig. 3B-44). Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fastener referred to in step 2. Directional signal control assembly must be in neutral position when assem bling steering wheel to prevent dam age to cancelling cam and control assembly. NOTE: Do not ham m er on puller. centering adapters need not be used. The tool Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in step I. 1. With turn signal in neutral position, align marks and set wheel onto steering shaft. Torque steering shaft nut to specifications and install snap ring. CAUTION: Do not over torque shaft nut or steering wheel rub may result. 2. Place steering wheel horn button on wheel and snap into proper position. 3. Connect battery ground cable. Steering Coupling (Flexible Type Fig. 3B -45) Removal 1. Remove the coupling to steering shaft flange bolt nuts. 2. Remove the coupling clamp bolt. CAPTURING STRAP COUPLING TO STEERING SHAFT FLANGE BOLTS N OTE: This is a special bolt and will require a 12 pt. socket or box wrench. 3. Remove the steering g ear to fra m e bolts and lower the steering g ear f a r enough to remove the flexible coupling. N O T E : It is not necessary to disconnect the pitm an arm from the pitm an shaft. 4. T a p lightly on the flexible coupling with a soft mallet to remove the coupling from the steering gear wormshaft. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fa sten ers referred to in steps 2, 4 a nd 5. 1. Install the flexible coupling onto the steering gear w orm shaft, aligning the flat on the shaft with the flat in the coupling. N O T E : Push the coupling onto the w orm shaft until the coupling reinforcem ent bottoms against the end o f the worm. 2. Install the special bolt into the split clamp and torque to specifications. N O T E: The bolt must pass through the shaft undercut. 3. Place the steering gear into position, guiding the flexible coupling bolts into the p rop er holes in the steering shaft flange. 4. Install and tighten the steering gear to fram e bolts. 5. Install the coupling to flange bolt nuts and washers and torque to specifications. Be sure to maintain a coupling to flange dim ension o f .250" to .375". The coupling alignm ent pins should be centered in the flange slots. In term ed iate S teering Shafts With Pot Joint Couplings Removal (Fig. 3B-46) 1. Remove the lower shaft flange to flexible coupling bolts. 2. Remove upper shaft to interm ediate coupling bolt LOWER SHAFT SEAL BEARING BLOCKS t SB Fig. 3B 4 7 -C hecking Coupling Pin Centering 3. If necessary, remove the steering gear to fram e bolts and lower the steering gear far enough to remove the interm ediate shaft assembly. NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the pitman arm from the pitm an shaft. Disassembly 1. Mark cover to shaft relationship. Pry off" snap ring and slide cover from shaft. 2. Remove bearing blocks and tension spring from pivot pin. 3. Clean grease off pin and end o f shaft. Scribe location mark on pin on same side as cham fer in shaft. 4. Supporting shaft assembly securely, with c h a m ­ fer up, press pin out o f shaft with arb or press. CAUTION: Do not drive pin out with hammer. This will cause sticky or binding bearings when reassembled. 5. Remove seal clamp and slide seal off end of shaft. COVER SNAP RING Assembly CLAMP UPPER SHAFT CLAMP TENSION SPRING NUT 1. Be sure all parts are free o f dirt. Slide seal onto steering shaft. With lip o f seal against step in shaft clamp seal. 2. Press pin back into shaft from cham fered side. Locate pin in shaft using scribe m ark as reference. CAUTION: Pin m ust be centered within .012 in. or binding in the coupling will result. 3. Check centering of pin (fig. 3B-47). a. Place just enough 3 / 8 " flat washers on pin to prevent hearing block from bottom ing when installed. b. Measure distance from end o f pin to top of bearing with micrometer. c. Remove bearing and washers and place same bearing and washers on other end o f pin. Measure distance from end of pin to top o f bearing. If microm eter readings in Steps b and c differ more than .012. repeat last part o f Step 2 and recheck. 4. Apply a liberal am ount o f wheel bearing grease to inside and outside of bearing blocks and inside of cover. 5. Position tension spring and bearing blocks on pin. 6. Slide cover over b e a r in g blocks aligning reference mark on cover with mark on shaft. Install seal into end o f cover and secure with snap ring retainer. Fig. 3 B -4 9 -Steering Gear M ounting-M otor Home Typical Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasten ers referred to in steps 1, 3 and 4. Interm ediate Steering Shaft With Universal Joint Couplings Removal (Fig. 3B-48) 3. Install the steering gear to fram e bolts and torque to specifications. 1. Set front wheels in straight ahead position. This can be done by driving the vehicle a short distance on a flat surface. 2. Mark upper universal jo in t yoke to steering shaft relationship and lower yoke to steering gear w orm shaft relationship. 3. Remove both upper and lower universal yoke pinch bolts. 4. Remove steering gear to frame bolts and lower the gear. 4. Install the flexible coupling to steering shaft flange bolt lockwashers and nuts. Check that the coupling alignm ent pins are centered in the flange slots and then torque the coupling bolts to specifications. NOTE: It is not necessary to disconnect the pitm an arm from the steering gear pitm an shaft. 5. Remove the interm ediate steering shaft and universal jo int assembly. 1. Install the interm ediate shaft assembly onto the steering shaft, aligning the flat on the shaft with the flat in the coupling. Install the pot jo in t clamp bolt and torque to specifications. 2. Lift the steering gear into position, guiding the flexible coupling bolts into the shaft flange holes. Disassembly 1. If the upper or lower half o f the intermediate steering shaft is to be replaced, proceed as follows: a. W ith the sh aft assembly on a bench, straighten the tangs on the dust cap. Separate the upper and lower portions o f the shaft assembly. b. Remove the felt washer, plastic washer and dust cap. Discard the felt washer. 2. If the trunnion assemblies are to be replaced, proceed as follows: a. Remove the snap rings retaining the trunnion bushings in one of the yokes. b. Support the yoke on a bench vise and drive out one bushing by tapping on the opposite bushing using a soft drift and hammer. c. Support the other side of the yoke and drive out the rem aining bushing as in Step b above. d. Move the yoke on the trunnion as necessary to separate the upper and lower yokes. e. Remove the trunnion from the lower yoke as outlined in Steps a through d above. Remove and discard the seals. Assembly 1. If the yoke trunnions were removed, reassemble as follows: a. Place the new trunnion into the lower yoke. b. Place new seals onto the trunnion and then press the new bushings into the yoke and over the tru nnion hubs far enough to install the snap rings. c. Install the snap rings. d. Repeat Steps a through c to attach the upper yoke to the trunnion. 2. Reassemble the interm ediate shaft assembly as follows: a. Place the dust cap, plastic w asher and a new felt seal over the shaft on the lower yoke assembly. b. Align the arrow on the lower yoke assembly sh aft with the arrow on the upper yoke assembly tube and push the two assemblies together. c. Push the dust cap, plastic washer and felt w asher into position on the lower end o f the upper yoke assembly an d bend the tangs o f the dust cap down against the yoke tube. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasten ers referred to in steps 1, 3 a n d 4. 1. Align the m arks m ade at removal and assemble the interm ediate shaft lower yoke onto the steering gear w orm shaft. Install the pinch bolt and torque to specifications. N O T E : The pinch bolt must pass through the shaft undercut. If a new yoke was installed, the slit in the yoke should be up (12 o ’clock position). 2. Raise the steering gear into position while guiding the upper yoke assembly onto the steering shaft. N O T E: The marks on the coupling and steering shaft must align. If a new yoke was installed, assemble the upper yoke to the steering shaft with the steering wheel in straight ahead position (gear must be on high point). 3. Install the steering gear to fram e bolts and torque to specifications. 4. Install the upper yoke to steering shaft pinch bolt and torque to specifications. N O T E : The pinch bolt must pass through the shaft undercut. S teering Gear Removal 1. Set the front wheels in straight ahead position by driving vehicle a short distance on a flat surface. 2. Rem ove the flexible coupling to steering shaft flange bolts (C-K models) or the lower universal joint pinch bolt (P models). M ark the relationship o f the universal yoke to the w orm shaft. 3. M a rk the relationship o f the pitm an arm to the Fig. 3B-50-Rem oving Pitm an Arm -Typical pitm an shaft. Remove the pitm an shaft nut or pitman arm pinch bolt and then remove the p itm an arm from the pitm an shaft using Puller J-6632 (fig. 3B-50). 4. Remove the steering gear to fram e bolts and remove the gear assembly. 5. C-K Models - Remove the flexible coupling pinch bolt and remove the coupling from the steering gear w ormshaft. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps la, 1c, Id, le, 2b, 2c and 3. 1. C-K Models a. Install the flexible coupling onto the steering gear w ormshaft, aligning the flat in the coupling with the flat on the shaft. Push the coupling onto the shaft until the w orm shaft bottoms on the coupling reinforcement. Install the pinch bolt and torque to specifications. NOTE: The coupling bolt must pass through the shaft undercut. b. Place the steering gear in position, guiding the coupling bolt into the steering shaft flange. c. Install the steering gear to fram e bolts and torque to specifications. d. If flexible coupling alignm ent pin plastic spacers were used, make sure they are bottomed on the pins, torque the flange bolt nuts to specifications and then remove the plastic spacers. e. If flexible coupling alignment pin plastic spacers were not used, center the pins in the slots in the steering shaft flange and then install and torque the flange bolt nuts to specifications. 2. P Models a. Place the steering gear in position, guiding the worm shaft into the universal joint assembly and lining up the marks made at removal. NOTE: If a new gear was installed, line up the 8. Install a new side cover gasket onto the gear housing. 9. Install the side cover onto the lash adjuster screw by reaching through the threaded hole in the side cover with a small screwdriver and turning the lash adjuster screw counter- clockwise until it bottoms and turns back in 1/4 turn. N OTE: T he pinch bolt must pass through the shaft 10. Install the side cover bolts and torque to undercut. specifications. 3. Install the pitm an arm onto the p itm an shaft, 11. Install the lash adjuster screw locknut, perform lining up the m arks m ade at removal. Install the p itm an steerin gear adjustm ent and install the pitm an arm as shaft nut or p itm an arm pinch bolt and torque to outllined under "M ain te n a n c e and Adjustments". specifications. NOTE: On K series install the gear into the vehicle CAUTION: I f a clamp type pitm an arm is used, using previously outlined procedure. spread the pitm an arm ju s t enough, with a Directional Signal Switch wedge, to slip the arm onto the pitm an shaft. Do not spread the clamp more than required to The directional signal switch can be removed with slip over pitm an arm onto the pitm an shaft. Be the steering column in the vehicle and without disturbing sure to install the hardened steel washer before any o f the column mountings. installing the nut. C and K Series mark on the w orm shaft with the slit in the universal jo int yoke. b. Install the steering gear to fram e bolts and torque to specifications. c. Install the universal jo in t pinch bolt and torque to specification. Pitm an Shaft Seal R eplacem ent Removal M a n u a l Steering Gear 1. Remove the steering wheel as outlined under "S^.ering Wheel - Removal". 2. Remove the column to instrum ent panel trim cover. 3. Position screwdriver blade into cover slot. Pry up and out to free cover from lock plate. 4. Screw the center post o f Lock Plate Compressing Tool J-23653 onto the steering shaft as fa r as it will go. Compress the lock plate by turning the center post nut clockwise (fig. 3B-51). Pry the round wire snap ring out o f the shaft groove and discard the ring. Remove Tool J-23653 and lift the lock plate off the end o f the shaft. A faulty seal may be replaced without removal o f steering gear from C, G and P trucks by removing p itm a n arm as outlined under M aintenance and Adjustmens - Steering G e a r Adjustments and proceed as follows: N O T E : O n K series vehicles remove the gear from the vehicle first. 1. Rotate the steering wheel from stop to stop, counting the total n u m b e r of turns. Then turn back exactly half-way, placing the gear on center (the w orm sh aft flat should be at the 12 o ’clock position). 2. Remove the three self-locking bolts attaching side cover to the housing and lift the pitm an shaft and side cover assembly from the housing. 3. Pry the p itm an shaft seal from the gear housing using a screwdriver and being careful not to dam age the housing bore. CAUTION: Inspect the lubricant in the gear fo r contam ination I f the lubricant is contam inated in any way, the gear m ust be removed fro m the vehicle a n d completely overhauled as outlined in the Overhaul M anual. 4. Coat the new pitm an sh aft seal with Steering G e a r L ubricant meeting G M Specification GM4673M (or equivalent). Position the seal in the pitm an shaft bore and tap into position using a suitable size socket. 5. Remove the lash adjuster lock nut. Remove the side cover from the pitm an shaft assembly by turning the lash adjuster screw clockwise. 6. Place the pitm an shaft in the steering gear such that the center tooth o f the pitm an shaft sector enters the center tooth space o f the ball nut. 7. Fill the steering gear housing with Steering G e a r Lubricant meeting G M Specification GM 4673M (or equivalent). CAUTION: I f the column is being disassembled on the bench, with the snap ring removed the shaft could slide out o f the lower end o f the m ast jacket, dam aging the shaft assembly. 5. Slide the directional signal cancelling cam, J-23653 harness cover by pulling toward the lower end o f the column, be careful not to dam age the wires. 11. Remove the three switch m ounting screws and pull the switch straight up, guiding the wiring harness and cover through the column housing (fig. 3B-53). Installation CAUTION: It is extremely important that only the specified screws, holts and nuts be used at assembly. Use o f overlength screws could prevent a portion o f the assembly fro m compressing under impact. 1. All except Tilt - Be sure that the wiring harness is in the protector. Feed the connector and cover down through the housing and under the m ounting bracket (column in vehicle). Tilt - Feed the connector down through the housing Fig. 3B-52- Removing D irectional Signal Wire Protector Fig. 3B -54--lnstalling Switch Connector Onto Jacket Clips Fig. 3B-53--Removing D irectional Signal Switch Assem bly upper bearing preload spring and thrust washer off the end o f the shaft. 6. Remove the directional signal lever screw and remove the lever. 7. Push the hazard w a rn in g knob in and unscrew the knob. 8. Remove the three switch m ounting screws. 9. All Columns - Pull the switch connector out of the bracket on the jacket and feed switch connector through column support bracket and pull switch straight up, guiding the wiring harness through the column housing and protector. 10. Remove wire protector by pulling downward out o f column with pliers using tab provided (fig. 3B-52). Tilt Column - Position the direction signal and shifter housing in the "low " position. Remove the and un der the m ounting bracket. Then install the cover on the harness. 2. Install the three m oun ting screws and clip the connector to the bracket on the jacket (fig. 3B-54). 3. Install the column to instrum ent panel trim plate. 4. Install the hazard w a rn in g knob and directional signal lever. 5. M ake certain that the switch is in " N e u tra l" and the hazard w a rning knob is out. Slide the thrust washer, upper bearing preload spring and cancelling cam onto the upper end o f the shaft. 6. Place the lock plate onto the end of the shaft. Screw the center post of Lock Plate Compressing Tool J-23653 onto the steering shaft as far as it will go. Place a NF.W snap ring over the center post. Place the "C " bar over the center post and then compress the lock plate by turning the nut clockwise. Slide the new snap ring down the tapered center post and into the shaft groove (fig.3B55). Remove Tool J-23653. ADAPTER A N T I-T H E F T R IN G LO C K C Y L IN D E R SLEEVE IG N I T IO N L O C K C Y L IN D E R Fig. 3B-57--lgm tion Lock Cylinder-Exploded CAUTION: Always use a new snap ring when reassembling. 7. Place cover on the lock plate and snap into position. 8. Install the steering wheel as outlined under "S teering W heel-Installation". SLOT BOLT M UST PROTRUDE FROM SL EE V E Fig. 3B-58- Ignition Lock Cylinder Assembly Lock Cylinder (C and K Series) The lock cylinder is located on the upper right h a n d side o f the column. The lock cylinder should be removed in the " R U N " position only. Removal 1. Remove the steering wheel as outlined under "Steering Wheel - Rem oval". 2. Remove the directional signal switch as outlined under "Directinal Signal Switch - Removal". N OTE: It is not necessary to completely remove the directional signal switch from the column. Pull the switch rearw ard fa r enough to slip it over the end of the shaft - do not pull the harness out o f the column. Fig. 3B -56-Lock Cylinder Removal 3. Insert a small screwdriver or similar tool into the turn sig nal housing slot as shown in Figure 3B-56. K eeping the tool to the right side o f the slot, break the the lock cylinder assembly, push the ignition key the rest of the way in and rotate the lock cylinder clockwise. 4. Rotate the lock counter-clockwise into "L O C K " position. 5. Place the lock in a brass jawed vise or between two pieces o f wood (fig. 3B-59). NOTE: If a vise is used, place cloth around the knob to prevent m arring the knob surface. 6. Place the ad ap ter ring onto the lower end o f the cylinder so that the finger o f the ad a p te r is located at the step in the sleeve and the serrated edge o f the ad apter is visiblle after assembly to the cylinder and before "staking" (fig. 3B-60). The key must be free to rotate at least 1/3 of a circle (120°). Fig. 3B-59--lgm tion Lock Cylinder Installed in a Vise 1 / 8 ” FLAT END PUNCH NOTE: Tap the adapter onto the cylinder until it is stopped at the bottom o f the cylinder flats (cylinder will extend above ad apter approximately 1/16"). 7. Using a small flat punch, at least 1/8 " in diameter, stake the lock cylinder over the adap ter ring in four places just outboard o f the four dimples as shown in Figure 3B-60. 8. Check lock operation before reinstalling vehicle. Installation (4) DIMPLES ADAPTER R IN G A G A IN ST STEP IN SLEEVE Fig. 3 B -6 0 -In s ta llin g A dapter Ring 1. Hold the lock cylinder sleeve and rotate the knob clockwise against the stop. Insert the cylinder into the housing bore with the key on the cylinder sleeve aligned with the keyway in the housing. Push the cylinder into abutm ent o f cylinder and sector. Hold an .070" drill between the lock bezel and housing. Rotate the cylinder counterclockwise, m a intaining a light pressure until the drive section o f the cylinder mates with the sector. Push in until the snap ring pops into the grooves and lock cylinder is secured in the housing. Remove the .070" drill. Check lock cylinder for freedom of rotation. 2. Install the Direction Signal Switch and Steering Wheel as outlined previously in this section. housing Hash loose and at the same time depress the spring latch at the lower end of the lock cylinder. With the latch depressed, the lock cylinder can be removed from the housing. Assembly (Fig. 3B-57) 1. Place the key part way into the lock cylinder assembly. Place the wave w asher and anti-theft ring onto the lower end of the lock cylinder. N O TE : If the key is installed all the way into the lock cylinder, the plastic keeper in the lock cylinder protrudes and prevents installation o f the sleeve assembly. 2. M ake sure that the plastic keeper in the sleeve assembly protrudes from the sleeve (fig. 3B-58). 3. Align the lock bolt on the lock cylinder and the tab on the anti-theft washer and the slot in the sleeve assembly (fig. 3B-58). Push the sleeve all the way onto SWITCH IN LOCK POSITION 3. Reinstall the steering column assembly follow­ ing the "M an d a to ry Installation Sequence" outlined later in this section. Steering Column Fig. 3B-62--Steering Column Cover and Seal Ignition Switch (C and K Series) T he ignition switch is mounted on top of the column jacket n ear the front o f the dash. F o r anti-theft reasons, the switch is located inside the channel section of the brake pedal support and is completely inaccessible w ithout first lowering the steering column (see steering column removal). T he switch is actuated by a rod and rack assembly. A portion of the rack is toothed and engages a gear on the end of the lock cylinder, thus enabling the rod and rack to be moved axially (with respect to the column) to actuate the switch w hen the lock cylinder is rotated. Removal 1. Lower the steering column as outlined under "S teering Column R em oval" later in this section. It is not necessary to remove the steering wheel. CAUTION: I f the steering column is not rem oved fr o m the vehicle, be sure that it is properly supported, before proceeding. 2. The switch should be positioned in "Lock" position before removing. If the lock cylinder has already been removed, the actuating rod to the switch should be pulled up until there is a definite stop, then moved down one detent, which is the "L ock" position. 3. Remove the two switch dBrews and remove the switch assembly. Installation 1. Before replacing the switch, be sure that the lock is in the "L ock" position (fig. 3B-61); if it is not, a screwdriver (placed in the locking rod slot) can be used to move the switch to "Lock". 2. Install the activating rod into the switch and assemble the switch on the column; tighten the m ounting screws. CAUTION: Use only the specified screws since over-length screws could prevent a portion o f the assembly from compressing under impact. All models which are equipped with the Function Locking Energy Absorbing Steering Columns are one of five basic designs. 1. Synchromesh - The synchromesh column is used on models with the standard transmission and column m ounted shift levers. The shift tube, within the outer column jacket, includes two lower shift levers for connection to the transmission control linkage. This column does not lock the transmission when the lock cylinder is in the "lock" position. 2. Floor Shift - This column is used on models equipped with a m anual transmission with the shift lever on the floor. This column does not lock the transmission w hen the lock cylinder is in the "lock" position. 3. Automatic Column Shift - This column has a single lower shift lever for shifting the automatic transmission. The transmission is locked in Park when the lock cylinder is in "Lock". 4. Tilt Column Option automatic transmission T he upper end and steering shaft o f this column is specifically designed to accommodate the optional tilt steering wheel. The lower portion o f the column is the same as in item nu m b e r 3. 5. Tilt Column Option Manual Transmission - This column is the same as the automatic transmission tilt column except incorporating provisions for the manual transmission shifting and the transmission is not locked when the lock cylinder is in "L ock" position. To perform service procedures on the steering column upper end components, it is not necessary to remove the column from the vehicle. The steering wheel, horn components, directional signal switch, and ignition lock cylinder m ay be removed with the column re m ain in g in the vehicle as described earlier in this section. CAUTION: The outer mast ja c ke t shift tube, steering shaft a n d instrument panel m ounting bracket are designed as energy absorbing units. Because o f the design o f these components, it is absolutely necessary to handle the column with care when perform ing any service operation. A void hammering, jarring, dropping or leaning on any portion o f the column. When reassem­ bling the column components, use only the specified screws, nuts and bolts and tighten to specified torque. Care should be exercised in using over-length screws or bolts as they m ay prevent a portion o f the column fr o m compressing under impact. Inspection To determ ine if the energy absorbing steering column components are functioning as designed, or if repairs are required, a close inspection should be made. Inspection is called for in all cases where dam age is evident or w henever the vehicle is being repaired due to a front end collision. W henever a force has been exerted on the steering wheel or steering column, or its components, inspection should also be made. If dam age is evident, the affected parts must be replaced. The inspection procedure for the various steering column com ponents on all C and K Series Trucks is as follows: Column Support B racket D am a ge in this area will be indicated by separation o f the m ounting capsules from the bracket. The bracket will have moved forward toward the engine co m p art­ m ent and will usually result in collapsing o f the jacket section o f the steering column. Column Jac ke t Inspect jacket section o f column for looseness, a n d / or bends. Fig. 3B-64 -Steering Column to Dash Panel-C,K P Typical S h ifte r S h a ft Separation o f the shifter shaft sections will be internal and cannot be visually identified. Hold lower end o f the "shifter sh aft" and move "s h ift lever" on colum n through its ranges and up and down. If there is little or no m ovem ent o f the "shifter shaft", the plastic joints are sheared. Steering S h a ft If the steering shaft plastic pins have been sheared, the shaft will rattle when struck lightly from the side and some lash m ay be felt w hen rotating the steering wheel while holding the rag joint. It should be noted that if the steering shaft pins are sheared due to m inor collision the vehicle can be safely steered; however, steering shaft replacem ent is recommended. Because of the differences in the steering column Fig. 3B-65--Steering Columns to Dash Panel-G types, be sure to refer to the set o f instructions below which apply to the column being serviced. C and K Columns Removal Fig. 3B-63--Autom atic Transm ission Indicator Connection-CK-Typical NOTE: Front o f dash mounting plates must be loosened whenever the steering column is to be lowered from the instrument panel. 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the steering wheel as outlined under "Steering Wheel Removal". 3. Remove the nuts and washers securing the flanged end o f the steering shaft to the flexible coupling. 4. Disconnect the transmission control linkage from the column shift tube levers. 5. Disconnect the steering column harness at the connector. Disconnect the neutral-start switch and back­ up lamp switch connectors if so equpped. 6. Remove the floor pan trim cover screws and remove the cover. 7. Remove the screws securing the two halves of the floor pan cover; then remove the screws securing the halves and seal to the floor pan and remove the covers (fig. 3B-64 and 3B-65). 8. Remove the transmission indicator cable, if so e qu pp ed (fig. 3B-63). 9. Move the front seat as fa r back as possible to provide m axim um clearance. 10. Remove the two column bracket-to-instrument panel nuts and carefull remove from vehicle. Additional help should be obtained to guide the lower shift levers through the firewall opening. C and K Series Except T ilt Columns(Fig. 3 B -6 6 ) Disassembly N OTE: G and P Series columns differ from those shown in Figures 3B-66 thru 3B-74. 1. Remove the four dash panel bracket-to-column screws and lay the bracket in a safe place to prevent da m a ge to the m ounting capsules. 2. Place the column in a vise using both weld nuts o f either Set A or B as shown in Figure 3B-67. The vise jaw s must clam p onto the sides o f the weld nuts indicated by arrows shown on Set B. CAUTION: Do not place the column in a vise by clam ping onto one weld nut o f both sets A a n d B or by clam ping onto the sides not indicated by arrows, since damage to the column could result. 3. Remove the Directional Signal Switch. Lock Cylinder, and Ignition Switch as outlined previously in this section. 4. Column Shift Models - Drive out the upper shift lever pivot pin and remove the shift lever. 5. Remove the upper bearing thrust washer. Remove the four screws attaching the turn signal and ignition lock housing to the jacket and remove the housing assembly (fig. 3B-68). 6. Remove the thrust cap from the lower side of the housing. 7. Lift the ignition switch actuating rod and rack assembly, the rack preload spring and the shaft lock bolt and spring assembly out of the housing (fig. 3B-69). 8. Remove the shift lever detent plate (shift gate). 9. Remove the ignition switch actuator sector through the lock cylinder hole by pushing firmly on the block tooth o f the sector with a blunt punch or screwdriver (fig. 3B-70). 10. Remove the gearshift lever housing and shroud from the jacket assembly (transmission control lock tube housing and shroud on floor shift models). 11. Remove the shift lever spring from the gearshift lever housing (lock tube spring on floor shift models). 12. Pull the steering shaft from lower end o f the jacket assembly. 13. Remove the two screws holding the back-up switch or neutral-safety switch to the column and remove the switch. 14. Remove the lower bearing retainer clip (fig. 3B-71). 15. Automatic and Floorshift Columns - Remove the lower bearing retainer, bearing adapter assembly, shift tube thrust spring and washer. The lower bearing m ay be removed from the ad apter by light pressure on the bearing outer race. Slide out the shift tube assembly. Manual Transmission - Column Shift - Remove the lower bearing adapter, bearing and the first reverse shift lever. The lower bearing may be removed from the adapter by light pressure on the bearing outer race. Remove the three screws from bearing at the lower end and slide out the shift tube assembly. Remove the gearshift housing lower bearing from the upper end o f the mast jacket. Assembly-All Except Tilt Columns NOTE: Apply a thin coat of lithium soap grease to all friction surfaces. 1. Install the sector into the turn signal and lock cylinder housing. Install the sector in the lock cylinder hole over the sector shaft with the tang end to the outside o f the hole. Press the sector over the shaft with a blunt tool. 2. Install the shift lever detent plate onto the housing. 3. Insert the rack preload spring into the housing from the bottom side. The long section should be toward the handwheel and hook onto the edge of the housing (fig. 3B-72). 4. Assemble the locking bolt onto the crossover arm on the rack and insert the rack and lock bolt assembly into the housing from the bottom with the teeth up (toward hand-wheel) and toward the centerline o f the column (fig. 3B-69). Align the 1st tooth on the sector with the 1st tooth on the rack; if aligned properly, the block teeth will line up when the rack assembly is pushed all the way in. 5. Install the thrust cup on the bottom hub of the housing. 6. Install the gearshift housing lower bearing. Insert the bearing from the very end o f the jacket. Aligning the indentations in the bearing with the projections on the jacket (fig. 3B-73). CAUTION: I f the bearing is not installed correctly, it will not rest on all o f the stops provided. 7. Install the shift lever spring into the gearshift lever (or lock tube) housing. Install the housing and shroud assemblies onto the upper end o f the mast jacket. Rotate the housing to be sure it is seated in the bearing. 8. With the shift lever housing in place, install the turn signal and lock cylinder housing onto the jacket. The gearshift housing should be in " P a r k ” position and the rack pulled downward. Be sure the turn signal housing is seated on the jacket and drive the four screws. DESIGN J INTERMEDIATE ON SOME MODEIS ARE PERMANENUY STAKED ANO MUST BE SERVICED AS AN ASSEMBLY DESIGN 1 BUSHING Key No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 - Part Name C O LUM N ASM HO USING ASM RACK ASM SPRING SECTOR S H A FT CLIP SW ITCH B EA R IN G WASHER SCREW (4) R E T A IN IN G RING NUT CO VER ASM (SHIPPED S E PA R A TELY) R IN G LOCK CAM ASM SPRING SCREW (3) Key No. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 - Part Name SWITCH ASM PROTECTOR WIRE HOUSING CUP BOLT ASM WASHER GAT E SCREW (2) JACKE T ASM SWITCH ASM, IG N I T I O N SCREW (2) BOWL ASM SPRING BOWL SH R O U D BEA RING JACKE T ASM SE A L-D A S H TUBE ASM Key No. Part Name 39 - W ASHER 40 - S P R IN G 41 - ADAPTER 42 - R E T A IN E R 43 - B E A R IN G 44 - R IN G 45 - S H A F T ASM 46 - C L IP 47 - S H A F T ASM 48 - C O U P L IN G A S M 49 - B OLT 50 - NUT 51 - R IN G 52 - S P R IN G 53 - B E A R IN G (2 ) 54 - A B R A S IO N S H IE L D 55 - BOL~ 56 - NU' SH IF T G A T E RACK LO CK LO CK B O LT B O LT S P R IN G TH R U ST CUP SEC TO R Fig. 3B-67 In sta llin g Steering Column in Vise Fig. 3B-69- Turn Signal Housing Assembly Fig. 3B-68--Removing Turn Signal Housing Fig. 3B-70--Removing Ignition Switch A ctuator Sector 9. Press assembly. the lower bearing into the ad apter 10. Insert the shift tube assembly into the lower end of the jacket and rotate until the upper shift tube key slides into the housing keyway. 11. Automatic and Floor shift Columns - Assemble the spring and lower bearing and adapter assembly into the bottom o f the jacket. Holding the ad ap ter in place, install the lower bearing reinforcem ent and retainer clip. Be sure the clip snaps into the jacket and reinforcem ent slots. 12. Manual Transmission - Column Shift - Loosely attach the three screws in the jacket and shift tube bearing. Assemble the 1st-Reverse lever and lower bearing and a d a p te r assembly into the bottom of the jacket. Holding the adapter in place, install the bearing reinforcem ent and retaining clip. Be sure the retaining clip snaps into the jacket and reinforce­ ment slots. Place a.005" shim between the I st-Reverse lever and lever spacer and turn the upper shift tube bearing down and tighten the three screws. Remove the shim (fig. 3B-74). 13. Install the neutral-safety or back-up switch as outlined in Section 12 o f this manual. 14. Slide the steering shaft into the column and install the upper bearing thrust washer. 15. Install the turn signal switch, lock cylinder assembly and ignition switch as previously outlined in this section. 16. Install the shift lever and shift lever pivot pin. 17. Remove the column from the vise. 18. Install the dash bracket to the column; torque the screws to specifications. Fig. 3B-71--Removing Lower Bearing Retainer Fig. 3 B -7 3 -In sta llin g Gearshift Housing Lower Bearing Fig. 3 B -7 2 -In s ta llin g Rack Preload Spring Fig. 3B-74--Adjusting Lower Bearing-Typical Disassembly-Tilt Columns (Fig. 3B-75) N O TE : Steps 3-14 may be perform ed with the steering column in the vehicle. 1. Remove the four screws retaining the dash mounting bracket to the column and set the bracket aside to protect the breakaway capsules. 2. M ount the column in a vise using both weld nuts o f either Set A or B as shown in Figure 3B-67. The vise jaws must clamp onto the sides of the weld nuts indicated by arrows shown on Set B. CAUTION: Do not place the column in a vise by clam ping onto only one weld nut, by clam ping onto one weld nut o f both Sets A and B or by clamping onto the sides not indicated by arrows, since dam age to the column could result. 3. Remove the directional signal switch, lock cylinder and ignition switch as outlined previously in this section. 4. Remove the filt release lever. Drive out the shift lever pivot pin and remove the shift lever from the housing. 5. Remove the three turn signal housing screws and remove the housing. 6. Install the tilt release lever and place the column in the full " u p " position. Remove the tilt lever spring retainer using a 3 phillips screwdriver that just fits into the slot opening. Insert the phillips screwdriver in the slot, press in approximately 3 /1 6 " , turn approximately 1 /8 turn counterclockwise until the ears align with the grooves in the housing and remove the retainer, spring and guide (fig. 3B-76). 7. Remove the pot jo in t to steering shaft clamp bolt and remove the intermediate shaft and pot joint assembly. Push the upper steering shaft in sufficiently to Fig. 3B-75 Column STEERING Tilt Steering Assembly-CK Typical 19. Sector Shaft 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Lock Shoe Pin 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47 . 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Shaft N u t Cover Lack Plate R etaining Ring 17. 4. Lock Plate 5. 6. C a n c e llin g Cam Bearing Preload Spring 7. Turn Signal Screws 8. 9. Turn Signal Switch Protector Cover 10. 11. Upper Bearing Seat Upper Bearing Race 12. Turn S ig n a l Housing Screws 1 3 . Turn Signal Housing 1 4 . T ilt Lever O p en ing Shield 15. Upper Bearing 16- Shaft Lock Bolt Bearing Housing T ilt Lever Spring R etainer T ilt Lever Spring T ilt Lever Spring G u id e Lock Bolt Spring Screw Sector Snap Ring Sector Bearing Housing Pivot Pine Shoe Release Springs Spring Shoe Release Lever Pin Shoe Release Lever Lower Bearing Ig nition Sw itch Rack Spring 36. Ig n itio n S w itc h Rod Upper Steering Shaft C en terin g Spheres C en ter Sphere Spring Lower Steering Shaft 5 3 . Ig nition Switch 5 4 . M ast J a c k e t 5 5 . N e u tra l-S a fe ty or B ack-U p 56. R etainer 57. S hift Tube Bearing Housing Support Screws 58. 59. Lower Bearing A dapter Lower Bearing Bearing Housing Support 60. Lower Bearing Reinforcem ent Pin • Pot J o in t Bolt 62. N ut Shift Tube Index Plate Screws Shift Tube Index Plate 63. 64. 65. Pot Join t C over Seal R etaining Ring Bearing Spring Support W ave Washer 66. 67. Bearing Blocks Pot J o in t Seal G e a rsh ift Lever Spring 68. In term ed iate Shaft Support R e ta in in g Ring Support Thrust Washer Support P late Lock G e a rsh ift Lever Housing Ig nition Switch Screws 3B-51 Lock Bolt Spring Lock Shoes 35. Ig nition S w itch Rack 18. 1. 2. 3. Fig. 3B-77-R em oving Bearing Housing Pivot Pins Fig. 3B-79--Replacing Lock Bolt Spring Fig. 3B 80 Removing Sector Drive Shaft remove the steering shaft upper bearing inner race a n d seat. Pry off the lower bearing retainer clip and remove the bearing reinforcement, bearing and bearing a d a p te r assembly from the lower end of the mast jacket. 8. Remove the upper b earing housing pivot pins using Tool J -2 1854-1 (fig. 3B-77). 9. Install the tilt release lever and disengage the lock shoes. Remove the bearing housing by pulling upward to extend the rack full down, and then moving the housing to the left to disengage the ignition switch rack from the actuator rod. 10. Remove the steering shaft assembly from the upper end of the column. 11. Disassemble the steering shaft by removing the centering spheres and the anti-lash spring. 12. Remove the transmission indicator wire, if so equipped. 13. Rem ove the four steering sh aft be a rin g housing support to gearshift housing screws and remove the b earing housing support. Remove the ignition switch actuator rod. 14. Remove the shift tube retaining ring with a screwdriver and then remove the thrust washer. 15. Install Tool J-23072 into the lock plate, making sure that the tool screws have good thread engagem ent in the lock plate. Then, turning the center screw clockwise, force the shift tube from the housing (fig. 3B78). Remove the shift tube (transmission control lock tube on floor shift models) from the lower end of the mast jacket. Remove Tool J-23072. CAUTION: When removing the shift tube, be sure to guide the lower end through the slotted opening in the mast jacket. I f the tube is allowed to interfere with the ja cket in any way, dam age to the tube and jacket could result. 16. Remove the bearing housing support lock plate by sliding it out o f the jacket notches, tipping it down toward the housing hub at the 12 o ’clock position and sliding it under the jacket opening. Remove the wave washer. 17. All Columns - Remove the shift lever housing from the mast jacket (transmission control lock tube housing on floor shift models). Remove the shift lever spring by winding the spring up with pliers and pulling it out. On floor shift models, remove the spring plunger. 18. Disassemble the bearing housing as follows: a. Remove the tilt lever opening shield. b. Remove the lock bolt spring by removing the retaining screw and moving the spring clockwise to remove it from the bolt (fig. 3B-79). c. Remove the snap ring from the sector drive shaft. With a small punch, lightly tap the drive shaft from the sector (fig. 3B-80). Remove the drive shaft, sector and lock bolt. Remove the rack and rack spring. d. Remove the tilt release lever pin with a punch and ham mer. Remove the lever and release lever spring. To relieve the load on the release lever, hold the shoes inward and wedge a block between the top o f the shoes (over slots) and bearing housing. e. Remove the lock shoe retaining pin with a punch and ham m er. Remove the lock shoes and lock shoe springs. NOTE: With the tilt lever opening on the left side and shoes facing up, the four slot shoe is on the left. f. Remove the bearings from the bearing housing only if they are to be replaced. Remove the separator and balls from the bearings. Place the housing on work bench and with a pointed punch against the back surface o f the race, carefully ham m er the race out o f the housing until a bearing puller can be used. Repeat for the other race. Assembly-Tilt Columns Apply a thin coat of lithium grease to all friction surfaces. RACK ACTUATOR Fig. 3ES-82 In sta llin g Bearing Housing e. Install the lock bolt and engage it with the sector cam surface. Then install the rack and spring. The block tooth on the rack should engage the block tooth on the sector (fig. 3B-81). Install the external tilt release lever. f. Install the lock bolt spring and retaining screw (fig. 3B-76). Tighten the screw to 35 in. lbs. 2. Install the shift lever spring into the housing by windng it up with pliers and pushing it into the housing. On floor shift models, install the plunger, slide the gearshift lever housing onto the mast jacket. 3. Install the bearing support lock plate wave washer. 4. Install the bearing support lock plate. Work it into the notches in the jacket by tipping it toward the housing hub at the 12 o ’clock position and sliding it under the jacket opening. Slide the lock plate into the notches in the jacket. 5. Carefully install the shift tube into the lower end o f the mast jacket. Align keyway in the tube with the key in the shift lever housing. Install the wobble plate end o f Tool J-23073 into the upper end of the shift tube far enough to reach the enlarged portion o f the tube. T hen install the ad apter over the end o f the tool, seating it against the lock plate. Place the nut on the threaded end o f the tool and pull the shift tube into the housing (fig. 3B-83). Remove Tool J-23073. CAUTION: Do not push or tap on the end o f the shift tube. Be sure that the shift tube lever is aligned with the slotted opening at the lower end o f the m ast jacket or damage to the shift tube and mast jacket could result. SHIFT B O W L 6. Install the bearing support thrust washer and J 23073-3 J 23073 4 retaining ring by pulling the shift lever housing up far LOCK PLATE W A V E -enough to compress the wave washer. J 23073-1 W ASHER 7. Install the bearing support by aligning the "V " in the support with the "V" in the jacket. Insert the screws through the support and into the lock plate and J 23073-2 FLAT torque to 60 lbs. in. W ASHER U P PE R SHIFT T U BE 8. Align the lower bearing adap ter with the notches in the jacket and push the adap ter into the lower end of the mast jacket. Install lower bearing, bearing Fig. 3 B -8 3 -In s ta llin g Shift Tube reinforcem ent and retaining clip, being sure that the clip 1. If the b earing housing was disassembled, repeatis aligned with the slots in the reinforcement, jacket and adapter. the following steps: 9. Install the centering spheres and anti-lash spring a. Press the bearings into the housing, if in the upper shaft. Install the lower shaft from the same removed, using a suitable size socket. Be careful not to side of the spheres that the spring ends protrude. da m a ge the housing or bearing during installation. 10. Install the steering shaft assembly into the shift b. Install the lock shoe springs, lock shoes and tube from the upper end. Carefully guide the shaft shoe pin in the housing. Use an approxim ate .180" rod through the shift tube and bearing. to line up the shoes for pin installation. 11. Install the ignition switch actuator rod through c. Install the shoe release lever, spring and pin. the shift lever housing and insert in the slot in the N O T E : To relieve the load on the release lever, bearing support. Extend the rack downward from the hold the shoes inw ard and wedge a block between bearing housing. the top of the shoes (over slots) and bearing 12. Assemble the bearing housing over the steering housing. shaft and engage the rack over the end o f the actuator rod (fig. 3B-82). d. Install the sector drive shaft into the housing. 13. With the external release lever installed, hold Lightly tap the sector onto the shaft fa r enough to install the lock shoes in the disengaged position and assemble the snap ring. Install the snap ring. the bearing housing over the steering shaft until the pivot pin holes line up. 14. Install the pivot pins. 15. Place the bearing housing in the full " u p " position and install the tilt lever spring guide, spring and spring retainer. W ith a suitable screwdriver, push the retainer in and turn clockwise to engage in the housing. 16. Install the upper bearin g inner race and race seat. 17. Install the tilt lever opening shield. 18. Remove the tilt release lever,install the turn signal housing and torque the three retaining screws to 45 lbs. in. 19. Install the tilt release lever and shift lever. Drive the shift lever pin in. 20. Install the lock cylinder, turn signal switch and ignition switch as outlined previously in this section. 21. Align the groove across the upper end of the pot jo in t with the flat on the steering shaft. Assemble the interm ediate shaft assembly to the upper shaft. Install the clamp and bolt and torque the nut to specifications. CARROT STEERING C O LU M N CAPSULE N O TE : The clam p bolt must pass through the shaft und er cut. 22. Install the neutral-safety switch or back-up switch as outlined in Section 12 o f this manual. 23. Install the four dash panel bracket to column screws and torque to specifications. CAUTION: Be sure that the slotted openings in the bracket (for the m ounting capsules) fa c e the upper end o f the steering column. Fig. 3B-84--Steering Column Installation-CK COLUMN INSTALLATIONMANDATORY SEQUENCE 8. Remove plastic spacers from flexible coupling pins. C and K SERIES VEHICLES (Fig. 3B -84) M an d ato ry Instructions 1. Assemble lower dash cover (A) and upper dash cover (B) to seal (C) with "C a rro ts" (part o f seal). 2. Attach bracket (D) to jacket and tighten four bolts (E) to specified torque. M an d ato ry Installation Sequence 1. Position column in body and position flange to rag joint and install lock washers and nuts (F) (May be tightened to specified torque at this time). N OTE: Coupling (G) on m anual steering must be installed prior to column installation. 2. Loosely assemble (2) capsules nuts (H) at the instrum ent panel bracket (D). 3. Position lower clamp (J) and tighten attaching nuts (K) to specified torque. 4. Tighten two nuts ( H ) at capsules to specified torque. 5. Install seal (C) and covers (A and B) to dash. 6. Install attaching screws (L) and tighten to specified torque. 7. Tighten two nuts (F) at capsules to specified torque if not already done. 9. Install transmission indicator cable on column automatics. 10. Install the instrum ent panel trim cover. 11. Connect the transmission control linkage at the shift tube levers. 12. Install the steering wheel as outlined previously in this section. 13. Connect the battery ground cable. M andatory System Requirem ents 1. Pot jo in t operating angle must be 1 1/2 °± 4°. 2. Flexible coupling must not be distorted greater than ± .06 due to pot joint bottoming, in either direction. STEERING COLUMN SERVICE FOR G AND P SERIES S TEERING C O LU M N UPPER BEARING G AND P SERIES Standard Column Removal 1. Remove section. steering wheel as outlined in 2. Remove directional signal cancelling cam. 3. Pry out upper bearing. this Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasten ers referred to in step 1. Fig. 3B-85- Removing W iring Flarness Protector 1. Replace all com ponent parts in reverse order of removal making sure that directional switch is in neutral position before installing steering wheel. Torque steering wheel nut to specifications. T ilt Column The upper bearings on the tilt column are spun into the bearing housing assembly. If the bearings indicate need of replacement, the entire bearing housing must be replaced. See "T ilt Steering Colum n - Disassembly and A ssembly" for the correct replacem ent procedure. STE ER IN G C O LU M N LOWER BEARING P SERIES Removal 1. Remove the interm ediate steering shaft and universal jo in t assembly as outlined earlier in this section. Remove the preload spring clamp and spring from the end o f the steering shaft. 2. Pry out the lower bearing assembly. Installation Fig. 3B 86--Removing Wires from Connector D IR E C TIO N A L SIG N A L S W ITCHG AND P SERIES C O LU M N S If the directional signal switch must be replaced, the steering column does not have to be removed from the vehicle. Removal CAUTION: See C A U T IO N not on page I o f this section regarding fasteners referred to in step 2. 1. Place the new bearing over the end o f the steering shaft and press into position in the column. 2. Install the preload spring and clamp and torque the clamp bolt nut to specifications while m a intaining the dim ension shown in Fig. 3B-32. Reinstall the interm ediate shaft and universal jo in t assembly as outlined under "In term ed iate Steering Shaft with Universal Joint Couplings - Installation". 1. Remove the steering wheel as outlined under "Steering Wheel - Removal". 2. Remove the directional signal switch cancelling cam and spring. 3. Remove the column to instrum ent panel trim plate (if so equipped). 4. Disconnect the directional signal switch wiring harness at the half-moon connector. 5. Pry the wiring harness protector out of the column retaining slots as shown in Figure 3B-85. 6. M ark the location of each wire in the half-moon connector and then remove each individual wire from the cover flange (fig. 3B-87). Turn the tool center screw clockwise to pull the cover from the housing. 10. Remove the three directional signal switch mounting screws and then carefully remove the switch assembly from the column while guiding the wiring harness through the opening in the shift lever housing. Installation Fig. 3B 87 Removing D irectional Signal Housing Cover Fig. 3B-88--Preparing W ire Retaining Tabs for In stallation the connector using Tool J-22727 (fig. 3B-86). Insert the tool into the lower end of the connector an d push in until the tool bottoms on the connector. Remove the tool and then pull the wire from the connector. 7. Remove the directional signal lever screw and remove the lever. 8. Push in on the hazard w arning light knob and then unscrew and remove the knob. 9. Tilt Columns Only a. Automatic Transmission Models - Remove the P R N D L dial screws and remove the dial and indicator needle. Remove the cap and dial illumination bulb from the housing cover. b. Unscrew and remove the tilt release lever. c. Assemble Tool J-22708 inside the directional signal housing cover; push in until the tangs lock inside CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in step 9. 1. W rap the ends o f the directional signal switch wires with tape and then guide them through the opening at the lower left hand side o f the bearing housing (tilt columns) out the lower end o f the shift lever housing and under the dash seal. 2. Place the directional signal switch in position and install the three mounting screws; torque to 25 lbs. in. after screw head has been firmly seated. 3. Tilt Columns Onlya. Align the openings in the directional signal switch cover with the proper lever positions and tap the cover into place using a plastic ham m er. b. Install the tilt release lever. c. Automatic Transmission Model - Install the P R N D L dial, pointer, dial illumination bulb and cap. 4. Install the directional signal switch lever and hazard w arning knob. 5. Bend the wire retaining tabs slightly outward on each wire in the wiring harness as shown in Figure 3B88; this will provide proper retention o f the wire in the half-m oon connector. 6. Install each wire in its marked location in the half-m oon connector. Push in until square part o f clip is flush with the bottom side o f the connector. Connect the directional signal switch wiring harness. 7. Snap the wiring harness protector into the column retaining slots. 8. Install the directional signal cancelling cam and spring. 9. Install the steering wheel as outlined under "Steering Wheel - Installation". 10. Install the column to instrument panel trim plate (if so equipped). T IL T CO LUM N BEARING H O U S IN G ASSEMBLY - G A N D P SERIES Removal (Column in Vehicle) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Remove the steering wheel as outlined under "Steering Wheel - Removal". 3. Remove the directional signal switch as outlined under "Directional Signal Switch - Removal". 4. Column Shift Models - Using a suitable size punch, drive out the shift lever pivot pin and remove the shift lever. 5. Install the tilt release lever and place the column in the full " u p " position. Remove the tilt lever spring and retainer using a screwdriver that just fits into the slot opening. Insert the screwdriver into the slot, push in approxim ately 3 /1 6 ", rotate clockwise approximately 1/8 turn until the retainer ears align with the grooves in the housing and remove the retainer and spring. 6. Remove the steering shaft bearing locknut using Socket J-22599. Remove the upper bearing race seat and race. 7. Remove the two b earing housing pivot pins using Tool J - 2 1854. 8. Pull up on the tilt release lever (to disengage the lock shoes) and remove the bearing housing. If the b earing housing is being replaced or it is necessary to disassemble the bearing housing, proceed as follows: a. Press the upper and lower bearings out of the housing. b. Using Puller J-5822 and Slide H am m er J-2619, pull the bearing races fro m the housing. c. Remove the tilt release lever. d. Drive out the shoe release pivot pin using Tool J-22635 or a suitable punch. Remove the lever spring and remove the wedge. e. Using a suitable size punch, drive out the lock shoe retaining pin. Remove the shoes and shoe springs. If the up per steering shaft, lower steering shaft, or centering spheres are being removed, proceed as follows: 9. To remove the steering shaft assembly through the u pper end o f the column. If it is necessary to disassemble the shaft, proceed as follows: a. To remove the lower steering shaft first disconnect the shaft at the pot jo in t coupling clamp. b. T urn the u pper shaft 90° to the lower shaft and slide the upper shaft and centering spheres from the lower shaft. c. Rotate the centering spheres 9 0 : and remove the centering spheres and preload spring from the upper shaft. If the bearing housing support is being replaced, proceed as follows: 10. Remove the four bearing housing support screws and remove the support. Assembly CAUTION: See caution note on page 7 o f this section regarding the fa steners referred to in steps 3, 9 and 11. 1. Assemble the steering shaft as follows: a. Lubricate and assemble the centering spheres and preload spring. b. Install the spheres into the upper (short) shaft and rotate 90 °. c. Install the lower shaft 90 to the upper shaft and over the centering spheres. Slowly straighten the shafts while compressing the preload spring. 2. Install the shaft assembly into the housing from the upper end. 3. Install the lower shaft to the pot jo in t coupling clamp. Install the coupling clam p bolt and torque to specifications. N O T E : The coupling bolt must pass through the shaft undercut. 4. Assemble the bearing housing as follows: a. Press the new upper and lower bearing races into the bearing housing. b. Lubricate and install the bearings into the bearing races. c. Place the lock shoe springs in position in the housing. Install each shoe in place and compress the spring until a suitable size straight punch can be used to hold the shoe in position (it may be necessary to acquire assistance to install the shoes). Once the shoes are in place, drive in the shoe retaining pin. d. Install the shoe release lever and drive in the pivot pin. e. Install the tilt release lever. f. Lubricate the shoes and release lever. 5. Install the bearing housing assembly to the support. Hold the tilt release lever in the " u p " position until the shoes have fully engaged the support. Lubricate and install the bearing housing pivot pins. Press the pins in flush with the housing. 6. Place the housing in the full " u p " position and then install tilt spring and retainer (tapered end o f spring first). Push into the housing approximately 3 /1 6 " and rotate counterclockwise 1/8 turn. 7. Lubricate and install the upper bearing race, race seat and locknut. Tighten the locknut (using Socket J-22599) to remove the lash and then carefully further tighten 1/16 to 1/8 o f a turn (column must be in straight ahead position). 8. Remove the tilt release lever. 9. Install the directional signal switch as outlined under "Directional Signal Switch - Installation". 10. Column Shift Models - Install the shift lever and pivot pin. 11. Install the steering wheel as outlined under "Steering Wheel - Installation". 12. Check electrical and mechanical functioning o f column. S TEERING C O L U M N -G A N D P SERIES Removal (Fig. 3B-89) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Column Shift Models - Disconnect transmission shifter rods at the lower end of the column. 3. G Models - Remove the interm ediate steering shaft flange to flexible coupling bolts. P Models - Remove the interm ediate steering shaft upper universal yoke to steering shaft pinch bolt. Mark the coupling to shaft relationship. 4. Remove column clamp screw(s) on engine side of firewall, if equipped, and remove or slide the clamp down the column. 5. From inside the vehicle, remove the screws from the toe pan cover and slide the cover and seal up the column. 6. Remove the steering wheel as outlined under "S teering W heel-Removal", and reinstall the shaft nut and washer. 7. All Columns - Disconnect the directional signal w iring harness. S tandard Column with Automatic CLUTCH A N D BRAKE PEDAL SUPPORT PROTR U SIO N EX SLOT V IE W A Fig. 3B-89--Steering Column InstaIlation-G Series Transm ission - Disconnect the conductor tube (for transmission indicator) at the instrum ent panel. Tilt C olum n with A u to m a tic T ra nsm issio n Disconnect the single wire at the fuse block and unclip it from the parking brake bracket. 8. Remove the cap screws from the column support bracket at the dash panel. 9. Carefully lower and then withdraw the column assembly, rotating so that the shift levers clear the toe p an opening. Standard Colum n (Fig. 3 B -9 0) Disassembly N O TE: For floor shift transmission models, omit Steps 4, 14, 15 and 16. 1. Remove the steering wheel nut and lock washer and then slide the steering shaft assembly from the lower end o f the column. 2. G Models - Remove the lower bearing preload spring and clam p from the steering shaft. P Models - Remove the lower bearing preload spring and clamp. 3. Remove the back-up lamp switch. 4. Drive out the shift lever pivot pin and remove the shift lever. 5. Remove the directional signal cancelling cam. Remove the directional signal switch lever. 6. Remove the column wiring harness cover. 7. Remove the directional signal switch screws. 8. Rotate the directional signal switch housing counterclockwise and remove the housing from the column. NOTE: The housing and switch cannot be fully removed from the column until the shift lever housing is removed. 9. Remove the plastic thrust washer assembly and then remove the shift lever housing (or extension housing) from the column. 10. Separate the directional signal switch, switch control support assembly, directional signal housing and shift lever housing (or housing extension) assemblies. 11. Press the steering shaft upper bearing out o f the switch contact support. 12. Remove the shift lever housing (or extension housing) seat and bushing from the upper end of the column. 13. Remove the bolt and screws from the adjusting ring clamp and remove the clamp, adjusting ring and lower bearing. Press the lower bearing out of the adjusting ring. 14. 3-Speed Columns - Remove lst-reverse shift lever and lever spacer. Automatic Columns - Remove the selector plate clamping ring screws (3). 15. Place the column u p rig h t on the floor, supporting it with two pieces of wood. Place a block o f wood on the upper end o f the shift tube. Press down on G A & PA 1 0 0 - 1 . U p p e r S te e rin g S h a ft 13. S h ift T u b e F e lt W a s h e r 25. T u rn S ig n a l S w itc h S c re w 2. S h ift H o u s in g B u sh in g 1 4. S h ift T u be A s s e m b ly 26. T u rn S ig n a l S w itc h 3. B ush in g S ea t 15. S h ift L e v e r S p a c e r 27. S te e rin g S h a ft U p p e r B e a rin g 4. M ast J a c k e t 1 6. ls t- R e v e r s e S h if t L e v e r 28. S w itc h C o n t a c t S u p p o rt 5. C o lu m n C o v e r 1 7. A d ju s t in g Ring 29. T u rn S ig n a l H o u s in g 6. B a c k - U p L am p S w it c h S cre w 18. S h a ft L o w e r B e a rin g 30. T u rn S ig n a l S w itc h L e v e r S cre w 7. B a c k - U p L am p S w itc h 1 9. L o w e r B e a rin g P re lo a d S p rin g 31 . T u rn S ig n a l S w itc h L e v e r 8. T oe Pan S e a l R e ta in e r 20. P re lo a d S p rin g C la m p 32. 9. Toe Pan S e a l 21. N u t and L ockw a sh er 33. P la s tic T h ru s t W a s h e r A d ju s t in g R ing C la m p S cre w s 22. S te e rin g S h a ft N u t 34. S h ift L e v e r H o u s in g 1 1. N u t and Lockw asher 23. Lockw asher 35. S h ift L e v e r Pin 1 2. A d ju s t in g R ing C la m p B o lt 24. T u rn S ig n a l C a n c e llin g C a m 36. S h ift L e v e r 10. R u b b e r R ing F ig . 3 B -9 0 --S ta n d a rd C o lu m n —T y p ic a l G & P the shift lever with foot while tapping on the wood block to withdraw the tube from the column jacket. N O TE: In some tolerance stack-up cases it may be necessary to use a press. Be careful not to dam age the tube or jacket. 16. Remove the felt seal from the shift tube. 17. Remove firewall clamp, toe p a n seal and dash panel seals from the jacket. Assembly N O TE : In the following assembly sequence use any general purpose lithium soap grease for lubricating those components so indicated. 1. Install the dash panel seal, toe panel and firewall clamps over the end of the jacket. 2. Lubricate all bearing surfaces on the shift tube. 3. Place the felt seal onto the shift tube (next to spring) and then place the shift tube in the jacket. 4. 3-Speed Columns - Tem porarily install spacer, 1st-reverse shift lever and lower adjusting ring. Place a block of wood on top of the adjusting ring and tap until the shift tube bottoms. Remove adjusting ring, shift lever and spacer. Automatic Columns - Align the three holes in the selector plate with the three holes in the jacket, position the clamping ring and install the three screws. NOTE: The shift tube spring retainer must be bottomed against the jacket stops. 5. 3-Speed Columns-Lubricate and install the spacer and 1st-reverse shift lever (tang o f lever towards top of column). 6. Install lower bearing in the adjusting ring and then install the adjusting ring, clamp and screws. 7. Install the shift lever housing (or extension housing) seat and bushing to upper end of housing. 8. Thread directional signal switch wiring harness through the switch and lever (or extension) housings, lubricate the inner d iam eter o f the shift housing, and then place the shift lever (or extension) housing onto the up per end o f the column. 9. Install the switch housing plastic w asher assembly. Press the upper bearing into the switch contact support. 10. Install the directional signal switch housing, contact support, bearing and switch and torque the switch screws to 25 lbs. in. 11. Install the column wiring harness cover and back-up lamp switch. 12. Install the directional signal and gearshift levers. 13. Adjust the shift tube as outlined under "Shifter Tube A djustm ent." 14. Loosely install the lower bearing preload spring and clamp. 15. Slide the steering shaft assembly up through the column assembly. Install the directional signal cancelling cam, steering shaft nut an d lock washer. T ilt Colum n (Fig. 3 B -91) Disassembly 1. If the column is removed from the vehicle, place the column in a bench vise using Holding Fixtures J-22573 (fig. 3B-92). CAUTION: Clamping the column directly in a vise, could result in a dam aged column. 2. Remove the directional signal switch as outlined under "D irectional Signal Switch-Removal". 3. Remove the lower steering shaft and pot joint assembly and lower bearing and adapter assembly as outlined under "Low er Bearing and A dapter-Rem oval". 4. C olum n Shift Models - Using a suitable size punch, drive out the shift lever pivot pin and remove the shift lever. 5. Install the tilt release lever and place the column in the full " u p " position. Remove the tilt lever spring and retainer using a screwdriver that just fits into the slot opening (fig. 3B-93). Insert the screwdriver clockwise approxim ately 1/8 turn until the retainer ears align with the grooves in the housing and remove the retainer and spring. 6. Remove the steering shaft bearing locknut using socket J-22599. Remove the u pper bearing race seat and race. 7. Remove the two bearing housing pivot pins using Tool J-21854 (fig. 3B-94). 8. Pull up on the tilt release lever (to disengage the lock shoes) and remove the bearing housing. If it is necessary to disassemble the b earing housing, proceed as follows: a. Press the upper an d lower bearings out of the housing. b. Using Puller J-5822 and Slide H a m m e r J-2619 pull the bearing races from the housing (fig. 3B-95). c. Remove the tilt release lever. d. D rive out the shoe release lever pivot pin using Tool J-22635 or a suitable punch (fig. 3B-96). Remove the lever spring and remove the wedge. e. Using a suitable size punch, drive out the lock shoe retaining pin. Remove the shoes and shoe springs. 9. Remove the steering shaft assembly through the upper end o f the column. If it is necessary to disassemble the shaft proceed as follows: a. T urn the upper shaft 90° to the lower shaft and slide the upper shaft and centering spheres from the lower shaft. b. Rotate the centering spheres 90° and remove the center spheres and preload spring from the upper shaft. 10. Remove the four bearing housing support screws and remove the support. Column Shift Models - If the shift tube index plate must be removed, remove the two retaining screws and remove the plate. 11. Remove the shift tube retaining ring with a screwdriver (fig. 3B-97). Remove the thrust washer. 12. Remove the neutral-safety or back-up lam p switch screws and remove the switch. 13. Rework Shift Tube Removing Tool J-22551 by removing 1 /2 " from the pilot end of the tool (Fig. 3B98). This allows the shift tube to be pushed further out of the housing and will not affect the use o f the tool on other columns. 14. Remove the shift tube assembly using Tool J-22551 (fig. 3B-99). Insert the hooked end o f the tool into the notch in the shift tube just below the shift lever housing key. Pilot the sleeve over the threaded end o f the tool and into the upper end o f the shift tube. Force the shift tube out o f the housing by turning the nut onto the tool. If the shift tube is not completely free when the nut is bottomed on the threads, complete the removal by hand. CAUTION: Do not ham mer or p u ll on the shift tube during removal. On column shift models, guide the lower shift lever through the slotted opening in the column to prevent damage to the tube or column. 15. Remove the lock plate by sliding out of the column notches, tipping the plate downward toward the housing (to compress the wave washer) and then removing as shown in Figure 3B-100. Remove the wave washer. 16. Remove the shift lever housing. 17. Column Shift Models - Remove the shift lever spring by winding the spring up with pliers. 18. If necessary, remove the dash panel seal, m ounting plate and the instrum ent panel seal from the column jacket. Assembly NOTE: W hen lubricating components during the following installation sequence, use any general purpose lithium soap grease. 1. Install the dash panel seal, m ounting plate and the instrument panel seal on the column. 2. Colum n Shift Models - Press a new shift lever spring into the shift lever housing. 3B-62 COVER SHAFT ASSY ------RACE W ED G E SHAFT SCREW (3) SPRING " \ PIN DOWEL \ \ \ BEARING A S S Y .\ RETAINER / \ *y> \ \ SPRING ( 2 ) - . \ PIN RELEASE — U \ \ o \ ^ SUPPORT \ “ CLIP TUBE ASSY. SHIFT ^ -p r ' SPRING TILT *• ( 2 ) PIN PIVOT BOW L ASSY PROTECTOR WIRE SCREW JACKET DASH SEAL RETAINER DASH SEAL SCREW (4) P /" S P R IN G PLATE RETAINER THRUST WASHER \ PLATE LOCK W A V E WASHER BOWL SEAL LEVER ADAPTER RETAINER BEARING MANUAL Column-G BEARING AS SY . — JACKET SUPPORT ASSY. qg, SHOE RELEASE------ * SPHERE CENTERING (2) SHAFT ® \ YOKE SERVICE H O U S IN G ----- H O U S IN G ASSY, BEARING BUMPER (3 ) \ SPRING RELEASE. SHAFT ASSY. STEERING TRUCK Fig. 3B-91- Tilt Steering JACKET A S S Y .- S W ITC H ASSY. ^ LIGHT rx e INSTRU. PANEL O P E N IN G C O V E R - , Fig. 3B-92 Securing Column with J-22573 Fig. 3B-94- Removing Bearing Housing Pivot Pin STEERING SHAFT BEARING LO CKNUT J -5 8 2 2 J-2 619 TILT LEVER SPR IN G RETAINER Fig. 3B-93--Removing T ilt Spring and Retainer Fig. 3B-95-R em oving Bearing Race 3. Slide the shift lever housing over the upper end o f the column. 6. Pull up on the shift lever housing (to compress the wave washer) and install the thrust w asher and retaining ring. Be sure the ring is seated in both slots of the shift tube. 7. Lubricate the I.D. of the bearing housing support and install the support, aligning the bolt holes in the support with the bolt holes in the lock plate. Install the four support screws and torque to 45 in. lbs. 8. Assemble the steering shaft as follows: a. Lubricate and assemble the centering spheres and preload spring. b. Install the spheres into the upper (short) shaft and rotate 90 °. c. Install the lower shaft 90° to the upper shaft and over the centering spheres. Slowly straighten the shafts while compressing the preload spring. 9. Install the shaft assembly into the housing from the upper end. 10. Install the lower bearing and adapter, bearing 4. Place the wave washer and lock plate in position. Work the lock plate into the notches by tipping the plate toward the housing (compressing the wave washer) at the open side o f the column. Lubricate the lock plate and upper end o f the shift tube. 5. Carefully install the shift tube into the lower end o f the column (make sure the foam seal is at lower end o f the shift tube). Align the keyway in the tube with the key in the shift lever housing and complete installation o f the shift tube using Tool J-22549 (fig. 3B101). The shift lever housing key must bottom in the shift tube slot to be fully installed. Remove Tool J-22549 from the column. Lubricate and push foam seal in flush with column housing. CAUTION: Do Not ham m er or force the tube when installing in the column. Fig. 3ES-96 -Removing Release Lever Pivot Pin Fig. 3B 98--Revised Shift Tube Removing Tool J-22551 Fig. 3B-97 Removing Shift Tube Retaining Ring Fig. 3B-100--Removing Lock Plate Assembly until the shoes have fully engaged the support. Lubricate and install the bearing housing pivot pins. Press the pins in flush with the housing. 13. Place the housing in the full " u p " position and then install tilt spring and retainer (tapered end o f spring first). Push into the housing approximately 3 /1 6 " and rotate counter clockwise 1/8 turn. 14. Lubricate and install the upper bearing upper race, race seat and locknut. Tighten the locknut (using Socket J-22599) to remove the lash and then further tighten 1/16 to 1/8 o f a turn (column must be in straight ahead position). 15. Remove the tilt release lever. 16. Install the directional signal switch as outlined under "Directional Signal Switch-Installation". 17. Column Shift Models - Install the shift lever and pivot pin. 18. Install the neutral-safety or back-up lamp switch. 19. Remove the column from the bench vise. COLUMN INSTALLATION M andatory Sequence P Series (Fig. 3B -89) CAUTION: See C A U TIO N note on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 1, 2, 3 an d 10. 1. Applying 50 lbs. force on the steering wheel end o f the steering shaft, adjust the lower bearing preload to allow steering shaft end play as indicated in Figure 3B38. Tighten the shaft clamp on pot joint bolt to specifications. 2. From the passenger side of the dash panel, carefully insert the lower end o f the steering column through the toe panel opening. G uide the steering shaft into the universal yoke, lining up the marks made at removal. Install the Fig. 3B-101 In sta llin g S hift Pin Tube reinforcement, wire clip, pot jo in t coupling and lower shaft as described under "Low er Bearing Installation". 11. Assemble the bearing housing as follows: a. Press the new upper and lower bearing races into the bearing housing. b. Lubricate and install the bearings into the b earing races. c.Place the lock shoe springs in position in the housing. Install each shoe in place and compress the spring until a suitable size straight punch can be used to hold the shoes in position (it m ay be necessary to acquire assistance to install the shoes). Once the shoes are in place, drive in the shoe retaining pin. d. Install the shoe release lever and drive in the pivot pin. e. Install the tilt release lever. f. Lubricate the shoes and release lever. 12. Install the bearing housing assembly to the support. Hold the tilt release lever in the " u p " position Fig. 3B -103 -Tilt Column S h ift Indicator Light yoke pinch bolt and torque to specifications. The pinch bolt must pass through the shaft undercut. 3. Position and attach the lower clam p mounting bracket to the firewall. Locate the steering column protrussions against the toe p a n bracket while at the same time, aligning protrusion in brake an d clutch pedal support with index slot in the steering column, as shown in Figure 3B-89. Install the column to bracket clamp and torque the clam p bolt to specifications. N O TE : The toe pan bracket must not override the protrusions on the steering column. 4. Position the steering column to dhas panel bracket, install the attaching bolts and torque to specifications. 5. If plastic spacers were used on the flexible coupling alignm ent pins, remove the spacers after all bolts have been properly torqued. 6. Install the seal at the toe pan and then install the toe pan bracket screws; torque to specifications. 7. Install the dash panel trim plate (if so equipped). 8. Connect the transmission shift linkage on column shift models. 9. All Colum ns - Connect the directional signal wiring harness. S ta n d ard Column with Automatic Transmission Connect the conductor tube (for transmission indicator) at the instrum ent panel (fig. 3B-102). 10. Install steering w heel as ou tlined u nd e r "S teering W heel-Installation". 11. Connect battery ground cable. steering shaft (A). Position the spring and clamp to m aintain the dimension as shown in Figure 3B-38. 2. Install the plastic spacers onto the flexible coupling alignment pins. 3. From inside the vehicle, carefully insert the lower end o f the column through the toe pan opening guiding the steering shaft flange onto the flexible coupling. Install and torque the glange to coupling bolts. 4. Locate the index slot in the column jacket with the protrusion on the clutch and brake pedal support. 5. Loosely install the column dash bracket and screws. 6. Push the column down until the steering shaft flange bottoms on the plastic spacers on the flexible coupling and then torque the dash bracket screws. 7. Remove the plastic spacer from the alignment pins using a wire hook. Check the rag jo in t to steering shaft flange clearance (.25" to .325"), if not within specifications, the dash bracket screws must be loosened and the column raised or lowered as required. Retorque the bracket screws. CAUTION: The alignment pin plastic spacers must be removed before the vehicle can be driven. 8. Push the tow pan seal to the toe pan, install and torque the m ounting screws. 9. All Columns Connect the directional signal switch wiring harness. Automatic Columns-Connect the conductor tube (for transmission indicator) to the instrum ent panel. 10. Install the steering wheel as outlined under "Steering Wheel Installation". 11. Connect the transmission linkage. 12. Connect the battery ground cable. S TEERING LINKAG E CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding all fasteners referred to in servicing steering linkage components. Tie Rods Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove cotter pins from ball studs and remove castellated nuts. 3. To remove outer ball stud, tap on steering arm at tie rod end with a h a m m er while using a heavy h a m m e r or similar tool as a backing (fig. 3B-105). 4. Remove inner ball stud from relay rod using same procedure as described in Step 3. 5. To remove tire rod ends from tie rod, loosen clamp bolts and unscrew end assemblies. M an d ato ry Installation S equence-G Series CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fasten ers referred to in steps 3 and 10. 1. Adjust the column lower bearing preload by applying a force on the steering wheel end o f the Installation CAUTION: See the C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 4 and 6. NOTE: Tie rod adjuster components often become rusted in service. In such cases, it is recommended RELAY ROD IDLER ARM ASSEMBLY TIE ROD ASSEMBLY [A ] iCAUtlORI A ll clam ps must be b e tw e e n & cle a r o f dim ples b e fo re to rq u in g nut. KNUCKLE [~B~| E xposed socket th re a d le n g th must be STEERING GEAR equal w ith in ± .0 6 at e a ch end o f a d ­ justing sleeve on L.H. & R.H. tie ro d asm. P IT M A N A R M 1 [ C ] A ll bolts must be in stalled in d ire ctio n s C-SERIES show n - Figs. 104 and 104B / sO k ": X i- - ^ iu ADJUSTABLE C O N N E C T IN G ROD IDLER ARM ASSEMBLY STEERING ARM RELAY ROD TIE ROD ASSEMBLY TIE ROD KNUCKLE' STEERING GEAR ASSEMBLY -> STEERING GEAR P IT M A N ' ARM STEERING' ARM PITM A N ARM VANS K-SERIES ■SUPPORT ASSEMBLY GEAR M O U N T IN G BRACKET SUPPORT SUPPORT ASSEMBLY LEFT IDLER ARM V'®- "N d RELAY ROD IDLER ARM ASSEMBLY P ITM A N ARM KNUCKLE C O N N E C T IN G ROD 'STEERING GEAR MOTOR HOME P ITM A N ARM ASSEMBLY MOTOR HOME Fig. 3B-105--Ball Stud Removal-Typical that if the torque required to remove the nut from the holt afte r breakaway exceed 7 pounds, discard the nuts and bolts. Apply p enetrating oil between the clamp and tube and rotate the clamps until they move freely. Install new bolts and nuts having the same p a rt n u m b e r to assure pro p e r clamping at the specified nut torque. CAUTION:A s a guide to correct orientation o f the inner tie rod end relative to the outer tie rod end, rotate both ends to the extremes o f travel in the same direction before clamping. The position o f each tie rod end m ust be m aintained as the clamps are tightened to ensure free movement o f each joint. Return the rod assembly to midposition o f its travel. This should result in the inner and outer bait studs being retained in a parallel relationship with the intermediate (relay) rod and steering knuckle (arm) respectively. The following procedure should be used when installing tie rods. 1. If the tie rod ends were removed, lubricate the tie rod threads with EP Chassis lube and install ends on tie rod making sure both ends are threaded an equal distance from the tie rod. 2. Make sure that threads on ball studs and in ball stud nuts are perfectly clean and smooth. Check condition o f ball stud seals; replace if necessary. NOTE: Tool J-24434 may be used to install ball stud seals. If threads are not clean and smooth, ball studs may turn in tie rod ends when attem pting to tighten nut. 3. Install ball studs in steering arms and relay rod. N O T E Slot in adjuster sleeve must not be w ith in this area o f clamp jaws. Clamps must be between & clear o f dimples before to rq u in g nut. C A U T IO N T IE ROD ’ADJU STER SLEEVE SLO T REARW ARDR O T A TIO N N O T E Locate clamps w itn in tolerance shown. V IE W A RELAY STEERING K N U C K LE N O T E Equal w ith in three threads, must be visible at inner and outer ends o f adjuster sleeve when assembled to steering knuckle. N O T E Locate clamps w itn in tolerance shown. •TIGHT Slot in adjuster sleeve must not be w ith in this area o f clamp jaws. NOTE H O R IZ O N T A L LINE .005 M IN . GAP T IG H T ' C A U T I O N Clamp ends may touch when nuts are torqued to specifications, but gap adjacent to adjuster sleeve must not be less than m inim um dim ension shown. VIE W B C,K & P OUTER A .005 M IN . GAP A D JU S TE R SLEEVE SLOT R EAR W AR D R O T A TIO N VIE W A C A U T I O N Clamp ends may touch when nuts are torqued to specifications, b u t gap adjacent to adjuster sleeve must n o t be less than m inim um dim ension shown. VIE W B in Figure 3B-107. C enter protractor bubble indicator and record reading. d. Rotate tie rod end clockwise (down) to m axim um position. Center protractor bubble indicator and record reading. e. Com pare protractor readings obtained in Speps c and d. Total rotation of tie rod assembly should measure at least 35 °. f. If rotation is less than 35 loosen one tie rod sleeve clamp and rotate both tie rod ends to their maximum limit both ends must be rotated in the same direction Fig. 3B-107--Tie Rod Inspection 4. Install bass stud nut, tighten to specifications and install new cotter pins; see Specifications Section at rear o f this Section. Lubricate tie rod ends. N O T E: N ever back off nut to align the cotter pin, always tighten nut to next slot that lines up with hole in stud. 5. Adjust toe-in as described in Section 3A. Before tightening the tie rod adjusting sleeve clamp holts, be sure that the following conditions have been met: a. The sleeve clamps must be positioned between the locating dimples at either end o f the sleeve. b. T he clamps must be positioned within the a ngular travel indicated in Figure 3B-106. c. The relationship o f the clamp slot with the slit in the sleeve should be m ain tain ed as shown in Figure 3B-106. d. Rotate both inner and outer tie rod housing rearw ard to the limit o f ball joint travel before tightening clamps. Tighten clamps to specifications. Return tie rod assembly to the center of travel. e. All procedures for alignment, adjustment and assembly of tie rods applies to each side. f. Check each assembly to be sure that a total travel o f at least 35° can be obtained using a bubble protractor and a pair o f vise grips (Fig. 3B-107). CAUTION: g. Tighten tie rod clamp and again rotate both ends to their m axim um limits, repeating Steps c and d. This recheck of total rotation will result in a m inim um of 35 ! travel. h. A fte r o b ta in in g the correct a m o u n t o f rotation (35 ° or greater), position the outer tie rod end approximately midway in this travel. II' rotating checks, outlined above, reveal a rough or lumpy feel, the inner or outer tie rod end assembly may have excessive wear and should be replaced. If all of the above mentioned conditions are met, proper tie rod installation is assured. Relay Rod Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove in n e r ends of the tie rods from relay rod as described under "Tie Rod-Removal". 3. Remove the cotter pins from the p itm an and idler arm ball studs at the relay rod. Remove the castellated nuts. 4. Remove the relay rod from the pitm an and idler arms by tapping on the relay rod ball stud bosses with a hammer, while using a heavy h am m er as a backing (fig. 3 B-105). 5. Remove the relay rod from the vehicle. Installation CAUTION: See the C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 2 and 3. 1. Make sure that threads on the ball studs and in the ball stud nuts are perfectly clean and smooth. Check condition of ball stud seals; replace if necessary. NOTE: If threads are not clean and smooth, ball studs may turn in sockets when attempting to To ensure proper in sta llatio n , it is necessary to tighten nut. p erfo rm the following inspection after any change of toe 2. Install the relay rod to the idler arm and pitm an setting or removal o f any ball stud: arm ball studs, making certain the seals are in place. 1. Check the total rotation o f the tie rod assemblyInstall and torque the nut to specifications and then using the following procedure: install the cotter pin. a. Lubricate inner and outer tie rod ends. NOTE: Never back off the nut to align cotter pin, b. Attach vise grip pliers to the outer tie rod always tighten nut to next slot that lines up with end. hole in stud. c. Rotate outer tie rod end counterclockwise (up) to m axim um position. Attach bevel protractor as shown 3. Install the tie rods to the relay rod as previously Inspection described u nd er "T ie. Rod- Installation". Lubricate the tie rod ends. 4. Lower the vehicle to the floor. 5. Adjust toe-in (see Section 3A) and align steering wheel as described previously in this section under "Steering Wheel A lignm ent and High Point Centering". Idler Arm Use o f the pro p e r diagnosis and checking procedure is essential to prevent needless replacement o f good idler arms. 1. Raise the vehicle in such a m a n n e r as to allow the front wheels to rotate freely and the steering m echanism freedom to turn. Position the wheels in a straight ahead position. 2. Using a push pull type spring scale located as n ear the relay rod end o f the idler arm as possible, exert a 25 lb. force upw ard and then downward while noticing the total distance the end of the arm moves. This distance should not exceed ” 1/8 inch for a total acceptable m ovem ent o f 1/4 inch (Figure 3B-108). It is necessary to ensure that the correct load is applied to the arm since it will move more w hen higher loads are applied. It is also necessary that a scale or ruler be rested against the fram e and used to determine the am ount of m ovem ent since observers tend to over-estimate the actual movem ent w hen a scale is not used. The idler arm should always be replaced if it fails this test. N O T E : Jerking the right front wheel and tire assembly back and forth thus causing an up and down m ovem ent in the idler arm is not an acceptable method o f checking since there is no control on the am ount o f force being applied. Caution should be used in assuming shimmey complaints are caused by loose idler arms. Before suspecting suspension or steering components, techni­ cians should eliminate shim my excitation factors, such as dynam ic imbalance, run-out or force variation o f wheel and tire assemblies and road surface irregularities. Removal 1. Raise vehicle on a hoist. 2. Remove the cotter pin an d castellated nut from ball stud at the relay rod. Remove the ball stud from the relay rod by tapping on the relay rod boss with a ham m er, while using a heavy h a m m e r as a backing (fig. 3B-105). 3. Remove the idler arm to fram e bolt and remove the idler arm assembly. Installation CAUTION: See the C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 1 and 3. 1. Position the idler arm on the fram e and install the m ounting bolts (special plain washers under bolt heads); torque the nuts to specifications. 2. M ake sure that the threads on the ball stud and in the ball stud nut are perfectly clean and smooth. Check condition o f ball stud seal; replace if necessary. NOTE: If threads are not clean and smooth, ball stud m ay turn in the socket when attem pting to tighten nut. 3. Install the idler arm ball stud in the relay rod, making certain the seal is positioned properly; install the nut and torque to specifications. NOTE: Never back off nut to align cotter pin, always tighten nut to the next slot that lines up with the hole in the stud. 4. Install cotter pin. 5. Lower the vehicle to the floor. Pitm an Arm Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove cotter pin from p itm an arm ball stud and remove nut. 3. Remove pitm an arm or relay rod from ball stud by tapping on side o f rod or arm (in which the stud mounts) with a h a m m e r while using a heavy h a m m e r or sim ilar tool as a backing (fig. 3B-105). Pull on linkage to remove from stud. 4. Remove p itm an arm nut from p itm an shaft or clamp bolt from p itm an arm, and mark relation o f arm position to shaft. 5. Remove pitm an arm, using Tool J-6632 or J-5504 (Fig. 3B-50). Installation CAUTION: See the C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 3 and 4. 1. Install p itm a n arm on p itm an shaft, lining up the marks made upon removal. CAUTION: I f a clamp type p itm a n arm is used, spread the pitm an arm ju s t enough, with a wedge, to slip arm onto pitm an shaft. Do not spread pitm an arm more than required to slip over p itm a n shaft with hand pressure. Do not ham m er or damage to steering gear m ay result. Be sure to install the hardened steel washer before installing the nut. NOTE: For proper alignment and orientation o f connecting rod clamps see figure 3B-109. POWER S TEERING SYSTEM Pow er Steering Gear Removal 2. Make sure that threads on ball studs and in ball stud nuts are clean and smooth. Check conndition o f ball stud seals; replace if necessary. N O TE : If threads are not clean and smooth, ball studs m ay turn in sockets when attem pting to tighten nut. 3. Install pitm an shaft nut or p itm an arm clamp bolt and torque to specifications. 4. Position ball stud onto p itm an arm or relay rod. Install nut and torque to specifications. 5. Install cotter pin. N O T E : N ever back off nut to align cotter pin, always tighten nut to next slot that lines up with hole in stud. 6. Lubricate ball studs. 7. Lower the vehicle to the floor. Installation (Fig. 3B-110) S teering C onnecting Rod Removal 1. Remove cotter pins from ball studs and remove castellated nuts. 2. Remove ball studs from steering arm and p itm a n arm boss with a heavy h a m m e r and striking other side o f boss with lighter h am m er (similar to method shown in (fig. 3B-105). Installation CAUTION: See the C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regaring the fasteners referred to in step 1. Make sure that threads on ball studs and in ball stud nuts are clean and smooth. Check condition of ball stud seals-replace if necessary. N O TE : If threads are not clean and smooth, ball studs may turn in connecting rod when attem pting to tighten nut. 2. Install ball studs in steering arm and pitm an arm. Be sure to install the long end of the connecting rod assembly to the p itm a n arm. 3. Install specifications. ball stud nuts and torque to N O TE: N ever back off nut to align cotter pin, always tighten nut to next slot that lines up with hole in stud. 4. 1. Disconnect hoses at gear. W hen hoses are disconnected, secure ends in raised position ot prevent d rainage of oil. C ap or tape the ends o f the hoses to prevent entrance o f dirt. 2. Install two plugs in g ear fittings to prevent entrance of dirt. 3. Remove the flexible coupling to steering shaft flange bolts (G, C and K models) or the lower universal jo in t pinch bolt (P models). Mark the relationship of the universal yoke to the stub shaft. 4. Mark the relationship o f the p itm an arm to the p itm an shaft. Remove the pitm an shaft nut or pitman arm pinch bolt and then remove the pitm an arm from the pitm an shaft using Puller J-6632 (fig. 3B-50). 5. Remove the steering gear to fram e bolts and remove the gear assembly. 6. G, C and K Models - Remove the flexible coupling pinch bolt and remove the coupling from the steering gear stub shaft. Install cotter pins and lubricate ball studs. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 1, 3, 4 an d 5. 1. Install the flexible coupling onto the steering gear stub shaft, aligning the flat in the coupling with the flat on the shaft. Push the coupling onto the shaft until the stub shaft bottoms on the coupling reinforcement. Install the pinch bolt and torque to specifications. NOTE: The coupling bolt must pass through the shaft undercut. 2. Place the steering gear in position, guiding the ccoupling bolt into the steering shaft flange. 3. Install the steering gear to fram e bolts and torque to specifications. 4. If flexible coupling alignment pin plastic spacers were used, make sure they are buttomed on the pins, tighten the flange bolt nuts to specifications and then remove the plastic spacers. 5. If flexible coupling alignment pin plastic spacers were not used, center the pins in the slots in the steering shaft flange and then install and torque the flange bolt nuts to specifications. P Models a. Place the steering gear in position, guiding the stub shaft into the universal joint assembly and lining up the marks m ade at removal. NOTE: If a new gear was installed, line up the mark on the stub shaft with the m ark on the universal yoke. b. Install the steering gear to fram e bolts and torque to specifications. CAUTION: ENDS OF ADJUSTABLE T I E ROD MUST BE HELD IN CORRECT RELA TIO N SH IP TO EACH OTHER AFTER ADJUSTMENT WITHIN + 2 ° . CAUTION: CLAMPS MUST BE BETWEEN AND CLEAR OF DIM PLES BEFORE TORQUING NUT. NOTE: STEER IN G CONNECTING ROD MUST BE IN STALLED WITH LONG END FORWARD. S T E E R IN G G E A R .10 A SSEM BLY CLAM P V IE W NOTE: SLOT OF ADJUSTER TUBE MAY BE IN ANY PO SITIO N ON ARC SHOWN BUT NOT CLOSER THAN .1 0 TO THE EDGE OF CLAMP JAWS OR BETWEEN THEM A A D JU S T E R TU BE Fig. 3B-109--Adjustable Connecting Rod Assembly-K Series A ll Models 6. Install the pitm an arm onto the pitm an shaft, lining up the marks made at removal. Install the pitm an shaft nut or pitman arm pinch bolt and torque to specifications. 7. Remove the plugs and caps from the steering gear and hoses and connect the hoses to the gear. Tighten the hose fittings to specified torque. Power Steering Pump (Fig. 3B-111 through 3B-117) Removal Fig. 3B 1 1 0 -Power Steering Gear M ounting-Typical c. Install torque to specification. the universal jo in t pinch bolt N OTE: The pinch bolt must pass through the shaft undercut. 1. Disconnect hoses at pump. W hen hoses are disconnected, secure ends in raised position to prevent drainage o f oil. C ap or tape the ends o f the hoses to prevent entrance o f dirt. On Models with rem ote reservoir, disconnect reservoir hose at pum p and secure in raised and position. Cap hose pum p fittings. 2. Install two caps at pum p fittings to prevent drainage of oil from pump. 3. Loosen bracket-to-pump m ounting nuts. 4. Remove pu m p belt. 292 L-6 G 2 0 -3 0 C 1 0 -3 0 K 20 P 2 0 -3 0 Fig. 3B-112--Power Steering Pump 292 L-6 5. Remove pu m p from attaching parts and remove pu m p from vehicle. Installation 1. Postion pum p assembly on vehicle and install attaching parts loosely. 2. Connect and tighten hose fittings. 3. Fill reservoir. Bleed pu m p by turning pulley backward (counter-clockwise as viewed from front) until air bubbles cease to appear. 4. Install pu m p belt over pulley. 5. Tension belt as outlined under "P um p Belt T ension-A djustm ent" in this section. 6. Bleed as outlined und er "Bleeding Power Steering Systems." Fig. 3B-114--Power Steering Pump C, K P Series Power Steering Hoses W hen servicing the power steering hoses be sure to align the hoses in their correct position as shown in Figs. 3B-118—3B-133. It is im portant that the power steering hoses be installed correctly. Hoses installed out of position may be subjected to chafing or other abuses during sharp turns. Do not twist hoses unnecessarily during installation. CAUTION: Do not start engine with any power steering hose disconnected. Bleeding Power Steering Systems W hen a power steering pum p or power gear has been installed, the air that has entered the system must be bled out before the vehicle is again operated. If air is allowed to rem ain in the power steering fluid system, moisy and unsatisfactory operation of the system will result. Bleed air from the hydraulic system as follows: 350 V -8 M O TO R HOM E Fig. 3B-115-Power Steering Pump-350 V-8 Motor Home Fig. 3B-116 -Power Steering Pump-454 V-8 N O TE : W hen power steering fuid is added to power steering system, only clean new power steering fluid should be used. 1. re m a in 2. 3. Fill oil reservoir to proper level and let oil undisturbed for at least two minutes. Start engine and run momentarily. A dd oil, if necessary. 4. Repeat above procedure until oil level remains constant a fte r ru nning engine. 5. Raise front end o f vehicle so that wheels are off the ground. 6. T u rn the wheels (off ground) right and left, lightly contacting the wheel stops. 7. A dd oil if necessary. 8. Lower the vehicle and turn wheels right and left on the ground. 9. Check oil level and refill as required. 10. If oil is extremely foamy, allow vehicle to stand a few m inutes with engine off and repead above procedure. a. Check belt tightness and check for a bent pulley. (Pulley should not wobble with engine running.). b. Check to make sure hoses are not touching any other parts o f the vehicle, particularly sheet metal. c. Check oil level, filling to proper level if necessary, following operations 1 through 10. This step and Step " d " are extremely im po rtant as low oil level a n d / o r air in the oil are the most frequent causes o f objectionable pum p noises. d. Check the presence o f air in th e oil. Air will show up as milky app e a rin g oil. If air is present, attempt to bleed system as described in operations 1 throught 10. 11. The presence o f trapped air in the system will cause the fluid level in the p u m p to rise when the engine is turned off. Continue to bleed system until this condition no longer occurs. 4 5 4 V -8 MOTOR HOME Fig. 3B 117 -Power Steering Pump-454 V-8 Motor Home o orientate pressure hose when installing, rotate pipe ends to rest against pump support lower. V IE W 2 5 0 or 2 9 2 G 10-30 A Speedo cable and parking brake cable to be routed above power steering pipes and maintain clearance. L-e Fig. 3B-118--Power Steering Hose Routing Fig. 3B-11 9 -Power Steering Hose Routing Rotate hose assembly - - - - hydraboost housing as: before tigh tening nut. V IE W A Ml C LE A R A N C E Rotate hose assembly against steering gear housing before tightening nut. Hose assembly must be installed against steering gear cover. 2 9 2 L-6 G 30 W /H Y D R A B O O S T B Fig. 3B-121--Power Steering Hose Routing Fig. 3B-120--Power Steering Hose Routing A OF PUMP 6 INCHES )° T O V IE W V IE W A A 2 9 2 L-6 P 2 0 -3 0 W /V A C U U M PO W ER B R A K E S 3 0 5 or 3 5 0 P 2 0 -3 0 W /PO W E R VACUUM BRAKES V -8 15° To orien ta te pressure hose when installing, rotate pipe ends to rest against steerinq mp housing. V IE W Speedo cable and parking brake cable to be routed above power steering pipes and m aintain clearance. A Clamp must be instal w ith b o lt head tow ard fro n t of vehicle. 3 0 5 , 35 0 , 4 0 0 V -8 G 1 0 -3 0 Fig. 3B-124 -Power Steering Hose Routing Rotate hose assembly against hydraboost housing assembly before tigh tening nut. Rotate hose assembly, against steering gear housing before tigh tening nut. V IE W V IE W A B 3 5 0 or 4 0 0 V -8 G 3 0 W /H Y D R A B O O S T M IN IM U M C LEAR AN C E Hose assembly must be installed against steering gear cover. 3 5 0 V -8 C 30 W /H Y D R A B O O S T Fig. 3B-1 2 6 -Power Steering Hose Routing Fig. 3B-127--Power Steering Hose Routing m ust be installed parallel w ith in ± 3° o f brace. Hose must be located against pum p assembly INCHES V IE W f A Hose assembly must be located against hydra­ boost m ounting bracket. NCH V IE W A V IE W 3 5 0 V -8 M O TO R HOME 454 V -8 C 1 0 -3 0 EXCEPT H Y P R A PQQST Route Pipe A ssem bly-lnlet parallel to o f steering gear. V IE W A 4 5 4 V -8 C 30 W /H Y D R A B O O S T EXCEPT S 4 .5 6 A X L E Hose assembly must be installed against steering gear cover. Fig. 3B-130-Pow er Steering Hose Routing V IE W 90 INCH V IE W Fig. 3B 131-Pow er Steering Hose Routing Hose must be located against pum p A V IE W 454 V -8 C 2 0 -3 0 W /V A C U U M POWER B R A K E S A N D 4 .5 6 A X L E Route pipe assembly-inlet outboard 15°to parallel o f steering gear. Fig. 3B 132- Power Steering Hose Routing 4 5 4 V -8 M O TO R HOM E must be located against hydraboost m ounting bracket. Fig. 3B-133--Power Steering Hose Routing SPECIFICATIONS M A N U A L S T E E R IN G G E A R S T E E R IN G G E A R R A T IO S Power Manual Components G 10-30 Thrust Bearing Preload 6 to 11 lbs. in. C1p i 03° K 10-20 P20 - 30 Vehicle Gear Ratio Gear Ratio Overall Ratio G 10-20 24:1 29.4:1 to 36.7:1 14:1 G 30 24:1 29.4:1 to 36.4:1 14:1 21.4:1 to 26.5:1 Overall Ratio 21.4:1 to 26.7:1 P10 24:1 29.1:1 to 35.5:1 17.5:1 21.2:1 to 25.7:1 P20-30 24:1 29.1:1 to 35.3:1 17.5:1 21.2:1 to 25.7:1 M o to r Hom e - C 10 C20-30 16.0:1 to 21.9:1 24:1 29.1:1 to 37.0:1 16:1 to 13:1 16.9:1 to 20.2:1 24:1 29.4:1 to 36.3:1 16:1 to 13:1 17.2:1 to 20.6:1 24:1 K 10-20 14:1 - 24.6:1 to 28.0:1 16:1 to 13.1 13.2:1 to 17.2:1 Adjuster Plug Lock Nut Over Center Preload 4 to 6 lbs. in. 9 to 12 lbs. in. 85 lbs. ft. 5 to 11 lbs. in.* Over Center Lock Nut 4 to 10 lbs. in.* 9 to 13 lbs. in.* 25 lbs. ft. Total Steering Gear Preload 18 lbs. in. Max. 14 lbs. in. Max. 25 lbs. in. Max. *In excess of thrust bearing preload. P O W E R S T E E R IN G G E A R Components Steering Gear Ball Drag All C, P, K and G 3 lbs. in. Max. Thrust Bearing Preload 1/2 to 2 lbs. in.* Adjuster Plug Locknut 80 lbs. ft. Over-Center Preload 5 lbs. in. Over-Center Adjusting Screw Locknut 35 lbs. ft. Total Steering Gear Preload 14 lbs. in. Max. *In excess of ball drag. **In excess of ball drag and thrust bearing preload. P O W E R S T E E R IN G P U M P P R E S S U R E S Vehicle Pressure C10-30 1200 - 1300 psi G 10-20 900 - 1000 psi G30 1200 - 1300 psi P10-30 1200 - 1300 psi M o to r Hom e & K 1350 - 1450 psi Special Tools JL J. f T ri i 10 I « 15 16 I 17 19 * 21 22 28 76 1. J 6632 2. J 5504 3. 4. 5. J ■23073 J 23072 J 5176 J -5822 J ■8433 J -21854 J -23653 -5421 5860 21239 J ■2927 J 1614 7539 7624 -4245 -22670 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 27 29 I 33 30 Pitman Arm Puller Pitman Arm Puller S hift Tube Installer S hift Tube Remover Oil Pressure Gauge Wormshaft Bearing Cup Remover Pump Pulley Remover (Cast Pulley) Column Pivot Pin Remover Lock Plate Compressor Thermometer Torque Wrench Adapter Pump Pulley Remover (Stamper Pulley) Steering Wheel Puller Sector Shaft Bushing Remover Ball Retainer Spanner Wrench #23 Internal Pliers Pump Shaft Seal Installer 35 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. J-6222 J-23600 J-8947 J 5755 J-2619 J-8092 J-6278 J-6278-2 J 7079-2 J-8524T J-8524-2 J-6219 J-22407 J-8937 J 6217 J-23980 Shaft Seal Protector Belt Tension Gauge Rack-Piston Seal Compressor Wormshaft Bearing Race Installer Slide Hammer Handle Pitman Shaft Bearing Remover Pitman Shaft Bearing Installer Handle Adjuster Plug Bearing Installer Adjuster Plug Bearing Remover Pitman Shaft Seal Installer Pitman Shaft Bearing Installer Ball Seal Remover Connector Seat Installer Steering Column Electrical Analyzer Torque Wrenches SPECIAL TOOLS 3 r 10 12 13 15 14 17 T' 22 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. J-6632 J-5504 J-5176 J-5822 J-5860 J-22670 J-6222 J-9226 J-7576 J-21239 J-2927 J 1614 J-7539 J-7624 J-4245 J -23600 J-5755 J 2619 21 23 4 * 31 28 27 29 P itm an A rm P uller Pitm an A rm P uller Pressure Gauge W orm sha ft Bearing C up Puller T o rq u e W rench A d a p te r Pum p S h a ft Seal Installer S ha ft Seal P ro te c to r P itm an S h a ft Bushing Replacer R ack-Piston Seal Com pressor Pum p P ulle y Rem over Steering Wheel P uller S ecto r S h a ft Bushing Remover Ball Retainer Spanner W rench #23 Intern al Pliers B elt Tension Gauge W orm sha ft Bearing C up In sta lle r Slide Ham m er 32 33 34 30 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. J-6278 J-6278-2 J-7079-2 J-8524-1 J-8524-2 J 6 2 19 J -6 2 1 7 J-5421 J-22407 J-22727 J -22708 J-22573 J-22599 J-21854 J-22551 J-22549 P itm an S h a ft Bearing Rem over P itm an S h a ft Bearing In sta lle r D rive Handle A d ju s te r Plug Bearing In sta lle r A d ju s te r Plug Bearing Rem over P itm an S h a ft Seal Installer C o nn ector Seat In sta lle r T h e rm o m e te r P itm an S h a ft Bearing In sta lle r T e rm in a l Rem over T u rn Signal Cover Remover Steering C o lu m n H o ld in g F ix tu re L o ck N u t S ocket P ivot Pin Rem over S h ift T ube R em over S h ift T ube Installer T o rq u e Wrenches SECTION 3C FRONT SUSPENSION The following caution applies to one or more steps in the assembly procedure o f components in this portion o f the m anual as indicated at a ppropriate locations by the terminology "See Caution on page 1 o f this section". CAUTION: T H IS F A S T E N E R I S A N IM P O R T A N T A T T A C H IN G P A R T IN T H A T I T C O U LD A F F E C T T H E P E R F O R M A N C E OF V IT A L C O M P O N E N T S A N D S Y S T E M S , A N D /O R C O U LD R E S U L T IN M A JO R R E P A IR E X P E N S E . I T M U S T BE R E P L A C E D W IT H O N E OF T H E S A M E P A R T N U M B E R OF W IT H A N E Q U IV A L E N T P A R T IF R E P L A C E M E N T B E C O M E S N E C E S S A R Y . DO N O T U SE A R E P L A C E M E N T P A R T OF L E S S E R Q U A L IT Y OR S U B S T IT U T E D E S IG N . TO R Q U E V A L U E S M U S T B E U SE D A S S P E C IF IE D D U R IN G R E A S S E M B L Y TO A S S U R E P R O P E R R E T E N T IO N OF T H IS P A R T . C O N TE N TS OF TH IS SEC TIO N I F ront Suspension (C-G-P Series)............................................... 3C-1 F ront Suspension (K-Series)......................................................... 3C-24 FRONT SUSPENSION, TWO-WHEEL DRIVE INDEX G eneral D escription.......................................................... 3C-1 M aintenance and A d ju s tm e n ts .................................... .3C-3 D ia g n o s is .............................................................................. 3C-4 C om ponent Parts R eplacem ent..................................... 3C-15 Wheel Hubs, B earin g s................................................ .3C-15 Shock A b s o r b e r ............................................................. .3C-15 S tabilizer........................................................................... .3C-16 Coil S p r i n g .......................................................................3C-16 U pper Control A rm S h a f t......................................... Lower Control A rm S h a f t ........................................ Upper Control A r m .................................................... Lower Control A r m ..................................................... Ball Jo in t.......................................................................... Steering K n u ck le........................................................... Suspension U n it............................................................. Specifications........................................................................ Special T o o ls ....................................................................... 3C-17 3C-17 3C-18 3C-19 3C-21 3C-23 3C-23 3C-38 3C-39 GENERAL DESCRIPTION C-G-P Series The C-G -P Series trucks incorporate an independent coil spring front suspension system, as shown in Figures 3C-1 and 3C-2. The control arms are o f unequal length (S.L.A. Type). These control arms are connected to the steering knuckle through pivoting ball joints. This suspension system consists of upper and lower control arms pivoting on steel threaded or rubber A coil spring is located between the lower control arm and a formed seat in the suspension crossmember, thus the lower control arm is the load carrying member. Double acting shock absorbers are also attached to the bushings on upper and lower control arm shafts. The lower control arms and connect with the fram e to the lower control arms are attached to the crossmember. The upper control arms are attached to a fram e bracket. rear on the upper end. The front wheel bearings are tapered roller type and are used on all models. ^9 C-10 G-10-20 C-20-30 G-30 P-10-30 Fig. 3C -l--Front Suspension, C P Series SHOCK ABSORBER LOWER CONTROL ARMS Fig. 3C-2--Front Suspension G-30-Typical MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in the m aintenance and adjustm ent procedures below. W HEEL BEARING S-CH EC K A D JU S T M E N T CAUTION: Tapered roller bearings are used on a ll series vehicles a nd they have a slightly loose fe e l when properly adjusted. A design fea tu re o f front wheel taper roller bearings is that they m ust N E V E R be pre-loaded. D am age can result by the steady thrust on roller ends which comes from preloading. 1. arm. Raise vehicle and support at front lower control 2. Spin wheel to check for unusual noise or roughness. 3. If bearings are noisy, tight, or excessively loose, they should be cleaned, inspected and relubricated prior to adjustment. If it is necessary to inspect bearings, see "W heel Hubs, Bearings" under "C o m p on en t Parts Replacement." NOTE: To check for tight or loose bearings, grip the tire at the top and bottom and move the wheel assembly in and out on the spindle. Measure movement o f h ub assembly. If m ovem ent is less than .001" or greater than .005", adjust bearings per adjustment procedure. 4. H A N D "S N U G -U P 1 THE NUT 5. LOOSEN NUT UNTIL EITHER HOLE IN THE SPINDLE LINES UP WITH A SLOT IN THE N U T -T H E N INSERT COTTER PIN. NOTE: BEND ENDS O F COTTER PIN A G A IN S T NUT, CUT OFF EXTRA LEN G TH T O PREVENT INTERFERENCE W IT H DUST CA P . 3. BACK OFF NUT UNTIL JUST LOOSE PO S ITIO N . 2. TIG HTEN THE NUT T O 12 FT. LBS. FULLY SEAT BE A R IN G S - THIS O V E R C O M E S A N Y BURRS O N THREADS. 6. W H EN THE BEARING IS PROPERLY ADJUSTED THERE WILL BE FROM . 0 0 1 - . 0 0 5 INCHES END-PLAY (LOOSENESS). Fig. 3C-3--Wheel Bearing A djustm ent A D J U S T M E N T OF W HEEL BEARING S (FIG . 3C -3) 1. Remove h ub cap or wheel disc from wheel. 2. Remove dust cap from hub. 3. Remove cotter pin from spindle and spindle nut. 4. Tighten the spindle nut to 12 ft. lbs. while turning the wheel assembly forw ard by hand to fully seat the bearings. This will remove any grease or burrs which could cause excessive wheel bearing play later. See Fig. 3C-3. 5. Back off the nut to the "just loose" position. 6. H and tighten the spindle nut. Loosen spindle nut until either hole in the spindle lines up with a slot in the nut. (Not more than 1/2 flat). 7. Install new cotter pin. Bend the ends o f the cotter pin against nut, cut off extra length to ensure ends will not interfere with the dust cap. 8. Measure the looseness in the hub assembly. There will be from .001 to .005 inches end play when properly adjusted. 9. Install dust cap on hub. 10. Replace the wheel cover or hub cap. 11. Lower vehicle to floor. 12. Perform the same operation for each front wheel. DIAGNOSIS SHOCK ABSORBER DIAGNOSIS ON VEHICLE CHECKS (Follow the Procedures Outlined Below in the O rder Indicated). Prelim inary Inspection and Ride Test: Tire Pressure Check tire pressure com pare to vehicle specifications and adjust as required. Poor vehicle control and ride com plaints are caused in m an y cases by im pro per tire inflation. Special Suspension Equipment Check Service Parts Identification Sticker for any special suspension equipm ent; such as, a heavy duty suspension. Vehicles equipped with this type o f option have a somewhat stiffer or harsh ride, and this should be kept in m ind during the following tests. If complaint about stiffness should occur while vehicle is still new (under 5,000 miles), owner should be advised to have ride rechecked after 7,000 to 8,000 miles. Vehicle Load Conditions Note any exceptional load conditions under which the owner normally operates the vehicle; such as, large tool boxes full o f tools, pick up bed full etc. If exceptional loading is apparent, check the distribution of this weight. Note if it is all toward one side o f the vehicle or at the extreme rear of the vehicle. Reposition load as required to obtain a more uniform weight distribution. Check Vehicle Ride and Handling After completing previous checks, ride vehicle with owner to determ ine if problem has been corrected or to definitely establish type o f problem that still exists. If H ARD STEERING Probable Cause Probable Remedy a. Ball joints and steering linkage need lubrication a. b. Low or uneven front tire pressure b. Inflate tires to the proper recommended pressure Lubricate ball joints and linkage c. Power steering partially or not operative c. d. Steering gear not properly adjusted d. Adjust steering gear e. Incorrect front wheel alignment (manual steering) e. a. Ball joints and steering linkage need lubrication a. Lubricate at proper intervals b. Low or uneven front or rear tire pressure b. Inflate tires to the proper recommended pressure Adjust wheel bearings Check power steering components for proper operation Check and align front suspension POOR D I R E C T I O N A L S T A B I L I T Y c. Loose wheel bearings c. d. Steering Gear not on high point d. Adjust steering gear e. Incorrect front wheel alignment (caster) e. Check and align front suspension f. Broken springs f. Replace springs g- Malfunctioning sfiock absorber. g- Diagnose shock absorbers. h Replace stabilizer or link h. Broken stabilizer bar, or missing link FRONT WHEEL SHIMMY (SMOOTH ROAD SHAKE) a. Tire and wheel out of balance, or out of round a. Balance tires, check run-out b. Worn or loose wheel bearings b. Adjust wheel bearings c. c. Replace tie rod end d. Worn ball joints d. Replace ball joints e. e. Diagnose shock absorbers Worn tie rod ends Malfunctioning shock absorber V E H I C L E P U L L S T O O N E SI DE (NO BRAKING ACTION) a. Low or uneven tire pressure a. Inflate tires to the proper recommended pressure b. Front or rear brake dragging b. Adjust brakes c. Broken or sagging front spring c. Replace sp'ring d. Incorrect front wheel alignment (Camber) EXCESSIVE P L A Y a. Incorrect steering gear adjustment b. Worn steering gear parts d. Check and align front suspension IN S T E E R I N G a. Adjust steering gear b. Overhaul Gear NOISE IN F R O N T END Probable Remedy Probable Cause a. Ball joints and steering linkage need lubrication a. Lubricate at recommended intervals b. Shock absorber loose or bushings worn b. Tighten bolts and/or replace bushings c . Worn control arm bushings c. Replace bushings d. Worn tie rod ends d. Replace tie rod ends c. e. Adjust or replace wheel bearings Tighten all stabilizer bar attachments Worn or loose wheel bearings f. Loose stabili/er bar f. o Loose wheel nuts g- Tighten the wheel nuts to proper torque h. Spring improperly positioned h. Reposition i. Loose suspension bolts i. Torque to specifications or replace W HEEL TR A M P a. Balance wheels b. Tire and wheel out of round b. Replace tire c . Blister or bump on tire c. Replace tire d. d. Replace shock absorber a. Tire and wheel out of balance Improper shock absorber action EXCESSIVE OR U N E V E N T IR E WEAR a. Underinflated or overinflated tires a. Inflate tire to proper recommended pressure b. Improper toe-in b. Adjust toe-in c. Wheels out of balance c. Balance wheels d. Hard Driving d. Instruct driver Over loaded vehicle e. Instruct driver e. SC U FFED TIR ES Toe-in incorrect a. Adjust toe-in to specifications b. Excessive speed on turns b. Advise driver c. Tires improperly inflated c. Inflate tires to proper recommended pressure d. Replace arm a. d. Suspension arm bent or twisted CUPPED TIR ES a. Front shock absorbers defective b. Worn ball joints c. Wheel bearings incorrectly adjusted or worn d. Wheel and tire out of balance e. Excessive tire or wheel runout a. Replace shock absorbers b. Replace ball joints c. Adjust or replace wheel bearings d. Balance wheel and tire e. Compensate for runout "D O G ' T R A C K IN G Probable Cause Probable Remedy LEAF TYPE REAR SPRING a. Rear leaf spring broken a. Replace spring b. Bent rear axle housing b. Replace housing c. Frame or underbody out of alignment c. Align frame Damaged rear suspension arm and/or worn bushings a. Replace suspension arm and/or bushings b. Frame out of alignment b. Align frame c. Bent rear axle housing c. a. Steering column alignment COIL TYPE REAR SPRING a. Replace housing R E T U R N A B IL IT Y POOR a. See Section 3bin shop manual for proper alignment b. Steering linkage needs lubrication b. Lubricate chassis c. c. Replace idler arm Idler arm bushing worn d. Steering gear adjustment d. Adjust gear as outlined in Section3bof shop manual e. Power steering gear valve spool binding e. See Section3bin shop manual f. Obstruction within power steering gear f. See Section3bin shop manual g- Check and reset if necessary g- Improper caster setting (negative) E R R A T IC STE ER IN G ON BR AK E A P P LIC A TIO N a. Low or uneven tire pressure a. Inflate tires to proper recommended pressure b. Front wheel bearing incorrectly adjusted b. Adjust bearing as necessary c. Brakes incorrectly or unevenly adjusted c. Adjust brakes as necessary d. Front spring sagged d. Check shop manual for proper riding heights and replace spring if necessary e. Steering gear off high point e. Check and correct steering if necessary f. Incorrect or uneven caster f. Check and adjust caster as necessary g- Leaking wheel cylinders g- Replace (See sec. 5) BALL JO IN T D IAG NO STIC PROCEDURE problem still exists (poor handling, bottoming, noise, ride sway, etc.), proceed. • shocks m ay have glossy paint on them. Do not confuse this paint with a leak condition. • a slight trace o f shock fluid around the seal cover area is not cause for replacement. The shock seal is engineered to perm it a slight seepage to lubricate the rod. The shock absorber has reserve fluid to compensate for the slight seepage. • shocks are sometimes incorrectly diagnosed as leakers due to oil spray originating from some other source. If in doubt, wipe the wet area from and manually operate shock as described in Step (2). Fluid will reappear if shock is leaking. Inspecting and Testing the Shocks T hree procedures are included in this step. Thet are (a) Bounce Test, (b) Inspecting Shock M ountings for Noise (Looseness) and (c) M anually O perating Shocks to D eterm ine if Shocks are Weak, Leaking Hydraulic Fluid, a n d / o r if Shocks have an Internal Noise Condition. IM PORTANT: Test procedures (b) and (c) require vehicle to be on a hoist that supports wheels or rear axle housing and front lower control arms. 2. Bounce Test N OTE: It may be necessary with certain types o f shock mountings to fabricate a bracket that can be installed on a shock to enable a technician to securely grip the shock w hen manually operating the shock. See Figure 3C-9 for suggested methods of providing tem porary grip. This test should help the mechanic to isolate the following shock defects: • binding condition internally • verify leaking shock • im proper or defective valving (a) If suspected problem is in front shocks, disconnect both front shock lower mountings and stroke each shock as follows: G rip the lower end o f the shock securely and pull down (rebound stroke) then push up (compression stroke). The control arms will limit the movement o f the front shocks during the compression stroke. Com pare the rebound resistance between both front shocks, then com pare the compression resistance. If a noticeable difference can be felt during either stroke, usually the shock having the least resistance is at fault. (b) If shock has an internal noise condition, N OTE: This is only a com parison type test to help locate the suspected shock or noise condition before proceeding. Test each front and rear shock by bouncing each corner o f the vehicle. This can usually be done by lifting up and pushing down on the end of the bum per near each corner o f the vehicle until m axim um movement up and down is reached. Then let go o f bum per and observe if the up and down motion stops very quickly. II' up and down motion continues longer at one corner when c om pared to opposite corner (example, both front shocks), the one having the longer up and down motion m ay be suspect. Do Not com pare front to rear. If com plaint is noise, this test should help to locate the suspected area. Inspecting Shock Mountings If noisy a n d / o r loose shock m ountings are suspected, place vehicle on hoist that supports wheels and check all mountings for the following conditions: (1) W orn or defective gromm ets (2) Loose m ounting nuts (3) Possible interference condition (4) Bump stops missing If no a p p a re n t defects are noted in this step but noise condition still exists when vehicle is bounced up and down, proceed. Inspecting Shocks for Leaks and Manually Operating Shocks This procedure is sub-divided into two general areas, (1) Inspecting Shocks for Loss of Hydraulic Fluid an d (2) M anually O perating Shock. It should aid the technician to localize defective shocks caused by internal noise in the shock, weak, leaking, etc. 1. Inspecting Hydraulic Fluid Shocks for Possible Loss (a) Disconnect each shock lower mounting as required and pull down on the shock until it is fully extended. (b) Inspect shocks for leaks in seal cover area. Shock fluid is a very thin hydraulic fluid and has a characteristic odor and dark brown tint (Figure 3C-8). Certain precautions should be observed when inspecting shocks for leaks: Manually Operating Shocks of TYPICAL FRONT SHOCK TYPICAL REAR SHOCK DUST T U B E O T BOTTOM M O UNT \ BO TTO M' M O UNT ROD EXTENDED (REBOUND) x SHOCK COLLAPSED BOTTOM M O UNT ROD EXTENDED (REBOUND) ' TOP END DOWN SHOCK -« COLLAPSED a BOTTOM M 0 U N T\^^ INVERT. THEN COLLAPSE TOP END DOWN • < > INVERT. THEN C O LLA PSE POSITION FOR PURGING AIR FROM SHOCK ABSORBER Fig. 3C-10--Position for Purging A ir From Shocks Bench Test Procedure extend shock fully, then exert an extra pull. If noisy shock should be replaced. O th e r noise co nd itio ns that re qu ire shock replacem ent are: • a grunt or squeal after one full stroke in both directions • a clicking noise on fast reverse • a skip or lag at reversal near mid-stroke IM PORTANT: W hen air adjustable shocks are being manually operated, the air line must be disconnected at the shock absorber. BENCH CHECKS T he bench checks are recom m ended if the proper type hoist is not available to perform the “on c a r” tests, or if there is still some doubt as to w hether the shocks are defective. In addition, the bench test allows a more thorough visual inspection. Bench check procedures are discussed for three general types of shocks. SPIRAL GROOVE RESERVOIR IM PORTANT: If this type o f shock has been stored or allowed to lay in a horizontal position for any length o f time, an air void will develop in the pressure ch am ber o f the shock absorber. This air void if not purged, can cause a technician to diagnose the shock as defective. To purge the air from the pressure chamber, proceed as follows: (Refer to Figure 3C-10) (a) Holding the shock in its norm al vertical position (top end up), fully extend shock. (b) Hold the top end o f the shock down and fully collapse the shock. (c) Repeat Steps (a) and (b) at least five (5) times to assure air is purged. 1. This is a comparison type test. If possible, o btain a new or known good shock with same part n u m b e r as shock und er test. 2. With shocks in vertical position (top end up), clamp bottom mounts in vise. CAUTION: Do not clamp on reservoir tube or m ounting threads. 3. Manually pum p each shock by h an d at various rates of speed and compare resistance o f suspected shock with the new one. NOTE: Rebound resistance (extending the shock) is normally stronger than the compression resist­ ance (approximately 2:1). However, resistance should be smooth and constant for each stroking rate. 4. Observe or listen for the following conditions that will indicate a defective shock: • a skip or lag when reversing stroke at mid travel. • seizing or binding condition except at extreme end o f either stroke. • a noise, such as a grunt or squeal, after completing one full stroke in both directions. • a clicking type noise at fast reversal. • fluid leakage. 5. To check for a loose piston, completely extend shock to full rebound; then exert an extra hard pull. If a give is felt, a loose piston is indicated and shock should be replaced. PLIACELL OR GENETRON Pliacell and G e netron are some o f the trade names used to indicate a gas-filled cell in the shock reservoir. The reservoirs o f Pliacell and G e netron shocks are smooth, com pared to the spiral groove type. The cell takes the place of air in the reservoir. Thus, aeration or foam ing of the fluid is eliminated, as air an d fluid cannot mix. Due to this feature, these shocks should be bench checked in an inverted position (top end down). If, when stroked, a lag is noticed, it means the gas-filled cell has been ruptured, and the shock should be replaced. If no lag is noticed, the re m ain der o f the bench check is the same as given in the Spiral Groove Reservoir, Section 1, Bench Check Procedure. AIR A D JUSTAB LE SHOCKS This type o f shock contains an air cham ber like the spiral groove reservoir type, and must have the air p urged from the working cham ber. See Section 1, Spiral G roove Reservoir. A fter air has been purged from shock, proceed as follows: (a) C lam p lower shock m ounting ring in vise in vertical position with larger d iam eter tube at the top. (b) Pum p unit by hand at different rates o f speed. Smooth resistance should be felt through the length of the stroke. Since the units are normally pressurized, the sound o f air bubbles or a gurgling noise is norm al (c) The re m a in d e r o f the bench check is the same as given in the Spiral Groove Reservoir, Section 1, Bench Check Procedure. BEARINGS AND RACES BENCH D IA G N O S TIC PRO CEDURE This section describes com m on types of bearing distress and their causes. Illustrations are included to help diagnose the cause o f distress and comments are provided to help make elfective repairs. Consider The Following Factors When Diagnosing Bearing Distress: 1. Note G eneral Condition o f all parts during teardown and examinations. 2. Classify the failure with the aid o f these illustrations where possible. 3. D etermine the cause. Recognizing the cause will permit correction o f the problem and prevent a repeat failure o f the same type. 4. M ake all repairs following re c o m m e n d ed procedures. Com m on Causes For Bearing Distress Include The Following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Im proper adjustm ent or preloading. M ounting or teardown abuse. Im proper m ounting methods. Inadequate or wrong lubricants. Entrance o f dirt or water. W ear from dirt or metal chips. Corrosion or rusting. Seizing or sm earing from overload. Overheating causing tempering. Frettage o f bearing seats. Brinelling from impact loads and shipping. M anu facturin g defects. BEARINGS AND RACES F R O N T W HEEL, P IN IO N , DIFFER ENTIA L SIDE A N D REAR W HEEL ROLLER B E A R IN G S DIAGNOSIS EXCESS NOISE C O M P L A IN T D IA G N O S T IC PRO CEDURE 1. 2. Road Test 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Tire Noises 3. 4. 5. Engine or Exhaust Noises Test for Wheel Bearing Noise Test for Differential Bearing Noise 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. Test for Pinion Bearing Noise 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Check tires for irregular wear Check tire pressure Check lubricant level Drive to warm-up rear axle Test at various speeds in drive, float, coast and cornering Change tire pressure to minimize noises Drive over different road surfaces Smooth black-top minimizes tire noise Cross switch tires, if necessary Snow tire treads and studs caused added noises Drive slightly above speed where noise occurs, place transmission in neutral Let engine speed drop to idle Stop car Run engine at various speeds Drive car at low speed on a smooth road Turn car to develop left and right motions, traffic permitting Noise should change due to cornering loads Jack-up wheels to verify roughness at wheels Drive car at low speed on a smooth road Constant low pitch bearing noise may be heard Noise should not change in reversing turns Noise pattern should vary with wheel speed Roughness or whine noise should increase with speed Noise pitch should be higher than differentials Test on smooth road to minimize tire noises Test at various speeds in drive, float, and coast Rear pinion bearing noise may be louder on acceleration Front pinion bearing noise may be louder on deceleration Gear noises tend to peak in a narrow speed range FRONT WHEEL BEARING DIAGNOSIS C O N S ID E R T H E F O L L O W IN G F A C TO R S W H EN D IA G N O S IN G B E A R IN G C O N D IT IO N : 1. G E N E R A L C O N D IT IO N O F A L L PA R TS D U R IN G D IS A S S E M B LY A N D IN SPEC TIO N . 2. C L A S S IF Y T H E F A IL U R E W IT H TH E A ID OF T H E IL L U S T R A T IO N S . 3. D E T E R M IN E T H E C AUSE. 4 M A K E A L L R E P A IR S F O L L O W IN G R E C O M M E N D E D PRO C ED U R ES. Mil * ABRASIVE ROL LER WEAR Ill I V \ GALLING BENT CAGE P A T T E R N ON R A C ES A N D R O L L E R S C A U S E D BY FtfJE A B R A S IV E S . M E T A L SM EARS O N R O L L E R EN D S DUE TO O V E R H E A T , L U B R IC A N T F A IL U R E OR O V E R L O A D (W AGON 'S) CAGE D A M A G E DUE TO IM PRO PER H A N D L IN G O R T O O L USAGE. C L E A N A L L PA R T S A N D H O U S IN G S . C H E C K SEALS A N D B E A R IN G S A N D R EPLACE IF L E A K IN G , R O U G H O R N O IS Y . REPLAC E B E A R IN G C HECK SEA LS A N D CHECK FOR PROPER L U B R IC A T IO N . REPLA C E B E A R IN G . % Q * ABRASIVE A ST EP % WEAR P A T T E R N ON R O L L E R EN D S C A U S E D BY F IN E A B R A S IV E S . C L E A N A L L PA R T S A N D H O U S IN G S . C H EC K SEALS A N D B E A R IN G S A N D REPLACE IF L E A K IN G , R O U G H O R N O IS Y . ETCHING B E A R IN G SU R FA C E S APPEAR G R A Y OR G R A Y IS H BLACK IN CO LO R W IT H R E L A T E D E T C H IN G AW A Y O F M A T E R IA L U S U A L L Y A T R O L L E R SPA C IN G . BENT CAGE CAG E D A M A G E D UE TO IM PR OPER H A N D L IN G OR TO O L U SA G E. REPLACE B E A R IN G . REPLACE B E A R IN G S C H EC K SEA LS A N D CHECK FOR PROPER L U B R IC A T IO N . f ill 1 INDENTATIONS S U R F A C E D EPR ESSIO NS O N RA C E A N D R O L L E R S C A U S E D BY H A R D P A R T IC L E S O F F O R E IG N M A T E R IA L . CAGE WEAR W EAR A R O U N D O U T S ID E D IA M E T E R O F C A G E A N D R O L L E R POCKETS C A U S E D BY A B R A S IV E M A T E R IA L M ISALIG NM EN T O U T E R RACE M IS A L IG N M E N T DUE T O F O R E IG N OBJECT. A N D IN E F F IC IE N T L U B R IC A T IO N . C L E A N A L L P A R T S A N D H O U S IN G S . C H EC K SEALS A N D R EPLA C E B E A R IN G S IF R O U G H OR N O IS Y . C L E A N R E L A T E D PA R TS A N D H O U SIN G S. C H ECK SEA LS A N D R EPLA C E B E A R IN G S . C LE A N R E L A T E D PA R TS A N D R EP LA C E B E A R IN G . M A K E SU R E RACES A R E PR O P E R L Y SE A T E D . FRONT WHEEL BEARING DIA G N O SIS CRACKED INNER RACE FATIGUE SPALLING RACE C R A C K E D D U E T O IM P R O PER F IT , C O C K IN G , O R POOR B E A R IN G SEATS. F L A K IN G OF S U R FA C E M E T A L R E S U L T IN G FROM F A T IG U E . REPLA C E B E A R IN G A N D C O R R E C T B E A R IN G S EA TS. R EPLA CE B E A R IN G FRETTAGE C O R R O S IO N S ET UP BY S M A L L R E L A T IV E M O V E M E N T O F PA R TS W IT H N O L U B R IC A T IO N . REPLACE B E A R IN G . C L E A N R E L A T E D PA R TS. C H EC K SEA LS A N D C H EC K FO R PRO PER L U B R IC A T IO N . (C O N T’D) BRINELLING S U R FA C E IN D E N T A T IO N S IN R A C E W A Y C A U S E D BY R O LLE R S E IT H E R U N D E R IM P A C T L O A D IN G OR V IB R A T IO N W H IL E THE B E A R IN G IS N O T R O T A T IN G . -C L E A N A L L R E L A T E D PAR TS. REPLACE B E A R IN G IF R O U G H O R N O IS Y . ST AI N DISCOLORATION HEAT DISCOLORATION D IS C O L O R A T IO N C A N R A N G E FR O M L IG H T BROWN TO B LAC K C A U S E D BY IN C O R R E C T L U B R IC A N T OR M O IS T U R E . H E A T D IS C O L O R A T IO N C A N R A N G E F R O M F A IN T Y E L L O W TO D A R K BLUE R E S U L T IN G FR O M O V E R ­ L O A D (W A G O N 'S) O R IN C O R R E C T L U B R IC A N T . RE-USE B E A R IN G S IF S T A IN S CAN BE R E M O V E D BY L IG H T P O L IS H IN G OR IF N O E V ID E N C E O F O VER H E A T IN G IS O B S E R V E D . E XC E S S IV E H E A T CAN CAUSE S O F T E N IN G O F RACES OR R O LLE R S . TO C HECK FO R LOSS O F TE M P E R ON RAC ES OR C H EC K SEA LS A N D R E L A T E D PA R TS FOR D A M A G E . R O LLE R S A SIM P LE F IL E T E S T M A Y BE M A D E . A F IL E D R A W N O V E R A T E M P E R E D P A R T W IL L G RAB A N D CUT M E T A L , W H E R E A S , A F IL E D R A W N O V E R A H A R D P A R T W IL L G L ID E R E A D IL Y W IT H N O M E T A L C U T T IN G . R EPLA CE B E A R IN G S IF O V E R H E A T IN G D A M A G E IS IN D IC A T E D . C H E C K SEALS A N D O T H E R PARTS. SMEARS S M E A R IN G O F M E T A L D U E TO SLIPPA G E. SLIPPAG E C A N BE C A U S E D BY POOR F IT S . L U B R IC A T IO N , O V E R H E A T IN G , O V E R L O A D S OR H A N D L IN G D A M A G E . R EPLA C E B E A R IN G S , C L E A N R E L A T E D PA R TS A N D C H EC K F O R PRO PER F IT S A N D L U B R IC A T IO N COMPONENT PARTS REPLACEMENT W HEEL HUBS, BEA R IN G S (Fig. 3 C -1 4) Removal C, G and P Series 1. Raise vehicle on hoist and remove wheel and tire assembly. Remove dust cap from end o f hub and w ithdraw cotter pin. 2. Remove the brake caliper and h an g by wire to the suspension. CAUTION: Do not allow the caliper assembly to hang by the brake fle x line. 3. Remove h ub and disc assembly. 4. Remove outer b earing from hub. The inner bearing will remain in the hub and may be removed by prying out the inner grease seal. 5. W ash all parts in cleaning solvent. Inspection 1. Check all bearings for cracked bearing cages, w orn or pitted rollers. 2. Check bearing races for cracks o r scoring, check brake discs for out-of-round or scored conditions and check bearing outer races for looseness in hubs. Repairs Replacem ent o f Bearing Cups If necessary to replace an outer race, drive out old race from the hub with a brass drift inserted behind race in notches in hub. Install new race by driving it into hub with the p rop er race installer J-8457, J-8458. J-8849 or J-9276-2. Remove and install the inner race in the same m anner. CAUTION: Use care when installing new race to start it squarely into hub, to avoid distortion a n d possible cracking. Thoroughly lubricate bearing assemblies with new high melting point wheel-bearing lubricant. Remove any excess iubricant. N OTE: Be sure bearing parts have been th o r­ oughly cleaned and air-dried. Wheel S tud Replacem ent (Fig. 3C -14) N OTE: Use a piece o f w ater pipe or other similar tool to support the hub while pressing a wheel stud either in or out. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 3, 4 and 5. 1. Pack inner and outer wheel bearings with recom m ended grease (see Section 0). 2. Place inner bearing in hub and install new seal assembly, tap ping into place with soft ham m er. 3. Position hub and disc on spindle and install outer bearing, pressing it firmly into position in hub. Install hub w asher and finger tighten nut. 4. Install brake caliper see section 5. 5. Install wheel and tire, and adjust wheel bearings as outlined under W heel Bearings—Adjust, then lower vehicle to floor. SHOCK ABSORBER Removal (Fig. 3C-15) 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove nuts and eye bolts securing upper and lower shock absorber eyes. 3. W ithdraw shock absorber and inspect rubber eye bushings. assembly. If defective, replace shock absorber Installation Place shock absorber into position over m ounting bolts or into mounting brackets. Install eye bolts and nuts and torque as shown in Specifications Section. Lower vehicle to floor. S TA B IL IZE R BAR Removal (Fig. 3C-16) 1. Raise vehicle on hoist and remove nuts and bolts attaching stabilizer brackets and bushings at frame location. 2. Remove brackets and bushings at lower control arms and remove stabilizer from vehicle. Fig. 3C 17--Rem oving Coil Spring w ith Tool J-23028 Inspection Inspect ru b b e r bushings for excessive w ear or a g in g - r e p la c e w here necessary. Use ru b b e r lubricant w hen installing bushings over stabilizer bar. COIL SPRING Removal (Fig. 3C-17) Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasten ers referred to in step 2. N O TE : Slit in bar to fram e bushings should be facing forward. 1. Place stabilizer in position on fram e and install f ram e brackets over bushings. Install nuts and bolts loosely. 2. Install brackets over bushings at lower control arm location. Be sure brackets are positioned properly over bushings. Torque all nuts and bolts to specifications. 3. Lower vehicle to floor. 1. Place vehicle on hoist and place jack stands under frame, allowing control arms to hang free. 2. Disconnect shock absorber at lower end and move aside. Disconnect the stabilizer bar attachments to the lower control arm. 3. Bolt Tool J-23028 to a suitable jack. 4. Place tool under cross-shaft so that the cross­ shaft seats in the grooves of the tool. As a safety precaution install and secure a chain through the spring and lower control arm. 5. Raise the jack to remove tension on the lower control arm cross-shaft and remove the two “ U ” bolts securing the cross-shaft to crossmember. WARNING: The crosshaft and lower control arm keeps the coil spring compressed. Use care when lowering. 6. Lower control arm by slowly releasing the jack until spring can be removed. Be sure all compression is relieved from spring. 7. Remove spring. Installation CAUTION: See C A U TIO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to steps .? and 4. 1. Properly position spring on the control arm, and lift control arm using jack and tool J-23028. 2. Position control arm cross-shaft to crossmember and install “ U ” bolts and attaching nuts. Make certain front indexing hole in cross-shaft is lined up with crossmember attaching saddle stud. 3. Torque nut to specifications. 4. Install shock absorber to lower control arm and install stabilizer bar. 5. Remove tool J-23028 and safety chain. 6. Lower vehicle to floor. U PPER C O N TR O L ARM IN N E R P IVO T S H A FT A N D /O R B U S H IN G R EPLA C EM EN T C 2 0 -30 , G 3 0 and P 10-30 (S teel Bushings) Pivot Shaft Removal 6. from arm. Remove the shaft end nuts and remove shaft Bushing Replacement (Steel Bushings) 1. Remove grease fittings from bushing outer ends and unscrew bushings from control arm and shaft. 2. Slide new seal on each end of shaft and insert shaft into control arm. 3. Start new bushings on shaft and into control arm. Adjust shaft until it is centered in control arm. then turn bushings in and torque to specifications. Figure 3C19 shows correct final positioning o f shaft. Check shaft for free rotation and install grease fittings. Installation 1. Raise assembly. 2. vehicle and remove tire and wheel Support the lower control arm with a floor jack. N O TE : Position jack un der the ball joint assembly or as n e a r as possible and still have good support. 3. Loosen the upper control arm shaft end nuts before loosening the shaft to fram e attaching nuts. 4. Loosen the shaft to fram e nuts and remove the caster an d c am b er shims. N O T E : Tape the shims together removed and mark for position. as they are 5. Remove the pivot shaft to fram e nuts but do not allow the arm to swing too fa r away from the frame. N OTE: Use a safety chain to retain the arm in a close relationship to the frame. See Fig. 3C-18. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 3, 5 and 6. NOTE: W hen installing the upper control arm be sure to properly position the special aligning washers to the pivot shaft with convex and concave sides together. 1. Install the shaft to the control arm and install end nuts. Do not torque nuts at this time. 2. Position cross shaft to fram e bolts and start cross shaft nuts. 3. Torque the shaft end nuts. See Fig. 3C-19 for proper spacing. NOTE: The shaft should rotate by hand after the nuts are torqued. 4. Install caster and c a m b e r shim in their appropriate places. 5. Torque the cross-shaft to fram e nuts. 6. Remove the safety chain and install the tire. 7. Lower vehicle to the floor. LOWER C O N TR O L ARM IN N E R P IVO T SHAFT A N D /O R B USHING REPLACEM EN T C 20-30, G 30, P 10 -3 0 (Steel Bushings) Lower—Removal (Fig. 3C-18) 1. Raise vehicle and support the fram e so that control arms hang free. 2. Position an adjustable floor jack under the control arm inboard o f spring and into depression in lower arm. 3. Install a chain over upper arm (Fig. 3C-18). Inboard o f stabilizer and outboard o f shock absorber as a safety measure. 4. Disconnect shock absorber at lower control arm. 5. Loosen shaft end nuts. 6. Remove “ U ” bolts. 7. Lower jack just enough to get at shaft. 8. Remove shaft end nuts and remove shaft. Bushing Replacement (Steel Bushings) 1. Remove grease fittings from ends of bushings and unscrew bushings from shaft and control arm. Remove shaft and seals. 2. Slide new seal on each end of shaft and insert sh aft into control arm. 3. S tart new bushings on shaft and into control arm. Adjust shaft until it is centered in control arm. then turn bushings in and torque to specifications. Check sh aft for free rotation. Figure 3C-20 shows correct final positioning o f shaft. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fa steners referred to in steps 4 a nd 5. 1. Install shaft to control arm and install end nuts. Do not torque nuts at this time. 2. Raise jack and position shaft into crossmember saddle. Be sure to index hole in shaft to mate with bolt head in saddle. 3. Install “ U ” bolts. Do not torque nuts at this time. 4. Torque cross-shaft end nuts. N O T E: The shaft should roate by hand after the nuts are torqued. 5. Torque “ U ” bolt nuts. 6. Remove safety chain. 7. Lower vehicle to floor. U PPER C O N TR O L ARM ASSEMBLY All Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist, remove wheel and tire assembly and support lower control arm assembly with adjustable jackstand. 2. Remove cotter pin from upper control arm ball stud and loosen stud nut one turn. 3. Loosen upper control arm ball stud in steering knuckle, using Tool J-23742 position as shown in Figure 3C-21. Remove the nut from the ball stud and raise upper arm to clear steering knuckle. NOTE: It is necessary to remove the brake caliper assembly and wire it to the fram e to gain clearance for tool J-23742. See section 5 for proper procedure. 4. Remove nuts securing control arm shaft to frame. W ithdraw control arm assembly. N OTE: Tape shims together and tag for proper relocation w'hen control arm is reinstalled. remove "J RE MO VE UPPER ■ LO W ER HE A V Y FLAT WASHER J -2 3 7 4 2 J-23742 Upper Control Arm Inner Pivot Shaft a n d / or Bushing R eplacem ent CIO, G10-20 (Rubber Bushings) Removal (Fig. 3C -22) 1. Remove the upper control arm using the preceding procedure and m ount the control arm in a vise. 2. Install remover J-24435-l, receiver J-24435-3 and " C " clamps J-24435-7 as shown in Figure 3C-22. 3. Tighten the clamp to draw out the old bushing. Discard old bushing. 4. The pivot shaft may now be removed from the control arm assembly. 5. Reposition the control arm in the vise and repeat the removal procedure on the rem aining bushing. Bushing Installation 1. Again using " C " clamp J-24435-7 and installers J-24435-4 (outer) and J-24435-5 (inner) tighten clamp to install bushing onto control arm. 2. Install pivot shaft into inside d iam eter of first installed bushing. 3. Install rem ain in g bushing as shown in Figure 3C-23 and described in step 1. 4. Remove tools and install control arm on vehicle following p ro c e d u re described below. Torque all fasteners to proper specifications. Upper Control Arm Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fa steners referred to in steps 1, 2 a nd 3. N OTE: W hen installing the upper control arm be sure to position the special aligning washers to the pivot shaft with concave and convex sides together. J -2 4 4 3 5 -7 J -2 4 4 3 5 -3 J— 2 4 4 3 5 - 1 1. Place control arm in position on bracket and install nuts. Before tightening nuts, insert caster and cam ber shims in the same order as w hen removed. Torque the nuts to specifications. NOTE: A normal shim pack will leave at least two (2) threads o f the bolt exposed beyond the nut. If two (2) threads cannot be obtained: Check for dam aged control arms and related parts. Difference between front and rear shim packs must not exceed .30 inches. F ron t shim pack must be at least .24 inches. Always tighten the thinner shim packs’ nut first for im proved shaft to fram e clam ping force and torque retention. 2. Insert ball jo in t stud into steering knuckle and install nut. Torque stud nut to specifications and install cotter pin. 3. Install brake caliper assembly if removed (see section 5). 4. Remove adjustable support from under lower control arm. Install wheel and tire assembly. 5. Lower the vehicle to the floor. LOWER C O N TR O L ARM ASSEMBLY Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist and remove spring as outlined under spring removal. N OTE: Support the inboard end o f the control arm a fter spring removal. 2. Remove cotter pin from lower ball stud and loosen stud nut one turn. 3. Install Ball Stud Rem over J-23742, position large cup end of the tool over the upper ball stud nut and piloting the threaded end of tool on end o f the lower ball stud. Extend bolt from Tool J-23742 to loosen lower 1. Raise vehicle on hoist and support the fram e so that the control arm s hang free. 2. Position an adjustable floor jack u nd e r the lower control arm inbo ard of spring and into depression of control arm. 3. Install a chain over the upper arm inboard of the stabilizer and outboard o f shock absorber as a safety measure. 4. Disconnect shock and stabilizer bar attachments at lower control arm. 5. Loosen shaft end nuts. 6. Remove " U " bolts that retain the inboard end o f the lower control arm. 7. Lower jack SLOW LY to release spring com pres­ sion (Fig. 3C-24) and gain clearance to remove bushings. Fig. 3C-24~Lowering C ontrol Arm for Bushing WARNING: Be sure all released from coil springs. compression is Replacement ball stud in steering knuckle. W hen stud is loosened, remove tool and nut from lower stud. N O T E : It is necessary to remove the brake caliper assembly and wire it to the fram e to gain clearance for tool J-23742. See section 5 for proper procedure. 4. Remove the lower control arm. Low er C ontrol Arm Inner Pivot Shaft a n d / or Bushing R eplacem ent-O n Vehicle 8. Remove the stakes on the front bushing using tool J-22717 or equivalent tool. 9. Bushings m ay now be replaced. Install "C " clamps J-24435-7 and receiver J-24435-3 with remover J-2.4435-2 and spacer J-24435-6 as shown in Figure 3C25. 10. Tighten the "C " clamp to remove the bushing. 11. Remove tools and discard old bushing. 12. Pivot shaft may now be removed if necessary. 13. Remove second bushing (leave pivot shaft in to pilot tool) by the same method as in steps 8-12. Bushing Installation (Fig. 3C -26) CIO, G10-20 (Rubber Bushings) Removal (Figs. 3C -24 , 3 C -25) N O TE : If just bushings or pivot shaft are to be replaced the lower control arm does not have to be removed from the vehicle. CAUTION: See C A U TIO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in step 5. 1. Install new bushings as shown in Figure 3C-26 using spacer J-24435-6, installer J-24435-4 and "C " clamp J-24435-7. 2. Turn clamp in until bushing seats firmly. CAUTION: Be sure spacer J -24435-6 is in position as shown in Figure 3C-26 to avoid collapsing control arm during assembly. 3. Install one bushing then insert the pivot shaft and install second bushing. 4. Stake front bushing at least in two places w hen installed. 5. Install the lower control arm to the vehicle as described u nder "Lower Control Arm - Installation", being sure to torque all fasteners to the proper specification. Lower Control Arm Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fa sten ers referred to in steps 2 a n d 3. 1. Install lower ball stud through steering knuckle and tighten nut. 2. Install spring and control arm as outlined under spring installation. 3. Torque lower control arm ball stud to specifica­ tions an d install cotter pin. 4. Install brake caliper assembly if removed (see section 5). 5. Lower the vehicle to the floor. 2. Remove cotter pin from upper ball stud and loosen stud nut (two turns) but do not remove nut. 3. Install J-23742 between the ball studs as shown in Figure 3C-27. NOTE: It is necessary to remove the brake caliper assembly and wire it to the fram e to gain clearance for tool J-23742. See section 5 for the proper procedure. CAUTION: Before proceeding with Step 4, be sure lower control arm is supported as pointed out in Step I . 4. Extend bolt from Tool J-23742 to loosen ball stud in steering knuckle. W hen stud is loose, remove tool and stud nut. 5. Center punch rivet heads and drill out rivets. 6. Remove the ball jo in t assembly. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps /, 3 and 6. 1. Install new service ball joint, using bolts and nuts supplied with joint, to upper arm. Torque nuts to 45 ft. lbs. 2. Mate ball stud to steering knuckle an d install stud nut. BALL J O IN T S E R V IC E -O N VEHICLE 3. Torque the ball stud nut as follows: A. 10 Series 40—60 ft. lbs. plus additional torque Ball J o in t— Inspection to align cotter pin not to exceed 90 ft. lbs. Never back off T he upper ball stud is spring loaded in its socket. to align cotter pin. This minimizes looseness at this point and compensates B. 20—30 Series 80—100 ft. lbs. plus additional for normal wear, if the upper stud has any perceptible torque to align cotter pin not to exceed 130 ft. lbs. Never lateral shake, or if it can be twisted in its socket with the back off to align cotter pin. fingers, the upper ball jo in t should be replaced. 4. Install new cotter pin. 5. Install lube fitting and lube new joint. Upper—Removal 6. Install brake caliper assembly if removed (see 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. If a fram e hoist is used,section 5). it will be necessary to support the lower control arm with 7. Install tire and wheel assembly. a floor jack. 8. Lower the vehicle to the floor. Ball Joint— Inspection REM O VE Lower U P P ER J- 2 3 7 4 2 , Lower ball joints are a loose fit when not connected to the steering knuckle. W e a r m ay be checked without disassembling the ball stud, as follows: 1. Support weight o f control arms at wheel hub and drum. 2. Accurately measure distance between tip o f ball stud and tip o f grease fitting below ball joint. 3. Move support to control arm to allow wheel hub and d rum to hang free. Measure distance as in Step 2. If the difference in measurements exceeds .094” (3 /3 2 ” ) for all models, ball jo in t is w orn and should be replaced (Fig. 3C-28). Lower—Removal 1. Raise vehicle on a hoist. If a fram e hoist is used it will be necessary to support the lower control arm with a floor stand. CUT TO O L O N FIT PIPE O N TO O L D O T T E D LINE J -9 5 1 9 -1 0 3 " W ATER 2 5/e " H IG H Fig. 3C-28- Checking Lower Ball Joint Fig. 3C-30- A lteration to Tool J-9519-10 2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly. 3. Remove the lower stud cotter pin and loosen (two turns) hut do not remove the stud nut. 4. Install J-23742 between the ball studs as shown in Figure 3C-27. the ball stud and support the upper arm with a block of wood so that assembly is out o f working area. N O TE : It is necessary to remove the brake caliper assembly and wire it to the frame to gain clearance for tool J-23742. See section 5 for proper procedure. CAUTION: Before proceeding with Step 5, be sure lower control arm is supported as pointed out in Step 1. 5. Extend bolt from Tool J-23742 to loosen ball stud in steering knuckle. W hen stud is loosened, remove tool and ball stud nut. 6. Pull the brake disc and knuckle assembly up off CAUTION: Do not put stress on the brake line fle x hose. 7. Install Tools J-9519-10 an d J-9519-7 as shown in Fig. 3C-29. NOTE: It will be necessary to alter Tool J-9519-10 as illustrated in Fig. 3C-30 and install a 3" I.D. pipe as shown if working on a 20 or 30 series vehicle. 8. Turn hex head screw until ball jo in t is free of control arm. 9. Remove tools and the ball joint. Installation (Fig. 3C-31) CAUTION: See C A U TIO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 4, 5 and 7. 1. Start the new ball joint into the control arm and install J-9519 and J-9519-9 as shown. N OTE: Position bleed vent in rubber boot facing inward. 2. Turn hex head screw until ball jo in t is seated in control arm. 3. Lower the upper arm and mate the steering knuckle to the lower ball stud. 4. Install brake caliper assembly if removed (see Section 5). W A TER PIPE 5. Install ball stud nut and torque as follows. All Series, 80—100 ft. lbs. plus additional torque to align cotter pin hole not to exceed 130 ft. lbs. maximum. N ever back off to align cotter pin. 6. Install a lube fitting and lube the joint. notch to insert cotter pins. Do not loosen nut to insert cotter pin. Refer to Ball Joint text fo r proper nut installation sequence. 3. Reverse rem aining removal procedure, and tighten splash shield m ounting bolt. Tighten two caliper assembly m ounting bolts to 35 ft. lb. torque. 4. Adjust wheel bearings as outlined u nder Front W heel Bearing Adjustment. 5. Tighten wheel nuts to 75 ft. lb. CRO SSM EM BER AND S U SPEN SIO N U N IT Com ponent parts of the front suspension may be serviced separately as outlined in the preceding service operations. However, if extensive service is to be perform ed to crossmember, frame, etc., the unit can be removed and installed as follows: 7. Install vehicle to floor. lire and wheel assembly and lower 1. Place vehicle on hoist and remove the shock absorber from the lower control arm. S TE ER IN G KNUCKLE 2. It is recom m ended that vehicle be raised and supported as on a twin-post hoist so that the front coil spring rem ains compressed, yet the wheel and steering knuckle assembly rem ain accessible. If a fram e hoist is used, support lower control arm with an adjustable jackstan d to safely retain spring in its curb height position. Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist and support lower control arm as noted above. 2. Remove wheel and tire assembly. 3. Remove caliper as outlined under “ Front Wheel Hub - R e m o v a l” . 4. Remove disc splash shield bolts securing the shield to the steering knuckle. Remove Shield. 5. Refer to Section 3B-Steering for service removal operations. 6. Remove u pper and lower ball stud cotter pins and loosen ball stud nuts. Free steering knuckle from ball studs by installing Special Tool J-23742. Remove ball stud nuts and withdraw steering knuckle. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fa sten ers referred to in steps 2, 3, 4 and 5. 1. Place steering knuckle in position and insert upper and lower ball studs into knuckle bosses. CAUTION: Steering knuckle hole, ball stud and nut should be fr e e o f dirt a n d grease before tightening nut. 2. Install ball stud nuts and tighten nut specifications. (See Specification Section.) CAUTION: I f necessary, Removal (Fig. 3C-32) tighten one more to Remove idler arm and pitm an arm. 3. Support engine and remove front engine m ount center bolts. 4. Separate m ain brake feeder line from cross­ m em ber tee. 5. Remove bolts retaining crossmember hangers to fram e side rails. 6. If equipped with brake support struts remove bolts retaining struts to crossm ember and fram e and remove. 7. Remove bolts securing crossm em ber to fram e bottom rail an d lower the assembly from vehicle. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fa sten ers referred to in steps I, 2, 4, 5, 6 a n d 7. 1. Jack crossmember into position under fram e and install fram e bottom rail mounting bolts. 2. Install bolts securing crossmember hanger to fram e and torque nuts. See specifications. 3. Position engine on front mount and install m ounting bolt and torque (see Section 6). 4. Install the shock absorber. 5. Install removed. brake support struts if previously 6. Connect front brake m ain feeder line and bleed brakes as described in Section 5. 7. Install idler arm and pitm an arm (see Section 9). 8. Check and Adjust front end alignm ent as outlined under “ M aintenance and Adjustm ents” in this section. 9. Lower the vehicle to the floor. FRONT SUSPENSION, FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE SERIES K10, K20, K30 INDEX G e n e ra l D escription........................................................ M ainten ance and A d ju stm e n ts.................................. Ball Joint A d ju s tm e n t............................................... Bearing Lubrication.................................................... Wheel Bearing A d ju s tm e n t..................................... C om ponent Replacement- ........................................... Hubs, Free-W heeling (K id. K 2 0 )......................... Hubs, Locked (KIO. K20, K.30)............................ 3C3C3C3C3C3C3C3C- 24 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 S p in d le .............................................................................3 C - 3 0 Steering Knuckle (KIO, K 2 0 ) ................................ .3 C -3 1 Steering Knuckle (K 30)............................................ 3 C -3 3 Shock A b s o r b e r ........................................................... 3 C -3 6 Stabilizer B a r ............................................................... 3 C -3 6 L eaf S p r i n g .................................................................. 3C- 37 Specifications..................................................................... 3 C -3 8 Special T o o ls .................................................................... 3 C -3 9 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Front drive axles used on KIO, K20, and K30 trucks have several styles o f wheel-end construction. At the wheel ends o f the axle tubes, two types of steering knuckle attachment are used. Figures 3C-1K and 3C-2K show the KIO and K20 knuckle attached with ball joints. Figure 3C-3K shows the king-pin attachm ent used in K30. The tapered upper king pin fits in a tapered nylon bushing. The lower king pin is part o f the bearing cap, and this king pin rides in a tapered roller bearing. All trucks with full-time four-wheel drive use a locked hub. as shown in Figure 3C-1K (for KIO, K20), and in Figure 3C-3K (for K30). A free-wheeling hub is used on trucks equipped with part-time four-wheel drive. The free-wheeling hub (for KIO, K20) is shown in Figure 3C-2K. This hub allows the driver to manually engage or disengage the hub from the axle shafts. R \ a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. H U B CAP S N A P R IN G H U B D R IV E G E A R S P R IN G LO C K N U T L O C K -A D J . N U T P IN -A D J . N U T A D J U S T IN G N U T PRESSURE P LA TE 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. O U T E R -W H E E L B E A R IN G IN N E R -W H E E L B E A R IN G S P IN D L E S P IN D L E B E A R IN G SEAL H U B - A N D - D IS C A S M O IL S E A L SPACER DUST S E A L Fig. 3C-1K--K10, K20 w ith Locked Hub and Ball Joints 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. DEFLEC TO R A X L E OUTER SH AFT KN U CKLE A D J U S T IN G S L E E V E UPPER B A L L J O IN T YOKE LO W ER B A L L J O IN T R E T A IN IN G R IN G 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11. R E T A IN IN G P L A T E " 0 " R IN G A C T U A T O R KNOB R E T A IN IN G P L A T E B O L T A X L E S H A F T S N A P R IN G A C T U A T IN G C A M B O D Y IN T E R N A L S N A P R IN G O U T E R C L U T C H R E T A IN IN G R IN G A X L E S H A F T S L E E V E A N D C L U T C H R IN G IN N E R C L U T C H R IN G S P R IN G LO C K N U T L O C K -A D J . N U T P IN -A D J . N U T A D J U S T IN G N U T PRESS U R E P L A T E O U T E R -W H E E L B E A R IN G 18. IN N E R -W H E E L B E A R IN G 19. S P IN D L E 20 . S P IN D L E B E A R IN G 21. SEAL 22 . H U B -A N D -D IS C ASM 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Fig. 3C-2K- K10, K20 w ith Free-Wheeling Hub and Ball Joints 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. O IL S E A L SPACER DUST S E AL D EFLEC TO R A X L E O UTER SH A FT KNU CKLE A D J U S T IN G S L E E V E UPPER B A L L J O IN T YOKE LO W ER B A L L J O IN T R E T A IN IN G R IN G 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HUBCAP S N AP R IN G H U B D R IV E G E A R A D J U S T IN G N U T ASM LO C K N U T LO C K T A N G A D J U S T IN G N U T W ASHER O U T E R W H E E L B E A R IN G IN N E R W H E E L B E A R IN G SEAL H U B -A N D -D IS C A SM S P IN D L E 11. 12. 13 . 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21. 22 . 23. S P IN D L E B E A R IN G SEAL D EFLEC TO R SPACER LU B E F IT T IN G UPPER B E A R IN G CAP PRESSURE S PR IN G GASKET B U S H IN G , K IN G -P IN K IN G -P IN YOKE OUTER A X LE SH AFT G R E A S E R E T A IN E R LO W ER B E A R IN G SEAL B E A R IN G CAP LU B E F IT T IN G Fig. 3C-3K-K30 w ith Locked Hub and King-Pins MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS BALL J O IN T A D J U S T M E N T (K 10, K 20) indepen dent m ovem ent o f each steering knuckle. Front axle ball jo in t adjustm ent is generally necessary only w hen there is excessive play in steering, irregular w ear on tires or persistent loosening o f the tie rod is observed. 1. Raise vehicle on hoist then place jack stands just inside o f front springs. 2. Disconnect connecting rod and tie rod to allow 3. Apply a fish-scale to the tie rod mounting hole o f the steering knuckle arm. W ith the knuckle assembly in the straight-ahead position, determ ine the right angle pull required to keep the knuckle assembly turning after initial break-away. This pull should not exceed 25 lbs., for each knuckle assembly, in either direction. See Figure 3C-4K. Fig. 3 C -4K -D ete rm inin g Front Axle Ball Joint A djustm ent 2. Torque the inner adjusting nut to 50 foot 4. If the effort exceeds 25 lbs., remove the upper pounds, while rotating the hub-and-disc to seat the ball stud nut, and loosen the ball stud adjusting sleeve as bearings. Use Tool J-6893 and A dap ter J-23446 or required. Re-torque the ball stud nut and recheck the J-6893-01 for K10, K20; use J-26878 for K30. Back off turning effort. the inner adjusting nut and retorque to 35 ft. lbs. while the hub is being rotated. BEARING L U B R IC A T IO N 3. Back off the inner adjusting nut again 3/8 turn Front W heel Bearings maximum. a. For K10 and K20, assemble adjusting nut lock Spindle Bearings by aligning nearest hole in lock with adjusting nut pin. Install outer lock nut an d torque to 50 ft. lbs. (minimum). W hen ev er front wheel bearings are lubricated, the b. For K30, assemble lockwasher and outer spindle needle bearings should also be lubricated, with locknut. Torque outer locknut to 65 ft. lbs. (minimum). the same chassis grease. U nder norm al conditions, the Bend one ear of lockwasher over the inner nut a lubrication interval should be 12,000 miles; off-road use m inim um o f 30 °. Bend one ear o f lockwasher over the such as in mud or w ater will require shorter intervals. outer nut a m inim um o f 60°. The spindle bearings are accessible after removing the spindle, as shown in Figure 3C-6K. NOTE: Hub assembly should have .001 to .010 inch end play, for all K10, K20 and K30 models. 4. If vehicle is equipped with locked hubs, install 1. A fter lubricating the wheel bearings and the the hub cap assembly. If the vehicle is equipped with spindle bearings, install the hub-and-disc, an d the outer free-wheeling hubs, refer to free-wheeling hub assembly wheel bearing to the spindle. and installation procedures. WHEEL BEARING A D J U S T M E N T COMPONENT REPLACEMENT HUB REPLACEMENT CAUTION: See CAUTION on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners in the following procedures fo r hub replacement. b. Remove the inner and outer bearing cups using a brass drift an d hammer. c. Clean, inspect and lubricate all parts as required. Servicing A ctuating Parts FREE-W HEELING HUBS K10, K 20 (P A R T -T IM E ) Hub Rem oval 1. T u rn actuator lever to set hub to " L O C K " position (Fig. 3C-5K) and raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove six retaining plate bolts and remove re ta in in g plate actuating knob and " O " ring. 3. R em ove in ternal sn ap ring, outer clutch retain in g ring and actuating cam body. 4. Relieve pressure on the axle shaft snap ring and remove snap ring. 5. Remove the axle shaft sleeve and clutch ring assembly and inner clutch ring and bushing assembly. 6. Remove pressure spring and spring retainer plate. 7. Remove the wheel bearing outer lock nut, lock ring, and wheel bearing inner adjusting nut using Tool J-6893 and A dap ter J-23446 or Tool J-6893-01. 1. Remove actuator knob and " O " ring from retaining plate, discard " O " ring and replace with a new " O " ring during assembly. 2. Slide inner clutch ring an d bushing assembly from axle sleeve and clutch ring assembly. 3. Wash all parts in solvent and air dry. 4. Inspect all parts for wear, cracks or broken teeth. 5. Replace all " O " rings during assembly. 6. Place new " O " ring seal on actuator knob. Apply Lubri-plate, or equivalent, to " O " ring and place actuator knob in retaining plate. Installation of Hub NOTE: All parts should be lubricated for normal operation during assembly with an ample am ount o f high speed grease. Lubrication M U ST be applied to prevent deterioration before the unit is placed in service. 1. Assemble the outer wheel bearing cup into the N O T E : If the disc or other brake components wheel hub using Installer J-6368 and D river Handle require repairs or replacement, refer to Section 5. J-8092. 8. Remove the hub-and-disc assembly, outer wheel 2. Assemble the inner wheel bearing cup into the bearing and the spring retainer plate. wheel hub using Installer J-23448 and D river Handle a. Remove the oil seal and inner bearing cone J-8092. from the hub using a brass drift and tapping with a 3. Pack the wheel bearing cone with a high melting h am m er. Discard the oil seal. point type wheel bearing grease and insert the cone into the cup. 4. A fter lubricating the wheel bearings, install the hub-and-disc and the bearings to the spindle. 5. Torque the inner adjusting nut to 50 foot pounds, while rotating the hub-and-disc to seat the bearings. Use Tool J-6893 and A dapter J-23446 or J-6893-01. Back off the inner adjusting nut and retorque to 35 ft. lbs. while the hub is being rotated. 6. Back off the inner adjusting nut again 3 /8 turn maximum. Assemble the adjusting nut lock by aligning the nearest hole in lock with the adjusting nut pin. Install outer lock nut and torque to 50 ft. lbs. (minimum). NOTE: Hub assembly should have .001 to .010 inch end play. 7. Install spring retainer plate (flange side facing bearing) over spindle nuts and seat retainer against bearing outer cup. 8. Install pressure spring into position. Large O.D. seats against spring retaining plate. NOTE: Spring is an interference fit. W hen spring is seated, spring extends past the spindle nuts by approximately 7 /8 ". 9. Place inner clutch ring and bushing assembly into axle shaft sleeve and clutch ring assembly and install as an assembly onto the axle shaft. Press in on assembly and install axle shaft snap ring. NOTE: Install 7/16 x 20 bolt in axle shaft end and pull outward on axle shaft to aid in installing snap rings. 10. Install actuating cam body (cams facing outward), outer clutch retaining ring and internal snap ring. 11. Install " O " ring on retaining plate and install actuating knob and retaining plate. N O T E : Install actuating knob with knob in " L O C K " position—grooves in knob must fit into actuator cam body. 12. Install six cover bolts and seals, and torque to 30 ft. lbs. 13. T urn knob to " F R E L " position to check for proper operation. 14. Lower vehicle to floor. b. Install new grease seal into inboard end of hub. Use J-24428 for K30. 4. A fter lubricating the wheel bearings, install the hub-and-disc and the bearings to the spindle. 5. Torque the inner adjusting nut to 50 ft. lbs. while rotating the hub-and-disc , to seat the bearings. Back off the inner adjusting nut and retorque to 35 ft. lbs. while the hub is being rotated. 6. Back off the inner adjusting nut again 3 /8 turn maximum. a. For K10 and K2Q assemble the adjusting nut lock by aligning the nearest hole in lock with the adjusting nut pin. Install outer lock nut and torque to 50 ft. lbs. (minimum). b For K30, assemble lockwasher and outer locknut. Torque outer locknut to 65 ft. lbs. (minimum). Bend one ear o f lockwasher over the inner nut a minim um of 30 °. Bend one ear o f lockwasher over outer nut, a m inim um o f 60 °. LOCKED HUBS K IO , K20, K30 (FU LL-TIM E ) Rem oval and Service 1. Remove the hub cap and snap ring. 2. Remove the drive gear and, on KIO and K20, the pressure spring. Place a hand over the drive g ear and use a screwdriver to pry the gear out. 3. Remove the wheel bearing outer lock nut, lock ring, and wheel bearing inner adjusting nut using Tool J-6893 and A dapter J-23446 or tool J-6893-01 for KIO, K20; use J-26878 for K30. N O T E: If the disc or other brake components require repairs or replacement, refer to Section 5. 4. Remove the hub-and-disc assembly, outer wheel bearing and the spring retainer plate. a. Remove the oil seal and inner bearing cone from the hub using a brass drift and tapping with a ham m er. Discard the oil seal. b. Remove the inner and outer bearing cups using a brass drift and ham m er. c. Clean, inspect and lubricate all parts as required. Installation 1. Assemble the outer wheel bearing cup into the wheel hub. a. Use installer J-6368 and Driver Handle J-8092 for KIO, K20. b. Use J-8608 for K-30. 2. Assemble the inner wheel bearing cup into the wheel hub. a. Use J-23448 and Driver Handle J-8092 for KIO, K20. b. Use J-22306 for K-30. 3. Pack the wheel bearing cone with a high melting point type wheel bearing grease. a. Insert the cone into the cup. NOTE: Hub assembly should have .001 to .010 inch end play, for all K10, K20 and K30 models. CAUTION: See CAUTION on page 1 o f this section. 7. Install the pressure spring (on K10 and K20), drive gear, snap ring and hub cap. SPINDLE Removal 1. Remove the hub-and-disc assembly as outlined earlier. 2. Remove the spindle retaining bolts. 3. Remove the spindle and bronze thrust washer by tapping the end o f the spindle lightly with a soft h am m er to break it loose from the knuckle as shown in Figure 3C-6K. Replace the thrust washer if excessive wear has occurred. Servicing Spindle Components 1. Secure the spindle in a vise by locating on the high step diameter. Be sure that the machined surface o f the spindle will not be dam aged by the vise jaws. 2. Remove the oil seal. 3. Remove the needle roller bearing. 4. Place the spindle in a vise on the high step and install needle roller bearing. a. Use J-23445 and Drive Handle J-8092 for K10, K20. b. Use J-21465-17 for K-30. 5. Install grease seal onto slinger with lip toward spindle. 6. Relubricate the needle b earing and the spindle end with a high melting point type wheel bearing grease. Installation 1. Install the bronze thrust washer over the axle shaft with the c h a m fe r toward the slinger and install the spindle as shown in Figure 3C-7K. 2. Assemble spindle to knuckle. NOTE: Torque spindle nuts to 25 ft. lbs. (K10, 20); torque to 60 ft. lbs. (K30). C A U TIO N : See CAUTION on page 1 o f this section. KNUCKLE K 10, K 20, (W IT H BALL J O IN T S ) Rem oval 1. R em ove hub an d spindle co m p on ents as outlined earlier. 2. If the steering arm is to be removed, disconnect the tie rod. a. Remove cotter pin. b. Loosen tie rod nuts and tap on nut with a soft h a m m e r to break the studs loose from the knuckle arm. c. Remove nuts and disconnect the tie rod. CAUTION: I f it is necessary to remove the CHAMFER TOW ARD Fig. 3C-8K-R em oving Steering Arm Nuts steering arm, discard the self-toeking nuts (Fig. 3C-8K) an d replace with new nuts at assembly. 3. Remove the cotter pin from the upper ball socket nut. 4. Remove the retaining nuts from the upper and lower ball sockets as shown in Figure 3C-9K. 5. Remove the knuckle assembly from the yoke by inserting a suitable wedge-shaped tool between the lower ball stud and the yoke and tapping on the tool to release the knuckle assembly. Repeat as required at the upper ball stud location. Ball Joint Service CAUTION: Do not remove the yoke upper ball stud adjusting sleeve unless new ball studs are being installed. I f it is necessary to loosen the sleeve to remove the knuckle, do not loosen it more than two threads using Spanner J -23447 as shown in Figure 3C -I4K . The nonhardened J-23454-1 FLAT WASHER (HIDDEN) J-951 9 -1 0 Fig. 3C-10K--Removing Lower Ball Joint threads in the yoke can he easily dam aged by the hardened threads in the adjusting sleeve i f caution is not used during knuckle removal. N OTE: Remove the lower ball joint snap ring before beginning. Lower ball joint must be removed before any service can be perform ed on the upper ball joint. 1. Remove the lower ball jo in t using tools J-951910, J-23454-1, and sleeve J-6382-3 or equivalent as shown in Figure 3C-10K. N O T E: If Tool J-6382-3 is not available, a suitable tool may be fabricated from 2 -1 /2 " O.D. steel tubing with 3 /1 6 " wall thickness, cut 2 -1 /2 " long. 2. Remove the u pper ball joint using tools J-951910, J-23454-1, and sleeve J-6382-3 or equivalent as shown in Figure 3C-11K. 3. Install the lower ball jo int into the knuckle. M ake sure that the lower ball jo in t (the joint without Fig. 3 C -12 K -In sta llin g Lower Ball Joint cotter pin hole in the stud end) is straight. Press the stud into the knuckle until properly seated using tools J-951910. J-23454-2, and J-6382-3 or equivalent as shown in Figure 3C-I2K and install snap ring. 4. Install the upper ball jo in t into the knuckle. Press the stud into the knuckle until properly seated using Tools J-95 19-10, J-23454-2, and J-6382-3 or equivalent as shown in Figure 3C-13K. Installation C AU TIO N : See CAUTION on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners in the following steps. 1. Position the knuckle and sockets to the yoke. Install new nuts finger tight to the upper (the nut with the cotter pin slot) and lower ball socket studs. 2. Push up on the knuckle (to keep the ball socket from turning in the knuckle) while tightening the lower socket retaining nut. Torque lower nut to 70 ft. lbs. 3. Torque the yoke upper ball stud adjusting sleeve to 50 ft. lbs. using S p a nne r J-23447. See Figure 3C-14K. 4. Torque the upper ball socket nut to 100 ft. lbs. BALL JO IN T J-23454 -1 J-6382-3 J -2 3 4 5 4 -2 J-9519-10 J-951 9 - 1 0 J -2 3 4 4 7 Fig. 3C-14K--Ball Stud A d ju stin g Sleeve Fig. 3C-16K--Knuckle w ith King Pins as shown in Figure 3C-15K. A fter torquing the nut, do not loosen to install cotter pin, apply additional torque, if necessary, to line up hole in stud with slot in nut. 5. If the tie rod and steering arm were removed: a. Assemble the steering arm using the three stud adapters and three new self-locking nuts. Torque the nuts to 90 ft. lbs. b. Assemble the tie rod to the knuckle arm. Torque the tie rod nuts to 45 ft. lbs. and install cotter pin. KNUCKLE K 30 (W IT H KING P IN S ) Rem oval (Fig. 3 C -1 6K ) 1. Remove the hub and spindle as outlined earlier. If necessary, tap lightly with a rawhide h a m m e r to free it from the knuckle. Check bronze spacer located between Fig. 3C-17K-Rem oving Spindle Fig. 3C-19K-Rem oving Cap, Spring and Gasket Fig. 3C-21K--Removing Tapered Bushing axle shaft jo in t assembly and bearing. If w ear is evident, replace with a new one. See Figure 3C-17K. 2. Remove four nuts from upper king pin cap. Remove nuts alternately as compression spring will force cap up. Refer to Figure 3C-18K. 3. Remove cap, compression spring, and gasket, as shown in Figure 3C-19K. Discard gasket, replace with new one at time o f assembly. 4. From the underside o f the knuckle, remove four cap screws from the lower king pin bearing cap. Remove the bearing cap-and-lower king pin. See Figure 3C-20K. 5. Remove upp er king pin tapered bushing and knuckle from yoke. Remove king-pin felt seal. See Figure 3C-21K. Remove knuckle. 6. Remove u pp e r king-pin from yoke with large breaker b a r and J-26871, as seen in Figure 3C-22K. NOTE: Torque specification is 500-600 ft. lbs. 7. Remove lower king pin bearing cup, cone, Fig. 3C-22K--Removing Upper King Pin Fig. 3C-24K- In sta llin g Grease Retainer Fig. 3C -26K --lnstalling Upper King-Pin grease retainer, and seal all at the same time, as shown in Figure 3C-23K. Discard seal and replace with new one at time of assembly. If' grease retainer is dam aged, replace with new one at time o f assembly. new lower king pin b earing oil seal, using J-22281, as shown in Figure 3C-25K. Installation CAUTION: See CAUTION on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners in the following steps. 1. Assemble new grease retainer and lower king pin bearing cup, using J-7817, as shown in Figure 3C24K. 2. Fill the area in grease retainer with specified grease, then grease the b earing cone and install. Install N OTE: Do not distort oil seal. It will protrude slightly from the surface o f yoke flange when fully installed. 3. Install upper king-pin, using J-26871 as shown in Figure 3C-26K. Torque to 500-600 ft. lbs. 4. Assemble felt seal to king pin, assemble knuckle, assemble tapered bushing over king pin. as shown in Figure 3C-27K. Fig. 3C-28K --lnstalling Lower Bearing Cap-and-King Pin 5. Assemble lower bearing cap-and-king pin with four cap screws. Tighten cap screws alternately and evenly; see Figure 3C-28K. Torque cap screws to 70-90 ft. lbs. 6. Assemble compression spring on upper king pin bushing. Assemble b earing cap, with new gasket, over four studs. Tighten nuts alternately and evenly. Torque nuts to 70-90 Lb. Ft. See Figure 3C-29K. SHOCK ABSORBER Removal (Fig. 3C-30K) 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove nuts and eye bolts securing upper and lower shock absorber eyes. 3. W ithdraw shock absorber and inspect rubber eye bushings. If defective, replace shock absorber assembly. Installation Place shock absorber into position over m ounting Fig. 3C-30K--Shock Absorber A tta ch m en t bolts or into m ounting brackets. Install eye bolts and nuts and torque as shown in Specifications Section. Lower vehicle to floor. S TA B ILIZE R BAR-TYPICAL Removal (Fig. 3C-31K) 1. Raise vehicle on hoist and remove nuts and bolts attaching stabilizer brackets and bushings at fram e location. 2. Remove brackets and bushings at lower spring anchor plates and remove stabilizer from vehicle. Inspection Inspect rub ber rushings for excessive w ear or agingreplace where necessary. Use r u b b e r lubricant when installing bushings over stabilizer bar. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in step 2. 5. Remove front spring eye bolt. 6. Remove spring-to-axle u-bolt nuts a n d remove spring, lower plate and spring pads. 7. Remove shackle to spring bolt an d remove bushings and shackle. Bushing R eplacem ent 1. Place spring on press and press out bushing using a suitable rod, pipe, or tool. 2. Press in new bushing; assure that tool presses on steel outer shell o f bushing. Install until bushing protrudes an equal am ount on each side o f spring. Spring Inserts (Liners) or Leaf R eplacem ent Fig. 3C-32K--Leaf Spring Assembly NO TE: Slit in bar to fram e bushings should be facing forward. 1. Place stabilizer in position on fram e and install fram e brackets over bushings. Install nuts and bolts loosely. 2. Install brackets over bushings at lower control arm location. Be sure brackets are positioned properly over bushings. T orque all nuts and bolts to specifications. 3. Lower vehicle to floor. LEAF S PR IN G AND B U S H IN G S Removal 1. 2. 3. spring. 4. Raise vehicle on hoist. Place adjustable lifting device under axle. Position axle so that all tension is relieved from Remove shackle upper retaining bolt. 1. Place spring in vise and remove clips. 2. Remove center bolt. Open vise slowly, allowing spring to expand. 3. W ire brush, clean, and inspect for broken leaves. 4. Replace leaf or liners. Installation CAUTION: See CA U TIO N note on page one o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 5 and 6. 1. Install spring shackle bushings into spring and attach shackle. Do not tighten bolt. 2. Position spring upper cushion on spring. 3. Insert front o f spring into frame and install bolt. Do not tighten. 4. Install shackle bushings into fram e and attach rear shackle. Do not tighten bolt. 5. Install lower spring pad and spring retainer plate. Torque bolts to specifications. 6. Torque front and rear spring eye and shackle bolts to specifications. 7. Remove stands and lower vehicle to floor. SPECIFICATIONS F R O N T S U S P E N S IO N B O L T T O R Q U E (F t. Lbs.) $ CP-10 CP-20-30 L o w e r C o n tro l Arm S h a ft U -Bolt 85 85 U pper C o n tro l A rm S h a ft N uts 70 105 L o w e r C o n tro l A rm Bushing Steel U pper Ball Join t N ut L o w er Ball Join t N ut C rossm em ber to S id e Rail C rossm em ber to B o tto m R ail G-30 - 45 85 - 70 105 - 140 $$ N ew Used 190 115 - w /Spacer 160 N o Spacer 95 w /Spacer 190 N o Sp acer 1 1 5 $$ N ew Used 280 130 - w /Spacer 280 N o Sp acer 13 0 w /Spacer 280 N o Sp acer 130 140 C o n tro l A rm R u b b er Bushings U pper C o n tro l A rm Bushing Steel - G-10-20 K-AII *50 **9 0 **10 0 *50 **90 **90 **90 **90 * *9 0 ***8 0 65 65 — 65 65 100 100 - 100 100 C rossm em ber B rake S u p p o rt Struts 60 60 ANCHOR PLATE -iso 25 S ta b ilizer Bar to C o n tro l A rm 25 25 S ta b ilizer Bar to Fram e 25 25 .55 140 140 65 75 60 65 75 S h o ck A b so rb er U pper End S h o ck A b so rb er L o w e r End B rake Splash Shield to K n u ck le W heel Bearing A d ju stm en t W heel Bearing Preload W heel Bearing End M ovem ent 60 120 l a Lbs. 120 In. Lbs. 25 120 l a Lbs. 120 l a Lbs. - - - Inner # - 35 O uter -5 0 Zero Zero Zero Zero .001 - .005” .001 - .005” .001 - .0 1 0 " .00 1 - .005 C alip er M oun ting B o lt 35 35 35 35 Spring - F ro n t E y e Bolt - - 90 - Spring - R ear E ye Bolt - - 50 — - - 50 - - - 15 0 - Spring - Front Support to Frame — — 25 — Suspension Bumper 15 15 25 15 Stabilizer to Spring Plate - - 130 - Spring - T o R ear Sh ack le B o lt Spring - * *■* *** # $ $$ To A x le U -Bolt Plus additional torque to align cotter pin. Not to exceed 90 ft. lbs. maximum. Plus additional to rque to align cotter pin. Not to exceed 130 ft. lbs. maximum. Plus additional torque to align cotter pin. Back nut off to align cotter pin at nearest slot. All specifications are given in foot pounds of Torque unless indicated otherwise. CIO, G10-20 Rubber Bushings; C20-30, G30, P10-30 Steel Bushings. SPECIAL TOOLS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. J-8457 J-8458 J-8849 J-9276-2 Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing J-24435-1 th ru 7 Bushing Replacem ent C 10, G 10-20 Race Race Race Race Installer Installer Installer Installer 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. J-8092 J-9519-9 J-9519-7 J -9519-10 J-23028-01 J-23742-1 D river Handle Ball J o in t Installer Ball J o in t Remover " C " C lam p Spring Remover Ball J o in t Remover SECTION 3D REAR SUSPENSION The following caution applies to one or more steps in the assembly procedure o f components in this portion of the m anual as indicated at the a pp ro pria te locations by the terminology "See Caution on page l of this Section". CAUTION: T H IS F A S T E N E R I S A N IM P O R T A N T A T T A C H IN G P A R T IN T H A T I T C O U LD A F F E C T T H E P E R F O R M A N C E OF V IT A L C O M P O N E N T S A N D S Y S T E M S , A N D /O R C O U LD R E S U L T IN M A JO R R E P A IR E X P E N S E . I T M U S T BE R E P L A C E D W IT H O N E OF T H E S A M E P A R T N U M B E R OR W IT H A N E Q U IV A L E N T P A R T IF R E P L A C E M E N T B E C O M E S N E C E S S A R Y . DO N O T U SE A R E P L A C E M E N T P A R T OF L E S S E R Q U A L IT Y OR S U B S T IT U T E D E S IG N . TO R Q U E V A L U E S M U S T BE U SED A S SP E C IF IE D D U R IN G R E A S S E M B L Y TO A S S U R E P R O P E R R E T E N T IO N OF THI S PART. INDEX G en eral D e sc rip tio n ........................................................................ C om pon en t Parts R e p la c e m e n t.................................................. Shock A b s o r b e r s .......................................................................... Stabilizer S h a f t............................................................................. L eaf Spring Assembly............................................................... Specifications...................................................................................... GENERAL DESCRIPTION All 10-30 series vehicles use a leaf spring/solid rear axle suspension system. Typical systems are illustrated in Fig. 3D-1, 3D-2 and 3D-3. The rear axle assembly is attached to multi-leaf springs by " U " bolts. The spring front eyes are attached to the fram e at the front hangers, through rubber bushings. The rear ends o f the springs are attached to the fram e by the use o f shackles which allow the spring to "change its length" while the vehicle is in motion. Control arms are not used with leaf springs. Ride control is provided by two identical direct double acting shock absorbers angle-mounted between the fram e and brackets attached to the axle tubes. 3D -1 3D-2 3D-2 3D-3 3D-4 3D-8 Fig. 3D -2-T ypical G-Truck Rear Suspension Fig. 3D -3-T ypical P-30 H.D. Truck Rear Suspension COMPONENT PARTS REPLACEMENT shock absorber by removing nut and washers shown, and bolt on G-models. SHO CK ABSORBERS Replacement Refer to Figs. 3D-4 through 3D-8 for specific vehicle m o unting provisions. 1. Raise vehicle on hoist, and support rear axle. 2. If equipped with air lift shock absorbers, bleed air from lines. Disconnect line from shock absorber. 3. At the upper m ounting location, disconnect 4. At the lower mounting location, remove nut, washers and bolt as shown. 5. Remove shock absorbers from vehicle. 6. To install shock absorber, place into position and reattach at upper m ounting location. Be sure to install nuts and washers as shown. Fig. 3D-6 -Shock Absorber-G-10, 20, 30 7. Align lower end o f shock absorber with axle bracket, and install bolt, washers and nut, as shown. 8. Tighten nuts to specifications. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding shock absorber fasteners. 9. If equipped with airlift shock absorbers, inflate to 10-15 pounds m inim um air pressure. Fig. 3D-8--Shock Absorber-P30 10. Lower vehicle and remove from hoist. S TA B ILIZE R SHAFTS Refer to Fig. 3D-9, 3D-10 and 3D-11 for specific rear stabilizer shaft m ounting on C and P models. Replacement 1. Raise vehicle on hoist and support rear axle. N O TE : Route Parking Brake C a b le Fig. 3D-10~Rear Stabilizer Shaft-C-20(43), C-30 2. Remove nut, washer and grom m et from link bolt at the fram e side m e m b e r on each side. 3. W ith draw link bolt, washers, grommets and spacer. 4. R em ove brackets from a n c h o r plates by rem oving attaching screws. 5. Remove stabilizer shafts. 6. Reverse above steps to install stabilizer shaft. O n installation, position shaft so parking brake cable is routed over stabilizer. 7. T orque all bolts to specifications. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section, regarding stablizer fasteners. 8. Lower hoist and remove vehicle. LEAF S P R IN G ASSEMBLY R efer to Figs. 3D-12, 3D-13, 3D-14 and 3D-15 for specific leaf spring m ounting provisions o f C, K, G and P models. Fig. 3D-17 illustrates a typical U-bolt anchor plate in s ta lla tio n w ith the m a n d a to r y tighten in g sequence. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section, regarding le a f spring fasteners. Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist so that tension in spring is relieved. 2. Loosen, but do not remove, spring-to-shackle retaining nut. 3. Remove nut and bolt securing shackle to spring hanger. 4. Remove nut and bolt securing spring to front hanger. 5. Remove " U " bolt retaining nuts, withdraw " U " Fig. 3D-ll--Rear Stabilizer Shaft-P30 bolts and spring plate from spring-to-axle housing attachment. 6. W ithdraw spring from vehicle. 7. Inspect spring. Replace bushings, rep air or replace spring unit as outlined in this section. Bushing Replacement 1. Place spring on press and press out bushing using a suitable rod, pipe or tool as shown in Fig. 3D-16. 2. Press in new bushing; assure that tool presses on steel outer shell o f bushing. N OTE: R ear Spring, Front Eye—Heavy Duty leaf springs on C20 and C30 trucks use a staked- inplace front eye bushing. Before this bushing is pressed out o f the spring, the staked locations must be straightened with a chisel or drift. After a new bushing is installed, it must be staked in three equally spaced locations. Fig. 3D-12 -Rear Spring Installation-G Models Spring Leaf Replacement 1. Place spring assembly in a bench mounted vise and remove spring clips. 2. Position spring in vise jaws, compressing leaves at center and adjacent to center bolts. 3. File peened end o f center bolt and remove nut. O pen vise slowly to allow spring assembly to expand. 4. W ire brush and clean spring leaves. Inspect spring leaves to determ ine if replacem ent is required; also replace defective spring leaf liners at this time. 5. Align center holes in spring leaves by means o f a long d rift a n d compress spring leaves in a vise. 6. Remove drift from center hole and install a new center bolt. Peen bolt to retain nut. 7. Align spring leaves by tapping with ham m er, then bend spring clips into place or install bolts and spacer if so equipped. N O T E : Spring clips should be bent sufficiently to m ain tain alignment, but not tight enough to bind spring action. Leaf Spring Installation 1. Position spring assembly to axle. Make sure spring is in position at both spring hangers. N O T E : T he shackle assembly must be attached to the rear spring eye before installing shackle to rear hanger. 2. Install spring retainer plate and " U " bolts. Loosely install retaining nuts, but do not torque at this time. 3. Jack fram e as required to align spring and shackle with spring hangers. 4. Install shackle bolt an d nut and again reposition spring, if necessary to align front eye. Install front eye bolt and nut. Torque h ang er and shackle fasteners to specifications. NOTE: Make certain that the bolts are freeturning in their bushings prior to torquing. 5. Lower vehicle so that weight o f vehicle is on suspension components and torque U-bolt nuts to specifications. 6. Lower vehicle and remove) from hoist. U-Bolt and Anchor Plate Installation Fig. 3D-17 illustrates the m a n dato ry sequence o f tightening U-bolt nuts. Tighten diagonally opposite nuts to 40-50 foot pounds, then tighten all nuts as shown to specifications. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section, regarding " U”-Bolt fasteners. SHACKLE REPLACEM ENT 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. Place adjustable lifting device under axle. 2. Remove load from spring by jacking frame. 3. Loosen spring-to-shackle retaining bolt, but do not remove. 4. Remove shackle-to-frame bracket retaining bolt then remove shackle bolt from spring eye. 5. Position shackle to spring eye and loosely install retaining bolt. Do not torque retaining bolt at this time. 6. Position shackle to fram e bracket and install retaining bolt. 7. Rest vehicle weight on suspension components and torque both shackle bolt reta in in g nuts to specifications. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section, regarding these fasteners. 8. Lower vehicle and remove from hoist. N O TE: " U " BOLTS MUST BE LOCATED AROUND THE A X L E TUBE SO T H A T THE LEGS PASS THE SPRING SEAT W ITH IN .060. SPECIFICATIONS TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS Spring-to-Axle “ U ” Bolt Nuts 140 Leaf Spring —Front Bushing Bolt 110 P G C-K (ill) G20 G30 120 120 150 9 0 /1 3 5 * P10 P20 P30 140 140 170 (E xc. w /3 /4 ” Bolt) 2 0 0 (W /3 /4 ” Bolt) 110 (G 3 1 6 .. .90) 110 90/1.35* ( G 3 1 6 .. .90) Shock Absorber —Upper A ttachm ent 140 75 —Lower Attachm ent 115 75 —Rear Shackle Bolt 110 PIO P20 P30 25 140 50 115 Propeller Shaft To Rear Axle (Strap) To Rear A xle (“ U ” B olt) Bearing Support-to-Hanger Hanger-to-Frame 12-17 18-22 20-30 40-50 12-17 18-22 20-30 — 12-17 18-22 20-30 — Rear Stabilizer-to-Anchor Plate 20-30 — 20-30 * 9 0 F t . L bs. w h e n t i g h t e n i n g t h e n u t . 1 3 5 F t . L bs. w h e n t i g h t e n i n g t h e b o l t. SECTION 3E WHEELS AND TIRES INDEX G eneral D escription 3E-1 M a in te n a n c e 3E-2 W heel R eplacem ent C onsideration 3E-2 W heel N u t T o rq u e s 3E-2 T ire Inspection and R o ta tio n 3E-2 Tire Inflation Pressure 3E-2 Service O p e ra tio n s 3E-6 C o rrecting Irregular Tire W e a r 3E-6 W heel Rem oval and In s talla tio n 3E-7 Tire M ounting and D e m o u n tin g 3E-8 Dual W heel A ttac h m e n t P 30 0 M odels....................................................................................................... ..3E-9 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The 1977 truck is equipped with a wide range of tube or tubeless type tires and wheels selected according to the truck Gross Vehicle W eight Rating (GV W R) and NOTE: On four-wheel drive vehicles all tires must be o f equal size (but not necessarily ply rating) and o f same tread configuration. type o f service. The dual rear wheel option is available TUBELESS TIRES on Series 30 trucks. The factor installed bias belted tires These tire have an inner liner which, i f punctured, tends to cling to the penetrating object form ing a partial seal until the object is removed from the tire. It is essential to conduct a periodic pressure check according to the tire inflation tables on the following pages plus a visual tire inspection to detect im bedded objects which might otherwise go unnoticed and cause serious casing damage. are selected to provide the best all around tire perform an ce for all normal operations. All tires are m anu factured for co nfiguration and use on load wheels c a rry in g of specific capacity. size, W hen replacing a worn or dam aged tire it is essential that you use a replacem ent tire o f the same size and load rating as that with which m anufactured. Use the vehicle was equipped when of any other size o f tire may seriously affect ride, handling, ground clearance, tire clearance an d speedom eter calibration. Similarly, use of wheels with offsets other than recommended, or use of w hat are commonly referred to as "reversed rim s" may seriously overload wheel bea rin g s or other axle components causing rapid w ear or failure o f these parts and void the vehicle warranty. To achieve best all around vehicle handling perform ance belted tires and bias ply tires should not be mixed on the same truck. Because o f possible adverse effects on vehicle handling, do not mix radial ply tires with other type tires on the same vehicle. TUBE TIRES Some commercial vehicles are equipped (at customer option) with synthetic rubber tires and tubes. I OUTER W HEEL W HEEL HUB FRONT & REAR W/SINGLE REAR FRONT W /D U A L REAR DUAL REAR Fig. 1--Wheel A ttachm ents Fig. 2 -T ire Rotation MAINTENANCE W HEEL R E P LA C E M E N T C O N S ID E R A T IO N S WHEEL N U T TORQUES Wheels must be replaced if bent, heavily rusted, leak air, or if lug nuts continually loosen. Do not straighten bent wheels or use inner tubes in leaking wheels used with tubeless tires. The wheels originally equipped on the vehicle will provide optim um life up to the m axim um load and inflation pressures as shown in the Wheel Code and Limits Chart. M axim um loads, m axim u m inflation pressures, wheel identification codes, and wheel sizes are stam ped on each wheel. On a new vehicle or after the wheel has been changed, the wheel nut torque must be checked at 100, 1,000 and 6,000 miles and every 6,000 miles thereafter. W h e n rep la c in g wheels for any reason, the replacem ent wheels should be equivalent in load capacity, inflation pressure capacity, diameter, width, offset, and m o unting configurations to those originally installed on the vehicle. A wheel of im pro per size or type may adversely affect load carrying capacity, wheel and bearing life, brake cooling, sp e e d o m e te r/o d o m eter calibration, vehi­ cle ground clearance, and tire clearance to the body and chassis. Replacem ent with " u s e d " wheels which may have been subjected to harsh operating conditions or very high mileage is not recommended. These wheels m ay fail prem aturely without any prior visual indication. N O T E : The use of wheels a n d / o r tires with higher load carrying capacity than originally equipped on the vehicle does not necessarily increase the G A W R ’s or the G V W R o f the vehicle. Wheels having diameters ran ging from 16 inch through 19.5 inch diam eter tha t have also been certified for radial tire application up to the maxim um load and m axim um tire pressure wheel limits shown in the W heel Code and Limits Chart have the word " r a d ia l" stamped on the rim. Wheels in the 16 inch through 19.5 inch d ia m e te r range without the " r a d ia l" identification stam p are not to be used with radial tires. TIR E IN S P E C TIO N AND R O TA TIO N Front and rear tires perform different jobs and can wear differently depending on the type o f roads driven, individual driving habits, etc. To obtain m axim um tire life, tires should be inspected and rotated regularly. Bias-belted tires should be rotated every 7,500 miles (passenger car type tires); 6,000 miles (truck type tires). Radial tires should be rotated at the first 7,500 miles and then at least every 15,000 miles th ereafter (passenger car type tires); first 6,000 miles then every 12,000 miles (truck type tires). For the longest tire life, any time irregular w ear is noticed, the tires should be inspected and rotated and the cause o f the uneven w ear corrected. Be certain to check wheel nut tightness and to adjust the tire pressures, front and rear, after rotation to agree with those recomm ended in the tire inflation charts. The outer tire on a dual wheel will skid or drag on a turn because o f the difference in the turning radii o f the inner and outer tires. This results in faster w ear o f the outer tire. In general, the tire with the largest diam eter or least w ear whould be at the outside o f each dual wheel. In addition, when trucks are operated continu­ ously on high crown roads an increase in air pressure of from 5 to 10 PSI in the outside tire o f each dual produces m aximum tire life. IN FLA TIO N PRESSURE The m axim um cold inflation pressures for the factory installed tires are listed on the VIN plate. Tires must be inflated to these pressures when the G V W R or an axle G A W R is reached. Im proper tire inflation pressures for the load the vehicle is carrying can adversely affect tire life and vehicle performance. DUAL WHEEL T Y P IC A L W H E E L M A X IM U M \ L O A D /M A X IM U M /P R E S S U R E STAMP R IM SIZE: D IA . X W ID T H W HEEL CODE LETTERS O P TIO N A L L O C A T I O N S FO R M A X IM U M LO AD / /M A X IM U M PR ES SU R E STAMPS SINGLE WHEEL T Y P IC A L W H E E L M A X IM U M LOAD, M a x im u m STAMP pressure O P T IO N A L L O C A T IO N S FOR M A X I M U M L O A D / 'M A X I M U M PR ES SU R E S T A M P R IM S I Z E : D I A . X W I D T H Fig. 3--Wheel Code Location Too low an air pressure can result in tire o verloading , a b n o rm a l tire wear, adverse vehicle handling, and reduced fuel economy. The tire flexes more a n d can build up excessive heat, w eakening the tire and increasing susceptibility to dam age or failure. Too high an air pressure can result in abnorm al wear, harsh vehicle ride, and increased susceptibility to dam age from road hazards. Lower inflation pressures should be used only with reduced vehicle loads and the rear tire pressure should be equal to or greater than the front pressure on single wheel application. A fter determ ining the load on each tire by weighing the vehicle on a scale, the correct cold inflation pressures for the actual tire loads can be obtained from the T ire /W h e el Load and Inflation Pressure C hart shown in this section. Tire inflation pressures should be checked at least monthly when the tires are "cold" and when changing the load the vehicle is carrying. TIRE/WHEEL LOAD & INFLATION PRESSURE PASSENGER TYPE TIRES FOR LIGHT TRUCKS USED IN HIGHWAY SERVICE W heel Code R ally /S p o k e T ire Size Load Range 24 26 28 30 32 XT XT BC, C R , X T BC, C R , X T XT BC, C R BC, C R XT XT A H , BM, DS, CS A H , BM, DS, CS A H , BM, DS, CS A H , BM, D S, CS — E78-15 F78-15 G78-15 G 78-15 G R 78-15 H 78-15 H 78-15 J78-15 JR 78-15 L78-15 L R 78-15 L78-15 L R 60-15 8.2 5 -1 5 B B B D B B D B B B C D B D 1081 1163 1254 1254 1254 1372 1372 1436 1436 1527 1527 1527 1527 1254 1127 1218 1309 1309 1309 1436 1436 1500 1500 1590 1590 1590 1590 1309 1181 1272 1363 1363 1363 1500 1500 1563 1563 1663 1663 1663 1663 1363 1227 1318 1418 1418 1418 1554 1554 1627 1627 1727 1727 1727 1727 1418 1270 1360 1470 1470 1470 1605 1605 1690 1690 1790 1790 1790 1790 1470 R egular XU, XH, DT XH, DT XU, XH, DT X U , X H , DT XH, DT XU, X H, DT AX, FT FT FT AX, FT AX, FT AX, FT — XU, XH, DT _____________ T ire Load L im its a t Various In fla tio n Pressures 36 38 40 1527 1572 1618 1663 1663 1718 1772 1827 1854 1854 1905 1905 1972 2025 1527 1572 1618 1663 34 NOTE: The load at maximum inflation pressure stamped on the tire sidewall of passenger tires will differ from the load shown in this table. This is in accordance with Tire and Rim Association standards requiring a reduced loading factor of approximately 9 1% for passenger type tires used on trucks and multipurpose passenger vehicles. TIRES FOR LIGHT TRUCKS USED IN HIGHWAY SERVICE T IR E S USE D AS SIN G L E S W heel Code R eg u lar j j re Size Rally Load Range T ire Load Lim its a t V ariou s In fla tio n P ressures 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 2560 2670 2780 2 540 2680 2800 34 36 38 1890 1960 2020 70 75 TU B E TYPE TIR E S M O U N T E D ON 5 ° TA PER ED BEAD SEAT R IM S — — — ---— — — X L .B R A X ,F T A X ,F T X L .B R AM AM AM 6.5 0-16 7.00-15 7.00-15 7.0 0 -1 6 7 .5 0 -1 6 7.5 0 -1 6 7.5 0 -1 6 1270 1350 1350 1430 1620 1620 1620 C C D C C D E 1390 1480 1480 1560 1770 1770 1770 1500 1610 1610 1680 1930 1930 1930 1610 1720 1720 1800 2060 2060 2060 1830 1940 2040 2190 2190 2310 2310 2440 2440 TUB ELESS TIR E S M O U N T E D ON 15° TAPERED BEAD SEAT DROP CENTER R IM S FA 8.19-5 - D - - - - 2110 2270 2 410 W ID E BASE TU B E L E S S T IR E S U SE D AS SIN G LE S W heel Code R ally /S p o k e T ire blze Load Range AH , BM, DS, C S A H , BM, DS, CS 10-15 10-15 B C R egular BS BS XH, XH, FT, BU, D K , DK, DK, BU, DK, DK, DK, DT DT AX FK FK FK FK FK FK FK FK DK, FK FK DJ DJ BH BH XT XT — _ ____ — — — — — — ____ — — — — C 78-15L T G 78-15L T 7.00-15L T 8 .0 0 -1 6 .5 8 .0 0 -1 6 .5 8 .0 0 -1 6 .5 8 .0 0 R -1 6 .5 8 .0 0 R - l 6.5 8 .7 5 -1 6 .5 8 .7 5 -1 6 .5 8 .7 5 -1 6 .5 8 .7 5 R -16.5 8 .7 5 R -l 6.5 9 .5 0 -1 6 .5 9 .5 0 -1 6 .5 1 0-16.5 1 0-16.5 * 2 6 8 0 @ 8 0 psi T ire Load L im its a t V ariou s In fla tio n Pressures 20 22 30 35 D E 1080 1310 1350 1360 1360 1360 C — 1180 1430 1480 1490 1490 1490 1360 1360 1720 1720 1720 1570 1570 2030 2030 2010 2010 c c c c D ___ C 1570 1570 1570 D E D — E D E ___ C D 1860 1860 1840 1840 24 26 1540 1540 1620 1620 40 45 1280 1550 1610 1610 1610 1610 1490 1490 1850 1850 1850 1720 1720 2190 2190 2170 2170 1370 1660 1720 1730 1730 1730 1610 1610 1990 1990 1990 1850 1850 2350 2350 2330 2330 30 32 1760 1760 1830 50 55 60 1840 1840 1730 1730 1945 1945 2045 2045 2145 1840 1945 2045 2110 2110 1990 1990 2500 2500 2240 2240 2110 2110 2650 2650 2350 2350 2240 2240 2780 2780 2480 2620 2750 28 1690 1690 65 2240 2330 2470 2350 2350 2570 2680 2470 2570 2920 3050 3170 TIRE/WHEEL LOAD & INFLATION PRESSURE TIRES FOR LIGHT TRUCKS USED IN HIGHWAY SERVICE (Cont’d) TIRES USED AS DUALS W heel Code Regular Rally Ti re Size Load Range T ire Load Lim its at Various Inflation Pressures 30 35 40 50 45 55 60 65 70 75 2175 2260 2360 2570 2 6 8 0 (#) TUBE TYPE TIRES MOUNTED ON 5° TAPERED BEAD SEAT RIMS YW YW YW YW YW DW, FJ DW, FJ D W , FJ __ — — — -— --- CM F B , UH UH __ — — 6 .5 0 -1 6 7 .0 0 -1 6 7 .0 0 -1 6 7 .5 0 - 1 6 7 .5 0 - 1 6 8 .7 5 - 1 6 .5 8 .7 5 - 1 6 .5 8 .7 5 - 1 6 .5 C C D C D C D E 1120 1260 1260 1430 1430 1380 1380 1380 1225 1365 1365 1565 1565 1515 1515 1515 1320 1475 1475 1690 1690 1630 1630 1630 1420 1580 1580 1815 1815 1750 1750 1750 1685 1780 1870 1930 2040 2140 1855 1855 1970 1970 2070 2070 TUBELESS TIRES MOUNTED ON 15° TAPERED BEAD SEAT DROP CENTER RIMS 8 -1 7 .5 8 -1 9 .5 8 -1 9 .5 D D E 1445 — — 1575 — — 1820 1990 1990 1700 1850 1850 1935 2110 2110 2050 2230 2230 2155 2350 2350 2460 2460 (#) 2 7 8 0 @ 8 0 PSI W ID E BASE TUBELESS TIRES USED AS DUALS W heel Code Regular F J, F J, F J, F J, F J, F J, F J, F J, FJ, DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW Rally — — — — — -— -— Tire Size Load Range 8 .0 0 - 1 6 .5 8 .0 0 -1 6 .5 8 .0 0 R - 1 6 .5 8 .0 0 R -1 6 .5 8 .7 5 - 1 6 .5 8 .7 5 - 1 6 .5 8 .7 5 - 1 6 .5 8 .7 5 R -1 6 .5 8 .7 5 R -1 6 .5 C D C D C D E D E Tire Load Limits at Various Inflation Pressures 30 35 40 45 1195 1195 1310 1310 1195 1195 1515 1515 1515 1380 1380 1415 1415 1310 1310 1630 1630 1630 1515 1515 1520 1520 1415 1415 1750 1750 1750 1630 1630 — -- 1380 1380 1380 — 50 55 60 65 1620 1520 1520 1710 1800 1620 1710 1800 1855 1855 1750 1750 1970 1970 1855 1855 2070 2070 1970 1970 2175 2070 2070 70 75 2260 2360 2175 2260 * * 2 3 6 0 @ 8 0 PSI 1. The “ cold ” tire inflation pressure rating applies to the tire pressure when the vehicle has not been driven for three hours or m ore, or driven less than one m ile. 2. It is normal for tire pressures to increase 4-8 PSI, or m ore, when the tires becom e “h o t” from driving, D o n ot “ b leed ” or reduce tire in­ flation pressures after driving your vehicle. Bleeding serves to reduce “ cold ” inflation pressure and increase tire flexin g which can result in tire damage and failure. For sustained driving over 75 mph with pas­ senger car typ e tires, cold inflation pressures should be increased 4 PSI above the recom ­ m ended cold inflation pressures in the Tire/ Wheel Load and Inflation Pressure Chart for the load being carried up to a m axim um o f 32 PSI for load range B tires, 3 6 PSI for load range C, and 4 0 PSI for load range D. Sus­ tained speeds above 75 mph are n ot recom ­ m ended when the 4 PSI adjustm ent exceeds the m axim um pressures stated above. 3. 4. For sustained driving over 65 mph w ith truck typ e tires* cold inflation pressures should be increased 10 PSI above th ose specified in the Tire/W heel Load and Inflation Pressure charts for the load being carried. Do not exceed the m axim um w heel capacity show n in the Wheel Code & Limits Chart. Sustained speeds above 65 MPH are n ot recom m ended where the 10 PSI pressure increase w ould exceed this m axi­ m um w heel capacity. For special operating con d ition s such as carry­ ing slide-in campers or other high center of gravity loads, cold inflation pressures may be increased up to 10 PSI above those show n in the table. The total increase in cold inflation pressures, how ever, m ust not exceed the m axi­ mum w heel capacity show n on the Wheel Code & Limits Chart. PROPERLY IN F LA TE D PROPERLY IN F LA TE D BIAS R A D IA L TIRE O R BIAS-BELTED TIRE 5. When using passenger car type snow tires cold inflation pressures should be increased 4 PSI (truck typ e sn ow tires, 10 PSI) above the rec­ om m ended pressures for the load being carried. However, do not exceed the m axim um wheel capacity show n in the Wheel Code & Limits Chart. Sustained speeds above 75 MPH with passenger car typ e snow tires (65 MPH with truck type sn ow tires) are n ot recom m ended. 6. Alw ays use a tire pressure gauge (a pock et typ e gauge is recom m ended) when checking inflation pressures. Radial tires may have the appearance o f being under-inflated when at recom m ended cold inflation. 7. Be sure to re-install the tire inflation valve caps, if so equipped, to prevent dirt and m ois­ ture from entering the valve core which could cause air leakage. W H E E L C O D E A N D L IM IT S WHE EL LIM ITS CODE * Passenger car tires have 15 inch or smaller w heel size and have no “ LT” designation m olded in sidewall. Light truck type tires have “ LT” m olded in the sidew all and/or are larger than 15 inch in w heel size. Load Range A B C D E Replaces Ply Rating 2 4 6 8 10 DT XH XU FT AX XT BC CR AH BM BS CS DS BR XL YW AM BU DK DW FJ FK DJ BH CM FB UH FA SIZE OF WHEEL 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 15 x 16 x 16 x 16 x 16 x 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 17.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 6JJ 6JJ 6JJ 6JJ 6JJ 672JJ 7JJ 7JJ 8JJ 8JJ 8JJ 8JJ 8JJ 5K 5K 6KS 6 ’/ 2LS x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6.75 x 6.75 x 8.25 x 5.25 x 6 x 6 x 6.75 MAX. M AX. LOA D (LBS) PRESS (PSD 1670 1670 1670 1910 2040 1690 1670 1670 1910 1910 1760 2030 2030 1800 1800 2440 2780 1730 2350 2680 2680 2680 3170 2750 2155 2540 2780 2850 55 55 55 70 70 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 55 55 75 85 55 70 85 85 85 85 70 70 80 95 90 SERVICE OPERATIONS C A U T IO N : Servicing o f tires mounted on multi-piece rims requires proper tools, safety equipment and specialized training. Severe injuries can result from improper servicing techniques. It is recommended that tires on multi-piece rims be serviced only by competent personnel with proper equipment or by competent truck tire repair shops. C O R R E C T IN G IRREGULAR TIRE WEAR Heel and Toe W ear This is a saw-toothed effect where one end o f each tread block is worn more th a n the other. The end that wears is the one that first grips the road w hen the brakes are applied. Heel and toe w ear is less noticeable on rear tires than on front tires, because the propelling action o f the rear wheels creates a force which tends to wear the opposite end of the tread blocks. The two forces, propelling an d braking, m ake for more even wear o f the rear tires, w hereas only the braking forces act on the front wheels, and the saw-tooth effect is more noticeable. A certain am ount of heel and toe wear is normal. Excessive wear is usually due to high speed driving and excessive use of brakes. The best remedy, in addition to cautioning the owner on his driving habits, is to interchange tires regularly. Side W ear This may be caused by incorrect wheel camber, underinflation, high cambered roads or by taking corners at too high a rate o f speed. The first two causes are the most common. C am ber w ear can be radily identified because it occurs only on one side o f the treads, whereas underinflation causes wear on both sides. C am ber wear requires correction o f the cam ber first and then interchanging tires. There is, o f course, no correction for high cam bered roads. Cornering w ear is discussed further on. M isalignm ent W ear This is w ear due to excessive toe-in or toe-out. In either case, tires will revolve with a side motion and scrape the tread ru bb er off. If misalignment is severe, the ru bber will be scraped off o f both tires; if slight, only one will be affected. The scraping action against the face o f the tire causes a small feather edge of rubber to ap p e a r on one side of the tread and this feather edge is certain indication o f misalignment. The remedy is readjusting toe-in, or rechecking the entire front end alignm ent if necessary. Uneven W ear U neven or spotty wear is due to such irregularities as unequal caster or camber, bent front suspension parts, out-of-balance wheels, brake drum s out o f round, brakes out o f adjustm ent or other mechanical conditions. The rem edy in each case consists of locating the mechanical defect and correcting it. C ornering W ear W hen a truck makes an extremely fast turn, the weight is shifted from an even loading on all wheels to an abn orm al load on the tires on the outside o f the curve and a very light load on the inside tires, due to centrifugal force. This unequal loading may have two unfavorable results. First the rear tire on the inside of the curve may be relieved of so much load that it is no longer geared to the road and it slips, grinding off the tread on the inside half o f the tire at an excessive rate. This type of tire shows much the same appearance of tread w ear as tire w ear caused by negative camber. Second the transfer o f weight may also overload the outside tires so much that they are laterally distorted resulting in excessive wear on the outside h alf o f the tire, producing a type o f wear like that caused by excessive positive camber. C o rnerin g wear can be most easily distinguished from ab no rm al cam ber w ear by the rounding of the outside shoulder or edge o f the tire and by the roughening o f the tread surface which denotes abrasion. C o rn erin g w ear often produces a fin or raised portion along the inside edge o f each row in the tread pattern. In some cases this fin is almost as pronounced as a toe-in fin, and in others, it tapers into a row o f tread blocks to such an extent that the tire has a definite "step w e a r" appearance. T he only rem edy for cornering wear is proper instruction o f operators. D riving more slowly on curves an d turns will avoid g rinding ru b b e r off tires. To offset norm al cornering w ear as much as possible tires should be interchanged at regular intervals. Wheel and Tire Balancing It is desirable from the standpoints o f tire wear and vehicle ride and handling ease to m a intain proper balance o f wheel and tire assemblies on all models. This may be accomplished by either o f the two types o f balancing systems in currect use which balance wheels either on the vehicle or off. The "o n the vehicle" type, however, is the more desirable in that all rolling components (brake drums, bearings, seals, etc.) are included in the balancing procedure and thereby have any existing unbalance corrected. Truck Wheel Balance Weights All 1977 truck wheels equipped with a tubular side ring (rolled flange rim) on the outboard side o f the wheel rims require special design weights to fit. D ynam ic balancing can be accomplished through use o f these special balance weights which are designed only for installations on the outboard side o f these wheels. Conventional weights fit only the inboard side o f these wheels. Static Balance Static balance (sometimes called still balance) is the equal distribution o f weight o f the wheel and tire assembly about the axis o f rotation in such a m anner that the assembly has no tendency to rotate by itself, regardless o f its position. For example: A wheel with chunk o f dirt on the rim will always rotate by itself until the heavy side is a the bottom. Any wheel with a heavy side like this is statically out of balance. Static unbalance o f a wheel causes a hopping or pounding action (up and down) which frequently leads to wheel "flutter" and quite often to wheel " tra m p " . Dynamic Balance Dynam ic balance (sometimes called running balance means that the wheel must be in static balance, and also run smoothly at all speeds. To insure successful, accurate balancing, the following precautions must be observed: • Wheel and tire must be clean and free from all foreign matter. • The tires should be in good condition and properly mounted with the balance mark on the tire, if any, lined up with the valve. • Bent wheels that have runout over 1/16" should be replaced. • Inspect tire and wheel assembly to determine if an eccentric o r out-of-round condition exists. Note that this condition, if severe, cannot be "balanced out". An assembly which has an out-of-round condition exceeding 3 /1 6 " on tire sizes through 19.5" is not suitable for use on the front o f the vehicle. Its use on the rear should be governed by its general condition and whether the roundness defect seriously detracts from overall ride quality. • W hen balancing wheels and tires, it is recom­ mended that the instructions covering the operation o f the wheel balancer being used be closely followed. • W hen balancing truck type nylon tires, tires must be hot (run for several miles) before raising vehicle to balance so that flat spot is elimated. A tire which is flat spotted will be incorrectly balanced. WHEEL REMO VAL AN D IN S TA LLA TIO N Jacking Instructions Place vehicle jack supplied or recom m ended as follows: To raise a rear wheel, place jack under axle housing; to raise fron t wheel o f C, G, P models, place jack under lower control arm pivot; to raise front wheel of K models, place jack under front axle near spring seat. Dual and Single Wheels W hen installing the tire and wheel on the vehicle, the following procedure should be followed: A fter wheel nuts are p ut on loosely, turn the wheel until one nut is at the top o f the bolt circle; tighten the nut just snug. Snug up the re m aining nuts criss-cross to m inim ize runout, then tig h te n the nuts to the recom m ended torque alternately and evenly to avoid excessive runout. W hen installing wheels on vehicles with dual rear wheels: 1. Install inner and outer wheel and clamp ring on rear, or wheel and clamp ring on front (be sure pins on clam p ring face outboard). 2. Install and snug nuts finger tight. 3. T orque nuts to specified torque in sequence shown in Figure 4. Lateral runout should not exceed 1 /8 " on front wheel or 3 /1 6 " on rear wheel. Matching Side and Lock Rings Side and lock rings o f different rim types are not interchangeable. Some m ay ap p ea r to be, but they do not fit peoperly on the rim base. Serious accidents have resulted from the use of m ismatched rings. Rim base and rings must be matched according to m anufacturer, size and type. This info rm atio n is stamped on each part. Installing Synthetic Tubes When tube and flap are not properly lubricated a n d mounted, they will stretch thin in the tire bead a nd rim region. This will cause premature failure. 1. Before installing tube in tire, clean inside of casing thoroughly. 2. Insert tube in tire and inflate until it is nearly rounded out. 3. Inspect rim for rust scale and bent flanges-clean rust scale and straighten flanges where necessary. 4. U sing a brush or cloth swab, apply a solution of neutral vegetable oil soap to the inside and outside of CAUTION: tire beads and also the the rim side o f the tube. Do not allow soap solution to run down into tire. 5. W hen m ounting tire and tube on a drop center rim, follow the standard procedure. Be sure tire is centered on rim so that beads are out o f rim well before inflating. Do not allow tire to h ang loosely on wheel while inflating. 6. Center valve and pull it firmly against the rim. Hold in this position and inflate until tire beads are firmly seated on rim against flanges. 7. Completely deflate tire by removing valve core. 8. Reinflate tire to recom m ended pressure. TUBELESS TIRES Tubeless tires mounted on one piece full drop center rims are standard on some trucks. These tires have a safety inner liner which if punctured, tends to cling to the penetrating object forming a partial seal until the object is removed from the tire. The mounting and dem ounting of tubeless truck tires will present no problem when a ru bb er lubricant, such as Ru-Glyde or equivalent is applied to tire beads and rim flanges. Ru-Glyde or equivalent in addition to materially assisting in mounting and dem ounting also prevents rusting at the tire sealing area and thus prevents tires from adhering to the wheel. CAUTION: A hammer, or tools with sharp edges, should never be used to demount or mount tubeless tires as damage to rim flange or tire sealing bead may result. Inspection for Leaks 1. With wheel assembly removed from vehicle, inflate the tire to recom m ended operating pressure. 2. Check for leaks at rim bead by placing wheel and tire horizontal and allowing w ater to stand in groove between rim and tire. Check for large leaks by lowering assembly into water tank or running water over tire. Demounting 1. Remove vlave core to completely deflate tire. With tire lying flat on floor, loosen beads from rim seats by walking around on tire with heels at points close to rim. With wide side o f rim down, apply tire lubricant to top bead. With stops toward rim, insert spoon ends of two tire irons about 10" apart. While standing on tire to hold bead in gutter, pull one tool toward center of rim. 2. Hold one iron in position with foot and pull second iron toward center o f rim. Progressively work bead off rim, taking additional bites if necessary. 3. Stand assembly in vertical position. Lubricate second bead. At top o f assembly insert straight end of tire iron between bead and back flange o f rim at about a 45 degree angle. 4. Turn iron so that it is perpendicular to rim. Pry second bead off. Mounting All tubeless ties will be mounted as follows: 1. Inspect rim to insure bead seats are clean and smooth. Then place rim on floor with wide side down ond lubricate first bead o f tire and upper bead seat of rim. 2. Push first bead into well o f rim and onto rim as fa r as possible. Using straight end of tire iron and with stop resting on rim flange, work rem aining section of first bead over rim. 3. Hold second bead in well by standing on tire. W hen necessary, push section o f bead into rim well and anchor with vise-grip pliers by pinching pliers on rim flange. Using spoon end o f tire iron with stop toward rim, work progressively around bead using small bites until bead slips over flange onto rim base. If necessary, insert second tire iron and lubricate last 6 " o f bead before completing. 4. Check valve to be certain that hex nut at the valve base is tight. Inflate tire to recom m ended operating pressure. Check assembly for air leaks. A T T A C H M E N T OF DUAL WHEELS ON P 300 MODELS To assure secure attachment o f the dual disc wheels, it is im p ortant that all dirt or rust scale be removed from the m ating surface o f the wheels, hub, and clamp ring as well as the stud and nut. PO W ER DRIVE N U T S TH EN M A N U A L L Y IN SPEC T T O R Q U E A T 130-180 FT. LBS. M A N U A L T O R Q U E ONLY: 150-200 FT. LB. SECTION 4A PROPSHAFT The following caution applies to one or more steps in the assembly procedure o f components in this portion o f the m anual as indicated at appropriate locations by the terminology "See Caution on page l of this Section". C A U TIO N : T H I S F A S T E N E R I S A N I M P O R T A N T A T T A C H I N G P A R T I N T H A T I T C O U L D A F F E C T T H E P E R F O R M A N C E OF V IT A L C O M P O N E N T S A N D S Y S T E M S , A N D / O R CO U LD R E S U L T IN M A J O R R E P A I R E X P E N S E . I T M U S T B E R E P L A C E D W I T H O N E O F T H E S A M E P A R T N U M B E R OF W I T H A N E Q U I V A L E N T P A R T I F R E P LA C E M E N T B E C O M E S N E C E S S A R Y. DO N O T U S E A R E P L A C E M E N T P A R T OF L E S S E R Q U A L I T Y OR S U B S T I T U T E D E S IG N . T O R Q U E V A L U E S M U S T B E U S E D A S S P E C IF IE D D U R I N G R E A S S E M B L Y TO A S S U R E P R O P E R R E T E N T I O N OF TH IS PART. CONTENTS G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n ......................................................... 4A-1 Universal Jo in ts ............................................................... 4A-1 Propeller S h a ft................................................................. 4A-2 D ia g n o sis.............................................................................. 4A-3 O n C ar Service.................................................................. 4A-5 Specifications..................................................................... 4A-15 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Universal Joints The simple universal jo in t is basically two Y-shaped yokes connected by a crossmember called a spider. The spider is shaped like an X and arms that extend from it are called trunnions. See figure 4A-1. The spider allows the two yoke shafts to operate at an angle to each other. W hen torque is transmitted at an angle, through this type o f joint, the driving yoke rotates at a constant speed while the driven yoke speeds up and slows down twice per revolution. This changing of velocity (acceleration) o f the driven yoke increases as the angle between the two yoke shafts increases. This is the prime reason why single universal joints are not used for angles greater than three to four degrees. At four degrees, for example the change o f velocity is .5%. At ten degrees it is 3%. If the universal joint were set at 30 degrees and the driving yoke were turning at 1000 RPM the velocity o f the driven yoke would change from 856 RPM to 1155 RPM in one q uarter o f a revolution. In the rem aining quarter revolution the velocity would change from 1155 RPM to 866 RPM. On a one-piece drive shaft this problem can be eliminated by arranging two simple universal joints so that the two driving yokes are rotated 90 degrees to each other. However the angle between the drive and driven yokes must be very nearly the same on both joints for this to work. Refer to figure 4A-2. This allows the alternate acceleration and deceleration o f one jo in t to be offset by the alternate deceleration and acceleration o f the second joint. W hen the two joints do not run at approximately the same angle, operation can be rough and an objectionable vibration can be produced. Universal joints are designed to consider the effects I Fig. 4A-2--Universal Joints Arranged for Constant Velocity of various loadings acceleration. W ithin universal joints will However, when the operational life o f the and rear axle windup, during the design angle variations the operate safely and efficiently. design angles are exceeded the joints m ay decrease. The bearings used in universal joints are the needle roller type. The needle rollers are held in place on the trunnion by round bearing cups. The bearing cups are held in the yoke by either (depending on the m anufacturer) snap rings or plastic injection. These joints usually are lubricated for life and cannot be lubricated while on the vehicle. Constant Velocity Joint—Double Cardan Joint As mentioned previously, the simple universal joint will operate efficiently through small angles only. Also, two simple universal joints phased properly and operating through the same angle will transm it constant velocity. W h en a large angle is encountered in a driveline, a simple universal jo in t will introduce two vibrations in each revolution. It is in this situation that a constant velocity jo in t is used. Essentially, the constant velocity joint is two simple universal joints closely coupled by a coupling yoke, phased properly for constant velocity. A centering ball socket between the joints maintains the relative position o f the two units. This centering device causes each o f the two units to operate through one-h alf o f the complete angle between the drive shaft and differential carrier. See figure 4A-3. N O T E : The ball/socket on this Constant Velocity jo in t requires periodic lubrication. A lubrication fitting is provided fo r this purpose, and is illustrated later in this section. Fig. 4A-3--Ball-Socket Location Propeller Shafts The propeller shaft is a steel tube which is used to transmit power from the transmission output shaft to the differential. To accommodate various model, wheelbase and transmission combinations, drive shafts differ in length, diam eter and the type o f splined yoke. On some models the drive shaft is made up o f concentric steel tubes with ru b b e r elements between. Each shaft is installed in the same m anner. A universal joint and splined slip yoke are located at the transmission end o f the shaft, where they are held in alignment by a bushing in the transmission rear extension. The slip yoke permits fore and aft movement of the drive shaft as the differential assembly moves up and down. The spline is lubricated internally by transmission lubricant or grease. An oil seal at the transmission prevents leakage and protects the slip yoke from dust, dirt and other harm ful material. Since the drive shaft is a balanced unit, it should be kept completely free of undercoating and other foreign material which would upset shaft balance. Both one piece and two piece propeller shafts are used depending on the model. All are tubular and use needle bearing type universal joints. On models that use a two piece shaft, the shaft is supported n ear its splined end in a ru bb er cushioned ball bearing which is mounted in a bracket attached to a frame crossmember. The ball bearing is p erm anently lubricated and sealed. F our wheel drive models use a front propeller shaft incorporating a constant velocity joint. PROPELLER SHAFT AND UNIVERSAL JOINT DIAGNOSIS Checking and Correcting Propeller Shaft Unbalance 1. Place vehicle on a twin post hoist so that the re a r wheels are free to rotate. 2. Remove both rear tire an d wheel assemblies and brake drums. C A U T IO N : Use care not to apply brakes with drums removed. 3. Visually inspect propshaft, U-Joints and attach­ ments for m ud undercoating o r other discrepancies. Make necessary corrections prior to running. 4. With vehicle running in gear at the indicated speed where disturbance is at its peak, observe the intensity of the disturbance. 5. Stop engine and disconnect drive shaft from com panion flange. Reinstall shaft by rotating it 180° from its original position. D eterm ine which position o f the com panion flange gives the best balance. 6. Install rear drums and wheels, and road test vehicle for final check o f balance. If balance is still unacceptable, replace drive shaft. D IA G N O S T IC C H A R T C O M P L A IN T PO SSIBLE CAUSE Leak at front slip yo ke. a. Rough outside surface on splined yoke. N O TE: An occasional drop o f lubricant leaking from splined yoke is normal and requires no attention. b. Defective transmission rear oil seal. Knock in drive line, clunking noise when car is operated under floating condition at 10 mph in high gear or neutral. C O R R E C T IO N a. Replace seal i f cut by burrs on yo ke. Minor burrs can be sm oothed by careful use o f crocus cloth or honing w ith a fine stone. Replace y o k e if outside surface is rough or burred badly. b. Replace transmission rear oil seal. c. Bring transmission oil up to proper level after correction. a. Worn or damaged universal joints. a. Disassemble universal joints, inspect and replace worn or damaged parts. b. b. Replace differential case and/or side gears as required. Side gear hub counterbore in differential worn oversize. Ping, Snap or Click in drive line. a. Loose upper or lower control arm bushing bolts. a. Tighten bolts to specified torque. NOTE: Usually occurs on initial load application after transmission has been put into gear, either forward or reverse. b. Loose companion flange. b. Remove companion flange, turn 180° from its original position, apply white lead to splines and reinstall. Tighten pinion nut to specified torque. C O M P L A IN T Roughness, Vibration or Body Boom at any speed. NOTE: With tachometer installed in car, determine whether propeller shaft is cause of complaint by driving through speed range and note the engine speed (rpm) at which vibration (roughness) is most pronounced. Then, shift transmission to a different gear range and drive car at same engine speed (rpm) at which vibration was noted before. Note the effect on the vibration. If vibration occurs at the same engine speed (rpm), regardless of transmission gear range selected, drive shaft assembly is not at fault, since the shaft speed (rpm) varies. If vibration decreased, or is eliminated, in a different gear range but at the same engine speed (rpm), check the possible causes: C O R R E C T IO N P O S S IB L E C A U S E a. . Bent or dented drive shaft. a. Replace. b. Undercoating on drive shaft. b. Clean drive shaft. c. Tire unbalance. (30-80 mph, not throttle conscious) c. Balance or replace as required. d. Excessive U-bolt torque. d. Check and correct to specified torque. e. Tight unive rsal j oints. e. Impact yokes with a hammer to free up. Overhaul joint if unable to free up or if joint feels rough when rotated by hand. f. Worn universal joints. f. g. Burrs or gouges on companion flange. Check snap ring locating surfaces on flange yoke. g. Rework or replace companion flange. h. Drive shaft or companion flange unbalance. h. Check for missing balance weights on drive shaft. Remove and reassemble drive shaft to companion flange, 180° from original position. i. Excessive looseness at slip yoke spline. i. Replace necessary parts. j. j. Drive shaft runout (50-80 mph throttle conscious) Check drive shaft runout at front and rear. Should be less than specified. If above, rotate shaft 180° and recheck. If still above specified, replace shaft. Overhaul, replacing necessary parts. Roughness usually at low speeds, light load, 15-35 mph. a. U-bolt clamp nuts excessively tight. a. Check and correct torque to that specified. If torque was excessive or if brenelled pattern on trunnions is evident, replace joints. Scraping noise. a. Slinger, companion flange, or end yoke rubbing on rear axle carrier. a. Straighten slinger to remove interference. Roughness on heavy acceleration (short duration.) a. Double cardan joint ball seats worn. Ball seat spring may be broken. a. Replace joint and shaft assembly. Roughness -- above 35 mph felt and/or heard. a. Tires unbalanced or worn. a. Balance or replace as required. UNIT REPAIR PROPELLER SHAFT Two methods are used to retain the propeller shaft to the dilferential pinion flange. One method utilizes " U " bolts, and the other is a strap attachment. Refer to figures 4A-6 and 4A-7. Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. Mark relationship o f shaft to com panion flange and disconnect the rear universal jo in t by removing tru m m io n bearing " U " bolts or straps. T ap e bearing cups to trunnion to prevent d ro p ping and loss o f bearing rollers. 2. For models with two-piece shafts remove bolts retaining bearing support to hanger. 3. Slide pro peller sh aft fo rw ard disengaging trunnion from axle flange, then slide assembly rearward disengaging from transmission. N OTE: F or models using strap o r U-bolt attachm ents to transmission or transfer case use same removal procedure as above. Universal Joints On models with between center slip propshaft it is im p o rta n t th a t c om po ne n ts are m a rk e d p rio r to dissassembly for pro p e r phasing. Arrows are stamped on assemblies as shown in Fig. 4A-8. NOTE: The universal joints are o f the extendedlife design and do not require periodic inspection or lubrication; however, when these joints are disassem bled, repack b earings and lubricate reservoir at end o f trunnions with high-melting point wheel bearing lubricant use care not to dam age or dislodge seals from trunnion. Snap Ring Type Disassembly 1. Remove bearing lock rings from trunnion yoke. 2. Support trunnion yoke on a piece o f 1-1/4" I.D. pipe on an arb or bed. NOTE: Due to length o f the propeller shaft it may be more convenient to use a bench vise, for removal and installation, instead o f an arbo r press. In this case, proceed with disassembly and assembly procedure as with an arbor press Fig. 4A9 and 4A-10. 3. Using a suitable socket or rod, press on trunnion 1. T r u n n io n 2. Seal 3. B e a rin g s 4. W asher 5. 6. Cap S n a p R in g Fig. 4A-9--Bearing Cup Removal w ith Vise Fig. 4 A -ll--U n iv e rs a l Joint Repair Kit until bearing cup is almost out. G rasp cup in vise and work cup out of yoke. See figures 4A-9 and 4A-10. Partially install other cup. Align trunnion into cup, and press cups into yoke. 2. Install lock rings. N OTE: The bearing cup cannot be fully pressed out. 4. Press trunnion in opposite direction and remove o th er cup as in Step 3. 5. Clean and inspect dust seals, bearing rollers, and trunnion. Relubricate bearings as indicated in Section 0. N OTE: In addition to packing the bearings, make sure that the lubricant reservoir at the end o f each trunnion is completely filled with lubricant. In filling these reservoirs, pack lubricant into the hole so as to fill from the bottom (use o f squeeze bottle is recom m ended). This will prevent air pockets and ensure an adequate supply o f lubricant. Reassembly Fig. 4A-11 1. Position trun nion into yoke. Paritally install b earing cup into yoke. Start trunnion into bearing cup. Injected Plastic Type Disassembly NOTE: N ever clamp drive sh aft tubing in a vise as the tube may be dented. Always clamp on one of the yokes, and support the shaft horizontally. Avoid da m a g in g the slip yoke sealing surface. Nicks may dam age the bushing or cut the seal lip. 1. Support the drive shaft in a horizontal position in line with the base plate o f a press. Place the universal joint so that the lower ear o f the shaft yoke is supported on a 1-1/8" socket. Place the cross press, J-9522-3, on the open horizontal bearing cups, and press the lower bearing cup out o f the yoke ear as shown in figure 4A12. This will shear the plastic retaining the lower bearing cup. 2. If the bearing cup is not completely removed, onelift the cross and insert Spacer J-9522-5 between the seal l '/ g " SOCKET TO SUPPORT YOKE EAR BUT MUST CLEAR BEARING CUP and bearing cup being removed, as shown in figure 4A13. Complete the removal of the bearing cup, by pressing it out o f the yoke. 3. Rotate the drive shaft, shear the opposite plastic retainer, and press the opposite bearing cup out o f the yoke as before, using Spacer J-9522. 4. Disengage cross from yoke and remove. N O TE : Production universal joints cannot be reassembled. There are no bearing retainer grooves in production bearing cups. Discard all universal jo in t parts removed. 5. Remove the rem ains o f the sheared plastic bearing retainer from the ears o f the yoke. This will aid in reassembly o f the service jo in t bearing cups. It usually is easier to remove plastic if a small pin or punch is first driven through the injection holes. 6. If the front universal jo in t is being serviced, remove the pair of b earing cups from the slip yoke in the same m anner. Reassembly A universal jo in t service kit is used w hen reassembling this joint. See figure 4A-14. This kit includes one pregreased cross assembly, four service bearing cup assemblies with seals, needle rollers, washers, grease and four bearing retainers. M ake sure that the seals are in place on the service bearing cups to hold the needle rollers in place for handling. 1. Remove all o f the rem ains o f the sheared plastic b earing retainers from the grooves in the yokes. The sheared plastic may prevent the bearing cups from being pressed into place, and this prevent the bearing retainers from being properly seated. 2. Install one bearing cup p a rt way into one side of the yoke, and turn this yoke ear to the bottom. 3. Insert cross into yoke so that the trunnion seats freely into b earing cup as shown in figure 4A-15. ROLLER B EA R IN G S B E A R IN G RETAINER Fig. 4A-14 Repair Kit 4. Install opposite bearing cup part way. Make sure that both trunnions are started straight and true into both bearing cups. 5. Press against opposite bearing cups, working the cross all o f the time to check for free movement of the trunnions in the bearings. If there seems to be a h an g­ up, stop pressing and recheck needle rollers, to determine if one or more o f them has been tipped un der the end o f the trunnion. 6. As soon as one bearing retainer groove clears the inside o f the yoke, stop pressing and snap the bearing retainer into place as shown in figure 4A-16. 7. Continue to press until the opposite bearing retainer can be snap ped into place. If difficulty is encountered, strike the yoke firmly with a h a m m e r to aid in seating bearing retainers. This springs the yoke ears slightly. See figure 4A-17. 8. Assemble the other half o f the universal jo int in the same manner. 5. Assemble bearing support as follows: a. Install inner deflector on propeller shaft, if removed, and prick punch deflector at two opposite points to make sure it is tight on shaft. b. Fill space between in ner dust shield and bearing with lithium soap grease. c. Start bearing and slinger assembly straight on shaft journal. Support propeller shaft and, using suitable length o f pipe over splined end o f shaft, press bearing and inner slinger against shoulder on shaft. d. Install dust shield over shaft, small diam eter first and press into position against outer slinger. e. Install rub ber cushion onto bearing. f. Install bracket onto cushion. g. Install retaining strap. Installation of Propshafts Fig. 4A -16--lnstalling Snap Ring to Retain Trunnion 9. C h e c k th e fr e e d o m o f r o ta tio n o f b o th sets o f tru n n io n s o f the cro ss. I f to o tig h t, a g a in ra p the y o k e e a r s as d e s c r ib e d a b o v e . T h is w ill lo o se n th e b e a r in g s a n d h e lp s e a t th e b e a r in g re ta in e r s . C ENTER S U P P O R T B E A R IN G —FIG. 4A -1 8 C A U T IO N : See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding Center Support Bearing fasteners. 1. R e m o v e d u st sh ie ld . 2. R e m o v e b e a r in g s u p p o rt. s tra p r e t a in in g r u b b e r c u s h io n 3. P u ll s u p p o r t b r a c k e t fr o m p u ll c u s h io n fr o m b e a r in g . 4. fr o m r u b b e r c u s h io n an d P u ll b e a r in g a s s e m b ly fr o m s h a ft. N O TE : W h e n re installing prop sh afts, it is necessary to place the shafts into particular positions to assure proper operation. This is called phasing. All models with 32 splines use an alignment key, as shown in figure 4A-19, to obtain p rop er phasing. The shafts can mate only in the correct position. G and K models with 16 splines must be phased as shown in figure 4A-20. 1. For models with one piece propeller shafts, slide shaft into transmission and attach rear U -jointto axle. 2. For C-P models with two-piece propeller shafts, proper phasing is accomplished with the alignm ent key, shown in figure 4A-19. 3. F or G -K models with two piece shafts, install front h alf into transmission and bolt support to crossmember. a. Slide grease cap and gasket onto rear splines. b. Rotate shaft so front U-joint trunnion is in correct position. See figure 4A-20. c. Take rear propeller shaft and before install­ ing, align U-joint trunnions as shown in figure 4A-20. Attach rear U-joint to axle. Tighten grease cap. d. Torque bearing support to crossmem ber and U -joint to axle attachments. C O N S T A N T VELOCITY UNIVERSAL J O IN T (Snap Ring Type) RETENSIO N Disassembly 1. Remove auxiliary front propeller shaft from vehicle. 2. Remove rear trunnion snap rings from center yoke. Remove grease fitting. 3. Place propeller shaft in vice as shown in figure 4A-21. Drive one rear trunnion bearing cap from center yoke as shown in figure 4A-21 until it protudes approxim ately 3 /8 " . NOTE: Keep rear portion o f propeller shaft up to avoid interference o f rear yoke h alf with center yoke. Fig. 4A -1 8 -Propeller Shaft, Universal Joint and Bearing Support A L IG N M E N T 4. Once the bearing cup protrudes 3 /8 " , release vice. G rasp protruding portion o f cup in vice and strike center yoke as shown in Figure 4A-22 until cup is removed. Remove cup seal by prying off with a thin screwdriver. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for rem aining bearing cup. 6. Once the center yoke cups have been removed, remove rear yoke h a lf bearing cups. Remove rear trunnion. 7. Gently pull rear yoke h a lf from prop shaft. Remove all loose needle bearings. Remove spring seal. 8. Remove front trunnion from center and front yoke in same m a n n e r as described in Steps 2, 3 and 4. N OTE: Before front trunnion can be removed all four (4) bearing caps must be removed. Assembly Fig 4A-19-.Alignm ent Kev *' Clean and inSPeCt al1 n e e d le b e a r in 8 ^ cups, seals, fittings, trunnions and yokes. Assemble all needle bearings in caps (27 p e r cap); assemble needle bearings REAR PROP SHAFT HORIZONTAL HANGER WITH SLOTTED HOLES FRONT PROP SHAFT FRONT YOKE OF REAR PROP SHAFT VERTICAL After assembly to hanger, front face of Bearing Support Asm must be perpendicular to CenterLine of Prop Shaft as shown. PROP SHAFT SPLINE SETTING K300(00) WITH 2 PIECE PROP SHAFT 2-Piece prop shaft must be assembled as follows to prevent excessive drive line excitation: 1. Transmission yoke must first be placed in vertical position. 2. Front yoke of Rear Prop shaft is set horizontal as shown. Fig. 4A -2 0 -A lig n m e n t for Phasing REAR T R U N N IO N REAR YO K E HALF F R O N T YO K E in front yoke (28 total). Retain bearings with a heavy grease. Assemble seals to bearing cups. 2. Place front trunnion in drive shaft. Place center yoke on front trunnion. Install one bearing cup and seal assembly in front yoke. Drive in to a depth that the snap ring can be installed. Install snap ring. Install rem aining cup and seal in front yoke. Install snap ring. 3. Install fro nt trunnion bearing cups in center yoke in same m anner. 4. W ith front trunnion completely installed, install seal on prop shaft (large face first). G ently slip rear yoke half on prop shaft using care not to upset rollers. Insert re a r tru nnion in center yoke. Install rear yoke h alf bearing caps on re a r trunnion. Install one rear trunnion b e a rin g cap in center yoke and press into yoke until snap ring can be installed. Install rem aining cap and snap ring. 5. G rease universal as outlined in Section 0 at all three (3) fittings (2 conventional type an d one in rear yoke half) tha t requires a needle nose grease gun adapter. 6. Install propeller shaft with constant velocity jo in t next to tr a n sfe r case. T o rq ue U-bolts to specifications. The lubrication fitting at this location is shown in figure 4A-23. Fig. 4A-24 -Bearing Cap Removal Sequence M ark the flange yoke and coupling yoke for reassembly in the same position, as shown in figure 4A-25. that the ball socket is part o f the flange yoke assembly, while the centering ball is pressed onto a stud an d is p art o f the ball stud yoke. See figure 4A-26. Pry the seal from the ball socket and remove washers, spring and the three ball seats as illustrated in figure 4A-27. 1. Clean and inspect ball seat insert bushing for wear. If bushing is worn, replace flange yoke and cross assembly. 2. Clean and inspect seal and ball seats along with spring and washers. If any parts show indication o f excessive wear or are broken, replace the entire set with a service kit. N O T E: To service the trunnion caps, use the a pp ro priate procedures given in the beginning of this Section. W h e n both bearing cups are free, disengage the flange yoke and trunnion from the centering ball. Note NOTE: W henever the seal is removed to inspect ball seat parts, it should be discarded and replaced with a new seal. 3. Remove all plastic from groove o f coupling yoke. DOUBLE C A R DAN TYPE-CV J O IN T Inspection A n inspection kit including two bearing caps and two sn a p rings is available to allow the removal of the two tru nn io n caps shown at location 1, in figure 4A-24. BALL SUPPORT TUBE YOKE A L IG N M E N T P U N C H M A R K S Fig. 4A -28--lnstalling Tool J-23996 Over Ball Fig. 4A-26--Cross Sectional View of CV Joint Fig. 4 A 29 -Installing Outer Cylinder of Tool J-23996 Over Ball Fig. 4A-27--Exploded View of Centering Ball M echanism 4. Inspect the centering ball surface. If it shows signs of w ear beyond smooth polish, replace it. Centering Ball Replacement 1. Place fingers o f inner part o f Tool J-23996 u nd e r ball as shown in figure 4A-28. 2. Place outer cylinder o f Tool J-23996 over outside o f ball as shown in figure 4A-29. 3. T h read nut on Tool j-23996 and draw ball off stud, using wrench as shown in figure 4A-30. 4. Place the replacem ent ball on stud. 5. Using Tool J-23996, drive ball onto stud as in figure 4A-31, until the ball can be seen to seat firmly against the shoulder at the base o f the stud. This is im p o rta n t as the center o f the double C a rd a n joint is determ ined by the ball seating tightly in the proper location. 6. Using grease provided in the ball seat kit, lubricate all parts and insert them into the clean ball seat cavity in the following order: spring, washer (smallest OD), three ball seats (with largest opening outward to receive ball), washer (largest OD) and seal. 7. Lubricate seal lip and press seal flush with Tool J-23694, as shown in figure 4A-32. Sealing lip should tip inward. 8. Fill cavity with grease provided in kit. 9. Install flange yoke to centering ball as shown in figure 4A-33, making sure alignm ent marks are correctly positioned. Install tru n n io n a n d b e a rin g caps as previously outlined. Fig. 4A 30 Removing C entering Ball Fig. 4A-32 In sta llin g Centering Ball Seal Fig. 4 A -3 1 -In s ta llin g C entering Ball Fig. 4A-33-Reassem bling Flange Yoke LU B R IC A T IO N T he front axle p rop sh aft found on all four-wheel drive trucks requires special lubrication procedures at two locations: The C /V joint, and the slip yoke. All Constant Velocity Joints (C /V ) The constant velocity (C /V ) joint, located at the transfer case end o f the front propshaft. must be lubricated periodically with special lubricant, 1050679, or equivalent. If the fitting cannot be seen from beneath the vehicle Figure 4A-34 shows how the fitting may be lubricated from above the C /V joint, with a special adapter J-25512-2 on the end of a flex hose. Slip Spline • Dana Style Propshaft- First loosen the screw-on grease cap. shown in Figure 4A-35 and slide the collar back to reveal the sealing area. Apply chassis lubricant at the fitting until grease begins to leave through the vent hole. Cover the vent hole with your finger and continue applying lubricant until it can be seen leaving at the slip yoke seal. Reinstall the grease cap. NOTE: If the slip spline is dry or corroded, it may be necessary to disconnect the propshaft from the truck, remove the slip yoke, and wire brush the affected areas. Wipe clean before reinstallation. W hen installing the propshaft to transfer case attaching bolts, torque to specification (20-30 ft. lbs.). • GM Style Propshaft- Apply chassis lubricant at the fitting until grease begins to leave through the vent hole. NOTE: If the slip spline is dry or corroded, it may be necessary to disconnect the propshaft from the Slip Yoke Lubrication truck, remove the slip yoke, and wire brush the affected areas. W ipe clean before reinstallation. W hen installing the propshaft to transfer case front output flange attaching bolts, torque to specification (70-80 ft. lbs.). SPECIFICATIONS PROPELLER SHAFT CK G P 1 2 -1 7 1 8 -2 2 1 2 -1 7 2 0 -3 0 4 0 -5 0 2 0 -3 0 1 2 -1 7 1 8 -2 2 2 0 -3 0 — — P ro p e lle r S h a ft To Rear A x le (S tra p ) To R ear A x le (" U " Bolt) B e a rin g S u p p o rt-to -H a n g e r H a n g e r-to -F ra m e To T ra n s fe r C ase D a n a Style G M Style 2 0 -3 0 7 0 -8 0 — Torqu e S p ecificatio ns (Ft.-Lbs.) U NIVERSAL J O IN T A T TA C H M E N T TO R Q U E S P E C IF IC A TIO N S S tra p Attachm ents ...............................................15 Ft.-Lbs. " U " Bolt A ttach m ent ..........................................2 0 Ft.-Lbs. SECTION 4B REAR AXLE The following caution applies to one or more steps in the assembly procedure o f components in this portion o f the m anual as indicated at ap pro priate locations by the terminology "See Caution on Page 1 o f this Section". C A U TIO N : T H I S F A S T E N E R I S A N I M P O R T A N T A T T A C H I N G P A R T I N T H A T I T C O U LD A F F E C T T H E P E R F O R M A N C E OF V IT A L C O M P O N E N T S A N D S Y S T E M S , A N D / O R C O U L D R E S U L T IN M A JO R R E P A IR E X P E N SE . I T M U S T BE R E P L A C E D W ITH O N E OF T H E S A M E P A R T N U M B E R OR W IT H A N E Q U I V A L E N T P A R T I F R E P L A C E M E N T B E C O M E S N E C E S S A R Y. D O N O T U S E A R E P L A C E M E N T P A R T OF L E S S E R Q U A L I T Y OR S U B S T I T U T E D E S IG N . T O R Q U E V A L U E S M U S T B E U S E D A S S P E C IF IE D D U R I N G R E A S S E M B L Y TO A S S U R E P R O P E R R E T E N T I O N OF T H IS PART. CONTENTS G en eral D escriptio n......................................................................... 4B-1 Differential D iagnosis.......................................................................4B-7 G e n e ra l Diagnostic P ro c e d u re .................................................. 4B-10 Differential and Rear Axle Bearing D iagnosis.................. 4B-11 On-Vehicle Service............................................................................... 4 B -13 8 -1 /2 " and 8 -7 /8 " Ring G e a r ................................................. 4B-13 Chevrolet 10-1/2" Ring G e a r ................................................... 4B-18 D a n a 10-1/2" Ring G e a r ........................................................... 4B-21 D an a 9 -3 /4 "R in g G e a r ............................................................... 4B-21 Chevrolet 12-1/4" Ring G e a r ................................................... .4B-21 Specifications....................................................................................... 4B-24 Special T ools........................................................................................4B-25 GENERAL DESCRIPTION A differential is an a rra n ge m ent o f gears that divides the torque between the axle shafts and allows them to rotate at different speeds. A basic differential consists o f a set o f four gears. Two o f these gears are called differential side gears, an d the other two are differential p inion gears. Some differentials have more than two pinion gears. Each side gear is splined to an axle shaft. Consequently, each axle shaft must turn w hen its side gear rotates. T h e differential pinion gears are mounted on a differential p inion shaft, and the gears are free to rotate on this shaft. T he pinion shaft is fitted into a bore in the differential case and is at right angles to the axle shafts. Power flow through the differential is as follows: The drive p inion roates the ring gear. The ring gear, being bolted to the differential case, rotates the case. The differential pinion, as it rotates w ith the case, forces the pinion gears against the side gears. W hen both wheels have equal traction, the pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion shaft because the input force on the pinion gear is equally divided between the two side gears. See figure 4B-1. Consequently, the pinion gears revolve with the pinion shaft, but do not rotate around the shaft itself. The side gears, being splined to the axle shafts and in mesh with the pinion gears, rotate the axle shafts. If a vehicle were always driven in a straight line, the ring and pinion gears would be sufficient. The axle shaft could then be solidly attached to the ring gear and both driving wheels would turn at equal speeds. However, if it became necessary to turn a corner, the tires would scuff and slide because the outer wheel would travel further than the inner wheel, as in figure 4B-2. To prevent tire scuffing an d sliding, the differential becomes effective and allows the axle shafts to rotate at different speeds. As the inner wheel slows down, the side gear splined to that axle shaft also slows down. At this point, the pinion gears act as balancing levers by m aintaining equal speeds o f rotation o f the axle shafts.See figure4B-3. If the vehicle speed rem ains constant and the inner E Q U A L T R A C T IO N IN S T R A IG H T A H E A D D R IV IN G B A LA N C E D FO RCES M A KE D IF F E R E N T IA L S E E M L O C K E D Fig. 4B-3--D ifferential Action on Turns Fig. 4B-1--D ifferential Inactive tube is puddle welded to the carrier. Welded-on brackets provide attachm ent points for suspension componenets such as shock absorbers and leaf springs. A welded flange is provided for brake flange plate attachment. An overhung hypoid drive pinion is supported by two preloaded tapered roller bearings. The pinion shaft is sealed by means o f a molded, spring loaded, rubber seal. The seal is mounted on the pinion flange which is splined and bolted to the hypoid pinion shaft. The hypoid ring gear is bolted to a one-piece differential case which is supported by two preloaded tapered roller bearings. OUTSIDE WHEEL HAS FARTHER,* TO TRAVEL BOTH WHEELS TURN AT SAME SPEED WHEN TRAVELING STRAIGHT Chevrolet 1 0 - 1 / 2 " Ring Gear Axle n Vi )] ix Fig. 4B-2-N eed for D iffe re n tia l Action wheel slows to 90% o f vehicle speed, the outer wheel speeds up to 110%. If the inner wheel slows to 75%, the outer wheel would turn 125%. If one wheel stopped, the other wheel would turn 200%. Six distinct axles compromise the truck line-up. These six, categorized by ring gear diameter, are a) 8-1/ 2" and b) 8 -7 /8 " Ring G ear, c) Chevrolet 10-1/2" Ring G ear, d) D a n a 10-1/2" Ring G ear, e) D a n a 9 -3 /4 " Ring G e a r and f)Chevrolet 12-1/4" Ring Gear. 8 - 1 / 2 " and 8 - 7 / 8 " Ring Gear Axle The axle shown in figure 4B-4 is a semifloating, fabricated constructed type consisting o f a cast carrier with large bosses on each end into which two welded steel tubes are fitted. The carrier contains an overhung hypoid pinion an d ring gear. The differential is a two pinion a rrangem ent. The axle housing is m ade up of two steel welded tubes pressed into the crossbore o f the cast carrier. Each The axle shown in figure 4B-5 is of the full floating type with hypoid ring gear and drive pinion. The full floating construction enables easy removal o f axle shafts without removing truck load and without jacking up the axle. The differential carrier is heavily ribbed to provide rigid support for the differential assembly. The straddle-mounted drive pinion is supported at the front by two opposed tapered roller bearings. The pinion straddle bearing is a roller bearing assembly consisting o f an outer race and roller assembly. A precision ground d iam eter on the pinion pilot functions as an inner race. Side bearing preload and ring gear-to-pinion backlash are controlled by side bearing adjusting nuts threaded into the carrier near the axle tubes. Pinion depth is controlled by a shim located between the pinion bearing retainer assembly and the differential carrier. Dana 1 0 - 1 / 2 " Ring Gear Axle The D ana axle shown in figure 4B-6 is a Salisburytype similar in design to the 8 -7 /8 " ring gear axle in figure 4B-4. It does differ in several points, however. The axle shafts are full floating; the carrier must be spread to remove the differential; and the drive pinion incorpo­ rates two shim packs. The inner pack controls pinion 1. C o m p a n io n F la n g e 7. D if f e r e n t ia l Case 13. C o v e r 19. T h ru st W a sh e r 2. D e fle c to r 8. Shim 14. 2 0 . D if f e r e n t ia l P in io n 3. P in io n O i l Seal 9. G asket 15. R ing G e a r 21 . Shim 4. P in io n F ro n t B e a rin g 10. D if f e r e n t ia l B e a rin g 16. S id e G e a r 2 2 . P in io n Rear B e aring 5. P in io n B e a rin g S p acer 11. " C " Lock 17. B e a rin g C a p 2 3 . D r iv e P in io n 6. D if f e r e n t ia l C a r r ie r 12. P in io n S h a ft L o c k 18. A x le S h a ft Sere P in io n S h a ft Fig. 4 B -4 -8 -1 /2 " and 8 -7 /8 " Ring Gear Axle Cross-Section Typical depth, while the outer pack controls pinion hearing preload. Dana 9 - 3 / 4 " Ring Gear Axle T he D a n a axle shown in figure 4B-7 is similar to the unit shown in 4B-6; however, the differential side bearing shims are located between the case and the side bearings. C hevrolet 1 2 - 1 / 4 " Ring Gear Axle (1 1 ,0 0 0 Pound Capacity) T he 11,000 lb. capacity, single-speed hypoid axle, illustrated in figure 4B-8, has a straddle mounted drive pinion which is supported at the re a r by a straight roller bearing. The pinion front bearing consists o f a double row ball bearing. The differential is a conventional four-pinion type. Thrust washers are used between the side gears and case and also between differential pinions and the differential case. A thrust pad mounted on the end o f an adjusting screw threaded into the carrier housing limits deflection o f the ring gear under high torque conditions. Involute splines are incorporated in the axle shaft flange and in the wheel hubs. This design provides for the driving torque to be transmitted from the axle shaft to the hub through the m ating splines. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C o m p a n io n Flange Oil D e fle c t o r Oil Seal Bearing Retainer Shim P in io n F r o n t Bearing C o lla psible Spacer P in io n Rear Bearing D rive P in io n 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. S trad dle Bearing Ring Gear D i ff e r e n t ia l Spider D iff e r e n t ia l Case D i ff e r e n t ia l P in io n D iff e r e n t ia l Side Gear Side Bearing Side Bearing A d j u s t in g N u t A d j u s t in g N u t Reta in er 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Reta in er Screw Bearing Cap Case-to Ring Gear B o lt D iff e r e n t ia l Cover Bearing Cap B o lt Cover Screw A x l e S ha ft 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. P in io n N u t W asher C o m p a n io n Flange O il Seal O il S lin g e r P in io n F r o n t B e aring F r o n t B e a rin g C u p P reload S h im Pack P in io n D e p th S h im Pack R ear B e a rin g C u p 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. P in io n R ear B e aring D riv e P in io n R in g G ear D iffe r e n tia l Case R in g G ear B o lt D iffe r e n tia l Side B earing S ide B e a rin g C u p S ide B e a rin g A d ju s tin g S h im s B e a rin g Cap B e aring C a p B o lt Fig. 4B-6--Dana 1 0 -1 /2 " Ring Gear Axle Exploded View 21. 22. 23. 24. 25 26. 27. 28. 29. D iffe r e n tia l S p id e r D iffe r e n tia l S id e G ear W asher P im o n G ear W asher G asket Cover C o ver S crew D ra in P lug 1. Nut 2. Washer 3. Companion Flange 4. Pinion Oil Seal 5. Gasket 6. Outer Pinion Oil Slinger 7 and 8. Cone and Roller (Outer Pinion Bearing) 9. Shims (Outer Pinion Bearing) 0. Inner Pinion Oil Slinger 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Shims (Inner Pinion Bearing) Cup (Inner Pinion Bearing) Cone and Roller (Inner Pinion) Ring and Pinion Gasket (Housing Cover) Screw and Washer (Cover) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Cover and Plug Lock Pin (Pinion Shaft) D ifferential Case Shims (Differential Adjusting) Cone and Roller (Differential Bearing) Cup (Differential Bearing) Cap (Differential Bearing) Fig. 4B -7 -D a n a 9 -3 /4 " Ring Gear Axle Exploded View 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. B o lt (Differential Bearing Cap) Bolt (Ring Gear) Pinion Shaft Thrust Washer (Pinion) Pinion Side Gear Thrust Washer (Side Gear) 1. 2 3 4. 5. 6 7. U n iv e rs a l J o in t Y o ke P in io n B e a rin g O il S e al and R e ta in e r O il Seal O il S e al G a s k e t F ro n t P in io n B e a rin g D riv e P in io n R e ar P in io n B e a rin g 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. R in g G e a r T h ru s t Pad R in g G ear D iffe r e n tia l S p id e r D iffe r e n tia l P in io n (S p id e r) G ear D iffe r e n tia l S id e G ear 14. A x le S h a ft 15. 16 D iffe r e n tia l B e a rin g D iffe r e n tia l B e a rin g A d ju s tin g N u t 17. A d ju s tin g N u t L o c k 18 D iffe r e n tia l C a s e -R ig h t H a lf D iffe r e n tia l C a s e -L e ft H a lf Fig. 4B-8 Chevrolet 1 2 -1 /4 " Ring Gear Axle—1 1 ,0 0 0 # Capacity DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS S T A N D A R D DIFFERENTIAL Noise T he most essential p a rt o f re a r axle service, as with any mechanical repair, is pro per diagnosis o f the problem, and, in axle work one o f the most difficult areas to diagnosis is noise. Locating a broken axle shaft, or broken differential gear, presents little or no problem, but, locating and isolating axle noise can be an entirely different matter. Degree of Noise Any gear driven unit, and especially an automotive drive axle where engine torque multiplication occurs at a 90° turn in the drive line, produces a certain am ount o f noise. Therefore, an interpretation must be m ade for each vehicle to determ ine w hether the noise is normal or if a problem actually exists. A norm al am ount o f noise must be expected and cann ot be eliminated by conventional repairs or adjustment. See figure 4B-9. Acceptable noise can be defined as a slight noise heard only at a certain speed or under unusual or remote conditions. For example, this noise tends to reach a " p e a k " at speeds from 40 to 60 miles per hour depend in g on road and load conditions, or on gear ratio and tire size. This slight noise is in no way indicative of trouble in the axle assembly. Drive line noises m ay baffle even the best d ia g n o stic ia n . Vehicle noises co m ing from tires, transmission, propeller shaft, universal joints, and front or rear wheel bearings, are often mistaken for axle noise. Such practices as: raising tire pressure to eliminate tire noise (although this will not silence tread noise o f mud and snow tires), listening for the noise at varying speeds and road surfaces, on drive, float, and coast conditions will aid in locating the source o f alleged axle noises. Thus, every effort should be m ade to isolate the noise to a specific drive line com ponent instead o f making a r a n d o m guess that could be a costly waste o f time. Elimination of External Noises W h e n a rear axle is suspected of being noisy, it is advisable to m ake a thorough test to determ ine whether the noise originates in the tires, road surface, front wheel bearings, engine, transmission, or rear axle assembly. N oise which originates in other places cannot be corrected by adjustm ent or replacement o f parts in the rear axle assembly. Road N o ise -S o m e road surfaces, such as brick or rough-surfaced concrete, cause noise which may be mistaken for tire or rear axle noise. Driving on a different type o f road, such as smooth asphalt or dirt, will quickly show w hether the road surface is the cause o f noise. R oad noise usually is the same on drive or coast. Tire Noise- Tire noise may easily be mistaken for rear axle noise, even though the noisy tires m ay be located on the front wheels. Tires worn unevenly, or SOME t/O/SE/S ACCEPTABLE having surfaces on non-skid divisions worn in saw-tooth fashion, are usually noisy and m ay produce vibrations which seem to originate elsewhere in the vehicle. This is particularly true with low tire pressure. Test for Tire N oise-T ire noise changes with different road surfaces, but rear axle noise does not. T emporarily inflating all tires to approximately 50 pounds pressure, for test purposes only will materially alter noise caused by tires but will not affect noise caused by the rear axle. R ear axle noise usually ceases when coasting at speeds under 30 miles p e r hour; however, tire noise continues but with lower tone as vehicle speed is reduced. R e a r axle noise usually ch ang es when com paring "p ull" and "coast" but tire noise remains about the same. Engine and Transmission N oises-Som etim es a noise which seems to originate in the rear axle is actually caused by the engine or transmission. To determine which unit is actually causing the noise, observe approximate car speeds and conditions un der which the noise is most pronounced; then stop vehicle in a quiet place to avoid interfering noises. W ith transmission in neutral, run engine slowly up and down through engine speeds corresponding to vehicle speed at which the noise was most pronounced. If a similar noise is produced with vehicle standing, it is caused by the engine or transmission and not the rear axle. Front Wheel Bearing N o ise- Loose or rough front wheel bearings will cause noise which m ay be confused with rear axle noises; however, front wheel bearing noise does not change w hen com paring "pu ll" and "coast". Light application o f brake, while holding vehicle speed steady, will often cause wheel bearing noise to diminish, as this takes some weight off the bearing. Front wheel bearings may be easily checked for noise by jacking up the wheels and spinning them, and also be shaking wheels to determ ine if bearings are excessively loose. Body Boom Noise or Vibration Objectional "bo dy boo m " noise or vibration at 5565 mph can be caused by an unbalanced propeller shaft. Excessive looseness at the spline can contribute to this unbalance. Other items that may also contribute to the noise problem are as follows: 1. U ndercoating or mud on the shaft, causing unbalance. 2. S haft or com panion flange balance weights missing. 3. S haft dam age, such as bending, dents, or nicks. 4. Tire-type roughness. Switch tires from a known good car to determ ine tire fault. If, after m aking a comprehensive check of the vehicle, all indications point to the rear axle, further diagnostic steps are necessary to determ ine the axle com ponents at fault. True axle noises generally fall into two categories: gear noise and bearing noise. Rear Axle Noises If a careful test of vehicle shows that noise is not caused by external items it is then reasonable to assume that noise is caused by rear axle assembly. The rear axle should be tested on a smooth level road to avoid road noise. It is not advisable to test rear axle for noise by r u n n in g with rear wheels jacked up. Noises in rear axle assembly may be caused by a faulty propeller shaft, faulty rear wheel bearings, faulty differential or pinion shaft bearings, misalignment between two U-joints, or worn differential side gears and pinions; noises may also be caused by mismatched, im properly adjusted, or scored ring and pinion gear set. Rear Wheel Bearing Noise- A rough rear wheel bearing produces a vibration or growl which continues with vehicle coasting and transmission in neutral. A brinelled rear wheel bearing causes a knock or click approxim ately every two revolutions of rear wheel, since the bearing rollers do not travel at the same speed as the re a r axle and wheel. With rear wheels jacked up, spin re a r wheels by hand while listening at hubs for evidence o f rough or brinelled wheel bearing. Differential Side Gear and Pinion Noise^Differential side gears and pinions seldom cause noise since their m ovem ent is relatively slight on straight ahead driving. Noise produced by these gears will be most pronounced on turns. Pinion Bearing failures can be distinguished because they rotate at higher speeds than differential side bearings and axle shaft bearings. Rough or brinelled pinion bearings produce a continuous low pitched w h irrin g or scraping noise starting at relatively low speed. Side Bearings produce a constant rough noise o f a lower pitch th a n pinion bearings. Side bearing noise may also fluctuate in the above wheel bearing test. N O TE : Bearing Diagnosis Charts appe a r later in this section. Gear Noise There are two basic types o f gear noise. The first type is produced by broken, bent, or forcibly dam aged gear teeth and is usually quite audible over the entire speed range and presents no particular problem in diagnosis. F or example, hypoid gear tooth scoring as seen in figure 4B-10 generally results from the following: insufficient lu b ric a n t im p ro p e r breakin, im p ro p e r lubricant, insufficient gear backlash, im proper ring and Fig. 4B-10--Two Causes of Gear Noise pinion gear alignment, or loss of drive pinion nut torque. The scoring will progressively lead to complete erosion o f the gear tooth, or gear tooth pitting and eventual fracture if the initial scoring condition is not corrected. A nother cause o f hypoid tooth fracture is extended overloading o f the gear set which will produce fatigue fracture, or shock loading which will result in sudden failure. Differential pinion and side gears rarely give trouble. C om m on causes o f differential failure are shock loading, extended overloading, and seizure of the differential pinions to the cross shaft resulting from excessive wheel spin and con seq uen t lubrication breakdown. The second type o f gear noise pertains to the mesh pattern o f the gear teeth. This form o f a bnorm al gear noise can be recognized as it produces a cycling pitch (whine) and will be very pronounced in the speed range at which it occurs, a ppearing under either "drive", "float" or "coast" conditions. "D riv e " is acceleration or heavy pull. "C o ast" is with a closed throttle and vehicle in gear and "float" is using just enough throttle to keep the car from driving the engine—the vehicle slows down gradually but engine still pulls slightly. G e a r noise tends to peak in a narrow speed range or ranges, and will tend to rem ain constant in pitch. Bearing noise will vary in pitch with vehicle speeds. See figure 4B-11. A GENERAL DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE FOR IS OLATIN G REAR A XLE NOISE PROBLEMS Problem Cause 1. Noise is the same in drive or coast 1. a) b) c) Road noise Tire noise Front wheel bearing noise 2. Noise changes on a different type of road 2. a) b) Road noise Tire noise 3. Noise tone lowers as car speed is lowered 3. Tire noise 4. Similar noise is produced with car standing and driving 4. a) b) Engine noise Transmission noise 5. Vibration 5. a) b) c) d) e) Rough rear wheel bearing Unbalanced or damaged propeller shaft Tire unbalance Worn universal joint in propeller shaft Mis-indexed propeller shaft at companion flange Companion flange runout too great f) 6. A knock or click approximately every two revolutions of rear wheel 6. A brinelled rear wheel bearing 7. Noise most pronounced on turns 7. Differential side gear and pinion 8. A continuous low pitch whirring or scraping noise starting at relatively low speed 8. Pinion bearing 9. Drive noise, coast noise or float noise 9. Ring and pinion gear 10. Clunk on acceleration or deceleration 10. Worn differential cross shaft in case 11. Grunt on stops 11. No grease in propeller shaft slip yoke 12. Groan in Forward or Reverse 12. Wrong lube in differential 13. Chatter on turns 13. a) b) 14. Clunk or knock on rough road operation 14. Excessive end play of axle shafts to differential cross shaft Wrong lube in differential Clutch plates worn DIFFERENTIAL A N D REAR AXLE BEARING DIAGNOSIS CO NSIDER THE FO LLOW ING FACTORS W HEN DIA G N O SIN G BEARIN G C O N D ITIO N : 1. G ENERA L C O N D IT IO N OF A L L PARTS D U R IN G DISASSEMBLY A N D INSPECTION. 2. CLASSIFY THE FA IL U R E W ITH THE A ID OF THE ILLU S TR A TIO N S . ABRASIVE ROLLER 3. DE TE R M IN E THE CAUSE. 4. MAKE A L L REPAIRS FO LLOW IN G RECOM M END ED PROCEDURES. WEAR GALLING BENT CAG E P A TTE R N ON RACES A N D RO LLERS CAUSED BY F IN E ABRASIVES. M ETAL SMEARS ON R OLLER ENDS DUE TO O VE R H E A T, LU B R IC A N T F A ILU R E OR O V E R LO A D (WAGON'S) CAGE DAM AGE DUE TO IMPROPER H A N D L IN G OR TOOL USAGE. C LE A N ALL PARTS A N D H OUSINGS. CHECK SEALS A N D BEA R IN G S A N D REPLACE IF LE A K IN G , ROUGH OR N O ISY. REPLACE BEARING CHECK SEALS A ND CHECK FOR PROPER L U B R IC A TIO N . REPLACE BEARIN G . ABRASIVE STEP WEAR P A TTER N ON R O LLER ENDS C AUSED BY FIN E A B R A SIVES. C LE A N ALL PARTS A N D HOUSINGS. CHECK SEALS A N D B E ARING S A N D REPLACE IF LE A K IN G , ROUGH OR N O ISY. INDENTATIONS SURFACE DEPRESSIONS ON RACE A N D ROLLERS C AUSED BY H A R D PARTICLES OF FO R E IG N M A T E R IA L . C L E A N A LL PARTS AND H OUSINGS. CHECK SEALS A N D REPLACE BEARINGS IF ROUGH OR NOISY. ETCHING BEARING SURFACES APPEAR G R A Y OR GRA YISH BLACK IN COLOR W ITH R E LA TE D ETCHING AW AY OF M A T E R IA L U SU A LLY A T RO LLER SPACING. BENT CAGE CAGE DA M AG E DU E TO IMPROPER H A N D L IN G OR TO O L USAGE. REPLACE BEARIN G. REPLACE BEARINGS CHECK SEALS A ND CHECK FOR PROPER L U B R IC A TIO N . CAGE WEAR WEAR A R O U N D O UTSIDE D IA M E TE R OF CAGE A N D ROLLER POCKETS CAUSED BY ABRA SIVE M A TE R IA L AND IN E F F IC IE N T L U B R IC A TIO N . CLEAN R ELA TE D PARTS AND HOUSINGS. CHECK SEALS AND REPLACE BEARINGS. M ISALIGNMENT O U TER RACE M IS A LIG N M E N T DUE TO FO REIGN OBJECT. C LEAN R ELA TE D PARTS A N D REPLACE B EA R IN G . M AKE SURE RACES ARE PROPERLY SEATED. DIFFERENTIAL A N D REAR AXLE BEARING DIAGNOSIS (C O N T ’D) CRACKED INNER RACE FATIGUE SPALLI G R ACE C R A C K E D D U E TO IM PR O PER F IT , C O C K IN G , OR POOR B E A R IN G SEATS. F L A K IN G OF S U R FA C E M E T A L R E S U L T IN G FRO M F A T IG U E . R EPLA C E B E A R IN G A N D C O R R E C T B E A R IN G S EATS. REPLA CE B E A R IN G FRETTAGE C O R R O S IO N SET UP BY S M A L L R E L A T IV E M O V E M E N T O F PA R TS W IT H NO L U B R IC A T IO N . REPLACE B E A R IN G . C L E A N R E L A T E D PARTS. C H EC K S EA LS A N D C H E C K F O R PR O PER L U B R IC A T IO N . BRINELLING S U R F A C E IN D E N T A T IO N S IN R A C E W A Y C A U S E D BY R O LL E R S E IT H E R U N D E R IM P A C T L O A D IN G OR V IB R A T IO N W H IL E TH E B E A R IN G IS N O T R O T A T IN G . C L E A N A L L R E L A T E D PA R TS. REPLAC E B E A R IN G IF R O U G H OR N O IS Y . STAIN DISCOLORATION HEAT DISCOLORATION D IS C O L O R A T IO N C A N R A N G E FRO M L IG H T BROW N TO B LACK C A U S E D B Y IN C O R R E C T L U B R IC A N T OR M O IS T U R E . H E A T D IS C O L O R A T IO N C A N R A N G E FR O M F A IN T Y E L L O W TO D A R K B LU E R E S U L T IN G FRO M O V E R LO A D (W A G O N 'S ) OR IN C O R R E C T L U B R IC A N T . RE-USE B E A R IN G S IF S T A IN S CAN BE R E M O V E D BY L IG H T P O L IS H IN G O R IF NO E V ID E N C E O F O V E R H E A T IN G IS O B S E R V E D . OR R O LLE R S . C H ECK S E A LS A N D R E L A T E D PA R TS FOR D A M A G E . E X C ESSIVE H E A T C A N CAUSE S O F T E N IN G OF RACES T O CH ECK FO R LOSS O F TE M P E R O N RACES OR R O LLE R S A SIM PLE F IL E T E S T M A Y BE M A D E . A F IL E D R A W N O V E R A TE M P E R E D P A R T W IL L G R A B A N D C U T M E T A L , W H E R E A S , A F IL E D R A W N O V E R A H A R D P A R T W IL L G L ID E R E A D IL Y W IT H NO M E T A L C U T T IN G . REPLA CE B E A R IN G S IF O V E R H E A T IN G D A M A G E IS IN D IC A T E D . CHECK SEA LS A N D O T H E R PAR TS. SMEARS S M E A R IN G O F M E T A L D U E T O SLIP P A G E . SLIPPAG E C A N BE C A U S E D BY POOR F IT S . L U B R IC A T IO N , O V E R H E A T IN G . O V E R L O A D S O R H A N D L IN G D A M A G E . R EPLA C E B E A R IN G S , C L E A N R E L A T E D PA RTS A N D C H EC K FO R PRO PER F IT S A N D L U B R IC A T IO N . ON-VEHICLE SERVICE 8 - 1 / 2 and 8 - 7 / 8 RING GEAR AXLE AXLE ASSEMBLY Construction o f the axle assembly is such that service operations may be p erform ed with the housing installed in the vehicle or with the housing installed in a holding fixture. The following removal and installation procedure is necessary only when the housing requires replacement. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section, regarding A x le Assembly fasteners. Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Support rear axle assembly with suitable lifting device, so that tension is relieved in springs and shock absorbers. 3. Remove trunnion bearing " U " bolts from the axle com panion flange, separate trunnion from flange, position propeller sh aft to one side and tie it to fram e side rail. N O TE : Secure trunnion bearing caps to trunnion, using masking tape or a large ru b b e r band, to prevent loss o f bearings. 4. Disconnect shock absorbers at lower attachm ent points and position out of the way. 5. Disconnect axle vent hose from vent connector an d position vent hose to one side. 6. Disconnect hydraulic brake hose at connector on axle housing. Remove brake drum , disconnect parking brake cable at actuating levers and at flange plate. Refer to Section 5 for cable removal and brake details. Remove axle " U " bolt nuts, " U " bolts, spacers and clamp plates. 7. Lower axle assembly and remove from vehicle. Installation 1. Position axle assembly under vehicle and align w ith springs. 2. Install spacer, clamp plate and " U " bolts to axle assembly, loosely install retaining nuts to " U " bolts. 3. Position shock absorbers in lower attachm ent brackets and loosely install nut to retain shock. 4. Connect axle vent hose to vent connector at carrier. 5. Connect hydraulic brake hose to connector on axle housing, connect parking brake cable to actuating levers. Install brake drum and wheel and tire a s s e m b ly bleed brakes and adjust park in g brake as outlined in applicable portion o f Section 5. 6. Reassemble the propeller shaft to com panion flange, m aking sure that b earing caps are indexed in flange seat. Torque b earing cap retaining nuts to specifications. 7. Position vehicle so that weight is placed on suspension com ponents and torque affected parts to specifications. 8. Lower vehicle and remove from hoist. AXLE SHAFT Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. Remove wheel and tire assembly and brake drums. 2. Clean all dirt from area o f carrier cover. 3. D ra in lubricant from carrier by removing cover. 4. Remove the differential pinion shaft lock screw and the differential pinion shaft as shown in figure 4B14. 5. Push flanged end o f axle shaft toward center o f vehicle and remove " C " lock from button end o f shaft. 6. Remove axle shaft from housing, being careful not to dam age oil seal. N OTE: Axles equipped with 8 -7 /8 " ring gears and Eaton Locking differentials use a thrust block on the pinion shaft which affects the removal of axle shafts as noted below. 1. Raise the vehicle on a hoist. Remove both rear wheel and tire assemblies and both rear brake drums. 2. Remove the rear cover and drain the lubricant. 3. Rotate the case to the position shown in figure 4B-15. Support the pinion shaft so that it cannot fall into the case, then remove the lock screw. 4. Carefully withdraw the pinion shaft part-way out, as shown in figure 4B-16. Rotate the case until the shaft touches the housing. 5. Reach into the case with a screwdriver or sim ilar tool, and rotate the C-lock until its open end points directly inward, as shown in figure 4B-17. The axle shaft cannot be pushed inward until the C-lock is properly positioned. Fig. 4B -15-R em oving Lock Screw Fig. 4B 17--Correct C-Lock Position Fig. 4 B -1 6 -P osition in g Case For Best Clearance Do not force or hammer the axle shaft in an attem pt to gain clearance. 6. W h e n the C-lock is positioned to pass through the end o f the thrust block, push the axle shaft inward as shown in figure 4B-18, and remove the C-lock. Remove the axle shaft and repeat steps 5 and 6 for the opposite axle shaft. 7. W h e n installing C-locks keep the pinion shaft partially w ithdrawn. Place the C-lock in the same position shown in figure 4B-17. Carefully withdraw the axle shaft until the C-lock is clear o f the thrust block. W hen both locks are installed, install the pinion shaft and lock screw. Oil Seal/B earing—Replacement Fig. 4B-19 1. Remove oil seal by using button end o f shaft. Insert button end behind the steel case o f the oil seal, then pry seal out of bore being careful not to Fig. 4B-18--Push Axle Shaft Inward d am age seal. If both seal and bearing are being replaced proceed to step 2. 2. Using J-23689, insert into bore so that tool grasps behind the bearing. See figure 4B-20. Slide washer against outside o f seal (or bearing) and turn nut finger tight against washer. Attach Slide H a m m e r J-2619 and remove bearing and seal. 3. Back off nut and remove bearing an d seal from tool. 4. Lubricate cavity between seal lips with wheel bearing lubricant and also lubricate new b earing with wheel bearing lubricant. 5. To reinstall bearing, use J-23690 Installer. Install bearing until tool bottoms against tube as illustrated in axle figure 4B-21. 6. To install oil seal, place seal on J-21128 and drive into bore until tool bottoms against end o f tube. Fig. 4B-21-W heel Bearing Installation Fig. 4B-20- Wheel Bearing Removal Fig. 4B-22-S eal Installation See figure 4B-22. This tool installs the seal flush with the end of the tube. shaft do not damage oil seal and that they engage with splines o f differential side gear. 2. Install axle sh aft " C " lock on button end of axle shaft and push shaft outward so that shaft lock seats in counterbore o f differential side gear. 3. Position differential pinion shaft through case and pinions, aligning hole in shaft with lock screw hole. Install lock screw. 4. Using a new gasket, install carrier cover. Brake Backing Plate—Replacement 1. Remove brake line at wheel cylinder inlet and disassemble brake com ponents from flange plate. Refer to Section 5 for brake disassembly procedure. 2. Remove bolts retaining flange plate to axle, and remove flange plate. 3. Install new flange plate to axle housing and torque nuts to specifications. 4. Install brake com ponents on flange and connect hydraulic line to wheel cylinder inlet. See Section 5 for brake assembly, bleeding and adjustment procedures. Axle Shaft—Installation 1. Slide axle shaft into place. CAUTION: Exercise care that splines on end o f CAUTION: M ake sure both gasket surfaces on carrier a n d cover are clean before installing new gasket. Torque carrier cover bolts in a crosswise pattern to ensure uniform draw on cover gasket. 5. Fill axle with lubricant as specified in Section 0 o f this manual to a level even with the bottom o f filler hole. 6. Install brake d rum an d wheel and tire assembly. 7. Lower vehicle and remove from hoist. Wheel Bolt—Replacement 1. Raise vehicle on hoist allowing axle to hang freely. 2. Remove wheel and tire an d brake drum. 3. Using Tool J-5504 or J-6627 press out stud as shown in figure 4B-23. 4. Place new stud in axle flange hole. Slightly start stud serrations in hole by firmly pressing back o f stud with your hand. 5. Install a lug nut w ith flat side first (tapered face outboard). Tighten on lug nut draw ing stud into flange until stud head is bottom ed on back side o f flange. 6. Remove lug nut. 7. Reinstall brake d ru m an d wheel and tire. 8. Lower vehicle and remove from hoist. P IN IO N FLANGE, D U S T DEFLECTOR Fig. 4B-24--M easuring Pinion R otating Torque A N D /O R OIL SEAL Removal 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Disconnect propeller shaft from axle. 3. Position propeller shaft to one side and tie it to f ra m e side rail. 4. M easure the torque required to rotate the pinion, as shown in figure 4B-24. Record the torque for later reference. 5. Scribe a line down pinion stem, pinion nut, and flange to aid on reinstallation. Make sure lines show the r e la tio n sh ip o f c o m p o n e n ts accurately. C o un t the n u m b e r o f exposed threads on pinion stem, and record for later reference. See figure 4B-25. 6. Install Tool J-86 14-11 on pinion flange and remove pinion flange self-locking washer faced nut as shown in figure 4B-26. (Position J-8614-11 on flange so tha t the four notches are toward flange.) Save scribed nut for reinstallation. TO O L J -6 6 2 7 or J - 5 5 0 4 7. T hread pilot end o f Tool J-8614-3 into small O.D. end o f J-8614-2. Then with J-8 614-11 installed as in Step 6, insert J-8614-2 into J-86 14-11 and turn it 45 degrees to locked position. Remove flange by turning J-8614-3 while holding J-8614-11 as shown in figure 4B27. 8. Pry old seal out o f bore, using a screw driver or a h a m m e r and chisel. Inspection 1. Inspect pinion flange for smooth oil seal surface, worn drive splines, dam aged ears, and for smoothness of bearing contact surface. Replace if necessary. 2. If deflector requires replacement, remove by tapping from flange, clean up stake points; install new deflector, and stake deflector at three new equally spaced positions. NOTE: Staking operation must be perform ed in J-22804-l J-21057 Fig. 4B-26~Rem oving Nut from Drive Pinion Fig. 4B-28--Pinion Oil Seal Installation 5. Using J-8614-11 as shown in figure 4B-29. install flange onto pinion. Install washer and nut, and tighten nut to original position. Refer to scribe marks and num ber o f exposed threads, recorded earlier. NOTE: Do not attempt to h a m m e r the flange onto pinion shaft. To do so may dam age the ring gear and pinion. 6. Measure rotating torque o f pinion and compare with torque recorded before removal. Tighten pinion nut in additional small increments until the torque necessary to rotate the pinion exceeds the original figure by 1 to 5 inch pounds. Do not exceed the original torque by more than 5 inch pounds. 7. Reattach propeller shaft and torque to specifi­ cations. Reinstall brake drums and wheels. Fig. 4B-27~Drive Pinion Flange Removal such a m a n n e r that the seal operating surface is not dam aged. Installation 1. Lubricate cavity between the seal lips of the pinion flange oil seal with a lithium-base extreme pressure lubricant. 2. Position seal in bore and place gauge plate J-22804-1 over seal an d against seal flange. The gauge plate assures p rop er seating o f seal in carrier bore. 3. Use J-21057, as shown in figure 4B-28, to press seal into carrier bore until gauge plate is flush with the carrier shoulder and seal flange. Turn gauge plate 180° from installed position; seal must be square in carrier bore to seal properly against pinion flange. 4. Pack the cavity between end of pinion splines and pinion flange with a non-hard en in g sealer (such as P erm atex Type A or equivalent) prior to installing w asher and nut on pinion. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in step 7. 8. Lower vehicle and remove from hoist. CHEVROLET 10-1/2 RING GEAR AXLES AXLE ASSEMBLY Service operations on these axle assemblies may be perform ed with the housing installed in the vehicle or with the housing installed in a holding fixture. There m ay be occasions, however, when it will be necessary to remove the complete housing assembly. The following axle assembly removal and installation procedure, therefore, is necessary only when housing replacement is required. C A U T IO N :/!// axle attachm ents are important attaching parts. See CA U TIO N on page 1 o f this section. Removal 1. Raise vehicle, place stand jacks under fram e side rails, and remove rear wheels. 2. Remove two trunnion bearing " U " bolts from the re a r yoke, split rear universal joint, position propeller shaft to one side, and tie it to the frame side rail. N O T E: The bearings can be left on the trunnion and held in place with tape. 3. Remove hub and drum assembly and disconnect p ark in g brake cable at lever and at flange plate. See Section 5 for cable removal. 4. Disconnect hydraulic brake hose at connector on rear axle housing. Refer to Section 5. 5. Disconnect shock absorbers at axle brackets. 6. Support axle assembly with hydraulic jack, remove spring " U " bolts, and lower axle assembly to the floor. Installation 1. Place axle assembly under vehicle, raise into position, install spring " U " bolts, anchor plates and nuts, and tighten securely. 2. Connect and secure shock absorbers to axle brackets. 3. Connect brake hose at connector on rear axle housing. 4. Connect parking brake cable at lever and flange plate. Install hub and d ru m assembly. Bleed brake hydraulic system and adjust p ark in g brake. N O T E: Before reinstalling wheel hub and drum assembly replace hub oil seal. 5. Reassemble the re a r universal joint, making sure that " U " bolts are draw n up tight and locked properly. Caution should be taken not to overtighten " U " bolt nuts and cause bearing cups to become distorted. 6. Install rear wheels, remove stand jacks, and lower vehicle. 7. Test operation o f brakes and rear axle. AXLE SHAFT Replacement 1. Remove bolts that attach the axle shaft flange to the wheel hub. See figure 4B-30. 2. Rap on flange with a soft-faced h a m m e r to loosen shaft. G rip the rib on end o f flange with a p a ir of locking pliers and twist to start shaft removal. Remove shaft from axle tube. 3. Thoroughly clean both the axle shaft flange and the end of the wheel hub. NOTE: Any lubricant on these surfaces tends to loosen axle shaft flange bolts. 4. Place a new gasket over the axle shaft and position the axle shaft in the housing so that the shaft splines enter the differential side gear. Position gasket so that holes are in alignment and install flange-to-hub attaching bolts. Torque bolts to specifications. HUB AND D R U M ASSEMBLY—FIG. 4B-31 Removal 1. Remove axle shaft as outlined earlier. 2. Disengage tang o f retainer from slot or flat of locknut, then remove locknut from housing tube, using J-2222, as shown in figure 4B-32. 3. Disengage tang o f retainer from slot or flat of adjusting nut and remove retainer from housing tube. 4. Use appropriate tool as specified in Step 2 to remove adjusting nut from housing tube. N OTE: Remove thrust washer from housing tube. 5. Pull hub and drum assembly straight off axle housing. 6. Remove oil seal, and discard. Bearing/Cup—Removal I. Use a h a m m e r and long drift to knock the inner bearing, cup and oil seal from the hub assembly. REAR AXLE 4 B -19 Fig. 4B 3 3 - Removing Outer Bearing and Cup Inspection and Cleaning o f Bearings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Axle Shaft Shaft-to-Hub Bolt Locknut Locknut Retainer Adjusting Nut Thrust Washer Hub Outer Bearing 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Snap Ring Hub Inner Bearing Oil Seal Wheel Bolt Hub Assembly Drum Assembly Gasket Fig. 4B-31- Hub and Drum Assem bly—1 0 -1 /2 " Axles 1. Inspect bearing rollers for excessive wear, chipped edges, and other damage. Slowly move rollers around cone to detect any flat or rough spots on rollers or cone. 2. Exam ine bearing cups in hub for pits, cracks, and other damage. 3. Examine axle shaft flange studs, wheel studs, hub splines, hub bore, and tapped holes for evidence of dam age. Clean up threads or replace parts where required. 4. Examine oil seal sleeve for evidence o f wear or roughness, check axle housing oil deflector and brake drum oil deflector for evidence o f damage. Replace parts where required. 5. Examine brake drum for excessive scoring and other damage. To replace brake drum refer to "Brake D rum Replacement." 6. Immerse bearing cone and roller assemblies in cleaning solvent. Clean with stiff brush to remove old lubricant. Blow bearings dry with compressed air, directing air stream across bearing. Do not spin bearings while blowing them dry. 7. Thoroughly remove all lubricant from axle housing tube and from inside the hub, wipe dry. Make sure all particles o f gasket are removed from outer end of hub, axle shaft, and hub cap. 8. Scrape old sealing com pound out of oil seal bore in the hub. Bearing/Cup—Installation Fig. 4B-32--Removing Lock N u t—Typical 2. pliers. Remove outer bearing snap ring with a pair o f 3. W ith J-24426 on Handle J-8092, as shown in figure 4B-33, drive outer bearing and cup from the hub assembly. 1. Place outer bearing into hub. 2. Install cup o f outer bearing into hub by using Handle J-8092 and J-8608, installed upside-down Be sure J-8608 is upside down on driver handle, so that ch am fer does not contact bearing cup. 3. Drive cup beyond the snap ring groove. 4. Using a pair o f pliers, install snap ring into its groove. 5. Drive cup back against snap ring by using J-24426, as shown in figure 4B-33. 6. To install inner bearing cup, use J-24427 on Handle J-8092. Drive cup into place until it seats against shoulder o f hub bore. 7. Install new oil seal with J-24428. 2. Make sure inner bearing, oil seal, axle housing oil deflector, and in n er bearing race and oil seal are properly positioned. D rum —Non-Dem ountable-Type—Fig. 4B-31 4. Install thrust washer so that tang on l.D. of washer is in keyway on axle housing. Replacement Construction of the nondem ountable-type hub and drum assembly is such that replacement cannot be accomplished with the hub assembly installed on the vehicle. 1. Separate the drum and hub by removing the drum -to-hub retaining bolts, hub stud nuts, or by pressing out the wheel studs, as applicable. 2. Position brake drum to hub assembly, making certain that all drain holes are in alignment. 3. Apply a light, even coating o f sealing compound to the hub oil deflector contact surface, and position deflector to drum. 4. Install drum -to-hub retaining bolts, hub stud nuts, or press wheel studs into drum, as applicable. W heel Bolt Replacement W heel bolts are serrated and may also be swaged in place; however, replacem ent procedure rem ains the same for both types o f installation. Press bolts out o f hub flange and press new bolts into place, m aking sure they are a tight fit. If all bolts are removed, be sure that hub oil deflector is in position u nder bolt heads. See figure 4B-34. Installation of Hub and Drum Assembly 3. Install hub and drum assembly on axle housing, exercising care so as not to dam age oil seal or dislocate other internal components. 5. Install adjusting nut and complete the installa­ tion as directed under "B earing Adjustm ent." BEARING A D J U S T M E N T Before checking bearing adjustment, brakes are fully released and do not drag. make sure Check bearing play by grasping tire at top and pulling back and forth, or by using a pry b a r under tire. If bearings are properly adjusted, movem ent of brake drum in relation to brake flange plate will be barely noticeable and wheel will turn freely. If movement is excessive, adjust bearing as follows: 1. Remove axle shaft and raise vehicle until wheel is free to rotate. 2. Disengage tang of retainer from locknut and remove both locknut and retainer from axle housing tube. 3. Using .1-2222, tighten in n e r adjusting nut to specified torque at the same time rotating hub to make sure all bearing surfaces are in contact. T h en back off inner nut to specified am ount o f turn-back. See figure 4B-35, and refer to Specifications Section for torque values. 4. Install tanged re ta in e r against the in n e r adjusting nut. Align inner adjusting nut so short tang of 1. U sin g a high m eltin g p oint F.P b ea rin g retainer will engage nearest slot on inner adjusting nut. lubricant, liberally pack bearings and apply a light coat on l.D. o f hub bearin g contact surface and O.D. o f axle 5. Install outer locknut and tighten to correct housing tube. specified torque. Then bend long tang o f retainer into REM OVAI IN S T A L L A T IO N slot o f outer nut. This method o f adjustment will result in the pro per hearing adjustment. VENT ASSEM BLY DRIVE P IN IO N OIL SEAL Replacement N OTE: The pinion oil seal may he replaced with the carrier assembly installed in the vehicle. 1. Disconnect propeller shaft. 2. Scribe a line down the pinion stem, pinion nut and co m panion flange. 3. Use J-8614-11 to remove the pinion nut and the c o m pa n io n flange. 4. Pry the oil seal from the bore, using care not to d a m ag e the m achined surfaces. Thoroughly clean all foreign m aterial from contact area. 5. Lubricate the cavity between the seal lips with a high melting point bearing lubricant. 6. Install a new pinion oii seal into the bore, using J-24434. 7. Reinstall the com panion flange, pinion nut and propeller shaft. T O B E IN S T A L L E D W IT H F L A T S U R F A C E FA C IN G C E N T E R L IN E O F REAR A X LE D IF F E R E N T IA L H O U S IN G . CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section, regarding the above fasteners. DANA 1 0 -1 /2 DANA R IN G 9 - 3 / 4 R IN G AXLE GEAR Procedures for service to axle assembly, axle shafts, hub and drum components and bearing adjustments are identical to those listed for "C hevrolet 10-1/2 Ring G e a r Axle". Drive pinion oil seal replacem ent requires different special tools for the D a n a axles. Follow the same procedure listed for "C hevrolet 10-1/2" Ring G e a r Axle"; use J-24384 for seal replacem ent on D ana 101/2" R ing G e a r Axles, and use J-22281 for pinion oil seal replacem ent on D a n a 9 -3 /4 " Ring G e a r Axles. 12-1/4 R IN G Fig. 4B-36--Typical Axle Vent Installation G E A R AXLE G EA R AXLE AXLE SHAFT Replacement 1. Remove hub cap, and install Tool J-8117 in tapped hole on shaft flange. 2. Install slide ham m er, Tool J-2619, and remove axle shaft. 3. Thoroughly remove old gasket material from hub and hub cap. Clean shaft flange and mating surfaces in the wheel hub. 4. Install axle shaft so that the flange splines index into hub splines. T a p shaft into position, using J-8117 and J-2619. 5. Install new gasket, position flange to hub and install attaching bolts. Torque bolts to specifications. AXLE ASSEMBLY H UB AND D R U M ASSEMBLY T he axle assembly removal and installation is identical to the procedure given earlier for "Chevrolet 10-1/2" Ring G e a r Axle". Removal AXLE V E N T Use the procedure given for "Chevrolet 10-1/2" Ring G e a r Axle", and use J-0870 to remove the adjusting nut. Replacement Bearing Cup—Removal Service replacem ent axle housing assemblies are not equipped with an axle vent; therefore, always make sure that a new vent assembly is installed when replacing the housing. If axle vent requires replacement, pry old vent from housing being sure th a t entire vent is removed. Prick punch arou nd carrier hole to insure fit o f replacem ent vent. T a p new vent into housing using a soft-faced ham m er. Vent should be positioned in housing so that flat surface is toward centerline o f differential carrier. See figure 4B-36. 1. Cut a suitable length of 1/2 inch steel bar stock for press-out tool. 2. Place bar stock tool behind inner bearing cup, index tool in provided notches, and press out cup with an a rbor press. 3. Use J-22380, as shown in figure 4B-37, to remove outer bearing retainer ring. 4. Remove the outer bearing by driving on the axle shaft spacer, using the splined flange cut from an old axle shaft, as shown in figure 4B-38. Inspection and Cleaning o f Bearings Refer to procedures listed for "Chevrolet 10-1/2" Ring G ear Axle. Bearing Cup—Installation 1. To install outer bearing, place axle shaft spacer in hub, followed by the outer bearing. The larger O.D. of the bearing goes toward the outer end of the hub. 2. Position outer bearing cup in hub with the thin edge o f the cup toward the outer end o f the hub. 3. Press the cup into the hub, using J-8114 and Handle J-8092. 4. W ithdraw cup installer, then install retainer ring, using J-22380 as shown in figure 4B-37. Press the cup into contact with the retainer ring as shown in figure 4B-38. NOTE: The bearing cup-to-retainer ring seating procedure is essential to assure that an accurate wheel bearing adjustment will be obtained, and that the adjustment will not loosen during vehicle operation. 5. To install inner bearing, use J-8093 with Handle J-8092 to drive cup into hub bore, as shown in figure 4B39. 6. Install new oil seal, using J-22354 as shown in figure 4B-40. D R U M -D E M O U N T A B L E -T Y P E Replacement Fig. 4B -37-R em oving Hub Outer Bearing Retainer Ring The demountable-type drum m ay be separated from the hub and removed from the vehicle without disturbing the axle shaft and hub. The drum is held to the hub by countersunk, slotted screws, which are easily removed with a screw driver. WHEEL BOLT REPLACEM ENT Refer to figure 4B-34 and to procedure listed under "Chevrolet 10-1/2" Ring G e a r Axle. ..... ___ Fig. 4B-41 Pinion Oil Seal—1 2 -1 /4 " Axle Fig. 4B 4 0 --ln sta llin g Hub Oil Seal IN S TA LLA TIO N OF HUB AND DRUM ASSEMBLY 1. U sin g a high m elting po int EP bea rin g lubricant, liberally pack bearings and apply a light coat on I.D. o f hub bearing contact surface and O.D. of axle housing tube. 2. M ake sure inner bearing, oil seal, axle housing oil deflector, and inner bearing race and oil seal are properly positioned. 3. Install hub and drum assembly on axle housing, exercising care so as not to da m a g e oil seal or dislocate other internal components. 4. Place outer bearing cone and roller assembly on axle housing and press firmly into hub with hand. 5. Install adjusting nut and complete the installa­ tion as directed under "B earing A djustment". BEARING A D J U S T M E N T Before checking bearing adjustment, brakes are fully released and do not drag. make sure Check bearing play by grasping tire at top and pulling back an d forth, or by using a pry bar under tire. If bearings are properly adjusted, movem ent o f brake dru m in relation to brake flange plate will be barely noticeable and wheel will turn freely. If movem ent is excessive, adjust bearing as follows: 1. Remove axle shaft and raise vehicle until wheel is free to rotate. 2. Disengage tang o f retainer from locknut and remove both locknut and retainer from axle housing tube. 3. Use J-0870 to tighten inner adjusting nut at the sam e time rotating hub to m ake sure all bearing surfaces are in contact. Then back off in ner nut to specified am ount o f turn-back Fig. 4B-35. 4. Install tan g e d r e ta in e r a ga inst the in n e r adjusting nut. Align inner adjusting nut so short tang of retainer will engage nearest slot on inner adjusting nut. 5. Install outer locknut and tighten to correct specified torque. Then bend long tang o f retainer into slot of outer nut. This method of adjustment will result in the proper bearing adjustment. DRIVE P IN IO N OIL SEAL Replacement NOTE: The pinion oil seal m ay be replaced with the carrier assembly installed in the vehicle. 1. Disconnect propeller shaft. 2. Scribe a line down the pinion stem, pinion nut and companion flange. 3. Use J - 8 6 14-11 to remove the pinion nut and the com panion flange. 4. Remove the bolts retaining the oil seal retainer to the carrier, and remove the retainer. See figure 4B-41. 5. Pry the oil seal from the bore, using care not to dam ag e the m achined surfaces. Thoroughly clean all foreign material from contact area. 6. Lubricate the cavity between the seal lips with a high melting point bearing lubricant. 7. Install a new pinion oil seal into the bore, using J-22281. Be sure seal bottoms against shoulder in bore. 8. Install the bearing retainer to the carrier. 9. Reinstall the com panion flange, pinion nut and propeller shaft. CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page 1 o f this section, regarding the above fasteners. SPECIFICATIONS c > S' G e a r Backlash P re fe rre d 00 .0 0 5 " .0 0 8 " .0 0 5 " .0 0 8 " .0 0 3 " .0 1 0 " M in . a n d M a x . Pinion B e a rin g P re lo a d (In .-L b s.) — N ew — 00 Used .0 0 3 " .0 1 0 " O — o> .0 0 4 " .0 0 9 " .0 0 4 " .0 0 9 " O c □ a IO V 2 " 0 O .0 0 3 " .0 1 2 " BOLT TO R Q U ES (F T .-L B S .)A .0 0 5 " .0 0 8 " F ille r Plugs .0 0 3 " .0 1 2 " D iffe r e n tia l Pinion Lock 5 00 1 5 -3 0 1 5 -3 0 2 0 -4 0 2 5 -3 5 5 -1 0 5 -1 0 1 0 -2 0 5 -1 5 18 20"# 20"# 2 05 A x le S h a ft To H u b Bolts D iffe r e n tia l B e a rin g C aps 55 55 85 A E x c e p t w h e re n o te d o th e rw is e . R in g G e a r S ize k CO Dana Dana L u b ric a n t C a p a c ity 4 .2 Pints 2" 3 .5 Pints C h e v ro le t 1O V 1O V 2" 9 3A ‘" 12V 4" 220 85 35 — ---- — 135 35 105 105 155 115 115 15 * T o r q u e as n e c e s s a ry to o b t a in c o rre c t p r e lo a d . S V * 165 135 110 * 65 Brack Backing P late 50 — 2" CN Pinion B e a rin g C a g e To C a rrie r 105 80 10 O' 15 120 Ring G e a r 18 ; sS rt' 20 Thrust Pad Lock N u t 30 10 O — D iffe r e n tia l B e a rin g A d justin g Lock — 35 00 >• D iffe r e n tia l C a rrie r to A x le Housing BOLT T O R Q U ES (F T .-L B S .)A 20 *5 (Vs 25 Drive Pinion N u t 20 £ > i CN .0 0 5 " .0 0 8 " C a rr ie r Cover IO V 2 " 0 C h e v ro le t C h e v ro le t DIFFERENTIAL S P E C IF IC A TIO N S 5 .4 Pints 7 .2 Pints 6 .0 Pints 1 4 .0 Pints SPECIAL TOOLS £ U 1 i ^n A — II J ‘“ i r * 5 ty g jv . it J ll 3 o 2 87/a" 4 7 8 R. G. A X L E O N L Y 9 « 10 k {] 12 1i IT i f 15 16 22 O , 0 19 20 «■ 17 21 23 24 IO '/ j " R .G . AXLE O N L Y i. J- 21 5 48 T ru n n io n Seal In sta ller 16. J- 2 4430 2. J- 23 6 90 A x le S h a f t B e a rin g In sta lle r 17. J-23 3 22 P in io n S tra d d le B e arin g In staller 3. J- 23 6 89 A x le S h a f t B e arin g R e m o v e r 18. O u te r W h e el B e arin g C u p T o o l 4. J-21 1 28 A x le S h a f t Se al In sta ller 19. J- 24 4 32 5. J-21 0 57 P in io n O il Seal In sta ller 20. 6. J-22804-1 P in io n Se a l G a u g e P late 21. J-86 0 8 J- 24 4 26 J-24427 D iffe re n tia l S id e B e a rin g In sta ller P in io n R e a r B e a rin g C u p In s ta lle r In n e r W h e e l B e arin g C u p In s ta lle r O u te r W h e el Be arin g C u p In sta lle r 7. J-5748 P o s itra c tio n T o r q u e M easuring A d a p te r 22. J- 24 3 84 P in io n O il Se al In sta lle r - D ana 8. J-6627 W h e e l B o lt R e m o v e r 23. J-24 4 28 W h e e l H u b O il Seal In s ta lle r 9. J-8092 D riv e r H a n d le 24. J- 24 4 34 P in io n O il Se a l In sta lle r - C h e v ro le t 10. J-58 5 3 T o rq u e W re n c h - In ch /P o u n d 25. J-870 W h e e l Be aring N u t W re n c h 11. J-8614-II C o m p a n io n F la n g e H o ld e r 26. J- 22 3 80 T ru - A rc Plie rs 12. J-26 1 9 S lid e H a m m er 27. J- 22 3 54 W h e e l O il Seal In staller 13. J-22 2 2 W h e el Be arin g N u t W re n ch 28. J-22281 P in io n O il Se a l In sta ller 14. J- 24 4 29 A d ju stin g N u t W re n c h 29. J-8114 W h e e l Be arin g O u te r C u p In sta lle r 15. J- 24 4 33 P in io n R e a r B e arin g In sta lle r 30. J-8093 W h e e l Be arin g In n e r C u p In sta lle r SECTION 4C FRONT WHEEL DRIVE The following caution applies to one or more steps in the assembly procedure o f components in this portion of the m anual as indicated at a ppropriate locations by the terminology "See Caution on page 1 o f this Section". CAUTION: T H IS F A S T E N E R IS A N IM P O R T A N T A T T A C H IN G P A R T IN T H A T I T C O U LD A F F E C T T H E P E R F O R M A N C E OF V IT A L C O M P O N E N T S A N D S Y S T E M S , A N D /O R C O U LD R E S U L T IN M A JO R R E P A IR E X P E N S E , I T M U S T B E R E P L A C E D W IT H O N E O F T H E S A M E P A R T N U M B E R OR W IT H A N E Q U IV A L E N T PA R T I F R E P LA C E M E N T B E C O M E S N E C E S S A R Y. DO N O T U SE A R E P L A C E M E N T P A R T OF L E S S E R Q U A L IT Y OR S U B S T IT U T E D I SIG N . T O R Q U E V A L U E S M U S T BE U SED A S SP E C IF IE D D U R IN G R E A S S E M B L Y TO A S S U R E P R O P E R R E T E N T IO N OF T H IS P A R T . CONTENTS G en eral Description......................................................................... .4C-1 D ia g n o s is ............................................................................................. .4C-2 F ro nt Axle A sse m b ly .......................................................................4C-5 R e m o v a l............................................................................................. .4C-5 Installation..........................................................................................4C-5 R epair Axle Joint C o m p o n e n ts .................................................. .4C-6 Specifications........................................................................................4C-6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he front axle is a hypoid gear axle unit equipped with steering knuckles. Axle assembly num ber and production date are stam ped on left tube of assembly. Conventional truck service brakes are provided on all 4-wheel drive units. K 10-20 Models use the D a n a (44 Series) which incorporates a 8 -1/2" ring gear. A new 4500 lb. capacity unit is used on the K-30 Model. The K-30 axle assembly is a D a n a (60 Series) which incorporates a 9 -3 /4 " ring gear. DIAGNOSIS BEARINGS AND RACES F R O N T W HEEL, P IN IO N , DIFFERENTIAL SIDE A N D REAR W HEEL ROLLER B E A R IN G S DIAGNOSIS EXCESS NOISE C O M P L A IN T D IA G N O S T IC PRO CEDURE 1. 2. Road Test 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Tire Noises Engine or Exhaust Noises Test for Wheel Bearing Noise Test for Differential Bearing Noise 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. Test for Pinion Bearing Noise 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Check tires for irregular wear Check tire pressure Check lubricant level Drive to warm-up rear axle Test at various speeds in drive, float, coast and cornering Change tire pressure to minimize noises Drive over different road surfaces Smooth black-top minimizes tire noise Cross switch tires, if necessary Snow tire treads and studs caused added noises Drive slightly above speed where noise occurs, place transmission in neutral Let engine speed drop to idle Stop car Run engine at various speeds Drive car at low speed on a smooth road Turn car to develop left and right motions, traffic permitting Noise should change due to cornering loads Jack-up wheels to verify roughness at wheels Drive car at low speed on a smooth road Constant low pitch bearing noise may be heard Noise should not change in reversing turns Noise pattern should vary with wheel speed Roughness or whine noise should increase with speed Noise pitch should be higher than differentials Test on smooth road to minimize tire noises Test at various speeds in drive, float, and coast Rear pinion bearing noise may be louder on acceleration Front pinion bearing noise may be louder on deceleration Gear noises tend to peak in a narrow speed range FRONT WHEEL BEARING DIAGNOSIS CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING FACTORS WHEN DIAGNOSING BEARING CO NDITION 1. GENERAL CO ND ITIO N OF ALL PARTS DURIN G DISASSEMBLY AND INSPECTION 2 CLASSIFY THE FAILURE WITH THE A ID OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 3 DETERM INE THE CAUSE 4 MAKE ALL REPAIRS FOLLOW ING RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES M il * iiy t A B RAS I VE ROLLER WE A R %—ft ill 'fI- \\ mm _______ = 3 GALLING BENT CAGE PATTERN ON RACES AN D ROLLERS CAUSED BY FINE ABRASIVES. METAL SMEARS ON ROLLER ENDS DUE TO O VERHEAT, LUBRICANT FAILU R E OR O VERLO AD (WAGON S) CAGE DAMAGE DUE TO IMPROPER HA N D LIN G OR TOOL USAGE. CLEAN ALL PARTS AN D HOUSINGS. CHECK SEALS REPLACE BEARING REPLACE BEARING CHECK SEALS AND CHECK OR NOISY. '} < — ABRASI VE I £ = 3 STEP W E A R PATTERN ON ROLLER ENDS CAUSED BY FINE ABRASIVES. CLEAN ALL PARTS AND HOUSINGS. CHECK SEALS AND BEARINGS AND REPLACE IF LEA K IN G . ROUGH OR NOISY m i i d iiifa INDENTATIONS SURFACE DEPRESSIONS ON RACE AND ROLLERS CAUSED BY HARD PARTICLES OF FOREIGN M A TER IAL. m i ETCHING BEARING SURFACES APPEAR GRAY OR GRAYISH BLACK IN COLOR W ITH R ELATED ETCHING AWAY OF M ATERIAL USUALLY AT ROLLER SPACING l — BENT y. .— ■ CAGE CAGE DAMAGE DUE TO IMPROPER HA N DLING OR TOOL USAGE REPLACE BEARING REPLACE BEARINGS CHECK SEALS AND CHECK FOR PROPER LUBRIC ATION. Mi I fe CAGE WEAR WEAR A ROUND OUTSIDE DIAM ETER OF CAGE AND ROLLER POCKETS CAUSED BY ABRASIVE M ATERIAL AND IN E F F IC IE N T LUB RICATIO N CLEAN ALL PARTS A ND HOUSINGS. CHECK SEALS n il a M im M ISALIG NM ENT OUTER RACE M ISALIG N M ENT DUE TO FOREIGN OBJECT. CLEAN RELATED PARTS AND REPLACE BEARING CHECK SEALS AND REPLACE BEARINGS. FRONT W HEEL BEA RIN G D IA G N O S IS (C O N T’D) H ll A CRACKED INNER RACE F AT I GUE SPALLING RACE CRAC K ED DUE TO IMPROPER F IT , C OCKING. OR POOR B E A RING SEATS. F L A K IN G OF SURFACE M ETA L R ESULTING FROM FA TIG U E. REPLACE BEA R IN G A N D CORRECT BEARING SEATS. REPLACE B EA R IN G BRI NELLI NG SURFACE IN D E N TA T IO N S IN RACEW AY CAUSED BY ROLLERS EITH ER UNDER IM PACT LO A D IN G OR V IB R A T IO N W HILE THE B EARING IS NOT R O TA TIN G . C LEAN ALL R E L A T E D PARTS. REPLACE BEARING IF ROUGH OR NOISY. HUM m a tk \ mm FRETTAGE CORROSION SET UP BY SM ALL R E L A T IV E M O V E M E N T OF PARTS W ITH NO LU B R IC A TIO N . REPLACE B E A R IN G . C L E A N R ELA TE D PARTS. CHECK SEALS AN D CHECK FOR PROPER LU B R IC A TIO N . ST AI N D I SC O L O R A T I O N Iflllfi HEAT D I SCO L ORAT I O N D ISC O LO R A TIO N CAN RANGE FROM L IG H T BROWN TO BLACK CAUSED BY IN CORRECT LU B R IC A N T OR MOISTURE. HEAT D ISCO LO RATIO N CAN RANGE FROM FA IN T YELLO W TO DAR K BLUE R ESU LTING FROM OVER LOAD (WAGON'S) OR IN CORR ECT LUBR ICANT. RE USE B EAR ING S IF STAINS CAN BE R EM O VED BY LIG H T PO LISH IN G OR IF NO EVIDENCE OF OVER H E A TIN G IS OBSERVED. EXCESSIVE HEAT CAN CAUSE SO FTENING OF RACES OR ROLLERS. CHECK SEALS A ND R ELA TE D PARTS FOR DAM AGE. TO CHECK FOR LOSS OF TEMPER ON RACES OR ROLLERS A SIMPLE FILE TEST M A Y BE M ADE. A FILE DRAWN OVER A TEM PERED PART W ILL GRAB AMn P IIT1 IVtt U C T1A A C AUUM rt\/C A AIMU i_U A IL, lAfUCDC W M tn tAAC o, A MIIL C t HQ UrlAWIM U V t nD A H A R D PART W IL L G LID E R E A D IL Y W ITH NO M ETA L C U TTIN G . REPLACE BEAR INGS IF O VER H E A TIN G DAMAGE IS IN D IC A T E D . CHECK SEALS A N D OTHER PARTS. SMEARS SM EARING OF M E T A L DUE TO SLIPPAGE. SLIPPAGE CA N BE C A U SED BY POOR FITS. L U B R IC A T IO N , O V E R H E A T IN G , O VER LO A D S OR H A N D L IN G D A M A G E. REPLACE B EA R IN GS, C LE A N R E L A T E D PARTS AND CHECK FOR PROPER FITS AND LU B R IC A TIO N Fig. 4C -4-F ront Drive Axle Typical F R O N T AXLE ASSEMBLY (Refer to Fig. 4C4) Removal 1. Disconnect propeller shaft from front axle differential. 2. Raise front o f vehicle on hoist until weight is removed from front springs. Support truck with jack stands behind front springs. 3. Disconnect connecting rod from steering arm. 4. Disconnect brake hoses from fram e fittings and cap al! fitting ends or cover with a rag to prevent contam ination. 5. Disconnect shock absorbers from axle brackets. 6. Disconnect axle vent tube clip at the differential housing (see fig. 4C-5). 7. D ism ount " U " bolts from axle to separate axle from truck springs. 8. Raise truck to clear axle assembly and roll front axle out from under the truck. Installation CAUTION: See C A U T IO N on page I o f this section regarding the fasteners referred to in steps 3, 5, 6 and 8. 1. Truck should be on jack stands as in Step 2 o f removal instructions. 2. Place axle in position under truck. 3. Install " U " bolts attaching axle to front springs. 4. Attach shock absorbers to axle brackets. 5. Connect brake hoses to fram e fittings bleed the brake system (see Section 5). 6. Attach connecting rod to steering arm. 7. Remove jack stands and lower front o f truck. 8. Assemble pro peller s h a ft to fro n t axle differential. 9. Lower vehicle to floor. Disassembly Refer to Seection 3B for hub, spindle and knuckle removal and installation procedures. 2. If the vehicle is not equipped with RPO F76 freewheeling hubs, remove the hub cap and snap ring. 3. Remove the drive gear and pressure spring. Place a hand over the drive gear and use a screwdriver to pry the gear out. 4. Remove the wheel bearing outer lock nut, lock ring, and wheel bearing inner adjusting as outlined in Section 3B. 5. Remove the disc assembly outer wheel bearing and the spring retainer plate. NOTE: If the disc or other brake components require repairs or replacement, refer to Section 5. Repair The Axle Joint Components: 1. Remove the lock rings after removing pressure from the trunnion bearings by squeezing the ends o f the bearing in a vise. 2. Support the shaft yoke in a bench vise or on a short length o f pipe. 3. Using a brass drift and a soft h am m er, drive on end o f one trunnion bearing just far enough to drive opposite bearing from yoke. 4. Support the other side o f the yoke in the vise and drive the other bearing out by tapping on the end of the trunnion using a brass drift. 5. Remove trunnion. 6. Clean and inspect bearings. Lubricate with a high melting point type wheel bearing grease. 7. Replace trunnion and press new or relubricated bearings into yoke and over trunnion hubs fa r enough to Fig. 4C-5--Axle Vent Hose Routing Typical install lock rings. 8. Hold trunnion in one hand and tap yoke lightly 1. Securely m ount the axle assembly in a suitable to seat bearings against lock rings. holding fixture. Assembly Reverse disassembly procedure. SPECIFICATIONS FOUR W HEEL DRIVE Bolt Torques (Ft.-Lbs.) A x le G e a r Backlash P re fe rre d M in . a n d M a x . N e w Pinion B e a rin g P re lo a d Used Pinion B e a rin g P re lo a d . 0 0 4 " -. 0 0 9 " .0 0 4 " -. 0 0 9 " 2 0 -4 0 in .-lb s . 1 0 -2 0 in .-lb s . C a rrie r Cover Ring G e a r D iffe r e n tia l B e a rin g Caps F ille r Plugs Drive Pinion N u t B rake — Backing P la te — B rake — Backing P la te — A x le S h a ft to H u b Bolts — A x le S h a ft to H u b Bolts — K 10, K20 K30 K 10, K20 K30 35 110 85 10 255 35 105 60 90 SECTION 5 BRAKES The following w arning and caution notes apply to one or more steps in the assembly procedure o f components in this portion o f the m anual as indicated at appropriate locations by the terminology "See W a r n in g / Caution on page l o f this section". Warning: When servicing wheel brake parts, do not create dust by grinding or sanding brake linings or by cleaning wheel brake parts with a dry brush or with compressed air. (A water dampened cloth should be used.) Many wheel brake parts contain asbestos fibers which can become airborne if dust is created during servicing. Breathing dust containing asbestos fibers may cause serious bodily harm." CAUTION: T H IS F A S T E N E R I S A N IM P O R T A N T A T T A C H IN G P A R T IN T H A T I T C O U L D A F F E C T T H E P E R F O R M A N C E O F V IT A L C O M P O N E N T S A N D S Y S T E M S A N D / O R C O U L D R E S U L T IN M A JO R R E P A IR E X P E N S E . I T M U S T B E R E P L A C E D W IT H O N E O F T H E S A M E P A R T N U M B E R OR W IT H A N E Q U IV A L E N T P A R T I F R E P L A C E M E N T B E C O M E S N E C E S S A R Y. D O N O T U S E A R E P L A C E M E N T P A R T O F L E S S E R Q U A L IT Y O R S U B S T IT U T E D E S IG N . T O R Q U E V A L U E S M U S T B E U S E D A S S P E C I F I E D D U R IN G R E A S S E M B L Y TO A S S U R E P R O P E R R E T E N T IO N O F T H IS PA RT. CONTENTS G eneral D e s c rip tio n ..............................................................5 _] D ia g n o s is ................................................................................. ..S-2 On-Vehicle Service................................................................... ..5 _l 0 Pedal T r a v e l .........................................................................5 _l 0 Stop Light Sw itch..............................................................5-10 Bleeding and Flushing B r a k e s ................................... ..5-]0 Brake P ipes...........................................................................5-10 Brake Hoses..........................................................................5 - 14 Bleeding Hydro-Boost Power Steering S ystem ..... ..5 - 15 Parking Brake Pedal or H a n d l e ................................ ..5 - 15 Parking Brake A d ju s tm e n t.............................................5-15 Parking Brake (Propshaft) Internal Expanding... 5-22 Parking Brake C a b le .........................................................5-22 C om bination V alue............................................................5-22 Brake P e d a l ....................................................................... ..5-23 Brake Pedal R o d .............................................................. ..5-24 M aster C ylinder................................................................ ..5-24 Delco Disc Brake Shoe and L in i n g ..................... 5-26 Bendix Disc Brake Shoe and L in in g ................... 5 -3 1 Caliper O verh au l...........................................................5-33 Rotor Servicing.............................................................. 5-36 Brake D rum Shoe and L in in g ................................ 5-37 Standard Drum B ra k e ............................................5-37 Propeller S haft B ra k e.............................................5-40 RPO H22 R ear D rum Brakes.............................5 -4 1 Brake D r u m s .................................................................. 5-43 Wheel C y lin d e r ............................................................. 5-44 Power Brake U n i t .........................................................5-44 Vacuum Booster........................................................ 5-44 Hydro-Boost U n i t ..................................................... 5-45 Specifications...................................................................... 5-47 Brake System D escription..........................................5-47 Brake System Application..........................................5-48 Torque Specifications................................................. 5-52 Special T o o ls...................................................................... 5-53 GENERAL DESCRIPTION All vehicles are equipped with a dual hydraulic brake system. The split system consists basically o f two separate brake systems. W hen a failure is encountered on either, the other is adequate to stop the vehicle. If one system is not functioning, it is normal for the brake pedal lash and pedal effort to substantially increase. This occurs because o f the design o f the master cylinder which incorporates an actuating piston for each system. W hen the rear system loses fluid, its piston will bottom against the front piston. W hen the front system loses fluid, its piston will bottom on the end o f the master cylinder body. The pressure differential in one o f the systems causes an uneven hydraulic pressure balance between the front and rear systems. The combination valve (near the master cylinder) detects the loss o f pressure and illuminates the brake alarm indicator light on the instrument panel. The pressure loss is felt at the brake pedal by an ap parent lack o f brakes for most of the brake travel and then, w hen failed ch am b er is bottomed, the pedal will harden. If a vehicle displays these symptoms, it is a good indication that one o f the systems contains air or has failed, an d it is necessary to bleed or repair the brakes. M A S TE R CYLINDER The system is designed with a separate hydraulic system for the front and rear brakes using a dual master cylinder. The cylinder has two separate reservoirs and outlets in a co m m o n body casting. if a failure should occur, and turns " o n " a red light in the dash to w arn the operator of the failure. DISC BRAKES FRO NT All models have disc brakes on the front. The one piece caliper mounts on the steering knuckle/steering arm, which is also a one piece casting, an d astride the brake disc. The caliper is the single piston design which is said to be a sliding caliper sliding piston. N o front brake adjustment is necessary once the system is in operation and the pedal has been stroked to "s ea t" the shoes to the caliper. DISC BRAKES REAR (JF9) C O M B IN A T IO N VALVE All models have a com bination valve. The front and rear hydraulic lines are routed through this com bination " m e te rin g " and "b ra k e failure w arning switch" to their a pp rop riate wheel cylinders or caliper. The m etering portion of the com bination valve tends to "hold off" front hydraulic pressure until the rear brake system overcomes the pull back springs; then pressure is allowed to flow with the result being a good distribution of braking effort. T he brake failure w arning switch portion o f the c o m bination valve "senses" a loss o f hydraulic pressure, R ear disc brakes operate in the same m an ner as front disc brakes except the caliper is mounted to a support attached to the axle flange. D RU M BRAKES REAR The rear brakes are duo servo and self adjusting. Brake adjustment takes place w hen the brakes are applied with a firm pedal effort while the vehicle is backing up. Applying the brakes moves the actuator which turns the star wheel and lengthens the adjuster screw assembly. This action moves the shoes outward until clearance between the lining and drum is within proper limits. DIAGNOSIS IN S P E C T IO N AND TE S TIN G BRAKES Testing Brakes CAUTION: New linings m ust be protected fro m severe use f o r several hundred miles. Brakes should be tested on dry, clean, reasonably smooth and level roadway. A true test o f brake perform an ce cann ot be m ade if roadway is wet, greasy o r covered with loose dirt so that all tires do not grip the road equally. Testing will also be adversely affected if roadw ay is crowned so as to throw weight o f vehicle toward wheels on one side or if roadway is so rough that wheels tend to bounce. Test brakes at different vehicle speeds with both light and heavy pedal pressure; however, avoid locking the wheels and sliding the tires on roadway. Locked wheels and sliding tires do not indicate brake efficiency since heavily braked but turning wheels will stop vehicle in less distance than locked wheels. More tire-to-road friction is present with a heavily braked turning tire than with a sliding tire. External Conditions that Affect Brake Performance 1. Tires--Tires having unequal contact and grip on road will cause unequal braking. Tires must be equally inflated and tread p attern o f right and left tires must be approximately equal. 2. Vehicle Loading--When vehicle has unequal loading, the most heavily loaded wheels require more braking power than others. A heavily loaded vehicle requires more braking effort. 3. Front Wheel Bearings-A loose front wheel bearing permits the drum to tilt and have spotty contact with the brake shoe linings causing erratic action. 4. Front End A lignment-M isalignm ent o f the front end, particularly in regard to limits on cam ber and theoretical king pin inclination, will cause the brakes to pull to one side. C O N D IT IO N Pulls POSSIBLE CAUSE 1. Incorrect tire pressures. CO R R E C TIO N 1. In fla te evenly on both sides to the recom m ended pressures. 2. Front e n d out o f lin e . 2. C heck a n d a lig n to m an ufactu rer's sp ecification s. 3. U n m atch ed tires on same 3 . Tires with a p p ro x im a te ly the a x le . same am o un t of tre a d should For r a d ia l tire le a d b e used on the same a x le . re fe r to Section 3E. 4. Restricted b ra k e pipes 4 . C heck fo r solf hoses and or hoses. d a m a g e d lines. R eplace w ith new hoses a n d new d o u b le ­ w a lle d steel b ra k e tu b in g . 5. M a lfu n c tio n in g c a lip e r 5 . Check fo r stuck or sluggish pistons, p ro p e r lu b ric a tio n . assem bly. Remove a n d re b u ild c a lip e r. 6. D efective or d a m a g e d shoe a n d lin in g (g rea s e 6. Install new shoe a n d linin g in com plete a x le sets. or b ra k e flu id on lin in g or b en t shoe). 7. M a lfu n c tio n in g re a r b rakes. 7 . Check fo r in o p e ra tiv e auto a d ju s tin g m echanism , d efe c tiv e lin in g (g rea s e or b ra k e flu id on lin in g ) or d efe c tiv e w h eel cylinders. R e p a ir as necessary. 8. Loose suspension parts. 8. Check a n d to rq u e a ll suspension mountings to specifications. 9. Loose c a lip e rs . 9 . Check a n d to rq u e bolts to sp ecification s. N o ise (h ig h p itched squ eak 1. Front linin gs w orn out. 1. R eplace linin gs. 1. Excessive la te r a l runout. 1. Check p e r instructions a n d w ith o u t b ra k e a p p lie d ) . B rake roughness o r c h a tte r (P e d a l Pulsates) re p la c e or m achine rotor, if not w ith in specifications. 2. P a ra lle lis m not w ithin specifications. 2 . Check p er instructions a n d re p la c e or m ach ine the rotor, if not w ith in specifications. 3. W h e e l B earin gs not a d ju s te d . 4. R ear drums out o f ro und. 3 . A djust w h e e l b e a rin g s to correct specifications. 4 . C heck runout a n d , if not w ith in specification s, turn the drums (no t over maxim um o f 0 .0 6 0 on the d ia m e te r). C O N D IT IO N B rake roughness o r c h a tte r (P e d a l Pulsates) — POSSIBLE CAUSE 5. Shoe reversed (steel C o n tin u e d CO R R E C TIO N 5 . R eplace shoe a n d lin in g a n d a g a in s t iro n). m achine ro tor w ith in s p ecification s. Excessive P e d a l E ffort 1. M a lfu n c tio n in g pow er 1. Check p ow er b ra k e a n d r e p a ir b ra ke. 2. P a rtia l system f a ilu r e . if necessary. 2. C heck fro n t a n d re a r b ra k e system a n d re p a ir, if necessary. A lso, check a n d re p a ir b ra k e w a rn in g lig h t circuit if a f a ile d system is fo u n d a n d lig h t d id not fun ctio n. 3. Excessively worn shoe 3 . C heck a n d re p la c e in a x le a n d lin in g . 4. Piston in c a lip e r stuck sets. 4. Remove c a lip e r a n d re b u ild . o r sluggish. 5. F a d in g b ra k e s d u e to incorrect lin in g . 5 . Remove a n d re p la c e with o rig in a l e q u ip m e n t lin in g (or e q u iv a le n t). Excessive P e d a l Travel 1. P a rtia l b ra k e system f a ilu r e . 1. C heck both fro n t a n d re a r system fo r a fa ilu r e a n d re p a ir. Also check a n d r e p a ir w a rn in g lig h t circuit. It should h ave in d ic a te d a fa ilu r e . 2. In s u ffic ie n t flu id in m aster c y lin d e r. 2 . Fill reservoirs with a p p ro v e d b ra k e flu id . Check fo r leaks. Check w a rn in g lig h t. 3. A ir tra p p e d in system. 3 . B leed system. 4. 4 . A djust re a r b rakes a n d R e a r b ra k e not a d ju s tin g . r e p a ir auto adjusters. 5. B ent shoe a n d lin in g . 5 . R eplace a x le set o f shoe a n d lin in g . D ra g g in g Brakes 1. M a s te r c y lin d e r pistons 1. W ith reservoir cover o ff, (A very lig h t d ra g is not re tu rn in g check fo r flu id spurt p resent in a ll disc correctly. a t bypass holes as p e d a l b rakes im m e d ia te ly a fte r is dep ressed. Adjust push p e d a l is re le a s e d .) ro d , if necessary, or re b u ild m aster c y lin d er. 2. Restricted b ra k e pipes or hoses. 2. C heck fo r soft hoses or d a m a g e d pipes a n d re p la c e w ith new hoses a n d new d o u b le -w a lle d steel b ra k e tu b in g . C O N D IT IO N POSSIBLE CAUSE 3. D ra g g in g Brakes (A very lig h t d ra y is p resent in a ll disc b rakes im m e d ia te ly a fte r p e d a l is re le a s e d .) — G ra b b in g or Uneven Incorrect p a rk in g b ra k e a d ju s tm e n t on re a r b rakes. 4 . Check va lve in s ta lle d in C o n tin u e d 3 . Check a n d re a d ju s t to correct specifications. 4 . C heck m aster c y lin d e r o u tlet o u tle t to fro n t disc a n d rem ove check valve if b rakes. present. 1. A ll conditions listed B rak in g Action CO R R E C TIO N u n d er "PULLS". 2. M a lfu n c tio n of com bin atio n 1. A ll corrections listed u n d e r "PULLS". 2. R eplace a n d b le e d system. v alve. 3 . M a lfu n c tio n o f pow er b ra k e unit. 4. B in d in g b ra k e p e d a l mechanism. 3 . Check o p e ra tio n a n d r e p a ir, if necessary. 4 . C heck a n d lu b ric a te , if necessary. Possibly re p la c e p e d a l bushing a n d /o r spacer. Pulsation (roughness) 1. Uneven p a d w e a r caused Felt d u rin g norm al by c a lip e r not slidin g b ra k e a p p lic a tio n . d u e to im p ro p e r c le a r­ 1. Remove c a lip e r a n d correct as necessary. ance or d irt. 2. Uneven rotor w e a r causing a thickness 2 . M a c h in e rotors as follow s: a . M a c h in e rotors to o b ta in a v a ria tio n b etw e e n the c irc u m fe re n tia l thickness v a ria tio n no two b ra k in g surfaces. g re a te r th a n .0 0 0 5 " in 3 6 0 ° a n d a la te r a l runout no g re a te r th a n .0 0 4 " (m ax. ra te o f c h a n g e not exceed .0 0 1 " in 3 0 °). b. C heck c a lip e r freeness. W ith rotor rem oved, install c a lip e r a n d m ounting bolts (pins). C heck f o r .0 0 5 " -.0 1 2 " c le a ra n c e a t both top a n d bottom o f c a lip e r. If less than .0 0 5 " is fo u n d , f ile w ith a f l a t f ile until a t least .0 0 5 " is o b ta in e d . DO N O T EXCEED A M A X IM U M of .0 1 2 " p e r end or .0 2 4 " to ta l c le a ra n c e . C a lip e r c le a ra n c e to in b o a rd a n d o u tb o a rd reactio n pads must b e e q u a l w ithin .0 0 4 " both a t the top a n d bottom o f the c a lip e r. This is to ensure correct a lig n m e n t of c a lip e r to knuckle d u rin g a b ra k e a p p lic a tio n . c. Remove c a lip e r a fte r freeness check. C le a n pins a n d sleeves, re p la c e " O " rings, a n d a p p ly o lig h t c o a tin g o f silicone g re a s e or e q u iv a le n t to a ll contact points a n d " O " rings. \ \ \ \ \ •% \ \■ y \ L e a k in g B ra ke L in e o r C o n n e c tio n X XX L e a kin g W h e el C y lin d e r o r P is to n Seal X XX L e a kin g M a s te r C y lin d e r X XX A ir In B ra ke S ystem o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ tfc \ \ J s. \ \ \ % \ % \ s, \ % \ \ v X X XX X X X XX X X C o n ta m in a te d o r Im p ro p e r B ra ke F lu id XX L e a k in g V a c u u m S ystem X XX X X X R e s tric te d A ir Passage in P ow er Head X XX X Damaged P ow er Head X X X X X I m p ro p e rly A ssem bled P ow er Head V a lv in c X X X X XX W o rn O u t B ra ke L in in g - Replace X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X U n e v e n B ra ke L in in g W e a r Replace a n d C o rre c t X XX G lazed B ra ke L in in g In c o r r e c t L in in g M a te r ia l - Replace X X X X X X X XX XX XX X X X XX X X X X XX XX XX X X X C o n ta m in a te d B rake L in in g - Replace L in in g s Damaged by A b u s iv e Use - Replace Fxce ssive R^ake L in in g D u s t Heat S potted o r S cored B ra ke D ru m s o r R o tors O u t-o f-R o u n d o r V ib r a tin g B ra ke D ru m s X X X X X X X X XX X X X XX X XX O u t - o f - P a r a lle l B ra ke R o tors X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X G u id e L u b r ic a n t R e s tric te d B ra ke F lu id Passage o r S tic k in q W h e el C v lin d e r P is to n F a u lty M e te r in g V alve X X X X B ra ke Pedal Linka g e X X X In te r fe r e n c e o r B in d in q X X X X XX XX X X X X XX X X X lo o s e F ro n t S u s p e n s io n A tta c h m e n ts X O u t-o f-B a la n c e W h e el A sse m b lie s X X XX X X XX X X X X X X _ p s l l i i , , '# P l i K . i ! ' F a u lty P ro p o rtio n in g V a lv e In d ic a te s m o re p ro b a b le c a u s e (s ) XX XX In c o r r e c t T ire P re s s u re XX - X XX In c o r r e c t F ro n t End A lig n m e n t Im p ro p e rly A d ju s te d M aster C v lin d e r Push R od S tic k in g W h eel C y lin d e r or XX X D ru m s Tapered o r Threaded O p e ra to r R id in g B ra ke Pedal X X Im p ro p e rly A d ju s te d P a r k in g B ra ke In c o r r e c t W h e e l B e a rin g A d ju s tm e n t X X I n c o r r e c t W h e el C y lin d e r S ize s Weak o r I n c o r r e c t Brake S h o e R e te n tio n S o rin a s B ra ke A s se m b ly A tta c h m e n ts M is s in g o r Loose I n s u f f ic ie n t B ra ke Shoe X XX Excessive R o to r R u n - O u t F a u lty A u to m a tic A d ju s te rs \ X X - In d ic a te s ca use s X X XX X X X X X X X X X DIAGNOSIS - HYDRO - BOOST SYSTEM N O TE: B efore checking the hydraulic p o w e r booster for the source o f trouble, refer to the trouble diagnosis procedures fo r Standard Brakes. A fte r these possible causes have been elim inated, ch eck fo r the probable cause and rem edy as o u tlin ed below: Norm al O p erating Characteristics Brake pedal application o f the H ydro-boost system differs in som e respects from a vacuum type pow er brake system in th e follow ing m anner: 1. On pedal application u n til b o o ster run-out, slight pow er steering pum p noise m ay be heard. 2. Pedal application through run-out will n o t necessarily be sm ooth due to th e internal ratio change, i t is possible to push the pedal past run-out because o f th e higher pedal ratio. A t run-out o f the vacuum booster the pedal ju st becom es hard. N O BOOST - 3. On the first full application o f th e brake pedal, a slight hissing sound m ay be heard. T he hiss is the accum ulator charging and the noise should go away in a sh o rt period o f time. 4. On a spike brake application, a slight pedal kick-back may be felt. 5. If the vehicle is started w ith the pedal de­ pressed, the pedal will fall away slightly then return back to approxim ately the original position. H ARD PEDAL P relim inary Check W ith the engine stopped, depress the brake pedal several times to eliminate all accumulator reserve from the system. Hold the brake pedal depressed with medium pressure (25 to 35 lbs.), start the engine. If the unit is operating correctly, the brake pedal will fall slightly and then push back against the driver's foot, remaining at about the same position. If the booster is not operating correctly, the trouble may be one of the following causes: P ro b a b le C ause R em ed y 1. Lo o se o r b r o k e n power s t e e r i n g pump bel t . 1. T ig h te n o r re p la c e 2. No f l u i d 2. F i l l r e s e r v o i r and c h e c k f o r external le a k s. 3. L e a k s i n power s t e e r i n g , a ccu m u lator h o se s. 3. Rep lace d e f e c t i v e p a r t s . 4. L e a k s a t t u b e f i t t i n g s , power s t e e r i n g , b o o ste r or accu m u la to r c o n n e c tio n s . 4. T ig h te n f i t t i n g s o r r e p la c e s e a ts , i f d e fe c tiv e . 5. Exte rn al 5. Rep lace 6. F a u lt y b o o ste r p is t o n s e a l ca u sin g le a k a g e a t b o o ste r f la n g e v e n t . 6. R e p la ce a l l booster s e a ls . 7. F a u l t y b o o s t e r i n p u t rod s e a l w i t h l e a k a g e a t i n p u t ro d en d. 7. R e p la ce a l l booster s e a ls . 8. F a u lty booster cover seal w ith be tw e en h o u s in g and c o v e r . 8. Rep lace a l l booster s e a ls . 9. F a u lt y b o o ste r spool 9. Re p la ce a l l booster s e a ls . i n power s t e e r i n g re se rv o ir. bo o ste r or le aka g e a t a ccu m u la to r. leakage plu g s e a l . 10. In te rn a l 11 . C o n t a m i n a t i o n i n power s t e e r i n g 12. H y d ra u lic l in e s le ak a g e in b o o s te r. flu id . routed i n c o r r e c t l y . the b e l t . tub e bo o ste r. 10. Rep lace b o o s te r. 11 . F l u s h power s t e e r i n g s y s t e m and r e p l a c e w i t h new f l u i d . 12. Re-route l i n e s . DIAGNOSIS - HYDRO - BOOST SYSTEM SLO W BRAKE PEDAL RETURN R e m ed y P ro b a b le Cause 1. Ex c e ssiv e seal 2. F a u l t y sp o o l fric tio n in b o o ster. a c tio n . 1. Rep lace a l l booster s e a l s . 2. C l e a n sp o o l and r e p l a c e a l l booster s e a ls . 3. B ro k e n p i s t o n r e t u r n s p r i n g . 3. Rep lace s p r in g . 4. R e s t r ic t io n in re tu r n l i n e b o o s t e r to pump r e s e r v o i r . 4. Rep lace l i n e . 5. Broken spool 5. Rep la ce s p r in g . 6. E x c e s s i v e pe da l 6. L u b r i c a t e p i v o t b u s h i n g s w i t h D e lc o B r a k e Lube # 54 500 32 ( o r e q u i v a l e n t ) o r r e p l a c e b u shin g s. from re tu rn sp rin g . p iv o t f r i c t i o n . GRABBY BRAKES R e m ed y P ro b a b le Cause 1. Broken spool 1. Re p lace s p r in g . 2. F a u l t y s p o o l a c t i o n c a u s e d by co n ta m in a tio n in syste m . 2. I n s p e c t , c l e a n and r e p l a c e a l l booster s e a ls . 3. No c a r g o body on c h a s s i s . 3. Normal re tu rn sp rin g . c o n d itio n . BOOSTER CHATTERS - PEDAL VIBRATES P ro b a b le Cause R em ed y 1. T i g h t e n bel t . 2. F i l l r e s e r v o i r and c h e c k f o r external le a k s . F a u l t y s p o o l o p e r a t i o n c a u s e d by co n ta m in a tio n in system . 3. I n s p e c t , c l e a n and r e p l a c e a l l booster s e a ls . 4. E x c e s s iv e co n tam in atio n ste e rin g f l u i d . 4. F l u s h power s t e e r i n g f l u i d fr o m s y s t e m and r e p l a c e w i t h new power s t e e r i n g f l u i d . 5. A ir 5. A l l o w v e h i c l e to s t a n d f o r a p p r o x i m a t e l y one h o u r ; the n b le e d power s t e e r i n g h y d r a u l i c syste m as d e s c r ib e d e a r l i e r in th is se ctio n . 1. Power s t e e r i n g 2. Low f l u i d l e v e l pump r e s e r v o i r . 3. pump b e l t s l i p s . i n power s t e e r i n g in power i n power s t e e r i n g f l u i d . DIAGNOSIS - HYDRO-BOOST SYSTEM POWER STEERING PUMP NOISE O N BRAKE APPLY Rem edy P ro b a b le C ause 1. In s u ffic ie n t flu id reservoi r. in 1. pump F lu id le v e l decre ases ap p ro xim ately 1 / 2 " on b r a k e a p p l j / - r e f i l 1 to proper l e v e l . I f f l u i d i s fo a m y , l e t v e h ic le stand f o r ap p ro xim ately one h o u r ; t he n b l e e d power s t e e r i n g h y d r a u l i c system as o u t l i n e d e a r l i e r in th is se c tio n . BRAKE PEDAL PULLS D O W N SLIGHTLY O N EN G IN E START P ro b a b le Cause 1. R em edy R e s t r ic t io n in gear or booster re tu rn lin e s . 1. Rep lace l i n e s o r r e p o s it io n l i n e s to e li m i n a t e r e s t r i c t i o n . AC C U M U L A TO R L E A K D O W N - SYSTEM DOES N O T HOLD CHARGE P relim inary Check Start engine and turn the steering wheel until the wheels contact the wheel stops lightly. Hold fo ra maximum of five seconds. Then release the steering wheel and turn off the engine. Depress and release the brake pedal. There should be a minimum of three power assisted brake applications before a hard pedal is obtained. Re-start the engine and turn the steering wheel until the wheels contact the wheel stops lightly. There should be a light hissing sound as the accumulator is charged. Hold steering wheel lightly against stop for a maximum of five seconds. Then release the steering wheel, and turn off the engine. Wait one hour and apply brake pedal (do not re-start the engine). There should still be a minimum of three power assisted brake applications before obtaining a hard pedal. If either of these preliminary checks shows that the accumulator is not holding its charge, the trouble may be one of the following causes. P r o b a b le Cause Remedy 1. Extern al le a k a g e a t a ccu m ula tor. 1. R e p la ce b o o ste r a sse m b ly . 2. In te rn al le akag e in a ccu m u lator. 2. Rep la ce b o o ste r. 3. 3. In t e r n a l le aka g e a t b o o ste r accu m ulator v a lv e ( i f a ccu m u lator i s not le a k in g e x te rn a lly or in t e r n a lly ) . R e p l a c e a l l b o o s t e r s e a l s and accu m ula tor v a l v e s . ON-VEHICLE SERVICE PEDAL TRAVEL At reasonably frequent intervals, the brakes should be inspected for pedal travel, which is the distance the pedal moves toward the floor from a fully-released position. Inspection should be m ade with the brake pedal firmly depressed (approxim ately 90 lbs.) while the brakes are cold. C-K-G M a n u a l .........4.5" C-K-G P o w e r.........3.5" P (Except J F 9 ) ...... 3.5" P ( J F 9 ) .............. 6.0" O n power brake-equipped vehicles, p u m p the pedal a m inim um o f 3 times with the engine off before making pedal travel checks. This exhausts all vacuum from the power booster. STOP LIGHT SWITCH Adjustm ent The stop light switch is mounted on a flange pro truding from the brake pedal support. 1. Release the brake pedal to its normal position. 2. Adjust switch by turning in or out as necessary. Electrical contact should be made when the brake pedal is depressed 1.0-1.24" (C-K models), .70" (G-P models) from its fully released position. 3. Tighten switch locknut, if so equipped, and connect electrical harness. BLEEDING AND FLUSHING BRAKE SYSTEM Bleeding Brake Hydraulic System A bleeding operation is necessary to remove air w henever it is introduced into the hydraulic brake system. It m ay be necessary to bleed the hydraulic system at all four wheel cylinders if air has been introduced through low fluid level or by disconnecting brake pipes at master cylinder. If brake pipe is disconnected at any wheel cylinder, then that wheel cylinder only need be bled. If pipes are disconnected at any fitting located between m aster cylinder and wheel cylinders, then all wheel cylinders served by the disconnected pipe must be bled. M anual Bleed If the vehicle is equipped with power brakes, deplete the vacuum reserve by applying the brakes several times. 1. Fill m aster cylinder with brake fluid and keep at least on e-half full o f fluid du rin g bleeding operation. Bleed right rear brake, left rear brake, right front brake and left front brake. 2. W ith the proper size box end wrench or Tool J-21472 over bleeder valve, attach bleeder tube to valve and allow tube to hang subm erged in brake fluid in a clean glass j a r (fig. 5-1). 3. Open the bleeder valve and fully depress the brake pedal. 4. Close bleeder valve and release brake pedal. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all air is evacuated. Check and refill master cylinder reservoir as required to prevent air from being drawn through master cylinder. 6. Repeat the bleeding procedure at all wheels if the entire system is to be bled. 7. Check the brake pedal, feel for "sponginess" and repeat entire bleeding procedure if necessary. Flushing Brake Hydraulic System It is recom m ended that the entire hydraulic system be thoroughly flushed with clean brake fluid whenever new parts are installed in the hydraulic system. Flushing is also recom m ended if there is any doubt as to the grade of fluid in the system. If fluid has been used which contains the slightest trace of mineral oil, all ru bber parts that have been subjected to the contam i­ nated fluid should be replaced. BRAKE PIPES Replacement (Figs. 5-2 thru 5-4) W A R N IN G : NEVER USE COPPER T U B IN G BECAUSE COPPER IS SUBJECT TO FATIGUE CRACKING A N D C O RRO SION W H IC H COULD RESULT IN BRAKE FAILURE. Fig. 5-2-Front Brake Pipes and Hoses--C-K Models Fig. 5-4--Front Pipes BRAKES Brake and Hoses- P Models 5 -1 3 * inspection. If any o f the above conditions are observed on the brake hose, it will be necessary to replace it. Front Brake Hose R em o val (fig s . 5 -2 th ru 5 -4 ) 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Clean dirt and foreign material from both hose end fittings. 3. Disconnect brake pipe from hose fitting using a back-up wrench on fitting. Be careful not to bend frame bracket or brake pipe. It may be necessary to soak the connections with p enetrating oil. 4. Remove " U " clip from female fitting at bracket and remove hose from bracket. 5. Remove bolt from caliper end o f hose. Remove hose from caliper, and discard the two copper gaskets on either side of fitting block. In s ta lla tio n Fig. 5-5--Typical Rear Hose Fittings 1. Procure the recom m ended tubing and steel fitting nuts o f the correct size. (Outside diam eter of tubing is used to specify size.) 2. Cut tubing to length. Correct length may be determ ined by measuring old pipe using a cord and ad ding 1 /8 " for each double flare. 3. D ouble flare tubing ends using a suitable flaring tool such as J-23530. Follow instructions included in tool set. M ake sure fittings are second flare. installed before starting W A R N IN G : DOUBLE FLARING TOOL M U S T BE USED AS SIN G LE CANNOT PRODUCE ENOUGH TO HOLD A FLARING FLARE THE TOOLS STRONG NECESSARY PRESSURE. 1. Use new copper gaskets on both sides o f fitting block, wet bolt threads with brake fluid, then with fitting orientation flange engaged with the caliper orientation ledge on JB8 and JF9 (hose located in caliper gate on all except JB8 and JF9), fasten hose to caliper; torque to specifications. 2. With weight o f vehicle on suspension, pass female fitting through frame or fram e bracket. Fitting fits the bracket in only one position. With least am ount of twist in hose, install fitting in this position. There should be no kinks in hose. 3. Install " U " clip to female fitting at frame bracket. 4. Attach brake pipe to hose fitting using a backup w'rench on fitting; torque to specifications. 5. Inspect to see that hose doesn’t make contact with any p art of suspension. Check in extreme right hand and extreme left h and turn conditions. If hose makes any contact, remove and correct. 6. Bleed brake system. 7. Lower vehicle from hoist. Rear Brake Hose R em o val 4. Bend pipe assembly to match old pipe using a tubing bender. Clearance o f .75" must be m aintained to all moving or vibrating parts. BRAKE HOSES Inspection The flexible hydraulic brake hose which transmits hydraulic pressure from the steel brake pipe on the fram e to the rear axle and to the calipers should be inspected every 4 months or 6,000 miles (heavy duty emission vehicles), every 12 m onths or 7,500 miles (light duty emission vehicles). The brake hose assembly should be checked for road hazard dam age, for cracks and chafing o f the outer cover, and for leaks and blisters. A light and m irror may be needed for an adequate 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove all three brake pipes from hose, two at junction block and, with the use o f a back-up wrench, one on the female fitting at bracket. Be careful not to bend bracket or pipes; use penetrating oil if necessary. 3. Remove " U " clip and take female fitting out of bracket (fig. 5-5). 4. Observe position at w'hich junction block is mounted to the axle. W hen installing new hose be sure this junction block is in the same position. 5. Remove bolt attaching junction block to axle. In s ta lla tio n 1. T hread both rear axle pipes into junction block. 2. Bolt junction block to axle and then torque rear pipes into block. 3. Pass female end o f hose through bracket; female fitting will fit bracket in only 1 position (except G models), 2 positions (G models). W ithout twisting hose, position female end in bracket. 4. Install " U " clip. 5. Attach pipe to female fitting using a back-up wrench on fitting; torque to specification, again be careful not to bend bracket or pipe. Check to see that hose installation did not loosen fram e bracket, re-torque bracket if necessary. 6. Bleed system. 7. Lower vehicle from hoist. 2. Remove nuts from the engine com partm ent on C, K and G models or bolts from m ounting bracket on P models. N OTE: Take notice o f the spacers on P models for reinstallation. 3. Disconnect the release handle rod at the parking brake assembly end (C-K models). 4. Remove the bolts from the underside o f the dash and lower the brake assembly (C-K-G Models). 5. C-K-G Models-Disconnect the cable ball from the parking brake clevis and remove the assembly. P Models^Remove the clevis pin and disconnect the cable from the brake assembly; remove the assembly. BLEEDING HYDRO-BOOST/POWER STEERING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM In s ta lla tio n T he following procedure should be used to bleed the power steering hydraulic system on hydro-boost vehicles. N O T E : If the power steering fluid has foam ed due to low fluid level, it will be necessary to park the vehicle for approximately one hour (reservoir cap loose) so that the foam can dissipate. 1. Raise the front o f the vehicle on a hoist so that the tires are clear o f the floor. 2. Check reservoir and fill with G M Power Steering Fluid (or equivalent). N O T E : Leave the reservoir cap off- during entire bleed procedure. 3. Install a remote control starter switch so that engine can be cranked but not started. C A U T IO N : Whenever the engine is cranked remotely at the starter, with a special ju m p er or other means, the distributor prim ary lead must be disconnected fr o m the negative post on the coil. 4. Crank engine for 4 to 5 second intervals while pouring fluid into the reservoir. 5. Fill reservoir and crank as in step 4 until system will no longer accept fluid. It is norm al that fluid may spill w hen cranking stops (it is the result o f air in the system trying to escape). To prevent spilling, crank engine. 6. Remove remote control starter switch. Reinstall distributor p rim a ry lead. 7. Start engine and allow to run 2 seconds. 8. Check and refill fluid reservoir if necessary. 9. Start engine and depress the brake pedal several times while rotating the steering wheel from stop to stop. 10. Turn engine off and then p u m p brake pedal 4-5 times to deplete accumulator pressure. 11. Check and refill fluid reservoir if necessary. 12. Repeat Steps 9, 10 and 11. Install pu m p reservoir cap. 13. Remove vehicle from hoist. PARKING BRAKE PEDAL OR HANDLE Removal (Fig. 5-9) Reverse the removal procedure. Torque all bolts and nuts. A fter installing the clevis-pin, use a new cotter pin to secure the clevis pin. Adjust the cable if necessary as outlined below. C A U TIO N : See "C aution" on Page 1 o f this section. PARKING BRAKE ADJUSTMENT A djustment o f park in g brake cable is necessary w henever holding ability is not adequate or whenever the center brake cables have been disconnected. NOTE: The service brake must be properly adjusted as a base for parking brake adjustment; conversely the park in g brake must be properly adjusted for the service brake to function as intended. Inspection If complete release o f the parking brake is not obtained, unless it is forcibly returned to its released position, or if application effort is high, check parking brake assembly for free operation. If operation is sticky or a bind is experienced, correct as follows: 1. Clean and lubricate brake cables and equalizer with Delco Brake Lube (or equivalent). 2. Inspect brake assembly for straightness and alignment (replace if necessary). 3. Clean and lubricate parking brake assembly with Delco Brake Lube (or equivalent). 4. Checking routing o f cables for kinks or binding. A djustm ent-Foot Pedal Type NOTE: Before adjusting parking brake, check service brake condition and adjustment. 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Loosen the equalizer adjusting nut. 3. Apply p a rking brake 4 notches from fully released position. 4. Tighten the equalizer nut until a m oderate drag is felt when the rear wheels are rotated forward. 1. Place parking brake pedal or handle in the released position. C A U TIO N : See " Caution" on Page 1 o f this section. L-6 & N 4 0 / V -8 & N 4 0 fryI vtcwfA] C-K M O D ELS POOO ( 4 2 ) M O D ELS G M O D ELS P 3 0 0 ( 3 2 ) M O D ELS Fig. 5-9 -Parking Brake Assem bly-Typical lVIEW P300 (42) & M40 & JB9 5. Fully release park in g brake and rotate the rear wheels. N o drag should be present. 6. Remove vehicle from hoist. A djustm ent-O rscheln Lever Type 1. T urn adjusting knob on parking brake lever counterclockwise to stop. 2. Apply parking brake. 3. Raise vehicle on a hoist. 4. Loosen nut at interm ediate cable equalizer and then adjust nut to give light drag at rear wheels. C A U TIO N : See "C aution" on Page I o f this section. 5. Readjust parking brake lever knob to give a definite snap-over-center feel. PARKING BRAKE (PROPELLER SHAFT)INTERNAL EXPANDING Adjustm ent-Drum On 1. Jack up at least one rear wheel. Block wheels and release h a n d brake. 2. Remove cotter pin and clevis p in connecting pull rod and relay lever. This will assure freedom for full shoe release. C A U TIO N : It m ay be necessary to knock out lanced area in brake drum with p unch and ham m er to gain entry into adjusting screw through brake drum. Be sure all m etal has been removed fr o m p arking brake com partm ent. 3. Rotate brake drum to bring one o f access holes into line with adjusting screw at bottom o f shoes ( m a n u a l transm ission), top o f shoes (autom atic transmission). 4. Expand shoes by rotating adjusting screws with screwdriver inserted through hole in drum. Move outer end o f screwdriver away from drive shaft. Continue adjustm ent until shoes are tight against dru m and drum can not be rotated by hand. Back off adjustm ent ten notches and check drum for free rotation. 5. Place p a rk in g brake lever in fully released position. Take up slack in brake linkage by pulling back on cable just enough to overcome spring tension. Adjust clevis of pull rod or front cable to line up with hole in relay levers. a. Insert clevis pin and cotter pin, then tighten clevis locknut. b. Install a new metal hole cover in drum to prevent contam inatio n of brake. c. Lower rear wheels. Remove jack and wheel blocks. C A U T IO N : See " Caution" on Page I o f this section. Adjustm ent -Drum Off 1. J-21177 G auge, 2. W ith park in g brake d ru m off, use special Tool or J-22364, D rum to Brake Shoe Clearance to check d iam eter o f drum clearance surface. T urn the tool to the opposite side and fit over brake shoes by turning the star wheel until the gauge just slides over the linings. 3. Rotate the gauge around the brake shoe lining surface to insure pro per clearance. 4. Install propeller shaft flange at m ainshaft as outlined in transmission section. 5. Lower rear wheels. Remove jack and wheel blocks. PARKING BRAKE CABLES Front Parking Brake Cable Replacement 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove adjusting nut from equalizer. 3. Remove retainer clip from rear portion o f front cable at fram e and from lever arm. 4. Disconnect front brake cable from parking brake pedal or lever assemblies. Remove front brake cable. On some models it may assist installation o f new cable if a heavy cord is tied to o ther end of cable in order to guide new cable through pro per routing. 5. Install cable by reversing removal procedure. 6. Adjust parking brake. Center Parking Brake Cable Replacement 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove adjusting nut from 3. Unhook connector at each hooks and guides. 4. Install new cable by procedure. 5. Adjust parking brake. 6. Apply parking brake 3 pressure and repeat adjustment. equalizer. end and disengage reversing times rem oval with heavy Rear Parking Brake Cable Replacement 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. 2. Remove rear wheel and brake drum. 3. Loosen adjusting nut at equalizer. 4. Disengage re a r cable at connector. 5. Bend retainer fingers. 6. Disengage cable at brake shoe operating lever. 7. Install new cable by reversing removal procedure. 8. Adjust parking brake. COMBINATION VALVE Testing Electrical Circuit of Com bination Valve 1. Disconnect wire from switch terminal and use a ju m p e r to connect wire to a good ground. 2. Turn ignition key on " O n " - w arning lamp should light. If lamp does not light, bulb is burned out or electrical circuit is defective. Replace bulb or repair electrical circuit as necessary. 3. W hen w arning lamp lights, turn ignition switch off. Disconnect ju m p e r and reconnect wire to switch terminal. Testing W arning Light Switch Portion of Com bination Valve 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. Attach a bleeder hose to a rear brake bleed screw and im merse the other end o f the hose in a container partially filled with clean brake fluid. Be sure m aster cylinder reservoir is full. 2. Turn ignition switch to " O n " ; open bleeder screw while a helper applies m oderate pressure to the brake pedal; w a rn in g lamp should light. Close bleeder screw' before helper releases brake pedal. Reapply brake pedal with m oderate-to-heavy pressure; light should go out. 3. Attach the bleeder hose to a front brake bleeder screw and repeat above test. W a rn in g lamp action should be the same as in Step No. 2. T urn ignition switch off. 4. If w arn in g lamp does not light during Steps 2 and 3 but does light when a ju m p e r is connected to ground, the w arning light switch portion o f the com bination valve is defective. Do not attempt to disassemble the com bination valve. If any portion of the com bination valve is defective, it must be replaced with a new c om bination valve. 5. Lower vehicle to floor. Check an d refill master cylinder to pro per level. Replacem ent The com bination valve is not repairable and must be serviced as a complete assembly. 1. Disconnect hydraulic lines at com bination valve. Plug lines to prevent loss o f fluid and entrance o f dirt. Disconnect w arn in g switch wiring harness from valve switch terminal. 2. Remove com bination valve. 3. Install com bination valve by reversing removal steps. 4. Bleed entire brake system. Do not move vehicle until a firm brake pedal is obtained. BRAKE PEDAL N O T E: The brake pedal mounting is an integral design w ith the cluth pedal (except automatic transmission), necessitating the removal o f the clutch pedal before removing the brake pedal. Removal (Fig. 5 -1 2 ) 1. Remove the pull back spring from the body or brake pedal support bracket. 2. M anual Transm ission Vehicles-Rem ove the clutch pedal as outlined under "Clutch Pedal" in Section 1C. A utom atic Transm ission Vehicles-Rem ove pedal pivot bolt nut or pivot pin retainer and remove bolts or pin an d bushings. 3. P M odels-R em ove the sleeve assembly screw a ttachm ent and remove sleeve. 4. Disengage the push rod from the master cylinder and remove the pedal. Inspection Clean all parts and inspect for wear, cracks or any other da m a ge that m ight im p air operation; replace if required. Installation Reverse the above procedure and m ake certain the brake pedal is secure and adjusted properly before op erating the vehicle. Lubricate pedal pivot bushings and pivot pin, bolt or sleeve with Delco Brake Lube (or equivalent). Adjust stoplam p switch. C A U TIO N : See "C aution" on Page 1 o f this section. 11. Fasten the boot to the floorpan and compress the boot to 2.54" installed height; tighten the boot to 2.54" installed height; tighten the boot screws to 13-18 in. lbs. (Refer to Figure 5-13). 12. Adjust brake pedal and stoplamp switch as outlined previously. BRAKE PEDAL ROD P30(42) and G Models P30(32) Models Replacement R eplacem ent (Fig. 5-13) 1. G Models-Remove the brake pedal striker screw and remove the striker. Remove the cotter pin and w asher and disconnect the pedal rod from the brake pedal. 2. P 3 0 (4 2 ) Models-Remove the cotter pin nut and bolt to disconnect the pedal rod from the brake pedal. 3. Remove the pedal rod retainer bolt (at the rod pivot) and remove the retainer. 4. Remove the cotter pin and washer and remove the pedal rod. 5. To install a new rod, reverse Steps 1-4 above. 1. Remove the cotter pin, nut, special washers and bolt at the brake pedal lever end of rod; discard the cotter pin. 2. Remove the boot to floorpan screws. 3. Raise the vehicle on a hoist. 4. Remove the cotter pin, nut, special washers and bolt at the lower end o f the rod and remove the pedal rod assembly. Discard the cotter pin. 5. To install a new rod, adjust the rod length to 31.00" (center o f upper attachm ent to center o f lower attachment). 6. Lubricate the pedal rod bolts and special washers with Delco Brake Lube (or equivalent). 7. Install the rod up through the floorpan opening and install the lower pivot bolt, special washers and nut. Tighten the nut to 22-30 ft. lbs. and install a N E W cotter pin. 8. Push the boot up to the floorpan. 9. Lower the vehicle from the hoist. 10. Install the rod upper pivot bolt, special washers an d nut. Tighten the nut to 22-30 ft. lbs. and install a N E W cotter pin. Fig. 5-13--Brake Pedal and Stop Lamp A djustm ent P30(32) Model NOTE: Lubricate pivot points with Delco Brake Lube (or equivalent). C A U TIO N : See "C aution" on Page 1 o f this section. 6. Check b ra k e pedal a n d sto plam p switch adjustments as outlined previously. MASTER CYLINDER Filling Brake M aster Cylinder The master cylinder must be kept properly filled to Fig. 5-15-D elco Secondary Piston - Exploded View insure adequate reserve and to prevent air from entering the hydraulic system. However, because o f expansion due to heat absorbed from brakes and from engine, master cylinder must not be overfilled. T he brake fluid reservoir is on the master cylinder which is located und er the hood on the left side of the dash. T horoughly clean reservoir cover before removal to avoid getting dirt into reservoir. Remove cover and diap hragm . A dd fluid as required to bring level to 1 /4 " (plus o r minus 1/8") from the lowest portion o f the top o f each reservoir. Use Delco Supreme No. 11 Hydraulic Brake Fluid or equivalent. D o not use shock absorber fluid or any other fluid which contains m ineral oil. Do not use a container which has been used for mineral oil or a container which is wet from water. M ineral oil will cause swelling and distortion o f ru b b e r parts in the hydraulic brake system and water will mix with brake fluid, lowering the fluid boiling point. Keep all fluid containers capped to prevent water contam ination. Except Bendix Mini-Master Cylinder Removal 1. Disconnect brake pipes from master cylinder and tape end o f pipes to prevent entrance o f dirt. 2. M anual brake only-Disconnect brake pedal from m aster cylinder push rod. 3. Remove two nuts holding m aster cylinder to dash or power cylinder and remove master cylinder from vehicle. Be careful not to drip brake fluid on exterior paint. Disassembly (Figs. 5-14 and 5 -1 5 ) 1. Clean outside o f m aster cylinder thoroughly. Remove reservoir cover and diap hragm . T urn cylinder over an d p u m p push rod by h a n d to drain all brake fluid. Always discard used fluid. 2. M anual brake only-Pull boot away from master cylinder to uncover push rod retainer. The retainer has a small, depressed tab in the side. This tab must be pried up to release retainer. 3. Depress piston and remove secondary piston stop bolt from bottom o f front fluid reservoir (if so equipped). 4. Place m aster cylinder in a vise so that lock ring can be removed from groove in the inside diam eter o f bore. Remove lock ring and prim ary piston assembly. Remove secondary piston, secondary piston spring and retainer by blowing air through the outlet port. 5. Place m aster cylinder in vise, so that outlet holes are up. Enlarge hole in tube fitting insert using a 13/64" drill. Place a heavy washer over outlet on m aster cylinder and thread a 1/4-20 x 3 / 4 " screw into the insert. Tighten screw until insert is unseated. Remove insert, screw, and washer. 6. Remove p rim a ry seal, and secondary seal from secondary piston. 7. Use clean brake fluid to clean all metal brake parts thoroughly. A ir dry and place cleaned parts on clean p a p e r or lint free clean cloth. Do not use anti-freeze alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, or any other cleaning fluid that might contain even a trace o f mineral oil. Inspection Inspect cylinder bore for scoring or corrosion. It is best to replace a corroded cylinder. Corrosion can be identified as pits or excessive roughness. Polish any discolored or stained area with crocus cloth by revolving cylinder on cloth supported by finger. Rinse cylinder in clean brake fluid. Shake excess rinsing fluid from cylinder. Do not use a rag to dry cylinder, as lint from rag cannot be kept from cylinder bore surfaces. Make certain that com pensating port in cylinder is clear. If scratches or corroded spots are too deep to be polished satisfactorily, the cylinder should be replaced. Assembly 1. Place brass tube fitting insert (new parts) in outlet holes so that it is in a position to be pressed into outlet hole. The recom m ended method o f inserting tube fitting insert is to thread a spare brake line tube nut into outlet hole and turn nut down until tube fitting insert bottoms. Remove tube nut and check outlet hole for loose burrs, which m ight have been turned up when tube fitting insert was pressed down. 2. Put new secondary seal in groove in end o f secondary piston (fig. 5-15). 3. Assemble a new prim ary seal over end o f secondary piston, so that flat side o f the seal seats against flange o f piston (fig. 5-15). 4. Assemble new secondary seal into groove on end o f the secondary piston. 5. In o rder to insure correct assembly of the prim ary assembly, a complete prim ary piston assembly is included in the repair kits. 6. Coat bore o f m aster cylinder with clean brake fluid. Coat p rim a ry an d secondary seals on secondary piston w ith clean brake fluid. Insert the secondary piston spring retainer into secondary piston spring. Place retainer an d spring over end o f secondary piston, so that retain er locates inside lip o f p rim a ry cup. 7. Hold master cylinder with open end o f bore down, push secondary piston into bore, so that spring will seat against closed end o f bore. 8. Place master cylinder in a vise with open end o f bore up. Coat prim ary and secondary seal on prim ary piston with clean brake fluid. Push prim ary piston assembly, spring end first, into bore o f master cylinder. Hold the piston down and snap lock ring into position in groove in inside diam eter o f bore. 9. Install a new reservoir d ia p h ra g m in reservoir cover w here needed, and install cover on master cylinder. Beaded side faces master cylinder casting to insure positive sealing. The bail wire is now pushed into position to hold reservoir cover. 10. M anual brake only-Assemble push rod through push rod retainer, if it has been disassembled. Push retainer over end o f master cylinder. Assemble new boot over push rod an d press it down over the push rod retainer. Installation C A U TIO N : Refer to "Caution" on Page 1 o f this section regarding fasteners referred to in Steps 1 and 2 below. 1. M anual brake only-Connect push rod to brake pedal pin and install retainer while holding master cylinder in place. 2. Install m aster cylinder on dash or power cylinder; torque nuts to specifications. 3. Connect brake pipes to m aster cylinder. 4. Bleed hydraulic system. 5. R oad test vehicle for pro per brake performance. Bendix Mini-Master Cylinder N O T E : Rem oval, Inspection an d Installation procedures are the same as described for "Except Bendix M ini-M aster Cylinder". Disassembly 1. Remove the reservoir cover and d iaph ragm , and dra in the fluid from the reservoir. 2. Remove the four bolts that secure the body to the reservoir using Socket J-25085. 3. Remove the small " O " ring and the two com pensating valve seals from the recessed areas on the bottom side o f the reservoir. N O T E: Do not remove the two small filters from the inside o f the reservoir unless they are dam aged and are to be replaced. 4. D epress the prim ary piston using a tool with a sm ooth rounded end. T hen remove the com pensating valve poppets an d the com pensating valve springs from the com pensating valve ports in the master cylinder body. 5. Using a small screwdriver, remove the snap ring at the end o f the master cylinder bore. Then release the piston and remove the p rim ary and secondary piston assemblies from the cylinder bore. It may be necessary to plug the front outlet port and to apply low air pressure to the front compensating valve port to remove the secondary piston assembly. Assembly 1. Lubricate the secondary piston assembly and the master cylinder bore with clean brake fluid. 2. Assemble the secondary spring (shorter o f the two springs) in the open end o f the secondary piston actuator, and assemble the piston return spring (longer spring) on the projection at the rear o f the secondary piston. 3. Insert the secondary piston assembly, actuator end first, into the master cylinder bore, and press assembly to the bottom o f the bore. 4. Lubricate the prim ary piston assembly with clean brake fluid. Insert the p rim a ry piston assembly, actuator end first, into the bore. 5. Place the snap ring over a smooth round ended tool and depress the pistons in the bore. 6. Assemble the retaining ring in the groove in the cylinder bore. 7. Assemble the com pensating valve seals and the small " O " ring seal in the recesses on the bottom o f the reservoir. Be sure that all seals are fully seated. 8. W hile holding the pistons depressed, assemble the compensating valve springs and the compensating valve poppets in the compensating valve ports. 9. Holding the pistons compressed, position the reservoir on the master cylinder body and secure with the four m ounting bolts. Tighten the bolts to 12-15 ft. lbs. DELCO DISC BRAKE SHOE AND LINING Lining Inspection Inspect the brake linings every 7,500 miles and any time that the wheels are removed (tire rotation, etc.). Check both ends o f the outboard shoe by looking in at each end o f the caliper (fig. 5-18). These are the points at which the highest rate o f w ear normally occurs. However, at the same time, check the lining thickness on the inboard shoe to make sure that it has not worn prematurely. Look down through the inspection hole in the top o f the caliper to view the inboard shoe. W henever the thickness o f any lining is w orn to within .030" of rivet at either end o f the shoe, all disc brake shoe and lining assemblies should be replaced at the same time (fig. 5-19). Caliper Removal W A R N IN G : See " W a rn in g " on Page 5-1 of this section. Fig. 5-16--Bendix M ini-M aster Cylinder- Exploded View 1. Remove two thirds o f the total fluid capacity from the front master cylinder reservoir. Removal of the fluid is necessary to prevent reservoir overflow when the caliper piston is pushed back in its bore to remove the caliper. This may be done by breaking the front line connection at the m aster cylinder and bleeding down the fluid level. D o not remove the brake line or completely empty the reservoir or it will be necessary to bleed the hydraulic system. Discard — do not attem pt to reuse — the brake fluid removed. 2. Raise the vehicle on a hoist an d remove the wheel covers and wheel assemblies. Position a 7 inch " C " clam p on the caliper so that solid side o f the clamp rests against the metal p art o f the outboard shoe (fig. 5-20). Tighten the " C " clamp until the caliper moves away from the vehicle far enough to push the piston to the bottom o f the piston bore. This will allow the shoes to back off from the rotor surfaces. Remove the " C " clamp. 3. It is not necessary to disconnect the brake hose for shoe and lining replacement. Remove the two m ounting bolts which attach the caliper to the support bracket (tig. 5-21). Lift the caliper off the rotor and remove the inboard shoe. Dislodge the outboard shoe and position the caliper on the fro n t suspension arm so that the brake hose will not support the weight o f the caliper. Remove the shoe support spring fro m the cavity in the piston. 4. Using Tool J-22835, remove the sleeves from the inboard ears o f the caliper (fig. 5-22). Next, remove the ru bber bushings from the grooves in each o f the four caliper ears. Cleaning and Inspection 1. Thoroughly clean the holes and the bushing N E W SHOE & L IN IN G READY FOR REPLACEMENT Fig. 5-19 -New and Worn Linings Fig. 5 -1 7 -Delco Single Piston Disc Brake Fig. 5-20--Use of " C ” Clamp this will dam age the plating. If the bolts are corroded, or dam aged, they should be replaced. 2. Examine the inside of the caliper for evidence o f fluid leakage. If leakage is noted, the caliper should be overhauled. W ipe the inside o f the caliper clean, including the exterior o f the dust boot. Check the boot for cuts, cracks or other damage. M ake sure that the boot is properly, engaged in the groove in the piston and also in the caliper counter-bore (fig. 5-24). C A U TIO N : Do not use compressed air to clean the inside o f the caliper since this m ay cause the dust hoot to become unseated. 3. If the vehicle has a brake problem and diagnosis points to the rotor, it should be inspected and checked for runout at this time. grooves in the caliper ears. W ipe all dirt from the m ounting bolts. D o not use abrasives on the bolts since Caliper Installation 1. Install ru b b e r bushings in all four caliper ears. THE D IM ENSIO N BETWEEN EACH C A LIPER STOP A N D THE C A LIPER S H O U LD BE , 0 0 5 " - .0 l2 '' Fig. 5-21 Removing M ou n tin g Bolts Fig. 5-23--Caliper to Stop Clearance BOOT Fig. 5-22- Removing Sleeves C A U T IO N : It is essential that the new sleeves a n d rubber bushings be used in order to insure the proper fu n ctio n in g o f the sliding caliper design. 2. Use Tool, J-22835, to install the sleeves (fig. 5-25). Position the sleeves so that the end toward the shoe and lining assemblies is flush with the machined surface o f the ear. 3. Install the shoe support spring by replacing the single tang end of the spring over the notch in the center o f the edge o f the shoe. Then press the two tangs at the spring end o f the inboard shoe spring over the bottom edge o F the shoe so that they engage the shoe securely, as shown in Figure 5-26. 4. Position the inboard shoe and lining assembly (with spring attached) in the caliper so that the ear end P ISTO N Fig. 5-28-Installing Outboard Shoe o f the shoe and lining is down and the bottom end up at an angle with the spring resting on the piston I.D. (fig. 5-27). Press down on both ends o f the shoe until the shoe is in a flat position, resting on the piston. The spring end o f the inboard shoe support spring should be resting on the I.D. of the piston. CAUTION: On inboard shoes there is a specific left hand an d right hand shoe. When properly installed the wear sensor will be toward rear o f caliper. 5. Position the outboard shoe in the caliper, with the ears at the top o f the shoe over the caliper ears and the tab at the bottom of the shoe engaged in the caliper cut-out (see fig. 5-28). Be sure to note right and left brake shoes. 6. Postion the caliper over the rotor, lining up the holes in the caliper ears with the holes in the mounting bracket. CAUTION: When reinstalling caliper be sure you haven't turned it over, end over end. This would cause a severe twist in the brake hose. A fter positioning caliper on disc, observe brake hose being sure it is not twisted. Start the bolts through the sleeves in the inboard caliper ears and through the m ounting bracket, making sure that the ends o f the bolts pass under the retaining ears on the inboard shoe (fig. 5-29). Push bolts on through to engage the holes in the outboard shoes and the outboard caliper ears at the same time, threading the bolts into the m ounting bracket. Torque the bolts to 35 ft. lbs. CAUTION: See " Caution" on Page 1 o f this section. 7. Add fresh approved brake fluid to the master cylinder reservoirs to bring the level up to within 1/8 inch o f the top. 8. Pum p brake pedal to seat linings against rotor. 9. Clinch u p p e r ears o f o u tb o a rd shoe by positioning channel lock pliers with one jaw on top of CALIPER INBOARD SHOE AND LINING OUTBOARD SHOE AND LINING SCREW SUPPORT KEY SPLASH SHIELD Fig. 5 -31-B endix Disc Brake Caliper Assembly Fig. 5-29--lnstalling M ou n tin g Bolts CAUTION: See "C aution" on Page 1 o f this section. 2. W henever the front wheel disc brakes relined, the rear drum brakes should be checked also. are BENDIX DISC BRAKE SHOE AND LINING The brake linings should be inspected any time the wheels are removed. Check both ends o f the outboard shoe by looking in at each end o f the caliper (fig. 5-31). This is the point at which the highest rate o f w ear normally occurs. At the same time, check the lining thickness on the inboard shoe by looking down through the inspection hole in the top o f the caliper; see "Brake Inspection" portion o f this section. The in board shoe is installed with the ends o f the shoe resting in the steering knuckle. The large tab at the bottom o f the outboard shoe is bent over at the right angle and fits in the cutout in the outboard section o f the caliper. Fig. 5 -3 0 -Clinching O utboard Shoe up per ear an d one jaw in notch on bottom o f shoe opposite upp er ear (fig. 5-30). 10. A fter clinching, ears are to be flat against caliper housing with no radial clearance. 11. If radial clearance exists, repeat clinching procedure. N OTE: The inboard shoe does not incorporate a lining w ear sensor as with standard disc brakes. Removal WARNING: See " W a r n in g " on page 1 of this section. Completion 1. Replace the shoe and linings on the other front 1. Remove m aster cylinder cover and observe wheel disc brake in exactly the same m a n n e r as just brake fuuid level in front reservoir is more than 1/3 full, described. Relining is to be done in full axle sets only. siphon the necessary am ount out to bring the level to 1/3 W hen completed, reinstall the wheel and tire assemblies. full. This step is taken to avoid reservoir overflow when T orque wheel nuts to specifications. Install wheel covers the caliper piston is pushed back into its bore. Discard and lower the vehicle to the floor. the brake fluid removed. N ever reuse brake fluid. HEAVY WIRE CALIPER OUTBOARD SHOE INBOARD SHOE Fig. 5-32--Pushing Piston in to Bore Using a "C" Clamp 2. Raise the front o f the vehicle on a hoist and remove the front wheels. 3. Push the piston back into its bore. This can be accomplished by using a " C " clamp as shown in Figure 5-32. 4. Remove the bolt at the caliper support key. U sing a brass punch, remove the key and spring (fig. 5-33). 5. Lift the caliper off the disc and support in a raised position with a heavy wire (fig. 5-34). C A U T IO N : Do not support the weight o f the caliper on the brake hose. 6. Remove the inb oard shoe from the steering SUPPORT KEY Fig. 5-34--Removing Caliper from the Disc knuckle. Remove and discard the inboard shoe clip. Remove the outboard shoe from the caliper. It m ay be necessary to tap the shoe to loosen it in the caliper housing. C A U TIO N : M ark disc p a d positions i f pads are to be reinstalled. Cleaning and Inspection NOTE: The shoes should be replaced when the lining is w orn to approximately 1/32" thickness over the rivet heads. Replace shoes in axle sets. 1. E xamine the inside of the caliper for evidence o f fluid leakage. If leakage is noted, the caliper should be overhauled. 2. Wipe the inside o f the caliper clean, including the exterior of the dust boot. Check the boot for cuts, cracks or other damage. C A U TIO N : Do not use compressed air to clean the inside o f the caliper. 3. Use a wire brush to remove any rust or corrosion from the machined surfaces o f the steering knuckle and caliper. It is im portant to clean those areas o f the caliper and spindle assembly that are in contact during the sliding action o f the caliper. Installation BRASS ROD C A U TIO N : I f original disc pads are being reinstalled, they must be installed in original positions (as m arked at removal). 1. Lubricate the caliper and steering knuckle sliding surfaces and the support spring with Delco Silicone Lube (or equivalent). 2. Install a N E W inboard shoe clip in the steering knuckle. Be sure the tabs are positioned correctly and the loop-type spring positioned away from the rotor. Install the lower end o f the inb oard shoe into the groove provided in the steering knuckle (against the spring clip). Slide the u p p e r end o f the shoe into position. Be sure the clip rem ains in position. 3. Postion the outboard shoe in the caliper with the ears at the top o f the shoe over the caliper ears and the tab at the bottom o f the shoe engaged in the caliper cutout. If assembly is difficult, a " C " clam p m ay be used. Be careful not to m a r the lining. 4. With both shoes installed, lift up the caliper and rest the bottom edge o f the outboard lining on the outer edge o f the brake disc to make sure there is no clearance between the tab at the bottom o f the outboard shoe and the caliper abutm ent. The outboard shoe should fit tightly in the caliper and should not rattle. 5. Position the caliper over the brake disc, guiding the upp er caliper groove onto the m ating surface o f the steering knuckle. Position the caliper to the lower steering knuckle sliding surface. N OTE: Make sure that the brake hose is not twisted or kinked. 6. Place the spring over the caliper support key, install the assembly between the steering knuckle and lower caliper grooove. T a p into place (until the key retain in g screw can be installed) using a brass punch and a light h a m m e r (fig. 5-35). 7. Install the screw and torque to 12 to 18 ft. lbs. CAUTION: The bolt boss m ust fit fu lly into the circular cutout in the key. See "C aution" on Page 1 o f this section. 8. Reinstall the front wheel and tire assembly. 9. Add brake fluid to the m aster cylinder reservoir to bring the fluid level up to within 1/4 inch o f the top. N O T E: Before moving the vehicle, pum p the brake pedal several times to make sure that it is firm. Do not move vehicle until a firm pedal is obtained. Check m aster cylinder fluid level again after pum ping the brake pedal. CALIPER OVERHAUL Delco Removal 1. Removal o f the caliper for overhaul is the same as for shoe and lining replacem ent except that it will be necessary to disconnect the brake hose; (R efer to front brake hose replacement). 2. First, disconnect the hose from the steel brake pipe and cap the fittings to prevent dirt from entering the pipe or the hose. Then, remove the U-shaped retainer from the hose fitting. W ithdraw the hose from the fram e support bracket and remove the caliper — with hose attached — to a work bench for overhaul. Disassembly 1. Before beginning disassembly, thoroughly clean the exterior o f the caliper using brake cleaner. Place the caliper on a clean work surface. 2. Remove the brake hose from the caliper, discarding the copper gasket. Check the hose for worn spots, cracks o r other signs of deterioration, discard the hose, if damaged, to be replaced with a new hose at reassembly. D rain brake fluid from the caliper. 3. Use clean shop towels to pad the interior o f the caliper. WARNING: DO NOT PLACE THE FINGERS IN FRONT OF THE PISTON IN AN AT­ TEMPT TO CATCH OR PROTECT IT WHEN APPLYING COMPRESSED AIR. THIS COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY. BRAKE FLUID INLET HOLE AIR HOSE SHOP TOWELS Remove the piston by directing compressed air into the caliper inlet hole (fig. 5-36). CAUTION: Use ju s t enough air pressure to ease the piston out o f the bore. I f the piston is blown out, even with padding provided' it m ay become damaged. 4. Use a screwdriver to pry the boot out o f the caliper. Extend the screwdriver across the caliper bore, under the boot, an d pry up. Be careful not to scratch the caliper bore. 5. Use a piece of wood or plastic — a plastic toothpick is ideal — to remove the piston seal from its groove in the caliper bore. D O N O T USE A M ETAL T O O L O F A N Y TYPE F O R THIS O PERA TIO N . 6. Remove the bleeder valve from the cliper. Cleaning and Inspection 1. T he boot, piston seal, rubber bushings and sleeves are to be replaced each time the caliper is overhauled. Discard, do not bother to clean and inspect, these parts. 2. Clean all other parts in clean denatured alcohol or brake cleaner. Use dry, filtered compressed air to dry parts and blow out all passages in the caliper and bleeder valves. The use of lubricated shop air will leave a film of m ineral oil on the metal parts. This may dam age ru b b e r parts w hen they come in contact after reassembly. 3. Check the m ounting for corrosion, breaks in the plating or other dam age. Do not use abrasives in an attem pt to clean the pins -- replace them. 4. Carefully examine the piston outside diam eter for scoring, nicks, corrosion an d worn or dam aged chrom e plating. If any surface defects are detected, replace the piston. 5. Check the bore in the caliper for the same defects as the piston with the exception of plating dam age. T he piston bore is not plated and stains or m inor corrosion can be polished with crocus cloth. Do not use em ery cloth. Thoroughly clean the caliper after the use o f crocus cloth. If the bore cannot be cleaned up in this m anner, replace the caliper. Reassembly 1. Lubricate the bore in the caliper and the new piston seal with clean brake fluid. Position the seal in the caliper bore groove. Lubricate the piston with clean brake fluid and assemble a new boot into the groove in the piston so that the fold faces the open end o f the piston. Insert the piston into the caliper bore, using care not to unseat the seal and force down to the bottom in the bore. This will require a force o f 50 to 100 pounds. Position the outside d iam eter o f the boot in the caliper counterbore and seat with Tool J-22904 (fig. 5-37). 2. Check the boot installation to make sure that the retaining ring molded into the boot is not bent and that the boot is installed fully, below the caliper face, and evenly all around. Otherwise dirt or moisture may enter the bore and cause d am age or corrosion. Fig. 5-37-Seating Boot 3. Install the brake hose in the caliper inlet using a new copper gasket. Installation 1. Installation o f the caliper and m ounting parts (rubber bushing, sleeves, shoe and lining assemblies and pins) is the same as for lining replacement except for the following: a. The brake hose must be connected to the brake pipe at the fram e or frame bracket. Use extreme care to orient the hose so that the keyed hose end fitting aligns with the slot in the bracket without twisting or kinking the hose. b. A fter overhaul — or any time that the brake hose or line is disconnected — the calipers must be bled. Bendix Removal CAUTION: Clean dirt fro m hose to caliper connection before proceeding with removal. 1. Remove the hose to caliper bolt and cap or tape the open connections to prevent dirt from entering the hose or caliper. Discard the copper gaskets. 2. Remove the caliper assembly as described under "Shoe and Linings-Removal". Disassembly (Fig. 5-38) 1. Clean the exterior o f the caliper using clean brake fluid and place on a clean work surface. NOTE: An alternate method o f removing the piston is to stroke the brake pedal (gently) while the hydraulic lines are still connected. This will push the piston out o f the caliper bore. 4. Remove the boot from the piston bore. 5. Using a small piece o f wood or plastic, remove the square ring seal from the piston bore. CAUTION: Do not use a m etal tool o f any kind fo r this operation as it m ay dam age the bore. 6. Remove the bleeder valve from the caliper. Cleaning and Inspection Fig. 5-38--Bendix Brake Caliper Assembly CAUTION: The use o f lubricated shop air will leave a film o f mineral oil on the m etal parts. This m ay damage rubber parts when they come in contact after reassembly. 2. Check the sliding surfaces o f the caliper, steering knuckle and support spring for rust or corrosion. Clean up any surface defects with crocus cloth. 3. Carefully exam ine the outside surface o f the piston for scoring, nicks, corrosion and worn or dam aged plating. If any surface defects are detected, replace the piston. CALIPER H O U S IN G Fig. 5-39-R em oving 2. CAUTION: The dust boot and piston seal are to be replaced whenever the caliper is overhauled. Discard these parts. 1. Clean all parts (other than those mentioned above in clean brake fluid. Use dry, filtered, compressor air to blow out all passages in the caliper and bleeder valve. the Caliper Piston D ra in the brake fluid from the caliper. WARNING: Do not place th e fingers in front of th e piston in a n a tte m p t to catch or protect it when applying co m pressed air. CAUTION: The piston outside diameter is the prim ary sealing surface in the caliper assembly. It is m anufactured and pla ted to close tolerances. Refinishing by any means or the use o f any abrasive is not acceptable practice. 4. Check the bore in the caliper for the same defects as the piston. The piston bore, however, is not plated and stains or m inor corrosion can be polished with crocus cloth. CAUTION: Do not use emery cloth or any other fo rm o f abrasive. Thoroughly clean the caliper after the use o f crocus cloth. I f the bore cannot be cleaned up in this manner, replace the caliper. Assembly 1. Lubricate the caliper piston bore and the N E W 3. Using clean shop cloths, pad the interior o f the piston seal with the clean brake fluid. Position the square caliper and remove the piston by directing compressed ring seal in the caliper bore groove. air into the caliper inlet hole (fig. 5-39). 2. Lubricate both sealing lips o f the dust boot and the piston with a light film o f clean brake fluid. Place the CAUTION: Use ju s t ju s t enough air pressure to new boot over Piston Installer Tool J-24548. This is most ease the piston out o f the bore. Do not blow easily accomplished by placing the boot large diam eter piston out o f the bore. I f the piston is seized or over the tool first, then riding the smaller diam eter onto cocked or does not come out readily, release the the tool. The large diam eter lip must then be slid off" the air pressure a n d use a soft (brass) hamm er to tool to make ready for installation into the bore groove. rap sharply on a nd around the end o f the Install the boot (large bead) into the piston bore groove piston. Reapply air pressure to remove the by reaching inside o f Tool J-24548 and pressing the boot piston. bead into the groove (fig. 5-40). 1. Connect the brake hose to the caliper using N E W copper gaskets. Inner lip o f b o o t must be fu lly seated in caliper housing. CAUTION: Hose must be properly positioned to prevent hose twist or misalignment. 2. Bleed the caliper assemblies as outlined earlier in this section. ROTOR SERVICING J-24548 Checking Lateral Runout PISTON SEAL Fig. 5 -4 0 -Insta llin g Caliper Piston Boot CAUTION: Be sure boot is fu lly seated in the groove before proceeding. 3. Place the piston inside o f Tool J-24548, force piston halfway into the piston bore using a wood h a m m e r handle or " C " clam p (fig. 5-41); remove Tool J-24548. Check to be sure the boot was not unseated at piston installation. Make sure the outer bead o f the boot is seated in the piston outer groove. Installation N O T E: Installation o f the caliper and m ounting parts is the same for: "Shoe and Lining-Disc Brake" except for steps given below: 1. Lateral runout is the m ovem ent o f the rotor from side to side as it rotates on the steering knuckle spindle. This could be described as "rotor wobble". 2. The movem ent of the rotor from side to side in the lateral plane causes the brake shoe and lining and pistons to be knocked back into their bores. This results in additional pedal travel required and a vibration during the braking action. 3. To check lateral runout, first tighten the wheel bearings until all o f the play is out o f the bearings. Fasten a dial indicator to some portion of the suspension the so that the point o f the stylus contacts the rotor face approximately one inch from the rotor edge (fig. 5-42). Set the dial at zero. Move the rotor one complete rotation, checking the indicator as the rotor moves. 4. Lateral runout should not be over .004" total indicator reading. Parallelism Check 1. Parallelism is the m easurem ent o f the thickness of the rotor at four or more points around the circumference of the rotor. All m easurem ents must be made at the same distance in from the edge o f the rotor. 2. A rotor that varies over .0005" causes pedal vibration, as well as front end vibration during brake applications. A ro to r that does not m eet these specifications m ay be refinished precision equipm en t is available. to specifications if DRUM BRAKE SHOE AND LINING Rotor T olerance and Surface Finish Service Brake In m anu facturin g the brake rotor, tolerances o f the ru b b in g surfaces for flatness, for parallelism and for lateral runout are held very closely. The m aintenance o f these close controls on the shape o f the rubbing surfaces is necessary to prevent brake roughness. In addition to these tolerences. the surface finish must be held to a specified range. The control of the r u b b in g surface finish is necessary to avoid pulls and erratic perform ance and to extend lining life. Light scoring o f the rotor surfaces not exceeding .015" in depth, which may result from normal use, is not detrim ental to brake operation. Adjustment M achining Since accurate control o f the rotor tolerances is necessary for pro p e r perform ance of the disc brakes, m achining o f the rotor should be done only with precision equipment. WARNING: ALL BRAKE ROTORS HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS DIMENSION CAST INTO THEM. THIS DIMENSION IS THE MINIMUM WEAR DIMENSION AND NOT A REFINISH DIMENSION. DO NOT USE A BRAKE ROTOR THAT WILL NOT MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS, AS SHOWN BELOW, AFTER REFINISHING. REPLACE WITH NEW BRAKE ROTOR. ROTOR THICKNESS MINIMUM REPLACEMENT AFTER REFINISHING (DISCARD) 1.480 1.230 .980 1.465 1.215 .965 Wheel Bolt Replacement (Disc Brakes) 1. Remove hub and rotor assembly from vehicle. 2. M ark rotor to hub location and remove bolts attaching hub to rotor. 3. The wheel bolts on disc brakes can be pressed out fro m the outside o f the hub an d installed from inside the rotor by pressing into place. N o drilling or cutting is required. 4. Reinstall assembly and adjust wheel bearings. 1. Using a punch, knock out lanced area in brake drum. If this is done with the drum installed on the vehicle, the drum must be removed and all metal cleaned out of the brake com partm ent. Be sure to procure a new metal hole cover and install it in the d rum after adjustment to prevent dirt and w ater from getting into the brakes. Use J-6166 to turn brake adjusting screw; expand brake shoes at each wheel until the wheel can just be turned by hand. The drag should be equal at all wheels. 2. Back off' brake adjusting screw at each wheel 30 notches. If shoes still drag lightly on drum, back off adjusting screw one or two additional notches. Brakes should be free of drag when screw has been backed off approximately 12 notches. Heavy drag at this point indicates tight parking brake cables. 3. Install metal adjusting hole cover in brake drum. 4. Check parking brake adjustment. Removal and Inspecting WARNING: See " W a rn in g ” on Page 1 of this section. 1. Raise vehicle on hoist. Remove wheel and brake drum. It may be necessary to back off the brake shoe adjustment before the brake drums can be removed. To back off' shoe adjustment, rotate shoe adjusting screw downward. NOTE: On JB6, JB7 and JB8 equipped vehicles, it is necessary to remove the axle shafts to remove the hub and d ru m assembly; refer to Section 4B o f this manual. 2. Unhook the p rim a ry and secondary shoe return springs using large pliers. 3. Remove shoe hold down springs. 4. Lift up on actuator, unhook actuating link from anchor pin, then remove. 5. Spread shoes to clear wheel cylinder connecting links, remove parking brake strut and spring, disconnect cable from parking brake lever, remove shoes from the backing plate. 6. Separate the brake shoes by removing adjustingscrew and lock spring. Remove park in g brake lever and secondary brake shoe. 7. Clean all dirt out of brake drum . Inspect drums and replace or recondition if required. 8. Clean all dirt from brake assemblies and inspect for any unusual condition. 9. Wheel cylinders having torn, cut, or heatcracked boots should be completely overhauled. Inspection for leakage may be accomplished at the boot center hole after removal o f link pin. Fluid W HEEL C Y LIN D E R L IN K " W HEEL CYLIN D E R SCRr , , , r S E C O N D A R Y SHO E & L IN IN G SHOE G U ID E P A R K IN G BRAKE STRUT STRUT S P R IN G AD JU STE R LEVER A C T U A T IN G L IN K H O LD D O W N P IN - A R K IN G BR AKE LEVER HEEL CYLIN D E R P R IM A R Y SHOE A N D L IN IN G ..O L D D O W N SPRING S P R IN G & CUP -A D J U S T IN G SCREW SPRING L— A D J U S T IN G SCREW BR AKE SHO E RETURN SPRING -EVER RETURN SPRING S Fig. 5-43--Typical Drum Brake Assembly coatings on piston within cylinder and on end of link pin removed from boot are normal, as cylinder contains a porous PISTON W H ICH IS I M P R E G ­ N A T E D W ITH A C O R R O S IO N IN H IBITIN G F L U ID . Fluid spilling from boot center hole, after link pin is removed, indicates cup leakage and necessity for completely over-hauling cylinder. 10. Inspect backing plate for oil leakage past wheel bearin g oil seals. Correct any leak by installation o f new seals (See Section 4B). 11. Check all backing plate attaching bolts to make sure they are tight. Using fine em ery cloth, clean all rust and dirt from shoe contact surfaces on plate. rivet extending through the shoe rim, but no farther. Keep hands clean while handling brake lining. 3. Start riveting at center o f shoe an d lining and work toward the ends. Use a roll set for riveting; a star set might split the tubular end and then the rivet would not fill the hole. The p rim ary lining is shorter than secondary lining; therefore, the rivet holes at each end of the shoe rim are not used. 4. A fter riveting is completed, lining must seat snugly against shoe with no more than .005" separation midway between rivets. Check with a .004" (go) and a .006" (No Go) feeler gage. Relining Brake Shoes 1. Lubricate fulcrum end o f parking brake lever with Delco Brake L ubricant or equivalent, then attach lever to secondary shoe. Make sure that lever is free moving. 2. Connect brake shoes together with adjusting screw spring, then place adjusting screw in position. W hen installing the adjusting screw spring an d adjusting screw, make sure the spring does not touch the starwheel portion o f the adjusting screw; and, also, w hen installing adjusting screw, make sure right hand thread adjusting screw is on left side of vehicle an d left hand thread adjusting screw is on right side o f vehicle. Make certain starwheel lines up with adjusting hole in backing plate. If old brake shoes are to be relined, inspect shoes for distortion and for looseness between the rim and web; these are the causes for discarding any shoe. If shoes are serviceable, be governed by the following points in installing new linings: 1. Remove old linings by drilling out rivets. Punching rivets out will distort shoe rim. Thoroughly clean surface o f shoe rim and file off any burrs or high spots. 2. Use G M brake lining (or equivalent) and the rivets included in lining package which are o f the correct size. The rivets must fit the holes with the solid body of Installation and Adjustment 8. M easure brake drum I.D. using inside caliper portion o f Tool J-2 1 177 (fig. 5-44). Adjust brake shoes to dimension obtained on outside caliper portion o f Tool J-2 1 177 (fig. 5-45). 9. Install brake drum s and wheels. 10. If any hydraulic connections were disturbed, bleed hydraulic system. 11. Adjust parking brake. 12. Inspect all brake pipes, hoses and connections for evidence of fluid leakage. Tighten any leaking connection. Then apply heavy pedal pressure to brake pedal and recheck connections. 13. Check fluid level in master cylinder and add fluid if necessary. 14. Check brake pedal for proper feel and for proper return. 15. Remove vehicle from hoist and road test for proper brake action. Brakes must not be severely applied immediately after installation o f new brake shoes or linings. Severe application m ay perm anently dam age new linings and m ay score brake drums. W hen linings are new, they must be given moderate use for several hundred miles of burnishing. Repair Brake Lining This procedure is to be used when brake action is unequal, severe, hard, noisy or otherwise unsatisfactory and when brake linings have had little wear. 1. Check fluid in master cylinder and add fluid if necessary. 2. Check brake pedal for proper feel and for proper return. 3. Raise vehicle on hoist and remove all wheels. 4. Remove all brake drums. Brake pedal must not be operated while drum s are removed. WARNING: See " W a r n in g " on page 1 of this section. 3. Lubricate shoe contact surfaces on backing plate with a thin coating o f Delco Brake Lubricant or equivalent. Sparingly apply same lubricant where brake cable contacts backing plate. 4. Place brake shoes on backing plate, at the same time engaging shoes with wheel cylinder links. The p rim a ry shoe (short lining) goes toward front o f vehicle. Connect cable to parking brake lever and install strut and spring between lever and prim ary shoe. 5. Install acutator. actuator return spring and actuating link. If old brake shoe return springs are nicked, distorted or of doubtful strength (discolored from heat), it is advisable to install new parts. 6. Install shoe hold down springs. 7. Install the prim ary and secondary shoe return springs using large pliers. Be careful not to distort springs. 5. Clean all dirt out o f brake drums. Inspect drums and replace or recondition if required. 6. Clean all dirt from brake assemblies, then inspect brake linings for uneven wear, oil soaking, loose rivets o r im bedded foreign particles. If linings are oil soaked, replacement is required. 7. If linings are otherwise serviceable, tighten or replace loose rivets and thoroughly clean all steel or other im bedded particles from surfaces and rivet counterbores o f linings. 8. Check all backing plate bolts to make sure they are tight. (R efer to Section 4B for wheel stud replacement procedure.) 9. Measure brake drum I.D. using inside caliper portion o f Tool J-2 1 177. Adjust brake shoes to dimension obtained on outside caliper portion of Tool J-2 1 177 (figs. 5-44 and 5-45). 10. Install dru m and wheel and tire assemblies. 11. Remove vehicle from hoist and road test for proper brake action. Brakes must not be severely applied im mediately after installation. Severe application may perm an ently da m ag e new linings and m ay score brake drums. W h e n linings are new, they must be given moderate use for several hund red miles o f burnishing. Propeller Shaft Brake Removal (Fig. 5 -4 6 ) 1. 2. Remove the propeller shaft; see Section 4A. Remove the brake drum. N O TE : It may be necessary to back off the shoe adjustm ent before rem oving the drum. On autom atic transmission models, the exhaust crossover pipe may be in the way. If so, loosen the transmission rear m ounting bolts and jack the transmission sufficiently for brake dru m to clear the pipe. 3. Remove the two pull back springs. 4. Remove the guide plate from anchor pin. 5. Remove shoe hold down cups, springs, and w ashers from hold down pins—remove pins. 6. Pull brake shoe an d lining assemblies away from anchor pin and remove the strut and spring. 7. Lift the brake shoes and linings with the adjusting nut and bolt and connecting spring off the flange plate. 8. Move the shoes toward each other until the adjusting bolt and connecting spring drop off. 9. Remove the clip holding the brake lever to the prim ary shoe (shoe with short lining). 10. Compress the spring on the brake cable and remove the cable from the lever. 11. If necessary to remove the anchor pin, straighten the washer from pin hex and reinforcement. Remove reinforcem ent and washer with anchor pin. 12. If necessary to remove the cable, compress tangs on cable and pull assembly out of the hole in the flange plate. 13. If necessary to remove the flange plate, remove the transmission flange nut and transmission output flange. Remove bolts holding the flange plate to bearing retainer and remove the flange plate. Inspection Replace any worn or broken parts. Installation CAUTION: Refer to "C aution" on Page 1 o f this section when installing fasteners in steps 1, 2 and 4 below. 1. Place the flange plate in position on the rear bearing retainer and fasten with four bolts. Torque bolts to 24 foot pounds. 2. Install transmission output flange on spline of m ainsh aft and fasten with flange nut. Torque nut to 100 ft. lbs. 3. Install cable assembly from back o f flange plate. RETURN S P R IN G S W AVE W ASHER BRAKE LEVER HO LD DOW N NUT P IN DRUM HO LD DOW N W A S H E R , S P R IN G , C U P B A C K IN G BRAKE PLATE CABLE Push retainer through hole in flange plate until tangs securely grip the in n e r side o f the plate. 4. Place washer and reinforcem ent over the threaded end o f anchor pin. Hold anchor pin nut (flat side against flange on flange plate) in position behind flange plate and insert threaded end o f anchor pin from front side. T h re a d the anchor pin into nut and tighten securely (l 40 foot pounds torque). Bend tang o f washer over re inforcem ent and side o f washer over hex of anchor pin. 5. Install lever on cable by compressing spring and inserting cable in channel o f lever. Release spring. 6. Install prim ary shoe (short lining) to lever as follows: Place pin in lever, place washer on pin and push p in through hole in prim ary shoe. Fasten parts together by installing the clip in groove o f pin. 7. Fasten two brake shoes and linings together by installing connecting spring. Move the shoes toward each other and install adjusting screw. 8. Lubricate the flange plate contact surfaces with a very light coat of Delco Brake Lube (or equivalent). 9. Place shoe and linings in position on flange plate. A C T U A T IN G ANCHOR SU PPO R T LEVER CAM A C T U A T IN G F R IC T IO N LEVER S P R IN G L IN K O V E R RIDE LEVER O V E R RIDE S P R IN G RETURN S P R IN G HO LD D O W N PIN STAR W HEEL A C T U A T IN G LEv e r Fig. 5-47--Rear Brake Used w ith RPO H-22 N OTE: W hen facing the brake assembly, the shoe with the short lining should be to the left with the lever assembled to it (automatic transmission), to the right (m anual transmission). 10. Pull brake shoes a p art and install strut lever and spring between them. The loop on the strut spring should be in the " u p " position. 11. Install hold down pins, washers, springs and cups from flange plate to shoes. 12. Place guide plate on anchor pin. 13. Install pull back springs. 14. Remove the "knock o u t" plug (if necessary) and install a new metal plug in the brake drum adjusting hole. 15. Install the brake drum. 16. Install the propeller shaft. RPO H22 Rear Drum Brakes Removal (Fig. 5-47) WARNING: See " W a r n in g " on Page 1 of th is section. Fig. 5-48- Removing Pull Pack Spring w ith Tool J-22348 1. Raise the vehicle on a hoist. 2. Retract self adjusters if necessary and remove brake drums. 3. Using Tool J-22348, remove the brake shoe pull back springs (fig. 5-48). 4. Loosen the actuating lever cam cap screw and while holding the star wheel end o f the actuating lever past the star wheel, remove the cap screw and cam. 5. Remove the brake shoe hold down springs and pins by compressing the spring with Tool J-22348 and, at the same time, pushing the pin back through the flange plate toward the tool. Then, keeping the spring compressed, remove the lock from the pin with a magnet (fig. 5-49). 6. Lift off the brake shoe and self adjuster as an assembly. 7. The self adjuster can now be removed from the brake shoe by rem oving the hold down spring and pin. NOTE: The actuating lever, override lever and spring are an assembly. It is recom m ended that they not be disassembled for service purposes unles Fig. 5-49- Removing Hold Down Pins Using J 22348 they are broken. It is much easier to assemble and disassemble the brakes leaving them intact, o -T-i j , j • • n , i 8. Ih re a d the adjusting screw out o f the anchor support and remove and discard the friction spring. 9. Clean all dirt out o f brake drum. Inspect drums for roughness, scoring or out-of-round. Replace or recondition drum s as necessary. Fig. 5-50- Brake Shoe and Self A djuster Assembly N O TE: See Section on "B R A K E D R U M S ". 10. Carefully pull lower edges of wheel cylinder boots away from cylinders. If brake fluid flows out, overhaul o f the wheel cylinders is necessary. N O T E: A slight am oun t o f fluid is nearly always present and acts as a lubricant for the piston. 11. Inspect flange plate for oil leakage past axle shaft oil seals. Install seals if necessary. 12. Check all flange plate attaching bolts to make sure they are tight (150 ft. lbs. torque). Clean all dirt and rust from shoe contact faces on flange plate using emery cloth. 13. Thoroughly clean adjusting screws and threads in the anchor brackets. Installation 1. Put a light film o f Delco Brake Lube (or equivalent) on shoe bearing surfaces o f brake flange plate and on threads o f adjusting screw. 2. T h re a d adjusting screw completely into anchor bracket without friction spring to be sure threads are clean and screw turns easily. Then remove screw, position a new friction spring on screw and reinstall in anchor bracket. CAUTION: See "C aution" on Page I o f this section. Fig. 5-51-M easuring Points for Shoe Centering 3. Assemble self adjuster assembly to brake shoe and position actuating lever link on override lever. 4. Position hold down pins in flange plate. 5. Install brake shoe and self adjuster assemblies onto hold down pins, indexing ends o f shoes with wheel cylinder push rods and legs o f friction springs. NOTE: Make sure the toe of the shoe is against the adjusting screw (fig.5-50). 6. Install cup, spring and retainer on end o f hold A C T U A T IN G LEVER Fig. 5 -5 2 -P o sitio n in g A ctu a to r Lever down pin. Using Tool J-22348, compress the spring. With spring compressed, push the hold down p in back through the flange plate toward the tool and install the lock on the pin. 7. Using Tool J-22348, install brake shoe return springs. 8. Holding the star wheel end o f the actuating lever as far as possible past the star wheel, position the adjusting lever cam into the actuating lever link and assemble with cap screw. 9. Check the brake shoes for being centered by m easuring the distance from the lining surface to the edge o f the flange plate at the points shown in Figure 5-51. To center the shoes, tap the upper or lower end of the shoes with a plastic mallet until the distances at each end become equal. 10. Locate the adjusting lever .020" to .039" above the outside d iam eter of the adjusting screw thread by loosening the cap screw and turning the adjusting cam. N O T E : To determ ine .020" to .039", turn the adjusting screw 2 full turns out from the fully retracted position. Hold a .060" plug gage (from J-9789-01 Universal C a rb u re to r G age Set) at a 90° angle with the star wheel edge o f the actuating lever. T urn the adjusting cam until the actuating lever and threaded area on the adjusting screw just touch the gage (figs. 5-52 and 5-53). 11. Secure the adjusting cam cap screw and retract the adjusting screw. 12. Install brake drums and wheels and remove vehicle from jack stands. 13. Adjust the brakes by m aking several forward Fig. 5 -5 3 -P u ll Gage Positioning for Correct A ctuator Lever A d justm ent and reverse stops until a satisfactory brake pedal height results. BRAKE DRUMS Inspection and Reconditioning W A R N IN G : See " W a rn in g " on Page 1 of this section. W henever brake drums are removed, they should be thoroughly cleaned and inspected for cracks, scores, deep grooves and out-of-round. Cracked, Scored, or Grooved Drum A cracked d rum is unsafe for further service and must be replaced. D o not attempt to weld a cracked drum. Smooth up any slight scores. Heavy or extensive scoring will cause excessive brake lining wear, an d it will probably be necessary to rebore in order to true up the braking surface. If the brake linings are slightly worn and the drum is grooved, the d rum should be polished with fine emery cloth but should not be turned. At this stage, eliminating the grooves in drum would necessitate removal o f too much metal, while if left alone, the grooves and lining ridges match and satisfactory service can be obtained. If brake linings are to be replaced, a grooved drum should be turned for use w ith new linings. A grooved drum, if used with new lining, will not only w ear the lining, but will make it difficult, if not impossible to obtain efficient brake perform ance. Out-Of-Round or Tapered Drum An out-of-round drum makes accurate brake shoe adjustm ent impossible and is likely to cause excessive wear o f other parts of brake mechanism due to its eccentric action. An out-of-round drum can also cause severe and irregular tire tread w ear as well as pulsating brake pedal. W hen the braking surface o f a brake drum exceeds the factory specification limits in tap er (a n d /o r) being out-of-round, the dru m should be turned to true up the braking surface. Out-of-round as well as taper and w ear can be accurately measured with an inside m icrom eter fitted with proper extension rods. W hen measuring a d ru m for out-of-round, taper and wear, take m easurem ents at the open and closed edges o f m achined surface and at right angles to each other. Turning Brake Drums If a dru m is to be turned, only enough metal should be removed to obtain a true, smooth braking surface. If a dru m does not clean-up when turned to a maximum d iam eter as shown in the general specification, it must be replaced. Removal o f more metal will affect dissipation of heat and m ay cause distortion o f the drum. All brake drum s have a m aximum d iam eter cast into them. This diam eter is the m aximum wear diam eter and not a refinish diam eter. Do not refinish a brake drum that will not meet the specifications, as shown below, after refinishing. DRUM DIAMETERS O R IG IN A L M A X IM U M R E F IN IS H REPLACEM ENT (D IS C A R D ) 11.000 11 .0 6 0 12.060 13.060 11 .0 9 0 12.0 90 13 .0 9 0 12.000 13.000 Brake Drum Balance D uring m anufacture, brake drums are balanced within three ounce inches. These weights must not be removed. WHEEL CYLINDER Removal 1. Remove wheel, drum and brake shoes. careful not to get grease or dirt on brake lining. 2. Remove wheel cylinder from backing plate. Be Disassembly 1. Inspect cylinder bore for scoring or corrosion. It is best to replace a corroded cylinder. 2. Polish any discolored or stained area with crocus cloth by revolving cylinder on cloth supported by a finger. 3. Rinse cylinder in clean brake fluid. 4. Shake excessive rinsing fluid from cylinder. Do not use a rag to dry cylinder, as lint from the rag cannot be kept from cylinder bore surfaces. Assembly 1. Lubricate cylinder bore and counterbore with clean brake fluid and insert spring-expander assembly. 2. Install new cups. (Be sure cups are lint and dirt free.) Do not lubricate cups prior to assembly. 3. Install new pistons. 4. Press new boots into cylinder counterbores by hand. Do not lubricate boots prior to assembly. Installation 1. Install wheel cylinder on brake backing plate and connect brake pipe to hose. Torque rear wheel brake pipe to wheel cylinder to specifications. 2. Install brake shoes, drum and wheel; then flush and bleed hydraulic system. POWER BRAKE UNIT Vacuum Booster Replacement (Fig. 5 -54) C A U TIO N : See "C aution" on page 1 o f this section when installing fasteners referred to in steps 6, 7 and 9 below. 1. Remove two nuts holding master cylinder to power cylinder and position it away from power cylinder. C A U TIO N : Do not disconnect hydraulic brake lines; be careful not to bend or kin k pipes. 2. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the vacuum check valve on the front housing o f the power head. Plug vacuum hose to prevent dust and dirt from entering hose. 3. Disconnect the power brake push rod from the brake pedal. 4. Remove the four nuts from the mounting studs which hold the power brake to the cowl. 2. P30(32) Models-Raise the vehicle on a hoist. 3. Clean all dirt from the booster at the hydraulic line connections and m aster cylinder. 4. Remove the nuts and lockwashers that secure the master cylinder to the booster and the support bracket. Support the master cylinder, being careful to avoid kinking or bending the hydraulic lines attached to the master cylinder. Cover the end of the master cylinder with a clean cloth. NOTE: It should not be necessary to disconnect the hydraulic lines from the master cylinder. 5. Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the booster ports. Plug all lines and the booster ports to prevent loss o f fluid and to keep out foreign material. 6. P 3 0 (4 2 ) and C-K-G Models- a. Remove booster pedal push rod cotter pin and washer and disconnect the push rod from the brake pedal (C and K models) or booster bracket pivot lever (G and P models). b. Remove the booster support bracket on C and K models, support braces on G and P30(42) models. c. Remove the booster bracket to dash panel or support bracket nuts and remove the booster assembly. 7. P 3 0 (3 2 ) Models- a. Remove the cotter pin, nut, bolt and washers that secure the operating lever to the vertical brake rod. b. Remove the six nuts, lock washer and bolts that secure the booster linkage bracket to the front and rear support brackets, and remove the booster from the vehicle by sliding the booster off the rear support studs. Fig. 5-54--Vacuum Booster Installation 5. C arry the power brake to a clean work area and clean the exterior of the power brake prior to disassembly. 6. M ount power brake assembly to cowl and torque nuts to specified torque. 7. Connect power brake push rod to brake pedal. 8. Connect vacuum hose to vacuum check valve. 9. Connect master cylinder to power cylinder and torque nuts to specifications. Hydro-Boost Unit R eplacem ent (fig. 5 -55) c. Remove the cotter pin, nut, washer and bolt that secures the operating lever to the pedal rod. d. Remove the brake pedal rod lever nut and bolt and then remove the lever, sleeve and bushings. 8. To install, reverse Steps 1-7 above. T orque all hydraullic lines and attaching bolts to specifications. NOTE: Lubricate pedal rod and linkage pivot bolts, pins, sleeves and bushings with Delco Brake Lube (or equivalent). C A U TIO N : See "C aution" on Page 1 o f this section. 9. Bleed the booster/pow er steering hydraulic 1. Depress and release the brake pedal several system as described earlier in this section. times (engine not running) to be sure that all pressure is 10. Check brake pedal and stoplamp switch discharged from the accumulator prior to disconnectiong the hoses from the booster. adjustment. G M ODELS M O T O R H O M E C H A S S IS M O D E L S P M O D E L S (E X C E P T M O T O R H O M E ) Fig. 5-55--Booster Insta lla tion (Hydroboost) SPECIFICATIONS BRAKESYSTEM DESCRIPTION SYSTEM FRONT BRAKES REAR BRAKES B R A K E A S S IS T JB1 D isc 1 1 .8 6 x 1 .2 8 D ru m 1 1 .0 0 x 2 .0 0 N one (M a n u a l Brakes) JB 3 D isc 1 1 .8 6 x 1 .2 8 D ru m 1 1 .0 0 x 2 .0 0 V a c u u m - S ingle D ia p h ra g m JB 5 D isc 1 1 .8 6 x 1 .28 D ru m 1 1 .1 5 x 2 .7 5 V a c u u m - D ual D ia p h ra g m JB 6 D isc 1 2 .5 0 x 1 .2 8 D ru m 1 1 .1 5 x 2 .7 5 V a c u u m - D ual D ia ph ra gm JB 7 D isc 1 2 .5 0 x 1 .2 8 D ru m 1 3 .0 0 x 2 .5 0 V a c u u m - D u al D ia p h ra g m JB 8 D isc 1 2 .5 0 x 1 .5 3 D ru m 1 3 .0 0 x 3 .5 0 H y d ra u lic - H y d ro b o o s t JF9 D isc 1 4 .2 5 x 1 .5 3 D isc 1 3 .7 5 x 1 .5 3 H y d ra u lic - H y d ro b o o s t BRAKE SYSTEM APPLICATION MODEL T O N R A T IN G C 10516 1 /2 C 10703 W HEELBASE 1 0 6 .5 1 1 7 .5 C 10903 1 3 1 .5 M E R C H A N D IZ IN G BRAKE G V W R A T IN G O P T IO N SYSTEM 6050 Base JB 5 4900 Base JB1 5 3 0 0 -5 6 0 0 J50 JB 3 5 3 0 0 -5 6 0 0 J55* JB 5* 6 0 5 0 -6 2 0 0 J55 JB 5 4900 5 3 0 0 -5 6 0 0 C 10906 C 20903 3 /4 C 20906 J55* JB 5* J55 JB 5 1 2 9 .5 6 0 5 0 -7 0 0 0 Base JB 5 1 3 1 .5 6 4 0 0 -7 1 0 0 Base JB6 6 4 0 0 -7 1 0 0 J55* JB 7* 7 5 0 0 -8 2 0 0 J55 JB7 Base JB 6 1 6 4 .5 C 20963 1 JB 3 5 3 0 0 -5 6 0 0 7100 7100 C 30903 JB1 6 0 5 0 -6 2 0 0 1 2 9 .5 C 20943 Base J50 1 3 1 .5 J55* JB7* 7 5 0 0 -8 2 0 0 J55 JB7 7 5 0 0 -8 2 0 0 Base JB7 8200 Base JB7 6 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 Base JB7 6 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 J55* JB 8* 9 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 J55 JB 8 C 30943 1 6 4 .5 9 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 Base JB 8 C 31003 1 3 5 .5 6 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 Base JB 7 C 31403 * O p tio n a l H eavy D u ty Brakes. 1 5 9 .5 6 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 J55* JB 8* 9 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 J55 JB 8 6 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 Base JB 7 6 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 J55* JB 8* 9 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 J55 JB 8 BRAKE SYSTEM APPLICATION (continued) M E R C H A N D IZ IN G MODEL K 10516 TON R A T IN G W HEELBASE GVW R A T IN G BRAKE O P T IO N SYSTEM 1 0 6 .5 6200 Base JB5 K 10703 1 1 7 .5 6200 Base JB 5 K 10903 1 3 1 .5 6200 Base JB 5 K 10906 1 2 9 .5 6 2 0 0 -7 3 0 0 Base JB5 1 3 1 .5 6800 6800 Base J55* JB6 JB 7* 7 5 0 0 -8 4 0 0 J55 JB 7 Base J55* JB 6 JB 7* 7 5 0 0 -8 4 0 0 J55 JB 7 1 3 1 .5 8 6 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 Base JB8 K 30943 1 6 4 .5 9 2 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 Base JB 8 K 31003 1 3 5 .5 8 6 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 Base JB 8 K 31403 1 5 9 .5 8 6 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 Base JB 8 K 20903 1 /2 3 /4 K 20906 1 2 9 .5 6800 6800 K 30903 1 ^ O p tio n a l H eavy D u ty Brakes. BRAKE SYSTEM APPLICATION (continued) M E R C H A N D IZ IN G MODEL G 11005 TON R A T IN G 1 /2 W HEELBASE 110 G 11006 G 11305 125 GVW R A T IN G G 21005 3 /4 110 G 21006 G 21305 125 G 21306 G 31005 1 G 31305 110 125 G 31306 G 31303 4800 Base JB1 J50* J50 JB 3* JB 3 5 4 0 0 -5 6 0 0 Base JB 3 4900 4900 Base J50* JB1 JB 3* J50 JB 3 5600 Base JB 3 6400 Base JB 5 6400 Base JB 5 6400 Base JB 5 6400 Base JB 5 6 4 0 0 -7 1 0 0 6 4 0 0 -7 1 0 0 Base J55* JB 6 JB 7* 7 7 0 0 -8 1 0 0 J55 JB 7 6 6 0 0 -7 4 0 0 6 6 0 0 -7 4 0 0 Base J55* JB 6 JB 7* 7 9 0 0 -8 4 0 0 J55 JB 7 6 6 0 0 -7 4 0 0 6 6 0 0 -7 4 0 0 Base J55* JB 6 JB 7* 7 9 0 0 -8 4 0 0 J55 JB 7 7 4 0 0 -8 4 0 0 Base JB 7 R 05 JB 8 Base JB 8 8900 G 31603 ^ O p tio n a l H eavy D u t y Brakes. 146 BRAKE SYSTEM 4800 5 4 0 0 -5 6 0 0 5 4 0 0 -5 6 0 0 G 11306 O P T IO N 8 9 0 0 -1 0 5 0 0 BRAKE SYSTEM APPLICATION (continued) M E R C H A N D IZ IN G BRAKE MODEL T O N R A T IN G W HEELBASE G V W R A T IN G P10542 1 /2 102 6200 Base JB 5 P20842 3 /4 125 6800 Base JB 6 6800 7 5 0 0 -8 0 0 0 J55* JB 7* J55 JB7 6800 Base 6800 J55* JB 6 JB 7* 7 5 0 0 -8 0 0 0 J55 JB 7 7 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 Base JB7 7 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 9 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 J55* J55 JB 8* JB 8 P21042 P30842 133 1 125 P 30832 P31042 133 O P T IO N SYSTEM 1 2 0 0 0 -1 4 0 0 0 H 2 2 or H 2 3 JF9 1 0 5 0 0 -1 2 5 0 0 Base JB 8 7 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 Base JB 7 7 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 9000 10000 J55* J55 JB 8* JB 8 1 2 0 0 0 -1 4 0 0 0 H 22 or H 23 JF9 P31132 137 1 0 5 0 0 -1 2 5 0 0 Base JB 8 P31432 1 5 8 .5 1 0 5 0 0 -1 2 5 0 0 Base JB 8 H F 7 or H F 8 JF9 14500 P31442 157 7 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 Base JB 7 7 6 0 0 -8 2 0 0 J55* JB 8* 9000 10000 1 2 0 0 0 -1 4 0 0 0 P31832 ^ O p tio n a l H eavy D u ty Brakes. I7 8 14500 J55 JB 8 H 2 2 or H 2 3 JF9 Base JF9 K C M aster C ylinder - to Dash or Booster **25 ft. lbs. Booster to Dash or Frame **25 ft. lbs. Com bination Valve - Mountinq Bolts - Bracket C aliper 150 in. - **25 ft. lbs. " 2 5 ft. lbs. lbs. 150 in. lbs. - - Mountinq Bolt - Support Plate to Knuckle Brake Pedal - Bracket to Dash **r Bracket to 1. P . - Pivot Bolt Nut - Sleeve to Bracket - Stoplamp Switch Bracket - Push Rod to Pedal - Push Rod Adiustinq Nut Parkinq Brake 35 ft. lbs. 140 in. lbs. 25 ft. lbs. 25 ft. lbs. 25 in. lbs. 25 in. lbs. 25 ft. lbs - 25 ft. - lbs. 25 ft, lbs. - 25 ft. lbs. - - - 100 in lbs. 100 in. lbs. - to I P , Kick Panel or Floorpan - C able C lips - Screw s 150 in . lbs. lbs. 150 in. - lbs. 150 in. 150 in. lbs. p 25 ft lbs. 25 ft. lbs. 25 ft. lbs 17 ft. lbs. 17 ft. lbs. 25 ft. lbs. 25 ft. lbs. 150 in. - lbs. 25 ft. lbs. _ - 45 ft. 25 ft. - lbs. - - to Dash - B o lts G 25 ft. lbs. 100 in. lbs. - 25 ft. lbs. 22 ft. - lbs. 100 in. lbs. 18 ft. lbs. 100 in. lbs. _ 18 ft. lbs. 150 in. 55 in. lbs. lbs. 30 ft. - - 20 ft. lbs. lbs. lbs. Propshaft Parking Brake - Adiustinq Nut - Bracket to Trans. lbs. 100 in. lbs. - - Cable Clip to Frame _ _ - 150 in. - Cable Clip to Dash _ _ - 55 in. lbs. _ - - - - - 20 ft. 30 ft. 80 ft. lbs. lbs. - Cable Clip to Trans. - Flanqe Plate - Drum Brkt, 50 in. lbs. Wheel C ylinder to Flanqe Plate Bolt 140 ft. lbs. Rear Brake Anchor Pin Front Brake Hose (230 ft . lbs. JB7 and JB8) 22 ft. lbs. 58 in. lbs. - to Caliper - to Frame Nut - Bracket Bolt Rear Brake Hose - to Axle Bracket - Bracket to Axle Brake Line - Attachinq Nuts - R e ta in in g C lip s - Screw s - B olts lbs. (180 in. lbs. on JB5, JB6, JB7 and JB8) 150 in. lbs. _ 150 in. 150 in. lbs. 150 in. lbs. lb s * 150 in. lb s .' lbs. 150 in. lbs. 150 in. lbs. | 100 in. | 150 in. 150 in. - 60 in. Brake Bleeder Valves 150 in. lbs. 150 in. lbs. 90 in. - lbs. 150 in. lbs. 150 in. lb s * 150 in. lbs. lbs. lbs. 18 ft. lbs. lbs. H ydro-B oost - Pedal Rod - P30(32) M odels 25 ft. lbs. - Pedal Rod Boot - P30(32)M odels _ _ _ 15 in. lbs. - Pivot Lever Rod Retainer _ - _ 25 ft. lbs. - Pivot Lever Bolt _ - - 45 ft. lbs. - Booster Brackets _ _ - 25 ft. lbs. 150 in. lbs. - Booster Brace at Dash or Rad. Supt. - Power Steering Pump to Booster Line - Booster to Gear Line - R eturn Line at B o o ste r & Gear - Return Lin e Clamp Screw - Line Clamp to Bracket Screw - Hose C la m p to S kirt Screw - Line C lam p to Frame B o lt *20 ft. lbs. (C K P20-30) 25 ft. lbs. 25 ft. 25 ft. lbs. lbs. 15 in, lbs. 150 in. lbs. 40 in. lbs. - - 150 in. lbs. - - **32 ft lbs. — Master Cylinder to Booster Master Cylinder or Booster to Dash Reinforcement - 18 ft. lbs. SPECIAL TOOLS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. J-253 10 Tubing Bender J-2 3 5 3 0 Flaring Tool J-2 3533 Tubing C utter J-2 5 0 8 5 Socket J-8 0 4 9 or J-2 2 3 4 8 Spring Remover J -2 1 177 or J-2 2 3 6 4 D rum /Shoe Gauge 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. J -2 1 472 J-22904 J-23518 J-23709 J-24548 or J-2 2 3 6 4 Bleeder Wrench Dust B oot Installer Bleeder Adapter C om bination Valve Pin Retainer Dust Boot Installer SECTION 6A ENGINE MECHANICAL CONTENTS OF THIS SECTION Engine Identification....................................................................... 6A-1 D ia g n o sis............................................................................................. 6A-3 6 Cylinder E n g i n e ........................................................................... 6A-7 8 Cylinder E n g i n e ......................................................................... 6A-43 ENGINE INDENTIFICATION All engines have a portion of the V1N num ber and a build date code stam ped on the cylinder case. The 6-cylinder stam ping is on the right hand side on the distributor pad. An optional code location is at the left rear of the cylinder and case on the bellhousing/ converter housing m ounting surface (Fig. 6A-1). Small block 8-cylinder engines have the stamping on top front of right hand bank o f cylinder and case. The optional location is re ar o f the oil filter on the left side o f the engine (Fig. 6A-1). The Mark IV 8-cylinder engines (big block) have the same stam ping locations as the small blocks with the addition o f a stam ping location in front o f the engine, above the timing chain cover (Fig. 6A-2). DIAGNOSIS ENGINE FAILS TO START a. Check for sufficient fuel to operate engine. b. C a r b u r e to r flooded a n d / o r fuel level in carbu reto r bowl not correct. c. Dirt and w ater in gas line or carburetor. d. Sticking choke. e. Faulty fuel pump. f. Corroded or loose battery term inal connections a n d / o r weak battery. g. Broken or loose ignition wires a n d / o r faulty ignition switch. h. Excessive moisture on plugs, caps or ignition system. i. D am aged distributor rotor or cracked distributor j. Fouled spark plugs a n d / o r im proper spark plug k. Weak or faulty coil. I. Faulty solenoid or starting motor, cap. g aP- m. Park or neutral switch inoperative. ENGINE LOPES WHILE IDLING a. Check and head. b. Check c. Check d. Check for air leaks between intake manifold for blown head gasket. for worn timing gears, chain or sprockets. f o r w o r n cam shaft lobes. e. f. g. h. Check Check Check Check for overheated engine. for plugged crankcase vent valve. for faulty fuel pump. for leaky E G R valve. ENGINE MISSES WHILE IDLING a. Check, inspect and regap spark plugs. Replace as necessary. b. Remove moisture from spark plug wires a n d /o r distributor cap. c. Check for broken or loose ignition wires. Repair or replace as necessary. d. Check co nd itio n o f cylinders for uneven compression. Repair as necessary. e. Check for weak or faulty HEI system coil as outlined in Section 6D o f this manual. f. Inspect condition o f distributor cap and rotor. Replace if dam aged or cracked. g. Check carburetor for internal obstructions, incorrect idle speed, faulty altitude compensator, sticking choke or enrichm ent system and adjust, rep air or replace as necessary. E N G IN E E N G IN E I D. C O D E D IS T R IB U T O R V IE W B O P T IO N A L PAD V IE W V IE W [ z ] — V . I. N . L O C A T IO N A A O P T IO N A L V IE W C ENGINE V IE W A a V .I.N . OPTIONAL LOCATION Fig. 6A-2--VIN Locations (M K IV V-8) h. Inspect carburetor fuel filter for presence o f w ater a n d / o r impurities an d correct as necessary. i. Check carburetor m ounting gasket for air leaks. Repair as necessary. j. Check distributor spark advance mechanism for proper operation. Repair or replace as necessary. k. Inspect valve train components. Adjust, repair a n d / o r replace as necessary. 1. Check engine for low compression. Repair as necessary. m. Check operation o f exhaust gas recirculation valve. Repair or replace as necessary. n. Check ignition timing, and condition o f ignition system as outlined in Section 6D o f this m anual. Correct as necessary. 0. Check for vacuum leaks. Correct as necessary. p. Check operation o f EFE valve as outlined in Section 6E o f this manual. Repair or replace as necessary. ENGINE MISSES AT VARIOUS SPEEDS a. Inspect carburetor fuel filter fo r presence of w ater a n d / o r impurities. Correct as necessary. b. Check fuel system fo r leaks, plugged fuel lines, incorrect fuel pu m p pressure a n d / o r plugged carburetor jets. Correct as necessary. c. Check ignition timing. Correct as necessary. d. Check for excessive play in distributor shaft. Rep air or replace as necessary. e. Check for weak or faulty H.E.I. system coil as outlined in Section 6D o f this manual. f. Check, inspect and regap spark plugs. Replace as necessary. g. D etonation an d pre-ignition may be caused by using sub-stan dard fuel. Correct as necessary. h. Check for weak valve springs and condition of cam shaft lobes. R epair or replace as necessary. 1. Check engine operating temperature. Correct as necessary. j. Check operation o f exhaust gas recirculation valve. Repair or replace as necessary. k. Inspect distributor cap for evidence o f carbon tracking. Replace if necessary. 1. Check for faulty altitude compensator and incorrect carburetor adjustments. Correct as necessary. m. Check for vacuum leaks. Correct as necessary. n. Check operation EFE valve as outlined in Section 6E o f this manual. Repair or replace as necessary. ENGINE STALLS a. Check carburetor for incorrect a n d / o r misadb. Inspect carburetor fuel filter for presence of justed idle speed, float level, leaking needle and seat, air w ater a n d / o r impurities. Correct as necessary. valve, sticking choke or e n ric h m e n t system and secondary vacuum break operation. Adjust, repair or c. Check H.E.I. system as outlined in Section 6D o f replace as necessary. this manual. d. Check, inspect and regap spark plugs. Replace as necessary. e. Check distributor spark advance m echanism for proper operation. R epair or replace as necessary. f. Inspect exhaust system for restrictions. Correct as necessary. g. Check carburetor m ounting gasket for air leaks. Repair as necessary. h. Check and adjust valve lash. i. Check for burned, warped or sticking valves. Repair or replace as necessary. j. Check engine for low compression. Repair as necessary. k. Check engine operating temperature. Correct as necessary. 1. Check for loose, corroded or leaking wiring connections (hulk-head connectors, etc.). Repair as necessary. m. Check operation of exhaust gas recirculation system. R ep air or replace as necessary. n. Check fuel system for leaks a n d / o r obstructions. R epair as necessary. o. Check for vacuum leaks. Correct as necessary, p. Check operation o f EFE valve as outlined in Section 6E of this manual. R epair or replace as necessary. ENGINE HAS LOW POWER a. Check for weak or faulty H.E.I. system coil as outlined in Section 6D o f this manual. b. Check ignition timing. Correct as necessary. c. Check for excessive play in distributor shaft. R epair or replace as necessary. d. Check, inspect and regap spark plugs. Replace as necessary. e. Check carb uretor for incorrect a n d / o r misadjusted idle speed, float level, leaking needle and seat, air valve and sticking choke or enrichm ent system. Adjust, re p a ir or replace as necessary. f. Inspect c arburetor fuel filter for presence of w ater a n d / o r impurities. Correct as necessary. g. Check fuel p u m p fo r leaks an d p ro p e r operation. Correct as necessary. h. Check for sticking valves, weak valve springs, incorrect valve timing, lifter noise and worn camshaft lobes. Adjust, re p a ir or replace as necessary. i. Check for excessive piston to bore clearance. Correct as necessary. j. Check c o n d itio n of cylinders for uneven compression a n d / o r blown head gasket. Repair as necessary. k. Check power steering flow control operation. R epair or replace as necessary. valve 1. Check for clutch slippage (vehicles with m anual transmissions) and adjust or replace as necessary. m. Check hydraulic brake operation. Correct as necessary. system for proper n. Check engine operating tem perature. Correct as necessary. o. Check pressure re g u la to r valve (au to m atic transmission) for proper operation. R epair as necessary. p. Check transmission fluid level. Correct as necessary. q. Loss o f power may be caused by using sub­ standard fuel. Correct as necessary. r. Check operation o f EFE valve as outlined in Section 6F. of this manual. R epair or replace as necessary. s. Check o p e ra tio n o f div erter valve (A.I.R. system). Repair or replace as necessary. t. Check for engine vacuum leaks. Correct as necessary. ENGINE DIESELING ON SHUT OFF a. Check base idle speed for im proper adjustment an d correct as necessary. b. Check ignition timing and reset to specifications if required. c. Check idle mixture setting an d correct as necessary. d. Check accelerator and choke linkage operation and correct as necessary. e. Check engine operating tem perature and correct as necessary. f. Check thermae valve for sticking and correct as necessary. ENGINE DETONATION a. Check fo r overadvanced ignition timing a n d /o r faulty ignition system and correct as necessary. b. Check for loose or im proper application of spark plugs, or spark plugs with cracked or broken ceramic cores a n d replace as necessary. c. Check for the use o f sub-standard fuel and correct as necessary. d. Check for foreign material in fuel lines a n d /o r carb uretor and correct as necessary. e. Check for restricted fuel delivery to carburetor (pinched lines, faulty fuel tank cap or pick-up) and correct as necessary. f. Check fuel pu m p operation and replace if necessary. g. Check EFE system operation and repair or replace as necessary. h. Check E G R system operation and correct as necessary. 1. Check engine operating tem perature and correct i. Check thermostatically controlled air cleaner operation and correct as necessary. as necessary. m. Check fo r excessive com b ustion c h a m b e r j. Check P.C.V. system operation and correct as deposits and correct as necessary. necessary. n. Check for leaking, sticking, or broken valves k. Check for vacuum leaks and repair or replace as and repair or replace as necessary. necessary. EXTERNAL OIL LEAKAGE a. Check for im properly seated or fuel pum p gasket. Replace as necessary. b. Check for im properly seated or broken push rod cover gasket. Replace as necessary. c. Check for im properly seated or broken oil filter gasket. Replace as necessary. d. Check for broken or improperly seated oil pan gasket. Replace as necessary. e. Inspect gasket surface o f oil p a n to be bent or distorted. R ep air or replace as necessary. f. Check for im properly seated or broken timing chain cover gasket. Replace as necessary. g. Inspect timing cover oil seal. Replace if necessary. h. Check for worn or im properly seated rear main bearing oil seal. Replace if necessary. i. Inspect for loose oil line plugs. Repair or replace if necessary. j. Check for engine oil pan drain plug im properly seated. Correct as necessary. k. Inspect cam shaft rear bearing drain hole for obstructions. Correct as necessary. 1. Check for loose rocker arm cover. Broken or distorted cover correct as necessary. m. Check EFE valve switch for leakage. Replace if necessary. n. Check oil pressure switch for leakage. Replace if necessary. EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION DUE TO OIL ENTERING COMBUSTION CHAMBER THROUGH HEAD AREA a. Check for intake valve seats to be dam aged, missing or loose. Repair or replace as necessary. b. Check for w orn valve stems or guides. Repair as necessary. c. Inspect for plugged oil dra in back holes in head, Correct as necessary. d. Inspect PCV system operation. Correct as necessary. EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION DUE TO OIL ENTERING COMBUSTION CHAMBER BY PASSING PISTON RINGS a. Check engine oil level too high. Correct as necessary. b. Check for piston ring gaps not staggered and correct as necessary. c. Check for incorrect size rings installed and correct as necessary. d. Check for piston rings out of round, broken or scored and replace as necessary. e. Inspect insufficient piston ring tension due to engine overheating and replace as necessary. f. Check for ring grooves or oil return slots clogged and corrected as necessary. g. Inspect rings sticking in ring grooves o f piston and correct as necessary. h. Inspect ring grooves worn excessively in piston and correct as necessary. i. Inspect compression rings installed upside down and correct as necessary. j. Check for excessively worn or scored cylinder walls and correct as necessary. k. Inspect oil too thin and replace if necessary. 1. Inspect mis-match o f oil ring expand er and rail and correct as necessary. NO OIL PRESSURE WHILE IDLING a. Check faulty oil gauge sending unit, and correct as necessary. b. Check for oil pu m p not functioning properly. (Regulator ball stuck in position by foreign material) and correct as necessary. c. Inspect for excessive clearance at main and connecting rod bearings and correct as necessary. d. Inspect for loose cam shaft bearings and correct as necessary. e. Inspect leakage at internal oil passages and correct as necessary. NO OIL PRESSURE WHILE ACCELERATING a. Check low oil level in oil pan and correct as necessary. b. Inspect leakage at internal oil passages and correct as necessary. c. Check oil p u m p suction screen loose or fallen off and correct as necessary. BURNED, STICKING OR BROKEN VALVES a. Check necessary. for weak springs and replace as b. Check for im p rop er valve lifter clearance and adjust as necessary. c. Check for im prop er valve guide clearance a n d / or worn valve guides and correct as necessary. d. Check for out-of-round valve seats or incorrect valve seat width and correct as necessary. e. Check for deposits on valve seats a n d / o r gum form ation on stems or guides and correct as necessary. f. Check for warped valves or faulty valve forgings and correct as necessary. g. Check for exhaust back pressure and correct as necessary. h. Check im pro per spark timing and correct as necessary. i. Check excessive idling and correct as necessary. NOISY VALVES a. Check and adjust valve lash if necessary. b. Check for excessively worn, dirty or faulty valve lifters. Replace if necessary. c. Check for worn valve guides. Repair as necessary. d. Check for excessive run-out o f valve seat or valve face. R epair as necessary. e. Check for w orn c a m s h a ft lobes. Replace cam shaft if necessary. f. Inspect for pulled or loose rocker arm studs. Repair or replace as necessary. g. Check for bent push rods. Replace if necessary. h. Inspect for broken valve spring. Replace if necessary. NOISY PISTONS AND RINGS a. Check for excessive piston to bore clearance. Correct as necessary. b. Inspect for im prop e r fit o f piston pin. Correct as necessary. c. Inspect for excessive accumulation of carbon in combustion cham ber or on piston tops. Clean a n d /o r repair as necessary. d. Check for connecting rods alignment. Correct as necessary. e. Inspect for excessive clearance between rings and grooves. Repair or replace as necessary. f. Check for broken piston rings. Replace as necessary. BROKEN PISTONS AND/OR RINGS a. Check for u ndersize pistons. Replace if necessary. b. Check for w rong type a n d / o r size rings installed. Replace if necessary. c. Check for tapered or eccentric cylinder bores. Correct as necessary. d. Check connecting rod alignment. Replace if necessary. e. Check for excessively w orn ring grooves. Replace if necessary. f. Check for im properly assembled piston pins. Replace as necessary. g. Check for insufficient Correct as necessary. h. Inspect necessary. i. Check necessary. j. for for engine ring gap overheating. su b -sta n d a rd fuel. clearance. Correct as Correct as Check ignition timing. Correct as necessary. NOISY CONNECTING RODS a. Check connecting rods for im proper alignment and correct as necessary. b. Check for excessive bearing clearance and correct as necessary. c. Check for eccentric or out-of-round crankshaft jo urna ls and correct as necessary. d. Check for insufficient oil supply and correct as necessary. e. Check for low oil pressure and correct as necessary. f. Check for connecting rod bolts not tightened correctly and correct as necessary. NOISY MAIN BEARINGS a. Check low oil pressure a n d / o r insufficient oil supply and correct as necessary. b. Check for excessive bearing clearance and correct as necessary. c. Check for excessive crankshaft end play and correct as necessary. d. Check for eccentric or out-of-round crankshaft jou rnals and correct as necessary. e. Check for sprung crankshaft and replace if necessary. f. Check for excessive belt tension and adjust as necessary. g. Check for loose torsional d a m p e r and replace as necessary. NOISY VALVE LIFTERS a. Check for broken valve springs and replace as necessary. b. Check for worn or sticking rocker arms and rep air or replace as necessary. c. Check for worn or bent push rods and replace as necessary. d. Check for valve lifters incorrectly fitted to bore size and correct as necessary. e. Check faulty valve lifter plunger or push rod seat and replace lifters as necessary. f. Check for plungers excessively w orn causing fast leakdown under pressure and replace as necessary. g. Check for excessively w orn cam shaft lobes and replace if necessary. h. Check valve lifter oil feed holes plugged causing internal breakdown and correct as necessary. i. Check faulty valve lifter check ball, (nicked, flat spot, or out o f round) and replace as necessary. j. Check rocker arm retaining nut to be installed upside dow'n and correct as necessary. k. Check for end o f push rod excessively worn or flaked and replace as necessary. 6 C ylinder Engine Contents G en eral D e s c rip tio n ....................................................... Engine L u b ric a tio n ......................................................... O n Vehicle S erv ic e......................................................... E ngine M o u n t s .............................................................. M anifold A ssembly-Non-Integrated H e a d ........... Exhaust M anifold-Integrated H e a d ........................ Rocker Arm C o v e r....................................................... Valve M e c h a n ism .......................................................... Valve Stem Oil Seal a n d / o r Valve S p rin g ........ Valve L i f t e r s ................................................................... Cylinder H e a d ............................................................... Rocker Arm S tu d s ........................................................ Valve G u id e s ................................................................... Valve S e a t s ...................................................................... 6A-7 6A-8 6A-15 6A-15 6A-16 6A-16 6A-17 6A-17 6A-17 6A-18 6A-20 6A-22 6A-23 6A-23 Valves................................................................................ .6A-24 Torsional D a m p e r ......................................................... .6A-24 Crankcase Front C o v e r .............................................. .6A-25 Oil Seal (Front C o v er)............................................... .6A-26 C a m s h a f t .......................................................................... .6A-27 C am sh aft Bearings.........................................................6A-29 Oil P a n ............................................................................. .6A-30 Oil P u m p ........................................................................... 6A-30 Connecting Rod B earings...........................................6A-31 Crankshaft Main B e a rin g s.........................................6A-32 Oil Seal (R ear M a i n ) ................................................. .6A-35 Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies.............. .6A-36 Engine A ssem bly........................................................... .6A-40 C r a n k s h a f t .........................................................................6A-41 GENERAL DESCRIPTION CYLINDER BLOCK The cylinder block is m ade o f cast iron and has 6 cylinders arranged "In-Line". Seven main bearings support the crankshaft which is retained by recessed bearing caps that are machined with the block for proper alignm ent and clearances. Cylinders are com­ pletely encircled by coolant jackets. CYLINDER HEAD The cast iron cylinder head provides a compression ratio o f 8.3:1. It is cast with individual intake and exhaust ports for each cylinder. Valve guides are integral and rocker arm s are retained on individual threaded studs pressed into head. Most 250 heads have integrated inlet manifold manifolds. while the 292 uses separate inlet CRANKSHAFT AND BEARINGS The crankshaft is cast nodular iron and is supported by seven main bearings. N u m b e r seven bearing is the end thrust bearing. M ain bearings are lubricated from oil holes which intersect the main oil gallery located on the right side o f the block. The cam bearings are also fed oil by intersecting holes with main oil gallery. The lifters are located in the main oil gallery. A d am p er assembly, on the forward end o f the crakshaft, dam pens any engine torsional vibrations. The outer ring o f the d a m p e r is grooved for the accessory drive belts. CAMSHAFT AND DRIVE The cast iron cam shaft is supported by four bearings and is gear driven. A cast iron crankshaft gear drives the alum inum cam sh aft gear. Cam lobes are ground, h a rd e n e d and tapered w ith the high side toward the rear. This, coupled with a spherical face on the lifters, causes the valve lifters to rotate. PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODS The pistons are m ade o f a cast alum inum alloy using two compression rings an d one oil control ring. Piston pins are offset .060" toward the thrust side (right h an d side) to provide a gradual change in thrust pressure against the cylinder wall as the piston travels its path. Pins are chrom ium steel an d have a floating fit in the pistons. They are retained in the connecting rods by a press fit. Connecting rods are m ade o f forged steel. Full pressure lubrication is directed to the connecting rods by drilled oil passages from the adjacent m ain bearing journal. Oil holes at the connecting rod journals are located so that oil is supplied to give maxiumu lubrication just p rio r to full bearing load. VALVE TRAIN A very simple ball pivot-type train is used. Motion is transm itted from the cam sh aft through the hydraulic lifters and push rods to the rocker arms. The rocker arm pivots on its ball and transmits the cam shaft motion to the valve. The rocker arm ball is retained by a self locking nut. HYDRAULIC VALVE LIFTERS H ydraulic Valve Lifters are used to keep all parts of the valve train in constant contact for quiet operation. The hydraulic lifter assembly consists of: the lifter body, which rides in the cylinder block boss, a plunger, a push rod seat, a m etering valve, a plunger spring, a check ball and spring, a check ball retainer and a push rod seat retainer. W h en the lifter is riding on the low point (base circle) o f the cam, the plunger spring keeps the plunger and push rod seat in contact with the push rod. W h e n the lifter body begins to ride up the cam lobe, the check ball cust off the transfer o f oil from the reservoir below the plunger. The plunger and lifter body then rise as a unit, pushing up the push rod and opening the valve. A very small am ount o f oil will leak out between the plunger and the body. As the lifter body rides down the other side o f the cam, the plunger follows with it until the valve closes. The lifter body continues to follow the cam to its low point, but the plunger spring keeps the plunger in contact with the push rod. The ball check valve will then move off its seat and the lifter reservoir will be refilled with oil. INTAKE MANIFOLD The intake manifold is o f cast iron, single level design for efficient fuel distribution. The 250 manifold is an integral unit with the head, except KIO and CIO with F44, while the 292 uses a separate component. The carburetor pad is centrally located with a passage running underneath the pad (E.F.E.), through which exhaust gases are forced, to prom ote faster fuel vaporization when the engine is cold. An E G R port is also cast into the manifold for the induction of a metered am ount o f exhaust gases into the air and fuel mixture which has entered through the carburetor. EXHAUST MANIFOLD A single four port, underslung, center take down manifold o f cast iron is used to direct exhaust gases from the combustion chambers. A heat shield is mounted to the m anifold that is used to route heated air to the air cleaner for better fuel vaporization. ENGINE SERVICE NOTE: The following inform ation is im portant in preventing engine d am age and in providing reliable engine performance. W hen raising or supporting the engine for any reason, do not use a jack under the oil pan, any sheet metal or crankshaft pulley. Due to the small clearance between the oil pan and the oil pu m p screen, jacking against the oil p an may cause it to be bent against the pu m p screen, resulting in a dam aged oil pickup unit. It should be kept in mind, while working on the engine, that the 12-volt electrical system is capable o f violent and d a m aging short circuits. W hen perform ing any work where electrical terminals could possibly be grounded, the ground cable o f the battery should be disconnected at the battery. Any time the carburetor or air cleaner is removed, the intake opening should be covered. This will protect against accidental entrance of foreign material which could follow the intake passage into the cylinder and cause extensive dam age w hen the engine is started. Engine Lubrication Full pressure lubrication, through a full flow oil filter is furnished by a gear-type oil pump. The distributor, driven by a helical gear on the camshaft, drives the oil pump. The m ain oil gallery feeds oil, through drilled passages, to the cam shaft and crankshaft to lubricate the bearings. The m ain oil gallery also feeds the valve lifters; which, through hollow push rods, feed the individually mounted rocker arms (Fig. 6A-3). OIL PRESSURE SENDING UNIT DISTRIBUTOR SHAFT O ILING zzzzzzzzzzz T IM IN G GEAR OIL NOZZLE SPLASH R OILING ;: FULL FLOW OIL FILTER FILTER BY-PASS SYSTEM Fig. 6 A -4 -P Series Engine Rear M ount 4 l 2 5 0 CU. IN . ENGINE LEFT & RIGHT M O U N T & FRAME BRACKET 2 9 2 CU. IN . ENGINE LEFT M O U N T & FRAME BRACKEET 0 ^ ENGINE BRACKET ALL P SERIES W IT H L-6 ENGINE 2 5 0 CU. IN . ENGINE LEFT & RIGHT M O U N T & FRAME BRACKET 2 9 2 CU. IN . ENGINE LEFT M O U N T & FRAME BRACKET VIEW ENGINE BRACKET ALL C SERIES W ITH L-6 ENGINE 2 9 2 CU. IN . ENGINE RIGHT FRAME BRACKET & M O U N T VIEW Fig. 6A-8--K Series Engine Rear M ount 6A14 LIGHT TRUCK SERVICE ENG IN E M O U N T & BRACKET ALL K SERIES W IT H L-6 EN G IN E MANUAL FRONT M O U N T REAR M O U N T Fig. 6A-10-G Series Engine M ounts ON VEHICLE SERVICE ENGINE MOUNTS C hecking Engine Mounts b. R u bb er separated from a metal plate o f the mount; or c. R ubber split through center, Replace the mount. If there is relative movement between a metal plate o f the mount and its attaching points, lower the engine on the mounts and tighten the screws or nuts attaching the m ount to the engine, frame, or bracket. Front M ou nt Rear M ount Raise the engine to remove weight from the mounts and to place a slight tension in the rubber. Observe both mounts while raising engine. If an engine mount exhibits: a. H ard ru b b e r surface covered with heat check cracks; Raise the vehicle on a hoist. Push up and pull down on the transmission tailshaft while observing the transmission mount. If the ru bb er separates from the metal plate of the mount or if the tailsahft moves up but not down (mount bottomed out) replace the mount. If there is relative movement between a metal plate of the Engine mounts (Fig. 6A-4 - 6A-10) are the nonadjustable type and seldom require service. Broken or deteriorated mounts should be replaced immediately, because o f the . added strain placed on other mounts and drive line components. m o un t and its attaching point, tighten the screws or nuts attaching the m ount to the transmission or crossmember. Front Mount Replacement 1. Remove engine m ount through bolt. 2. Raise engine and remove m ount bracket attaching bolts. Remove mount. to fram e CAUTION: Raise engine only enough fo r sufficient clearance. Check fo r interference between rear o f engine a n d cowl panel. 3. Install new engine m ount to fram e bracket and torque attaching bolts to specifications. 4. Install engine m ount through bolt and torque to specification. Rear Mount Replacement 1. Support engine weight to relieve rear mounts. 2. Remove crossmember-to-mount bolts. 3. On P Series with m anual transmission and propeller shaft prak in g brake, remove m ount attaching bolts from fra m e outrigger and clutch housing and remove re a r m ounting cushions. 4. R em ove m ou nt-to -tra n sm issio n bolts, then remove mount. 5. On P Series with m anual transmission and propeller shaft park in g brake, install new m ounting cushions and bolts. 6. Install new m ount on transmission. 7. W hile lowering transmission, align and start crossm em ber-to-m ount bolts. 8. Torque bolts to specifications then bend lock tabs to bolt head as applicable. M A N IF O L D ASSEMBLY - N O N -IN T E G R A T E D HEAD Removal 1. Remove air cleaner. 2. Disconnect both throttle controls at bellcrank and remove throttle return spring. 3. Disconnect fuel and vacuum lines at carburetor. 4. Disconnect crankcase ventilation hose at rocker arm cover. 5. Disconnect vapor hose at canister. 6. Disconnect exhaust pipe at m anifold flange and discard packing. 7. Remove m anifold attaching bolts and clamps then remove m anifold assembly and discard gaskets. 8. Check for cracks in manifold castings. 9. Separate m anifold by removing one bolt and two nuts at center o f assembly. Installation 1. Clean gasket surfaces on cylinder head and manifolds. 2. Lay a straight edge along the full length o f the exhaust port faces and measure any gaps between the straight edge and the port faces. If at any point a gap of .030 or m ore exists, it is likely that the manifold has distorted to a point where it will not seat properly. If a good exhaust seal is to be expected, the exhaust manifold must be replaced. 3. Reinstall the one bolt and two nuts at the center o f the manifold to finger tight. 4. Position a new gasket over m anifold end studs on the cylinder head. 5. Install manifold assembly bolts and clamps while holding manifold assembly in place by hand. 6. Clean, oil and torque all m anifold assembly to cylinder head bolts and nuts to 35 lbs. ft. 7. Complete torquing the inlet to exhaust manifold bolt and two nuts at the center o f the manifold to 30 lb. ft. 8. Connect exhaust pipe to m anifold using a new packing. 9. Connect crankcase ventilation hose at rocker arm cover. 10. Connect vapor hoses at canister. 11. Connect fuel and vacuum lines a carburetor. 12. Connect throttle controls at bellcrank and install throttle return spring. 13. Install air cleaner, start engine, check for leaks and adjust carburetor idle speed. EXH AUST M A N IF O LD ASSEMBLY IN TE G RATE D HEAD Removal 1. Disconnect negative battery cable. 2. Remove air cleaner. 3. Remove power steering pum p a n d / o r A.I.R. pum p brackets, if so equipped. 4. Raise vehicle on hoist and disconnect exhaust pipe at manifold and converter bracket at transmission mount. If equipped with manifold converter, disconnect exhaust pipe from converter, remove converter. 5. Lower vehicle. 6. Remove rear heat shield and accelerator cable bracket. 7. Remove exhaust manifold bolts. 8. Remove exhaust m anifold, check EFE Valve to see if free and check manifold for cracks. Installation NOTE: If a new exhaust manifold is being installed, the E.F.E. valve and actuator and rod assembly must be transferred from the old component. 1. Clean gasket surface and position new gasket on exhaust manifold. 2. Install manifold bolts, while holding manifold assembly in place. 3. Torque all cylinder head to manifold bolts to specifications (Fig. 6A -11). 4. Install rear heat shield and accelerator cable bracket. 5. Raise vehicle on hoist. 6. Connect exhaust pipe at manifold flange and converter bracket at transmission mount. If equipped with m anifold converter, loosely install M a n ifo ld 18/23 LBS F T © ^ © © „ r,T© © \ / © »T © - S ’, - © fBfFT © ® ® © Fig. 6A 11 -Cylinder Head To Exhaust M anifold Tightening Sequence Converter, attach exhaust pipe and align exhaust system. T orque attaching bolts to specification. 7. Lower vehicle. 8. Install power steering p u m p a n d / o r A.I.R. pu m p and brackets, if so equipped. Tighten drive belt using strand tension gauge. 9. Install air cleaner. 10. Connect negative battery cable. 11. Start engine and check for leaks. ROCKER ARM COVER Removal 1. Disconnect crankcase ventilation hose(s) at rocker arm cover. 2. Remove air cleaner. 3. Disconnect all wires, fuel and vacuum pipes from rocker arm cover clips. 4. Disconnect air injection hose from check valve o f AIR pipe (where so equipped). 5. Remove rocker arm cover by rotating out from under air pipe. CAUTION: Do not p ry rocker arm cover loose. Gaskets adhering to cyllinder head and rocker arm cover m ay be sheared by bum ping fro n t end o f rocker arm cover rearward with palm o f hand or rubber mallet. Installation 1. Clean gasket surfaces on cylinder head with degreaser. Using RTV, install rocker arm cover and torque bolts to specification. N O TE : All loose RTV sealer, or pieces causing installation interference must be removed from both cylinder head an d cover seal surfaces prior to applying new sealer. A 1/8" bead o f RTV sealer should be placed all aro un d the rocker cover sealing surface of the cylinder head. (W hen going around attaching bolt holes, always go around the inboard side of the holes). Install cover and torque bolts to specifica­ tion while RTV is wet (within 10 min.). 2. Connect wires, fuel and vacuum pipes at rocker arm cover clips. 3. Install air cleaner. 4. hoses. Connect crankcase ventilation hoses and AIR VALVE M E C H A N IS M Removal 1. Remove rocker arm cover as outlined. 2. Remove rocker arm nuts, rocker arm rocker arms and push rods. balls, NOTE: Place rocker arms, rocker arm balls and push rods in a rack so that they may be reinstalled in the same location. Installation and Adjustment NOTE: W henever new rocker arms a n d / o r rocker arm balls are being installed, coat bearing surfaces o f rocker arms and rocker arm balls with "M olykote" or its equivalent. 1. Install push rods. Be sure push rods seat in lifter socket. 2. Install rocker arms, rocker arm balls an d rocker arm nuts. Tighten rocker arm nuts until all lash is eliminated. 3. Adjust valves w hen lifter is on base circle o f cam shaft lobe as follows: a. M ark distributor housing, with chalk, at num ber one and n u m b e r six positions (plug wire) then disconnect plug wires at spark plugs and coil and remove distributor cap and plug wire assembly (if not previously done). b. Crank engine until distributor rotor points to num ber one cylinder position. The following valves can be adjusted with engine in num ber one firing position: N u m b e r one cylinder-Exhuast and Intake. N u m b e r two cylinder-Intake N u m b e r three cylinder-Exhaust N u m b e r four cylinder-Intake N u m b e r five cylinder-Exhaust c. Back out adjusting nut until lash is felt at the push rod then turn in adjusting nut until all lash is removed. Theis can be determ ined by checking push rod end play while turning adjusting nut (Fig. 6A-12). W hen play has been removed, turn adjusting nut in one full additional turn (to center lifter plunger). d. Crank engine until distributor rotor points to num ber six position. The following valves can be adjusted with engine in nu m b er six firing position: N u m b e r two cylinder-Exhaust N u m b e r three cylinder-Intake N u m b e r four cylinder-Exhuast N u m b e r five cylinder -Intake N u m b e r six cylinder-Intake and Exhuast 4. Install distributor cap and spark plug wire assembly. 5. Install rocker arm cover as outlined. 6. Adjust carburetor idle speed. VALVE STEM OIL SEAL A N D /O R VALVE SPRING Replacement 6. To replace, set the valve spring, valve shield and valve can in place. Compress the spring with Tool J-5892 and install oil seal in the lower groove o f the stem, m aking sure the seal is flat and not twisted. N OTE: A light coat o f oil on the seal will help prevent twisting. 7. Install the valve locks and release the compres­ sor tool, making sure the locks seat properly in the upper groove of the valve stem. NOTE: Grease may be used to hold the locks in place while releasing the compressor tool. 8. Install spark plug, and torque to 15 lb. ft. 9. Install and adjust valve mechanism as previously outlined. VALVE LIFTERS Hydraulic valve lifters very seldom require atten­ tion. The lifters are extremely simple in design. Readjustments are not necessary, and servicing o f the lifters requires only that care and cleanliness be exercised in the handling o f parts. Locating Noisy Lifters Fig. 6A-12--Valve A djustm ent J -5 8 9 2 L___ J -2 3 5 9 0 Fig. 6A-13-C om pressing Valve Spring 1. Rem ove rocker arm cover as previously outlined. 2. Remove spark plug, rocker arm and push rod on the cylinder(s) to be serviced. 3. Install air line ad ap ter Tool J-23590 to spark plug port and apply compressed air to hold the valves in place. 4. Using Tool J-5892 to compress the valve spring, remove the valve locks, valve cap, valve shield and valve spring and d a m p e r (fig. 6A-13). 5. Remove the valve stem oil seal. Locate a noisy valve lifter by using a piece of garden hose approxim ately four feet in length. Place one end o f the hose near the end o f each intake and exhaust valve with the other end o f the hose to the ear. In this m a n n e r the sound is localized, m aking it easy to determ ine which lifter is at fault. A nother method is to place a finger on the face of the valve spring retainer. If the lifter is not functioning properly, a distinct shock will be felt w hen the valve returns to its seat. T he general types o f valve lifter noise are as follows: 1. Hard R apping Noise - Usually caused by the plunger becoming tight in the bore o f the lifter body to such an extent t h a l j h e return spring can no longer push the plunger back up to working position. Probable causes are: a. Excessive varnish or c arbon deposit causing abnorm al stickiness. b. G alling or "pickup" between plunger and bore o f lifter body, usually caused by an abrasive piece of dirt or metal wedging between plunger and lifter body. 2. M oderate Rapping Noise - Probable causes are: a. Excessively high leakdown rate. b. Leaky check valve seat. c. Im proper adjustment. 3. G eneral Noise T hroughout the Valve T rain This will, in most cases, be caused by either insufficient oil supply or im pro per adjustment. 4. Intermittent Clicking Probable causes are: a. A microscopic piece o f dirt momentarily caught between ball seat and check valve ball. b. In rare cases, the ball itself m ay be out-of­ round or have a flat spot. c. Im proper adjustment. In most cases where noise exists in one or more lifters, all lifter units should be removed, disassembled, cleaned in a solvent, reassembled, and reinstalled in the engine. If dirt, varnish, carbon, etc., is shown to exist in one unit, it more than likely exists in all the units, thus it would only be a matter o f time before all lifters caused trouble. R e m o va l 1. Remove rocker arm cover and loosen rocker arm s sufficiently to remove the push rods. Place push rods in a rack so that they m ay be returned to their original location. 2. M ark distributor housing, with chalk, at nu m b er one an d nu m b e r six position (plug wire) then disconnect plug wires at spark plugs and coil and remove distributor cap an d plug wire assembly. 3. Crank engine until distributor rotor points to n u m b e r one position, then disconnect d istrib u to r p rim a ry lead at coil and remove distributor. 4. R E M O V E PU SH R O D COVERS (discard gaskets). 5. Remove valve lifters. N O T E : Place valve lifters in a rack so that they m ay be installed in the same location. D isassem b ly Fig. 6A-15-R em oving Ball Check Valve 4. Remove the ball check valve and spring by prying the ball retainer loose from the plunger with the blade o f a small screw driver (fig. 6A-15). C le a n in g an d In sp ectio n 1. Hold the plunger down with a push rod, and using the blade o f a small screw driver, remove the push rod seat retainer. 2. Remove the push rod seat and metering valve (fig. 6A-14). 3. Remove the plunger, ball check valve assembly and the plunger spring. Thoroughly clean all parts in cleaning solvent, and inspect them carefully. If any parts are d am aged or worn, the entire lifter assembly should be replaced. If the lifter body wall is scuffed or worn, inspect the cylinder block lifter bore, if the bottom o f the lifter is scuffed or worn inspect the cam shaft lobe, if the push rod seat is scuffed or worn inspect the push rod. An additive containing EP lube, such as EOS, or equivalent, should always be added to crankcase oil for run-in when any new camshaft or lifters are installed. All damaged or worn lifters should be replaced. A ssem bly 1. Place the check ball on small hole in bottom o f the plunger. 2. Insert check ball spring on seat in ball retainer and place retainer over ball so that spring rests on the ball. Carefully press the retainer into position in plunger with the blade o f a small screw driver (fig. 6A-16). 1 L ifte r B o d y 2 Push Rod S eat 3. M e te rin g V a lv e 4 C h e ck B a ll 5. C h e ck B a ll R e ta in e r 6 7 Push Rod Seat R e ta in e r P lu n g e r 8 9. C h eck B a ll S p rin g P lu n g e r S p rin g 3. Place the plunger spring over the ball retainer and slide the lifter body over the spring and plunger, being careful to line up the oil feed holes in the lifter body and plunger. 4. Fill the assembly with SAE 10 oil, then insert the end of a 1/8" d rift pin into the plunger and press down solid. At this point oil holes in the lifter body and plunger assembly will be aligned (fig. 6A-17). the oil holes. The lifter is now completely assembled, filled with oil and ready for installation. NOTE: Before installing lifters, coat the bottom of the lifter with "M olykote" or its equivalent. In s ta lla tio n 1. Install valve lifters. N OTE: W henever new valve lifters are being installed, coat foot of valve lifters with "M olykote" or its equivalent. 2. Install push rod covers, using new gaskets, and torque bolts to specifications. 3. Install distributor, positioning rotor to num ber one cylinder position, then connect p rim a ry lead at distributor. 4. Install push rods and adjust valve mechanism as outlined. 5. Adjust ignition timing and carburetor idle speed. CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY R em o val Fig. 6A 16- In sta llin g Ball Check Valve 1. Remove m a n ifo ld assem bly as previosuly outlined. 2. Remove rocker arm cover and valve mechanism as previously outlined. 3. D rain cooling system (block). 4. Remove fuel and vacuum line from retaining clip at w ater outlet, then disconnect wires from temperature sending units. 5. Disconnect air injection hose at check valve (if so equipped). 6. Disconnect rad iato r upper hose at water outlet housing and battery ground strap at cylinder head. 7. Remove cylinder head bolts, cylinder head and gasket. Place cylinder head on two blocks o f wood to prevent damage. Disassem bly Fig. 6A-17--Assem bling Hydraulic Lifter C A U T IO N : Do not attem pt to force or pum p the plunger. 5. Insert a 1 /1 6" drift pin through both oil holes to hold the plunger down against the lifter spring tension (fig. 6A-17). 6. Remove the 1/8 " drift pin, refill assembly with SAE 10 oil. 7. Install the m etering valve and push rod seat (fig. 6A-14). 8. Install the push rod seat retainer, press down on the push rod seat and remove the 1/16" drift pin from 1. With the cylinder head removed, use tool J-8062 to compress the valve springs and remove the valve keys (fig. 6A-18). Release the compressor tool and remove rotators or spring caps, spring shields (if so equipped) springs and spring dam per, then remove oil seals and valve spring shims. 2. Remove valves from cylinder head and place them in a rack in their proper sequence so that they can be assembled in their original positions. C lea n in g 1. Clean all deposits from combustion chambers and valve ports using Tool J-8089 (fig. 6A-19). 2. Thoroughly clean the valve guides using Tool J-8101 (fig. 6A-20). 3. Clean all carbon and sludge from push rods, rocker arms and push rod guides. Fig. 6A-20-C leaning Valve Guides (Typical) Fig. 6A- 18- Com pressing Valve Spring (Typical) Fig. 6A-19-C leaning Com bustion Chambers (Typical) 4. Clean valve stems and heads on a buffing wheel. 5. Clean carbon deposits from head gasket m ating surface. Fig. 6A-21--Measuring Valve Stem Clearance (Typical) In s p e ctio n 1. Inspect the cylinder head for cracks in the exhaust ports, combustion cham bers, or external cracks to the w ater cham ber. 2. Inspect the valves for burned heads, cracked faces or d am aged stems. N O T E: Excessive valve stem to bore clearance will cause excessive oil consumption and may cause valve breakage. Insufficient clearance will result in noisy and sticky functioning of the valve and disturb engine smoothness. 3. Measure valve stem clearance (fig. 6A-21) as follows: Clam p a dial indicator on one side o f the cylinder head rocker arm cover gasket rail, locating the indicator so that movem ent o f the valve stem from side to side (crosswise to the head) will cause a direct movem ent of the indicator stem. The indicator stem must contact the side o f the valve stem just above the valve guide. With the valve head dropped about 1/16" off the valve seat; move the stem o f the valve from side to side using light pressure to obtain a clearance reading. 5. Inspect rocker arm studs for wear or damage. Assembly 1. Insert valves in the proper ports. 2. Set the valve spring shim, valve spring (with damper, if used) valve shield and valve cap or rotator in place (fig. 6A-23). 3. Compress the spring with Tool J-8062. 4. Install oil seal in the lower groove o f the stem, making sure that the seal is flat and not twisted. 5. Install the valve locks and release the compres­ sor tool, making sure that the locks seat properly in the upper groove o f the valve stem. Installation CAUTiON: The gasket surfaces on both the head and the block m ust be clean o f any foreign m atter and free o f nicks or heavy scratches. Cylinder bolt threads in the block and threads on the cylinder head bolt m ust be cleaned. (Dirt will affect bolt torque.) Do not use gasket sealer or composition steel asbestos gasket. 1. Place the gasket in position over the dowel pins with the bead up. 2. Carefully guide cylinder head into place over Fig. 6A-22--Checking Valve Spring Tension dowel pins and gasket. 3. Coat threads o f cylinder head bolts with sealing If clearance exceeds specifications it will be necessary to com pound and install finger tight. ream valve guides for oversize valves as outlined. 4. Tighten cylinder head bolts a little at a time in 4. Check valve spring tension with Tool J-8056 the sequence shown on the torque sequence chart until spring tester (fig. 6A-22). the specified torque is reached. N O T E: Springs should be compressed to the 5. Connect rad iato r upper hose and engine ground specified height and checked against the specifica­ strap. tions chart. Springs should be replaced if not 6. Connect tem perature sending unit wires and within 10 lbs. of the specified load (without install fuel and vacuum lines in clip at water outlet. dampers). 7. Fill cooling system. 8. Install m a n ifo ld assembly as previously outlined. 9. Install and adjust valve mechanism as previously outlined. 10. Install an d torque rocker arm cover. •cap 11. Connect AIR pipe (if so equipped). SEAL S HIELD * DAMPER ROCKER ARM STUDS Replacement Rocker arm studs that have dam aged threads or are loose in cylinder heads should be replaced with new studs available in .003" and .013" oversize. Studs may be installed after ream ing the holes as follows: 1. Remove old stud by placing Tool J-5802-A over the stud, installing n ut and flat washer and removing stud by turning nut (fig. 6A-24). 2. Ream hole for oversize stud using Tool J-5715 for .003" oversize or Tool J-6036 for .013" oversize (fig. 6A-25). CAUTION: Do not attempt to install an oversize stud without reaming stud hole. 3. Coat press-fit area o f stud with hypoid axle Fig. 6A 24 Removing Rocker Arm Stud (Typical) Fig. 6A-26--lnstalling Rocker Arm Stud (Typical) Fig. 6A-25- Reaming Rocker Arm Stud Bore (Typical) lubricant. Install new stud, using Tool J-6880 as a guide. G au ge should bottom on head (fig. 6A-26). Fig. 6A -27-R eam ing Valve Guide (Typical) VALVE G U ID E BORES Valves with oversize stems are available (see specifications). To ream the valve guide bores for oversize valves, use Tool Set J-5830 (fig. 6A-27). VALVE SEATS Reconditioning the valve seats is very important, because the seating o f the valves must be perfect for the engine to deliver the power and perform ance built into it. A nother im portant factor is the cooling o f the valve heads. G ood contact between each valve and its seat in the head is imperative to insure that the heat in the valve head will be properly carried away. Several different types of equipm ent are available for reseating valves seats. The recom m endations o f the m anufacturer of the equipm ent being used should be carefully followed to attain proper results. Regardless o f w hat type o f equipm ent is used, however, it is essential that valve guide bores be free from carbon or dirt to ensure proper centering of pilot in the guide. R e c o n d itio n in g 1. Install expanding pilot in the valve guide bore and expand pilot. 2. Place ro ughing stone or form ing stone over pilot and just clean up the valve seat. Use a stone cut to specifications. 3. Remove roughing stone or fo rm ing stone from pilot, place finishing stone, cut to specifications, over pilot an d cut just e nough m etal from the seat to provide a smooth finish. Refer to specifications. 4. N a rro w down the valve seat to the specified width. N O TE : This operation is done by grinding the port side with a 30 degree stone to lower seat and a 60 degree stone to raise seat. 5. Remove expanding pilot and clean cylinder head carefully to remove all chips and grindings from above operations. 6. M easure valve seat concentricity (fig. 6A-28). VALVES Valves that are pitted can be refaced to the proper angle, insuring correct relation between the head and stem on a valve refacing mechanism. Valve stems which show excessive wear, or valves that are w arped excessively should be replaced. W hen a valve head which is w arped excessively is refaced, a knife edge will be ground on p a rt or all of the valve head due to the a m o un t of metal that must be removed to completely reface. K nife edges lead to breakage, bu rning or p re ­ ignition due to heat localizing on this knife edge. If the edge o f the valve head is less than 1/32" thick after grinding, replace the valve. Several different types o f equipm ent are available for refacing valves. The recom m endations o f the m anu fa c tu rer o f the equ ip m ent being used should be carefully followed to attain p rop er results. grinding wheel to make sure it is smooth and true. Set check at angle specified for valve. Refer to specifications. 2. Clam p the valve stem in the chuck o f the machine. 3. Start the grinder and move the valve head in line with the grinder wheel. 4. Turn the feed screw until the valve head just contacts wheel. Move valve back and forth across the wheel and regulate the feed screw to provide light valve contact. 5. Continue grinding until the valve face is true and smooth all around the valve. If this makes the valve head thin (1 /3 2 " min.) the valve must be replaced as the valve will overheat and burn. 6. Remove valve from chuck and place stem in "V " block. Feed valve squarely against g rinding wheel to grind any pit from rocker arm end o f stem. N OTE: Only the extreme end o f the valve stem is hardened to resist wear. Do not grind end of stem excessively. 7. After cleaning valve face and cylinder head valve seat of grinding particles, make pencil marks about 1/4" apart across the valve face, place the valve in cylinder head and give the valve 1/2 turn in each direction while exerting firm pressure on head o f valve. 8. Remove valve and check face carefully. If all pencil marks have not been removed at the point of contact with the valve seat, it will be necessary to repeat the refacing operating and again recheck for proper seating. 9. G rin d and check the rem aining valves in the same manner. TO R S IO N A L DAM PER R em oval R e c o n d itio n in g 1. If necessary, dress the valve refacing machine 1. D rain radiator and remove as outlined in Section 6B. 2. Remove fan belt and (if so equipped) accessory drive pulley and belt. 3. Install Tool J-23523 to d a m p e r and turn puller screw to remove d a m p e r (fig. 6A-29). Remove tool. In s ta lla tio n 1. Coat front cover oil seal contact area o f d a m p e r with engine oil. C A U T IO N : It is necessary to use installer Tool J -22197 to prevent the inertia weight section from walking o ff the hub during installation o f damper. Fig. 6A-28--M easuring Valve Seat Concentricity (Typical) NOTE: The d a m p e r on the 292 L-6 should be pulled on by using special tool J-23523 or equivalent. 2. Attach d a m p e r installer Tool J-22197 to dam per. Tighten fingers of tool to prevent weight from moving (fig. 6A-30). 3. Position d a m p e r on cranksahft and drive into Fig. 6A -29-R em oving Torsional Damper position, using J-5590 until it bottoms against crankshaft gear (fig. 6A-30). Remove installer tool. 4. Install fan belt an d adjust using strand tension gauge. 5. If so equipped, install accessory drive pulley and belt. 6. Install radiator core as outlined in Section 6B. 7. Fill cooling system and check for leaks. C R A N K C A S E F R O N T COVER (T IM IN G GEAR COVER) R e m o v a l (w ith o u t re m o v in g oil p an ) 1. Remove torsional d a m p e r as outlined. 2. Remove the two, oil pan-to-front cover attach ­ ing screws. Fig. 6A-31--Cutting Tabs on Oil Pan Front Seal 3. screws. Remove the front cover-to-block attaching 4. Pull the cover slightly forward only enough to permit cutting of oil p a n front seal. 5. Using a sharp knife or other suitable cutting tool, cut oil pan fron t seal flush with cylinder block at both sides of cover (fig. 6A-31). 6. Remove front cover and attached portion o f oil pan front seal. Remove front cover gasket. In s ta lla tio n 1. front cover. Clean gasket surfaces on block and crankcase OIL SEAL (F R O N T COVER) R ep lacem en t W ith Cover Installed 1. With torsional d a m p e r removed, pry old seal out o f cover from the front with a screw driver, being carefull not to dam age the seal surface on the cover. 2. Install new seal so that open end is toward the inside o f the cover and drive it into position with tool J-23042 (fig. 6A-35). W ith Cover Removed 1. With cover removed, pry old seal out o f cover from the front with screw driver, being careful not to distort cover. 2. Install new seal so that open end o f the seal is Fig. 6A -33-A pplying Front Cover Sealant J- 23042 J -2 3 0 4 2 Fig. 6A 34--J-23042 C entering Tool In Cover 2. Cut tabs from the new oil pan front seal (fig. 6A-32) use a sharp instrum ent to ensure a clean cut. 3. Install seal to front cover, pressing tips into holes provided in cover. 4. Coat the gasket with gasket sealer and place in position on cover. 5. Apply a 1/8 inch bead o f silicone ru b b e r sealer part 1 0 5 1 4 3 5 (o r e q u iv a le n t) to th e jo in t fo rm e d a t th e oil pan and c y lin d e r block (fig . 6 A -3 3 ). 6. Install centering Tool J-23042 in crankcase front cover seal (fig. 6A-34). N O T E : It is im po rtan t that centering tool be used to align crankcase front cover so that torsional d a m p e r installation will not dam age seal and so that seal is positioned evenly around balancer. 7. Install crankcase fro nt cover to block. Install and partially tighten the two, oil pan-to-front cover screws. 8. Install the front cover-to-block attaching screws. 9. Remove centering Tool J-23042 and torque all cover attaching screws to specifications. 10. Install torsional d am per as outlined. Fig. 6A-35--Installing Oil Seal (Cover Installed) (Typical) toward the inside o f cover an d drive it into position with Tool J-23042 (fig. 6A-36). CAUTION: Support cover at sealing area. (Tool J-971 m ay be used as support.) CAMSHAFT Measuring Lobe Lift N O T E: This procedure is similar to that used for checking valve timing. If im pro pe r valve operation is indicated, measure the lift of each push rod in consecutive order and record the readings. 1. Remove valve mechanism as outlined. 2. Position indicator with ball socket adapter (Tool J-8520) on push rod (fig. 6A-37). 3. Rotate the cranksahft slowly in the direction o f rotation until the lifter is on the heel o f the cam lobe. At this point, the push rod will be in its lowest position. 4. Set dial indicator on zero, then rotate the ca rn ksha ft slowly, or attach an auxiliary starter switch and " b u m p " the engine over, until the push rod is in the fully raised position. CAUTION: Whenever the engine is cranked remotely at the starter, with a special jum per cable or other means, the " BA T T ' positive lead m ust be disconnected fro m the coil. 5. C om pare the total lift recorded from the dial indicator with specifications. 6. Continue to rotate the crankshaft until the indicator reads zero. This will be a check on the accuracy o f the original indicator reading. 7. If cam shaft readings for all lobes are within specifications, remove dial indicator assembly. 8. Install and adjust valve mechanism as outlined. Removal 1. Remove engine, following procedure on page o f this section. 2. Remove lifters as previously outlined. 3. Remove crankcase front cover as previously outlined. 4. Remove fuel pump. 5. Align timing gear marks then remove the two cam sahft thrust plate bolts by working through holes in cam shaft gear (fig. 6A-38). 6. Remove the cam shaft and g ear assembly by pulling it out through the front o f the block. 6A NOTE: Support cam shaft carefully when removing so as not to dam ag e the cam shaft bearings. Inspection The cam shaft bearing journals should be measured with a m icrometer for an out-of-round condition. If the journals exceed .001" out-of-round, the cam shaft should be replaced. The cam shaft should also be checked for alingment. The best method is by use of "V " blocks and a dial indicator (fig. 6A-39). The dial indicator will indicate the exact am ount the cam sh aft is out of true. If it is out more than .0015" dial indicator reading, the cam shaft should be replaced. Inspect the cam shaft gear and thrust plate for w ear or damage. M easure the cam shaft end play. This should be .001" to .005" (fig. 6A-40). Gear Replacement 1. If the inspection indicated that the camshaft, gear or thrust plate should be replaced, the gear must be T IM IN G MARKS TH R U S T PLATE SCREW S Fig. 6A-41 -Removing Cam shaft Gear removed from the camshaft. This operation requires the use o f cam shaft gear removed J-971. 2. Place the cam shaft through the gear remover, place end o f rem over on table o f a press and press shaft out o f gear (fig. 6A-41). C A U T IO N : Thrust plate m ust he positioned so that w oodruff key in shaft does not dam age it when the sh a ft is pressed out o f gear. Also support the huh o f the gear or the gear will be seriously damaged. 3. To assemble cam shaft gear thrust plate and gear spacer ring to cam shaft firmly support cam shaft at back o f front jo urna l in an a rb o r press. 4. Place g ear spacer ring and thrust plate over end o f shaft, and install woodruff key in shaft keyway. Install cam sh aft gear and press it onto the shaft until it bottoms against the gear spacer ring. The end clearance o f the thrust plate should be .001" to .005" (fig. 6A-40). In s ta lla tio n 1. Install the cam shaft and gear assembly in the engine block, being careful not to d am age cam shaft bearings or camshaft. 2. Turn crankshaft and cam shaft so that the valve timing marks on the gear teeth will line up (fig. 6A-38). Push cam shaft into position. Install cam shaft thrust plate-to-block bolts and torque to specifications. 3. Check cam shaft and crankshaft gear run out with a dial indicator (fig. 6A-42). The cam shaft gear run out should not exceed .004" and the crankshaft gear run out should not exceed .003". 4. If gear run out is excessive, the gear will have to be removed and any burrs cleaned from the shaft or the gear will have to be replaced. 5. Check the backlash between the timing gear teeth with a dial indicator (fig. 6A-43). The backlash should be not less than .004" nor more than .006". 6. Install fuel pump. 7. Install crankcase front cover. 8. Install lifters. Fig. 6A-44-R eplacing Cam shaft Center Bearing Fig. 6A 42--Checking C am shaft Gear Runout Fig. 6A-45-R eplacing Cam shaft Front Bearing 2. Remove oil p an and oil pu m p as described on page 6A-30 o f this section. 3. Drive cam shaft rear plug from cylinder block. Fig. 6A-43--Checking T im in g Gear Backlash 9. Install engine in vehicle. C A M S H A F T BEARINGS R e m o va l 1. Remove cam shaft as previously outlined. NOTE: This procedure is based on removal o f the bearings nearest center of the engine first. With this method a m inim um am ount o f turns are necessary to remove all bearings. 4. Using Tool Set J-6098, with nut and thrust washer installed to end o f threads, index pilot in cam shaft front bearing and install puller screw through pilot. 5. Install remover and installer tool with shoulder toward bearing, m aking sure a sufficient amount o f threads are engaged. 6. Using two wrenches, hold puller screw while turning nut. W hen bearing has been pulled from bore, remove remover and installer tool and bearing from puller screw (fig. 6A-44). 7. Remove rem ain in g bearings (except front and rear) in the same manner. It will be necessary to index pilot in cam shaft rear bearing to remove the rear interm ediate bearing. 8. Assemble remover and installer tool on driver handle an d r e m o te cam shaft front and rear bearings by driving towards center o f cylinder block (fig. 6A-45). Installation N O T E : The cam shaft fro nt and rear bearings should be installed first. These bearings will act as guides for the pilot and center the rem aining bearings being pulled into place. 1. Assemble remover and installer tool on driver han dle and install cam shaft front and re a r bearings by driving towards center o f cylinder block (fig. 6A-45). 2. Using Tool Set J-6098, with nut and thrust w ash er installed to end o f threads, index pilot in ca m sha ft fro nt bearings an d install puller screw through pilot. 3. Index cam shaft bearing in bore, then install rem over and installer tool on puller screw with shoulder toward bearing. CAUTION: A ll cam bearing oil holes m ust be aligned with oil holes in cam bore. 4. U sing two wrenches, hold puller screw while tu rning nut. A fter bearing has been pulled into bore, remove the rem over and installer tool from puller screw an d check alignm ent o f oil hole in cam shaft bearing. 5. Install rem aining bearings in the same manner. It will be necessary to index pilot in the cam shaft rear bearin g to install the rear interm ediate bearing. 6. Install a new cam shaft rear plug. N OTE: Plug should be installed flush to 1/32" deep and be parallel with rear surface of cylinder block. OIL PAN Removal 1. Disconnect battery negative cable. 2. Raise vehicle on hoist and drain engine oil. 3. Remove starter. 4. Remove flywheel splash shield or converter housing u nd erpan, as applicable. 5. Remove " th ro u g h " bolts from engine front mounts. 6. Raise front of engine, reinstall m ount through bolts and lower engine. 7. Remove oil p a n bolts. 8. Remove oil pan. Fig. 6A-46--Pan Gaskets and Seals 4. Install side gaskets to engine block, using a gasket sealer with sufficient body to act as a retainer. 5. Install oil pan, torquing the retaining bolts to specifications. 6. Raise engine sufficiently to allow removal of "th ro u g h " bolts - lower engine and install mount "th ro u g h " bolts. Torque bolts to specifications. 7. Install flywheel splash shield or converter housing underpan, as applicable. 8. Install starter. 9. Lower vehicle and fill crankcase with oil. 10. Connect battery negative cable, start engine and check for leaks. OIL PUMP Removal 1. Remove oil pan as outlined. 2. Remove two flange mounting bolts, pickup pipe bolt, then remove pum p and screen as an assembly. Disassembly Installation 1. Remove the pum p cover attaching screws, the pum p cover and the pum p cover gasket (fig. 6A-47). 1. Thoroughly clean all gasket sealing surfaces. 2. Using a new gasket, install rear seal in rear m ain bearing cap. 3. Install front seal on crankcase front cover, pressing tips into holes provided in cover (fig. 6A-46). N O TE : M ark gear teeth so they m ay be reassembled with the same teeth indexing. 2. Remove the idler gear and the drive gear and shaft from the pum p body. 3. Remove the pressure regulator valve retaining pin, pressure regulator valve and related parts. 7. Check the pressure regulator valve for fit. NOTE: The pu m p gears and body are not serviced separately. If the pum p gears or body are dam aged or worn, replacement o f the entire oil pum p assembly is necessary. Assembly 1. If the pickup screen and pipe assembly was removed, it should be replaced with a new part. Loss of press fit condition could result in an air leak and loss of oil pressure. M ount the pum p in a soft-jawed vice, apply sealer to the end o f pipe and tap the pipe in place with a plastic ha m m e r using Tool J-8369. CAUTION: Be careful o f twisting, shearing or collapsing pipe while installing in pum p. Pickup screen m ust be parallel to bottom o f oil pan when oil pum p is installed. 2. Install the pressure regulator valve and related parts. 3. Install the drive gear and shaft in the pum p body. 4. Install the idler gear in the pum p body with the smooth side of gear towards pum p cover opening. 5. Install the pum p, with new gasket, and torque attaching screws to specifications. 6. Turn drive shaft by hand to check for smooth operation. C O N N E C T IN G ROD BEARINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pressure Regulator Valve Pressure Regulator Spring Retaining Pin Screws Pump Cover 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Cover Gasket Idler Gear Drive Gear and Shaft Pump Body Pickup Screen and Pipe Connecting rod bearings are o f the precision insert type and do not utilize shims for adjustment. DO N O T FILE RODS OR R O D CAPS. If clearances are found to be excessive a new bearing will be required. Bearings are available in standard size and .001" and .002" undersize for use with new and used standard size crankshafts, and in .010" and .020" undersize for use with reconditioned crankshafts. Inspection and Replacement Fig. 6A-47--0il Pump (L6 Exploded) 4. If the pickup screen and pipe assembly need replacing, m ount the pu m p in a soft-jawed vise and extract pipe from pump. CAUTION: Do not disturb the pickup screen on the pipe. This is serviced as an assembly. Cleaning and Inspection 1. W ash all parts in cleaning solvent and dry with compressed air. 2. Inspect the pum p body and cover for cracks or excessive wear. 3. Inspect p u m p gears for dam age or excessive wear. 4. Check the drive gear shaft for looseness in the pum p body. 5. Inspect inside o f pum p cover for wear that would perm it oil to leak past the ends o f the gears. 6. Inspect the pickup screen and pipe assembly for da m a ge to screen, pipe or relief grommet. 1. With oil p a n and oil p u m p removed, remove the connecting rod cap and bearing. 2. Inspect the bearings for evidence o f wear or damage. (Bearings showing the above should not be installed.) 3. Wipe the bearings and crankpin clean o f oil. 4. Measure the crankpin for out-of-round or taper with a micrometer. If not within specifications replace or recondition the cranksahft. If within specifications and a new bearing is to be installed, measure the maximum diam eter of the crankpin to determine new bearing size required. 5. If within specifications measure new or used bearing clearances with Plastigage or its equivalent. NOTE: If a bearing is being fitted to an out-ofround crankpin, be sure to fit to the maximum diam eter o f the crankpin. If the bearing is fitted to Fig. 6A-50--Measuring Connecting Rod Side Clearance c. Install the bearing cap and evenly torque nuts to specifications. Fig. 6A-48-Gauging Plastic on Crankpin CAUTION: Do not turn the crankshaft with the gauging plastic installed. d. Remove the bearing cap and using the scale on the gauging plastic envelope, measure the gauging plastic width at the widest point (fig. 6A-49). 6. If the clearance exceeds specifications, select a new, correct size, bearing and remeasure the clearance. 7. Coat the bearing surface with oil, install the rod cap and torque nuts to specifications. 8. W hen all connecting rod bearings have been installed, tap each rod lightly (parallel to the crankpin) to make sure they have clearance. 9. Measure all connecting rod side clearances between the connecting rod cap and side o f crankpin (fig. 6A-50). C R A N K S H A FT M A IN BEARINGS Fig. 6A 49 Measuring Gauging Plastic the m inim um diam eter and the crankpin is out-of­ round .001" interference between the bearing and crankpin will result in rapid bearing failure. a. Place a piece o f gauging plastic the full width of the crankpin as contacted by the bearing (parallel to the crankshaft)(fig. 6A-48). b. Install the bearing in the connecting rod and cap. M ain bearings are of the precision insert type and do not utilize shim for adjustment. If clearances are found to be excessive, a new bearing, both upper and lower halves, will be required. Bearings are available in standard size and .001", .002", .009", .010" and .020" undersize. Selective fitting o f both rod and m ain bearing inserts is necessary in production in order to obtain close tolerances. For this reason you may find one half o f a standard insert with one half of a .001" undersize insert which will decrease the clearance .0005" from using a full standard bearing. W hen a production cranksahft cannot be prescision fitted by this method, it is then ground .009" undersize on main journals only. A .009" undersize bearing and .010" undersize bearing may be used for precision fitting in the same m a n n e r as previously described. Any engine fitted with a .009" undersize crankshaft will be identified by the following markings. • ".009" will be stamped on the crankshaft counterweight forward o f the center main journal. • A figure " 9 " will be stamped on the block at the left front oil pan rail. I N OTE: If, for any reason, main bearings caps are replaced, shim m ing may be necessary. Lam inated shims for each cap are available for service. Shim re q u ir e m e n t will be d e te rm in e d by bea rin g clearance. Inspection In general, the lower h a lf o f the bearing (except N o.l bearing) shows a greater w ear and the most distress from fatigue. If upon inspection the lower half is suitable for use, it can be assumed that the upper half is also satisfactory. If the lower h a lf shows evidence of w ear or dam age, both upper an d lower halves should be replaced. Never replace one h a lf without replacing the other half. Checking Clearance To obtain the most accurate results with "Plastigage", (or its equivalent) a wax-like plastic material which will compress evenly between the bearing and journ al surfaces w ithout da m a g in g either surface, certain precautions should be observed. If the engine is out o f the vehicle an d upside down, the crankshaft will rest on the u pp er bearings and the total clearance can be m easured between the lower b earing and journal. If the engine is to rem ain in the vehicle, the crankshaft should be supported both front and rear (dam per and flywheel) to remove the clearance from the upper bearing. The Fig. 6A-52--Measuring Gauging Plastic (Typcial) Fig. 6A-53 -Measuring Crankshaft End Play (Typical) total clearance can then be measured between the lower bearing and journal. N OTE: To assure the p rop er seating of the crankshaft all bearing cap bolts should be at their specified torque. In addition, p rep aratory to checking fit o f bearings, the surface o f the crankshaft jo urna l and bearing should be wiped clean o f oil. 1. With the oil pan an d oil pu m p removed, and staring with the rear m ain bearing, remove bearing cap and wipe oil from jo u rn al and bearing cap. 2. Place a piece of gauging plastic the full w idth of the bearing (parallel to the crankshaft) on the journal (fig. 6A-51). CAUTION: Do not rotate the crankshaft while the gauging plastic is between the bearing and journal. 3. Install the bearing cap and evenly torque the retaining bolts to specifications. 4. Remove bearing cap. The flattened gauging plastic will be found a dhering to either the bearing shell or journal. 5. On the edge of gauging plastic envelope there is a graduated scale which is correlated in thousandths of an inch. W ithout rem oving the gauging plastic, measure its compressed w idth (at the widest point) with the graduations on the gauging plastic envelope (fig. 6A-52). N O TE: Normally, m ain bearing journals wear evenly and are not out-of-round. However, if a bearing is being fitted to an out-of-round jou rnal (.001" max.), be sure to fit to the maximum d ia m e te r of the journal. If the b earing is fitted to the m inim um diam eter and the jou rn a l is out-of-round .001", interference between the bearing and journ al will result in rapid bearing failure. If the flattened gauging plastic tapers toward the middle or ends, there is a difference in clearance indicating taper, low spot or other irregularity o f the bearing or journal. Be sure to measure the jou rna l with a micrometer if the flattened gauging plastic indicates more than .001" difference. 6. If the b earing clearance is within specifications, the bearing insert is satisfactory. If the clearance is not within specifications, replace the insert. Always replace both upper and lower insert as a unit. N O T E: If a new bearing cap is being installed and clearance is less tha .001", inspect for burrs or nicks; if none are found then install shims as required. 7. A standard, .001" or .002" undersize bearing may produce the proper clearance. If not, it will be necessary to regrind the cran ksh aft journ al for use with the next undersize bearing. 8. Proceed to the next bearing. A fter all bearings have been checked, rotate the crankshaft to see that there is no excessive drag. 9. M easure crankshaft end play (see specifications) by forcing the crankshaft to the extreme front position. M easure at the front end o f the rear main bearing with a feeler gauge (fig. 6A-53). 10. Install a new rear main bearing oil seal in the cylinder block and main bearing cap. Replacement N OTE: Main bearings may be replaced with or without removing the crankshaft. W ith C rankshaft Removed 1. Remove and inspect the crankshaft. 2. Remove the main bearings from the cylinder block and main bearing caps. 3. Coat bearing surfaces of new, correct size, main bearings with oil and install in the cylinder block and main bearing caps. 4. Install the crankshaft. W ithout C rankshaft Removal 1. With oil pan, oil p u m p and spark plugs removed, remove cap on m ain bearing requiring replacement and remove bearing from cap. 2. The rear main journal has no oil hole. Replace the rear main bearing upper half as follows: a. Use a small drift punch and h a m m e r to start the upper bearing h a lf rotating out o f block. b. Use a pair of pliers (with taped jaws) to hold the bearing thrust surface to the oil slinger and rotate the crankshaft to remove bearing (fig. 6A-54). c. Oil new selected size upper bearing and insert plain (unnotched) end between crankshaft and indented or notched side of block. d. Use pliers as in removing to rotate bearing into place. The last 1/4 movement may be done by holding just the slinger with the pliers or tap in place with a drift punch. 3. All other cran ksh aft journals have oil holes. Replace the main bearing upper h a lf as follows: a. Install a main bearing removing and install­ ing tool in oil hole in crankshaft journal. N O TE : If such a tool is not available, a cotter pin m ay be bent as required to do the job. b. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise as viewed from the front o f engine. This will roll upper bearing out o f block. c. Oil new selected size upper bearing and insert plain (unnotched) end between crankshaft and indented or notched side of block. Rotate the bearing into place and remove tool from oil hole in crankshaft journal. 4. Oil new lower bearing and install in bearing Fig. 6A 57--Rmoving Oil Seal Upper Half (Typical) cap. 5. Install main bearing cap with arrows pointing toward front o f engine. 6. Torque main b earing cap bolts to specifications. OIL SEAL (REAR M A IN ) Replacement Fig. 6A-58--Crankshaft Oil Seal (Rear Main) APPLY SE ALAN T TO SHAD ED AREAS O N L Y Fig. 6A-59-Sealing Bearing Cap (Typical) NOTE: Always replace the upper and lower seal as a unit. Install seal with lip facing front o f engine. The rear m ain bearing oil seal can be replaced (both halves) without removal o f the crankshaft. Extreme care should be exercised when installing this seal to protect the sealing bead located in the channel on the outside d iam eter o f the seal. An installation tool (fig. 6A-55) can be used to protect the seal bead when positioning seal as follows: 1. W ith the oil pan and oil pum p removed, remove the rear m ain b earing cap. 2. Remove oil seal from the bearing cap by prying from the bottom with a small screw driver (fig. 6A-56). 3. To remove the upper h a lf of the seal, use a small h a m m e r to tap a brass p in punch on one end o f seal until it protrudes far enough to be removed with pliers (fig. 6A-57). 4. Clean all sealant and foreign material from cylinder case bearing cap and crankshaft, using a nonabrasive cleaner. 5. Inspect components for nicks, scratches, burrs a n d m achining defects at all sealing surfaces, case assembly and crankshaft. 6. Coat seal lips and seal bead with light engine oil - keep oil off seal m ating ends. 7. Position tip of tool between crankshaft and seal seat in cylinder case. 8. Position seal between crankshaft and tip o f tool so that seal bead contacts tip of tool. N O T E : Make sure that oil-seal lip is positioned toward front o f engine (fig. 6A-58). 9. Roll seal around crankshaft using tool as a "s h o e -h o rn " to protect seal bead from sharp corner of seal seat surface in cylinder case. C A U T IO N : Installation tool m ust remain in position until seal is properly positioned with both ends flu sh with block. 10. Remove tool, being careful not to withdraw seal. 11. Install seal half in bearing cap, again using tool as a "s hoe-horn", feeding seal into cap using light pressure with thum b and finger. 12. Install bearing cap to case with sealant applied to the cap-to-case interface being careful to keep sealant off the seal split line (fig. 6A-59). 13. Install the rear m ain bearing cap (with new seal) and torque to specifications. P IS TO N A N D C O N N E C T IN G ROD ASSEMBLIES Removal 1. W ith oil pan, oil p u m p and cylinder head removed, use a ridge ream er to remove any ridge a n d / o r deposits from the upper end of the cylinder bore. N O T E : Before ridge a n d / o r deposits are removed, turn cra nk sh a ft until piston is at the bottom o f stroke and place a cloth on top o f piston to collect the cuttings. A fter ridge a n d / o r deposits are removed, turn crankshaft until piston is at top o f stroke and remove cloth an d cuttings. 2. Inspect connecting rods and connecting rod caps for cylinder identification. If necessary, mark them. Fig. 6A-60- Removing Connecting Rod Piston Assembly 3. Remove connecting rod cap and install Tool J-5239 ( 3 /8 " ) or J-6305 (1 1/32") on studs. Push connecting rod and piston assembly out of top o f cylinder block (fig. 6A-60). NOTE: It will be necessary to turn the crankshaft slightly to disconnect some o f the connecting rod and piston assemblies and push them out o f the cylinder. Disassembly 1. Remove connecting rod bearings from connect­ ing rods and caps. NOTE: If connecting rod bearings are being reused, place them in a rack so they m ay be reinstalled in their original rod and cap. 2. Remove piston rings by expanding and sliding them off the pistons. Tools J-8020 (3-9/16"), J-8021 (37 /8 "), J-8032 (4"), J-22249 (3-15/16"), J-22147 (-3/32"). and J-22250 (4 -1/4") are available for this purpose. 3. Place connecting rod an d piston assembly on tool J-24086. Using an arbor press and piston pin remover, J-24086, press the piston pin out o f connecting rod and piston (fig. 6A-61). Cleaning and Inspection Connecting Rods W ash connecting rods in cleaning solvent and dry with compressed air. PRESS limit, the piston an d piston pin assembly should be replaced. ASSEMBLY PISTON PIN REMOVER J - 2 4 0 8 6 -8 1. Lubricate piston pin holes in piston and connecting rod to facilitate installation o f pin. 2. Place connecting rod in piston and hold in place with piston pin guide and piston pin. Place connecting rod and piston assembly on fixture and support assembly (fig. 6A-62). N OTE: See figure 6A-63 for correct size o f piston pin guide. 3. Using piston pin installer, J-24086-9, press the piston pin into the piston and connecting rod (Fig. 6A64). FIXTURE & SUPPORT ASSEMBLY J -2 4 0 8 6 -2 0 N OTE: The piston pin installer is a variable insertion length tool designed to be applicable to all G M piston assemblies. The insertion length is varied by rotating the hub on the shaft much like adjusting a micrometer. An alpha-num eric scale is used to determ ine the desired length for a given piston pin assembly. Refer to figure 6A-63 for correct setting. CAUTION. A fte r installer hub bottoms on support assembly, do not exceed 6000 psi Fig. 6A-61--F?emoving Piston Pin -PISTON PIN Check for twisted or bent rods and inspect for nicks or cracks. Replace connecting rods that are damaged. I4fI Pistons Clean varnish from piston skirts and pins with a cleaning solvent. DO N O T W IR E BRUSH A N Y PA R T O F T H E PISTON. Clean the ring grooves with a groove cleaner and m ake sure oil ring holes and slots are clean. Inspect the piston for cracked ring lands, skirts or pin bosses, wavy or worn ring lands, scuffed or dam aged skirts, eroded areas at top o f the piston. Replace pistons that are d am aged or show signs o f excessive wear. Inspect the grooves for nicks or burrs that might cause the rings to h ang up. M easure piston skirt (across center line o f piston pin) and check clearance as outlined under "Piston Selection". Piston Pins T he piston pin clearance is designed to m aintain a dequate clearance under all engine operating condi­ tions. Because of this, the piston and piston pin are a matched set and not serviced separately. Inspect piston pin bores and piston pins for wear. Piston p in bores and piston pins must be free o f varnish or scuffing w hen being measured. The piston pin should be measured with a micrometer and the piston pin bore should be m easured with a dial bore gauge or an inside micrometer. If clearance is in excess o f the .001" w ear PISTON PIN GUIDE FIXTURE & SUPPORT ASSEMBLY CYL. D IS P L A C E M E N T IN S T A L L E R S E T T IN G PIN S IZE Gold J-24086-6 I-6 .905” 110 cu. i n . / l .8 Litre Blue J-24086-5 I-7 .866” 140 cu. in ./2 .3 Litre Violet J-24086-7 I-7 .9 2 7 " Violet J-24086-7 G-8 .927” Small Block 283, 302, 305, 307, 3 5 0 , 4 0 0 V iolet J-24086-7 G-8 .927” Mark IV 366 , 396, 402, 427, 454 Gray J-24086-3 G-7 .990” 85 cu. i n . / l -4 Litre PIN G U ID E 97 cu. i n . / l -6 Litre 4 2 50 cu. in./4.1 Litre 6 2 92 cu. in ./4 .8 Litre 8 Fig. 6A-63--Piston Pin Tool Specifications pressure, as this could cause structural damage to the tool. 4. Remove piston and connecting rod assembly from tool and check piston for freedom o f movement on piston pin. PISTON PIN INSTALLER J -2 4 0 8 6 -9 PISTON PIN and (J-22250 purpose. (4-1/4") are available for this a. Install oil ring spacer in groove and insert anti-rotation tang in oil hole. b. Hold spacer ends butted and install lower steel oil ring rail with gap properly located. c. Install properly located. upper steel oil ring rail with gap d. Flex the oil ring assembly to make sure ring is free. If binding occurs at any point, the cause should be determined, and if caused by ring groove, remove by dressing groove with a fine cut file. If binding is caused by a distorted ring, check a new ring. e. Install second compression ring expander then ring with gaps properly located. f. located. Fig. 6A-66--Checking Ring in Groove Piston Rings All compression rings are m arked on the upper side o f the ring. W hen installing compression rings, make sure the m arked side is toward the top o f the piston. The top ring is chrom e faced, or treated with molybdenum for m axim um life. The oil control rings are o f three piece type, consisting of two segments (rails) and spacer. 1. Select rings com parable in size to the piston being used. 2. Slip the compression ring in the cylinder bore; then press the ring down into the cylinder bore about 1 /4 " (above ring travel). Be sure ring is square with cylinder wall. 3. M easure the space or gap between the ends o f the ring with a feeler gauge (fig. 6A-65). 4. If the gap between the ends o f the ring is below specifications, remove the ring and try another for fit. 5. Fit each compression ring to the cylinder in which it is going to be used. 6. If the pistons have not been cleaned and inspected as previously outlined, do so. 7. Slip the outer surface o f the top and second compression ring into the respective piston ring groove an d roll the ring entirely around the groove (Fig. 6A-66) to m ake sure that the ring is free. If binding occurs at any point the cause should be determined, and if caused by ring groove, remove by dressing with a fine cut file. If the binding is caused by a distorted ring, check a new ring. 8. Install piston rings as follows (fig. 6A-67). N O T E: Tools J-8020 (3-9/16"), J-8021 (3-7/8"), J-8032 (4"), J-22249 (3-15/16"), J-22147 (4-3/32"), Install top compression ring with gap properly 9. Proper clearance o f the piston ring in ring groove is very im p ortan t to provide proper action and reduce wear. Therefore, when fitting rings, the clearances between the surfaces o f the groove should be m easured (fig. 6A-68). Specifications.) its piston ring new ring (See Fig. 6A 70--lnstalling Connecting Rod and Piston Assembly Fig. 6A-68--Measuring Ring Groove Clearance 3. With bearing caps removed, install Tool J-5239 ( 3 /8 " ) or J-6305 (11 /3 2 " ) on connecting rod bolts. CAUTION: Be sure ring gaps are properly positioned as previously outlined. 4. Install each connecting rod and piston in its respective bore. Pistons must have notches facing front o f engine (fig. 6A-69). Use Tool J-8037 to compress the rings (fig. 6A-70). G uide the connecting rod into place on the crankshaft jou rn a l with Tool J-5239 ( 3 /8 " ) or J-6305 (11/32"). Use a ha m m er handle and light blows to install the piston into the bore. Hold the ring compressor firmly against the cylinder block until all piston rings have entered the cylinder bore. 5. Remove Tool J-5239 or J-6305. 6. Install the bearing caps and torque nuts to specifications. NOTE: If bearing replacement is required refer to "Connecting Rod Bearings". Fig. 6A-69--Pistons - Installed Position Installation N O T E: Cylinder bores must be clean before piston installation. This may be accomplished with a hot w ater and detergent wash or with a light honing as necessary. A fter cleaning, the bores should be swabbed several times with light engine oil and a clean dry cloth. 1. Lubricate connecting rod bearings and install in rods and rod caps. 2. Lightly coat pistons, rings and cylinder walls with light engine oil. Be sure to install new pistons in the same cylinders for which they were fitted, and used pistons in the same cylinder from which they were removed. If a connecting rod is ever transposed from one block or cylinder to another, new bearings should be fitted and the connecting rod should be num bered to correspond with the new cylinder num ber. ENG INE ASSEMBLY Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove Hood. Disconnect battery cables at batery. Remove air cleaner. D rain radiator and block. 5. Disconnect rad iato r and heater hoses and remove rad iato r and fan shroud. 6. Disconnect wires at: • Starter Solenoid • Delcotron • T em peratu re switch • Oil Pressure Switch • Coil 7. Disconnect: • Accelerator linkage at inlet manifold. • Fuel line, from tank, at fuel pump. • Hoses at fuel vapor storage canister (if applicable). • Vacuum line to power brake unit at manifold, if so equipped. 8. Remove power steering pum p and lay aside, if so equipped. 9. Raise vehicle on hoist. 10. D rain crankcase. 1 1. Disconnect exhaust pipe at manifold and. if so equipped, converter bracket at transmission rear mount. 12. Remove starter. 13. Remove flywheel splash shield or converter housing cover as applicable. 14. On vehicles with autom atic transmissions, remove converter to flywheel attaching bolt. 15. Remove m ount " th r o u g h " bolts. 16. Remove bell housing bolts. 17. Lower vehicle on hoist. 18. Raise transmission using floor jack. 19. Attach engine lifting devices, raise engine. 20. Remove motor m ount to engine brackets. 21. Remove engine assembly. Installation 1. Position engine assembly in vheicle. 2. Attach m otor m ount to engine brackets and lower engine in place. 3. Remove engine lifting device. 4. Remove transmission floor jack. 5. Raise vehicle on hoist. 6. Install m ount "th r o u g h " bolts. Torque to specification. 7. Install bell hou sing bolts. To rqu e to specifications. 8. On vehicles with automatic transmissions, install c o n v e rte r to flywheel a tta c h in g bolts. T orque to specification. 9. Install flywheel splash shield or converter housing cover as applicable. Torque attaching bolts to specifications. 10. Install starter. 11. C o nnect exh aust pipe at m a n ifold and converter bracket at transmission rear mount. 12. Lower vehicle on hoist. 13. Reinstall power steering pump, if so equipped. 14. Connect: • Accelerator linkage at inlet manifold. • Fuel line, from tank, at fuel pump. • Hoses at fuel vapor storage canister. • Vacuum line to power brake unit at manifold, if equipped. 15 Connect wires at: • Starter Solenoid • Delcotron • Tem perature Switch • Oil Pressure Switch • Coil 16. Install radiator and fan shroud and reconnect radiator and heater hoses. 17. Fill cooling system. 18. Fill crankcase with oil. See ow ner’s manual for specifications. 19. Install air cleaner. 20. Install hood. 21. Connect battery cables. NOTE: To avoid possible arcing o f battery, connect positive battery cable first. 22. Start engine, check for leaks and check timing. CRA N K S H A FT Removal 1. Remove engine as previously outlined. Remove clutch, if applicable, and flywheel and m ount engine on stand. 2. Remove the oil dipstick and oil dipstick tube. 3. Remove the spark plugs. 4. Remove c ra n k s h a ft pulley and torsional damper. 5. Remove oil p a n and oil pump. 6. Remove crankcase front cover. 7. Check the connecting rod caps for cylinder num ber identification. If necessary, mark them. 8. Remove the connecting rod caps and push the pistons to the top o f bores. 9. Remove m ain bearing caps and lift cranksahft out of cylinder block. 10. Remove re a r main bearing oil seal and main bearings from cylinder block and m ain bearing caps. Cleaning and Inspection 1. Wash crankshaft in solvent and dry with compressed air. 2. Measure dimensions o f main bearing journals and crankpins with a microm eter for out-of-round, taper or undersize. (See Specifications.) 3. Check crankshaft for run-out o f supporting at the front and rear m ain bearings journals in "V " blocks and check at the front and rear interm ediate journals with a dial indicator. (See Specifications.) 4. Replace or recondition the crankshaft if out o f specifications. Gear Replacement Remove crankshaft gear using Tool J-8105 and install using Tool J-5590 (fig. 6A-71). Installation 1. Install rear m ain bearing oil seal in cylinder block and rear m ain bearing cap grooves. Install with lip o f seal toward front o f engine. W here seal has two lips install lip and helix towards front o f engine. 2. Lubricate lips o f seal with engine oil. Keep oil off partin g line surface. 3. Install m ain bearings in cylinder block and m ain bearing caps then lubricate bearing surface with engine oil. 4. Install crankshaft, being csreful not to dam age bearing surfaces. 5. Apply a thin coat o f brush-on type oil sealing com pound to block m ating surface and corresponding surface o f cap only (fig. 6A-22). D o not allow sealer on crankshaft or seal. 6. Install m ain bearing caps with arrows pointing toward front of engine. 7. Torque all except rear m ain bearing cap bolts to specifications. Torque rear main bearing cap bolts to 1012 ft. lbs. then tap end o f crankshaft, first rearw ard then forward with a lead ham m er. This will line up rear main bearing and crankshaft thrust surfaces. Retorque all main bearing cap bolts to specifications. 8. Measure crankshaft end play with a feeler gauge. Force crankshaft forward and measure clearance between the front o f the rear m ain bearing and the crankshaft thrust surface. 9. Install flywheel and torque to specifications. A wood block placed between the crankshaft and cylinder block will prevent crankshaft from rotating. NOTE: Align dowel hole in flywheel with dowel hole in crankshaft. On vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions, install flywheel with the converter attaching pads towards transmission. Fig. 6A71-Gear Replacement APPLY SEALANT T O SHADED AREAS O N L Y 8 C ylinder Engine Contents G eneral D e sc rip tio n ....................................................... Engine L u b ric a tio n ......................................................... O n Vehicle S e rv ic e ......................................................... Engine M o u n ts .............................................................. Intake M a n i f o l d ............................................................ Exhaust M a n i f o l d ......................................................... Rocker Arm C o v e r....................................................... Valve M e c h a n ism .......................................................... Valve Stem Oil Seal a n d /o r Valve S p rin g ...................................................................... Valve L i f t e r s .................................................................. Cylinder Head A ssem b ly ........................................... Rocker Arm S tu d s ........................................................ Valve G uide B o re s ....................................................... Valve S e a t s ...................................................................... 6A-43 6A-44 6A-44 6A-44 6A-53 6A-53 6A-54 6A-55 6A-56 6A-57 6A-59 6A-62 6A-63 6A-63 Valves................................................................................ 6A-64 Torsional D a m p e r ......................................................... 6A-64 Crankcase Front C o v e r .............................................. 6A-65 Oil Seal (Front Cover) ............................................. 6A-66 C a m s h a f t..........................................................................6A-67 Cam shaft Bearings........................................................6A-68 Oil P a n ............................................................................. 6A-70 Oil P um p.......................................................................... 6A-70 Connecting Rod B earings.......................................... 6A-72 M ain B earin g s............................................................... 6A-72 Oil Seal (Rear M a i n ) ................................................. 6A-75 Connecting Rod Piston A sem blies......................... 6A-76 Engine Assembly........................................................... 6A-80 C r a n k s h a f t....................................................................... 6A-81 Sprocket or G e a r R eplacem ent............................... 6A-81 GENERAL DESCRIPTION CYLINDER BLOCK The cylinder block is m ade o f cast iron and has 8 cylinders arranged in a "V " shape with 4 cylinders in each bank. Five m ain bearings support the crankshaft which is retained by bearing caps that are machined with the block for proper alignment and clearnances. Cylinders are completely encircled by coolant jackets. CYLINDER HEAD The ratio o f exhaust integral, studs. cast iron cylinder heads provide a compression 8.5:1. They are cast with individual intake and ports for each cylinder. Valve guides are and rocker arms are retained on individual C R A N K S H A FT AND BEARINGS The crankshaft is cast nodular iron and is supported by five main bearings. N u m b e r five bearing is the end thrust bearing. M ain bearings are lubricated from oil holes which intersect the cam shaft bearings. The cam shaft bearings are fed oil by the m ain oil gallery which is rifle drilled down the center of the block, above the camshaft. Two additional oil gallerys are on either side o f the main oil gallery to provide an oil supply for the hydraulic lifters. A torsional d am p er on the forward end of the crankshaft d am pens any engine torsional vibrations. timing chain which in turn drives the cam shaft through a bakelite fabric composition gear with steel hub. Cam lobes are ground, hardened and tapered with the high side toward the rear. This, coupled with a spherical face on the lifter, causes the valve lifters to rotate. Cam shaft bearings are lubricated through oil holes which intersect the main oil gallery. The main oil gallery is rifle drilled down the center o f the block, above the camshaft. PISTONS AND C O N N E C T IN G RODS The pistons are m ade o f cast aluminum alloy using two compression rings and one oil control ring. Piston pins are offset 1/16" toward the thrust side (right hand side) to provide a gradual change in thrust pressure against the cylinder wall as the piston travels its path. Pins are Chromium steel and have a floating fit in the pistons They are retained in the connecting rods by a press fit. Connecting rods are made of forged steel. Full pressure lubrication is directed to the connecting rods by drilled oil passages from the adjacent main bearing journal. Oil holes at the connecting rod journals are located so that oil is supplied to give m aximum lubrication just prior to full bearing load. VALVE TRAIN C A M S H A F T AND DRIVE The cast iron cam shaft is supported by five bearings and is chain driven. A steel crankshaft gear drives the A very simple ball pivot-type train is used. Motion is transmitted from the cam shaft through the hydraulic lifter and push rod to the rocker arm. The rocker arm pivots on its ball and transmits the cam shaft motion to the valve. The rocker-arm ball is retained by a nut. HYDRA ULIC VALVE LIFTERS Hydraulic Valve Lifters are used to keep all parts o f the valve train in constant contact. The hydraulic lifter assembly consists of: the lifter body, which rides in the cylinder block boss, a plunger, a push rod seat, a m etering valve, a plunger spring, a check ball an d spring, a check ball retainer and a push rod seat retainer. W hen the lifter is rid in g on the low point o f the cam, the plunger spring keeps the plunger and push rod seat in contact with the push rod. W h e n the lifter body begins to ride up the cam lobe, the check ball cuts off the transfer o f oil from the reservoir below the plunger. The plunger an d lifter body then rise as a unit, pushing up the push rod and opening the valve. As the lifter body rides down the other side o f the cam, the plunger follows w ith it until the valve closes. The lifter body continues to follow the cam to its low point, but the plunger spring keeps the plunger in contact with the push rod. The ball check valve will then move off its seat an d the lifter reservoir will rem ain full. IN T A K E M A N IF O L D The intake m anifold is of cast iron double level design for efficient fuel distribution. The carburetor pad is centrally located with a passage running underneath the pad (E.F.E.) through which exhaust gases are forced to prom ote faster fuel vaporization when the engine is cold. An E G R port is also cast into the manifold for the mixture of exhaust gases with the fuel air mixture. E XHUAST M AN IFO LD S Two cast iron exhaust m anifolds are used to direct exhaust gases from the combustion chambers to the exhaust system. The right hand side m anifold receives a heat shield that is used to route heated air to the air cleaner for better fuel vaporization. C O M B U S T IO N CHAMBERS Combustion Cham bers are cast to insure uniform shape for all cylinders. Spark plugs are located between the intake and exhaust valves. The contoured wedge shape o f the combustion c h a m b e r m inim izes the possibility o f detonation, facilitates breathing and provides swirling turbulence for smooth, complete combustion. ENGINE LUBRICATION Full pressure lubrication through a full flow oil filter, is furnished by a gear-type oil pump. The distributor, driven by a helical gear on the camshaft, drives the oil pump. The m ain oil gallery feeds oil, through drilled passages, to the cam shaft and crankshaft to lubricate the bearings. The valve lifter oil gallery feeds the valve lifters which, through hollow push rods, feed the individually mounted rocker arms (fig. 6A-1V and 6A-2V). ON VEHICLE SERVICE E N G IN E M O U N T S Engine mounts (fig. 6A-3V - 6A-8V) are the nonadjustable type a n d seldom require service. Broken or deteriorated mounts should be replaced immediately, because o f the added strain placed on other mounts and drive line components. c. R ubber split through center Replace the mount. If there is relative movement between a metal plate o f the m ount and its attaching points, lower the engine on the mounts and tighten the screws or nuts attaching the m ount to the engine, frame, or bracket. Checking Engine Mounts Front M oun t Rear M ount Raise the engine to remove weight from the mounts and to place a slight tension in the rubber. Observe both mounts while raising engine. If an engine mount exhibits: a. Hard ru b b e r surface covered with heat check cracks: b. R u b b e r separated from a metal plate o f the m ount; or Raise the vehicle on a hoist. Push up and pull down on the transmission tailshaft while observing the transmission mount. If the rub ber separates from the metal plate o f the mount or if the tailshaft moves up but not down (mount bottomed out) replace the mount. If there is relative movement between a metal plate o f the m ount and its attaching point, tighten the screws or nuts attaching the mount to the transmission or crossmember. FUEL PUMP PUSH ROD OILING OIL F)LTER AND BY-PASS VALVE FUEL PUMP PUSH ROD OILING CRANKCASE AND CRANKSHAFT OILING VALVE MECHANISM OILING Front Mount Replacement 1. Remove m ount retaining bolt from below fram e mounting bracket. 2. Raise front of engine and remove mount-toengine bolts and remove mount. CAUTION: Raise engine only enough fo r sufficient clearance. Check fo r interference between rear o f engine and cowl panel. 3. Replace m ount to engine and lower engine into place. 4. Install retaining bolt and torque all bolts to specifications. Rear Mount Replacement 1. 2. Support engine weight to relieve rear mounts. Remove crossmember-to-mount bolts. 3. On P Series with m anual transmission and propeller shaft parking brake, remove m ount attaching bolts from fram e outrigger and clutch housing and remove rear m ounting cushions. Fig. 6A-3V--"P" Series Engine Mount Bracket (EXCEPT MOBILE HOME CHASSIS) WITHOUT PROPELLER SHAFT PARKING BRAKE ALL MANUAL TRANSMISSION ALL TURBO HYDRA-MATIC 350 ALL MOBILE HOME CHASSIS WITHOUT PROPELLER SHAFT PARKING BRAKE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PROPELLER SHAFT PARKING BRAKE AU TO M A TIC TR A N S M IS S IO N '/ M A N U A L TR A N S M IS S IO N VIEW A FRONT MOUNT V 4. R em ove m o u n t-to -tra n sm issio n bolts, then remove mount. 5. On P Series with m anual transmission and propeller shaft parking brake, install new m ounting cushions and bolts. 6. Install new m ount on transmission. 7. While lowering transmission, align and start crossm em ber-to-m ount bolts. 8. Torque bolts to specifications then bend lock tabs to bolt head as applicable. IN T A K E M A N IF O L D Removal 1. 2. D ra in rad ia to r and remove air cleaner. Disconnect: • Battery negative cable at battery. • R a d ia to r upper hose and heater hose at manifold. • W a te r p u m p by-pass at w ater p u m p (Mark IV only). • Accelerator linkage at carburetor. • Fuel line at carburetor. • Crankcase ventilation lines. • Spark advance hose at distributor. 3. Remove distributor cap and m ark rotor position with chalk, then remove distributor. 4. Remove (as required) air cleaner bracket, air compressor an d bracket, accelerator return spring and bracket, and accelerator bellcrank. 5. Remove generator upp er m ounting bracket. 6. Remove m anifold attaching bolts, then remove m an ifo ld and carburetor as an assembly. Discard gaskets and seals. 7. If m anifold is to be replaced, transfer: • C a rb u re to r and carbu reto r attaching bolts. • T em p erature sending unit. • T herm ostat with housing (use new gasket). • H eater hose and water p u m p by-pass adapters. • E G R Valve (use new gasket) (if applicable). • TVS switch (if applicable). • Vacuum fitting(s). • Choke spring assembly (where applicable). Installation 1. Clean gasket and seal surfaces on manifold, block, and cylinder heads. 2. Install manifold seals on block and gaskets on cylinder heads (fig. 6A-9V). Use sealer at w ater passages and w here seals butt to gaskets. 3. Install m anifold and torque bolts to specifica­ tions in the sequence outlined in fig. 6A-10V. 4. Install (if removed) air cleaner bracket, air compressor a n d bracket, accelerator bellcrank. 5. Install distributor, positioning rotor at chalk mark, then install distributor cap. 6. Connect: • Spark advance hose at distributor. • Crankcase ventilation lines. Fig. 6A-9V~lntake Manifold Gasket • • • Seal Location Fuel line at carburetor. Accelerator linkage at carburetor. W ater p u m p by-pass at w ater pu m p (M ark IV only). • Battery negative cable at battery. 7. Install air cleaner. 8. Fill with coolant, start engine, adjust ignition tim ing and c arburetor idle speed and check for leaks. EXHAUST M A N IF O LD Removal 1. Remove carbu retor heat stove pipe. 2. On Small V8 engine, remove the spark plug wiring heatshields. 3. On M ark IV V8 engine, remove spark plugs. 4. Disconnect exhaust pipe from manifold and hang exhaust pipe from fram e with wire. 5. Remove end bolts then remove center bolts and remove manifold. Installation N OTE: If installing a new right side manifold, the carburetor heat stove must be transferred from the old unit (fig. 6A-1IV 6V-12V). 1. Clean m ating surfaces on manifold an d head, then install m anifold in position and install bolts (fingertight). 2. Torque m anifold bolts to specifications in the sequence shown on torque chart at end o f section. 3. Connect exhaust pipe to manifold. Use new gasket or packing. Fig. 6 A -1 0 V -In ta ke M anifold Torque Sequence W IN G NUT LOWER STOVE NOTE: Inboard flange of lower stove must be installed on top of rib of exhaust manifold. CARBURETOR TEE ' AiR CLEANER HOSE 350/400 V8 4Bbl ivnwfiri UPPER STOVE LOWER STOVE Fig. 6 A -1 IV -C a rb u re to r Heat Stove Assem bly—Small Fig. 6A-12V--Carburetor Heat Stove Assembly—M ark V-8 IV 4. On M ark IV V8 engines, install spark plugs. Torque plugs to specifications. 5. Install c arburetor heat stove pipe. 6. On Small V8 engine, install spark plug wiring heatshields. 7. Start engine and check for leaks. 3. Disconnect electrical wiring harness from rocker arm clips. 4. Remove carburetor heat stove pipe from right exhaust manifold. 5. If the vehicle is equipped with air conditioning, remove the A / C compressor rear brace on small V-8 (fig. 6A-13V) or upper brace on M ark IV (fig. 6A-14V). 6. Remove rocker arm cover to head attaching bolts and remove rocker arm cover. ROCKER ARM COVER Removal (All) 1. Remove air cleaner. 2. Disconnect crankcase ventilation hoses at rocker arm covers. CAUTION: Do not pry rocker arm cover loose. Gaskets adhering to cylinder head and rocker arm cover may be sheared by bum ping fro n t 4. Connect electrical wiring harness at clips on rocker arm cover. 5. Connect crankcase ventilation hoses. 6. Install air cleaner, start engine and check for leaks. Installation (M ark IV) 1. Clean sealing surface on cylinder head with degreaser then, using RTV, place rocker arm cover on the head, install re ta in in g bolts an d torque to specification. NOTE: All loose RTV sealer, or pieces causing installation interference, must be removed from both cylinder head and cover seal surfaces prior to applying new sealer. A 1/8" bead o f RTV sealer should be placed all around the rocker cover sealing surface of the cylinder head. (W hen going around the attaching bolt holes, always flow the RTV on the inboard side o f the holes). Install cover and torque bolts to specification while RTV is wet (within 10 min.). 2. On A / C equipped vehicles, install the A /C com pressor u pp e r brace. A djust pulley belt to specification. 3. Install carburetor heat stove pipe. 4. Connect electrical wiring harness at clips on rocker arm cover. 5. Connect crankcase ventilation hoses. 6. Install air cleaner, start engine and check for leaks. VALVE M E C H A N IS M Removal 1. Remove rocker arm covers as previously outlined. 2. Remove rocker arm nuts, rocker arm balls, rocker arms and push rods. NOTE: Place rocker arms, rocker arm balls and push rods in a rack to they may be reinstalled in the same locations. Installation and Adjustment Fig. 6A-14V--A/C Compressor m o u n tin g —M ark IV en d o f rocker arm cover rearward with palm o f hand or a rubber mallet. Installation (Small V-8) 1. Clean gasket surfaces on cylinder head and rocker arm cover with degreaser then, using a new gasket, place rocker arm cover on the head, install retaining bolts and torque to specifications. 2. On A / C equipped vehicles, install the A / C co m p resso r re a r brace. A dju st pulley belt to specifications. 3. Install carburetor heat stove pipe. N OTE: W henever new rocker arms a n d / o r rocker arm balls are being installed, coat bearing surfaces o f rocker arm s and rocker arm balls with "M olykote" or its equivalent. 1. Install push rods. Be sure push rods seat in lifter socket. 2. Install rocker arms, rocker arm balls and rocker arm nuts. Tighten rocker arm nuts until all lash is eliminated. 3. Adjust valves when lifter is on base circle o f cam shaft lobe as follows: a. C rank engine until mark on torsional d a m p e r lines up with center or " O " m ark on the timing tab fastened to the crankcase front cover and the engine is in the n um b e r 1 firing position. This m ay be determined by placing fingers on the n um b e r 1 valve as the mark on the d a m p e r comes n ear the " O " mark on the crankcase front cover. If the valves are not moving, the engine is in the n u m b e r 1 firing position. If the valves move as the mark comes up to the timing tab, the engine is in n u m b e r 6 firing position and should be turned over one more time to reach the n u m b e r 1 position. b. W ith the engine in the n um b e r 1 firing position as determ ined above, the following valves may be adjusted. -- E x h a u s t - 1, 3, 4, 8 — In ta k e - 1 , 2, 5, 7 c. Back out adjusting nut until lash is felt at the push rod then tu rn in adjusting nut until all lash is removed. This can be determ ined by checking push rod side play while turning adjusting nut (fig. 6A-15V). W hen play has been removed, turn adjusting nut in one full ad ditional turn (to center lifter plunger). d. Crank the engine one revolution until the p o in te r"o " m ark and torsional d a m p e r m ark are again in alignment. This is n um b e r 6 firing position. W ith the engine in this position the following valves m ay be adjusted. — Exhaust—2, 5, 6, 7 — Intake—3, 4, 6, 8 4. Install rocker arm covers as previously outlined. 5. S tart engine and adjust carburetor idle speed. 2. Remove spark plug, rocker arm and push rod on the cylinder(s) to be serviced. 3. Install air line adap ter Tool J-23590 to spark plug port and apply compressed air to hold the valves in place. 4. Using Tool J-5892 to compress the valve spring, remove the valve locks, valve cap an d valve spring and d a m p e r (fig. 6A-16V). 5. Remove the valve stem oil seal. Installation Sm all V8 Engines 1. Set the valve spring and damper, valve shield and valve cap in place. Compress the spring with Tool J-5892 and install oil seal in the lower groove o f the stem, making sure the seal is flat and not twisted. NOTE: A light coat o f oil on the seal will help prevent twisting. 2. Install the valve locks and release the compres­ sor tool making sure the locks seat properly in the upper groove of the valve stem. NOTE: G rease may be used to hold the locks in place while releasing the compressor tool. 3. Install spark plug and torque to specification. 4. Install and adjust valve mechanism as previously outlined. M a rk IV V8 Engines VALVE STEM OIL SEAL a n d /o r VALVE S P R IN G 1. Install new valve stem oil seal (coated with oil) in position over valve guide. Removal NOTE: Seal installation instructions are supplied 1. outlined. R em ove rocker arm cover as previously with each service kit. Install seal following procedures outlined on the supplied instruction sheet. 2. Set the valve spring and d a m p e r and valve cap in place. 3. Compress the spring with Tool J-5892 and install the valve locks then release the compressor tool, m aking sure the locks seat properly in the groove o f the valve stem. N O TE : Grease may be used to hold the locks in place while releasing the compressor tool. 4. Install spark plug and torque to specifications. 5. Install and adjust valve mechanism as previously outlined. VALVE LIFTERS H ydraulic valve lifters very seldom require a tten ­ tion. The lifters are extremely simple in design, readjustm ents are not necessary, and servicing of the lifters requires only that care and cleanliness be exercised in the handling o f parts. Locating Noisy Lifters Locate a noisy valve lifter by using a piece o f garden hose approxim ately four feet in length. Place one end o f the hose near the end of each intake and exhaust valve with the other end o f the hose to the ear. In this m anner, the sound is localized making it easy to determ ine which lifter is at fault. A n othe r method is to place a finger on the face o f the valve spring retainer. If the lifter is not functioning properly, a distinct shock will be felt when the valve returns to its seat. The general types o f valve lifter noise are as follows: 1. Hard Rapping N o ise -U su a lly caused by the plunger becoming tight in the bore o f the lifter body to such an extent that the return spring can no longer push the plunger back up to working position. Probable causes are: a. Excessive varnish or carbon deposit causing a b n o rm al stickiness. b. G alling or "pick -u p" between plunger and bore o f lifter body, usually caused by an abrasive piece o f dirt or metal wedging between plunger and lifter body. 2. M oderate R apping N oise-Probable causes are: a. Excessively high leakdown rate. b. Leaky check valve seat. c. Im proper adjustment. 3. G eneral Noise T hro ugh ou t the Valve Train-This will, in most cases, be caused by either insufficient oil supply or im p rop er adjustment. 4. Interm ittent Clicking-Probable causes are: a. A microscopic piece o f dirt m om entarily caught between ball seat an d check valve ball. b. In rare cases, the ball itself m ay be out-ofround or have a flat spot. c. Im pro per adjustment. In most cases where noise exists in one or more lifters all lifter units should be removed, disassembled, cleaned in a solvent, reassembled, and reinstalled in the engine. If dirt, corrosion, carbon, etc. is shown to exist in one unit, it more likely exists in all the units, thus it would only be a matter o f time before all lifters caused trouble. Removal 1. Remove intake manifold as previously outlined. 2. Remove valve m echan ism as previously outlined. 3. Remove valve lifters. NOTE: Place valve lifters in a rack so that they may be reinstalled in the same location. Installation 1. Install valve lifters. NOTE: W henever new valve lifters are being installed, coat foot o f valve lifters with "M olykote" or its equivalent. 2. Install intake manifold as previously outlined. 3. Install and adjust valve m echanism as outlined. Disassembly 1. Hold the plunger down with a push rod, and using the blade of a small screw driver, remove the push rod seat retainer. 2. Remove the push rod seat and m etering valve (fig. 6A-17V). 3. Remove the plunger, ball check valve assembly and the plunger spring. 4. Remove the ball check valve and spring by I. L ifte r B o dy 2 Push Rod S e at 3. M e te rin g V a lv e 6 7 Push Rod S eat R e ta in e r P lu n g e r 4 C h e c k B a ll 5 C h e c k B a ll R e ta in e r 8 9 C h e c k B a ll S p rin g P lu n g e r S p rin g Fig. 6A-18V--Removing Ball Check Valve Fig. 6 A - 1 9 V - ln s t a llin g B all C h e ck V alve prying the ball retainer loose from the plunger with the blade o f a small screw driver (fig. 6A-18V). Cleaning and Inspection T horoughly clean all parts in cleaning solvent, and inspect them carefully. If any parts are dam aged or worn, the entire lifter assembly should be replaced. If the lifter body wall is scuffed or worn, inspect the cylinder block lifter bore. If the bottom o f the lifter is scuffed or worn, inspect the cam shaft lobe. If the push rod seat is scuffed or worn, inspect the push rod. An additive containing EP lube, such as EOS, or equivalent, should always be added to crankcase oil for run-in when any new camshaft or lifters are installed. All damaged or worn lifters should be replaced. Assembly 1. Place the check ball on small hole in bottom of the plunger. 2. Insert check ball spring on seat in ball retainer and place retainer over ball so that spring rests on the ball. Carefully press the retainer into position in plunger with the blade o f a small screw driver (fig. 6A-19V). 3. Place the plunger spring over the ball retainer and slide the lifter body over the spring and plunger, being careful to line up the oil feed holes in the lifter body and plunger. 4. Fill the assembly with SAE 10 oil, then insert the en d o f a 1 /8 " drift pin into the plunger and press down solid. A t this point, oil holes in the lifter body and plunger assembly will be aligned (fig. 6A-20V). CAUTION: Do not attem pt to fo rce or pum p the plunger. 5. Insert a 1/16" drift pin through both oil holes to Fig. 6A-20V--Assembly Hydraulic Lifter hold the plunger down against the lifter spring tension (fig. 6A-20V). 6. Remove the 1/8" drift pin, refill assembly with SAE 10 oil. 7. Install the metering valve an d push rod seat (fig. 6A-17V). 8. Install the push rod seat retainer, press down on the push rod seat and remove the 1/16" drift pin from the oil holes. The lifter is now completely assembled, filled with oil and ready for installation. N O T E : Before installing lifters, coat the bottom o f the lifter with "M olykote" or its equivalent. CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY Removal spring shields (if so equipped) springs an d spring damper, then remove oil seals and valve spring shims. 3. Remove valves from cylinder head and place them in a rack in their proper sequence so that they can be assembled in their original positions. Cleaning E Remove intake m anifold as previously outlined. 2. Remove generator lower mounting bolt and lay unit aside. 3. R em ove exhaust m a n ifo ld s as previously outlined. 4. If vehicle is equipped with A /C , remove A / C compressor and forward m ounting bracket. Lay unit aside. N OTE: On vehicles equipped with A.I.R., discon­ nect the ru b b e r hosing at the injection tubing check valve (fig. 6A-21V). In this m anner, the tubing will not have to be removed from the exhaust manifold. 5. Rem ove valve m ech anism as previously outlined. 6. D rain cylinder block o f coolant. 7. Remove cylinder head bolts, cylinder head and gasket. Place cylinder head on two blocks o f wood to prevent damage. Disassembly 1. With cylinder head removed, remove valve rocker arm nuts, balls and rocker arms (if not previously done). 2. Using Tool J-8062, compress the valve springs (fig. 6A-22V) and remove valve keys. Release the compressor tool and remove rotators or spring caps. DISCONNECT HOSING ' HERE SMALL V-8 1. Clean all carbon from combustion cham bers and valve ports using Tool J-8089 (fig. 6A-23V). 2. Thoroughly clean the valve guides using Tool J-8101 (fig. 6A-24V). 3. Clean all carbon and sludge from push rods, rocker arms and push rod guides. 4. Clean valve stems and heads on a buffing wheel. 5. Clean carbon deposits from head gasket mating surface. Inspection 1. Inspect the cylinder head for cracks in the exhaust ports, combustion chambers, or external cracks to the water chamber. 2. Inspect the valves for burned heads, cracked faces or dam aged stems. N OTE: Excessive valve stem to bore clearance will cause excessive oil consumption and m ay cause valve breakage. Insufficient clearance will result in noisy and sticky functioning o f the valve and disturb engine smoothness. 3. Measure valve stem clearance (fig. 6A-25V) as follows: Clam p a dial indicator on one side of the cylinder head rocker arm cover gasket rail, locating the indicator so that movem ent o f the valve stem from side DISCONNECT HOSING HERE M A R K IV Fig. 6A-24V-Cleaning Valve Guides (Typical) Fig. 6A-22V--Compressing Valve Spring (Typical) Fig. 6A-23V--Cleaning Com bustion Chambers (Typical) to side (crosswise to the head) will cause a direct m ovem ent o f the indicator stem. The indicator stem must contact the side o f the valve stem just above the valve guide. With the valve head dropped about 1/16" off the valve seat; move the stem o f the valve from side to side using light pressure to obtain a clearance reading. If clearance exceeds specifications it will be necessary to ream valve guides for oversize valves as outlined. 4. Check valve spring tension with Tool J-8056 spring tester (fig. 6A-26V). NO TE: Springs should be compressed to the specified height and checked against the specifica­ tions chart. Springs should be replaced if not within 10 lbs. o f the specified load (without dampers). 5. Inspect rocker arm studs for w ear of damage. Fig. 6A-25V--Measuring Valve Stem Clearances (Typical) Inspect push rod guides on M ark IV V8 engines for wear or damage. Assembly 1. Insert a valve in the proper port. c. Install oil seal in the lower groove o f the stem, m aking sure that the seal is flat and not twisted. d. Install the valve locks and release the compressor tool making sure that the locks seat properly in the upper groove o f the valve stem. M a rk IV V8 a. Install valve spring shim on valve spring seat then install a new valve stem oil seal over valve and valve guide. b. Set the valve spring (with damper); and valve cap in place (fig. 6A-28V). c. Compress the spring with Tool J-8062. d. Install the valve locks and release the Fig. 6A-26V--Checking Valve Spring Tension 2. follows: J ts 1 Assemble the valve spring and related parts as J S m all V8 CAUTION: On engines using exhaust valve rotators, m ake sure that the proper (shorter) springs are used on exhaust valves. a. Set the valve spring shim, valve spring (with d a m p e r if used), valve shield and valve cap or rotator in place (fig. 6A-27V). b. Compress the spring with Tool J-8062. ROTATOR O N EXHAUST VALVE Fig. 6A-28V-Exhaust Valve Spring In stallation (M ark IV) compressor tool, m aking sure the locks seat properly in the groove o f the valve stem. N O TE : G rease may be used to hold the locks in place, while releasing the compressor tool. 3. Install the re m ain in g valves. 4. On Small V8 engines check each valve stem oil seal by placing Valve Seal Leak Detector (Toool J-23994) over the end of the valve stem and against the cap. O perate the vacuum pu m p an d m ake sure no air leaks past the seal (fig. 6A-29V). 5. Check the installed height o f the valve springs, using a narrow thin scale. A cutaway scale will help (fig. 6A-30V). M easure from the top of the shim or the spring seat to the top o f the valve spring or valve spring shield (fig. 6A-31V). If this is found to exceed the specified height, install a valve spring seat shim approximately 1/16" thick. At no time should the spring be shim m ed to give an installed height under the m inim um specified. Installation sealer thin and even. One method o f applying the sealer that will assure the proper coat is with the use o f a paint roller. Too much sealer may hold the gasket away from the head or block. CAUTION: Use no sealer on engines using a composition S T E E L A S B E S T O S gasket. 2. Place the gasket in position over the dowel pins with the bead up. 3. Carefully guide the cylinder head into place over the dowel pins and gasket. 4. Coat threads o f cylinder head bolts with sealing compound and install bolts finger tight. 5. Tighten each cylinder head bolt a little at a time in the sequence shown in the torque sequence chart until the specified torque is reached. 6. Install exhaust manifolds as previously outlined. 7. Install intake manifold as previously outlined. 8. Install and adjust valve mechanism as previously outlined. ROCKER ARM STUDS CAUTION: The gasket surfaces on both the head a n d the block m ust be clean o f any Replacement foreig n m atter a nd fr e e o f nicks or heavy M ark IV scratches. Cylinder bolt threads in the block The push rod guides are related to the cylinder head a nd threads on the cylinder head bolts must be by the rocker arm studs (fig. 6A-32V). Replace where clean. (D irt will affect bolt torque). 1. On engines using a STEEL gasket, coat both necessary and torque rocker arm studs to specifications. sides o f a new gasket with a good sealer. Spread the N OTE: Coat Threads on cylinder head end of rocker arm studs with sealer before assembly to cylinder head. Sm all V8 GR IN D OUT THIS POR TIO N i | i| II i j 1 1 111j I p 11 1 I ' l ' l ' l ' l " 1 — 2 l ' r~rj r ........ 3 4 5 " I " ’!” Rocker arm studs that have dam aged threads or are 6 Fig. 6A-30V--Cutaway Scale SEE SPECIFICATIONS Fig 6A-32V -Rocker Arm Stud Push Rod G uide loose in cylinder heads should be replaced with new studs available in .003" and .013" oversize. Studs may be installed after ream ing the holes as follows: 1. Remove old stud by placing Tool J-5802-1 over the stud, installing nut and flat washer and removing stud by turning nut (fig. 6A-33V). 2. R eam hole for oversize stud using Tool J-5715 for .003" oversize or Tool J-6036 for .013" oversize (fig. 6A-34V). CAUTION: Do not attem pt to install an oversize stu d without ream ing stud hole. 3. Coat press-fit area o f stud with hypoid axle 5802 Fig. 6 A -3 5 V -In sta llin g Rocker Arm Stud (Sm all V8) lubricant. Install new stud, using Tool J-6880 as a guide. G auge should bottom on head (fig. 6A-35V). VALVE G UIDE BORES Valves with oversize stems are available (see specifications). To ream the valve guide bores for oversize valves use Tool Set J-5830 for Small V8 or J-7049 for Mark IV V8. VALVE SEATS Fig. 6A 33V--Removing Rocker Arm Stud (Small V8) OVERSIZE Reconditioning the valve seats is very im portant, because the seating o f the valves must be perfect for the engine to deliver the power and perform ance built into it. A nother im portant factor is the cooling of the valve heads. Good contact between each valve and its seat in the head is imperative to insure that the heat in the valve head will be properly carried away. Several different types o f equipm ent are available for reseating valves seats. The recom m endations of the m anufacturer o f the equipm ent being used should be carefully followed to attain proper results. Regardless of w hat type o f equipm ent is used, however, it is essential that valve guide bores be free from carbon or dirt to ensure proper centering o f pilot in the guide. Reconditioning 1. Install expanding pilot in the valve guide bore and expand pilot. 2. Place roughing stone or form ing stone over pilot an d just clean up the valve seat. Use a stone cut to specifications. 3. Remove roughing stone or form ing stone from pilot, place finishing stone, cut to specifications, over pilot and cut just enough metal from the seat to provide a smooth finish. Refer to specifications. 4. Narrow down the valve seat to the specified width. NO TE: This operation is done by grinding the port side with a 30 degree stone to lower seat and a 60 degree stone to raise seat. 5. Remove e x panding pilot and clean cylinder head carefully to remove all chips and grindings from above operations. 6. M easure valve seat concentricity (fig. 6A-36V). N OTE: Valve seats should be concentric to within .002" total indicator reading. VALVES Valves that are pitted can be refaced to the proper angle, insuring correct relation between the head and stem on a valve refacing mechanism. Valve stems which show excessive wear, or valves that are w arped excessively should be replaced. W hen a valve head which is warped excessively is refaced, a knife edge will be ground on p art or all o f the valve head due to the am o u n t o f metal that must be removed to completely reface. K nife edges lead to breakage, b urning or p re ­ ignition due to heat localizing on this knife edge. If the edge o f the valve head is less than 1/32" thick after grinding, replace the valve. Several different types o f e quipm ent are available for refacing valves. The recom m endation o f the m a n u fa ctu rer of the e quipm ent being used should be carefully followed to attain proper results. wheel and regulate the feed screw to provide light valve contact. 5. Continue grinding until the valve face is true and smooth all around the valve. If this makes the valve head thin ( 1 /3 2 " min.) the valve must be replaced as the valve will overheat and burn. 6. Remove valve from chuck and place stem in "V " block. Feed valve squarely against grinding wheel to grind any pit from rocker arm end o f stem. N OTE: Only the extreme end o f the valve stem is h ardened to resist wear. Do not grind end o f stem excessively. 7. A fter cleaning valve face and cylinder head valve seat o f grinding particles, make pencil marks about 1/4" apart across the valve face, place the valve in cylinder head and give the valve 1/2 turn in each direction while exerting firm pressure on head of valve. 8. Remove valve and check face carefully. If all pencil marks have not been removed at the point of contact with the valve seat, it will be necessary to repeat the refacing operation and again recheck for proper seating. 9. G rin d and check the rem aining valves in the same manner. TO R S IO N A L DAM PER Removal Reconditioning 1. If necessary, dress the valve refacing machine grinding wheel to make sure it is smooth and true. Set chuck at angle specified for valve. Refer to specifications. 2. C lam p the valve stem in the chuck o f the machine. 3. Start the grinder and move the valve head in line with the g rinder wheel. 4. T u rn the feed screw until the valve head just contacts wheel. Move valve back and forth across the 1. Remove fan belt, fan and pulley. 2. Rem ove the r a d ia to r shroud outlined in Section 6B. assembly as NOTE: If additional operations (such as camshaft removal) are not being performed, the radiator removal will not be necessary. 3. Remove accessory drive pulley then remove da m p e r retaining bolt. 4. Install Tool J-23523 on d a m p e r then, turning puller screw, remove d a m p e r (fig. 6A-37V). N O T E: Tool J-23523 has holes forming two patterns. A two bolt and a three bolt pattern. The holes for the two bolt pattern must be elongated for use on the M ark IV V8 engines. 8. leaks. Fill cooling system, start engine and check for CRANKCASE FR O N T COVER Removal Installation Sm all V8 Engine CAUTION: The inertial weight section o f the 1. Remove torsional d a m p e r as previously outlined. 2. Remove w ater pump as outlined in Section 6B. 3. Remove crankcase front cover attaching screws and remove front cover and gasket, then discard gasket. torsional damper is assembled to the hub with a rubber type material. The installation proce­ dures (with proper tool) m ust be follow ed or m ovem ent o f the inertia weight section on the hub will destroy the turning o f the torsional damper. M ark IV V8 Engine 1. Coat front cover seal contact area (on dam per) with engine oil. 2. Place crankshaft. 3. dam per in position over key on Pull d a m p e r onto crankshaft as follows: a. Install ap pro priate J-23523 into crankshaft. threaded end o f Tool CAUTION: Install tool in crankshaft so that at least 1 /2 " o f thread engagem ent is obtained. b. Install plate, thrust complete tool installation. c. 6A-38V. bearing and nut to Pull d a m p e r into position as shown in Figure d. Remove tool from crankshaft then install d a m p e r retaining bolt and torque to specifications. 4. Install accessory drive pulley. 5. Install rad iato r shroud as outlined in Section 6B. 6. Install fan and pulley to water pum p hub and tighten securely. 7. Install fan belt and adjust to specifications using strand tension gauge. J- 2 3 5 2 3 1. Remove torsional d a m p er and water pum p as outlined. 2. Remove the two. oil pan-to-front cover attach­ ing screws. 3. Remove the front cover-to-block attaching screws. 4. Pull the cover slightly forward only enough to perm it cutting o f oil p a n front seal. 5. Using a sharp knife or other suitable cutting tool, cut oil p a n front seal flush with cylinder block at both sides o f cover (fig. 6A-39V). 6. Remove front cover and attaching portion o f oil pan front seal. Remove front cover gasket. Installation Sm all V8 Engine 1. Clean gasket surface on block and crankcase front cover. 2. Use a sharp knife or other suitable cutting tool, to remove any excess oil p a n gasket material that may be protruding at the oil to engine block junction. 3. Apply a 1/8 inch bead o f silicone rub ber sealer, part 1051435 (or equivalent) to the joint formed at the oil pan and cylinder block. 4. Coat the cover gasket with gasket sealer and place in position on cover. 5. Install cover-to-oil p a n seal, lightly coat bottom of seal with engine oil, an d position cover over crankshaft end. 6. Loosely install the cover-to-block, upper attach­ ing screws. 7. Tighten screws alternately and evenly while pressing downward on cover so that dowels in block are aligned with corresponding holes in cover. N O TE: Position cover so that dowels enter holes in cover without binding. Do not force cover over dowels so that cover flange or holes are distorted. 8. Install rem aining cover screws and torque to specifications. 9. Install torsional d a m p e r and w ater pu m p as previously outlined. Fig. 6A-41V-Applying Front Cover Sealer 11. Install torsional da m p e r and w ater p u m p as previously outlined. M a rk IV V8 Engine OIL SEAL (F R O N T COVER) 1. Clean gasket surface on block and crankcase front cover. 2. Cut tabs from the new oil pan front seal (fig. 6A-40V)., use a sharp instrument to ensure a clean cut. 3. Install seal to fro nt cover, pressing tips into holes provided in cover. 4. Coat the gasket w ith gasket sealer and place in position on cover. 5. Apply a 1/8 inch bead o f silicone ru bb er sealer, p art 1051435 (or equivalent) to the joint formed at the oil pan and cylinder block (fig. 6A-41V). 6. Position crankcase front cover over crankshaft. 7. Press cover downward against oil p a n until cover is aligned and installed over dowel pins on block. 8. Install and partially tighten the two, oil pan-tofron t cover attaching screws. 9. Install the front cover-to-block attaching screws. 10. Torque all screws to specifications. C U T THI S FROM N E W SEAL Replacement W ith Cover Removed 1. W ith cover removed, pry oil seal out o f cover from the front with a large screw driver. 2. Install new seal so that open end o f the seal is toward the inside o f cover and drive it into position with Tool J-23042 on Small V8 engines or Tool J-22102 on Mark IV V8 engines (fig. 6A-42V). CAUTION: Support cover at seal area. (Tool J-971 m ay be used as support). W ith Cover Installed 1. W ith torsional d a m p e r removed, pry seal out of cover from the front with a large screw driver, being careful not to dam ag e the surface on the crankshaft. 2. Install new seal so that open end of seal is toward the inside o f cover and drive it into position with Tool J-23042 on Small V8 engines or Tool J-22102 on M ark IV V8 engines (fig. 6A-43V). CAMSHAFT M easuring Lobe Lift N OTE: Procedure is sim ilar to that used for checking valve timing. If im proper valve operation is indicated, measure the lift o f each push rod in consecutive order and record the readings. 1. Remove the valve mechanism as previously outlined. 2. Position indicator with ball socket adapter (Tool J-8520) on push rod (fig. 6A-44V). N OTE: Make sure push rod is in the lifter socket. 3. Rotate the crankshaft slowly in the direction of rotation until the lifter is on the heel o f the cam lobe. At this point, the push rod will be in its lowest position. 4. Set dial indicator on zero, then rotate the c rankshaft slowly, or attach an auxiliary starter switch and " b u m p " the engine over, until the push rod is fully raised position. CAUTION: Whenever the engine is cranked remotely at the started, with a special jum per cable or other means, the distributor prim ary lead m ust be disconnected fro m the coil. J-23042 Fig. 6A 4 4 V -M e a su rin g Cam shaft Lobe Lift 5. Com pare the total lift recorded from the dial indicator with specifications. 6. If cam shaft readings for all lobes are within specifications, remove dial indicator assembly. 7. Install and adjust valve mechanism as outlined. Removal 1. Remove valve lifters as previously outlined. 2. Remove crankcase front cover as previously outlined. 3. Remove grille as outlined in Section 6B. 4. Remove fuel pu m p push rod as outlined in Section 6C. 5. Complete cam shaft removal as follows: N O TE : Sprocket is a light fit on camshaft. If sprocket does not come off easily a light blow on the lower edge o f the sprocket (with a plastic mallet) should dislodge the sprocket. 6. Install two 5 /1 6 " x 18 x 4" bolts in cam shaft bolt holes then remove cam shaft (fig. 6A-45V). C A U T IO N :^// cam shaft journals are the same diam eter a n d care m ust be used in removing cam shaft to avoid dam age to bearings. Inspection The cam shaft b earing jo urna ls should be measured with a micrometer for an out-of-round condition. If the journ als exceed .001" out-of-round, the cam shaft should be replaced. The ca m sha ft should also be checked for alignment. The best m ethod is by use of "V " blocks and a dial indicator (fig. 6A-46V). The dial indicator will indicate the exact a m o u n t the cam shaft is out of true. If it is out more than .0015" dial indicator reading, the cam shaft should be replaced. Installation Fig. 6A47V --Tim ing Sprocket A lignm ent M arks N O TE : W henever a new cam shaft is installed coat ca m sha ft lobes with "M olykote" or its equivalent. W henever a new cam shaft is installed, replacement o f all valve lifters is recom m ended to insure durability o f the cam shaft lobes and lifter feet. 1. Lubricate cam sh aft journals with engine oil and install camshaft. 2. Install tim ing chain on cam shaft sprocket. Hold the sprocket vertically w ith the chain h anging down and align marks on cam shaft and crankshaft sprockets. (R efer to fig. 6A-47V 6A-48V). 3. Align dowel in cam sh aft with dowel hole in cam shaft sprocket then install sprocket on camshaft. 4. D raw the cam shaft sprocket onto cam shaft using the m ounting bolts. Torque to specifications. 5. Lubricate timing chain with engine oil. 6. Install fuel pum p push rod as outlined in Section 6C. 7. Install grille as outlined in Section 6B. 8. Install crankcase front cover as previously outlined. 9. Install valve lifters as previously outlined. C A M S H A F T BEARINGS Removal C am shaft bearings can be replaced while engine is disassembled for overhaul or without complete disassem­ bly o f the engine. To replace bearings w ithout complete disassembly remove the cam shaft an d crankshaft leaving cylinder heads attached and pistons in place. Before removing crankshaft, tape threads of connecting rod bolts to prevent d am age to crankshaft. Fasten connecting rods against sides o f engine so they will not be in the way while replacing cam shaft bearings. 1. With cam shaft and crankshaft removed, drive cam shaft rear plug from cylinder block. N OTE: This procedure is based on removal o f the bearings nearest center of the engine first. With this method a m inimum am ount o f turns are necessary to remove all bearings. 2. Using Tool J-6098, with nut and thrust washer installed to end o f threads, index pilot in cam shaft front bearing and install puller screw through pilot. 3. Install remover and installer tool with shoulder toward bearing, making sure a sufficient am ount o f threads are engaged. 4. Using two wrenches, hold puller screw while turning nut. W hen bearing has been pulled from bore, remove remover and installer tool and bearing from puller screw (fig. 6A-49V). handle and remove cam shaft front and rear bearings by driving towards center o f cylinder block (fig. 6A-50V). Installation Fig. 6 A -4 8 V -In sta llin g T im ing Chain Fig. 6A-49V--Removing Cam shaft Bearings 5. Remove rem ain in g bearings (except front and rear) in the same m anner. It will be necessary to index pilot in cam sh aft rear bearing to remove the rear interm ediate bearing. 6. Assemble rem over and installer tool on driver The cam shaft front and rear bearings should be installed first. These bearings will act as guides for the pilot and center the rem aining bearings being pulled into place. 1. Assemble remover and installer tool on driver handle and install cam shaft front and rear bearings by driving towards center o f cylinder block (fig. 6A-50V). 2. Using Tool Set J-6098. with nut then thrust washer installed to end o f threads, index pilot in cam shaft front bearing and install puller screw through pilot. 3. Index cam shaft bearing in bore (with oil hole aligned as outlined below), then install remover and installer tool on puller screw with shoulder toward bearing. a. Small V8 Engines—N u m b e r one cam bearing oil hole must be positioned so that oil holes are equidistant from 6 o ’clock position. N u m b e r two through num ber four bearing oil holes must be positioned at 5 o ’clock position (toward left side of engine and at a position even with bottom o f cylinder bore). N u m b e r five bearing oil hole must be in 12 o ’clock position. b. M ark IV V8 Engines—N u m b er one through nu m b e r four cam bearing oil hole must be aligned with oil holes in cam bearing bore. The nu m b er five bearing bore is annulus and cam bearing must be positioned at or near the 6 o ’clock position. 4. Using two wrenches, hold puller screw while turning nut. A fter bearing has been pulled into bore, remove the remover and installer tool from puller screw and check alignm ent o f oil hole in cam shaft bearing (fig. 6A-49V). 5. Install rem ain in g bearings in the same manner. It will be necessary to index pilot in the cam shaft rear bearing to install the rear interm ediate bearing. 6. Install a new cam shaft re a r plug. N O T E : Plug should be installed flush to 1/32" deep and be parallel with rear surface o f cylinder block. OIL PAN Removal 1. D ra in engine oil. 2. Remove oil dip stick and tube. 3. Remove exhaust crossover pipe. 4. On vehicles equipped with automatic transm is­ sion remove converter housing u nder pan. 5. Remove starter brace and inb oard bolt, swing starter aside. 6. Remove oil pan and discard gaskets and seals. Installation 1. Thoroughly clean all gasket and seal surfaces on oil pan, cylinder block, crankcase front cover and rear m ain bearin g cap. 2. Install new oil pan side gaskets on cylinder block using gasket sealer as a retainer. Install new oil pan rear seal in rear main bearing cap groove, with ends butting side gaskets. Install new oil pan front seal in groove in crankcase front cover with ends butting side gaskets (fig. 6A-51V). 3. Install oil pan and torque bolts to specifications. 4. Install starter brace and attaching bolts. Torque bolts to specifications. 5. Install converter housing under pan. 6. Install exhaust crossover pipe. 7. Install oil dip stick tube and dip stick. 8. Fill with oil, start engine an d check for leaks. OIL P U M P Removal 1. Remove oil pan as previously outlined. 2. Remove p u m p to rear m ain bearing cap bolt and remove pu m p and extension shaft. Disassembly (Figures 6A-52V and 6A-53V) 1. Remove the pum p cover attaching screws and the pump cover. N O T E: M ark g ear teeth so they m ay be reassembled with the same teeth indexing. 2. Remove the idler gear and the drive gear and shaft from the pu m p body. 3. Remove the pressure regulator valve retaining pin, pressure regulator valve and related parts. 4. If the pickup screen and pipe assembly need replacing, m ount the pum p in a soft-jawed vise and extract pipe from pump. l 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. S h a ft Extension Pum p Body Drive Gear an d Shaft Idle r Gear Pump Cover Pressure R e g u la tor Valve 7. 8 9. 10. Pressure R e g u la tor S prin g R e ta in in g Pin S crew s P ic k u p Screen and Pipe 1. S h a f t E x ten s ion 8. 2. 3. S h a f t C o u p lin g Pump Body 9 4. 5. 6. Drive G e a r an d S h a ft Id le r G ea r P ic k u p S c ree n and Pipe P u m p C o ver 7. 10 1 1. 12. Fig. 6A-53V-O il Pump P ressu re R e g u la t o r V a lv e P ressu re R e g u la t o r S p r in g W asher R e ta in in g Pin Screw s Fig. 6A-54V -Insta llin g Screen - Small V8 M ark IV CAUTION: Do not disturb the pickup screen on the pipe. This is serviced as an assembly. Cleaning and Inspection 1. W ash all parts in cleaning solvent and dry with compressed air. 2. Inspect the p u m p body and cover for cracks or excessive wear. 3. Inspect p u m p gears for dam age or excessive wear. 4. Check the drive gear shaft for looseness in the p u m p body. 5. Inspect inside o f p u m p cover for w ear that would p erm it oil to leak past the ends o f the gears. 6. Inspect the pickup screen and pipe assembly for d a m a g e to screen, pipe or relief grommet. 7. Check the pressure regulator valve for fit. N O T E : The p u m p gears an d body are not serviced separately. If the pu m p gears or body are dam aged or worn, replacem ent o f the entire oil p u m p assembly is necessary. Assembly (Figures 6A-52V and 6A-53V) Fig. 6 A -5 5 V -In sta llin g Screen - M ark IV 2. Install the pressure regulator valve and related parts. 3. Install the drive gear and shaft in the pu m p body. 4. Install the idler gear in the pum p body with the smooth side o f gear towards pum p cover opening. 5. Install the p u m p cover and torque attaching screws to specifications. 6. Turn drive shaft by hand to check for smooth operation. Installation 1. If the pickup screen and pipe assembly was 1. Assemble pu m p and extension shaft to rear removed, it should be replaced with a new part. Loss of main bearing cap, aligning slot on top end o f extension press fit condition could result in an air leak and loss of shaft with drive tang on lower end o f distributor drive oil pressure. M ount the pu m p in a soft-jawed vise, apply shaft. sealer to end o f pipe, and using Tool J-8369 for "Small V8" (fig. 6A-54V) or Tool J-22144 for " M ark IV V8" (fig. 2. Install pum p to rear bearing cap bolt and torque 6A-55V) tap the pipe in place with a plastic hammer. to specifications. CAUTION: Be careful o f twisting, shearing or collapsing pipe while installing in pum p. NOTE: Installed position o f oil pum p screen is with bottom edge parallel to oil pan rails. 3. Install oil pan previously outlined. C O N N E C T IN G ROD BEARING S Connecting rod bearings are o f the precision insert type and do not utilize shims for adjustment. DO N O T FILE RO D S OR R O D CAPS. If clearances are found to be excessive a new bearing will be required. Bearings are available in stan dard size an d .001" and .002" undersize for use with new and used sta n d a rd size crankshafts, and in .010" and .020" undersize for use with reconditioned crankshafts. Inspection and Replacement 1. W ith oil pan and oil pu m p removed, remove the connecting rod cap and bearing. 2. Inspect the bearing for evidence of w ear or dam age. (Bearings showing the above should not be installed.) 3. W ipe the bearings and crankpin clean o f oil. 4. M easure the crankpin for out-of-round or taper with a micrometer. If not w ithin specifications replace or recondition the crankshaft. If within specifications and a new bearing is to be installed, measure the m aximum diam eter o f the c rankpin to determine new bearing size required. 5. If within specifications measure new or used bearing clearances with Plastigage or its equivalent. N O T E: If a bearing is being fitted to an out-of­ round crankpin, be sure to fit to the m aximum d iam eter o f the crankpin. If the bearing is fitted to the m inim um diam eter and the crankpin is out-ofround .001" interference between the bearing and crankpin will result in rapid bearing failure. a. Place a piece o f gauging plastic the full width of the crankpin as contacted by the bearing (parallel to the crankshaft) (fig. 6A-56V). b. Install the bearing in the connecting rod and cap. c. Install the bearing cap and evenly torque nuts to specifications. CAUTION: Do not turn the crankshaft with the gauging plastic installed. d. Remove the bearing cap and using the scale on the gauging plastic envelope, measure the gauging plastic width at the widest point (fig.6A-57V). 6. If the clearance exceeds specifications, select a new, correct size, bearing and rem easure the clearance. 7. Coat the bearing surface with oil, install the rod cap and torque nuts to specifications. 8. W hen all connecting rod bearings have been installed tap each rod lightly (parallel to the crankpin) to make sure they have clearance. 9. Measure all connecting rod side clearances (see specifications) between connecting rod caps (fig. 6A-58V). M A IN BEARINGS M ain bearings are o f the precision insert type and do not utilize shims for adjustment. If clearances are found to be excessive, a new bearing, both upper and lower halves, will be required. Bearings are available in standard size and .001", .002", .009", .010" and .020" undersize. Selective fitting o f both rod and m ain bearing To obtain the most accurate results with "Plastigage", (or its equivalent) a wax-like plastic material which will compress evenly between the bearing and journ al surfaces without dam aging either surface, certain precautions should be observed. If the engine is out o f the vehicle and upside down, the crankshaft will rest on the upper bearings and the total clearance can be measured between the lower bearing and journal. If the engine is to rem ain in the vehicle, the crankshaft should be supported both front and rear (dam per and flywheel) to remove the clearance from the upper bearing. The total clearance can then be measured between the lower bearing and journal. Fig. 6A-58V--M easuring Connecting Rod Side Clearance inserts is necessary in production in order to obtain close tolerances. F o r this reason you m ay find one half o f a stan dard insert with one h alf of a .001" undersize insert which will decrease the clearance .0005" from using a full stand ard bearing. W h e n a production crank shaft cannot be precision fitted by this method, it is then ground .009" undersize on main journals only. A .0 0 9 " undersize bearing and .0 1 0 " undersize bearing may be used for precision fitting in th e sam e m an ner as previously described. Any en g in e fitted with a .0 0 9 " undersize c ra n ksha ft will be identified by th e following markings. • ".009" will be stam ped on the crankshaft counterweight forward o f the center main journal. • A figure "9 " will be stamped on the block at the left front oil pan rail. N O TE: If, for any replaced, shim m ing shims for each cap r e q u ire m e n t will clearance. reason, m ain bearing caps are m ay be necessary. Lam inated are available for service. Shim be d e te rm in e d by be a rin g Inspection In general, the lower h a lf of the bearing (except No. 1 bearing) shows a greater w ear and the most distress from fatigue. If upon inspection the lower half is suitable for use, it can be assumed that the upper half is also satisfactory. If the lower h a lf shows evidence o f w ear or dam age, both upper and lower halves should be replaced. N ever replace one half without replacing the other half. Checking Clearance NOTE: To assure the proper seating o f the crankshaft, all bearing cap bolts should be at their specified torque. In addition, p rep aratory to checking fit o f bearings, the surface of the crankshaft jo u rn a l and bearing should be wiped clean o f oil. 1. With the oil pan and oil pu m p removed, and starting with the rear m ain bearing, remove bearing cap and wipe oil from jou rn a l and bearing cap. 2. Place a piece o f gauging plastic the full width of the bearing (parallel to the crankshaft) on the journal (fig. 6A-59V). CAUTION: Do not rotate the crankshaft while the gauging plastic is between the bearing and journal. 3. Install the bearing cap and evenly torque the retaining bolts to specifications. 4. Remove bearing cap. The flattened gauging plastic will be found adhering to either the bearing shell or journal. Fig. 6A -60V -M easuring Gauging Plastic Fig. 6A-61V Measuring C rankshaft End Play 5. O n the edge of gauging plastic envelope there is a graduated scale which is correlated in thousandths o f an inch. W ithout removing the gauging plastic, measure its compressed width (at the widest point) with the graduations on the gauging plastic envelope (fig. 6A60V). have been checked rotate the crankshaft to see that there is no excessive drag. 9. Measure crankshaft end play (see specifications) by forcing the crankshaft to the extreme front position. Measure at the front end o f the re a r main bearing with a feeler gauge (fig. 6A-61V). 10. Install a new rear main bearing oil seal in the cylinder block and main bearing cap. N O T E: Norm ally main bearing journals wear evenly and are not out-of-round. However, if a b earing is being fitted to an out-of-round (.001" max.), be sure to fit to the m aximum diam eter of the journal: If the bearing is fitted to the minim um d iam eter and the jou rnal is out-of-round .001", interference between the bearing and journal will result in rapid bearing failure. If the flattened gauging plastic tapers toward the middle or ends, there is a difference in clearance indicating taper, low spot or other irregularity o f the bearing or journal. Be sure to measure the jou rnal with a m ic ro m e te r if the flattened g a u g in g plastic indicates more than .001" difference. 6. If the b earing clearance is within specifications, the bearing insert is satisfactory. If the clearance is not w ithin specifications, replace the insert. Always replace both upper and lower inserts as a unit. N O T E : If a new bearing cap is being installed and clearance is less than .001", inspect for burrs or nicks; if none are found then install shims as required. 7. A standard, .001" or .002" undersize bearing m ay produce the proper clearance. If not, it will be necessary to regrind the crankshaft jou rnal for use with the next undersize bearing. 8. Proceed to the next bearing. A fter all bearings Replacement NOTE: Main bearings may be replaced with or without removing the crankshaft. W ith Crankshaft Removal 1. Remove and inspect the crankshaft. 2. Remove the main bearings from the cylinder block and main bearing caps. 3. Coat bearing surfaces of new, correct size, main bearings with oil and install in the cylinder block and m ain bearing caps. 4. Install the crankshaft. W ithout C rankshaft Removal 1. W ith oil pan, oil pu m p and spark plugs removed, remove cap on m ain bearing requiring replacement and remove bearing from cap. 2. Install a m ain bearing removing and installing tool in oil hole in crankshaft journal. NOTE: If such a tool is not availale, a cotter pin may be bent as required to do the job. 3. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise as viewed from the front o f engine. This will roll u pper bearing out of block. 4. Oil new selected size upper bearing and insert plain (unnotched) end between crankshaft and indented or notched side o f block. Rotate the bearing into place and remove tool from oil hole in crankshaft journal. 5. Oil new lower bearing and install in bearing cap. 6. Install main bearing cap with arrows pointing toward front o f engine. 7. Torque m ain bearing cap bolts to specifications. OIL SEAL (REAR M A IN ) Replacement N OTE: Always replace the upper and lower seal as a unit. Install seal w ith lip facing front o f engine. T he re a r m ain bearing oil seal can be replaced (both halves) without removal o f the crankshaft. Extreme care should be exercised when installing this seal to protect the sealing bead located in the channel on the outside d iam eter o f the seal. An installation tool (fig. 6A-62V) can be used to protect the seal bead when positioning seal as follows: 1. With the oil pan and oil pu m p removed, remove the re a r main bearing cap. 2. Remove oil seal from the bearing cap by prying from the bottom with a small screw driver (fig. 6A-63V). 3. To remove the upper half o f the seal, use a Fig. 6A-64V~Removing Oil Seal • Upper H alf small ha m m e r to tap a brass pin punch on one end of seal until it protrudes far enough to be removed with pliers (fig. 6A-64V). 4. Clean all sealant and foreign material from cylinder case bearing cap and crankshaft, using a n o n ­ abrasive cleaner. 5. Inspect com ponents for nicks, scratches, burrs and machining defects at all sealing surfaces, case assembly and crankshaft. 6. Coat seal lips an d seal bead with light engine oil - keep oil off seal m ating ends. 7. Position tip o f tool between crankshaft and seal seat in cylinder case. 8. Position seal between crankshaft and tip o f tool so that seal bead contacts tip of tool. N OTE: Make sure that oil-seal lip is positioned toward front o f engine (fig. 6A-65V). 9. Roll seal around crankshaft using tool as a APPLY SEALANT TO SHADED AREAS O NLY Fig. 6A-66V--Sealing Bearing Cap "sh o e -h o rn " to protect seal bead from sh arp corner of seal seat surface in cylinder case. CAUTION: Installation tool must remain in position until seal is properly positioned with both ends flu sh with block. 10. Remove tool, being careful not to withdraw Fig. 6A-67V -Removing Connecting Rod seal. Piston Assembly 11. Install Seal half in bearing cap, again using tool as a "sho e-h orn", feeding seal into cap using light pressure with thum b and finger. 12. Install bearing cap to case with sealant applied to the cap-to-case interface being careful to keep sealant off the seal split line (fig. 6A-66V). 13. Install the rear m ain bearing cap (with new seal) and torque to specifications. C O N N E C T IN G ROD AN D PISTON ASSEMBLIES Removal 1. W ith oil pan, oil pu m p and cylinder head removed, use a ridge ream er to remove any ridge a n d /o r deposits from the upper end o f the cylinder bore. N O T E : Before ridge a n d / o r deposits are removed, turn crankshaft until piston is at the bottom of stroke and place a cloth on top of piston to collect the cuttings. A fter ridge a n d / o r deposits are removed, turn crankshaft until piston is at top of stroke and remove cloth and cuttings. 2. Inspect connecting rods and connecting rod caps for cylinder identification. If necessary m ark them. 3. Remove connecting rod cap and install Tool J-5239 ( 3 /8 " ) or J-6305 (11 /32") on studs. Push connecting rod and piston assembly out of top of cylinder block (fig. 6A-67V). N O T E : It will be necessary to turn the crankshaft slightly to disconnectt some o f the connecting rod and piston assemblies and push them out of the cylinder. Disassembly 1. Remove connecting rod bearings from connect­ ing rods and caps. N OTE: If connecting rod bearings are being reused, place them in a rack so they may be reinstalled in their original rod and cap. 2. Remove piston rings by expanding and sliding them off the pistons. Tools J-8020 (3-9/16"), J-8021 (37 /8 "), J8032 (4"), J-22249 (3-15/16"), J-22147 (4-3/32"). and J-22250 (4-1/4") are available for this purpose. 3. Place connecting rod and piston assembly on Tool J-24086-20. Using an arbor press and piston pin remover, J-24086-8, press the piston pin out of connecting rod and piston (fig. 6A-68V). Cleaning and Inspection Connecting Rods W ash connecting rods in cleaning solvent and dry with compressed air. Check for twisted or bent rods and inspect for nicks or cracks. Replace connecting rods th a t are dam aged. Pistons Clean varnish from piston skirts and pins with a cleaning solvent. DO NOT WIRE BRUSH ANY PART OF THE PISTON. Clean the ring grooves with a groove cleaner and make sure oil ring holes and slots are clean. Inspect the piston for cracked ring lands, skirts or pin bosses, wavy or worn ring lands, scuffed or dam aged PRESS PISTON PIN REMOVER J -2 4 0 8 6 -8 FIXTURE & SUPPORT ASSEMBLY J -2 4 0 8 6 - 2 0 Fig. 6A-69V- Piston Pin Ready for Installation Fig. 6A-68V--Removing Piston Pin skirts, eroded areas at top o f the piston. Replace pistons that are dam aged or show signs o f excessive wear. Inspect the grooves for nicks or burrs that m ight cause the rings to hang up. M easure piston skirt (across center line o f piston pin) an d check clearance as outlined under "Piston Selection". Piston Pins T he piston pin clearance is designed to m aintain adequate clearance und er all engine operating condi­ tions. Because of this, the piston and piston p in are a m atched set an d not serviced separately. Inspect piston pin bores and piston pins for wear. Piston pin bores and piston pins must be free o f varnish or scuffing when being measured. The piston pin should be m easured with a micrometer an d the piston pin bore should be m easured with a dial bore gauge or an inside micrometer. If clearance is in excess o f the .001" w ear limit, the piston and piston pin assembly should be replaced. Assembly with piston pin guide and piston pin. Place assembly on fixture and support assembly (fig. 6A-69V). NOTE: See figure 6A-70V for correct size o f piston pin guide. 3. Using piston pin installer, J-24086-9, press the piston pin into the piston and connecting rod (fig. 6A71V). NOTE: The piston pin installer is a variable insertion length tool designed to be applicable to all G M Piston assemblies. The insertion length is varied by rotating the hub on the shaft much like adjusting a micrometer. An alpha-numeric scale is used to determine the desired length for a given piston pin assembly. Refer to figure 6A-70V for correct setting. C A U TIO N : A fte r installer hub bottoms on support assembly, do not exceed 6000 psi pressure, as this could cause structural damage to the tool. 4. Remove piston and connecting rod assembly from tool and check piston for freedom o f movement on piston pin. Piston Rings 1. Lubricate piston pin holes in piston and connecting rod to facilitate installation o f pin. 2. Place connecting rod in piston and hold in place All compression rings are m arked on the upper side o f the ring. W hen installing compression rings, make sure the m arked side is toward the top o f the piston. The C YL. DISPLACEM ENT IN S T A L L E R SETTING PIN SIZE I-6 .905" I-7 .866" I-7 .927" Violet J-24086-7 G-8 .927" Small Block 283, 302, 305, 307, 350, 400 Violet J-24086-7 G-8 .927" Mark IV 366, 396, 402, 427, 454 Gray J-24086-3 G-7 .990" 85 cu. i n . / l .4 Litre PIN GU ID E Gold J-24086-6 PISTON PIN INSTALLER J 2 4 0 8 6 -9 97 cu. i n . / l -6 Litre 4 110 cu. in ./l .8 Litre 140 cu. in ./2.3 Litre 250 cu. in./4.1 Litre 6 Blue J-24086-5 Violet J-24086-7 292 cu. in ./4.8 Litre 8 PISTON PIN Fig. 6A-71V--lnstalling Piston Pin Fig. 6A-70V -Piston Pin Tool Specification top ring is chrom e faced, or treated with m olybdenum for m axim um life. The oil control rings are o f three piece type, consisting of two segments (rails) and a spacer. 1. Select rings com parable in size to the piston being used. 2. Slip the compression ring in the cylinder bore; then press the ring down into the cylinder bore about 1/4 inch (above ring travel). Be sure ring is square with cylinder wall. 3. Measure the space or gap between the ends of the ring with a feeler gauge (fig. 6A-72V). 4. If the gap between the ends of the ring is below specifications, remove the ring and try another for fit. 5. Fit each compression ring to the cylinder in which it is going to be used. 6. If the pistons have not been cleaned and inspected as previously outlined, do so. 7. Slip the outer surface o f the top and second compression ring into the respective piston ring groove and roll the ring entirely around the groove (fig. 6A-73V) to make sure that the ring is free. If binding occurs at any point the cause should be determined, and if caused by ring groove, remove by dressing with a fine cut file. If the binding is caused by a distorted ring, check a new ring. 8. Install piston rings as follows (fig. 6A-74V). N OTE: Tools J-8020 (3-9/16"), J-8021 (3-7/8"), r * J Fig. 6A-72V--Measuring Ring Gap J8032 (4"), J-22249 (3-15/16"), J-22147 (4-3/32"), and J-22250 (4-1/4") are available for this purpose. b. Hold spacer ends butted and install lower steel oil ring rail with gap properly located. c. Install properly located. upper steel oil ring rail with gap d. Flex the oil ring assembly to make sure ring is free. If binding occurs at any point the cause should be determined, and if caused by ring groove, remove by dressing groove with a fine cut file. If binding is caused by a distorted ring, check a new ring. e. Install second compression ring expander then ring with gaps properly located. f. Install top compression ring with gap properly located. 9. Proper clearance o f the piston ring in its piston ring groove is very im portant to provide proper ring action and reduce wear. Therefore, w hen fitting new rings, the clearances between the surfaces o f the ring and groove should be m easured (fig. 6A-75V). (See Specifications). Installation Fig. 6A-73V--Checking Ring in Groove NOTE: Cylinder bores must be clean before piston installation. This may be accomplished with a hot w ater and detergent wash or with a light honing as necessary. A fter cleaning, the bores should be swabbed several times with light engine oil and a clean dry cloth. 1. Lubricate connecting rod bearings and install in rods and rod caps. 2. Lightly coat pistons, rings and cylinder walls with light engine oil. 3. With bearing caps removed, install Tool J-5239 (3 /8 ") or J-6305 (11 /32") on connecting rod bolts. Fig. 6A-74V--Ring Gap Location a. Install oil ring spacer in groove and insert anti-rotation tang in oil hole. 6. Install the bearing caps and torque nuts to specifications. C O N N E C T IN G ROD BEARING T A N G SLOTS INSTALLED OPPOSITE CAMSHAFT SLOT NOTE: If bearing replacement is required refer to "C onnecting Rod Bearings". Be sure to install new pistons in the same cylinders for which they were fitted, and used pistons in the same cylinder from which they were removed. Each connecting rod and bearing cap should be marked, beginning at the front of the engine. On V8 engines 1,3,5 and 7 in the left bank and, 2 4, 6 and 8 in the right bank. The numbers on the connecting rod and bearing cap must be on the same side when installed in the cylinder bore. If a connecting rod is ever transposed from one block or cylinder to another, new bearings should be fitted and the connecting rod should be numbered to correspond with the new cylinder number. ENG INE ASSEMBLY Fig. 6A-76V-C onnecting Rods - Installed Position Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. remove 6. Fig. 6A-77V -ln sta llin g Connecting Rod Piston Assembly C A U TIO N : Be sure ring gaps are property positioned as previously outlined. 4. Install each connecting rod and piston assembly in its respective bore. Install with connecting rod bearing tang slots on side opposite cam shaft (fig. 6A-76V). Use Tool J-8037 to compress the rings (fig. 6A-77V). Guide the connecting rod into place on the cranksahft journal with Tool J-5239 ( 3 /8 ") or J-6305 (11/32"). Use a h a m m e r handle and light blows to install the piston into the bore. Hold the ring compressor firmly against the cylinder block until all piston rings have entered the cylinder bore. 5. Remove Tool J-5239 or J-6305. Remove hood. Disconnect battery cables at battery. Remove air cleaner. D rain radiator and block. Disconnect radiator and heater hoses and radiator and fan shroud. Disconnect wires at: • Starter Solenoid • Delcotron • T em perature switch • Oil Pressure Switch • Coil 7. Disconnect: • Accelerator linkage at inlet manifold. • Fuel line, from tank, at fuel pump. • Hoses at fuel vapor storage canister (if applicable). • Vacuum line to power brake unit at manifold, if so equipped. 8. Remove power steering p u m p and lay aside, if so equipped. 9. Raise vehicle on hoist. 10. D rain crankcase. 11. Disconnect exhaust pipe at m anifold and, if so equipped, converter bracket at transmission rear mount. 12. Remove starter. 13. Remove flywheel splash shield or converter housing cover as applicable. 14. O n vehicles with autom atic transm ission, remove converter to flywheel attaching bolt. 15. Remove m ount "th ro u g h " bolts. 16. Remove bell housing bolts. 17. Lower vehicle on hoist. 18. Raise transmission using floor jack. 19. Attach engine lifting devices, raise engine. 20. Remove motor m ount to engine brackets. 21. Remove engine assembly. Installation 1. Position engine assembly in vehicle. 2. Attach m otor m ount to engine brackets and lower engine in place. 3. Remove engine lifting device. 4. Remove transmission floor jack. 5. Raise vehicle on hoist. 6. Install m ount " th r o u g h " bolts. Torque to specifications. 7. Install bell ho using bolts. To rqu e to specifications. 8. On vehicles with automatic transmissions, install c on ve rte r to flywheel a tta c h in g bolts. T o rq ue to specifications. 9. Install flywheel splash shield of converter housing cover as applicable. Torque attaching bolts to specifications. 10. Install starter. 11. C on nect exhau st p ip e at m a nifo ld and converter bracket at transmission rear mount. 12. Lower vehicle on hoist. 13. Reinstall power steering pump, if so equipped. 14. Connect: • Accelerator linkage at inlet manifold. • Fuel line, from tank, at fuel pump. • Hoses at fuel v apor storage canister. • Vacuum line to power brake unit at manifold, if equipped. 15. Connect wires at: • S tarter Solenoid • Delcotron • T em perature Switch • Oil Pressure Switch • Coil 16. Install radiato r and fanshroud and reconnect ra d ia to r and heater hoses. 17. Fill cooling system. 18. Fill crankcase with oil. See o w n e r’s m anual for specifications. 19. Install air cleaner. 20. Install hood. 21. Connect battery cables. N O T E : To avoid possible arcing o f battery, connect positive battery cable first. 22. Start engine, check for leaks and check timing. CRANKSAHFT The crankshaft can be removed while the engine is disassembled for overhaul, as previously outlined or without complete disassembly as outlined below. R e m o va l 1. With the engine rem oved from the vehicle and the transm ission a n d / o r clutch housing removed from the engine, m ount engine in stand and clam p securely. 2. Remove the oil dip stick and oil dip stick tube, (if applicable). 3. Remove the starting motor, clutch assembly (if equipped) and flywheel. 4. Remove the spark plugs. 5. Remove c ra n k sh a ft pulley and torsional damper. 6. Remove oil pan and oil pump. 7. Remove crankcase front cover, and if so equipped, remove timing chain and cam shaft sprocket. 8. Check the connecting rod caps for cylinder nu m b e r identification. If necessary m ark them. 9. Remove the connecting rod caps and push the pistons to top o f bores. 10. Remove main bearing caps and lift crankshaft out o f cylinder block. 11. Remove re a r m ain bearing oil seal an d main bearings from cylinder block and m ain bearing caps. Cleaning and Inspection 1. W ash crankshaft in solvent and dry with compressed air. 2. Measure dimensions o f main bearing journals and crankpins with a micrometer for out-of-round, taper or undersize. (See Specifications.) 3. Check crankshaft for run-out by supporting at the front and rear m ain bearings journals in " V " blocks and check at the front an d rear interm ediate journals with a dial indicator. (See Specifications.) 4. Replace or recondition the crankshaft if out o f specifications. SPROCKET OR GEAR R E PLACEM ENT (REFER TO FIG. 6A-78V) • On "Small V8" engines, remove crankshaft sprocket using Tool J-5825, install using Tool J-5590. • On Mark IV V8 engines, remove crankshaft sprocket using Tool J 1619, install using Tool J-21058. Installation 1. Install rear main bearing oil seal in cylinder block an d rear main bearing cap grooves. Install with lip o f seal toward front o f engine. W here seal has two lips install lip with helix towards front o f engine. APPLY SEALANT TO SHADED AREAS ONLY Fig. 6A-79V--Sealing Bearing Cap Block 2. Lubricate lips o f seal with engine oil. Keep oil off p a rting line surface. 3. Install m ain bearings in cylinder block and m ain b earing caps then lubricate bearing surface with engine oil. 4. Install crankshaft, being careful not to dam age bearing surfaces. 5. Apply a thin coat o f brush-on type oil sealing compound to block m ating surface and corresponding surface of cap only (fig. 6A-79V). D o not allow sealer on crankshaft or seal. 6. Install main bearing caps with arrows pointing toward front of engine. 7. Torque all except rear m ain bearing cap bolts to specifications. Torque rear main bearing cap bolts to 1012 ft. lbs. then tap end of crankshaft, first rearw ard then forward with a lead ham m er. This will line up rear main bearing and crankshaft thrust surfaces. Retorque all m ain bearing cap bolts to specifications. 8. M easure crankshaft end play with a feeler gauge. Force crankshaft forward and measure clearance between the front of the rear m ain b earing and the crankshaft thrust surface. 9. Install flywheel and torque to specifications. A wood block placed between the crankshaft and cylinder block will prevent crankshaft from rotating. NOTE: Align dowel hole in flywheel with dowel hole in crankshaft. On vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions, install flywheel with the converter attaching pads towards transmission. GEN ERAL DATA: In L ine T ype V-8 25 0 Displacem ent (cu. in.) 29 2 3 .8 7 5 Bore 3 .5 3 Stroke 35 0 400 454 3 .7 3 6 4 4 .1 2 5 4 .2 5 0 3 .75 4 4 .1 2 4 6 -4 .1 2 7 4 4 .2 4 9 5 -4 .2 5 2 5 4 .1 2 8 .2 5 :1 Com pression Ratio 305 3 .4 8 8 .0 :1 Firing Order 8.5:1 1-5-3-6-2-4 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 CY LIN DER BORE: D iam eter O ut o f R ound T aper 3 .8 7 4 5 -3 .8 7 7 5 Production 3 .7 3 5 0 -3 .7 3 8 5 3 .9 9 9 5 -4 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 0 5 M ax. .001 Max. Service .0 0 2 M ax. T hrust Side P roduc­ tion Relief Side .0 0 0 5 M ax. .0 0 0 5 M ax. C/5 .001 Max. Service “U m .005 M ax. O PISTON: Production .0 0 0 5 -.0 0 1 5 .0 0 2 6 -.0 0 3 6 Service .0 0 2 5 M ax. .0 0 4 5 M ax. Clearance .0 0 0 7 -.0 0 1 7 .0 0 0 7 -.0 0 1 7 .0 0 2 7 M ax. .0 0 1 4 -.0 0 2 4 .0 0 2 4 .0 0 3 5 M ax. O PISTON RING: C 0 M P R E S S I 0 N 0 I L P roduc­ tion Clear­ ance G roove Top .0 0 1 2 -.0 0 2 7 2nd .0 0 1 2 -.0 0 3 2 > .0 0 2 0 -.0 0 4 0 P roduc­ tion .0 1 0 -.0 2 0 Top .0 1 0 -.0 2 0 2nd G roove Clearance Gap P roduction .0 0 5 M ax. .0 1 0 -.0 2 0 .0 1 0 -.0 2 5 Hi L im it P ro d u c tio n + .01 Service .0 0 5 -.0 0 5 5 H O Z Hi L im it P ro d u c tio n + .001 Service Gap .0 0 1 7 -.0 0 3 2 .0 0 1 2 -.0 0 3 2 .0 0 2 -.0 0 7 | C/5 .0 0 0 5 -.0 0 6 5 Hi L im it P ro d u c tio n + .001 Service P roduction .0 1 5 -.0 5 5 Service Hi L im it P ro d u c tio n + .01 PISTON PIN: D iam eter Clearance Service F it in Rod ,9 8 9 5 -.9 8 9 8 .9 2 7 0 -.9 2 7 3 P roduction .0 0 0 1 5 -.0 0 0 2 5 .0 0 0 2 5 -.0 0 0 3 5 .0 0 0 2 5 -.0 0 0 3 5 .0 0 0 2 5 -.0 0 0 3 5 .001 M ax. .0 0 0 8 -.0 0 1 6 In te rfe re n c e O) >i 00 Ca) 6A-84 292 250 CRANKSHAFT: 305 | 350 #1 2.4484-2.4493 2.2983-2.2993 Main Journal Service .0008 .0029 .0034 1.999-1.2000 2.099-2.100 Service Production Service Production .0007-.0027 Service R od Side Clearance 2.199-2.200 .0013-.0025 #5 .0024-.0040 .006-.010 2.1985-2.1995 .0003 (Max.) .001 (Max.) Production Rod Bearing Clearance #5 .0017-.0032 #1 - .002 (M ax.) A ll Others .0035 (Max.) .002-.006 Service C rankshaft End Play O ut of R ound #2-3-4 .0 0 1 1 .0 0 2 3 #1-2-3-4 .0006-.0017 .0002 (Max.) .001 (Max.) .0013-.0035 .0035 (Max.) .008-.014 .0009-.0025 .013-.023 MANUAL .0003 #1 .0008-.0020 SERVICE A ll A ll Production Crank pin #5 2.7478-2.7488 .0002 (Max.) .001 (Max.) Production Diam eter #5 2.6479-2.6488 TRUCK Main Bearing Clearanc e #2-3-4 3.7481-2.7490 .001 (Max.) Service O ut of R ound #1 2.7485-2.7494 .0002 (Max.) Production la p e r 2.6484-2.6493 454 LIGHT #2-3-4 2.4481-2.4490 #5 2.4479-2.4488 A ll D iam eter 400 #1-2-3-4 250 292 305 Intake .2 2 1 7 .2 3 1 5 .2 4 8 5 Exhaust .2 2 1 7 .2 3 1 5 CAMSHAFT: Lobe Lift ± .002" Journal Diameter Camshaft Runout Camshaft End Play 1 .8 6 7 7 -1 .8 6 9 7 .2 7 3 3 1 .8 6 8 2 -1 .8 6 9 2 .2 3 4 3 1 .9 4 8 2 -1 .9 4 9 2 .0 0 1 5 Max. Hydraulic 1 .7 5 :1 1 .5 0 :1 1.70:1 One Turn D ow n From Zero Lash 45° 46 ° .0 0 2 (M ax.) MECHANICAL Free Length Approx. jf of Coils 454 .2 3 4 3 ENGINE Damper 400 .2 6 0 0 .0 0 1 -.0 0 5 VALVE SYSTEM: Lifter Rocker Arm Ratio Intake Valve Lash Exhaust Face Angle (Int. & Exch.) Seat Angle (Int. & Exh.) Seat Runout (Int. & Exh.) Intake Seat Width Exhaust Produc­ Int. Stem tion Exh. Clearance Service Free Length Valve Pressure Closed Spring lbs. @ i1 1 . Open (Outer) Installed Height ± 1/32" 350 1 /3 2 -1 /1 6 1 /1 6 -3 /3 2 .0 0 1 0 -.0 0 2 7 .0 0 1 0 -.0 0 2 7 .0 0 1 5 -.0 0 3 2 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 2 9 Hi L im it P ro d u ctio n + .001 In tak e - + .002 Exhaust 2 .0 8 2.12 55-64 @ 1 .6 6 8 5 -9 3 @ 1 .6 9 1 8 0 -1 9 2 @ 1.27 1 7 4 -1 8 4 @ 1.30 2 .0 3 7 6 -8 4 @ 1 .7 0 Intake @ 1.61 Exhaust 1 9 4 -2 0 6 @ 1 .2 5 In tak e @ 1.16 E xhaust 1 -2 1 /3 2 1 -5 /8 1-23/32 In tak e 1-19/32 Exhaust 1-7 /8 1 .9 4 1 .9 4 1 .8 6 1.86 4 4 4 4 74 -8 6 @ 1 .8 8 2 8 8 -3 1 2 @ 1 .3 8 6A-85 S P E C IA L T O O L S J -4 5 3 6 J -1 2 6 4 J -8 0 5 8 E n g in e L i f t K it J -5 8 5 3 J -8 0 8 7 J -8 0 0 1 (0 -1 0 0 in lb .) I n d ic a to r S et ( C y lin d e r B o re ) I n d ic a to r S et (U n iv e rs a l) B e lt T e n s io n G auge P is to n R in g C o m p re s s o r J -2 3 6 0 0 J -8 0 3 7 J -8 0 2 0 J -8 0 2 1 J -8 0 3 2 J -2 2 2 4 9 J -2 2 1 4 7 J -2 2 2 5 0 J -5 2 3 9 J -6 3 0 5 J -8 0 6 2 J -8 1 0 1 J -5 8 3 0 J -7 0 4 9 J -8 0 8 9 J -5 8 6 0 16. J-5 7 1 5 17. 18. 19. J-6036 J-6 8 8 0 J -5 8 0 2 J-95 34 20 J -9 5 3 5 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. 29. 30 J-22144 J 8369 J-6098 J-09 7 1 J-23523 J -2 2 1 9 7 J-1619 J-5825 J-8105 J-5590 31 J-23042 32 J-22102 ( 0 - 2 0 0 F t. L b .) T o r q u e W re n c h (0 -5 0 F t. L b .) ( 3 - 9 / 1 6 " ) P is to n R in g E x p a n d e r (3 -7 /8 ” ) (4 ” ) (3 -1 5 /1 6 ” ) ( 4 -3 /3 2 ” ) (4 -1 /4 ” ) ( 3 / 8 ” ) C o n n e c tin g R o d G u id e S et ( 1 1 /3 2 ” ) V a lv e S p rin g C o m p re s s o r V a lv e G u id e C le a n e r ( 1 1 / 3 2 ” ) V a lv e G u id e R e a m e r S et (3 /8 ” ) C a rb o n R e m o v in g B ru sh C y lin d e r H ead B o lt W re n c h ( . 0 0 3 ” ) R o c k e r A r m Stud Reamer (.013” ) Ro c ke r A r m Stud Installer R o c ke r A r m Stud Remover D i s t r i b u t o r L o w e r Bushing Remover D istributo r Lower Bushing Installer Oil Pick-up Screen Installer Oil Pick-up Screen Installer Cam Bearing Tool Camshaft Gear S upport Torsional Damper Puller Torsional Damper Installer Crankshaft Spro cket Puller C rankshaft Spro cket Puller C rankshaft Gear Puller C rankshaft Spro cket or Gear Installer Crankcase Cover Centering Gauge and Seal Installer Crankcase Cover Seal Installer TOOLS NOT I LLUST RAT ED Valve Seal Leak Detector J-23994 SECTION 6B ENGINE COOLING INDEX G eneral D escriptio n.......................................................... D ia g n o s is .............................................................................. M aintenance and A djustm ents..................................... Coolant L e v e l................................................................... Coolant System Checks................................................. Periodic M a in te n a n c e .................................................... C le a n in g ............................................................................ Reverse F lu s h in g ........................................................... R a d i a t o r .......................................................................... Cylinder Block and Cylinder H e a d ..................... 6B-1 6B-2 6B-4 6B-4 6B-4 6B-4 6B-5 6B-5 6B-5 6B-5 H e a te r C o r e .................................................................. Fan Belt A d ju s tm e n t..................................................... R adiator C a p ..................................................................... T h e rm o sta t.......................................................................... Replacem ent..................................................................... Thermostatic Fan Clutch R e p la c e m e n t.................. W a te r P u m p ...................................................................... R e m o v a l............................................................................ Installation........................................................................ 6B-6 6B-6 6B-6 6B-6 6B-6 6B-6 6B-7 6B-7 6B-8 GENERAL DESCRIPTION All light duty trucks have pressure type engine cooling systems with thermostatic control of coolant circulation. The cooling system is sealed by a pressure type radiator filler cap. T he pressure type ra d ia to r filler cap (fig. 6B-1) is designed to operate the cooling system at higher than atmospheric pressure. The h igher pressure raises the boiling point o f the coolant which increases the efficiency o f the radiator. The rad iator filler cap contains a pressure relief valve and a vacuum relief valve. The pressure relief valve is held against its seat by a spring, which when compressed, allows excessive pressure to be relieved out the ra d ia to r overflow. T he vacuum valve is also held against its seat by a spring which when compressed, opens the valve relieving the vacuum created when the system cools. T he cooling systems w a te r p u m p is o f the centrifugal vane impeller type (figs. 6B-2 and 6B-3). The bearings are p erm anently lubricated during m anufacture and are sealed to prevent the loss o f lubricant or the entry o f dirt and water. The pum p requires no care other than to make certain the air vent at the top o f the housing and the d rain holes in the bottom do not become plugged with dirt or grease. I W ater pum p components are not serviced sepa­ rately; therefore, in the event o f water pum p failure, it will be necessary to replace the complete assembly removal and installation procedures are covered in this section. Fig. 6B-3-Water Pump—Typical V8 DIAGNOSIS If the cooling system requires frequent addition of coolant in ord er to m ain tain the proper level, check all units and connections in the cooling system for evidence o f leakage. Inspection should be m ade with cooling system cold. Small leaks which m ay show dam pness or dripping can easily escape detection when the engine is hot, due to the rapid evaporation o f coolant. Tell-tale stains o f grayish white or rusty color, or dye stains from anti-freeze, at joints in cooling system are almost always sure signs o f small leaks even though there appears to be no dam age. A ir m ay be draw n into the cooling system through leakage at the water pum p seal or through leaks in the coolant recovery system. G as may be forced into the cooling system through leakage at the cylinder head gasket even though the leakage is not sufficient to allow w ater to enter the combustion chamber. pressure surge should be felt. Check for a plugged vent­ hole in pump. Test for restriction in the radiator, by w arm ing the engine up and then turning the engine off and feeling the radiator. The radiator should be hot along the left side and w arm along the right side, with an even temperature rise from right to left. Cold spots in the radiator indicate clogged sections. An operational check o f the thermostat can be made by hanging therm ostat on a hook in a 33% glycol solution 25° above the tem perature stamped on the thermostat valve. Submerge the valve completely and agitate the solution thoroughly. U n d e r this condition the valve should open. Remove the thermostat and place in a 33% glycol solution 10° below tem perature indicated on the valve. W ith valve completely subm erged and water agitated thoroughly, the valve should close completely. Coolant Loss COOLING SYSTEM CHECKS To check for exhaust leaks into the cooling system, drain the system until the coolant level stands just above the top o f the cylinder head, then disconnect the radiator upper hose an d remove the therm ostat and fan belt. Start the engine and quickly accelerate several times. At the same time note any appreciable water rise or the ap pearance o f bubbles which are indicative o f exhaust gases leaking into the cooling system. W ater pu m p operation may be checked by running the engine while squeezing the radiator upper hose. A 1. Check for crack in block. Pull engine oil d ip ­ stick to check for w ater in crankcase. 2. Remove rocker arm covers and check for cracked cylinder head. 3. Remove cylinder heads and check gaskets. W hile heads are off, check for cracks in heads or block. Overheating 1. Check to see that the radiato r cap seats in ra d ia to r filler neck and releases at specified pressure (15 lbs.). 2. Check coolant level. 3. Check tem perature sending unit a n d / o r gauge. 4. Check engine thermostat. 5. Check fan belt for excessive looseness. 6. Check for punctures in radiator, ruptured or disconnected hoses, loose pressure cap or use o f low boiling point antifreeze. These conditions prevent cooling system from m aintaining proper pressure. 7. Clean debris from rad ia to r a n d / o r condenser. 8. Check engine operation to make sure tune-up is not needed. Im p ro per tim ing m ay cause overheating. 9. Check for driving conditions which may cause overheating. Prolonged idling, start and stop driving in long lines o f traffic on hot days, climbing steep grades on hot days, etc. will occasionally cause coolant to boil. 10. Clean cooling system. 11. Remove cylinder heads and check water passages in heads and block for obstructions. FAN CLUTCH 1. NOISE F a n noise is sometimes evident under the following norm al conditions: a. when clutch is engaged for m axim um cooling, and b. du ring first few minutes after start-up until the clutch can re-distribute the silicone fluid back to its norm al disengaged operating condition after overnight settling. However, fa n noise or an excessive roar will generally occur continuously u n de r all high engine speed conditions (2500 r.p.m. and up) if the clutch assembly is locked up due to an internal failure. If the fan cannot be rotated by h and or there is a rough grating feel as the fan is turned, the clutch should be replaced. 2. LOOSENESS U n d e r various tem perature conditions, there is a visible lateral movem ent that can be observed at the tip o f the fan blade. This is a no rm al condition due to the type o f bearing used. A pproxim ately 1/4" m axim um lateral movem ent measured at the fan tip is allowable. This is not cause for replacement. 3. SILICONE FLUID LEAK T he operation o f the unit is generally not affected by small fluid leaks which m ay occur in the area around the bearing assembly. However, if the degree o f leakage appears excessive, proceed to item 4. B. If the fan and clutch assembly free-wheels with no drag (revolves over 5 times when spun by hand), the clutch should be replaced. If clutch perform s properly with a slight drag go to step C. N OTE: Testing a fan clutch by holding the small hub with one hand and rotating the aluminum housing in a clockwise/counterclockwise motion will cause the clutch to free-wheel, which is a normal condition when operated in this manner. This should not be considered a test by which replacement is determined. C. Use dial type thermometer, J6742-01, or similar type. NOTE: J6742-01 reads to 180 degrees F, therefore, allow approxim ately 3 /1 6 " pointer movem ent for each 10 degrees over 180 degrees. CAUTION: Check fo r adequate clearance between fa n blades and thermometer sensor before starting engine. Position therm om eter so that the therm om eter sensor is centered in the space between the fan blades and radiator. This can be achieved by inserting the sensor through one o f the existing holes in the fan shroud or fan guard, or by placing between the radiator and the shroud. On some models, it may be necessary to drill a 3 /1 6 " hole in the fan shroud to insert J6742-01. D. Cover ra d ia to r grille sufficiently to induce a high engine temperature. Start engine and turn on air conditioning if equipped. M aintain a position in front of the vehicle to observe the therm om eter reading. With a rod, broom handle, or etc., push on the accelerator linkage to m ain tain approximately 3000 r.p.m. Use tachometer if available. E. Observe therm om eter reading w hen clutch engages. It will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes for the temperature to become high enough to allow engagement o f the fan clutch. This will be indicated by an increase or roar in fan air noise and by a drop in the therm om eter reading o f approximately 5-15 degrees F. If the clutch did not engage by the temperature specified below, the unit should be replaced. 165c All vehicles except as listed below. 170c Corvette without A /C . 190c Corvette with A /C . NOTE: Be sure fan clutch was disengaged beginning o f test. at CAUTION: Do not continue test past a thermometer reading as specified to prevent engine overheating. If no sharp increase in fan noise or tem perature drop was observed and the fan noise level was constantly high from start o f test to 165 degrees F, the unit should be replaced. F. As soon as the clutch engages, remove the 4. ENGINE OVERHEATING radiator grille cover and turn off the air conditioning to A. Start with a cool engine to ensure complete fan assist in engine cooling. The engine should be run at clutch disengagem ent. Refer to Item b, p a ra g ra p h 1. approximately 1500 r.p.m. G. A fter several minutes the fan clutch should disengage, as indicated by a reduction in fa n speed and roar. MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS C O O LA N T LEVEL N O T E: With the coolant recovery system, the coolant level is checked by observing the liquid level in the reservoir. T he radiator cap need not be removed. The coolant level should be at the "Cold Full" m ark w hen cooling system cools and coolant is at am b ien t tem perature. A fter the vehicle has been driven sufficiently to obtain norm al operating temperatures, the level should be at the "H o t Full" mark. T he ra d ia to r coolant level should only be checked w hen the engine is cool, particularly on cars equipped with air conditioning. If the rad iator cap is removed from a hot cooling system, serious personal injury may result. Coolant level in crossflow radiators without the coolant recovery system should be m aintained three inches below the bottom o f the filler neck w hen the system is cold. W h en a surge radiator supply tank is used the coolant level should be m aintained at the one-half full level in the supply tank. It is very im portant that the correct fluid level be m aintained. The sealing ability of the ra d ia to r cap is affected w hen the cooling level is too high. All passenger car cooling systems are pressurized with a 15 pound pressure cap which permits safe engine operation at coolant tem peratures o f up to 258 °F. W h e n the radiator cap is removed or loosened, the system pressure drops to atmospheric, an d the heat which had caused w ater tem perature to be higher than 212°F, will be dissipated by conversion o f w ater to steam. Inasmuch as the steam may form in the engine w ater passages, it will blow coolant out o f the radiator u p p e r hose and tan k top, necessitating coolant replacement. Engine operating tem peratures higher than the norm al boiling point o f water are in no way objectionable so long as the coolant level is satisfactory when the engine is cool. Upon repeated coolant loss, the pressure radiator cap an d seat should be checked for sealing ability. Also, the cooling system should be checked for loose hose connections, defective hoses, gasket leaks, etc. Cooling System Checks 1. Test for restriction in the radiator, by w arm ing the engine up an d then turning the engine off and feeling the radiator. The rad ia to r should be hot along the left side and w arm along the right side, with an even tem perature rise from right to left. Cold spots in the ra d iato r indicate clogged sections. 2. W a te r pu m p operation may be checked by ru n n in g the engine while squeezing the radiator upper hose. A pressure surge should be felt. Check for a plugged vent-hole in pump. NOTE: A defective head gasket may allow exhaust gases to leak into the cooling system. This is particularly dam ag in g to the cooling system as the gases combine with the w ater to form acids which are harm ful to the radiator and engine. WARNING: If you siphon coolant from the radiator, do not use mouth to start siphoning action. The coolant solution is POISONOUS and can cause death or serious illness if swallowed. 3. To check for exhaust leaks into the cooling system, drain coolant from the system until the coolant level stands just above the top o f the cylinder head, then disconnect the radiator upper hose and remove the thermostat and fan belt. Start the engine and quickly accelerate several times. At the same time note any appreciable water rise or the appearance o f bubbles which are indicative o f exhaust gases leaking into the cooling system. Periodic Maintenance It is the ow ner’s responsibility to keep the freeze protection at a level commensurate with the area in which the vehicle will be operated. Regardless o f w hether freezing tem peratures are or are not expected, cooling system protection should be m aintained at least to -20 °F to provide adequate corrosion protection and proper tem perature indicating light operation. With glycol co ntent less th an re q u ire m e n t for -20 °F protection, coolant boiling point is less than the temperature indicating light setting. W h en adding solution due to loss o f coolant for any reason or in areas where temperatures lower than -20 °F m ay occur, a sufficient am ount o f an ethylene glycol base coolant that meets G M Specification 1899-M should be used. Every two years the cooling system should be serviced by flushing with plain water, then completely refilled with a fresh solution o f water and a high-quality, inhibited (permanent-type) glycol base coolant meeting G M Specification 1899-M and providing freezing protection at least to -20 °F At this time, also add G M Cooling System Inhibitor and Sealer or equivalent. In addition, such an inhibitor and sealer should be added every fall thereafter. NOTE: Alcohol or methanol base coolants or plain w ater are not recom m ended for your engine at any time. Two com m on causes o f corrosion are: (1) air suction—Air may be drawn into the system due to low liquid level in the radiator, leaky water pum p or loose hose connections, defective pressure cap or leaky overflow hose connection to radiator on recovery bottle; (2) exhaust gas leakage—Exhaust gas may be blown into the cooling system past the cylinder head gasket or through cracks in the cylinder head and block. Cleaning A good cleaning solution should be used to loosen the rust and scale before reverse flushing the cooling system. There are a num ber o f cleaning solutions available and the m a n u fa c tu re r’s instructions with the p articular cleaner being used should always be followed. An excellent pre pa ra tion to use for this purpose is G M Cooling System Cleaner or its equivalent. The following directions for cleaning the system applies only when this type cleaner is used. W ARNING: If you siphon coolant from the radiator, do not use mouth to start siphoning action. The coolant solution is POISONOUS and can cause death or serious illness if swallowed. 1. D rain coolant from the cooling system, includ­ ing the cylinder block. N O TE : The V8 cylinder block drain plugs are located on both sides o f the block about halfway back and on the lower edge near the oil pan rail. T he 6-cylinder block drain is located on the left side o f the engine at about centerline of the block a n d adjacent to the flywheel housing. 2. Remove thermostat and replace thermostat housing. 3. Add the liquid portion (No. 1) o f the cooling system cleaner. 4. Fill the cooling system with w ater to a level of about 3 inches below the top o f the overflow pipe. 5. Cover the rad iato r and run the engine at m oderate speed until engine coolant tem perature reaches 180 degrees. 6. Remove cover from radiator and continue to run the engine for 20 minutes. Avoid boiling. 7. W hile the engine is still running, add the powder portion (No. 2) of the cooling system cleaner and continue to run the engine for 10 minutes. W ARNING: hands. Be careful not to scald your 8. At the end o f this time, stop the engine, wait a few minutes and then open the dra in cocks. NOTE: Dirt and bugs may be cleaned out o f the radiator air passages by blowing out with air pressure from the back of the core. Do not bend radiator fins. Reverse Flushing Reverse flushing should always be accomplished after the system is thoroughly cleaned as outlined above. Flushing is accomplished through the system in a direction opposite to the normal flow. This action causes the water to get behind the corrosion deposits and force them out. Radiator 1. Remove the rad iator upper and lower hoses and replace the radiato r cap. 2. Attach a lead-away hose at the top of the radiator. 3. Attach a new piece o f hose to the radiator outlet connection and insert the flushing gun in this hose. 4. Connect the w ater hose o f the flushing gun to a water outlet and the air hose to an air line. CAUTION: Apply air gradually as a clogged radiator will sta n d only 20 p.s.i. pressure. 5. Turn on the w ater and when the radiato r is full, turn on the air in short blasts, allowing the radiator to fill between blasts o f air. 6. Continue this flushing until the water from the lead-away hose runs clear. Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head 1. With the thermostat removed, attach a leadaway hose to the water pum p inlet and a length o f new hose to the water outlet connection at the top of the engine. NOTE: Disconnect the heater hose and cap connections at engine when reverse flushing engine. 2. Insert the flushing gun in the new hose. 3. T u rn on the w ater and when the engine water jacket is full, turn on the air in short blasts. 4. C ontinue this flushing until the w ater from the lead-away hose runs clear. H eater Core 1. Remove w ater outlet hose from heater core pipe. 2. Remove inlet hose from engine connection. 3. Insert flushing gun and flush heater core. Care must be taken when applying air pressure to prevent dam ag e to the core. Fan Belt Adjustment 1. Loosen bolts at Delcotron mounting. 2. Pull Delcotron away from engine until desired tension reading is obtained with a strand tension gauge. Refer to Engine T u n e -U p Specifications. 3. Tighten all Delcotron bolts securely. water outlet and gasket from thermostat housing (fig. 6B5). 3. Inspect thermostat valve to make sure it is in good condition. 4. Place thermostat in a 33% glycol solution 25 ° above the tem perature stamped on the thermostat valve. 5. Submerge the valve completely and agitate the water thoroughly. U nd er this condition the valve should open fully. 6. Remove the thermostat and place in a 33%glycol solution 10“ below tem perature indicated on the valve. 7. With valve completely submerged and water agitated thoroughly, the valve should close completely. 8. If thermostat checks satisfactorily, re-install, using a new housing gasket. 9. Refill cooling system. T H E R M O S T A T IC FAN CLUTCH Radiator Cap REPLACEMENT The ra d ia to r cap should be washed with clean water and pressure checked at regular tune-up intervals. Inspect ru b b e r seal on cap for tears or cracks. Install rad iato r cap on tester (fig. 6B-4). If the pressure cap will not hold pressure or does not release at the proper pressure, replace the cap. All m ating surfaces (water p u m p hub and fan clutch hub) should be inspected for smooth m ating surfaces and reworked as necessary to eliminate burrs or other imperfections. Except for the fan belt, components should be assembled to the engine (See W ater Pump Removal and Installation Procedures). Radial run-out should be checked as follows: 1. Secure the fan blade to prevent rotation. (See Figure 6B-6). 2. M ount a dial indicator (.001 graduations) to the engine and place the indicator pointer on the fan blade spider. Preferably on the longest band or space on the spider. (See Figure 6B-7). 3. Rotate the w ater pum p pulley in one direction and note the total am ount of indicator needle movement. This represents the total radial run-out. Mark the point on the pulley at which the highest reading is obtained. 4. If the total indicator reading is less than .006 inch, the assembly is within specification. Install fan belt and adjust. T herm ostat The therm ostat consists o f a restriction valve actuated by a thermostatic element. This is mounted in the housing at the cylinder head water outlet above the w ater pump. T hermostats are designed to open and close at predeterm ined tem peratures and if not operating properly should be removed and tested as follows: Replacement 1. 2. Remove radiator to w ater outlet hose. Remove therm ostat housing bolts and remove 6. Recheck total indicator run-out to verify that run-out is within .006 inch. Install fan belt and adjust. W ater Pump Removal WARNING: If you siphon coolant from the radiator, do not use mouth to start siphoning action. The coolant solution is POISONOUS and can cause death or serious illness if swallowed. Fig. 6B-7-C hecking Run-Out If the total indicator run-out exceeds .006 inch, proceed to Step 5. 5. Divide the total indicator reading in half obtain this thickness from shim stock (1/2 x 3/4 ) and rework per Figure 6B-8. Place this shim pack between the w ater p u m p pulley and fan clutch hub at the bolt closest to the point m arked on the pulley in Step 3. If the mark on the pulley is between two bolts so that it is difficult to determ ine which bolt is closest, place two shim packs; one un der each bolt on either side of the mark. (See Figure 6B-9). Bolt Torque Sequence a. W hen one shim pack is used, first, torque the bolt over which the shim pack has been placed; second, the bolt opposite the first; and finally, the other two. Recom m ended torque is 25 lbs. ft. b. W hen two shim packs are used, each bolt must be torqued partially; then to full torque alternating between opposite bolts; then the other two bolts in the same m anner. Recommended torque is 25 lbs. ft. N O T E : Excessive run-out m ay result if the above sequence and recom m ended torque is not used. 1. D rain coolant from the radiator and break loose the fan pulley bolts. 2. Disconnect heater hose, radiator lower hose and by pass hose (as required) at water pump. 3. Remove Delcotron upper brace (V8 only), loosen swivel bolt, and remove fan belt. On M ark IV and engines disconnect power steering and air conditioning belts and swivel power steering pu m p to one side. 4. Remove fan blade assembly attaching bolts, fan and pulley. CAUTION: I f a fa n blade is bent or dam aged in any way, no attem pt should be made to repair and reuse the dam aged part. A bent or dam aged fa n assembly should always be replaced with a new fa n assembly. It is essential that fan assemblies rem ain in proper balance and p ro p er balance cannot be assured once a fan assembly has been bent or dam aged. A fan assembly that is not in proper balance could fail and fly apart during subsequent use creating an extremely dangerous condition. NOTE: Thermostatic fan clutches must be kept in an "in -c a r" position. W hen removed from the car the assembly should be supported so that the clutch disc rem ains in a vertical plane to prevent silicone fluid leakage. 5. Remove pum p-to-cylinder block and power steering-to-pump bolts and remove pum p and old gasket from engine. CAUTION: On in line engines, p u ll the pum p straight out o f the block first, to avoid damage to impeller. Installation 1. Install pu m p assembly on cylinder block then, using a new sealer-coated pump-to-block gasket, tighten bolts to specifications. 2. Install p u m p pulley and fan on pu m p hub and tighten bolts to specifications. NOTE: A guide stud (5/16"-24 bolt with the head removed) installed in one hole o f the fan hub will aid in aligning hub, pulley and fan. Remove stud after starting the remaining three bolts. On Mark IV engines install power steering and air condition­ ing bolts. 3. Connect hoses and fill cooling system. 4. Install Delcotron upper brace (V8 only), and install fan belt. Install power steering pu m p bolt. NOTE: G rind a slight taper to threaded end of bolt. This will serve as a pilot during installation and also serve to pick-up threads on nut. 5. Adjust belts to specifications as previously outlined. 6. Start engine and check for leaks. SECTION 6C FUEL SYSTEM CONTENTS G e n e ra l D escription......................................... C a rb u r e ti o n ......................................................... Model l ME C a rb u re to r............................... Model 2 G C /2 G V C arb u re to r.................... Model M 4 M C /M 4 M E /4 M V C arbureto r Fuel Supply......................................................... Fuel F ilte r ......................................................... 6C-1 6C-1 Fuel P u m p ....................................................................... 6C-42 Fuel T a n k ......................................................................... 6C-44 ^ Fuel Feed and V apor L in e s .................................... 6C-50 ! oL- ll 6C-21 6C-42 6C-42 Evaporative Control System (E C S ) ........................ 6C-50 Accelerator C o n tro ls .................................................... 6C-51 Special T o o ls .................................................................... 6C-54 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Carburetor All engines are equipped with either a 1-barrel, 2-barrel, or 4-barrel carburetor attached to the intake manifold. FUEL FILTER All light duty emissions engines have a pleated p ap er fuel filter and check valve assembly located in the carburetor inlet. All vehicles have a woven plastic fuel filter in the fuel tank on the lower end o f the pick-up pipe. In all series the tank is vented during filling by an internal baffle inside the filler. In all series the tank outlet consists of a com bination fuel pickup, filter and fuel gage tank unit. The tank unit can be removed by removing a cam ring which retains the unit. The fuel feed pipes are coated, welded steel tubing. Connections from the tank unit to the line and from the line to the fuel pu m p are made with synthetic rubber hose attached with spring clamps. FUEL P U M P The fuel pum p is located on the right front of the engine. FUEL T A N K AND FEED PIPES All filler necks with light duty emissions have restrictors to prevent the entry o f leaded fuel nozzles. EVAPORATIVE CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) The Evaporative Control System is a closed system that prevents gasoline vapors in the fuel tank and carburetor from entering the atmosphere. CARBURETION ALL N E W 1977 CHEVROLETS ARE CERTIFIED BY THE U N ITED STATES D E P A R T M E N T OF HEALTH, E D U C A TIO N A N D W EL­ FARE AS C O N F O R M IN G TO THE R E Q U IR E M E N T S O F THE R EG U L A T IO N S FOR THE C O N T R O L OF AIR PO LLU TIO N FR O M N E W M O TO R VEHICLES. THIS CERTIFICATION IS C O N T IN G E N T O N C E R T A IN A D JU S T M E N T S BEING SET TO FA C T O R Y STA N D A RD S. F O R THIS REASON, THE FACTORY P R O C E D U R E FOR S ETTIN G IGN ITIO N T IM IN G , A N D SLOW IDLE M U ST BE F O L L O W E D EXACTLY W H E N A D JU STM EN TS ARE MADE. MODEL 1ME CARBURETOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Monojet, carburetor (Fig. 6C-1) is a single bore d o w n d ra ft c a rb u re to r using a triple venture in conjunction with a plain tube nozzle. Fuel flow through the main metering system is controlled by a m ain well air bleed and a variable orifice jet. A power enrichment system is used to provide good ELECTRIC Fig. 6C -2-M odel 1ME C arburetor Id entification CAM FOLLOWER Fig. 6 C -l-M o d e l 1ME Carburetor-Rear View perform ance during m oderate to heavy acceleration and at higher engine speeds. The idle system, on certain models, incorporates a hot idle com pensator (A.T. only) to m a intain smooth engine idle during periods o f extreme hot engine operation. The model 1ME incorporates an integral automatic choke system which uses an d electrically heated choke coil. The vacuum d ia p h ra g m unit is mounted externally on the air horn and connects to the thermostatic coil lever through a connecting line. The electric choke coil is contained in a choke housing m ounted on a bracket attached to the float bowl. A n integral, pleated-paper fuel inlet filter is m ounted in the fuel bowl behind the fuel inlet nut to give m a x im u m filtraton o f incom ing fuel. A check valve on light duty emissions is used in the filter inlet to prevent fuel d rain in g from the fuel system after roll­ over. O th er features o f the M onojet carburetor include an alum inum throttle body for decreased weight and improved h eat distribution and a thick throttle body to bowl insulator gasket to keep excessive engine heat from the float bowl. The carburetor has internally balanced venting through a vent hole in the air horn, which leads from the float bowl into the bore beneath the air cleaner. The carburetor model identification is stam ped on a vertical portion o f the float bowl, adjacent to the fuel inlet nut (Fig. 6C-2). If replacing the float bowl, follow the m anufactu r­ e r ’s instructions contained in the service package so that the identification nu m b e r can be transferred to the new float bowl. An electrically operated idle stop solenoid is used on all models. Dual throttle return springs are used on all carburetors. The throttle lever has a spun-in plastic bushing, this is used as the bearing surface for the dual throttle return springs. NOTE: The spun-in plastic return spring bushing will w ith sta n d no rm al cleaning time in an approved cold im mersion type carburetor cleaner. The bushing is not serviced separately and should not be removed from the carburetor throttle lever. An Exhaust G as Recirculation system (EG R ) is used on light duty emission and heavy duty emission 454 CID Calif, to control oxides o f nitrogen. The vacuum supply port necessary to operate the recirculation valve is located in the throttle body and connects through a channel to a tube which is located at the top o f the air horn casting. See Idle System (Fig. 6C-4) for port location and operation. Six basic systems of operation are used: float, idle, main metering, power enrichment, pum p and choke. 6C3 through 9). IN T E R N A L V E N T M A IN W E L L A IR B LE E D PRESSURE RELIEF V A L V E POW ER PIS TO N M E T E R IN G R O D M A IN D IS C H A R G E NOZZLE POW ER PIS TO N 'S P R IN G BO O ST V E N T U R I M A IN V E N T U R I ,M A IN M E T E R IN G „ C A L IB R A T IO N SCREW POW ER P IS TO N A C T U A T IN G L IN K A G E LOW ER ID L E A IR B LE E D ^3 THR O TTLE VALVE POW ER P IS TO N V A C U U M Fig. 6C -5-M ain M etering System Fig. 6C-3--Float System M A IN DISC H A R G E NOZZLE D R IV E ROD BOOST VEN TURI TO P A IR BLEED T U B E TO E G R * vV A L V E POWER PISTO N E G R (E X H A U S T G A S R E C IR C U L A T IO N ) ^ M E T E R IN G ROD M A IN VENTUR I . IDLE C H A N N E L R E S T R IC T IO N M A IN M E TER IN G JET - IDLE TUB E POWER PISTO N A C T U A T IN G LIN K A G E _ M A IN M E T E R IN G J E T H O T IDLE COMPENSATO R T IM E D V A C U U M PORTS FOR E.G .R.* -P O W E R PISTON V A C U U M LOW ER IDLE AIR BLEED Fig. 6C-6--Power E nrichm ent System THR OTTLE VALVE ID L E M IX T U R E NEEDLE IDLE D IS C H A R G E HO LE " J " D IS C H A R G E S P R IN G R E T A IN E R OFF— IDLE O P E R A T IO N -P U M P L E V E R Fig. 6C-4--ldle System P UM P P L U N G E R D U R A T IO N S P R IN G PUM P D IS C H A R G E S P R IN G & B A L L P UM P R E T U R N S P R IN G P UM P A C T U A T IN G L IN K P UM P CUP O P E R A T IO N C H O K E RO D CHOKE H O U S IN G CHOKE VALVE ELE CTRIC CHOKE C O IL C H O K E C O IL LIN K FILTER BLEED HOLE FAST IDLE CAM FOLLOWER ...wIDE C O IL LEVER VACUUM IN LE T CHECK BALL F A S T IDLE CAM CHOKE V A C U U M D I A P H R A G M U N IT VACUUM B R E A K L IN K T IM E DELAY VALVE M A N IF O L D VACUUM HOSE Fig. 6C-8-Choke System ON-VEHICLE SERVICE 1 M E C A R B U R E TO R A D J U S T M E N T S Refer to figure 6C-9 for the following adjustments: • Float Level • M etering Rod • Fast Idle R efer to figure 6C-10 for the following adjustments: • Choke Coil Lever • A utomatic Choke • Choke Rod (Fast Idle Cam) Choke Checking Procedure 1. Remove air cleaner. W ith engine off, hold throttle half open. Open an d close choke several times. W atch linkage to be certain all links are connected and there are no signs o f damage. 2. If choke or linkage binds, sticks, or works sluggishly, clean w ith Choke C lean er X-20-A or equivalent. Use cleaner as directed on can. Refer to disassembly instructions for additional direction if cleaning does not correct. 3. Visually inspect carburetor to be certain all vacuum hoses are connected. Inspects hoses for cracks, abrasions, hardness or other signs of deterioration. Replace or correct as necessary. 4. Make sure vacuum break d ia p h ra g m shaft is fully extended when engine is off. If shaft is not fully extended, replace vacuum break assembly. Start engine vacuum break d iaph ragm shaft should fully retract within 10 seconds. If unit fails to retract, replace vacuum break assembly. 5. Allow choke to cool so that when throttle is opened slightly choke blade fully closes. N OTE: This check must be perform ed at an am bient tem perature o f 60 °F to 80 T . 6. Start engine and determ ine time for choke © GAUGE 1 CARB. IMO. FROM TOP OF GAUGE C A S T IN G TO TO P O F I N D E X P O IN T A T TO E O F FLOAT M jH O L D FLO A T R E T A IN IN G P I N FI R M L Y I N P L A C E - ( 3JBEND H E R E TO PUSH DO W N ON E N D O F ADJUST FLO AT F LO A T A R M . A G A IN S T UP OR DOW N TOP O F FLO AT N E E D LE ALL WITH LIGHT DUTY EMISSIONS 3/8" ALL WITH HEAVY DUTY EMISSIONS 5/16" CARB. IMO. PLUG GAUGE 17057001 17057002 17057004 17057005 17057010 17057302 .008 17057303 090 17057006 17057007 070 17057008 17057009 17057308 17057309 .0 6 5 FL O A T L E V E L A D JU S T M E N T ( " T ')H O L D 2 — POWER P IS T O N D O W N A N D SW ING M E T E R IN G OVER HERE TO ADJUST ROD HO LDER FLAT SURFACE (G A S K E T REMOVED) O F BO W L C A S T IN G TO CA RBURE TO R T lJ R E M O V E |B E N D M E T E R IN G NEXT BORE ROD BY H O L D IN G T H R O T T L E i V A L V E W ID E O P E N . PUSH 4 J S P E C IF IE D PLUG GAUGE D O W N W A R D ON M E T E R IN G - S L ID E FIT R O D A G A IN S T S P R IN G B A C K O UT ID LE T E N S IO N . T H E N S L ID E M E T E R IN G REMOVE STOP S O LE N O ID ROD O U T OF S L O T IN H O L D E R HOLD THRO TTLE AND VA LV E COMPLETELY FROM M A IN CLOSED M E T E R IN G JET. M E T E R IN G ROD A D JU S T M E N T NOTE: M A N U A L CHOKE MODELS W IT H S M O O T H C O N T O U R C A M S U R F A C E -R O T A T E FAST ID L E C A M C L O C K ­ W IS E T O IT S F A R T H E S T UP P O S IT IO N . (V )sU P P O R T LIGHT DUTY EMISSIONS 2100 RPM (IN NEUTRAL) L E V E R W IT H P L IE R S -B E N D T A N G IN O R O U T T O O B T A IN S P E C IF IE D FAST ID LE R .P.M . (SEE IN S E T ) CLEARANCE SECO PLACE C AM HEAVY DUTY EMISSIONS 2400 RPM (IN NEUTRAL) FOLLOW ER T A N G O N H IG H STEP O F C A M (SEE N O T E ) F A S T ID L E C A M S TEPS Ci j A D JU S T C U R B ID LE SPEED W IT H ID L E STOP S O L E N O I D (SEE L A B E L ) FAST ID L E A D JU S T M E N T ©2 JCH OO ML DP LCEHTOE KL EY VALVE C A R B . NO. PLUG G AUG E ALL .120 CLO SED ( 3) .1 2 0 " P LU G GAUGE MUST PASS T H R O U G H H O L E IN L E V E R 1 A N D E N TE R H O LE IN C A S T IN G O PLACE C A M F O LLO WE R ON HI G H E S T STEP OF F A S T IDLE C A M BEND L IN K TO A D JU S T C HO KE C O IL L E V E R A D JU S T M E N T C A R B . NO. NDEX MARK ALL IN D E X C A R B . IMO. PLU G G A U G E IN D E X o LO O SEN T H R E E © R E T A IN IN G S C R E W S W IT H CH OK E COIL LEVER LOCA TED INSIDE COIL T A N G (SEE INSET) SE T M A R K O N ELECTRIC CHOKE T O SPECIFIED P O IN T O N CHOKE H O U S IN G A N D T IG H TE N SCRE WS PLACE C A M FOLLO WER O N HIGH STEP OF C A M IN S E T A U T O M A T IC C H O K E A D JU S T M E N T G) 6 G AUG E BETW EEN OF CHOKE V A LV E IN S I D E UPPER EDG E (A T C E N T E R ) A N D Al R HORN W ALL G A U G E V E R T IC A L 4j B E N D ROD AT P O IN T S H O W N TO A D JU S T .1 2 5 17057005 (.2 3 0 B O T T O M ) 17057002 17057004 17057302 17057010 ©2 j OH NO LCDH OD OK EW NV A L V E ( 17057001 17057303 O W IT H FA ST IDLE A D J U S T M E N T M AD E , C A M FO LLO WE R M U S T BE HELD FI RM LY ON S E C O N D STEP OF FA ST IDLE C A M A G A I N S T HI G H E S T STEP 17057006 17057007 17057008 17057009 17057308 17057309 CHO KE ROD (FA S T ID L E CAM ) A D JU S T M E N T .110 (.1 9 0 B O T T O M ) .1 5 0 (.2 7 5 B O T T O M ) FUEL SYSTEM 6C-7 N O T E : H O L D G A U G E V E R T IC A L ( 7^ T O A D JU S T ( b J g aug e ^ -^ U P P E R 5) ( „ b e tw e e n EDGE CHOKE OF VALVE R O D IN E N D O F CENTER) AN D SLOT A IR N O TE: ON D E L A Y FEA T U R E MODELS PLUG END C O VER W ITH M A S K IN G TAPE © C A R B . NO . PLUG G AU G E 17057001 17057303 .1 5 0 (.2 7 5 B O T T O M ) 17057002 17057004 17057302 (.2 4 5 B O T T O M ) B E IM D R O D HORN (A T IN S I D E W ALL (^ 4 J PUSH UP O N C H O K E .135 C O IL L E V E R U S E O U T S ID E 1 ) PLACE FA S T IDLE C A M FO LLO W E R O N H IG H E S T STEP OF FA S T IDLE C A M - S 3 J D IA P H R A G M V A C U U M SOURCE V— T O S E A T D IA P H R A G M PLUNG ER OUT AN D SEATED ( B U C K I N G S P R IN G C O M P R E S S E D -W H E R E U S E D I V A C U U M B R EA K A D JU S T M E N T 8 ( iM H O L D I N G © RE M O V E M A S K IN G TA P E , IF US ED 17057005 17057006 17057007 17057008 17057009 17057308 17057309 .1 8 0 (.3 2 5 B O T T O M ) C A R B . NO. PLU G G A U G E DOW N ON CH O KE V A L V E , G AU G E BE TW EEN UPPER ED G E O F CHOKE V A LV E A N D IN S I D E A IR HORN W ALL ALL WITH LIGHT DUTY EMISSIONS .3 2 5 (.6 0 0 B O T T O M ) (^ T )bend NO TE: HO LD TANG G A U G E V E R T IC A L TO AD JU S T (S E E I N S E T ) ( T ) ho ld TH RO TTLE VALVE ALL WITH HEAVY DUTY EMISSIONS W ID E O P E N .2 7 5 (.5 0 0 B O T T O M ) U N L O A D E R A D JU S T M E N T 3) G ^ O1 ) WE NA GR IMN -EC HMOUKSET WB EI D E CAM FOLLOW ER STEPS OF C A M E M IS S IO N TO A D J U S T BA SE IDLE, T U R N 1 /8 " HEX SC REW (S O LE N O ID N O T ENERGIZED) BASE IDLE — LDX 425 RPM (N) — M.T. (D) - A.T. CURB IDLE — LDX 750 RPM (N) M.T. EX CALIF. 850 RPM (N) M.T. CALIF. 550 RPM (D) A.T. NO A/C 49 STATES 600 RPM (D) A.T. A/C 49 STATES 600 RPM (D) A T. H. ALT. AND CALIF. OPEN- OFF (SEE LABEL) f 2 ) S E T C U R B ID L E T O S P E C IF IC A T IO N S - T U R N A S S E M B L Y IN O R O U T BASE IDLE — HDX 450 RPM (N) T O A D J U S T R .P .M . (S O L E N O ID E N E R G IZ E D ) IDLE SPEED ADJUSTM ENT CURB IDLE — HDX 600 RPM (N) blade to reach full open position. (Start timer when engine starts). 7. If the choke blade fails to open fully within 3-1/ 2 minutes proceed with steps 8-9-10 below. 8. Check voltage at the choke heater connection. (Engine must be running). If the voltage is approx­ imately 12-15 volts, replace the electric choke unit. 9. If the voltage is low or zero, check all wires and connections. If the connections at the oil pressure switch are faulty, the oil w arn in g light will be off with the key " o n " and engine off. If the fuse is blown, the radio or turn signal indicator will be inoperative. Repair wires or replace fuses as required. 10. If step 9 is good, replace oil pressure switch. N OTE: No gasket is used between the choke cover and the choke h ousing due to gro u n d in g requirements. Refer to figure 6 C -1 1 for the following adjustments: • Vacuum Break • U nloader • Idle Speed Checking Solenoid 1. T urn on ignition, but do not start engine. 2. O pen throttle to allow solenoid plunger to extend. 3. Hold throttle lever wide open, feel end o f plunger and disconnect wire at solenoid. 4. Plunger should move. Some spring tension should be felt. 5. If plunger did not move, back out 1/8 hex screw (counterclockwise) one full turn and repeat steps 3 and 4. 6. If plunger moves in step 5, connect wire to solenoid and adjust idle speed. 7. If plunger did not move in step 5 insert test lam p (1893 bulb or smaller) between solenoid feed wire and ground. 8. If lamp lights, replace solenoid. 9. If lam p does not light, locate cause o f open circuit in solenoid feed wire. Idle M ixtu re A djustm ent 1. Set parking brake and block drive wheels. 2. Remove air cleaner for access to carburetor, but keep vacuum hoses connected. 3. Disconnect and plug other hoses as directed on Emission Control Inform ation Label under the hood. 4. Engine must be at norm al operating tem pera­ ture, choke open, air conditioning off. 5. Connect an ACCURATE tachom eter to engine. 6. Disconnect vacuum advance and plug hose. Check ignition timing. If necessary, adjust to specifica­ tion shown on Emission Control Inform ation Label. Reconnect vacuum advance. 7. Carefully remove cap from idle mixture screw. Be careful not to bend screw. Lightly seat screw, then back out just enough so engine will run. 8. Place transmission in Drive (automatics with light duty emissions) or Neutral (all m anuals and automatics with heavy duty emissions). 9. Back screw out (richen) 1/8 turn at a time until maximum idle speed is obtained. Then set idle speed to value shown in Chart Column A o f specifications. Repeat Step 9 to be certain you have m aximum idle speed. 10. Turn screw in (lean) with 1/8 turn increments until idle speed reaches value shown in C h art Column B of specifications. 11. Reset idle speed to specification shown on Emission Control Inform ation Label. 12. Check and adjust fast idle as described on the Emission Control Inform ation Label. 13. Reconnect vacuum hoses. Install air cleaner. Idle Mixture Idle mixture screw has been preset at the factory and capped. Do not remove the cap during normal engine m aintenance. Before suspecting the carburetor as the cause of poor engine perform ance or rough idle, check ignition system including distributor, timing, spark plugs and wires. Check air cleaner, evaporative emission system, EFE System, PCV system, E G R valve and engine compression. Also inspect intake manifold, vacuum hoses and connections for leaks and check torques o f carb uretor m ounting bolts/nuts. In the case o f m ajor carburetor overhaul, throttle body replacement, high idle CO as indicated by state or local emission inspection, the idle mixture may be adjusted. Adjusting mixture by oth er than the following method m ay violate Federal a n d / o r C alifornia or other state laws. IN S U L A T O R T O R Q U E SE Q U E N C E T IG H T E N N U T S T O 36 IN . LBS. . . .T H E N TO 18 FT. LBS. i I •' H E A T STOVE 14. specilication. Recheck idle speed. If necessary, reset C A R B U R E TO R R E P LACE M E NT (FIG. 6C-12) Removal F lo oding , stum ble on acceleration a n d o th e r perform an ce complaints are, in many instances, caused by presence o f dirt, water, or other foreign m atter in carburetor. To aid in diagnosing cause, carburetor should be carefully removed from engine without drain in g fuel from bowl. Contents o f fuel bowl may then be e x a m in e d fo r c o n ta m in a tio n as ca rb u re to r is disassembled. Check filter. 1. Remove air cleaner. 2. D iscon nect carburetor. fuel an d vacuum lines 3. 4. Disconnect electrical connector at choke. Disconnect accelerator linkage. 5. Disconnect solenoid electrical connector. fro m 6. Remove carburetor attaching nuts and remove carb uretor and solenoid assembly attachment. 7. Remove insulator gasket. Installation It is good shop practice to fill carburetor bowl before installing carburetor. This reduces strain on starting motor and battery and reduces the possibility of backfiring while attem pting to start engine. A small supply o f fuel will enable c arburetor to be filled and the operation of float and intake needle and seat to be checked. O perate throttle lever several times and check discharge from pu m p jets before installing carburetor. 1. Be certain throttle body and intake m anifold sealing surface are clean. 2. Install carburetor insulator. 3. Install carburetor over m anifold studs. 4. Install vacuum and fuel lines at carburetor 5. Install attaching nuts and tighten alternately to 16 pounds-feet (21 N m ) . 6. Tighten fuel line. 7. Connect accelerator linkage. 8. C o nn ect connectors. 9. choke an d solenoid electrical Install air cleaner. 10. Check and adjust idle speed. SO LEN O ID R E P LA C E M E N T An inoperative solenoid should be replaced. Removal 1. Remove carburetor air cleaner. 2. Disconnect electrical connector at solenoid. 3. Unscrew and remove solenoid from float bowl assembly. to Installation 1. Hold choke valve wide open so that fast idle cam follower clears fast idle cam. 2. tang. 3. Install solenoid and turn in until it contacts lever Connect electrical connector. 4. Install air cleaner. 5. Check and adjust idle speed. CHOKE COIL R EPLACEM ENT Choke m echanism should be checked for free operation. A binding condition may have developed from petroleum gum form ation on the choke shaft or from damage. Choke shafts can usually be cleaned without disassembly by using C arbon X(X55) or equivalent. 1. Remove air cleaner and disconnect choke electrical connector. 2. Remove screws attaching choke assembly to housing and remove choke as an assembly. 3. Install new choke and coil assembly. 4. Install screws and loosely tighten. 5. Adjust choke setting as specified and tighten screws. 6. Connect choke electrical connector. 7. Start engine, check operation o f choke and then install air cleaner. AIR HORN T IG H T E N IN G SEQUENCE R efer to Figure tightening sequence. 6C-13 for proper air horn S P E C IF IC A T IO N S ID L E M IX T U R E (L E A N D R O P ) L IG H T D U T Y E M IS S IO N S ENGINE COLUMN B SPEED A FTE R LEAN DROP COLUMN A SPEED BEFORE LEAN DROP 2 5 0 CID M A N U A L TRANS. 900 RPM (N) 750 RPM (N) 575 RPM (D) 550 RPM (D) 620 RPM (D) 600 RPM (D) 63 0 RPM (D) 600 RPM (D) 62 0 RPM (D) 60 0 RPM (D) 1100 RPM (N) 85 0 RPM (N) LOW A L T I T U D E 25 0 CID A U T O M A T IC TRANS. LOW A L T . NO A /C 25 0 CID A U T O M A T IC TRANS. LOW A L T . A / C 250 CID A U T O M A T IC TRANS. C A L IF O R N IA 250 CID A U T O M A T IC TRANS. H IG H A L T I T U D E 250 CID M A N U A L TRANS. C A L IF O R N IA ID L E M IX T U R E (L E A N D R O P) H E A V Y D U T Y E M IS S IO N S ENGINE COLUMN A COLUMN B SPEED BEFORE LEAN DROP SPEED A FTE R LE AN DROP 250 CID 600 RPM (N) 70 0 RPM (N) 29 2 CID T O R Q U E S P E C IF IC A T IO N S IM E C A R B U R E T O R SCREW TORQUE SCREW (IN. LBS.) TORQUE (IN. LBS.) 400 A I R H O R N T O BO W L 45 FU EL IN LE T NUT A I R C L E A N E R B R ID G E 70 F A S T I D L E C AM 50 CHOKE LEVER 25 PUMP L E V E R 30* T H R O T T L E B O D Y T O BO W L 180 N EED LE SEAT 45 M E T E R I N G JET 40 * L o c t it e A V V or equivalent MODEL 2GC CARBURETOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he Model 2G C carburetor (Figs. 6C-14 and 15) is equipped with a n integral choke attached to the throttle body assembly. All light duty emission models use a fuel inlet check valve to shut off fuel flow to the carburetor float bowl to prevent fuel leaks if a vehicle roll-over should occur. All models (except California) use full vacuum for distributor advance obtained through a tube pressed into the float bowl (choke side location "h " ). On C alifornia models, timed vacuum for distributor advance is supplied through this same tube (location "h"). A n Exhaust G a s Recirculation (E.G.R.) system is used to meet emission requirem ents for oxides o f N itrogen (NOx). In addition, a cup restriction is added in the float bowl behind the Exhaust G a s Recirculation (E.G.R.) vacuum tube (location "j"), to delay E.G.R. valve operation for im proved engine perform ance as the throttle valves are opened. A electrically operated solenoid is used on all 2G C models equipped with automatic transmission and air conditioning. The solenoid is used to m ain tain proper idle speed when the air conditioning is in operation. Fuel for the pu m p system is obtained through a hole located in a raised cast-in boss on the floor o f the float bowl which prevents the entry of dirt into the accelerator p u m p fuel inlet passage. The p u m p plunger head is designed with an expander spring beneath the pum p cup to m aintain good pum p wall contact during pu m p operation. The end o f the pu m p plunger stem is upset in m a nufacturing to provide the "clipless" retaining in feature. The p u m p plunger assembly may be removed from the inner lever by twisting upset end with small pliers until it breaks. The service pum p assembly has a grooved end and is provided with a retaining clip. The carburetor p art n um b e r is stam ped on the flat section o f the float bowl next to the fuel inlet nut. (Fig. 6C-17). W hen servicing the carburetor unit, refer to the O n-Car Service section for proper procedures and specifications. Incorporated in the Model 2 G C carburetor are six basic systems. They are Float, Idle, M ain Metering, Power, Pump and Choke (Figs. 6C-17 through 23). IDLE R ESTRICTIO N ---------------^ I----------------- IDLE PASSAGE • E.G.R (E X H A U S T GAS ^ ID L E T U B E i \ IDLE AIR \ MAIN WELL INSERT^_ M A IN R E C IR C U L A T IO N I -■ ^ I \ M E T E R IN G --------------JETS 1 S T IM E D SPARK TUBE-;--------- H ' ( BLEEDS T j III ■ -■■E.G.R. VALVE & SPARK J T IM E D TIMED VACUUM C ANISTER ----- \ ^ PORT. PURGE / EGR -------- n R E S T R I C T I O N '^ ^ L _ ^ J S f f l ^ j ,¥^ 3 ^ ^ “2G ” TYPE IDLE N E E D L I E - & ( _L L. \ STEP OF FAST ID LE CAM AG AINST HIGH STEP , , C HO KE R OD (FA S T ID L E CA M ) A D JU S T M E N T 4 ) GAUGE 3 1STEM BETW EEN EDGE O F CH O KE PU LLED O UT / U N T IL S E A T E D UPPER C A R B . NO. VALVE A N D W A L L O F A IR HORN .1 3 0 B ELO W P L A C E ID L E S P E E D S C R E W O N H IG H E S T S T E P O F FAST ID L E C A M VACUUM PLUG G AUGE ALL EXCEPT 17056137 — 2 2 .5 0 0 M l .1 6 0 ABOVE 2 2 .5 0 0 M l D IA P H R A G M S SEATED j BEND ROD TO AD JU S T N O TE : PLUG EN D C O VE R \ \ 'j ^ W IT H A P I E C E O F M A S K I N G / & T A P E M A K IN G S U R E T O CO VER PURGE BLEED H O LE . REM O VE TAPE AFTER ( \ 17056137 .190 L _ \ ------- ^ f T ^ U S E O U T S ID E V A C U U M S O U R C E A D JU S TM E N T. V A C U U M B R EA K A D JU S TM E N T C A R B . NO. G A U G E B E T W E E N UPPER EDGE O F C H O K E V A L V E A N D W A L L OF A IR HORN PLU G G A U G E BEND TA NG TO AD J U S T SEE INSET ALL HOLD THROTTLE V A L V E W ID E OPEN INSET C H O K E U N L O A D E R A D JU S T M E N T .325 10 © P R E P A R E V E H IC L E FOR A D J U S T M E N T S - SEE E M IS S IO N L A B E L O N V E H IC L E . N O T E : IG N IT IO N T IM IN G SET PER L A B E L . LIGHT DUTY EMISSIONS MANUAL TRANSMISSION 600 RPM (N) AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 500 RPM (D) HEAVY DUTY EMISSIONS 700 RPM (N) IDLE SPEED A D JU S T M E N T — W IT H O U T SOLENOID 11 © OPEN T H R O T T L E S L IG H T L Y TO A L L O W S O L E N O ID P L U N G E R TO F U L L Y E X T E N D T U R N ID L E SPEED SCREW TO SET C U R B ID L E SPEED TO S P E C IF IC A T IO N S - A /C O F F (SEE E M IS S IO N L A B E L ) © S O L E N O I D E N E R G IZ E D A /C CO M PR E SS O R L E A D D IS C O N N E C T E D A T A /C CO M PRE SS O R , A /C O N, A /T T R A N S M IS S IO N IN D R IV E . L I G H T D U T Y E M IS S IO N S M A N U A L T R A N S M IS S IO N I D L E S P E E D S C R E W - 6 0 0 R P M (N ) S O L E N O I D S C R E W - 7 0 0 R P M (N ) A U T O M A T I C T R A N S M IS S IO N E L E C T R IC A L C O N N E C T IO N / ' I D L E S P E E D S C R E W - 5 0 0 R P M (D ) S O L E N O I D S C R E W - 6 5 0 R P M (D ) © TURN S O L E N O ID SCREW TO A D J U S T TO S P E C IF IE D RPM. (R E C O N N E C T A /C COM PRESSOR LE A D A F T E R A D JU S TM E N T) 0 PR E P A R E V E H IC L E FOR A D J U S T M E N T S SEE E M IS S IO N L A B E L O N V E H IC L E . N O T E : IG N IT IO N T IM IN G SET PER L A B E L . IDLE A D JU STM EN T — WITH SOLENOID wires. Check air cleaner, evaporative emission system, E FE System, PCV system, E G R valve and engine compression. Also inspect intake manifold, vacuum hoses and connections for leaks and check torques of c arburetor m ou ntin g bolts/nuts. In the case o f major carb uretor overhaul, throttle body replacement, high idle CO as indicated by state or local emission inspection, the idle mixture m ay be adjusted. Adjusting mixture by other than the following m ethod may violate F ederal a n d / o r C alifornia or other state laws. Idle M ix tu re A d ju stm ent 1. Set parking brake and block drive wheels. 2. Remove air cleaner for access to carburetor, but keep vacuum hoses connected. 3. Disconnect an d plug o ther hoses as directed on Emission Control Info rm atio n Label under the hood. 4. Engine must be at norm al operating tem p e ra ­ ture, choke open, air conditioning off. 5. Connect an ACCURATE tachometer to engine. 6. Disconnect vacuum advance and plug hose. Check ignition timing. If necessary, adjust to specifica­ tion shown on Emission Control Inform ation Label. Reconnect vacuum advance. 7. Carefully remove caps from idle misture screws. Be careful not to bend screws. Lightly seat screws then back out EQUALLYjust enough so engine will run. 8. Place transmission in Drive (automatics on light duty emissions) or N eutral (all manuals and automatics with heavy duty emissions). 9. Back each screw out (richen) 1/8 turn at a time until m axim um idle speed is obtained. T hen set idle speed to value shown in C h a r t C olum n A of specifications. Repeat Step 9 to be certain you have m axim um idle speed. 10. T u rn each screw in (lean) with 1/8 turn increments until idle speed reaches value shown in Chart Colum n B o f specifications. 11. Reset idle speed to specification shown on Emission Control In form atio n Label. 12. Check and adjust fast idle as described on the Emission Control In form ation Label. 13. Reconnect vacuum hoses. Install air cleaner. 14. Recheck idle speed. If necessary, reset to specification. C A R B U R E TO R R E P LA C E M E N T (FIG .6C -28) Removal Flo od in g, stum ble on acceleration and o ther perform ance complaints are, in m any instances, caused by presence o f dirt, water, or other foreign m atter in carburetor. To aid in diagnosis, carburetor should be carefully removed from engine without draining fuel from bowl. Contents o f fuel bowl may then be examined for contam ination as carburetor is disassembled. Check filter. Fig. 6C-28--Carburetor and Choke Pipes V8,2Bb1 1. Remove air cleaner and gasket. 2. Disconnect solenoid wire if equipped. 3. D isconnect fuel and vacuum lines from carburetor. 4. Disconnect fresh air hose and choke hose from choke system. 5. Disconnect accelerator linkage. 6. If e q u ip p e d with au to m atic transm ission, disconnect downshift cable. 7. If equipped with cruise control, disconnect linkage. 8. Remove carburetor attaching bolts and remove carburetor and insulator. Installation 1. Fill carburetor bowl before installing carburetor. 2. With clean sealing surfaces on carburetor and intake manifold, install new insulator. 3. Postion carburetor over insulator and install bolts. Tighten bolts alternately to 145 inch pounds. 4. Connect downshift cable as required. 5. Connect cruise control cable as required. 6. Connect accelerator linkage. 7. Connect choke system. 8. Connect fuel pipe and vacuum hoses. 9. Connect solenoid wire as required. 10. Install air cleaner. 11. Check and adjust idle speed. AIR HORN T IG H T E N IN G SEQUENCE Refer to figure 6C-29 for air horn tightening sequence. Fig. 6C-29 -Air Horn T ightening Sequence S P E C IF IC A T IO N S ID L E M IX T U R E (L E A N D R O P ) L IG H T D U T Y E M IS S IO N S COLUM N B COLUMN A SPEED BEFORE LEAN DROP ENGINE SPEED A FT E R LEAN DROP 305 CID M A N U A L TRANS. 650 RPM (N) 600 RPM (N) 5 3 0 RPM (D) 500 RPM (D) 30 5 CID A U T O M A T IC TRANS. ID L E M IX T U R E (L E A N D R O P ) H E A V Y D U T Y E M IS S IO N S COLUMN B SPEED A FTE R LEAN DROP COLUMN A SPEED BEFORE LEAN DROP ENGINE 70 0 RPM (N) 8 00 RPM (N) 305 C ID T O R Q U E S P E C IF IC A T IO N S 2G C C A R B U R E T O R TORQUE SCREW (IN. LBS.) T H R O T T L E BODY T H R O T T L E B O D Y TO B O W L 72 BO W L CLUSTER 46 F A S T I D L E CAM 58 M E T E R I N G JET 40 C H O K E H O U S IN G CHOKE LEVER 14 CHOKE H S G .T O T H R O T T L E BODY 46 C H O K E H O U S IN G C O V E R 26 A I R HO R N A I R H O R N T O BOWL 46 V A C U U M B R E A K U N IT 26 CHOKE SHAFT FU EL IN L E T N U T NEEDLE SEAT 14 400 45 MODEL M4MC/M4ME/4MV CARBURETOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he Model M 4 M C /M 4 M E /4 M V carburetor (Figs. 6C-30, 3 1 and 32) are two stage carburetor o f dow ndraft Fig. 6 C - 3 0 - M o d e l M 4M C C a rb u re to r design. The triple venture system is used on the prim ary side fo the carburetor with 1-3/8 inch throttle valve bores. The secondary side has two 2 -1/4 inch bores. Using the air valve principle in the secondary side, fuel is metered in direct proportion to the air passing through the secondary bores. A baffle is attached to the secondary side o f the air horn above the main well bleed tubes to deflect incoming air to improve secondary nozzle operation on heavy acceleration. The solenoid is used on air conditioned equipped vehicles with automatic transmission and light duty emissions to increase idle speed slightly w hen the air conditioning is in operation. This allows the engine to idle at the same speed when the air conditioning is in operation, as when it is off. The float assembly is used along with a windowless type needle seat for better fuel handling in the float bowl. Also, a plastic filler block is used above the float ch am ber to reduce fuel slosh in this area. A fuel inlet filter check valve is used on light duty emission models to shut off fuel flow to the carburetor float bowl to prevent fuel leaks if a vehicle roll over should occur. The m ain m etering system on all models uses separate m ain wells to feed each fuel nozzle for improved fuel flow in the venturi system. Adjustable Part T h ro ttle-M 4M C /M 4M E In order to provide a close tolerance adjustm ent in the main metering system, an adjustm ent is provided to very accurately set the depth o f the metering rods in the main metering jets. The adjustm ent feature consists o f a pin pressed in the side of the power piston which extends through a slot in the side o f the piston well. W hen the power piston is C H O K E VALVE A C C E L E R A T O R P U M P ROD A IR V A LV E PART N U M B E R THRO TTLE LEVER F U EL IN LET PR IM A R Y TH ROTTLE LEVER IDLE M IX T U R E C U R B IDLE S C R E W down (economy position), the side o f the p in stops on top o f a flat surface on the adjustm ent screw located in the cavity next to the power piston. The adjustment screw is held from tu rning by a tension spring beneath the head of the adjustm ent screw. D urin g production flow test this adjustm ent screw is turned up o r down which, in turn, raises or lowers the power piston and metering rod assembly. This very accurately controls the fuel flow between the rods and jets to meet emission requirements. CAUTION: No attempt should be made to change the A P T adjustment. I f float bowl replacement is required, the new bowl assembly will include an adjustment screw pre-set by the factory. A n exp and er (garter) spring beneath the plunger cup on the accelerator p u m p assembly improves pum p fuel delivery. All M 4 M C /M 4 M E models use the bowl mounted choke housing with thermostatic control assembly. The choke shaft and some other parts o f the choke system are Teflon coated to insure smooth choke operation. The carburetor p a rt nu m b er (Fig. 6C-33) is stamped on a vertical section o f the bowl, near the secondary throttle lever. Refer to the part nu m b e r on the bowl when servicing this carburetor. W hen replacing the float bowl assembly, follow the instructions contained in the service package. Stam p or engrave the model nu m b e r on the new float bowl. The prim ary side o f the carburetor has six systems o f operation. They are float, idle, m ain metering, power, pump, and choke. The secondary side has one metering system which supplements the prim ary m ain metering system and receives fuel from a com m on float chamber. (Figs. 6C-34). S H IF T - YEAR — D A Y OF Y E A R CARBURETOR IDENTIFICATION PULL C LIP IN T E R N A L V E N T T U B E IN T E R N A L V E N T SLOT FLO A T H IN G E PIN c FU EL IN L E T FILTER (IN L E T N U T S ID E E N T R Y ) FLO A T A S S E M B L Y FLO AT BOW L Fig. 6C -34-Float System M A IN WELL A IR BLEEDS BOOST VEN TU R I FACTORY-METERING A DJUSTM ENT SCREW A - u r NOTE: SIDE FUEL ENTRY M A IN VENTURI THROTTLE VALVE M A IN POW ER PISTON (D O W N ) POWER PISTON SPRING maim VACUU M PASSAGE ^ f ' NR|N G METERING JETS( 2) M A IN METERING RODS (2 ) Fig. 6C -36-M ain M etering System -M 4M C/M 4M E PO W ER PISTON POWER PISTON SPRING PA R T T H R O T T LE . A D JU ST M E N T S C R E W MAIN M ET ERIN G ' JE T SECO NDARY M E T E R IN G RODS ( 2 ) BOOST VENTURI ACC E LE R A TO R WELL & TUBE F A C T O R Y -M E T E R IN G A D JU S TM E N T SCREW M E T E R IN G R O D LEVER M A IN P O W E R P IS T O N (U P ) M E T E R IN G DISC P O W E R P IS T O N S P R IN G VACUUM PA S S A G E AIR VA LVE M A IN M E T E R IN G J E T S (2 ) M A IN M E T E R IN G RODS (2 ) Fig. 6C-38- Power System -M 4M C /M 4M E SECO NDARY BAFFLE ACCELERATOR WELL & TUBE |E C C E N T R IC ►CAM SECONDARY THROTTLE VA LVE Fig. 6C-41 -Air Valve Dashpot-4MV PUM P LEVER EXPANDER SPRING Fig. 6C -42-Accelerating Pump System-M4MC/IVI4ME Fig. 6C -43-Accelerating Pump System-4MV CHOKE ROD CHOKE VALVE V A C U U M BREAK A D J U S T IN G SCREW VACUUM BREAK D IA P H R A G M THERMOSTA C O IL [ IN S ID E CUP BAFFLE SECONDARY LOCKOUT LEVER FAST IDLE CAM FO LLO W E R FAST IDLE A D J U S T IN G SCREW CHOKE SYSTEM (H O T A IR TYPE) Fig. 6C-44-Choke System-M4MC UNLOADER TANG CHOKE VALVE CHOKE ROD DASHPOT VACUUM D IA P H R A G M ELE C TR IC CHOKE ASSEM BLY (SEE IN S E T ) T H E R M O S T A T IC C O IL PLUNGER B U C K IN G S P R IN G SECONDARY LOCKOUT LEVER IN S E T UNLO ADER TA N G F A S T ID LE C A M FO LLO W ER CHOKE SYSTEM (E LE C T R IC C H O K E T Y P E ) Fig. 6C-45-Choke System-M4ME F A S T IDLE A D J U S T IN G SCREW ON-VEHICLE SERVICE M 4 M C / M 4 M E / 4 M V C A R B U R E TO R ADJUSTMENTS R efer to figure 6C-47 for the following adjustments: • Float • Pump • Secondary Opening • Air Valve Spring Refer to figure 6C-54 for the following adjustments: • Air Valve Spring • Idle Speed-W ithout Solenoid • Idle Speed-W ith Solenoid Checking Solenoid R e fe r to figure 6C-48 for the following adjustments: • Fast Idle • Choke Coil Lever • Choke Rod (Fast Idle C a m )-M 4 M C /M 4 M F Refer to figure 6C-49 for the following adjustments: • Choke Rod (Fast Idle Cam)-4MV • Air Valve R o d -M 4 M C /M 4 M E • Air Valve Rod-4MV Refer to figure 6C-50 for the following adjustments: • Vacuum Break • R ear Vacuum Break • V acuum Break-4MV 1. Turn on ignition, but do not start engine. 2. Turn A /C to " o n " position. 3. Open throttle to allow solenoid to extend, close throttle. 4. Disconnect lead at solenoid. Solenoid plunger should drop away from throttle lever. 5. Connect solenoid lead. Plunger should move out and contact the throttle lever. Solenoid m ay not be strong enough to open the throttle, but the plunger should move. 6. If plunger does not move in and out as lead is disconnected and connected, insert test light (1893 bulb or smaller) between the solenoid feed wire and ground. 7. If light lights, replace solenoid. 8. If light does not light, locate cause o f open circuit in solenoid feed wire. Idle Mixture R e fe r to figure 6C-51 • Automatic Choke • A utomatic Choke • A utomatic Choke for the following adjustments: Coil-M4MC Coil-M4ME Coil Rod-4MV Checking Carburetor Choke 1. Remove air cleaner. W ith engine off, hold throttle h a lf open. O pen an d close choke several times. W atch linkage to be certain all links are connected and there are no signs o f damage. 2. If choke or linkage binds, sticks or works sluggishy, clean with choke cleaner X-20-A or equivalent. Use cleaner as directed on can. Refer to disassembly instructions for additional direction if cleaning does not correct. 3. Visually inspect carbu retor to be certain all vacuum hoses are connected. Inspect hoses for cracks, abrasions, hardness or o ther signs o f deterioration. Replace or correct as necessary. 4. M ake sure vacuum break d iaphrag m shaft is fully extended w hen engine is off. If shaft is not fully extended, replace vacuum break d ia p h ra g m shaft should fully retract within 10 seconds. If unit fails to retract, replace vacuum break assembly. R efer to figure 6C-52 for the following adjustments: • U n lo a d e r-M 4 M C /M 4 M E • U nloader-4M V • Secondary Lockout R e fe r to figure 6C-53 for the following adjustments: • Secondary Closing Idle mixture screws have been present at the factory and capped. Do not remove the caps during normal engine maintenance. Before suspecting the carburetor as the cause of poor engine perform ance or rough idle, check ignition system including distributor, timing, spark plugs and wires. Check air cleaner, evaporative emission system, EFE System, PCV system. E G P valve and engine compression. Also inspect intake manifold, vacuum hoses and connections for leaks and check torques of carburetor m ounting bolts/nuts. In the case of m ajor carburetor overhaul, throttle body replacement, high idle CO as indicated by state or local emission inspection, the idle mixture may be adjusted. Adjusting mixture by other than the following method may violate Federal a n d / o r C alifornia or other state laws. Idle M ixtu re A d ju stm ent 1. Set parking brake and block drive wheels. 2. Remove air cleaner for access to carburetor, but keep vacuum hoses connected. 3. Disconnect and plug other hoses as directed on Emission Control Inform ation Label under the hood. 4. Engine must be at norm al operating tem pera­ ture, choke open, air conditioning off. 5. Connect an ACCURATE tachom eter to engine. 6. Disconnect vacuum advance and plug hose. Check ignition timing. If necessary, adjust to specifica­ tion shown on Emission Control Inform ation Label. Reconnect vacuum advance. 7. Carefully remove caps from idle mixture screws. 1 CARB. NO. © © ' GAUGE F R O M T O P O F C A S T IN G T O T O P O F F L O A T - P O IN T 3 / 1 6 " B A C K FROM END O F G A U G IN G 17057202 17057204 17057502 17057582 17057584 17057503 17057504 GAUG E 15/32” F L O A T A T T O E (S E E I N S E T ) H O L D R E T A IN E R 17057209 17057218 F IR M L Y IN P L A C E 17057222 17057518 17057522 17057586 17057588 17057219 17057519 TO E © PUSH F LO A T DO W N L IG H T L Y A G A IN S T N E E D L E G A U G IN G P O IN T (3 /1 6 " B A C K 7/16" 17057512 17057517 FRO M TO E) © REMOVE FLO AT AND 17056212 17057221 17056217 BEND FLO AT ARM UP O R D O W N T O AD JU S T jV IS U A L L Y AFTER CHECK 3/8” F L O A T A L IG N M E N T A D J U S T IN G 1 7 0 57 2 1 3 1 7 0 57 2 1 5 17057216 1 7 0 57 5 2 5 1 7 0 57 5 1 4 1 7 0 57 5 2 9 11/32” 17057229 F L O A T A D JU S T M E N T 7045583 7045585 7045586 CARB. NO. © G AUGE HOLE l LOC. G A U G E FR O M TO P O F C H O K E V A L V E W A LL . N E X T TO VE N T B E N D PUMP S T A C K . TO TO P O F PUM P ST EM ALL EXCEPT LE VER TO A S S P E C IF I E D A D JU S T 1 7 0 57 5 8 6 17057588 9 /3 2 " INNER 9 /3 2 ” OUTER R O D I N S P E C IF IE D H O L E O F PUMP L E V E R © TH RO TTLE VALVES C O M P LE TE LY CLOSED IF NECESSARY, BEND SECONDARY C L O S IN G PUMP A D JU S T M E N T P R IM A R Y TANG A W A Y TO CLOSE VALVES. THEN RE AD JU S T 1 7 0 57 5 8 6 17057588 N O T E *: A N G L E G A U G E M E T H O D CAN BE USED [L O O S E N T H R E E R E T A I N I N G S C R E W S A N D PLUG GAUGE C A R B . NO. R E M O V E T H E T H E R M O S T A T IC C O V E R A N D C O I L A S S E M B L Y F R O M C H O K E H O U S IN G CHOKE V A LV E BEND CHOKE ROD A T T H IS P O IN T TO AD JU S T (S E E I N S E T ) ( ^ 2 ^ P U S H UP O N T H E R M O S T A T IC I V " 'C O I L TANG (C O U N T E R C L O C K W IS E ) ^ ------- U N T I L C H O K E V A L V E IS C L O S E D .120 " ALL LO W E R ED G E O F L E V E R S H O U LD J U S T C O N T A C T S ID E O F P L U G GAUGE I N S E R T S P E C IF I E D PLUG G AUG E 7 J IN S T A L L COVER A N D REFER -— 'T O A U T O M A T IC CHOKE A D JU S TM E N T CHOKE COIL LEVER A D J U S T M E N T — M 4 M C /M 4 M E o1 I P O S IT IO N T R A N S M IS S IO N IN PARK OR N E U T R A L L IG H T D U T Y E M IS S IO N S M A N U A L T R A N S M IS S IO N 1 300 RPM (N ) © AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 1600 RPM (N ) H O LD CAM FO LLO W ER ON H IG H E S T S T E P H E A V Y D U T Y E M IS S IO N S 3 5 0 /4 0 0 C ID 1600 RPM (N ) O F F A S T ID L E C A M L ® 3 J D IS C O N N E C T A N D PLUG V A C U U M H O SE A T EGR V A L V E T U R N F A S T IDLE SC REW T O O B T A IN SPECIFIED FA S T IDLE RPM 454 1700 RPM (N) FAST ID L E A D JU S T M E N T © G A U G E B E T W E E N UPPER CARB. NO. EDGE O F C H O K E V A L V E & PLUG ANGLE GAUGE GAUGE I N S I D E A I R H O R N W A L L (S E E N O T E * ) 6 )B E N D T A N G ON NO TE: H O LD GAUGE F A S T ID L E C A M T O A D JU S T V E R T IC A L ALL WITH LIGHT DUTY EMISSIONS .3 2 5 46° ALL WITH HEAVY DUTY EMISSIONS .2 8 5 46° 4 JC LO S E C H O K E BY © . P U S H IN G UPW ARD ON C H O K E C O IL L E V E R PLAC E C AM FO LLO W ER 1M AKE F A S T IDLE A D J U S T M E N T ON SECO ND STEP O F C A M N E X T TO ^R E M O V E T H E R M O S T A T IC COVER H IG H S T E P ^ IN S T A L L COVER A N D REFER TO A U T O M A T IC C H O K E A D J U S T M E N T CHOKE ROD (FA ST IDLE C A M ) A D J U S T M E N T — M 4 M C /M 4 M E CARB. NO. PLACE SPECIFIED G A U G E BE TW E E N W A L L A N D UPPER EDGE OF ----CHOKE V A LV E 7045583 7045585 7045586 17056212 17056217 B E N D CHOKE ROD TO O B T A IN G A U G E D IM E N S IO N O P E N IN G P O S IT IO N C A M FO LLO W E R O N SE C O N D STEP OF C A M (4 ) PLUG ANGLE GAUGE .2 9 0 ALL OTHERS .220 CARB. NO. PLUG G A U G E ALL .0 1 5 " 42° RECHECK F A S T IDLE A D J U S T M E N T CHOKE ROD (FAST IDLE CAM) ADJUSTMENT — 4MV (3 JPLAC E G AUG E BETW EEN A N D E N D O F S L O T IN T )A IR ROD LEVER 1 )S E A T C H O K E V A C U U M VALVE C O M P LE TE LY CLO SED -^ D IA P H R A G M U S E O U T S ID E U VA C U U M SOURCE 4 jB E N D H E R E F O R S P E C IF I E D — 'C L E A R A N C E B E T W E E N ROD ( NOTE: A N D E N D O F S L O T IN L E V E R PLUG PURGE B LE E D HO LE W IT H T A P E ( W H E R E U S E D ). REMOVE A FTE R A D JU S TM E N T AIR VALVE ROD ADJUSTMENTS — M4MC/M4ME A IR V A L V E S M U S T BE C O M P LE TE LY CLOSED B EN D R O D HERE T O O B T A IN S P E C IF IE D C LE A R A N C E BETW EEN R O D A N D E N D OF S L O T IN LEVER SEAT DIAPHRAGM USING OUTSIDE V A C U U M SOURCE PLACE .015 GUAGE BETWEEN ROD A N D END OF SLOT IN LEVER AIR VALVE ROD ADJUSTMENT — 4MV N O T E *: A N G L E G A U G E M ET H O D CAN ALSO BE USED 8 6 N O TE: H O LD (V y P L A C E GAUGE G AUG E BETW EEN CARB. NO. U P P E R ,E D G E O F C H O K E V E R T IC A L L Y S E A T D IA P H R A G M 17057202 17057204 17057218 U S IN G O U T S ID E 17057222 V A L V E A N D IN S ID E W A L L O K A I R H O R N (S E E N O T E * ) JTU R N SCREW TO A D JU S T N O TE: PLUG PURG E B L E E D H O L E W IT H CAM A P I E C E O F M A S K IN G FO LLO W ER ON TAPE ON D E LA Y H IG H E S T S T E P FEATU RE M O D ELS. O F FA S T ID L E C A M REMOVE AFTER A D JU S TM E N T. © ©7 (T J P U S H R E M O V E T H E R M O S T A T IC COVER ) IN S ID E C H O K E C O IL LE V E R C O U N TER C LO C K­ W IS E U N T I L T A N G O N V A C U U M IN S T A L L COVER A N D REFER TO A U T O M A T IC C H O KE A D J U S T M E N T BR EAK LEVER CONTACTS TANG ON VACU UM B R EA K PLUNG ER V A C U U M B R EA K A D J U S T M E N T - M 4 M C?) BEND C s te m ROD TO A D JU S T G A U G E B E T W E E N A IR .1 6 0 ( .2 1 5 27 BOTTOM ) 17057219 V A C U U M SOURCE (2 J P L A C E PLUG ANGLE GAUGE GAUGE HORN W A L L & U P P E R E D fiF O F 17057502 17057503 17057504 17057512 17057517 17057518 17057519 17057522 17057582 17057584 17057586 17057588 C A R B . NO. .1 6 5 ( .2 3 0 2 8 .5 ° BOTTOM ) .1 8 0 ( .2 4 5 30 BOTTOM ) PLUG ANGLE GAUGE GAUGE C H O K E V A L V E (S E E N O T E * ) N O TE: PLUG PURGE B L E E D H O L E W IT H A P IE C E O F M A S K IN G TAPE ON D E LA Y FE A TU R E M O D ELS. REM O VE A FTE R 7 ) IN S T A L L COVER A N D REFER TO A U T O M A T IC CHOKE A D JU S TM E N T A D JU S TM E N T. ( jM S E A T .1 6 0 27° REAR VACUUM B R E A K D I A P H R A G M U S IN G © © P U S H UP O N C H O K E C O I L L E V E R O U T S ID E V A C U U M S O U R C E © ' © 17057221 D IA P H R A G M P L U N G E R P U L L E D O U T U N T IL S E A T E D — R E M O V E COVER A N D PLACE C A M FO LLO W E R O N H IG H E S T STEP O F F A S T IDLE C A M B U C K IN G S P R IN G C O M P R E S S E D O N M O D ELS W HERE USED R EA R V A C U U M B R EAK A D J U S T M E N T -M 4 M E 10 G A U G E B E T W E E N A IR H O R N W A L L CARB. NO. A N D U P P E R E D G E O F C H O K E V A LV E PLUG ANGLE GAUGE GAUGE 17057213 17057215 V A C U U M PLUN G ER M U S T BE FULLY SEA T ED U S IN G O U T S ID E V A C U U M SO URCE 17057529 17057229 L IG H T LY RO TATE C H O K E C O IL LE V ER C O U N T E R C L O C K ­ W IS E U N T IL E N D O F RO D IS IN E N D O F SLO T IN LEVER 25 .3 .110 2 5 .3 .120 2 6 .5 7045583 7045585 7045586 O P E N P R IM A R Y THRO TTLE V A L V E S S O TH A T FAST IDLE C A M F O L L O W E R C L EA R S FA ST IDLE C A M 17056212 17056217 17057514 17057525 V A C U U M B R EA K A D JU S T M E N T - 4 M V .1 1 5 17057216 TT © A L IG N M A R K O N C O V E R W IT H S P E C IF IE D P O IN T ON H O U S IN G . N O T E : O N M O D E L S W IT H S L O T T E D C O IL PIC K -U P L E V E R , M A K E SURE C O IL T A N G IS IN S T A L L E D IN S L O T IIM L E V E R (SEE IN S E T tr 2 ) LO O S EN TH R E E (D R E T A IN IN G SCREWS (N O T E : T IG H T E N SCREWS A F T E R A D J U S T M E N T ). RO TATE COVER AN D C O IL A S S E M B L Y C O U N T E R C L O C K W IS E U N T IL C H O K E V A L V E JU S T C LO SES IN D E X C A R B . NO . MARK 17057503 ONE NO TCH 170E7519 LEAN 17057202 17057204 17057218 17057222 17057502 17057504 17057518 2 NOTCHES LEAN 17057522 17057582 17057584 17057586 17057588 T H E R M O S T A T IC C H O K E C O IL LE V E R P LA C E C A M FO LLO W ER ON H IG H E S T STEP OF C A M IN S E T # 2 17057209~ IN S E T # 1 AUTOMATIC CHOKE COIL ADJUSTMENT— M4MC 12 17057219 3 NOTCHES LEAN 17057512 170157517 INDEX CARB. NO. INDEX MARK S E T M A R K O N E L E C T R IC C H O K E T O S P E C IF IE D P O IN T O N C H O K E H O U S IN G 17057221 2 NOTCHES COUNTER­ C LO C K W IS E P L A C E F A S T ID L E C A M FOLLO W ER ON H IG H S T E P O F C A M V / AUTOMATIC CHOKE COIL ADJUSTMENT — M4ME 13 CHOKE VALVE C O M P LE TE LY C LO SED ( AUTOMATIC CHOKE COIL ROD ADJUSTMENT — 4MV N O T E *: A N G LE G A U G E M E T H O D CAN ALSO BE USED 14 ( T ^ g aug e b e t w e e n ON W ARM E N G IN E , C L O S E C H O K E CARB. NO. UPPER ED G E O F V A L V E B Y P U S H IN G U P O N T A N G CHOKE V A LV E IN T E R M E D IA T E C H O K E L E V E R (H O L D A IR AND HORN W ALL P O S IT IO N W IT H ON IN RUBBER BAND) (S E E N O T E * ) ® AN G LE PLUG G AUG E GAUGE 17057221 17057209 .325 46° 17057512 17057517 .240 40° ALL OTHERS .280 42c BEND TANG TO AD JU S T (^ J H O L D TH RO TTLE V A L V E S W ID E O P E N o1 I CH EC K IN D E X M A R K P O S ITIO N (STEP 11 OR 12) UNLOADER ADJUSTMENT — M4MC/M4ME 15 CARB. NO. ( 3 ) G A U G E B E T W E E N A IR H ORN W ALL AN D U P P E R E D G E OF C H O KE V A LV E (SEE NO TE *) UNLOADER ADJUSTMENT — 4MV 16 CHOKE VA LVE PLUG ANGLE GAUGE GAUGE 17057213 17057215 17057216 17057529 17057229 .205 40° 17057525 17057514 .225 43= 17056212 17056217 7 0 4 5583 7 0 4 5585 7045586 .295 CARB. NO. PLUG GAUGE PUSH DOW N O N T A IL O F | CAM £ j/\ ( S T E P 2) H O L D C H O K E V A L V E W ID E CHO KE VALVE O P E N BY P U S H IN G D O W N O N CLO SED T A IL O F F A S T ID L E C A M ALL C H E C K L O C K O U T P IN FO R C L E A R A N C E F IL E E N D O F P IN B E N D P IN TO A D J U S T 015 MAX CLEARANCE (C H E C K FO R N O B U R R S A FTE R F IL IN G ) S E C O N D A R Y L O C K O U T LEVER (7 ) ^G A U G E FO R C L E A R A N C E S ID E C L E A R A N C E SEC ON DARY LOCKOUT (J) O P E N IN G C L E A R A N C E S E C O N D A R Y L O C K O U T A D JU S T M E N T .0 1 5 " 20 Q PR E P A R E V E H I C L E FOR A D J U S T M E N T S SEE EMI SS IO N L A B E L ON V E H I C L E . N O T E : I G N I T I O N T I M I N G SET PER L A B E L . LIGHT DUTY EMISSIONS MANUAL TRANSMISSION 700 RPM (N) L I G H T D U T Y E M IS S IO N S A U T O M A T I C T R A N S M IS S IO N ( A L L E X C E P T H IG H A L T I T U D E & 4 5 4 C ID ) 5 0 0 R P M (D ) ( H I G H A L T I T U D E & 4 5 4 C ID ) 6 0 0 R P M (D ) IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT — WITHOUT SOLENOID HEAVY DUTY EMISSIONS 700 RPM EP AR E V E H I C L E FOR A D J U S T M E N T S © PR SEE EMI SS IO N L A B E L ON V E H I C L E . 21 N O TE : I G N I T I O N T I M I N G SET PER L A B E L . S O LEN O ID EN ER GIZED A / C CO M PRE SS OR L E A D DISCONNECTED A T A /C COM PRE SS OR, A / C ON, A / T T R A N S M I S S IO N IN D R IV E . L I G H T D U T Y E M IS S IO N S A U T O M A T IC T R A N S M IS S IO N & A I R C O N D IT IO N I N G © O J T U R N SCREW T O A D J U S T TO SP E C IF IE D RPM. (R E C O N N E C T A / C COM PRESSOR L E A D A F T E R ADJUSTMENT) ( A L L E X C E P T H IG H A L T I T U D E & 4 5 4 C ID ) I D L E S P E E D S C R E W - 5 0 0 R P M (D ) S O L E N O I D S C R E W - 6 5 0 R P M (D ) ( H I G H A L T I T U D E & 4 5 4 C ID ) © O P E N T H R O T T L E S L IG H T LY TO A L L O W SO LENOID P L U N G E R TO F U L L Y E X T E N D . IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT — WITH SOLENOID T U R N I D L E SPEED SCREW TO SET C U R B I D L E SPEED TO S P E C IF I C A T IO N S - A / C O FF (SEE EM IS SI ON L A B E L ) ID L E S P E E D S C R E W - 6 0 0 R P M (D ) S O L E N O I D S C R E W - 6 5 0 R P M (D ) Be careful not to bend screws. Lightly seat screws then back out EQUALLYjust enough so engine will run. 8. Place transmission in Drive (automatics with light duty emissions) or N eu tral (all manuals and automatics with heavy duty emissions). 9. Back each screw out (richen) 1/8 turn at a time until m axim um idle speed is obtained. Then set idle speed to value shown in C h a rt C olum n A of specifications. Repeat Step 9 to be certain you have m axim um idle speed. 10. T urn each screw in (lean) with 1/8 turn increments until idle speed reaches value shown in Chart Colum n B o f specifications. 11. Reset idle speed to specification shown on Emission Control Inform ation Label. 12. Check and adjust fast idle as described on the Emission Control Inforam tion Label. 13. Reconnect vacuum hoses. Install air cleaner. 14. specification. Recheck idle speed. If necessary, Choke Valve Angle Gauge (Fig. 6C-55) 1. Choke valve angle measuring gauge J-26701 tool may be used with carburetor on or off engine. If off engine, place carburetor on holding fixture so that it will rem ain in the same position when gauge is in place. 2. Rotate degree scale until zero (0) is opposite pointer. 3. With choke valve completely closed, place m agnet squarely on top o f choke valve. 4. Rotate bubble until it is centered. 5. Rotate scale so that degree specified for the particular adjustment is opposite pointer. LEVELING BUBBLE (CENTERED) CHOKE VALVE CLOSED DEGREE SCALE SPECIFIED ANGLE (SEE SPECS.) POINTER MAGNET STEP A reset STEP B to 3. Install c arburetor and new insulator with attaching bolts. Tighten bolts alternately to 144 pound inches. 4. Connect downshift cable as required. 5. Connect cruise control cable as required. 6. Connect accelerator linkage. 7. Connect choke system. 8. Connect fuel pipe and vacuum hoses. 9. Connect solenoid as required. 10. Install air cleaner. 11. Check and adjust idle speed. Model 4M V (Fig. 6C-57) Removal Flooding, stum ble on acceleration a n d oth e r perform ance complaints are, in m an y instances, caused by presence o f dirt, water, or other foreign matter in carburetor. To aid in diagnosis, carburetor should be carefully removed from engine without draining fuel from bowl. Contents o f fuel bowl may then be examined for contam ination as carburetor is disassembled. Check filter. 1. Remove air cleaner and gasket. 2. D isconnect fuel a n d vacuum lines fro m Fig. 6C-56--Carburetor and Choke Pipes-M4MC/ carburetor. M4ME 3. Remove clip from choke linkage. 4. Disconnect accelerator linkage. 6. Adjust the choke linkage to center the bubble. 5. If equipped with automatic downshift cable, This completes adjustment. disconnect cable. 6. Remove carb ureto r attaching bolts an d remove C A R B U R E T O R R E P LA C E M E N T carburetor. Model M 4 M C /M 4 M E (Fig. 6C-56) Removal F lo oding , stum ble o n acceleration an d o th e r p e rfo rm an ce complaints are in m any instances, caused by presence o f dirt, water, or o ther foreign m atter in carburetor. To aid in diagnosis, carburetor should be carefully removed from engine without draining fuel from bowl. Contents o f fuel bowl m ay then be examined for contam in atio n as carburetor is disassembled. Check filter. 1. Remove air cleaner and gasket. 2. Disconnect wire at solenoid, if equipped. 3. Disconnect fuel pipe and vacuum lines. 4. Disconnect fresh air hose (hot air choke) or electrical connector (electric choke) from choke system. 5. Disconnect accelerator linkage. 6. If e q u ip p e d with a u to m a tic transm ission, disconnect downshift cable. 7. If equipped with cruise control, disconnect linkage. 8. Remove carburetor attaching bolt, carburetor an d insulator. Installation 1. Clean sealing surfaces on intake m anifold and carburetor. 2. Fill carb uretor bowl before installing carburetor. 7. Remove insulator. Installation 1. Clean sealing surfaces on intake manifold and carburetor. 2. Fill carburetor bowl before installing carburetor. 3. Install carburetor and new insulator with attaching bolts. Tighten bolts alternately to 144 pound inches. 4. Connect downshift cable as required. 5. Connect accelerator linkage. 6. Connect choke linkage and install clip. 7. Connect solenoid as required. 8. Install air cleaner. 9. Check and adjust idle speed. AIR HORN T IG H T E N IN G SEQUENCE Refer sequence. Fig. 6C-58--Air Horn Tightening Sequence to figure 6C-58 for air horn tightening S P E C IF IC A T IO N S ID L E M IX T U R E (L E A N D R O P ) L IG H T D U T Y E M IS S IO N S ENGINE COLUMN A SPEED BEFORE LEAN DROP COLUMN B SPEED A FTE R LE AN DROP 8 0 0 RPM (N) 7 0 0 RPM (N) 550 RPM (D) 500 RPM (D) 650 RPM (D) 6 00 RPM (D) 6 5 0 RPM (D) 6 00 RPM (D) 350 CID M A N U A L TRANS. LOW A L T & C A L I F . 350 CID A U T O M A T IC TRANS. LOW A L T . & C A L I F . 3 50 C ID A U T O M A T IC TRANS. H IG H A L T I T U D E 4 5 4 CID A U T O M A T IC TRANS. ID L E M IX T U R E (L E A N D R O P ) H E A V Y D U T Y E M IS S IO N S ENGINE COLUMN A SPEED BEFORE LEAN DROP COLUMN B SPEED AFTER LEAN DROP 3 50 C ID 8 75 RPM (N) EXCEPT C A L IF O R N IA 350 CID 8 0 0 RPM (N) C A L IF O R N IA 770 RPM (N) 400 CID 700 RPM (N) 454 CID 800 RPM (N) EXCEPT C A L IF O R N IA 454 C ID 75 0 RPM (N) C A L IF O R N IA T O R Q U E S P E C IF IC A T IO N S M 4 M C /M 4 M E C A R B U R E T O R 4M V CARBURETOR TORQUE SCREW TORQUE (IN. LBS.) SCREW (IN. LBS.) T H R O T T L E BODY T H R O T T L E B O D Y T O BO W L 46 C H O K E H O U S IN G A I R H O R N T O B O W L 10-32 46 A I R H O R N T O B O W L 8-32 26 CHOKE LEVER 14 A IR HORN TO T H R O T T L E BODY 46 C H O K E H O U S IN G A T T A C H I N G 46 T H R O T T L E B O D Y T O BO W L 46 C H O K E H O U S IN G C O V E R 26 V A C U U M B R E A K U N IT 26 A IR HORN S O LE N O ID B R A C K E T 71 46 FUEL IN LE T NUT A I R H O R N T O B O W L 8-32 26 M E TE R IN G JET 40 A I R H O R N T O T H R O T T L E BO D Y 46 NEEDLE SEAT 45 A I R H O R N TO B O W L 10-32 CHOKE LEVER 14 V A C U U M B R E A K U N IT 26 F U EL IN L E T NU T 400 NEEDLE SEAT 45 M E T E R I N G JE T 40 S O L E N O IS B R A C K E T 71 40 0 FUEL SU PPLY FUEL FILTER GENERAL D E S C R IP TIO N All engine fuel filters are located in the carburetor fuel inlet. These fuel filter elements are o f pleated paper. Elements are placed in the inlet hole with the gasket surface outward. A spring holds the element outward, sealing it by com pressing a gasket surface against the inlet fitting. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE The carburetor inlet fuel filter should be every 15,000 miles or 12 months. A fter assembling any filter element in buretor, always start the engine and check for the fuel line and fittings before installing the air replaced the car­ leaks in cleaner. Other Filters or Strainers A woven plastic filter is located on the lower end of the fuel pickup pipe in the gas tank. This filter prevents dirt from en tering the fuel line and also stops water unless the filter becomes completely submerged in water. This filter is self cleaning and normally required no m aintenance. Fuel stoppage at this point indicates that the gas tank contains an ab n o rm a l am ou nt of sediment or water; the tank should therefore be removed and thoroughly cleaned. 2. 3. 4. Remove fuel inlet filter nut from carburetor. Remove filter and spring. If removed, install check valve in fuel inlet filter. CAUTION: The fu e l inlet check valve m ust be installed in the filter to meet M otor Vehicle S afety Standards (M. V.S.S.) f o r roll-over. New service replacement filter include the check valve. 5. Install fuel inlet filter spring, filter, and check valve assembly in carburetor. Check valve end o f filter faces toward fuel line. NOTE: Ribs on closed end of filter element prevent filter from being installed incorrectly unless forced. 6. Install new gasket on fuel inlet filter nut and install nut in carburetor. Tighten nut to 18 pound feet. CAUTION: Tightening beyond specified torque can dam age gasket. 7. Install fuel line and tighten connection. Heavy Duty Emissions A plugged fuel filter will shut off fuel flow into carburetor. 1. Disconnect fuel line-connection at inlet fuel filter nut. 2. Remove inlet fuel filter nut from carburetor. Fuel Filter Replacem ent 3. Remove filter element and spring. Light Duty Emissions 4. Install elem ent spring and filter element in A plugged fuel filter a n d / o r check valve will restrict carburetor. 5. Install new gasket on inlet fitting nut and install fuel flow. 1. Disconnect fuel line connection at fuel inletnut in carburetor and tighten securely. 6. Install fuel line and tighten connector. filter nut. FUEL PUMP G ENER AL D E S C R IP TIO N The fuel pu m p (Figs. 6C-59 through 61)) is a d ia p h ra g m type pum p and is actuated by the rocker arm through a link and a push rod. Some vehicles have a fuel pum p which has a m etering outlet for a vapor return system. Any vapor which form s is returned to the fuel tank along with hot fuel through a separate line. This greatly reduces any possibility o f v a p or lock by keeping cool fuel from the tank constantly circulating through the fuel pump. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE Inspection and Test If the fuel system is suspected o f delivering an im proper am ount o f fuel to the carburetor, it should be inspected and tested in the vehicle, as follows: Inspection of Fuel System 1. M ake certain that there is gasoline in the tank. 2. With the engine running, inspect for leaks at all gasoline feed hose connections from fuel tank to carburetor. Tighten any loose connections. Inspect all hoses for flattening or kinks which would restrict the flow o f fuel. Air leaks or restrictions on suction side o f mechanical fuel pu m p will seriously affect pum p output. 3. Inspect for leaks at fuel pum p d iaphrag m flange. 4. Disconnect feed pipe n ear carburetor. G ro un d distributor terminal of coil with ju m p e r wire so that engine can be cranked without firing. Place suitable co n tain er at end o f pipe an d crank engine a few revolutions. If no gasoline, or only a little flows from pipe, the feed line is clogged or fuel pum p is inoperative. Before con d em n in g the fuel pum p, disconnect feed line at both ends and blow through it w ith air hose to m ake certain that fuel p um p is o p eratin g w ithin specifications. Fuel Pump Pressure Test 1. D isconnect gasoline line n ear carb u reto r and connect a suitable pressure gage (such as Pressure L eakdow n T ester J-22109). 2. S tart engine and check pressure with engine ru n n in g at slow idle speed. Fuel pum p pressure should be as specified at the end o f this section On vehicles eq u ip p ed w ith a v ap o r retu rn system, squeeze off the retu rn hose so th at an accurate read in g can be obtained. 3. If fuel pum p pressure is below m inim um , pum p m ust be replaced. Fuel Pump Flow Test 1. D isconnect fuel line from carburetor. Run fuel line in to a suitable m easuring container. Fig. 6C-59~Fuel Pump-L6 2. W hile observing the sweep second hand o f a clock o r w atch, run the engine at idle until there is one p in t o f fuel in the co ntainer. O ne p in t should be pum ped in 30 seconds o r less. 3. If flow is below m inim um , check for restriction in the line. Diagnosis C om plete diagnosis o f all possible causes o f the trouble p rio r to replacem ent o f the fuel pum p will save tim e, expense and possible causes o f the trouble p rio r to replacem ent o f the fuel p u m p will save time, expense and possibly prevent a rep eat com plaint. Low Pressure Complaint 1. D isconnect fuel inlet hose from pum p. D iscon­ nect vapor return hose, if so equipped. 2. D isconnect fuel outlet pipe. 3. Remove two 1/2 inch hex head bolts, using a 3 /8 inch drive deep socket and a ratchet handle. 4. Remove fuel pum p. Installation The only way to check fuel pum p pressure is by connecting an accurate pressure gauge to the fuel line at c a rb u re to r level. N ever replace a fuel pum p w ithout first m aking th at sim ple check. Not Enough Fuel Flow Complaint W hen an engine has a "starv in g -o u t" condition, m any m echanics jum p to the conclusion that the fuel pum p is not p u m p in g enough fuel. M any tim es the "s tarv in g -o u t" condition is actually due to a w eakness in the ignition system , since these two troubles are very h ard to separate. Even when an engine is starving for fuel, the cause is m ore likely to be a plugged fuel filter or a restricted fuel line than a m alfunctioning fuel pum p. Removal 1. Install new fuel pum p w ith new gasket. 2. Install two 1/2 inch hex head bolts, turning them alternately and evenly. 3. Install fuel outlet pipe. If it is difficult to start fitting, tim e can be saved by disconnecting up p er end o f pipe from carburetor. T ighten fitting securely, m ean ­ w hile holding fuel p um p n u t w ith a wrench. Install and tighten fitting at carburetor, if rem oved. 4. Install fuel inlet hose. Install vapor return hose, if so equipped. 5. Start engine and check for leaks. T IG H T E N ‘ 4 BBL. C A R B U R E T O R | TO POUND FE E T BBL. C A R B U R E T O R T IG H T E N T O 25 P O U N D GASKET FE E T PLA TE GASKET T IG H T E N TO 27 FT. LBS. LU BE T IG H T E N TO 20 P O U N D FE E T T IG H T E N TO 36 IN. LBS. T IG H T E N T O ' 22 FT. LBS. Fig. 6C-61--Fuel Pump-454 V8 V IE W Fig. 6C -60-Fuel P u m p -3 0 5 /3 5 0 /4 0 0 V8 FUEL TANK ON-VEHICLE SERVICE Outside Frame Rail Fuel Tank- Center and Auxiliary Fuel Tank CK 10 and 20 (06, 16) (Figs. 6C-66, 67, 68) Fuel Tank-Van (Fig. 6C-69) Cab and Crewcab (Figs. 6C-62 and 63) 1. 2. D ra in tank. D isconnect fuel lines, m eter w ire and ground 1. D rain tank. lead. 2. Raise vehicle on hoist. 3. Rem ove strap supports (lines, vent) and clip. 4. Loosen clam ps from filler neck and vent line. 5. R em ove strap bolts and lock w ashers from tank fro n t an d re a r locations on inside fram e rail. 6. R em ove tank from fra m e sim u ltaneously d isen g ag in g filler neck hose from filler neck (Fig. 6C-64). 7. R em ove m eter assem bly from fuel tank using Tool J-24187 (Fig. 6C-65). 8. Reverse rem oval procedure to install fuel tank. 3. U nclam p upper filler neck and vent tube hose. 4. U nclam p gauge unit hoses at fram e end. 5. Support tank and rem ove support straps. 6. Lower tank and disconnect m eter wire. 7. Rem ove tank. 8. Install in the antisqueak m aterial. 9. reverse ord er, using Lower vehicle and rem ove from hoist. new IN O T E I C e m e n t a n t i- s q u e a k s e c u r e ly to ta n k w ith 4 .0 0 on 1 .0 0 w i d e each end c o v e ra g e fo r a p p ro x . FILLER A N T I-S Q U E A K FUEL T A N K SO LD ER FILLER SO LD ER C-K 107(03) FUEL T A N K C-K 109(03), C -K209-C309(03-63) Fig. 6C-63-Fuel Tank-Cab and Crewcab Fig. 6C-62- Fuel Tank M ounting-Cab and Crewcab Frame Mounted Fuel Tank - P Model (Figs. 6C-70, 71, 72) 1. D rain tank. 2. Rem ove tiller neck. 3. D isconnect m eter unit fuel line and wiring. 4. Rem ove holts attaching tank supports to fram e. 5. R em ove tank com plete w ith m ounting bracket and support straps. 6. Rem ove tank from brackets and support straps, if necessary. 7. Install in reverse o rd er and replace antisqueak m aterial. CLEANING FUEL SYSTEM Cleaning If trouble is due to co n tam in ated fuel or foreign m aterial th at has been put into the tank, it can usually be cleaned. If tank is rusted internally, it should be replaced. 1. Disconnect battery negative cable and d istrib ­ utor feed wire. 2. D rain fuel tank. 3. Remove fuel tank. 4. Remove fuel inlet filter at carb u reto r and inspect for contam ination. If filter is plugged replace (leave fuel line disconnected). 5. Locate tank away from heat, flame, or other source o f ignition. Remove fuel gauge tank unit and inspect condition o f filter. If filter is contam inated a new filter should be installed upon reassem bly. 6. Com plete d ra in in g o f tank by rocking it and allowing fuel to run out o f tank unit hole. 7. Purge fuel tank with steam or ru n n in g hot w ater for at least five m inutes. Pour w ater out o f tank unit hole (rock tank to assure com plete rem oval o f w ater). WARNING: This procedure will not remove fuel vapor. Do not attempt any repair on tank or filler neck where heat or flame is required. 8. Disconnect inlet fuel line at pum p and use air pressure to clean fuel line and fuel retu rn line (if SIDE M EM BER TORQUE AT 12 FT. LBS. R.H. PLA TFO R M ASSEM BLY TORQUE AT 12 FT. LBS. H O S E -V E N T STRAP BRACKET VIEW A CLAMP HOSE-FILLER SQUEAK CEM ENT T ig h te n lo w e r nut a fte r u p p e r nut has b ee n tig h te n e d . [n o t e I H o o k m ust be ass em b le d fo rw a rd . Fig. 6C-64~Filler Neck-Cab Stake Body equipped). A pply air pressure norm ally flows through line. 9. in the direction fuel Use low air pressure to clean pipes on tank unit. 10. C lean filter on fuel tank unit, if required. Install fuel tank gauge unit, (with new gasket) into tank and install tank. C onnect tank unit wires and all fuel lines, except pum p to ca rb u re to r line (see "R em oval o f T a n k " for p ro p er procedure). 11. C onnect a hose to fuel line at carb u reto r; insert o th er end o f hose into a one gallon fuel can. Fig. 6C-66-Fuel Tank, CK 10-20 (06, 16) 12. Connect battery cable. M ake sure distributor feed wire is disconnected. 13. Put six gallons o f clean fuel in tank and operate starter to pum p two quarts o f fuel into fuel can. This will purge fuel pum p. 14. R em ove hose and connect fuel line to carburetor. 15. Connect d istributor feed wire. 16. Check all connections for leaks. GASKET SCREW HOSE CLAM P BRACKET NECK ASSEM BLY c a p ' ass e m b ly / CLAM P CLAM P CLAM P Fig. 6C 68 Filler Neck, CK10-20 (06, 16) BRACKET FUEL T A N K ASSEMBLY VIEW A TO R Q U E A T 4 5 IN . LBS. CEM EN T FUEL T A N K ASSEMBLY A N T I-S Q U E A K REAR CROSS SILL u p p er nut j w e r n ut has been tig h te n e d to specified to rq u e . VIEW B Position a n ti-s q u e a k to a lig n w ith b ra c k e t. VIEW C A N T I-S Q U E A K TAN K^~ ASSEMBLY ANTI-SQ UEAK CEMENTHO O K STRAP ASM SPACER STRAP ASSEMBLY ANTI-SQ UEAK CEMENT 'SPACER TORQUE A T ' 10 FT. LBS. ASSEMBLY: Cem ent anti-squeak to upper surface of tank flange w ith 1.00 w ide coverage before installation of tan k assembly. Tighten upper nut a fter low er nut has been tightened. FW P» J I BRACKET ASSEMBLY REAR SPRING FRONT HANGER STRAP ASSEMBLY FUEL TANK ANTI-SQUEAK Fig. 6C-71--Fuel T ank and M ounting - P20, 30 Fig. 6C-72--Fuel Tank (50 Gal.) Meter and Filler Neck - P30 FUEL FEED AND VAPOR PIPES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Fuel feed pipes are secured to the u n derbody with clam p and screw assem blies. Flexible hoses are located at fuel tank fuel, v ap o r and retu rn lines and fuel pum p. The pipes should be inspected occasionally fo r leaks, kinks or dents. If evidence o f d irt or foreign m aterial is found in carb u reto r, fuel pum p or pipes, pipe should be disconnected and blown out. D irt or foreign m aterial m ay be caused by a dam ag ed or om itted fuel strain er in fuel tank. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE Replacement If replacem ent o f fuel feed pipe, v apor pipe or retu rn pipe is required, use only double w rap an d brazed steel tubing m eeting G M Specification 123M or its equivalent. U nder no condition use copper or alum inum tubing to replace steel tubing. Those m aterials do not have satisfactory fatigue durability to w ithstand norm al vehicle vibrations. Repair 1. Do not use fuel hose for pipe rep a ir w ithin 4 inches o f any part o f the exhaust system. 2. In rep airab le areas, cut fuel hose 4 inches longer than the portion o f pipe rem oved. Use only hose stated for fuel usage by the m anufacturer. If m ore than a 6-inch length o f pipe is rem oved, use a com bination o f steel pipe and hose so that hose lengths will not be longer th an 10 inches. 3. The fuel hose should extend 2 inches on each pipe and be clam ped at each end. Pipes must be properly secured to the fram e to prevent chafing. EVAPORATIVE CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) GENERAL DESCRIPTION All light duty em issions and some heavy duty em ission vehicles are eq uipped w ith a system designed to preven t escape o f fuel v ap o r to the atm osphere. V apor generated by ev ap o ratio n o f fuel in the tank, previously exhausted to atm osphere, is tran sferred by an em ission line to the engine com partm ent. D u rin g periods o f o p eratio n , vapors are fed directly to the engine for co n su m p tio n . D u rin g p erio d s o f in o p e ra tio n , an activated charcoal canister located in the em ission line stores any v ap o r g en erated for consum ption d uring the next p eriod o f operation. T he am ount o f vap o r draw n into the engine at any tim e is too sm all to have any effect on fuel econom y or engine operation. W ith this closed system it is extrem ely im p o rtan t th at only vapors be tran sferred to the engine. To avoid the possibility o f liquid fuel being draw n into the system, these follow ing features are included as p a rt o f the total system : 1. A fuel tank overfill protector is provided on all series to assure ad eq u ate room for expansion o f liquid fuel volum e w ith tem p eratu re changes. 2. A one point fuel tank venting system is provided on all series to assure that the tank will be vented u n d er any conceivable vehicle attitude. 3. To protect the tank from m echanical d am age in the event o f excessive in tern al or external pressures resulting fro m the o p eratio n o f this closed system, a pressure-vacuum relief valve, located in the gas cap, will control the tank intern al pressure. be replaced every 24 m onths or 30,000 miles (light duty emissions), 24,000 miles (heavy duty em issions). U nder extrem ely dusty conditions, m ore freq u en t attention may be required. Canister and Filter Removal 1. 2. 3. 4. canister N ote installed position o f hoses on canister. D isconnect hoses from top o f canister. Loosen clam ps and icm ove canister. If replacing filter, pull out filter from bottom of with your fingers. Inspection 1. they are 2. vacuum Check hose connection openings. Assure that open. Check op eratio n o f purge valve by applying to the valve. A good valve will hold vacuum . Installation 1. 2. 3. Install new filter. Install canister and tighten clamp. C onnect hoses in sam e order. Canister Purge Valve Disassembly 1. D isconnect lines at valve. 2. S nap off valve cap (slowly rem ove cap as d iaphragm is under spring tension). Remove diaphragm , spring retain e r and spring. 3. R eplace p a rts as necessary. C heck orifice openings. Assembly ON-VEHICLE SERVICE M ain ten an ce req u irem en t is only th a t the oiled fiberglass filter assem bled in the bottom o f the canister. 1. Install spring, spring retainer, d iap h rag m and 2. Connect lines to valve. cap. ACCELERATOR CONTROL GENERAL ACCELERATOR CONTROL CABLE T he accelerator control system is cable type. There are no linkage adjustm ents. A reference between the bottom o f accelerator pedal and floor p an should be used only as a check for bent bracket assembly. Check torque references. R efer to figures 6C-73 through 76 for rem oval and installation o f accelerator control cable. Check fo r correct opening and closing positions by o p e ra tin g accelerator pedal an d if any binding is present, check routing o f cable. INNER SPRING OUTER SPRING NOTE: ACCELERATOR PEDAL R efer to figures 6C-77 through 80 for rem oval and installation o f accelerator pedal. W ith Inner Spring inside O u te r Spring, an ch o r both Springs thru nylon bushing in C a rb Lever and hole in C a rb Bracket. RETAINER C A U T IO N : C a b le is not to b e kinked or d a m a g e d in an y w a y during assem bly CABLE FASTENER LEVER RETAINER Fig. 6C -73-Accelerator C ontrols L6-Light Duty Fig. 6C-74- Accelerator Controls L6-Heavy Duty Emissions Emissions. C A U T IO N : FI e xib le co m p o n e n ts (hoses wires, co n d u its, etc.) m ust n o t be rou te d w ith in 2 inches o f m oving parts o f accelerator linkage fo rw a rd o f S u p p o rt, unless ro u tin g is p o sitive ly c o n tro lle d . E N G IN E SUPPO RT C ABLE A S SE M B LY N O TE : Cable is n o t to be k in ke d o r damaged in any way d u rin g assembly. C A R B U R E T O R ST U D C AR BURETO R SPR IN G O U T E R N O TE : W ith In n er Spring inside O u te r Spring, a n ch or b o th Springs th ru hole in C a rb u re to r Lever and holes in S u p p o rt and Bracket. FASTENER Fig. 6C-75--Accelerator Controls V8-2Bbl. I CAUTION 1 Flexible components (hoses, wires, conduits, etc.), must not be routed within 2 inches of moving parts of accelerator linkage forward of Support unless routing is positively controlled. CABLE ASSEMBLY I N O T E ] Cable is not to be kinked or damaged in any way during assembly. NG OUTER CARBURETOR STUD FASTENER LL____ / SPRING INNER / NOtT I With Inner Spring inside Outer Spring, anchor both Springs thru hole in Carburetor Lever and holes in Support and Bracket. N O TE : Slip accelerato r control cable thru slot in rod. Install retainer, being sure it is seated. LUBRICATE •CABLE RETAINER C A U T IO N : C are must be used in pressing the retainer into hole in rod to assure cable is not kinked or dam aged in any w ay. ^ - ^ R E IN F O R C E M E N T ROD *s V \ / SUPPORT SPRING' ACCELERATOR CONTROL CABLE TIGHTEN TO 42 IN. LBS. Fig. 6C-77--Accelerator Pedal-CK Fig. 6C-79- Accelerator Pedal-P42 SPECIAL TOOLS J 9 7 89 -0 2 UNIVERSAL CARBURETOR G A U G E SET J 9 7 8 9 -1 18 CARBURETOR H O L D IN G STAND J 9 7 8 9 -1 11 B E N D IN G TOOL J25322 PUMP LEVER PIN DRIVE PUN CH J 2 3417 CHOKE LEVER INSTALLING TOOL J26701 CHOKE VALVE ANGLE G A U G E SECTION 6D ENGINE ELECTRICAL CONTENTS Electric Choke H e a te r........................................................6D-1 B attery .................................................................................. ..6D-2 G eneral D escription........................................................ ..6D-2 Common Causes of F a ilu re ........................................ ..6D-4 Care of B attery.................................................................6D-4 Battery R atin g ................................................................ ..6D-5 Selecting a Replacement B attery............................... ..6D-5 Safety Precautions......................................................... ..6D-5 Charging Procedures.......................................................6D-5 Testing Procedures........................................................ ..6D-6 Installing B atteries........................................................ ..6D-7 D iagnosis........................................................................... ..6D-7 Battery Test Procedure................................................ ..6D-7 M aintenance Free B a tte ry ...............................................6D-7 G eneral In fo rm atio n .......................................................6D-7 Green Dot Visible......................................................... ..6D-7 D ark-G reen D ot N ot Visible...................................... ..6D-7 Testing P ro ced u re......................................................... ..6D-7 Visual Inspection..............................................................6D-7 State of Charge In d ic a to r..............................................6D-7 Removing Surface C h arg e.............................................6D-8 Load T e s t........................................................................ ..6D-8 Charging P ro ced u re........................................................6D-8 Battery Charging G u id e .............................................. ..6D-8 Charging and Testing A d ap ters...................................6D-8 10 SI Series G enerator...................................................... ..6D-8 General D escription........................................................ ..6D-8 D iagnosis..............................................................................6D-10 Static C hecks.................................................................. ..6D-10 Indicator Lam p Circuit C heck.....................................6D-11 Undercharged Battery C ondition.............................. ..6D-11 Overcharged Battery C ondition....................................6D-12 G enerator O utput T e s t................................................ ..6D-12 O ther Harness C heck s................................................. ..6D-12 Diagnosis C h a rts........................................................... ..6D-14 On-Vehicle Service......................................................... ..6D-20 G enerator R eplacem ent............................................... ..6D-20 Pulley Replacem ent....................................................... ..6D-20 Unit R e p a ir...................................................................... Special T o o ls.................................................................... D istributor........................................................................... General D escription........................................................ Diagnosis........................................................................... On-Vehicle Service............................................................ Maintenance and A djustm ents................................... Component Part Replacement.................................... Spark P lu g s......................................................................... General D escription........................................................ Diagnosis........................................................................... On-Vehicle Service........................................................... Component Part Replacem ent.................................... Ignition Switch................................................................... General D escription........................................................ Starter System .................................................................... General D escription........................................................ Starter M o to r................................................................. Solenoid........................................................................... Diagnosis........................................................................... No Cranking A ctio n .................................................... Cranking Speed Abnormally Low............................. Voltage T e s t................................................................... Amperage T e st............................................................... On-Vehicle Service........................................................... Component Part Replacement.................................... Starting M otor................................................................ Checking Pinion Clearance......................................... Bench T est...................................................................... Unit R e p a ir....................................................................... Disassembly.................................................................... Cleaning and Inspection.............................................. Testing and R epairs...................................................... A ssem bly......................................................................... Pinion Clearance Check............................................... Starting Solenoid............................................................. Specifications....................................................................... 6D-21 6D-25 6D-25 6D-25 6D-27 6D-33 6D-33 6D-33 6D-33 6D-37 6D-38 6D-41 6D-42 6D-42 6D-42 6D-43 6D 43 6D-43 6D-46 6D-48 6D-48 6D-48 6D 48 6D 49 6D-50 6D-50 6D-50 6D-50 6D-50 6D-51 6D-51 6D-51 6D-51 6D-54 6D-55 6D-55 6D-56 ELECTRIC CHOKE HEATER-OIL PRESSURE SWITCH MK IV V-8 AND 6 CYL ENGINES All M K IV and 6 cylinder engines have a two-terminal oil pressure switch (sending unit) for controlling current to the electric choke heater. This switch and its associated circuitry provide for the illumination of the "Oil" tell tale lamp in the event of loss of oil pressure or loss of voltage at the choke heater. The diagram in Figure 6D-1A shows how the dual function is accomplished. The "Bulb Check" feature is same as present system. T hat is, with ignition switch in "Run" position with engine off. This circuit will also indicate continuity in the choke heater and its connector. If "Oil" tell tale lamp illuminates with engine running, it could indicate one or more of the following: 1. Loss of oil pressure. 2. Loss of choke heater voltage. 3. Blown G A U G E fuse. ELECTRIC C H O K E H EA TER C H E C K IN G PROCEDURE 1. Allow choke to cool so that when throttle is opened slightly, choke blade fully closes. NOTE: This check must be performed with engine not running and at an ambient temperature of 60°C to 27°C. 2. Start engine and determine time for choke blade to reach full open position. (Start timer when engine starts). 3. If the choke blade fails to open fully within 3.5 minutes, proceed with steps 4-5-6 below. 4. Check voltage at the choke heater connection. (Engine must be running). If the voltage is approximately 12-15 volts, replace the electrical choke unit. 5. If the voltage is low or zero, check all wires and connections. If any connections in the oil pressure switch circuitry are faulty or if the oil pressure switch is failed open, the oil warning light will be on with the engine running. Repair wires or connections as required. 6. If all wiring and connections are good, replace oil pressure switch. Fig. 6D-1 A --E le ctric C hoke H ea te r D iagram NOTE: No gasket is used between the choke cover and the choke housing because of grounding requirements. BATTERY GENERAL DESCRIPTION The battery (fig. 6D-1B) is made up of a number of separate elements, each located in an individual cell in a hard rubber case. Each element consists of an assembly of positive plates and negative plates containing dissimilar active materials and kept apart by separators. The elements are immersed in an electrolyte composed of dilute sulfuric acid. Plate straps located on the top of each element connect all the positive plates and all the negative plates into groups. The elements are connected in series electrically by connectors that pass directly through the case partitions between cells. The battery top is a one piece cover. The cell connectors, by passing through the cell partitions, connect the elements along the shortest practical path (fig. 6D-2B). W ith the length of the electrical circuit inside the battery reduced to a C H ARG E IN D IC ATO R DARKENED INDICATOR WITH GREEN DOT - OK FOR TESTING DARKENED INDICATOR NO GREEN DOT________ - CHARGE BEFORE TESTING LIGHT YELLOW INDICATOR - DO NOT CHARGE OR TEST - REPLACE BATTERY minimum, the internal voltage drop is decreased resulting in improved performance, particuarly during engine cranking at low temperatures. The terminals of this type battery, passing through the side of the case, are positioned out of the "wet" area surrounding the vent holes. Norm al spillage, spewing, condensation, and road splash are not as likely to reach or remain on the vertical sides where the terminals are located. This greatly decreases the cause of terminal corrosion. Also, construction of the terminals is such that the mating cable connector seals the junction and provides a permanently tight and clean connection. Power robbing resistance in the form of corrosion is thereby eliminated at these maintenance-free connections. The hard, smooth, one piece cover greatly reduces the tendency for corrosion to form on the top of the battery. The NEGATIVE ELECTROLYTE C O N T A IN E R SEPARATOR ELEMENT 2 VOLT BATTERY CELL Fig. 6 D -3 B -B a tte ry E lem ent (Sim ple) Fig. 6 D -4 B ~ T w o V o lt B a tte ry Cell cover is bonded to the case forming an air-tight seal between the cover and case. Electrical energy is released by chemical reactions between the active materials in the two dissimilar plates and the electrolyte whenever the battery is being "discharged." Maximum electrical energy is released only when the cells are being discharged from a state of full charge. As the cells discharge, chemical changes in the active m aterials in the plates gradually reduce the potential electrical energy available. "Recharging" the battery with a flow of direct current opposite to that during discharge reverses the chemical changes within the cells and restores them to their active condition and a state of full charge. The lead-acid storage battery is an electrochemical device for converting chemical energy into electrical energy. It is not a storage tank for electricity as is often believed, but instead, stores electrical energy in chemical form. Active materials within the battery react chemically to produce a flow of direct current whenever lights, radio, cranking m otor, or other current consuming devices are connected to the battery term inal posts. This current is produced by chemical reaction between the active materials of the PLATES and the sulfuric acid of the ELECTRO LY TE. The battery performs three functions in automotive applications: 1. It supplies electrical energy for the cranking motor and for the ignition system as the engine is started. 2. It supplies current for the lights, radio, heater, and other accessories when the electrical demands of these devices exceed the output of the generator. 3. The battery acts as a voltage stabilizer in the electrical system. Satisfactory operation of the vehicle is impossible unless the battery performs each of these functions. The simplest unit of a lead-acid storage battery is made up of two unlike materials, a positive plate and a negative plate, kept apart by a porous separator. This assembly is called an "ELEM EN T" (Fig. 6D-3B). When this simple element is put in a container filled with a sulphuric acid and water solution called "electrolyte", a two-volt "cell" is formed. Electricity will flow when the plates are connected to an electrical load (Fig. 6D-4B). An element made by grouping several positive plates together and several negative plates together with separators between them also generates two-volts but can produce more total electrical energy than a simple cell (Fig. 6D-5B). W hen six cells are connected in series, a "battery" of cells is formed which produces six times as much electrical pressure as a simple cell, or a total of 12 volts (Fig. 6D-6B). If the battery continuously supplies current, it becomes run-down or discharged. This is where the generator gets into the act. The generator restores the chemical energy to the battery. This is done by sending current through the battery in a direction opposite to that during discharge. The generator current reverses the chemical actions in the battery and restores it to a charged condition. 2 VOLTS DAYS STANDING Fig 6 D -6 B ~ T y p ic a l 12 V o lt B a tte ry Cell A rra n g e m e n t Fig. 6 D -7 B - Rate o f S e lf-D isch a rg e C O M M O N C A U S E S OF FAILURE Since the battery is a perishable item which requires periodic servicing, a good m aintenance program will insure the longest possible battery life. If the battery tests good but fails to perform satisfactorily in service for no apparent reason, the following are some of the more im portant factors that may point to the cause of the trouble. 1. Vehicle accessories inadvertently left on overnight to cause a discharge condition. 2. Slow speed driving of short duration, to cause an undercharged condition. 3. A vehicle electrical load exceeding the generator capacity. 4. Defect in the charging system such as high resistance, slipping fan belt, faulty generator or voltage regulator. 5. Battery abuse, including failure to keep the battery top clean, cable attaching bolts clean and tight, and improper addition of water to the cells. C A R E OF B A T T E R Y Battery Storage A wet charged battery will not maintain its charged condition during storage, and must be recharged periodically. During storage, even though the battery is not in use, a slow reaction takes place between the chemicals inside the battery which causes the battery to lose charge and "wear out" slowly. This reaction is called "self-discharge." The rate at which self-discharge occurs varies directly with tem perature of the electrolyte. Note from Figure 6D-7B that an battery stored in an area at 100°F (38°C) for 60 days has a much lower specific gravity and consequently a lower state of charge than one stored in an area at 60°F (16°C) for the same length of time. To minimize self-discharge, a wet battery should be stored in as cool a place as possible, provided the electrolyte does not freeze. A wet battery which has been allowed to stand idle for a long period of time without recharging may become so badly damaged by the growth of lead sulfate crystals (sulfation) in the plates that it can never be restored to a normal charged condition. An battery in this condition not only loses its capacity but also is subject to changes in its charging characteristics. These changes, due to self­ discharge, are often serious enough to prevent satisfactory performance in a vehicle. Periodic recharging, therefore, is necessary to maintain a wet charged battery in a satisfactory condition while in storage. See paragraph "Charging Wet battery in Storage." C h a r g i n g W e t b a t t e r y in S t o r a g e Before placing a battery on charge, always check the battery charge indicator. The battery should be brought to a fully charged condition only when darkened indicator with no green dot appears by charging as covered under heading of "Battery Charging." Trickle charging should not be used to maintain a battery in a charged condition when in storage. The low charge rate method applied every 30 days is the best method of maintaining a wet charged battery in a fully charged condition without damage. Electrolyte Freezing The freezing point of electrolyte depends on its specific V A L U E OF S PECIFIC G R A V IT Y @ 30 F 1.100 1.120 1.140 1.160 1.180 1.200 F R E E Z IN G TEMP. °F °C 18 13 8 1 - 6 -1 7 - 8 -11 -1 3 -1 7 -21 -2 7 V A L U E OF SPECIFIC G R A V IT Y @80 F 1.220 1.240 1.260 1.280 1.300 F R E E Z IN G TEMP. °F °C -3 3 -5 0 -7 5 -9 2 -9 5 -3 6 -4 6 -5 9 -6 9 -71 gravity. The following table gives the freezing temperatures of electrolyte at various specific gravities. Since freezing may ruin a wet battery, it should be protected against freezing by keeping it in a charged condition. This is true whether the wet battery is in storage or in service. Carrier and Hold-Down The battery carrier and hold-down should be clean and free from corrosion before installing the battery. The carrier should be in sound mechanical condition so that it will support the battery securely and keep it level. To prevent the battery from shaking in its carrier, the hold-down bolts should be tight (60-80 in. lbs.). However, the bolts should not be tightened to the point where the battery case or cover will be placed under a severe strain. Cleaning The external condition of the battery should be checked periodically for damage such as cracked cover, case and vent plugs or for the presence of dirt and corrosion. The battery should be kept clean. An accumulation of acid film and dirt may permit current to flow between the terminals, which will slowly discharge the Battery. For best results when cleaning batteries, wash first with a diluted ammonia or a soda solution to neutralize any acid present; then flush with clean water. Care m ust be taken to keep vent plugs tight, so that the neutralizing solution does not enter the cells. BATTERY RATING A battery generally has two classifications of ratings: (1) a 20 hour rating at 80 F and, (2) a cold rating at 0 F which indicates the cranking load capacity. The A m pere/H our rating found on batteries was based on the 20 hour rating. That is, a battery capable of furnishing three (3) amperes for 20 hours while maintaining a specified average individual cell voltage would be classified as a 60 ampere hour battery (e.g. 3 amperes X 20 hours = 60 A .H .) a PW R (Peak W att Rating) has been developed as a measure of the battery’s cold cranking ability. The num erical rating is embossed on each case at the base of the battery. This value is determined by multiplying the maximum current by the maximum voltage. The PW R should not be confused with the ampere hour rating since two batteries with the same ampere hour rating can have quite different watt ratings. For battery replacement, a unit of at least equal power rating must be selected. SELECTING A R E P L A C E M E N T BATTERY Long and troublefree service can be more assured when the capacity or wattage rating of the replacement battery is at least equal to the wattage rating of the battery originally engineered for the application by the m anufacturer. The use of an undersize battery may result in poor performance and early failure. Figure 6D-8B shows how battery power shrinks while the need for engine cranking power increases with falling temperatures. Sub-zero tem peratures reduce capacity of a fully charged battery to 45% of its norm al power and at the same time increase cranking load to 3-1/2 times the normal warm weather load. Hot weather can also place excessive electrical loads on the battery. Difficulty in starting may occur when cranking is attem pted shortly after a hot engine has been turned off or stalls. In fact, modern high compression engines can be as difficult to start under such conditions as on the coldest Fig. 6 D -8 B --B a tte ry P ow er vs F a llin g T e m p e ra tu re winter day. Consequently, good performance can be obtained only if the battery has ample capacity to cope with these conditions. A battery of greater capacity should be considered if the electrical load has been increased through the addition of accessories or if driving conditions are such that the generator cannot keep the battery in a charged condition. On applications where heavy electrical loads are encountered, a higher output generator that will supply a charge during low speed operation may be required to increase battery life and improve battery performance. SAFETY P RECAUTIONS When batteries are being charged, an explosive gas mixture forms in each cell. Part of this gas escapes through the holes in the vent holes and may form an explosive atmosphere around the battery itself if ventilation is poor. This explosive gas may remain in or around the battery for several hours after it has been charged. Sparks or flames can ignite this gas causing an internal explosion which may shatter the battery (Fig. 6D-9B). The following precautions should be observed to prevent an explosion: 1. Do not smoke near batteries being charged or which have been very recently charged. 2. D o not break live circuits at the terminals of batteries because a spark usually occurs at the point where a live circuit is broken. Care must always be taken when connecting or disconnecting booster leads or cable clamps on fast chargers. Poor connections are a common cause of electrical arcs which cause explosions. CHARG ING PROCEDURES Before charging a battery the electrolyte level must be checked and adjusted if needed. Battery charging consists of applying a charge rate in amperes for a period of time in hours. Thus, a 10-ampere charge rate for seven hours would be a 70 ampere-hour (A.H.) charging input to the battery. Charging rates in the three to 20 ampere range are generally satisfactory. No particular charge rate (expect that charge rate should not exceed 20 amperes) or time can be specified for an battery due to the following factors: 1. The size, or electrical capacity in ampere-hours (A.H.), of the battery. E X A M P L E : A completely discharged 70 A.H. battery IN S U L A T O R PREVENTS AND STRAP TO OL LO SS W HEN S E P A R A T IO N NOT IN USE Fig. 6 D -9B --S parks o r Flam es requires almost twice the recharging as a 40 A.H. battery. 2. Tem perature of the battery electrolyte. E X A M P L E : About two hours longer will be needed to charge a 0°F (-18°C). battery than a 80°F (27°C) battery. 3. Battery state-of-charge at the start of the charging period. E X A M P L E : A completely discharged battery requires twice as much charge in ampere-hours as a one-half charged battery. 4. Battery age and condition. E X A M P L E : A battery that has been subjected to severe service will require up to 50% more am pere-hour charging input than a relatively new battery. The following basic rule applies to any battery charging situation: If the charge indicator is dark and the green dot is not visible, charge battery until dot appears, but not more than 60 ampere-hours (for example 15 amperes for four hours). Do not exceed a charging rate of 20 amperes during charging. N O T E : Some chargers are constant current chargers while others are constant voltage chargers. If a constant voltage charger is used for charging the battery and the green dot fails to appear after prolonged charging, it may be necessary to tip the battery slightly from side to side a few times for the green dot to appear. If the charge indicator is light replace battery. DO NOT attem pt to charge or "jump" when charge indicator is light. N O T E : A battery that failed prematurely, and exhibited a light charge indicator condition, may indicate a need for checking the charging system of the vehicle. For the most satisfactory charging, the lower charging rates in amperes are recommended. An "emergency boost charge", consisting of a high charging rate for a short period of time, may be applied as a temporary expedient in order to crank an engine. However, this procedure usually supplies insufficient battery reserve to crank a second and third time. Therefore, the "emergency boost charge" must be followed by a subsequent charging period of sufficient duration to restore the battery to a satisfactory state of charge. Refer to the charging guide in this section. When out of the vehicle, the sealed side term inal battery will require adapters (Fig. 6D-10B) for the terminals to provide a place for attachm ent of the charging leads. Adapters are available through local parts service. m DAPTER TOOL TO C H A R G IN G ATTACHED T E R M IN A L S Fig. 6 D -10 B -C h a rg in g and T e stin g A d a p te rs When the side terminal battery is in the vehicle, the studs provided in the wiring harness are suitable for attachm ent of the charger’s leads. CAUTI ON: Exercise care when attaching charger leads to side terminal studs to avoid contact with vehicle m etal components which would result in damage to the battery. TESTING P RO CED UR ES Testing procedures are used to determine whether the battery is (1) good and usable, (2) requires recharging or (3) should be replaced. Analysis of battery conditions can be accomplished by performing a visual inspection, instrument test and the full charge hydrometer test. Refer to test procedure chart in this section. Visual Inspection The first step in testing the battery should be a visual inspection, which very often will save time and expense in determining battery condition. • Check the outside of the battery for a broken or cracked case or a broken or cracked cover. If any damage is evident, the battery should be replaced. • Observe battery state of charge indicator to determine condition of battery. • Check for loose cable connections. Correct as required before proceeding with tests. Instrument Test A number of suppliers have approved testing equipment available. These testers have a programmed test procedure consisting of a series of timed discharge and charge events, requiring approximately 2 to 3 minutes, that will determine the condition of the battery with a high degree of accuracy. When using these testers, the procedure recommended by the tester m anufacturer should be followed. IN S TA L LIN G BATTERIES To install a battery properly, it is im portant to observe the following precautions: • Connect grounded term inal of battery last to avoid short circuits which may damage the electrical system. Do not connect primary lead until secondary negative cable wire has been grounded to sheet metal. • Be sure there are no foreign objects in the carrier, so that the new battery will rest properly in the bottom of the carrier. • Tighten the hold-down evenly until snug (60-80 in. lbs.). Do not draw down tight enough to distort or crack the case or cover. • Be sure the cables are in good condition and the term inal bolts are clean and tight. Make sure the ground cable is clean and tight at engine block or frame. • Check polarity to be sure the battery is not reversed with respect to the generating system. Do not over torque cable terminal studs. Replacement 1. Disconnect battery negative cable and then the positive cable. 2. Remove battery hold-down clamp bolt and clamp. 3. Remove battery from tray. 4. Position new battery, which has been properly activated, in the battery tray. 5. Install battery hold down clamp and bolt. N O T E : Recommended hold-down bolt torque is 70 in. lbs. 6. Install battery positive and negative cables and tighten terminal bolts to 70 in. lbs. torque. DIAGNOSIS BATTERY TEST PROCEDURE To determine the ability of a battery to function properly requires testing. The accuracy of the testing changes with temperature, specific gravity, age of the battery, etc. Therefore, an accurate test has more than one step: Step 1. Visual inspection. Step 2. Specific gravity check (hydrometer) Step 3. Program m ed Instrum ent Test Step 4. Load Test. C AU TI ON : Wear safety glasses. D o not break live circuits at battery terminals. When testing be certain to rem ove gases at battery cover caused by charging. MAINTENANCE FREE BATTERY GENERAL IN FO R M A TIO N The state of charge indicator located on top of the battery (Fig. 6D-1B) is to be used with accepted diagnostic procedures only. It is not to be used to determine if the battery is good or bad, or charged or discharged. The indicator is actually a built-in hydrom eter in one cell of the battery and provides visual information only for battery testing. On rare occasions, the state of charge indicator will turn light yellow. Normally, a battery with this condition is capable of further service but the indicator can no longer provide information for battery testing. A light yellow indicator is by no means a command to replace the battery. However, if a problem exists, such as failing to crank, the battery must be replaced. Do not charge, test or jum p start. It is im portant when observing the state of charge indicator, that the battery be relatively level and have a clean indicator top to see the correct indication. An electric light or flashlight may be required in some poorly-lit areas to verify the correct indication. Under normal operation, two indications can be observed: GREEN D O T V IS IB LE Any green appearance in the indicator is interpreted as a "green dot" and the battery is ready for testing. On rare occasions following prolonged cranking, the green dot may still be visible even though the battery is in a discharged condition. Should this occur, charge battery as described in Charging Procedure portion of this manual. DARK-G REEN D O T N O T VISIBLE If there is a cranking complaint, the battery should be tested as described in the Testing Procedure that follows: TESTING PROCEDURE VISUAL INSPECTION Check for obvious damage, such as cracked or broken case or cover, that could permit loss of electrolyte. If obvious physical damage is noted, replace battery. Determine cause of damage and correct as needed. S T A T E OF C H A R G E I N D I C A T O R (Fig. 6 D - 1 B ) Green Dot Visible If the indicator is dark and has a green dot in the center, the battery is OK for testing. Proceed to step 3. On rare occasions, such as after prolonged cranking, the green dot may still be visible even though the battery is in a state of discharge. Should this situation occur, charge battery as described in Charging Procedure portion of this manual. Dark-Green Dot Not Visible If the indicator is dark but the green dot is not visible, charge the battery as described in Charging Procedure portion of this manual and proceed to Remove Surface Charge step. Light or Yellow On rare occasions the indicator will turn light yellow and the battery must not be tested. Replace the battery. Do not charge, test or jum p start. REMOVE SURFACE CHARGE BATTERY C H A RG IN G PROCEDURE Charging equipment for ordinary batteries is suitable for Maintenance- Free type batteries. Do not charge a battery if the green dot is visible except N O T E : If battery is out of vehicle, use adapters as on rare occasions following prolonged cranking when the shown in Charging and Testing A dapters portion of this battery is discharged but the green dot still appears. Should manual. this situation occur, a boost-charge of 20 ampere-hours is LOAD TEST recommended. Do not charge a battery if the state of charge indicator a. Connect a voltm eter and a specified load as indicated is light yellow. below across terminals of battery. Connect a 300-ampere load across battery terminals for 15 seconds to remove surface charge. BATTERY C H A R G IN G GUIDE BATTERY TYPE 85-5 854 87-5 AMPS FOR LOAD TEST Stop charging battery when green dot appears in state of charge indicator or when the maximum charge rate shown below is reached: 170 130 210 BATTERY T Y PE 85-4 85-5 87-5 b. Read voltage on voltmeter after 15 seconds with load connected, then disconnect load. SL O W C H A R G IN G R A TE 5A (a 10 H o u rs 10A @ 5 H o u rs 5A (a 15 H o u rs 10A @ V /2 H o u rs FAST C H A R G IN G RATE 20A (a 2 V2 H o u rs 30A @ 1 Ms-Hours 20A @ 3% H o u rs 30A (a 2 Vi H o u rs 40A @ 2 H o u rs 50A (a 1% -H ours c. If minimum voltage is *9.6 volts or more, battery is good. d. If minimum voltage is less than *9.6 volts, replace battery. *This voltage is to be used for battery ambient tem perature 21°C (70°F) and above. For tem peratures below 2 1i°C (70°F), use the following: M IN IM U M V O L T A G E TEM PERATURE F C 9 .6 70 21 9 .5 60 16 9.4 50 10 9 .3 40 9.1 30 - 1 8.9 20 - 7 8 .7 10 -1 2 8.5 0 -1 8 4 To avoid damage, charging rate must be reduced or temporarily halted if battery case feels hot (52°C) (125°F) or if violent gassing or spewing of electrolyte through the vent holes occur. After charging in accordance with the tables, the green dot may appear in the state of charge indicator after slightly tipping the battery from side to side a few times. If the green dot does not appear, the battery is still sufficiently charged for testing. C H A R G IN G A N D TESTING A DA PTERS Freedom type batteries should be charged or tested onthe-vehicle, using existing terminals. However, when the battery is out-of-the-vehiele, adapters similar to the ACDelco adapters Kit #ST -238 shown in Figure 6D-10B are required. THE CHARGING SYSTEM 10-SI SERIES GENERATOR SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The 10-SI series generator shown in Figure 6D-1C is typical of a variety of models. A solid state regulator having an integrated circuit is built into the end frame. Although models are available with different outputs at idle and different maximum outputs, their basic operating principles are the same. The generator consists primarily of two end frame assemblies, a rotor assembly and a stator assembly. A typical cross-sectional view is shown in Figure 6D-1C. The rotor assembly is supported in the drive end frame by a ball bearing and in the slip ring end frame by a roller bearing. These rotor bearings contain a supply of lubricant sufficiently adequate to eliminate the need for periodic lubrication. Two brushes carry current through the two slip rings to the field coil mounted on the rotor and under normal conditions will provide long periods of attention - free service. No periodic adjustments or maintenance are required on the generator assembly. The stator windings are assembled on the inside of a laminated core that forms part of the generator frame. A Fig. 6 D -1 C -1 0 -S I Series G e n era to r rectifier bridge connected to the stator windings contains six diodes, (three positive and three negative) molded into an assembly which is connected to the stator windings. This rectifier bridge changes the stator a.c. voltages to d.c. voltage which appears at the output terminal. The blocking action of the diodes prevent battery discharge back through the generator. Because of this blocking action, the need for a cutout relay in the circuit is eliminated. G enerator field current is supplied through a diode trio which is also connected to the stator windings. A capacitor, or condenser, mounted in the end frame protects the rectifier bridge and diode from high voltages, and suppresses radio noise. The typical passenger car integral charging system is made up of two com ponents-a generator with a built-in solid state voltage regulator and battery. These components work together to supply electrical power for ignition, lights, radio, cranking motor, etc. A typical wiring diagram is illustrated in Figure 6D-2C. The basic operating principles are explained as follows. When the switch is closed, current from the battery flows through the indicator lamp to the generator No. 1 terminal, through resistor R l, diode D l, and the base-emitter of transistor TR1 to ground, and then back to the battery. This turns on transistor TR1, and current flows through the generator field coil and TR1 back to the battery. The indicator lamp then turns on. Resistor R5 carries some of the indicator lamp current and is shown in figure 6D-2C. W ith the generator operating, a.c. voltage is generated in the stator windings, and the stator supplies d.c. field current through the diode trio, the field, TR1, and then through the grounded diodes in the rectifier bridge back to the stator. Also, the six diodes in the rectifier bridge change the stator a.c. voltages to a d.c. voltage which appears between ground and the generator "BAT" terminal. As generator speed increases, current is provided for charging the battery and operating electrical accessories. Also, with the generator operating, the same voltage appears at the "BAT" and No. 1 terminals, and the indicator lamp goes out to indicate the generator is producing voltage. The No. 2 terminal on the generator is always connected to the battery, but the discharge current is limited to a negligible value by the high resistances of R2 and R3. As the generator speed and voltage increase, the voltage between R2 and R3 increases to the point where zener diode D2 conducts. Transistor TR2 then turns on and TR1 turns off. With TR1 off, the field current and system voltage decrease, and D2 then blocks current flow, causing TR1 to turn back on. The field current and system voltage increase, and this cycle then repeats many times per second to limit the generator voltage to a pre-set value. Capacitor C l smooths out the voltage across R3, resistor R4 prevents excessive current through TR1 at high temperatures, and diode D3 prevents high-induced voltages in the field windings when TR1 turns off. Resistor R2 is a therm ister which causes the regulated voltage to vary with temperature, thus providing optimum voltage for charging the battery. Fig. 6 D -2 C --ln te g ra l C h a rg in g System C irc u itry DIAGNOSIS Most charging system troubles show up as a faulty indicator lamp, an undercharged or an overcharged battery. Since the battery itself may be defective, it should be checked first to determine its condition. Also, in the case of an undercharged battery, check for battery drain caused by grounds or by accessories being left on. A basic wiring diagram showing lead connections is presented in Figure 6D-3C. The following precautions must be observed when working on the charging circuit. Failure to observe these precautions will result in serious damage to the electrical equipment. • Do not polarize the generator. • Do not short across or ground any of the terminals in the charging circuit except as specifically instructed in these procedures. • Never operate the generator with the output terminal open circuited. • Make sure the generator and battery are of the same ground polarity. • W hen connecting a charger or a booster battery to the vehicle battery, connect negative terminal to negative terminal and positive terminal to positive terminal. S T A T IC C H E C K Before making any electrical checks, visually inspect all connections, including slip-on connectors, to make sure they are clean and tight. Inspect all wiring for cracked, frayed or broken insulation. Be sure generator mounting bolts are tight and unit is properly grounded. Check for loose fan belt. NOTE: In some circuits an ammeter may be used instead of an indicator lamp. In this case, the section pertaining to faulty indicator lamp operation may be omitted from the trouble shooting procedure. TAB INSERT SCREWDRIVER GROUND TAB TO END FRAME END FRAME HOLE GEN ER AT O R Fig. 6D -3C --B asic W irin g D iagram I N D I C A T O R L A M P C IR C U I T C H E C K Check the indicator lamp for norm al operation as shown below. If the indicator lamp operates normally, proceed to "U ndercharged Battery" or "Overcharged Battery" section. Otherwise, proceed to either one of the following three abnorm al conditions. Fig. 6 D -4 C ~ G e n e ra to r End V ie w I. Switch Off, Lamp O n - In this case, disconnect the two leads from the generator No. 1 and No. 2 terminals. If the lamp stays on, there is a short between these two leads. If the periods. lamp goes out, replace the rectifier bridge as covered in the 2. Check the drive belt for proper tension. "Chassis Overhaul M anual". This condition will cause an 3. Check battery. Test is not valid unless battery is good undercharged battery. and fully charged. 4. Inspect the wiring for defects. Check all connections for tightness and cleanliness, including the slip connectors at Engine Switch Lamp the generator and firewall, and the cable clamps and battery OFF OFF STOPPED posts. ON STOPPED ON 5. With ignition switch "on" connect a voltmeter from OFF ON RUNNING generator "BAT" terminal to ground, generator No. 1 terminal to ground and generator No. 2 terminal to ground. A zero reading indicates an open between voltmeter connection and battery. NOTE: An open No. 2 lead circuit on generators will cause uncontrolled voltage, battery overcharge and 2. Switch On, Lam p Off, Engine Stopped-This condition possible damage to battery and accessories. Generators can be caused by the defects listed in step 1 above, by reversal supplied for current applications have a built-in feature of the No. 1 and No. 2 leads at these two terminals, or by which avoids overcharge and accessory damage by an open in the circuit. This condition can cause an preventing the generator from turning on if there is an undercharged battery. To determ ine where an open exists, open in the wiring harness connected to the No. 2 proceed as follows: generator terminal. Opens in the wiring harness a. Check for a blown fuse, or fusible link, a burned out connected between the No. 2 generator terminal and bulb, defective bulb socket, or an open in No. 1 lead circuit battery may be between the terminals, at the crimp between generator and ignition switch. between the harness wire and terminal, or in the wire. b. If no defects have been found, proceed to 6. If previous Steps 1 through 5 check satisfactorily, U ndercharged Battery section. check generator as follows: 3. Switch On, Lamp On, Engine R unning-The possible a. Disconnect battery ground cable. causes of this condition are covered in the b. Connect an am m eter in the circuit at the "BAT" "U N D E R C H A R G E D BATTERY" section. terminal of the generator. U N D E R C H A R G E D B A TTE RY C O N D IT IO N c. Reconnect battery ground cable. CHECK d. Turn on radio, windshield wipers, lights high beam This condition, as evidenced by slow cranking and low and blower m otor high speed. Connect a carbon pile across specific gravity readings, can be caused by one or more of the the battery. following conditions even though the am m eter may be e. Operate engine at moderate speed as required, and adjust carbon pile as required, to obtain maximum current operating normally. 1. Insure that the undercharged condition has not been output. f. If ampere output is within 10 percent of rated output caused by accessories having been left on for extended as stamped on generator frame, generator is not defective; recheck Steps l through 5. g. If ampere output is not within 10 percent of rated output, ground the field winding by inserting a screwdriver into the test hole (Fig. 6D-4C). CAUTION: Tab is within 3 /4 inch (19m m ) o f casting surface. D o n o t force screwdriver deeper than one inch (25m m ) into end frame. h. Operate engine at moderate speed as required, and adjust carbon pile as required to obtain maximum current output. i. If output is within 10 percent of rated output, replace regulator as covered in the Chassis Overhaul M anual and check field winding. j. If output is not within 10 percent of rated output, check the field winding, diode trio, rectifier bridge, and stator as covered in the Chassis Overhaul Manual. k. Remove am m eter from generator and turn accessories off. OHMMETER INSULATING WASHERS RESISTOR O V E R C H A R G E D B A TTE R Y C O N D IT IO N CHECK 1. Determine battery condition. Test is not valid if battery is not good and fully charged. 2. Connect a voltm eter from generator No. 2 terminal to ground. If reading is zero, No. 2 lead circuit is open. 3. If battery and No. 2 lead circuit check good, but an obvious overcharge condition exists as evidenced by excessive battery water usage, proceed as follows: a. Separate end frames as covered in generator "Disassembly" section in the Chassis Overhaul Manual. Check field winding for shorts. If shorted replace rotor and regulator. b. Connect ohm m eter using lowest range scale from brush lead clip to end frame as shown in Step 1, Figure 6D5C, then reverse lead connections. c. If both readings are zero, either the brush lead clip is grounded, or regulator is defective. d. A grounded brush lead clip can result from omission of insulating washer (Fig. 6D-5C), omission of insulating sleeve over screw, or damaged insulating sleeve. Remove screw to inspect sleeve. If satisfactory, replace regulator as covered in the Chassis Overhaul Manual. G E NE R ATO R O U T P U T TEST To check the generator in a test stand, proceed as follows: 1. Make connections as shown in Figure 6D-6C, except leave the carbon pile disconnected. Use a fully charged battery and a 10 ohm resistor rated at six watts or more between the generator No. 1 term inal and the battery. 2. Slowly increase the generator speed and observe the voltage. 3. If the voltage is uncontrolled with speed and increases above 16 volts, check for a grounded brush lead clip as covered under heading of "O V E R C H A R G E D BATTERY", Step 3. If not grounded, replace the regulator. NOTE: The battery must be fully charged when making this check. DIODE CAPACITOR RECTIFIER BRIDGE ATTACHING NUTS TRI° Fig. 6 D -5 C -S lip Ring End Frame 4. Connect the carbon pile as shown. 5. Operate the generator at moderate speed as required and adjust the carbon pile as required to obtain maximum current output. 6. If output is within ten percent of rated output as stamped on generator frame, generator is good. 7. If output is not within ten percent of rated output, ground generator field (Fig. 6D-4C). 8. Operate generator at moderate speed and adjust carbon pile as required to obtain maximum output. 9. If output is within ten percent of rated output, replace regulator as covered in "Regulator Replacement" section. 10. If output is not within ten percent of rated output, check the field winding, diode trio, rectifier bridge and stator as previously covered. OTHER H A RN ES S CHECKS Wires in the charging system may be checked for continuity by us of an ohmmeter or a test light (12 volt). Connect the test so the wire in question is in series in in the test circuit. CARBON PILE /^ \ — f &----- c=5 L. > VOLTMETER m s 'K K K \ \\ \ V \ \ \> v D BATTERY RESISTOR TEST AMMETER sS GENERATOR S5 SV \ D C =^ C h a rt 1 GENERATOR PROBLEM: generator light ON engine RUNNING GENERATOR BELT STEP FUSE BLOCK SEQUENCE RESULT GENERATOR L IG H T OFF R E P L A C E IF GO TO NECESSARY CHECK S TEP 2 ADJ US T GENERATOR S T A R T E N G IN E T E N S I O N T O 8 0 LBS. GENERATOR L IG H T ON BELT (D IM OR BRIG HT) T U R N E N G IN E OFF VCHECK FOR CAUSE I G N IT IO N ON IF A L L LIG HTS OFF S T A R T E N G IN E ' A N D REPLACE G A U G E S FU SE GENERATOR L I G H T ON GO T O STEP 4 TEST LIG H T F U L L Y BR IG H T CONNECT TEST L IG H T TEST LIG H T GROUND T O NO. 1 1/2 B R I G H T GENERATOR T E R M IN A L GO TO S TE P 5 " D ” SHAPED TEST LIG H T HOLE 1/2 B R I G H T GO TO STEP 5 TEST V OLTAG E RE G U L A T O R WITH REPLA CE A P P R O V E D TE ST ER VOLTAGE REGULATOR RE P AIR G E N E R A T O R G E N E R A T O R L IG H T C h a rt 2 I ^ CLUSTER CO NNECTOR GENERATOR( 1 PROBLEM: generator light OFF ignition ON engine NOT RUNNING BU LKH EAD FU SE B L O C K CO NNECTOR STEP IG N IT IO N ON RESULT SEQUENCE CHECK ALL IF A L L IN D IC A T O R LIG HTS LIGHTS O FF REPLACE G A U G E S FUSE LIG H T OFF C H E C K F O R P I N C H E D OR G R O U N D E D W IRE IN G AUG E S C IR C U IT S GENERATOR LIG H T ON ( V i REPAIR GO TO ST E P 3 IF N E C E S S A R Y REPLACE G A U G E S FU SE GENERATOR LIG H T OFF GENERATOR LIG H T ON GO TO STEP 4 R E P A I R O P E N IN NO . 18 P I N K W I R E GENERATOR (IN D IC A T O R FEED WIRE) LIG H T OFF GENERATOR LIG H T ON G O TO REPLACE CHECK G EN ER A TO R ST EP 5 IF N E C E S S A R Y IN D IC A T O R BULB A N D GENERATOR S O C K E T AS SY. LIG H T OFF GO TO ST EP 6 D ISCO NNECT B R O W N/W HITE WIRE GENERATOR LIG H T ON G O TO ST EP 7 G R O U N D NO. 1 TE R M IN A L WIRE GENERATOR LIG H T OFF C h a rt 4 C O IL CARBURETO R GENERATOR BATTERY PROBLEM: battery UNDERCHARGED GENERATOR BELT STEP SEQUENCE R E P L A C E IF N E C E S S A R Y RESULT CONNECT TEST AD JU S T T E N S I O N L IG H T BETWEEN T O 80 LBS. CABLE & B A T TER Y G O TO ST E P 2 POST TEST LIG H T M A K E S U R E NO ON ACCESSORIES W E R E L E F T ON, IG N IT IO N OFF, CHECK DOORS CLOSED GENERATOR UNDER HOOD G O TO STE P 3 TEST L IG H T OFF - L IG HTS DIS­ BELT NO D R A IN ON CONNECTED 2 BATTERY __ l ^ r n p l TAP CABLE A G A IN S T POS T . / ^ \ TRACE & CORRECT TE ST L IG H T OFF CO N TIN U O U S TEST LIG HT GO TO I D R A IN ON B A T T ER Y ON STE P 3 | T E S T L I G H T ON CONNECT VOLTMETER (+) T E R M I N A L AND GROUND RECONNECT NE G A TIVE CA B L E CONNECT G O TO JUMPER C R A N K E N G IN E (-) T E R M I N A L LONG E NO UG H AND GROUND ( O N H. E .I. D I S C O N N E C T FEED W IR E ) IF R E A D I N G IS W I T H I N .5 V O L T O F V O L T A G E A T G EN . IF R E A D I N G IS N O T CHECK W I T H I N .5 V O L T O F VOLTAGE R E A D I N G A T G EN . AC R O S S CHECK FOR B A T TER Y POST CABLE A N D STA R TE R W H IL E TO DE LC O TR O N CR A N K IN G C IR C U IT R E S IS TAN CE STE P 4 FOR S T A B IL IZ E D N E E D L E BELOW R E A D IN G 9 .0 V O L T S TEST BATTER Y GO TO USING B A T T E R Y STEP 6 L O A D TEST PROCEDURE BATTER Y OK C H A R G E AS S P E C I F I E D BY TEST G O TO ST EP 5 BATTERY N O T OK REPLACE BATTERY G O TO ST EP 6 STEP SEQUENCE CONNECT RESULT P L A C E CA R B. VOLTMETER ON H I G H STEP ACROSS FAST IDLE CAM BATTERY GO TO STEP 7 D IS C O N N E C T CO IL J U M P E R S T A R T E N G IN E OR RECONNECT DO NO T TO UCH HEI FEED WIRE ACCELERATOR PEDAL IF V O L T A G E R E A D S LOWER H E A D LIG H TS -H I T U R N ON A /C - T H A N PRE VIO US REA D IN G GO T O STEP 9 HI ACCESSORIES R A D IO BLOWER TYPE DEFOGGER JO IF V O L T A G E i l CHECK VOLTAGE READS H IG HER I GO T O R E A D IN G T H A N PRE VIO US R EA D IN G STEP 8 IF M E T E R READS GO T O ST EP 9 U N D E R 12.5 IF M E T E R TURN O F F GO TO READS ACCESSORIES S TE P 10 O V E R 15.5 IF M E T E R W A I T U N T I L UP P ER R A D IA T O R IN L E T VOLTMETER AND N E E D L E STOPS IS H O T READS 1 2 . 5 T O 15.5 SEE N O T E IF V O L T A G E READS H IG HER GO TO T H A N PRE VIO US ST EP 10 R E A D IN G CHECK GROUND VOLTAGE GENERATOR R E A D IN G IF V O L T A G E REA D S LOWER GO T O T H A N PRE VIO US ST EP 11 R E A D IN G NOTE: IF N O T H I N G H A S B E E N F O U N D R E - E D U C A T E O W N E R O N E X C E S S I V E I D L I N G , SLOW OR S H O R T D IS T A N C E D R I V I N G W IT H A L L ACCESSORIES ON. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE GENERATOR A SSEM BLY Replacement (Fig. 6D-7C) 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable at battery. 2. Disconnect wiring leads at generator. 3. Remove generator brace bolt, then detach drive belt (belts). 4. Support the generator and remove generator mount bolt and remove from vehicle. G E N E R A T O R PU L L EY Replacement 1. Place 15/16" box wrench on retaining nut and insert a 5/16" alien wrench into shaft to hold shaft while removing nut (fig. 6D-8C). 2. Remove washer and slide pulley, fan and spacer from shaft. 3. Reverse Steps 1 and 2 to install, use a torque wrench with a crow-foot adapter (instead of box wrench) and torque the nut to 50 ft. lbs. (fig. 6D-9C). 5. Reverse the removal procedure to install then adjust drive belt(s) as outlined in Section 6A of this manual. Fig. 6 D -7C --G e ne ra to r In s ta lla tio n T y p ic a l Fig. 6 D -8 C -P u lle y Rem oval UNIT REPAIR D I S A S S E M B L Y (FIG. 6 D -1 C ) 1. Hold generator in a vise, clamping the mounting flange lengthwise. 2. Remove the four thru-bolts and separate the slip ring end frame and stator assembly from the drive end and rotor assembly by prying apart with a screwdriver at the stator slot. N OTE: A scribe mark will help locate the parts in the same position during assembly. 3. Place a piece of tape over the slip ring end frame bearing to prevent entry of dirt and other foreign material, and also a piece of tape over the shaft at the slip ring end. CAUTION: Brushes m a y drop onto the rotor shaft a nd become contam inated with bearing lubricant. Clean brushes prior to installing with a non-toxic cleaner such as trichlorethylene or a so ft dry cloth. 4. Remove the stator lead attaching nuts and separate stator from end frame. N OTE: A t this point, with the two end frames separated the stator disconnected and the rotor removed electrical checks of the rotor, rectifier bridge, stator and diode trio brush lead clip may be made without further disassembly. Refer to the specific checks as outlined in this section. 5. Remove screw attaching diode trio to brush holder assembly and remove diode trio from end frame. 6. Remove the rectifier bridge attaching screw and the "BAT" term inal screw, and disconnect the capacitor lead. Remove rectifier bridge from the end frame. 7. Remove two attaching screws, and remove brush holder and regulator assemblies. N OTE: Two insulators are assembled over the top of the brush retaining clips and the two screws have special insulating sleeves over the screw body. 8. Remove retaining screw and capacitor from end of frame. 9. Remove slip ring end frame bearing (if necessary). Refer to bearing replacement covered in this section. 10. Remove pulley retaining nut and slide washer, pulley, fan and spacer from shaft. a. Single groove pulley-place 15/16" box wrench on the shaft nut and insert a 5/16" alien wrench into the shaft end hole to hold the shaft while removing the nut (fig. 6D-8C). b. Double groove pulley-place a 15/16" socket (with wrench flats on the drive end or use adapter J-21501 and a box wrench on the pulley retaining nut, insert a 5/16" alien wrench through the socket and adapter into hex hole in the shaft to hold the shaft while removing the nut. 11. Remove rotor and spacers from the drive end frame assembly. 12. Remove drive end frame bearing retainer plate screws, plate, gasket, bearing, and slinger from end frame (if necessary). roughness. 3. Inspect rotor slip rings, they may be cleaned with 400 grain polishing cloth. Rotate rotor for this operation to prevent creating flat spots on slip rings. 4. Slip rings which are out of round may be trued in a lathe to .002" maximum indicator reading. Remove only enough material to make the rings smooth and concentric. Finish with 400 grain polishing cloth and blow dry. 5. Slip rings are not replaceable-excessive damage will require rotor assembly replacement. 6. Inspect brushes for wear. If they are worn halfway, replace. Inspect brush springs for distortion or weakening. If brushes appear satisfactory and move freely in brush holder, springs may be reused. T E S T IN G Where specified, conduct the following tests using an ohmmeter with a 1-1/2 volt cell and use the lowest range scale for the readings. Rotor Field Winding Checks (Fig. 6D-10C) The rotor may be checked electrically with a 110-volt test lamp or an ohmmeter. Open C irc u it Connect one test lamp or ohmmeter lead to each slip ring. If the lamp fails to light or if the ohmmeter reading is high, the windings are open. Sh o rt C irc u it The windings are checked for shorts by connecting a 12 volt battery and an am m eter in series with the two slip rings. Note the ammeter reading. An ammeter reading above the specified field amperage draw indicates shorted windings. Refer to Specifications at the end of this manual. C L E A N IN G A N D IN S P E C T IO N W ith generator completely disassembled the components should be cleaned and inspected. Be sure testing equipment is in good working order before attem pting to check the generator. 1. W ash all metal parts except stator and rotor assemblies. 2. Clean bearings and inspect for sealing, pitting or OHMMETER (CHECK FOR SHORTS AND OPENS) (CHECK FOR OPENS) OHM METER O HM METER (CHECK FOR OPENS) (CHECK FOR GROUNDS! Fig. 6D-1 1C --C hecking S ta to r Stator Checks (Fig. 6D-11C) G ro u n d s Connect a 110-volt test lamp or an ohm m eter from any stator lead to the stator frame. If test lamp lights or if ohmmeter reads low, the windings are grounded. O p e n C ir c u it If lamp fails to light or if ohmmeter reads high when successively connected between each pair of stator leads, the windings are open. Fig. 6 D -12C --D iode T rio Checks between the grounded heat sink and the other two terminals, and between the insulated heat sink and each of the three terminals. When this is done all six diodes are checked with BRUSH HO LDER RESISTOR S h o r t C ir c u it A short in the stator windings is difficult to locate without special test equipment due to the low resistance of the windings. However, if all other electrical checks are normal and the generator fails to supply rated output, shorted stator windings are indicated. Also, look for heat discoloration on the windings. Diode Trio (Fig. 6D-12C) With the diode trio unit remove from the end frame, connect an ohm m eter to the single connect and to one of the three connectors. Observe the reading, then reverse the ohm m eter leads to the same connectors. A good diode trio will give one high and one low reading. If both readings are the same, replace the diode trio. Repeat this test between the single connector and each of the other two connectors. NOTE: There are two diode trio units differing in appearance used in the generator but they are completely interchangeable. CAUTION: D o not use high voltage such as 110 volt test lam p to check the diode trio. Rectifier Bridge Check (Fig. 6D-13C) Connect an ohm m eter to the grounded heat sink and one of the three terminals. Then reverse the lead connections to the grounded heat sink and same terminal. If both readings are the same, replace the bridge. A good rectifier bridge will give one high and one low reading. Repeat this same test REGULATO R INSULATED HEAT SINK IN S U L A T IN G W ASHER GROUNDED HEAT SINK OHM M ETER two readings taken for each diode. NOTE: The diodes are not replaced individually. The entire rectifier bridge is replaced if one or more diodes are defective. CAUTION: D o n o t use high voltage to check the rectifier bridge, such as a 110 volt test lamp. Voltage Reg./Brush Lead Clip Check (Fig. 6D-5C) Connect an ohmm eter from the brush lead clip to the end frame as shown in Step 1, Figure 6D-7C. Then reverse lead connections. If both readings are zero, either the brush lead clip is grounded or the regulator is defective. A grounded brush lead clip can result from omission of the insulating washer, omission of the insulating sleeve on the screw, or a damaged insulating sleeve. Remove the screw and inspect the sleeve. If it is satisfactory, replace the regulator unit. R E P A IR S Brush Holder and Regulator Replacement (Fig. 6D-5C) 1. If not previously removed, remove the three stator lead attaching nuts, the stator, diode trio brush lead screw and diode trio from the end frame. 2. Remove the remaining two screws from the brush holder and regulator and remove these units from the end frame. NOTE: The two screws retaining the brush clips have insulating washers over the tops of the brush clips and special insulating sleeves over the screw body above the threads. If they are damaged or missing a ground will result causing uncontrolled or no output. 3. Replace defective unit and reassemble using reverse of removal procedures. NOTE: The screw nearest regulator terminals does not have an insulating washer, but may or may not have an insulating sleeve. Slip Ring Servicing If the slip rings are dirty, they may be cleaned and finished with 400 grain or finer polishing cloth. Spin the rotor, and hold the polishing cloth against the slip rings until they are clean. CAUTION: The rotor m u st be rotated in order that the slip rings will be cleaned evenly. Cleaning the slip rings b y hand w ithout spinning the rotor m ay result in flat spots on the slip rings, causing brush noise. Slip rings which are rough or out of round should be trued in a lathe to .002 inch maximum indicator reading. Remove only enough material to make the rings smooth and round. Finish with 400 grain or finer polishing cloth and blow away all dust. Drive End Frame-Bearing Replacement/ Lubrication 1. The drive end frame bearing can be removed by detaching the retainer plate bolts and separating retainer plate and seal assembly from end frame, and then pressing bearing out using suitable tube or pipe on outer race. 2. Refill bearing one-quarter full with Delco-Remy No. 1948791 grease or equivalent. Do not overfill. 3. Press bearing into end frame using tube or pipe as in Step 1 with bearing and slinger assembled as shown in Figure 6D-8C. Fig. 6 D - 1 4C ~D rive End B e a rin g Cross S ection 4. Install retainer plate. Use new retainer plate if felt seal is hardened or excessively worn. NOTE: Stake retainer plate bolts to plate. Slip Ring End Frame-Bearing Replacement 1. Replace the bearing if the grease supply is exhausted. Make no attem pt to re-lubricate and reuse the bearing. 2. Press out from outside of housing, using suitable tool over outer race of bearing. 3. To install, place a flat plate over the bearing and press in from outside of housing until bearing is flush with the outside of the end frame. Support inside of end frame around bearing bore with a suitable tool to prevent distortion. Use extreme care to avoid misalignment. 4. Install new seal whenever bearing is replaced. Lightly coat the seal lip with oil and press seal into the end frame with the seal lip toward the inside of the end frame. REASSEMBLY 1. Install rotor in drive end frame and attach spacer, fan, pulley, washer, and nut. 2. Using adapter J-2 1501, insert an alien wrench into hex shaped hole at end of shaft and torque the shaft nut to 40-50 ft. lbs. (fig. 6D-9C). 3. Install capacitor and retaining screw in slip ring end frame. 4. Position brush holder and regulator assemblies in end frame and install two retaining screws. N OTE: The two screws retaining the brush clips have insulating washers over the top of the brush clips and special insulating sleeves over the screw body above the threads. If the third screw does not have an insulating sleeve, it must not be interchanged with either of the other two screws. 5. Position rectifier bridge to end frame. Install attaching screw and the "BAT" terminal screw. Connect capacitor lead to bridge. 6. Position diode trio on rectifier bridge terminal and install screw attaching brush lead clip to brush holder. 8. Position slip ring end frame to drive end frame and install four thru bolts. CAUTION: Insulating washer on the screw m u st be assembled over top o f the connector. NOTE: Remove tooth pick from brush holder at opening in slip ring end frame before operating machine on vehicle. 7. Position stator in end frame. Connect stator leads to rectifier bridge term inals and install attaching nuts. SPECIAL TOOLS J 21501 PULLY ADAPTER Fig. 6 D -15C --S pecial T ool IGNITION SYSTEM DISTRIBUTOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION There are two types of H EI distributors. The 8 cylinder distributor (Fig. 6 D -li) combines all ignition components in one unit. The ignition coil is in the distributor cap and connects directly to the rotor. The 6 cylinder distributor (Fig. 6D-2i) has an external mounted coil. Both operate basically in the same manner as a conventional ignition system except the module and pick-up coil of the H EI system replace the contact points of the conventional system. The High Energy Igntion is a pulse triggered, transistor controlled, inductive discharge ignition system. The magnetic pick-up assembly located inside the distributor contains a perm anent magnet, a pole piece with internal teeth, and a pick-up coil. When the teeth of the timer core rotating inside the pole piece line up with teeth of the pole piece, an induced voltage in the pick-up coil signals the all electronic module to open the coil primary circuit. The primary current decreases and a high voltage is induced in the ignition coil secondary winding which is directed through the rotor and high voltage leads to fire the spark plugs. The capacitor in the distributor is for radio noise suppression. The module autom atically controls the dwell period, stretching it with increasing engine speed. The H EI system also features a longer spark duration, made possible by the higher am ount of energy stored in the coil primary. This is desirable for firing lean and EGR diluted mixtures. Ignition Coil In the 8 cylinder HEI system, the igntion coil is built into the distributor cap. In the 6 cylinder HEI system, the ignition coil is mounted externally. The coil is somewhat smaller physically than a conventional coil, but has more primary and secondary windings. It is built more like a true transformer with the windings surrounded by the laminated iron core. A conventional coil has the iron core inside the windings. Although the H EI coil operates in basically the same way as a conventional coil, it is more effective in generating higher secondary voltage when the primary circuit is broken. Electronic Module The electronic module is a solid state unit containing five complete circuits which control spark triggering, switching, current limiting, dwell control and distributor pick-up. Dwell angle is controlled by a transistor circuit within the module and is varied in direct relation to engine speed. BAT. TERMINAL (CONNECTED TO IGNITION SWITCH) Pick-Up Assembly The pick-up assembly consists of the following: 1. A rotating tim er core with external teeth which is turned by the distributor shaft. 2. A stationary pole piece with internal teeth. 3. A pick-up coil and magnet which are located between the pole piece and a bottom plate. Centrifugal and Vacuum Advance CONNECT TACHOMETER FROM THIS TERMINAL TO GROUND. TACH TERMINAL (SOME TACHOMETERS MUST CONNECT FROM THIS TERMINAL TO ENERGIZER POSITIVE ( + ). CONSULT TACHOMETER MANUFACTURER.) The centrifugal and vacuum advance mechanisms are basically the same types of units that provide spark advance in the breaker-type system. Centrifugal advance is achieved through the rotation of the timer core in relation to the distributor shaft. Vacuum advance is achieved by attaching the pick-up coil and pole piece to the vacuum advance unit actuating arm. Wiring (Fig. 6D-3i) Fig. 6 D -1 i—8 C y lin d e r HEI D is trib u to r IG N ITIO N COIL CONNECT TACHOMETER FR O M THIS TERMINAL TO G R O U N D . (SO M E TACHOMETERS MUST CONNECT FRO M THIS TERMINAL TO ENERGIZER POSITIVE (+). SO M E TACHOMETERS M A Y NOT W O R K AT ALL. CONSULT TACHOMETER M AN UFACTURER.) CONNECTOR BAT. TERMINAL (CONNECTED TO IG N ITIO N SWITCH) H IG H EN ERG Y IG N ITIO N DISTRIBUTOR LEAD SPARK PLUG V A CUU M UNIT LATCH (4) The pick-up coil is connected to transistors in the electronic module. The electronic module is connected to the primary windings in the coil. As the distributor shaft turns the tim er core teeth out of alignment with the teeth of the pole piece a voltage is created in the magnetic field of the pick-up coil. The pick-up coil sends this voltage signal to the electronic module, which determines from RPM when to start current building in the primary windings of the ignition coil. Each time the tim er core teeth align with the pole piece teeth the pick-up coil magnetic field is changed creating a different voltage. The pick-up coil sends this different voltage signal the electronic module which electronically shuts off the ignition coil primary circuit. This in turn collapses the coil magnetic field, induces high secondary voltage and fires one spark plug. The electronic module delivers full battery voltage to the ignition coil which is limited to five to six amperes. There is no primary resistance wire in the H E I system. The electronic module triggers the closing and opening of the primary circuit instantaneously with no energy lost due to breaker point arcing or capacitor charging time lag. The capacitor in the H EI unit functions only as a radio noise suppressor. H O U SIN G This instantaneous and efficient circuit triggering enables the H EI system to deliver up to approximately 35,000 volts through the secondary wiring to the spark plugs. G EA R Because of the higher voltage, the HEI system has larger diameter (8 millimeter) spark plug wires with silicone insulation. The silicone wire is gray in color, more heat resistant than standard black wire and less vulnerable to deterioration. Silicone insulation is soft, however, and must not be mishandled. Fig. 6 D -3i--H ig h E nergy Ig n itio n Basic W irin g D IA G N O S IS HIGH ENERGY IGNITION SYSTEM V8 engine PROBLEM: 3-WIRE CONNECTOR engine CRANKS but COIL ( 7 WILL NOT START ROTOR( 6 PICK-UP COIL MODULE SEQUENCE STEP RESULT AU TO TRANS. L E V E R IN P A R K TE S T L IG H T ON M A N U A L TR ANS. C O NN EC T TE ST L IG H T / L E V E R IN N E U T R A L T E S T L IG H T O FF T O BAT. L E A D TERM . STARTS T E S T L IG H T R E P A IR O FF L E A D OR T E S T L IG H T I___ ON C O NNECTOR NO S T A R T IN S E R T T E S T L IG H T IN R E D B+ W IR E T E S T L IG H T ON IG N IT IO N SW. - ~ Q ) --------( ^ ) STARTS 0 — R E P A IR OR R E P L A C E AS < D “ T E S T L IG H T | ON |____ NECESSARY NO S T A R T O R E M O V E A S P A R K P LU G W IR E, IN S E R T E X T E N S IO N A N D P E R F O R M S P A R K TE S T NO SPARK P R O B L E M IS N O T IG N IT IO N S Y S TE M CHECK U S IN G IN S U L A T E D P L IE R S H O L D S P A R K P L U G W IR E 1 /4 ' A W A Y F R O M EN G . B L O C K W H IL E C R A N K IN G E N G IN E F U E L SYSTEM E X T E N S IO N SPARK •P L U G S •F L O O D E D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HIGH ENERGY IGNITION SYSTEM V8 engine_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STEP SEQUENCE RESULT REMOVE C A P A S SY. STARTS IG N IT IO N O FF D IS C O N N E C T V I S U A L L Y INSPEC T R E P A IR AS FO R M O IS T U R E , DUST NECESSARY C R A C K S , B U R N S , ETC. 3-W IR E C O N N E C T O R NO START O HM M ETER STARTS READS AB O V E 1 OHM (X 1 SC ALE) R E P LA C E C O IL CO NNECT O HM M ETER NO S T A R T READS 0 TO 1 OHM (X 1 S C A L E ) OHMMETER E IT H E R READS TO TEST 6 ,0 0 0 3 0 ,0 0 0 O H M S STARTS CO NNECT BO TH TESTS R E A D IN F IN IT Y OHM M ETER R E P LA C E C O IL NO S TA R T R E M O V E G R E E N & W H IT E LE A D S FR O M M O D U LE STARTS ^M_ESS T H A N IN F I N I T Y R E P LA C E C O IL (X 100 0 S C A L E ) (P IC K UP) CO NNECT O H M M E T E R FR O M f NO S T A R T G R O U N D T O E IT H E R R E A D S IN F IN IT E LEAD (X 100 0 S C A L E ) CONNECT O HM M ETER R E P E A T STEPS 8 A N D 9 W H IL E M O V IN G V A C . ACROSS 2 LE A D S R E A D S 5 0 0 TO 150 0 O HM S A D V A N C E W IT H SCREW D R IV E R . IF R E A D IN G IS S T IL L O K STARTS DO E S N O T R E A D 5 0 0 TO 150 0 O H M S R E P LA C E C O IL (P IC K UP) NO S T A R T R E P E A T STEPS 5 THRU 9 CHECK M O D U LE W ITH TESTER REMOVE AND REPLACE M O D U L E HIGH ENERGY IGNITION SYSTEM V8 engine PROBLEM: engine RUNS ROUGH or CUTS OUT ’ SEQUENCE STEP RESULT ® - ---------------------- j ------------/T-N ------------------- ( S o - ----------- 0 CH ECK S P A R K PLU G S & PLU G W IR E S _ ^ > - R E P A IR OR REPLA C E - i R UN S SMOOTH 4 ^ -r RU N S ROUGH r — 0 @ . — RUNS SMOOTH O I V IS U A L L Y IN SPECT R E P A IR AS U FO R M O IST U R E, DUST, N E C E S S A R Y C R A C KS, BU R N S, ETC. D ISC O N N EC T 3 W IR E CO N N ECTO R (J) — ■- j RUN S ROUGH EITHER TEST READS 6 000 TO 30,000 OHMS C CONNECT ^ > — BOTH TESTS READ IN F IN IT Y OHMMETER - - 0 - 0 K REPLA C E CO IL R EM O V E G R E E N & W H IT E L EA D S FR O M M O DULE RUN S SMOOTH LESS TH A N IN F IN IT Y (X 1000 S C A L E ) R E P L A C E CO IL (PICK UP) f CONNECT O H M M ET ER FRO M G RO UN D TO E IT H E R LEA D RU N S ROUGH R E A D S IN F IN IT E (X 1000 S C A L E ) CONNECT O H M M ET ER A C R O SS 2 LEA D S R EA D S 500 TO 1500 OHMS R E P E A T ST EPS 4 AND 5 W H IL E M O VING VAC. A D V A N C E W ITH SC R EW D R IV E R . IF R E A D IN G IS S T IL L OK R U N S SMOOTH DOES NOT R EA D 500 TO 1500 OHMS R E P L A C E C O IL (P IC K U P ) R UN S ROUGH R E P E A T ST EPS 1 THRU 5 CHECK M ODU LE W IT H TESTER REMOVE AND REPLACE M ODU LE HIGH ENERGY IGNITION SYS1EM L-6 engines PROBLEM: engine CRANKS but WILL NOT START COIL PICK UP COIL I MODULE STEP SEQUENCE RESULT A U T O TRANS. L E V E R IN PA R K T EST LIG H T ON M A N U A L TRANS, j CONNECT T EST LIGH T TO BAT. L EA D TERM . L E V E R IN N EU T R A L T EST LIG H T O FF IG N ITIO N SW. ST A R T S 0 ~ R E P A IR OR R E P L A C E AS N EC ESSA R Y - €> -| TEST L IG H T | ON NO S T A R T R E M O V E A S P A R K PLU G W IRE, IN S E R T E X T E N S IO N AND P E R F O R M S P A R K T EST f V — NO S PA R K USIN G IN S U L A T E D P L IE R S HOLD S P A R K PLU G W IR E 1/4' A W A Y F R O M ENG. BLO CK W H IL E C R A N K IN G EN G IN E P R O B L E M IS NOT IG N ITIO N SYSTEM CHECK • FU E L SYSTEM • PLU G S • FLO O D ED S PA R K E X T E N SIO N - Q ---------------------- STARTS V IS U A L L Y INSPECT R E P A IR AS FO R M O IST U R E, DUST, N E C E S S A R Y C RA CKS, B U R N S, ETC. NO S T A R T HIGH ENERGY IGNITION SYSTEM L-6 engines RESULT SEQUENCE CONNECT » \ V — ^ / _ _ . O H M M ET ER R E A D S A B O V E 1 O HM (X 1 STARTS SC ALE) R E P LA C E C O IL NO S T A R T D ISC O N N EC T CO N N ECTO R R E A D S 0 TO 1 O H M (X I SC ALE ) R E A D S 6 .0 0 0 TO 3 0 .0 0 0 O HM S CONNECT O HM M ETER STARTS R E A D S M O R E T H A N 3 0 ,0 0 0 O HM S OR LESS T H A N R E P LA C E C0|L 6 ,000 O H M S NO ST A R T CONNECT O H M M ET ER STARTS T H A N I N F IN IT Y R E P LA C E C 0 IL NOSTART R E A D S IN F IN IT E (X 1000 S C A L E ) R E M O V E G R EE N & W H IT E LE A D S F R O M M O D U L E STARTS _ tc @ © X / X > ----------------- - T H A N I N F IN IT Y CONNECT f O H M M E T E R FR O M R E P LA C E C O IL (X 100 0 S C A LE ) (P IC K UP) NO S T A R T "s » V G R Q U N D T O E IT H E R LE AD ----------- ' V _ R E A D S IN F IN IT E (X 100 0 S C A LE ) R E P E A T STEPS 8 A N D 9 W H IL E M O V IN G V A C . CO NNECT O HM M ETER AC R O S S 2 LE A D S A D V A N C E W IT H SCREW R E A D S 5 0 0 TO 1500 O HM S D R IV E R . IF R E A D IN G IS S T IL L O K STARTS D O ES N O T R E A D 5 0 0 TO 150 0 OHM S R E P L A C E CO IL (PICK-UP) NO ST A R T R E P E A T ST EPS 5 THRU 9 CH EC K M O D U LE W IT H TESTER RE M O VE A N D R EPLACE M O D U LE HIGH ENERGY IGNITION SYSTEM L-6 engines PROBLEM: engine RUNS ROUGH or CUTS OUT STEP SEQUENCE I RESULT ----------- ------------- 1 i CONNECT O H M M ET ER ACRO SS 2 L EA D S R EA D S 500 TO 1500 OHMS R U N S SMOOTH | /^ r\ w m . R E P E A T ST EPS 4 AND 5 W H IL E M O VING VAC. A D VA N C E W ITH S C R EW ­ D R IV E R . IF R EA D IN G IS S T IL L OK RU N S SMOOTH -------DOES NOT R EA D 500 TO 1500 OHMS R E P L A C E CO IL (PICK-UP) RU N S ROUGH 6 \J R E P E A T ST EPS (OK) 1 THRU 5 IF OK © C H EC K M O D U LE W IT H T E S T E R -----------IF NOT OK R E M O V E AND R E P L A C E M O D U LE @ ON-VEHICLE SERVICE manufacturer’s instructions. CAUTION: G rounding "tach" terminal could damage the H E I electronic module. M A IN T E N A N C E AN D A D JU S TM E N TS Routine Maintenance The H EI system is designed to be free from routine maintenance. If component part replacement should become necessary, however, several items specific to the H E I system should be noted. Electronic Module Other Test Equipment Oscilliscopes require special adaptors. Distributor machines require a special amplifier. The equipment manufacturers have instructions and details necessary to modify test equipment for H E I diagnosis. the electronic module is serviced by complete replacement only. W hen replacing the module a liberal coating of special silicone grease MUST be applied to the metal m ounting surface on which the module will be installed. If this grease is not applied the module will not cool properly which can cause the module to malfunction. A tube of this special silicone grease is supplied with each replacement module. Vacuum and Centrifugal Advance Specifications Spark Plug Wires (Figs. 6D-4i, 6D-5i) Removal The 8 millimeter silicone insulation spark plug wire boots seal more tightly to the spark plugs. Twist the boot about a half turn in either direction to break the seal before pulling on the boot to remove the wire. W A R N I N G : D o N o t rem o ve spark plug w ir e s w i t h t h e eng in e running. The higher s econdary v o lta g e is c apable o f ju m p in g an arc of g re a te r d istance and could cause an elec tric shock. Vacuum and centrifugal advance specifications are listed in the Specifications Section of this manual. C O M P O N E N T PART REPLACEMENT Distributor 1. Disconnect wiring harness connectors at side of distributor cap. 2. Remove distributor cap and position out of way. 3. Disconnect vacuum advance hose from vacuum advance mechanism. 4. Scribe a m ark on the engine in line with rotor. Note approximate position of distributor housing in relation to engine. 5. Remove distributor hold-down nut and clamp. 6. Lift distributor from engine. In stallation Timing Light Connections Timing light connections should be made in parallel using an adapter at the distributor number one terminal. Tachometer Connections In the distributor cap connector is a "tach" terminal. Connect the tachom eter to this terminal and to ground. Some tachom eters must connect from the "tach" terminal to the battery positive ( + ) terminal. Follow tachometer 1. Install distributor using same procedure as for standard distributor. 2. Install distributor hold-down clamp and snugly install nut. 3. Move distributor housing to approximate position relative to engine noted during removal. 4. Position distributor cap to housing with tab in base CYL N O . 6 CYL N O . 5 CYL N O . 4 CYL N O . 3 CYL N O . 2 CYL N O . 1 DISTRIBUTOR *7 #5 A D V A N C E W E IG H T (2 ) Fig. 6 D -6 i~ D is trib u to r C e n trifu g a l A d va n ce of cap aligned with notch in housing and secure with four latches. 5. Connect wiring harness connector to terminals on side of distributor cap. C onnector will fit only one way. 6. Adjust ignition timing as described in Specification C hart in Section 6E of this manual. Distributor D is as se m b ly (Figs. 6 D -6 i and 6D-8i) 1. Remove distributor as described above. 2. Remove rotor from distributor shaft by removing two screws. 3. Remove two advance springs, weight retainer, and advance weights. 4. Remove two screws holding module to housing and move module to a position where connector may removed from ’B’ and ’C ’ terminals. 5. Remove wires from "W" and "G " terminals of module. 6. Remove roll pin from drive gear. Fig. 6 D-7 i—Ro 11 Pin Removal A ssem bly (Figs. 6 D -6 i - 6D-9i) 1. Position vacuum advance unit to housing and secure with two screws. 2. Position felt washer over lubricant reservoir at top of housing. 3. Lubricate felt wick with a few drops of motor oil and install replacement pole piece and plate assembly over upper bushing and vacuum advance unit. Make sure the connector or retainer (bow) that holds the white and green electrical leads together is color coded yellow. 4. Install lock ring pole piece and plate assembly. 5. Place distributor shaft (with rotor attached) in distributor housing. VA C U U M UNIT ATTACHING SCREWS CAUTION: D istributor gear should be supported in such a way that no damage will occur to distributor shaft while rem oving pin. 7. Remove gear, shim and tanged washer from distributor shaft. Remove any burrs that may have been caused by removal of pin. 8. Remove distributor shaft from housing. 9. Remove washer from upper end of distributor housing. 10. Remove lock ring at top of housing and remove pole piece and plate assembly and felt washer. NOTE: No attem pt should be made to service the shaft bushings in the housing. 11. Remove vacuum advance mechanism by removing two screws. 12. Disconnect capacitor lead and remove capacitor by removing one screw. 13. Remove wiring harness from distributor housing. THIN " C ” W A SH ER CAPACITOR PIC K U P COIL LEADS ATTACHING SCREW MODULE C O N N ECTO R GROUND SCREW MODULE 6. On 8 cylinder distributors, install tanged washer, shim and drive gear on distributor shaft. 7. On 6 cylinder distributors, install drive gear on distributor shaft. 8. Align holes of drive gear with hole of distributor shaft so that locating m ark on drive gear is in line with tip of rotor. Support distributor shaft on a wooden block or other suitable object and install roll pin. Make sure distributor is supported in such a way that no damage will occur to distributor shaft while installing roll pin. 9. Check to make sure shaft is not binding by spinning shaft a few times by hand. 10. Position capacitor to housing and loosely install one m ounting screw. 11. Install connector to "B" and "C" terminals on module with tab on top. 12. Apply special silicone lubricant liberally to bottom of module and secure with two screws. 13. Position wiring harness with grommet in housing notch. 14. Connect pink wire to capacitor stud, and black wire to capacitor mounting screw. Tighten screw. 15. Connect white wire from pick-up coil to terminal "W" module. 16. Connect green wire from pick-up coil to terminal "G" of module. 17. Install centrifugal advance weights, weight retainer (dimple facing down), and springs. 18. Install rotor and secure with two screws. CAUTION: N otch on side o f rotor m u st engage tab on cam weight base. 19. Install distributor as described above. Electronic Module R e p la c e m e n t (Fig. 6 D -8i) The electronic module is serviced by complete replacement only. When replacing the module a liberal coating of special silicone grease M UST be applied to the metal m ounting surface on which the module will be installed. If this grease is not applied, the module will not cool properly, which can cause the module to malfunction. A tube of this special silicone grease is supplied with each replacement module. 1. Raise hood and remove air cleaner. 2. Release distributor cap and place aside in an out-ofthe-way place. 3. Remove two screws and remove rotor from distributor shaft. 4. Remove two screws holding module to housing and move module to a position where electrical connector may be removed from B and C terminals of module. 5. Use needle nose pliers or similar tool to remove pole piece and plate assembly electrical leads from W (White) and G (Green) term inals of module. Do not remove leads by pulling on the wires as damage to the leads may occur. 6. Install replacement module in reverse order of removal. During installation, make sure a liberal am ount of special silicone grease is applied to the metal mounting surface of module to insure proper cooling. 7. Check operation of new module by starting and running vehicle. Pole Piece and Plate Assembly R e p la c e m e n t (Figs. 6 D -7 i - 6D-9i) The pole piece and plate assembly is serviced by complete replacement only. The three screws securing stationary pole piece and permanent magnet should not be disturbed except under extreme conditions since the pole piece is adjusted by the factory to critical dimensions. During replacement, make sure the replacement pole piece and plate assembly is the correct specified part. One quick method of assuring a correct part is to observe the connector or retainer (bow) that holds the white and green electrical leads together is color coded yellow The correct pole piece and plate assembly for all 6 and 8 cylinder engines is color coded yellow. 1. Remove distributor as described previously in this section. 2. Support distributor gear on a block of wood or other suitable object (Fig. 6D-7i) and drive roll pin from drive gear. Make sure distributor is supported in such a way that no damage will occur to distributor shaft while removing roll pin. 3. On 8 cylinder distributors, remove drive gear, shim and tanged washer from distributor shaft. 4. On 6 cylinder distributors, remove drive gear from distributor shaft. 5. Remove any burrs that may have been caused by removal of roll pin and remove shaft (with rotor attached) from distributor housing. 6. Use needle nose pliers or similar tool to remove pole piece and plate assembly electrical leads from W (white) and G (Green) terminals of module. Do not remove leads by pulling on the wires as damage to the leads may occur. 7. Remove lock ring from top of pole piece and plate assembly (Fig. 6D-8i) and remove pole piece and plate assembly from distributor housing. 8. Lubricate felt wick with a few drops of m otor oil and install replacement pole piece and plate assembly over upper bushing and vacuum advance unit. Make sure the connector or retainer (bow) that holds the white and green electrical leads together is color coded yellow. 9. Install lock ring (Fig. 6D-8i) and then connect green electrical lead of pole piece and plate assembly to G terminal of module. Then connect white lead of pole piece and plate assembly to W terminal of module. 10. Place distributor shaft (with rotor attached) in distributor housing. 11. On 8 cylinder distributors, install tanged washer, shim and drive gear on distributor shaft. 12. On 6 cylinder distributors, install drive gear on distributor shaft. 13. Align holes of drive gear with hole of distributor shaft so that locating mark on drive gear is in line with tip of rotor. Support distributor shaft on a wooden block or other suitable object and install roll pin. Make sure distributor is supported in such a way that no damage will occur to distributor shaft while installing roll pin. 14. Check to make sure shaft is not binding by spinning shaft a few times by hand. 15. Install distributor as described previously in this section. COVER COIL SEAL Fig. 6 D -9 i—RolI Pin In s ta lla tio n Ignition Coil--8 Cylinder S P R IN G CAP R em o val (Fig. 6 D - 1 0 i) 1. Disconnect battery wire and harness connector from distributor cap. 2. Remove three screws securing coil cover to distributor cap. 3. Remove four screws securing ignition coil to distributor cap. 4. Remove ground wire from coil. 5. Push coil leads from under side of connectors and remove coil from distributor cap. ROTOR VACUUM UNIT In s ta lla tio n (Fig. 6 D - 1 0 i) 1. Position coil into distributor cap with terminals over connector at side of cap. 2. Push coil lead wires into connector on side of cap as follows: black (ground) in center; brown next to vacuum advance unit; pink opposite vacuum advance unit. 3. Secure ignition coil with four screws. Place ground wire under coil mounting screw. 4. Install coil cover onto distributor cap and secure with three screws. Ignition Coil--6 Cylinder R em o val (Fig. 6 D -5i) 1. Disconnect ignition switch to coil lead at coil. 2. Disconnect coil to distributor leads at coil. 3. Remove 4 screws securing coil to side of engine and remove coil. HOUSING WASHER GEAR Fig. 6 D -10 i--E xplod e d V ie w o f 8 C y lin d e r HEI D is trib u to r In s ta lla tio n (Fig. 6D-5i) 1. Install coil to side of engine with 4 screws. 2. Connect coil to distributor leads at coil. 3. Connect ignition switch to coil lead at coil. SPARK PLUGS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The spark plug (Fig. 6 D -11 i) consists of a metal shell in which is fastened a porcelain insulator and an electrode extending through the center of the insulator. The metal shell has a short electrode attached to one side and bent in toward the center electrode. There are threads on the metal shell that allow it to be screwed into a tapped hole in the cylinder head. The two electrodes are of special heavy wire, and there is a specified gap between them. The electric spark jum ps this gap to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber, passing from the center, or insulated, electrode. The seals between the metal base, porcelain, and center electrode, as well as the porcelain itself, m ust be able to withstand the high pressure and tem perature created in the combustion chamber during the power stroke. Some spark plugs have been supplied with a built-in resistor which forms part of the center electrode. The purpose of this resistor is to reduce radio and television interference from the ignition system as well as to reduce spark-plugelectrode erosion caused by excessively long sparking. We have been talking of the high-voltage surge from the ignitioncoil secondary as though it were a single powerful surge that almost instantly caused the spark to jum p across the spark plug gap. Actually, the action is more complex than that. There may be a whole series of preliminary surges before a full-fledged spark forms. At the end of the sparking cycle the spark may be quenched and may reform several times. All this takes place in only a few ten-thousandths of a second. The effect is that the ignition wiring acts like a radio transmitting antenna; the surges of high voltage send out impulses that causes radio and television interference. However, the resistors in the spark plugs tend to concentrate the surges in each sparking cycle, reduce their number, and thus reduce the interference and also the erosive effect on the plug electrodes. H e a t R ange S y ste m The "heat range" of a spark plug is determined primarily by the length of the lower insulator. The longer this is, the hotter the plug will operate; the shorter it is, the cooler the plug will operate (Fig. 9-12i). Spark plugs, to give good performance in a particular engine, must operate within a certain temperature range (neither too hot nor too cool). If the spark plug remains too cool: oil, soot, and carbon compounds will deposit on the insulator causing fouling and missing. If the plug runs too hot, electrodes will wear rapidly, and under extreme conditions, prem ature ignition (pre-ignition) of the fuel mixture may result. Frequently, the wrong type of spark plugs, one with an improper heat range for the engine, may have been installed when replacing spark plugs originally fitted by the engine manufacturer and such misapplication may lead to poor performance. The heat range system makes it possible to select the type of spark plug that will operate within the correct tem perature range for each specific engine. Where abnormal operating conditions cause chronic carbon or oil fouling of the plugs, the use of a type one number higher' (a "hotter" type) than recommended will generally remedy the trouble; and by the same formula, where chronic pre-ignition or rapid electrode wear is experienced, a type with one num ber lower (a "cooler" type) will generally U i P P ------- COLDER tt-SS* HOTTER be found satisfactory. The last digit of the type num ber indicates the heat range position of the plug in the heat range system. Read the numbers as you would a therm om eter-the higher the last digit, the "hotter" the spark plug will operate in the engine; the lower the last digit, the "cooler" the spark plug will operate. S p a rk Plug R ea ch and T h re a d s Spark plugs are m anufactured in a num ber of thread sizes and "reaches." Reach is the distance from the gasket seat to the end of the shell. Spark Plugs have a type number on the insulator which designates plug thread size as well as the relative position in the heat range system as previously explained. DIAGNOSIS U nder normal operating conditions, spark plugs wear out due to the destructive action, under intense heat, of sulphur and lead compounds in the fuel and the bom bardm ent of the electric spark on the electrodes. It is reasonable to expect over 22,000 miles of useful life from a spark plug. However, operating conditions are an important factor and life expectany of the spark plug will vary with the type of service in which the engine is used. The same type of spark plug used in two different engines of the same make and model may frequently show wide variation in appearance. The cause of such differences lies in the condition of the engine, its piston rings, carburetor setting, kind of fuel used, and under what conditions the engine is operated, namely, sustained high speeds or heavy loads; or continual low speed, stop-and-go driving or light loads. Spark Plugs are frequently blamed for faulty engine operation which they do not cause. Replacement of old spark plugs by new may temporarily improve poor engine performance because of the lessened demand new plugs make on the ignition system. This cannot permanently cure poor engine performance caused by worn rings or cylinders, weak coil, worn contact points, faulty carburetion or other engine ills. On the following pages are pictures of some commonly encountered appearances and causes of spark plug problems. N O R M A L OPERATION Brown to grayish-tan deposits and slight electrode wear indicate correct spark plug heat range and mixed periods of high and low speed driving. SPARK PLUGS HAVING THIS APPEARANCE MAY BE REINSTALLED. IF MISFIRING PER­ SISTS, SPARK PLUGS SHOULD BE REPLACED. When reinstalling spark plugs, be sure to use new gaskets on spark plugs that utilize engine seat gaskets. N orm al O pe ra tion DEPOSIT F O U L IN G —" A " Red, brown, yellow and white colored coatings which accumulate on the insula­ tor are by-products of combustion and come from the fuel and lubricating oil, both of which today generally contain additives. Most powdery deposits have no adverse effect on spark plug operation; however, they may cause interm ittent missing under severe operating conditions, especially at high speeds and heavy load. SPARK PLUGS HAVING THIS APPEARANCE SHOULD BE REPLACED. D eposit F o u lin g " A " DEPOSIT F O U L IN G —" B " Most powdery deposits, as shown in “A” , have no adverse effect on the operation of the spark plug as long as they remain in the powdery state. However, under certain conditions of operation, these deposits melt and form a shiny yellow glaze coating on the insulator which, when hot, acts as a good electrical conductor. This allows the current to follow the deposits instead of jumping the gap, thus shorting out the spark plug. Glazed deposits can be avoided by not applying sudden load, such as wide open throttle acceleration, after sustained periods of low speed and idle operation. SPARK PLUGS HAVING THIS APPEARANCE SHOULD BE REPLACED. CARBON FOULIN G D eposit F o u lin g " B " Dry, fluffy black carbon deposits may result from overrich carburetion, excessive hand choking, a faulty automatic choke, or a sticking manifold heat valve. A clogged air cleaner can restrict air flow to the carburetor causing rich mixtures. Poor ignition output (faulty breaker points, weak coil or condenser, worn ignition cables) can reduce voltage and cause misfiring. Fouled spark plugs are the result—not the cause of this problem. AFTER THE CAUSE HAS BEEN ELIMINATED, SPARK PLUGS HAVING THIS APPEARANCE SHOULD BE REPLACED. Excessive idling, slow speeds under light load also can keep spark plug tempera­ tures so low that normal combustion deposits are not burned off. In such a case a hotter type spark plug will better resist carbon deposits. DETO N A TIO N Overadvanced ignition timing, or the use o f low octane fuel will result in detona­ tion commonly referred to as engine knock. This causes severe shock inside the combustion chamber resulting in damage to the adjacent parts which include spark plugs. A common result of detonation is to have the sidewire of a spark plug torn off. INSTALL A NEW PLUG OF THE RECOMMENDED HEAT RANGE AFTER PROBLEM HAS BEEN CORRECTED. D e to n a tio n IN SU F F IC IE N T IN S T A L L A T IO N TORQUE Failure to install a spark plug with sufficient torque results in poor contact between the spark plug and the engine seat. The lack of proper heat transfer, resulting from poor seat contact, causes excessive overheating of the spark plug and, in many cases, severe damage as shown. A NEW SPARK PLUG OF THE RECOMMENDED HEAT RANGE SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. In s u ffic ie n t In s ta lla tio n T o rq u e PRE—IG N IT IO N Pre-ignition, causing burned or blistered insulator tip and badly eroded elec­ trodes, indicates excessive overheating. Cooling system stoppages or sticking valves can also result in pre-ignition. Lean fuel-air mixtures are an additional cause. INSTALL A NEW PLUG OF THE RECOMMENDED HEAT RANGE AFTER PROBLEM HAS BEEN CORRECTED. Sustained high speed, heavy load service can produce high temperatures which will cause pre-ignition and, in this instance a colder spark plug should be used. P re-ign ition IMPROPER IN S T A L L A T IO N Dirty threads in an engine head will result in the plug seizing before it is actually seated. This results in poor heat transfer and causes the spark plug to overheat. To insure proper seating of a new spark plug in the head, dirty cylinder head threads should be cleaned with a greased thread chaser of the proper size. ELIMINATE THE CAUSE AND INSTALL A NEW PLUG OF THE RECOM MENDED HEAT RANGE. O IL F O U L IN G Wet, oily deposits with a minor degree o f electrode wear may be caused by oil pumping past worn rings. “Break-in” o f a new or recently overhauled engine before rings are fully seated may also result in this condition. Other possibilities o f intro­ duction o f oil into the combustion chamber are a porous vacuum booster pump diaphragm or excessive valve stem guide clearances. A HOTTER TYPE SPARK PLUG WILL REDUCE OIL DEPOSITS, but too hot a spark plug can cause pre-ignition and, consequently, severe engine damage. An engine overhaul may be necessary in severe cases to obtain satisfactory service. O il F oulin g H E A T SH O C K F A IL U R E Heat shock is a common cause of broken and cracked insulator tips. Over­ advanced ignition timing and low grade fuel are usually responsible for heat shock failures. Rapid increase in tip temperature under severe operating conditions causes the heat shock and fracture results. Another common cause of chipped or broken insulator tips is carelessness in regapping by either bending the centerwire to adjust the gap, or allowing the gapping tool to exert pressure against the tip of the center electrode or insulator when bending the side electrode to adjust the gap. ELIMINATE THE CAUSE AND INSTALL A NEW PLUG OF THE RECOM­ MENDED HEAT RANGE. Heat Shock Failure ON-VEHICLE SERVICE C O M P O N E N T PART REPLACEMENT Spark Plug instructions of the m anufacturer of the cleaner being used, cleaning each plug until the interior of shell and the entire insulator are clean; however, avoid excessive blasting. R em oval 1. To disconnect wires, pull only on the boot and gently twist boot while pulling away. Pulling on the wire might cause separation of the core of the wire. Remove spark plugs and gaskets using a 5 /8 " deep socket on the 5/8" hex tapered plugs. Use care in this operation to avoid cracking spark plug insulators. 2. Carefully inspect the insulator and electrodes of all spark plugs. Replace any spark plug which has a cracked or broken insulator. If the insulator is worn away around the center electrode, or the electrodes are burned or worn, the spark plug is worn out and should be discarded. Examine interior of plug in good light. Remove any cleaning compound with compressed air. If traces of carbon oxide remain in plug, finish the cleaning with a light blasting operation. Clean firing surfaces of center and side electrodes with several strokes of a fine file. When spark plugs have been thoroughly cleaned, carefully inspect for cracks or other defects which may not have been visible before cleaning. A d ju stin g S p a rk Plug Gap (Fig. 6 D -1 3 i) C lean in g Spark plugs which have carbon or oxide deposits should be cleaned in a blast type spark plug cleaner. Scraping with a pointed tool will not properly remove the deposits and may damage the insulator. If spark plugs have a wet or oily deposit dip them in a degreasing solvent and then dry thoroughly with dry compressed air. Oily plugs will cause the cleaning compound to pack in the shell. Carefully follow the Use round wire feeler gages to check the gap between spark plug electrodes of used plugs. Flat feeler gages will not give a correct measurement if the electrodes are worn. Adjust gap by bending the side electrodes only Adjust gaps to specifications. Setting spark plug gap to other than specification to effect changes in engine performance is not recommended. In s ta lla tion of S p a rk Plugs When installing spark plugs, make sure that all surfaces on plugs and in cylinder heads are clean. When installing the 5/8" hex tapered seat spark plugs, tighten to 15 lb. ft., using a 5/8" deep socket, an extension and a torque wrench. CAUTION: I f tapered seat spark plugs are over- tightened, there is a possibility they can crack and be w ore difficult to rem ove at the next tune-up. Fig. 6 D -1 3 i~ C h e c k in g S p a rk Plug Gap IGNITION SWITCH GENERAL DESCRIPTION The electrical switching portion of the assembly is separate from the key and lock cylinder. However, both are synchronized and work in conjunction with each other through the action of the actuator rod assembly. For a complete explanation of the key and lock cylinder, and the actuator rod assembly, refer to the Steering section of this manual. The ignition switch is key operated through the actuator rod assembly to close the ignition primary circuit and to energize the starting m otor solenoid for cranking. The ignition switch used on all cars have five positions: OFF, LOCK, ACCESSORY, RU N and START. O F F is the center position of the key-lock cylinder, and LOCK is the next position to the left. ACCESSORY is located one more detent to the left of LOCK. Turning the key to the right of the O FF position until spring pressure is felt will put the ignition switch in the RU N position, and when turned fully to the right against spring pressure, the switch will be in the START position. In the RU N position, the ignition primary circuit is activated through a resistance wire. The ignition resistor wire is used in the ignition running circuit to reduce the voltage to the ignition coil. The resistor wire is bypassed when the engine is being started. The purpose of this is to compensate for the drop in voltage which occurs as the result of the heavy drain on the battery during starting, and to provide a hotter spark for starting. All ignition switches have five terminals which are connected in different combinations for each of the three operating positions. A brass plate, inside the switch, has three contacts which connect these terminals. Figure 12i shows the positions o f the contacts in all positions as viewed from the key side of the switch. There is also a ground pin in the switch which contacts the “ ground” terminal when the ignition switch is in the START position. This pin contacts the IGN. terminal when in the OFF position. Ignition S t a r t and Run C ircuit The ignition switch is fed from the battery to the BAT. terminal of the switch. When the ignition switch is in the OFF position, no current flows through the switch. When the ignition switch is turned to the ACC. position, the BAT. terminal is connected to the ACC. terminal. This permits operation of accessories when the engine is not running. When the ignition switch is turned to the START position, the BAT. terminal is connected to the SOL. and IGN. terminals. When the clutch or automatic transmission neutral start switches are closed, current flows to the starter solenoid. This energizes the solenoid windings. The solenoid has two sets of windings: a "pull-in" winding and a "hold-in" winding. Both windings are used to create the magnetic field to actuate the the solenoid plunger and move the starter pinion into engagement with the flywheel. As the solenoid plunger reaches the end of its travel, it closes a switch which connects battery voltage to the starter motor. With battery voltage applied to both terminals of the "pull-in" windings, the "pull-in" winding is no longer energized, so that only the "hold-in" winding keeps the starter solenoid engaged. NOTE: The instrument panel warning lights are fed from the ignition terminal of the ignition switch and have battery voltage applied to them when the ignition switch is in the STA RT and RU N position. These circuits are explained in the Chassis Electrical Section. When the ignition switch is released from the START to the RUN position, the IGN. terminal is still connected to the BAT. terminal, but the solenoid is no longer energized and so the feed for the coil from the IGN. terminal on the ignition switch, through the ignition resistor wire and to the coil, dropping the battery voltage at the coil to approximately nine volts. W ith the ignition switch in the RU N position, the BAT. terminal is connected to the IG N . terminal and the ACC. terminal. This permits operation of all accessories and the ignition system. 12 R 1 2 P P L /W 12 O R N IGN 3 BAT 1 BAT 2 BAT 3 GRD 1 -h IGN 1 GRD 2 ACC 12 P 2 4 B R N /W 12 B R N 2 0 DG IG N IT IO N (V IE W FROM S W IT C H T E R M IN A L P O S IT IO N S — S ID E OF S W IT C H ) IG N - 3 □ LO CK I L ig n -iJ P O S IT IO N IG N -3 G R D -2 RUN P O S IT IO N I ACCESSORY P O S IT IO N Fig. 6 D -14 i—Ig n itio n S w itc h C irc u it STARTER SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The function of the starting system, composed of the starting motor, solenoid and battery, is to crank the engine. The battery supplies the electrical energy, the solenoid completes the circuit to the starting motor, and the motor then does the actual work of cranking the engine. The starting m otor (fig. 6D -ls) consists primarily of the drive mechanism, frame, arm ature, brushes, and field windings. The starting m otor is a pad mounted 12-volt extruded frame type, having four pole shoes and four fields, connected with the arm ature. The aluminum drive end housing is extended to enclose the entire shift lever and plunger mechanism, protecting them from dirt, splash, and icing. The drive end frame also includes a grease reservoir to provide improved lubrication of the drive end bearing. The flange m ounted solenoid switch operates the overrunning clutch drive by means of a linkage to the shaft lever. The starting system is made up of the cranking motor with its drive mechanism, the starter motor solenoid and the battery. These units are connected together and work as a team to crank the engine. The simplified diagram (Fig. 6D2s) shows the electrical components in a typical starting system. Although modern day applications use more circuitry and controls than shown in Figure 6D -ls, the function of the components is always the sam e-to convert electrical energy from the battery into mechanical energy at the starter m otor to crank the engine. STARTER M O TO R To understand the operating principles of a starter motor, think of a straight wire conductor located in the magnetic field of a horseshoe-shaped magnet. Current is flowing through the wire as shown in Figure 6D-3s. There will be two separate magnetic fields-the one produced by the SWITCH TERMINAL SOLENOID GROMMET PLUNGER RETURN SPRING \ O J S -— SHIFT LEVER BUSHING PINION STOP INSULATED BRUSH HOLDER BRUSH RISER BARS TO RISER BARS TO ARMATURE OVERRUNNING CLUTCH Fig. 6 D -1 s~ S ta rtin g M o to r Cross S e ctio n (T yp ica l) horseshoe magnet and the one produced by the current flow through the conductor. Since magnetic lines always leave a N orth pole and enter a South pole, the direction of the magnetic lines between the two poles of the horseshoe magnet will be upward as shown. The current-carrying conductor will produce a magnet field shown as circles around the wire. The net result is more magnetic lines on the left hand side of the wire than on the right (Fig. 6D-4s). W ith a strong field on one side of the conductor and a weak field on the other side, the conductor will move from the strong to the weak field, or from left to right. This magnetic force makes the cranking m otor operate. A basic motor is shown in Figure 6D-5s. A loop of wire is placed between two iron pole pieces and is connected to two separate com m utator bars. Riding on the commutator MAGNETIC FIELD CURRENT FLOW Fig. 6 D -5s~ B asic M o to r Fig. 6 D -3 s -M a g n e tic Field o f a H orseshoe M a g n e t bars are two brushes, which are connected to the battery and to the windings located over the pole pieces. Current flow can be traced from the battery through the pole piece windings, to a brush and com m utator bar, through the loop of wire to the other com m utator bar and brush, and then back to the battery. The magnetic fields create a turning or rotational effect in the same clockwire direction as shown in Figure 6D-6s. The basic m otor we have used in our illustrations has no practical value. It would produce very little torque to crank an engine. It has served, however, to show the fundam ental principles that operate a starter motor. In the simplest terms, the arm ature is rotated by a concentration of magentic lines on one side of the arm ature conductor and a lack of magnetic lines on the other side of the conductor. STRONG FIELD W E A K FIELD Construction A cross-sectional view o f a typical starter m otor with a solenoid is shown in figure 6D-ls. The starting m otor assembly is made up of field coils placed over pole pieces which are attached to the inside of a heavy iron frame, an arm ature, an overrunning clutch-type drive mechanism, and a solenoid. The iron frame and pole shoes not only provide a place for the field coils, but also provide a path for the magnetic lines produced by the field coil windings. A rm a tu re The arm ature assembly (Fig. 6D-7s), consists of a stack of iron laminations placed over a steel shaft, a com m utator assembly and the arm ature winding. The windings are heavy copper ribbon that are assembled into slots in the iron laminations. The winding ends are soldered or welded to the com m utator bars which are electrically insulated from each other and from the iron shaft. The arm ature is supported by bushings in the end frames. Brushes are supported on the field frame and ride on the com m utator bars. HOLD-IN W IN D IN G Fig. 6 D -7 s~ A rm a tu re A sse m b ly D riv e M e c h a n is m (NOT A PART OF SOLENOID) The starting m otor drive mechanism (Fig. 6D-8s) is a roll-type overrunning clutch that is assembled onto the armature shaft. Through this drive component power is transm itted from the armature to the engine during the starting cycle. The overrunning clutch drive contains a pinion which is made to move along the shaft by means of a shift lever to engage the engine ring gear for cranking. A gear reduction is provided between the pinion and ring gear to meet the cranking requirements of the engine. W ith this gear reduction, the m otor operates to crank the engine at speeds required for starting. The overrunning clutch drive has a shell and sleeve assembly which is splined internally to match the spiral splines on the arm ature shaft. The pinion is located inside the shell along with spring-loaded rollers that are wedged against the pinion and a taper inside the shell. The springs may be either a helical or accordion type. Four rolls are used. A collar and spring, located over the sleeve, are the other major clutch components. When the shift lever is operated by the solenoid, it moves the collar endwise along the shaft. The spring pushes the pinion into mesh with the ring gear. If a tooth abutment occurs, the spring compresses until the switch is closed, at which time the arm ature rotates and the tooth abutment is cleared. The compressed spring then pushes the pinion into mesh and cranking begins. Torque is transm itted from the shell to the pinion by the C L U T C H ----------PINIO N AND COLLAR ASSEMBLY BUSHINGS SHELL AND SLEEVE ASSEMBLY LOCK WIRE Fig. 6 D -9 s -S o le n o id Cross S ection rolls which are wedged tightly between the pinion and taper cut into the shell. When the engine starts, the ring gear drives the pinion faster than the arm ature and the rolls move away from the taper, allowing the pinion to overrun the shell. The start switch should be opened immediately when the engine starts to avoid prolonged overrun. When the shift lever is moved back by the return spring, the pinion moves out of mesh and the cranking cycle is completed. S O L E N O ID A sectional view of a typical solenoid is shown in Figure 6D-9s. It performs two functions in the starting system. First, it is used to provide a circuit of short length and low resistance between the battery and motor. Since the motor amy draw several hundred amperes during operation, heavy cables of short length are needed to reduce the voltage drop in the circuit. If a solenoid switch were not used and the high motor currents were carried directly through the start switch, cables of excessive size would be required to limit the voltage drop to an acceptable value. Since the start switch is usually some distance from the battery and solenoid switch, the long leads connected to the switch can be of reasonable size since they conduct only the small current drawn by the solenoid switch winding (Fig. 6D-10s). Second, when the start switch is closed, the solenoid moves the pinion into mesh, and the cranking cycle begins. When the start switch is opened, the cranking cycle ends. The neutral safety switch in this type of circuit is closed only when the transmission shift lever is in the proper position, thereby preventing cranking of the engine with the transmission in gear. The solenoid switch consists basically of two windings mounted around a hollow cylinder containing a moveable core or plunger (Fig. 6D-9s). A shift lever is connected to the plunger. When the push rod and contact disc is pushed into firm contact with the battery and motor terminals of the solenoid, with the m otor windings connected directly to the battery, cranking takes place. The two windings in the solenoid are called the hold-in winding and the pull-in winding (Fig. 6 D -lls). The hold-in winding contains many turns of fine wire and the pull-in winding the same num ber of turns of larger wire. When the start switch is closed, current flows from the battery to the solenoid (S) terminals, through the hold-in winding to ground, and then back to the battery. Current also flows through the solenoid (M) term inal and then through the m otor windings to the ground. The magnetism created by each winding adds together to form a strong magnetic field that attracts the plunger into the core. Plunger movement shifts the pinion into mesh with the ring gear and also moves the contact disc to close the circuit between the solenoid battery (B) and M otor (M) terminals. W ith the m otor windings connected directly to the battery through the contact disc, cranking takes place. The pull-in winding operates to assist the hold-in winding in pulling the plunger into the core. Once the plunger movement has been completed, much less magnetism is needed to hold the plunger in the cranking position. W ith the contact disc contacting the battery and m otor terminals of the solenoid, the pull-in winding is shorted and no current flows through it. This design feature reduces current draw on the battery and also reduces the am ount of heat created in the solenoid. W hen the start switch is opened, current flows for a very brief instant through the contact disc to the solenoid motor (M) terminal, through the pull-in winding in a reverse direction to the solenoid (S) terminal and then through the hold-in winding in a normal direction back to the battery. The magnetisms created by each winding oppose and cancel out each other and the return spring moves the entire shifting mechanism to the at-rest position, to complete the cranking cycle. Fig. 6 D -1 0 s ~ S ta rt S w itc h C irc u it (T yp ica l) NO C R A N K IN G A C T IO N DIAGNOSIS 1. Make sure that control lever is neutral (N) or park (P) position or that clutch pedal is depressed on manual transmission. 2. Make quick check of battery and cables. If battery is low, the solenoid usually will produce a clattering noise, ecause a nearly discharged battery will not sustain the 8ltage required to hold solenoid plunger in after solenoid switch as been closed. 3. If starter m otor spins and drive pinion engages ring gear but does not drive it, overrunning clutch is slipping. Remove m otor to replace drive assembly. 4. If starter m otor does not operate, note whether solenoid plunger is pulled into solenoid when solenoid curcuit is closed. Ordinarily the plunger makes a loud click when it is pulled in. If plunger is pulled in, solenoid circuit is okay and trouble is in solenoid switch, cranking m otor, or cranking m otor circuit. The starter m otor must be removed for repairs to switch or motor. 5. If plunger does not pull into solenoid when ignition switch is turned to "STA RT", the solenoid circuit is open, or solenoid is at fault. 6. To find reason why plunger does not pull into solenoid, connect jum per between solenoid battery terminal and terminal on solenoid switch to which purple wire is connected. If cranking m otor operates, solenoid is okay; trouble is in ignition switch, neutral start switch, or in wires and connections between these units. 7. If starter m otor still does not operate, remove motor for inspection and test of solenoid switch. C R A N K IN G SPEED A B N O R M A L L Y L O W Abnormally low cranking speed may be caused by low battery or defective cables, defective solenoid switch, defective cranking m otor, or an internal condition of engine. 1. M ake quick check of battery. If low battery is indicated, test battery. If defective cables are indicated, test cables. NOTE: Check generator belt tension for cause of low battery. 2. If battery and cables are okay, test cranking motor and solenoid switch. 3. If starter m otor and solenoid switch test okay, the trouble is due to an internal condition of engine. This may be due to use of engine oil which is too heavy for prevailing temperatures. V O L T A G E T E S T OF S T A R T IN G S Y S T E M A N D S O L E N O ID S W I T C H The voltage across the starter motor and switch while cranking the engine gives a good indication of any excessive resistance. NOTE: Engine m ust be at normal operating tem perature when test is made. 1. Inspect battery and cables to make certain that battery has ample capacity for cranking and ignition. 2. Connect jum per wire to distributor term inal of coil and to ground on engine, so that engine can be cranked without firing. 3. Connect voltmeter positive lead to the m otor terminal on solenoid switch; connect voltmeter negative lead to ground (Fig.6D-12s). 4. T urn ignition switch on, crank engine and take voltmeter reading as quickly as possible. If cranking motor turns engine at norm al cranking speed with voltmeter reading Fig. 6 D - 12 s -C ra n k in g V o lta g e T est C o n n e ction s 9 or more volts, the m otor and switch are satisfactory. If cranking speed is below norm al and voltmeter reading is 9 volts or greater, the cranking motor is defective. CAUTION: D o not operate starter m otor more than 30 seconds at a tim e without pausing to allow m otor to cool for at least two minutes; otherwise, overheating and damage to m otor m ay result. 5. If starter m otor turns engine at low rate of speed with voltmeter reading less than 9 volts, test solenoid switch contacts as follows: 6. With voltmeter switch turned to any scale above 12 volts, connect voltmeter negative lead to the motor terminal of solenoid switch, and connect positive lead to battery terminal of switch (Fig. 6D-13s). 7. Turn ignition switch on and crank engine. Immediately turn voltmeter switch to low scale and take reading as quickly as possible, then turn switch back to higher scale and stop engine. The voltmeter will read not more than 2/10 volt if switch contacts are satisfactory. If voltmeter reads more than 2/10 volt, switch should be repaired or replaced. "S' T E R M IN A L S O L E N O ID A M P E R A G E T E S T OF S O L E N O ID S W IT C H W IN D IN G S VO LTM ETER 1 2 -V O L T BATTERY Fig. 6 D - 14s--A m p e ra g e T e st o f S o le n o id (1) Current draw of both windings in parallel. (2) Current draw of hold-in winding alone. 1. Remove screw from solenoid m otor terminal and bend field leads slightly until clear of terminal. Then ground solenoid motor terminal with a heavy jum per wire (Fig. 6D14s). 2. Connect a 12-volt battery, a variable resistance, and an ammeter of 100 amperes capacity in series with solenoid "S" terminal. Connect a heavy jum per wire from solenoid base to ground post of battery. 3. Connect a voltmeter between base of solenoid and small solenoid "S" terminal. 4. Slowly adjust resistance until voltmeter reads 10 volts and note ammeter reading. This shows current draw of both windings in parallel. Refer to Delco-Remy bulletin for specifications on the starter being tested. 5. Remove jum per wire from solenoid motor terminal and re-adjust resistance until voltmeter reads 10 volts, then note ammeter reading. This shows current draw of hold-in winding alone. Refer to Delco-Remy bulletin for specifications. 6. If solenoid windings do not test within specifications given, solenoid switch assembly should be replaced. O N-VEH IC LE SERVICE M A IN T E N A N C E A N D A D J U S T M E N T S Lubrication No periodic lubrication of the starting m otor or solenoid is required. Since the starting m otor and brushes cannot be inspected w ithout disassembling the unit, no service is required on these units between overhaul periods. C O M P O N E N T PART REPLACEM ENT S T A R T IN G M O T O R R e p la c e m e n t The following procedure is a general guide for all vehicles and will vary slightly depending on series and model. 1. Disconnect battery ground cable at battery. 2. Raise vehicle to a good working height. 3. Disconnect all wires at solenoid terminals. NO TE: Reinstall the nuts as each wire is disconnected as thread size is different but may be mixed and stripped. 4. Loosen starter front bracket (nut on V-8 and bolt on L-4) then remove two m ount bolts. N O TE: On V-8 engines incorporating the solenoid heat shield, remove the front bracket upper bolt and detach bracket from starter motor. 5. Remove the front bracket bolt or nut and rotate bracket clear of work area then lower starter from vehicle by lowering front end first — (hold starter against bell housing and sort of roll end-over-end). 6. Reverse the removal procedure to install. Tighten the m ount bolts first, then tighten the brace bolt. 7. Check operation of starter on vehicle. C H E C K IN G P IN IO N C L E A R A N C E W henever the starter m otor is disassembled and reassembled, the pinion clearance should be checked. This is to make sure that proper clearance exists between the pinion and pinion stop retainer when pinion is in cranking position. Lack of clearance would prevent solenoid starter switch from closing properly; too much clearance would cause improper pinion engagement in ring gear. 1. Connect a source of approximately 6 volts (3 battery cells or a 6 volt battery) between the solenoid "S" terminal and ground. C A U TIO N : D o not use m ore than 6 volts or the m otor will operate. A s a further precaution to prevent motoring, connect a heavy ju m p e r wire from the solenoid m o to r terminal to ground. 2. A fter energizing the solenoid, push the pinion away from the stop retainer as far as possible and use feeler gauge to check clearance between pinion and retainer (Fig. 6D-15s). 3. If clearance is not between .010'' and . 140" it indicates excessive wear of solenoid linkage, shift lever mechanism, or improper assembly of these parts. NO TE: Pinion clearance cannot be adjusted. If clearance is not correct, m otor must be disassembled and checked for the above mentioned defects. Any defective parts m ust be replaced. B EN C H T E S T OF S T A R T IN G M O T O R To obtain full performance data on a cranking motor, or to determine the cause of abnormal operation, the motor should be removed from the engine and be submitted to a no-load test with equipment designed for such tests. A high current carrying variable resistance should be connected into the circuit so that the specified voltage at the starter motor may be obtained, since a small variation in the voltage will produce a marked difference in the current draw. (a) No-Load Test. Connect the starter motor in series with a 12 volt-battery and an ammeter capable of indicating several hundred amperes. If an RPM indicator is available, set it up to read arm ature RPM. Check current draw and arm ature RPM at the specified voltage. 1. Low no-load speed and high current draw may result from: (a) Tight, dirty, or worn bearings, bent arm ature shaft or loose field pole screws which would allow the arm ature to drag. (b) Shorted armature. Check arm ature further on growler. (c) A grounded arm ature or field. Check for grounds by raising the grounded brushes and insulating them from the com m utator. If the starter motor has shunt field coils which are grounded to the field frame, disconnect these fields from gound. Then check with a test lamp between the insulated terminal and the frame. If lamp lights, raise other brushes from com m utator and check fields separately to determine whether it is the fields or arm ature that is grounded: 2. Failure to operate with high current draw may result from: (a) A direct ground in the terminal or fields. (b) Frozen shaft bearings which prevent the arm ature from turning. 3. Failure to operate with no current draw may result from: (a) Open field circuit. Inspect internal connections and trace circuits with test lamp. (b) Open arm ature coils. Inspect the com m utator for badly burned bars. (c) Broken or weakened brush springs, worn brushes, high mica on the com m utator, or other causes which would prevent good contact between the brushes and commutator. Any of these conditions will cause burned com m utator bars. 4. Low no-load speed with low current draw indicates: (a) An open field winding. Raise and insulate ungrounded brushes from com m utator and check fields with test lamp. (b) High internal resistance due to poor connections, defective leads, dirty com m utator and causes listed under item 3 (c). 5. High no-load speed with high current draw indicates shorted fields. There is no easy way to detect shorted fields, since the field resistance is already low. If shorted fields are suspected, replace the fields and check for improvement in performance. UNIT REPAIR D IS A S S E M B L Y (Figs. 6 D -1 S and 6 D -1 6 S ) 1. Disconnect the field coil connector(s) from the motor solenoid terminal. 2. Remove through bolts. 3. Remove com m utator end frame, field frame assembly and arm ature assembly from drive housing. 4. Remove overrunning clutch from arm ature shaft as follows: a. Slide two piece thrust collar off end of arm ature shaft. b. Slide a standard half-inch pipe coupling or other metal cylinder of suitable size (an old pinion of suitable size can be used if available) onto shaft so end of coupling or cylinder butts against edge of retainer (fig. 6D-17S). Tap end of coupling with hammer, driving retainer towards arm ature end of snap ring. c. Remove snap ring from groove in shaft using pliers or other suitable tool. If the snap ring is too badly distorted during removal, it may be necessary to use a new one when reassembling clutch. d. Slide retainer and clutch from arm ature shaft. 5. Disassemble brush rigging from field frame. a. Release "V" spring from slot in brush holder support. b. Remove support pin. c. Lift brush holders, brushes and spring upward as a unit. d. Disconnect leads from each brush. e. Repeat operation for other set of brushes. C L E A N IN G A N D IN S P E C T IO N W ith the starting m otor completely disassembled except for removal of field coils, the component parts should be cleaned and inspected as described below. Field coils need be removed only where defects in the coils are indicated by the tests described in this section. 1. Clean all starting m otor parts, but do not use grease dissolving solvent for cleaning the overrunning clutch,arm ature, and field coils since such a solvent would dissolve the grease packed in the clutch mechanism and would damage arm ature and field coil insulation. 2. Test overrunning clutch action. The pinion should turn freely in the overrunning direction and must not slip in the cranking direction. Check pinion teeth to see that they have not been chipped, cracked, or excessively worn. Check the spring for norm al tension and drive collar for wear. If necessary, the spring or collar can be replaced by forcing the collar toward the clutch and removing lock ring from end of tube. 3. Check brush holders to see that they are not deformed or bent, but will properly hold brushes against the comm utator. 4. Check the condition of the brushes and if pitted or worn to one-half their original length, they should be replaced. 5. Check fit of arm ature shaft in bushing of drive housing. Shaft should fit snugly in the bushing. If the bushing is worn, it should be replaced. Apply a silicone lubricant to this bushing before reassembly. Avoid excessive lubrication. 6. Check fit of bushing in com m utator end frame. If this bushing is damaged or worn excessively, the end frame assembly must be replaced. Apply a silicone lubricant to this bushing before reassembly. Avoid excessive lubrication. Lubricant forced onto the com m utator would gum and cause poor commutation with a resulting decrease in cranking motor performance. Som e starter m otor models use a m olded armature com m utator design and no attem pt to undercut the insulation should be made or serious damage m ay result to the commutator. Undercutting reduces the bonding o f the molding material which holds the com m utator bars and since the m olding material is softer than the copper bars, it is n o t necessary to undercut the material between the bars o f the m olded commutator. 7. Inspect arm ature commutator. If com m utator is rough or out of round, it should be turned down and undercut. Inspect the points where the arm ature conductors join the com m utator bars to make sure that it is a good firm connection. A burned com m utator bar is usually evidence of a poor connection. See "Turning the Com m utator," described under Testing and Repairs. C A U TIO N : T E S T IN G A N D R E P A IR S Armature Test For Shorts Check the arm ature for short circuit by placing on growler and holding hack saw blade over arm ature core while arm ature is rotated (fig. 6D-18S). If saw blade vibrates, arm ature is shorted. Recheck after cleaning between the com m utator bars. If saw blade still vibrates, replace the armature. Armature Test For Ground Place one lead on the arm ature core or shaft and the other on the com m utator (fig. 6D-19S). If the lamp lights, the arm ature is grounded and must be replaced. Field Coil Test For Open Circuit Place one lead on the insulated brush and the other to the field connector bar (fig. 6D-20S). If the lamp does not light, the field coils are open and will require replacement. '3 a£L 10 IU 6 * 0 1c 3 12 11 0 14 4; 15 28 ♦ a % % f v 2 7 •S^ 1. D riv e H o u s in g 2 . S h if t L e ve r B o lt, N u t and L o ck W asher 3 . Pin 4 . S h if t Leve r 5. S o le n o id P lunge r 6 . S o le n o id R e tu rn S p rin g 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. S o le n o id Case S c re w and L o c k W asher G ro m m e t F ie ld F ra m e T h ro u g h B o lts T h r u s t C o lla r Snap R in g R e ta in e r '2 6 15. O v e rru n n in g C lu tc h A s ­ s e m b ly 16. A rm a tu re 17. B ra k in g W ashing 18. C o m m u ta to r E n d F ra m e 19. B rush S p rin g s 2 0 . W asher 2 1 . In s u la te d B rush H o ld e rs 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. G ro u n d e d B rush H o ld e rs Brushes Screw s F ie ld C o ils In s u la to rs Pole Shoes Screw s Fig. 6D-1 6S--Starting Motor Parts Layout Field Coil Test For Ground NO TE: Be sure to disconnect the shunt coil before performing this test (when applicable). Place one lead on the connector bar and the other on the grounded brush (fig. 2 IS). If the lamp lights, the field coils are grounded. Field Coil Replacement Field coils may be removed from the field frame using a pole shoe screwdriver and a pole shoe spreader. The spreader prevents distortion of the field frame. Careful installation of field coils is necessary to prevent shorting or grounding of the field coils as the pole shoe screws are tightened in place. Formed insulators are used to protect the field leads from grounding to the frame and must be replaced with assembly. Loose Electrical Connections When an open soldered connection of the arm ature to com m utator leads is found during inspection, it may be resoldered provided resin flux is used for soldering. Acid flux should never be used on electrical connections. When inspection shows com m utator roughness, it should be cleaned as follows: CYLINDER Fig. 6D-19S-Armature Ground Test RETAINER 2. Undercut insulation between commutator bars 1/32". This undercut must be the full width of insulation and flat at the bottom; a triangular groove will not be satisfactory. After undercutting, the slots should be cleaned out carefully to remove any dirt and copper dust. Fig. 6D-1 7S-Driving Retainer Off Snap Ring 3. Sand and the com m utator lightly with No. 00 sandpaper to remove and slight burrs left from undercutting. 4. Recheck arm ature on growler for short circuits. Turning The Commutator Brush Holder Replacement 1. Turn down com m utator in a lathe until it is thoroughly cleaned. If brush holders are damaged, they can be replaced by special service units. C A U T IO N : Som e starter m o to r models use a m olded armature com m utator design and no Overrunning Clutch attem pt to undercut the insulation should be made or serious damage m ay result to the commutator. The overrunning clutch (roll clutch design) used in the Undercutting reduces the bonding o f the molding various starting motors is (fig. 6D-22S) designed to be material which holds the com- m utator bars and serviced as a complete unit. since the m olding material is softer than the copper bars, it is not necessary to undercut the material between the bars o f the m olded commutator. SN A P SN A P GROOVE Fig. 6D-21S~Field Coil Ground Test ASSEM BLY After all parts have been thoroughly tested and inspected and worn or damaged parts replaced, the starter should be reassembled. 1. Assemble brush rigging to field frame. a. Assemble brushes to brush holders. b. Assemble insulated and grounded brush holder together with the "V" spring and position as unit on the support pin. Push holders and spring to bottom of support and rotate spring to engage the "V" in slot in support. c. A ttach ground wire to grounded brush and field lead wire to insulated brush. d. Repeat for other set of brushes. 2. Assemble overrunning clutch assembly to arm ature shaft. a. Lubricate drive end of arm ature shaft with silicone lubricant. b. Slide clutch assembly onto arm ature shaft with pinion outward. c. Slide retainer onto shaft with cupped suraface facing end of shaft (away from pinion). d. Stand arm ature on end of wood surface with com m utator down. Position snap ring on upper end of shaft Fig. 6D-23S~Forcing Snap Ring Over Shaft and hold in place with block of wood. Tap wood block with hammer forcing snap ring over end of shaft (fig. 6D-23S). Slide snap ring down into groove. e. Assemble thrust collar on shaft with shoulder next to snap ring. f. Place arm ature flat on work bench, and position retainer and thrust collar next to snap ring. Then using two pair of pliers at the same time (one pair on either side of shaft), grip retainer and thrust collar and squeeze until snap ring is forced into retainer (fig. 6D-24S). 3. Lubricate the drive housing bushing with a silicone RETAIN ER SN A P RIN G lubricant. Make sure thrust collar is in place against snap ring and retainer and slide arm ature and clutch assembly into place in drive housing engaging shift lever with clutch. 4. Position field frame over arm ature and apply special sealing compound between frame and solenoid case. Position frame against drive housing using care to prevent damage to the brushes. 5. Lubricate the bushing in the commutator end frame with a silicone lubricant. Place leather brake washer on arm ature shaft and slide com m utator end frame onto shaft. 6. Reconnect the field coil connectors to the "motor" solenoid terminal. 7. After overhaul is completed, perform "Pinion Clearance Check". P IN IO N C L E A R A N C E C H E C K Fig. 6D-25S~Circuit for Checking Pinion Clearance 1. Connect a battery, of the same voltage as the solenoid, from the solenoid switch terminal to the solenoid frame or ground terminal (fig. 6D-25S). N OTE: Disconnect the motor field coil connector for this test. 2. M omentarily flash a jum per lead from the solenoid motor terminal to the solenoid frame or ground terminal. The pinion will now shift into cranking position and will remain there until the jum per lead is disconnected. 3. Push the pinion back towards the com m utator end to eliminate slack movement. 4. Measure the distance between the pinion and pinion stop (fig. 6D-15S). If clearance is not within specified limits (.010-. 140) it may indicate excessive wear of solenoid linkage shift lever yoke buttons or improper assembly of the shift lever mechanism. W orn or defective parts should be replaced. STARTING SOLENOID Removal Installation 1. Remove the outer screw and washer from the motor connector strap terminal. 1. With solenoid return spring installed on plunger, position solenoid body to drive housing and turn counterclockwise to engage the flange key in the keyway slot. 2. Install two screws retaining solenoid housing to end frame. 3. Install outer screw and washer securing motor connector strap terminal. 4. Install starter m otor as previously described. 2. Remove the two screws retaining solenoid housing to end frame assembly. 3. Twist solenoid clockwise to remove flange key from keyway slot in housing; then remove solenoid assembly. Replacement of Contacts (Fig. 6D-26S) 1. W ith solenoid removed from motor, remove nuts and washers from switch and m otor connector strap terminals. 2. Remove the two solenoid end cover retaining screws and washers and remove end cover from solenoid body. 3. Remove nut and washer from battery terminal on end cover and remove battery terminal. Remove resistor by-pass term inal and contactor. 4. Remove motor connector strap terminal and solder new terminal in position. 5. Using a new battery terminal, install terminal washer and retaining nut to end cover. Install by-pass terminal and contactor. 6. Position end cover over switch and m otor terminals and install end cover retaining screws. Also install washers and nuts on the solenoid switch and starting m otor terminals. 7. Bench test solenoid for proper operation. MOTOR CONNECTOR STRAP TERMINAL END COVER SPECIFICATIONS GENERATOR MODEL N O . A P P L IC A T IO N FIELD CURRENT C O LD O U T P U T * AM PS 2 7 °C (80°F) A/APS @ @ 12 VOLTS 5 0 0 0 RMP 4519 4 -4 .5 33 37 4521 4 -4 .5 38 42 4522 4 -4 .5 57 61 4525 4 -4 .5 76 80 DELCO REMY SPEC. N O . 1102394 A ll L-6 (B ase) 1102491 (E x c e p t G -2 0 , 3 0 & 1102889 RATED H O T O U T P U T ** AM PS P -Truck) A ll C -K -G T ru ck Base V -8 (E x c e p t K 3 1 3 0 3 & G 30003) 1102485 29 2 L-6 (L25) (B ase) 1102841 (G -2 0 , 3 0 & P-Truck) 1102887 A ll P -T ruck Base V -8 (E x c e p t P 3 1 8 3 2 ) 1102480 P 3 1 8 3 2 T ru ck (B ase) 1102486 1102886 A ll L-6 o r V -8 w ith RPO K76 1102888 4 5 4 V -8 (FL8) (B ase) K31303 & G 30003 T ru ck Base V -8 1101016 O p t io n a l (C O P O ) 1101028 * G e n e r a to r te m p e ra tu re a p p r o x im a t e ly 2 7 °C . (8 0 °F .). * * A m b ie n t te m p e r a tu r e 2 7 °C . (8 0 °F .). N o te : The o n ly d iffe r e n c e b e tw e e n g e n e ra to rs w ith in e a ch g r o u p a b o v e is th e p o s itio n e n d fr a m e is ro ta te d . SPECIFICATIONS DISTRIBUTOR & SPARK PLUGS D is tr ib u to r a n d s p a rk p lu g s p e c ific a tio n s a re show n in th e Em ission C o n tro l C h a rt in S e ctio n 6E S p e c ific a tio n s . BATTERY M ODEL N O . A P P L IC A T IO N C O LD CRANK RATE AM PS FOR 25 A M P . RESERVE @ 0°F ( - 1 8°C) LO A D TEST C A P A C IT Y (M IN U T E S ) 8 5 -4 2 5 0 L-6 (LD4) 2 7 5 A m ps 130 60 8 5 -5 2 9 2 L-6 (L25) 350 Am ps 170 80 4 6 5 A m ps 230 125 430 Am ps 210 100 3 0 5 V -8 (LG 9) 3 5 0 V -8 (LS9) 4 0 0 V -8 (LF4) 8 9 -5 4 5 4 V -8 (LF8) RPO UA1 8 7 -5 RPO TP2 STARTING MOTOR MODEL N O . 1108778 A P P L IC A T IO N 2 5 0 L-6 (LD4) SPEC. N O . FREE SPEED VOLTS AMPERES RPM 35 7 3 9 5 0 -8 0 * 5 5 0 0 -1 0 5 0 0 (C & K -1 0 ) 1108779 2 5 0 L-6 (LD 4) (G -V a n ) 3573 9 5 0 -8 0 * 5 5 0 0 -1 0 5 0 0 1108780 29 2 L-6 (L25) 2438 9 5 0 -8 0 * 3 5 0 0 -6 0 0 0 1109056 3 0 5 V -8 (LG 9 ) (C & K) 3573 9 5 0 -8 0 * 5 5 0 0 -1 0 5 0 0 1109798 3 0 5 V -8 (LG 9) (G -V a n ) 3573 9 5 0 -8 0 * 5 5 0 0 -1 0 5 0 0 1109052 3 5 0 V -8 (LS9) 3563 9 6 5 -9 5 * 7 5 0 0 -1 0 5 0 0 1108776 4 0 0 V -8 (LF4) 3563 9 6 5 -9 5 * 7 5 0 0 -1 0 5 0 0 4 5 4 V -8 (LF8) * ln c lu d e s S o le n o id S E C T IO N 6E ENGINE EMISSION CONTROLS C O N TE N TS G en eral D escrip tio n ......................................................................... G en eral D escription o f Emission C ontrol C o m p o n e n ts........................................................................ E ngine P erform ance D iagnosis C h a rts.................................... Early Fuel F .vaporation-E F E ........................................................ Exhaust G as R e c ircu la tio n -E G R ................................................ Positive C rankcase V entilation System -PC V .......................... T herm ostatic A ir C leaner-T A C ................................................... A ir Injection R e a c to r-A IR ............................................................ T hrottle R eturn C o n tro l-T R C ..................................................... Vacuum Advance C o n tro l............................................................. GENERAL D E S C R IP T IO N , . T he norm al operation of the engine results in the release ol several com pounds to the atm osphere. F ederal G ov ern m en t and State o f C alifornia legislation has placed lim itations on the quantities of three com pounds u- l i .1 .I ! • w hich can be em itted. Ihe three controlled com pounds ' a rc • H ydrocarbons - HC • C arbon M onoxide - CO • Oxides o f N itrogen - N O x T he F ederal regualtions have been revised for 1977 req u irin g th at some vehicles sold for initial licensing, registration, or titling at altitudes greater than 1219 m eters (4000 feet) be capable or m eeting em ission stan dard s at such altitudes. In most cases, the revised F ederal and C alifo rn ia regualtions make it necessary to have specific engines and em ission control systems for vehicles sold in areas above 1219 meters, areas below 1219 m eters, and C alifornia. 6E-1 6E-1 6E-10 6E-16 6E-18 6E-24 6E-25 6E-31 6E-35 6E-37 The em ission control section will consist o f a general descrip tion o f em ission control com ponents and subsystem s, f0 n0wed by vacuum hose schem atics or each me t dm gnosis and service procedure section. The em ission control systems include: ^ . . „ ,., . • C arb u reto r C alibration .. _ ... • D istributor C alibration * Catalytic C onverter (Light D uty Emissions) . \ E arly Fuel E vaporation (EFE) (Light D uty Emissions) *. Exhaust G as R ecirculation (EG R ) (Lt. D uty Emissions 454 Calif. H -D uty Emissions) * Positive C rankcase V entilation (PCV) * Choke C alibration • T herm ostatic A ir Cleaner(TAC) • E vaporation Control System (ECS) The emission control systems for some engines may use an additional em ission control device called Air Injection Reaction (AIR). GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EMISSION CONTROL COMPONENTS C A R B U R ETO R C A LIB R A TIO N D IS TR IB U TO R C A LIB R A TIO N W hile the c a rb u re to r’s m ain function is to provide the engine with a com bustible a ir/fu e l m ixture, the carb u reto r calibration is critical to m ain tain in g p roper em ission levels. The distribu to r is an integral p a rt o f the engine ignition system and the distributor calibratio n is an im portant p a rt o f exhaust em ission control. The initial tim ing centrifugal advance and vacuum advance are calibrated to provide the best engine perform ance and fuel econom y at varying speeds and loads while rem aining w ithin exhaust em ission limits. D istributor diagnostics and service procedures are in Section 6D, Engine Electrical. T he c a rb u re to r’s idle, off-idle, m ain m etering, power enrichm ent, and accelerating pum p systems are cali­ brated to provide the best possible com bination o f engine perform ance, fuel econom y and exhaust em ission control. C a rb u reto r adjustm ents and service must be perform ed using the recom m ended procedures to insure engine exhaust em ission levels rem ain w ithin legislated limits. See Section 6C, Fuel System, for carb u reto r adjustm ent specifications and recom m ended service procedures. CATALYTIC CONVERTER T he catalytic converter on a light duty em ission vehicle is an em ission control device added to the exhaust system to reduce hydrocarbon and carbon m onoxide pollutants from the exhaust gas stream . The converter contains m aterial w hich %is coated w ith a catalytic m aterial co n tain in g p latin u m and palladium . EARLY FUEL E V A P O R A TIO N SYSTEM (EFE) N OTE: If an engine is idling too slow or rough, this m ay be caused by a clogged ventilator valve or plugged hose; therefore, never adjust the car­ buretor idle w ithout first checking the PCV valve and hose. A fter installing a new PCV valve, readjust engine idle if necessary. W ith this system, any blow-by in excess o f the system capacity (from a badly-w orn engine, sustained heavy load, etc.) is exhausted into the air cleaner and is draw n into the engine. D iagnosis and service procedures fo r the PCV system can be found in this section. Light Duty Emissions CHOKE SYSTEM The E FE system is used to provide a source o f rapid heat to the engine induction system d uring cold driveway. R apid h eatin g is desirable because it provides for quick fuel ev ap o ratio n and m ore u n ifo rm fuel d istribu tio n to aid cold driveability. It also reduces the length o f tim e ca rb u re to r choking is req u ired m aking reductions in exhaust em ission levels possible. E FE system s uses a valve w hich increases the exhaust gas flow u n d er the intake m an ifo ld durin g cold engine op eratio n . T he valve is vacuum o p erated and is controlled by a th erm al vacuum switch (TVS) which applies vacuum w hen the coolant tem perature is below the c alib ratio n valve. D iagnosis and service procedures o f the EFE system can be found in this section. An autom atic choke system, m aintains proper engine perform ance during engine w arm -up. M odifica­ tions to the choke system have been necessary in recent years to m eet the lower legislated exhaust em ission levels. T H E CATALYTIC CON VE R TE R REQUIRES THE USE OF UNLEADED FUEL ONLY. P eriodic m aintenance o f the exhaust system is not required; however, if the vehicle is raised for other service, it is advisable to check the general condition o f the underfloor catalytic converter, pipes and mufflers. R efer to Section 6F, E ngine E xhaust System, for catalytic converter service procedures and diagnostics. E X H A U S T GAS R E C IR C U LA TIO N SYSTEM (E G R ) Light Duty Emissions and 454-C alif. Heavy Duty Emission. The E xhaust G as R ecirculation System m eters exhaust gas into induction system fo r recirculation through the com bustion cycle to reduce oxides o f n itro g en em issions. The E G R valve rem ain s closed durin g periods o f engine idle and deceleration to prevent rough idle from excessive exhaust gas dilution in the idle a ir/fu e l m ixtures. All exhaust gas recirculation systems p erfo rm the sam e function, however, differences in o p eration o f system will be covered in the Service Procedure Section. D iagnosis and service procedure o f E G R system can be foun d in this section. CLOSED P O SITIV E CRA NKCASE V E N T IL A T IO N SYSTEM (P C V ) All engines have closed Positive Crankcase V entila­ tion System to provide m ore com plete scavenging o f crankcase vapors. An en g in e w hich is o p erated w ithout any crankcase ventilatio n can be dam aged seriously. T herefore, it is im p o rtan t to replace the ven tilato r valve periodically. T H E R M O S T A T IC AIR CLEANER (T A C ) The T herm ostatic A ir C leaner (TAC) is on all engines. The TAC uses a dam per assem bly in the air cleaner inlet, controlled by a vacuum m otor to mix p re­ heated and non pre-heated air entering the a ir cleaner to m a in ta in a co ntrolled a ir te m p e ra tu re into the carburetor. The vacuum m otor is m odulated by a tem perature sensor in the air cleaner. The p re-heating o f the air cleaner inlet air allows leaner carb u reto r and choke calibrations resulting in lower em ission levels, w hile m ain tain in g good driveability. D iagnostics and service procedures fo r the therm ostatic air cleaner can be found in this section. AIR IN JE C T IO N REACTOR SYSTEM An air injection reactor (AIR) is used on some engines to provide additional oxygen to continue the com bustion process after the exhaust gases leave the com bustion cham ber. An engine driven pu m p provides pressurized air which is injected into the exhaust port of the cylinder head o r exhaust pipe and then into the exhaust system. The AIR system operates at all tim es and will bypass air only for a short du ratio n o f tim e during deceleration and at high speeds. The diverter valve perform s the bypass function, and the check valve protects the air pum p from dam age by prev enting a back flow o f exhaust gas. D iagnosis and service procedures fo r a ir injection reactor system is in this section. V A C U U M CO NTRO LS V arious types o f vacuum controls are used in the em ission control system to m odify or control the operation o f the various em ission control com ponents to optim ize em ission control effectiveness, w hile m inim izing any negative effect on driveability. R efer to the vacuum hose schem atics (Figs. 6E-1 through 6E-14) fo r usage o f these systems. Fig. 6E-1--Vacuum Hose Schematic-L6 250 CID ■LD Emissions DISTRIBUTOR PCV VALVE MANIFOLD VAC FITTING DISTRIBUTOR V A LV E Fig. 6E-3~Vacuum Hose Schematic-L6 292 CID • Calif. - HD Emissions V A LV E Fig. 6E-5--Vacuum Hose Schematic-V8 305 CID - HD Emissions Fig. 6E-7--Vacuum Hose Schematic-V8 350 CID High Altitude&Calif.-LD Emissions VALVE Fig. 6E-9--Vacuum Hose Schematic-V8 3 5 0 /4 0 0 CID Except Calif.-HD Emissions CA N IS TER PCV VALVE Fig. 6E-13--Vacuum Hose Schematic V8 454 CID Except Calif - HD Emissions ENGINE PERFORMANCE DIAGNOSIS CHARTS INTRODUCTION Engine P erform ance D iagnosis procedures are guides th a t will lead to the m ost pro b ab le causes o f engine p erfo rm an ce com plaints. T hey consider all o f the p arts o f the fuel, ignition, and m echanical systems that could cause a p articu lar com plaint, and then outline rep airs in a logical sequence. Each Sym ptom is defined, an d it is vital th at the correct one be selected based on the com plaints reported or found. Review the Sym ptom s and th e ir definition to be sure th at only the correct term s are used. The w ords used m ay not be w hat you are used to in all cases, but because these term s have been used in terch an g eab ly fo r so long, it w as necessary to decide on the m ost com m on usage and then define them . If the definition is not understood, an d the exact Sym ptom is not used, the D iagnostic procedure will not work. It is im p o rta n t to keep two facts in m ind: 1. T he procedures are w ritten to diagnose p ro b ­ lems on vehicles th a t have "ru n well at one tim e" and th at tim e and w ear have created the condition. 2. All possible causes cannot be covered, p a rtic u ­ larly w ith reg ard to em ission controls th at affect vacuum advance. If doing the w ork prescribed does not correct the com plaint, then eith er the w rong Sym ptom was used, or a m ore detailed analysis will have to be m ade. All o f the Sym ptom s can be caused by w orn out or defective parts such as Spark Plugs, Ignition W iring, etc. If tim e a n d /o r m ileage indicate th a t parts should be replaced, it is recom m ended th a t it be done. SYMPTOM DEFINITIONS Dieseling - E ngine continues to run a fte r the switch is turned off. It runs unevenly and may m ake knocking noises. Detonation - A m ild to severe ping, usually worse under acceleration. The engine m akes sharp m etallic knocks that change with throttle opening. Stalls - The engine quits running. It m ay be at idle or while driving. Loads - The engine misses due to excessively rich fu e l/a ir m ixture. Usually occurs during cold engine operation and is characterized by black smoke being em itted from the tail pipe. Rough Idle - The engine runs unevenly at idle. If bad enough, it m ay m ake the vehicle shake. M iss - Steady pulsation or je rk in g that follows engine speed, usually more pronounced as engine load increases. N o t norm ally felt above 1500 RPM o r 30 M PH. The exhaust has a steady spitting sound at idle or low speed. H esitation - M om entary lack o f response as the accelerator is depressed. C an occur at all vehicle speeds. U sually m ost severe w hen first trying to m ake the vehicle move, as from a stop sign. M ay cause the engine to stall if severe enough. Sag - The engine responds initially, then flattens out or slows down, and then recovers. M ay cause the engine to stall if severe enough. Surges - E ngine Power v ariatio n under steady throttle or cruise. Feels like the vehicle speeds up a id slows down with no change in the accelerator pedal position. C an occur at any speed. Sluggish - E ngine delivers lim ited pow er under load or at high speed. W o n ’t accelerate as fast as norm al; loses too m uch speed going up hills; or has less top speed than norm al Poor Gas M ileage - G as m ileage significantly less than the average for the vehicle and drivetrain com bination in question. Cuts Out - T em porary com plete loss o f power. The engine quits at sharp, irregular intervals. M ay occur repeatedly, o r interm ittently. Usually worse u n der heavy acceleration. Backfire - Explosion type noise em an atin g from the exhaust system. U sually occurs d u ring deceleration. E N G IN E A N D CO DE 2 5 0 C ID IG N IT IO N T IM IN G B.T.D .C . D E G R E ES C UR B ID L E (RPM) T YPE & GAP L -6 E N G IN E 1 B B L 1 M E C A R B U R E T O R BASE ID L E (R PM ) FAST CARBURETO R ID L E ID E N T IF IC A T IO N 1 7 0 5 7 ____ (R PM ) 4 1 0 0 006 RPO L25 009 008 8 ° @ 600 R 44T .035 6 0 0 (N ) 4 5 0 (N ) 2400 ' 309 0° @ 1 0 " Hg 10 @ 1 3 " Hg cu 680 5 20 308 3 0 5 C I D V - 8 E N G IN E 2 B B L 2 G C C A R B U R E T O R 4 9 S T A T E S M . T. U T F - CK 6 ° @ 700 R 44T .045 A. T. M. T . TAC RPO LG 9 7 0 0 (N) 0 ° @ 110 0 6 ° @ 2000 1 4 ° @ 2300 2 4 ° @ 4100 14° @ 2 3 0 0 520 PCV TAC TR C (C A L IF O R N IA ) ECS ( C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) C A L I F O R N I A A . T. T H T CKP T H U C 3 0, P30 T U C G 24° @ 4 1 0 0 0° @ 1 1 0 0 679 4 9 S T A T E S A . T. T H K CKP T H L C 3 0 , P 30 T U A G CONTROLS BBL 1M E C A R B U R E T O R 4 9 S T A T E S M. T. T H H CKP TUB G EMISSION 2 9 2 C I D L -6 E N G IN E 4 9 S T A T E S A . T. U T H - CK V A C U U M A N D M E C H A N IC A L A D V A N C E VACUUM ADVANCE @ IN C H E S O F V A C U U M (IN C R A N K D E G R E ES ) RPO LD 4 007 6 ° @ 600 C A L I F O R N I A M. T. TH R CKP TUD G VACUUM M ODEL 1 973____ ENGINE 4 9 S T A T E S M. T. T A T C10 D IS T R IB U T O R FAST IG N IT IO N E N G IN E A N D CO D E 1103____ ------- A U T O M A T IC T R A N S M IS S IO N M A N U A L T R A N S M IS S IO N T H E R M O S T A T IC A IR C L E A N E R 17056137 PCV TAC TRC ECS PCV TRC ------- CT 237 516 0 ° @ 8 " Hg 1 0 ° @ 13” Hg 0 ° @ 1000 1 0 ° @ 17 0 0 2 0 ° @ 3800 E V A P O R A T IO N C O N T R O L S Y S TE M P O S IT IV E C R A N K C A S E V E N T IL A T IO N TH R O TTLE RETURN CO NTROL 6 E -1 3 6E-14 E N G IN E A N D C O D E IG N IT IO N T IM IN G B .T .D .C . DEGREES S P A R K P LU G T Y P E & GA P CURB ID L E (R P M ) BASE ID L E (R P M ) CARBURETO R FAST IO L E ID E N T IF IC A T IO N 1 7 0 5 7 ____ (R P M ) (N ) E M IS S IO N CONTROL D E V IC E S D IS T R IB U T O R V A C U U M A N D M E C H A N IC A L A D V A N C E EGR VALVE MODEL E M IS S IO N LA B E L CODE D IS T R IB U T O R VACUUM MODEL -- CT 1103274 1973482 0 ° @ 6 " Hg 1 5 ° @ 12” Hg 0 ° @ 1200 1 5 °@ 2700 2 0 ° @ 4200 — CU 1973516 0 ° @ 8 " Hg 1 0° @ 13” Hg 0 ° @ 1150 17 °@ 2900 2 2 ° @ 4200 VACUUM ADVANCE @ IN C H E S O F V A C U U M ( IN C R A N K D E G R E E S ) M E C H A N IC A L A D V A N C E (C R A N K D E G R E E S ) @ E N G IN E RPM 3 5 0 C ID V -8 E N G IN E 4 B B L 4 M V /M 4 M C C A R B U R E T O R R P O LS 9 213 4 9 STA TE S M. T. T X R -P 2 0 -3 0 T X X -P 3 0 216 8 ° @ 700 R44T .045 700 (N) --- 1600 213 216 49 S T ATES A. T. T X U P30 (M O TO R HO M E) 215 7045583 C A L IF O R N IA M. T. T Y S G 2 0 -3 0 T X J G30 514 C A L IF O R N IA M. T. T X M P 20-30 T X Y P30 7045586 C A L IF O R N IA A. T. T X A C K 2 0 -3 0 T Y Y C K 1 0 -2 0 2 ° @ 700 R 44TX .060 700 (N) --- 1600 7045583 C A L IF O R N IA A. T. T Y R G2 0 -3 0 514 C A L IF O R N IA A. T. TX S P2 0 -3 0 TW V P30 7045586 C A L IF O R N IA A. T. TX W P30 (M O TO R HOME) 7045585 A. T. M. T. TA C ECS A U T O M A T IC T R A N S M IS S IO N M A N U A L T R A N S M IS S IO N T H E R M O S T A T IC A IR C L E A N E R E V A P O R A T IO N C O N T R O L SYSTEM TRC (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) ECS (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) PCV A IR STVS TRC MANUAL C A L IF O R N IA M. T. T X C C K 2 0 -3 0 TYW C K 1 0 -2 0 PCV TAC A IR (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) STVS(CKG SERIES) SERVICE 49 S T ATES A. T. T X T -P 2 0 -3 0 TW T -P 30 TRUCK 49 STA TE S A. T. T X B -C K 2 0 -3 0 T Y Z C K 1 0 -2 0 T Y U -G 2 0 -3 0 LIGHT 49 STATES M. T. T X D -C K 2 0 -3 0 T Y X -C 1 0 -2 0 T Y T -G 2 0 -3 0 T X K -G 3 0 1103250 PO SITIVE C R AN KC A SE V E N T IL A T IO N A IR IN JEC TIO N REACTOR SPARK TVS TH R O T T LE RE TUR N C O N T R O L E N G IN E A N D C O D E I G N IT IO N T IM IN G B .T .D .C . DEGREES D IS T R IB U T O R SPARK PLUG TY P E & GAP ID L E (R P M ) BASE ID L E (R P M ) FA ST CARBURETOR ID L E ID E N T IF IC A T IO N (R P M ) 1 7 0 5 ______ (N ) E M IS S IO N CONTROL D E V IC E S EGR VALVE M ODEL LABEL CODE V A C U U M A N D M E C H A N IC A L A D V A N C E D IS T R IB U T O R 1 1 0 3 ____ VACUUM MODEL 1 9 7 3 ____ 249 482 VACUUM ADVANCE @ IN C H E S O F V A C U U M ( IN C R A N K D E G R E E S ) M E C H A N IC A L A D V A N C E (C R A N K D E G R E E S ) @ E N G IN E R P M 400 CID V-8 ENGINE 4 BBL IV4MC CAR 3URETOR RPO LF4 7229 4 ° @ 700 R 44T .045 C A L IF O R N IA A . T. T L T G 2 0 -3 0 700 (N) ------- 1600 7525 2 ° @ 700 7529 CT 0 ° @ 6 " Hg 1 5 ° @ 12” Hg ------250 516 0 ° @ 8 ” Hg 1 0 °@ 1 3 " Hg 0 ° @ 1000 8 ° @ 1600 1 9 ° @ 3450 0 ° @ 1150 1 7 °@ 2900 2 2 ° @ 420 0 EMISSION C A L IF O R N IA A. T. T L R K 1 0 -2 0 T L L K 2 0 -3 0 PCV TA C STVS A IR (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) T R C (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) ECS (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) 454 CID V-8 ENGINE 4M V/M 4M C M4MC CARBURETOR RPO LF8 4 9 S T A T E S M. T. TSC C 2 0 -3 0 621 2 700 (N) 4 9 S T A T E S A . T. TR C P30 6517 8 ° @ 700 C A L IF O R N IA M. T. T R Z C 2 0 -3 0 R44T .045 1700 7512 C A L IF O R N IA A. T. T S A C 2 0 -3 0 T S L C 1 0 -2 0 T R B P30 (M O T O R HO M E) NO A /C TSR P30 (M O T O R H O M E ) A /C 700 (N) C A L IF O R N IA A . T. T R D P30 7512 PCV TAC A IR (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) EGR (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) 170 50064 TSC (C SERIES) T R C (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) 170 50064 ECS (C A L ­ IF O R N IA ) A U T O M A T IC T R A N S M IS S IO N M A N U A L T R A N S M IS S IO N E X H A U S T G A S R E C IR C U L A T IO N T H E R M O S T A T IC A IR C L E A N E R E V A P O R A T IO N C O N T R O L SY STE M 238 511 CU 240 481 0 ° @ 1 0 " Hg 1 5 ° @ 17” Hg 0 ° @ 1100 1 4 ° @ 2800 2 0 ° @ 420 0 0° @ 1100 0° @ 6 " Hg 20° @ 1 5 " Hg 4° @ 280 0 20° @ 420 0 170 50064 7517 A. T. M. T. EGR TAC ECS CT CONTROLS 49 S T A T E S A .T . TSD C 2 0 -3 0 T S K C 1 0 -2 0 T R A P30 (M O T O R HO M E) ENGINE 4 9 S T A T E S A . T. T L U G 2 0 -3 0 T L M K 2 0 -3 0 T L S K 1 0 -2 0 UFC PCV A IR TSC TR C U N D E R F L O O R C A T A L Y T IC C O N V E R T E R P O S IT IV E C R A N K C A S E V E N T IL A T IO N A IR IN J E C T IO N REAC TO R T H E R M A L SP A R K C O N T R O L T H R O T T LE RETURN CO NTRO L 6E-15 EARLY FUEL EVAPORATION (EFE) GENERAL IN S P E C T IO N • V isually inspect exhaust h eat valve for dam age or bind in g linkage. • Check th at linkage is connected and vacuum hoses are prop erly routed and connected (Figs. 6E-15 and 16). • M ove exhaust h eat valve by hand. If binding or stuck, free w ith m an ifo ld h eat valve lubricant, G M P art N o. 1050422 or equivalent. If valve cannot be freed, replace valve. C H E C K IN G EFE SYSTEM 1. W ith engine cold, position transm ission in neutral or park and apply p ark in g brake. 2. S tart engine and observe m ovem ent o f actuator rod and exhaust h eat valve. Valve should move to its closed position. 3. If valve does not close, disconnect hose at actuator and check for vacuum . • If there is vacuum , replace actuator. • If there is no vacuum , disconnect hose at TVSto-vacuum source. • If there is vacuum at hose, replace TVS. • If there is no vacuum , check for d eteriorated hose and vacuum source to determ ine lack o f vacuum. 4. W hen coolant reaches 180°F (82 C ) (V8), or oil reaches 150°F ( 6 6 ^ ) (six cylinder), the exhaust heat valve should move to its open position. 5. If valve does not move, disconnect hose at actuator and check fo r vacuum . • If there is vacuum , replace TVS. • If there is no vacuum , replace actuator. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE TH E R M A L V A C U U M S W ITCH (TV S ) • V8 C oolant Tem perature The TVS is located on the engine coolant outlet housing. Replacement 1. D rain coolant below level o f engine coolant outlet housing. 2. D isconnect hoses at TVS ports. 3. Remove TVS. 4. A pply a soft setting sealant uniform ly on replacem ent TVS m ale threads. N o sealant should be applied to sensor end o f TVS. 5. Install TVS, tighten to 120 pound inches (14.N m) and then hand torque clockwise as required to align TVS to accom odate hoses. 6. Connect hoses to TVS ports. 7. Add coolant as required. TH E R M A L V A C U U M S W ITCH (TV S ) ■ L6 Oil Tem perature The TVS is located on right han d oil gallery. Replacement 1. 2. 3. 4. D isconnect hoses at TVS ports. Remove TVS switch. Install TVS switch. Connect hoses to TVS ports. A C TU A TO R AN D ROD ASSEMBLY The actuator and rod assem bly is located on a bracket attached to right exhaust m anifold on V8 engines (figs. 6E-17 and 6E -18) and on left side attached to exhaust m anifold on L6 engine (fig. 6E-19). POW ER ACTUATOR Fig. 6E18--Actuator and Rod 454 V8 Fig. 6E-17-Actuator and Rod-305/350/400 V8 Replacement 1. D isconnect hose from actuator. 2. R em ove 2 nuts attaching actuator-to-bracket. 3. D isconnect rod from valve and rem ove actuator and rod. 4. Install actuator and rod reversing steps l and 3. T ighten nuts to 25 pound inches (3 N-m). 2. 3. 4. 5. D isconnect rod from valve. Rem ove valve. Install valve and connect rod. Install crossover exhaust pipe. E XH AUST HEA T VALVE - L6 R eplacem ent 1. Rem ove 2 nuts attaching actuator bracket-tovalve and exhaust m anifold. EXH AUST H EAT VALVE - V8 2. Rem ove bracket and disconnect rod from valve. Replacement 3. Rem ove 2 additional nuts from valve and 1. Rem ove crossover exhaust pipe. R efer to Section rem ove valve. 6F for rem oval and installation. 4. Install valve reversing Steps 1 through 3. Fig. 6E-19-Actuator and Rod-L6 EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION (EGR) ON-VEHICLE SERVICE SYSTEM F U N C T IO N A L TEST 1. Initial p rep aratio n . a. R em ove air cleaner so E G R valve d iap h rag m m ovem ent can be observed o r felt. N O T E : W hen a ir cleaner is rem oved, it is recom m ended th a t the choke secondary vacuum break TVS be unclipped an d rem oved from the air clean er body ra th e r th a n rem oving hoses. b. Plug intake m an ifo ld air cleaner vacuum c. C onnect a tachom eter. d. W arm up engine to o p eratin g tem perature. fitting. 2. O p en th ro ttle p a rt w ay an d then release. 3. O bserve the E G R d iap h rag m fo r m ovem ent. The valve should open slightly when the throttle is opened and close when it is released. 4. hose. Rem ove E G R hose from E G R valve and plug 5. Place cam follow er on second step o f fast idle cam and note speed 6. A ttach a vacuum hose betw een air cleaner vacuum fitting and the E G R valve (or use an external source in excess o f 11 in. hg. [ 37kPa]) and note speed change Speed should d rop at least 200 RPM w ith A.T. or at least 150 RPM w ith M.T. 7. Sum m ary. a. following: • • Speed m ust drop w hen d iap h rag m moves. F U N C T IO N A L TEST OF IN D IV ID U A L EGR SYSTEM C O M P O N E N T PARTS 1. EGR VALVE (Valve can be left on or rem oved from the engine). a. D epress the valve diaphragm . b. W ith the diaphragm still depressed, plug the vacuum tube and release the diaphragm . c. Observe diap h rag m a n d /o r pintle m ovem ent: • Valve is satisfactory if it takes over 20 seconds fo r the pintle to seat or fo r the diap h rag m to achieve full travel. • Valve unsatisfactory and m ust be replaced if it takes less than 20 seconds for the pintle to seat or for d iaphragm to achieve full travel. GENERAL DESCRIPTION EGR Valve The E G R valve (Fig. 6E-20) contains a vacuum d iaphragm , which is operated by intake m anifold vacuum . The diap h rag m vacuum signal supply p o rt is located in the throttle body above the throttle valve, and is exposed to engine m anifold vacuum in the off-idle and p art throttle to wide open throttle operation. A .030 in. orifice in the valve vacuum tube serves to m odulate flow. BACK PRESSURE EGR VALVE A back pressure E G R Valve (Fig. 6E-21) is used on test m ust m eet the all light duty em issions C alifornia and H igh A ltitude V8 and L6 engines. E G R d iap h rag m m ust move. A sm all diap h rag m control valve inside the E G R A successful function V A C U U M TUBE C O N N E C T E D T O TH E R M A L V A C U U M SW IT C H D IA P H R A G M COVER V A LV E SH AFT SEAL- V A L V E S EAT, V A LVE C H A M B E R W hen power dem ands are m ade on the engine, and exhaust gas recirculation is needed, exhaust back pressure increases, closing the control valve, thereby shutting off air flow through the valve. Vacuum builds up in the vacuum ch am b er until the spring force holding the E G R valve closed is overcome. TO IN TA K E m a n if o l d Vacuum is applied to the E G R valve assem bly from the carburetor spark port, to assure no exhaust gas recirculation at idle. D uring off-idle operation, m anifold vacuum is applied to the vacuum cham ber through a restriction in the signal tube. W hen engine load is light, and back pressure is low, the control valve is open, allow ing air to flow from the 6 bleeds in the diap h rag m plate, through the control valve orifice, into the vacuum cham ber. The air bleeds off vacuum , decreasing the signal trying to open the E G R valve. T herefore, if back pressure does not close the control valve, sealing off the a ir flow, there will not be any vacuum built up to open the E G R valve for exhaust gas recirculation. ' Fig. 6E-20-EGR Valve valve assem bly acts as a pressure regulator. The control valve receives an exhaust back pressure signal through the hollow sh a ft w hich exerts a force on the bottom o f the control valve d iap h rag m , opposed by a light spring. A m etal deflector plate prevents hot exhaust gases from flowing directly on the d iap h rag m . F IL T E R SCREEN CONTROL VA LVE OPEN SPRING Once the E G R valve opens, the exhaust pressure decreases because som e o f the exhaust gas is flowing into the intake m anifold through the E G R passage. In actual operation, the system will reach a balanced condition providing optim um E G R operation. A ny increase in engine load will m om entarily increase the exhaust signal, causing the control valve to VACUUM CHAMBER CONTROL V A LVE CLOSED RESTRICTION SPRING (CONTROL VALVE) T IM E D M AN IFO LD VACUUM TO VACUUM SOURCE AIR DIAPHRAGM FLOW IN D EFLEC TO R FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 EXHAUST GAS TO INTAKE M ANIFOLD H I EXHAUST GAS EXHAUST GAS (IN) close, allow ing a stronger vacuum signal. The system will then stablize at a g reater E G R flow. At m axim um engine load, w hen m anifold vacuum is nearly zero, m o m entarily, there will be no E G R operation. This is because o f insufficient vacuum to pull the valve open, even though high exhaust back pressure has closed the control valve. Therm al Vacuum Switch A th erm al vacuum switch shuts off vacuum to the E G R valve until coolant tem p eratu re is approxim ately 100 °F (38 “C ) on L6 or 120 °F (49 -C) on V8. DIAGNOSIS R efer to D iagnosis C h art fo r diagnosis o f exhaust gas recirculation system. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE Functional T e st (on vehicle) ■ EGR Valve 1. W ith the engine ru n n in g , the vehicle in " P a rk " or "N e u tra l" , set the fast idle cam on second step to hold throttle open (approxim ately 1400 - 1600 RPM ). Engine coolant tem p eratu re m ust be above 120°F (4 9 'C). 2. Place finger b en eath E G R valve in a m an n er to feel m ovem ent o f d iap h rag m . 3. D isconnect the vacuum hose and w atch for m ovem ent o f the d iap h rag m dow nw ard (valve closed). T his should be accom panied by increase in engine speed. 4. R econnect the hose. D iap h rag m should move upw ard (valve open). E ngine R PM should decrease. N O T E : A slight v ib ratio n o f the d iap h rag m plate assem bly m ay be noticed in back pressure models. T his is due to the control valve m odulating under light load and does not indicate an undesirable condition n o r one req u irin g correction. Failure Diagnosis Diaphragm Doesn’t Move: 1. V erify engine speed. Should be approxim ately 1400 - 1600 RPM . 2. V erify tem p eratu re: should be above 120 °F (49 XI). 3. Check for vacuum at hose. If no vacuum present, find cause for no vacuum . (Plugged or leaking hose or ca rb u re to r port, defective E F E /E G R switch). 4. In back pressure m odels, check control valve operatio n . Diaphragm Moves With No Change In Engine RPM Check m anifold E G R passages for blockage. Function Test (off vehicle) Control Valve (Back Pressure EGR M odel O nly) 1. R em ove vacuum hose. 2. R em ove two attach in g bolts an d E G R valve assem bly from in tak e m anifold, discard gasket. 3. A pply external vacuum [10" Hg. (34 kPa) or m ore] to signal tube. A constant vacuum supply m ust be used. 4. Valve should not open. If it does, control valve is stuck closed. C lean the valve. (See E G R valve cleaning). 5. W ith the vacuum still applied, direct a stream o f air from a low pressure source into the valve exhaust gas intake. 6. Valve should open com pletely. If it does not open at all, control valve is stuck open or exhaust passages are plugged. Clean the valve (See E G R valve cleaning). 7. If E G R valve and control valve are both functioning properly, clean the m ounting surfaces, then using a new gasket, install the valve to the intake m anifold. Torque the bolts to 25 ft. lbs. (34 N m). 8. C onnect vacuum hose. EGR Valve Cleaning CAUTION: Do not wash valve assembly in solvents or degreaser - permanent damage to valve diaphragm may result. Also, sand blasting o f the valve is not recommended since this can affect the operation o f the valve. 1. Remove E G R valve and 2 attaching bolts, discarding the gasket. 2. Hold the valve assem bly in hand, then tap lightly on the sides and end o f the valve, and on the pintle itself using a small wood dowel, w ith a small plastic ham m er to rem ove the exhaust deposits from the valve seat. Em pty loose particles. D O N O T PU T IN A VISE. 3. W ith a w ire wheel, buff the exhaust deposits from the m ounting surface and around the valve. 4. D epress the valve d iaphragm and look at the valve seating area through the valve outlet for cleanliness. If valve a n d /o r seat are not com pletely clean, repeat step 3. 5. Look for exhaust deposits in the valve outlet. Rem ove deposit build up with a screw driver. 6. C lean m ounting surfaces o f intake m anifold and valve assembly, then using a new gasket install the valve assem bly to the intake m anifold. T orque the bolts to 25 ft. lbs. (34 N m). 7. C onnect vacuum hose. EGR Passage If inspection o f E G R passages in the inlet m anifold indicates excessive build-up o f deposits, the passages should be cleaned. Care should be taken to ensure that all loose particles are com pletely rem oved to prevent them from clogging the E G R valve or from being ingested into the engine. Replacem ent 1. 2. 3. 4. using a D isconnect E G R valve (Fig. 6E-22 and 23). Rem ove bolts securing valve to m anifold. Rem ove E G R valve from m anifold. R eassem ble replacem ent valve to m anifold, new gasket. E X H A U S T G A S R E C IR C U L A T IO N S Y S T E M D IA G N O S IS C H A R T C o n d itio n Engine idles abnorm ally rough and/or stalls. Engine runs rough on light th ro ttle acceleration, poor part load performance and poor fuel economy. Possible Cause C o rre c tio n EGR valve vacuum hoses misrouted. Check EGR valve vacuum hose routing. Correct as required. Leaking EGR valve. Check EGR valve fo r correct operation. EGR valve gasket failed or loose EGR attaching bolts. Check EGR attaching bolts fo r tightness. Tighten as required. If not loose, remove EGR valve and inspect gasket. Replace as required. EGR thermal con tro l valve and/or EGR-TVS. Check vacuum in to valve fro m car­ buretor EGR p o rt w ith engine at normal operating tem perature and at curb idle speed. Then check the vacuum o u t o f the EGR therm al c on tro l valve to EGR valve. If the tw o vacuum readings are n o t equal w ith in ± 1/2 in Hg. (1.7 kPa), then proceed to EGR vacuum con tro l diagnoses. Im proper vacuum to EGR valve at idle. Check vacuum from carburetor EGR p o rt w ith engine at stabilized operating tem perature and at curb idle speed. If vacuum is more than 1.0 in. Hg., refer to carburetor idle diagnosis: EGR valve vacuum hose misrouted. Check EGR valve vacuum hose routing. Correct as required. Failed EGR vacuum con tro l valve. Same as listing in "Engine Idles Rough con dition. EGR flo w unbalanced due to deposit accum ulation in EGR passages or under carburetor. Clean EGR passages o f all deposits. S ticky or binding EGR valve. Remove EGR valve and inspect. Clean or replace as required. Wrong or no EGR gaskets. Check and correct as required. E X H A U S T G A S R E C IR C U L A T IO N S Y S T E M D IA G N O S IS C H A R T C o n d itio n Possible Cause (C O N T 'D .) C o rre c tio n (Vehicle w ith back pressure EGR valve.) C ontrol valve blocked or air flo w restricted. Check internal c o n tro l valve fu n c tio n per service procedure. Engine stalls on decelerations. R estriction in EGR vacuum line. Check EGR vacuum lines fo r kinks bends, etc. Remove or replace hoses as required. Check EGR vacuum c o n tro l valve fu n ctio n . Check EGR valve fo r excessive deposits causing sticky or binding operation. Clean or repair as required. S ticking or binding EGR valve. Remove EGR valve and inspect clean or repair as required. (Vehicle w ith a back pressure EGR valve.) C ontrol valve blocked or air flo w restricted. Check internal c o n tro l valve fu n ctio n per service procedure. Part th ro ttle engine detonation. Insu fficient exhaust gas recirculation flo w during part th ro ttle accelerations. Check EGR valve hose rou ting . Check EGR valve operation. Repair or re­ place as required. Check EGR therm al con tro l valve and/or EG R-TVS as listed in Engine Idles R ough" section. Re­ place valve as required. Check EGR passages and valve fo r excessive de­ posit. Clean as required. (Vehicle w ith a back pressure EGR valve.) C ontrol valve blocked o r air flo w restricted. Check internal co n tro l valve fu n c tio n per service procedure. (NO TE: D etonation can be causec by several other engine variables. Engine starts but im m ediately stalls when cold. (Vehicle w ith a back pressure EGR valve.) (NO TE: Perform ignit on and carburetor related diagnosis.) EGR valve hoses m isrouted. Check EGR valve hose routings. EGR system m alfu nctio nin g when engine is cold. Perform check to determ ine if the EGR therm al co n tro l valve and/or EG R-TVS are operational. Replace as required. C ontrol valve blocked o r air flo w restricted. Stalls after start can also be caused by carburetor problems.) Check internal c o n tro l valve fu n c tio n per service procedure. 6. Install vacuum hoses to switch. Functional Check EGR TVS Hot PURPLE STRIPE Fig. 6E-22--EGR System-V8 NOTE: This is to be perform ed as p art o f the em ission m aintenance routine at 12,000 m iles or 12 m onths on heavy duty em ission vehicles. The E G R T herm al Vacuum D elay Switch should be open above coolant tem perature 100 °F (38 “C ) on L6 and 120°F (49 °C) on V8 p erm itting the ported vacuum signal to reach the E G R valve above th at tem perature. Check as follows: 1. Remove E G R valve vacuum hose at E G R valve and connect hose to a vacuum gage. 2. S tart engine. W ith transm ission selector lever in N eu tral or Park open throttle partially. (D o not overspeed engine.) As throttle is opened, the vacuum gage should respond w ith an increase in vacuum reading. (N ote: C oolant tem p eratu re must be above 120 °F (49 "C) during this test. Allow about 3 m intues at idle to w arm up a cold engine. If coolant is below 75 °F (24 ^C)) greater tim e m ay be required.) 3. If operation is satisfactory, rem ove gage and reconnect hose to E G R valve. If gage does not respond to throttle opening, proceed to Step 4. 4. Remove C arb-to-sw itch hose from switch and connect hose to vacuum gage. R epeat Step 2. 5. If vacuum gage responds to throttle opening, then switch is defective. Rem ove switch and replace w ith new part. If gage does not respond to throttle opening, then check for plugged hose or defective carburetor. Cold 5. ^ T o rq u e clam p bolt to 13-18 lb. ft. 6. C onnect carb u reto r vacuum signal line to tube at top o f valve. T H E R M A L V A C U U M S W ITC H (TV S ) Replacement 1. D isconnect vacuum lines (Figs. 6E-22 and 23) from the th erm al vacuum switch. 2. Rem ove switch from therm o stat housing. 3. A pply an approved sealer to th read ed portion o f switch. 4. Install switch in th erm o stat housing and torque to 100 lbs. in. 5. R otate switch head as req u ired to align fo r p ro p er hose routing. N O TE: This check m ay be perfo rm ed in diagnos­ ing com plaint o f stall after cold start o r poor driveability im m ediately a fte r cold start. The E G R therm al vacuum delay switch should be closed below coolant tem perature 100 °F (3 8 ' t ) on L6 on 120°F (49 "C) on V8, thereby blocking the ported vacuum signal from reaching the E G R valve below that tem perature. Check as follows: 1. D ra in co o lan t below level o f th erm o stat housing. 2. D isconnect vacuum lines and rem ove switch from therm ostat housing. 3. Inspect switch to m ake sure it is in good condition. 4. C onnect a vacuum hose to lower nipple o f switch, m arked " C " or "C A RB:. C onnect a vacuum gage to upper nipple, m arked " E " or "E G R ". 5. Place switch in w ater at 8 5 °F ( 2 9 ^ ) and subm erge com pletely fo r 2 m intues while agitatin g w ater thoroughly. 6. Apply 12 in. hg. (-41 kPa) vacuum to hose on lower nipple o f switch. U n d er this condition, the switch should be closed. N O TE: Leakage o f up to 2in. hg. (-7kPa) o f vacuum in 2 m inutes is allowable and does not 3. D epress the valve d iaphragm and check the constitute a defective switch. seating area for cleanliness by looking thru the valve 7. If o p eratio n is satisfactory, re-install switch in outlet. If pintle or seat are not com pletely clean, repeat step 1. therm o stat housing. If switch is defective, replace with 4. Inspect the valve outlet for deposits. Remove new part. any deposit build-up with a screw driver or o ther suitable sh arp tool. EGR SYSTEM - IN S P E C T IO N AND 5. Clean m ounting surface on the intake m anifold C LEA NING with a w ire wheel or wire brush. The follow ing procedure is to be used for the N O TE: Do not use solvents fo r cleaning. inspection and cleaning o f the E G R valve and passages. Intake M anifold Passages Inspection 1. R em ove a ir cleaner. 2. Rem ove EG R valve from intake m anifold. 3. Look for deposits on the valve pintle. 4. D epress the valve d iap h rag m an d inspect for deposits around the valve seatin g area thru the valve outlet. 5. W ith the d iap h rag m still depressed, plug the vacuum tube then release the d iap h rag m . If the pintle has not closed in 20 seconds, the E G R valve is OK. If the pintle is closed w ith in 20 seconds, the valve m ust be replaced. 6. T he valve requires cleaning if deposits exist. Cleaning 1. Hold the valve assem bly in hand. T hen, using a light snap p in g action w ith a plastic ham m er, tap on the end o f the round pintle to rem ove the exhaust deposits from the valve seat. E m pty loose particles. 2. C lean the m ounting surface o f the E G R valve w ith a w ire w heel or w ire brush, and the pintle w ith a w ire brush. 1. Remove carburetor. 2. Remove the deposits from the E G R ports by h and turning a drill into the passage. Finish cleaning with a small screwdriver. CAUTION: Do not use a power drill or file. 3. Brush any sm all particles down the E G R port and blow com pressed air through the port. NOTE: Do not use solvents for cleaning. Reassembly 1. Reinstall carb u reto r using a new gasket and torque hold-dow n bolts to 10-15 ft. lbs. 2. R einstall the E G R valve assem bly to the intake m anifold using a new gasket and torque bolt to 12-17 ft. lbs. 3. C onnect fuel line and all vacuum hoses. 4. W arm up engine and reset idle rpm to specification if necessary per Em ission C ontrol In fo rm a ­ tion label. 5. P erform functional check o f E G R system to ensure correct operation. POSITIVE CRANKCASE VENTILATION SYSTEM (PCV) GENERAL DESCRIPTION V entilation air is draw n through a filter assem bly located in the a ir cleaner, through a hose, down into the crankcase, up through the v entilator valve, through a hose an d into the intake m anifold. Intake m anifold vacuum draw s any fum es from the crankcase to be burned in the engine. W h en air flow through the carb u reto r is high, added air from the Positive C rankcase V entilation System has no noticeable effect on engine operation; however, at idle speed, air flow through the carb u reto r is so low th at any large am o u n t add ed by the ventilating system would upset the air-fuel m ixture, causing rough idle. For this reason, a flow control valve is used which restricts the ventilating system flow w henever intake m anifold vacuum is high. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE 1. Remove PCV valve from intake m anifold or rocker arm shaft cover. 2. Run the engine at idle. 3. Place your thum b over end o f valve to check for vacuum . If there is no vacuum at valve, check for plugged hoses or valve. Hoses may be cleared with com pressed air. 4. Shut off" the engine and rem ove PCV valve. Shake valve and listen for the rattle o f check needle in valve. If valve does not rattle, replace valve. THERMOSTATIC AIR CLEANER (TAC) IN S P E C T IO N Vacuum M o to r Check 1. Check all hoses for p ro p er hook-up. Check for kinked, plugged or dam ag ed hoses. 2. W ith the engine " O F F " , observe d am p er door position th ro u g h snorkel opening. If position o f snorkel m akes o bservation difficult, use the aid o f a m irror. At this point d a m p e r d oor should be in such a position that the h eat stove passage is covered (snorkel passage open) (Fig. 6E-24). If not, check fo r binds in linkage. 3. A pply a t least 7 in Hg. o f vacuum to the d ia p h ra g m assem bly through hose disconnected at sensor unit. D am p er door should com pletely close snorkel passage w hen vacuum is applied. (Fig. 6E-24). If not, check to see if linkage is hooked up correctly and for a vacuum leak. 4. W ith vacuum applied, bend or clam p hose to tra p vacuum in d iap h rag m assem bly. D am p er door should rem ain in position (closed snorkel passage) (Fig. 6E-24). If it does not, there is a vacuum leak in d ia p h ra g m assem bly. Replace d iap h rag m assembly. Sensor Check (Quick Check of System ) 1. S tart test w ith engine cold, air cleaner at a tem p eratu re below 7 9 °F (26 "C.). If the engine has been in recent use. allow it to cool. (R em oving the air cleaner from the engine and placing it on the bench will aid in quickly cooling the sensor. 2. O bserve the d am p er door before starting the engine: it should be in the open snorkel position (Fig. 6E-24). 3. S tart the engine and allow it to idle. Im m edi­ ately after startin g the engine, the dam per door should be in the closed snorkel passage position (Fig. 6E-24). 4. As the engine warm s up, the d am p er door should start to allow outside air and heated air to enter the carburetor inlet. 5. The system is operating norm ally as described above. If the a ir cleaner fails to operate as above, or if correct operation o f the air cleaner is still in doubt, proceed to the therm om eter check (o f sensor). Th e rm o m eter Check of Sensor 1. S tart test with air cleaner tem perature below 79 °F. (2 6 ‘C.). If engine has been run recently, rem ove air cleaner and place on bench (this will help quickly cool the air cleaner). Rem ove air cleaner cover and place therm om eter as close as possible to the sensor. Let air cleaner cool until th erm om eter reads below 79 °F. ( 2 6 ^ .) about 5 to 10 m inutes. R einstall a ir cleaner on engine and continue to step 2 below. 2. Start and idle engine. D am p er door should move to close the snorkel passage im m ediately if engine is cool enough. W hen dam p er door starts to open the snorkel passage (in a few m inutes), rem ove a ir cleaner cover and read tem perature gage. It must read 115 °F. ± 20 F. (46 V . ± 7 C). 3. If the d am p er door does not start to open up the snorkel passage at tem perature indicated, tem perature sensor is m alfunctioning and must be replaced. V IE W B - U N D E R H O O D TEMPERATURE BELOW 8 5 °F V IE W A —ENG INE OFF AIR BLEED VALVE , CLOSED DIAPHRAGM SPRING VACUUM CHAMBER SNORKEL TUBE TEMP. SENSING SPRING SNORKEL TUBE CONTROL DAMPER ASSM. 1 j j h - HOT AIR PIPE CONTROL DAMPER ASSM HOT AIR PIPE VIE W C -U N D E R H O O D TEMPERATURE A B O V E 1 2 8 °F AIR BLEED VALVE OPEN SNORKEL TUBE VIE W D -U N D E R H O O D TEMPERATURE BETWEEN 8 5 °F A N D 1 2 8 °F DIAPHRAGM SPRING VACUUM CHAMBER VACUUM CHAMBER r -= —^ AIR BLEED VALVE TEMP. SENSING SPRING SNORKEL TUBE " 't AIR INLET AIR INLET / CONTROL DAMPER ASSM. r ^ 1 HOT AIR PIPE CONTROL DAMPER ASSM. I t t ^ HOT AIR PIPE ON VEHICLE SERVICE W IN G NUT TORQUE AT 20 LBS. IN. Checking Air C leaner 1. Inspect system to be sure all hoses and ducts are connected. 2. If engine is w arm (above room tem perature) rem ove air cleaner. P erm it it to cool to room tem peratu re. 3. Install cooled air cleaner. If air cleaner has cold air intake hose, disconnect it. 4. S tart engine. W atch d am p er valve in air cleaner snorkel. 5. W hen engine is first started, valve should be closed. As air cleaner w arm s up, valve should slowly open. N O TE: In hot w eather the room tem p erature may be too hot for the snorkel valve to close w hen the engine is started. In this case, cool the tem perature sensor in the air cleaner w ith a cool w et rag. 6. If valve d o esn ’t close w hen the engine is started, check for vacuum at the d iap h rag m . 7. If vacuum is present, check fo r b in d in g in the d am p er valve and o p eratin g link. If d am p er moves freely, replace d iap h rag m . (F ailu re o f the d iap h rag m to close is m ore likely to result from m echanical bind due to a d am ag ed or corroded snorkel assem bly than from a failed d iap h rag m . This should be checked first, before replacing the d iap h rag m ). 8. If no vacuum is present, check hoses for disconnects, cracks or pinches. R ep air or replace as necessary. 9. If hoses are OK, replace tem p eratu re sensor in the a ir cleaner. I N O T E ] Polyurethane Band must w rap over both end seals of paper element as PO LYW RA P A IR fc , CLEANER ELEMENT (B A N D S H O W N ) ~ shown. n o te] AIR CLEANER ELEMENT _ ( PAPER FILTER PORTION) Polyurethane Band must completely cover the outer screen surface of paper element as shown. PAPER FILTER PORTION OF PO LYW RAP AIR 'CLEANER ELEMENT Fig. 6E-25--Polywrap Air Cleaner Element Air C leaner E lem ent R eplacem ent Paper Element 1. Rem ove air cleaner cover. 2. Rem ove elem ent. 3. Install new elem ent in air cleaner w ith either end up. 4. Install a ir cleaner cover. Do not over-torque w ing nut. Polywrap Element 1. Rem ove air cleaner cover. 2. R em ove elem ent. 3. R em ove polyw rap b and from p ap er elem ent and discard elem ent (Fig. 6E-25). 4. C lean bottom section o f air cleaner and inspect cover seal fo r tears or cracks. Replace seal if dam aged. 5. Inspect b and for tears and replace if dam aged. 6. If band is serviceable, wash in kerosene or m ineral sp irits an d squeeze out excess solvent (Fig. 6E26). N O T E : N ever use a hot deg reaser or any solvent co n tain in g acetone or sim ilar solvent; also, never Fig. 6E-26-Cleaning Polywrap Band shake, swing or w ring the elem ent to rem ove excess solvent as this m ay tear the polyurethane m aterial. Instead, "squeeze" the excess solvent from the elem ent. 7. D ip band into light engine oil and squeeze out excess oil. 8. Install band around outer surface o f new p ap er element. 9. Install elem ent in bottom section o f air cleaner with either end up. 10. Install air cleaner cover. Do not over-torque wing nuts(s). GASKET (POSITION COLORED SURFACE DO W N) EXTENSION SUPPORT TUBE GASKET (POSITION COLORED SURFACE DOW N) Fig. 6E-28-Air Cleaner-L6-Non-lntegrated Head hole, then enlarge as required to rem ove the retaining strap. D o not dam age the snorkel tube. 4. Rem ove m otor retaining strap. 5. Lift up m otor, cocking it to one side to unhook the m otor linkage at the control dam p er assembly. Installation Fig. 6E-27-Air Cleaner-L6-lntegrated Head Air Cleaner R eplacem ent R efer to figures 6E-27 and 6E-28 for air cleaner used w ith in line L6 engine. R efer to figure 6E-29 fo r air cleaner used on CK truck w ith 3 0 5 /3 5 0 /4 0 0 V8 engine. R e fe r to figure 6E-30 fo r air cleaner used on G truck w ith V8 engine. R efer to figure 6E-31 fo r air cleaner used w ith 454 V8 engine. R efer to figure 6E-32 for air cleaner used o f P20(42), P30(42) and P30(32) truck with 350 V8 engine and 4MV carburetor. 1. D rill a 7 /6 4 " hole in snorkel tube at center o f vacuum m otor retain in g strap (Fig. 6E-35). 2. Insert vacuum m otor linkage into control dam p er assembly. 3. Use the m otor retaining strap and sheet metal screw provided in the m otor service package to secure the retaining strap and m otor to the snorkel tube. 4. M ake sure the screw does not in terfere w ith the operation o f the d am p er assembly. Shorten screw if required. 5. Connect vacuum hose to m otor and install air cleaner. Sensor Removal R e fe r to figure 6E-33 and 6E-34 fo r rep air or replacem ent o f air intake. 1. Rem ove air cleaner. 2. D etach hoses at sensor. 3. Pry up tabs on sensor retain in g clip (Fig. 6E36); rem ove clip and sensor from air cleaner. N ote position o f sensor fo r installation. Vacuum M o to r Installation Removal 1. Install sensor and gasket assem bly in original position. 2. Press retain er clip on hose connectors. 3. C onnect vacuum hoses and install air cleaner on engine. Carburetor Air Intake 1. 2. 3. R em ove air cleaner. D isconnect vacuum hose fro m m otor. D rill out the two spot welds initially with a 1 /6 " Fig. 6E-29-Air Cleaner-305/350/400 V8 CK W IN G NUT GASKET (P O S IT IO N RED SURFACE D O W N ) EXTENSION GASKET (P O S IT IO N RED SURFACE D O W N ) STOVE Fig. 6E-31 -Air Cleaner-454 V8 Fig. 6E-30--Air Cleaner-V8 G W IN G NUT. LOW ER S T O V E N O T E : In b o a rd flang e o f lo w e r stove m u s t be in s ta lle d o n to p o f rib o f e x h a u s t m a n ifo ld . OP" > U PPER S T O V E ■LO W ER S T O V E AIR IN T A K E DUCT AIR INLET AIR IN T A K E DUCT AIR INLET L6 ENGINE Hi \\ i i Fig. 6E-33--Carburetor Air lntake-L6 DRILL 7 / 6 4 " HOLE IN CENTER P O S IT IO N O F STRAP VACUUM RETAINING STRAP INSTALL REPLACEMENT SENSO R ASSM . IN SAME P O S IT IO N AS O R IG IN A L ASSM. V 8 ENGINE Fig. 6E-34--Carburetor Air lntake-V8 AIR INJECTION REACTOR (AIR) SYSTEM G ENERAL D E S C R IP TIO N T he A ir Injection R eactor (A.I.R.) System consists of: an air injection pum p (with necessary brackets and drive attachm ents), air diverter valve, a check valve and air pipe hose necessary to connect diverter valve (Figs. 6E-37 and 38). PIPE The Air Injection Pum p (Fig. 6E-39) with an integral filer, com presses the air and injects it through the air m anifolds, into the exhaust system in the area o f the exhaust valves. The fresh air helps burn the unburned portion o f the exhaust gases in the exhaust system, thus m inim izing exhaust contam ination. The diverter valve Fig. 6E-40) w hen triggered by a HOUSING EXHAUST PIPE FILTER Fig. 6E-37 Air Pipe InstaIlation-Cl0 and 350 V8 Cal HUB ROTOR SHAFT Fig. 6E-39--Air Injection Pump EXHAUST A MANIFOLD OUTLET ---------- ►J' | \ ft ,— METERING VALVE PUMP AIR IN SILENCER VACUUM SIGNAL TUBE VENT DIAPHRAGM TIMING VALVE INTERNAL MUFFLER TYPE sh arp increase in m anifold vacuum , shuts off the injected air to the exhaust port areas and prevents backfiring d u rin g this richer period. O n engine overrun the total air supply is dum ped through the muffler on the d iv erter valve. At high engine speeds the excess air is dum ped through the pressure relief valve w hich is in corporated in the diverter valve. T he check valve (Fig. 6E-37 and 38) prevents exhaust gases from en terin g and dam ag in g the air injection pum p, as back flow can occur even under norm al o p eratin g conditions. O N-VEHICLE SERVICE Drive Belt Inspection 1. Inspect drive belt fo r w ear, cracks or d e terio ra ­ tion and replace if required. 2. Inspect belt tension and adjust if below 70 lbs. using a tension gauge. Adjustment Loosen pu m p m ounting bolt and pum p adjustm ent bracket bolt. Move pum p until belt is properly tensioned then tighten adjustm ent bracket bolt and m ounting bolt. Use a belt tension gauge to check adjustm ent. CAUTION: Do not p ry on the pum p housing. Distortion o f the housing will result in extensive damage to the A ir Injection Pump. Replace 1. Loosen pum p m ounting bolt and pum p adjust­ m ent bracket bolt, then swing pum p until drive belt may be rem oved. 2. Install a new drive belt and adjust as outlined above. Pump Pulley Replace 1. Hold pum p pulley from turning by com pressing drive belt then loosen pum p pulley bolts. 2. Rem ove drive belt as outlined above then rem ove pum p pulley. Install 1. Install pum p pulley w ith retain in g bolts hand tight. Install and adjust drive belt as outlined above. 2. Hold pum p pulley from turning by com pressing drive belt then torque pum p pulley bolts to 24 lb. ft. (32N-m ). 3. R echeck drive belt tension and adjust if required . Pump Filter Replace 1. R em ove drive belt an d p u m p pulley as previously outlined. 2. Insert needle nose and pull fan from hub (Fig. 6F-41). NOTE: Care should be taken to prevent fragm ents from entering the air intake hole. Do not insert a screw driver between pum p and filter. It is seldom possible to rem ove the filter w ithout destroying it. Do not attem pt to rem ove the m etal hub. Install 1. Install the new filter by draw ing it on with the pulley and pulley bolts (Fig. 6E-42). Do not attem pt to install a filter by ham m ering it on or pressing it on. 2. D raw the filter down evenly by alternately torquing the bolts. M ake certain th at the outer edge o f the filter slips into the housing. The slight am ount o f interference with the housing bore is norm al. NOTE: The new filter m ay squeal upon initial o peration until it’s O.D. sealing lip has worn in. Air Hoses and Tubes Inspection 1. Inspect all hoses for deterioration or holes. 2. Inspect all tubes for cracks or holes. 3. Check all hose and tube connections. 4. M ake repairs or replace p arts as needed. 5. Check all tube and hose routing. Interference m ay cause wear. 6. If leak is suspected on the pressure side o f the system or any tubes a n d /o r hoses have been discon­ nected on the pressure side, the connections should be checked for leaks w ith soapy w ater solution. 7. W ith the pum p running, bubbles will form if a leak exists. Replace To replace any hose a n d /o r tube, note routing th en , rem ove hose(s) a n d /o r tube(s) as required. Install 1. Install new hose(s) a n d /o r tube(s), routing them as when rem oved. 2. Tighten all connections. Check Valve Inspection 1. The check valve should be inspected w henever the hose is disconnected from the check valve or w henever check valve failure is suspected. (A pum p that had becom e inoperative and had shown indications o f having exhaust gases in the pum p would indicate check valve failure.) 2. Blow through the check valve (tow ard the cylinder head) then attem pt to suck back through check valve. Flow should only be in one direction (tow ard the exhaust m anifold). Replace valve w hich does not function this way. Replace D isconnect pum p outlet hose at check valve. DIAGNOSIS C O N D IT IO N N o a ir s u p p ly — accelerate engine to P O S S IB L E C A U S E 1. Loose d riv e b e lt. 1. T ig h te n to s p e c ific a tio n s . 2. Leaks in s u p p ly hose. 2 3. 3. T ig h te n o r replace clam ps. 1500 rp m and observe a ir flo w fro m hoses. If th e flo w increases as the rp m 's increase, th e p u m p is fu n c tio n in g C O R R E C T IO N Leak at fittin g s . Locate leak and re p a ir n o rm a lly . If n o t, check possible cause. 4 . A ir e x p e lle d th ro u g h by-pass valve. 4a. C o n n e c t a vacu um lin e d ire c tly 4a. If th is co rre c ts th e p ro b le m go to fro m engine m a n ifo ld vacu um step b. If n o t, replace a ir by-pass to by-pass valve. vaIve. 4b. C o n n e ct va cu u m lin e fro m engine m a n ifo ld vacu um source to by-pass 4b I f th is c o rre cts th e p ro b le m , check d iffe re n tia l va cu u m , d e la y and valve th ro u g h va cu u m d iffe re n tia l sep arator valve and vacu um valve d ir e c tly , b y passing th e source lin e fo r plug ging . d iffe re n tia l va cu u m d e la y and Replace as re q u ire d . se p a ra to r valve. I f it d o e s n 't, replace vacuum d iffe re n tia l vaive. 5. C heck valve in o p e ra tiv e . 5. D is c o n n e c t hose and b lo w th ro u g h hose to w a rd check valve. I f a ir passes, fu n c tio n is n o rm a l. If a ir can be sucked fro m check valve, replace che ck valve. 6. Excessive p u m p noise, c h irp in g , P um p fa ilu re . 1. Leak in hose. ru m b lin g , k n o c k in g , loss o f engine p e rfo rm a n c e . 6. R eplace p u m p . 1. Lo cate source o f leak using soap s o lu tio n and c o rre c t. 2. Loose hose. 2. Reassemble and replace o r tig h te n hose cla m p . 3. Hose to u c h in g o th e r engine parts. 3. A d ju s t hose p o s itio n . 4. V a cu u m d iffe re n tia l valve 4. Replace vacu um d iffe re n tia l in o p e ra tiv e . valve. 5. By-pass valve in o p e ra tive 5. R eplace by-pass valve. 6. P um p m o u n tin g fasteners loose. 6. T ig h te n m o u n tin g screws as sp e cifie d . Excessive b e lt noise. Excessive p u m p noise. C h irp in g 7. P um p fa ilu re . 7. R eplace p u m p . 8. C heck valve in o p e ra tiv e . 8. R eplace che ck valve. 1. Loose b e lt 1. T ig h te n to spec. 2. Seized p u m p 2. R eplace p u m p . 1. In s u ffic ie n t bre a k-in 1. R un ve h icle 10 -15 m iles a t in te rs ta te spe eds-reche ck. C e n trifu g a l filte r fan damaged 1. M echanical dam age 1. Replace c e n trifu g a l filte r fa n . E xhau st tu b e b e n t o r dam aged. 1. M echanical damage 1. R eplace exh aust tu b e . P oor id le o r d r iv e a b ility . 1. A d e fe c tiv e A .I.R . system o r b ro k e n . c a n n o t cause p o o r idle o r d riv e a b ility . 1. D o n o t replace A .I.R . system . Rem ove check valve from pipe assembly, being careful not to bend or twist the assem bly. D iverter Valve and Silencer Assembly Inspection 1. Check condition and routing o f all lines especially the signal line. All lines m ust be secure w ithout crim ps and not leaking. Replace d eterio rated lines. 2. D isconnect signal line at valve. A vacuum signal must be available w ith engine running. 3. Check d iverter valve attaching screws for tightness. Screws should be torq u ed to 85 lb. in. (lON m). 4. D efectiv e valves should be rep laced (see Functional Test). Replace 1. D isconnect vacuum signal line. D isconnect valve outlet hose. 2. Rem ove d iverter valve from pum p or elbow. Install 1. Install d iverter valve to p u m p or elbow w ith new gasket. T orque valve attach in g screws to 85 lb. in. (9.5N-m). 2. Install outlet and vacuum signal hoses and check system for leaks. 2. Check for a leaky pressure relief valve. A ir may be heard leaking w ith the pum p running. N OTE: The AIR System is not com pletely noiseless. U nder norm al conditions, noise rises in pitch as engine speed increases. To determ ine if excessive noise is the fault o f the A ir Injection R eactor System, operate the engine w ith the pum p drive belt rem oved. If excessive noise does not exist w ith the belt rem oved proceed as follows: 3. Check for a seized A ir Injection Pum p. 4. Check hoses, tubes and all connections for leaks and proper routing. CAUTION: Do not oil A IR pump. 5. Check diverter valve. 6. Check AIR injection pum p for pro p er m ounting and bolt torque. 7. R epair irregularities in these com ponents as necessary. 8. If no irregularities exist and the A IR injection pum p noise is still excessive, rem ove and replace pum p. Replace 1. 2. 3. pump. Air Injection Pump Install Inspection 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 48N-m). A ccelerate engine to approxim ately 1500 RPM and observe air flow from hose(s). If air flow increases as engine is accelerated, pum p is o p eratin g satisfactorily. If air flow does not increase or is not present, proceed as follows: 1. Check for pro p er drive belt tension. D isconnect the hoses at the pum p. Remove pum p pulley as outlined. Rem ove p um p m ounting bolts and remove Install pum p with m ounting bolts loose. Install pum p pulley as outlined. Install and adjust belt as outlined. Connect the hoses at the pum p. T ighten m ounting bolts to 20-35 lb. ft. (27 N-m - THROTTLE RETURN CONTROL (TRC) GENERAL DESCRIPTION A throttle retu rn control system (TR C) is used on 10-30 Series Trucks in C alifo rn ia w ith heavy duty em issions systems. Also, 305 C.I.D. heavy duty em issions (except C alifo rn ia) vehicles use the TRC system. W hen the vehicle is coasting against the engine, the T R C valve will open at high m anifold vacuum levels to allow vacuum to operate the throttle lever actuator. The throttle lever actuator pushes the throttle lever slightly open, thus reducing hydro-carbon em issions during coast down. W hen m anifold vacuum drops below a p re ­ d eterm in ed level (TR C valve set point) the control valve closes, the throttle actuator retracts, and the throttle lever retu rn s to idle position. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE SYSTEM O P E R A TIO N T he T R C valve and actu ato r system should function to slightly o pen the throttle at high m anifold vacuum o v errun conditions (ab o u t 21-23 in. hg. [71 -78kPa] d ep en d in g on the p articu lar engine application) and retu rn to the curb idle position at lower m anifold vacuum s. F ailure to function in this m an n er indicates the T R C valve or actuator is m isadjusted, a vacuum leak exists, the valve vent is plugged or there is binding som ew here in the system. C heck hoses fo r cracking, abrasion, or deterioration and replace as necessary. Check system function for p ro p er o p eratio n and adjust as as necessary. C HECK IN G A N D A D JU S TIN G SYSTEM Control Valve (Figs. 6E -43,44, 4 5 ) Checking and Adjusting 1. D isco n n ect v a lv e -to -c arb u re to r hose at the c a rb u re to r an d connect to an external vacuum source with an accurate vacuum gage inserted n ear the valve. 2. A pply a m inim um o f 25 in. Hg. (84 kPa) vacuum to the control valve vacuum supply fitting and seal off the vacuum supply betw een the gage and the source. The vacuum gage re a d in g will indicate the valve set p o in t value. If the gage read in g is not w ith in .5 in. Hg. (7kPa) o f the specified value fo r the p articu lar engine being checked, then the valve needs adjustm ent. If the trap p ed vacuum drops off faster th an .1" Hg. per second, then the valve is leaking and must be replaced. 3. a. b. To adjust the valve set point: G ently p ry off the conical plastic cover. D isengage the ja m nuts by holding the larger nut and loosening the sm aller nut. A djust the valve by turning the larger nut in (clockwise) to raise the set point or out (counter-clockwise) to lower the set point value. c. Recheck the valve set p o in t per Step 2. d. R epeat Steps b and c as necessary to obtain the pro p er set point value. 292-22.5 in. hg .5 (m aroon) 305-22.5 in. hg .5 (orange) 350-21.5 in. hg .5 (black) 400-21.5 in. hg .5 (black) 454-23.0 in. hg .6 (green) T IG H T E N T O 150 LBS. IN . THROTTLE LEVER ACTUATOR CO NTRO L VALVE Fig. 6E-45-Control Valve-454 V8 e. Hold the larger adjusting nut and retorque the sm aller ja m nut to 25-30 in. lbs. (3-3.4 N m). f. R einstall plastic cover. g. If the valve cannot be readjusted, it m ust be replaced. Replacement D isconnect vacuum hoses at control valve. Remove nut, w asher and control valve. Reverse procedure to install, then check o p eratio n o f new control valve. T h ro ttle Lever A ctuator (Fig. 6E -46 and 4 7 ) Check and Adjustment Fig. 6E-46-Throttle Lever Actuator-L6 d. Release and reapply 20 in. hg. (68kPa) vacuum to the actuator and note the RPM to which the engine speed increased (do not assist the actuator). e. If the RPM obtained in Step d is not w ithin 150 RPM o f th at obtained in c, then the actuator plunger m ay be binding due to dirt, corrosion, varnish, etc. If binding is indicated and cannot be corrected, then the actuator m ust be replaced. f. Release the vacuum from the actuator and the engine speed should return to w ithin 50 R PM o f the idle Throttle Lever Actuator Checking and Adjusting Procedure 1. D isconnect valve-to-actuator hose at valve and connect to an external vacuum source eq uipped with a vacuum gage n e a r the actuator. N O T E : If an external vacuum source is not readily available, the actuator m ay be plum bed directly to m an ifo ld vacuum to extend the plunger. 2. A pply 20 in. hg. (68 kPa) vacuum to the actuator and seal off the vacuum source. If the vacuum gage read in g drops, then the actuator is leaking and m ust be replaced. 3. To check the actuator fo r pro p er operation: a. C heck the throttle lever, shaft, and linkage to be sure th a t they o p erate freely w ithout bind in g or sticking. b. S ta rt engine and ru n until w arm ed up and idle is stable. T u rn a ir conditioning "off" if so equipped. N ote idle RPM . c. A pply 20 in. hg. (68kPa) vacuum to the actuator. M anually open the throttle slightly and allow to close against the extended actuator plunger. N ote the engine RPM . THROTTLE LEVER ACTUATOR V.' '^'T H R O T T L E LEVER • 292-1600 RPM speed noted in Step b. If it does not. the plunger may be • 305-1600 RPM bin d in g due to d irt, corrosion, varnish, etc. If the • 350-1500 RPM problem cannot be corrected, the actuator must be • 400-1500 RPM replaced. • 454-1500 RPM g. If the engine RPM noted in c is not w ithin the specified T R C speed range, the T R C actuator m ust be adjusted. 4. To adjust the throttle lever actuator. Replacement a. Apply 20 in. hg. (68kPa) vacuum to the actuator. M anually open the throttle slightly and allow to D isconnect vacuum hose at actuator. Rem ove two close against the extended actuator plunger. screws and actuator (454 only). O n all o th er applications b. To adjust the throttle lever actuator, turn the unlock spider w asher and loosen large nut to remove hex-end plunger on the actuator to o btain the specified actuator from bracket. Reverse procedure to install new speed. unit and refer to 4 above for p ro p er speed adjustm ent. VACUUM ADVANCE CONTROL TR A P P E D V A C U U M SPARK to the distributor. The delay valve in the m ode o f operation acts as a connector. G eneral Description T rap p ed vacuum spark (Figs. 6E-13 and 14) is on all 454 C ID engines w ith heavy duty emissions. A therm al vacuum switch (TVS) is m ounted in the cylinder head sensing engine coolant tem p eratu re and a delay valve is betw een m anifold vacuum , d istrib u to r and therm al vacuum switch. W hen engine tem p eratu re is below specified valve, the m an ifo ld vacuum signal is routed through the delay valve to the distrib u to r. Ports on TVS are blocked. The delay valve will keep the vacuum to the distributor at vacuum levels h igher th an m anifold depression during vehicle acceleration. A sm all sintered iron bleed is provided in the delay valve to allow for a leak-down to enable restarts in case o f engine stalls. W hen engine tem p eratu re is above specified valve, the ports on TVS will be open to allow m anifold vacuum SPARK C O N TR O L S W ITC H General Description Spark control switch (Figs. 6E-9 and 6E-11) system is used on some 350/400 CID engines w ith heavy duty em ission to help protect the engine during an over-heat mode. W hen coolant is at norm al op eratin g tem perature, ported vacuum is directed through a therm al vacuum switch (TVS) to the distrib u to r vacuum advance. W hen coolant is above norm al op eratin g tem p era­ ture, full vacuum is directed through the TVS to distributor vacuum advance. This advances the tim ing and allows the engine to run cooler. At this time, full vacuum is directed to the d istributor vacuum advance at idle. SECTION 6F ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION F o r alig n m en t purposes, the muffler outlet flange is notched and m ates to a w elded tab located on the outside d ia m e te r o f the tailpipe. T he exhaust pipes and muffler use locater tabs for alignm ent. T he CIO w ith light duty em issions (except 454 V8) and GIO vehicles have an exhaust system with a catalytic converter betw een the fro n t exhaust pipe and the rear exhaust pipe. T he catalytic converter is an em ission control device ad ded to the exhaust system to reduce hydrocarbon and carbon m onoxide pollutants from the exhaust gas stream . The converter contains beads which are coated with a catalytic m aterial containing platinum and palladium . The catalytic converter requires the use o f unleaded fu e l only. Periodic m aintenance o f the exhaust system is not required; however, if the vehicle is raised fo r other service, it is advisable to check the general condition o f the catalytic converter, pipes and mufflers. CAU TION : When ja c kin g or lifting vehicle from fra m e side rails, be certain lift pads do not contact catalytic converter as dam age to converter will result. DIAGNOSIS EXHAUST SYSTEM C O N D IT IO N Leaking Exhaust Gases Exhaust Noises POSSIBLE CAUSE C O R R E C T IO N Leaks at pipe jo ints. Tighten U -bolt nuts at leaking jo in ts to 30 foot-pounds. Damaged or im properly installed seals or packing. Replace seals or packing as necessary. Loose exhaust pipe heat tube extension connections. Replace seals or packing as required. Tighten stud nuts or bolts to specifications. Burned o r rusted o u t exhaust pipe heat tube extensions. Replace heat tube extensions as required. Leaks at m anifold or pipe connections. Tighten clamps at leaking connections to specified torque. Replace gasket or packing as required. Burned or blow n out m u ffle r. Replace m u ffle r assembly. Burned o r rusted o u t exhaust pipe. Replace exhaust pipe. Exhaust pipe leaking at m an ifold flange. Tighten attaching bolts nuts to 17 f o o t­ pounds. Exhaust m anifold cracked or broken. Replace m anifold. Leak between m anifold and cylin d e r head. Tighten m anifold to cylinder head stud nuts or bolts to specifications. Loss o f engine power an d/or internal rattles in m u ffle r. Dislodged tu rning tubes and or baffles in m u ffle r. Replace m u ffle r. Loss o f engine power. Im plo ding (inner wall collapse) of exhaust pipe (C T ruck) Replace exhaust pipe. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE G ENERAL Exhaust System Pipes and Resonators Rearward of the Mufflers Must Be Replaced Whenever A New Muffler Is Installed. N O T E : W hen a muffler is replaced use sealing com pound at the clam ped jo in t to prevent leaks. T ruck exhaust systems vary according to series and m odel designation. Series 10-30 trucks use a split-joint design system in w hich the exhaust pipe-to-m uffler are clam ped to g ether and m uffler-to-tailpipe connections are w elded together. All mufflers an d tailpipes are welded assem blies (no clam ps). N O T E : All 10-20-30 series exhaust systems are alum inized steel except: (1) " C " Series exhaust pipes and (2) stainless steel exhaust pipes on vehicles equipped with underfloor catalytic convert­ ers. Always use correct replacem ent parts w hen servicing these systems. W h en in stalling a new exhaust pipe or muffler and tailpipe, on any m odel, care should be taken to have the correct alig n m en t an d relatio n sh ip o f the com ponents to each other. P articu lar care should be given to the installation o f the exhaust pipe and crossover pipe assem b ly on V-8 en g in e single ex h aust system s. Incorrectly assem bled parts o f the exhaust system are freq u en tly the cause o f annoying noises and rattles due to im p ro p er clearances or obstructions to the norm al flow o f gases. Leave all clam p bolts and muffler bolts loose until all parts are p roperly aligned and then tighten, w orking from front to rear. E xhaust system hangers, h an g er brackets, and clam ps w hich are dam ag ed should be replaced to m ain tain p ro p er exhaust system alignm ent. N O TE: W hen reinstalling exhaust pipe to m an i­ fold, always use new packings and nuts. Be sure to clean m anil'old stud th read s with a w ire brush w hen in stalling the new nuts. CO N V E R TE R H EAT SHIELD C 10 Series R efer to Figure 6F-1 for converter h eat shield. C A TA LY T IC CO NVERTER (FIGS. 6F-2 and 3 ) C IO and G 10 Series Removal 1. R aise vehicle on hoist. 2. R em ove clam ps at fro n t and re a r o f converter. 3. Cut converter pipes at front and rear o f converter and rem ove converter. 4. O n CIO m odels, rem ove support attaching converter-to-transm ission. 5. Rem ove converter pipe-to-front-exhaust and converter pipe-to-rear exhaust pipe. Installation 1. W ith sealer on exhaust pipes, install pipes into converter. 2. On CIO m odel, loosely connect support attach ­ ing converter-to-transm ission. 3. Install new " U " bolts and clam ps at front and rear o f converter. 4. Check all clearance and tighten clam ps and support. 5. Lower vehicle and rem ove from hoist. Catalyst Removal If necessary, the catalyst in the converter can be replaced on the vehicle with Tool N o. J-25077. 1. Install asp irato r J-25077-2 (Fig. 6F-4). NOTE: Separate hoses should be attached to the asp irato r and the v ibrator w ith m axim um available pressure. M inim um o f 60 psi in each hose. 2. C onnect air supply line to aspirator to create a vacuum in the converter to hold beads in place w hen fill plug is rem oved. 3. Remove converter fill plug as follows: a. T hreaded plug - Remove with 3 /4 " hex wrench or Tool J-25077-3. b. Pressed plug - D rive a small chisel between the converter shell and the fill plug. Use care not to dam age converter shell (Fig. 6F-5). C ontinue to deform fill plug until it can be rem oved w ith pliers (Fig. 6F-6). NO TE: Do not pry fill plug from converter as dam age to fill plug sealing surfaces could result. pipe ASPIRATOR ■■■■I 4. C lam p on v ib rato r and catalyst co n tain er (Fig. 6F-7). Use a d a p te r J-25077-6 if converter was built with pressed plug. 5. D isconnect air supply to asp irato r and connect air supply to vibrator. C atalyst will now d rain from the converter into the em pty container. 6. W hen all the catalyst has been rem oved from the converter, disconnect air supply to v ib rator and rem ove co n tain er from the converter. 7. D iscard used catalyst. Fig. 6F-4--lnstalling Aspirator 2. Install fill tube extension to the fixture J-25077-1 (Fig. 6F-8). Use a d ap te r J-25077-6 if converter was built with pressed plug. Catalyst Replacement 1. catalyst. F ill c o n ta in e r w ith ap p ro v ed rep lacem en t 3. C onnect air supply to asp irato r and vibrator. 4. A ttach catalyst container to the fixture (6F-9). A DAPTER J -25077-6 DO NOT PRY FILL PLUG FROM CONVERTER . F I L L TUBE E X TE N S IO N Fig. 6F-6-Removing Pressed Plug With Pliers Fig. 6F-8--lnstalling Fill Tube Extension jC LA M P V IB R A T O R !OVER CON VERTER A D A PTER J -25077-6 C LAM P C LA M P LO CK V IB R A T O R LOCK V IB R A T O R C ATALYST C O N TA IN ER Fig. 6F-7-Installing Vibrator and Adapter Fig. 6F-9--lnstalling Catalyst Container 5. A fter the catalyst stops flowing, disconnect air supply to the vibrato r. 6. R em ove v ib rato r and check th at catalyst has filled co n v erter flush w ith fill plug hole. A dd catalyst if required. 7. A pply an anti-seize com pound to the fill plug; install and tig h ten to 60 pound feet. If built w ith a pressed plug, install service fill plug (Fig. 6F-10), as follows: Install the bolt into the bridge and position the bridge into converter opening. Move bolt and bridge back and forth to dislodge catalyst beads until bridge is positioned (Fig. 6F-11). 8. Remove bolt from bridge then position the w asher and fill plug, dished side out, over the bolt. 9. W hile holding the fill plug and w asher against Fig. 6F-10-Service Fill Plug the bolt head (Fig. 6F-12), th read the bolt 4 o f 5 turns into the bridge. Release the fill plug and the aspirator will pull the fill plug into position. N O T E : If fill plug is allowed to seat against the converter b efore installing bolt, the th read ed hole in the bridge will fill w ith beads and it will be very difficult to sta rt the bolt. Fig. 6F-12-Installing Fill Plug 10. A fter m aking sure fill plug is correctly seated, tighten the bolt and torque to 28 ft. lbs. (Fig. 6F-13). 11. 12. D isconnect a ir supply to asp irato r and remove. S tart vehicle and check fo r leaks. | TORQUE 28 FT. LBSlf B ottom Cover 7. A ttach 2 clam ps over retain in g channels at each end o f the converter (Fig. 6F-20). If, fo r any reason, the bottom cover o f the converter is torn or severely dam aged, it can be replaced with a re p a ir kit. Bottom Cover Replacement 1. Rem ove bottom cover by cutting close to the bottom outside edge (Figs. 6F-14 and 15). Do not rem ove the fill plug. The depth o f the cut must be very shallow to prevent dam age to the in n er shell of the converter. 2. R em ove insulation (Fig. 6 F - 16). 3. Inspect in n er shell o f the converter for dam age. If there is dam age in the in n er shell, the converter assem bly must be replaced (Fig. 6F-17). 4. Place new insulation in the replacem ent cover. A pply sealing com pound, all around the cover after the insulation is in position. Apply extra sealer at the front and re a r opening fo r the pipes (Fig. 6F-18). 5. Install replacem ent cover on converter (Fig. 6F18). 6. Install cover retain in g channels on both sides o f the converter (Fig. 6F-19). Fig. 6F-15 -Removing Bottom Cover CATALYTIC CONVERTER INSULATION Fig. 6F-14- Removing Bottom Cover Fig. 6F-16-Catalytic Converter Insulation Fig. 6F17-Catalytic Converter Inner Shell RETAINING C HANNEL Fig. 6F-19- Installing Eiottom Cover Retaining Channels CLAMP INSULATIO N SEALING C O M PO U N D Fig. 6F- 18 -lnstalling Bottom Cover Replacement Fig. 6F 20--lnstalling Bottom Cover Clamps SPECIAL TOOLS n 1. J-2 50 77-1 V ibrator — Include Catalyst C on tain er an d Fill Tube Extension 2. J- 2 5 0 7 7 -2 Aspirator SECTION 7 A AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION C O N T E N T S OF TH IS SECTION CBC 350 T ra n sm issio n .................................................................. THM 400 T ransm ission................................................................. S pecifications...................................................................................... Special T o o ls...................................................................................... 7A-1 7A-21 7A-37 7A-38 CBC 3 5 0 TRANSMISSION INDEX G en eral D e sc rip tio n ...........................................................7A-1 M ain ten an ce and A d ju stm e n t...................................... ..7A-4 T ransm ission F lu id ...........................................................7A-4 C hecking T ransm ission M o u n t.................................. ..7A-5 S h ift C o n tro ls......................................................................7A-5 D etent D ow nshift C a b le .............................................. ..7A-7 N eu tral Start S w itc h ........................................................7A-7 D ia g n o sis.............................................................................. ..7A-9 Sequence for D iagn osis................................................ ..7A-9 Fluid C hecking P rocedures............................................7A-9 Fluid Leak D ia g n o sis................................................... ..7A-9 Oil Pressure C h eck ...........................................................7A-10 Case Porosity R e p a ir.......................................................7A-10 Vacuum M odulator D ia g n o sis................................... .7A-10 Clutch Plate D ia g n o sis................................................. ..7A-11 Causes of Burned Clutch P la te s.................................7A-11 G o vern or Pressure C h e c k ............................................ .7A-12 M anual L in k a g e .............................................................. ..7A-12 Road Test.............................................................................7A-12 Trouble D iagn osis............................................................. .7A-13 D iagnosis C h a rt............................................................... .7A-14 Service O p e ra tio n s..............................................................7A-18 Transm ission Replacem ent (Except K M odels)... 7A-18 Transm ission R eplacem ent (K M o d els)................. ..7A-18 Extension H ousing Oil S e a l.........................................7A-18 Speedom eter D riven G e a r............................................7A-19 Speedom eter D rive G e a r ..............................................7A-19 M anual Shaft, R ange Selector Inner Lever and Parking L in k ag e...........................................................7A-19 G o v e rn o r............................................................................ .7A-19 Vacuum M odulator and M odulator V a lv e .............7A-19 Valve Body A sse m b ly ................................................... .7A-20 l -2 A ccu m u lato r.............................................................. .7A-20 Oil Cooler Pipes.............................................................. .7A-20 GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he CBC 350 transm ission is a fully autom atic unit consisting p rim arily o f a 3-elem ent hydraulic torque converter and two p lan etary g ear sets. Four m ultiple-disc clutches, two roller clutches, and an interm ed iate overrun band provide the friction elem ents required to obtain the desired function o f the two p lan etary gear sets. T he 3-elem ent torque converter consists o f a pum p, tu rb in e and a stator assem bly. T he stator is m ounted on a one w ay roller clutch which will allow the stator to turn clockwise, but not counterclockwise. References to clockwise an d counterclockw ise are determ ined by looking tow ard rear o f vehicle. T he torque converter is o f welded construction and is serviced as a com plete assem bly. The unit is filled w ith oil a n d is attached to the engine cran k sh aft by a flywheel, thus always rotates at engine speed. The converter p u m p is an integral p art o f the converter housing, therefore, the pum p blades, ro tatin g at engine speed, set the oil w ithin the converter into m otion and direct it to the turbine, causing the turbine to rotate. As the oil passes throughout the turbine it is traveling in such a direction that if it were not redirected by the stator it would hit the rear o f the converter pum p blades and im pede its pum ping action. So at low turbine speeds, oil is redirected by the stator to the converter pum p in such a m an n er that it actually assists the converter pum p to deliver power, or m ultiply engine torque. As turbine speed increases, the direction of oil leaving the turbine changes and flows against the rear side o f the stator vanes in a clockwise direction. Since the stator is now im peding the smooth flow o f oil, its roller clutch releases and it revolves freely on its shaft. Once the stator becomes inactive, there is no fu rther m ultiplication o f engine torque w ithin the converter. At this point, the converter is merely acting as a I fluid coupling as both the converter p um p and turbine are being d riven at approxim ately the sam e speed. A hydraulic system pressurized by a g ear type pum p provides the w orking pressure required to operate the friction elem ents and autom atic controls. E xternal control connections to the transm ission are: • M a n u a l L in k ag e - To select the desired o p eratin g range. • E ngine V acuum - To operate the vacuum m odulator. • C able C ontrol - To operate the d eten t valve. A vacuum m odulator is used to autom atically sense any change in the torque input to the transm ission. The vacuum m odulator transm its this signal to the pressure regulator, w hich controls line pressure, so th at all torque requirem ents o f the transm ission are m et and smooth shifts are obtained at all throttle openings. The detent valve is activated by a cable th at is connected to the accelerator lever assembly. W hen the throttle is h alf open, the valve is actuated causing throttle dow nshift at speeds below 50 m ph. W hen the throttle is fully open the detent valve is actuated causing the transm ission to dow nshift from 3-1 at speeds below 40 m ph and 3-2 below 75 mph. CONVERTER ASSEMBLY INTERMEDIATE CLUTCH INTERMEDIATE OVERRUN BA N D FORWARD CLUTCH LO W A N D REVERSE CLUTCH SUN GEAR OUTPUT SHAFT L O W A N D REVERSE OVERRUN ROLLER View INPUT SHAFT T R A N S M IS S IO N 350, Cross-Section GO VER NO R A U T O M A T IC Fig. 7A-1B--CBC REACTION CARRIER PARKING PAWL OUTPUT CARRIER STATOR SHAFT MANUAL SHAFT 7 A -3 INTERMEDIATE OVERRUN ROLLER CLUTCH MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS T R A N S M IS S IO N FLUID Fluid Level and C a p a c ity The fluid level indicator is located in filler tube at right rear o f engine. To bring the fluid level from the A D D mark to the F U L L mark requires one pint o f fluid. Fluid level should be checked at every engine oil change. Fluid level should be to the F U L L m ark with the transmission fluid at norm al operating tem perature (200° F). With w arm fluid (room tem perature 7 0 °F), the level will be 1/4 inch below the A D D mark on the dipstick. The norm al operating tem perature is obtained only after at least 15 miles of highway type driving or the equivalent o f city driving. A pproxim ately 8 pints o f fluid are required to refill transmission after oil p a n has been drained. The fluid capacity o f the CBC 350 transmission and converter assembly is approxim ately 21 1/2 pints but correct level is determ in ed by the mark on the dipstick rath er than by am o u n t added. Use only D EX R O N ® or D EX R O N ® II autom atic transmission fluid or its equivalent. N O T E: An early stage to a darker color from the usual red color a n d / o r a strong odor that is usually associated with overheated transmission fluid is normal, and is not a positive sign of required m aintenance or transmission failure. C h e c k in g P ro ce d u re and A d d in g Fluid To determ ine proper fluid level at norm al operating tem perature, proceed as follows: 1. Position vehicle on a level surface, place selector lever in park (P), apply park in g brake and have engine running at norm al idle. 2. Remove fluid level indicator, wipe it clean and reinstall fully until cap seats. (190°-200° F.) (88°-93° C.) 3. Remove indicator and reading o f fluid level should be at full “ F ” mark. 4. If additional fluid is required, add DEXRON® or D E X R O N ^ II automatic transmission fluid or its equivalent to “ F ” mark on indicator. If the vehicle cannot be driven sufficiently to bring the transmission to operating tem perature and it becomes necessary to check the fluid level, the transmission may be checked at room tem perature (70 degrees F) as follows: 1. Position selector lever in park (P), apply parking brake and start engine. D O N O T RACE E N G IN E . Move selector lever through each range. 2. Immediately check fluid level with selector lever in Park, engine running and vehicle on LEVEL surface. Fluid level on indicator should be 1/4 inch below the " A D D " mark. 3. If additional fluid is required, add enough fluid to bring level to 1/4 " below the A D D m ark on the dipstick. If transmission fluid level is correctly estab­ lished at 70 °F, it will appear at the F U L L mark on the dipstick when the transmission reaches its normal operating tem perature o f 200 T . C A U T IO N : D O N O T O V E R F IL L , as foam ing and loss o f flu id through the vent pipe might occur as flu id heats up. If fluid is too low, especially when cold, complete loss o f drive m ay result which can cause transm is­ sion failure. D ra in in g and R e fillin g T ran sm issio n The oil pan should be drained and the strainer cleaned at the intervals detailed in section O-B o f this m anual, and fresh fluid added to o btain the proper level on indicator. Section O-B also details intervals for vehicles subjected to heavy city traffic during hot weather, or in commercial use, or when the engine is regularly idled for prolonged periods or when vehicle is used for towing. D rain fluid im mediately after operation before it has had an opportunity to cool. W A R N IN G : T ran sm issio n can exceed 3 5 0 F. WARM NOTE: DO NOT OVERFILL. IT TAKES ONLY ONE PINT TO RAISE LEVEL FROM ADD TO FULL WITH A HOT TRANSMISSION. fluid te m p e ra tu re 1. Raise vehicle. 2. Support transmission with suitable jack at the transmission. 3. With fluid receptacle placed under transmission oil pan. remove oil pan attaching bolts from front and side o f pan. 4. Loosen rear pan attaching bolts approximately four (4) turns. 5. Carefully pry transmission oil pan loose with screwdriver, allowing fluid to drain. 6. Remove rem aining screws and remove oil pan and gasket. Discard gasket. 7. D rain fluid from oil pan. Clean pan with solvent an d dry thoroughly with clean compressed air. 8. Remove two (2) strainer-to-valve body screws, strainer and gasket. Discard gasket. 9. T horoughly clean strainer assembly in solvent and dry throughly with clean compressed air. 10. Install new strainer-to-valve strainer and two (2) screws. body gasket, 11. Install new gasket on oil pan and install oil pan. Tighten its thirteen (13) attaching bolt and washer assemblies to 12 pound-feet torque. 12. Lower vehicle add approximately 5 pints U.S. measure (4 pints Imperial measure) o f D E X RO N ® or D E X R O N * II autom atic transm ission fluid or its equivalent through filler tube. 13. With selector lever in PARK position, apply hand brake, start engine an d let idle (carburetor off fast idle step). DO N O T RACE E N G IN E . 14. Move selector lever through each range and, with selector lever in PARK range, check the fluid level. 15. Add additional fluid to bring level to 1/4" below the A D D mark on the dipstick. Fig. 7A-3B--Column S hift Linkage - CK Series C A U T IO N : Do not overfill. Foaming can result i f overfilled. A d d in g Fluid to Fill D ry T ran s m is s io n an d C o n v e rte r A ssem bly In cases o f transmission overhaul, when a complete fill is required, including converter (approximately 20 pints), proceed as follows: 1. screws or nuts crossmember. attaching m ount to transmission or S H IF T CO NTRO LS Colum n S hift Linkage - CK and P Series (Figs. 7A -3B and 7A -4B ) Add 8 pints o f transmission fluid through filler tube. 2. With m anual control lever in park (P) position, start engine and place on cold idle cam. D O N O T RACE E N G IN E . Move m anual control lever through each range. 3. Immediately check fluid level with selector lever in park (P), engine ru nn in g an d vehicle on LEVEL surface and add additional fluid to bring level to 1/4" below the " A D D " mark on the dipstick. Do not overfill. CH E C K IN G T R A N S M IS S IO N M O U N T Raise vehicle on a hoist. Push up and pull down on transmission tailshaft while observing transmission mount. If ru b b e r separates from metal plate of m ount or if tailshaft moves up but not down (mount bottomed out) replace mount. If there is relative movement between a metal plate o f m ount and its attaching point, tighten 1. The shift tube and lever assembly must be free in the mast jacket. See Section 3B for alignm ent of steering column assembly if necessary. 2. To check for proper shift linkage adjustment, lift the transmission selector lever towards the steering wheel. Allow the selector lever to be positioned in drive (D) by the transmission detent. N OTE: D o not use the indicator pointer as a reference to position the selector lever. W hen pe rfo rm in g linkage adjustment, pointer is adjusted last. 3. Release the selector lever. The lever should be inhibited from engaging low range unless the lever is lifted. 4. Lift the selector lever towards the steering wheel, and allow the lever to be positioned in neutral (N) by the transmission detent. 5. Release the selector lever. The lever should now be inhibited from engaging reverse range unless the lever is lifted. wheel is locked, and that transmission rem ains in 'Park' when steering column is locked. CAUTION: A n y inaccuracies in the above adjustments may result in premature failure o f the transmission due to operation without controls in f u ll detent. Such operation results in reduced oil pressure and in turn partial engagement o f the affected clutches. Partial engagement o f the clutches with sufficient pressure to cause apparent normal operation o f the vehicle will result in failure o f the clutches or other internal parts after only a few miles o f operation. Column Shift Linkage - G Series (Fig. 7A -5B ) 1. The shift tube and lever assembly must be free in the mast jacket. 2. Set transmission lever (C) in "neutral' position by one of the following optional methods. Fig. 7A-4ES -Column Shift Unkage-P Series 6. A properly adjusted linkage will prevent the selector lever from moving beyond both the neutral detent, and the drive detent unless the lever is lifted to pass over the mechanical stop in the steering column. 7. If adjustm ent is required, remove screw (A) and spring washer from swivel (B). 8. Set transmission lever (C) in Neutral position by moving lever counterclockwise to LI detent and then clockwise three (3) detent positions to Neutral. 9. Position transmission selector lever in Neutral position as determ ined by the mechanical stop in steering column assembly. NO TE: Do not use the indicator pointer as a reference to position the selector lever. W hen perform ing linkage adjustment, pointer is adjusted last. 10. Assemble swivel, spring washer and screw to lever assembly (D) and tighten screw to 20 pound feet. 11. Readjust indicator needle if necessary to agree with the transmission detent positions. See Section 9. 12. Readjust neutral start switch if necessary to provide the correct relationship to the transmission detent positions. See Section 8. 13. Check operation (CK Series): a. With key in " R u n " position and transmission in "R everse" be sure that key cannot be removed and that steering wheel is not locked. b. With key in "L ock" position and shift lever in "P ark " , be sure that key can be removed, that steering NOTE: O btain "n eutral" position by moving transmission lever (C) counter-clockwise to " L I " detent, then clockwise three detent positions to "n eu tra l" or obtain "n e u tra l" position by moving transmission lever (C) clockwise to the " p a rk " detent then counter-clockwise two detents to "neutral". 3. Set the column shift lever in "n e u tra l" position. This is obtained by rotating shift lever until it locks into mechanical stop in the column assembly. NOTE: Do not use indicator pointer as a reference to position the shift lever. 4. Attach rod (A) to shaft assembly (B) as shown (Fig. 7A-5B). 5. Slide swivel (D) and clamp (E) onto rod (A) align the column shift lever and loosely attach as shown. P. W A S H E R GRO M M ET L. W A S H E R \ ,N U T F C O L U M N SH IFT LEVER. B U S H IN G . CLAM P E C O LU M N A SSEM BLY S W IV E L D ROD A TRANS LEV ER C SID E R AIL T R A N S M IS S IO N ( 7)' R E T A IN E R GRO M M ET SH A F T A S S E M B L Y B GRO M M ET 6. Hold column lever against "n e u tra l" stop " p a r k " position side. 7. Tighten nut (F) to 18 foot pounds. 8. Readjust indicator needle if necessary to agree with the transmission detent positions. 9. Readjust neutral start switch if necessary to provide the correct relationship to the transmission detent positions. C A U T IO N : A n y inaccuracies in the above adjustm ents m ay result in prem ature fa ilu re o f the transmission due to operation without controls in fu ll detent. Such operation results in reduced oil pressure and in turn partial engagem ent o f the affected dutches. Partial engagem ent o f the clutches with sufficient pressure to cause apparent norm al operation o f the vehicle will result in failure o f the clutches or other internal parts after only a few miles o f operation. 3. Compress locking tabs and disconnect snap-lock assembly from bracket. 4. Remove clam p around filler tube, remove screw and washer securing cable to transm issio n and disconnect detent downshift cable. In s ta lla tio n 1. Install new seal on detent downshift cable. Lubricate seal with transmission fluid. 2. Connect transmission end o f detent downshift cable and secure to transmission case with bolt and washer tightened to 75 inch pounds. 3. Route cable in front o f filler tube and install clamp around filler tube, m odulator pipe and detent downshift cable. Locate clamp approximately 2 inches above filler tube bracket. 4. Pass cable through bracket and engage locking tabs of snap-lock on bracket. 5. Connect cable to carburetor lever. A d ju s tm en t D E TE N T D O W N S H IFT CABLE (Figs. 7A -6B and 7A -7B ) With snap-lock disengaged, position carburetor to wide open throttle (W.O.T.) position and push snap-lock downward until top is flush with rest o f cable. R e m o va l 1. Push up on bottom of snap-lock and release lock and detent downshift cable. 2. Disconnect cable from carburetor lever. NE U TR A L S TA R T SW ITCH The adjustment o f the neutral described in Section 8. Electrical. start switch is Fig. 7A 6B D etent Downshift Cable C, K and P Series V - 8 E N G IN E SNAP LO C K ASSEM BLED L - 6 E N G IN E C A U T IO N : Fle xibl e co m p o n e n t s (hoses, wires, co ndu its , etc) mu st n o t be ro uted w i t h i n 2 inches o f mo vin g parts o f accelerator linkage fo r w a r d o f the Bracket VIEW unless r o u t in g is p osi ti ve ly con tr o lle d. Fig. 7A-7B--Detent D ownshift Cable - G Series DIAGNOSIS SEQ UENC E FOR D IA G N O S IS 1. Check and correct fluid level. 2. 3. Check detent cable adjustment. Check and correct vacuum line and fittings. 4. Check and correct m anual linkage. 5. Road test vehicle. a. Install oil pressure gauge. b. Road test using all selective ranges, noting when discrepancies in operation or oil pressure occur. c. A ttem pt to isolate the unit or circuit involved in the malfunction. d. If engine perform ances indicates an engine tune-up is required, this should be perform ed before road testing is completed or transmission correction attempted. Poor engine perform ance can result in rough shifting or other malfunctions. FLUID CHECK IN G PROCEDURES Refer to M aintenance and Adjustment Section for fluid checking procedures. FLUID LEAK DIA G N O S IS Determ ining Source of Oil Leak Before attem pting to correct an oil leak, the source o f the leak must be determined. In m any the source of the leak can be deceiving due to flow" around the engine and transmission. The suspected area should be wiped clean o f before inspecting for the source o f the leak. actual cases, "wind all oil The use o f a "Black Light" to locate the point at which the oil is leaking is helpful. C om paring the oil from the leak to that on the engine or transmission dipstick, w hen viewed by black light, will determ ine the source of the leak - engine or transmission. Oil leaks around the engine and transmission are generally carried toward the rear of the vehicle by air stream. For example, a transmission oil filler tube to case leak will sometimes appear as a leak at the rear o f the transmission. In determ ining the source of a leak, proceed as follows: 1. Degrease underside of transmission. 2. R oad test to get unit at operating temperature. 3. Inspect for leak with engine running. 4. With engine off, check for oil leaks due to the raised oil level caused by d rain back. Possible Points of Oil Leak 1. Transm ission Oil Pan Leak. Attaching bolts not correctly torqued. Improperly installed or dam aged pan gasket. Oil pan gasket m ounting face not flat. 2. Extension Housing. a. Attaching bolts not correctly torqued. b. Rear seal assembly dam aged or improperly installed. c. Square seal, extension to case, dam aged or im properly installed. d. Porous casting. See su b p a ra g ra p h C. 3. Case Leak. a. Filler pipe " O " ring seal d am aged or missing; misposition o f filler pipe bracket to engine. b. M odulator assembly " O " ring seal dam aged or im properly installed. c. D e te n t cable c onnector " O " ring seal d am ag ed or im properly installed. d. G overnor cover not tight, gasket dam aged or leak between case face and gasket. e. Speedometer gear " O " ring dam aged. f. M anual shaft seal dam aged or improperly installed. g. Line pressure tap plug loose. h. Vent pipe (refer to item 5). i. Porous casting. See S u bpa ra gra ph C. 4. Leak at Fron t o f Transmission. a. Fron t pum p seal leaks. 1. Seal lip cut. Check converter hub, etc. 2. Bushing moved and dam aged, Oil return hole plugged. 3. N o oil return hole. b. Front pum p attaching bolts loose or bolt w asher type seals dam aged or missing. c. Fron t pum p housing " O " ring dam aged or cut. d. Converter leak in weld area. e. Porous casting (pump). 5. Oil Comes Out Vent Pipe. a. Transmission over-filled. b. W ater in oil. a. b. c. c. Foreign material between pum p and case or between pum p cover and body. d. Case - porous n ear converter bosses. Front pump cover or housing oil channels shy or stock near breather. See Sub paragraph C. e. Pump to case gasket mis-positioned. OIL PRESSURE CHECK While vehicle is stationary (service brake on), engine speed set to 1200 rrnp, transmission oil pressure gauge attached as shown in Fig. 7A-10B, and vacuum m odulator tube d is co n n ec ted the transmission line pressure tap should read 167 psi in drive, 166 psi in LI or L2. and 254 psi in reverse. While vehicle is stationary (service brake on), engine speed set to m aintain 12 inches hg. absolute m anifold pressure, transmission oil pressure gauge attached, and vacuum m odulator tube c o n n e c te d the transmission line pressure tap should read 85 psi in drive, 105 psi in LI or L2, and 129 psi in reverse. CASE PO RO SITY REPAIR Fxternal oil leaks caused by case porosity can be successfully repaired with the transmission in the vehicle by using the following recom m ended procedures: 1. Road test and bring the transmission to operating temperature, approximately 180 degrees F. 2. Raise vehicle on a hoist or jack stand, engine running, and locate source of oil leak. Check for oil leaks in Low. Drive, and Reverse. 3. Shut engine off and thoroughly clean area to be repaired with a suitable cleaning solvent and a brush air dry. A clean, dry soldering acid brush can be used to clean the area and also to apply the epoxy cement. 4. Using instructions o f the m anufacturer, mix a sufficient am ount o f epoxy to make the repair. Make certain the area to be repaired is fully covered. 5. Allow cement to cure for 3 hours before starting engine. 6. Road test and check for leaks. V A C U U M M O D U LA TO R DIA G N O S IS A defective vacuum modulator can cause one or more of the following complaints. 1. Harsh upshifts and downshifts. 2. Delayed upshifts. 3. Soft upshifts and downshifts. 4. Slips in low, drive and reverse. 5. Transmission overheating. 6. Engine burning transmission oil. If any one of the above complaints are encountered, the modulator must be checked. Vacuum Diaphragm Leak Check Insert a pipe cleaner into the vacuum connector pipe as far as possible and check for the presence of transmission oil. If oil is found, replace the modulator. Gasoline or w ater vapor may settle in the vacuum side of the modulator. If this is found without the a. Install the modulator that is known to be acceptable on either end o f the tool. b. Install the modulator in question on the opposite end o f the tool. c. Holding the modulators in a horizontal position, bring them together under pressure until either m odulator sleeve just touches the tool. The indicator in the gage will show white if the m odulator is acceptable. A non-conforming m odulator will cause the indicator to shift, thus showing blue. If white does not appear, the modulator in question should be replaced. Sleeve A lignm ent Check Roll the m ain body of the modulator on a flat surface and observe the sleeve for concentricity to the cam. If the sleeve is concentric and the plunger is free, the modulator is acceptable. Once the modulator assembly passes all of the above tests, it is an acceptable part and m ay be re-used. Fig. 7A-8B--Vacuum M odulator Assembly presence of oil, the m odulator is serviceable and should not be changed. T R A N S M IS S IO N CLUTCH PLATES DIA G N O SIS 1. Atm ospheric Leak Check Apply a liberal coating of soap bubble solution the vacuum connector pipe seam, the crimped upper lower housing seam (Fig. 7A-8B). Using a short piece ru b b e r tubing, apply air pressure to the vacuum pipe blowing into the tube and observe for leak bubbles. bubbles appear, replace the modulator. to to of by If N O T E : Do not use any method other than hum an lung power for applying air pressure, as pressures over 6 psi may dam age the modulator. Spring Tension Comparison Check Using tool J-24466, as shown in Figure 7A-9B. com pare the load o f a known good modulator with the assembly in question. J -2 4 4 6 6 Lined Drive Plates. a. Dry plates with compressed air and inspect the lined surface for: 1. pitting and flaking 2. wear 3. glazing 4. cracking 5. charring 6. chips or metal particles im bedded in lining. If a lined drive plate exhibits any of the above conditions, replacement is required. Do not diagnose drive plates by color. 2. Steel Driven Plates Wipe plates dry and check for heat discoloration. If the surface is smooth and an even color smear is indicated, the plate should be reused. If severe heat spot discoloration or surface scuffing is indicated, the plate must be replaced. 3. Clutch Release Springs Evidence o f extreme heat or burning in the area of the clutch may have caused the springs to take a heat set and would justify replacement of the springs. CAUSES OF B UR NED CLUTCH PLATES 1. H O LD M O D U LA T O R S IN A H O R IZ O N T A L P O S IT IO N , AS S H O W N , B R IN G TH E M SLOW LY TO G ETHER U N D E R PRESSURE F O R W A R D CLU TCH a. Check ball in clutch housing dam aged, stuck or missing. b. Clutch piston cracked, seals dam aged or missing. c. Low line pressure. d. Pump cover oil seal rings missing, broken or undersize; ring groove oversize. e. Case valve body face not flat or porosity between channels. 2. IN T E R M E D IA T E CLU TCH a. Intermediate clutch piston seals dam aged or missing. b. Low line pressure. c. Case valve body face not flat or porosity between channels. 3. D IR E C T CLU TCH a. Restricted orifice in vacuum line to m odulator (poor vacuum response). b. Check ball in direct clutch piston damaged, stuck or missing. c. Defective m odulator bellows. d. Clutch piston seals d am aged or missing. e. Case valve body face not flat or porosity between channels. f. Clutch installed backwards. N OTE: Burned clutch plates can be caused by incorrect usage o f clutch plates. Also, anti-freeze in transmission fluid can cause severe damage, such as large pieces o f composition clutch plate material peeling off. G O VER NO R PRESSURE CHECK 1. Install line Pressure Gage, to tap location shown in Fig. 7A-10B. 2. Disconnect vacuum line to moldulator. 3. With car on hoist (rear wheels, off ground), foot off brake, in drive, check line pressure at 1000 RPM. 4. Slowly increase engine RPM to 3000 RPM and determ ine if a line pressure drop occurs (7 PS1 or more). 5. If no pressure drop occurs: a. Inspect G overnor 1. Stuck valve. 2. Free Weights. 3. Restricted orifice in governor valve. b. G ov erno r Feed System 1. Check screen in control valve assembly. 2. Check for restrictions in I'eed line. 3. Scored governor bore. M A N U A L LINKAGE Manual linkage adjustment and the associated neutral safety switch are im portant from a safety standpoint. The neutral safety switch should be adjusted so that the engine will start in the Park and Neutral positions only. With the selector lever in the Park position, the parking pawl should freely engage and prevent the vehicle from rolling. The pointer on the indicator q uadran t should line up properly with the range indicators in all ranges. ROAD TEST Drive Range Position selector lever in DRIVE R A N G E and accelerate the vehicle from 0 MPH. A 1-2 and 2-3 shift should occur at all throttle openings. (The shift points will vary with the throttle opening). As the vehicle decreases in speed to 0 MPH, the 3-2 and 2-1 shifts should occur. Low L2 Range Position the selector lever in L2 R A N G E and accelerate the vehicle from 0 MPH. A 1-2 shift should occur at all throttle openings. (No. 2-3 shift can be obtained in this range). The 1-2 shift point will vary with throttle opening. As the vehicle decreases in speed to 0 MPH, a 2-1 shift should occur. The 1-2 shift in IN T E R M E D IA T E R A N G E is somewhat firmer than in DRIVE R A NG E. This is normal. Low L I Range Position the selector lever in L I R A N G E and accelerate the vehicle from 0 MPH. No upshift should occur in this range. 2N D Gear — Overrun Braking: (L2) Position the selector lever in DRIVE RA N G E, and with the vehicle speed at approximately 35 MPH, move the selector lever to L2 R A N G E . The transmission should downshift to 2nd. An increase in engine RPM and an engine braking effect should be noticed. Line pressure should change from approximately 100 PSI to approximately 125 PSI in 2nd. 1ST Gear — Overrun Braking: ( L I ) Position the selector lever in L2 R A N G E at approxim ately 30 to 50 MPH, with throttle closed, move the selector lever to LI. A 2-1 downshift should occur in the speed range o f approximately 45 to 30 MPH, depending on axle ratio and valve body calibration. The 2-1 downshift at closed throttle will be accompanied by increased engine RPM and an engine braking effect should be noticed. Line pressure should be approx­ imately 150 PS1. Stop vehicle. R everse Range: (R) Position the selector lever in REVERSE POSITION and check for reverse operation. TRO UBLE D IA G N O S IS Refer to Fig. 7A-1 IB, Diagnosis Chart, to determ ine a possible cause of a transmission problem. Additional diagnosis o f a malfunction is as follows: No Drive in Drive Range (Install pressure gauge) • Low Oil Level - correct level and check for external leaks or defective vacuum modulator (leaking d ia p h ra g m will evacuate oil from unit). • M anual Linkage - misadjusted, correct align­ ment to m anual lever shift q u a d ra n t is essential. • Low Oil Pressure - refer to LOW LINE PR ESSU RE below. • Forward Clutch: a. Forward clutch does not apply - piston cracked; seals missing or dam aged; clutch plates burned (see B U R N E D CLU TCH PLATES below). b. P um p feed circuit-to-forward clutch oil seal rings missing or broken on pum p cover; leak in feed circuits; pump-to-case gasket mispositioned or dam aged; clutch drum ball check stuck or missing. • Low and Reverse Roller Clutch Assembly broken spring, d am ag ed cage or installed backwards. High or Low Oil Pressure (R efer to OIL PR E SSU R E CHECKS) H ig h Line Pressure • Vacuum Leak: a. Vacuum line disconnected. b. Leak in line from engine to moldulator. c. Im proper engine vacuum. d. Leak in vacuum-operated accessory (hoses, vacuum advance, etc.). • Moldulator: a. Stuck modulator valve. b. W ater in modulator. c. Dam aged, not op erating properly. • D etent System - detent valve or cable stuck in detent position. • Valve Body: a. Pressure regulator a n d / o r boost valve stuck. b. Boost valve sleeve broken or defective. c. Incorrect pressure regulator valve spring. Low Line Pressure • • • Low transmission oil level. Defective vacuum moldulator assembly. S trainer Assembly: a. Blocked or restricted. b. G asket omitted or dam aged. • Oil Pump: a. G e a r clearance, dam aged, worn, gear installed backwards: b. Pump-to-case gasket mispositioned. c. Defective pum p body a n d / o r cover. • Valve Body: a. Pressure regulator or boost valve stuck. b. Pressure regulator valve spring, too weak. • Internal Circuit Leaks: a. Forward clutch leak (pressure low in Drive range, pressure norm al in Neutral and Reverse). 1. Check pum p oil seal rings. 2. Check forward clutch seals. b. Direct clutch leak (pressure low in Reverse, pressure normal in o ther ranges). 1. Check direct clutch outer seal. 2. Check 1-2 accumulator and 2-3 accumulator pistons and rings for dam age or missing. • Case Assembly - check ball missing from cored passage in case face. 1-2 Shift - Full T h ro ttle Only • • • Detent Valve - sticking or linkage misadjusted. Vacuum Leak - vacuum line or fittings leaking. Control Valve Assembly: a. Valve body gaskets - leaking, dam aged or incorrectly installed. b. Detent valve train stuck. c. 1-2 valve stuck closed (in dow nshifted position). • Case Assembly - refer to case porosity repair. First Speed O nly - No 1-2 Shift • • Detent (downshift) cable - binding. Governor Assembly: a. G overnor valve sticking. b. Driven gear loose, dam aged or worn (check for pin in case and length o f pin showing; also, check output shaft drive gear for nicks or rough finish if driven gear shows damage). • Control Valve Assembly: a. Valve body gaskets - leaking, dam aged or incorrectly installed. b. G overnor feed channels blocked. c. 1-2 shift valve train stuck closed (in downshifted position). • Intermediate Clutch: a. Clutch piston seals - missing, im properly installed or cut. b. Intermediate roller clutch - broken spring or dam aged cage. • Case: a. Porosity between channels. b. G overnor feed channel blocked; governor bore scored or worn, allowing cross pressure leak. First and Second Speeds O nly - No 2-3 Shift • Control Valve Assembly: a. Valve body gaskets - leaking, dam aged or incorrectly installed. b. 2-3 shift valve tra in stuck closed downshifted position). • Direct Clutch: a. Pump hub - direct clutch oil seal rings broken or missing. b. Clutch piston seals - missing, improperly assembled or cut. c. Clutch plates b u rn e d (see BURNED C LU T C H PLATES below). No First Speed - Starts in Second Speed (Locks up in LI Range) Interm ediate Clutch: 1. Too m any plates in interm ediate clutch pack. 2. Incorrect interm ediate clutch piston. Drive in Neutral • M anual Linkage - misadjusted, (correct align­ ment in m anual lever shift q u a d r a n t is essential). • Internal Linkage - m anual valve disconnected or end broken. • Oil Pum p - line pressure leaking into forward clutch apply passage. • Forw ard Clutch - incorrect clutch plate usage or burned clutches (see B U R N E D CL U TCH PLATES below). No M otion in Reverse or Slips in Reverse (Install pressure gauge) • Low Oil Level - add oil. • M anual Linkage - misadjusted (correct align­ ment in m anual lever shift q u a d ra n t is essential). • Low Oil Pressure - refer to LOW LINE PR E SSU R E above. • Control Valve Assembly: a. Valve body gaskets - leaking, dam aged or incorrectly installed. b. 2-3 shift valve train stuck open (in upshifted position). • Interm ediate Servo - piston or pin stuck so interm ediate overrun band is applied. • Low and Reverse Clutch - piston outer seal dam aged or missing. • Direct Clutch: a. Outer seal d am ag ed or missing. b. Clutch plates b u rn e d (see BURNED C L U TC H PLATES below). • Forw ard Clutch - clutch does not release (will cause DRIVE in N E U T R A L ). Slips in All Ranges or Slips on S tart (Install pressure gauge) • Low Oil Level - add oil. • Low Oil Pressure - refer to LOW LINE PR ESSU R E above. • Forw ard clutch: a. Clutch plates burned (see BURNED C L U T C H PLATES below). b. P um p cover oil seal rings broken or worn. (in • Case - cross leaks or porosity. Slipping 1-2 Shift (Install pressure gauge) • Low Oil Level - add oil. • Low Oil Pressure - refer to LOW LINE PRESSURE above. • 2-3 Accumulator - oil ring dam aged or missing. • 1-2 Accumulator - oil ring dam aged, missing or case bore damaged. • Pum p-to-C ase G a sk e t - m ispositioned or damaged. • Interm ediate Clutch: a. Piston seals dam aged or missing. b. Clutch plates bu rn ed (See BURNED CL U TC H PLATES below). • Case - porosity between channels. Slipping 2-3 Shift (Install pressure gauge) • Low Oil Level - add oil. • Low Oil Pressure - refer to LOW LINE PRESSURE above. • Direct Clutch: a. Piston seals leaks, dam aged or missing. b. Clutch plates b u rn ed (see BURNED CLU TCH PLATES below). c. Inspect for proper nu m b e r and type of clutch plates. • Case - refer to case porosity repair. Rough 1-2 Shift (Install pressure gauge) • High Oil Pressure - refer to HIGH LINE PRESSURE above. • 1-2 Accumulator: a. Oil rings damaged. b. Piston stuck. c. Broken or missing spring. d. Bore damaged. • Intermediate Clutch - check for burned and num ber (type) of plates. • Case: a. Check for correct n um b e r and location of check balls. b. Porosity between channels. Rough 2-3 Shift (Install pressure gauge) • High Oil Pressure - refer PRESSUR E above. • 2-3 Accumulator: a. Oil ring damaged. b. Piston stuck. c. Broken or missing spring. d. Piston bore damaged. No Engine Braking in L2 to H IG H LINE • Low Oil Pressure - pressure regulator a n d / o r boost valve stuck. • Intermediate Servo and 2-3 Accumulator: a. Servo or accumulator oil rings or bores leaking or dam aged. b. Servo piston stuck or cocked. • In te rm e d ia te O v errun Band - in te rm e d ia te overrun band broken or burned (look for cause), not engaged or servo pin. No Engine Braking in L I (Install pressure gauge) • Low Oil Pressure - pressure regulator a n d / o r boost valves stuck. • M anual Low Control Valve Assembly - stuck. • Low and Reverse Clutch - piston inner seal da m a g e d or missing. • W o n 't Hold in Park • Manual Linkage - misadjusted (correct align­ ment in manual lever shift q u a d ra n t is essential). • Internal Linkage: a. Inner lever and actuating rod assembly defective or im properly installed. b. Parking pawl - broken or inoperative. c. Parking lock bracket loose, burred or rough edges or incorrectly installed. d. Parking pawl disengaging spring missing, broken or incorrectly hooked. Transmission Noisy C A U T IO N : Before checking transmission fo r noise, make certain that the noise is not coming from the water pump, alternator, power steering, etc. These components can be isolated by removing the proper belt and running the engine not more than two minutes at one time. No P art T h ro ttle Dow nshift (Install pressure gauge) • Oil Pressure - vacuum modulator assembly, m odulator valve or pressure regulator valve train (other m alfunctions may also be noticed). • D etent Valve and Linkage - sticks, disconnected or broken. • 2-3 shift valve - stuck. No D e te n t (W ide Open T h ro ttle ) Dow nshift • D eten t cable or retainer not adjusted properly. • Detent cable disconnected at transmission or throttle linkage. • Valve Body: a. D etent valve sticks. b. D etent regulator valve sticks. c. Incorrect spacer plate or gasket. High or Low S hift Points (Install pressure gauge) • Oil Pressure: a. Engine Vacuum - check at transmission end o f m odulator pipe. b. Check vacuum line connections at engine and transmission. c. V acuum m odulator assembly and valve and pressure regulator valve train. • G overnor: a. Valve sticking. b. F eed holes restricted or leaking. • D etent Valve and Linkage - stuck open (will cause high shift points). • Control Valve Assembly: a. 1-2 shift valve train sticking. b. 2-3 shift valve train sticking. Case - refer to case porosity repair. P ark, N e u tra l and all D riv in g R anges • Pump Cavitation: a. Low oil level. b. Plugged or restricted strainer. c. Strainer-to-valve body gasket damaged. d. Porosity in valve body intake area. e. W ater in oil. f. Porosity or voids at transmission case (pump face) intake port. g. Pump-to-case gasket off location. • Pump Assembly : a. G ears dam aged. b. Driving g ear assembled backwards. c. Crescent interference. d. Oil seal rings dam aged or worn. • Converter: a. Loose flexplate-to-converter bolts. b. Converter damage. c. W ater in oil (causes whine). First, Second a n d /o r R everse G ear Planetary G e a r Set: 1. G ears or thrust bearings damaged. 2. Input or output ring gear damaged. D u rin g A c ce le ratio n - A ny G ear • T ra n sm issio n or cooler lines underbody. • Motor mounts loose or broken. grounded to Squeal at Low V e h ic le Speed Speedometer driven gear lubrication or replacement. shaft sea! - requires CAR LEGEND X * PROBLEM "O " O AREA VACUUM B A L L S /# 2 /3 /4 ROAD 7 A-1 6 Turbo H y d r a - M a f ic 3 5 0 Diagnosis C h art TEST • VS. CAUSE ONLY ONLY L -L O C K E D S -S T U C K CAUSE L E A K _____________________ M O D U LA TO R & /O R S T R A IN E R & /O R VALVE G A S K E T ________ G O V E R N O R -V A L V E /S C R E E N V A L V E B O D Y -G A S K E T /P L A T E TRUCK Fig. 7A-11B--CBC L O W O IL L E V E L /W A T E R IN O IL VACUUM LIGHT P OSSIB LE PRES. REG . & / O R BO O ST V A L V E ( # 1 ) S H Y _____________________ 350 1-2 S H I F T V A L V E ___________________ 2 - 3 S H I F T V A L V E ___________________ DETENT VALVE DETENT & L IN K A G E REG. V A L V E 2 - 3 A C C U M U L A T O R ________________ Chart M A N U A L V A L V E /L IN K A G E P O R O S I T Y / C R O S S L E A K __________ P U M P - G E A R S _______________________ P R I M I N G V A L V E S H Y ______________ COOLER VALVE L E A K ____________ C L U T C H S E A L R I N G S ______________ P O R O U S / C R O S S L E A K _____________ G A SK ET S C R E E N -P R E S S U R E B A N D -IN T E R M . C A S E -P O R O U S /X O . R . ______________ L E A K __________ 1-2 A C C U M U L A T O R ________________ I N T E R M E D . S E R V O ________________ F O R W A R D C L U T C H A S S Y ________ D I R E C T C L U T C H A S S ' Y ___________ I N T E R M E D . C L . A S S ' Y _____________ L & R E V . C L . A S S ' Y ________________ I N T . R O L L E R C L . A S S ' Y ___________ L . & R. R O L L E R C L . A S S Y P A R K P A W L / L I N K A G E ____________ C O N V E R T E R A S S ' Y ________________ G E A R S E T & B E A R I N G S ___________ MANUAL Diagnosis M A N U A L LO W C O N T 'L . V A L V E SERVICE BALL A U TO M A T IC 350 Hydraulic Circuit T R A N S M IS S IO N Fig. 7A 12B--CBC 7 A -1 7 SERVICE OPERATIONS T R A N S M IS S IO N R EPLA C EM EN T (A ll Except K M odel) N OTE: If necessary, the catalytic converter may have to be disconnected to provide adequate clearance for transmission removal. This procedure will include removal o f the converter support bracket. 1. Before raising the vehicle, disconnect the negative battery cable detent downshift cable at carburetor and release the parking brake. 2. Raise vehicle on hoist. 3. Remove propeller shaft. 4. Disconnect speedom eter cable, detent downshift cable, modulator vacuum line and oil cooler pipes at transmission. 5. Disconnect shift control linkage. 6. Support transmission with suitable transmission jack. 7. D isconnect re a r m o unt from fra m e crossmember. 8. Remove two bolts at each end o f fram e crossmember. Remove crossmember. 9. Remove converter under pan. 10. Remove converter to flywheel bolts. 11. Lower transm ission until ja c k is barely supporting it. 12. Remove transmission to engine m ounting bolts and remove oil filler tube at transmission. 13. Raise transmission to its normal position, support engine with jack and slide transmission rearw ard from engine and lower it away from vehicle. CAUTION: Use suitable converter holding tool when lowering transmission or keep rear o f transmission lower than front so as not to lose converter. The installation o f the transmission is the reverse of the removal with the following added step. Before installing the flex plate to converter bolts, make certain that the attaching lugs on the converter are flush with the flex plate and the converter rotates freely by hand in this position. Then, h and start all three bolts and tighten finger tight before torqueing to specification. This will insure proper converter alignment. A fter installation of transmission, lower vehicle and remove vehicle from hoist. Check linkage for proper adjustment. Check transmission fluid level. 4. Remove transfer case shift lever knob and boot. 5. Raise vehicle on hoist. 6. Remove flywheel cover. 7. Remove torque converter to flywheel attaching bolts. (Secure the converter.) 8. D isconnect transm ission shift 9. Remove engine crossunder pipe to manifold bolts. 10. Disconnect vacuum m odulator line, line to filler tube clip and detent downshift cable to filler tube strap. 11. Disconnect detent downshift 1. 2. 3. Disconnect battery cable. Remove transmission dipstick. Disconnect detent downshift cable at carburetor. cable at the transmission. 12. Disconnect transmission oil cooler lines at the transmission. 13. bolts. Remove transfer case adapter to crossmember 14. Raise engine as necessary. 15. Remove crossm em ber bolts and remove crossmember. 16. Remove exhaust system hanger bolts. 17. Disconnect 18. Disconnect parking brake cable. rear propeller shaft at transfer case. 19. Disconnect exhaust system. (Tie aside.) 20. Disconnect front propeller shaft at front axle. (Tie aside.) 21. Support transmission and transfer case with jack (use safety chains). 22. Remove transfer case to fram e bracket bolts. 23. Remove transmission to engine bolts, remove transmission and transfer case. 24. Remove tra n sfe r case from transm ission (includes: new " O " ring seal). 25. Move transmission to bench fixture. 26. D rain transmission. 27. Remove torque converter. 28. Remove and discard front pum p seal. 29. Refill transfer case. Reverse removal procedure to install. (K M o del) Removal and speedometer cable. In s ta lla tio n T R A N S M IS S IO N R E P LACEM ENT linkage EXTEN S IO N H O U S IN G OIL SEAL Removal 1. Remove propeller shaft. 2. chisel. Pry out lip oil seal with screwdriver or small In s ta lla tio n 1. Coat outer casing o f new lip oil seal with a n o n ­ h a rde ning sealer and drive it into place with Installer J-21426. 2. Install propeller shaft and adjust fluid level. SPEED O M ETER DRIVEN GEAR R em o val 1. Disconnect speedometer cable. 2. Remove retainer bolt, retainer, driven gear and O-ring seal. speedometer In s ta lla tio n Installation o f speedom eter driven gear is the reverse of REMOVAL. Install new O-ring seal (if required) and adjust the fluid level. SPE E D O M E TE R D RIVE GEAR R e m o va l 1. Raise vehicle and support transmission with suitable transmission jack. 2. Remove propeller shaft. 3. Disconnect speedom eter cable. 4. Disconnect transmission rear m ount from fram e crossmember. 5. Remove two bolts at each end o f fram e cross m e m b er and remove crossmember. 6. Remove extension housing. 7. Install Special Tools J-2 1427-01 and J-8105 on output shaft and remove speedometer drive gear. Remove retaining clip. In s ta lla tio n 1. Place speedometer drive gear retaining clip into hole in output shaft. 2. Align slot in speedom eter drive gear with retain in g clip and install. 3. Install extension housing and tighten attaching bolts to 25 p ound feet. 4. Connect speedom eter cable. 5. Install crossmem ber to fram e and transmission. 6. Install propeller shaft. 7. Remove transmission jack and lower vehicle. M A N U A L SHAFT, RANGE SELECTOR IN N E R LEVER A N D P A R K IN G LINKAG E ASSEM BLIES R em o val 1. R efering to drain in g procedures, drain trans­ mission fluid from oil pan. 2. A fter oil pan and strainer have been removed, remove valve body assembly. Discard gaskets. 3. Remove m anual shaft-to-case retainer and unth read ja m nut holding rnage selector inner lever to m anual shaft. 4. Remove ja m nut and remove manual shaft from range selector inner lever and case. NOTE: Do not remove m anual shaft lip oil seal unless replacem ent is required. 5. Remove parking pawl actuating rod and range selector inner lever from case. 6. Remove bolts and parking lock bracket. 7. Remove parking pawl disengaging spring and, if necessary to replace park pawl or shaft, clean up bore in case and remove parking pawl shaft retaining plug, park pawl shaft and pawl. In s ta lla tio n Installation o f parking linkage, selector lever and m anual shaft is the reverse of REMOVAL. Install new plug (if required), new lip oil seal (if required) and new gaskets. Adjust the fluid level. NOTE: Before installing the propeller shaft, liberally lubricate splines o f the transmission yoke with a Lithium soap base lubricant. The lubricant should seep from the vent hole (rear cap o f yoke) when installing yoke on transmission output shaft. It is essential that the vent hole is not obstructed. G O VERNO R R em ove 1. Raise vehicle and disconnect speedometer cable at transmission. 2. Remove governor cover retainer and governor cover. NOTE: Be careful not to dam age cover and " O " ring seal. 3. Remove governor. Inspect weights and valve for freeness. Install 1. Install governor. 2. Install governor cover using a brass drift around the outside flange o f the cover. NOTE: Do not distort cover on installation. Be sure " O " ring seal is not cut or damaged. 3. Install retainer. 4. Connect speedom eter cable, lower vehicle and check transmission fluid level. VA C U U M M O D U L A TO R AN D M O D U LA TO R VALVE ASSEMBLY Removal 1. Disconnect vacuum hose from vacuum m odula­ tor stem and remove vacuum modulator attaching screw and retainer. 2. Remove m odulator assembly and its O-ring seal from case. 3. Remove m odulator valve from case. Installation Installation o f the modulator and m odulator valve is the reverse o f REMOVAL. Install a new O-ring seal and adjust the fluid level. 4. Remove tool and install oil pan holts. VALVE BODY ASSEMBLY R em o val 1. R efering to drain in g procedures, drain trans­ mission fluid from oil pan. 2. A fter oil pan and strainer, have been removed, discard gaskets. 3. Remove detent spring and roller assembly from valve body and remove valve body-to-case bolts. 4. Remove valve body assembly while disconnect­ ing m anual control valve link from range selector inner lever and rem oving detent control valve link from the detent actuating lever. 5. Remove m anual valve and link assembly from valve body assembly. In s ta lla tio n Installation of the valve body assembly is the reverse o f REMOVAL. Install new gaskets to strainer and oil pan and adjust the fluid level. 1-2 A C C U M U L A TO R R em o ve 1. Remove two transmission oil pan bolts below the 1-2 accumulator cover. Install J-23069 in place of bolts removed. 2. Press in on cover and remove retaining ring. 3. Remove cover "O " ring seal, spring and 1-2 accumulator. Install 1. Install 1-2 accumulator piston. NOTE: Rotating piston slightly when installing will help to get rings started in bore. 2. Position spring, " O " ring seal and cover in place. 3. Press in on cover with J-23069 and install retaining ring. 4. Remove tool and install oil pan bolts. OIL COOLER PIPES If replacement o f transmission steel tubing cooler pipes is required, use only double w rapped and brazed steel tubing meeting G M specification I23M or its equivalent. Under no condition use copper or aluminum tubing to replace steel tubing. Those materials do not have satisfactory fatique durability to withstand normal vehicle vibrations. Steel tubing should be flared using the upset (double lap) flare method which is detailed in Section 5. T H M 4 0 0 TRANSMISSION INDEX G eneral D e s c rip tio n ...........................................................7A-21 M aintenance and A d ju stm en t.........................................7A-22 Checking Transmission M o u n t.................................. ..7A-22 Transmission F l u i d ...........................................................7A-22 Colum n Shift Linkage A d ju s tm e n t............................7A-24 Detent Switch A d ju stm e n t.............................................7A-25 N eu tral Start Backup Lam p Switch Adjustment. 7A-25 D ia g n o sis.............................................................................. ..7A-25 Sequence for Diagnosis................................................ ..7A-25 Oil Checking P ro c e d u re ............................................... ..7A-25 Oil Leak D ia g n o s is ..........................................................7A-25 Oil Pressure C h e c k ...........................................................7A-26 Case Porosity R e p a i r .......................................................7A-26 Vacuum M odulator D ia g n o sis................................... ..7A-27 M anual L in k a g e .............................................................. .7A-28 Trouble D iagnosis............................................................7A-28 Service O p e ra tio n s.............................................................7A-34 Transmission R e p la c e m e n t...........................................7A-34 Rear S e a l ........................................................................... .7A-34 G o v e r n o r ............................................................................ .7A-34 Modulator and M odulator V alve.............................. .7A-34 Parking L in k a g e .............................................................. .7A-34 Control Valve Body.........................................................7A-35 Pressure Regulator V alve..............................................7A-35 Oil Cooler Pipes.............................................................. .7A-35 O ther Service O p e ra tio n s..............................................7A-36 Specifications........................................................................7A-37 Special T o o ls........................................................................7A-38 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The THM 400 transmission is a fully automatic unit consisting prim arily of a 3-element hydraulic torque converter and a com pound planetary gear set. Three multiple-disc clutches, one gear unit, one roller clutch, and two bands provide the friction elements required to obtain the desired function o f the compound planetary gear set. The torque converter couples the engine to the planetary gears through oil and provides hydraulic torque multiplication when required. The compound planetary gear set produces three forward speeds and reverse. The 3-element torque converter consists o f a pum p or driving m em ber, a turbine or driven member, and a stator assembly. The stator is mounted on a one-way roller clutch which will allow the stator to turn clockwise but not counter-clockwise. The torque converter housing is filled with oil and is attached to the engine cran ksh aft by a flex plate and always rotates at engine speed. The converter pum p is an integral part o f the converter housing, therefore the pum p blades, rotating at engine speed, set the oil within the converter into motion and direct it to the turbine, causing the turbine to rotate. As the oil passes through the turbine it is traveling in such a direction that if it were not re-directed by the stator it would hit the rear o f the converter pump blades and impede its pum ping action. So at low turbine speeds, the oil is re-directed by the stator to the converter pum p in such a m an n e r that it actually assists the converter p u m p to deliver power or multiply engine torque. As turbine speed increases, the direction of the oil leaving the turbine changes and flows against the rear side o f the stator vanes in a clockwise direction. Since the stator is now im peding the smooth flow o f oil, its roller clutch releases and it revolves freely on its shaft. Once the stator becomes inactive, there is no further multiplication of engine torque within the converter. At this point, the converter is merely acting as a fluid coupling as both the converter pum p and turbine are being driven at approximately the same speed - or at one-to-one ratio. A hydraulic system pressurized by a gear type pum p provides the working pressure required to operate the friction elements and automatic controls. External control connections to transmission are: Manual Linkage - To select the desired operating range. Engine Vacuum - To operate a vacuum m odulator unit. 12 Volt Electrical - To operate an electrical detent solenoid. A vacuum m odulator is used to automatically sense any change in the torque input to the transmission. The vacuum m odulator transmits this signal to the pressure regulator for line pressure control, to the 1-2 accumulator valve, and to the shift valves so that all torque requirements of the transmission are met and smooth shifts are obtained at all throttle openings. The detent solenoid is activated by an electric switch on the carburetor. W hen the throttle is fully opened, the switch on the carburetor is closed, activating the detent solenoid and causing the transmission to downshift for passing speeds. The selector q u a d ra n t has six selector positions: P. R, N, D, L2, LI. P. PARK position positively locks the output shaft to the transmission case by means o f a locking pawl to prevent the vehicle from rolling in either direction (not on CL model). The engine may be started in Park position. R. REVERSE enables the vehicle to be operated in a reverse direction. Fig. 7A-1C--THM 400, Cross-Section View N . N eutral postion enables the engine started and ru n without driving the vehicle. to be D. DRIVE Range is used for all norm al driving conditions and m axim um economy. Drive R ange has three gear ratios, from the starting ratio to direct drive. D etent downshifts are available by depressing the accelerator to the floor. L2. L2 Range has the same starting ration as Drive Range, but prevents the transmission from shifting ration w hen extra perform ance is desired. L2 Range can also be used for engine braking. L2 Range can be selected at any vehicle speed, a n d the transmission will shift to second gear and rem ain in second until the vehicle speed or the throttle are changed to obtain first gear operation in the same m a n n e r as in D Range. LI. LI Range can be selected at any vehicle speed, and the transmission will shift to second gear and rem ain in second until vehicle is reduced to approx­ imately 40 MPH, depending on axle ratio. LI Range position prevents the transmission from shifting out of first gear. NOTE: It is very im portant that any com m unica­ tion concerning the T HM 400 always contain the transm isio n serial and vehicle identification number. MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS C H E C K IN G T R A N S M IS S IO N M O U N T Raise the vehicle on a hoist. Push up and pull down on the transmission extension while observing the transmission mount. If the ru b b e r separates from the metal plate o f the m ount o r if the extension moves up but not down (m ount bottomed out), replace the mount. If there is relative movement between a metal plate o f the m ount a n d its attaching point, tighten the screws or nuts attaching crossmember. the mount to the transmission or T R A N S M IS S IO N FLUID Fluid Level and C a p a city The fluid level indicator is located in the filler tube at the right rear o f the engine. To bring the fluid level COOL — ■HOT (65°-85° F.) (1 9 0 -2 0 0 F.) (88°-93° C.) (18°-29°C.) L J r^ i L r _Ji WARM NOTE: DO NOT OVERFILL. IT TAKES ONLY ONE PINT TO RAISE LEVEL FROM ADD TO FULL WITH A HOT TRANSMISSION. Fig. 7A 2C D ipstick M arkings from the A D D mark to the F U L L mark requires one pint o f fluid. Fluid level should be checked at every engine oil change. Fluid level should be to the F U L L mark with the transmission fluid at normal operating temperature (180° F). W ith w arm fluid (room tem perature 70 F), the level will be 3 /8 inch below the A D D mark on the dipstick. The no rm al o perating tem perature is obtained only after at least 15 miles of highway type driving or the equivalent o f city driving. A pproxim ately 9 pints o f fluid are required to refill transmission after oil pan has been drained. The fluid capacity of the THM 400 transmission and converter assembly is approxim ately 22 pints but correct level is determ ined by mark on the dipstick rather than by am ou nt added. Use only D E X R O N * or DEXRONC? II autom atic transmission fluid or its equivalent. N O T E : An early stage to a darker color from the usual red color a n d / o r a strong odor that is usually associated with overheated transmission fluid is norm al, and is not a positive sign of required m ain tenan ce or transmission failure. C h e c k in g P ro ce d u re and A d d in g Fluid To determ ine proper fluid level at norm al operating tem perature (180 T 7). proceed as follows: 1. Position vehicle on a level surface, place selector lever in park (P), apply parking brake and have engine run ning at norm al idle. 2. Remove fluid level indicator, wipe it clean and reinstall fully until cap seats. 3. Remove indicator and reading of fluid level should be at full “ F ” mark. 4. If additional fluid is required, add D E X R O N or D E X R O N * II automatic transmission fluid or its equivalent to “ F ” mark on indicator. If the vehicle cannot be driven sufficiently to bring the transmission to operating tem perature and it becomes necessary to check the fluid level, the transmission may be checked at room temperature (70 degrees F) as follows: 1. Position selector lever in park (P), apply parking brake and start engine. DO N O T RACE E N G IN E . Move selector lever through each range. 2. Immediately check fluid level with selector lever in Park, engine running and vehicle on LEVEL surface. Fluid level on indicator should be 3 /8 inch below the " A D D " mark. 3. If additional fluid is required, add enough fluid to bring level to 3 /8 inch below the A D D m ark on the dipstick. If transmission fluid level is correctly estab­ lished at 70 F, it will ap pear at the F U L L m ark on the dipstick when the transmission reaches its normal operating tem perature of 180°F. C A U T IO N : D O N O T O V E R F I L L , as foaming and loss o f fluid through the vent pipe might occur as fluid heats up. If fluid is too low. especially when cold, complete loss of drive m ay result which can cause transmis­ sion failure. D ra in in g and R e fillin g T ran sm issio n The oil pan should be drained and filter replaced and fresh fluid added to obtain the proper level on indicator, at the intervals detailed in section O-B of this manual. For vehicles subjected to heavy city traffic during hot weather, or in commercial use, when the engine is regularly idled for prolonged periods or when vehicle is used for towing, oil pan should be drained and filter replaced more frequently. See section O-B. Drain fluid immediately after operation before it has had an opportunity to cool. W A R N IN G : T ran sm issio n can exceed 3 5 0 F. fluid te m p e ra tu re 1. Raise vehicle and support transmission w'ith suitable jack at transmission. 2. With fluid receptacle placed under transmission oil pan. remove oil pan attaching bolts from front and side o f pan. 3. Loosen rear p a n attaching bolts approximately four (4) turns. 4. Carefully pry transmission oil pan loose with screwdriver, allowing fluid to drain. 5. Remove rem ain in g screws and remove oil pan and gasket. Discard gasket. 6. D rain fluid from oil pan. Clean pan with solvent and dry thoroughly with clean compressed air. 7. Remove oil filter re ta in e r bolt, oil filter assembly, O-ring seal from intake pipe and discard the filter and O-ring seal. 8. Install new O-ring seal on intake pipe and install new filter on pipe assembly. 9. With O-ring seal on intak pipe, install pipe and filter assembly, attaching filter to the control valve assembly with its retainer bolt, torquing to 10 pound feet. 10. Install new strainer-to-valve body gasket, strainer and two (2) screws. 11. Install new gasket on oil pan and install oil pan. Tighten its thirteen (13) attaching bolt and washer assemblies to 12 pound-feet. 12. Lower vehicle add approximately 5 pints U.S. measure (4 pints Imperial measure) of D EX RO N ® or 1)1 X R O N II a u to m a tic transm issio n fluid or its equivalent through filler tube. 13. W ith selector lever in PARK position, apply hand brake, start engine and let idle (carburetor off fast idle step). D O N O T RACE E N G IN E . 14. Move selector lever through each range and, with selector lever in PARK range, check the fluid level. 15. Add additional fluid to bring level to 1/4" below the A D D m ark on the dipstick. C A U T IO N : Do not overfill. Foaming can result i f overfilled. A d d in g Fluid to Fill D ry T ra n s m is s io n and C o n v e rte r A ssem bly In cases o f transmission overhaul, when a complete fill is required, including converter (approximately 22 pints), proceed as follows: 1. A dd 9 pints of transmission fluid through filler tube. 2. W ith m anual control lever in park (P) position, start engine and place on cold idle cam. D O N O T RACE E N G IN E . Move m anual control lever through each range. 3. Im m ediately check fluid level with selector lever in park (P), engine run ning and vehicle on LEVEL surface and add additional fluid to bring level to 3/8inch below the " A D D " mark on the dipstick. Do not overfill. S H IF T CO NTRO LS Colum n S hift Linkage - CK and P Series (Figs. 7A -3C and 7A -4C ) 1. The shift tube and lever assembly must be free in the m ast jacket. See Section 3B for alignment of steering column assembly if necessary. 2. To check for proper shift linkage adjustment, lift the transmission selector lever towards the steering wheel. Allow the selector lever to be positioned in drive (D) by the transmission detent. N O TE : Do not use indicator pointer as a reference to position the selector lever. W hen perform ing linkage adjustment, pointer is adjusted last. 3. Release the selector lever. The lever should be inhibited from engaging low range unless the lever is lifted. 4. Lift the selector lever towards the steering wheel and allow the lever to be positioned in neutral (N) by the transmission detent. 5. Release the selector lever. The lever should now be inhibited from engaging reverse range unless the lever is lifted. 6. A properly adjusted linkage will prevent the selector from moving beyond both the neutral detent, and the drive detent unless the lever is lifted to pass over the mechanical stop in the steering column. 7. If adjustm ent is required, remove screw (A) and spring washer from swivel (B )8. Set transmission lever (C) in Neutral position by moving lever counter-clockwise to LI detent and then clockwise three (3) detent positions to Neutral. 9. Position transmission selector lever in Neutral position as determined by the mechanical stop in steering column assembly. NOTE: Do not use the indicator pointer as a reference to position the selector lever. When perform ing linkage adjustment, pointer is adjusted last. 10. Assemble swivel, spring washer and screw to lever assembly (D) and tighten screw to 20 pound feet. 11. Readjust indicator needle if necessary to agree with the transmission detent positions. See Section 3B. 12. Readjust neutral start switch if necessary to provide the correct relationship to the transmission detent positions. See Section 8. 13. Check operation (CK Series): a. W'ith key in " R u n " position and transmission in "R everse" be sure that key cannot be removed and that steering wheel is not locked. b. With key in "L ock" position and shift lever in "P ark", be sure that key can be removed, that steering wheel is locked, and that transmission rem ains in " P a r k " when steering column is locked. CAUTION: A ny inaccuracies in the above adjustments may result in premature failure o f Fig. 7A-5C -Detent D ownshift Switch Fig. 7A-4C- Column Shift Linkage ■ P Series the transmission due to operation without controls in fu ll detent. Such operation results in reduced oil pressure and in turn partial engagement o f the affected dutches. Partial engagement o f the clutches with sufficient pressure to cause apparent normal operation of the vehicle will result in failure o f the clutches or other internal parts after only a few miles of operation. D E TE N T D O W N S H IF T S W ITC H 1. 2. Install switch as shown in Figure 7A-5C. A fter installing the switch, press the switch plunger as far forward as possible. This presets the switch for adjustment. The switch will then adjust itself with the first wide open throttle application of the accelerator pedal. N E UTRA L S T A R T BACKUP LAM P S W ITC H A D JU S T M E N T The neutral start backup lamp switch must be adjusted so that the car will start in the park or neutral position, but will not start in the other positions. For replacement and adjustm ent refer to Section 8 o f this manual. DIAGNOSIS SEQ UENCE FOR D IA G N O S IS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Check and correct oil level. Check detent switch. Check and correct vacuum line and fittings. Check and correct m anual linkage. Install oil pressure gage. Road test car. a. Road test using all selective ranges, noting when discrepancies in operation or oil pressure occur. b. A ttem pt to isolate the unit or circuit involved in the malfunction. c. If engine perform ance indicates an engine tune up is required, this should be perform ed before road testing is completed or transmission correction attempted. Poor engine perform ance can result in rough shifting or other malfunctions. FLUID C H ECK IN G PROCEDURES Refer to M aintenance and Adjustment section for fluid checking procedure. FLUID LEAK DIA G N O S IS D e te rm in in g Source o f Oil Leak Before attem pting to correct an oil leak, the actual source of the leak must be determined. In m any cases, the source o f the leak can be deceiving due to "wind flow" around the engine and transmission. The suspected area should be wiped clean of all oil before inspecting for the source o f the leak. Red dye is used in the transmission oil at the assembly plant and will indicate if the oil leak is from the transmission. T h e use o f a " B l a c k L i g h t " to lo cate the p o in t at w h i c h the o il is l e a k i n g is h e l p f u l . C o m p a r i n g the oil f r o m the lea k to that o n the e n g in e o r t ra n s m is s io n d ip s tic k , w h e n v i e w e d b y b la c k lig h t, w ill d e t e r m i n e the so u rc e o f the le a k - e n g i n e o r tra n s m is s io n . O il le a k s a r o u n d the e n g i n e a n d t r a n s m is s i o n are g e n e r a l l y c a r r i e d t o w a r d the r e a r o f the c a r b y the air s t r e a m . F o r e x a m p l e , a t r a n s m i s s i o n oil fill p i p e to ca se le a k w ill s o m e t im e s a p p e a r as a l e a k at the r e a r o f the t r a n s m is s i o n . In d e t e r m i n i n g the s o urce o f a lea k, p r o c e e d as fo llo w s : 1. D e g r e a s e u n d e r s i d e o f t r a n s m is s io n . 2. R o a d test to g e t u n it at o p e r a t i n g t e m p e r a tu r e . (180 d e g r e e s F.) 3. Possible Points of Oil Leak 1. T r a n s m i s s i o n O il P a n L e a k A t t a c h i n g bo lts n ot c o r r e c t l y t o rq u e d . I m p r o p e r l y in sta lled o r d a m a g e d p a n g a s k e t. O i l p a n g a s k e t m o u n t i n g f a c e n ot flat. 2. C a s e E x t e n s io n a. A t t a c h i n g bolts n o t c o r r e c tly t o rq u e d . a. b. c. R e a r se a l a s s e m b l y d a m a g e d o r i m p r o p e r l y 3. P o r o u s c a s tin g . S e e p a r a g r a p h C. O u tp u t shaft " O " rin g d a m a g ed . C ase Leak T r a n s m i s s i o n o ve r-filled . b. W a t e r in oil. c. F o r e i g n m a tt e r b e tw e e n b e tw e e n p u m p c o v e r a n d b o d y . pump and case or d. C a s e - p o ro u s, fr o n t p u m p c o v e r m o u n t i n g fa c e s h y o f stock n e a r b r e a th e r . S e e s u b p a r a g r a p h C. e. P u m p to ca se g a s k e t m i s p o s it i o n e d . f. In co rrect d ip stick . g. C u t " O " r i n g o r g r o m m e t o n filter. h. P u m p - s h y o f stock o n m o u n t i n g faces, p o r o u s ca s tin g , b r e a t h e r h o le p l u g g e d in p u m p co ve r. Road or Normal Operating Conditions W h i l e r o a d t es tin g (w ith the t ra n s m is s i o n oil p re ss u re g a g e a t t a c h e d a n d the v a c u u m m o d u l a t o r tube connected the t r a n s m is s io n p re ss u re s h o u ld c h e ck a p p r o x i m a t e l y as s h o w n o n F i g u r e 7 A - 6 C . Vehicle Stationary - Engine at 1200 RPM W i t h the t r a n s m is s i o n oil p re ss u re g a u g e a tt a c h e d a n d the v a c u u m m o d u l a t o r tu b e disconnected the t ra n s m is s io n p ressu res s h o u ld c h e c k a p p r o x i m a t e l y as Vehicle Stationary - Engine at 1000 RPM W i t h the t r a n s m is s io n oil p re ss u re g a u g e a tta c h e d a n d the v a c u u m m o d u l a t o r tube connected f o r n o r m a l m o d u l a t o r o p e r a t io n , the t r a n s m is s io n p re ss u re s h o uld a. F i l l e r p i p e " O " r i n g sea l d a m a g e d o r m is s in g ; m i s p o s i t i o n o f filler p ip e b r a c k e t to e n g i n e " l o a d i n g " o n e s id e o f " O " rin g . ch e ck a p p r o x i m a t e l y as sh o w n in F ig . 7 A - 8 C . N O T E : P ressu res a r e n ot s i g n i f ic a n t ly a ffe cted by a ltitu d e o r b a r o m e t r i c p re ss u re w h e n the v a c u u m b. M o d u l a t o r a s s e m b l y " O " r i n g seal d a m a g e d o r i m p r o p e r l y in sta lle d . c. E l e c tr i c a l c o n n e c t o r " O " r i n g seal d a m a g e d or i m p r o p e r l y in s t a lle d . d. G o v e r n o r c o v e r bo lts not t o rq u e d , d a m a g e d o r leak b e t w e e n c a s e f a c e a n d g a s k e t. e. M a n u a l s h a f t lip seal d a m a g e d o r i m p r o p e r l y g. P a rkin g pawl i m p r o p e r l y in sta lle d . h. i. gasket S p ee d o m ete r g e a r " O " rin g d a m ag ed . f. in sta lle d . sh aft cup p lug dam aged, L i n e p r e s s u r e b a n d r e l e a s e ta p p l u g loose. V e n t p i p e ( r e f e r to i t e m 5). j. 4. a. s h o w n in F ig . 7 A - 7 C . c. E x t e n s i o n to c a s e , g a s k e t d a m a g e o r i m p r o p ­ e r l y in s t a lle d . d. e. O il C o m e s O u t V e n t Pip e OIL PRESSURE CHECK In s p ect f o r leak w i t h e n g i n e r u n n in g . 4. W i t h e n g i n e off, c h e ck f o r o il le a k s d u e to the r a i s e d oil le v e l c a u s e d b y d r a i n b a c k . b. in sta lle d . 5. P o r o u s c a s tin g . S e e s u b p a r a g r a p h C. L e a k at F r o n t o f T r a n s m i s s i o n a. F r o n t p u m p sea l leaks. Case Porosity Repair E xternal lea ks c a u s e d by case p orosity have s u c c e s s f u lly b e e n r e p a i r e d w ith the t ra n s m is s io n in the v e h i c l e b y u s in g the f o l l o w i n g r e c o m m e n d e d p ro ce d u re s : 1. Road test and b r in g the t r a n s m is s io n to o p e r a t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e , a p p r o x i m a t e l y 180 d e g re e s. 2. R aise vehicle on hoist or jack stan d , e n g in e r u n n i n g a n d lo cate s o u rc e o f oil lea k . C h e c k f o r lea k in all o p e r a t i n g p o sitio n s. U s e o f a m ir r o r is h e l p f u l in fin d i n g leaks. 3. S h u t e n g i n e o f f a n d t h o r o u g h l y c l e a n a r e a to be r e p a i r e d w i t h a c l e a n i n g s o lv e n t a n d a bru sh a ir dry. 1. S e a l lip cut. C h e c k c o n v e r t e r h u b f o r nicks, 4. U s i n g in str u ctio n s o f the m a n u f a c t u r e r , m ix a sufficient a m o u n t o f e p o x y to m a k e r e p a ir . O b s e r v e 2. 3. B u sh in g m o ved fo rw ard and d a m ag ed . G a r t e r s p r i n g m i s s i n g f r o m seal. c a u t i o n s o f m a n u f a c t u r e r in h a n d l in g . etc. b. F r o n t p u m p a t t a c h i n g b o lts lo o se o r b o lt seals d a m a g e d o r m is s in g . c. F r o n t p u m p h o u s i n g " O " r i n g d a m a g e d or cut. d. e. m o d u l a t o r tu b e is co n n e cte d . C o n v e r t e r leak in w e l d area. P o r o u s c a s t i n g (p u m p ) . the 5. W h i l e the t ra n s m is s io n c a s e is still H O T a p p l y e p o x y to the a r e a to be r e p a i r e d . A cle a n , d r y s o l d e r i n g a cid brush ca n be used to c l e a n the a r e a a n d also to a p p l y the e p o x y c e m e n t . M a k e c e r t a in the a r e a to be r e p a i r e d is f u l l y c o v e r e d . 6. A l l o w c e m e n t to cu r e s t a r tin g e n g in e . for three h o u rs befo re M in im u m M a x im u m 1 4 5 psi 1 5 5 psi M in im u m M a xim u m L 2 - 2 n d G e a r - S t e a d y r o a d lo a d at a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 5 m p h S e lecto r L ev er P o sitio n Gear D rive 1s t 2nd 3 rd 3rd Reverse ( “ Z e r o ” t h r o t t l e t o f u l l t h r o t t l e ...................................... .................. 60 150 D r i v e R a n g e , Z e r o T h r o t t l e a t 3 0 m p h ................. R e v . ( Z e r o t o f u l l t h r o t t l e ............................................. .................. .................. 60 95 260 Fig . 7. 7A-6C--OM P r e s s u r e C h e c k o r N o r m a l O p e r a t in g C o n d it io n s sid e o f the m o d u la t o r . I f this is f o u n d w i th o u t the p re se n c e o f oil, the m o d u l a t o r s h o u ld not be c h a n g e d . R o a d test a n d c h e c k f o r leaks. VACUUM MODULATOR DIAGNOSIS A d e f e c t i v e v a c u u m m o d u l a t o r c a n be d e te r m in e d b y p e r f o r m i n g the f o l l o w i n g p ro c e d u re s . Vacuum Diaphragm Leak Check In sert a p i p e c l e a n e r in to the v a c u u m c o n n e c t o r p ip e as f a r as p o ss ib le a n d c h e c k f o r the p re se n c e o f tra n s m is s io n oil. I f o il is f o u n d , re p la c e the m o d u la to r. G a s o l i n e o r w a t e r v a p o r m a y settle in the v a c u u m A p p ro x im a te A ltitu d e o f C h e ck ( F t . a b o v e sea le v el) Road Atmospheric Leak Check A p p l y a l i b e r a l c o a t i n g o f s o a p b u b b le so lu tion to the v a c u u m c o n n e c t o r p ip e sea m , the c r i m p e d u p p e r to lo w e r h o u s in g sea m , a n d the t h r e a d e d scre w seal ( F ig . 7 A - 9 C ) . U s i n g a sh o rt p ie c e o f r u b b e r t u b i n g a p p l y a ir p ressu re to the v a c u u m p i p e b y b l o w i n g in to the tub e a nd o b s e r v e f o r le a k b u b b le s . I f b u b b le s a p p e a r , re p lace the m o d u la to r. N O T E : D o not use a n y m e th o d o t h e r th a n h u m a n lu n g p o w e r f o r a p p l y i n g a ir pre ssure , as p ressu res o v e r 6 psi m a y d a m a g e the m o d u la to r. D rive N eutral Park LI or L2 R everse 150 150 145 138 132 12 6 121 116 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 244 233 222 212 203 194 186 178 Bellows Comparison Check U s i n g a c o m p a r i s o n g a u g e , as s h o w n in F i g u r e 7 A - 0 2 ,0 0 0 4 ,0 0 0 6 ,0 0 0 8,0 0 0 10 ,0 0 0 12 ,0 0 0 14 ,0 0 0 Fig . 7 A - 7 C - O il P re ssu re C h e ck V acuum Tube - V e h ic le S t a t io n a r y , D is c o n n e c t e d Drive, N eutral, Park L I o r L2 Reverse 60 150 107 F ig . 7 A - 8 C - O il Pre ssu re Vacuu m C heck - V e h ic le S t a t io n a r y , T u b e C o n n e c te d 10 C, c o m p a r e the lo a d o f a k n o w n g o o d m o d u la t o r w ith the a s s e m b l y in q u e stio n . a. In stall the m o d u la t o r that is k n o w n to a c c e p t a b le o n e it h e r e n d o f the g a u g e ( F i g . 7 A - 1 1C). b. Install the m odulator in q u e s tio n o p p o s it e end o f the g a u g e . ( F ig . 7 A - 1 2 C ) . on be the c. H o l d i n g the m o d u l a t o r s in a h o r i z o n t a l p o sitio n , b rin g them to ge th er under pressure u n til e it h e r m o d u l a t o r s le e v e e n d j u s t to u c h e s the lin e in the c e n t e r o f the g a u g e ( F i g . 7 A - 1 3 C ) . T h e g a p b e t w e e n the o p p o s i t e m o d u l a t o r s lee ve en d a n d the g a u g e line s h o uld then be 1 / 1 6 " o r less. I f the d is t a n c e is g r e a t e r t h a n this a m o u n t , the m o d u l a t o r in q u e s ti o n sh o u ld be r e p la c e d . Sleeve Alignment Check R o ll the m a i n b o d y o f the m o d u l a t o r o n a flat s u r f a c e a n d o b s e r v e the s le e v e f o r c o n c e n t r ic i t y to the ca n . I f the s le e v e is c o n c e n t r i c a n d the p l u n g e r is fre e, the m o d u l a t o r is a c c e p t a b l e . O n c e the m o d u l a t o r a s s e m b l y passes all o f the a b o v e tests, it is an a c c e p t a b l e p a r t a n d s h o u ld be re-used. Fig. 7A12C M o d u la t o r B e llo w s - B a d MANUAL LINKAGE M a n u a l l i n k a g e a d j u s t m e n t a n d the a s s o c ia t e d n e u t r a l s a f e t y sw itch a r e i m p o r t a n t f r o m a s a f e t y s t a n d p o i n t . T h e n e u t r a l s a f e t y s w itch s h o u ld be a d ju s te d so th a t the e n g i n e w ill start in the P a r k a n d N e u t r a l p o s it io n s o n l y . Fig. 7 A 1 3 C - - M o d u la to r B e llo w s ( G o o d ) W i t h the s e le c t o r le v e r in the P a r k p o sit io n , the p a r k i n g p a w l s h o u l d f r e e l y e n g a g e a n d p r e v e n t the v e h i c l e f r o m ro llin g . T h e p o in t e r o n the i n d ic a t o r q u a d r a n t s h o uld line up p r o p e r l y w ith the r a n g e i n d i c a t o r s in all r a n g e s . TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS Fig. 7 A 1 0 C - B e l l o w s C o m p a r is o n Gauge No Drive in Drive Range (Install p re ss u re g a g e ) M O D U LATO R PART N UM BER! IS LO C A T ED O N B A C K SID E I O F THE ASSEM B LY • L o w oil lev e l - c h e c k f o r e x t e r n a l lea ks or d e f e c t i v e v a c u u m m o d u l a t o r ( l e a k i n g d i a p h r a g m w ill e v a c u a t e oil f r o m unit). • M a n u a l l i n k a g e m a l a d j u s t e d (co rre ct a l i g n m e n t in m a n u a l le v e r s h i f t q u a d r a n t is e sse ntia l); v a l v e d i s c o n n e c t e d f r o m m a n u a l le v e r pin. • Low oil p re ss u re P R E S S U R E b e lo w . • H O LD M O D U LA TO RS IN A H O R IZ O N T A L P O S IT IO N ,A S SH O W N , - refer to LOW m anual LIN E F o r w a r d clutch: a. C l u t c h d o e s n o t a p p l y - p is t o n c r a c k e d ; seals m is s in g , d a m a g e d ; clutch p la te s b u r n t (see B U R N E D C L U T C H P L A T E S b elo w ). BRIN G THEM S LO W L Y TO GETHER UNDER PRESSURE rings b. P u m p f e e d c ir c u i t - t o - f o r w a r d c lu tch o il seal m is s i n g o r b r o k e n o n p u m p c o v e r; leak o r re s trictio n in f e e d circuits; p u m p - t o - c a s e g a s k e t m isp osit io n e d o r d a m a g e d . C l u t c h d r u m b a ll c h e c k stuck o r m issin g . • R o l l e r C l u t c h - b r o k e n s p rin g s , d a m a g e d c a g e or in s t a lle d b a c k w a r d s . High or Low Oil Pressure 6. V a c u u m Leak: V a c u u m line d i s c o n n e c t e d . b. c. L e a k o n line f r o m e n g i n e to m o d u l a t o r . I m p r o p e r e n g in e v a c u u m . d. Leak vacuum -operated accessory v a c u u m a d v a n c e , etc.). • M odulator: a. S t u c k m o d u l a t o r v a l v e . b. W a t e r in m o d u la t o r . c. D a m a g e d , not o p e r a t i n g p r o p e r l y . • D e ten t System : a. D e t e n t sw itch a c tu a t e d ( p l u n g e r s h o rt e d . b. D e t e n t w i r i n g s h o rte d . D e t e n t s o l e n o i d loose. f. g. D e ten t v a lv e bore p lu g d a m a g e d . D e t e n t r e g u l a t o r v a l v e p in short. • • stuck) In c o r r e c t p re ss u re r e g u l a t o r v a l v e sp rin g . T o o m a n y p re s s u r e r e g u l a t o r v a l v e s p ace rs. d. Pressure or in sta lle d c. • • Pu m p castin g bad. • D e fe c tiv e v a c u u m m o d u la to r assem bly. Filter A ssem b ly: a. B l o c k e d o r restricted. b. "O " R i n g sea l o n i n ta k e p ip e - leakin g, dam aged, • cover. • Internal C ircuit Leaks: a. F o r w a r d clutch leak (p re s s u re low in D r i v e r a n g e - p r e s s u r e n o r m a l in N e u t r a l a n d R e v e r s e ). D i r e c t clutch le a k ( p re s s u re low in R e v e r s e , p r e s s u r e n o r m a l in all o t h e r r a n g e s ) . V a l v e stick in g . D r i v e n g e a r loose, d a m a g e d o r w o r n (c h e c k Con trol valve: c. and/or P u m p - t o - c a s e g a s k e t m i s p o s i t io n e d . D e fe c tiv e or m ism atched pum p b o d y / p u m p C h e c k p u m p o il s e a l rin gs. G overnor: 1-2 s h if t v a l v e tra in stuck clo sed. G o v e r n o r f e e d c h a n n e l s b lo c k e d , le a k in g , p ip e s o u t o f p o sit io n , g o v e r n o r s cre en p lu g g e d . c. N o t e n o u g h s p a c e r s in p re ss u re re g u la to r. d. G e a r c l e a r a n c e , d a m a g e d , w o r n , d r iv e g e a r in s t a l l e d b a c k w a r d s . C h e c k f o r w a r d c lu t c h seals. C a s e - p o ro s ity . a. b. P r e s s u r e r e g u l a t o r v a l v e s p r i n g too w e a k . 1. D e t e n t v a l v e tra in stuck. 3-2 v a l v e stuck. ge ar shows d a m a g e. W r o n g filter a s s e m b l y . 2. b. f o r p in in c a s e a n d le n g t h o f p i n s h o w in g ); also c h e c k o u tp u t s h a f t d r i v e g e a r f o r n icks o r r o u g h finish i f d r i v e n V a l v e b o d y g a s k e ts l e a k in g , d a m a g e d , i n c o r ­ rectly in stalled. • Case: a. I n t e r m e d i a t e clutch c u p p l u g l e a k i n g o r b lo w n out. O il P u m p : a. P r e s s u r e r e g u l a t o r a n d / o r b o o s t v a l v e stuck. b. g a s k e ts c. a. b. L o w t r a n s m i s s i o n o il level. e. f. S tick s o p e n . C o n tro l valve: a. V a l v e b o d y First Speed Only, No 1-2 Shift b a c k w a r d s or P res s u re b o o st b u s h i n g b r o k e n or d e f e c t iv e . b. P o r o s i t y in i n ta k e b o re a re a. u p s h ifts. • D e t e n t s o le n o id : a. L oose. b. G a s k e t l e a k in g . g r o m m e t om itted or d a m ag ed . c. S p l i t or l e a k i n g in t a k e p ipe . • C ase A ssem bly: • D e t e n t s w itch s t i c k i n g o r d e f e c t i v e ( m a y stick in c o ld or w e t w e a t h e r ) . C a n be d e te c te d b y p u llin g c o n n e c t i o n at t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d o b t a i n i n g n o r m a l b. c. d. a c c u m u la t o r 1-2 Shift-Full Throttle Only Low Line Pressure • front L I ra n g e ). O il Pum p: a. P res s u re r e g u l a t o r a n d / o r b o o s t v a l v e stuck. f. and i n c o r r e c t ly in sta lled . e. d efective. e. servo (h oses, D e t e n t s o l e n o i d stuck o p en . D e t e n t f e e d o rifice in s p a c e r p late b l o c k e d o r b o o st v a l v e rear c. L I - r e v e r s e c h e ck ball m i s p o s i t io n e d o r m i s s ­ i n g (this w ill ca u s e n o r e v e rs e a n d n o o v e r r u n b r a k i n g in re stricted . • Check b. C h e c k c a s e f o r in t e r m e d i a t e clutch c u p p lu g leak o r b lo w n out. a. c. d. 3. a. High Line Pressure in C h e c k c e n t e r s u p p o r t oil sea l rin gs. C h e c k d ir e ct clutch o u t e r seal. p isto n s a n d r in g s f o r d a m a g e o r m is s in g . ( R e f e r to O I L P R E S S U R E C E H C K S ) • 1. 2. b. P o r o s it y b e t w e e n c h a n n e ls . c. G overnor feed channel b lo c k e d ; governor b o re sco re d o r w o r n , a l l o w i n g cross p re ssu re lea k . • In t e r m e d i a t e clutch: a. C a s e c e n t e r s u p p o r t - oil b r o k e n , d e f e c t i v e ; o rifice p l u g m is s in g . b. C lu tch piston s e a ls rings m issing, m issin g , im p ro p erly a s s e m b le d , cut. First and Second Speeds Only, No 2-3 Shift • D e t e n t s o le n o id - stuck o p e n (de ten t s h ifts o n l y the 2-3 s h if t w o u l d o c c u r at v e r y h ig h speeds, b e in g in te r p r e t e d as no 2-3 sh ift). • D e t e n t switch. • C o n tro l valve: a. 2-3 v a l v e t ra in stuck. b. re c t ly in sta lle d . • V a l v e b o d y g a s k e ts l e a k i n g , d a m a g e d , i n c o r ­ • F o r w a r d a n d d ir e ct c lu tch es s l i p p i n g ( i f burnt, see B U R N E D C L U T C H P L A T E b e lo w ); o il seal r i n g s on D i r e c t clutch : a. d efective. C enter p u m p cover b roken or worn. support oil r in g s m is s in g , b ro k e n , b. C lu tc h p isto n seals m issin g , im p rop erly a s s e m b l e d , cut; p isto n b a ll c h e c k stuck o r m is s in g . • M a n u a l link age m alad ju sted . • Internal L in kage: M a n u a l valve disconn ected or end broken. b. In s id e d e t e n t l e v e r p in b ro k e n . • P u m p A s s e m b l y - t r a n s m i s s io n lu b e l e a k i n g i n to f o r w a r d c lu tch a p p l y p a s s a g e . • p re ss u re B u r n e d p lates - c h e c k cause. d o e sn ’t release - w ill a lso ca u s e no No Drive in Reverse or Slips in Reverse (Install p re s s u r e g a u g e ) • L o w fluid level. • M a n u a l lin k ag e m aladjusted. • O i l p re s s u r e - r e f e r to L O W L I N E P R E S S U R E above. • L o w fluid level. O il p re ss u re - r e f e r to L O W LIN E P R E S S U R E C o n tro l valve: a. 1-2 a c c u m u la t o r v a l v e t r a i n stickin g. b. P o r o s it y in v a l v e b o d y o r case. c. to rq u e d . F o r w a r d C lu tc h : b. C lu tch d r i v e in R e v e r s e . • • F r o n t a c c u m u la t o r p isto n oil r i n g d a m a g e d or m is s in g . a. a. (Install p re ss u re g a u g e ) • above. Drive in Neutral • Slips 1-2 Shift C o n tro l valve: V a lv e body a ttachin g bolts not p rop erly • R e a r a c c u m u l a t o r o il r in g m i s s in g o r d a m a g e d ; c a se b o re d a m a g e d . • P u m p - t o - c a s e g a s k e t m is p o s it io n e d . • Case: a. I n t e r m e d i a t e c lu tch c u p p l u g le a k s e xce s s iv e ly . b. P o r o s it y b e tw e e n c h a n n e ls . c. R a i s e d r i d g e a r o u n d c a s e c e n t e r s u p p o r t bolt (d o e s n ot a llo w c o n tr o l v a lv e a s s e m b l y to sea t p r o p e r ly ) . • I n t e r m e d i a t e clutch : a. P isto n seals m i s s i n g o r d a m a g e d ; clutch p lates b u r n t (see B U R N E D C L U T C H P L A T E S b e lo w ). a. V a l v e b o d y g a s k e t s l e a k i n g , d a m a g e d , i n c o r ­ re c t ly i n s t a l l e d (O ther m a lfu n ctio n s m a y a lso be i n d ic a t e d ) . b. C e n t e r s u p p o r t - leak in f e e d c ir c u it (oil r in g s d a m a g e d o r g r o o v e s d e fe c t i v e ) , e x c e s s iv e le a k b e tw e e n to w e r a n d b u s h i n g , orifice b lee d p l u g h o le (.020 dia.) b. L o w r e v e rs e b a ll c h e c k m is s i n g f r o m case (this w i ll a ls o ca u s e n o o v e r r u n b r a k i n g in L I R a n g e ) . b lo c k e d , c e n t e r s u p p o r t bolt n ot s e a t e d p r o p e r l y in ca se. c. 2-3 v a l v e t ra in stuck o p e n (this w ill a lso ca u se 1-3 u p s h i f t in D r i v e r a n g e ). d. R everse case passages. • feed passage re s tricted ; also c h e c k R e a r s e r v o a n d a c c u m u la t o r : a. Rough 1-2 Shift (Install p re ss u re g a u g e ) • above. • S e r v o p i s t o n sea l r i n g d a m a g e d o r m is s in g . b. S h o r t b a n d a p p l y p in (this m a y also ca u s e n o o v e r r u n b r a k i n g o r slips in o v e r r u n b r a k i n g - L I r a n g e ). R e f e r to I N S T A L L A T I O N O F R E A R S E R V O A S S E M ­ B L Y f o r p i n s e le c t io n p r o c e d u r e . c. D e f e c t i v e r e a r s e r v o p is t o n o r b o re . • R e v e r s e o r low b a n d b urnt, loose l in in g ; a p p l y p in o r a n c h o r p ins not e n g a g ed ; b a n d broken. • • C on trol valve: a. 1-2 a c c u m u la t o r v a l v e train. b. V a l v e b o d y - t o - c a s e bolts loose. c. W r o n g g a s k e ts o r o f f l o c a tio n , d a m a g e d . Case: a. sea lin g . b. • D i r e c t clutch: a. O il p re ss u re - r e f e r to H I G H L I N E P R E S S U R E O u t e r seal d a m a g e d o r m is s in g . b. C l u t c h p la te s b u r n t (see B U R N E D C L U T C H P L A T E S b e lo w ). In term ed iate clutch b a ll a. O il r in g s d a m a g e d . b. c. P isto n stuck. B r o k e n o r m i s s in g sp rin g . d. B o re d a m a g e d . In t e r m e d i a t e clutch • C e n te r support d a m a g ed or worn. Slips 2-3 Shift o il se a l r in g s or grooves Slips in all Ranges, Slips on Start (In s ta ll p r e s s u r e g a u g e ) • L o w flu id level. • above. • O i l p r e s s u re - r e f e r to L O W C a s e - cross leaks, p o r o s ity . - clutch plates burnt (see (Install p re ss u re g a u g e ) • L o w fluid lev el. • above. LIN E P R E S S U R E not P o r o s it y b e tw e e n c h a n n e ls . B U R N E D C L U T C H P L A T E S belo w ). - or R e a r s e r v o a c c u m u la t o r : • F o r w a r d c lu t c h - c lu tch d o e s not re le a s e (w ill also c a u s e D r i v e in N e u t r a l ) . • m i s s in g O il p re ss u re - r e f e r to L O W L I N E P R E S S U R E • C o n t r o l v a l v e - a c c u m u la t o r p isto n p in ( le a k at s w e d g e end). • C a s e p o ro s ity . • • D i r e c t clutch : a. P is to n seals l e a k i n g o r ball c h e c k leaks. b. C e n t e r s u p p o r t oil seal r in g s e x c e s s iv e le a k b e t w e e n to w e r a n d b u s h in g . dam aged; D e t e n t switch. • D e t e n t s o l e n o i d stuck o p e n , loose, etc. (w ill ca u s e late shifts). • C on trol valve: Rough 2-3 Shift (Install p re s s u r e g a u g e ) • O il P r e s s u r e - r e f e r to H I G H L I N E P R E S S U R E above. • F r o n t s e r v o a c c u m u la t o r : a. S e r v o o r a c c u m u l a t o r oil r in g s o r b o re s leaking. b. S e r v o p is t o n c o c k e d o r stuck. • F r o n t b a n d b r o k e n , b u r n t (ch eck f o r cause), not • M a n u a l lin k ag e m aladjusted. • In terna l lin k a g e : short, im p rop erly N O T E : Items a b o v e w i ll a lso ca u s e slips in R e v e r s e OR LOW O IL • S o len o id in op erative, connections. • C o n t r o l v a l v e - d e t e n t v a l v e tra in stickin g. burned, rough P a r k i n g p a w l r e t u rn s p r i n g m is s in g , b r o k e n o r O il level low. b. P l u g g e d o r restricted filter. c. In tak e p i p e " O " r i n g d a m a g e d . d. In ta k e p i p e split, p o r o s i t y in case i n ta k e p i p e e. W a t e r in oil. f. P o r o s i t y o r v o i d s at t r a n s m i s s i o n ca se ( p u m p g. • • O i l P res s u re - r e f e r to P R E S S U R E above. H IGH OR LOW a. O IL • G overnor: restricted d a m a g e d or m is p o s i t i o n e d . F e e d line s cre en p l u g g e d . or lea kin g; P u m p - t o - c a s e g a s k e t o f f lo catio n . Pump A ssem bly: G ears dam aged or defective; in sta lled b a c k w a r d s . (Install p re s s u r e g a u g e ) c. loose, bore. Low or High Shift Points holes bracket f a c e ) in ta k e port. • D e t e n t sw itch a d j u s tm e n ts , c o n n e c t i o n (sw itch p l u n g e r a c t iv a t e d a p p r o x . 7 / 8 " at full throttle o p e n i n g ) . Feed pawl d efective Pum p C avitation : a. No Detent Downshifts b. P a r k i n g p a w l b ro k e n . P arkin g • • C o n t r o l v a l v e - 3-2 v a l v e stuck s p r in g m is s i n g or broken. V a l v e s t ic k in g . p lu g Park, Neutral and all Driving Ranges No Part Throttle Downshift a. cup CAUTION: B efore checking transmission for what is believed to be "transmission noise", makesure that the noise is notfromthe water pump, alternator, power steering, etc. These components can be isolated by removing the proper belt and running the engine no more thantwominutes at onetime. o r no R e v e r s e . H IGH clutch Transmission Noisy • R e a r b a n d b r o k e n , b u r n t (ch eck f o r cause), n ot e n g a g e d on a n c h o r p in s o r s e r v o pin. • b. c. d. a p p l y p re ss u re . to spacer in c o r r e c t l y h o o k e d . R e a r servo: a. O i l seal r in g , b o r e o r p isto n d a m a g e d ; l e a k in g (I nsta ll p r e s s u r e g a u g e ) • O il p re ss u re - r e f e r P R E S S U R E above. in t e r m e d i a t e a. P a r k i n g b r a k e lev er a n d a c t u a t o r (ch eck f o r c h a m f e r o n a c t u a t o r r o d sleeve). c h e c k b a ll a re a . p in m i s p o s it i o n e d ; e d g e s o r in c o r r e c t ly in sta lled . • C a s e a s s e m b l y - L I - r e v e r s e c h e c k ball m i s p o s i ­ tio n e d o r m i s s in g f r o m ca se; ca se d a m a g e d at L I - r e v e r s e app ly g a s k e ts Won’t Hold in Park No Engine Braking in LI Range - 1st Gear band plate • C a s e p o r o s i ty ; le a k i n g , m issin g . • e n g a g e d o n a n c h o r p in a n d / o r s e r v o pin. Spacer p late orifice h o le s m i s s i n g o r b lo ck e d . No Engine Braking in L2 Range - 2nd Gear b. Rear assem bled. 3-2 v a l v e tra in (de ten t u p s h i f t s p o ssible ). c. 1-2 s h i f t v a l v e tra in - 1-2 r e g u l a t o r v a l v e stuck (this w o u ld c a u s e a co n s t a n t 1-2 s h i f t p o in t, re g a r d le s s o f d. F r o n t a c c u m u l a t o r s p r i n g m issin g , b ro k e n . b. A c c u m u l a t o r p is t o n stuck. • D i r e c t c lu tch - a ir c h e c k f o r leak to o u t e r a r e a o f c lu tch p is t o n o r ce n t e r p isto n seal. • D a m a g e d c e n t e r su p p o rt. • D e t e n t v a l v e train. b. throttle o p e n in g ) . F r o n t s e r v o a c c u m u la t o r : a. a. p ipes b. Crescent interference. c. O i l seal r i n g s d a m a g e d o r w o r n . Converter: a. L o o s e f l y w h e e l - t o - c o n v e r t e r bolts. b. D a m a g e d c o n v e rt e r . First, Second and/or Reverse Gears P l a n e t a r y G e a r Set: a. G e a r s or thrust b e a r i n g s d a m a g e d . d rivin g gear b. F r o n t in te r n a l g e a r r i n g d a m a g e d . During Acceleration - Any Gear • T ran sm issio n underbody. • or cooler lin e s grounded to Squeal at Low Vehicle Speed s h a ft sea l - re q u ir e s Burned Clutch Plates • a. m is s in g . C h e c k b a ll in c lu tch d r u m d a m a g e d , stuck or b. m is s in g . C lu tch c. Low S U R E above). line cracked, p re ss u re (see seals LOW dam aged L IN E or PRES­ d. M a n u a l v a l v e m i s p o s it i o n e d ( m a y also ca u se fro n t b and failure). e. R e s tr i c t e d oil f e e d to f o r w a r d c lu tch (clutch h o u s i n g to in n e r a n d o u t e r a r e a s not d rille d , restricted, p o r o s i t y in p u m p . etc.). f. T r a n s m i s s i o n c a s e v a l v e b o d y f a c e n ot flat o r p o r o s i t y b e tw e e n c h a n n e ls . g. M anual gro u n d properly. valve bent and center la n d n ot h. P u m p c o v e r oil seal r in g s m is s in g , b r o k e n o r u n d e r s iz e , r i n g g r o o v e o v e r s iz e . • I n t e r m e d ia t e C lu tc h : ble e d d. m is s in g . I n t e r m e d ia t e clutch p isto n seals d a m a g e d o r h. T r a n s m i s s i o n case v a l v e b o d y f a c e not flat or p o r o s i t y b e tw e e n c h a n n e ls . i. M a n u a l v a l v e b e n t a n d c e n t e r la n d n ot g r o u n d properly. • F o r w a r d clutch: p is t o n 1-2 a c c u m u la t o r v a l v e stuck in c o n tr o l v a l v e e. C e n t e r s u p p o r t bo lt loose. f. L o w line p re ssu re (see L O W L I N E P R E S ­ S U R E above). g. In t e r m e d ia t e clutch c u p p l u g in c a s e m issing. M o t o r m o u n t s lo o se o r b r o k e n . S p ee d o m ete r driven g e a r lu brication or replacem ent. c. assem bly. a. m is s in g . C o n stan t o rifice in center support b. m is s in g . R e a r a c c u m u l a t o r p isto n oil r i n g d a m a g e d o r D i r e c t C lu tc h : a. R e s tr icted orifice in v a c u u m line to m o d u l a t o r ( p o o r v a c u u m respo n se). b. C h e c k ba ll in clutch p isto n d a m a g e d , stuck or m issin g . c. D e f e c t i v e m o d u l a t o r bellow s. d. C e n t e r s u p p o r t bolt lo o se (bolt m a y be tight in s u p p o r t b u t not h o l d i n g s u p p o r t tight to the ca se). e. C e n t e r s u p p o r t oil rin gs o r g r o o v e s d a m a g e d o r m issing . f. C lu tc h p isto n c r a c k e d , seals d a m a g e d or m issing . g. F r o n t a n d re a r servo p istons a n d / o r seals dam aged. h. 3-2 v a l v e , 3-2 v a l v e s p r i n g o r 3-2 s p a c e r pin i n sta lled in w r o n g lo c a tio n in 3-2 v a l v e train bore. i. M a n u a l v a l v e be n t a n d ce n t e r la n d not g r o u n d p r o p e r ly . j. T ransm issio n ca se valve body not flat or p o r o s i t y b e tw e e n c h a n n e ls . k. I n t e r m e d ia t e ro lle r clutch in sta lle d b a c k w a r d s . • In a d d i t io n , bu r n e d clutch p lates ca n be c a u s ed b y i n c o rre c t u s a g e o f clutch p lates. A l s o , a n t i - f r e e z e in t ra n s m is s io n fluid ca n ca u s e s ev er e d a m a g e d , such as la rg e p iece s o f c lu tch p late m a te r i a l p e e l i n g off. MAINLINE PRESSURE INTAKE PRESSURE CONVERTER PRESSURE GOVERNOR PRESSURE MODULATOR PRESSURE DETENT PRESSURE 1-2 ACCUMULATOR PRESSURE : rev er se : AUTOMATIC Fig. 400 H yd rau lic C ir c u it TRANSMISSION 7A-14C--THM GOVERNOR ASHMI1V REVERSE 7A 33 SERVICE OPERATIONS TRANSMISSION REPLACEMENT NOTE: 4 .R e m o v e truck f r o m hoist. I f n e c e s s a r y , the c a t a l y t i c c o n v e r t e r m a y h a v e to be d i s c o n n e c t e d to p r o v i d e a d e q u a t e c l e a r a n c e t'or t r a n s m i s s i o n r e m o v a l . T h i s p r o c e d u r e w i ll i n c l u d e r e m o v a l o f the c o n v e r t e r s u p p o r t bracket. B e f o r e r a i s i n g the truck, d i s c o n n e c t the b a t t e r y and r e le a s e the p a r k i n g b r a k e . R a i s e truck o n hoist. 2. R e m o v e p r o p e l l e r s h a ft . D i s c o n n e c t s h i f t c o n tr o l lin k a g e . 5. S u p p o r t t r a n s m i s s io n w i t h s u i t a b le t ra n s m is s io n jack. rear m ount fro m 7. R e m o v e tw o bo lts at e a c h e n d crossm e m b er and rem ove crossm em ber. o f the 8. R e m o v e con verter and pan. 9. R e m o v e c o n v e r t e r to f l y w h e e l bolts. Loosen exhaust p ipe a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1/ 4 in ch, a n d j a c k is b a r e l y s u p p o r t i n g it. to Model CL 1. U s e a n o n - h a r d e n i n g s e a l e r on o u t s id e o f seal b o d y ; a n d u s in g T o o l J-24057, d r i v e seal in p la ce . m a n ifo ld low er transm ission R e -in s t a ll p r o p e l l e r s h a ft. GOVERNOR fram e 1. R e m o v e g o v e r n o r c o v e r a t t a c h i n g scre ws, co ve r, a n d ga ske t. 2. D i s c a r d g a s k e t. 3. W i t h d r a w g o v e r n o r a s s e m b l y f r o m ca se. Installation bolts until In s t a lla tio n o f the g o v e r n o r a s s e m b l y is the r e ve rs e o f the r e m o v a l . U s e a n ew g a s k e t u n d e r the g o v e r n o r c o v e r. A d j u s t fluid level. 13. U s e c o n v e r t e r h o l d i n g T o o l J-5384 w h e n l o w e r i n g t r a n s m i s s io n o r k e e p r e a r o f t r a n s m is s i o n lo w e r t h a n f r o n t so as n o t to lose c o n v e r t e r . MODULATOR AND MODULATOR VALVE Removal 1. Rem ove m o dulato r assem bly attach in g screw a n d r e tain er . 2. R e m o v e m o d u l a t o r a s s e m b l y f r o m case. D i s c a r d " O " r i n g seal. 3. R e m o v e m o d u l a t o r v a l v e f r o m ca se. Installation Installation T h e in s t a l l a t i o n o f the t r a n s m i s s i o n is the r e v e rs e o f t he r e m o v a l w i t h the f o l l o w i n g a d d i t i o n a l steps. r o t a te s f r e e l y b y h a n d in this p o s it io n . T h e n , h a n d start t i g h t e n f in g e r t i g h t T h is w i ll insure transm ission b e f o r e t o r q u i n g to p roper converter support crossm em ber to t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d f r a m e w i t h t a p e r on s u p p o r t s l o p i n g t o w a r d re a r. A f t e r in s t a l l a t i o n o f t r a n s m is s i o n , c h e c k l i n k a g e fo r p ro p er adjustm ent. In s ta lla tio n o f the m o d u l a t o r a s s e m b l y a n d m o d u l a ­ tor v a l v e is the re v e r s e o f the r e m o v a l . U s e a n e w " O " r i n g seal o n the m o d u l a t o r a s s e m b ly . B e f o r e in s t a l l i n g the flex p late to c o n v e r t e r bolts, m a k e c e r t a i n w i t h the flex p la t e th a t the w e l d nuts o n the c o n v e r t e r as flush w it h the flex p la t e a n d the c o n v e r t e r 3. R e -in s t a ll p r o p e l l e r s ha ft. Removal 12. R a i s e t r a n s m is s i o n to its n o r m a l p o sitio n , s u p p o r t e n g i n e w i t h j a c k a n d s lid e t r a n s m is s io n r e a r w a r d f r o m e n g i n e a n d l o w e r it a w a y f r o m v e h ic le . Install U s e a n o n - h a r d e n i n g s e a le r on o u ts id e o f seal fram e 11. R e m o v e t r a n s m i s s i o n to e n g i n e m o u n t i n g bolts a n d r e m o v e oil filler tu b e at tra n s m is s io n . 2. 1. 2. 4. 6. D isco n n ect crossm em ber. All Models Except CL 2. 3. D i s c o n n e c t s p e e d o m e t e r c a b le , e le c t r ic a l le a d to c a s e c o n n e c t o r , v a c u u m lin e at m o d u l a t o r , a n d oil c o o l e r p ip e s . all bo lts a n d sp ecification . a l ig n m e n t . R e m o v e p r o p e l l e r sha ft. P r y seal o u t w it h screw d r iv e r. b o d y ; a n d u s in g T o o l J-21359, d r iv e seal in p lace . 1. 1. 1. 2. Installation Removal 10. REAR SEAL Removal A d j u s t fluid level. PARKING LINKAGE-10, 20 SERIES Removal 1. R e m o v e b o t t o m p a n a n d oil filter. 2. U n t h r e a d m a n u a l s h a ft. jam n ut h o ld in g d e te n t le v e r 3. R e m o v e m a n u a l s h a f t r e t a i n i n g p i n f r o m case. 4. R e m o v e m a n u a l s h a f t a n d j a m n ut f r o m ca se. NOTE: to D o n ot r e m o v e m a n u a l s h a f t sea l unless re p l a c e m e n t is r e q u i r e d . 5. R e m o v e p a r k i n g a c t u a t o r rod a n d d e te n t le v e r assem bly. 6. R e m o v e p a r k i n g p a w l b r a c k e t a t t a c h i n g screw s a n d bracket. 7. R e m o v e the g o v e r n o r p i p e s a n d m a n u a l v a l v e Installation I n s ta lla tio n o f c o n tr o l v a l v e b o d y is in r e ve rs e o f r e m o v a l . See O v e r h a u l M a n u a l . A d j u s t fluid level. R e m o v e p a r k i n g p a w l r e t u rn s p rin g . NOTE: 6. f r o m co n tr o l v a l v e b o d y . T h e f o l l o w i n g steps s h o u ld be c o m p l e t e d un less p a r t r e p l a c e m e n t is r e q u i r e d . PRESSURE REGULATOR VALVE 8. R e m o v e p a r k i n g p a w l s h a f t re ta in er . 9. R e m o v e p a r k i n g p a w l s h a ft , c u p p l u g p a r k i n g p a w l s h a f t , a n d p a r k i n g p a w l. Removal 1. Installation I n s t a l l a t io n o f the p a r k i n g l i n k a g e is the r e v e rs e o f th e r e m o v a l . U s e n e w seal a n d c u p p lu g , i f r e m o v e d , a n d n ew b o t t o m p a n g a s k e t. CONTROL VALVE BODY Removal R e m o v e b o t t o m p a n a n d filter. 2. C o m p r e s s r e g u l a t o r b o o st v a l v e b u s h i n g a g a in s t p re ss u re r e g u l a t o r s p r i n g a n d r e m o v e s n a p r i n g , u s in g J-5403 pliers. 3. Rem ove regu lator b o o st valve bu shin g and v a lv e . 4. R e m o v e p r e s s u re r e g u l a t o r sp rin g. 5. Rem ove sprin g retainer, w asher s p ace r(s ) is p re se n t, a n d r e g u l a t o r v a lv e . 1. R e m o v e b o t t o m p a n a n d filter. 2. D isconnect lea d w ire from p re ss u re switch Installation assem b ly. N O T E : A solid ty p e p re ss u re r e g u l a t o r v a l v e must 3. R e m o v e c o n tr o l v a l v e b o d y a t t a c h i n g screw s a n d d e t e n t r o lle r s p r i n g a s s e m b l y . o n l y be' used in a p u m p c o v e r w it h a s q ua re d-o ff' N O T E : D o n o t r e m o v e s o l e n o i d a t t a c h i n g screws. CAU TION: I f the transmission is in the vehicle, the front servo parts may drop out as the control valve assembly is removed. 4. R e m o v e c o n tr o l v a l v e b o d y assem bly and g o v e r n o r p ip e s . I f c a r e is t a k e n in r e m o v i n g c o n tr o l v a l v e b o d y the six (6) c h e c k b a lls w ill s t a y in p la c e a b o v e the s p a c e r p late. 5. R e m o v e the g o v e r n o r s c r e e n a s s e m b l y f r o m e n d o f g o v e r n o r f e e d p ip e o r f r o m the g o v e r n o r f e e d p i p e h o le in the c a s e ( F i g . 7 A - 1 5 C ) . C l e a n g o v e r n o r s cre en in c l e a n s o l v e n t a n d a i r dry. CAU TIO N : £>o not drop manual valve. p re ss u re r e g u l a t o r b oss ( S e e F i g u r e 7 A - 1 6 C ) . A p re ss u re r e g u l a t o r v a l v e w it h oil holes a n d orifice c u p p l u g m a y b e used to s e r v ic e e it h e r ty p e p u m p . In s ta lla tio n o f the p re ss u re r e g u l a t o r v a l v e is the re ve rs e o f the r e m o v a l . I n s t a l l i n g n ew g a s k e t o n oil p a n a n d a d j u s t in g fluid lev el. OIL COOLER PIPES I f r e p l a c e m e n t o f t ra n s m is s i o n steel t u b i n g c o o le r p ip e s is r e q u ir e d , use o n l y d o u b l e w r a p p e d a n d b r a z e d steel t u b in g m e e t i n g G M s p e c if ic a tio n 1 2 3 M o r its e q u i v a l e n t . U n d e r n o c o n d i t io n use c o p p e r o r a l u m i n u m t u b i n g to r e p l a c e steel t u b in g . T h o s m a t e r i a l s do n ot h a v e s a t i s f a c t o r y f a t i q u e d u r a b i l i t y to w i t h s t a n d n o r m a l v e h ic l e v ib r a t i o n s . GOVERNOR SCREEN ASSY. GOVERNOR FEED PIPE HOLE PUMP FOR COVER ID E N T IF IC A T IO N - SQUARED REG. OFF BOSS. PRESSURE Stell t u b i n g s h o u ld be f la r e d u s in g the upset ( d o u b le l a p ) fla r e m e t h o d w h i c h is d e t a i l e d in S e c t i o n 5. OTHER SERVICE OPERATIONS 2. O il p a n a n d ga ske t. 3. D o w n s h if t s o le n o id o r co n n e c to r . 4. V a l v e b o d y s p a c e r plate, g a s k e t a n d c h e c k ba lls. 5. F r o n t a c c u m u la t o r piston. sin g le 6. R e a r s e r v o a n d r e a r a c c u m u la t o r a s s e m b l y . o p e r a t i o n s a n d n o t as p a r t o f a g e n e r a l o v e r h a u l sh o u ld , as a p r a c t i c a l m a tt e r , be p e r f o r m e d w ith the t r a n s m is s io n 7. R e a r b a n d a p p l y c h e c k i n g w ith T o o l J-2 1370. 8. F r o n t s e r v o a s s e m b ly . 9. S p ee d o d riven gear. The fo llo w in g operations when done as in the v e h i c l e . R e f e r to the " T r a n s m i s s i o n D i s a s s e m b l y a n d R e a s s e m b l y " s ectio n o f the O v e r h a u l M a n u a l f o r s e r v ic e p r o c e d u r e s . 1. O i l filler p ip e a n d " O " r i n g seal. 10. C a s e e x t e n s i o n o r ga ske t. 11. F i l t e r a n d " O " rin g . 12. P r e s s u r e s w itch a s s e m b ly . S P E C IF IC A T IO N S CBC 350 TH M 400 1 7 ft. lbs. Pump C over to Pump B o d y ................................. Pump A ss e m b ly to Ca se ....................................18 -1/2 ft. lbs. Valve B o d y and Support P l a t e ........................... 13 0 in. lbs. Parking L o c k B r a c k e t ............................................. 29 ft. lbs. Oil Suctio n Screen ................................................ 40 in. lbs. Oil Pan to C a s e .........................................................13 0 in. lbs. E x ten sio n to Ca se ...................................................... 2 5 ft. lbs. M o dula to r R etain er to C a s e ................................. 13 0 in. lbs. Inner S electo r Lever to S h a f t .................................25 ft. lbs. Detent Valv e A ctuatin g B r a c k e t ........................... 52 in. lbs. Converter t o F ly w h ee l B o l t s ................................. 35 ft. lbs. Under Pan to Transmission Case . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 in. lbs. Transmission Case to Engine ................................. 35 ft. lbs. Oil C o o ler Pipe Connectors to Transmission Case or R a d i a t o r ................................................ 1 2 5 in. lbs. Oil C o o ler Pipe to Co n necto rs ........................... 10 ft. lbs. D etent Cable t o Transm issio n ................................. 75 in. lbs. Detent Cable to C a r b ................................................ 1 1 2 in. lbs. Pump Cover B o l t s ...................................................... 18 ft. lbs. Parking Pawl Bracket Bolts....................................... 18 ft.' lbs. Center Support B o l t ................................................... 23 ft. lbs. Pump to Case A tt achin g B o l t s .............................. 18 ft. lbs. Exten sion Housing to Case A tta chin g B o l t s . . . 23 ft. lbs. Rear Servo Cover B o l t s .............................................18 ft. lbs. De tent So lenoid Bolts ............................................. 7 ft. lbs. Con trol Valve B o d y B o l t s ....................................... 8 ft. lbs. Bo tto m Pan A ttaching S c r e w s .............................. 12 ft. lbs. Modulator Retainer B o l t .......................................... 18 ft. lbs. Govern or Cover B o l t s ................................................18 ft. lbs. Manual Lever to Manual Shaft N u t ..................... 8 ft. lbs. Manual Shaft to Inside D e ten t L e v e r ............... 18 ft. lbs. Lin kage Swivel Clamp N u t .................................... 43 ft. lbs. Converter Dust Shield S c r e w s ................................. 93 ft. lbs. Transmission to Engine Mounting B o l t s ............ 35 ft. lbs. Converter to F ly w h e e l B o l t s ................................. 35 ft. lbs. Rear M o un t to Transmission B o l t s ..................... 40 ft. lbs. Rear M ount to Crossmember B o l t ........................ 40 ft. lbs. Crossmember M ounting B o l t s .................................25 ft. lbs. Oil C o o ler L i n e ............................................................10 ft. lbs. Line Pressure T a k e - O ff P l u g .................................... 13 ft. lbs. Strainer Retainer B o lt ............................................. 10 ft. lbs. Oil C ooler Pipe Connectors to Transmission Case or Radiator ................................................125 in. lbs. Oil C ooler Pipe to C o n n e c t o r ................................. 10 in. lbs. Downshift Sw itch to B r a c k e t ................................. 22 in. lbs. S P E C IA L T O O L S 1. J-8763-02 2. J 3289-20 3. J-8092 4. J-21465-13 5. J-23062-3 6. J-23062-7 7. J-21465-15 8. 9. 10. 11. J-23329 J-9534-01 J-23327 J-23062-2 12. J 23062-1 13. J-21424-9 Transmission Holding Fixture (Used with J-3289-20 Base) Transmission Holding Fixture Base Driver Handle (Threaded type) Driver Handle Extension (Used with J-8092) Sun Gear and Reaction Carrier Bushing Output Shaft Bushing Installer Stator Shaft Front Bushing Remover (Used with J-8092) Direct Clutch Bushing Installer Output Shaft Bushing Remover Clutch Spring Compressor Stator Shaft Rear Bushing Installer (Both Rear) Case Bushing Remover and Installer Extension Housing Bushing Remover and Installer (Used with J-8092) 14. J-21424-7 15. J-23062-5 16. J-5154 or J-21426 17. J-21359 18. J-7004 19. J 21885 20. J-23069 21. J-2619-01 Stator Shaft Front Bushing Installer (Used with J-8092) Input Ring Gear Bushing Remover and Installer Extension Housing Oil Seal Installer Pump Oil Seal Installer Slide Hammers (Pair) (Ear Pump Body removal) (3/8" x 16 tread) 2-3 Accumulator Piston Compressor Intermediate Accumulator Cover Remover arid Installer Slide Hammer (5/8'' x 18 with 1/2" x 13 Adapter) Not Illustrated J-21369 J-8001 Converter Pressure Check Fixture Dial Indicator Set (.001" Increments, .001" Travel) 17 1. 2. 3 4 J - 6 1 16-01 J-80 9 2 J -21359 J-21364 5. J -2 6 1 9 6. 7. 8. J-5154 J-6585 J-9539 9. 10. 1 1. 12. 13. J-5 5 90 J-21867 J-2 1 3 7 0 - 6 J - 2 1370-5 J-2 1795-1 Rear Unit Holding Fixture Driver Handle Pump Oil Seal Installer Holding Fixture Ad ap ter (Used with J - 6 1 1 6 -0 1 Fixture) Slide H am m er (Used with 2 6 1 9 - 4 Ad ap ter and Remover Tools J - 2 1 4 6 5 - 0 1 ) Extension Oil Seal Installer Slide H am m er Weights Slide Ha mm er Bolts ( 3 / 8 ' - 16 Threads) Speedo Gear Installer Pressure Gauge and Hose Rear Band Apply Fixture Rear Band Apply Pin Gear Unit Assembly Holding Tool 18 19 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29 20 J-2 1 7 9 5 - 2 J -5384 J-2 1 4 6 5 -0 1 J - 2 1465-5 J - 2 1465-3 J - 2 1465-2 J - 2 1 4 6 5-1 J-2 1 4 6 5 - 1 7 J -2 1465-8 J - 2 14 6 5 -1 3 J - 2 1465-6 J -2 1465-15 J -2 1465-16 J -2 1465-9 J -2 1465-10 J-22182 21 22 Part of Above Holding Tool Converter Holding Strap Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Part of Bushing Tool Set Ext. Bushing Rem. and Inst. (Not Illustrated) 1. 2. 3. 4. J-8763 J-3289-14 J-21427-1 J-9539 5. 6. 7. 8. J-8105 J 22269-01 J-21369 J-21362 9. J 21363 10. J-21409 Transmission Holding Fixture Holding Fixture Base Speedo Gear Remover Side Hammer Bolts (3/8” - 16 Threads) Speedo Gear Remover Puller Accumulator Piston Remover and Installer Converter Pressure Check Fixture Seal Protector - Forward and Direct Clutch - Inner Seal Protector - Intermediate Clutch - Inner Seal Protector - Forward Clutch - Outer 11. J 21664 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Not J-4670 J-8059 J 5586 J-5403 J-1313 11lustrated J-24684 J-24675 Clutch Spring Compressor Adapter Ring Clutch Spring Compressor Snap Ring Pliers Snap Ring Pliers Snap Ring Pliers Torque Wrench 0-140 Ft. Lbs. Pressure Regulator Valve Compressor Accumulator Piston Adapter (Used with J-22269 01) SECTION 7B M A N U A L TR A N S M IS S IO N INDEX G e n e r a l D escrip tion C o m p o n e n t Parts R e p l a c e m e n t 3 - S p e e d 7 6 m m S a g i n a w .................................................... 7B-1 T r a n s m i s s i o n s ........................................................................... 7 B - 1 7 R e p l a c e m e n t ........................................................................ 7 B - 1 7 A l i g n m e n t ............................................................................. 7 B - 19 3 - S p e e d 7 7 m m T r e m a c ..................................................... 7B-1 3 - S p e e d 8 3 m m M u n c i e ..................................................... 7B-I 4 - S p e e d 1 1 7 m m M u n c i e ................................................... 7B-1 M a in te n a n ce and A djustm ents T r a n s m i s s i o n L i n k a g e ........................................................ 7B -10 T r a n s f e r C a s e L i n k a g e ..................................................... 7B-10 D iagn osis Free Spin Sh ift Sh ift P e d a l T r a v e l ................................................................ D o w n T i m e .................................................................. L i n k a g e ........................................................................... E f f o r t ................................................................................ 7 B - 14 7 B - 14 7B-14 7 B - 14 O il S e a l .................................................................................. S p e e d o G e a r ....................................................................... Sid e C o v e r ........................................................................... S h i f t C o n t r o l L e v e r ....................................................... T r a n s f e r C a s e ......................................................................... R e m o v a l ................................................................................. In s t a l l a ti o n ............................................................................ S p e c i f i c a t i o n s ................................................................................. S p e c ia l T o o l s ................................................................................. 7B-20 7B-21 7B-21 7B-22 7B-22 7B-22 7B-22 7B-24 7B -25 GENERAL DESCRIPTION THREE-SPEED TRANSMISSIONS 3-Speed 76 mm Saginaw 3-Speed 77mm Tremac 3-Speed 83mm H.D. Muncie T h e t ra n s m is s io n s are f u lly s y n c h r o n i z e d in all f o r w a r d speeds; h o w e v e r , re ve rse g e a r is not. T h e s y n c h r o n i z e r a ss e m b lie s co n sist o f a hub, sle eve, two key s p rin g s a n d three s y n c h r o n i z e r keys. T h e s n y c h r o n i z e r h u b s a re sp lin e d to the m a i n s h a f t a n d re t a in e d b y sn a p rin gs. T h e th ree sp ee d s y n c h r o m e s h t ra n s m is s io n s (F igs. 7B -1 t h r o u g h 7 B - 5 ) a re r e p r e s e n ta t iv e o f a c o n s t a n t - m e s h t r a n s m is s io n d e s ig n . F u n d a m e n t a l c o m p o n e n t s o f these un its a re the c a se, w h i c h h o u s e s the g e a r s a nd s h a ft ; the co n tr o l c o v e r , w h i c h h ouses the s h i f t e r m e c h a n i s m ; a n d the v a r io u s s h a ft s a n d g e a r s . T h e in p u t s h a ft has an in te g r a l m ain d r iv e gear and ro tates w ith the clutch d r i v e n p late; tha t is, the s h a f t ro ta te s all the tim e the clutch is e n g a g e d and the e n g i n e is r u n n in g . T h e in p u t s h a f t is s u p p o r t e d in the c a se b y a ball b e a r i n g a n d at the f r o n t e n d b y an oil i m p r e g n a t e d b u s h i n g m o u n t e d in the e n g i n e cran ksh aft. The drive g e a r is in co n sta n t m e s h w i t h the c o u n t e r s h a f t d r i v e g e a r . S in c e all g e a r s in the c o u n t e r s h a f t cluster are i n te g r a l to the s h a ft , th e y a lso r o ta te at the tim e the c lutch is e n g a g e d . T h e c o u n t e r g e a r is c a r r i e d o n r o lle r b e a r i n g s at b o th e n d s a n d thrust is a b s o r b e d b y thrust w a s h e r s lo c a te d b e tw ee n the countergear and thrust bosses in the case. These a s s e m b lie s perm it gears to be selected w i th o u t c i a s h i n g . b y s y n c h r o n i z i n g the sp ee d s o f m a t i n g p arts b e fo r e t h e y e n g a g e . F o u r o f the t ra n s m is s io n g e a r s a re r i g i d l y c o n n e c te d to the c o u n t e r g e a r . T h e s e are the d r iv e n g e a r , sec o n d s p ee d g e a r , first-speed g e a r a n d re v e rs e g e a r . T h e e n g in e d r iv e n clutch gear d r iv e s the countergear through a co n sta n t m e sh c o u n t e r s h a f t d r iv e n g e a r . T h e c o u n t e r g e a r ro tates in a d ir e c tio n o p p o s it e , o r c o u n ter, to the ro ta tio n of the c lutch coun tergear gear. rem ain Forw ard in sp ee d constant gears m esh on w ith the tw o n o n s l i d i n g m a i n s h a f t g e a r s g i v i n g first a nd s ec o n d speed. T hird s p eed is a d ir e c t d r iv e w ith e n g a g e d d ir e c t ly to the m a i n s h a f t . the clutch gear F o r w a r d g e a r s are e n g a g e d t h r o u g h t w o s l i d i n g s y n c h r o n i z e r s le e v e s m o u n t e d o n the m a i n s h a f t . E n g a g e m e n t o f the co n sta n t m e sh m a i n s h a f t g e a r s to the m a i n s h a f t is a c c o m p li s h e d t h r o u g h b lo c k e r r i n g - t y p e s y n c h ro n iz e rs . The N O T E : T h e M u n c i e un it is s i m i l a r to the S a g i n a w t r a n s m is s io n m a i n s h a f t is h e ld in line w i t h the in p u t s h a f t b y a p ilo t b e a r i n g at its f r o n t e n d . w h i c h allo w s it d e s ig n but d iffers in that it has l a r g e r b e arin g s, to ro ta te o r c o m e to rest i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f the in p u t sh a ft . It is c a r r i e d at the re a r b y a b a ll b e a r i n g m o u n t e d in the f r o n t f a c e o f the e x t e n s io n h o u s in g. H e lic a l g e a r s are in c o r p o r a t e d th r o u g h o u t, i n c l u d i n g re v e rs e gear. in d ep en d ently The on m a in sh a ft gears the m ainsh aft are and fre e a re g ears, in p u t s h a f t a n d m a i n s h a f t . FOUR-SPEED TRANSMISSION 4-Speed 117mm Muncie to ro ta te in co n sta n t m e s h w i t h the c o u n t e r s h a f t g e a r s . T h e re v e rs e id le r g e a r T h e M u n c i e M o d e l C H 465 truck t ra n s m is s io n (F igs. 7B-6 and engages 7B -7) w ith uses the a c o n sta n t s ec o n d s p ee d m e sh first g e a r synch ronizer that sleeve. is c a r r i e d o n a b u s h in g , finish b o r e d in p la c e , a n d thrust S e c o n d , third a n d f o u r t h g e a r s a re s y n c h r o n iz e d . T h e is t a k e n o n the thrust bosses o f the case. clutch g e a r is s u p p o r t e d b y a h e a v y d u ty ball b e a r in g . T h e f o r w a r d e n d o f the m a i n s h a f t is s u p p o r t e d b y a lo o se c o l l a r - t y p e b e a r i n g i n sid e the c lu tch g e a r , w h i l e t h e r e a r is c a r r i e d o n a b a ll b e a r i n g in the case. E n d p l a y is taken up by the rear flange retain ing nut. The c o u n t e r g e a r is s u p p o r t e d at the r e a r b y a s in g le ro w ball b e a r i n g w h i c h ta k e s the thrust load, a n d b y a ro lle r b e a r i n g at the f r o n t . I n c o r p o r a t e d in the c o v e r is a ball p in t y p e i n t e r l o c k w h i c h p r e v e n t s s im u l t a n e o u s e n g a g e ­ m e n t o f two g e a r s . A s o n e r o d is m o v e d , it p u s h e s a ball o u t that e n g a g e s m ovem ent. the o t h e r tw o ro ds to p r e v e n t their G earsh ift lo cate d e it h e r fl o o r b o a r d . le v e r s on on the manual s t e e r in g t r a n s m is s io n s colum n or on are the R e g a r d l e s s o f lo c a t io n , the l e v e r p e r f o r m s two o p e r a t i o n s : It selects the g e a r a s s e m b l y to be m o v e d , a n d m o v e s it e it h e r f o r w a r d o r b a c k w a r d in to the d e sired gear p o sitio n . The t r a n s m is s io n a c tio n is the sam e w h e t h e r a f l o o r - t y p e s h if t le v e r o r a s t e e r in g c o l u m n s h ift lev er is used. W hen the shift le v e r is m oved, m o v e m e n t is c a r r ie d b y l i n k a g e to the tra n s m is s io n . the 3 30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 16 31 Clutch Gear Bearing Retainer Pilot Bearings Case 3rd Speed Blocker Ring 2-3 Synch. Snap Ring 2-3 Synch. Hub 2nd Speed Blocker Ring 2nd Speed Gear 1st Speed Gear 1st Speed Blocker Ring 1st Speed Synch. Hub 1st Speed Synch. Snap Ring Reverse Gear 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Reverse Gear Thrust and Spring Washers Snap Ring—Bearing to Mainshaft Extension Vent Speedometer Drive Gear and Clip Mainshaft Rear Oil Seal Retainer Oil Seal Snap Ring—Bearing to Gear Clutch Gear Bearing Snap Ring—Bearing to Case Thrust Washer—Front Thrust Washer—Rear Fig. 7B-1-3-Speed 76mm, Cross-Section 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Snap Ring—Bearing to Extension Rear Bearing Countegear Roller Bearings Anti-Lash Plate Assembly Magnet 2-3 Synch. Sleeve Countergear Countershaft Reverse Idler Shaft 1st Speed Synch. Sleeve " E " Ring Reverse Idler Gear Woodruff Key 19. 3 rd S p e e d B l o c k e r 1. T h ru s t W a s h e r • Fro n t 2 B e a r in g W a s h e r 3 N e e d le B e a r in g s 20 "E " 4. C o u n te rg e a r 2 1. R e v e r s e Id le r G e a r 5 N e e d le B e a r in g s 22 R e v e r s e Id le r S h a f t 6 B e a r in g W a h s e r 23 W o o d ru ff K ey 7 T h ru st W a s h e r • R ear 24 8. C o u n te r S h a ft 9 W o o d ru ff K ey 10 B e a r i n g R e t a in e r 1 1. G asket 12. O il S e a l 13. S n a p R in g - B e a r in g 25 26 27 S n a p R in g ■ B e a r in g R in g 34. 28 1-2 S y n c h r o n iz e r 47 G asket 4 8. 2-3 S h if t F o rk 49 S le e v e 35 S n a p R in g - H u b to S n a p R in g - H u b to 36 R e v e rse G e a r S h a ft 37. T h ru st W a s h e r 1st a n d R e v e r s e S h if t F o rk 50 Sh a ft 2-3 S h if t e r S h a f t A s s e m b ly 51. 1st a n d R e v e r s e S h if t e r S h a f t 2-3 S y n c h r o n iz e r 38 S p r in g W a s h e r S le e v e 39 R e a r B e a r in g 5 2. " 0 " R in g S e a l S y n c h r o n iz e r K e y 40. S n a p R in g - B e a r in g 53 "E " to S h a f t 54 S p r in g S p e e d o m e t e r D riv e 55 2-3 S y n c h r o n iz e r H u b 41. 2 n d S p e e d B lo c k e r 42 R e t a in in g C lip R in g 43 G asket 44. R in g 2 n d a n d 3 rd D e te n t Cam 56 1 st a n d R e v e r s e D e te n t C a m S n a p R in g - R e a r 57 S id e C o v e r B e a r in g to E x te n s io n 58 T C S S w itc h and 15. D r iv e G e a r B e a r in g 29 2nd S p e e d G ear 16 C ase 30 M a in s h a f t 17. D r iv e G e a r 3 1. 1st S p e e d G e a r 45. E x te n s io n 18 P ilo t B e a r i n g s 32 1st S p e e d B l o c k e r 46 O il S e a l Ring A s s e m b ly Gear A s s e m b ly to G e a r 1-2 S y n c h r o n iz e r H u b A s s e m b ly S p r in g to C a s e 14 33 R in g G asket 59 L ip S e a l 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. MAINSHAFT ROLLER BEARINGS 2ND & 3RD SYNCHRONIZER RETAINING RING SYNCHRONIZER BLOCKER RINGS 2ND & 3RD SYNCHRONIZER SPRING 2ND & 3RD SYNCHRONIZER SLEEVE 2ND & 3RD SYNCHRONIZER KEYS 2ND & 3RD SYNCHRONIZER HUB SECOND SPEED GEAR 1ST SPEED GEAR RETAINING RING 1ST SPEED GEAR TABBED WASHER 1ST SPEED GEAR REVERSE SYNCHRONIZER SPRING 1ST & REVERSE SYNCHRONIZER SLEEVE & GEAR REVERSE SYNCHRONIZER KEYS 1ST & REVERSE SYNCHRONIZER HUB 1ST & REVERSE SYNCHRONIZER RETAINING RING REAR BEARING RETAINING RING TRANSMISSION MAINSHAFT REVERSE SYNCHRONIZER ASSEMBLY ACCESS COVER BOLTS ACCESS COVER ACCESS COVER GASKET BEARING RETAINER - TO CASE BOLTS BEARING RETAINER - CLUTCH GEAR GASKET - CLUTCH GEAR BEARING RETAINER SEAL ASSEMBLY - CLUTCH GEAR BEARING RETAINER CLUTCH GEAR BEARING RETAINING RING CLUTCH GEAR BEARING LOCK RING CLUTCH GEAR BEARING ASSEMBLY CLUTCH GEAR EXPANSION PLUG FILLER PLUG TRANSMISSION CASE MAGNET CASE 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. EXTENSION HOUSING TO CASE GASKET SPEEDOMETER DRIVER GEAR RETAINING CLIP TRANSMISSION REAR BEARING LOCK RING MAINSHAFT BEARING ASSEMBLY SPEEDOMETER DRIVE GEAR EXTENSION TO CASE WASHER EXTENSION TO CASE BOLT TRANSMISSION EXTENSION VENTILATOR ASSEMBLY EXTENSION HOUSING ASSEMBLY EXTENSION HOUSING BUSHING EXTENSION HOUSING OIL SEAL ASSEMBLY COUNTERGEAR THRUST WASHER COUNTERGEAR SPACER COUNTERGEAR ROLLET BEARINGS COUNTERGEAR SHAFT COUNTERGEAR SPRING PIN COUNTERGEAR 2ND & 3RD SHIFTER FORK SHIFT FORK LOCKING SCREW 1ST & 2ND SHIFTER INTERLOCK SPRING SHIFTER INTERLOCK PIN 1ST & REVERSE SHIFT RAIL 1ST & REVERSE SHIFT FORK 2ND & 3RD SHIFTER INTERLOCK SPRING 2ND & 3RD SHIFT RAIL REVERSE IDLER GEAR THRUST WASHER REVERSE IDLER GEAR SHAFT SPRING PIN IDLER GEAR SHAFT REVERSE IDLER GEAR BUSHING REVERSE IDLER GEAR REVERSE IDLER GEAR ASSEMBLY SEAL TRANSMISSION SHIFTER TRANSMISSION SHIFTER SHAFT & LEVER ASSEMBLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Clutch Gear Clutch Gear Bearing Retainer 3rd Speed Synchronizer Ring 2nd-3rd Speed Clutch Assy. 2nd Speed Synchronizer Ring 2nd Speed Gear 1st Speed Gear 1st Speed Synchronizer Ring 1st—Reverse Clutch Assy. Reverse Gear 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2 0. Vent S p e e d o m e t e r Gear an d C li p Rear E x t e n s i o n Seal Rear E x t e n s i o n Rear B e a r i n g - t o - S h a f t Sn ap Rin g Rear B e a ri n g - t o - e x t e n s i o n Sn ap R in g C ountergear W o o d r u f f Key T h r u s t Washer Reverse I dle r S h a f t W o o d r u f f K e y Reverse I dle r Gear Fig. 7B-4 3-Speed 83mm, Cross-Section 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Reverse Idler Shaft Countergear Bearings Countergear Case Magnet Anti-Lash Plate Assy. Thrust Washer Clutch Gear Bearing Snap Ring Clutch Gear Retainer Lip Seal 1 Bearing Retainer 2 Bolt and Lock Washer 3 Gasket 4 Oil Seal 5 Snap Ring (Beanng-to-Mam Drive Gear) 6 Main Drive Gear Bearing 7 Snap Ring Bearing 8 Oil Shnger 9 Case 1 10 Gasket 1 1 Snap Ring (Rear Bearing-to-Extension) 12 Extension 13 Extension Bushing 14 Oil Seal 15 Thrust Washer 16 Bearing Washer 17 Needle Bearings 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Countergear Countershaft Woodruff Key Bolt (Extension-to-Case) Reverse Gear Thrust Washer Rear Bearing Snap Ring Speedometer Drive Gear Retainer Clip Reverse Idler Gear Reverse Idler Bushing Reverse Idler Shaft Woodruff Key 1st Speed Gear 1st Speed Blocker Ring Syncrhonizer Key Spring 35 36 Synchronizer Keys 1st and Reverse Synchronizer Hub Assembly 37 Snap Ring 38 1st and Reverse Synchronizer Collar 39 Main Drive Gear 40 Pilot Bearings 4 1 3rd Speed Blocker Ring 42 2nd and 3rd Synchronizer Collar 43 Snap Ring 44 Synchronizer Key Spring 45 Synchronizer Keys 46 2nd and 3rd Synchronizer Hub 47 2nd Speed Blocker Ring 48 2nd Speed Gear 49 Mainshaft 50 51 Gasket 2nd and 3rd Shifter Fork 52 1st and Reverse Shifter Fork 53 2-3 Shifter Shaft Assembly 54 1st and Reverse Shifter Shaft Assembly 55 Spring 56 O-Ring Seal 57. 1st and Reverse Detent Cam 58 2nd and 3rd Detent Cam 59 Side Cover 60 Bolt and Lock Washer 61 TCS Switch and Gasket 62 Lip Seal K” MODELS 1 2 Main Drive Gear Drive Gear Bearing Retainer 3 Snap Ring-Outer 4. 3rd and 4th Synchronizer Ring 5 3rd and 4th Synchronizer Collar 6 3rd and 4th Shift Fork 7 3rd and 4th Speed Synchronizer Ring 8 3rd Speed G#ar 9 2nd Speed Gear 10. 1st and 2nd Synchronizer Assembly 11 12 13. 14. 15 Reverse Driven Gear Poppet Spring Poppet Ball Shift Rail 1st and 2nd Shift Fork 16 1st Speed Gear 17. Thrust Washer 18 Bearing Snap Ring 19. Speedometer Drive Gear 20 Output Yoke 21 Flange Nut 22 Rear Bearing Retainer Oil Seal 23 Rear Bearing Retainer 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Mainshaft Rear Bearing Rear Bearing Snap Ring Snap Ring Countershaft Countershaft Rear Bearing Bearing Snap Ring Reverse Idler Gear Reverse Idler Shaft Case Magnet Snap Ring Snap Ring Spacer Countergear 37 38 39. 40. 41 42. 43 44 45. 46 47. Thrust Washer Snap Ring Front Countershaft Bearing Countergear Front Cover Pilot Bearing Rollers Clutch Gear Oil Slinger Snap Ring 3rd Speed Gear Bushing Thrust Washer 2nd Speed Gear Bushing 1st Speed Gear Bushing (3C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8a. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Bearing Retainer Gasket Bearing Retaining Nut Bearing Snap Ring Main Drive Gear Bearing Transmission Case Rear Bearing Retainer Gasket Main Drive Gear Oil Slinger Bearing Rollers (17) and Cage Snap Ring Third and Fourth Speed Clutch Sliding Sleeve Fourth Speed Gear Synchronizing Ring Third Speed Synchronizing Ring Third Speed Gear Mainshaft Second Speed Gear Second Speed Gear Synchronizing Ring First and Second Speed Clutch Assembly Clutch Key Spring Clutch Flub 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Clutch Keys * “H,' First and Second Speed Clutch Sliding v Sleeve First Speed Gear Synchronizing Ring First Speed Gear First Speed Gear Sleeve Rear Bearing Snap Ring Rear Bearing Rear Bearing Retainer Selective Fit Snap Ring Reverse Gear Speedometer Drive Gear Rear Bearing Retainer to] Case Extension-Gasket Case Extension Extension Bushing Rear Oil Seal Reverse Idler Front Thrust Washer (Tanged) Reverse Idler Gear (Front) Reverse Idler Gear (Rear) J * 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 57a. 58. 59. 60. Flat Thrust Washer Reverse Idler Shaft Reverse Idler Shaft Roll Pin Reverse Shifter Shaft Lock Pin Reverse Shifter Shaft Lip Seal Reverse Shift Fork Reverse Shifter Shaft and Detent Plate Reverse Shifter Lever Reverse Shifter Shaft Detent Ball Reverse Shifter Shaft Ball Detent Spring Speedometer Driven Gear and Fitting Retainer and Bolt "O" Ring Seal Tanged Washer Spacer Bearing Rollers (28) Spacer Bearing Rollers (28) Countergear Damper Plate Countergear Roller Spacer Bearing Rollers (28) Spacer 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. Bearing Rollers (28) Spacer Tanged Washer Countershaft Gasket Detent Cams Retainer Ring Forward Speed Shift Forks First and Second Speed Gear Shifter Shaft and Detent Plate Third and Fourth Speed Gear Shifter Shaft and Detent Plate Detent Cams Detent Cam Spring Lip Seals Transmission Side Cover Headed Cam Pin Third and Fourth Speed Shifter Lever First and Second Speed Shifter Lever TCS Switch and Gasket. Lever Attaching Bolts MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS TRANSMISSION LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT 4. 3-Speed Column Shift in all p o sitio n s. (Figs. 7B-8, 7B-9, and 7B-10) N O T E : I f m a s t j a c k e t lo w e r d a s h c l a m p h a s been In c a s e s w h e r e g e a r s h i f t l i n k a g e h a s b e e n d i s c o n ­ nected or rem oved, proper adjustm ent sequence is im portant. 1. R e m o v e g a u g e a n d m o v e s ele cto r le v e r th r o u g h all p o sitio n s to c h e c k a d j u s tm e n t a n d in su re o v e r - t r a v e l d i s t u r b e d at its m o u n t i n g o n d a s h , its a d j u s t m e n t to the steering m ainshaft should be checked as o u t lin e d in S e c t io n 3 B o f this m a n u a l . S e t b o t h s h i f t e r le v e r s in n e u tr a l p o sitio n . Install c o n tr o l r o d s to bo th s e c o n d a n d th ird s h i f t e r le v e r a n d TRANSFER CASE SHIFT CONTROL first a n d r e v e rs e s h i f t e r lev er. 2. A l i g n both s h i f t e r tube le v e r s o n m ast j a c k e t in the n e u t r a l p o sit io n . Install g a u g e ( 3 / 1 6 to 7/ 3 2 in.) in h o le s o f le v e r s so that g e a r s h i f t c o n tr o l le v e r is in n e u t r a l p o s it io n . 3. C o n n e c t c o n tr o l r o d s to tu b e levers m a k i n g sure c l a m p s a re p r o p e r l y a d j u s te d so that tube levers a n d t r a n s m i s s i o n s h i f t e r lev ers r e m a i n in t h e ir n e u t r a l p o s i t i o n s w h i l e t i g h t e n in g . LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT Model 203 (Full-Time) Transfer Case (Fig. 7B-11) R efer to F i g . 7B-11 for illu s t r a tio n 2 N D & 3RD LEVER 1ST & REV LEVER 2 N D & 3RD LEVER 1ST & REV LEVER of co n tr o ls a n d l i n k a g e a d j u s tm e n t p r o c e d u r e s M o d e l 203 ( F u l l T i m e ) T r a n s f e r C a s e . 1ST-REVERSE C O N TR O L ROD 2N D -3R D C O N TR O L ROD the for s h ift the VIEW B FLAT tO % 2 IvEwfDl ( /l6GAGE G T R A N S F E R CASE C O N T R O L L IN K A G E ADJUSTM ENT 1. A lig n gage holes in Levers (A ) & (B) LOCK w ith gage hole in S h ifte r Asm & insert Gage Pin (J). This p ositio n s Levers (A ) & (B) in " N E U T R A L " . 2. P osition A rm s (F) & (G) in a straight dow n 6 o 'c lo c k (neutral) p o s itio n . 3. W ith Swivel (E) & L o c k Nuts (D) loosely assembled to Rod (C ), ro ta te Swivel (E) u n til ends o f Rod (C) w ill sim ulta n e ou sly enter Lever (B) & A rm (F ). 4. Lock in place w ith Retainers ( K ) . 5. T ig h te n L ock Nuts (D) against Swivel (E) (being ca refu l n o t to change p osition o f A rm ( F )) to specified to rq u e . See V ie w A . 6. Repeat steps 3, 4 & 5 fo r Rod ( H ) to Lever (A ) & A rm (G). 7. Remove Gage Pin (J). DIAGNOSIS Preliminary Inspection T r a n s m i s s i o n c o n tr o l levers s h o u ld be c h e c k e d f o r w e a r B e f o r e a t t e m p t i n g to r e p a i r the clutch , t r a n s m is s io n o r r e l a t e d l i n k a g e s f o r a n y r e a s o n o t h e r t h a n an o b v i o u s failu re, the i d e n t if i e d . p ro b lem A large and p ro b ab le percentage of cause clutch s h o u ld and be m anual t r a n s m is s i o n pro blem s are m an ifested by shifting d ifficulties s uch as h i g h s h i f t effort, g e a r cla s h a n d g r i n d i n g o r t ra n s m i s s io n b l o c k o u t . W h e n a n y o f these p r o b l e m s o c c u r a c a r e f u l a n a l y s i s o f th e se difficulties s h o u l d b e a c c o m p l i s h e d , a n d the f o l l o w i n g c h e c k s a n d a d j u s t m e n t s p e r f o r m e d in the p r e s e n te d s e q u e n c e b e f o r e r e m o v i n g the c lu t c h o r t r a n s m is s i o n f o r re p a ir s. Clutch Free Pedal Travel 1. T h e c lu tch f r e e p e d a l tra v e l a d j u s t m e n t s h o u ld be m a d e as o u t l i n e d in S e c t i o n 7 C . 2. C h e c k c lu tch l i n k a g e f o r lost m o t i o n c a u s e d b y lo o se o r w o r n s w iv els, d e fle c t i o n o f m o u n t i n g b ra c k e t s o r d a m a g e d c o r d o n s h a ft . the e n g in e D isen g ag e the 1. R e m o v e the s h if t ro ds at the t r a n s m is s io n a n d a l ig n the s leeve, b l o c k e r r i n g a n d g e a r b y s h i f t i n g in to the o f f e n d i n g g e a r a n d the n b a ck i n to n eu tral. 2. C h e c k the to r q u e r e q u i r e d to s h if t i n to g e a r w ith an in ch p o u n d to rq u e w r e n c h on the s h if t le v e r a t t a c h i n g 3. va lu e . C l e a n levers, l u b r ic a t e a n d re ch e ck the to rq u e N O T E : I f at this p o in t in the p r o c e d u r e , it is f o u n d that h i g h s h i f t effo rt o r g e a r c l a s h i n g still exists, an a n t i - c h a t t e r l u b r ic a n t (p o s i tr a c ti o n a d d i t i v e ) should be used. T h e l u b r i c a n t is a v a i l a b l e in p la s t ic bottle the filler plug. at a norm al id l e w ith t r a n s m i s s i o n in n e u t r a l a n d c lu tch e n g a g e d . 2. Transmission Shift Effort Checking Procedures a n d c a n be s q u ir t e d in to the t r a n s m is s io n t h r o u g h Clutch Spin Down Time Run TRANSMISSION SHIFT EFFORT bolt. I f m o r e t h a n the sp ecified to r q u e ( F i g . 7 B - 1 2 ) is re q u ir e d , the t r a n s m i s s i o n s h if t l e v e r s h o u ld be c h e c k e d fo r rust o r d ir t b i n d i n g the lever. CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT 1. a n d r e p a i r e d o r r e p l a c e d as n e c e s sa ry . c lu tch , w a i t n in e s e co n d s and Transmission Internal Problems Related to Shift Effort s h i f t the t r a n s m is s i o n to re v e rs e . N o g r i n d i n g n oise s h o u l d be h e a r d . A g r i n d i n g n o is e in d ic a t e s i n c o rre c t W h e n the a b o v e p r o c e d u r e s h a v e b e e n c h e c k e d a n d the p r o b l e m still exists, the t ra n s m is s io n w ill h a v e to be c lu tch a d j u s tm e n t, lost m o t i o n clutch m i s a l i g n m e n t , o r r e m o v e d a n d d i s a s s e m b l e d f o r f u r t h e r d ia g n o s i s . T h e r e are three b a s ic t y p e s o f t r a n s m is s i o n i n t e r n a l p r o b l e m s i n t e r n a l p r o b l e m s such as f a i l e d d a m p e r s , f a c in g s , c u s h i o n s p r in g s , d i a p h r a g m s p r i n g fingers, p re s s u r e p la te d r i v e s tra ps, etc. SHIFT LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT ru nn in g) R e m o v e the s h if t c o n t r o l ro ds f r o m the c o l u m n 2. C h e c k s h if t effo rt at the s h i f t c o n tr o l le v e r k n o b . ( E f f o r t s h o u l d n o t e x c e e d 2 lbs. w i t h t ra n s m is s i o n l i n k a g e rem oved.) 3. If bin din g p rocedure for S e c t i o n 3B. the is felt, s t e e r in g refer co lum n to the low er the s y n c h r o n i z e r s lee ve and h u b s s h o u ld be c h e c k e d f o r a t igh t fit. W i t h the t h r e e s y n c h r o n i z e r keys r e m o v e d , the s lee ve s h o u ld be lo o se on the hu b. I f the h u b a n d s lee ve a re synch ron izer assem bly. n ot a lo o se fit, replace the adjustm ent 2. B lo c k o u t - T h e le v e r m o v e s f r e e l y until the s y n c h r o n i z e r is e n g a g e d . S y n c h r o n i z a t i o n s h o u ld be bearing h e a r d to tak e p la ce , b u t the g e a r w ill n ot e n g a g e . W h e n 4. L u b r i c a t e all ro d a n d sw iv el c o n n e c t io n s r e c h e c k s h i f t e ffo rt a f t e r i n s t a lla t io n . in it d o e s e n g a g e , a d o u b l e b u m p is g e n e r a l l y felt in the and 5. I f s h i f t l i n k a g e is f r e e f r o m b i n d i n g , the c o l u m n le v e r s s h o u l d be c h e c k e d f o r e n d p la y . A .0 05" fe e l e r g a u g e s h o u l d fit b e t w e e n the lev ers a n d c o n tr o l lever. 6. control 1. H a r d S h i f t i n g - T h e effo rt to s h i f t is excessive, but the g e a r s e n g a g e . T h e lev er m o v e s w i t h e x ce s s iv e effo rt t h r o u g h o u t the e n t ire t ra ve l r a n g e . I f the static s h i f t effo rt is h i g h , (clu tch d e p r e s s e d , e n g in e not Steering Column Shift Control 1. lev ers. re fle c te d b y s h i f t i n g effort. C o n n e c t c o n tr o l r o d s a n d c h e ck s t e e r in g c o l u m n le v e r s f o r a l ig n m e n t . In n e u t r a l, the c o l u m n c o n t r o l l e v e r t a n g s s h o u ld lin e up w ith the slot in the m a i n c o n t r o l lever. Floor Shift Control A l l s w iv els, ro d s a n d m o u n t i n g s s h o u ld be c h e c k e d f o r lost m o t i o n a n d r e p a i r e d o r r e p l a c e d as n e c e s sa ry . lever. T h e s y n c h r o n i z e d b l o c k e r r i n g ca n be d a m a g e d b y e x c e s s iv e force on gear cones that are f in is h e d im p r o p e r l y . T h e b l o c k e r r i n g m a t e r i a l m a y stick to the Shift T orque In. Lbs. 3-Saginaw 3-Muncie 50 60 s y n c h r o n i z e r g e a r c o n e c a u s i n g it to be a y e l l o w is h bra ss s light, the l o a d w ill b u ild up on the s h if t le v e r a n d the n c o lo r, fall o f f r a p i d l y f o l l o w e d b y the g r a t i n g so un d. I f the t ra n s m i s s i o n h a s b e e n c la s h i n g , in s tre ak s , w hich results in hard s h ifts when p r e s e n t. T h e g e a r c o n e s h o u ld be a b r i g h t s i l v e r co lo r. P o lis h the g e a r c o n e w i t h 400 g r it p a p e r to a b r ig h t s i l v e r w h e n this c o n d i t i o n is p re se n t. T h e b l o c k e r r in g s s h o u ld b e r e p l a c e d i f the t h r e a d is d a m a g e d o r w o r n . 3. C l a s h - G e a r clash is a s o u n d w h i c h s o m e t i m e s o c c u r s w h e n the s le e v e a n d g e a r c h a m f e r s c o n ta c t e a c h o t h e r in the u n s y n c h r o n i z e d state. T h e c h a r a c t e r i s ti c s o f clash are a gratin g or lo ud buzzin g sound from the t r a n s m i s s i o n . T h e s h i f t le v e r l o a d w ill be lo w e r, b u t a v i b r a t i o n s h o u l d b e felt. T h e n o is e (cla sh ) c a n be f o r a sh o r t i n s t a n t o r l o n g e n o u g h to k e e p the g e a r f r o m b e i n g e n g a g e d . T h is condition hard sh iftin g or reported s h o u ld not be c o n f u s e d w i t h as such . H a r d shifting and c l a s h a r e d i r e c t l y o p p o s it e c o n d itio n s . W h e n the cla s h is the s lee ve e n d s s h o u ld be e x a m i n e d f o r c h i p p i n g a n d burrs. I f the slee ve s a re d a m a g e d , the s y n c h r o n i z e r a s s e m b l i e s a n d b l o c k e r r in g s s h o u l d be r e p l a c e d . S y n c h r o n i z e r s le e v e e n d s s h o u ld h a v e a n a n g u l a r s u r fa c e . T h e s u r fa c e s s h o u ld be e v e n f r o m side to side a n d the ra d i i i n d i c a t e d sh o uld be very s m a ll. Any ch ip p in g w ill r e q u ir e synch ron izer replacem ent. C h e c k the s y n c h r o n i z e r lo ad . W h e n the keys are in sta lled , the s p r i n g e n d s o n o n e side o f the h u b sh o u ld be h o o k e d in o n e k e y a n d the s p r in g on the o p p o s i t e side o f the s y n c h r o n i z e r s h o u ld n ot be h o o k e d o n the s a m e ke y . A d e fin ite lo a d s h o u ld b e f e l t w h e n the s lee ve is m o v e d o n the h u b s w i t h the k e y s a n d s p r i n g s in p r o p e r p o sitio n . SHIFTING DIFFICULTY DIAGNOSIS High Shift Effort-Column Shift (E ffort exceeds 2 ft. lbs. at lever kn o b with transmission linkage disconnected.) High Shift E ffort-Floor Shift (crossover from lst-2nd to 3rd4th position cannot be a c c o m ­ plished w ith out o ffset or step) C O R R E C T IO N PROBABLE CAUSE C O N D I T IO N Binding o f column levers Adjust column mechanism per Section 9, Steering o f the Chassis Service Manual Clean and lubricate all rod and swivel connections. Lever end play exceeds .005 in. Adjust levers Misalignment o f column control levers. Adjust levers Improper linkage Adjustm ent Adjust linkage Lost motion due to damaged or worn swivels, rods, grommets or mountings. Repair or replace defective components. Loose lever attaching bolts Tighten bolts and check levers for correct fit on shifter shafts. Binding Clean and Adjust linkage S t if f shift lever boot Replace bo o t Gear Clash and binding Improper linkage Adjustment Adjust Shift linkage Lost motion Loose or worn swivels and grommets. Deflection o f Mounting Brackets. Loose shift levers. Damaged Cordon Shaft Replace defective parts MANUAL TRANSMISSION DIAGNOSIS C O N D IT IO N Slips out o f High Gear PROBABLE CAUSE CO RRECTIO N a. Transmission loose on clutch housing b. Shift rods interfere with engine mounts or clutch throw-out lever c. Shift linkage does not w ork freely; binds d. Damaged mainshaft pilot bearing e. Main drive gear retainer broken or loose f. Dirt between transmission case and and clutch housing g. Misalignment o f transmission a. Tighten mounting bolts b. Replace or bend levers and rods to eliminate interference c. Adjust and free up shift linkage h. Stiff shift lever seal i. Pilot bearing loose in crankshaft j. Worn or improperly adjusted linkage Noisy in All Gears d. Replace pilot bearing e. Tighten or replace main drive gear f. Clean mating surfaces g. Refer to T R A N S M IS S IO N ALIGNM ENT h. Replace seal i. See Section 6 for brg. fits j. Adjust or replace linkage as required a. Insufficient lubricant b. Worn countergear bearings c. Worn or damaged main drive gear and countergear d. Damaged main drive gear or main shaft bearings e. Worn or damaged countergear anti­ lash plate a. Fill to correct level b. Replace countergear bearings and shaft c. Replace worn or damaged gears Noisy in High Gear a. Damaged main drive gear bearing b. Damaged mainshaft bearing c. Damaged high speed gear synchronizer a. Replace damaged bearing b. Replace damaged bearing c. Replace synchronizer Noisy in Neutral w ith Engine Running a. Damaged main drive gear bearing b. Damaged or loose mainshaft pilot bearing c. Worn or damaged countergear anti­ lash plate d. Worn countergear bearings a. Replace damaged bearing b. Replace pilot bearings. See Section 6 for bearing fits c. Replace countergear Noisy in all Reduction Gears a. Insufficient lubricant b. Worn or damaged main drive gear or countergear a. Fill to correct level b. Replace faulty or damaged gears Noisy in Seco nd O nly a. Damaged or worn second-speed constant mesh gears b. Worn or damaged countergear bearings c. Damaged or worn second-speed synchronizer a. Replace damaged gears Noisy in Speed) Third O nly (F o ur rear a. Damaged or worn third-speed constant mesh gears b. Worn or damaged countergear bearings d. Replace damaged bearings drive gear e. Replace countergear or main d. Replace countergear bearings and shaft b. Replace countergear bearings and shaft c. Replace synchronizer a. Replace damaged gears b. Replace damaged countergear bearings and shaft MANUAL TRANSMISSION DIAGNOSIS (CONT'D.) CO R R EC TIO N PROBABLE CAUSE C O N D IT IO N a. Worn or damaged reverse idler gear or idler bushing b. Worn or damaged reverse gear on mainshaft c. Damaged or worn reverse countergear d. Damaged Shift mechanism a. Replace Excessive Backlash in all Reduction Gears a. Worn countergear bearings b. Excessive end play in countergear a. Replace bearings b. Replace countergear Main Drive Gear Bearing Retainer Burned or Scored by Input Shaft a. Loose or damaged mainshaft bearing b. Misalignment o f transmission a. Replace bearing. See Section 6 for bearing fit b. Align transmission Leaks Lubricant a. Excessive amount o f lubricant in transmission b. Loose o r 1, broken main drive gear bearing retainer c. Main drive gear bearing retainer gasket damaged d. Side cover loose or gasket damaged e. Rear bearing retainer oil seal leaks f. Countershaft loose in case g. Shift lever seals leak Noisy in Reverse Only pilot reverse b. Replace reverse gear c. Replace countergear assembly d. Inspect linkage and adjust or replace damaged parts b. Tighten or replace retainer c. Replace gasket d. e. f. g. Tighten Replace Replace Replace cover or replace gasket seal case seal COMPONENT PARTS REPLACEMENT TRANSMISSION REPLACEMENT 3-Speed Transmission (Except K Series) Removal 1. R a i s e v e h i c l e o n s u it a b l e l u b r i c a n t f r o m t r a n s m is s io n . 2. D isco n n ect speedom eter ho ist c a b le , and d rain back-up lam p a n d T C S s w itch at t r a n s m is s i o n . 3. R e m o v e s h i f t co n tr o ls f r o m tra n s m is s io n . N O T E : O n v e h i c l e e q u i p p e d w ith M u n c i e 4 - S p e e d t r a n s m i s s i o n , r e m o v e the g e a r s h i f t le v e r u s i n g T o o l J -8109 as s h o w n in F i g u r e 7 B - 1 7 . Press d o w n fir m ly and rotate tool cou n terclo ck w ise to release g e a r s h i f t lev er . Place clean lin t - f r e e c lo th or other s u it a b le c o v e r i n g o v e r o p e n i n g o n t r a n s m i s s io n to p r e v e n t e n t r y o f d ir t o f f o r e i g n m a te ria l. thrust washers a. Drain to correct level Fig. 7B15--Manual Transmission Diagnosis Chart B INDEX idler gear assembly g r e a s e to the m a i n d r iv e g e a r b e a r i n g r e t a in e r and s p lin e d p o r t io n o f t r a n s m is s io n m a i n d r iv e g e a r s h a f t to assu re free m ovem ent of clutch and t ra n s m is s io n c o m p o n e n t s d u r i n g a ss e m b ly . CAUTION: Do not apply an excessive amount o f grease in the above areas, as under normal operation this grease could be thrown onto clutch facings resulting in clutch problems. 2. Sh ift the t ra n s m is s io n in to t ra n s m is s io n on d o l l y o r j a c k a n d h ig h gear. M ount m o v e i n to p o sitio n u n d e r the ve h ic le . CAUTION: A void springing the clutch when the transmission is being installed to the engine. Do not force the transmission into the clutch disc hub. Do not let the transmission hang unsupported in the splined portion o f the clutch disc. 3. In stall f l y w h e e l h o u s in g - t o - t r a n s m i s s i o n m o u n t ­ in g bolts a n d w a s h e r s . T i g h t e n bolts to sp ecifica tio n s. Fig. 7B 17 Removing Gearshift Lever 4. D iscon n ect parkin g brake le v e r and co n tro ls ( w h e n us e d ) a n d b a c k up l a m p s w itch w ire . 5. D i s c o n n e c t p r o p e l l e r s h a f t f r o m t r a n s m i s s i o n as d e s c r i b e d in S e c t i o n 4 -A . 6. P o s it i o n veh icle and tra n s m is s i o n . 7. a adjust V isu a lly m e n t, lin e s s u i t a b le or to in sp e ct brackets dolly carry or ja c k the w eigh t to d e t e r m i n e must be under of i f other rem oved to the equ ip ­ perm it Be sure to support the clutch release bearing and support assembly during removal o f the transmission main drive gear from the flywheel housing. This will prevent the release bearing from falling out o f the flywheel housing when the transmission is removed. CAU TION : from the e n g in e , u s in g c a r e to k e e p the t ra n s m is s io n m a i n d r i v e g e a r s h a f t in a l i g n m e n t w ith the clutch disc h u b . S e e F i g . 7 B - 16 . 10. W h e n the t r a n s m i s s i o n is f r e e f r o m the e n g in e , l o w e r the t ra n s m is s i o n a n d m o v e f r o m u n d e r the v e h ic le . 11. I f d e sir e d , a c a r e f u l c h e c k o f clutch c o m p o ­ n e n ts s h o u ld be m a d e a f t e r the t r a n s m is s io n has be en r e m o v e d . I f the clutch r e q u i r e s re p a ir , r e f e r to S e c t io n 7 C b e f o r e t r a n s m i s s io n is r e in s t a l l e d in the v e h ic le . A p p ly Install c r o s s m e m b e r . 6. Connect propeller shaft to t r a n s m is s io n as Connect p arkin g brake lever and c o n tr o l (if 8. Install f l y w h e e l h o u s in g u n d e r p a n . T i g h t e n c a p screw s firm ly. 9. Reconnect sp eedom eter cable to adapter at t ra n s m is s io n , c o n n e c t b a c k - u p l a m p switch w i r e a n d T C S switch . 10. R e in s t a ll s h if t c o n tr o ls o n t ra n s m is s io n . NOTE: O n v e h ic l e e q u i p p e d w ith 3 -s p e e d t r a n s ­ m issio n , r e c o n n e c t s h i f t levers to t r a n s m is s io n side c o v e r. O n v e h i c l e e q u i p p e d w i t h M u n c i e 4 -S p e e d tra n s m is s io n , in sta ll g e a r s h i f t lever u s in g T o o l J-8109 as s h o w n in F i g u r e 7 B - 1 7 . Press d o w n firm ly and ro ta te c l o c k w is e to in sta ll gearshift lever. Install t r a n s m is s io n f lo o r p a n c o v e r a n d f lo o r m a t. 11. I f o t h e r e q u i p m e n t (e x h a u s t p ip e , b ra ck ets , etc.) w a s r e m o v e d , re in sta ll these parts. support 12. R e fill t r a n s m i s s i o n w i t h l u b r i c a n t m e n d e d in S e c t i o n 0-B o f this m a n u a l . recom ­ 13. If necessary, a d ju s t c lu t c h or t r a n s m is s io n c o n tr o l l i n k a g e to a c h i e v e p r o p e r t r a n s m i s s io n o p e r a t io n . 3-Speed Transmission "K" Series Replacement nect 1. R a is e v e h i c l e o n hoist. 2. D rain t r a n s f e r c a s e a n d t r a n s m is s i o n . D i s c o n ­ the s p e e d o m e t e r c a b le from speedom eter driven g e a r fitting, a n d T C S switch co n n e c t io n s . I n s t a l l a tio n 1. 5. 7. 3-Speed Transmission (Except K Series) d r i v e g e a r s h a ft used). A d j u s t b r a k e s as o u t lin e d in S e c t io n 5. CAU TION : M o v e the t ra n s m i s s io n a s s e m b l y s t r a i g h t a w a y m ain d e s c r ib e d in S e c t io n 4 A . R e m o v e t ra n s m i s s i o n j a c k . m is s i o n - t o - f l y w h e e l h o u s i n g m o u n t i n g bolts. 9. the t r a n s m is s io n clutch disc splines. R e m o v e f l y w h e e l h o u s i n g u n d e r p a n a n d trans- When removing the transmission, do not allow the weight o f the transmission to hang on the clutch disc hub, as the disc may become distorted, seriously affecting clutch operation. A lign c o m p a n i o n f l a n g e o r o u t p u t y o k e . M o v e the t ra n s m is s io n f o r w a r d , g u i d i n g the m a i n d r i v e g e a r s h a f t i n to the the r e m o v a l o f th e t r a n s m is s i o n . R e m o v e c r o s s m e m b e r . 8. 4. w ith the clutch d is c h u b b y r o t a t in g the t ra n s m is s io n a lig h t coatin g of h ig h t e m p e r a tu r e 3. D i s c o n n e c t p r o p e l l e r s h a ft s f r o n t U - j o i n t y o k e at case, a n d tie up o u t o f w a y . 4. Rem ove holt holdin g the s h if t lev er co n tr o l a s s e m b l y to the a d a p t e r a s s e m b l y . Push a s s e m b l y to o n e s id e a n d tie up o u t o f w a y . 5. S u p p o r t t r a n s f e r ca se in a s u it a b le R e m o v e bo lts a t t a c h i n g t r a n s f e r c a s e to a d a p t e r . c r a d le . the s h i f t e r 9. R e m o v e the 2 top t ra n s m i s s i o n to clutch h o u s i n g c a p s cre w s a n d in sert 2 t r a n s m is s i o n g u i d e p ins, T o o l J-l 126 in these holes. 10. R e m o v e flyw heel u n d er pan. R e m o v e l o w e r t ra n s m i s s i o n - t o - c l u t c h h o u s i n g c a p screws. S lid e the t ra n s m i s s i o n and 11. D i s c o n n e c t f r o n t p r o p s h a f t f r o m t r a n s f e r ca se a n d tie up a w a y f r o m w o r k area. the 2 NOTE: prevent w ill support dam age to the the transm ission clutch dis c and through sp rin ging. 12. Rem ove the t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d a d a p t e r as an a s s e m b l y f r o m u n d e r the b o d y . R e m o v e a d a p t e r f r o m tra n s m is s io n . 14. T o install, r e v e rs e r e m o v a l p r o c e d u r e . 13. atta ch in g 2. R em ove com partm ent. s cre w s from transfer ca se Rem ove flo or mat or crossm em ber bolts and t r a n s m is s io n to flyw heel housing 17. S l i d e t r a n s m i s s io n r e a r w a r d until m a i n d r iv e g e a r cle a r s the c lu tch a s s e m b l y a n d lo w e r a s s e m b l y f r o m v e h ic le . 4-Speed Transmission K Series P o s itio n t r a n s m is s io n , w it h transfer case at­ to the f l y w h e e l h o u s in g . In stall bolts a t t a c h i n g Install flyw heel h ousin g cover and attachin g in g P o s it io n f r a m e c r o s s m e m b e r a n d in sta ll r e t a i n ­ bolts. Install bo lts r e t a i n i n g crossm em ber and t r a n s f e r ca se adapter assem b ly to f r a m e r a il to b ra ck et. T o r q u e all bolts to sp e c ific a tio n . carp etin g from 4. T o r q u e f r o n t a n d r e a r t r a n s f e r ca se y o k e lock nuts to sp e cifica tio n s . atta ch in g s cre w s from t r a n s m is s io n s h i f t l e v e r b o o t re t a in e r . S l i d e b o o t a n d r e t a i n e r up le v e r a n d r e m o v e t r a n s m i s s io n s h i f t l e v e r u s in g T o o l J-8109 as s h o w n in F i g u r e 7 B - 1 7 . If necessary, rem ove center f lo o r o utlet from h e a t e r d i s t r i b u t o r duct. I f e q u i p p e d w ith a c e n t e r c o n so le , r e m o v e c o n s o l e b e f o r e p r o c e e d i n g to n ext step. Rem ove t r a n s m is s i o n flo o r cover 5. vehicle. 6. shift le v e r link assem bly 7. and support v e h ic l e on hoist. switch Support t r a n s m i s s io n a s s e m b lie s . speedom eter cable from t ra n s m i s s io n and t r a n s f e r ca se to p r o p e r Install t r a n s f e r ca se s h i f t le v e r a s s e m b l y and a t t a c h i n g bolt. C o n n e c t s h i f t le v e r link to s h i f t ra il bar. 9. bolts. In stall transm ission flo o r c o v e r and attachin g Install h e a t e r d i s t r i b u t o r d uct c e n t e r outlet. NOTE: On m odels w ith center c o n so le , install c o n so le a n d r e t a i n i n g bolts. 11. Install f lo o r m a t, transfer ca se shift le v e r r e t a in e r a n d a t t a c h i n g screws. e n g i n e w it h s u i t a b l e f lo o r s ta n d . D r a i n t r a n s f e r ca se a n d D isco n n ect F ill lev el w i t h l u b r ic a n t s p e c ifie d in S e c t i o n 0-B. from t r a n s f e r ca se s h if t ra il c o n n e c t i n g ro d . R e m o v e s h i f t le v e r a t t a c h i n g bo lt a n d s h i f t l e v e r c o n tr o l f r o m a d a p t e r . 7. D iscon nect back-up lam p w irin g from a n d r e m o v e a t t a c h i n g c l a m p f r o m top c o v e r bo lt. C o n n e c t the s p e e d o m e t e r c a b le , b a c k - u p l a m p w i r i n g a n d T C S sw itches. 10. D isconnect Install f r o n t a n d re a r p r o p s h a f t s to t r a n s f e r case o u tp u t y o ke s. 8. a ttachin g s cre w s a n d c o v e r . R o t a t e c o v e r a p p r o x i m a t e l y 90° to c l e a r t r a n s f e r ca se s h if t le v e r w h i l e l i f t i n g c o v e r f r o m 9. to NOTE: R e m o v e u p p e r bo lts first a n d install t r a n s m is s io n g u i d e p in s J-l 126 U s e o f the g u i d e p in s w ill p r e v e n t d a m a g e to the c lu tch a s s e m b l y . 3. Rem ove R aise fram e bolts. O n V-8 m o d e ls, in sta ll e x h a u s t c r o s s o v e r p ip e . s h i f t l e v e r b o o t r e t a i n e r a n d r e m o v e re ta in er . 8. Rem ove 16. Rem ove a t t a c h i n g bolts. 2. Series Removal 6. S u p p o r t t r a n s m is s io n a n d t r a n s f e r c a s e a s s e m ­ t r a n s m i s s io n to f l y w h e e l h o u s in g . K 5. t ra n s m is s i o n to c l e a r f r a m e rails. 15. R e m o v e fly w h e e l h o u s i n g c o v e r . O n V -8 e n g i n e m o d e ls, r e m o v e e x h a u s t c r o s s o v e r p ip e . 1. 4-Speed Transmission 4. rem ove rem o ve cro ssm e m b er fro m vehicle. R otate crossm em b er tached 3. and Installation 13. 1. tabs b l y w ith s u it a b le f lo o r stand. adap ter assem bly T h e use o f the 2 g u i d e pins d u r i n g this lock c a s e - t o - f r a m e b r a c k e t a t t a c h i n g bo lts. s t r a i g h t b a c k o n g u i d e p i n s u n til the c lu tch g e a r is f r e e o f s p lin e s in the c lu t c h disc. o p eratio n Open m o u n t - t o - f r a m e c r o s s m e m b e r bolts. A l s o r e m o v e t r a n s f e r 14. 8. S u p p o r t r e a r p o r t i o n o f e n g in e . R e m o v e two (2) a d a p t e r m o u n t bolts. 11 . D i s c o n n e c t p r o p s h a f t at r e a r o f t r a n s f e r ca se 12. 6. R e m o v e bolts a t t a c h i n g t r a n s f e r case to f r a m e b r a c k e t at r i g h t sid e o f c a s e a n d r e m o v e c a s e f r o m adapter. 7. D i s c o n n e c t s h i f t c o n t r o l ro d s f r o m le v e r s at the t r a n s m is s io n . 10. a n d tie up a w a y f r o m w o r k a re a. 12. Install t ra n s m i s s i o n s h if t lever. TRANSMISSION ALIGNMENT transfer In s o m e in s t a n c e s w h e r e " e x c e s s i v e " g e a r w h i n e o r case. D i s c o n n e c t b a c k - u p l a m p s w itch w i r i n g a n d T C S h i g h g e a r h o p out, p a r t i c u l a r l y at 50 M P H a n d up, are sw itch . encountered; a n d a f t e r all o t h e r p r o b a b l e c a u s e s h a v e b e e n c h e c k e d , an a l i g n m e n t c h e c k o f the t r a n s m is s io n a n d clutch h o u s i n g m a y be h e l p f u l . NOTE: A s p e c ia l tool, o n w h i c h a d ia l in d i c a t o r is m o u n t e d , is n e c e s s a r y to c h e c k the t r a n s m is s io n c a s e r e a r b o re a l ig n m e n t . T h i s tool m a y b e m a d e f r o m a n ew o r g o o d used clutch g e a r w h i c h has a g o o d b e a r i n g s u r f a c e o n the crankshaft lo catio n . p ilot end and at the front m ain bearing the c lu t c h g e a r s h o u l d b e g r o u n d o f f so the s h a f t m a y be ro t a t e d in a c lu tch d is c h u b w i t h o u t i n t e r f e r e n c e w h e n a s s e m b l e d in the ca r. W e l d a p ie c e o f 1 / 4 " ro d in the m a i n s h a f t p ilo t b o r e l o n g e n o u g h to e x t e n d out the case clutch h o u s in g s h o u ld then be lo ca tio n . 7. Inspect the e x t e r n a l c l u t c h in g teeth o f the clutch g e a r a n d s e c o n d s p e e d g e a r . In spect the s e c o n d a n d third sp e e d clutch i n te r n a l c l u t c h in g teeth. If the teeth are worn T h e s p lin e s o n the c lu tch g e a r s h a f t a n d the tee th o n The s t a m p e d , s h o w i n g the p o s i t io n w h e r e s h im s a re to be in sta lled a n d the t h ick n e ss o f s h i m s at each or t a p e re d , even slightly , the gears sh o u ld be re p l a c e d . R e a s s e m b l e the tra n s m is s io n . 8. Install the t ra n s m is s io n a s s e m b l y to the clutch h o u s in g , u s in g the c o rr e c t n u m b e r o f s h im s at the p r o p e r lo c a t io n s as p r e v i o u s l y d e t e r m in e d . S h i m s a re a v a i l a b l e re a r b o re . A s s e m b l e a g o o d b e a r i n g on the clutch g e a r b y un it p a r t n u m b e r w ith e a c h u n it c o n s is t in g o f the f o l l o w i n g s him s: s h a f t a n d s ecu re it w i t h the clutch g e a r b e a r i n g s n a p 4 — .002" s h im s I d e n tif ic a t io n —tw o c o r n e r s cut off. rin g . A t t a c h a s u i t a b l e d ia l i n d i c a t o r to the rod. 2 — .0 05" s h i m s Id e n ti f i c a t i o n —o n e c o r n e r cut off. 1— .0 1 0 " s h im s I d e n tif ic a t io n —all c o r n e r s s q u a re . 1. R e m o v e the t ra n s m is s i o n f r o m the v e h i c l e a n d c o m p l e t e l y d is a s s e m b l e , e x c e p t f o r the r e v e rs e id le r g e a r . N O T E : In a n y ca se w h e r e the clutch g e a r p ilo t o r p ilo t b e a r i n g is e x c e s s iv e l y lo o se o r w o r n , the p ilo t b e a r i n g s h o u ld b e r e p l a c e d b e f o r e c h e c k i n g the t r a n s m is s i o n c a s e r e a r b o r e a l ig n m e n t b y the d ia l i n d i c a t o r m e th o d . 2. C a r e f u l l y install the s p e c ia l tool w ith the dial i n d i c a t o r in the t r a n s m i s s io n ca se w ith the f a c e o f the i n d i c a t o r to the r e a r o f the ca se a n d w it h the t r a c i n g f in g e r c o n t a c t i n g the l . D . o f the c a s e re a r b o re . S e c u r e in p l a c e w i t h a c lu tch g e a r b e a r i n g re ta in e r . 3. A ssem ble the h o u s i n g a n d t ig h t e n bolts s ecu re ly. t r a n s m is s i o n the fo u r case to t ra n s m i s s i o n the clutch N O T E : T h e s e s p ecia l sh im s h a v e a t a b o n o n e end f o r e a s e o f in st a lla t io n . D o n ot slot the s h im s f o r the p e r m a n e n t in sta llatio n . REAR OIL SEAL REPLACEMENT 1. 2. D r a i n l u b r i c a n t f r o m tra n s m is s io n . D i s c o n n e c t p r o p e l l e r s h a f t f r o m t r a n s m i s s io n as d e s c r i b e d in S e c t io n 4 A . 3. O n 3 -s p e e d tra n s m is s io n s , p e r f o r m the f o l lo w i n g r e p l a c e m e n t p r o c e d u re s : a. Rem ove slip t r a n s m is s io n m a i n s h a f t . b. m ou n ting jo in t yoke fro m rear of P r y seal o u t o f e x t e n s io n h o u s in g o r r e m o v e oil seal us in g oil sea l r e m o v e r (J-5859) a n d s lid e h a m m e r (J-2 6 I9 ) as s h o w n in F i g u r e 7B -18. N O T E : Be sure to c l e a n o f f a n y p a in t o r o t h e r f o r e i g n m a t e r i a l on the m a t i n g f a c e s o f the clutch sealing h o u s in g a n d t r a n s m i s s io n as a n y f o r e i g n m a te r ia l h o u s i n g oil sea l i n st a lle r (J-5 154). o n these f a c e s w ill c h a n g e a l ig n m e n t ; also, c h e ck c a r e f u l l y f o r d i n g s o r b u r r s on these m a t i n g s u r f a c e s a n d r e m o v e c a r e f u l l y as nece ssa ry . 4. D i a l i n d i c a t e the t r a n s m i s s io n c a s e r e a r b o re a n d r e c o r d the in d i c a t o r r e a d i n g s in the 12, 3, 6 a n d 9 o ’c l o c k p o sitio n s. c. d. Install slip j o i n t y o k e o n re a r o f t ra n s m is s io n m a in s h a f t . 4. O n M u n c i e 4 -s p e e d t ra n s m is s io n s , p e r f o r m the fo l lo w i n g : a. R e m o v e p a r k i n g b r a k e f r o m re a r o f t r a n s m is ­ sion as d e s c r i b e d in S e c t i o n 5. b. D iscon nect speedom eter N O T E : It is b e st to s tar t the r e a d i n g at the 3, 6, 9 s p e e d o m e t e r d r iv e n g e a r f r o m o r 12 o ’c l o c k p o s it io n clo s es t to the p o in t w h e r e the ca p. i n d i c a t o r p l u n g e r r e a c h e s its m a x i m u m o u t w a r d tra v e l. S e t the d ia l i n d i c a t o r at " 0 " at this lo c a t io n a n d th e n re co rd the 3, 6, 9 a n d 12 o ’c lo ck r e a d in g s in ro t a tio n . 5. In stall t e m p o r a r y slo tted s h im s b e tw e e n t r a n s m i s s i o n ca se a n d the c lu t c h h o u s i n g in the the q u a n t i t i e s a n d at the b o lt l o c a t io n s as n e c e s s a r y to b r i n g m i s a l i g n m e n t at the t r a n s m i s s i o n ca se r e a r b o re to a m i x i m u m o f .00 5" in d i c a t o r r e a d i n g in e i t h e r the v e r t i c a l o r h o r i z o n t a l d ir e c t io n . E X A M P L E : I f the m a x i m u m i n d i c a t o r r e a d i n g is at t h e 12 o ’c l o c k p o s it io n , p u t s h i m s on the two b o t to m bo lts. 6. been C o a t o u t e r d i a m e t e r o f n ew o il seal w ith c e m e n t . Install n ew oil seal u s in g e x te n s io n A fter the d eterm in ed m a y be r e m o v e d . p o sit io n and and recorded quanity the of s h im s t r a n s m is s io n has case c. cable and rem ove m a in sh a ft rear bearing U s i n g f l a n g e or y o k e h o l d i n g tool, r e m o v e the o u t p u t y o k e o r c o m p a n i o n f l a n g e nut. Pull o u t p u t y o k e o r in to h o u s i n g un til lock p la t e ca n be in se rte d in g r o o v e c o m p a n i o n f l a n g e nut o f f the m a i n s h a f t . a n d a tt a c h e d to h o u s in g . d. Rem ove m ainshaft rear b earin g cap and rear b earing cap. n ew oil w ith g a s k e t. D i s c a r d g a s k e t. e. Rem ove o il seal fro m TRANSMISSION SIDE COVER Replacement/Repair (Fig. 7B-20) D i s c a r d oil seal. f. Coat outer d iam eter of seal s e a l i n g c e m e n t . Install oil sea l in re a r b e a r i n g c u p u s in g a s u it a b l e in sta ller . D r i v e sea l flush w ith o u t s id e o f re a r bearin g ca p . bein g carefu l n ot to dam age seal. Use In s t a lle r J-22834 w i t h A d a p t e r J -228 34-l as r e q u i r e d , as s h o w n in F ig . 7 B - 1 9 . T i g h t e n c a p s cre w s firm ly. h. In stall o u t p u t y o k e o r c o m p a n i o n f l a n g e o r m a i n s h a f t . U s i n g a f l a n g e o r y o k e h o k d i n g tool install r e t a i n i n g nut. T o r q u e the r e t a i n i n g n ut to s p ecifica tio n . In stall s p e e d o m e t e r d r i v e n g e a r , then c o n n e c t Reconnect c o n tr o l ro ds from levers, back-up 2. S h i f t t ra n s m i s s i o n in to n eu tr a l d e te n t p o s it io n s R e m o v e the o u t e r s h i f t e r levers. 4. R e m o ve both shift forks from sh ifter sh aft a ss e m b lie s . R e m o v e b o t h s h if t e r s h a f t a s s e m b l ie s f r o m co v e r. S e a ls a r o u n d s h i f t e r s h a ft m a y n o w be p r i e d o u t i f r e p l a c e m e n t is r e q u i r e d b e c a u s e o f d a m a g e . 5. R e m o v e d e t e n t c a m s p r i n g a n d p iv o t r e t a in e r " C " rin g . R e m o v e bo th d e te n t c a m s . 6. W i t h d e te n t s p r i n g t a n g p r o j e c t i n g up o v e r the 2 nd a n d 3rd s h i f t e r s h a f t c o v e r o p e n i n g , install the first s p e e d o m e t e r c a b le . 5. D isconnect b e fo re re m o v in g cover. R e m o ve co ver a ssem bly fro m t r a n s m is s io n c a s e c a r e f u l l y a n d a llo w oil to d r a in . 3. g. C l e a n all g a s k e t s u r fa c e s , then install the re a r b e a r i n g c a p w i t h a new g a s k e t on the tra n s m is s io n . i. 1. la m p w i r i n g a n d T C S switch. p rop eller sh aft to t r a n s m is s io n as d e s c r i b e d in S e c t i o n 4 A . a n d reve rse d e te n t c a m o n t o the d e te n t c a m p iv o t pin. W i t h the d e te n t s p r i n g t a n g p r o j e c t i n g u p o v e r the first a n d r e v e rs e s h i f t e r s h a f t c o v e r h o le install the 2 nd a n d 6. Refill t r a n s m is s i o n w i t h l u b r ic a n t r e c o m m e n d e d in S e c t i o n 0-B. 3rd d e t e n t c a m . 7. Install d e te n t c a m r e t a i n i n g " C " r i n g to p iv o t s h a ft , a n d h o o k s p r i n g in to d e te n t c a m n otch es. SPEEDOMETER DRIVEN GEAR REPLACEMENT 8. Install bo th s h i f t e r s h a f t a s s e m b l ie s in c o v e r b e i n g c a r e f u l not to d a m a g e seals. Install bo th s h i f t f o rk s to s h i f t e r s h a f t a s s e m b lie s , l if t i n g up on d e te n t c a m to D i s c o n n e c t s p e e d o m e t e r c a b l e , r e m o v e lock p la t e to ho usin g b o lt a n d lock w a s h e r a n d r e m o v e lock p late. Insert scre w d r i v e r in lock p l a t e slot in fitting a n d p r y fitting, g e a r a n d s h a f t f r o m h o u s i n g . P r y " O " r i n g f r o m a llo w f o r k s to f u l l y s e a t in to p o sitio n . 9. Install outer shifter levers, flat w a s h e r s , lock w a s h e r s a n d bolts. 10. S h i f t s h i f t e r lev ers in to n e u t r a l d e te n t (center) g r o o v e in fitting. p o s it io n a n d slide c o v e r in to p la c e m a k i n g sure the s h if t In stall n e w " O " r i n g in g r o o v e in fitting, co a t " O " r i n g a n d d r i v e n g e a r s h a f t w it h t r a n s m is s io n l u b r i c a n t f o r k s a re a l ig n e d w i t h th e ir re s p e c t iv e m a i n s h a f t clutch s lid in g sleeves. a n d i n s e r t s h a ft . H o l d the a s s e m b l y so slot in fitting is t o w a r d lock p l a t e b o ss o n h o u s i n g a n d install in h o u s in g . Pu sh fitting D ET EN T C A M DETENT SPRING DETENT CAM J -2 2 8 3 4 -2 J -2 2 8 3 4 -l NOTE 2-3 SHIFT FORK P A R K IN G BR A KE M O U N T I N G FLANGE J -2 2 8 3 4 -2 O N LY 1ST & REV. SHIFTER SHAFT SHIFT FORK 2-3 SHIFTER SHAFT DETENT CAM RETAINER RING 11 . In stall c o v e r a t t a c h i n g bo lts a n d t i g h t e n e v e n l y to s p e c if ie d w iring. 12. to rq u e . In stall TCS sw itch and connect 6. D is c o n n e c t s h i f t le v e r rod f r o m s h i f t ra il link. O n full tim e 4 w h e e l d r iv e m o d e ls, d is c o n n e c t s h if t levers at t r a n s f e r ca se. R e m o v e filler p l u g a n d a d d l u b r i c a n t s p ecified 7. S u p p o r t t r a n s f e r ca se a n d r e m o v e bolts a t t a c h ­ in S e c t i o n 0 -B to lev el o f filler p l u g hole. i n g t r a n s f e r c a s e to t r a n s m i s s io n a d a p t e r . 8. M o v e t r a n s f e r ca se to r e a r un til TRANSMISSION FLOOR SHIFT CONTROL LEVER REPLACEMENT c le a r s a d a p t e r a n d l o w e r a s s e m b l y f r o m v e h ic l e . 1. O n K - S e r i e s m o d e l s r e m o v e t r a n s f e r ca se s h if t input Installation 1. Support transfer case in s u it a b le stan d le v e r b o o t r e t a i n e r a t t a c h i n g s cre w s a n d r e t a in e r f r o m p o s it io n c o m p a r t m e n t floor. a t t a c h i n g c a s e to a d a p t e r a n d to r q u e to 45 ft. lbs. 2. R e m o v e f l o o r c o v e r i n g f r o m v e h ic le . 3. R e m o v e t r a n s m i s s i o n s h i f t lev er b o o t r e t a in e r a t t a c h i n g screws. 4. S l i d e b o o t a n d r e t a i n e r u p on s h i f t le v e r a n d r e m o v e the t r a n s m is s i o n s h i f t le v e r u s in g T o o l J-8109 as s h o w n in F i g u r e 7 B - 1 7 . 5. T o in stall, r e v e rs e r e m o v a l p r o c e d u r e S tep s 1-4. TRANSFER CASE REPLACEMENT and 2. D iscon nect a n d T C S switch. support veh icle speedom eter on ca b le , hoist. D rain back-up lam p 3. R e m o v e s k id p l a t e a n d c r o s s m e m b e r s u p p o r ts as necessary. 4. D isco n n ect rear p ro p sh a ft from t r a n s f e r case a n d tie up a w a y f r o m w o r k a re a. 5. D i s c o n n e c t f r o n t p r o p s h a f t f r o m t r a n s f e r case a n d tie up s h a f t a w a y f r o m w o r k a re a. ca se to transm ission adapter. In stall and bolts 2. R e m o v e s ta n d as r e q u i r e d a n d in sta ll bolts a t t a c h i n g t r a n s f e r ca se to f r a m e rail. B e n d lock tabs a f t e r a ss e m b ly . 3. Install con necting ro d to s h if t ra il link or c o n n e c t s h if t lev ers to t r a n s f e r ca se, as a p p l i c a b le . 4. C o n n e c t f r o n t p r o p s h a f t to t r a n s f e r case fro n t o u t p u t s h a ft. 5. C o n n e c t r e a r p r o p s h a ft to t r a n s f e r case re a r o u t p u t s h a ft. 6. Install c r o s s m e m b e r s u p p o r t a n d skid p la te, i f Removal (Fig. 7B-21) 1. Raise t r a n s f e r case. s h a ft re m o v e d . 7. C o n n e c t s p e e d o m e t e r c a b le , b a c k - u p l a m p a n d T C S switch . 8. Fill t r a n s f e r case to p r o p e r level w i t h lu b r ic a n t s p ecified in section 0-B. 9. L o w e r a n d r e m o v e v e h ic l e f r o m hoist. CAUTION: Check ami tighten all bolts to specified torques. N O T E : B e f o r e c o n n e c t i n g p r o p s h a ft s to c o m p a n ­ io n f l a n g e s be sure lo ckn u ts a re t o rq u e d to s p ecifica tio n s. VIEW B WITH "AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION VIEW WITH "MANUAL" TRANSMISSION A SPECIFICATIONS THREE SPEED SAGINAW (76mm) THREE SPEED TREMEC (77mm) Clutch Gear Retainer to Case B o l t s .................. Side C over to Case B o l t s ....................................... Extension to Case B o l t s .......................................... Shift Lever to Shifter Shaft B o l t s ..................... Lubrica tion Filler P l u g .......................................... Transmission Case to C lu tch Housing Bolts . 15 ft. lbs. 15 ft. lbs. 45 ft. lbs. 25 ft. lbs. 13 ft. lbs. 75 ft. lbs. Crossmember to Frame N u t s .............................. Crossm ember to Mount Bolts ........................... 25 40 18 20 2-3 Cross Over Shaft Bracket Retaining Nut . 1-Rev. Swivel Attaching B o l t .............................. M ount to Transmission B o l t .............................. ft. ft. ft. ft. 50 ft. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Clutch Gear Retainer to Case B o l t s .................. T op Cover to Case Bolts ...................................... Extension to Case B o l t s ......................................... Shift Lever to Shifter Shaft Bolts .................... Lubrication f’ iller Plug ......................................... Transmission Case to Clutch Housing Bolts . . Crossmember to Frame N u t s ............................... Crossmember to Mount Bolts ............................ 2-3 Cross Over Shaft Bracket Retaining Nut . 1- Rev. Swivel A ttaching Bolt ............................ Mount to Transmission Bolt ............................... 35 ft. lbs. 30 ft. lbs. 45 ft. lbs. 25 ft. lbs. 15 ft lbs. 75 ft lbs. 25 ft. lbs. 40 ft. lbs. 18 ft lbs. 20 ft lbs. 50 ft lbs. THREE SPEED MUNCIE (83mm) Clutch Gear Retainer to Case B o l t s .................. Side C o v er to Case Bolts .................................... Extension to Case B o l t s ....................................... Shaft Lever to Shifter Shaft B o l t s .................. Lubrication Filler P lu g s .......................................... 15 15 45 25 13 ft. ft. ft ft. ft. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Transmission Case to C lu tch Housing Bolts . . Crossm ember to Frame N u t s .............................. Crossm ember to Mount Bolts.............................. Transmission Drain P l u g ....................................... 2-3 Cross Over Shaft Bracket Retaining Nut. 75 25 40 30 18 ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 1-Rev. Swivel Attaching B o l t .............................. M ount to Transmission Bolt .............................. 20 ft. lbs. 50 ft. lbs. FOUR-SPEED (MUNCIE CH465) 117mm Clutch Gear Bearing Retainer to Case Bolts ......................................................................................................................................25 ft. lbs. Cover to Case B o l t s .................................................................................................................................................................................. ...20 ft. lbs. E xtension and Retain er to Case B o l t s - ( U p p e r ) ................................................................................................................................20 ft. lbs. —( L o w e r ) ................................................................................................................................ 30 ft. lbs. L ubrication Filler P l u g ............................................................................................................................................................................ ...30 ft. lbs. Shift Lever to Shifter Shaft N u t .......................................................................................................................................................... ...20 ft. lbs. Mount-To-Transmission Bolts ............................................................................................................................................................. ...32 ft. lbs. SPECIAL TOOLS 7 1. J T r a n s m i s s i o n G u i d e Pi ns 6. J - 2 2 2 8 R e a r B e a r i n g Press Plat es 2. J 8059 1126 R e t a i n e r S n a p R i n g Pl ie rs 7. J 5 5 9 0 C lu t c h Gear B e a rin g In sta lle r 3. J 22246 C ou n te rg ea r L o a d in g T o o l 8. J 9 7 7 2 C lu t c h Gear B e a rin g In sta lle r 4. J 5778 E x te n s io n B u sh in g R em o v e r and 9. J 2 3 0 9 6 C l u t c h G e a r R e t a i n e r Seal I n s t a l l e r 5. J-5154 E x t e n s i o n Seal I n s t a l l e r In s ta lle r 3 Q ) lO 11 A C ountergear Rear Bearing Remover 8 2 J-8433-1 1 J-22832 Bearing Puller 9. J 22874-5 3. J-22872 C lutch Gear B earing Remover and In sta lle r 10 J 22874 2 C ou n te rsh aft S upport Tool 4. J 22833 Front Bearing R etainer Seal In sta lle r 11 J 22834 2 Rear B earing R etain e r Seal In s ta lle r 5. J-22873 2nd Speed Bushing In sta lle r 1 la 6. J-22875 3rd Speed Bushing In sta lle r 12 7. J-22830 Snap Ring Insta lle r J 22874 1 Bearing In sta lle r M a in s h a ft S upport Tool J 22834 1 A dapter J 23070 M a in s h a ft Rear B earing Lock N u t In s ta lle r fit @ 10 1. 2. 3. 4. J —2 3 4 3 2 —1 J-23432 J-8092 J-23429 S n a p Ri ng Pi ck s S n ap Ri ng Pliers H a ndle In te r m e d ia te Sh aft 5. 6. J-22836 J-21359 F r o n t O u t p u t S h a f t B e a r i n g R e t a i n e r S e al I n s t a l l e r Rear O u t p u t S h a f t B e a r i n g R e t a i n e r S e al I n s t a l l e r Re m o v e r a n d In sta lle r 9. 10. 1. J 22836 - Front Output Shaft Bearing Retainer Seal Installer J 22388 - Rear Output Shaft Seal Installer J-21359 - Input gear Bearing Retainer Seal Installer J 24745 - Cluster Gear Loading Tool J-8614-1 - Compan on Flange Remover 2. 3. 4. 5. J —234 31 Rear O u t p u t J-7137 Remover and In s ta lle r A d a p te r Seal In sta lle r Shaft J-9276-2 Inte rm e d ia te G e a r J —2 2 8 7 5 Rear O u t p u t H o u s in g Bearing Bearing Cup In s ta lle r S h a f t Rear B e a r i n g In sta ile r r SECTION 7C CLUTCH INDEX G e n e r a l D e s c r i p t i o n ................................................................. 7 C - 1 C l u t c h S y s t e m s ....................................................................... 7 C - I D iap h ragm T y p e .............................................................. 7 C - I C o m p o n e n t Parts R e p l a c e m e n t ......................................... 7 C - 1 2 P r e l i m i n a r y I n s p e c t i o n ...................................................... 7 C - 1 2 C lu tc h D is c a n d Pressure P l a t e .................................. 7 C - 1 2 D i a p h r a g m T y p e ............................................................. 7 C - 1 2 C o i l S p r i n g T y p e ............................................................ 7 C - 2 C l u t c h C o n t r o l s ...................................................................... 7 C - 4 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d A d j u s t m e n t s ......................................... 7 C - 9 I n s p e c t i o n .................................................................................. 7 C - 9 F r e e P e d a l A d j u s t m e n t ..................................................... 7 C - 9 C o i l S p r i n g T y p e ............................................................ P e d a l ............................................................................................. C r o s s - S h a f t ............................................................................... S p e c ia l T o o l s ................................................................................ 7C -I3 7C -13 7C -14 7C -16 D i a g n o s i s ........................................................................................ 7 C - 1 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION produces CLUTCH SYSTEMS heat. T h e m o s t c o m m o n l y used l a d i n g s a re DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH m a d e o f co tto n a n d asb e s to s fibers w o v e n o r m o ld e d to g e th e r a n d i m p r e g n a t e d w i t h re sin or s i m i l a r b i n d i n g Principal Components a gen ts . V e r y o f te n , c o p p e r w ir e s a re w o v e n , o r p ressed in to m a t e r i a l to g i v e it a d d i t i o n a l strength . In o r d e r to m a k e clutch e n g a g e m e n t as s m o o th as T h e p rin c ip a l p arts o f a d i a p h r a g m - t y p e clutch system are: the d r i v i n g m e m b e r s , a tta c h e d to the e n g in e p o ss ib le a n d e l i m in a t e c h a tter, the steel s e g m e n ts a tt a c h e d to the s p lin e d h u b are s lig h t ly w a v e d , w h ic h causes the c o n ta c t p re ss u re on the facin gs to rise a n d t u r n in g w i t h it; the d r i v e n m e m b e r s a tta c h e d to the t ra n s m is s io n a n d t u r n in g w i t h it; the o p e r a t i n g m e m b e r s g r a d u a l l y as the w a v e d s p rin g s flatten out. w h ic h a b s o r b the t o r s io n a l v i b r a t i o n o f the c r a n k s h a f t w h i c h w o u l d be t ra n s m itte d to the p o w e r train unless it w e r e in c lu d e the spring o r s p r in g s and the li n k a g e r e q u ir e d to a p p l y a n d re lea se the p re ssu re w h i c h holds the d r i v i n g a n d d r i v e n m e m b e r s in c o n ta c t w i t h e ac h o ther. F i g u r e 7 C - 1 sho w s a clutch c u t a w a y so o p e r a t i n g m e m b e r s c a n be seen. T h e c lutch disc is p r o v i d e d w i t h a fle x ib le c e n t e r to e li m in a t e d . T h e fle x ib le c e n t e r ta k e s the f o r m o f steel c o m p r e s s i o n s p r in g s p la c e d b e tw e e n the h u b a n d the stee l p la t e . T h e s p r in g s p e r m i t the disc to ro ta te s lig h tly w i t h r e l a t i o n to its h u b until the sp rin g s a re c o m p r e s s e d Driving Members and r e la t iv e m o t io n stops. Then the d isc c a n rotate T h e d r i v i n g m e m b e r s o f a c lutch usu a lly consist o f s l ig h t ly b a c k w a r d as the s p rin g s d e c o m p r e s s . T h i s sligh t tw o n o d u l a r iro n p lates o r flat s u r fa c e s m a c h i n e d to a b a c k w a r d a n d f o r w a r d r o t a tio n p e r m it te d b y the sp rin g s a llo w s the c lu tc h s h a f t to r o ta te at a m o r e u n i f o r m rate sm ooth f in is h . N o d u lar c o n ta i n s e n o u g h when the d r i v i n g grap hite iron is desirable because it to p r o v i d e s o m e l u b r ic a t io n m e m b e r is s l i p p i n g d u r i n g e n g a g e ­ t h a n th e c r a n k s h a f t , t h e r e b y e l i m i n a t i n g s o m e o f the t o r s io n a l v i b r a t i o n f r o m the c r a n k s h a f t a n d p r e v e n t i n g m ent. O n e o f th ese s u r fa c e s is u s u a lly the re a r f a c e o f the the e n g i n e fly w h e el, a n d the o t h e r is a c o m p a r a t i v e l y h e a v y flat r i n g w ith o n e s id e m a c h i n e d . T h is p a r t is tra n s m is s io n . vibration from b e in g carried back through the k n o w n as the p re ss u re p late. It is fitted in to a steel co ve r, Operating Members w h i c h a lso c o n ta in s s o m e o f the o p e r a t i n g m e m b e r s , a n d is b o lted to the fly w h e e l. T h e d r i v i n g a n d d r iv e n m e m b e r s are held in c o n ta c t b y s p r i n g p ressu re. T h i s p re ssu re m a y be e x e r t e d b y a o n e - p i e c e c o n ic a l or d i a p h r a g m s p rin g. In the d i a p h r a g m d e s i g n clutch, the th r o w o u t b e a r i n g m o v e s f o r w a r d Driven Members T h e d r i v e n m e m b e r is the c lutch disc w ith a s p lin e d a g a i n s t the s p r i n g fingers f o r c i n g the d i a p h r a g m s p r in g h u b w h i c h is f r e e to s lid e l e n g t h w is e a l o n g the sp lin es o f the c lutch s h a ft , but w h i c h d r iv e s the s h a f t t h r o u g h these to p i v o t a r o u n d the p i v o t rin g , d i s h i n g the fingers t o w a rd s a m e sp lin e s. G r o o v e s o n b o th sid es o f the c lutch disc lifts l i n i n g p r e v e n t s t ic k in g o f the p la te to the fly w h e e l a n d th r o u g h a series o f r e t r a c t i n g s p rin g s p la c e d a r o u n d the p re ss u re p late. S u i t a b l e f r i c t i o n a l f a c i n g s a re a tta c h e d to o u te r c i r c u m f e r e n c e o f the p re ssu re plate. the fly w h e e l. T h e o u te r c i r c u m f e r e n c e o f the s p r i n g n o w th e p re ss u re p la t e away from the d r iv e n disc, e a c h s id e o f the c lu tc h disc b y m e a n s o f brass rivets. NOTE: T hese d e s ig n a re the flat fin g er ty pe and the b e n t fing er facin gs m ust be heat re sistan t since fr ic t io n T w o v a r ia t i o n s o f the d i a p h r a g m s p rin g D R IV E N PLA TE A S S Y . P R E S S U R E PLA TE AND C LUTCH COVER ASSY. H O U S IN G COVER THROW OUT CLUTCH BRG. FO RK CLUTCH H O U S IN G CLUTCH FO RK BALL S T U D Fig. 7C-1 Clutch System Components ty p e ( F i g . 7 C - 2 ) . T h e in t e g r a l re le a s e fin g er s in the be n t f in g e r centrifugal d e s ig n b oost are bent to aid q u ic k back to gain a re-engagem ent at Clutch Spring Operation In d i a p h r a g m spring type clu tch es, a d iap h ragm s p r i n g is used i n s t e a d o f coil s p rin g s . It is a c o n i c a l p ie c e h ig h e n g in e sp eeds. o f s p r in g steel p u n c h e d to g i v e it g r e a t e r f le x ib ility . T h e T h e t h r o w - o u t (clu tch re lea s e) h e a r i n g is a ballthrust b e a r i n g c o n t a i n e d in the clutch h o u s in g , m o u n t e d d i a p h r a g m is p o s it io n e d b e tw e e n the c o v e r a n d the pre ssu re p l a t e so that the d i a p h r a g m s p r i n g is n e a r l y flat w h e n the clutch is in the e n g a g e d p o sitio n . T h e a c tio n o f o n a slee ve a t t a c h e d to the f r o n t o f the t r a n s m is s i o n ca se. T h e t h r o w -o u t b e a r i n g i s m o v e d b y the c lu tch f o r k to c o n ta c t the re le a s e lev ers a n d m o v e the p re ss u re p late to this ty p e o f s p r i n g is s i m i l a r to th a t o f the b o t t o m o f an o r d i n a r y o il can. T h e p re ssu re o f the o u t e r rim o f the the rea r, thus s e p a r a t i n g the cllu tch d r i v i n g m e m b e r s is p as s ed . T h e o u t e r rim o f the d i a p h r a g m is s ecu re d to fro m is the p re ss u re p la t e a n d is p i v o t e d o n r i n g s a p p r o x i m a t e l y d e p r e s s e d b y the d r i v e r . A e re tu rn s p r i n g p r e l o a d s clutch l in k a g e , r e m o v i n g lo o se n e s s due to w e a r , k e e p i n g the the p re ssu re at the i n n e r section w ill ca u se the o u t e r rim the driven m em ber when the clutch pedal s p r in g o n the p re ss u re p late d e c r e a s e s as the flat p o s it io n 1 in ch in f r o m the o u t e r e d g e so that the a p p l i c a t i o n o f b e a r i n g c l e a r o f the s p r in g fingers. T h e c lu tch f r e e p e d a l to m o v e a w a y f r o m the fly w h e e l a n d d r a w the p re ss u re tra v e l, t h e r e f o r e , w i l l in c r e a s e w i t h and p l a t e aw'ay f r o m the c lu tch disc, r e l e a s i n g o r d i s e n g a g i n g d e c r e a s e w it h d r i v e n d isc w e a r . T h e fre e tra ve l felt at the the clutch. W h e n the p re ss u re is r e l e a s e d f r o m the in n e r c l u t c h p e d a l is t h r o w o u t b e a r i n g lash. section , the o il- c a n a c tio n o f the d i a p h r a g m ca u s es the linkage w e a r i n n e r s ectio n to m o v e out, a n d the m o v e m e n t o f the o u t e r r im f o r c e s the p re ss u re p l a t e a g a in s t the clutch disc, thus e n g a g i n g the clutch. N O T E : T h e c lu t c h r e le a s e b e a r i n g used w i t h the b e n t fin g er d e s i g n is o f s h o r t e r le n g t h t h a n the re le a s e b e a r i n g u s e d w i t h the flat f in g e r d e s i g n clutch. D o n o t in t e r c h a n g e the two b e a r in g s . T h e lo n g e r b e a r i n g , i f used w it h the b e n t f in g e r s p r i n g clutch, w ill ca u s e i n a b i l i t y to o b t a i n p r o p e r freep ed al w e a r. t r a v e l r e s u lt in g in slippage and r a p id COIL SPRING CLUTCH T h e co il s p r i n g s in g le p late c lu tch ( F i g . 7 C - 4 ) is a d r y disc t y p e a n d n o a d j u s tm e n t f o r w e a r is p r o v i d e d in the clutch itself. A n i n d i v i d u a l a d j u s t m e n t is p r o v i d e d f o r lo c a t i n g e a c h le v e r in m a n u f a c t u r i n g b u t the a d j u s t i n g n ut is lo c k e d in p la c e a n d s h o u ld n e v e r be FLAT FINGER BENT 1. Flywheel 2. Dowel-hole 3. Pilot Bushing 4. Driven Disc F IN G E R 5. Pressure Plate 6. Diaphragm Spring 7. Cover 8. Throwout Bearing 9. 10. Fork Retracting Spring FRICTION RING DRIVE WASHER FACINGS FLANGE STOP PIN TORSIONAL COIL SPRINGS CUSHION SPRINGS Fig. 7C-3--Clutch Disc d is t u r b e d , un less the c lu tch a s s e m b l y is d i s m a n t l e d f o r r e p l a c e m e n t o f parts. W h e n the clutch p e d a l is d e p r e s s e d the t h r o w -o u t b e a r i n g is m o v e d t o w a r d the fly w h e e l a n d co n ta c t s the i n n e r e n d s o f the re lea s e levers, (item 1 in F ig . 7 C - 5 ) . E a c h re le a s e le v e r is p i v o t e d o n a f l o a t i n g p in w h i c h r e m a i n s s t a t i o n a r y in the le v e r a n d rolls a cro ss a short flat p o r t i o n o f the e n l a r g e d h o le in the e y e b o l t (item 2). T h e o u t e r e n d o f e a c h r e l e a s e l e v e r e n g a g e s the p re ss u re p l a t e lu g b y m e a n s o f a strut (3), w h i c h p r o v i d e s k n i f e e d g e c o n t a c t b e t w e e n the o u t e r e n d o f the le v e r a n d the lug. T h e o u t e r e n d s o f the e y e b o l t s e x t e n d t h r o u g h holes in the s t a m p e d c o v e r (4), a n d a re fitted w it h a d j u s t i n g n uts (5) to c o r r e c t l y p o sit io n the lev ers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W h e n the c lu t c h s y ste m is f u l l y e n g a g e d , the clutch d is c is fir m ly c l a m p e d b etw een the flyw heel and the p r e s s u r e p l a t e b y the p re ss u re o f the s p r in g s . W h e n the d r i v e r d i s e n g a g e s the clutch b y d e p r e s s i n g the p e d a l , the 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Release Lever Eyebolt Strut Cover Adjustment Nut Coil Spring Drive Disc Pressure Plate Anti-Rattle Spring Throwout Bearing Flywheel r e l e a s e f o r k is m o v e d o n its p i v o t , a n d the p re ss u re is a p p l i e d to the t h r o w - o u t b e a r i n g . T h e r o t a t i n g ra c e o f the t h r o w - o u t b e a r i n g p re sse s a g a i n s t the clutch re lea s e le v e r s a n d m o v e s t h e m o n their p i v o t p in s . T h e o u t e r e n d s o f the re le a s e levers, b e i n g f a s t e n e d to the co v e r, m o v e the p re ss u re p la t e to the rear, c o m p r e s s i n g the c lu t c h s p r i n g s a n d a l l o w i n g d r i v i n g m e m b e r s to ro ta te i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f the d r i v e n m e m b e r . T h e re le a s e fo rk m o v e s o n l y o n its p iv o t , w h i c h co n ta c t s the c lu tch f o r k b a l l stud. A l l p arts o f the clutch sy ste m , e x c e p t the throw ou t b e a r i n g a n d co lla r , ro t a te w i t h the f l y w h e e l w h e n the Fig. 7C-4--Cross-Section View of Coil Spring Type push rod, r o u te d v e r t ic a l l y , i n sid e the cab, from the p e d a l le v e r d o w n t h r o u g h two b o o ts o n the toe p a n , to the c r o s s - s h a f t lever. W h e n the c lu t c h p e d a l is d e p r es s ed , the pedal push rod moves rotatin g the cr o s s -s h a ft, p u s h i n g the f o r k p u s h rod r e a r w a r d , a n d p i v o t i n g the c l u t c h is e n g a g e d . W h e n the c lu tch is d i s e n g a g e d , the re le a s e b e a r i n g ro t a te s w i t h the f l y w h e e l , but the d r i v e n p la te a n d the clutch fo rk to m o v e the t h r o w o u t b e a r i n g a g a i n s t the c lu tch re le a s e fin g ers a n d re l e a s i n g the clutch. The clu t c h s h a f t ro ta te as d ic t a te d b y the t ra n s m i s s io n g e a r clutch op erating co n tr o ls for "G " and "P" r a n g e a n d v e h i c l e s p ee d . m o d e l s a re a m e c h a n i c a l t y p e s i m i l a r to the C - K m o d e ls. CLUTCH CONTROLS v e r t i c a l l y f r o m the clutch p e d a l le v e r d o w n t h r o u g h the On " G " T h e c lu tch o p e r a t i n g co n tr o ls f o r C - K tru cks (F ig . m o d e ls ( F i g . 7 C - 7 ) a p e d a l pull r o d is r o u te d t o e -p a n e l to the cross s h a ft . W h e n the p e d a l is d e p r e s s e d , 7 C - 6 ) a re a m e c h a n i c a l t y p e c o n s i s t in g o f a p e n d a n t type the p e d a l , r e t u r n s p r i n g , p e d a l p u s h rod, cr o s s -s h a ft, f o r k p u s h i n g the c lu tch f o r k r o d r e a r w a r d a n d p i v o t i n g the pedal p ull rod moves, rotatin g the cross s h a ft, clutch fo r k . T h i s a c tio n m o v e s the t h r o w o u t b e a r i n g a g a i n s t the clutch re le a s e fingers, r e l e a s i n g the clutch. " P " m o d e l c o n tr o ls ( F i g . 7 C - 8 ) h a v e an u p p e r pull rod c o n n e c t e d f r o m the c lu tch p e d a l s h a f t to a bell c r a n k a n d a lo w e r pulll r o d f r o m the bell c r a n k to the cross s h a ft . W h e n the p e d a l is d e p r e s s e d , the p u ll ro ds are m o v e d r o t a t in g the cross s h a f t a n d p u s h i n g the clutch f o r k r e a r w a r d , thus s u b s e q u e n t ly re le a s e m e c h a n i s m . Fig. 7 C - 5 ~ R e l e a s e Lev er , C o i l S p r i n g T y p e activatin g the clutch VIEW D 1-6 ENGINE VI EW V -8 ENGINE MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS CLUTCH LINKAG E IN S P E C TIO N There are several things which affect good clutch operations. Therefore, it is necessary, before p erform ing any m ajor clutch operations, to make prelim inary inspections to determ ine w hether trouble is actually in the clutch. Check the clutch linkage to be sure the clutch releases fully as follows: 1. With engine running, hold the clutch pedal approxim ately 1 /2 " from floor mat and move shift lever between first and reverse several times. If this can be done smoothly, the clutch is fully releasing. If shift is not smooth, clutch is not fully releasing and adjustment is necessary. 2. Check clutch pedal bushings for sticking or excessive wear. 3. Check fork for p rop er installation on ball stud. Lack o f lubrication on fork can cause fork to be pulled off the ball. 4. Check for bent, cracked or dam aged cross shaft levers or support bracket. 5. Loose or dam aged engine mounts may allow the engine to shift its position causing a bind on clutch linkage at the cross shaft. Check to be sure there is some clearance between cross shaft, both m ount brackets, and ball studs. 6. Check throw out bearing end clearance between spring fingers and front bearing retainer on the transmission. If no clearance exists, fork may be im properly installed on ball stud or clutch disc may be worn out. CLUTCH FREE PEDAL TRAVEL ADJU STM EN T Only one adjustment is necessary to compensate for all no rm al clutch wear. The clutch pedal should have free travel (measured at clutch pedal pad) before the throwout bearing engages the clutch d iaph ragm spring or levers. Lash is required to prevent clutch slippage which would occur if the bearing was held against the fingers or to prevent the bearing from running continually. A clutch that has been slipping prior to free play adjustm ent m ay still slip right after the new adjustm ent due to previous heat damage. C, K and P Models (E xcept P30 W /J 7 6 ) 1. Disconnect return spring at clutch fork. 2. Rotate clutch lever an d shaft assembly until clutch pedal is firmly against ru bb er bum per on brake pedal bracket. 3. Push outer end o f clutch fork rearward until throwout bearin g lightly contacts pressure plate fingers or levers. 4. Loosen lock nut an d adjust rod length so that swivel slips freely into gauge hole. Increase pushrod length until all lash is removed from system. 5. Remove swivel from gauge hole and insert into lower hole on lever. Install two washers and cotter pin. Tighten lock nut being careful not to change rod length. 6. Reinstall return spring and check pedal free travel. Pedal travel should be 1 3 / 8 " to 1 5 / 8 " on "C -K " models and 1 1/4" to 1 1/2 " on "P " models. P-30 Models W /J 7 6 (Fig. 7 C -1 0) 1. Disconnect clutch fork return spring. 2. Loosen nut " G " at swivel. 3. Move the clutch fork rod against fork to eliminate all clearance between throwout bearing and clutch fingers. 4. Rotate shaft lever until clutch pedal contacts the bum per mounted on the brake pedal bracket. 5. Rotate the fork rod until a clearance of approximately 1/4" to 5 /1 6 " (.29) is obtained between the shoulder on the fork rod and the adjustm ent nut. 6. Tighten nut " G " against swivel and install clutch return spring. 7. Check free pedal clearance at pedal. Pedal clearance should be 1 3 / 8 " to 1 5 /8 " . Readjust as required. CROSS SHAFT LEVER Fig. 7C-1 1 -G -Truck F r e e P e d a l T ru ck G-Models (Fig. 7 C -1 1) 1. Disconnect clutch fork return spring at fork. 2. Loosen nut " A " and back off from swivel approxim ately 1/2 inch. 3. Hold clutch fork push rod against fork to move throwout bearing against clutch fingers (push rod will slide through swivel at cross-shaft). 4. Adjust nut "B " to obtain approximately 1/4" clearance between nut "B " and swivel. 5. Release push rod. connect return spring and tighten nut " A " to lock swivel against nut "B". 6. Check free pedal clearance at pedal (l 1/4" to 1 1/2" is proper clearance). Readjust if necessary. IN S U F F IC IE N T CLUTCH RELEASE W here complaints of first or reverse gear clash due to insufficient clutch release are encountered, the following may be helpful. Cut off the existing clutch pedal stop bum per to a height of 3 /8 " . Since shortening the bum per increases the lash and not the usable stroke, the lash must be reduced to specifications in order to gain the additional stroke benefit. DIAGNOSIS CLUTCH TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS C O N D IT IO N P R O B A B L E C A U SE Fails to R elease (P edal p ressed to flo o r-sh ift lever does n o t m ove freely in an d o u t o f reverse gear a. b. c. d. e. f. Im p ro p e r linkage A d ju stm e n t Im p ro p e r pedal travel L oose linkage F a u lty p ilo t b earin g F a u lty d riven disc F o rk o f f ball stu d g. C lu tc h disc h u b b in d in g on c lu tc h gear spline h. C lu tc h disc w a rp e d or b e n t C O R R E C T IO N a. b. c. d. e. f. A d ju st L inkage T rim b u m p e r s to p an d a d ju s t linkage R eplace as necessary R ep lace b earin g R eplace disc In sta ll p ro p e rly a n d * lu b ric a te fingers a t th ro w -o u t b e arin g w ith w heel bearin g grease. g. R e p air o r replace c lu tc h g ear a n d /o r disc. h. R eplace disc (ru n -o u t sh o u ld n o t ex cee d .0 2 0 " ) . *V ery lig h tly lu b ric a te fingers S lipping a. Im p ro p e r A d ju stm e n t (n o lash) b . Oil S o ak ed driven disc c. W orn facing o r facing to rn fro m disc. d. W arped p ressu re p la te o r flyw heel e. W eak d iap h rag m spring f. D riven p la te n o t se a te d in g. D riven p la te o v e rh e a te d G rab b in g (C h a tte rin g ) a. Oil on facing. B u rn ed or glazed facings. b . W orn splines on c lu tc h gear. c. L oose engine m o u n tin g s. d. W arped p ressure p late o r fly w h eel. e. B u rn ed o r sm e ared resin on flyw heel o r pressure p la te . R attlin g -T ran sm issio n Click T h ro w -O u t B earing N oise w ith C lu tc h F ully E ngaged N oisy H ard P edal E ffo rt F lo o r W hen b. c. d. e. new disc an d c o rre c t leak . R eplace tran sm issio n c lu tc h gear. T ig h ten o r replace m o u n tin g s. R eplace p ressure p late o r flyw heel. S an d o f f i f su p e rficial, rep lace b u rn e d o r h e a t c h e c k e d p a rts. a. R eplace p ressu re p la te . b. C h e ck ball stu d a n d retain in g . a. Im p ro p e r a d ju s tm e n t. N o L ash. b. T h ro w -o u t b earin g b in d in g on tra n s ­ m ission b earin g re ta in e r. c. In su ffic ie n t te n s io n b e tw e e n c lu tc h fo rk spring an d b all stu d . d. F o rk im p ro p e rly in sta lle d . e. W eak linkage r e tu rn spring. a. A d ju st lin k ag e. b. C lea n , re lu b ric a te , ch eck n ick s, e tc . c. R eplace fo rk . a. W orn th ro w -o u t bearing. b . F o rk o f f ball s tu d (h eav y clicking). on a. In sta ll a. W eak re tra c tin g springs. b. T h ro w -o u t fo rk loose o n ball stu d or in b earin g groove. c. Oil in driven p la te d a m p er. d. D riven p la te d a m p e r spring failu re. c. P ilo t Pedal S tays D isengaged a. A d ju st linkage to spec. b. In stall new disc an d c o rre c t leak at its so u rce c. R ep lace disc d. R ep lace pressure p la te or fly w h eel e. R e p la ce p ressu re p la te (B e sure lash is c h e c k e d b e fo re rep lacin g p la te .) f. M ake 30 to 4 0 n o rm a l sta rts C A U T IO N : Do N o t O verheat g. A llow to co o l — c h e c k lash B earing a. B ind in loose linkage in c ra n k sh a ft. or release bearing. c. R ep lace d riven disc. d. R eplace driven disc. fo r b u rrs, d. In sta ll p ro p e rly . e. R ep lace spring. a. R eplace b earin g . b. In sta ll p ro p e rly an d lu b ric a te fingers a t bearing. c. See S ectio n 6 fo r b earin g fits. fo rk b. Springs w eak in p ressu re p la te . c. Springs being over trav eled . a. L u b ric a te a n d free u p linkage an d release b earin g . b . R e p la ce p ressu re p la te . c. A d ju st linkage to get p ro p e r lash , be su re p ro p e r p e d a l sto p (b u m p e r) is in sta lle d . a. B ind in linkage. b . D riven p late w o rn . a. L u b ric a te an d free u p linkage. b. R ep lace d riven p la te . COMPONENT PARTS REPLACEMENT P R E L IM IN A R Y IN S P E C TIO N There are m a n y things which affect good clutch operation. T herefore, it is necessary, before perform ing any m ajor clutch operations, to make a preliminary inspection to determ ine w hether or not the trouble is actually in the clutch. 1. Check the clutch pedal and make sure that the pedal has proper free travel, as described in "M a in te ­ nance and Adjustments". 2. Check the clutch pedal bushing for wear and for sticking on the shaft or loose mountings. 3. Lubricate the pedal linkage. 4. Tighten all front and rear engine mounting bolts. CLUTCH DISC AND PRESSURE PLATE (D IA P H R A G M TYPE) Removal fro m Vehicle 1. Remove transmission as outlined in Section 7B. 2. Disconnect clutch fork push rod an d pull back sorine. 3. Remove clutch and flywheel housing. 4. Remove clutch fork by pressing it away from its ball m ounting with a screwdriver, until the fork snaps loose from the ball or remove ball stud from rear o f clutch housing. Remove throwout bearing from clutch fork. N OTE: The retainer may be removed from the fork by prying out with a small screwdriver. 5. Install Tool J-5824 or a used clutch drive gear to support the clutch assembly during removal. N OTE: Before removing clutch from flywheel, mark the flywheel, clutch cover and one pressure plate lug, so that these parts may be assembled in their same relative positions, as they were balanced as an assembly. 6. Loosen the clutch attaching bolts one turn at a time to prevent distortion o f clutch cover until d ia p h ra g m spring is released. 7. Remove clutch pilot tool and remove clutch assembly from vehicle. N O TE : The flywheel should be inspected for cracks, heat checking, flatness and other defects. Installation to Vehicle 1. Install the pressure plate in the cover assembly lining up the notch m ark on pressure plate with notch mark on flange o f cover. 2. Install pressure plate retracting springs, lockwashers and drive strap to pressure plate bolts. Tighten to l l ft. lbs. torque. The clutch is now ready to be installed. 3. H and crank the engine until " X " m ark on flywheel is at the bottom. 4. Install clutch disc, pressure plate and cover assembly and support them with Tool J-5824 or a used clutch drive gear. 5. Turn clutch assembly until "X " mark or painted white letter on clutch cover flange lines up with " X " mark on flywheel. 6. Install attaching bolts and tighten each one a turn at a time to prevent distorting the cover as the spring pressure is taken up. 7. Remove clutch pilot tool. 8. Pack clutch fork ball seat with a small am ount of high melting point grease. On " P " models with J76, install a new retainer in the groove o f the clutch fork if the old retainer is worn or dam aged. N O TE : Install retainer with high side up, away from bottom of the ball socket and with open end o f retainer on the horizontal. C A U TIO N : Be careful not to use too much lubricant. Excessive lubricant may get on d u tch fingers and cause slippage. 9. Replace clutch fork ball if removed from the clutch housing and snap clutch fork onto the ball. 10. Pack lubricant in the recess on the inside of the throwout b earing collar and coat the throwout fork groove with a small am ount o f graphite grease, as shown in Figure 7C-13. 11. Install throwout bearing assembly to the throwout fork. Install clutch and flywheel housing to engine. 12. Assemble transmission as outlined in Section 7B. 13. Align push rod to clutch fork and attach return spring to clutch fork. 14. Adjust clutch linkage as described in "M a in te ­ nance and Adjustments." CLUTCH DISC AND PRESSURE PLATE (COIL SPRING TYPE) Removal From Vehicle 1. Remove transmission as outlined in Section 7B. 2. Disconnect clutch fork push rod and pull back spring. 3. Remove clutch and flywheel housing. 4. Remove clutch fork by pressing it away from its ball mounting with a screwdriver, until the fork snaps loose from the ball or remove ball stud from rear of clutch housing. Remove throwout bearing from clutch fork. NOTE: The retainer may be removed from the fork by prying out with a small screwdriver. 5. Install Tool J-5824 or a used clutch drive gear to support the clutch assembly during removal. N O T E : Before removing clutch from flywheel, m ark the flywheel, clutch cover and one pressure plate lug, so that these parts may be assembled in their same relative positions, as they were balanced as an assembly. 6. Loosen the holding screws a turn or two at a time to avoid bending rim o f cover. It is advantageous to place wood or metal spacers (approxim ately 3 /8 thick) between the clutch levers and the cover to hold the levers down as the holding screws are removed or when clutch is removed from engine. W hen removing driven plate be sure to m ark flywheel side. 7. Remove clutch pilot tool and remove clutch assembly from vehicle. N O T E : Inspect flywheel for heat defects, cracks, flatness, or other defects. Installation To Vehicle 1. Assemble driven plate and clutch cover assem­ bly to flywheel in accordance with m arking on driven plate for flywheel side. Use Tool J-5824 or a dum m y sh aft to support assembly. 2. Line up the clutch assembly with " X " mark or painted white letter with " X " mark on flywheel, before tightening cover holding screws. 3. Tighten holding screws, a turn at a time, before rem oving d u m m y shaft. 4. Remove clutch pilot tool. 5. Pack clutch fork ball seat with a small am ount o f high melting point grease and install a new retainer in the groove o f the clutch fork if the oid retainer is w orn or dam aged. N OTE: Install retainer with high side up, away from bottom o f the ball socket and with open end o f retainer on the horizontal. C A U T IO N : Be careful not to use too much lubricant. Excessive lubricant m ay get on clutch fingers and cause slippage. 6. Replace clutch fork ball if removed from the clutch housing and snap clutch fork onto the ball. 7. Pack lubricant in the recess on the insde of the throwout bearing collar and coat the throwout fork groove with a small am ount o f graphite grease, as shown in Figure 7C-13. 8. Install throwout b e a rin g assembly to the throwout fork. Install clutch and flywheel housing to engine. 9. Assemble transmission as outlined in Section 7B. 10. Align push rod to clutch fork and attach return spring to clutch fork. 11. Adjust clutch linkage as described in " M a in te ­ nance and Adjustments." CLUTCH PEDAL ARM , PUSH ROD OR B U S H IN G R E P LA C E M E N T (Fig. 7 C -14) C-K Models Removal 1. Disconnect battery negative ground cable at the battery terminal. 2. Disconnect clutch push rod at the cross shaft under the vehicle. 3. Remove steering column covers. Remove screws retaining push rod boots to bulkhead. 4. Remove air conditioning duct from lower left side o f instrument cluster is so equipped. (Refer to Section 1A). CA U T IO N : M aintain pressure on lower arm. When lower attaching bolt is removed upper section will snap upward. 5. Disconnect clutch neutral start switch from pedal arm. 6. Remove bolts attaching lower section o f clutch pedal arm to the upper arm. 7. Remove lower arm and push rod from vehicle. 8. Remove pedal return spring. 9. Remove pedal pivot shaft retaining nut and pivot shaft. Insert a dum m y shaft or rod through the support to hold the brake pedal components in place. 10. Remove the clutch pedal assembly from the support assembly. 11. Remove pedal bushings an d spacer from pedal arm. Check pedal bum per for wear and replace as required. Installation Inspection 1. Install new bushings and spacer in pedal arm. C om ponents should be lubricated prior to assembly. 2. Position clutch pedal upper arm in support bracket and install pivot bolt through support and pedal arms. 1. Check clutch pedal bushings for excessive w ear and replace as necessary. N OTE: Bolt must be installed in direction shown in Figure 7C-14 in order to clear return spring. 3. Install pivot bolt retaining nut and torque to specifications. 4. Install p.ull back spring to support and pedal arm. Installation NOTE: If previously removed connect pedal push rod to clutch pedal arm. 5. Position lower pedal arm to upper arm and install upper attaching bolt. Push down on pedal and install lower bolt. Torque to specifications. 6. Install clutch neutral start switch. 7. Install air conditioning duct. 8. Install steering column covers. Install screws retaining push rod boots to bulk head. 9. Check operation o f clutch assembly and adjust clutch as required. G and P Models (Fig. 7C -14) Removal 1. Apply parking brake firmly. Disconnect neutral start switch from pedal arm. 2. Remove bolt at clutch pedal push rod lever, then remove lever from pedal shaft. 3. Hold pedal pad with one hand and slide clutch pedal and shaft assembly outboard enough to clear pedal stop. Insert a d um m y shaft or rod through support and brake pedal assembly to hold components in place while rem oving clutch pedal shaft. Allow return spring (or center spring) to pull pedal up high enough to unhook spring from pedal arm. 4. Remove pedal and shaft assembly from support bracket. 2. Check clutch pedal s h a ft fo r w e a r alignment. Straighten or replace as necessary. N O T E : Use new sh a ft Lubricate with petrolatum. bush in g if and needed. 1. Slide one pedal shaft bushing over shaft, install shaft in support enough to still clear pedal bu m per stop, hook pedal return (or overcenter) spring to pedal, then rotate pedal forward of bu m p er stop; slide shaft into position in support and release pedal against bum per stop. 2. Install clutch pedal shaft bushing over pedal shaft end and into place in sleeve. 3. Assemble pedal push rod lever over pedal shaft and install bolts, washers, and nut. 4. Connect neutral start switch to pedal arm. 5. Adjust clutch pedal free travel as needed. CLUTCH CROSS-SHAFT R EPLA C EM EN T (Figs. 7C-6, 7C-7, 7C-8) 1. Disconnect clutch fork return spring at fork. 2. Disconnect pedal push rod at cross-shaft lever and allow clutch fork push rod to hang free from lower lever. 3. On C-K models, remove ball stud retaining nut, at frame end and slide shaft toward engine. Then lift cross-shaft up to clear bracket and remove shaft from the engine ball stud. On G models, remove frome bracket retaining bolts, then remove shaft from engine ball stud. 4. REmove clutch fork push rod from cross-shaft lever. 5. Reverse removal procedure to install. SPECIAL TOOLS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. J-6456 Height Gauge J-1048 Gauge Plate J- 1522 Pilot Bearing Driver J-23720 Clutch Pilot Tool J-1448 Pilot Bearing Puller SECTION 8 ELECTRICAL—BODY AND CHASSIS C O N TE N TS Lighting S ystem .................................................................... G eneral D e s c rip tio n .......................................................... D ia g n o sis............................................................................... On-Vehicle Service............................................................. M aintenance and A d ju stm e n ts................................... H e adlam p A d ju s tm e n t............................................... C om ponent Part R ep lacem en t.................................... Sealed Beam U n i t ......................................................... Parking L am p B u l b ..................................................... Parking L a m p H o u sin g ............................................... Front Side M a r k e r ........................................................ Rear Side M a rk e r.......................................................... Tail, Stop and Backup L a m p s ................................. Directional Signal L a m p s ........................................... Clearance, License Plate and Identification L a m p s.................................................................................. Light S w itch ..................................................................... H eadlam p Beam Selector Switch............................. Stoplam p Switch............................................................. Instruments. Gauges and C o n tro ls ................................ G en eral D e sc rip tio n .......................................................... D ia g n o sis................................................................................ On-Vehicle Service............................................................. C om ponent Part R ep lacem en t.................................... N eutral Start S w itc h .................................................... Backing L a m p Switch................................................... W indshield W ip e r /W i p e r /W a s h e r Switch............ Ignition Switch................................................................ Instrument C lu s te r......................................................... Indicator and Illuminating B ulbs............................ Lam inated (Printed) Circuit....................................... S p e e d o m e te r ..................................................................... Speedom eter Cable C o r e ............................................ Fuel G a u g e ....................................................................... T em perature G a u g e .............. ........................................ T e m p e ratu re Sending U n i t ........................................ Oil Pressure G a u g e ....................................................... 8-2 8-2 8-3 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-I0 8 - 10 8 - 10 8-10 8 - 10 8-10 8 - 1I 8 - 11 8 - 1I 8 - 11 8 - 11 8-ll 8 - 15 8 - 15 8-16 8-20 8-20 8-20 8-21 8-21 8-22 8-22 8-22 8-22 8-24 8-25 8-25 8-25 8-25 8-25 Oil Pressure Sending U n i t ........................................ ..8-26 V o ltm eter.............................................................................8-26 Directional Signal Sw itch.............................................8-26 Windshield W iper and W asher (C-K and G M o d e ls).................................................................................... ..8-26 G eneral D e sc rip tio n ............................................................8-26 Electrical C ircuits............................................................. ..8-27 D iag n o sis............................................................................... ..8-30 W iper - On V eh icle....................................................... ..8-30 W iper - Off Vehicle.........................................................8-30 On Vehicle Service............................................................ .8-39 Com ponent Part R ep la c e m e nt.................................... .8-39 Wiper M o to r ................................................................... .8-39 Unit R e p a ir .......................................................................... .8-39 W ip e r /W a s h e r D isa sse m b ly ..........................................8-39 Motor D isassem bly...........................................................8-40 Motor A ssem b ly............................................................... .8-43 W iper A djustm ents...........................................................8-43 W asher P u m p ................................................................... .8-43 Windshield W iper and W asher (P M odels)...............8-45 G eneral D e sc rip tio n ...........................................................8-45 D ia g n o sis............................................................................... .8-47 W iper - On V ehicle.........................................................8-47 Unit R e p a i r .......................................................................... .8-52 W iper M o to r .......................................................................8-52 Windshield W a s h e r ..........................................................8-53 Circuit Pro te ctio n ................................................................. .8-56 G eneral D esc rip tio n ...........................................................8-56 Circuit B r e a k e r ................................................................. .8-56 Fuse .......................................................................................8-56 Fusible L in k ........................................................................8-57 D iagn osis............................................................................... .8-57 On-Vehicle Service............................................................. .8-58 Com ponent Part R eplacem ent.................................... .8-58 H eadlam p W arning Buzzer.............................................. .8-58 Seat Belt W arning S y s te m ............................................... .£-58 Specifications...........................................................................g_(,i LIGHTING SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The lighting system includes the m ain light switch; stop light, d im m e r and backing lam p switches; head and park in g lamps; stop, tail, side marker, clearance and identification lamps; instrument illumination, directional signal and indicator lamps and the necessary wiring to complete the various circuits. A bulkhead fuse panel (fig. 8-1) provides convenient power taps and fuse clips for the appropriate circuits. The engine wiring harness and forward lam p harness connectors are bolted to the fuse panel. All wiring systems not protected by a fuse or circuit breaker incorporate a fusible link which provides increased overload protection. The starting motor circuit is the exception. Composite wiring diagram s are available in a separate manual. The standardized color code is common to all wiring harnesses. The wire covering color designates a particular circuit usage. TRAFFIC H A Z A R D FLASHER 0 F U S E -H E A T E R & IG N A C C [BlR EC E P T A C LE -H E A TE R [A]F U S E - H E A T E R /A IR C O N D (C jR E C E P T A C L E -IG N A C C [B]F U S E - AC C E S S O R Y [0 R E C E P T A C L E -R A D IO U 6 3 0 3 RECEPTACLE - C 6 2 [TJFU S E-IN ST PNL LA M P S 03 RECEPTACLE [^ R E C E P T A C L E - INST PNL LAM PS OS FUSE - PA NE L LIGHTS 0 F U S E - B / U LA M P S, R A D IO U 63 [□ R E C E P T A C L E - A C C E S S O R Y LA M P S - N L 2 /A 3 3 /U 1 6 E D f u s e - c l u s t e r FEED ^ R E C E P T A C L E - ( N O T USED) [U O U T IE T -D IR SIG FLASHER Q llF U S E - CLUSTER FEED [K ] FUSE-IDLE STO P.TC S □ d lF U S E - W /S H IE L D W IPER 0 F U S E - W /S H IE L D W IPER FUSE - B / U LA M P S 0 R E C E P T A C L E -W /S H IE L D W IPER [□ F U S E - R A D IO & TCS [N] RECEPTACLE-TCS 0R EC E PTA C LE - [P ] FU SE-TAIL, PARK STOP, D O M E LA M P S 03)FUSE - TRAFFIC H A Z A R D T P 2 /M 4 0 0 F U S E -T R A F F IC H A Z A R D [□ F U S E - T A IL,S TO P , CTSYLAM PS E lO U T L E T -TR AFFIC H A Z A R D FLASHER (^R E C E P T A C L E - C 9 1 / U F 2 / U 3 5 / U 3 7 G D R E C E P T A C LE -C IG LIGHTER ____ _______ _____ G, SERIES DIR S IG N A L FLASHER C -K SERIES Fig. 8-l--Fuse Panel DIAGNOSIS HEADLAMP DIAGNOSIS Condition One headlamp inoperative or intermittent Possible Cause 1. Loose connection 2. Defective Sealed Beam One or more headlights are dim. 1. Open ground connection at headlight 2. Black ground wire mislocated in headlight connector (type 2 sealed beam) C orrection 1. Secure connections to sealed beam including ground. (Black Wire) 2. Replace sealed beam 1. Repair black wire connection between sealed beam and body ground. 2. Relocate black wire in connector One or more headlights short life 1. Voltage regulator misadjusted 1. Readjust regulator to specifications. All headlights inoperative or intermittent 1. Loose connection 1. Check and secure connections at dimmer switch and light switch. 2. Defective dimmer switch 2. Check voltage at dimmer switch with test lamp. If test lamp bulb lights only at light blue wire terminal, replace dimmer switch. 3. Check light blue wire with test lamp. If bulb lights at light switch light blue wire terminal but not at dimmer switch, repair open wire. 4. Check red wire terminal at light switch with test lamp. If lamp does not light, repair open red wire circuit to battery, (possible open fusible link) 3. Open wiring - light switch to dimmer switch 4. Open wiring - light switch to battery 5. Shorted ground circuit 5. If, after a few minutes operation, headlights flicker “O N ” and “O F F ” and or a thumping noise can be heard from the light switch (circuit breaker opening and closing), repair short to ground in circuit between light switch and headlights. After repairing short, check for headlight flickering after one minute operation. If flickering occurs, the circuit breaker has been damaged and light switch must be replaced. 6. Defective light switch 6. Check red and white wire terminals at light switch with test lamp. If bulb lights at read wire terminal but not at light blue terminal, replace light switch. Upper or lower beam will not light or intermittent 1. Open connection or defective dimmer switch 1. Check dimmer switch terminals with test lamp. If bulb lights at light blue or tan wire terminals, repair open wiring between dimmer switch and headlights. If bulb will not light at one of these terminals, replace dimmer switch. 2. Short circuit to ground 2. Follow diagnosis above (All headlights inoperative or intermittent) SIDE M A R K E R L A M P D IA G N O S IS C o n d itio n One lamp inoperative Front or rear lamps inoperative All lamps inoperative P o s s ib le C a u s e C o r re c tio n 1. Turn signal bulb burnt out (Front lamp) 1. Switch turn signals on. If signal bulb does not light, replace bulb. (Bulb filament provides ground path for marker lamp bulb through the light blue or dark blue/white strip wires). 2. Side marker bulb burnt out 2. Replace bulb. 3. Loose connection or open in wiring 3. Usiftg test lamp, check brown wire terminal at bulb socket. If test lamp lights, repair open ground circuit. If lamp does not light, repair open brown wire circuit. 1. Loose connection or open ground connection 1. If associated tail or park lamps do not operate, secure all connectors in brown wire circuit. If park and turn lamps operate, repair open ground connections. 2. Multiple bulbs burnt out 2. Replace burnt out bulbs. 1. Blown fuse 1. If park and tail lamps do not operate, replace blown fuse. If new fuse blows, check for short to ground between fuse panel and lamps. 2. Secure connector to light switch. 2. Loose connection 3. Open in wiring 3. Check tail light fuse with test lamp. If test lamp lights, repair open wiring between fuse and light switch. If not, repair open wiring between fuse and battery. (Possible open fusible link). 4. Defective light switch 4. Check light switch with test lamp. If test lamp lights at terminal No. 5 but not at terminal No. 4, replace light switch. T A IL , PARK A N D LICENSE L A M P D IA G N O S IS C o n d itio n One side inoperative Both sides inoperative P o s s ib le C a u s e C o r re c tio n 1. Bulb burnt out 1. Replace bulb 2. Open ground connection at bulb socket or ground wire terminal 2. Jumper bulb base socket connection to ground. If lamp lights, repair open ground circuit. 1. Tail lamp fuse blown 1. Replace fuse. If new fuse blows, repair short to ground in brown wire circuit between fuse panel through light switch to lamps. 2. Loose connection 2. Secure connector at light switch. 3. Open wiring 3. Using test light, check circuit on both sides of fuse. If lamp does not light on either side, repair open circuit between fuse panel and battery. (possible open fusible link). If test lamp lights at light switch brown wire terminal, repair open wiring between light switch and lamps. 4. Multiple bulb 4. If test lamp lights at lamp burnout 5. Defective light switch socket brown wire terminal, replace bulbs. 5. If test lamp lights at light switch terminal No. 4 (Brown/white wire) but not at terminal No. 5 (Brown wire), replace defective light switch. TUR N S IG N A L A N D H A Z A R D W A R N IN G L A M P C o n d itio n T u rn signals inoperative one side T u r n signals inoperative P o s s ib le C a u s e C o r re c tio n 1. Bulb(s) b u rn t out (F la sh e r can n o t be h e a rd ) T u r n h a z a rd w a rn in g system on. I f one o r m o re bulbs are inoperative replace necessary bulbs. 2. O pe n wiring or g ro u n d c o n n e c tio r T u r n H azard w a rn in g system on. If o n e o r m o re b u lb s are in o p era tiv e , use test la m p an d check circu it a t la m p so c k e t. If test la m p lights, re p a ir o p e n g r o u n d c o n n e c tio n . I f n o t, re p air o p e n wiring b e tw e e n b u lb so c k e t an d tu rn signal switch. 3. I m p ro p e r bulb or defective tu rn signal switch. 3. T u r n h a z a rd w arning system on. I f all front a n d rear lamps operate, check for im p ro p e r bulb (1034 instead o f 1157). I f bulbs are O K , replace defective tu rn signal switch. 4. Short to ground. (F la sh er can be heard, no bulbs operate) 4. L ocate a n d repair sh ort to g ro u n d by disconnecting front a n d rear circuits separately. 1. Blow n tu rn signal fuse 1. T u r n h a z a rd w arning system on. If all lam ps operate, replace blow n fuse. If new fuse blows, rep air short to gro u n d between fuse a n d lamps. 2. Defective flasher (L ocated behind in stru m e n t panel near steering colum n) 2. If tu rn signal fuse is O K and h a z a r d w arn in g system will op erate lamps, replace defective tu rn signal flasher. 3. Loose connection 3. Secure steering c o lu m n connector. I f necessary, check purple wire term inals in c o n n e c to r with test lamp. If test la m p lights only on one side o f connector, clean or tighten c o n n e c to r contacts. H azard warning lamps inoperative 1. Blown stop-hazard fuse 1. Switch turn signals on. If lamps operate, replace stop-hazard fuse if blown. If new fuse blows, repair short to ground. (Could be in stop light circuit). 2. Defective hazard warning flasher. (Located on fuse panel). 2. If stop-hazard fuse is O K, switch turn signals on. If lamps operate, replace defective hazard flasher. 3. Open in wiring or defective turn signal switch. 3. Using test lamp, check brown wire in turn signal steering column connector. If lamp does not light on either side of connector, repair open circuit between flasher and connector. If lamp lights only on feed side of connector, clean connector contacts, If lamp lights on both sides of connector, replace defective turn signal switch assembly. BACK-UP LAM P C o n d itio n One lam p inoperative or interm ittent Both lamps inoperative or intermittent. P ossib le C au se C o rre c tio n 1. Loose or burnt out bulb 1. Secure or replace bulb. 2. Loose connection 2. Tighten connectors. 3. Open ground connections 3. Repair bulb ground circuit. 1. Neutral start switch misadjusted (Open when shift lever is in reverse position) 1. Readjust neutral start switch. 2. Loose connection or open circuit 2. Secure all connectors. If OK, check continuity of circuit from fuse to lamps with test lamp. If lam p does not light on either side o f fuse, correct open circuit from battery to fuse. 3. Blown fuse 3. Replace fuse. If new fuse blows, repair short to ground in circuit from fuse through neutral start switch to back-up lamps. 4. Defective neutral start switch 4. W ith ignition on, check switch terminals in back-up position with test lamp. If lam p lights at pink wire terminal but not at light green wire terminal, replace neutral start switch. 5. Defective ignition switch 5. If test lam p lights at ignition switch battery terminal but not at o utput terminal, replace ignition switch. L a m p will not tu r n off 1. N e u tra l start switch m isadjusted (closed w hen shift lever is not in reverse position) 1 R e a d ju st ne u tra l s ta rt sw itch STO P LIG HTS C o n d itio n P o s s ib le C a u s e C o r re c tio n O n e bulb inoperative 1. Bulb b u rn t out. 1. R eplace bulb. O n e side inoperative 1. Loose connection, open wiring or defective bulbs 1. T u r n o n d ire c tio n a l signal. If la m p d o e s n o t o p e r a te , c h ec k bulbs. If b u lb s are O K , secure all c o n n e c tio n s . If la m p still does n o t o p e r a te , use te s t la m p and c h eck fo r o p e n wiring. 2. Defective directional signal switch or cancelling cam 2. If la m p will o perate by tu rn in g direction al signal on, the switch is not centering p roperly du ring cancelling operation. Replace defective cancelling cam or directional signal switch. 1. S to p -h a z ard fuse blown 1. R eplace fuse. If new fuse blows, r e p a ir sh ort to g ro u n d in circuit between fuse a n d lamps. 2. S to p -sw itc h m isa d ju s te d o r defective 2. With b ra k e p ed al d e p re ss e d , c h eck w h ite wire te r m in a l in steerin g c o lu m n c o n n e c t o r w ith test la m p . If la m p d o e s n o t light, c h e c k s to p sw itc h fo r p r o p e r a d ju s tm e n t. If a d j u s t m e n t is O K , replace s to p sw itch. 1. Stop switch m isadjusted o r defective. 1. R eadjust switch. I f switch still m alfunctions, replace. All inoperative Will not tu rn off ON-VEHICLE SERVICE MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS M aintenance of the lighting units and wiring system consists o f an occasional check to see that all wiring connections are tight and clean, that the lighting units are securely mounted to provide good ground and that the h eadlam ps are properly adjusted. Loose or corroded connections m ay cause a discharged battery, difficult starting, dim lights, and possible d am age to the generator. W ire harnesses must be replaced if insulation becomes burned, cracked, or deteriorated. W henever it is necessary to splice a wire or repair one that is broken, always use solder to bond the splice. Always use rosin flux solder on electrical connections. Use insulating tape to cover all splices or bare wires. W h en replacing wires, it is im portant that the correct size be used. N ever replace a wire with one o f a smaller size. Fusible links in the wiring are four gauge sizes smaller than the cable it is designed to protect. The links are marked on the insulation with wire gauge size because o f the heavy insulation which makes the link a p p e a r a heavier gauge than it actually is. Each harness and wire must be held securely in place by clips or other holding devices to prevent chafing or w earing away the insulation due to vibration. By referrin g to the wiring diag ram manual, circuits m ay be tested for continuous circuit or shorts with a conventional test lamp or low reading voltmeter. whenever a sealed beam unit is replaced and after repairs o f the front end sheet metal assembly. Regardless of the method used for checking h eadlam p aim, the truck must be at norm al weight, that is with gas, oil, w ater and spare tire. Tires must be inflated to specified pressures. Some states have special requirem ents for h eadlam p aiming adjustment and these requirem ents must be known and followed. Horizontal and vertical aiming o f each sealed beam is proveded by two adjusting screws visible through the bezel which move the m ounting ring against the tension o f the coil spring (fig. 8-2). There is no adjustm ent for focus since the sealed beam unit is set for focus during m anufacturing assembly. H E A D LA M P A D J U S T M E N T (Fig. 8-2) T he headlam ps must be properly aimed to obtain m axim um road illumination. W hen using mechanical h ea d la m p aimers, follow m anufacturers instructions. T he headlam ps must be checked for proper aim VERTICAL AIM SCREW HORIZONTAL A I M SCREW R i g h t side s h o w n , left side is s i m i l a r . Fig. 8-3- Front Lighting (C-K Models) COMPONENT PART REPLACEMENT 7. To install, reverse removal steps. Left Side 1. Remove two screws and parking lamp lens. 2. Disconnect wiring harness at connector. 3. Remove housing stud nuts and remove housing with pigtail. 4. To install, reverse removal steps. SEALED BEAM U N IT Replacement (Figs. 8-3 and 8-4) 1. 2. Remove bezel retaining screws and bezel. Remove retaining ring. FRO NT SIDE MARKER LAM P BULB A N D / OR H O USING All Models Replacement N O T E: Do not disturb adjusting screw setting. 3. Disconnect wiring harness connector located at rear of' unit in engine com partm ent and remove sealed beam unit. 4. Attach wiring harness connector to unit. 5. Position new sealed b eam unit in mounting ring and install retaining ring. N O T E: The num ber molded into lens face must be at top. 6. Install retaining ring then check operation of unit and install bezel. P A R K IN G LA M P BULB Replacement (Figs. 8-3 and 8-4) NOTE: For housing replacement follow procedure for the right side bulb replacement below. 1. Left Side - Raise hood. Right Side - Remove lamp assembly retaining screws and pull outward on assembly. 2. Twist wiring harness socket 90 counterclockwise and remove harness and bulb from housing. 3. Replace bulb and check lam p operation. 4. Insert bulb into housing, press in on harness socket and twist 90 clockwise. Check that socket is securely attached. 5. Left Side- Lower hood. Right Side - Install housing in opening and install retaining screws. 1. Remove lens retaining screws and remove lens I'rom the housing. 2. Replace bulb and check lamp operation. 3. Install lens and retaining scrws. P A R K IN G LAM P H O U S IN G C-K M odels Replacement (Fig. 8-3) 1. Remove parking lamp lens screw's and remove the lens. 2. Remove lamp housing retaining screws and pull housing forward. 3. Disconnect parking lamp wiring harness from housing by rotating bulb socket counterclockwise. 4. Connect wiring harness to new housing by inserting bulb socket into housing and rotating clockwise. 5. Install bulb if removed during disassembly. Install lens and retaining screws. G M odels Replacement (Fig. 8-4) Right Side 1. Remove both he ad la m p bezels. 2. Remove both parking lam p lens. 3. Remove grille. 4. Remove battery and battery box. 5. D isconnect wiring harness at connector. 6. Remove housing stud nuts and remove housing with pigtail. REAR SIDE MARKER LAM P BULB A N D /O R H O U S IN G C-K 03 models with E62 and G Models Replacement Same as Right Front Side M arker L am p Bulb a n d / or Housing Replacement - All Vehicles. NOTE: Bulb on G Models without interior trim may be removed from inside the vehicle. C-K 14, 0 3 and 63 with E63, and 0 6 Models Replacement 1. 2. 3. Remove lens to housing four screws. Replace bulb and check operation. Position lens and install four attaching screws. Platform and Stake Rack M odels (E 5 6) Exploded view o f the different rear lighting arrangem ents are shown in Figures 8-7 and 8-8. The bulbs may be replaced by removing the lam p lens attaching screws and lamp lens. The lamp housings may LICENSE LAM P A SSEMBLY D A R K G REEN BRO W N, M A RK E R L A M P LIG H T G REEN LIG HT G R E EN BROW N L IC E N S E / L A M P W IRE ASSEM BLY FUEL T A N K METER ASSEM BLY BROWN ( L H SIDE O N L Y ) R IG H T SIDE Fig. 8 5 Rear Lighting (G Models) be replaced by removing housing attaching nuts or screws, or by rem oving nuts and bolts from bracket. LIG H T S W ITCH C-K Models (Fig. 8 -1 1) TA IL, S TO P AND B AC KUP LAM P BULBS Replacement C-K 14, 0 3 and 6 3 w /E 6 3 and 0 6 Models 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Reaching up behind instrument cluster, depress shaft retaining button and remove switch knob and rod. 3. Remove instrum ent cluster bezel screws on left end. Pull out on bezel and hold switch nut with a wrench. 4. Disconnect multiple wiring connectors at switch terminals. 5. Remove switch by rotating while holding switch nut. 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 above. All G Models G Models (Fig. 8-11) Replacem ent Replacement 1. Remove lens to housing attaching screws. 2. Remove bulbs from sockets. 3. Remove housing attaching screws (nuts on G Models). 4. Rotate wiring harness sockets counterclockwise and remove housing. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 above. 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Reaching up behind instrum ent panel, depress shaft retaining button and remove switch knob-shaft. 3. From front o f instrument panel remove switch retaining nut. 4. Push switch from panel opening and remove multiple electrical connector at switch terminals. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4, making sure grounding ring is installed on switch. D IR E C T IO N A L S IG N A L LAM PS H E ADLA M P BEAM SELECTOR S W ITC H D irectional signal lamps are an integral part of parking and tail lam p assemblies. Refer to the applicable lam p or bulb replacem ent procedures covered previously. Replacement Replacement 1. 2. 3. Remove lens to housing attaching screws. Replace bulb and check operation. Position lens and install attaching screws. TAIL, S TO P AND B AC KUP LAM P HO U S IN G CLEARANCE, LICENSE PLATE AND ID E N T IF IC A T IO N LAM PS Refer to Figures 8-7 through 8-10 for clearance, license plate and identification lamp installations. 1. Fold back u pper left corner of the floor mat and remove two screws retaining switch to the floor pan. 2. D isconnect w iring c onnector from switch terminals. 3. Connect wiring to replacement switch and check operation. 4. Position switch to floor pan and install retaining screws. 5. Replace floor mat. LICENSE PLATE LAMP WIRE — |view|A FRONT MARKER LAMP HARNESS CENTER MARKER WIRE v v la m ps V IEW FRONT WIRE ASSEMBLY TAIL & STOP ~ LAMP ASSEMBLY REAR LICENSE ^ LAMP ASSEMBLY SIDE MARKER LAMP \ •TAIL & STOP LAMP HARNESS SIDE MARKER LAMP C209 (03) WITH OPTION E56 C310 (03) WITH OPTION E56 Fig. 8-7 -Rear Lighting (C-K Platform and Stake Rack M odels) C 3 0 ( 0 3 ) W I T H O P T I O N E56 CK 1 0 - 2 0 A N D C 3 0 9 ( 0 3 ) W I T H O P T I O N E6 2 S TO P LA M P S W ITC H See Section 5 (Brakes) o f this adjustm ent and replacement procedures. m an u a l for G MODELS INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES AND CONTROLS GENERAL DESCRIPTION All instruments and gauges are installed in the instrum ent cluster. Instruments and gauges can be serviced in the vehicle (C-K Models); however, the entire cluster must be removed from the vehicle for servicing o f the instruments and gauges (G Models). Illuminating an d indicator lamps may be replaced without removing the cluster from the vehicle. Bulbs are installed in plastic holders which lock into the cluster housing. Regular m aintenance is not required on the in stru m e n t cluster o r its com po nen ts o th e r than m aintaining clean, tight electrical connections, replacing defective parts and keeping the speedometer cable properly lubricated. DIAGNOSIS OIL PRESSURE IN D IC A T O R C o n d itio n Light n o t lit, ignition on a n d engine not ru nn in g. L ight on, engine ru n n in g above idle speed. P o s s ib le C a u s e C o r re c tio n 1. Bulb b u rn e d out. 1. R ep lace bulb. 2. O p e n in light circuit. 2. L o cate an d correct open. 3. Defective oil pressure switch. 3. R eplace oil pressure switch. 1. G r o u n d e d wiring between light a n d switch. 1. L ocate a n d repair ground. 2. Defective oil pressure switch. 2. R eplace oil pressure switch. 3. L o w oil pressure. 3. L o cate cause o f low oil pressure and correct. C O O L A N T T E M P E R A T U R E IN D IC A T O R C o n d itio n “ H O T ” indicator; light not lit w hen c r a n k in g engine. L ight on, engine running. P o s s ib le C a u s e C o r re c tio n 1. Bulb b u rn e d out. 1. R ep lace bulb. 2. O p en in light circuit. 2. L ocate a n d co rrect open. 3. Defective ignition switch. 3. R eplace ignition switch. 1. W irin g g ro u n d e d between light a n d switch. 1. L ocate a n d correct g ro u n d e d wiring. 2. Defective te m p e ra tu re switch. 2. R eplace te m p e ra tu re switch. 3. Defective ignition switch. 3. R eplace ignition switch. 4. C o o la n t te m p e ra tu re above 258 degrees F. 4. L o cate a n d correct cause of high coolant te m perature. H O R N S W IL L N O T O P E R A T E C o rre c tio n Cause L o o se c o n n e c ti o n s in circu it. D efectiv e h o r n sw itch. D efective h o r n relay. D efe c ts w ith in h o rn . HORNS HAVE C h e c k a n d tig h te n c o n n e c tio n s . Be sure to c h eck g ro u n d strap s. R eplace d e fe c tiv e parts. R eplace relay . R e p la c e h o rn . POOR T O N E C o rre c tio n Cause L o w available v o lta g e a t h o rn . D e fec ts w ith in h o rn . HORNS OPERATE C h eck b a t t e r y a n d charging circuit. A lth o u g h h o r n s h o u ld b lo w at a n y v oltag e above 7.0 volts, a w e a k o r p o o r to n e m a y o c c u r at o p e r a tin g voltages b e lo w 1 1.0 volts. I f h o r n has w e a k o r p o o r t o n e a t o p e r a tin g vo ltage o f 11.0 vo lts o r h ig h er, r e m o v e h o rn an d replace. IN T E R M I T T E N T L Y C o rre c tio n Cause L o ose o r i n t e r m i t t e n t c o n n e c tio n s in h o r n relay o r h o r n circuit. D efective h o r n sw itc h. D efective relay. D efe c ts w ith in h o rn . C h eck a n d tig h te n c o n n e c tio n s . R eplace sw itch. R e p la ce relay. R eplace h o r n . H O R N S BLO W C O N S T A N T L Y Cause S tic k in g h o r n relay. H o r n relay en ergized b y g r o u n d e d o r s h o r te d wiring. H o rn b u t t o n can b e g r o u n d e d b y sticking closed. C o rre c tio n R eplace relay. C heck a n d a d ju s t wiring. A d ju st o r re p la c e d a m a g e d parts. SPEEDOM ETER Cause N oisy s p e e d o m e t e r cable. P o in te r a n d o d o m e t e r in o p e ra tiv e . I n a c c u r a te reading. K in ked cable. D efective s p e e d o m e t e r h ead . Casing c o n n e c t o r loose o n s p e e d o m e t e r case. C o rre c tio n 1. L o o s e n o v e r-tig h te n e d casing n u ts a n d snap-on a t s p e e d o m e t e r head. 2. R eplace h o u s in g a n d core. R eplace b r o k e n cable. 1. C h e c k tire size. 2. C h eck for c o rr e c t s p e e d o m e te r d riven gear. R eplace cable. R e r o u te casing so t h a t b e n d s have no less t h a n 6 " radius. R eplace o r have re p a ire d a t a u th o r iz e d service s ta tio n . T ig h te n c o n n e c to r . GAS GAUGE E R R A T IC F U E L G A U G E R E A D IN G S A N D O F F C A L IB R A T IO N C O M P L A IN T S (G a u g e flu c tu a tio n d u rin g a c c e le ra tio n an d d e c e le ra ­ tio n is n o rm a l.)' NOTE: M any fuel g au g e ta n k u n its an d dash units are rep laced b ecau se o f p o o r diag n o sis o r lack of j k n o w led g e o f th e v ariab les in th e system . F o r ex am p le, som e o w n ers c o m p la in th a t w h en th e ir gauge read s e m p ty th e ta n k c a n n o t be filled to the cap a c ity stated j in th e o w n e r's m a n u a l. Possible reaso n s: C h e c k the fo llo w in g fo r loose c o n n e c tio n : 1. D ash u n it m o u n tin g screw s. 2. I.P . h arn ess to p rin te d c ircu it. 3. I P. h arn ess to flat w ire. 1. E m p ty fuel reserve o f 1 to 3 gallons. 2. G a s sta tio n a tte n d a n t did n ot tak e tim e to c o m ­ 3. C a r w as filled on a hill o r w ith a h eavy tru n k lo ad pletely fill th e tank. 4. F la t w ire to tru n k h arn ess. c a u sin g the tan k v en t pipe to be b lo ck ed and th e re ­ 5. F e e d w ire to ta n k unit. fo re p re v e n tin g th e tan k fro m being com p letely 6. T a n k u n it g ro u n d to body. filled. C H A R G IN G S Y S T E M IN D IC A T O R C o n d itio n P o s s ib le C a u s e C o r re c tio n Light on, ignition off. 1. S h o rte d positive diode. 1. L ocate and replace sh o rte d diode. Light not on, ignition on and engine not running. 1. Bulb b u rn e d out. 1. R e p la c e bulb. 2. O p e n in light circuit. 2. L ocate and correct open. 3 . Open 3. R e p l a c e L ight on, engine ru n n in g above idle speed. in f i e l d . ro to r. 1. N o gen e ra to r output. 1. C h e c k and correct cause of no outp u t. 2. S h orted negative diode. 2. L o c a te and replace shorted diode. 3. Loose o r broken ge n e ra to r belt. 3. T ig h te n or replace and tigh ten g e n e ra to r belt. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE COMPONENT PART REPLACEMENT N E U T R A L S T A R T S W ITC H C-K Models (Fig. 8 -1 2) Replacem ent and Adjustment 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect electrical harness at switch. 3. Remove switch m ounting screws and remove switch. 4. Position shift lever in neutral gate notch. 5. Insert ,096"gauge pin to depth o f 3 /8 inch into switch gauge hole, switch assembly is lixed in neutral position with internal plastic shear pin. 6. Assemble the switch to column by inserting the switch carrier tang in the shift tube slot and fasten in position by assembling m ounting screws to retainers. N OTE: If retainer strips out it must be replaced. 7. Remove .096" gauge pin. 8. Move shift lever out o f neutral gate notch to park gate position to shear switch internal plastic pin. 9. Return shift lever to neutral gate notch. 10. Switch gauge hole will freely adm it .080" gauge pin to a depth o f 3 /8 inch. 11. If pin will not freely enter gauge hole, switch must be reset as below. 12. Connect battery ground cable and electrical harness. Reset Installation Procedure 1. Place shift lever in neutral gate notch. 2. Loosen attaching screws. 3. Rotate switch on column and insert .096" gauge pin to depth o f 3 /8 inch. 4. Tighten attaching screws. 5. Repeat installation procedure Steps 7 through 12 above. G-P Models Replacement 1. 2. (Fig. 8 -12) Raise vehicle on a hoist. Disconnect the switch harness from the switch. .098 DIA GAUGE PINs SWITCH LEVER TRANS LEVER SWITCH LEVER SWITCH TRANS LEVERv M O U N T IN G BRACKET L STEERING COLUMN M O U N T IN G BRACKET LO CK IN G PIN C-K MODELS V IE W A SWITCH G MODELS LO CKING PIN V IEW A P MODELS Fig. 8-12 -Neutral S tart Switch Replacement - Typical 3. Remove switch m ounting bolts and remove switch. 4. Assemble new switch loosely to m ounting bracket. 5. Align .093/.097" hole in Lever (B) with hole in Switch Assembly. Insert Pin (A) to hold in N E U T R A L position. 6. Set Transmission Lever (C) in N E U T R A L position by the following method. N O T E: O btain N E U T R A L by moving T ransm is­ sion Lever counterclockwise to LI detent, then clockwise three detents to the N E U T R A L detent position. 7. Install Rod into Transm ission Lever and Switch Lever. Secure with clips. 8. Tighten switch attaching screws. 9. Lower vehicle from hoist and carefully check switch operation. B AC KING LAM P S W ITC H See " N e u tra l Start Switch" for automatic transm is­ sion models. 6. Check operation to make sure back-up lights come on in reverse gear only. Transmission M ounted Switch Replacement 1. 2. 3. 4. Raise vehicle on a hoist. Disconnect switch wiring harness. Remove switch from transmission. To install a new switch, reverse Steps 1-3 above. W IN D SH IE LD W A S H E R /W IP E R S W ITC H C-K Models Replacement 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Remove instrum ent panel bezel screws and bezel. 3. Remove switch attaching screws. 4. Pull out on switch assembly and disconnect electrical harness - remove switch. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 above. Check switch operation before reinstalling instrument panel bezel. Colum n M ounted Sw itch (M anual Transm ission) G Models Replacem ent Replacement 1. 2. 3. switch. 4. position 5. 1. 2. Disconnect battery ground cable. Reach up behind left side o f instrum ent panel, Disconnect battery ground cable. Disconnect switch wiring harness. Remove column m ounting screws and remove and: Assemble the switch to the column. Fasten in by installing m o unting screws. Install battery ground cable. a. Remove plug connector from rear o f switch. b. Remove (3) mounting screws securing bezel and ground wires to switch. 3. Replace switch, installing ground wire and connector. Check operation o f switch, first observing washer solvent level. IG N IT IO N S W ITC H C-K M odels See Section 3B - Steering, replacement procedure. for ignition switch G M odels Replacem ent (Fig. 8 -1 3 ) 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Remove lock cylinder by positioning switch in " A C C ” position and inserting stiff wire in small hole in cylinder face. Push in on wire to depress plunger and continue to turn key counterclockwise until lock cylinder can be removed. 3. Remove metallic ignition switch nut. 4. Pull ignition switch out from behind instrument panel an d remove "th e ft resistant" connector. Use a screwdriver to unsnap locking tangs on con nettor from their position on switch. 5. Snap connector into place on new ignition switch. 6. Place switch into position I'rom behind instru­ m ent panel, first adding grounding ring then install ignition switch nut. 7. Install lock cylinder, key inserted. 8. Install battery ground cable. IN S T R U M E N T CLUSTER C-K Models Replacem ent (Fig. 8 -1 4 ) 1. 2. Disconnect battery ground cable. Remove head lam p switch control knob. 3. Remove radio control knobs. 4. Remove eight screws and remove instrum ent bezel. 5. Reach up under instrum ent cluster and discon­ nect speedometer by first depressing tang on rear of speedometer head, then pulling cable free from head as tang is depressed. 6. Disconnect oil pressure gauge line at fitting in engine com partm ent. 7. Pull instrument cluster out just fa r enough to disconnect line from oil pressure gauge. 8. Remove cluster to bench for further disassembly (laminated printed circuit, speedometer head, gauges). 9. Install cluster in reverse order o f removal. G Models Replacement (Fig. 8 -1 5 ) 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Reach up under instrument cluster and discon­ nect speedometer cable by first depressing tang on rear o f speedometer head, then pulling cable free from head as tang is depressed. 3. Unplug instrum ent panel harness connector from printed circuit. 4. Disconnect oil pressure line from gauge if so equipped. 5. Remove two nuts attaching instrum ent cluster studs to lower opening in instrument panel. 6. Pull top o f cluster away from instrum ent panel and lift out bottom o f cluster. 7. Remove cluster to bench for further disassembly (laminated printed circuit, speedometer head, gauges). 8. Install cluster in reverse order o f removal, noting that clips at top o f cluster slip into instrum ent panel opening after bottom of cluster is installed. IN D IC A T O R AND IL L U M IN A T IN G BULBS All Models Replacement (Figs. 8-14 and 8 -1 5 ) 1. Reach up under instrument panel and turn bulb holder counterclockwise to remove from cluster housing. 2. Pull bulb straight out to remove from holder. 3. Install replacem ent bulb in holder, press inward to lock in place. 4. Insert holder into housing, with lugs on holder entering notches in case, and turn clockwise to lock holder against printed circuit. LA M IN A TE D (P R IN T E D ) C IR C U IT All Models Replacement 1. Remove instrument cluster assembly as p re ­ viously described in this section. 2. Remove all instrument cluster lam p bulb assemblies. 3. Remove laminated circuit retaining screws. NOTE: These screws serve as a ground for the BEZEL (TYPICAL) CLUSTER IN S TR U M E N T CLUSTER IN S TR U M E N T CLUSTER G SOCKET VIEW A PRINTED CIRCUIT INSTRUMENT CLUSTER A Hi BEAM IND. B INSTR. CLUSTER C OIL PRESSURE IND. D ENGINE TEMP IND. E BRAKE WARNING IND. F GEN. TELL TALE G FUEL GAGE CLIPPING H AMP GAGE CLIPPING J BRAKE WARN (EXC U35) K CLOCK & U35 L TEMP GAGE CLIPPING M BRAKE WARN & U35 N FUEL GAGE CLIPPING & 16 P TURN SIGNAL IND. Fig. 8-15--lnstrum ent Cluster Assembly (G Models) circuit and must be reinstalled to provide the prop er ground. 4. G Models - Remove fuel, tem perature and a m m eter term inal nuts retaining laminated circuit to rear of cluster. 5. Lift lam inated circuit from cluster cover. 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 and check electrical operation o f all affected components. SPEEDO M ETER N O T E: Servicing o f the speedometer assembly should only be p erfo rm e d by trained technicians having the pro per test equipment. C-K Models Replacem nt 1. 2. 3. stem. Disconnect battery ground cable. Remove h eadlam p switch control knob. Remove radio control knobs and clock adjuster 4. Remove instrument cluster bezel and steering column cover. 5. Remove instrument cluster lens. 6. Remove transmission P R N D L indicator and case front cover. 7. Remove speedometer to cluster screws and speedometer assembly. 8. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check speedometer operation. G Models Replacement 1. Remove instrument cluster as previously de­ scribed in this section. 2. Remove four screws retaining cluster rear cover containing speedometer. 3. Remove two hex head screws and ru bb er grommets securing speedometer assembly to cluster cover. 4. To install, reverse removal procedure and check operation o f speedometer assembly. C A U T IO N : Use care to prevent kinking the speedom eter installation. cable d uring rem oval and TE M P E R A T U R E GAUGE C-K Models Replacement SPEED O M ETER CABLE CORE All Vehicles Replacement 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect speedometer cable from speedom e­ ter head by reaching up under instrum ent panel, depressing spring clip and pulling cable from head. 3. Remove old core by pulling it out at end of speedom eter cable casing. N O T E : If old cable core is broken it will be necessary to remove lower piece from transmission end o f casing. 4. Lubricate entire length of cable core with speedom eter cable lubricant. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-3 above. C A U T IO N : Use care to prevent kinking speedometer cable core during installation. 1. Perform Steps 1-5 o f "Instrum ent Cluster Replacement". 2. Remove tem perature gauge attaching screws and remove the gauge. 3. To install, reverse Steps 1 and 2 above and check gauge operation. NOTE: Be sure gauge studs engage clips holding laminated circuit to back of cluster housing. G Models Replacement 1. Remove instrument cluster assembly as pre­ viously described in this section. 2. Remove terminal nuts retaining laminated circuit to gauge unit. 3. Remove attaching screws, cover and gauge assembly from cluster housing. 4. Remove terminal attaching nuts and gauge unit from cover plate. 5. To install, reverse removal procedure and check opeation of gauge. TE M P E R A TU R E SEN DING U N IT FUEL G AUG E Replacement C-K M odels Replacement 1. Perform Steps 1-5 of "Instrum ent Cluster Replacem ent". 2. Remove fuel gauge attaching screws and remove the gauge. 3. To install, reverse Steps 1-2 above. Check gauge operation. G Models Replacem ent 1. Remove instrum ent cluster assembly as p re ­ viously described. 2. Remove instrum ent cluster bulb holders, ground screws, nuts an d washers retaining laminated circuit to fuel gauge re a r cover. 3. Remove three screws retaining fuel gauge rear cluster cover. 4. Lift gauge away from lam inated circuit and rear cluster cover. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 and check operation o f fuel gauge. N O T E : M ou nt insulator strip on fuel gauge studs first, then resistor, then a nut on each stud, next the lam inated circuit, then a plain washer on each o f two studs holding lam inated circuit and finally a nut on back o f the studs that have a washer and lam inated circuit. W A R N IN G : Do not remove cap with engine hot, allow vehicle to cool off first. 1. Relieve cooling system pressure by loosening radiator cap to first stop. Tighten cap after pressure is relieved. 2. Disconnect sending unit wiring harness. 3. Remove sending unit from the engine. 4. Install new sending unit and connect electrical harness. 5. Check coolant level and unit operation. NOTE: Coolant must have at least 0 F (-18 C ) freeze protection for sending unit to function properly. OIL PRESSURE GAUGE C-K Models Replacement 1. Perform Steps 1-5 of Instrument Cluster Replacement" procedure. 2. Reach up under the instrument panel and place a cloth under the line to gauge connection. Remove line to gauge nut. 3. Remove gauge to cluster attaching screws and remove gauge. 2. Remove se nding unit using 4. To install, reverse Steps 1-3 above and check Replace with new unit and check operation. gauge operation. G M odels VO LTM ETER Replacem ent C-K Models 1. Remove instrument cluster as previously de­ scribed in this section. Replacement N OTE: Oil pressure line connection may leak oil when opened; w rap with cloth. 2. Remove bulb holders, grounding screws and lift lam inated circuit aside as necessary. 3. Remove instrum ent cluster cover to separate oil pressure gauge from cluster. 4. Remove pipe fitting and retaining nut from gauge being replaced then remove gauge from cluster DO N O T KINK PIPE. 5. To install replacement oil pressure gauge, reverse Steps 1-4, then observe operation o f gauge. Tool J21757. 1. Perform Steps 1-5 of "Instrum ent Cluster Replacement" procedure. 2. Remove gauge to instrument panel screws and remove meter. 3. To install, reverse Steps 1 and 2 above and check meter operation. NOTE: Be sure meter studs engage clips holding printed circuit to back o f cluster housing. G Models Replacement 1. Remove instrument cluster assembly as pre­ viously described in this section. 2. Remove terminal nuts retaining laminated OIL PRESSURE S EN D IN G U N IT circuit to meter. 3. Lay back lam inated circuit portio n after All M odels removing grounding screws and bulb holders. 4. Remove attaching screws, cover and meter from Replacement cluster housing. 5. Remove terminal attaching nuts and m eter from 1. D isconnect w irin g harness c onnector from cover plate. sending unit terminal located in block above starter on 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 and check operation L-6 engines, at left front o f distributor on V-8 (except of meter. 454 V-8) or rear left side o f block (454 V-8) engines. DIRECTIONAL SIGNAL SWITCH The directional signal switch is a self-contained unit which incorporates the hazard w arning switch and the lane changing signal. The hazard w arning circuit is activated by a push-pull switch which is loacated on the right side of the steering column, opposite the directional signal lever. The switch knob must be pulled to cancel circuit. The lane changing circuit is activated by holding the directional signal lever in the first detent position; there is no lock in or cancelling device in this position. See Section 3B "Steering" for all servicing procedures. W INDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER C-K-G MODELS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The wiper motor assembly consists o f com pound externally to the gar shaft, operates the linkage which w ound 12 volt D.C. motor, gear reduction mechanism activates the blades. an d parking switch enclosed in a common die cast The wiper motor is equipped with an internal circuit housing. T he arm ature has a w orm shaft which drives a gear and shaft assembly. A crank arm which is attached breaker mounted on the motor brush plate which protects the motor from overheating. A L IG N IN G PIN PARK SWITCH (CONTACTS OPENED BY CAM) Fig. 8-16--Washer M echanism M ounting on Wiper Figure 8-16 shows the assembly o f the washer pum p to the wiper motor. ELECTRICAL C IR C U IT S T he following facts should be kept in m ind throughout the following explanation. 1. The wiper dash switch is a grounding type switch, and therefore must be securely mounted. 2. W hen installed in a vehicle, the wiper motor is connected to the chassis through a ground strap. This in effect connects the wiper housing to the ground side of the battery. 3. The ignition switch opens and closes the feed wire circuit to the wiper. Therefore, it must be turned O N to operate wipers. The wiper motor operation is controlled by two switches—a dash control switch and a parking switch located in the w iper motor gear box. The park in g switch contacts are normally closed and are opened by a cam on the gear when the wiper blades reach the park position. The park switch acts as a holding switch to m aintain the motor circuits to ground during that period o f operation between the time the operato r turns the wiper off at the dash switch and the blades reach the park position. Figure 8-17 shows the park switch contact open. " L o " Speed Operation Fig. 8 1 7 - Gear in PARK Position—Contacts Open 2. The series' field-armature circuit is completed via wiper terminal No. 1 through the wiring harness to the dash switch to ground. " H I" Speed Operation Turning the wiper dash switch to the " H I " or fast speed position changes the shunt field coil circuit as follows: (Refer to Figure 8-19). With the dash switch in the HI speed position, the shunt field coil current passes through a 20 ohm resistor on the back o f the wiper terminal board to terminal No. 1 and then via the wiring harness to the dash switch to ground. The arm atu re and series field circuit is also completed via the wiring harness from wiper terminal No. 1 to the dash switch to ground. Turning the W iper "O F F " Turning the w iper dash switch to the O F F position opens the wiper circuits to ground at the dash switch. If, however, the wiper blades are in any position other than the normal park or off position, the wiper motor circuits are completed to ground by the w iper motor park switch as follows: (Refer to Figure 8-20). 1. The series field-armature circuit is completed to ground via the park in g switch to the wiper housing to chassis o f vehicle. 2. The shunt field coil circuit is completed to ground via wiper terminal No. 3 through the wiring harness to the dash wiring harness to wiper terminal No. 1, through the parking switch to ground. W h e n the o perator turns the w iper dash switch to the " L O ” speed position, the wiper motor circuits are completed to ground at the dash switch as follows: (R efer to Figure 8-18). C urrent flows from the battery through the ignition switch to the center terminal of the wiper term inal board. From the center terminal, current then passes through the black with pink stripe lead to the series field coils (Larger d iam eter wire) where it divides and flows as follows: 1. The shunt field coils to wiper terminal No. 3 through the wiring harness to the dash switch to ground. IM P O R T A N T : Note that the shunt field circuit during the parking operation bypasses the resistor causing the w iper to operate in LO Speed. Failure of the wiper to operate in LO Speed during parking results in the wiper failing to shut oft'. With the wiper motor circuits completed to ground via the parking switch, the w iper motor continues to operate until the w iper gear cam opens the park switch contact (Figure 8-17) stopping the wiper. See Figure 8-21 for W iper O F F Circuit. Pulse type wipers use the same wiper motor as regular wipers but are controlled by an external mounted control unit. FUSE WIPER TERMINAL BOARD ^SERIES FIELD SHUNT FIELD (PARKING CIRCUIT) LEGEND POWER CIRCUIT TO SERIES FIELD SERIES FIELD AND ARMATURE CIRCUIT SHUNT FIELD CIRCUIT Fig, 8 - 2 0 - P A R K I N G C i r c u i t OFF LO HI 12 VOLTS DASH X SWITCH BATTERY BLACK WITH PINK STRIPE FUSE .WIPER TERMINAL BOARD BLACK ( WI PER O F F ) SERIES FIELD; SHUNT FIELD c RESISTOR 20 OHMS LEGEND POWER CIRCUIT TO SERIES FIELD SERIES FIELD AND ARMATURE CIRCUIT SHUNT FIELD CIRCUIT DIAGNOSIS W IP E R - ON VEHICLE Troubleshooting with wiper installed on the vehicle consists of two basic steps: (A) Preliminary inspection and (B) O perating wiper independent o f vehicle wiring and dash switch. Prelim inary Inspection Procedure A. items: Preliminary Inspection - Check the following 1. Body w iring securely connected to wiper unit and dash switch. 2. W iper ground connection to vehicle chassis. 3. D ash switch is mounted securely. 4. Fuse. 5. W ith ignition switch " O N " , there should be 12 volts at center terminal (No. 2) of wiper connector body. Refer to Figure 8-22 for # 2 term inal location. B. To determ ine if wiper is cause o f trouble, disconnect existing harness from wiper and connect ju m p e r leads to wiper terminals as shown in Figure 8-22. Try operating wiper in LO and HI speeds. Also check if wiper will shut off properly (blades in park position). If wiper operates correctly, trouble must be in wiring harness or dash switch. Refer to TR O U B L E CHART. If w iper fails to operate correctly, remove wiper and check it per instructions in TRO U BLE C H A R T - W IPER D ETACHED. W IPER - OFF VEHICLE Connect A m m eter (0-30 amps), Power Source and Jum per wires to wiper as shown in Figure 8-22. Observe current draw, determ ine type o f trouble that exists and refer to the TR O U B L E C H A R T - W IPER DETA CH ED . POW ER SOURCE C O N N E C T IO N S T O W IP E R GROUND B L A C K ( P L A S T IC COATED) GEAR IN P A R K P O S I T I O N - W I P E R P A R K S W IT C H OPENED L o Speed — A s s h o w n “ Hi” Speed - D i s c o n n e c t Jumper from Ter mi na l Ho. 3. Park - Reconnect J u mp e r to No. 3 termi nal and d i s c o n n e c t Jumper from wi p e r housi ng. NOTE: To r ec he c k park position of gear , r ec on­ n e c t l ump e r w i r e to Hs g. ( Gr d . ) m o m e n t a r i ­ ly. Wi p er gear should continue to rotate u n t i l i t s t o p s in t h e p o s i t i o n s h own . Fig. 8 22 Wiper M otor Diagnosis Diagram O FF CONTACTS BY G E A R C A M TROUBLE CHART Wiper Performs Correctly in Step "B” But O R IG IN A L TROUBLE Was 1 — Wiper inoperative POSSIBLE CAUSE — No voltage supply at wiper (Blown fuse or open in w ire that connects to No. 2 w iper term inal.) — Defective Dash Switch — Wire from Wiper Terminal No. 1 to dash switch open. 2 — Wiper w ould not shut o ff but had: fa) Both LO and HI speeds (a) Wire from wiper term inaM to dash switch grounded. (b) LO speed only (b) Wire from w iper term inal No. 3 to dash switch grounded . (c) HI speed only (c) Wire from w iper term inal No. 3 to dash switch open. 3 — Wiper had " H I " speed o n ly See item 2 (c) above 4 - Wiper had " L O " speed only See item 2 (b) above 5 - In te rm itte n t Operation Loose dash switch mounting. Defective dash switch. TRO UBLE C HA RT - W IP E R D E T A C H E D Check the items shown in the views opposite trouble description Trouble Description (1) Wiper Inoperative and ITEM 1 Solder connections ITEM 4 to Term inal Board Splice Connections ITEM 3 (a) A m m e te r Reading Amp. Check items: — 0 1) Circuit breaker Contacts Black (plastic Insulation) Brush pigtail to Field Coil leads clean and closed 2) Solder Connections to ITEM 6 Circuit breaker Terminals Brushes slide freely in Holders 1, 2(a), 4 and 5 Brushes and Brush holders are not damaged ITEM 5 Field crossover splice connections are secure (b) A m m e t e r R e a d in g — 2.0 —3.0 Amps Check items: 1, 3, 4, 6 ITEM 2 Splice Joints a) Black w ith Pink Stripe to Series Field Coil b) Solid Black to Shunt Field Coil (c) Am m eter Reading — 20 + Amps Check for co n d ition that w ill stall wiper, such as b ro k e n gear or locked armature. TRO UBLE C HA RT - W IP E R D E T A C H E D (C O N T .) Check Items shown in views opposite trouble description Trouble Description (1) S w itch C ontacts not opening (2) Wiper w ill not shut o ff and (2) Black Cotten Covered Lead to No. 1 T e rm ina l grounded (a) Wiper has both LO and HI Speeds. Check and (2). Items (1) (b ) Wiper has LO Speed Only. Check Items (3) and (4). (4 ) Grounded Field Coil See CHECKING THE FIELD COIL', (c) Wiper has HI Speed Only. (Shunt field circ u it open) Refer to trouble condition (3 ) Black Plastic Covered Lead "W iper Inoperative" and check Items 1, 2 (b), 4 and 5. (3) Wiper has " H I " Speed Only to No. 3 T e rm in a l grounded Refer to view opposite trouble condition "W iper In ­ operative" and check Items 1, 2 (b), 4 and 5. (4) Wiper has " L O " Speed O nly See Trouble Description 2 (b). (5) Wiper Gear and/or crank arm does not park correctly. Wiper gear and/or crank arm stops r o t a tin g im m ediately when wiper m otor is shut o ff. Check fo r bent, damaged or d irty park switch contacts. See Item (1) in view opposite Trouble D escription No. 2 "W iper w ill not shut " O f f" . (6) Wiper Speed Excessive in Hi Open resistor on back o f wiper term inal board. Speed Mode (Crank arm or gear rotation exceeds 80 RPM) TRO UBLE CHART Trouble Description (7) W IP E R D E T A C H E D (C O N T .) Check items shown in view opposite trouble description. In te rm itte n t Operation: (a) Current Draw Normal (3.5 — 5.0 amps.) (b) C urrent Draw — 6 — 8 amps. (Wiper runs slow and is noisy.) (1) Check for loose splice joints and/or solder joints. Refer to view opposite trouble description (wiper Inop). If items check out, a defective circu it breaker is indicated. (1) (2) (3) Check fo r shorted or grounded armature. Check armature end play (.002" — .003" Normal) Check gear shaft end play (.005" Max.) C H E C K IN G T H E A R M A T U R E A N D F IE L D C O IL A S S E M B L Y Field testing the armature and c o n tin u ity o f field coils consists o f using a test light similar to that shown in Figure A. Disassemble M otor as required to gain access to the field and armature assemblies. 25 WATT LAMP ________ 115 V. p A _________ ______________ Test Probes Typical Test Light FIGURE A Armature Checks: Grounded—Touch test light probes to armature lamina and com m utator. If armature is grounded, the lamp w ill light. Open — A bar to bar check w ith the test light w ill indicate an open armature (Fig. B). If lamp does n o t lig h t b e tw e e n a n y tw o a d ja c e n t c o m m u ta to r b a rs , an open armature is indicated. Shorted — Test armature on growler fo r shorted condition. Field Coil Checks: I M P O R T A N T : I n s u l a t e br u s h e s f r o m a r m a t u r e com m utator. A th in piece of paper w ill be adequate. FIGURE B C H E C K IN G T H E A R M A T U R E A N D F IE L D A S S E M B L Y (C O N T .) Open Check Connect test light to fo llo w in g points. Refer to Figure C . C h eck ing for Open S h u n t Field Shunt Field: Brush lead " A " and black w ire term inal (No. 3) on wiper term inal board. If lamp fails to light, check splice joints — Items 2, 4 and 5 in T rouble Chart opposite w iper inoperative. Series Field: Brush lead " A ” and No. 2 term inal on wiper term inal board Figure C . If lamp fails to lig h t, check splice joints — Items 2, 4 and 5 in T rouble Chart opposite w iper inoperative. Ground Check Connect 'test light to field lamina and wiper term inal board, terminals 2 and 3. (Be sure End Cap and Field Lamina are not touching w iper gear casting.) T o u c h in g Bru sh B ra ide d Lead .. A .. Field Lam in a figure c D I A G N O S I S - W AS H E R SYSTEM C O N D IT IO N 1. W a s h e r inoperative 2. W a s h e r p u m p s c o n tin u o u sly w hen wipers are o pe ra ting A PP A R E N T CAUSE C O R R E C T IO N A. In a d e q u a te q u a n tity o f w a sh e r solution A. A d d w asher solution B. H oses d a m a g e d or loose B. C u t sh o rt length to insure air tight c o nn e ction o r replace hose C. Plugged screen at end o f j a r cov er hose C. C lean screen D. Loose electrical c o n n e c tio n to w a sh e r p u m p o r w iper switch D. C h e c k electrical co n n e c tio n and re p a ir if necessary E. O p e n circuit in feed w ire to p u m p solenoid coil E. L o c a te o pen circuit an d rep air F. W ip e r switch defective F. R eplace wiper switch G. P u m p solenoid coil defective G . R ep lac e solenoid H. W a s h e r nozzles plugged H. Clean w a sh er nozzles I. R a tc h e t wheel to oth missing I. R eplace ra tc h e t wheel J. R a tc h e t pawl spring missing J. R e plac e ra tc h e t pawl spring K. Defective p u m p valve assem bly K. R e pla c e p u m p valve assembly A. G r o u n d e d wire from p u m p solenoid to switch A. L o c a te g ro u n d e d wire an d repair B. W ip e r Switch Defective B. R eplace w iper switch C. R a tc h e t wheel tooth m issing C. R ep lace ra tc h e t wheel D. R a tc h e t wheel dog bro k e n o r not c on ta c tin g ra tc h e t wheel teeth D. R eplace o r repair ra tc h e t wheel dog E. L o c k-ou t tang b ro k e n or bent on piston a c tu a tin g plate E. R eplace piston a c tu a tin g p late ON-VEHICLE SERVICE COMPONENT PART REPLACEMENT W IP E R M O TO R C-K Models Replacement (F ig . 8 -2 3 ) 1. M ake sure wiper motor is in Park position. 2. Open hood and disconnect ground cable from battery. 3. Disconnect electrical harness at wiper motor and hoses at washer pump. 4. Reach down through access hole in plenum and loosen wiper drive rod attaching screws. Remove drive rod from w iper motor crank arm. 5. Remove wiper motor to dash panel attaching screws and remove the motor assembly. 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 above. N O T E : Lubricate w iper motor crank arm pivot prior to reinstallation. G M odels Replacement (F ig . 8 -2 4 ) 1. M ake sure wiper motor is in Park position. 2. Open hood and disconnect battery ground cable. 3. Remove wiper arm s from wiper transmission linkage. 4. Remove rem ain in g screws securing cowl panel cover and lift off’. 5. Loosen nuts holding transmission linkage to w iper motor crank arm and lift linkage off arm. 6. Disconnect power feed to wiper motor at multiple connector. 7. Remove left dash defroster outlet from flex hose and push hose aside for access to wiper motor screws. 8. Remove one screw securing left hand heater duct to engine cover shroud and slip heater duct down and out. 9. Protect carpet, then remove windshiled washer hoses from washer pump. 10. Remove three screws securing wiper motor to cowl and lift w iper motor out from under dash for further disassembly on bench. 11. To install, reverse Steps 1-10 above. NOTE: Install wiper in the PARK position. Lube wiper motor crank arm pivot prior to installation. UNIT REPAIR W IP E R /W A S H E R DISASSEMBLY Park Switch (Fig. 8 -2 5) 1. 2. Remove washer pu m p (fig. 8-16). Remove screw retaining park switch. 3. 4. Remove spacer. Unsolder lead. Term inal Board (Fig. 8-25) 1. 2. 3. Remove washer pump. Remove spacer. Unsolder leads. Gear Assembly 1. Remove washer pump. 2. Remove park switch (See park switch removal). U nsolder lead only if required. 3. Clam p crank arm in vise and loosen crank arm retaining nut. Remove nut and crank arm (fig. 8-26). 4. Remove seal cap and using No. 22 External Snap Ring Pliers, remove the " C " retaining ring (fig. 8-27). Next, remove washer, end play washers, and outer spacer ( lig. 8-28). 5. Slide the gear assembly out of the housing and remove the inner spacer washer (fig. 8-29). 6. To reassemble the gear box, reverse the disassembly procedure. Crank Arm Assembly 1. Operate wiper gear to park position (fig. 8-26). 2. Position crank arm on gear shift flats according to postion shown in Figure 8-26. 3. Install crank arm retaining nut finger tight, then Fig. 8 2 4 d a m p crank arm securely. in vise and tighten W ip e r retaining nut M O TO R DISASSEMBLY N OTE: Motor section may independently o f the gear box. be disassembled Brush P late and Circuit Breaker Removal 1. Scribe a reference line along the side of the casting and end cap to insure proper reassembly. 2. Remove two motor through bolts. 3. Feed exposed excess length o f motor leads through the casting g rom m et and carefully back the case and field assembly plus the arm ature away from the casting (fig. 8-30). N O TE: It may be necessary to remove the arm ature end play adjusting screw and insert a rod M o to r ( G M o d e ls ) through the opening in order to apply pressure against the end o f the armature. 4. breaker 5. plate to Unsolder black cotton-covered lead from circuit (fig. 8-31). Straighten out the four tabs that secure brush field coil retainers (fig. 8-31). C A U TIO N : Be careful not to break any o f the retainer tabs. 6. Install " U " shaped brush retainer clip over brush holder that has brush lead attached to circuit breaker (fig. 8-31). 7. Holding the opposite brush from that retained in Step 6, carefully lift brush holder off mounting tabs far enough to clear arm ature com m utator (fig. 8-32). 8. Allow the brush, held in Step 7, to move out of its holder. Remove brush spring and lift brush holder off arm ature shaft. Arm ature Case and Field Assembly Removal Removal 1. Follow Steps l thru 8 under brush plate and circuit breaker removal. 2. Lift arm ature out of case and field assembly. 3. If arm a tu re is being replaced, remove thrust ball from end o f defective arm ature shaft and install it in new arm ature. NOTE: Thrust ball may be easily removed with a magnet. 1. Remove brush plate and armature. 2. The end case and field assembly is serviced as a unit. To free the field and case assembly, cut the solid black plastic insulation and black with pink stripe leads in a location convenient for splicing-preferably near the wiper terminal board. Refer to Figure 8-3 1 for splicing location. ARMATURE END PLAY ADJUSTING SCREW A N D LOCKNUT PARK SWITCH M O U N T IN G SCREW SPACER Fig. 8-27 F ig . 8 -2 5 - - Park S w i t c h "C " R in g Rem oval Rem oval SPACER FLAT WASHER o FLAT WASHER CRANK ARM \ SHIM (AS REQUIRED) SNAP RING SEAL f m CUT MOTOR LEADS IN THIS GENERAL AREA FOR SPLICING BRUSH PLATE ASSEMBLY RETAINER TAB (4) “ U " BRUSH RETAINER CLIP BLACK LEAD TO CIRCUIT BREAKER Fig. 8-29 - D riv e G e a r Rem oval CIRCUIT BREAKER SPLICE NOTES: 1-SOLID BLACK TO SHUNT FIELD COIL 2-SERIES FIELD COIL TO BLACK WITH PINK STRIPE LEAD Fig. 8-31--Circuit B r e a k e r C A S T IN G GROMMET STAKE M A R K S C A S E T O FIELD L A M IN A (4 P LA C E S ) 3. Remove steel thrust plate and ru bb er disc from case b earing as required. M O T O R ASSEMBLY 1. If new field and case assembly is being installed, splice the black and black with pink stripe leads o f the new field with the corresponding leads o f the wiper term inal board. 2. Install rubber thrust disc, steel thrust disc and felt lubricting washer in case assembly bearing in order indicated. 3. Lubricate end of arm atu re shaft that fits in case bearing. Next, install thrust ball in end of shaft. 4. Assemble arm ature in case and field assembly (fig. 8-33). 5. Position partially assembled brush plate (fig. 8-34) over arm a tu re shaft fa r enough to allow assembly o f re m ain in g brush in its brush holder, then position brush plate on mounting tabs in position shown in Figure 8-31. N O TE : Circuit breaker should be opposite field cross over splice connections (Figure 8-32). 6. C e n te r b rush plate m o u n tin g holes over m ounting tabs and bend tabs toward brush holders as required to secure brush plate in position. CAUTION: Be sure tabs are centered in brush plate m ounting holes. 7. Remove brush retainer clips and resolder black cotton covered lead to circuit b reaker (fig. 8-31). 8. If new case and field assembly is used, scribe a line on it in the same location as the one scribed on the old case. This will insure proper alignment of the new BRUSH HOLDER Fig. 8 -3 4 - - Bru sh P l a t e A s s e m b ly case with the scribed line made on the housing (Step 1 under Brush Plate Removal). 9. Position arm ature worm shaft inside housing and. using scribed reference marks, line up as near as possible the case and filed assembly with the housing. 10. M aintaining the arm ature in its assembled position in the case, start the arm ature worm shaft through the field and housing bearing until it starts to mesh with the worm gear. At the same time, carefully pull the excess black and black and pink stripe leads through the housing grommet. CAUTION: It m ay be necessary at this point to rotate arm ature slightly before the armature worm will engage with worm gear teeth. 11. Rotate the case as required to align the bolt holes in the case with those in the housing. 12. Secure the case to the housing with the two tie bolts. 13. Adjust arm ature end-play as described under "W iper Adjustments". W IPER A D JU S T M E N T S Arm ature End-Play Loosen adjusting screw locknut (Figure 8-27) and tighten the adjusting screw until finger tight, tighten locknut. Gear Assembly End-Play A dd end-play washers as required to obtain .005" m inimum end-play (Figure 8-27). W ASHER P U M P The washer p u m p a n d / o r valve assembly may be removed from the w iper assembly as a unit; therefore, it is not necessary to remove the wiper assembly from the vehicle if only the washer pum p a n d /o r valve assembly requires service. W hen the pu m p is removed from the wiper Replacement RELAY A R M A T U R E A R M A T U R E LEG ARMATURE SPRING P A W L SPRING I RAT CHET D O G RATCHET P A W L RATCHET WHEEL 1. Raise vehicle hood and disconnect ground cable from battery. 2. G Models - Remove left heater duct attached to engine shroud, for access. 3. Disconnect washer hoses and electrical connec­ tions from assembly. 4. Remove three screws securing washer p u m p and cover to w iper assembly. Remove pu m p from wiper gear box. 5. To install, reverse Step 1-4 above. Pump Valve Replacement T A N G O F SPRING ‘ ACTS A S T O O T H O F RATCHET WHEEL Fig . 8-35 W asher Pum p A s s e m b ly assembly, all working parts are readily accessible and may easily be serviced as necessary (fig. 8-35). A crosssection o f the w asher pu m p valve assembly is shown in Figure 8-36. 1. G Models - Remove the washer pum p as outlined above. C-K Models - Raise hood. Disconnect washer hoses and electrical connections from assembly. 2. Remove the four screws that attach the valve assembly to the pu m p housing. CAUTION: D uring re-assembly be sure gasket between housing and valve plate is properly positioned in the housing and valve plate grooves. Also be sure triple "O " ring is properly installed between valve and pipe assembly. 3. To install, reverse removal procedure. SPRING PISTON COMPRESSED IN TA KE VALVE OPEN DIRE CT IO N OF T R A V E L FROM WASHER JAR ---------------- I / / 7 T ' ' ACTUATOR P LATE EXHAUST INTAKE STROKE V ALV ES CLOSED PISTON SPRING E X P A ND E D INT A KE VALVE CLOSED DIR E CT IO N OF T R A V E L • ACTUATOR PLATE TO NOZZLES EXHAU ST EXHAUST STROKE VALVES OPEN Fig. 8 - 3 6 -Cross S e c t io n of W in d s h ie ld W asher Pum p V a lv e A s s e m b ly WINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER P MODELS GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he system consists o f a c o m p oun d w ound rectangular-shaped motor attached to a gear box containing a parking switch in addition to the gear train. The gear train consists o f a motor arm ature helical gearshaft which drives an interm ediate gear and pinion assembly. The pinion gear o f the interm ediate gear and pinion drives an output gear and shaft assembly. T u rning the w iper switch to the LO speed position completes the circuits from the wiper terminals 1 and 3 to ground. C u rren t then flows from the battery via wiper terminal No. 2 through the series field and divides; (1) part passes through the arm ature to ground via wiper terminal No. 1 to the wiper switch and (2) the second part passes through the shunt field to ground through wiper terminal No. 3 to the wiper switch (fig. 8-37). NOTE: The wiper switch must be securely grounded to body metal. Moving the wiper switch to the HI speed position opens the shunt field circuit to ground at the switch. However, the shunt field is connected to a 20 ohm WIPER GEAR TRAIN WIPER TERMINAL BOARD DASH SWITCH PARK SWITCH SERIES F I b l\ I I I UN SHUNT F - NAT . WIRE SWITCH Fig. 8-37--LO S p e e d C ir c u it Fig. 8-38--HI S p e e d C ir c u it resistor which is connected across wiper terminals 1 and 3. The shunt field current then flows via terminal No. 3 through the resistor to terminal No. 1 to the switch, to groun d (fig. 8-38). The parking circuit covers that portion o f wiper operation when the w iper switch is turned "off" and the w iper blades have not reached the park position. W hen the w iper blades are not in the normal park position, the parking switch contacts are still closed. The w iper will continue to operate until the wiper output gear is turned to a position where its cam opens the park switch. R eferring to Figure 8-39, it can be seen that the w iper motor circuits are completed to ground through the parking switch. N O TE : The w iper m otor grounded to body metal. must be securely The shunt field circuit is completed from terminal No. 3 via the switch to terminal No. 1 through the parking switch to ground. The series field and arm ature circuit is also completed from terminal No. 1 through the parking switch to ground. NOTE: The shunt field is connected direct to ground, by-passing the resistor. This results in LO speed operation during the parking operation. W hen the output gear cam opens the park switch contacts, the wiper is OFF. DASH SWITCH BLACK PARK SWITCH ■I..I..I.......- SERIES IGNITION SWITCH SHUNT F Fig. 8-39 - P A R K IN G C ir c u it DIAGNOSIS W IPER - ON VEHICLE 1. Inspect for the following items: a. W iring harness is securely connected to wiper and switch. b. W iper motor is securely grounded to body. c. W ip e r switch is securely m ounted and grounded. d. Check fuse. 2. If items in Step 1 check out. try operating wiper in both "L O " and "H I" speeds, then turn wiper off (blades should return to park position). If wiper fails to operate correctly, proceed to Step 3. 3. Disconnect wiring harness from wiper and try operating wiper as shown in Figure 8-40. a. If wiper operates correctly independently of switch and vehicle wiring, refer to the DIAGNOSIS C H A RT - WIPER O N VEHICLE. b. If wiper still fails to operate correctly in Step 3, disconnect wiper linkage from motor crankarm and try operating wiper again. If wiper opeates correctly independently of linkage, check linkage for cause of wiper malfunction. c. If wiper fails to operate correctly indepen­ dently o f linkage, remove wiper motor from vehicle and refer to DIA G N O IS CH A RT-W IPER O F F VEHICLE. D I A G N O S I S - WIPER O N VEHICLE NOTE: Ignition sw itch m ust be "o n" for all electrical tests. C O N D IT IO N A P PA R E N T CAUSE C O R R E C T IO N A. Blown fuse A. L ocate sh o rt circuit a n d repair. R e p la c e fuse. B. O p e n circuit in feed wire (N o. 2 term in a l on w iper m o to r) B. L o ca te b ro k e n wire a n d rep air C. Loose m o u n tin g of w iper switch C. T ig h te n sw itch m o u n tin g D . D efective w ip er switch D. R e p la c e switch E. O pen circuit in wire to w ip e r sw itch (N o. 1 term inal on w iper m o to r) E. L o c a te b ro k e n wire a n d repair A. G r o u n d e d W ire (No. 1 te rm in a l on wiper m o to r) to w ip e r sw itch A. L o c a te sh ort circuit an d re p a ir A. D efective w iper switch A. R e p la c e wiper switch B. G r o u n d e d wire (N o. 3 term in a l on wiper m o to r) to w ipe r sw itch B. L o c a te a n d re p a ir sh o rt c ircuit A. D efective w iper switch A. R e p la c e w iper switch B. O p en circuit in wire (N o. 3 te rm in a l on wiper m o to r) to w ip e r sw itch B. L o c a te a n d re p a ir b ro k e n w ire 3. W ip e r has " H i" speed only A. O pen circuit in wire (N o. 3 te rm in a l on wiper m o to r) to w iper sw itch A. L o c a te b ro k e n wire a n d re p a ir 4. W ip e r has "L o " speed only A. G r o u n d e d wire (No. 3 term in a l on w iper m o to r) to w iper sw itch A. L o c ate sh ort circuit and repair B. D efective wiper switch B. R eplace w iper switch A. Loose w iper g r o u n d strap c o n n e c tio n A. T ighten stra p c o n nectio n 1. W ip e r In o p e ra tiv e o r in te rm itte n t 2. W ip e r will n o t sh u t off: A. W ip e r has b o th " L o " and "H i" speeds B. W ip e r has "L o " speed only C. W ip e r has " H i" speed only 5. Blades do not re tu r n to full p a r k position D I A G N O S I S - WIPER OFF VEHICLE C O N D IT IO N A PP A R E N T CAUSE C O R R E C T IO N A. Broken o r d a m a g e d g ear train (only if inoperative) A. Replace gears as required B. P o o r solder con nection s at term in a l board B. R esolder wires at term inals C. Loose splice jo in ts at b rush plate C. R e c r im p or solder splice join ts D. B rushes binding in bru sh h o ld er D. Clean h o ld e r o r replace bru sh , sp ring o r bru sh plate assembly. E. O pen circuit in a r m a tu r e E. R e p la c e a r m a tu r e A. Defective p ark switch A. R e plac e term in a l board assem bly B. G r o u n d e d red lead wire B. R e p a ir sh o rt circuit in red wire A. G r o u n d e d sh u n t field coil A. R e p la c e fram e an d field assem bly B. G r o u n d e d black wire B. R e p a ir sho rt circuit in black wire A. O p en circuit in shu nt field coil A. R e p la c e fram e and field assem bly B. O pe n circuit in black wire B. R e p a ir brok en wire o r p o o r so ld e r conn ection 3. W ip e r sh u ts off - but not in p a rk position A. P a rk switch defective or co n ta c ts dirty A. R eplace term inal board assem bly o r clean c ontacts 4. "H i" speed to o fast A. R esistor defective A. R e p la c e term inal b oard assem bly 1. W ip er In o p e ra tiv e o r In te r m itte n t 2. W ip e r will not shut-off: A. W ip e r has n o rm a l "H i" a n d "L o " speed B. W ipe r has "L o " speed only C. W ip er has "H i" speed only LO SPEED - A S SHOW N H I SPEED - D IS C O N N E C T JU M P E R W IR E FROM TEST LIGH T PROBES FOR T E R M IN A L NO. 3. GROUND CHECK. D IS C O N N E C T IT FROM G RD . S T R A P . IF LA M P LIG H T S , AR M ATU R E IS OFF - LEAVE JU M P E R CONNECTED TO N O S . 1 & 3 BUT W IP E R SHOULD STOP W IT H GEAR SH AFT FLATS A S SH OW N. CHECK FOR TEST LIG H T PROBES, POOR WELD BAR TO BAR CHECK JO IN T S FOR OPENS - LA M P SHOULD LIG H T BETWEEN ADJACENT BARS W IP E R GROUND S T R A P Fig. 8 40- Jumper Wire Connections Fig. 8-41--Checking Armature D I A G N O S I S - W A S H E R SYSTEM C O N D IT IO N A PPA R E N T CAUSE C O R R E C T IO N 1. W a sh e rs inoperative A. In a d e q u a te q u a n tity o f w a sh e r solution A. A d d w a sh e r solution B. Hoses d a m a g e d o r loose B. C u t s h o rt len gth off en d o f hose to insure air tight c o n n e c tio n or replace hose C. Plugged screen at end o f ja r cover hose C. C lean screen D . Loose electrical c o nn e c tion to w ash er p u m p o r w iper switch D. C h e c k electrical c o n n e c tio n s an d re p a ir if necessary E. O p e n circuit in feed wire to ra tc h e t relay coil E. L o c a te open circuit a n d re p a ir F. W ip e r sw itch defective F. R e p la c e w iper switch G . R a tc h e t relay coil defective G . R e p la c e ra tc h e t relay H . W a s h e r nozzles plugged H . C lean w a sh e r nozzles I. R a tc h e t wheel to o th missing I. R ep lac e ra tc h e t wheel J. R a tc h e t paw l spring missing J. R e p la c e r a tc h e t pawl sprin g K . D efective p u m p valve assembly K . R e p la c e p u m p valve assem bly A. G r o u n d e d wire from r a tc h e t relay to sw itch A. L o c a te g ro u n d e d wire a n d re p a ir B. W ip e r sw itch defective B. R e p la c e w ip er switch C. R a tc h e t wheel to oth m issing C. R e p la c e ra tc h e t wheel D. R a tc h e t wheel dog b ro k e n or not c o n ta c tin g ra tc h e t wheel teeth D . R e p la c e o f repair r a tc h e t wheel dog E. L oc k -o ut tang b ro k e n o r b ent on piston a c tu a tin g plate E. R e p lac e piston a c tu a tin g plate 2. W a s h e r p u m p s co n tin o u sly w h en w ipers are o p e ratin g ON-VEHICLE SERVICE W IP E R M O T O R .... W iper r motor , replacement 1 . procedures 1 are not included here since installation is perform ed by the individual body manufacturers; however, disassembly of ,, J the unit will be covered. UNIT REPAIR CAUTION: Failure to clamp crank arm may result in stripping o f wiper gears. 4. Remove crank arm, seal cap, retaining ring, and end-play washers. W IP E R M O TO R Disassembly (Fig. 8 -4 3) Gear Box 1. Remove the two washer pump mounting screws and lift p u m p off washer. 2. Remove washer pum p drive cam as required (figs. 8-46 and 8-47). The cam is pressed on the shaft but can be wedged off by using two screwdrivers between cam and plate. 3. C lam p crank arm in a vise and remove crank arm retaining nut. NOTE: Seal cap should be cleaned and repacked with a w aterp roof grease before reassembly. 5. Drill out gear box cover retaining rivets, remove cover from gear train. N OTE: Screws, nuts and lockwashers for reassem­ bling cover to wiper are contained in the service repair package. 6. Remove output gear and shaft assembly, then slide intermediate gear and pinion assembly off shaft. R E M O V E BR U SH S P R IN G F R O M SLO T A N D P LA C E IT IN G R O O V E AS SH O W N Nuf Crank Arm Seal Cap Retaining Cap Washer Gear Box Cover 7. Output G ear and Shaft Assembly Intermediate Gear 9. Wave Washer 1 0 . Gear Box Housing 11. Brush Plate Assembly and Mounting Brackets 12. Brushes 13. Wave Washers 14. Flat Washers 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Armature Thrust Plug Frame and Field End Plate Tie Bolts (Two Required) 7. II' necessary, remove terminal board and park Motor switch assembly as follows: Reassemble motor using reverse o f disassembly a. Unsolder motor leads from terminals. Code procedure. motor leads. b. Drill out rivets securing terminal board and NOTE: A rm ature end play is controlled by end park switch ground strap to mounting plate. play washers. See Figure 8-44 for proper assembly o f end play washers. Lubricate arm ature shaft N OTE: Screws, nuts and washers for attaching a bushings with light machine oil. replacem ent terminal board park switch assembly are included with the replacement assembly. Gear Box M otor 1. Follow Steps 1 through 7b under gear box disassembly. 2. Remove motor through bolts, tap motor frame lightly, and remove motor from mounting plate. 3. Remove brush spring tension (fig. 8-43), slide arm a tu re and end plate from motor frame. Pull end plate from arm ature. N O T E: Thrust plug located between arm ature shaft and end plate. 4. Remove end play adjusting washers from arm ature, noting a rra n g e m en t for proper reinstallation. Inspection Check and inspect all parts for wear; replace as necessary. All parts can be replaced individually except motor fram e and field, which is serviced as an assembly. Service kits also provide screws, nuts and washers to replace gear cover and terminal board rivets. Assembly Refer to Figure 8-43 for exploded view o f motor and gear train. 1. Assemble gear box using reverse o f disassembly procedure. NOTE: Lubricate gear teeth with Delco Cam and Ball Bearing lubricant (or equivalent). Be sure cover is properly located over dowel pins and be sure to reinstall ground strap. 2. Place wiper in park position and install crank arm on output shaft, rotate crank so alignm ent marks line up with those on cover (fig. 8-45). 3. Replace retaining nut, place crank arm in vise, tighten retaining nut. W IN D SH IE LD W ASHER The positive displacement washer pum p used on the two-speed non-depressed park wipers (tig. 8-46) use a pum p mechanism consisting of a piston, piston spring and valve a rra n g e m en t driven by a (4) lobe cam, and follower assembly (fig. 8-48). The cam is attached to one shaft o f the wiper motor output gear (fig. 8-47). Program m ing is accomplished electrically and m echani­ cally by a relay assembly and ratchet wheel arrangement. PUMP M OUNTING SCREWS F ig . 8-46 W asher P u m p A t t a c h in g Sc re w s Replacement 1. 2. 3. 4. Disconnect battery ground cable. Remove two pu m p m ounting bolts. Remove washer pu m p assembly. To install reverse Steps 1-3 above. C A U TIO N : Install washer multiplug harness connector with battery lead on term inal with no tang (Jig. 8-46). Incorrect installation o f Fig. 8 4 8 W asher Pum p D r iv e C a m and A c tu a to r connector will result in direct ground and destroy wiper motor fuse. Disassembly-Assembly (Figures 8-4 9-8-5 2 ) 1. Remove washer pum p cover by squeezing. 2. Solenoid assembly - ratchet dog. a. Remove ratchet dog retaining screw. Hold spring loaded solenoid plunger in position and carefully lift solenoid assembly and ratchet dog off fram e of pump. b. Separate ratchet dog from solenoid mounting plate as required. SOLENOID COIL 4 LOBE CAM (PRESS FIT O N SHAFT) VALVE ASSEMBLY \ \ S i\ ™ SOLENOID PLUNGER , '/ RATCHET PAWL SPRING C A M FOLLOWER UPPER PIN "E " RING RATCHET PAWL RATCHET D O G R ET A IN IN G S C R EW S O L E N O ID ASSEMBLY VA LV E ASSEMBLY M O U N T IN G SCREW GROOVES BOTH SIDES Fig. 8-51- R e le a s in g Fig. 8 - 5 0 - - W a s h e r P u m p - E x p lo d e d Ratchet pawl. a. Disconnect ratchet pawl spring. b. Remove ratchet pawl retaining ring and slide ratchet pawl off cam follower shaft. Ratchet wheel. a. Follow Step 1 under solenoid - ratchet dog disassembly. b. Move ratchet wheel spring out of shaft groove and slide ratchet wheel off its shaft. 5. F ro m Lockout P o s itio n V ie w 3. 4. Pum p b. To separate pum p and pum p actuator plate from frame, pull pu m p housing in direction o f the arrow until grooves in housing clear the frame. Then remove actuator plate from ratchet wheel and cam follower shafts. 6. Valve assembly. a. Remove four screws that attach the valve assembly to pum p housing. Pum p and actuator plate assembly. a. Remove solenoid assembly - ratchet pawl and ratchet wheel as outlined in their respective procedures. C A U TIO N : D uring assembly, be sure gasket between housing and valve plate is properly positioned in housing and valve plate grooves. Also be sure triple " 0 " ring is properly installed between valve body and pipe assembly. SPRING PISTON COMPRESSED I NTA KE VALVE OPEN FROM WASHER ACTUATOR P LATE EXHAUST INTAKE STROKE V AL V ES CLOSED PISTON SPRING E X P A ND E D I NT A K E VALVE CLOSED ACTUATOR PLATE TO N O ZZ L ES EXHAUST EXHAUST STROKE VALVES OPEN F ig. 8-52 -C ross S e c t io n o f W in d s h i e l d W asher Pum p V a lv e CIRCUIT PROTECTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION All electrical circuits are protected against excessive loads which might occur due to shorts or overloads in the w iring system. Such protection is provided by either a circuit breaker, fuse or fusible link. Each o f these protective devices are explained below. C IR C U IT BREAKER (Fig. 8-53) A circuit breaker is a protective device designed to open the circuit w hen a current load is in excess o f rated breaker capacity. If there is a short or other type of overload condition in the circuit, the excess current willl open the circuit breaker and cause it to cycle if it automatically resets, thus, indicating there is something wrong in the system. The circuit breaker will continue to cycle until the trouble is found and corrected. Excessive cycling of the breaker will eventually dam age the breaker contacts to the point that replacement o f the breaker is necessary. FUSE (Fig. 8-53) A common method o f protection is to use a fuse in the circuit. W henever there is an excessive current through the circuit, the fusible element will melt and open the circuit. The disadvantage o f using a fuse F U SIB L E L IN K BEFORE SHORT C IR C U I T CUT WIRE HERE FU S IB L E LIN K AFTER SHORT C IR C U I T F ig . 8 -5 4--Fusible L in k Fig . 8 5 3 Fuse an d C i r c u it B r e a k e r instead o f a circuit breaker is the fuse in a one-time protection and replacem ent is required. FUSIBLE LIN K (FIG . 8 -5 4) In addition to circuit breakers and fuses, the wiring harness incorporates fusible links to protect the wiring. Links are used rather than a fuse in wiring circuits that are not normally fused, such as the ignition circuit. w iring fusible links are color coded red in the charging and load circuits to m atch color coding o f the circuit they protect. Each link is four gauge sizes smaller than the cable it is designed to protect and are marked on the insulation with wire gauge size because the heavy insulation makes the link ap p e a r a heavier gauge than it actually is. E ngine co m p artm ent wiring harnesses incorporate several fusible links. The same size wire with special hypalon insulation must be used when replacing a fusible link. The links are: 1. A molded splice at the starter solenoid “ Bat” terminal, 14 gauge red wire. Servicing requires splicing in a new link. 2. A 16 gauge red fusible link is located at junction block to protect all unfused wiring of 12 gauge or larger. The link is molded into the bulkhead connector. 3. The generator w arn in g light and field circuitry (16 gauge wire) is protected by a fusible link (20 gauge red wire) used in the “ battery feed to voltage regulator # 3 term inal” . The link is installed as a molded splice in the circuit at the junction block. Service by splicing in a new 20 gauge wire. DIA G N O SIS Failures in a circuit are usually caused by short or open circuits. Open circuits are usually caused by breaks in the wiring, faulty connections or mechanical failure in a component such as a switch or curcuit breaker. Short circuits are usually caused by wires from different components of the circuit contacting one anothe or by a wire or component grounding to the metal o f the body due to a screw driven through the wires, insulation cut through by a sharp metal edge, etc. The following inform ation m ay aid in locating and correcting a fuilure in the body wiring electrical system. 1. If a major portion o f the electrical circuit becomes inoperative simultaneously, the failure may be due to im proper connections between the front and rear harness, or between the front harness and the chassis wiring connector on top o f fuse block. 2. If only one of the circuits is inoperative, the failure is due to and open circuit or short in the affected circuit. Short circuits usually result in blown fuses or in the case o f power equipm ent circuits, in the circuit breaker opening the circuit. If the fuse is not blown and the circuit affected is a lamp circuit, check the bulb before proceeding with any checking procedures. 3. The dome lam p and courtesy lamp circuits are designed so that the switches are in the " g ro u n d " side o f the circuit. If a condition is encountered where the lamps rem ain " o n " even though the ja m b or courtesy lamp switches are not actuated, the failure is probably due to defective switches, or to the wire leading to the switches being grounded to the metal body. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE CONNECTOR FUSIBLE LINK \ ^ / T “X t j THOROUGHLY TAPE ALL J u j H EXPOSED WIRES CONNECTOR CR1MPEI d AND SOLDERED Fig. 8 - 5 5 - F u s ib le L in k ( | R e p la c e m e n t CO M PO NENT PART REPLACEMENT Fusible Link Replacem ent (Fig. 8 -5 5 ) A new fusible link can be installed, after the short circuit is located and repaired, as follows: 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect fusible link from junction block or starter solenoid. 3. Cut harness directly behind connector to remove d am ag ed fusible link (fig. 8-54). 4. Strip harness wire approximately 1/2". 5. Position clip around new fusible link and harness wire, crim p so that all wires are securely fastened. 6. Solder connection using rosin core solder. Use sufficient heat to o btain a good solder joint. 7. T ape all exposed wires with plastic electrical tape to prevent corrosion and shorting. 8. Connect fusible link to junction block or starter solenoid. 9. Connect battery ground cable. H E A D LA M P S W A R N IN G BUZZER R eplacem ent (Fig. 8 -5 6 ) 1. D isco nn ect electrical (Lamps) socket o f fuse panel. 2. D iscon nect electrical (Ignition) socket o f fuse panel. c onnector from LPS connector from IG N F ig . 8 5 6 - H e a ld a m p W a r n in g Buzzer 3. Disconnect electrical connector to isntrument panel harness. 4. Remove strap securing buzzer to instrument panel harness. 5. Install replacement h eadlam p w arning buzzer in reverse wequence o f removal. SEAT BELT W A R N IN G SYSTEM All C-K type light duty trucks have a non-sequential timer controlled seat belt w arning system. This system has an instrum ent panel w arning light that will illuminate every time the ignition switch is turned on, w hether or not the d riv e r’s seat belt is buckled, but will automatically go off after 4-8 seconds. The buzzer is also controlled by the 4-8 second timer, but will operate only if the driver has not buckled-up prior to turning on the ignition. If no attempt is m ade to buckle-up after turning on the ignition, the buzzer will also shut-off autom ati­ cally after 4-8 seconds. A trouble shooting diagnostic chart and wiring schematic are shown in Figures 8-57 and 8-58. SEA T BELT REMINDER L IG H T /B U Z Z E R DIA G N O SIS W H E N D IA G N O S IN G A W A R N IN G S Y S T E M F A IL U R E A N D T H E S Y S T E M A U T O M A T IC A L L Y S H U T S O F F BE C A U S E OF T H E 4 - 8 S E C O N D T IM E R , A M IN IM U M O F 3 M IN U T E S M U S T BE A L L O W E D B E T W E E N T H E D IA G N O S T IC STEPS T O A L L O W T H E T IM E R T O R E S E T IK F Y IN O F F P O S IT IO N D U R IN G T H IS P E R IO D ). R E M IN D E R L IG H T N E V E R ON BU ZZER N O R M A L 1 C H E C K C O N N E C T IO N O F L A M P L IG H T A N D B U Z Z E R ON C O N T IN O U S L Y - B U T . B U C K L IN G B E L T W IL L T U R N O F F B U Z Z E R ____ 1 T tS T L IG H T O F F ....... ....i 1 M E N T P A N E L JU M P ER j 1 C O N N E C T S H O R T T E S TE R B E TW EE N T H E P IN K A N D B L A C K W IR ES A T 1 I □ R E P A IR B L A C K W IR E A N D TO BO DY G R O U N D T IM E R C O N N E C T O R T E S T L IG H T ON R E P L A C E T IM E R R E P A IR B L A C K W IR E R E M IN D E R L IG H T /B U Z Z E R N E V E R ON 1 R E M IN D E R L IG H T N O R M A L B U Z Z E R N E V E R ON C H E C K FUSE D IS C O N N E C T H A R N E S S TO D R IV E R 'S B U C K L E SW IT C H A T J U N C T IO N W IT H 2. C H E C K IN S T R U M E N T P A N E L JU M P ER GROUND T E S T L IG H T O F F 3 IN S T R U M E N T P A N E L JU M P ER T E S T L IG H T ON C O N N E C T S H O R T T E S T E R T O T IM E R AND F E E D C IR C U IT (P IN K ) A T T IM E R C O N N E C TO R A N D TO B O D Y G R O U N D R E P A IR P IN K W IR E T F S T L IG H T O F F - BODY T U R N IG N IT IO N K E Y O FF W A IT T H R E E (31 M IN U T E S C O N N E C T S H O R T T E S T E R TO T IM E R O U IP U T C IR C U IT (A T BR O W N A N D Y E L L O W W IR E S I A N D TO BO DY G R OUND Diagnosis CHASSIS Fig. 8-57 -Seat Belt Reminder System 3. C O N N E C T S H O R T T E S T E R TO L A M P C IR C U IT ( Y E L L O W ) A T J U N C T IO N OF Y E L L O W A N D B L A C K W IR E S (P O IN T A ) T U R N K E Y ON B U Z Z E R IN O P E R A T IV E T E S T L IG H T O F F ] ELECTRICAL R E P A IR Y E L L O W W IR E T E S T L IG H T ON 2. C H E C K L A M P B U L B ......... [ 1 C H E C K B U Z Z E R BY A P P L Y IN G 12 V O L T PO W ER S O U R C E T O W IT H S H O R T T E S TE R C H E C K C O N T IN U IT Y BETW EEN G R O U N D R E P L A C E T IM E R BU ZZER O PERATES T E S T L IG H T ON T E R M IN A L S A N D R E P L A C E IF D E F E C T IV E T E R M IN A L A N D BODY G ROUND RECO NNECT BO DY HARNESS AT IN S T R U M E N T P A N E L JU M P E R A N D D IS C O N N E C T L E A D A T T H E D R IV E R S B U C K L E 2. C O N N E C T S H O R T T E S T E R T O H A R N E S S A T B U Z Z E R (B R O W N A N D W H IT E W IR E S ) A N D B O D Y GROUND BU ZZE R O PERATES TES T L IG H T O F F R E P L A C E B U C K L E SW ITC H R E P A IR G R O U N D C O N N E C T IO N B U Z Z E R IN O P E R A T IV E T E S T L IG H T ON T E S T L IG H T O F F 1 T ES T L IG H T ON C H E C K L IG H T A N D BUZZER 2. C H E C K F O R B R E A K IN LA M P A N D B U ZZER C IR C U IT S A N D R E P A IR R E P A IR B R O W N W IR E R E P A IR S H O R T IN BO DY HARNESS R E P A IR ( B L A C K ) G R O U N D W IR E C O N N E C T IO N T O BO D Y 8 -5 9 Fig. 8-58--Seat Belt Reminder System Schematic SPECIFICATIONS FUSES — CIRCUIT BREAKERS The w ir in g c irc u its a re p ro te c te d fro m s h o rt c irc u its b y a c o m b i­ n a tio n o f fu se s, c ir c u it b re a k e rs , a n d fu s ib le th e rm a l lin k s in th e w ir in g its e lf. This g r e a tly re d u ce s th e h a z a rd o f e le c tr ic a lly c a u s e d f ir e s in th e v e h ic le s . T he h e a d la m p c irc u its a r e p ro te c te d b y a c ir c u it b r e a k e r in th e lig h t s w itc h . A n e le c tr ic a l o v e rlo a d on th e b r e a k e r w ill cause th e la m p s to g o on a n d o f f , o r in some cases to re m a in o ff. Id le S to p S o le n o id , C ru is e C o n tro l'!', D ire c tio n a l S ig n a l L a m p, Tim e D e la y R e la y , Em ission C o n tro l S o le n o id , T ra n sm issio n D o w n s h ift ( M 4 0 ) ............................. 10 A m p In -lin e fuses a re lo c a te d in th e a u x ilia r y h e a te r c irc u its (C -K -P m o d e ls) a n d u n d e rh o o d la m p , f r o n t a n d r e a r A /C c irc u its (C-K m o d e ls) “ W h e n in c o rp o r a te d b y b o d y b u ild e r In a d d it io n to a fu s e , th e w in d s h ie ld w ip e r m o to r is a ls o p r o ­ te c te d b y a c ir c u it b re a k e r . If th e m o to r o v e rh e a ts , d u e to o v e r lo a d in g ca u s e d b y h e a v y sn o w , e tc ., th e w ip e rs w ill re m a in s to p p e d u n til th e m o to r co o ls. Do n o t use fuses o f h ig h e r a m p e r a g e th a n th o s e re c o m m e n d e d a b o v e The f o llo w in g w ir in g harnesse s a re p ro te c te d b y a " f u s ib le li n k " w h ic h is a s p e c ia l w ire in c o rp o ra te d in th e c ir c u it h e a d la m p h i-b e a m in d ic a t o r , h o rn , a ir c o n d it io n in g h ig h b lo w e r , ig n it io n c irc u its (C -K -P m o d e ls ) s ta rte r s o le n o id ( p u ll- in a n d h o ld ) c ir c u it (C -K m o d e ls ). S h o u ld a n e le c tr ic a l o v e rlo a d o c c u r, this Fuses lo c a te d in th e J u n c tio n B lo c k b e n e a th th e d a sh on th e d riv e rs s id e a re : w ire w i ll f a i l a n d p re v e n t d a m a g e to th e m a jo r ha rn e ss. G TRUCK C -K TRUCK H e a te r, F ro n t A /C , G e n e r a to r W a r n in g L a m p ................................................................................. Id le S to p S o le n o id , A u x . B a tte ry , R a d io , T im e D e la y R e la y , Em ission C o n tro l S o le n o id , T ra n sm issio n D o w n s h ift ( M 4 0 ) ............................. C ig a r e tte L ig h te r, C lo c k , D om e L a m p, C a rg o L a m p ................................................................. Fuel G a u g e , B ra k e W a r n in g L a m p , T e m p e ra tu re W a r n in g L a m p, O il Pressure W a r n in g Lam p ....................................... C o u rte s y L am p, R oof M a r k e r L am p, License P la te L a m p, P a rk in g Lam p, S id e M a r k e r L a m p , T a il L a m p, C le a ra n c e Lam p ....................................................... D ir e c tio n a l S ig n a l In d ic a to r L a m p, S to p L am p, T ra ffic H a z a r d ............................................................ In s tru m e n t C lu s te r L a m p, H e a te r D ia l Lam p, R a d io D ia l L am p, C ru is e C o n tro l Lam p, W in d s h ie ld W ip e r S w itch L a m p ....................... W in d s h ie ld W ip e r / W a s h e r ....................................... C ru is e C o n tro l, R e a r W in d o w A u x ., Fuel T a n k, T a c h o m e te r, B a c k -u p L a m p , D ir e c tio n a l S ig n a l In d ic a to r L a m p , D ir e c tio n a l S ig n a l L a m p , H e a d la m p B u z z e r .......................... 20 A m p 15 A m p 20 A m p 4 Am p 20 A m p 15 A m p 4 Amp 25 A m p H e a te r, A J C ...................................................................... Id le S to p S o le n o id , C ru is e C o n tro l, D ire c tio n a l S ig n a l L a m p, D ire c tio n a l S ig n a l In d ic a to r L a m p , T ransm ission D o w n s h ift ( M - 4 0 ) ....................................................... C ig a r e tte L ig h te r, Dom e L a m p , S p o t Lam p . . . Fuel G a u g e , B ra k e W a r n in g L am p, T e m p e ra tu re W a r n in g L a m p , G e n e ra to r W a r n in g L am p, O il Pressure W a r n in g Lam p S to p L a m p, T ra ffic H a z a r d ....................................... A u x ilia r y B a tte ry , B a c k in g L a m p, R a d io D ia l Lam p, R a d io .................................................... In s tru m e n t C lu s te r L a m p, H e a te r D ia l Lam p, T ransm ission C o n tro l Lam p w ith T ilt W h e e l, C ru is e C o n tro l L a m p, W /S W ip e r Sw itch L a m p, H e a d la m p B u z z e r ....................... License L a m p , P a rk in g L a m p , S id e M a r k e r L a m p , T a il L a m p ....................................... W in d s h ie ld W i p e r ......................................................... 25 A m p 10 A m p 15 A m p 3 Am p 15 A m p 15 A m p 3 Am p 15 A m p 25 A m p An in - lin e fu s e is lo c a te d in th e A m m e te r a n d th e a u x ilia r y h e a te r c irc u its . Do n o t use fuses o f h ig h e r a m p e r a g e r a tin g th a n th o se re c o m m e n d e d a b o v e The f o llo w in g w ir in g harnesse s a r e p ro te c te d b y a " f u s ib le lin k " w h ic h is a s p e c ia l w ire in c o rp o ra te d in th e c ir c u it, ig n it io n , h o rn a n d h e a d la m p h i-b e a m 15 A m p in d ic a t o r c irc u its , a ir c o n d it io n in g h ig h b lo w e r . S h o u ld a n e le c tr ic a l o v e rlo a d o c c u r, th is w ir e w i ll f a i l a n d p re v e n t d a m a g e to th e m a jo r harness. P TRUCK H e a te r ” , A ir C o n d i t i o n i n g t ..................................... In s tru m e n t C lu s te r L a m p , W in d s h ie ld W ip e r S w itch L a m p .................................................. D ir e c tio n a l S ig n a l In d ic a to r L a m p , S to p L am p, T r a ffic H a z a r d ............................................................ Fuel G a u g e , B ra k e W a r n in g Lam p . . . License P la te L a m p, P a rk in g L am p, S id e M a r k e r L a m p , T a il L a m p, C le a ra n c e L a m p , Id e n tific a tio n Lam p W in d s h ie ld W a s h e r / W ip e r ........................ C ig a r e tte L ig h t e r f , C lo c k t, C o u rte s y !, Dom e L a m p t ............................................... A u x ilia r y B a t t e r y f, B a c k -u p Lam p, R a d io ................................................................. 25 A m p 3 Am p 15 A m p 3 Am p 15 A m p 25 A m p 15 A m p 15 A m p CIRCUIT BREAKERS DEVICE OR CIRCUIT PROTECTED M ODELS AMPERES L O C A T IO N C -K -P -G 15 L ig h t switch T a ilg a te w in d o w m o to r C -K 30 Dash ( fo rw a rd s id e ) R ear A /C (C 6 9 o v e rh e a d ) G 35 Dash ( fo rw a rd sid e ) H e a d la m p a n d p a rk in g la m p c irc u it LAMP BULB DATA C-K-P TRUCK LAMP BULB DATA G TRUCK Q U A N T IT Y TRADE# POW ER Cab 1 1 004 15 CP U t i l i t y & S u b u rb a n 1 2 1 1 -2 12 CP O il Pressure in d ic a t o r la m p 1 1 168 G e n e r a to r in d ic a t o r la m p 1 1 In s tru m e n t c lu s te r la m p s 2 5 USED IN USED IN Q U A N T IT Y TRADE# POW ER D om e la m p s 2 2 1 1 -2 12 CP O il p re ssu re in d ic a to r la m p 1 168 3 CP G e n e r a to r in d ic a to r la m p 1 168 3 CP 3 CP In s tru m e n t c lu s te r la m p s 3 168 3 CP 168 3 CP H e a d la m p b e a m in d ic a to r 168 3 CP 1 168 3 CP D om e Lamps: H e a d la m p b e a m in d ic a to r la m p P a rk , d ir e c t io n a l s ig n a l la m p 1 168 3 CP Lam p a s s e m b ly — t a il & 2 1 157 1 67 2 1157 3 -3 2 CP H e a d Lamps 2 6014 5 0 -6 0 W T e m p e ra tu re in d ic a t o r la m p 1 168 s to p la m p License L a m p 4 3 -3 2 CP 4 CP D ir e c tio n a l s ig n a l ( fr o n t p a rk la m p s )6 3 CP D ir e c tio n a l s ig n a l in d ic a to r la m p la m p s 2 1157 3 -3 2 CP T a il, sto p la m p s 2 1157 3 -3 2 CP License la m p 1 67 H e a d la m p s 1 2 6014 T e m p e ra tu re in d ic a to r la m p 1 168 3 CP 3 CP 4 CP 5 0 -6 0 W D ir e c tio n a l s ig n a l in d ic a to r la m p 2 168 M a r k e r la m p s 4 168 3 CP B ra k e w a r n in g in d ic a to r la m p 1 168 3 CP 32 CP 2 168 3 CP B a c k -u p la m p 2 1156 C le a ra n c e a n d m a rk e r la m p s 4 168 3 CP R a d io d ia l la m p 1 1893 2 CP R oof m a rk e r la m p s 5 5 194 2 CP H e a te r o r A /C c o n tro l 1 194 2 CP T ra n sm issio n c o n tro l w / t ilt B ra k e w a r n in g in d ic a to r 1 168 3 CP T ra n sm issio n c o n tro l (a u to ) 1 1 445 0 .7 CP B a c k in g la m p (exc. m o to r ho m e ) 2 1 156 3 2 CP B a c k in g la m p (m o to r h om e) 2 1 295 5 0 CP H e a te r o r A /C 1 161 1 CP C o rn e r m a rk e r la m p s ( p la tfo r m ) C a r g o la m p (C -K c a b ) R a d io d ia l la m p — A M 7 67 4 CP 1 1 142 21 CP 1 1 816 3 CP 216 1 CP C ru is e c o n tro l la m p 1 53 1 CP C o u rte s y la m p 1 1003 15 CP W in d s h ie ld w ip e r sw itch 1 161 1 CP C lo c k 1 168 3 CP 10 1895 2 CP 1 93 15 CP R e a r id e n t if ic a t io n 7 U n d e rh o o d la m p S e a t b e lt w a r n in g 1 168 3 CP C a rg o /d o m e la m p 2 2 1 1 -2 12 CP Four w h e e l d riv e in d ic a to r 1 168 3 CP 1 O n C A , K A 1 0 -3 5 in s tru m e n t clu ste rs o n ly . 2 3 la m p s used on in s tru m e n t c lu s te r on P m o d e ls o r C -K w /o gauges. 3 D o u b le f ila m e n t s e a le d beam 60W h ig h b e a m , 5 0 W lo w beam . 4 2 la m p s used w ith ste p b u m p e r a n d P m o d e ls. 5 4 r e q u ir e d on P m o d e ls . 6 1 1 5 7 N A , 2 .2 -2 4 CP on C -K m o d e ls. 7 W id e s id e P ic k u p . 1 1 445 0 .7 CP 1 53 1 CP W /S w ip e r sw itch la m p 1 161 1 CP 1 D o u b le f ila m e n t s e a le d b e a m 6 0 W beam . 1 — A M /F M w heel C ru ise c o n tro l h ig h b e a m , 5 0 W lo w SECTION 9 ACCESSORIES C O N TE N TS Cruise M a ste r....................................................................... 9 - 1 G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n ........................................................ 9 - 1 D ia g n o sis............................................................................. 9-3 Electrical S y s te m ............................................................ 9-3 Servo and Vacuum S y s te m ........................................ 9-3 On-Vehicle Service............................................................... 9-7 M aintenance and A d ju stm en ts................................. 9-7 R e g u la to r......................................................................... 9-7 Servo U n i t ...................................................................... 9-7 Brake Release Switches............................................. 9-7 Column M ounted E ngagem ent Switch................ 9-7 C o m p onent Part R ep la c e m e n t.................................. 9-7 R e g u la to r......................................................................... 9-7 S e r v o ................................................................................. 9-8 Colum n M ounted Engagem ent Sw itch................ 9-8 Specifications...................................................................... 9-10 R a d io ....................................................................................... 9-10 G eneral D e sc rip tio n ........................................................ D iagnosis............................................................................. Radio D e a d ...................................................................... Radio Cuts on and off................................................ Radio Stations Mix T ogether................................... Radio N o is y ..................................................................... Distorted T o n e ................................................................ Testing W indshield A n t e n n a ..................................... On-Vehicle Service.............................................................. Maintenance and A d ju stm en ts................................. Radio Installation Precautions................................ Trim m ing R a d i o .......................................................... Com ponent Part R e p lac e m e n t.................................. R a d io ................................................................................ S p e a k e r ............................................................................ A n te n n a ........................................................................... Special T o o ls ...................................................................... 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-13 9-15 CRUISE MASTER GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he Cruise M aster is a speed control system which employs engine manifold vacuum to power the throttle servo unit. The servo moves the throttle, when speed adjustm ent is necessary, by receiving a varying am ount o f controlled vacuum from the regulator unit. The speedom eter cable (from the transmission) drives the regulator, and a cable (from the regulator) drives the instrum ent panel speedometer. The engagem ent of the regulator unit is controlled by an engagem ent switch located at the end o f the turn signal lever. Two brake release switches are prov id ed: an electric switch disengages the regulator unit and a vacuum valve decreases the vacuum in the servo unit to quickly return the throttle to idle position. T he purpose of the Cruise M aster system is to allow the driver to m ain tain a constant highway speed without the necessity o f continually applying foot pressure to the accelerator pedal. Speed changes are easily made and override features allow the vehicle to be stopped, slowed or accelerated as desired. Engaging th e Cruise System T he driver accelerates to the desired cruise speed and partially depresses and releases the cruise control engagem ent switch button located at the end of the directional signal lever. The cruise system takes over speed control, and within engine limitation, m aintains this speed regardless o f changes in terrain. The Engagem ent functions: Switch button perform s these 1. Above 30 mph, when partially depressed and released, it engages the cruise system. 2. W hen depressed disengages the system. fully and held there, it 3. W hen released slowly from the fully depressed position, it will engage the system at the existing speed and cruise at that speed (above 30 mph). NOTE: See Fig. 9-1C "E ngage Switch O peration". Speed Changes Override-The accelerator pedal may be depressed at any time to override the cruise system. Release o f the accelerator pedal will return the vehicle to the previous cruise speed. To Cruise At A Higher Speed-Depress the accelera­ tor pedal to reach the new desired speed. Then, fully depress and slowly release the cruise control engagem ent switch button. The system re-engages at the higher speed when the button is slowly released. To Cruise At A Lower Speed-Disengage the system by depressing the engagem ent switch button fully and holding it there until the vehicle has decelerated to the new desired speed; then release the button slowly. The TH E C R U ISE CO NTRO L ENGAGE SWITCH A S S E M B L IE S , BOTH TU R N S IG N A L & IN S T R U M E N T PANEL M O U N T E D TYPES, INCORPORATE THREE POSITION SWITCHES. THESE POSITIONS ARE: ( A) THE “ R E LEA SE D ” OR N O R M A L POSITION ( B) TH E " E N G A G E ” POSITION ( C) TH E “ T R IM -D O W N ” POSITION. P A R T IA L L Y DEPRESSING T H E E N G A G E SWITCH W IL L A C T I V A T E T H E S Y S T E M A N D IT W IL L REMAIN ACTIVITED WHEN THE SWITCH IS R E L E A S E D D E A C T IV A T APPLIED OR DEPRESSED “TRIM -DOW N . T H E C R U IS E SYSTEM IS E D W HEN THE BRAKES ARE W H E N T H E E N G A G E S W I T C H IS F U L L Y A N D HELD IN THE ” POSITION. TH E “ T R I M -D O W N ” SW ITCH POSITION IS N O R M A L L Y USED TO DECREASE THE C R U I S I N G S P E E D . W H I L E T H E S W I T C H IS H E L D IN T H E “ T R I M - D O W N ” PO S ITIO N T H E C R U IS E S Y S T E M IS “ O F F ” A N D T H E C A R S P E E D W I L L G R A D U A L L Y DECREASE. WHEN TH E DESIRED C R U I S I N G S P E E D IS R E A C H E D , T H E S W I T C H IS SLOW LY RELEASED AN D T H E CRUISE SYSTEM W IL L R E -E N G A G E. IF THE SW ITCH IS R E L E A S E D FR O M TH E “ T R IM -D O W N ” P O S I T I O N V E R Y R A P I D L Y , I T IS Q U I T E L I K E L Y THAT TH E SYSTEM W IL L N O T RE-ENGAGE. THIS IS N O R M A L AND IS A V O I D E D BY A SLOWER, MORE DELIBERATE RELEASE OF THE SW ITCH FROM THE “ TR IM -D O W N ” POSITION. NOTE: A SPEEDSWITCH BUILT INTO THE R E G U L A T O R A S S E M B L Y P R E V E N T S E N G A G IN G TH E CRUISE SYSTEM BELOW A P PR O X . 3 0 MPH. Fig. 9-lC-Cruise Master Engagement Switches system re-engages at the lower speed when the button is slowly released. E N G A G E H O L D Cruise M aster Units O U T P U T 5. The Cruise Brake Release Valve, which is mounted on the brake pedal bracket, disengages the system pneum atically when the brake pedal is depressed. 6. The Cable and Casing Assemblies drive the regulator and speedometer. TO S P E E D O M E T E R 1. The E ngagem ent Switch, which is located at the end o f the directional signal lever, is used to control the system a n d for up w ard and dow nw ard speed adjustments. 2. The Regulator (fig. 9-2C) is m ounted in the speedom eter cable line. It is a com bination speed sensing device and control unit. W h en engaged, it senses vehicle speed and positions the Servo Unit to m aintain the selected speed. 3. The Servo Unit is mounted on the left front in n e r fender and is connected by a cable to the throttle linkage. It opens or closes the throttle as dictated by the Regulator. 4. The Cruise Brake Release Switch, which is mounted on the brake pedal bracket, disengages the system electrically when the brake pedal is depressed. T E R M I N A L T E R M I N A L J T O TEE- IN PU T F R O M T R A N S M I S S I O N L O C K N U T ORIFICE C O N N E C T O R F R O M T UBE E N G I N E V A C U U M '' AIR FILTER & H O U S I N G S O L E N O I D C O V E R pig 9.2c . Regulator Unit & A S S E M B L Y ACCESSORIES DIAGNOSIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TR O U B LES H O O TIN G 1. 2. Check fuse and connector. Check electric brake switch as follows: a. U nplug connector at switch. b. C on nect o h m m e te r across cruise m aster contacts on brake switch. The ohm m eter must indicate no continuity when the pedal is depressed and continuity w hen pedal is released. The cruise release brake switch (electric) is adjusted as is the stand ard stop light brake switch. c. Replace electric brake switch if needed. 3. Check clutch release switch (m anual transm is­ sion only) same as electric release switch above. E ngagem ent Sw itch Test Check eng agem en t switch and connecting wiring as follows: Unplug engagem ent switch connector (brown, blue, black) at electrical wiring harness connector then p erform the following tests (fig. 9-3C). T e s t # 1—Connect oh m m e te r between terminal # 1 (brown wire) and te r m i n a l # 2 (blue wire). Continuity shall be m aintained until switch is depressed all the way T e s t # 2 —Connect o hm m e ter between te r m i n a l # 1 (brow n wire) a n d t e r m i n a l # 3 (black wire). N o continuity shall be shown; however, w hen the button is partially depressed, continuity shall be indicated. W hen the button is pressed all the way down, no continuity shall be shown. T e s t # 3 —Connect oh m m eter between t e r m in a l # 2 (blue wire) and te r m i n a l # 3 (black wire). Button released, no continuity; however, when the button is depressed partially and fully, continuity shall be shown. Harness Test (Fig. 9-3C) 1. Disconnect engage switch wire harness connec­ tor from the m ain harness connector (red, brown/white, and white wires). 2. Connect ohm m e te r between point C (brow n/ white stripe wire in m ain wire harness) and ground. Make sure the Regulator is well grounded to the chassis. The oh m m e te r should read between 42 and 49 ohms. If a resistance either above or below the value indicated is shown, then disconnect the connector from the Regulator and measure the resistance of the brow n/w hite stripe wire from point C to D. It should measure 40 ohms ± 2 ohms. 3. If a resistance either above or below the value indicated is shown, the m ain wiring harness should be replaced. NOTE: W hen disconnecting or reconnecting the main wiring harness connector from the Regulator, care should be exercised so as not to d am age the blade connectors or the wiring harness. The disconnect may be facilitated by prying carefully on the plastic connector with a small screwdriver. 4. M easuring the solenoid coil circuit resistance between point E (Hold Term inal) and ground, the ideal resistance should be between 5 and 6 ohms. A reading o f less than 4 ohms indicates shorting in the coil circuit. A reading of more than 7 ohms indicates excessive resistance in the coil circuit. Either extremity indicates replacement o f the Regulator assembly. The m ain harness wiring from point F to G (white wire) should also be checked for continuity. SERVO A N D V A C U U M SYSTEM TEST To determ ine the condition o f the d iaphragm , remove hose from the Servo U nit and apply 14 inches of vacuum to the tube opening and hold in for one minute. The vacuum shall not leak down more than 5 inches o f vacuum in one minute. If leakage is detected, replace the Servo. To utilize engine as a vacuum source, proceed as follows: 1. Disconnect Servo cable at carburetor and vacuum hose from the Servo, then connect engine vacuum directly to the Servo fitting. 2. Note position o f Servo diaphragm . 3. Start e n g in e - th e diaph rag m should pull in. 4. Clamp off engine vacuum supply line and check for leakage. The cruise release brake valve (vacuum) and connecting hoses can likewise be checked using a vacuum pump. 9-4 BRO W N E N G A G E M E N T S W IT C H (S H O W N IN " H IS T ” P O S IT IO N ) C R U ISE R ELEA SE V A L V E BLA C K BRO W N - C R U IS E BR A K E TO B R A K E LICHT CIRCUIT BRAKE B LACK R ELEA SE & LIG H T S W IT C H C O N N E C T O R AT ST E E R IN G C O L U M N B R O W N - W H IT E R E S IS T A N C E W IR E 40 n PE DAL Fig. 9-3C-Electro-Pneumatic REST P O S IT IO N TRUCK SPEED R E G U L A T O R IG N IT IO N SW IT C H FU SE DIRECTIO N OF R O T A T IO N , CLUTCH S P R IN G ' B O W D E N C A B L E TO C A R B U R E T O R L IN K A G E I SERVICE W IT H SPEED IN C R EA S E HO LD CLUTCH E N G A G E P O S IT IO N MANUAL Schematic V A R IA B L E O R IF IC E (A IR C O N T R O L V A LV E ) FIX EO O R IFIC E LO CK IN CAM L O W SPEED I SW ITC H '( N A ) B ELO W 1 35M PH ) VACUUM SHUT OFF V A L V E SERVO POWER U N IT TRIM D O W N S O L E N O ID COIL (C O R E S H O W N IN D E - E N ER G IZ ED P O S IT IO N ) JQ TO M A N IF O L D VACUUM V O LT S DC E L E C T R O -P N E U M A T IC S C H E M A T IC D IA G R A M , C R UISE MASTER SYSTEM L LIGHT E N G A G E M E N T SW IT C H P O S IT IO N S P O S IT IO N CRUISE MASTER TROUBLESHOOTING CHECK I FOR SYSTEMS W ITH E R R A TIC CRUISE PERFORMANCE CHECK II FOR IN O P E R A TIV E SYSTEMS M A K E A L L TESTS WITH TRANSM ISSION SELECTOR IN " P A R K " & P AR K IN G BRAKE ON EXCEPT WHERE IN D IC A T E D OTHERWISE. RECONNECT A N Y DISCONNECTED HOSES A N D /O R E LE C T R IC A L CONNECTORS IN PROPER M AN NER A T THE COMPLETION OF TEST. CHECK I 1. CHECK SERVO C ABLE AD JU S TM EN T • MUST H AVE M IN IM U M A M O U N T OF LOST MOTION SEE SERVICE AD JU S TM EN T PROCEDURE 2. CHECK FOR PINCHED, K IN K E D , PLUGGED, OR DAM AG ED V AC U U M HOSES. ALSO CHECK VAC U UM FITTIN G S . 3. CHECK SPEEDOMETER C ABLE RO U TING . IT MUST N O T BE K IN K E D OR H AVE TOO SHARP A T U R N IN G R AD IU S (NOT LESS TH A N 6 " R AD IU S). CHECK D R IV E CABLE FOR DISTORTED OR BENT TIPS. FERRULES MUST BE SNUG. 4. CHECK FOR A BIN D IN G TH R O T T LE 5. CHECK AD JU S TM EN T OF BRAKE RELEASE SWITCH & V AC U U M RELEASE V A L V E . (SEE SERVICE & ADJUSTM ENTS) 6. CHECK FOR PROPER OPERATING PROCEDURE OF THE ENGAGE SW ITCH. 7. IF STEPS 1 THRO UG H 6 DO NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM PROCEED W ITH CHECK H. % LIN K A G E C O N D ITIO N . SPECIAL NOTE P E R T A IN IN G TO ENG AG EM ENT-CRUISING SPEED ZER O ING . IF THE CAR CRUISES BELOW ENG AG EM ENT SPEED, SCREW THE O R IFIC E TUBE OU TW AR D . IF THE CAR CRUISES ABO VE THE ENG AG EM ENT SPEED, SCREW THE O R IFICE TUBE IN W ARD . EACH 1/4 TURN W IL L CHANGE THE CAR SPEED A P P R O X IM A T E LY ONE MPH. ENG AG EM ENT AC C U R AC Y TESTING TO BE DONE A T 60 MPH. SNUG UP LOCK N UT AFTER EACH ADJU STM EN T. C A U T IO N : DO NOT REMOVE O R IFIC E TUBE FROM CASTING. CHECK n O N -V E H IC L E SERVICE M A IN T E N A N C E AN D ADJUSTMENTS T he com ponents of the Cruise-Master System are designed to be replaced should they become inoperative. The Regulator is cali- brated in such a m a n n e r during m a nu facturin g that overhaul operations are impractical. However, one adjustm ent m ay be m ade to the Regulator to correct speed drop or increase at the time o f engagem ent. R E G ULATO R (FIG . 9-6C ) O ne regulator adjustm ent is possible - Engagement Cruising Speed Zeroing (to remove any difference between engagem ent and cruising speed). N o regulator adjustm ent should be made, however, until the Servo Cable adjustm ent has been checked and vacuum hoses are checked for leaks, kinks, or other restrictions. If the vehicle cruises at a speed a few mph above or below the en gagem en t speed, this error can be corrected with a simple adjustm ent o f the orifice tube in the regulator (fig. 9-2C). CAUTION: Never remove orifice tube from casting. It cannot be reinstalled once it has been removed. 1. To check cruise speed error, engage CruiseM aster at 55 mph. 2. If vehicle cruises below engagem ent speed, screw orifice tube outw ard 3. If vehicle cruises above engagem ent speed. screw orifice tube inward NO TE: Each 1/4 turn o f the orifice tube will change cruise speed approximately one mph. Snugup lock nut after each adjustment. If a Regulator is found to be defective and not simply out-of-adjustment, it must be replaced. D uring replacement, check the hoses which connect to the Regulator and replace any which are cracked or deteriorated. SERVO U N IT (FIG . 9-7C ) Before adjusting the Servo Cable, make sure the carburetor is set at its lowest idle throttle position by manually setting the fast idle cam at its lowest step with the ignition switch " O F F " . Adjust the cable so there is as little lost motion at the Servo as possible (Fig. 9-7C). If the Servo Unit is found to be defective, replacement is required. N ote the condition o f the hoses and replace any which are cracked or deteriorated. BRAKE RELEASE SW ITC H ES (Fig. 9-8C ) Electric The Cruise M aster brake release switch electrical contacts must be switched open when the brake pedal is depressed .38" to .64", measured at the brake pedal. An inoperative switch must be replaced. Switch replacement procedure is similar to standard brake lamp switch replacement. Vacuum The vacuum valve plunger must clear the pedal arm w hen the arm is moved 5/16 inch, measured at the switch (fig. 9-9C). An inoperative (sticking, plugged, or leaking) vacuum valve must be replaced. V acuum valve replacement is sim ilar to brake lam p switch replacement. Be certain that the hose to the valve is connected firmly and is not cracked or deteriorated. C O LU M N M O U N T E D EN G A G EM EN T SW ITCH T he e n g a g e m e n t switch is serviced replacement o f the turn signal lever assembly. only by COM PO NENT PART REPLACEMENT REGULATOR Replacement 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect speedometer cables at regulator. 3. Disconnect vacuum and wiring harness at regulator body. 4. Remove regulator to bracket screws and remove regulator. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 above. " CRUISE CONTROL V A C U U M HOSE CO NTRO L CABLE ADJUSTMENT W ith Cable installed to Cable Bracket and Carburetor, CABLE SERVO BOOT install C able to Servo Bracket. Using second ball on Servo Chain, install Servo Chain on Cable. W ith throttle com pletely closed ( ignition off and fast idle Cam o ff) adjust C able Jam Nuts until Servo Chain is almost tight ( some slack).Tighten Jam Nuts to specified torque, then rem ove plastic retainer ( not shown) ( used to retain boot in depressed position) and pull rubber boot ( part of Servo) over w asher ( part of Cable). ACCELERATOR CABLE SUPPORT SERVO CABLE V IE W CARB LEVER Snap Fastener Tab over end of stud in direction of arrow . A SERVO CABLE L F 4/L F8/L S 9 Fig. 9-7C-Servo Composite (C-K Trucks) SERVO wiring harness on column. Replacement 4. Remove turn signal lever (see Section 3B o f this Manual). 5. Connect a 15" piece o f piano wire to cruise master wiring harness plug for installation before easing turn signal lever assembly up and out of the column. 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect vacuum line at servo can. 3. Remove servo cover. Disconnect ball chain from cable retainer. 4. Remove servo to bracket screw(s) and remove servo. 5. To install, reverse Steps 1-4 above. 6. Adjust the servo cable as outlined in Figure 9-7C. C O L U M N M O U N T E D E N G A G EM EN T S W ITC H Removal 1. Disconnect the battery ground cable. 2. Disconnect cruise master engagem ent switch w iring harness plug on steering column. 3. Remove plastic protector from cruise master Installation 1. Attach new engagement switch harness plug to pian o wire routed through column. 2. Pull connector and wire gently down column to prevent scraping wire insulation. 3. Install turn signal lever (see Section 3B o f this Manual). 4. Slide plastic wiring protector over harness and up column. 5. Connect cruise m aster w irin g h arness on column. 6. Connect battery ground cable. Fig. 9-8C-Release Switches, Valve and Brackets B R A K E P E D A L IN N O R M A L P O S IT IO N BRAKE W HEN PEDAL P O S IT IO N VACUUM VALVE 38 TO .6 4 OPENS IN S T A L L A T IO N VACUUM O F S E L F - A D J U S T IN G RELEASE VALVE 1. In s ta ll m o u n tin g c lip in to b ra c k e t. 2. D e p ress b ra k e pedal & pu sh v a lv e in to clip u n til s h o u ld e r o n v a lv e asm b o tto m s o u t a g a in s t c lip . 3. A d ju s t v a lv e b y b rin g in g p ed al to n o rm a l p o s itio n so t h a t v a lv e is o p e n w h e n pedal is de p ressed to d im e n s io n sh o w n . SPECIFICATIONS CRUISE-MASTER Solenoid R esistance................................................................................................................................................................. 5 ohms ± 1/4 ohm Solenoid Wire R esistan ce...................................................................................................................................................................... 40 ohms Maximum allowable Vacuum Leakage rate for Servo u n i t .................................................................. 5 inches of Vacuum Per Minute Not Greater than 1 inch of Vacuum per 10 seconds Operational Test S peed .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 5 MPH RADIO GENERAL DESCRIPTION A M and A M / F M radios only are available on light duty trucks. R ear speakers are available for certain series o f C-K and G Trucks. C-K model trucks incorporate a windshield antenna. The antenna lead snaps onto the center o f the windshield, inside the vehicle. G model antennas are mounted externally on the right front fender. DIAGNOSIS T he radio trouble diagnosis guide is intended as an aid in locating m inor faults which can be corrected w ithout a specialized knowledge o f radio and without special radio test equipm ent. If the suggestions given here do not affect a correction, further testing should be done only by a trained radio technician having proper test equipm ent. R A D IO DEAD T urn on radio. No Thum p Heard Check fuse. Fuse blown-Check receiver and speaker connectors. Connectors loose or defective-Correct as required. Connectors okay-Check speaker by substituting a known good speaker. Radio does not play even with a known good substitute speaker-Defective receiver. Remove for servicing. Radio plays with substitute speaker-Replace speaker. Thum p Heard Check a n te n n a connection at back o f radio and at base o f windshield or antenna. Connections defective-Substitute a known good lead-in cable. Radio plays-Defective cable. Radio still won't play, even with a known good lead-in cable-Substitute and trim a known good radio. Good radio plays-Defective radio. Good radio still won’t play-Defective antenna. C hange windshield or antenna. RAD IO C UTS ON AND OFF Check for defective or loose receiver or antenna connectors at rear o f radio or base o f windshield or antenna. Defective or loose connectors-Repair as necessary. Connectors okay-Substitute a known good lead-in cable. Radio plays okay-Defective cable. Radio still cuts out with a known good lead-in cable-Check speaker by substituting a known good speaker. Radio plays okay-Replace speaker. Radio still plays intermittently, even with a known good speaker-Defective receiver. R A D IO S T A T IO N S M IX TO G ETHER T rim radio as described earlier in this section. However, if two or more signals are picked up at the same time, there is no known way to separate them. RAD IO NO ISY Static-Start engine, rev up engine several times, and listen for speaker static. are equipped with windshield antennas. To positively identify antenna failure and eliminate the possibility of unnecessary windshield replacement, W indshield A n ­ tenna Tester J-23520 should be used to determine continuity of the thin a n ten na wire. W hen a n tenn a failure is suspected, the following checks should be made before replacing the windshield. 1. Check Tester J-23520 for operation on any vehicle radio a n ten na that is operating normally to test for a weak or dead battery. 2. Check all a ntenna connectings to insure that an ten na is electrically coupled to the radio. 3. Turn ignition switch to accessory position, turn radio " O N " , select AM band if receiver is A M / F M and tune radio to an ofF station position. 4. Flold tester to a ntenna beginning at the upper corner o f antenna: T O O L J -2 3 5 2 0 Fig. 9-lR--Testing Windshield Antenna (Typical) Static Heard-Trim radio - check for spark plug wire breakdown, loose or im properly seated wire, or loose or missing engine ground strap. Check suppressors on voltage regulator, alternator, and resistor on timing control solenoid. Static Still Present-Defective receiver. W EAK R A D IO SIG N A L Test w in dshie ld a n te n n a as "A n te n n a Testing" in this section. described under D IS TO R TE D TO N E T urn on radio, adjust for high volume and m axim um bass. Check speaker by substituting a good speaker. No Distortion-Replace speaker. Distortion-Defective receiver-remove for servicing. TE S T IN G W IN D S H IE LD A N T E N N A (FIG. 9-1R ) All C-K model trucks with factory installed radios CAUTION: The plastic Shield must be on tester at all times to avoid scratching windshield. a. If a shrill sound is emitted through the speaker when both an ten na wires are tested, antenna is operational. b. If no sound is emitted through one or both a n tenn a wires, move tester along the wire toward center o f windshield and down toward radio. c. If a shrill sound is picked up, find exact location where the noise begins, this is the area o f the defect. Replace windshield. d. If no noise is heard over entire length o f antenna, unplug a n tenna lead at radio and touch tester to a n tenna socket in radio. e. If radio now makes a shrill sound, check connectors and a n te n n a lead for possible defect before replacing windshield. f. If no noise is emitted, radio, speaker, or fuse is defective. N OTE: M ake sure that a n tenn a tester is turned off a fter completing an ten na test. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE M A IN T E N A N C E A N D ADJUSTMENTS R A D IO IN S TA LLA TIO N P R E C A U TIO N S Listed below are common causes o f inoperative radio receivers or poor reception on the AM scale upon reinstallation after repair. • R adio speakers not connected—this could cause the o utput transister to burn out in the receiver. • A n te n n a lead not plugged into the receiver or windshield. • A n te n n a trim m er not peaked. T R IM M IN G R A D IO If diagnosis indicates the radio receiver must be trimmed, perform the following procedure: 1. G Models-Set a ntenna mast at m axim um height. 2. Remove tuner control knob and bezel (right h and knob). 3. Place ignition key in the " A C C " position. 4. Turn volume control to maximum volume. 5. Tune radio to a weak station (near 1400 KC) on the AM scale. 6. Adjust a ntenna trim m er screw ( ± 2 ° screw rotation) until m axim um volume is received (fig. 9-2R). 7. Turn radio volume off. 8. Replace tuner control bezel and knob. 9. Turn ignition to "lock". through engine access area. Lower radio f a r enough to disconnect electrical connectors and a n tenn a lead. Remove radio. 9. Reverse Steps 1-8 for installation o f radio. FR O N T SPEAKER C-K Models Replacement (Fig. 9-5R) 1. 2. screws. 3. remove 4. 5. harness 6. C O M PO N EN T PART REPLACEMENT Disconnect battery ground cable. Remove instrum ent cluster bezel upper four Remove instrument panel pad screws and pad. Remove speaker to dash panel screws. Lift up on speaker, disconnect speaker wiring and then remove speaker. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 above. G Models Replacement (Fig. 9-4R) R A D IO RECEIVER C-K Models Replacement (Fig. 9-3R) 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Pull off radio control knobs and remove knob bezels. Remove nuts and washers from control shafts using a deep well socket. 3. AM Radio-Remove the radio support bracket stud nut and lockwasher. A M /F M Radio-Remove radio support bracket to instrum ent panel screws. 4. Lift up on the re a r edge of radio. Then push radio forward until control shafts clear instrum ent panel. Lower control far enough to disconnect electrical harness. 5. Disconnect power feed, speaker and antenna lead wires and remove radio. 6. To install, reverse Steps 1-5 above. G M odels Replacement (Fig. 9-4R) 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. 2. Remove engine cover. 3. Remove air cleaner on carburetor. 4. Remove stud in c arburetor throat for m ounting air cleaner. 5. Cover carburetor throat with clean plastic to prevent dirt or radio attachm ents from falling into carburetor. 6. Remove knobs, washers and nuts from control shafts on front o f radio. 7. Remove bracket to radio receiver screw. 8. Now guide radio forward and then down 1. Follow radio removal Steps 1 through 8. 2. Remove left heater duct (attached to engine cover extension by one screw). 3. Remove speaker to mounting bracket screw and lower speaker out engine cover opening. 4. Reverse Steps 1-3 above fo r speaker replacement. REAR SPEAKER C-K Models Replacement (Fig. 9-6R) 1. Remove four screws securing speaker grille to trim panel and remove grille. 2. Disconnect electrical connector from speaker. 3. Remove two screws securing speaker to trim panel and remove speaker. NOTE: On 109 and 209 (06) models, there is a gasket between speaker and trim panel. 4. Install replacement speaker in reverse order o f removal. G Models Replacement (Figs. 9-7R and 9-8R) 1. Remove the four most forward lower screws securing right rear trim panel. Pull trim panel outward slightly for access to speaker. 2. Disconnect electrical connector from speaker. 3. Remove four nuts securing speaker to grille studs and remove speaker. Fig. 9-3R--Radio Receiver (C-K Models) 4. removal. Install replacement speaker in reverse order of rod and mast assembly. 2. To install, insert rod and mast assembly into cable assembly and tighten mast nut. Prevent cable ANTENNA assembly from turning by using a second wrench. C-K M odels (Fig. 9-9R ) Cable Assembly Replacement Antenna Replacement 1. Disconnect battery ground cable. R e fe r to Section 2 o f this m anual "W indshield R eplacem ent" procedure. 2. Remove antenna assembly as described above. 3. Remove cable body nut and then remove seal, Cable Replacement 1. 2. 3. 4. remove bezel, gasket and ring ground. 4. Disconnect battery ground cable. U n sn a p a ntenna cable from windshield. Remove bracket to dash panel screws. Disconnect cable at rear o f radio receiver and cable assembly. G M odels (Fig. 9 -1 0R ) P e rfo rm Steps 2-8 of " R a d io Receiver Removal". 5. Disconnect cable at rear o f receiver. 6. Insert new cable through the dash panel (from the forward side). 7. Reverse Steps 1-5 above to complete installation. Antenna Replacement 1. Unscrew mast nut. Prevent the cable assembly from turning by using two separate wrenches. Remove N OTE: Be sure cable positioned in dash panel. grom m et is properly SPECIAL TOOLS J— 2 3 5 2 0 GM TABLE OF FREQUENTLY USED UNITS (u s.i GM SI (SYSTEME INTERNATIONAL d ’UNITES) M u ltip ly to get e qu iv al en t to get equivalent number of: by Multiply by LENGTH Inch ACCELERATION 2 5 .4 Foot Yard 0 .3 0 4 8 0.914 4 M ile 1.609 m illim e tre s (mm) metres (m) metres kilometres (km) Foot2 Y a rd 2 0 .8 3 6 1 Quart Gallon Yard3 16 387. 16.387 0 .0 1 6 0 .9 4 6 3 .7 8 5 0 .7 6 4 Inch/sec2 0 .0 2 5 4 0.1 1 2 98 1.355 8 Horsepower Ton 3.38 6.895 Pounds/sq. in. mm3 cm 3 Ounce Pound k ilo p a s c a ls (kPa) k ilo p a s c a ls ENERGY OR WORK BTU Foot-pound Kilowatt-hour litres (1) l itres l i t r es 1 055. 1.355 8 3 600 000 or 3 .6x106 metres3 (m3) joules (J) joules joules (J = W s ) LIGHT 0 .4 5 3 6 9 0 7 .1 8 0 .9 0 7 kilogram s (kg) kilogram tonne (t) Footcandle 9.8 0 7 0.278 0 4.448 10.764 Miles/gal Gal/mile newtons (N) newtons newtons 0 .4 2 5 1 2 .3 5 2 7 Miles/hour 1.609 3 Degree Fahrenheit (°F-32) ~ 1.8 = degree C e lsiu s (°C) 32 40 0 ~r 40 :c F 98.6 I 40 80 212 120 j 160 20 40 200 —>*— l T* ¥ • ■— L- ^ - r-l------U - * ------ i -----1— 20 kilom etres/litre (km/l) litres/kilom etre (l/km) VELOCITY TEM PERATURE f lumens/metre2 (lm/m2) FUEL PERFORM ANCE FORCE Kilogram (force) k ilo w a tts (kW) PRESSURE OR STRESS MASS Pound Ton newton-metres (N m) newton-metres 0.7 4 6 Inchesof mercury 4 4 4 6 metre/sec2 (m/s2) metre/sec2 POWER VOLUME Inch3 0 .3 0 4 8 Pound-inch Pound-foot m illim e tr e s 2 (mm2) ce ntim etre s2 (cm2) metres2 (m2) metres2 6 4 5 .2 6 .4 5 0 .0 9 2 9 Foot/sec2 TORQUE AREA Inch2 n u m b e r of: 60 80 100 °c kilometres/hr. (km/h) HOW T O USE C O N V E R S IO N C H A R T S Left Column is units of 10, (0, 10, 20, 30 etc.); Top Row is in units of one (0, 1, 2, 3, etc). EXAMPLE: Feet to Inches Conversion Chart feet 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches 12 132 252 372 492 612 24 120 240 360 480 600 36 156 276 396 516 636 48 168 288 408 528 648 60 180 300 420 540 660 72 192 312 432 552 67? 84 204 324 444 564 684 96 216 336 456 576 696 108 228 348 468 588 708 10 20 30 40 50 ft 144 264 384 504 624 feet 1 2 f e e t e q u a l s 1 4 4 i n c h e s . R e a d a c r o s s f r o m 1 0 a n d d o w n f r o m 2. 6 fe e t equ a ls 7 2 inch e s. R e a d d o w n f r o m 6. FE E T TO M E TR E S ft 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 m m m m m m m m m m 3.048 6.096 9.144 12.192 15.240 18.288 21.336 24.384 27.432 30.480 0.305 3.353 6.401 9.449 12.497 15.545 18.593 21.641 24.689 27.737 30.785 0.610 3.658 6.706 9.754 12.802 15.850 18.898 21.946 24.994 28.042 31.090 0.914 3.962 7.010 10.058 13.106 16.154 19.202 22.250 25 298 28.346 31.394 1.219 4.267 7.315 10.363 13.411 16.459 19.507 22.555 25.603 28.651 31.699 1.524 4.572 7.620 10.668 13.716 16.764 19.812 22.860 25.908 28.956 32.004 1.829 4.877 7.925 10.973 14.021 17.069 20.117 23.165 26.213 29.261 32.309 2.134 5.182 8.230 11.278 14.326 17.374 20.422 23.470 26.518 29.566 32.614 2.438 5.486 8.534 11.582 14.630 17.678 20.726 23.774 26.822 29.870 32.918 2.743 5.791 8.839 11.887 14.935 17,983 21.031 24.079 27.127 30.175 33.223 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 M ETRES TO FEET m 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 32.8084 65.6168 98.4252 131.2336 164.0420 196.8504 229.6588 262.4672 295.2756 328.0840 3.2808 36.0892 68.8976 101.7060 134.5144 167.3228 200. f 312 232.9396 265.7480 298.5564 331.3648 6.5617 39.3701 72.1785 104.9869 137.7953 170.6037 203.4121 236.2205 269.0289 301.8373 334.6457 9.8425 42.6509 75.4593 108.2677 141.0761 173.8845 206.6929 239.5013 272.3097 305.1181 337.9265 13.1234 16.4042 19.6850 52.4934 45.9318 49.2126 78.7402 82.0210 85.3018 1 11.5486 114.8294 118.1102 144.3570 147.6378 150.9186 1 77.1654 180.4462 183.7270 209.9738 213.2546 216.5354 242 7822 246.0630 249.3438 275.5906 278.8714 282.1522 308.3990 311.6798 314.9606 341.2074 344.4882 347.7690 22.9659 26.2467 29.5276 55.7743 59.0551 62.3360 88.5827 95.1444 91.8635 121.3911 124.6719 127.9528 154.1995 157.4803 160.7612 187.0079 190.2887 193.5696 219.8163 223.0971 226.3780 252.6247 255.9055 259.1864 285.4331 288.7139 291.9948 318.2415 321.5223 324.8032 351.0499 354.3307 357.6116 m 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mile 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 km km km km km km km km km km 16.093 32.187 48.280 64.374 80.467 96.561 1 12.65 128.75 144.84 160.93 1.609 17.703 33.796 49.890 65.983 82.077 98.170 114.26 130.36 146.45 162.54 3.219 19.312 35.406 51.499 67.593 83.686 99.779 115.87 131.97 148.06 164.15 4.828 20.921 37.015 53.108 69.202 85.295 101.39 117.48 133.58 149.67 165.76 6.437 22.531 38.624 54.718 70.811 86.905 103.00 119.09 135.19 151.28 167.37 8.047 24.140 40.234 56.327 72.421 88.514 104.61 120.70 136.79 152.89 168.98 9.656 25.750 41.843 57.936 74.030 90.123 106.22 122.31 138.40 154.50 170.59 11.265 27.359 43.452 59.546 75.639 91.733 107.83 123.92 140 01 156.11 172.20 12.875 28.968 45.062 61.155 77.249 93.342 109.44 125.53 141.62 157.72 173.81 14.484 30.578 46.671 62.764 78.858 94.951 111.04 127.14 143.23 159.33 175.42 mile 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 K IL O M E T R E S TO M IL E S km 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mil mil mil mil mil mil mil mil mil mil 6.214 12.427 18.641 24.855 31.069 37.282 43.497 49.711 55.924 62.138 0.621 6.835 13.049 19.263 25.477 31.690 37.904 44.118 50.332 56.545 62.759 1.243 7.457 13.670 19.884 26.098 32.311 38.525 44.739 50.953 57.166 63.380 1.864 8.078 14.292 20.506 26.720 32.933 39.147 45.361 51.575 57.788 64.002 2.486 8.699 14.913 21.127 27.341 33.554 39.768 45.982 52.196 58.409 64.623 3.107 9.321 15.534 21.748 27.962 34.175 40.389 46.603 52.817 59.030 65.244 3.728 9.942 16.156 22.370 28.584 34.797 41.011 47.225 53.439 59.652 65.866 4.350 10.562 16.776 22.990 29.204 35.417 41.631 47.845 54.059 60.272 66.486 4.971 11.185 17.399 23.613 29.827 36.040 42.254 48.468 54.682 60.895 67.109 5.592 11.805 18.019 24.233 30.447 36.660 42.874 49.088 55.302 61.515 67.729 km 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 G A L L O N S (U.S.) TO L IT R E S U.S. gal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L L L L L L L L L L 7.5709 45.4251 83.2794 121.1337 158.9879 196.8422 234.6965 272.5507 310.4050 348.2593 386.1135 11.3563 49.2105 87.0648 124.9191 162.7734 200.6276 238.4819 276.3362 314.1904 352.0447 389.8990 18.9271 56.7814 94.6357 132.4899 170.3442 208.1985 246.0527 283.9070 321.7613 359.6156 397.4698 22.7126 60.5668 98.4211 136.2754 174.1296 211.9839 249.8382 287.6924 325.5467 363.4010 401.2553 - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 37.8543 75.7085 113.5528 151.4171 189.2713 227.1256 264.9799 302.8342 340.6884 378.5427 3.7854 41.6397 79.4940 117.3482 155.2025 193.0568 230.9110 268.7653 306.6196 344.4738 382.3281 15.1417 52.9960 90.8502 128.7045 166.5588 204.4131 242.2673 280.1216 317.9759 355.8301 393.6844 26.4980 64.3523 102.2065 140.0608 177.9151 215.7693 253.6236 291.4779 329.3321 367.1864 405.0407 30.2834 68.1377 105.9920 143.8462 181.7005 219.5548 257.4090 295.2633 333.1176 370.9718 408.8261 34.0638 71.9231 109.7774 147.6316 185.4859 223.3402 261.1945 299.0487 336.9030 374.7573 412.6115 U.S. gal 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 I L IT R E S T O G A L L O N S (U.S.) L 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gal gal gal gal gal gal gal gal gal gal 2.6417 5.2834 7.9251 10.5668 13.2086 15.8503 18.4920 21.1337 23.7754 26.4171 0.2642 2.9059 5.5476 8.1893 10.8310 13.4727 16.1144 18.7561 21.3979 24.0396 26.6813 0.5283 3.1701 5.8118 8.4535 11.0952 13.7369 16.3786 19.0203 21.6620 24.3037 26.9454 1.5850 4.2267 6.8684 9.5102 12.1519 14.7936 17.4353 20.0770 22.7187 25.3604 28.0021 1.8492 4.4909 7.1326 9.7743 12.4160 15.0577 17.6995 20.3412 22.9829 25.6246 28.2663 2.1134 4.7551® 7.3968 10.0385 12.6802 15.3219 17.9636 20.6053 23.2470 25.8888 28.5305 2.3775 5.0192 7.6610 10.3027 12.9444 15.5861 18.2278 20.8695 23.5112 26.1529 28.7946 1.0567 0.7925 1.3209 3.6984 3.4342 3.9626 6.6043 6.0759 6.3401 8.9818 9.2460 8.7176 1 1.8877 11.3594 1 1.6235 14.0011 ''T O 6 5 2 ' 14.5294 17.1711 16.9069 16.6428 19.5487 19.2845 19.8128 22.1904 22.4545 21.9262 24.8321 25.0962 24.5679 27.2096 27.4738 27.7380 L .. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 G A L L O N S (IM P .) T O L IT R E S IMP gal 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L L L L L L L L L L 4.5460 9.0919 54.6515 45.4596 50.0056 95.4652 100.0111 90.9192 136.3788 ‘ 140.9248 145.4707 181.8384 186.3844 190.9303 227.2980 231.8440 236.3899 272.7576 277.3036 281.8495 318.2172 322.7632 327.3091 363.6768 368.2223 372.7687 409.1364 413.6824 418.2283 454.5960 459.1420 463.6879 13.6379 59.0975 104.5571 150.0167 195.4763 240.9359 286.3955 331.8551 377.3147 422.7743 468.2339 18.1838 22.7298 27.2758 68.1894 72.2354 109.1030 113.6490 118.1950 154.5626 159.1086 163.6546 200.0222 204.5682 209.1142 245.4818 250.0278 254.5738 290.9414 295.4874 300.0334 336.4010 340.9470 345.4930 381.6606 386.4066 390.9526 427.3202 431.8662 436.4122 472.7798 477.3258 481.8718 63.6434 31.8217 36.3677 77.2813 81.8275 122.7409 127.2869 168.0005 172.7465 213.6601 218.2061 259.1197 263.6657 304.5793 309.1253 350.0389 354.5849 395.4985 400.0445 440.9581 445.9041 486.4177 490.9637 40.9136 86.3732 131.8328 177.2924 222.7520 268.2116 313.6712 359.1308 404.5904 450.0500 495.5096 IMP gal 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1O0 L IT R E S T O G A L L O N S (IM P .) L ^ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gal gal gal gal gal gal gal gal gal gal 2.1998 4.3995 6.5593 8.7990 10.9988 13.1986 15.3983 17.5981 19.7978 21.9976 0.2200 2.4197 4.6195 6.8193 9.0190 11.2188 13.4185 15.6183 I 7 . 8 l8 l 20.6178 22.2176 1.3199 3.5196 5.7194 7.9191 10.9189 12.3187 14.5184 16.7182 18.9179 21.1177 23.3175 1.5398 3.7396 5.93§4 8.1391 10.5389 12.5386 14.7384 16.9382 19.1379 21.3377 23.5374 1.7598 3.9596 6.1593 8.3591 10.5588 12.7586 14.9584 17.1581 19.3579 21.5576 23.7574 1.9798 4.1795 6.3763 8.5791 10.7788 12,9786 15.1783 17.3781 19.5779 21.7776 23.9774 0.8799 0.6599 0.4400 2.3597 3.079? 2.6397 5.0594 5.2794 4.8395 7.2592 7.4792 7.0392 9.4590 9.6789 9.2390 11,8787 11.6587 11.4388 13.8585 14.0785 13.6366 16.0682 " I ' O W 15.8383 l¥ .S 3 S < rh l i t g o " 18.4780 20.6777 20.4578 20.2378 22.6575 22.8775 22.4376 1.0999 3.2996 5.4994 7.6992 9.8989 12.0987 14.2984 16.4982 18:6980" 20.8977 23.0975 L .. 10 26 36 40 60 60 70 80 90 160 ■ lb 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg 4.536 9.072 13.608 18.144 22.680 27.216 31.751 36.287 40.823 45.359 0.454 4.990 9.525 14.061 18.597 23.133 27.669 32.205 36.741 41.277 45.813 0.907 5.443 9.979 14.515 19.051 23.587 28.123 32.659 37.195 41.730 46.266 1.361 5.8S7 10.433 14.969 19.504 24.040 28.576 33.112 37.648 42.184 46.720 1.814 6.350 10.886 15.422 19.958 24.494 29.030 33.566 38.102 42.638 47.174 2.722 7.257 11.793 16.329 20.865 25.401 29.937 34.473 39.009 43.545 48.081 3.175 7.711 12.247 16.783 21.319 25.855 30.391 34 927 39.463 43.998 48.534 3.629 8.165 12.701 17.237 21.772 26.308 30.844 35.380 39.916 44.453 48.988 4 082 8618 13.154 17.690 22.226 26.762 31.298 35.834 40.370 44.906 49.442 2.268 6.804 11.340 15.876 20.412 24.948 29.484 r 34.019 38.555 43.092 47.627 lb 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 K IL O G R A M S TO PO UN D S kg 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb 6.614 28.660 50.706 72.752 94.799 116.84 138.89 160.94 182.98 205.03 227.08 8.818 30.865 52.911 74.957 97.003 119.05 141.10 163.14 185.19 207.23 229.28 11.023 33.069 55.116 77.162 99.208 121.25 143.30 165.35 187.39 209.44 231.49 13.228 35.274 57.320 79.366 101.41 123.46 145.51 167.55 189.60 211.64 233.69 15.432 37.479 59.525 81.571 103.62 125.66 147.71 169.76 191.80 213.85 235.89 17.637 39.683 61.729 83.776 105.82 127.87 149.91 171.96 194.01 216.05 238.10 19.842 41.888 63.934 85.980 108.03 130.07 152.12 174.17 196.21 218.26 240.30 22.046 44.092 66.139 88.185 110.23 132.28 154.32 176.37 198.42 220.46 2.205 4.409 24.251 26.455 46.297 48.502 68.343 70.548 92.594 90.389 112.44 "“ 114.64 134.48 136.69 156.53 158.73 178.57 180.78 200.62 202.83 222.67 224.87 kg 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 POUNDS PER SQ U A R E IN C H ES TO K ILO PA SCA LS Ib /in ^ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa 6.8948 75.8423 144.7899 213.7375 282,6850 351.6326 420.5802 489.5278 558.4753 627.4229 696.3705 13.7895 82.7371 151.6847 220.6322 289.5798 358.5274 427.4749 496.4225 565.3701 634.3177 703.2653 20.6843 89.6318 158.5794 227.5270 296.4746 365.4221 434.3697 503.3173 572.2648 641.2124 710.1601 27.5790 96.5266 165.4742 234.4217 303.3693 372.3169 441.2645 510.2120 579.1596 648.1072 717.0549 34.4738 103.4214 172.3689 241.3165 310.2641 379.21 16 448.1592 517.1068 586.0544 655.0019 723.9497 41.3685 110.3161 179.2637 248.21 13 317.1588 386.1064 455.0540 524.0015 592.9491 661 §967 730.8445 48.2663 117.2109 186.1584 255.1060 324.0536 393.0012 461.9487 530.8963 599.8439 668.7$ 14 737.7393 55.1581 124.1056 193.0532 262.0008 330.9483 399.8959 468.8435 537.791 1 606.7386 675.6S62 744.6341 62.0528 131.0004 199.9480 268.8955 337.8431 406.7907 475.7382 544.68 58 613.6334 682.5810 751.5289 0 .0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 68.9476 137.8951 206.8427 275.7903 344.7379 412.6854 482.6330 551.5806 620.5281 689.4757 Ib /in ^ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 SO 90 100 K IL O P A S C A L S T O POUNDS PER SQUARE INCHES kPa 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 kPa 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lb/in^ lb /in ^ lb /in ^ lb /in ^ lb /in ^ lb /in ^ Ib /in ^ lb /in ^ Ib/in^ lb /in ^ 1.4504 2.9007 4.3511 5.8015 7.2518 8.7022 10.1526 11.6030 13.0533 14.5037 .1450 1.5954 3.0458 4.4961 5.9465 7.3969 8.8473 10.2976 11.7480 13.1984 14.6487 .2901 1.7404 ,3.1908 4.6412 6.0916 7.5419 8.9923 10.4427 11.8930 13.3434 14.7938 .4351 1.8855 3.3359 4.7862 6.2366 7.6870 9.1373 10.5877 12.0381 13.4884 14.9388 .5801 2.0305 3.4809 4.9313 6.3816 7.8320 9.1824 10.7327 12.1831 13.6335 15.0838 .7252 2.1556 3.6259 5.0763 6.5267 7.9770 9.4274 10.8778 12.3281 13.7785 15.2289 .8702 2.3206 3.7710 5.2213 6.6717 8.1221 9.5724 11.0228 12.4732 13.9236 15.3739 1.0153 2.4656 3.9160 5.3664 6.8167 8.2671 9.7175 11.1678 12.6182 14.0686 15.5190 1.1603 2.6107 4.0610 5.5114 6.9618 8.4121 9.8625 11.3129 12.7633 14.2136 15.6640 1.3053 2.7557 4.2061 5.6564 7.1068 8.5572 10.0076 11.4579 12.9083 14.3587 15.8090 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ft lb POUND FEET TO NEWTON-METRES f t lb 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N m Nm Nm N m Nm Nm Nm Nm N m N Tin 13.5582 27.1164 40.6745 54.2327 67.7909 81.3491 94.9073 108.4654 122.0236 135.5818 1.3558 14.9140 28.4722 42.0304 55.5885 69.1467 82.7049 96.2631 109.8213 123.3794 136.9376 2.7116 16.2698 29.8280 43.3862 56.9444 70.5025 84.0607 97.6189 111.1771 124.7353 138.2934 4.0675 17.6256 31.1838 44.7420 58.3002 71.8584 85.4165 98.9747 112.5329 126.0911 139.6493 5.4233 18.9815 32.5396 46.0978 59.6560 73.2142 86.7724 100.3305 113.8887 127.4469 141.0051 6.7791 20.3373 33.8954 47.4536 61.0118 74.5700 88.1282 101.6863 1 15.2445 128.8027 142.3609 8.1349 21.6931 35.2513 48.8094 62.3676 75.9258 89.4840 103.0422 116.6003 130.1585 143.7167 9.4907 23.0489 36.6071 50.1653 63.7234 77.2816 90.3898 104.3980 117.9562 131.5143 145.0725 10.8465 24.4047 37.9629 51.5211 65.0793 78.6374 92.1956 105.7538 119.3120 132.8702 146.4283 12.2024 25.7605 39.3187 52.8769 66.4351 79.9933 93.5514 107.1096 120.6678 134.2260 147.7842 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 NEWTON METRES TO POUND FEET N m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f t lb ft-lb ft-lb ft-lb ft-lb ft-lb ft-lb ft-lb ft-lb ft-lb 2.9502 10.3258 17.7015 25.0771 32.4527 39.8283 47,2040 54.5796 61.9552 69.3308 76.7064 3.6878 11.0634 18.4390 25.8147 33.1903 40.5659 47.9415 55.3171 62.6928 70.0684 77.4440 4.4254 11.8010 19.1766 26.5522 33.9279 41.3035 48.6791 56.0547 63.4303 70.8060 78.1816 5.1692 12.5385 19.9142 27.2898 34.6654 42.0410 49.4167 56.7923 64.1679 71.5435 78.9191 ,5.9005 13.2761 20.6517 28.0274 35.4030 42.7786 50.1542 57.5298 64.9055 72.2811 79.6567 6.6331 14.0136 21.3893 28.7649 36.1405 43.5162 50.8918 58.2674 65.6430 73.0186 80.3943 10 7.3756 20 14.7512 So 22.1269 40 29.5025 50 36.8781 60 r 44.2537 70 51.6293 80 59.0050 90 66.3806 100 73.7562 .7376 8.1132 15.4888 22.8644 30.2400 37.6157 44.9913 52.3669 59.7425 67.1181 74.4938 1.4751 2.2127 8.8507 9.5883 16.2264 16.9639 23.6020 24.3395 30.9776 31.7152 38.3532 39.0908 45.7288 46.4664 53.1045 53.8420 60.4801 h 61.21 76 67.8557 68.5933 75.2313 75.9689 Nm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 D E C IM A L A N D M E T R IC E Q U IV A L E N T S Fractions Decimal M etric In. MM. Fractions Decimal Metri< In. 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