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Holden - Rodeo - Workshop Manual - 2003 - 2008
Holden - Captiva - Owners Manual - 2016 - 2016
Holden - Colorado - Workshop Manual - 2012 - 2013
Rodeo 4WD V6-3.2L (2004)
Holden - Barina - Workshop Manual - 2013 - 2013
Holden - Astra - Workshop Manual - 2003 - 2003
Holden - Cruze - Workshop Manual - 2013 - 2013
Holden - Colorado - Workshop Manual - 2015 - 2015
Holden - Astra - Owners Manual - 2007 - 2010
Holden - Viva - Workshop Manual - 2005 - 2005
Holden - Colorado - Workshop Manual - 2017 - 2017 (3)
Holden - Colorado - Workshop Manual - 2014 - 2014 (2)
Holden - Colorado - Workshop Manual - 2017 - 2017 (2)
Holden - Colorado - Workshop Manual - 2013 - 2013
Holden - Colorado - Workshop Manual - 2014 - 2014
Holden - Epica - Workshop Manual - 2007 - 2007
Rodeo (4WD) V6-3165cc 3.2L SOHC (6VD1) (1993)
Holden - Caprice - Workshop Manual - 2006 - 2006 (German)
Holden - Barina - Workshop Manual - 2017 - 2017
Holden - Cruze - Parts Catalogue - 2009 - 2009
Holden - Calais - Workshop Manual - 1984 - 1984
Holden - Barina - Miscellaneous Documents - 2002 - 2002
Holden - Colorado - Miscellaneous Documents - 2016 - 2016
Holden - Vectra - Workshop Manual - 2003 - 2003
Holden - Barina - Miscellaneous Documents - 2011 - 2011
Holden - Colorado - Workshop Manual - 2012 - 2012
Holden - Colorado - Owners Manual - 2017 - 2017
Holden - Barina - Workshop Manual - 1994 - 1994
Rodeo (4WD) L4-2559cc 2.6L SOHC (4ZE1) (1991)
Holden - Calais - Workshop Manual - 2008 - 2008
Holden - Rodeo - Wiring Diagram - 1984 - 1986
Holden - Rodeo - Workshop Manual - 2008 - 2008 (2)
Holden - Colorado - Workshop Manual - 2008 - 2008
Holden - Rodeo - Parts Catalogue - 2007 - 2010
Holden - Ve Ute - Workshop Manual - 2007 - 2007
Rodeo LS 2WD V6-3165cc 3.2L SOHC (6VD1) (1997)
Rodeo LS 4WD V6-3.2L (1998)
Holden - Barina - Miscellaneous Documents - 2008 - 2008
Suburban 1-2 Ton 2WD V8-305 5.0L (1985)
Suburban 4WD V8-6.0L (2007)
Holden - Barina - Parts Catalogue - 2001 - 2001
Holden - Vectra - Workshop Manual - 1999 - 1999
Holden - Colorado - Miscellaneous Documents - 2015 - 2015
Holden - Viva - Sales Brochure - 2008 - 2008
Holden - Astra - Workshop Manual - 2015 - 2015
Holden - Barina - Sales Brochure - 2006 - 2006
Holden - Monaro - Workshop Manual - 2006 - 2006
Rodeo Sport 2WD V6-3.2L (2001)
Holden - Rodeo - Sales Brochure - 2005 - 2005
Rodeo Sport 4WD V6-3.2L (2002)
Holden - Ve Ute - Workshop Manual - 2007 - 2007 (2)
RVs & Accessories - Winnebago - 2004 Vectra
Holden - Colorado - Parts Catalogue - 2008 - 2008
RVs & Accessories - Vectra - 1998 Grand Tour
Rodeo Sport 2WD L4-2.2L (2002)
Holden - Barina - Miscellaneous Documents - 2016 - 2016
Holden - Cruze - Sales Brochure - 2015 - 2015
Holden - Captiva - Sales Brochure - 2014 - 2014
Holden - Astra - Miscellaneous Documents - 2017 - 2017
Suburban 1-2 Ton 4WD V8-5.3L VIN Z Flex Fuel (2006)
Summary of Content
Eommodore. Holden Ealais. Holden VK SERIES MANUALSUPPLEMENT SERVICE SECTIONINDEX FOREWORD The information in this Supplement, when used in conjunctionwith Holden Commodore'VB' series Service Manual M38145, 'VB' Station Wagon Supplement M38265, VC Service Manual Supplement (Number 1) M38366 and Number 2 M38401, lmprovedPerformance L6 & VB EnginesServiceManual M38338and VH Series ServiceManualSupplementM38731,providesnew specifications and new service procedures lor Holden Commodore and Holden Calais VK Series vehicles. Transmission,front brake and rear axle assemblies are similar to those used in other GMH vehicles.No major service repair and overhaul procedures are given for these assemblies,and reference should be made to existingService Manuals. The Section lndex on this page enables the user to quickly locate the numeric identifiers for each group of Sections. Bend the Manual back to expose the black tabs on the pages and locate the tab indicating the identifier for the group of Sections you wish to find. An index is included at the beginningof each Section. In addition. numeric identifiers are also used to signify the individualoperationswithin the Sections.Specifications for vehicle componentsare providedat the end of each Section where apProPriate. Summarieso1 Special Service Tools, where required, are also includedat the end of Sections. Service Tools, unless otherwise specified, are available from: I Kent-MooreAustraliaPtY' Ltd. Unit 3, 9 PioneerAvenue, Thornleigh.N.S.W.Australia'2120. Telex 22355 Telephonel02l 848'9777 General Motors-Holden'sdoes not endorse, prefer, or assume responsibilityfor the products of this firm nor for any such items which may be available from other makers. All information,illustrationsand specificationscontained in this Supplement are based on the latest product informationavailableat the time ol publicationapProval. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice. E F F E C T IVE :MA R C H ,1 9 8 4 . S E RV IC EMA N U ALN O.M3 9 1 0 1 l.s.B.N.0.86836009 0 P RI NTEDIN A U S T R A L IA B GE N E R A LIN FOR MA TION LU B R IC A TION I A- B o DY 2 A - vENTTLATToN&HEATING B _ AIRCONDITIONING 3 FRoNTSUSPENSToN OA 4 C _ R A D IA TORGR ILLE D _ B U MP E RB A R S A- REARSUSPENSToN B _ REARAXLE JOINTS SHAFT& UNIVERSAL C _ PROP BRAKES 5 6 AB _ C _ D E _ F - 7 A - cLUrcH 8 A_ FUELTANK SYSTEM B - EXHAUST 9 10 E N GTN E ME cH A N IcA L E N GIN EC OOLIN G E N GIN EFU E L E N GIN EE LE C TR IC A L C ON TRO L E N GIN EE MIS S ION E N GIN ETU N E B _ MA N U A LTR A N S MIS S IO N C _ A U TOMA TICTR A N S MIS SI O N sTEERTNG wHE E t & s rY RE S A _ B A TTE R Y & C A B LE S B _ LIGH TIN GS Y S TE M WI NDSHI ELD GA , U GE S, C - IN S TR U ME N TS & SH ORN W IP E R S /W A S H E R D _ R A D IO& TA P EP I-A Y E R & E _ W IR IN GH A R N E S S E SFUSES F - W IR IN GD IA GR A MS GENERAL MOTORS_HOLDEN'SSALES PTY. LIMITED SERVICE DEPARTMENT COPYRIGHT _ GE N E R A L MOTOR S -H OLD E N 'S S A LE S P TY , LTD Re p r o cju cti oni n w hol e or i n oart prohi bi tedw i thout w rrtten approval 2 OA-1 GENERALINFORMATION SECTIONOA GENERALINFORMATION INDEX Ref. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 Page Subject 0A-1 GENERALDESCR|PT|ON.........--................... MODEL AVAILABILITY & BASE oA-2 EOUIPMENT POWERTRAIN COilBlNAT|OlilS.....-..........0A-2 0A-3 ENGINE DAT4............ 0A'3 EXTERIORDIUENSIONS 0A-4 SERtAL NUMBERS.........................i. LOCATIONOF IDENTIFICATIONPLATES oA-4 0A-4 SAFEW CO]IIPLIANCEPLATE ...... BODY & OPTIONIDENTIFICATION 0A-4 Ref. 6.4 6.5 6.6 7. Page Subject VEHICLEIDENTIFICATIONNUMBERING 0A-5 SYSTEM 0A-6 VEHICLESERIALNUMBER...... 0A-6 ENGII{ESERIAL NUMBEB...... ADDITIONALGENERALINFORMATION....nA-A ElectrlcalTransients and Radio Frequency Interference Radio Frequency lnterference .......... NA-A Electrlcal Transients 0A-7 1 . GENERALDESCRIPTION The VK Series is a minor facelift of the VH Series incorporatingexterior,interiorand mechanicalchanges. The model line-up differs from the VH Series, with the deletion of the 69 body style (4 door, 4 window sedan) and the introductionof the '19 body style (4 door, 6 windowsedan). MOD ELL IN E U P 8V K 19 C o m m o d o re SL Se d a n4 door.6 w i ndow 8VK35 8VL 19 8VL35 8VX1 9 Commodore SL Com m odor e Ber lina Commodore Berlina Station Wagon Sedan4 d o o r , 6 w i n d o w Station Wagon Sedan4 d o o r , 6 w i n d o w Calais 3 I .:E 9t'9 r The 3.3 litre L6 engine, equipped with ElectronicSpark Timing (EST), is the base engine tor SL and Berlina models, and the 3.3 litre LO engine equipped with Electronic Fuel Injection (EFl) is the base engine on Calaismodels. The three speed Trimatic Automatic Transmissionis standardequipmenton Calais and Berlinamodels and is availableas an ootion on CommodoreSL models.The Torquemasterfour speed manualtransmissionis standard on CommodoreSL models. The 5.0 litre V8 engine is availableon all models as an option.A five speed manualtransmissionis also available as an option on all 3.3 litre L6 EST engines The following charts contain model availability,power train combinations,engine data and exterior dimensions for VK Seriesmodels. I OA.2GENERALINFORMATION 2. MODELAVAILABILITY& BASE EQUIPMENT TR A N S MIS S ION B O DY S T Y LE MODEL NO. M O D EL NAM E No . OF DOORS ENGINE Sedan 8VK19 C o m mo d o r eSL 4 S/Wagon 8VK35 C o m mo d o r eSL 5 Se d a n 8VL19 C o m m o d o r e Be r lin a 4 S/ Wa g o n t'V LJ5 C o m m o d o r e Be r lin a 5 3.3 EST 3.3 EST 3.3 EST 3. 3 EST Sedan 8VX19 Calais 4 J.J EFI REAR A X LE R A TIO :l TY P E S H I FT LOC . 4 S peedManual F l oor ?na 4 S peedManual Fl oor 3 Speed Auto 3 Speed Auto F l oor 3 Speed Auto Fl oor 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 Fl oor TY R E S WH E E LS 1 4 5.50 JJX 14 S teel BR78S c R 7 8 S 1 4 6.0 JJX 14 S teel c R 7 8 S 1 4 6.O JJX I4 S teel c R 7 8 S 1 4 6.0 JJX 14 S teel P20s/ 6.0 JJX l 5 A l l oy 6 0 H R15 3. POWERTRAIN COMBINATIONS E NGINE R E A RA X LE R A TIO: 1 TRANSM I SSI O N TYPE M O D EL A VA IL AB I LITY FIR S TGE A R R A TIO: 1 BASE 4 SpeedManual SL Sedan SL Station Wagon BerlinaSedan BerlinaStation Wagon 3.50 3.08 5 SpeedManual SL Sedan SL Station Wagon Ber linaSe d a n BerlinaStation Wagon 3.24 3.36 SpeedAutomatic SL Seda n SL Station Wagon Ber linaSe d a n BerlinaStation Wagon 2.31 3.08 3 .3 L i tr e Si x C yl inder EFI Sp eedAut om at ic SL Seda n Ber linaSe d a n Calais 2.31 3.08 5. 0 Litre E ight C ylind er 3 SpeedAu tomatic z .J I 2.60 3. 3 Litre S ix C ylin de r EST All M ode l s 4 PERFORMANCE 3.08 GENERALINFORMATIONOA.3 4. ENGINEDATA 3.3 L]TR EE S T 3.3 LITR E E FI 5.0 LITR E 3298 3298 5044 8.8 8.8 9.2 N U MB EROF C YL IN D E R S B O R Ex ST R O K E-mm 6 92.O75x 82.550 6 92.075x 82.550 101.60x 77.775 T AX AB L EH .P.R ACo r SA E 31.5 31.5 51.2 P O W E RK .W.D IN @ R .P.M. 86 kw @4200 106kw @4400 117kw @ 4000 T OR O U EN m D IN @ R .P.M. 232 Nm @2400 266 Nm @3200 336 Nm @2400 ENG I NE DESI G NATI O N P IST OND ISP L AC EME N T N OM.- c c C O MP R E SS IORNAT IO: 1 R 5. EXTERIORDIMENSIONS BODY D IME N S IO N S S TA TIONW A GONMO DELS S E D A NMOD E LS 8V L19 8 VK 19 8V X 19 8V K 35 I 8V 135 O V EB AL LL E N GT H 4713.5 4713.5 4713.5 I 4716.5 4716. 5 O V ER AL LWID T H 1 722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1374 1360 1401 1465 2668 2668 2668 2668 O V ER AL LH EIGH T I 378 W H E EL B AS E O V ER H A N G_ F R O N T 2668 O V ER H A N G_ R EA R T R E AD- F R ON T r R E AD - R E AR | 922.5 922.5 922.5 922.5 92 2. 5 1 1 23 1123 1123 1126 ttl o 1 451.3 1451.3 t45 I .J t45 | .J 1451. 3 t4 l o.3 1416.5 1416.5 1440 1440 D i m e n s i o n si n m m 5 OA-4GENERALINFORMATION 6. SERIALNUMBERS The complete vehicle and various components of the vehicle are identified by number plates or numbers stampedinto the part. lt is essentialthat when compiling warranty claims or product and field reports that the vehicle identificationnumber 'VlN' is quoted in conjunction with the identificationnumber of the component affected. 6.1 LOCATIONOF IDENTTFICATION PLATES Plates are attached to the left side wheelhousereinforcement and the front panel upper (reler Fig. 0A-l). SAFEW COMPLIANCEPLATE- Refer Fig. 0A-2. BODY AND OPTION IDENT|F|CAT|ONPLATE - Refer Fig. 0A-3. VEHICLEIDENTIFICATION PLATE- Refer Fig. 0A-4. Flgure 0A-1 6.2 SAFETYCOMPLIANCEPLATE (Not applicableto Export). Plate stamped with the following information: Flefer Fig. 0A-2. AUSTRALTAN DEStcN RULENOS.(A.D.R.) VEHICLEMAKE- HOLDEN. VEHICLEMODELNAME AND STYLE. MONTHAND YEAR OF MANUFACTURE. VEHICLESERIALNUMBER. SEATINGCAPACITYOF VEHICLE. GROSSVEHICLEMASS IN KILOGRAMS. T H IS VEH IC LE W AS M AN U F AC T U R ED BY GEN ER AL M OT OR S- H OLD EN 'SLI M IT ED T O C OM PLY W IT H AU ST BALIAN D ESIG N R U LES N O S. 1,2, 3A. 40,58. 6, 7, 8, 108, 11. 12, 14, 15, 15, 1aA,20 21, 22A, 23A, 24, 25A, 27C , 28A, n, 31, 34 3-84 GVw AVKOOOOOTA s EAT IN G c Ap. s Ks T H IS PLAT E IS AF F IXED W IT H T H E APPR OVAL O F T H E AU ST R ALIAN M O T OF VEH IC LE C ER T T F IC AT IONBO AR D Flgure 0A-2 6.3 BODY& OPTIONIDENTIFICATION PLATE Plate stampedwith the followinginformation- Refer Fig.0A-3. MODEL: Combination of lettersand numbersidentitying the Body,Modeland Style. BODY NO.: plantSuffix. Reference numberfollowedby Assembly A - Adelaide NZ - New Zealand GE N E FA L MOTOR S _H OLD E N 'SLIMITE D C OR R E S P ON D E N C MU E S T B E A R TH E S E N U MB E R S MOD E L: V K 8V L19 B OD Y N O.: 621423A TRIM: 1442-63X P A IN T: 567-30518 B U ILT: MA R 84 E N G.44 M - Melbourne TRIM: ExteriorPaintColourand Trimcombination. PAINT: ExteriorPaintMaterialand Colouridentificatron. BUILT: Thedateof manufacture by calendarmonthanovear in which the body shell and power train are TR A N S . M4O A X LE GU 4 MA D E IN A U S TR A LIA Figure 0A-3 conjoined and the vehicle is driven or moved from the production line- 6 OA-5 GENERALINFORMATION The significance of these characters or blocks of characters is explained below, using as an example identificationnumber:- 6.4 VEHICLEIDENTIFICATION NUMBERINGSYSTEM The Vehicle ldentificationNumberingSystem (V.l.N.) is based on the uniform Car Model Designation System' This is to identify the vehicle in one coded series of characters. 8L19LD L60oO25K r o G E N E R A LM O T O R S - HLOO E N 'SL I M I T E O MODELDESIGNATION Division Degreeof Luxury Body Style Code ENGINECODE MODELYEAR CODE ASSEMBLYPLANT CODE SERIAL(Sequence)NUMBER SERIESCODE MODELDESIGNATION Division - 1st Character- 8 - StandardNumeralallocatedto GMH Limited Degree of Luxury - 2nd Character- L :"BERLINA" X. "CALAIS' 'SL' L. COMMODORE K - COMMODORE ldentification 19 Body Style 4th character & 3rd code Body style (4 6 window) door, 19 - Sedan 35 - StationWagon ENGINECODE Sth Character- L - Engine ldentificationCode. K - 3.3 litre EFI T - 5.0 litre " L - 3.3 litre EST MODELYEAR CODE 6th Character- D - ldentifiesModel Year. This letter changes 1st September each year & relates to GM Internal OPerationsOnlY:F-1986 E-1985 D-1984 ASSEMBLYPLANT CODE 7th & 8th Characters- J6 - AustralianAssemblyPlant ldentificationCode:' Jl thru J9 - Melbourne L1 thru J9 - Adelaide SERIAL(Sequence)NUMBER 9th to 13th character - 00025 - sequentialProductionserial Number. NOTE: This designatesthe SeriatUnit Numberat each Vehicle Plant, starting at (00001) and continues in Numerical Sequence regardless of vehicle typeSERIESCODE 14th Character- K e.o.'VK'. GMH LimitedModel Code Designationfor each Model Programme. Flgure 0A-4 7 0A-6 GENERALINFORMATION 6.5 VEHICLESERIALNUMBER The vehicle serial number is stamped on the top of the left hand side strut tower - Refer Fig. 0A-5. 1. DESIGNRULECOMPLIANCE LETTER. 2. VEH ICLES E RI E S ' V K ' . 3. ASSEMBLYPLANTSERIALNUMBER. 4. ASSEMBLYPLANTIDENTIFICATION 'A' ADELAIDE. 'M'ME LB O URNE . 5. REQUIREMENT IN EVENT OF SERIAL NO. DUPLICATION. 6. REQUIREMENTIN EVENT OF SECOND OR FURTHERSERIALNO. DUPLICATION. nEr Fllol E II TT R2 T I AVK OOOOO1 A 6.6 ENGINESERIALNUMBER Figure 0A-5 The engine number for 3.3 litre engine is stamped on a pad above the right hand engine mountingboss, and at top front left side of cylinder and case for 5_0 litre engines. J ENGINENUM B E RP RE F IX VL VK VT E N GIN ET YP E J.J ilIr e tr S I 3. 3 lit r e EFI 5. 0 llt r e Aut om at ic 7. ADDITIONALGENERALINFORMATION ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS AND RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE Electronic circuits are used in VK Series rnodels to performa number of functionsassociatedwith electronic instruments,electronicfuel injectionand electronicspark timing.These circuitscan be damagedor cause mallunction by electricaltransientsor excessiveradio frequency (RF)radiation. RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE One of the chief sources of RF interlerence is the ignitionsystem;other sourcesincludeCB radio and radio telephones-The followingare normallyused to suppress RF interference. Resistors e.g. high tension cables and connectors. Capacitorsand choke coils. Metal braid lor screening leads or suppression covers made from conductivematerialfor screening equipment. To preventdamageto equipment: Do not replace interference- suppressedhigh tension ignitioncables or conneclorswith un_ suppressedtypes. Do not remove or reposition interferencesup_ pressionfiltersor cagacitors. 8 GENERALINFORMATIONOA.7 ELECTRICAL TRANSIENTS Electricaltransientsare high voltage spikes producedby the sudden switchingor interruptionof electric currents. Older style timinglightsand batterychargerscan produce serioustransients,hence it is importantto use only good quality equipment suitable for use with electronic systems. It is also good practice to ensure that the battery is disconnectedbefore using a battery charger. fitting of solenoids,indicatorsor relayscan Indiscriminate also causetransients. S O U R C E SOF INT ERF ERENCE I N A M O T OR VEHICL E ( E X A M P L E) 1 . A L T E RNAT OR 2 . E L E CT RIC F UEL PUM P !* \ 3 , E L E CT RIC WINDSCREEN W A S HER ld1a T;- q 4 . B L OWER M OT OR = \ Lja )w l l rrn 5 . E L ECT RIC WINDSCREEN W I P ER 6 . S P ARK PL UGS 7 . I G NIT ION DIST RIBUT OR 8 . r G N lr lo N co lL 9. HORN 1 0 . I N DICAT OR WIT H VOL T AGE S T A BIL IZ ER ( e . 9 .F UEL GAUGE) rfrh I iltl ,dH T*fl'-ffi#m^ -# ffifffin4-"Fu ' '1iitT l :: :..1 Vlr - E:T l :l --:-=-.. H rdlfu'o ___,--l A D D I T I ONAL SOURCEOF INT ERF ERENCe; I P O O R EL ECT RICAL CONNECT IONS I B E T W E EN T HE VABIOUS M ET AL PART S i O F T H E VEHICL E ( e .9 .BET WEEN T HE i E N G T NEAND F T REWAL L ) . I [ :\': ::::l ------\, Figure 0A{ 9 \ \ ) I i /1 // l/ 1 LUBRICATIONOB.1 SECTIONOB LUBRICATION INDEX Ref. 1. 1. 1 1. 2 Page Subiect 0B-1 GENERALINFORMATION LUBRICANTS..................0B-2 RECOMMENDED 0B-2 BRAKE FLUID REPLACEMENT....... Ref. 1.3 1.4 1.5 Page 0B-2 0B-3 0B-3 Subject AIR CLEANEB.......... FUEL FILTER COOLINGSYSTEM 1. GENERALINFORMATION This section provides details of the lubricants specific to VK seriesvehicles. lnstructions on the time or distance intervals at which services should be canied out are contained in the Service and Maintenance Section of the VK Series Owner Handbook. CAPACITIES E N GIN ES IZE En gin e- Ser v ic eRef ill 3.3 Litre 3.7 Litres 5.0 Litre 4.33 Litres A LL Add for Oil Filter CAPACITY 3 Litres Ma nu alTr ans m is s ion (ProductionOption MC6) 3.3 Litre EST 1.6 Li tres 3.3 Li treE S T 3.3 Li tre 5.0 Litre 2.75 Litres 6.1 Li tres 8.7 Li tres 2.3 Li tres 2.3 Li tres Ma nu alTr ans m is s ion (ProductionOption M76) Au tom at ic Tr ans m is s ion( Dr y ) ( lnc . Co n v e r t e r ) Se rvi c eRef ill . 3.3 Li tre 5.0 Li tre CoolingSystem 3.3 Litre 5.0 Litre A LL BrakeHydraulic System 10 8.5 L i t r e sa p p r o x 12.0 Litresapprox .62 Litres OB.2LUBRICATION 1.1 RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS GMH S PE C IF IC AT ION COM P O NE NT S E ngin e 3.3 Litre EST 3.3 Litre EFI 5.0 Litre I SE O ils Se O it s SF O ils f or s ev er es er v ic e . Refer Owners Handbook. SE O ils Manua l Tran smissio n P ro du ctio n Optio n M C6 P rod uction Optio n M 76 A ut omatic Tran smiss ion R earAxle Rear Axle L .S.D. Power Steering H N 10 4 6 H N 18 5 5 GM9985286 HNi 181 if unav ailabl e HN1561 GN49985286 Brake System H N 17 9 6 LU B R IC A N TS F o r g r a d e sa n d a p p l i c a t i o n ,r e f e r F i g . 0 B - i F o r g r a d e sa n d a p p l i c a t i o n ,r e f e r F i g . 0 B - 1 F o r g r a d e sa n d a p p l i c a t i o n ,r e f e r F i g . 0 B - 1 SAE 8OW9O CastrolGearOil 80W D E X R O N I [ A u t o m a t i c T r a n s m i s s i o nF l u i d EPSAE90 D E X R O N I f A u t o m a t i c T r a n s m i s s i o nF l u i d P o l y g l y c o lB r a k e F l u i d t o G M S p e c i f i c a t i o nH N 1 7 9 6 -1oo oo 1oo 2oo 3oo D E GR E E S _ C E N TIGR A D E Fagure0B-1 1.2 BRAKE FLUID REPLACEMENT The polyglycolbrake lluid used in VK Series models is hydroscopicand absorbs moisture from the air throuoh the brake hoses etc. The boiling resistanceof the flu'id decreasesas the moisturecontent increasesand so the possibilityof a vapour lock under heavy brakingconditions increaseswith the age of the fluid. Therefore,for maximum brake effectiveness,a two yearly change of brake fluid is mandatory.ServiceInstructionsfor changing brake fluid are covered in Section 5, Service Ooeralioi 2.1 in this Supplement. 1 . 3 AI R C L E A N E R The air cleaner element may be partiallycleanedof dust by lightlytappingthe shouldnot be washedor oiled.The time or distanceintervalsat whichthe element requrres servicing depends on the vehicle operating conditions. Underdustyconditions, the elementshouldbe checked for restrictionmore often that for normal citv operation. 11 4oo 5oo LUBRICATION OB.3 The air cleaner elementshould be replacedat the time or distance interval specified in the VK Series Owner Handbook. ServiceInstructionstor the removaland installationol the air cleaner element (Fig. 0B-2), on vehicles with electronic fuel injection are covered in Section 6C, ServiceOperation3.6 in this Supplement. f,\ A IR FLOW ME TE R / ;A l R FLOW DUCT A IR C LE A N E R H OU S IN G Figure 0B-2 1.4 FUELFILTER IN LIN E On 3.3 litre engineswilh electronicspark timing, a fuel {ilter is located in the suction side of the fuel line and attachedto the right hand fender panel. Refer Fig. 0B-3' On electronic fuel iniected vehicles, the fuel filter (Fig. OB-4) is located on the pressure side of the tuel pump and attached to the floor pan of the vehicle, in front of the differential. Fuel lilters should be replaced at the time or distance intervalsspecifiedin the VK SeriesOwner Handbook. ServiceInstructionsfor the removala;rd installationof the fuel filter on electronictuel iniectedvehiclesare coverecl in Section6C, ServiceOperation3.15 in this Supplement. TO FU E L P U MP -\. >-}^iq c; ---l-')w-t / -\ ll---- I -*i-rl MOU N TIN G BRACKET R+ FR ON T OF C A R Figure 0B-3 1.5 COOLINGSYSTEM The cooling systemis filled initiallywith a coolantmixture comprising 1.5/o to 3.0% (by volume) of corrosion HN1109. inhibitorto GMH specilication It is recommended that the coolant be drained, the systemflushed and refilledwith clean water and inhibitor rnixtureat the time and distanceintervalssel out in the VK SeriesOwner Handbook. Reier to Service Operation 2.2, Section68 'Cooling System'of this Supplementfor details. ; R U B B E R _lN S U LA T OR /t..\\ hl '\\ --\ \ _\) )\ iA lr | 6/: ryy-^,R 1r ( i6*q (- ,f.1'.t*./','ffi\->(l a' iii'')i'-\ MOU N TIN G ruurll , \, 'Y ;r/ , \1'l / C LA MP B OLT Figure 0B-4 12 BODY 1A-1 SECTION1A BODY CONTENTSOF THIS SECTION Ref. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Subjecl GENERALINFORMA UNDERBODY 1A-3 REAR QUARTER GLASS STATTONARY 1A-19 .............1A-21 Rel. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Page Subject 1A.31 SEATS& SEAT BELT ASSEMBLIES.....-.... 1A-39 .................... EXTERTOR ORNAMENTATION ...... 1A-s1 ROOF RACK ..... 1A-53 BODY ELECTR|CAL............ 1A-67 SPEC|ALTOOLS ...,.... 1. GENERALINFORMATION INDEX Ref. 1.1 Page Subiect 1A-1 GENERALDESCR|PT|ON.............................. I Ref. | 1.2 Page 1A-1 Subject SERVICENOTES 1.1 GENERALDESCRIPTION This Section contains descriptions and procedures lor interior and exterior body service operationson VK Series Commodoreand Calais models.When used in conjunction with previously released Commodore Service Publications, it will provide information necessary for etficient servicing of VK body styles and their related assemblies. The VK Series includes two different body styles: the '19 Style, which is a six window sedan and the 35 style StationWagon. The stationary fifth and sixth windows on the new 19 Styles are retained in their upper rear quarter apertures with urethane adhesive, which creates a bond between the glass and the metal flange to which it is applied.On 35 Styles, the tailgate window is retained with urethane adhesive; the same material which is used in production to retainthe JB CamiraWindshieldsand back windows' Also featured on VK Series are revised transmission consoles, new instrumentpanel facia and instruments, seat and door trim designs and 'see through' head restraintson front seats. On the Calais model, see through head restraints are fitted to the rear seats. Electricallycontrolled exterior rear vision mirrors are also standard on this model. An adjustablelumbarsupportbuilt into the drivers seat back is includedon Berlinaand Calaismodels. VK external features include new exterior ornamentation, decals, tailgate handle on 35 body style, radiator grille and colour co-ordinated front and rear bumper bar assemblies. Front turn signal lamps and rear lamp assembliesare also new. 1.2 SERVICENOTES CAIITiON: As a sound deadening medium, a small volume of polyurethane foam is installed into the upper section ot the rear body pillars of VK Commodore sedans, as illustrated in shaded areas in Fig. 1A'1. During norma! seruice, there is no risk associated with its use. However, when polyurethane is subiected to high temperatures such as during welding or naked flame cutting, this material can release black pungent fumes. During repair of these pafts of the body structure 13 A-A sEcrroru S E A T B ELT FlgurelA-'l involving high heat application, appropiate precautions against fume inhalation such as the wearing ol respirators,forced ventilation,etc., are mandatory.Whenever possible, such repairs should be canied out without the use of high temperature producing equiPment. IMPORTANT: Whenever items such as body side mouldings,Dealer name plates,mud/9lash guards,etc., which require piercingof sheet metal panels,are added to a vehicle after it has been manufactured,a possibility exists for sheet metal corrosionto occur in areas where the metal has been pierced, as well as other areas affected by water entry at the point of piercing.Abrasion of the painted or treated surfaces by the 'added-on' material may contribute to corrosion and unsightly appearances. The reliabilityand performanceof 'add-on' equipment installationsmust become the responsibilityof the maker and the installer (Dealer or vehicle owner). For this reason,you should evaluatethe proceduresused in your Dealership (and outside sublet shops) to assure that proper steps are being taken to provideappropriatesheet metal corrosion protection to offset the etfects of 'add-on'equipment. CAIJTION: To avoid damage when servicing instrument panels, trames, instrumentc/usters, etc., it ls essentia/to handle these componentswith the utmost care. 1A-2 BODY I clvT ^\.<--rye*-J--96y--l -lT n I:=-- ., :;; I i1 /l 5 o r (, z 07t< F d o I o ) o z> lcc ! + LUa- n <= o F tr 7 I a z z o >; o ,^z> I AH F] O IV]S 9N IU dS c F o N z - AH > E r1 F= <: C) zz o J - ft <3 FJ F L 6 o o I J I u.r JF *< od a-o +l a =Y z 9 a z o af = = f r ed oo Eod * ts o1; u'u FFL + t90t E F U 3 l- E @r .,E 3$l - C C JL < JU - 14 ! z ,^= - i ,',J U ) =c o xX T- r I /\ D ^ 5 al) g lt BODY 1A.3 2. UNDERBODY INDEX Ref. 2.1 2.2 Page Subject UNDERBODYDIUENSIONS& HOIST 1A-2 LOCATIONS. 1A-3 TRANSMISSIONCONSOLE.MANUAL...... 1A-3 llodel - 'SL' 1A-3 Remove 1A-3 Relnstall Models - Calais & Berllna fltted with Power Operated Slde 1A-3 Wlndows...... 1A-3 Remove........ 1A-3 Reinstall CONSOLE. TRANSMISSION 1A-5 AUTOMATIC 1A-5 Remove.,,..-.. 'tA-5 Relnstall AND 2.1 UNDERBODY DIMENSIONS HOISTLOCATIONS Refer Fig. 1A-1A. 2.2 TRANSMISSION CONSOLE. MANUAL M O DE L. ' S L ' Remove 1. Disconnectbatterygroundcable. 2. Unscrew knob from gearshift control lever, then screw cover buttons and screws securing front and reat of console to transmission tunnel (refer Fig. 1A-2). 3. Partially raise console then disconnect electrical connectorsprior to removalof transmissionconsole. Reinstall Reverseremovaloperations,ensuringthat non hardening sealer is appliedto the threads of the console attaching screwspriorto their installation(refer Fig. 1A-2). MODELS. CALAIS & BERLINA FITTED WITH POWER OPERATED SIDE WINDOWS Remove 1. Disconnectbatterygroundcable. 2. Unscrew knob from gearshift control lever then removecover from handbrakelever. 3. With console compartmentlid raised, remove rear end of carpet in base of console which covers screws securingrear end of console to transmission tunnelbracket(referFig. 1A-3) then removescrews. 4. Partiallyraise rear end of console,disconnectelectrical connectors,then easing console reanvards to disengage front end of console from attaching bracket (refer Section B-B, Fig. 1A-3) remove console assembly. Reinstall Reverseremovaloperations. 15 Rel. 2.4 Subject SHROUDLOWERTRIM . RIGHT& LEFT HAND ......--..Remove....--.. Reinstall ROCKERPANELCOVER- RIGHT& LEFT HAND. Remove........ Reinstall FLOORCOVERING Remove....,........... Reinstall Page 1A-6 1A-6 1A-6 1A-6 1A6 1A-6 1A-7 1A-7 1A-7 1A.4 BODY a cll---->c, { 4 P L A C E S) Ascnew.-----..---..-->s (4 PLACES) # W WIPER IWASHER SWtTCH ASM. ,/- H E A TE D R E A R WTN D OW z- sw l rcHA ssE MB LY € i GE A B S H IFT LE V E R C ON TR OL B OOT OUU I R E TA IN E R (9 P LA C E S } VIEW TR A N S MIS S ION C ON S OLE A S M. SECTIONA_A ...-..--. EOOT ST RAP T O B E P LA C E D T OWARDS F RON T OF C A R _ >:\ A 1 1", 2.4- 3 .4 Nm S E A L S C R E WWITH N ON .P OR ITE OR E OU IV A LE N T N ON -H A R D E N IN G S E A LE R . (4 P LA C E S ) VIEW rF r l Flgure 1A-2 FOR A U TO TR A N S TR A N S MTS S TON C ON TR OL C OV E R _ r coN rRoL--r 3?I:3 ,.- g:3I: L E V E Rlf BOOT B E FOR E IN S TA LLA TION A P P LY N E OP R E N EC E ME N T TO IN S ID E OF B OOT OV E R A R E A S H OWN THUS, /////// FOR C ON N E C TTON '/- R E FE R S E C TION 12E /-**-f.* r_ -_ REFE R S E C T I O N 1 2 E A vrEW a ": ""?:'j 533|,13'^G -r' _=_==3*{ acARPET / / S E C T I O NB _ B TR A N S MIS S ION C ON S OLE A S M. E LE C T R I C D O O R W I NDO W R E G U L A T O R S SW I T C H A S S E M B L Y A P P LY TR IM A D H E S IV E OV E R A R E A S H OWN THUS \\\\\\\ B - r.'/ ( POINT ' A' l ,6, s.t-S P E E D :4 "-4:1 - _---- ; - -- NUT u /i961=) Y -->-rr=, S E C T I O NA _ A /t \ I .5 - 2.0 Nm Figure 1A-3 16 ,^ / BODY 1A-5 2.3 TRANSMISSION CONSOLE. AUTOMATIC Remove 1. Disconnectbatterygroundcable. 2. Using a wide bladed screwdriver,carefullyprise cap from console (refer Section C-C, Fig. 1A-4)turn cap through 90C, then remove cap of 'T' bar gear control lever. 3. Remove gear lever location indicator scale from console (referSectionsA-A and B-B, Fig. 1A4). 4. On 'SL' models, remove screw cover buttons and scrervs securing lront and rear end of console to transmissiontunnel (refer Fig. 1A-2). 5. On Berlina and Calais models. raise console compartment lid and remove rear end of carpet in base of console which covers screws securing rear end of console to transmissiontunnel bracket (refer SectionB-8, Fig. 1A-3)then removescrews. 6. Partially raise rear end of console, disconnect electrical connectors then, easing console rearwards to disengage front end of console from attaching bracket (reler Section B-8, Fig. 1A-3),then remove screws and consoleassembly. Reinstall Reverse removal operations ensuring that the note relerringto automaticconsolescale installationin Fig.1A4. is observed. +---___> CONSOL E CAP _ € <.,/ ' sEcrroruA-A C ON TR OL LE V E R OP E N IN G C OV E R R E T A IN S C A LE A S SH OW N \ W I T H G EAR SHIF T L EVER I N N E U T RAL , AL IGN' N' ON S C A L E WIT H INDICAT OR A R R O W ON COVER BEF R E T A I N I NG SCAL E. srcrroruB--B C ON S OLEC A P i././r2,./ C-C sEcrroru (4 P LA C E S ) TRANSMISSION SELECTORINDICATOR_ TRIMATICAUTOMATICTRANSMISSION Figure 1A-4 17 1A-6 BODY 2.4 SHROUDLOWERTRIM - RIGHT& LEFT HAND REMOVE 1. Prise front end of front rocker panel cover from rocker panel (refer SectionA-A, Fig. 1A-5)then ease lower front end of linishing lace and weatherstrip assemblyfrom door opening pinchweldflange (refer SectionA-A, Fig. 14-6). 2. Using a fabricated trim clip removal tool (refer Special Tool Section) located between shroud lower trim and shroud panel and direcily under fastener head (referSiectionsB-B and F-F, Fig. 14-6) carefully prisefastenersfrom shroud panel,removingtrim. REINSTALL Reverseremovaloperations. 2.5 ROCKERPANELCOVER- RIGHT& LEFT HAND REMOVE 1. Using a wide bladed prising tool positionedbetween outer edge of cover and rocker panel,carefullyprise cover from door opening lower pinchweld flange (refer Fig. 1A-5). REINSTALL Locate front cover over door opening lower pinchweld flange, ensuringthat ends of cover overlapends of door opening finishinglace, then using the hand or a rubber mallet, tap top of cover until it completely engages retainingflange. NOTE:On rear covers,locate front end of rear cover so that it butts against the rear end of the front seat belt retractorcover priorto tappingcover into position. f R E AR ROCKER P ANEL COVER \ / ; FR ON T R OC K E R P A N E L C OV E R A ._s ec r r oHA - A - secrroru B_B ROCKERPANEL COVER INSTALLATION Figure 1A-5 18 secrrorv C-C BODY 1A-7 C A R P E T P R OTE C TOR FLU TE D FA C E D OWN . 8V L, X S E C TION A _A /r" ,-o*.* t*) ON E P IE C E FLOOR C A R P E T SHROUD S E C TION B _B (R IGH T S ID E ON LY ) N OTE : S E R V IC E R E P LA C E ME N T _ TWO P IE C E T R AN SM ISSION C ON SO LE -. \ L OWER TR IM-\ SHR OU D -m 'a t F -F \ - secrrorrr (LE FT T R IM t/ rAJ 8 vK S IDE ON L Y} ttrt\trH CARPET AT T ACHING PL UG 1 2 PL ACES SECTI O NC- C EVK TR IM -J FA STE NE R \ S E C T I O NF _F 8 VL , X ( L E F TS I D EON L Y) SEC T I O ND _ D Figure 1A€ 2.6 FLOORCOVERING REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatterygroundcable. 2. Bemove front end rear rocker panel covers and shroudlower trims (reler 2.5 and 2.4 in this Section). 3. Removetransmissionconsole(reler 2.2 or 2.3 in this Section). 4. Remove panel cover assembly from heater case (referFig- 1A-7). 5. Removefront seat and rear seat cushionassemblies. Remove front seat belt retractor covers and seat belt inner and outer, lower attaching bolts (refer 6.3 in this Section). Using a fabricated trim clip removal tool (refer Special Tool Section) located between edge ol carpet and rocker panel and directly under head ol carpet attachingplug, prise plugs from rocker panels (refer Section C-C, Fig. 14-6) then remove floor covering. REINSTALL Reverseremovaloperations. . NOTE: Separate front and rear floor coverings are availablefrom GM P & A as ServiceReplacements- LOWE B IN S T R U \4E \T P A N E L E X TEN S ION - H E A TE R C A S E TO P A N It. C OV E R A S M. Figure 1A-7 19 BODY 1A-9 3. FRONTEND INDEX Ref. 3.1 3.2 Subject SEHVICENOTE PANELLOWERTRIM. INSTRUMENT RIGHT & LEFT HAND Page 1A-9 Ref. 3.4 1A-9 3.5 3.3 ............1A-10 Relnstall 3.1 SERVICENOTE CAIITION: To avoid damage when seruicing instrument panels, frames, instrumentclusters,etc., it is essent€t/to handle these components with the utmost care. 3.2 INSTRUMENTPANEL LOWERTRIM . RIGHT& LEFT HAND Page Subject INSTRUUENTPANEL LOWER. RIGHT ....... 1A-16 HAND .. 1A-16 Remove ......-...1A-16 Reinstall INSTRUMENTPANEL LOWER. LEFT HAND INCLUDINGRADIO AND RADIO/CASSETTEPLAYERRECEIVER....1A.16 1A-16 ..................... Remove........ ... 1A-17 Relnstall REINSTALL Reverse removaloperationsensuringthat leadingedge of left hand trim is correctlylocatedbeneaththe dash panel bracket and into wiring harness grommet (refer Section C-C, Fig. 1A-8) and that the leading edge of the right hand trim is locatedin the acceleratorpedal supportcap' as illustratedin SectionB-B, Fig. 1A-8. REMOVE 1. From under instrumentpanel and using a labricated trim clip removal tool (refer Special Tool Section) located directly under head of trim clip, carefully prise clips from attachingholes in instrument.panel lower (refer SectionA-A' Fig. 1A-8)removtngtrtm' NOTE: Removal of right hand lower trim necessitates disengagementof adlustablestrap which partiallysecures trim t; Jteeringcolumn(refer SectionD'D' Fig' 1A-8)' 5 T RIM CL IP _ 5 PL ACESR/SIDE \ - a PL AcES L /slDE EXc. c6o \ L islDE&c6 o \- 2 PL AcEs "r L O W E R P ART I N S T R U M ENT PANEL secrtoruA-A A C C E L ERAT o R- - 7 PEDAL |, c r l o p n F IT r - AP -\< \ -- - L H INSTR U ME N T PANEL LOWE R TR IM 8V X & C 6O -, .>t er us unETRt M BoARD ls R H IN S TR U ME N T-/ P A N E L LOWE B TR IM A D JU S TA B LE-_\ S TFA P ASSEM BL ED IN ACCEL ERAT OR PEDAL SUPPORTCAP AS SHOWN secrroru B-B R E TA IN FR ON T E D GE OF IN S TR U M E N TP A N E L LOWE R TR IM R IGH T S ID E T O S TE E R IN G C OLU MN D A S H P A N E L S E A L WITH A D JU S TA B LE S TR A P , T R I M BOARD T O BE A S S EM BL ED INT O W I R I N G HARNESS G R O I\4 M ET tr LtrSJ5IhAT IUbtr TU C K E D A WA Y OR TR IMME D . secrroru C-C Figure 1A-8 20 1A.10BODY 3.3 INSTRUMENT PANELPAD REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatterygroundcable. 2. Remove screw attached lower cover from upper sectionof steeringcolumn(refer Fig. 1A-9). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Remove screws securinginstrumentframe, centre air outlet nozzle and touch panel lrom instrumentcover, disengage electrical connectors from main wiring harness (refer Fig. 14-10) then remove fram6 assembly. Remove screws securing top of instrument panel lower extension to base of instrument location cover (referFig. 1A-10). Remove screws securing combined instrument assemblyto instrumentlocation cover (refer Fio.1A_ 1 1) ease assembly.rearward then disengage eiectrical connectorsand on all models,excepi those with electronic instruments, the speedo cable from speedohead (referView A, Fig. 1A-1j) then remove instrumentassembly. Remove instrumentlocationcover (refer Fig. 14_11) front radio speaker grille and speaker assem-blylrefei View B, Figs. 14-12and 14-13). Using a fine bladed screwdriver,carefullyprise right hand and left hand upper and lower inserts from within side vent upper ouflet assemblies prior to removingscrews securingupper air outlet assemblies to instrumentpanel pad assembly(refer Fig. 14-14) then removeoutlet assemblies. With instrument panel compartment open, remove screws securing rearward edge o{ instrument Danel pad to instrumentpanelbrace (referFig. 14-14). Usinga 10 mm socketattachedto a ratchet handle, loosen right and centre nuts securingpad assembly to instrumentpanel brackets(refer Fig. 1A_11).Usin! the same tool with a 630 mm entensioninstalledoi the left hand attachingnut (use left hand upper air outlet apertureto gain access) loosen off left hand nut. Ease pad reanaards,disengagingpad studs from anstrumentpanel slotted brackets. With left hand of rnstrumentpanel pad raised, remove pad assembly fromvehicle. U P P E RS TE E R IN G C OLU MN C OV E R A ..u - 4.6N m Flgure 1A-9 REINSTALL Reverseremovaloperations,includingtry-outof electrical ctrcurts, air ducting, vacuum hoses and temperarure controlcable disturbedduringremovaloperations- 21 BODY 1A -11 J Tu ;z F r< :o B __: ao Itr OF )z tu z z< ul|: z z tIJ Ul l tr F (J- a I z = ul F X U U -J IU @ z if u! >: -( N. F (J U a 3 z J u r 3 2> 2uo I c_ f r :E< FF> z=< tr P< il J t ?o r^ = = cn -z > z z \ F T U z z = 3 Lu O E I 5r ilu == i -) (-1 \\ \H ,(,\ ao Z; i /\J U r N 6 U 3? (3a. o/ t!l t^ I -:co v \i \.\ \\/ \I\\ 9n i r'. ...\!_\_\ z= ft \! I\ t U U. F I (fr A cc z I F ul c / r€\l} .:z z- _ >y cz o FP 6t zx _U o (! --.1 uJ,,1 = > o< ) -9 l! (\ 6 uJ 29 j 3 -a -4 U uc c OU Gv UJ Fr! L 14.12 BODY nu U d< (/) Q J I I B U u) Or ft i tsl z- ---J OUJ fi u r> U Z) rY zv tn UJ uz >o li FK ; >|; 8Z -c) =< tfa O6 6J z2 tlJ F z o LU '---b--{\ J L /l o /i UJ =z I zA 1 4 f r u l J (n U7 F T L F z I d IJ U J N N U U) CC F uJ ---\ z J \ I - z u) 9AEU u=rN zS' - 7z3z Y- - u O v\>- cc>Eh 99SE 3r ul t rl U) L-LA o 5 ot lr F tu J r f o r-1 \\ -, ,,,\ \\,-,'.i 6 U :N >N r!O oz =< llr\\ O- ,^ a U O \L o U \\ LJ z l cc F l = U) il< zo LL 23 =: co :_: -* l l,A\ rrQ) U tr il i \ F zS L z:: _uJ i< \\ '.\ \ -tr- BODY 1A.13 E 3 uJ ; : z oU 3 F l o U J F ) UJ IF o - t! ? U GI :CO -< t- z '. a> t- z a F i 2 o n -f -E a cc T t U F -, >Y * i< S n; = t zE - ;F LgD llr q 9o o R :tff =vUt (I U : :FJ; u'loO- o< tr J\ r= Y-(9 UJ FJ UF u -ul^(f OT=U (r-!{v UU )lJ c ) zyu U-< UV .tt Z x F\ < r= PH ut F U z z @ --- \:- r-'.- 6Q z UIF q). u) tl t \ \t' ( fu uc { o;5 Efi? \ <2 uo Lat f () <; _U 3 U o rlJ t Zu c)N L >(h z ?= -z <= zts I -:1 z? ,/Y1< l- uJ 7u) L_ N J-o -T 46 I z< z,^ l ouJ :!a z--.: rZ a u.l \ 4< -s / ' lz a) I U @zE \ar @l) z z 4U !tu "\ zE - 9= 9o< F L =.. 1,,4l : UT ><^ = ^F= ;zz O F UU o z v Hr ;.^ l j (, u F L S o F U z ul o z ) ?22 a € U 'xo 1vu il Y th *uf ? q>O 5 a z :F .^( =cc 5= i v; Y (r N ul \ f dl z o tr li it\ i\ ul I I ) U z 3 U o zE .,; < ^Z fL )t +uJ E z z9 N h= I N l \l 25 o I lt BODY 1A-15 F z ,u z J F oo -;> 7Z E= 8 5 ZE E : 1o> 3 ;F; U <*l ; IJI ) U z L z U F U ) 3 fi F r (, :> r.?F tr U f F a (r< uJ-l. 1l'll u:tjla(I 9d,2" >OZ>= Li^=^^r "fi? =: c):-: -- L L ^> ;>ASEil F-JUO(9co ( U FJ v< JprU t tt- : utr l u 1F ^z 'a lu \s 3? ] UJ t H ! I z?t ; 26 AF vL! /^'. zgY - tr qr \ CCL --Y +JO -v- !t o Ot tr 1A-16BODY 3.4 INSTRUMENTPANEL LOWER. RIGHTHAND REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryground cable. 2. Remove screws securing instrument frame, centre air outlet nozzle and touch panel from instrumentcover (refer Fig. 14-10), disengage electrical connectors from main wiring harness then remove frame assembly. 3. Usjng a fine bladed screwdriver, carefully prise out right hand upper and lower inserts from -within side vent upper outlet assembly. Remove screws securing upper air ouflet assembly to instrumentpanel pad (referFig. 14-14)then remove ouflet assembly. 4. Remove screw attached lower cover from upper sectionof steeringcolumn (refer Fig. 1A-9). 5. F_romunder right hand side of instrument panel, disengage electrical connectors from rear of light switch and dimmer control, vacuum hoses and temperature control cable, remove panel cover, then screws securing right hand instrument panel lower to base of instrumentlocation cover (refer View 'B' and Section A-A, Fig. 1A-14) then remove instrument panel lower. 6. Using a wide bladed screwdriver, carefully prise headlampswitch and dimmer control housing,ihen dimmer control from right hand instrumeni panel lower. REINSTALL Reverseremovaloperations,includingtry-out of electrical circuits, air ducting, vacuum hoses and temperature control cable disturbedduring removaloperations. 3.5 INSTRUMENT PANEL LOWER. LEFT HAND, INCLUDINGRADIO AND RADIO/CASSETTE PLAYER RECEIVER REMOVE 1. Disconnectbattery earth cable. 2. Removetransmissionconsole (reler 2.2 or 2.3 in this Section). 3. Remove heater case to panel cover assembly (refer Fig. 1A-10). 4. Remove left hand instrument panel lower trim (refer SectionA-A, Fig. 1A-8). 5. With instrument panel compartment open and with the blade of a screwdriver located between head of hinge pin and right hand compartmentside, prise out hinge pin compartment(refer Fig. 1A-t5) ihen re_ move comDartment. 6. Removeleft hand shroud lower trim (refer2.4 in this Section). 7. Removelett hand upperside vent ouilet (refer 3.4 in this Section). 8. Remove touch switch control panel and electrical connector(referFig. 1A-10). 9. Remove screws securing the centre nozzle and instrumentlocationframe assembly(refer Fig. lA_10) disengageelectricalconnectors from front e-nOwiring harness,then removeframe assemblv. B U MP E R (2 P LA C E S ) \N IN S TR U ME N T P A N E L C OMP A R TME N T Figure 1A-15 27 BODY 1A-19 4. REARQUARTER INDEX Ref. 4.1 Page Subiect OUARTERWINDOWINNERUPPERTRIM 1A.19 1A-19 ilodels - 19 Body Styles .................... 4.1 QUARTERWINDOWINNERUPPER T R IM R E A R FLOOR BRACKET C U S H ION A S M.R E TA IN E R MODELS. 19 BODY STYLES Remove 1. Depress front edge of rear seat cushion assembly then ease assembly rearwardsto disengageassembly retainer from brackets attached to the floor (refer SectionA-A, Fig. 1A-16)removeand place assembly onto a clean protected surface. NOTE: On rear seats fitted with head restraints, it is necessary to remove the head restraints and guide sleeves(refer 6.4 in this Section)prior to removalof rear seat back assembly. 2. Unclinch tabs securing seat back frame to rear wheel-houses(referView A, Fig. 1A-16). 3. Lift seat back frame from retaining brackets attached to the rear compartment front panel (refer Section B-8, Fig. 14-16) then place rear seat back assembly onto a clean protected surface. secrroruA-A REAR C OMP A R TME N T FR ON T P A N E L SEAT BACK R E TA IN E R secrroru B-B k=- , Flgure 'lA-16 Remove rear seat belt upper attachment (refer SectionB-B, Fig. 1A-17). Figure 1A-17 28 1A.20BODY 5. From inside rear compartment,tap out fasteners securingtrim to rear parcel shelf (refer Section A-A, Fig. 14-18) on side from which quarterwindow trim is to be removed. REAR PARCEL S H E LF TR IM FA5 III\EH (3 P LA C E S ) SECTIONA_A Figure 1A-18 6. Ease rear door opening finishing lace from leading edge ol quarter windowinner upper trim, then usini a broad bladed screwdriverlocatedbetweentrim and quarter inner panel,adjacent to trim fasteners (refer Sections A-A and B-B, Fig. 14-19) carefully prise fasteners and trim lrom rear quarter inner upper panet. IaUARTER WI N D O W I N N E RU P P E R Reinstall Fleverseremovaloperations. NOTE: Damaged barbs on trim panel fasteners requtre fastenerreplacement. FA S TE N E R S _\ secrroru A-A {4 P LA C E S R /L) secrloruB-B (1 P LA C E R i L) Figure 1A-19 29 BODY 14.21 5. STATIONARYGLASS INDEX Re{5. 1 5.2 5.3 Page Subject ..... 1A-21 DESCRIPTION 1A-21 ........-........... SERV|CENOTES REAR OUARTERWINDOWASSEMBLY....1A-22 1A-22 Models - 19 Body Sty|es..................-. ...........1A'22 Remove........ Quarter Window Aperture Check .--. 14'23 1A-23 Reinstall 5.1 DESCRIPTION Toughenedglass is fitted to rear quarterapertureson 19 body styles and to tailgateson 35 body styles. These glasses are bonded to the rear quarter upper panel and tailgate qperture flanges with a self curing metal to glass urethaneadhesive. ln situations necessitating complete removal of the original urethane,such as damage to window apertures where paint finish or base metal is exposed,a urethane adhesivekit has been developedand must be used to maintainthe originalstructuralspecifications. Part No. 92018612 'Long Method'.The repair kit for this operationcontains: 300 ml UrethaneAdhesive. 25 ml Glass Primer- Clear. 25 ml GlassPrimer- Black. 25 ml BodYPrimer.435-56 NecessaryaPPlicators. lnstructions. NOTE: For tailgatewindow replacement- Long Method, an additional auxiliary kit, Part No. M39097, which contains300 ml of urethaneadhesive,is required. ADDITIONALCOMPONENTSREOUIRED (Not part of package) Appropriatemouldingsas required. A second method lor window replacementreferredto as the 'Short Method' is used when original urethane adhesiveleft intact on the window apertureflanges after glass removal can serve as a satisfactory base Jor the reinstallalionof the original or new glass. This would occur when the glass is being removedto overcome a severewater leak, or when a glass is broken- 30 Ref. 5.4 Page Subject Reinstall ... Long Method..... 'tA-28 1A-29 Reinstall ... 1A-29 The repair kit developedto servicethis Short Methodor Minor Water Leak correction is part number92018611 and contains: 300 ml UrethaneAdhesive. 25 ml ClearGlass Primer. 25 ml Glass Black Out Primer. NecessaryApplicators. Instructions. These replacementkits are availablefrom:Dimet, 53 ShowersStreet. Preston, Vic. 3072. An additionalshort method replacementkit which is only recommendedfor rear quarter windows on sedans, is availablefrom GM P & A under Part No. M38977 and contains300 ml of silicone. This materialis also recommendedfor minor water leak correctionon all urethaneinstalledstationaryglass. 5.2 SERVICENOTES WARNING:WORK GLOVESMUST BE WORN AT ALL TIUES WHEN OPERATINGWITH GLASS. NOTE: Skinning (partial curing) ol the urethane commences after exposureto the atmosphere.At 23oC and 50 % relative humidity, skinning commences after 30 minutes. Therefore, installation of tailgate window mouldingsmust be completedwithin that time limit on station wagons. Complete curing of urethane at this temperatureand humiditytakes 72 hours. The recommendedtool for cutting through the urethane is the glass sealant removalTool No. J24402,which can be obtainedfrom Kent-MooreAustraliaPty. Ltd. 1A-22 BODY 5.3 REAR QUARTERWTNDOW ASSEMBLY MODELS. 19 BODY STYLES Remove The quarterwindowglass removalprocedureis similarfor both the 'Short' and 'Long' InstallationMethods with one exception.lf the Short Method installationis to be used, more care must be taken during glass removalto ensure that an even bead of urethane adhesive rematns on quarter window aperture flanges to serve as a base for the replacementglass. 1. To prevent damage to paint finish and trim and to minimiseclean up, mask and place protectivecovers over parts adjacent to glass. 2. Using fingers or a wide bladed screwdriver,carefully prise ..otf _leading edge of roof drip guner teal mouldingfrom garnish moulding (retei S6ctron nUAM, Fig. 14-20). 3. Remove screw securing rear end of quarter reveal moulding lower (refer Section AN_AN; Fig. 1A-20) and removemoulding. \ *a o " R o o F D R r p G U T T E RM O U L D I N G QU A R TE R WIN D OW GA R N IS H MOU LD IN G A S S E MB LY S E C TION A M_A M OU A R TE R WIN D OW GA R N IS H MOU LD IN G LOWE R OU A R TE R WIN D OW R E V E A L MOU LD IN G sE crtoN A N -A N Figure 1A-20 4. Femove remainingscrews securinggarnish moulding to rear quart€r aperture (refer Fig. 14_21) thei remove garnish moulding,which is ittached to the outer surfaceof the glass with four (4) short strips of buVl, .centrallyspaced at top, Oottdm and sides of garnish moulding (refer View H, Fig. 14_22) then removegarnishmoulding. Fagure1A-21 31 BODY 1A-23 S B U TY L S TR IP S (4 P LA C E S ) V IE W Flgure 1A-22 5. 6. 7. Locate blade of Tool No. J24402, glass sealant remover, beveen inside of glass and urethaneas illustratedin Fig. 14-23, then cut through urethane, aroundcompleteperipheryof glass. Carefully lift glass out of aperture. lf there is evidence of glass adhesion to urethane, re-apply cuttingtool to problemarea. lf originalglass is to be reinstalled,place glass on a protectedbench or holdingfixture and using a sharp scraper, carefully remove original urethane lrom glass. Clean glass with a suitable oil-free cleaning agent such as Prepsolor equivalent. NOTE: Do not use petroleum base solvents to clean glass or aperture flange as the presence of oil will prevenlthe adhesionof new urethane/silicone. J24402 GLA S S S E A LA N T R E MOV A L TOOL A P P R OX IMA TE A R E A E OU A LS ON E S OU A R E cE N TIME TR E ---7 I I \ 7\ 170 H N 1749 U R E TH A N E A D H E S IV E V IE W Flgure 1A-23 OUARTER WINDOW APERTURE CHECK Thoroughly check rear quarter window aperture flange to ensure that no surface irregularities exist' Correct any that do. lf 'Short Method'glass installationis being used' check originalurethaneon flange for loosenessor voids' Where these exist, cut away any loose urelhaneand fill in any voids or uneveness in bead' using urethane/silicone. Reinstall Short Method 1. Short Method installationof rear quarter glass is used where the maximum amount of original urethaneadhesiveis left intact on the body opening to form a base for the replacement glass- This method should be used when replacinga cracked glass or leak conditionthat cannot be overcomeby using minor water leak repair procedures. Any previous service installation using other adhesive materialsrequirescomplete replacementof material to achievean effectiveglass to metal bond. 32 1A-24 BODY 2. ') Thoroughly clean surface of glass to which new urethane/siliconeis to contact (includingedge of glass). Use clean cloths with a suitaSle oil_free cleaningsolvent,such as prepsolor equivalenlURETHANEONLY Usingan applicatorin Kit,.applyHN1747(clearglass ?lr"r) around entire perimeter of glass'edge and 12 mm in.from edge of glass.This is-a wipe o"n/wipe off operation,using clean lint free cloths'(referView E, Fig. 14-24). - URETHANEONLY U.singa.second applicator,apply HN1748 (black-out glass primer) around entire perimeterof glasJ edge and on,.glassbondingsurface (refer View-G, Fig.1"A_ 24). Allow primer to dry for lS minutes. Avoid touchingprimedarea of glass. Install glass with its inner surface facing upwardsinto garnishmouldingas illustratedin View H, Fig. 1A_24, then firmly press glass onto butyl strips loEateo on garnishmouldingrecess. Apply a smooth continuous bead of urethaner silicone between centre and outer edge on top of originalurethaneand aroundentire periireterof body opening. Silicone bead should be a minimum of 6 mm in diameter. 7. Installglass.andgarnishmouldingassemblyinto rear quarter window aperture,applying sufficieni pressure on assembly to evenly distribute silicone between glass and aperture flange to effect a watertightseal. 4. (B LA C K OU T) P R IME R B U TY L S TR IP S (4 P LA C E S ) V IE W Figure 'lA-24 8. Install screws securinggarnish mouldingto the top and sides of the windowaperture(referFig. 1A-25). 9. Water leak test quarter window using a moderate spray of water. NOTE: Do not direct a heavy stream of water onto freshly applied silicone.lf watei leak is evident,remove garnish moulding and apply additional silicone to teak area, using a flat bladed tool to work fresh siliconernro the sourceof the leak, then installgarnishmoulding. r5rS'l PCtrRE W AUtrJ i ,9 v Figure 1A-25 33 BODY 14.25 10. Installscrew attachedquarter reveal mouldinglower to lower section of garnish moulding(refer Section AN-AN,Fig. 1A-26). 11. Locatehookededge of roof drip gutterrear moulding over reanrard outer edge of garnishmoulding,then with the hand, lightly tap opposite side of moulding over garnish moulding (refer Section AM-AM' Fig. 1A-26). '12. Removepaint and trim protectivemaskingtape and covers. NOTE: White spirit is recommended for removal of siliconefrom paint finishand trim' Long Method The long method of glass replacementis used when original urethane adhesive material cannot serve as a base lor replacementglass. This method should be used on vehiclesrequiringmetal or paint repair to the quarter window aperture flange when original adhesive is completely removed and replacedwith new urethanefor glass installation. This method is also used when the quarterwindow has been previouslyreplaced, using the Short Method. In such instances,the build-up of urethane/siliconecould positionthe glass too far out of the opening. 1. Using the glass sealant removal tool andlor sharp scraper,removeoriginalurethanefrom around entire perimeterof quarterwindow apertureflange. 2. Using an applicator supplied in 'Long Method' Repla c e m e n tKi t N o .9 2 0 2 3 1 2 3 , appl y H N 1752 (Flangeprimer)to any section of the quarterwindow aperture flange that is back to bare metal or has been cleaned back to original paint surface (refer Views A, B, C & D, Fig. 1A-27).Allow primerto dry for 30 minutes.Avoid touchingprimedarea. F L ANGE PRIM ER u,.*lfl R E A R R OOF D R IP GU TTE R M OU LD IN G OU A R TE R WIN D OW GA R N IS H MOU LD IN G A S S E MB LY sE crroNA M-A M OU A R TE R WIN D OW GA R N IS H MOU LD IN G LOWE R OU A R TE R W IN D OW R E V E A L MOU LDIN G sEcrroNAN-AN Figure 1A-26 E u,.*lEl Figure 1A-27 34 1A-26 BODY 3. Thoroughly clean inner surface of glass to which urethaneis to be appliedas well as around complete edge of aperture flange. Use clean cloths with suitable oil-freecleaning solvent such as prepsol or equivalent4. llging an applicator in Long Method Kit, appty HN1747 (clear glass primer) around entire perimeier gf glass edge and 12 mm in from edge of glass. This is a wipe on/wipe off operation,ushg clean lint free cloths (referView E, Fig. 14-28). 5. To maintain appearance and minimise clean up, install a foam sealingdam, part Number920181i9 to glass.Commencingat either lower corner of glass, locate dam around entire perimeterof glass, 7 mm from edge on inner surface (refei View F. Fig. 1A-28). NOTE: A suitablegauge to maintainthe dam 7 mm from edge of glass can be readily fabricated by cutting a 7 mm notch in a piece of wood. Locate the 7 mm dimension of the gauge onto the inner surface of the glass, locatingthe outside edge of the dam on the end of the 7 mm dimension. 6. U.singa second applicalor,apply HN174g (black_out glass primer)around entire perimeterof glass edge qnd on glass bondingsurface (refer View-G, Fig.1;A291. Allow primer to dry for 15 minutes. Avoid touchingprimedarea of glass. 7. Tidy up strips of butyl centrally located on top, bottom and on both sides ol garnish moulding(refer View H, Fig. 14-29) 8 . Install glass with its inner side facing upwards into garnishmouldingas illustratedin VievrrH, Fig. 14-29. Firmly press glass onto butyl strips locateJ at four places on garnishmouldingrecesso Using a hand operatedapplicatorwith specialnozzle supplied in kit, apply a smooth continuousbead of HN1749 urethaneadhesive,17 mm high and 7 mm at base, around entire perimeterof inner surface of glass (referView J, Fig. 1A-29). 7.O -\ \-- v 12.O VI EW 'fE[F[-cTJl Figure 1A-28 -'/ APPRO X A R E A E O U A L S O NE SO UA R E CE NTI METR E oo**,r l* MOU LD IN G URET HANE ADHE S IV E B U TY L S TR IP S (4 P LA C E S ) Figure 1A-29 35 BODY 'IA-27 NOTE: In cold weather, the placement of cartridges adlacent to a source of warmth, will assist the flow of urethanewhen using a hand applicator. 10. Installglass and garnishmouldingassemblyinto rear quarter window aperture (refer Views K and L' Fig. 1A-30) applyingsufficientpressureon assembly to evenly distribute urethane between glass and aperture flange to effect a watertight seal' 11. Install screws securing garnish mouldingto top and sides of the quarter window aperture (refer Fig. 1A-30). 12. Water test quarterwindow using a moderatespray of water. NOTE: Do not direct a heavy stream of water onto freshly applied urethane. ll a water leak is evident, removegarnishmouldingand apply additionalurethaneto the leak area, using a flat bladed tool to work urethane into source of leak, then installgarnishmoulding. GLA S S P A IN T-OU T GA R N IS H V IE W V IE W x\ '\\ \ '\w \\ Figure 'lA-30 Install screw attached quarter reveal mouldinglower to bottom horizontalpart of garnish moulding(refer SectionAN-AN,Fig. 1A-31). 14 . Locate hooked edge of roof drip gutter rear moulding over rearwardouter edge of garnish moulding,then with the hand, lightly tap opposite side of moulding over garnish moulding (refer Section AM-AM, F ig. 1 A -3 1 ). IJ B E A R R O OF D R IP GU TTE R MOU LD IN G OU A R TE R WIN D OW GAR N IS H MOU LD IN G A S S E MB LY sEcrroNAM-AM OU A R TE R WIN D OW GA R N IS H MOU LD IN G \ . ! SC R EW L o w E R O u A R T E Bw r N D o w R E V E A LM O U L DIN G --- sE crroNA N -A N Figure 1A-31 36 1A-28BODY 5.4 TAILGATEWINDOW MINOR WATER LEAK CORRECTION Locate area of leak. Workingon inside surfaceof glass, apply paint scraper or similar wide blade tool between glass and lacing. Gently flex lacing away from glass in area concerned. Clean any foreign material from this area. Apply HN1770siliconeto area concernedro correct leak. SHORT METHOD P R OTE C TIV E TA P E Remove 1. Disconnect battery ground cable and on Berlina model, remove tailgatewindow wiper arm and blade assemblyand electricaldemistconnector. 2. Apply protective tape to paintwork adjacent to mouldings as shown in View A, Fig. tA_32, and place protective covering adjacent to gliss. 3. Removemouldingsystem:a. Side mouldings- Inserta paint scraperor similar wide blade tool between moulding and body. Apply a rolling action towards the glass as shown in View A, Fig. 14-33, over fult iength of moulding to loosen, carefully remove moulding intact for reuse. b. Upper and lower mouldings- Methodas for side mouldings. 4. Remove all glass fragments from original glass adhesiveleavingadhesiveintact on tailgate. 5. Using clean, lint free cloths, dampenedwith an oil free solvenl such as Prepsolor equivalent,thorough_ ly clean surfaceof glass which siliconeis to contact. includingglass edges. V IE W Figure 14-32 P R OTE C TIV E TA P E CAUTION: Do not use petroleum based solvents,as the presence of oil will prevent adhesion of the fresh urethane/silicone. Reinstall 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. URETHANEONLY Prime the edge of glass and on the glass bonding surface '12 mm lrom the edge with glass primeri clear (HN1747).This is a wipe on wipe otf operation (referView B, Fig. 14-35). V IE W Figure 1A-33 URETHANEONLY Prime the edge of glass and on the glass bonding surface 7 mm from the edge with gl-assprimer : black (HN1748) and ailow to dry for 15 minutes (reler View C, Fig. 14-35). Apply 6.0 mm bead of urethane/siliconeto original adhesiveand also to the groove left in the adhelive by the mouldings. With tailgatein near horizontalpositionfit new qtass. Refit upper and lower mouldings. Refitside mouldings. Apply tape to hold mouldings in position where reguired. This tape to be left on' for 24 hours mtntmum. 37 BODY 1A-29 Leavetailgatein horizontalpositionfor a minimumof 5 hours, after which time vehicle may be driven providing tailgate is not slammed excessively for 24 hours. 9. On Berlina model, install tailgatewindow wiper arm and blade assemblyand demist electricalconnector and on both models,battery ground cable10. Remove maskingtape from tailgate, clean adiacent paint finish and glass, then remove protectivecovering from interior. 8. ,/-C OLD K N IFE r TA ILGATE W IN D OW U P P E RMOU LD IN G KN I F E BLAD E U R E TH A N E ' TA ILGA TE TO B E IN N E A R H OR IZON TA L P OS ITION Figure 1A-34 LONG METHOD Remove 1. Disconnect battery ground cable and on Berlina model, remove tailgatewindowwiper arm and blade assemblyand electricaldemistconnector. 2. Apply protective tape to paintwork adiacent to mouldings as shown in View A' Fig. 1A-32, and place protectivecoveringadiacentto glass3. Removemouldingsystem:a. Side mouldings- Inserta paint scraperor similar wide blade tool between moulding and body' Apply a rolling action towards the. glass as shown in View A, Fig. 14-33, over tull length of moulding to loosen, carefully remove moulding intact for reuse. b. Upper and lower mouldings- Method as for side mouldings. 4. Remove all glass fragments and urethane, using blade of glass sealant removal Tool No' J24402 illustratedin Fig. 1A-34. NOTE: lt is not necessaryto removeall traces of original urethane. However, any remaining urethane must be smoothand firm. Reinstall 1. Prime body aperturewith body primer (HN1752)and allow to dry for 30 minutes (refer View A' Fig. 1A-35). 2. Prime the edge of glass and on the glass bonding surface 12 mm from the edge with glass primer clear (HN1747).This is a wipe on wipe off operations (referView B, Fig. 1A-35). 3. Prime the edge of glass and on the glass bonding surface 7 mm from the edge with glass primer black (HN1748)and allow to dry for 15 minutes (referView C, Fig. 1A-35). 38 Figure 1A-35 1A.30 BODY 4. 5, o. 7. 9. 10. Apply an even bead of urethaneadhesive(HN1749) 9.0 mm x 7.0 mm to blading flange as shown In View B, Fig. 1A-36, using nozzle cut as shown in ViewC, Fig. 14-36). Fit the glass immediatelythe urethane bead is appliedto the body. lmmediatelythe glass is installed,fit mouldingsystem after. ensuring that enough urethane is pr6sent to bond the mouldings.(Apply additional adhesive to bond mouldingsif required.) Apply tape to hold mouldings in position where reguired. This tape to be left on for 24 hours mrntmum. Leavetailgatein horizontalpositionfor a minimumof 5 hours, after which the vehicle may be driven providing tailgate is not slammed extessively for 24 hours. On Berlina model, install tailgate window wiper arm and blade assemblyand demist electricalconnector and on both models,batterygroundcable. Remove.masking tape from tailgate,clean adjacent paint finish and glass, then remove protectivecovering from the interior. h"' vrew lel Figure tA-36 39 BODY 1A-31 6. SEATS& SEAT BELT ASSEMBLIES INDEX Re{. 6.1 6.2 Page Subject 1A-31 DESCRIPTION LUMBARSUPPORT. DRIVERSSEAT ...... 1A-31 1A-31 Models - Berlina and Calais 1A-31 Remove...-...1A-33 Reinstall FRONTSEAT BELT RETRACTORAND 1A-33 BUCKLEASSEMBLIES 1A-33 Remove........ 1A-34 Reinstall Ref. 6.4 Page Sublect REAR SEAT BELT RETRACTOR 1A-34 .........-......... ASSEMBLY 6.1 DESCRIPTION New seat trim materialsand patterns are released for VK models. New features on front seats include 'see through' head restraints on all models and on the drivers seat on Berlina& Calais models,a knob operatedlumbar support is built into the seat back assembly(refer Fig- 14-37). On the Calais model, see through head restraints are fitted to the rear seat backs. Figure 1A-37 6.2 LUMBARSUPPORT. DRIVERSSEAT MODELS. BERLINA AND CALAIS Remove 1. Slide seat fully fonrvardand remove bolts securing rear end of seat adiusterto floor (reler Fig. 1A-38). 2. Slide seat rearward and remove bolts securing lront end of seat adiuster. 3. Removeseat from vehicle and place face down on a clean protected surface. -S SCREW (20.0 - 25.0 N m) OU TB OA R D C OV E R I A-A sEcrroru c vtout'lrtru L A P P LY 5.0 D IA B E A D OF S E A LE F A R OU N D TOP E D GE OF H OLE S IN FLOOF P A N B E FO R E IN S TA LLA TION OF S E A T A S M. Figure 1A-38 40 1A-32 BODY 4. From under driver's seat cushion, remove elastic straps which are looped under tension over sear cushion spring convolutionsand which retain lower edge of seat back carpet assembly(refer Fig. 1A-39) ancl tape carpet up out of the way. S E A T B A C K C OV E R C A R P E T R E TA IN E R Figure 1A-39 5. Remove hog rings securing seat back cover retainerto front retainer(refer Fig. 1A-40). S E A T B A C K C OV E B R E TA IN E R .,W'' C LIP Figure 1A-40 Locate the forked end of a door interiorhandle clip removal tool (refer Fig. 14-41) inside of lumbar support handle, then press tool downwards ro disengage'horse shoe' type retainingclip from slot in splinedspindle,then removehandle. IN TE FIOR D OOR H A N D LE C LIP R E MOV A L TOOL LU MA A R S U P P OR T C ON TR OL K N OB N OTE : i w l rH LU MB A B suppoR r, IN 'SOF T 'PO SIT ION , IN ST ALL H AN D LE U PF IIG H T & PAR ALLEL T O F R AM E. R E C LI N FR C ON TR OL K N OB Figure 1A-41 41 I ] BODY 1A.33 7. Carefullyease sides of seat back cover upwards, exposing heads of screws securing lumbar support bracketsto sides of seat frame (referFig. 14-42). Figure 1A-42 Remove attaching screws, then lumbar support assemblyout through bottom oi seat back assembly (referFig. 1A-43). S E A T C U S H ION A S M Reinstall Reverseremoval operations,ensuringto adequatelyseal seat assembly attaching screw threads (refer Section A-A, Fig. 14-38) and to observe lumbar support control knob note in Fig. 1A-4'l. 6.3 FRONTSEAT BELT RETRACTOR AND BUCKLEASSEMBLIES REMOVE 1. With front seat located fully forward, remove cover from bolt securing upper seat belt attachment lo centre pillar (refer Section A-A, Fig. 14-44) then removebolt and upperattachment. 2. Using a pointed tool, carefully prise out the pins securingthe seat belt retractorcover to the centre pillar(refer SectionC-C, Fig. 1A-44). 3. Remove cover from bolt securing seat belt lower attachmentto floor pan, then remove bolt and lower seat belt attachment. 4. Ease front end of rear rocker oanel cover and rear end of front rocker oanel cover uowardsto release lower part of retractor cover, ease upper tastener from centre pillar, releasing cover and seat belt retractor (refer Fig. 1A-44). 42 Figure 1A-43 1A-34BODY . /. L OCAT E SEAT BEL T 7 T ONGUE WIT HIN 7 6 .0 m m OF T HE _t ^ SASH GUIDE. SPACER -bULI UPPER A TTA C H ME N T WA V E WA S H E R C OV E R a BUCKL E ,/ ASM. S E A L WITH N ON H A R D E N IN G S E A LE R SECT I O NA _ A S E C T I O NB _ B / Z W I T H SEAT IN FULL F O R W A R D P O S I T I O N T HE I NBO ARD P A R T O F B E L T IS T O BE I NSTA LLE D A T A N A N G L E WHICH PASSEST H R O U G H I N T E RSECT ION O F SEAT C U S H I O N & S E A T BACK C O NTO U R S . LOWER ATT A C H M E N T BOLT sEcrtoNc-c r.. SEAL WIT H NON HARDENING JtrALtsH S E A T B E LT R E TR A C TOR C OV E R Fagure1A-44 5. Remove cover and bolt securing seat belt buckle assemblyto transmissiontunnel (refer Section B-B. Fig. 1A-44)then removebuckleassemblv. REINSTALL Reverseremovaloperations,ensuringthat both lower bolt threadsare sealedwith non hardeningsealerand that all seat belt attachingbolts are torquedto 53 - 71 Nm. 6.4 REAR SEAT BELT RETRACTOR ASSEMBLY Remove '1. Depresstop of seat back adjacentto head restraint sleeve to gain access to clip, retainingsleeve (refer Section A-A, Fig. 14-45). Using i ttat btaded screwdriver,carefullydisengagesleeve clips then lift out head restraints. 2. Twist head restraint sleeves in an anti_clockwise directionthen lift sleeves out of bracketswelded to the rear parcelshelf(referSectionA-A. Fiq. 1A-45). 43 BODY 14.35 S LE E V E RESTRAI NT 7 ,-\ / IN S E R T S LE E V E IN TO MOU N TIN G B R A C K E T, R OTA TE A N D P U S H S LE E V E D OWN . E N S U R IN G TH A T LU GS A , B & C P A S STH R U N OTC H E S IN TOP OF MOU N TIN G B R A C K E T & E N GA GE A S S H OWN IN S E C TION S AA. BB. LUG A MOU N TIN G B R A C K E T S E C TION A _A LUG B S E C T I O NB _ B Figure 'lA-45 e Depress front edge of seat cushion assembly rearwards to disengage assembly retainer from brackets attached to the floor (refer Section A-A, Fig. 1A-46)remove,then place assemblyon a clean protected surface. Unclinch tabs securing seat back frame to rear wheelhouses (refer View A, Fig- 1A-46) lift trame from retaining brackets attached lo the rear compartment front panel (refer Section B-8, Fig. 1A-46) remove, then place frame assembly on a clean protected surface. cusHloN ASM.-1 RETAINER \ ; R EAR F LO O R I eR ncret S E C TION A _A C OMP A R TME N T FR ON T P A N E L SEAT BACK R E TA IN E R r C LIN C H ...OV E R TA B S E C T I O NB _ B Figure 1A-46 44 1A-36BODY From inside rear compartment,tap out fasteners securingtrim panel to rear parcel shelf (refer Section A-A, Fig. 1A-47)disconnectretractorseat belt guides from outer edges of rear parcel shelf (refer Section A-A, Fig. 14-48) parfly raise rear parcel shelf trim, disconnect speaker connectors from rear harness, then remove rear parcelshelf trim. Remove bolts securing tear seat belt lower attachments,includinglap type seat belts, to floor pan and rear wheelhousepanels (refer Section C_C and D-D, Fig. 14-48). Remove cover, then bolt securing rear seat belt upper attachmentto quarter inner upper panel (refer SectionB-B, Fig. 1A-48). From inside of tear compartment, remove bolt securingrear seat belt retractorassemblyto quaner inner panel (refer Section A-A, Fig. 14-49) remove retractor assembly,feeding seat belt, buckles, etc. out throughslot on outer edge of rear parcel shelf. REAR PARCEL S H E LF TR IM \' '/...-'_,.-', (3PLACES) / tYfrn lnnrn luur-ZtU.l1.l1 :-irlli=i: 1r S E C T I O NA _ A Figure 1A-47 Reinstall R.everse.removal operations,ensuringthat the threads o{ all seat beft lower attachingbotts aie aJequitery seateO harde.ningseatei (refer Sectionsb_C anO O-O, :,,1h Frg. ?^"-ol. tA-4E) and that all rear seat belt attachingbolts are torquedto 50-70 Nm duringinstallation. NOTE: On 35 body styles, the retractor assembliesare mountedonto the rear quarterinner panels (refer Section A-A, Fig. 1A-49). SASH GU I D E SEAT BELT RETRACTOF ASSEMBLY B OLTA /S\ N\/ i\/ ti _-+ASSEIVIBLY r} sEcloN B-B -t, t A JtrAL C A NC HoRTo 8 E VERT I CA L L Y UPW A RD SW H E N FITTED .{ u.-J . :-+y-. f -2pLACES ,/ - e OL r I sEcrtoN A-A WITH N ON H A R D E N IN G S E A LE R -2pLAcES WIT H NON / - S EAL HARDENT NGSEAL ER S A X IS OF S Y MME TR Y OF A N C H OR TO B E P A R A LLE L TO V E H IC LE IN FR ON T V IE W ENSUREw,"i'r,c HARNESsr s c LEAR OF ANCHORWHENANCHO RI S FI TTED, _ 2p LACES sE cr to N C-C t-ro.t secrroru D-D .,'l . so - ro i.rFigure 14-48 45 A BODY 1A-37 #i3fitl?"fal'^ri;. t--' ur DE LN< 4 oF sASHGUIDE l SEAT BELT TONGUE=- i''' ,. n (f",- i '''\ | -\:1-'.,',, '' .-'.' ..".1.' u,a* R A eo.t A X IS OF S Y MMETR Y OF A N C H OR TO B E P A R A LLE L ro vE H rcLE0 r r ur Ror ur V IE W. N OTC H TOW A R D S FR ON T OF C A R srcrroruA-A S E A L WITH N ON HARDE N IN G S E A LE R B E LT R E TA IN E R S LE E V E eoLrA .,/ qtv 'p, sEcrroruB-B 'rB OLT,/ 1\ secrroruC_C ( , ANCHOR T O B E V E R TIC A LLY U P WA R D SWH E N F IT T ED. ENSUR E WIR IN G H A R N E S SIS C LE A R OF ANCHOR WHEN A N C H OR IS FITTE D . A , uo- 7oN m Figure 1A-49 46 , S E A L W ITH N ON H A R D EN IN G S E A LE R secrroru D-D BODY 1A.39 7. EXTERIORORNAMENTATION INDEX Ref. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Page Subject ....... 1A-39 DESCR|PTION.................... FRONTPILLAR DRIP MOULDING..............1A-46 1A-45 Remove 1A-46 Reinstall DRIP MOULDINGASSEMBLYREAR..........1A.46 1A'46 Models - 19 Body Sty|es.............'...... 1A-46 Remove ...... 1A-46 Reinstall 1A-47 ROOF DRIP I'OULDING 1A-47 Reinstall FRONT& REAR DOOR SIDE MOULDING 1A-47 ....- 1A-47 Model - Ca1ais............ ...........1A-47 Remove........ 1A-47 .......-......... Reinstall FRONTFENDERSIDE & SIDE PANEL FRONTMOULDINGASSEMBLIES..............1A.48 1A-48 Model - Calais Ref. 7.7 Page Subject TAIL LAMP REVEALMOULDING ... 1A-48 ASSEMBLY Models - SL and Berlina, 19 Body ..........-.1A-48 Styles ............1A-48 Remove 7.8 7.9 7.1 DESCRIPTION Exteriorornamentationon the VK seriesconsistsof deep section body side mouldingson Calais and wide section body side mouldingson SL and Berlina19 and 35 body styles. The Commodore/Berlinaname appears on the rear of 19 and 35 body styles except on Calais, which featuresa Calaisbadge on the rear compartmentlid and front fenders.Calaisemblemsare also fitted to the front fender and engine hood. Holden and Lion badges are fitted to the lront and rear of all modelsexcept the front of the Calais, which features a Holden badge on its radiator grille. Badges for option engines and for electronic iniection are fitted to the front fenders of sedans excepl on the Calais, which leatures these badges on the rear compartmentlid. On models fitted 47 with the base engine (E-S.T.) automatic transmission together with power steering,an 'Executive'applique is appliedto the quarterwindowson sedansand rear door stationary windows on station wagons. Belt line mouldingsare fitted to all models (reler Figs. 14-50, 1A -51,1A -52,1A -53,1A -54,1A -55). Clips,fastener studs, bushes,screws and contact adhesive secure the various exterior mouldings,badges, emblems,etc. to the VK body styles. The tailgatewindow exteriormouldingsare embeddedin the urethanesecuringthe windowin the tailgateaperture. Replacementproceduresfor these mouldingsare included in the StationaryGlass Sectionof this Supplement. 1A-40BODY pO )Z ur^ q> UU crf o> l< UO fz J(, JJ P> uE >g tIJ UJ FI OL UN xx i U ,,, l- 2 o () z a ) s> >6 w u) (r< = = Ho =7 l !< r. .3 >6 uq uo !{ H< +-z \ .rF >z <; -j JJ ao J F> !- - g (r o tr J -Jm z cc> L l o tT >l rir X |.! - OL! CC(r) o> cr) o9 r\ 6z -(, U r z o ; x> LU CN uDa (r> x< uO 6= zl uv ) u* = o< HZ z u t o o U g J L o o _tr -zU o I l! @ @ L ,- <= UU -h UJ II t1l I tr> z; =6 O ", >- U F F U F X U ?l : J J ct) I o) o ro o 6 z T .< U € o z z o U tr> G UJ dl U I J [! u F Ztt -7- = )- -th > L- 6 u f z (n tu I.IJ J crj ;> oz6 io< uZ f U - | LUF zzz -N o Ou< z I U - - Y^ ' la ? *< z U il F z 48 ;1.*__ BODY 1A.41 F J U co ^J q> ( UU I ; tro 9z <; u .r ) z z0 6< Js ;i wz /, ; > r< -V T I LZ n-t FO tJ ii a; =^ E. id 5 9 z o L oa u.J uJ t F l ul X tlj -U (/J o4 cnZ (/J J z-_ -o: E: -l; u'i F c6 t- d; I 3= F > ; -,4 a tfl Hl U J f 4 LL UJ I iz t= tr o ;2 z z - U f (9 o o o 1< t' = >= OUJ _<2 r) >j\ J _:: ;< ;z X= x HH d5 U F. J U H> z ao z = (I -- x< cc> 6= u U) z o (9 = z o tr F CN z= -: t= z U F E -J c [! o ul .;\ I i-- :-- &z ul u *> tr <( , a J7 z* J- r !O >J o< IZ ,..I \ :/< -O >l t!O F> <'tr qa --z FT c c-< -J = (t) I n o ) co o -- z o u --.r- d z t! (r au tl A\ v\ I\ tn { u tr ^ < Y= 7A 3|' i< -l :6 l* oz r- Fu o! z> OU L-o ;u I ;tr< i -<- z u u; F 2 49 o cD tr 14.42 BODY tr U F :> 1? OL 3s J(, =Z z ci :J U -- J l r- OZ oo o> (JU Iv !( , )z UJ; uE ,-z oJ J- u- F< Zw o> g o R> u o r cg U (rUJ r UU (h = U J< (t !tr> z o o z 'Z t..' tr H< 5 J l <-l (9 z *Z r! {: d; \ z >- Uo > 6 U tr ^= a) UU cc> 'j = ul U tr >z <; -) LU o - ol2 6 U ^z 7J o 6 cc> uo o< U 2tt F tr> HZ o x< -=tr> F z z 2 U L o z U F z J a z U ae4 rl r U cc no) L (r tn t- J z U E. FE I Ltlr = F P- = \ (n l- ;o F> U .J f a =- r -1 al 2U tr ) -< OZ ;> FV -ii LZ Oul l< uZ F X UJ z z G.^ f e d z o U UV E> J I U cc U r ?c o sq 9.) \* :gj LIJ ) u ) J co c U o o o I U oz6 rio< | Fu- 6 z> -N oz -) {,"--'' O r !< ; -FA = (, ets z u u; F z 50 o) X @ - ,L 2l - (J (\| ro o 5 I IL BODY 1A.43 BUSH 1 P LA C E R /LH r TFRONT nsr,tt FE N D E R I 7A SCREW- 2 PL ACESR/L H carrJ CL IP_ 2 PL ACESR/L H 1 P LA C E R /LH secrtoruJ-J secrroruS-S 7- S C R E W / 1 P LA C E R /LH S E C TION R _R R OOF D R IP MOU LD IN G _- secrtoruU-U secrroruT-T C LIP 5 P LA C E S R /LH 69 & 19 S TY . 8 P LA C E S R i LH 35 S TY V-V secrroru \ V \\ 1O P LA C E S R /LH FR T. D OOR 8 P LA C E S R /LH R R . D OOR OUT ER DOOR H A N D LE I NSERT srcrroruZ-Z D SECTIONAZ_AZ A ER G S n e e r - v N o N H A R D E N TNsEAL O V E RH O L E ST O E F FEC TA WA T E R T I G H S TEAL. , . t - 2 .4N m Figure 1A-53 51 14.44 BODY O U A R T ER WINDOW G A R N I S H M OUL DING SECTION AN_AN NO TE : MO ULDIN G A S M . O T R R E VEAL T O BE A S S E MB L E D I N C O N J U N CT IONWIT H O T R WI N D O W G A R N I S H M OUL DING. MOU LD IN G A S M. QTR WIN D OW GA R N IS H FOR IN S TA LLA TION R E FE R S TA TION A R Y GLA S S TH IS S U P P LE ME N T SECTI O NAP _ A P S E C TION A M_A M N OTE : MOU LD IN G D R IP GU TTE R R E A R To BE IN S TA LLE D A FTE R MOU LD IN G A S M. OTR R E V E A L A N D GA R N IS H TV IOU LD IN G. SCREW 3 P LA C E S R /LH S E C T I O NA T _ A T F A S T E NE R S T UD SECT ION AS - AS 1 PL ACE Ri L H F RONT FE N D E R 5 PL ACES R/L H F RONT D OOR 3 PL ACES R/L H REAR D OOR WA S H E R I P LA C E R /LH SCREW 1 P LA C E R i LH S E C T I O N A R _ AR 1 PLACE R / L H F R O N T F E NDER 6 PLACE S R / L H F R O N T D O OR 4 p L AcE sR/ LHRE A RDo6 ;" S E C T I O NA U - A U L. D R rL L2 s s I ON ![! o ,a H or_e OF WEL D ST UD AS CL OS E A S POSSIBL ET O WEL D ST UD LOC A TION . S E C T I O NA S _ A S F O R E M E R G E N CU Y S EO N L Y S E C T I O NA X _ A X S E C T I O NAV_AV C LIP - 2 P LA C E S S E C T I O NA Y _ A Y SECTI O NAW _AW A Q e e e r - v N o N H A R D E N T NsGE A L E Ro v E R H O L E ST O E F F E C TA WA T E R T I G HS TE A L . r.r - 2 .4 Nm Figure 1A-54 52 BODY 1A.45 GROM M ET 1 PL ACE R/L H S TU D 1 P LA C E R /LH 1 PL ACE R/L H S E C T I O NA E _ A E SECTI O NAD_AD A" DRrLL 2.3sI !l! o,o HoLEoN /'I OF WEL D ST UDS AS CLOS E A S POSSIBL ET O WEL D STU D L OCAT ION, ; T W AS H E R 1 PL A C E R / L H R EAR PIL L AR IVIOUL DING sEcroNAF-AF F O R E M E RGENCY USE ONL Y SCREW 1 P LA C E R /LH 3 P LA C E S R /LH GA S K E T sEcrroNAF-AF S E C T I O NA K _ A K r BUSH 2 P LA C E S R /LH REAR L AM P sEcrroNAJ-AJ * R OOF D R IP MOU LD IN G REAR BUM PER BAR REAR SECTIO NAH_AH ,A A SECT I O NA L _ A L sM.\ ) -A G 2 . 4 - 3 .4 Nm S n e e l v N o N H A R D E N T NsGE AL EBo vER H O L E ST O E F F E C TA WA T E RTIGH SEAL T ' I. 8 - 2 .4 Nm Figure 14-55 53 14.46 BODY 7.2 FRONTPILLARDRIP MOULDING BUSH 1 P LA C E R /LH Remove With.front door open, removethe screw and clip securing moulding to front body pillar and front fender (refei Sections S-S, T-T, and V-V, Fig. 1A-56) removing moulding. Reinstall Reverseremoval operationsensuringthat the front pillar mouldingis correcily installedover ihe front of the roof drip moulding as illustratedin Section U-U, Fig. 1,4-56 and that the screw securingthe centre of the mouldinoto the front body pillar is adequately sealed with ion hardeningsealer. 3 P LA C E S R /LH C LIP 1 P LA C E R /LH SECTIONT_T secrrorvS-S R OOF D R |P MOU LD TN G -- \ \\ \ / \bZzeY z ( N secrtoru u-u \.,-,, Y 5 pLecEs R / L H6 9 & 1 9 s r y . 8 P LA C E S R /LH 35 S TY , secrloruV-V Q a e e r - v N o N H A R D E N T N sGE A L E Ro v E R H O L E ST O E F F E C TA WA T E R T I G H S TEAL. Figure 1A-56 7.3 DRIP MOULDINGASSEMBLYREAR MODELS. 19 BODY STYLES R OOF D R IP MOU LD IN G Remove Grasp.theleadingedge of the moulding,carefullypulling it off the rear quarter window garnish moulding,aliowin! the trailing end of the drip moulding rear to oecome disengaged(refer SectionAM-AM, Fig. tA-57). tleinstall Locate the rear hooked edge of the mouldingover the rear.-quaner window garnishmoulding,then lighilytap the moulding into position, ensuring that th6 rear drip mouldingis correctly installedover the rear of the roof drip mouldingas i[ustratedin SectionU-U, Fig. 14-56. K\\\ \\ IA\\ \ \N. @9)) 1^ // srcrroru U-U v> (( \ sEcrtoNAL-AL R OOF D R tP MOU LD IN G MOU LD IN G A S M. OTR WIN D OW GA R N IS H FOR IN S TA LLA TION R E FE R S TA TION A R Y GLA S S _ TH IS S U P P LE ME N T sE crtoNA M-A M N OTE : MOU LD IN G D R IP GU TTE R R E A R To B E IN S TA LLE D A FTE R MOU LD IN G A S M. OTR R E V E A L A N D GA R N IS H MOU LD IN G. Figure 1A-57 54 BODY 1A-47 7.4 ROOFDRIP MOULDING Remove 1. With the front door open, removethe screw securing the top of the drip mouldingto the front body pillar (refer SectionT-T, Fig. 1A-56). 2. Using Tool No. 1A7 located as illustratedin Fig.1458, under top of front pillar drip moulding,carefully ease top of pillar mouldingoff front end of roof drip moulding(referSectionU-U,Fig. 14-56). 3. Using a similarprocedurewith Tool No. 1A7, remove the roof drip moulding,carefullydisengagingrear end of roof drip moulding from top of drip moulding assemblyrear (referSectionU-U, Fig. 14-56). Reinstall Reverseremovaloperationsensuringthat the ends of the roof drip mouldingare correctlyinstalledunder the front pillar and rear assemblydrip mouldingsas illustratedin Sections T-T and AL-AL in Figs. 14-56 and 14-57 and that the screw securingthe tront pillar drip mouldingis adequatelysealedwith a non hardeningsealer. Figure 1A-58 7.5 FRONT& REARDOORSIDE MOULDINGASSEMBLIES MODEL - CALAIS Remove 1. With front ot (ear door open, removescrew securing rear lower sectionof mouldingto door (referSection AU-AU,Fig. 1A-59). 2. Apply maskingtape adlacentto top of mouldingto protect paint finish, then using a wide bladed screwdriver,carefullyprise upper section of moulding assembly out of retaining bushes (refer Section AR-AR, Fig. 1A-59)then raise mouldingassemblyoff the clips securingthe lower section of the moulding assembly to the door (refer Section AS-AS, Fig. 1A-59). FA S TE NE F S TU D sECrroNAS-AS 1 P LA C E R /LH FR ON T FE N D E R 5 P LA C E S R /LH FR ON T D OOR 3 P LA C E S R /LH R E A R D OOR Reinstall Reverseremovaloperations. sE crtoNAR- AR 1 P LA C E R /LH FR ON T FE N D E R 6 P LA C E S R /LH FR ONT D OOR 4 P LA C E S R /LH R E A R D OOR WA S H E R 1 P LA C E R /LH SCREW I P LA C E R /LH sEcrroNAU-AU sEcrroN AT-AT Q n e e l v N o N H A R D E N T NscE A L ERo vER T H O L E ST O E F F E C TA WA T E R TIGH SEAL Figure 1A-59 55 1A.48 BODY 7.6 FRONTFENDERSIDE& SIDE PANEL FRONTMOULDINGASSEMBLIES MOD EL . CA LA I S Remove From inside the wheelhouse,remove screw securing moulding to rear quarter or front fender panel (refei SectionAT-AT,Fig. 1A-59)then removemoutding. Reinstall Reverseremoval operationsensuringto adequatelyseal 'sealer the attaching screw with non hardening as illustratedin SectionAT-AT,Fig. 1A-59. NpJe: Rear compartmentlid mouldingon SL and Berlina 19 body styles and body side and tallgate mouldingson SL.and Berlina35 body styles as well is nameplateiand emblems on all models are secured in position with contact is necessaryto apply heat to these mouldingsprior to removing them from' the panets to avoid bendingthe outer surfaceof these mouldinos. CAUTION: Ensure that source of heat is not too close or temperaturetoo high to damage paint finish. When replacingthese mouldings,the correspondingpanel surface must be clean and smooth and be subjeited to warmth prior to installationof the moulding to effect a sound bondingof the mouldingto the panel. 7.7 TAIL LAMP REVEALMOULDING ASSEMBLY MODELS. SL AND BERLINA 19 BODY STYLES Remove 1. With rear compartmentlid open, remove the screw securing the upper section of the moulding to the reat quaner outer panel (refer Section AK-AK. Fig. 14-60). 2. Apply masking tape adjacent to the semi vertical section of the mouldingto protect paint finish, then using a wide bladedscrewdriver,carefullyprise lower section of moulding out of retaining-bush (refer SectionAJ-AJ,Fig. 1A-60). Reinstall Reverse removaloperationsensuringto adequatelyseal the attaching screw with non hardening sealer as illustratedin SectionAK-AK,Fig. 14-60- GA S K E T 2 P LA C E S R /LH S E C TION A K _A K A A, /z\, 1.8 - 2.4 N m 2.4 - 3.4 N m sE crtoN A J-A J Qneel v N oNH A R D E N TN sEGA LE R ovE R H OLE S TO E FFE C T A WA TE R TIGH T S E A L. M ODEL . CA LA I S Figure 1A-60 Remove With rear compartment lid open, remove the nuts securingthe mouldingassemblyto the rear quarter outer panel (refer Sections AW-AW and AX-AX, Fig. iA-61) removingthe mouldingassembly. Reinstall Reverseremoval operationsensuringthat adequarenon hardening..sealer is applied betweenthe back panel and nut, as illustrated in Sections AW_AW and AX-AX, F i g . 1 4 -61) . 56 BODY 1A.49 A S E C T I O NA X_ AX NUT 4 P LA C E S S E C T I O NA W_ A W N oN H A B D E N TN Gs E A LE R Onppl v OV E R H OLE S TO E FFE C T A WA TE R TIGH T S E A L. A tt-2.4Nm Figure 1A-61 MOULDING 7.8 REAR LAMP EXTENSION ASSEMBLY M O DE LS . 1 9 B O D Y ST Y L ES Remove With rear compartment lid raised remove the nuts securing the assembly to the back panel upper (refer SectionAG-AG, Fig. 14-62)and removeassembly. NOTE: To disassemblethe mouldingassembly,remove the screws securing the outer to inner panels of the assembly(refer SectionAG-AG,Fig. 14-62). Reinstall Reverseremovaloperations. R E A R E N D P A N E L A S M. sEcrroNAG-AG A t.t - 2.4N m Figure 1A-62 57 I 1A-50BODY 7.9 MOULDINGASSEMBLYREAR COMPARTMENT LID M ODEL . CA LA I S Remove With rcat compartment lid open, remove the nuts securingthe mouldingto the rear compartmentlid (refer SectionAV-AV,Fig. 14-63)then removethe moulding. Reinstall Reverse . removal operations ensuring that adequate sealingwith non hardeningsealer is appliedbetween the inside o{ the attachingnuts and rear compartmentlid as illustratedin SectionAV-AV,Fig. 14-63. sEcrtoN AV-AV Q n n e r - v N o N H A R D E N T N sGE A L E Ro v E R H O L E ST O E F F E C TA WA T E R T I G H S TEAL Figure 1A€3 7.10 EMBLEMASSEMBLYHOOD MODEL . CA LA I S Remove With enginehood raisedand using a plasticmallet,lightly tap ends of emblem studs protruding through tubular retainingclips in the engine hood (refer Section Ay_Ay, Fig. 14-64) until it is possibleto removeemblemReinstall C LIP - 2 P LA C E S !9ve1s9 removal operations ensuring that the tubular clipsfullyretainthe embrem. sEcrtoN AY-AY Q n e e r - v N o N H A R D E N T NsGE A L E Ro v E R H O L E ST O E F F E C TA WA T E R T I G H S T EAL. Figure 1A-64 58 BODY 1A.51 8. ROOFRACK I 46 U ZO o< _J FL O^ o @- € I ' c a oU )uJl z<) oz4 ro< oz2 z =l i r6 d3=;F <=Hl+g $ fi $ P 3 ;i > <; cc= ^a Jf- za uul 0o F\ dA d< )< = U ; zt / -t | \ II in 6 (o Fr! i 3=3* av Ei-?6;F:g u) tq r-ri r-[* r-{ cF VV< ye:ly;e= vF q> ?AF?EIQ-'9C C IfF ( r U J U T C C z ) !t< sg g ssg?; (, z 6 o l #8, T uJ ; U cc Otr ?ff . c),^tztg S t e rd lE E g y c0 Ea=7i5ve T x c c I =: l ; ; = \ Azi-v!!utu:X ? 5+E?gTT'l: - 3Hs=ie:3!E5 \ RX RRRRRS E g S 3 ul ; il U tr 9 o ti t:zE ; i =ft := eoE; ",H: =i ?=sP 65ZrEr"?355 r?;fiififis:s F Y r 3 d ,u.l :_ul _F uJ - .= ieEe{E-: lHS cc rJqE =cE == <( r E tr\> I Fl o 9u> z ccq zJf= tuJ-,FC C u< i: ;!.- - ^ nJ = =;a <'l * H - i ,,r l JU " o <- = iE=o639FO= i ( ool l ru r-3+ u.Jru u >< o u^ < = (^ ? x < :(4 I rO ;f, zY o Ee -l n= ;Y T: 6' > a UJ U 53 iO [o o ,/ z fF l E 'a -J F^ ! -/ - /' osn@ ) J-v zi I l t r Fatz z E t< o< < F ITU U U =\ l-_ i c rf l u F; x; X: FE - cH; < 6r a Za U; l o F 29. r ,( ) *T .^-.Jt "a ' 1 z <>5 0 ;*?F (t) (0 o)o-N o -9 ll J @ U 5 0 a a v< \ (l :f FnO t i aZ s (o rc o !P - C E N TR E FA C IA A S M. SNAP- CLI PFI NI SHERS T R I PR / 1 . l a . O VERBUM PERBAR A S S E M B L Y , "h" LH S ID E FA C IA A S M. g WA S H E R 2 P LA C E S B U MP E R A S M S E C T I O NC _ C secrromA-A r NUT I + pr-aces Rlr- WASHER 2 PL ACES SCREW 2 PL ACES Ri L SCREW ., 4 P LA C E S R /L,/3' S E C T I O NB - B S ecrl Ot'D t -D SECTI O NE- E /\ O A A 6-8 Nm Q a e e lv No N H A R D E N TN GS E A LE R AROUND B U MP E R A TTA C H ME N T H OLE S 1 2 - 1 6Nm 8- 1 1 Nm Flgure 1D-4 83 5 ta t-. k vrEWlAl R/LsrDE VENTILATION& HEATING2A.1 SECTION2A VENTILATION& HEATING INDEX Ref. 1. 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 Subject GENERALDESCRIPTION SERVICENOTES UPPERSIDEVENT OUTLETS.RIGHT & LEFT HAND Remove.,...... Reinstall MOOESELECTION,TEMPERATURE CONTBOLAND BLOWER FAN SWITCH.. ilodels - A11.........-..-.. Remove Reinstall Page 2A-3 2A-4 2A-4 2A-4 2A-4 244 2A-4 2A€ Ref. 1.5 2A-6 2A-6 2A-6 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.9 2A-7 2A-7 2A-7 2A-7 Subject Page BLOWERMOTOR......... 2A-9 Remove........ 2A'9 Reinstall 2A-9 BLOWERMOTORHOUSINGASSEMBLY..2A. 10 Remove........ 2A- 10 Reinstall 2A- 10 HEATERASSEMBLY-....... 2A-11 Remove........ .........-.....-.... 2A-11 Reinstall ..- 2A-11 HEATERCOREAND PIPEASSEMBLY......2A-13 Remove........ .................... 2A-13 Reinstall ... 2A-13 WATERVALVEASSEMBLY.HEATER coRE .-........ 2A-14 --_-.-Remove..-..... .................... 2A-14 Reinstall ... 2A-14 a 24.2 VENTILATION& HEATING --J Flgure 2A-1 EL OWER M OT OB SWIT CH T EM PERAT URE CONT ROL HEAT ' V E N T C ON TR OLS OFF N O A IR FLOW Figure 2A-2 VENTILATION& HEATING2A-3 1 . GENERALDESCRIPTION The ventilatingand heatingsystemfeaturedon VK Series models allows air enteringthe syslem via the grilles at the rear of the engine hood to pass throughthe blower motor housingand heater assembliesand to be heated, mixed or allowed to remain at ambient temperature,as required.The air then enters the passengercompartment throughthe centre and or side upperventilatoroutlets,or through the demist or footwell outlets (refer Fig. 2A-1) dependingon the position of the mode or temperature control levers illustrated in Fig. 2A-2. Fig. 2A-2 also illustratesthe air flow within the heaterassemblywith the variousmodesactivated. On sedans, air from the passenger compartmentexhausts throughventilatoroutlets located behindthe right and lelt hand side drip mouldingassemblyrear,illustrated in Fig. 2A-3. On stationwagons,the air is exhaustedvia the edges of the rear quarter inner trim panels,into the roof, then out into the atmospherethroughtailgatehinge pockets. The volumeof air trom the centre or side upperventilator outlets (refer View A, Fig.2A-1) is controlledby a regulatingwheel below the outlet inserts illustratedin Fig. 2A-4. The air llow can be directed as required by tilting and/or swivellingthe ventilatorupper outlet inserts. To slop the air supply from the upper side vent outlets, rotate the regulatingwheel to the right,and on the centre air outlet. rotate the wheel downwards until a stop is reached. The heatingsystem utilisesan air mix principlewhere the temperatureof air enteringthe passengercompartmentis controlledby a temperaturelever illustratedin Fig. 2A-2 which operates the mixture door. This regulates the volume of air passingthroughthe heatercore. The temperature, mode and blower motor control assemblyilfustratedin Fig. 2A-2 consistsof a four speed fan switch,which regulatesthe rate at which forced air is deliveredinto the vehiclethroughthe variousoutlets,and two sliding levers. The left hand lever controls the air temperatureentering the vehicle in all modes and the right hand lever,the particularmode required. OUT ER UPPER AIR OUT L ET HOUSING ASM .I ./l Figure 2A-3 :Ii \ OUT ER UPP E R i{ N' @ SCREW { 4 PL ACES) V v ffi 'q R E GU LA TIN G WH E E L \ LOWE F LH I N S TR U ME N T PANEL OUT EF L OWER AIRI OUT T ET INSERT ASM Figure 2A-4 24.4 VENTILATION& HEATING 1.1 MANUALCONTROLS The mode control leverhas five positions: DEM In this positionthe air flows onto the windscreenthrough the demistvents on top of the instrumentpanel-A small amountof air also goes to the floor ouilets FLOOR in this positionthe main air flow is directedto the floor outletswith a smallamountgoing to the demistvenrs. VENT This setting directs all the ambient or heated air to the centre and side vents. The air flow and directioncan oe individually adjustedat each vent. BI L EVEL This positiondirects air to the centre and side venls as well as to the floor vents. OFF ln this positionthe fan is switchedoff and no outsideair is admittedvia the ventilationsystem.This setting is only recommendedto be used for short periodswhen driving in very dusty or smokeyconditionswith all the wrnoows closed. Return the mode lever to one of the other settingsas soon as conditionspermit, NOTE:The blowermotorfan automatically swi166ss .r 1. its lowest speed when the mode control lever is moved away from OFF position. Fan speed can then be rncreased by selectinga highernumber. r LH D E MIS T N OZZLE D U C T A S S E MB LY ;C E N TR E A IR / D IS TR IE U TION D U C T -\ \S C R E W L H A I R O U T L ET DUCT llrJ' I nH J A IR OU TLE T DUCT j4 L R s D E tutsr N ozzLE D U C T A S S E ME LY . H E A TE R A S S E I\4B LY E L OWER M OT OR - ' H O U SING ASSET \4 BL Y . B LOWE R IV OTOR H OU S IN G TO H E A TE R A S S E ME LY D U C T Figure 2A-5 - VENTILATION& HEATING2A.5 J TU r< ^z :t a U z ?< UJ tIc z 3 oO--.r o z> 2uln ;> < *) U FF> z l ;< I co z u F X U )z o- z o F J u -O UA N, N- d) o Tf OF z U a L \ =F. t\ L JJq : : F z= I z L\ ,a 2E =a Oo FU 5= l9 z= crJ FU a^ Z= 6 UV z= uJ Zr F UJ (!a i,z 9n -3 >U (t )@ 2Ez =v ^/ €\ ;H zx 3: lr ' @ N r o =2 ctt o< L I 3i L_ 1 ci--T )". Y r\- z\-::\ \ 'Jr - ..-..-l \ i-\l |-'-V - \i i \ \," -^ __-\,;i-iF F< {; \ - u ff ) 2A.6 VENTILATION& HEATING 1.2 SERVICENOTES The non air conditioned air ducting on VK Series illustrated in Fig. 2A-5 as polypropolene tubing with matingindentationsand protrusionswhich retain the ends of the ductingtogether.Screwsinstalledthroughthe right and left hand air outlet ducting to the centre air distributionduct, ensurecorrectretentionof the ductino in its designedlocation.Should any of this air ducting be disturbedduring under instrumentpanel operations,it is essential to ensure that such ducting be correctly reinstalledso as to prevent possibleair leaks at these joinsand connections. Removalof any of the ducting necessitatesremoval of the instrumentpanel lower trim on the side from which the ducting is to be removed. Other than the blower housing to heater assembly duct, removal of other cluctingnecessitatesremoval of the touch control panel and the instrument panel location cover illustrated in Fig. 24-6. 1.3 UPPERSIDE VENT OUTLETS,RIGHT & LEFT HAND REMOVE Usinga fine bladed screwdriver,carefullyprise right hand and left hand upper and lower inserts from within side vent upperassembliesprior to removingscrews,securing the upper air outlet assembliesto ths instrumentoanel pad assembly as illustratedin Fig. 2A-7, then remove outlet assembly. , .// ,/' , ,i g O U T E RU p p E RA t R ourlErlNSERrAsM. \ \ REINSTALL Reverseremovalprocedures. /,(v\ /,/u -\Yg....f rffi /^@ia scREw_ \Lg! (4PLACES) LOWE R LH -' IN S TR U ME N T PANEL Figure 2A-7 \ - o u r E R _ L O WE R A tR OU TLE T i,vsa*t nsrr,r. - VENTILATION& HEATING2A.7 TEMPERATURE 1.4 MODESELECTION, FAN SWITCH BLOWER AND CONTROL M O DE LS . AL L Remove 1. Disconnectthe batteryearth cable. 2. Remove the transmissionconsole assembly (refer 2.2, Body Sectionof this Supplement). 3. From the left hand side of the heater assembly' disengagethe front end of the control cable from the temperaturedoor rod, illustratedin View B' Fig. 2A-8. 4. Remove the touch switch control panel and the centre nozzleand instrumentlocation{rame assembly illustratedin Fig. 2A-9. 5. Remove the temperature,mode, booster fan and wiper dwell control knobs. 6. Remove the lower instrumentpanel enension illustrated in Fig. 2A-9. NOTE: Do not removethe wiper dwell control switch. 7. Remove the screw securing the top o1 the temperature and mode control assembly to the instrumentpanel frame illustratedin Fig. 2A-8' then partly ease out assembly,disconnectingmode control vacuumhoses and electricalconnector' 8. Remove ihe rear end of the cable from the temperaturecontrol lever. Reinstall Reverseremovalprocedures. E _ FOF C ON TIN U ATION B E FE R S E C TIO N 12E \ ,,,1 vrw@ -s, l:7{ A S S E M B L E NUM BERED HOSES I T O C O R R E CT PORT ON VAL VE \- ? - - ' ./ E F OR INST AL L AT ION HtrrEh rlu. zA- It , ,r V A C U U M l {OS E C H E C K V A LV E I N S T R U M ENT PANEL vrrwp ] SCREWJ t-'.- a.=t=4^"<( -=. FU LL FoR WA R D -z WITH TE MD E R A TU R E Z LE V E R IN D OWN P OS ITION H E A T E R VENT IL AT ION C O N T R OL ASSEM BL Y C A UT ION NOT E _ NO KINKS IN HOSE S v re w@ __--t2 \ l ---- sN A p l N u , a *@ E E FOR E S N A P P IN GC A B LE IN , P OS ITION MU S T B E F U LL FOR WA R D (A S S H OWN ) WITH TE MP E R A TU R E LE V E R IN D OWN P OS ITION . Figure 2A-8 2A-8 VENTILATION& HEATING J TU ;< :-z L 3 : ( /) O o z F z z o l a r Uz U I(r )z oo I F o F z = XU r J U U 3 z oq \ \ 9 U a J z a t I F I z U U F U O J r F T a J z U ^i; FU z I a z? il, z= ft i r. ;uJ ;= =n :< EJ rI O,^ UV Ztr =; a z4 3 u -3 ,.) a a u^ ^.s q\ t-+ .,- _io fr Y n: {O \E -\ \\ Ea )@ Ez b " zx o) o| o q- .J-' )=> I U : -rJ I I tt -< .--j:\.l a/) UJ =< UJ F< OA UI FU t\ a_) \\\Z \< d) cc U F F ) 'o I 5< oq z >; F a +s L =f VENTILATION& HEATING2A.9 1.5 BLOWERMOTOR REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth cable. 2. From under the left hand side of instrumentpanel and using a fabricatedtrim clip removal tool (refer 10 SpecialTools,at the end o{ Section28) remove the lefi hand instrument panel lower trim (refer F ig. 2A -1 0 ). ^NS JL )\A{1'LIP-4PLACES 1 LOWE R P A R T I N S TR U ME N T PANEL A-A sEcrroru Figure 2A-10 3. From under the instrument panel, disengage the blower motor to main wiringharnessconnector,then supportingthe blower motor, removethe two screws securingthe motor to the blower housingillustrated in Fig. 2A-11,removingthe motor. REINSTALL Fleverseremovalprocedures. a LH A IR IN LE T \ D E F LE C TOR - SCREW (2 P LA C ES ) s RH AIR INL ET DEF L ECT OR LAI R IN I- E: Figure 2A-11 SEAL R IN G 2A-10VENTILATION & HEATING 1.6 BLOWERMOTORHOUSING ASSEMBLY REMOVE 1. Disconnectbattery earth cable and blower moror to main wiringharnessconneclor2. From under left hand of instrumentpanel ano usrng a fabricatedtrim clip removal tool (iefer 10 Speciai Tools at the end of Section 28) remove the instrument panel lower trim (refer Fig. 2A_10). 3. From insidethe engine compartment,removethe left hand air inlet deflector and the screw attached air inlet seal ring secured to the left hand side of the plenum chamber,as illustratedin Fig. 2A_11. Re_ move the ring assembly 4. With the instrumentpanel compartmentopen and with the blade ol a scredriverlocated between the head of the hinge pin and the right hand companment side, prise the hinge pin into the compartment as illustrated in Fig. 2A_12, then remove the companment. 5. Removethe blowermotor housingto heaterassembly duct illustratedin Fig. 24_13. 6. From the base of blower motor housing,remove bolt securing lower part of housing to le'ii hano dash panel lower,illustratedin Fig. 2A_13. 7. Removethe nuts securingthe blower motor housing to the studs attached to the left hand side of the plenum chamberillustratedin Fig. 2A-13, removtng the housingassembly. E U MP E R(2 P LA C E S ) IN S TR U ME N T P A N E L C OMP A R TME N T Flgure 2A-12 REINSTALL Reverseremovalprocedures. -.:/' \,- ''': 7 -.-, -/,---'- \ \i W ASH ER T . \ \\ \ A---! ::-- ;; (YO-.) NUT-\ .') BoLr -y'- l^, l{.) -zt t' / -/ HtrATFR !!/)n trH- T'] RINIAItrO \3 - M or oa ASM .DUCT ) \ \; tr A. \. /- \o I E /va /\{, r.jur-' iu 2 P L A CF S _- i \ \" '\-=;1^,--WASHEF ,1 2 7. 5 - 1 0 N m u ^ \- *- - tr o ,tT r t1 B L OWER M OT Otr H OUST NGASSEf,r Br y Figure 2A-13 J lt' L SCREW 2 P LA C E S .H E A TE R A S S E MB LY VENTILATION & HEATING2A.11 1.7 HEATERASSEMBLY REMOVE 1. Disconnectthe batteryearth cable. 2. Disconnectthe vacuumfeed hose at the check valve then from inside the engine compartment,remove the rubber grommetfrom the dash and the coolant hoses from the inlet and outlet heater core oioes illustratedin Fig. 24-141 CAUTION:The heater can easily be damaged in the area of the core tube attachment seams whenever undue force is exerted on them. When the heater hoses do not readily come otf the tubes, the hoses should be cut just fotward of the core tubes. The portion ol the hose remaining on the tube should then be split longitudinally. Once the hoses have been split, they can be removed from the tubes without causing damage to the core. 3. Remove the instrument panel lower (refer 3.4 in Section 1A, Body Section). 4. Remove heat/vent control assemblyfrom instrument panel (refer Fig. 2A-8). 5. Remove the blower motor housing to heater assemblyduct illustratedin Fig. 2A-13. 6. Remove the ends oi the ducting attached to the heaterassemblyillustratedin Fig. 2A-15. 7. Remove the bolt securing the lower part of the heater assembly to the floor pan bracket, as illustratedin View A Fig. 24-13. 8. Removethe two bolts securingthe top of the heater assemblyto the instrumentpanel brace as illustrated in Fig. 24-13, then removethe heaterassembly. REINSTALL Reverse removal procedures,ensuring that the heater core pipe grommetis correctly installedto fully seal the hole in the lower dash panel. Also check that the electricals and ducting disturbed during the removal proceduresare operatingeffectively. R OU TE H E A TE R H OS ESB E TW E E N P OWE R U N IT MOU N TIN G B R A C K E T A N D R OC K E R C OV E F, V IE W OU TLE T H OS E IN LET H O SE - cFC r.r..' =- r ' B E FOR E TN S TA LLA TTON \.-.. OF GR OMME T, P U S H ( * L V A C U U M S OU R C ETO C H E C K '-S \.V' V A LV E H OS ETH R OU GH cR oMME ruPro rA B N o.4 - \ AI I U ^UNtrU C ' r \ \ ^L ' - C\ Frr GR oN l N 4E rovE R H E A TE R P IP E SA N D I\TO D A S H P A N E L. E N S U R E P R OP E RFIT A N D S E A L, \;v ) Figure 24-14 ,T C EN T R E AI R z- LH D E MIS T N OZZLE D U C T A S S E MB LY , / D r s r R r B L r t o r 'JDU C T - R H A IR OU TLE T D U C T L H AIR OUT L ET DUCT R H D E MIS T N OZZLE D U C T A S S E MB L Y H E A TE R A S S E MB LY BL OWER M OT OR HOUSING ASSEM BL Y B LOWE R MOTOR H OU S IN (J TO H E A TE R A S S E MB LY D U C T Figure 2A-15 rl- t--- 2A,.12VENTILATION& HEATING F > P l< >R F t r> c r!< >q o I {r q U J; .k >* O -<(J U< I> l F O >5 l UJ tf r U U a co F rn N uJ F \. (/ -I = U r E E a r UJ F G U r F :E U .' lry U a U I 3 ) U (o t N , o 3 g tt \J U (h F u., J F l /> QnL =e; 3E: \cl \ U o I ! cc U :,/,.{ '/,-1 F -u.:( Y (-) : t U C f, -N F : -F J -N :O -Fcc z 8 \',tv' ^Cl\' U @ {r '/ "t\ -u Y ; J O - ta l E E o O il z> ----J -+-- ',---- V/, )L | | // // o o VENTILATION & HEATING2A.13 1.8 HEATERCOREAND PIPI ASSEMBLY REMOVE 1. Remove the heater assembly as previously described. 2. With the right hand side of the heater assembly uppermost,disconnect door rod adjusting retainer clip 'A', then remove screw 'B', both illustratedin Fig. 2A-16. 3. With the heater assembly in the upright position, remove the screw attached bracket'A' illustratedin Fig.2A-17,then slideout the core and pipe assembly from the heater case. REINSTALL Reverseremovalprocedures. LE V E R - 2 P E R C OR E & V A LV E AS M _ B R A C KE T "A " NtrA ICN LUHtr r S CR E W \'.//\ ;, ,/ !'J - LA IR -A rH \ MIX T.JU Mrx D OOR U HU C ON N E C TIN G R OD L R OD R E TA IN IN G C LIP - 2 P E R Figure 2A-17 24.14 VENTILATION& HEATING 1.9 WATERVALVE ASSEMBLYHEATERCORE REMOVE 1. From inside the engine compartment,remove the heatercore hosesillustrated in Fig. 2A-.14. CAUTION: The heatercan eastly be damagedin the area of the core tube attachment seams wienever unctue force is exerted on them. When the heater hoses do not readily come off the fubes, the hoses shou/d be cut just fonarardof the core tubes. The portion of he hose remainingon the tuDeshould then be split longitudinaily. Once the hoses haye been split, they'can be removed from the tubes wfthout causingdamage to the core. 2. Remove:he rubbergrommetserling the heatercore ptpespassrngthroughthe lowerdash panel. 3. Usrnc a cross recess headed screwdrrverlocated ns de of the dash inner panel hole adjacentto the realer core outlet pipe, remove the four screws securingthe water valve assemblyto the heatercore prpe illustratedin Fig. 24-19, then remove the valve assembly, taking care not to loose the ,O, rino located between the valve and heater core outlei ptpe. REINSTALL Reverseremoval Drocedures. ,-WA S H E R -4P E R B OLT - 4 P E R r WA TE R V A LV E A S M. TEATER CORE-r .\ GASKET O' RING _ ROD RE TA IN . AND A D J. C LIP R E TA IN , B K : .J S EA L \- H E A TE R C OR E U P P E RS E A L Figure 2A-18 V IE W 28-1 AIR CONDITIONING SECTION28 AIR CONDITIONING INDEX Ref. 1. 2. 2. 1 3. 3.1 s.2 Page Ref. Subiect 2B-1 3.4 ............................ GENERALTNFOFMATTON 2B-3 GENERALDESCRrPT1ON.............................. 2B-3 MANUAL CONTROLS 2B-3 'DEiI' 2B-3 'FLOOR' 2B-3 'VENT' 2*4 'BI LEVEL' 2B-.4 'NORM' 28.4 'MAX' 2H 'OFF' 2B-5 Retrlgerant Glrcult 2B-8 3.5 Gompressor 2B-9 Thermostatlc Swltch 2B-9 Evaporator.. 3.6 Thermostatlc Expanslon Va1ve.......... 2B-9 2B-9 Recelver Dehydrator.. 2B-9 Condenser 2B,-11 SERVICEOPERATIONS i 3.7 COilPRESSORDBIVE BELT TENSION 2B -11 AND ADJUSTMENT.... OIL CHARGE CHECKINGCOMPRESSOR 2B.11 ON VEHICLE Addlng Oll Durlng Component 2B-11 Replacement 2B-11 Compressor 3.9 Reln8talllngthe Orlglnal 2B-11 Compressor Installlng a New Compressor.. 2B -11 4. 2* 11 Evaporator.. 28-11 5. Condenser 2g-11 Revelver Dehydrator.. REFRIGERANTSYSTEMCHARGING........2B.-12 Fllllng Charglng Cyllnder ..........2B-12 Installatlon of Charglng 2B-12 . 28-13 Chargfng System Eyacuatlonand Leak Test........ 28-13 2B-13 Purglng (lf Necessary) ..-........... . 28-13 Charglng System FunctlonalTestlng ot System.. 28-13 Page Subject COMPRESSOR INSPECTION PROCEDU RES...._...._....._.___. 2g-14 2B-14 Leak Test CompressorSmoothness Test..........2B-14 29.14 Glutch Test .............. Nolse....................... 28-14 Remove.......,. 28- r 6 28- 16 Relnstall Disassembly 28- 16 Reassembly 28-18 Air Gap Adiustment.. 28'-20 EVAPORATORASSEMBLY 28'20 Remove 28,-20 Reinstall ............. 2B-2s EVAPORATOBCOREAND PIPE 29-27 ASSEMBLY 28,-27 Remove............... 2V27 Reinstall AND AUXILIARYFAN CONDENSOR 29-27 ASSEMBLY 29-27 Remove........ 28-27 Relnstall 28-27 AUXILIARYFAN ........-..28-27 Remove 1 . GENERALINFORMATION The Air Internationalair conditioningsystem used on VK models is a cycling clutch system with thermostatic and a Sanden TR 70 Spiral expansionvalve (C.C.T.X.V.) Compressor- The following information provides basic service operationsfor the C.C.T.X.V.air conditioningsystem' includingthe TR 70 SpiralCompressor. L 2B..2AIR CONDITIONING Figure 2B-1 I;FL- 1 E LOWE R MOTOR -.4'l S WITC H P, o " f* VENT 8l NORM MAX TE MP E R A TU R E _ C ON TR OL DE M I S T H E A T,'V E N T/A IR C ON D . C ON TR OLS VENT ci e\. '1 VENT BI_ L EVEL MA X A N D N OR M B LOWE R (R E R C IR C ) FOR OFF A N D MA X . Figure 2B-2 J --^ -- 28.3 AIR CONDITIONING 2. GENERALDESCRIPTION The VK cycling clutch and thermostaticexpansionvalve (C.C.T.X.V.)air conditioning system permits cooled' heated,mixed or ambientair to flow throughthe vehicle, dependingon the positionol the mode and temperature control leverssystem via the Air entering the air conditioning/heating grille at the rear of the engine hood, passesthroughthe blower motor housing and evaporator and heater assemblies,to be cooled or heated as required,then enters the passengercompartmentthrough the centre and/or side upper ventilator outlets, or through the demist or footwell outlets (refer Fig. 2B-1) dependingon the position of the mode or temperature control levers illustratedin Fig. 2B-2. Fig. 2B-2 also illustratesthe air flow within the system with the various modes activaled. A four speed high capacity blower lan forces air trom the plenum chamber, through the evaporator and heater assemblies,then out throughthe variousoutlets into the passengercompartment. NOTE: The blower motor is automaticallyswitched on to low speed whenever the mode control lever is moved from'OFF' oosition. On Sedans, air lrom the passengercompartmentexhausts through the ventilatoroutlets located behind the right and left hand side rear drip mouldingassemblies, illustratedin Fig. 2B-3. On station wagons, the air is exhaustedvia the edges of the rear quarterinner trim panels,into the roof, then out into the atmospherethroughthe tailgatehinge pockets' The controls illustratedin Fig. 2B-2, consist of a four speed fan switch and two sliding levers.The left hand lever regulatesthe temperatureot the air entering the vehicle in all modes and the right hand lever enables selectionof the particularmode required.The mode lever has seven oositions. Figure 2B-3 2.1 MANUALCONTROLS ' DE M ' In this position,the air flows mainlyonto the windscreen through demist vents on top o{ the instrumentpanel. A small amount of air goes to the floor outlets.The air is cooled to reduce humidityand then can be reheatedto the settingrequiredto demistthe windscreen. 'FLOOR' In this position,the main air flow is directedto the Jloor outlets with a small amount of air going to the demrst vents. The air conditioningcompressordoes not operate in this mode. 'VENT' This setting directs all air to the centre and side vents. The air flow and directioncan be adiustedat each vent by directionalvanes and thumb wheels.The air can also be shut off individuallyat these vents to achieve the desired comfort. The air conditioningcompressordoes not ooeratein this mode. aa-- ll -- v 2B-4AIR CONDITIONING 'BI LEVEL' This positiondirects the air both to the centre and side vents as well as to the floor ouilets. When using Bl LEVEL with the temperaturelever in an intermediate position,warm air will be directedto the feet and cooled air to the face (centreand side vents). Cooledair is availableto both loot and tace levels when the temperaturelever is positionedat cold. 'NORM' This setting directs outside air through the centre and side vents, used for most coolingneedson hot days.The air is cooled to reduce humidityand remove dust and pollen etc. lt can then be reheated if required to a lemperaturedeterminedby the temperaturecontrol lever. 'MAX' Use fcr maximumcoolingor quick cool down on very hot days. On this settingthe cabin air is recirculatedthrouoh the air conditioningsystem. No outside air is admit6d through the inlet grille and therelore the driver should returnto NORMAL setting once interiortemperaturehas reachedan acceptablelevel. This mode is also used to exclude unwanteo oust or fumesfrom enteringthe system. 'OFF' On this setting the fan is switched off and the door is closed so that no outisde air is admitted and the air conditloningcompres$r does not operate. NOTE: The fan automaticallyswitches on to its lowest speed vyhenthe mode lever is moved awav from OFF position.Fan speed can then be increasedbv setectrnoa highernumbet. 1. Outside air is used in all modes except MAX and OFF. Do not operatein MAX or OFF for long periods as no outsideair is admittedto the vehicle. 2. When driving in very dusty conditions,i.e. follownq anothervehicle,use 'MAX' or ,OFF' mode deoendin6 on whether you requirethe air conditioneron or oi respectively.Through door and window seals either setting wll prevent outside air from entenng until drivingconditionspermit return to one of the other settings.SelectionoJ 'NORM' A/C with high blower speeds and all wrndowsclosed, will presiunze the intenorof the vehicle,excludingdust entry. 3. Undermost conditionsit is recommendedthat 'MAX' (recirculatedair) setting be avoidedif occupanrsare smokingas residuesfrom the tobaccosmoke adhere to the evaporatorand air ducts and will result in stalesmellingair insidethe vehicle. 4. Automatic Transmission lf your vehicle is stopped for long periods in hot weatherwith the engine runningand air conditroner operating,setect 'NEUTRAL'or 'pARK'. This will increaseyour enginespeed which in turn aids engine coolingand air conditionerperformance. 5. 'OFF' you should only use this setting with the windowsopen. 6 The following procedure should be carried oul regularly during those periods of the year (e.g. winter) when the air. conditioningmodes may nor normallybe used. _t) AIR CONDITIONING 28.5 Once every two weeks, with the engine running, switch the air conditioner on by selecting either 'DEM','Bl LEVEL','NORM'or'MAX' mode.The unit shouldbe run for at least 5-10 minutes. This procedure recirculatesthe oil within the compressor and lubricatescompressorshaft seals. This will help to prevent the drying out of the seals with subsequentoperatingfailure of the system. 7. The air conditioner operates most etficiently with all windows closed. However, to speed up the cooling of the car interior on very hot days, it is recommended that the windowsshould be opened for the first minuteto allow the hot air to escaoe. REFRIGERANT CIRCUIT The refrigerantcircuil illustratedin Fig. 2B-4 incorporates the followingmajor components: A eompressor, thermostatic switch, evaporator, thermostatic expansion valve, receiver dehydrator and a condenser. Figs. 2B-5, 28-6 and 2B-7 illustraterefrigeranttube and hose routingand connections. RE F RI G E R A N T C IR C U IT& C O MP O N EN TS LEGE ND vm7) V'//4 UUI! UtrI\JtrT High Pr essur e High Tem per atur e VAPO U R [:i!!!J Hish Pr essur e High Tem per atur e LIOUI D + ffi Low Pr essur e Low Temper atur e LIOUID f--] lo* Pr essur e Low Temper atur e VAPOU R _ S E R V IC E FITTIN G .l H IGH S ID E {D IS C H A R GE ) )S oru u rc H PRESSURE SERVICEFI TTI NGO N COMPRESSO R C OMP R E S S OR - H IGH S ID E i .OW S ID E T O COM PB E S S OR CL UT C H LOW SIDE C API LLAR Y (sucrro\) S E R V IC E FITTIN G B A LA N C E TU B E E V A P OR A TOR T HERM OST AT IC SWIT CH .<- Figure 2B-4 lL- rll-- L \J :f C U T O U T S WIT CH R E C . D E H Y D R A TOF E X P A N SI V A LV E 7 28-6 AIR CONDITIONING /- scREW P OWE RS TE E R IN GA R E S E R V OIR -\ ,.2 -- aa z' siiew ->*\.'.-I Lrrr, ,*o, vr e wI o 'L;.)\ ; .- r , RECEIVER DEHYD R A TOR T O T HERM OST ATIC EXPANSION VAL VE l '- M A , Nw r R 'N G- / HARNESS ..D ?\ i, / \ r- t) secrtoruD-D .) Az- c, ! r' ,t2 ', :.$) ti\ Ir 'f-\- il -= - ruB E FR oMR E cE TvER DEHYDRATOR TO . coNDENSER )I \ SCREW f l 1_ lr , ..t,oJ A- A 2 PTACES A 7. 5 - 9 . 5 N m 1J\ 15 . 0 - 1 8 . 0 N m A 19 . 0 - 2 2 . 0 N m A. (f A I ' o c r ^r c - 3 PLACE S B z, R E F R IGE R A T ED T U BE R OU T IN G TGR OMME T a' ;--- \{,",?- 'llil+" K r '_, lYi q t secrroru B-B Figure 2B-5 C LA MP \ _\j4_L z;]ry .t A I ll l, '^--t'-' secrroru A-A - -1 / - E V A P OR A TOR OU TLE T ,O'R IN G : USE EXIST I\G SASK E TS ( 2 PL ACES) ct, : ' ,4, z o 1r'' A t. E V A P OB A TOR TO C OMP R E S S OR H OS E zb t\m oN LY / )) -1* J )-! l ' ^ ' : tf - -*/ /A // 24- 3 0 N m .';a ./\ 30- 3 4 N m u,.* El -G-'f-ScREw ;'' \ \ \ \ *o.".* t"''o F igure 28-6 /l AIR CONDITIONING 2B,.7 E V A P OFA TOR H OS E TO C OMP R E S S OR L ev ep o R n t o R o u r L E T secrroru A-A U S E E X I S TING GASKETS (2 PLACES) ^ C O M P R E S SORHOSE T O C O N D ENSER r- { 'l 12 L',', ,4. 2 6 - 28 Nm 12" 2 4 - 3 0 Nm A 1r\ 3 0 - 34 Nm _ 7 :--^ /-t A 1l\ :S C R E W vrEWEl Figure 2B-7 NOTES 28.8 AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR The compressor fitted to VK models illustratedin cut away section in Fig. 2B-8 is the TR 70 manufacturedby Sanden. lt is a new design based on a gyrating spiral within a spiral principle. Two spiral componentshave 2.8 turn involutespiral walls projectedfrom discs. Both spiral componentsare housed in a cylindricalcasing, with one in a fixed position and the other interleaved with the former at an angular relationshipof 1800, The free moving componentsare driven by a crankshaftin an orbiting motion.The orbiting motion of the free moving component provides a continuouscompressionprocessin two pairs of compression pockets. The compressoris belt driven from the engine crankshaft through an electro magneticclutch. In the cycling clutch system,the compressoris run intermittently, automatically turning on and off in response to an electric signal controlled by the thermostaticswitch. The compressor will cycle as necessaryto maintainminimumtemperature withoutthe evaporatorcore freezing. r DI S C H A R G E P O R T \^, 1": ,TC HI c o l y'- S P TR A LA S M. P U LIL E Y r-F R O NT P LA TE \ A.: \ J;'.,,' \\,, i:.$,,{ !/ E. u' 'R OTOR P U LLE Y B E A R IN G :BONT HOUSING_ Figure 2B-8 - SH AF T SEAL L C OU N T-FW:IGH T A S M AIR CONDITIONING 28.9 THERMOSTATIC SWITCH The switch,througha capillarytube, 'senses'variationsin the temperatureof the evaporatorcore and, by makingor breaking the electricalcircuit to the compressorclutch coil, causes the clutch to engage and disengage,thus keepingthe evaporatorcore just above freezing. EVAPORATOR The evaporator assembly located under the instrument panel and adjacentto the instrumentpanel compartment, cools and dehumidifiesthe air before it enters the passengercompartmentol the car. THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE The thermostaticexpansionvalve regulatesthe supplyof liquidrefrigerantto the evaporator. IMPORTANT:No attempt should be made to adjust this valve or damageto the compressormay occur. RECEIVER DEHYDRATOR The receiver dehydratorserves as a reservoirfor storage of high pressure liquid produced in the condenserand incorporatesa screen sack filled with dessicantto absorb traces of moisture. A sight glass built into the top of the receiverdehydrator (reter Fig. 2B-5) enablesa quick check of the amountof relrigerantcharge in the system.lf the refrigerantcharge is low, a persistantfrothingconditionwill be visibleat this sight glass. To overcome this condition, refer to the DiagnosticChart at the end of this Section. CONDENSER The condenseris mountedforwardof the engineradiator and is therefore exposed to a flow of ram air from the movementof the vehicle and from the engine fan. The purposeof the condenseris to convertthe high pressure, high temperature refrigerant gas discharged by the compressor into high pressure liquid refrigerant. An auxiliaryelectric cooling fan is centrallymounteddirectly in front ol the condenser. The system carries1050 g of R12 relrigerantand 150 cc ol Suniso No. SGSrefrigerantoil. rl- /--- 28.10 AIR CONDITIONING rHBoucH Botr /),, COM PRESSOR DRIVE BEL T -- 4 P LA C E S .-WA S H E R -4P LA C E S * c o w p R e sson ASSEM BLY A AT T ACHIN G /\' /\\ i\i / FOR C ON TIN U A TION R E F. S E C TION 12E -.:_ j< CO MPR E S S O FDRI VE B E t T ADJ , B O L T { BOL T 2 PL ACE S r,ittv | "rotr,*o ENSURE NUT IS uLArvrrtr\u RET IGHT ENED AF T ER BEL T ADJUST M ENT AT T A C H IN G BOL T 2 PL A C E S MOU N TIN G B R A C K E T 6 C Y L. E N GIN E ,5: ,o - 27 Nm Lj oo- 54 Nm J6 o o lr o r REM o vE sHr p p r NG pLA TE S A N D ,oR pLU Gs F ROI\4REF RIGERANT SYSTE \4,U N TI L II\'l ME D IA TE LY BEF ORE ASSEM BL Y OF HOS E STOP R E V E N T E N TR Y OF I\4 OIST UREOR F OREIGN MA TTE R IN TO TH E S Y S TE M. Figure 2B-9 Figure 28-10 AIR CONDIT IONIN2B G .11 3. SERVICEOPERATIONS DRIVEBELT 3.1 COMPRESSOR TENSIONAND ADJUSTMENT Adjust the compressr drive belt using belt tension dial gauge 982350or equivalent. On 6 CylinderEngines: Before adjusting the compressordrive belt bolt (refer Fig. 2B-9), slacken off the idler pulley clampingnut. On completionof belt adjustment,torque clampingnut to 40 - 50 Nm. On 8 CylinderEngines: Slackenoff the idler pulleyarmlclampingnut assembly (refer Fig. 2B-10),adjustcompressordrive belt tension, then torqueclampingnut assemblyto 40 - 50 Nm. At the time of initial installationof a new belt only, the strand tension should be 64 kg (140 lbs) plus or minus 2.25 kg (5 lbs) but after ten minutes'run-in'or with used belts, a value of 43 kg (95 lbs) plus or minus 2.25 kg (5 lbs) applies. OIL 3.2 CHECKINGCOMPRESSOR C H A R GEON V E H IC L E The compressoris chargedat the factory with 150 cc of Suniso No. 5GS refrigerantoil. Only this Vpe of oil shouldbe used when addingor changingoil. It is not necessaryto regularlycheck the oil level in the compressor.In general,the compressoroil level should only be checked in cases where a maior loss of system oil has occurred,such as:a. A broken hose or severe leak. relrigerant system b. Collision damage to components. c. lf excess oil is suspectedto be in the system. 1 . Dischargerefrigerantfrom system,then remove the compressor. 2. Removedischargeport cap of the compressorthen carelullydrain and measurethe refrigerantoil. 3. Flushoil from rest of system using R12 gas. 4. Add 150 cc of new refrigerantoil to the compressor. 5. Installthe dischargeport cap after first ensuringthat the seal 'O' ring is not twisted and that the seat and 'O' ring are clean. Tighten the cap to 8-12 Nm torque. 6. Evacuatethen rechargesystem. NOTE: Never over tighten the discharge port cap to overcomea refrigerantleak.Removethe cap and replace the 'O' ring. ADDING OIL DURING COMPONENT REPLACEMENT Some oil is lost whenever air conditioning syslem componentsare replaced. Where the system has been ruptured, a leak has occurred or a compressor has to be removed and reinstalledor replaced,the entire systemmust be flushed with R12 gas. IMPORTANT:The completeair conditioningsystem must conlain 150 cc of refrigerantoil to functioncorrectly. ra- l-- NOTE: A new compressorwill contain 150 cc ol factory installedrelrigerantoil. lf there are no signs of excessiverefrigerantoil loss, add the followingamount of oil dependingon the component being replaced. COMPRESSOR Beinstalling the Original Compressor 1. Drain and measure the refrigerantoil contained in the compressor. 2. Replace the oil in the compressorwith the same amountof new refrigerantoil. Installing a New Gompressor 1. Drain and measure refrigerant oil from original compressor. 2. Drain factory installed refrigerant oil from new comoressor. 3- Measurethe same amountol new refrigerant orl that was drainedfrom the originalcompressoranc install this amountof oil into the new comDressor. EVAPORATOR Drain as much of the originaloii as possibletrom the evaporator,then add the same amountof new refrigerant oil, either to the originalor new evaporator. CONDENSER Drain as much of the onginal o l as possiblefrom the condenser,then add the same amountof new refrigerant oil, eitherto the originalor new condenser. RECEIVER DEHYDRATOR Drain as much of the originaloil as possiblefrom the receiver dehydrator,then add the same amount of new reirigerant. oil, either to the original or new receiver dehydrator. NOTE: lf the condenser, evaporator or the receiver dehydratorcontainsmore than 25 cc of refrigerantoil, or the compressormore than 150 cc of refrigerantoil, then it must be assumedthat the system containsexcess oil. This condition necessitatescomplete f lushing of the whole system with R12 gas and 150 cc of new refrigerantoil added to the compressor. 28'-12AIR CONDITIONING 3.3 REFRIGERANT SYSTEMCHARGING The followingproceduresare accomplishedby using the manifoldgauge set illustratedin Fig. 2B-11, which allows the rate of refrigerantdischarge to be controlled,thus minimizingloss of compressoroil from the system. CAUTION: The wearing of safety goggles is mandatory duing system charging. Filling Charging Cylinder 1. Open valve on bottom ol chargingcylinder allowing refrigerantto enter cylinder. 2. Bleed cylindervia valve on top (behindcontrol panel) as required to allow refrigerantto enter. lt will be necessaryto close bleed valve periodicallyto allow boilingto subsideto check level in sight glass.When refrigerant reaches desired level, close valve at bottom of cylinder and be certain bleed valve is closedsecurely. Installation of Charging Station 1. Close all valves on chargingstation. 2. Remove cut-out swilch from high pressure charging port, disconnectswitch leads from compressorand main wiring harness, then reconnect main winng harnessdirect io compressor. 3. Connecthigh pressureand low pressurelines to the gaugeset fittingson the compressor. 4. Connect vacuum pump line and charging cylinder hose to gauge set. S CHRADER VAL VES _- coMP R E S S OR / (roPvrE W ) A DAPT ORS L OW rntrJ5uhtr GAUG E I\4A NI FOLD A N D GA U GE S E T GA U GE TIN E S V A C U U I\I C ON TR OL V A LV E R EF R I G=F i \T C!'L IND ER =l =1 r - ll il|--.t-uo.uuM r li cHARGtNG - - / CVL I\D:E Figure 2B-11 puMp AIR CONDIT ION IN28-13 G Charging System The chargingprocessincludesthe followingsteps:o Fillingchargingcylinder . Evacuationand leak test o Purging(if necessaryfor repairs) o Final charging o FunctionalTest Evacuation and Leak Test 1. Open vacuum control valve and gauge set low pressurevalve, turn pump on. After severalminutes, the low pressuregauge readingshould decreaseto 98 to 102 kPa vacuum. NOTE: This specificationshould be reduced 3.5 kPa for every 300 metres above sea level. Allow pump to operate for 15 minutes after this gauge reading is recorded, close vacuum control valve and tum otf pump if system holds vacuum for 5 minutes,commencecharging system. 2. lf system does not hold vacuum for at least 5 minutes, open refrigerant valve and allow approx 450 grams of refrigerant to enter system. Close refrigerantvalve and locate source of leak using a leak detector,and repairleak. NOTE: Various types and makes of leak detectorsare currently in use. Whichever leak detector is used, it is important to follow the manufacturersinstructions in regard to adjustmentand setting the instrumentprior to conductingthe test. Inspect for leaks by slowly moving the probe of the detector around all hose connections and points of possible leakage. Refrigerant Rl2 is heavierthan air and will be more apparentat the bottom of a fitting. 3. Close high and low pressurevalves at gauge set, purge systemas describedbelow. 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until system will hold vacuum for at least 5 minutes. Purging (lf Necessary) Disconnectvacuumline at chargingstationvacuumpump and lay end of line on a clean rag on the floor. Crack open high and low pressure control valves and allow refrigerantto purge from system. Refrigerantis completely purgedwhen hissingceases. NOTE: a. Do not open valves too much or compressoroil may be dischargedwith the refrigerant.Oil loss can be easilydetectedon rag at dischargeline. b. Refrigerant must not be purged through vacuum pump as this will aerate oil in pump thus reducing sealingetficiency. c. Reconnect vacuum line and close high and low pressurecontrolvalves on manifoldand gaugeset. d. Repeatevacuationand leak test. Charging System DO NOT STARTENGINE 1. Partially charge system with 170 grams (6 ozs) of refrigerantR12 by slowly openingthe high pressure valve at the gauge set; gauges should register a pressure,if not, check systemfor blockage. 2. Close high pressurevalve, and rotate comPressol at least 12 turns by hand to ensure that no liquid /a- refrigerant is trapped in the suction side of the compressor and that the internal components are coated with lubricant. NOTE: Failure to comply with this proceduremay result in permanentdamageto the compressor. 3. Open high pressureside refrigerantvalve and allow full charge to enter system- 1050 g Do not exceed this amount. 4. lf the charge will not transler completelyirom the station to the system,close the high pressurevalve at the gauge set, set the air conditioningcontrolsfor cooling, check that the engine compartmentis clear of obstructions,start the engine and run at rdle speed. Compressoroperationwill decrease the low side pressurein the system.When low side pressure falls below 275 kPa, crack open low side valve to draw in the remainingrefrigerantcharge.At no time should the rate of refrigerantdrawn in be such that hydraulic noises are created in the compressorby the pumpingol liquid.Adjustlow side valve opening to achievethis 5. Remove gauge lines from system and replace protective cap over low pressure schrader valve fitting, then tighten cap cutout switch to high pressure schrader valve and !€nten securely and leak check. 6. Disconnect main wiring harness irom compressor and reconnect cut-out switch leads to marn winng harnessand compressor. WARNING:NEVERRUN COMPRESSOR WITHOUTREFRIGERANT IN THE SYSTEM, AS COMPRESSOR FLOW. LUBRICATIONRELIESON REFRIGERANT test. 7. Performfunctronal Functional Testing of System The functionaltesting is a quick measurementof the air conditioner system perlormance. The air outlet vent temperaturesand the compressor head and inlet pressures are compared with specified tolerances at the prevailingambienttemperature. To performthe functionaltest proceedas follows:This test must be performedwith the vehicle In the shadei.e.'nosun load. 1. Removethe protectivecaps and cut out swrtchfrom the schrader valves on the compressor discharge and inlet fittings.Connect compressorlead to main wiring harness. 2. Connect the manifoldand gauge set charginglines and adaptors to the air conditroningsystem as show ni n Fi g. 2B -11. 3. Close all doors,windowsand the enginehood. 4. Set the temperature control lever to the cold position,blowerfan to high and mode switch to A/C 'MAX' position. 5. Place and operatea high volume industrialtype fan in front of the radiator grille to ensure adequate coolingof radiatorand condenser. 6. Measureambienttemperatureof this fan. face leveloutletvents. 7. Open all air conditioning 8. Start engine and run at 2000 rpm with transmrsslon in neutral. 9. Measure the temperatureat the centre outlet after runningenginefor 5 minutes. 10. Compare actual pressures and temperatureswith those on functionaltest table. - - -.=- 28.14 AIR CONDITIONING FUNCTIONALTEST TABLE A mbient A i r oc Temp. A ux . Fan Air B last 2. Ce n tr e Ou tle t Air T e m p . oc lf operatingpressuresand temperaturesare within the specificatronslisted in this f unctional test table, the refrigerant section of the air conditioningsystem is functionrng conectly. 3.4 COMPRESSOR INSPECTION PROCEDURES LEAK TEST Seeping oil does not necessarily indicate leaking refrigerant.Look for the followingproblems: . Shaft seal area seeping oil. Feet under seal area betweenclutch and compressor. . Dislocationof front boss 'O' nng (protrudingsection). o Oil aroundserviceport. fittings. . Oil aroundfillerhole.'O' ring,strippedthreads. o Oil aroundcrackrn compressor housing. IMPORTANT:Alwaysclean away all oil, grease,etc., and blow away residual refrigerantbefore starting detection procedures.Reter to Systemor SupplierManualsfor the proper techniquesto be used for Halide or 'Electronic' Leak Detectors. HalideFlame Detectors- Any portionof the compressor, rncluding the seals,which showsa leak indicationon the f lamewill requireleak repar. 'Electronic' Shop Type Detectors+ In the seal area. Se: the instrument1/4 to 1/3 range above maximum selsrtivity.All other portionsof the compressor- set the detector at maximum sensitivity.("Detectors with a mlnlmumleak rate of 14-28cc per year). 'Soap 3ubble' - Any bubbtes,on any portion of the compressor indicatea leak requiring repair. COMPRESSORSMOOTHNESSTEST (Compressorinstalled) 1. Disconnect refrigerant hoses, discharging system. 2. Disengage clutch. 3. Rotatearmatureplate by hand. 4. While rotating,if severe rough spots or 'catches' are felt, repairor replacethe compressor. CLUTCH TEST 1. lf fieldcoil lead is broken,repairlead or replacefield coil. Check current draw and voltage. The amperage range requtrementis 3.0 to 3.5 at 12 volts. Note the followingsymptomsand remedies. o A very high amperage reading - A short within the field coil. . No amperage reading - An open circuit in the winding. o An intermittentor poor system ground resultsin lower voltage at the clutch. Check for tight fit of coil retainingcirclip. Check to determrneprooer systemground. o Replace field coil if open or short circuit is found. 3. Air Gap - An incorrect air gap could cause erratic engagementor disengagementand/or clutch ratile. Check the air gap with a feeler gauge 0.35 0.65 mm. Adjustas outlinedlater in this Section. 4. SuspectedBearingNoise - Carry out the following: Removebelt. Disengageclutch. Rotaterotor pulleyby hand. Listen for bearing noise. Feel for hard spots. lf excessive,repairor replacecompressor. NOISE Checkfor: 1. Loose belt, torque to 43 kg (used),64 kg (new) plus or minus2.25 kg. 2. Broken bracket and/or compressorbody mountingreplacebrokencomponent. 3 Missing,broken or loose bolts at compressorand engrnefixingpoints. 4. Torqueboltsto specifications. 5. Looseor wobblingenginecrankshaftpulley. 6. Alternalorbearing. 7. Air pump (wherefitted). B. Water pump bearing. 9. Enginevalves. 10. Timinggears. 11, Looseenginemountingbolts. 12. Low refrigerantcharge can be determinedby persistant foaming in the receiver dehydratorsight glass and low suction pressure together with low head pressure. 13. Oil Level- Insufficientoil can cause unusualnoise. Remove 1. Dischargesystem as previouslyouilined in 'Refrigerant SystemProcessing.' 2. Removehoses from compressorand tape or plug all connectionsto prevent absorptionof moisturefrom the atmosphere into the system. 3. SlackenofJidlerpulleyclampingnut and/or bolt then disconnectthe drivebelt. NOTE: On 6 cylinder engines,it will be necessary to release the tensron from the compressor drive belt adjustingbolt.illustrated in Fig. 2B-9. 4. Disconnect electrical connector then remove the attaching bolts and compressorfrom the mounting bracket. 5. lf the original or a new compressor is being reinstalled,or replaced, refer to 'Add Oil Durino ComponentReplacement'2.3 in this Section. AIR CONDIT IONIN2B G -15 \? ,A J g (r e L an t! F 5 4 aa UT oa ct! F3 ti tr tr Aa th F CE o e z. L U l9 cc 0 / ' l) J t./ l,/ F (.) I C) z ,/l /tl< L @ @ z o E = /, ,///> U cc c ;: )I z cc N (, = -o I N o ul u U J J f (I f l< F1 (l F-J o :d 3 o :e U z ;< -O ul^ |: .tO =< at OF )z zsu) :> < FF> z^< I dl z zx CEL O- -U Ll U F = > o< ( I N. ' oz 2 dl EZ FU ol - 'r' U a \ =P l J F il J U. z= = ft z- oa i =t FU z= Y< -v (),^ 72 =tr U= Fr Z; ; -I UV F Ul lfL z_ ua 5o 9n 17 ?A - FU =: -\ zx YN ! uil )=> C) N c- (\| o I o< ll Jq a\a F< UG OU \ UFU ^- 9=I 28-22 AIR CONDITIONING 6 U V J L I 3 U IT O .-. uC ze z Cs U> z) )Z >; 8Z ! uz J F \: b\ t U ?e -i z Orq \ UJ r^ O6 U U J N N F rr o z> z2 f J r\ z? Jv t- i o F l z -i r t 161 a U }Y T l = U cc o a) @ 6| o -9 L l o - u.1 F >N uO az 'U , .-(, S{ \ / -^ \1 ;:* .----* -u.ra < t-t I -c >i 1- =N ,/ a\, I-$ -\X,/ t/ --u uY AIR CONDITIONING 28-23 -_,/t, -\\ scREW =-\ I o.\ -\ ; ---1- -----" {2 P LA C E S ) \ t4 - v re wI r LH D E MIS T N OZZLE D U C T A S S E MB LY \[ -@ I -\, L SC R Ew v re wiB l - A IB D IS TR IB U TION D U C T A S S E MB LY L H AIR OUT L ET DUCT SCREW EVAPORAT OR ASSEM BL Y - BLowER rvroron-=-j HOUSING ASM . :--4 Figure 2B-3'l Remove combined instrumenlassemblyillustratedin Fig. 28-30. 7. Disconnect temperature cable at heater assembly and partially remove vent/heat control assembly- Do not disconnectvacuumhoses or electri€l connector. Remove screws securing left hand and centre of instrumentlocation cover to instrumentpanel pad and frame illustratedin Fig. 28-30. 9. Remove centre nozle hose assembly and screws securingright and left hand air ductingto centre air duct illustratedin Figs. 28-30 and 28-31. 10. Remove instrument panel compartment and rear comDartmentreleasebutton. 11. Remove left hand upper air outlet assembly and screw securingleft hand ol instrumentpanel pad to frame iflustratedin Figs. 2B-30 and 28-32. 12. Firmly support left hand instrumentpanel lower and remove all of the screws securingthis panel to the instrumentpanel frame illustratedin Fig. 28-32. 13. Flemove left harrd air outlet duct illustrated in Fig. 28-31, from under left hand side of instrument panel, taking care not to place undue pressureon left hand instrumentpanel lower. 14. From under the instrument panel, disconnect the drain tube illustratedin View 'A' Fig. 28-33 from the base oJ the evaporatorassemblY. '15. Positiona wooden wedge betweenthe left hand side of the instrumentpanel pad and the instrumentpanel frame to gain access to the two bolts illustratedin Fig. 28-33, which secure the top ol the evaporator assemblyto the instrumentpanel frame,then using a socket enension and a ratchet handle, remove the bolts securing the evaporator assembly to the instrumentpanel frame. 6. Q! uvv ntr\freT !)):,:!- \ ^22 c 2B.-24AIR CONDITIONING F z o z ) F ,0 -= > = > rr Za li ^F= ;" --.--r e=64 - ) i tr= uJ ; i 3 L ct r l z r U 3 = U @ r a I l U) J F> o F a zz - Ir< < vv;^F ol o i a >) o U F t z (= z- 't--= l ;=F? ol o T- e : Pi= : i ; l r t U 3 (J o _U J l-r" z = k3 9UJ SoEx z i l: \i{'HS => Y< |a \,I > F ,-4) -\ -\ r.ff \! z --r> tr u!-u =-z = u) o . >f_ ; rlll - 3i UJ CCa O6 F H= f r d b F = Eo ,t6Oo ;- 10.0 mm D IA -6.0 mm 3.0 mm AU263 _ SANDENCOMPRESSOR TOOL KIT CO M PRI SI NGTHE F O L L O WI N G T O O L S A U 2 61 ,O' RIN G P R OTE C TIN G TOOL Z I( '. \-o 4U262 FE LT S E A L A S S E ME LY N S TA LLIN G TOOL A U2 5 8 C O M PRESSORHOL DING F I X T URE 41267 S E A L H E A D R 'MOV A L IN S TA LLA TIC N TOOL AU260 W I N G C I RC L IP P L IE R S S E A L S E A T R E MOV A L A N D IN S TA LLA TION TOOL FRONTSUSPENSION 3.1 SECTION3 FRONTSUSPENSION INDEX Ref. 1. Subject Page GEI{ERAL DESCR|PT|ON..............................3-1 I Ref. | 2. Subject FRONT STRUT USAGE Page 3-1 1. GENERALDESCRIPTION The front suspension on VK Series models remains the same as on VH Series models, with the exception.ol the front strut shock absorbers.These have been revised to suit the differenl variation in vehicle load and to maintain satisfactory damping control. VK strut inserts are not interchangeablewith previous Commodoremodels. Service operationsare as described in Section 03 of the VB ComniodoreService Manual p/N M3g14S. 2. FRONTSTRUTUSAGE All VK Series models have the front strut assemblies painted black, there is no colour identificationas per previousCommodoremodels. For non-standardstrut identification,refer to the 'Body and ldentification Plate'. The plate includes vehicle optional information if it is fitted with XWs - Outback Pack or FE-ZSportsSuspensionPack,refer Fig. 3-1. Figure 3-1 4A.1 REAR SUSPENSION SECTION4A REAR SUSPENSION INDEx Ref. 1. 2. Page Subject 4A'1 ...................r.......... GENERALDESCRIPTION 4A-1 SERVICEOPERATIONS........'..............!........ Ref. 3. 3.1 Page Subject 4A-2 ...............-...................r........ SPECIFICATIONS REAR SHOCKABSORBERUSAGE...........I4A-2 1 , GENERALDESCRIPTION The rear Suspensionon VK Series models remains the same aS on VH Series models,with the exceptionof the shock absorbers.These have been revised to suit the differentvariationin vehicle load over VH Series models. Serviceoperationsare as describedin Section 04 of the VB CommodoreServiceManual. 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS Service operations arc as described in the VB CommodoreServiceManualPart Number M38145. NOTE: Any service operation that requires the removal and reinstallation of the upper control arm to axle attachingbolts, on installationthey must be inserted in an inwarddirection,Refer Fig. 4A-1. Flgure 4A-l 44.2 REAR SUSPENSION 3. SPEC|F|CAT|ONS 3.1 REAR SHOCKABSORBERUSAGE M O DE LS ID EN TIFIC A TI ON LA B EL E X TE N D E D LEN GTH (mm) C OLOU R 522.5/528,5 Black A ll 19 St y les ( Sedans ) Ex c . XW S/ FE2 All 35 St y les ( St at ionW agons ) Ex c . XW S/ FE2 19 St y les ( Sedans ) wit h x w5 , FE2 35 S t y les ( St at ionW agons ) r I W it h XW SiFE2 | vG ffi1/635 Yellow LG 523.51527.5 Yellow 19 St y les ( Sedans ) 582/588 With FEz XWs - O ut bac k Pac k FEz - Sus pens r onSy s t em Pac k NOTES j B l ack REAR AXLE 48.1 SECTION48 REAR AXLE INDEX Ref. 1. Page Subiect 4B-1 GENERALDESCR|PT|ON.............................. I Ref. | 2. Subiect SERVTCEOPEBAT|ONS................... Page 4B-1 1. GENERALDESCRIPTION There are two different size Salisbury Rear Axle Assembliesused with VK Series models. 1. A Salisbury type axle with 178 mm diameter ring gear is used as standard eguipment on all models except those with the 5.0 litre engine. 2. A Salisbury type axle with 1gO mm diameter ring gear is used on models with s.O litre engine. Limited slip differentialis avaitabteon all models. 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS There have been some revisions to the rear axle assemblies for VK compared with those fitted to VH Series models. 1. The hypoidpinionhas been shot peened. 2. The ditlerentialpinion shaft has been nickle plated. 3. The hypoid pinion bearing spacer has been surface hardened,by a process of nitro carburizing. NOTE: Components from previous Holden models must not be substituted for the above components when overhauling the rear arde assemblies on VK Series models. The remainder of the axle components are identical to those used on previousHolden models. For servicing and overhaul procedures refer to the VB CommodoreServiceManualPart No. M38145. PROPELLER SHAFT& UNIVERSALJOINTS4C-1 sEcTtoN4c PROPELLER SHAFT& UNIVERSALJOINTS INDEX Ref. 1. Subject Pqge PROPELLERSHAFT IDENTIFICATION......4G1 I Ref. I 2. Subject UNIVERSALJOINTS page IC]T 1. PROPELLERSHAFT IDENTIFICATION The following chart sets out the propeller shaft usage for VK Series models. PROPEL L ER S H A FT E N G IN E TRANSM ISSION 3.3 litre EST MC6 PART NO. ll s2o24162 | 1l M4o 3.3 litre r il gzoz4163 | i M76 C OLOU R | ll BLACK with gr ey band a LAcK 1 41i th vi ol et band eLA C K w i th 92024160 I I o p al i ne greenband B LAC K w i th sk y bl ue band D A R K GR E E N wi th w hi te band 2. UNIVERSALJOINTS On VK Series models, with the EFI engine, the propeller shaft is fitted with universalioints the same as used on 5.0 litre models. For service operations refer to Section 04 of the VB CommodoreServiceManualPart No. M38'145. The phasing of the front and rea( yokes on propeller shafts fitted to 3.3 litre models, has changed from parallelto 90o apart. BRAKES5.1 SECTION5 BRAKES I NDEX Ref. 1. 1 .1 1.2 2. 2.1 Page Subject .........r.........r..-..... 5-1 GENERALINFORMATION 5-1 NOTES ...' ...........r .o....r r ........!.r .r ....... S E R V ICE BRAKE BOOSTER - 6 CYLINDER ........,..D't 5-1 SERVICE OPERATIONS .................r...r..r.-.....5-2 BRAKE FLUID CHANGE................................*2 Ref. 2.2 Subject Page BRAKE BOOSTER...........,................., 5-2 R gm O V€.......- ..r .....- .............r o....r ....... . . . . . . . r 3. 4. 5 -2 ReinStall .-......-...r...........................'......... 5-g SPEC1F1CAT|ONS..................r...r..................... 5-4 TORQUE WRENCH SPECIFICATIONS........ 5.4 1 . GENERALNFORMATION brake booster With the exceptlon o fa non-serviceable and modifiedbrake pipes to suit mastercylinderposition 1.1 SERVICENOTES The polyglycol brake fluid used in VK Series models is hygroscopic and absorbs moisture f rorn the air through the brake hoses etc. The boiling resistance of the f luid decreases as the moisture content increases and so the possibility of a vapour lock under heavy braking conditions increases with the age of the fluid. Therefore, for maximum brake effectlveness, a two yearly change of brake fluid is rnandatory. To prevent the absorption of moisture from the air, it is recommended that the brake f luid be stored in small (500 ml) containers and that any surplus fluid remaining in a container after use be discarded. NOTE: The approved brake fluid (GMH Specification HN1796) is available from GM P & A in 500 ml containers under part number 92018952 and 250 rnl containers, part number 92018951. lf pressure bleeding equipment is used, it must be of an approved type with a diaphragm separatrng the brake fluid from the air. CAUTIOAT; Brake fluid ls extremely damaging to paint. lf fluid shoutd accidentally touch a painted surlace, immediately wash from paint and clean painted sur-face. 1.2 BRAKEBOOSTER. 6 CYLINDER A single diaphram brake booster is fitted to all 6 cylinder VK models. The brake booster is similar to that used on JB Camira models. The booster cannot be serviced and must be replaced if defective. on all 6 cylinderVK models,the brake system for VK is similarto VH models. 5-2 BRAKES 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS 2.1 BRAKEFLUIDCHANGE 1. 2. 3. 4. Thoroughly clean master cylinder especially around wheel brake line connections. Disconnect wheel brake lines from master cylinder and remove reservoir cap. Allow master cylinder to drair, until empty. (Refer F ig. 5 -1) Fill master cylinder reservoir with f resh, specified brake fluid from a sealed 500 ml container and ensure reservoir is at least half full for remainder of procedure. 5. Allow fluid to flow from open connection ports until fluid is free of air. 6. Reconnect wheel brake pipes to master cylinder and tighten to torque specified at end of section. 7. Bleed at each wheel using diaphragm type pressure bleeding equipment, until fluid removed is free of air. NOTE: lf pressure equipment if not available, proceed to bleed brake system manually (at least 6 pumps per wheel brake). 8. 9. 10. 1 1. 12. 13, 14, Loosen left hand caliper bleed screw. Remove left hand caliper anchor plate retaining bolts. (See Fig. 5-2) Hold caliper upside down and remove bleed screw to drain contents of caliper into suitable receptacle. Hand tighten bleed screw and reinstall caliper assembly. Tighten anchor plate retaining bolts to torque specified at end of section. Repeat step 8 to 12 tor right hand caliper assembly. Bleed front calipers. Figure 5-1 D IS C R OTOR < ./\ C A LIP E R A N C H OR P LA TE R E TA IN IN G B OLTS 4 ') 2t E R A K E C A LIP E R Figure *2 2.2 BRAKE BOOSTER REMOVE 1. Disconnect electrical lead and three brake pipes from master cylinder.(Refer Fig. 5-3). 2. |.Jnscrew nuts securing master cylinder support bracket to adjacent spring tower. (Refer Fig. 5-3) 3. Remove master cylinder to bracket bolt and remove bracket. (Refer Fig. 5-g). 4 . Remove nuts securing master cylinder to power booster studs. (Refer Fig. 5-3). 5 . Remove master cylinder taking care not to disturb power booster push rod. NOTE: Do not depress brake pedal with master cytinder removed or reaction disc may become dislodged In booster. BRAKE E OOS TE R BR A C K E T Figure 5-3 BRAKES5-3 6. 7. Remove vacuum hose from brake booster body' Remove two brake booster assembly retaining nuts at brake pedal support, from inside the vehicle. (Refer Fig. 5-4)- Figure 5-4 8. 9. Remove brake push rod retainingclip and washer from brake pedal and lift push rod off brake pedal stud. (ReferFig. 5-5) engine booster assembly from withdraw from gasket and bracket Remove compartment. boosterstuds. WA S H E R telPr-@ \J/ v +_ P U S H R OD .-P U S H R OD BRA KE S TU D Fi gure 5-5 REINSTALL 1. Locatebracketand gasketon boosterstuds. 2. Place boosterassemblyin positionand fit push rod over brake pedal stud. Refit washerand clip to stud' 3. Reinstalltwo booster retainingnuts and tighten to torque specifiedin rear of Section4. Refit vacuumhose to boosterbody' 5. carefullypositionmastercylinderover power booster push roo' and retainingstuds and torque retaining nuts to torque specified at end of this Section. Resecuresupportbracketto springtower and master cylinder. this 6. Tightenall bolts to torquesspecifiedat end of is bleeding pressure lf system. brake Bleed Section. to reconnected be must lines employed,the brake rnaster cylinder before commencing bleeding procedure. - 5.4 BRAKES 3. SPECIFICATIONS B rake Flu id G M S p e c i f i c a t i o nH N 17 9 6 (GM P & A Part No. 92018952- 500 mts) 92018951- 2b0 mts) B ra ke Boo ste rfu se m bly Type Vacuu m Piston Diam et er S i n g l eV a c u u m S u s p e n d e d 230 mm 4. TORQUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS Nm Brak e Boos t er Ret ainingNut s Ma s t erCy linder t o Br ac k etBolt Mas t erCy linder Br ac k ett o PanelNu t s Mas t erCy linder t o Br ak e Boos t er Pres s ur eDif f er ent ialW ar ningSwit c h Ca liperAnc hor Plat eRet ainingBoft s Brak e Pipest o M as t erCy linder Nut s . . 20-25 15-18 20-25 19-28 1.4- 1.8 70-85 8-11 6A.1 ENGINEMECHANICAL SECTION6A ENGINEMECHANICAL INDEX Ref. 1. 1. 1 1.2 2. 2.1 2.2 Page Subject 6A-1 .............................. GENERALDESCRIPTION 3.3 LITREENGINEWITH ELECTRONIC SPARK TlitlNG (EST) ......r.................!.'..t.t... 6A-2 3.3 LITRE ENGINEWITH ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION (EFI) ....,..r!.......r..r....r......... 6A-3 Inlet ManifOld ........r.r.rr....-...........r....r.... 6A-4 6A-4 ......-............rrirrrrrrrrrrrroo SySteJfl EXhaUSt 6A-4 SERVICEOPERATIONS................................ 6A-4 coilPRESSIoN TEST....r.......-....................... 6A-5 GYLINDERHEAD (EST)....'.....r....r..........!.... 6A-5 Rem OV€ ......... r..........! rr.1....... ................... t Ref. 2.3 Subject Page CYLINDERHEAD (EFl).................................. 6A-5 RgmOV€.............r.....r.r..r............r.......r......6A-5 RginStall ......r......r...r,........................-......6A-7 2.4 ENGINEASSEMBLY(EST)....................-....... 6A-7 2.5 ENGINEASSEMBLY(EFl) ............................ 6A-8 RgmOV9..............r..r.................'..........r..... 6A-7 RemOV€.t.........r...........r........................!..r 3. 6A-8 ReinStall .............r...,....r........................... 6A-1 3 TORQUE WRENCH SPECIFICATIONS........6A-13 1 . GENERALDESCRIPTION Three different engines are released for use with VK Series models. A 3.3 litre engineequippedwith ElectronicSpark Timing (EST) is standardequipmenton SL and Berlinamodels. A 3.3 litre engine with ElectronicFuel Iniection(EFl) is standard on Calais and available as an option on all sedan modelswith automatictransmission. The 5.0 litre VB engine with automatic transrnission. which carriesover from the VH Series,is availableas an optionon all models. The changesto the 3.3 litreenginehave been rntroduced to reduce emissions and improve fuel economy. A surnmar/ of the modificationsused for each 3.3 litre enginefollows. 6A-2 ENGINEMECHANICAL 1 . 1 3 . 3 L I T REE N GIN EWIT H ELECTRONIC SPARKTIMING(EST) This engine uses the Bosch Electronic Spark riming system, refer Section 6D, lgnition System, of this Supplement for details. Detailed revisions have been made to the following engine components, to suit the requirements of the EST engine. The cylinder head and inlet valves incorporate changes to improve gas flow refer Figs. 64-1 and 6A-2. Cylinder head gasket, has a pigmented dark brown colour for identification, and is of a heavy duty construction. Spark plugs, copper cored with thicker electrodes. Figure 6A-1 y 'V K ' 3 . 3 L I T RE \ \ \\ f 'V H '3.3 LITR E \\-< \\ \ \, \-'V H '3.3 LITR E Figure 6A-2 The cylinder head is also revised to accept the air pump type Air Injection Reactor system. The cylinder block has been modified at the rear to accept the mounting of the EST speed sensor, refer Fig GA-3 The flyrrheel and torque converter assemblies have three timing pins added around their circumference. There is also a dowel pin added to the rear face of the crankshaft to accurately locate the flyr,vheelor automatic drive plate. Pistons have been revised to suit the engine operatrng characteristics. S P E E DS E N S OR S E N S ORMOU N T Figure 6A-3 ff ENGINEMECHANICAL 6A.3 1.2 3.3 LITREENGINEWITH (EFl) FUELINJECTION ELECTRONIC This engine uses the Bosch LE-2 JetronicFuel Iniection system.ReferSection6C of this Supplementfor details. Detailed revisions have been made to the following engine components,to suit the requirementsof the EFI engine. The cylinder head and inlet valves incorporatechanges to improvegas flow. Refer Figs. 6A-4 and 6A-5. Fi gure 6A -4 /- '.K 33LrrR E _.V H' 3.3 LITR E T a- ,1 :-'.";'-'14 . \ \ \-'V H ' 3.3 LITR E - _,!/K'3.3 LIT R E Figure 6A-5 Spark plugs, copper cored with thicker electrodes. Exhaust valves, with improved material specifications, are identified by a forged 'S' in the valve head recess. Refer Fig. 6A-6. Cylinder head gasket, has a pigmented dark brown colour for identification, and is of a heavryduty construction. Camshaft: Cam profiles have been revised. For valve timing details refer chart below. NOTE: Timing includes ramps. Opening ramp 26o Closing ramp 32o. I nc lu di n g Ram p s lnle t Va lv e OpensBTC ABC Closes Duration Exh au stValv e O pensBTC ClosesATC Dur at ion Figure 6A-6 Va lve Open O v er laP Pistons have been revised to suit the engine operating characteristics. Timing Gears: Revised gear tooth design for camshaft drive gear set and improved material for steel crankshaft 9ear. The timing case cover has been modified with the addition of an oil redirection rib (Fig. 6A-7). This allows additional oil flow to the timing gears. - OIL R E D IR E C TE D R IB Figure 6A-7 t- 6A-4 ENGINEMECHANICAL I NLE T MANIFOL D A new ram tuned inlet manifold is used to optimise mid range torque. lt has the diameter and length of the runners tuned so that a positive pressure pulse arrives at the inlet valve just prior to its closing. This forces extra air rnto the cylinder giving a pressure charging effect which can be as high as 15 kPa. Figure 6A-8 EXHAUST SYSTEM A substantial power and torque increase has been achievedby the use of exhaustextractorsin conjunction with a singleexhaustsystern. The exhaust extractors,which are manufacturedf rom stainlesssteel, nave a low heat retention,helping to minimiseunder hood ternperatures. For further details of the exhaust syst€ffi, reter to Section88 of this Supplement. K" Figure 6A-9 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS For service and overhaul operations not listed in this Supplement,refer to the lmproved performanceL6 and V8 EngineServiceManual,Part No. Mgg3g8. 2.1 COMPRESSION TEST on EFI equipped vehicles, the control relay must be remcved f rom the f use box (refer Fig. 6A-10), before commencing a compression test, to prevent the injection of fuel which may be blown out the spark plug holes Figure 6A-10 6A.5 ENGINEMECHANICAL 2.2 CYLINDERHEAD (EST) - P IN K LE A D IN S L E E V E (A N TI D IE S ELIN G S OLE N OID ) REMOVE Removalproceduresfor the cylinder head on an engine equippedwith EST are the same as for a VH LO rnodel with the air pump Vpe Air InjectionReactorsystem. The only additions are the disconnectionand removalof wiring at the throttle positionswitch, coolant temperature sensorand enginespeedsensor,refer Fig. 6A-11. TH R OTTLE P OS ITION S WITC H C ON N E C TOR-r \ C OOLA N T TE MP E R A TU R E S E N S OR r C ON N E C TOR Fi gure 6A -11 2.3 CYLINDERHEAD (EFl) REMOVE 1. Disconnect battery earth lead. Carry out removal operationsoutlinedin 3.9 'Air Flow Duct' and 3.11 'lnlet Manifold'in Section6C 'Fuel Iniection'of this Supplement. 2. Secure exhaust extractors away from the cylinder head. 3. Remove the radiatorpressurecap, drain the radiator by removal of lower radiatorhosetf the cooling system ts hot, the radiator cap CAUT/rOIT; must not be removed quickly - it should be rotated slowly to the first stop, which permitsthe pressurein fhe system to release stowty through the overtlow pipe. The cap must not be removed completely until all escape of steam has ceased, or there is a danger of water or steam scatding the operator. Do not tilt the cap during rotation to the first stop or some steam may escape through the top of the radiator neck instead of through the overtlow pipe. 4. Removetop radiatorand heaterhoses. 5. Depressurizefuel system aS per 3.2 'Depressurize' Section6C of this suPPlement. 6. Remove fuel return line mountingbolts from rocker coverand engineside plate-Refer Fig.6A-12' T. Disconnectfuel return line frorn flexible fuel hose and plug open end with a suitableplug. 8. Disconnect electrical connector from auxiliary air valve. G R E TU R N LIN E MOU N TI N G B O LT # FLE X IB LE _ FU E L H OS E T I I L F U EL R ET U R N Fi gure 6A -12 LINE 6A.6 ENGINEMECHANICAL 9. Disconnect throttle cable from mounting bracket. Refer Fig. 64-13. C R U IS E C ON TR OL P OWE R U N IT TH R OTTLE C A B LE BRACKET V A C U U M_ H OS E '- E LE C TR IC A L C ON N E C TOR TO A U X I LIA R Y A I R V A LV E A U X ILIA R Y A IR V A LV E OU N TI N G B O LT P LA C E S ) Figure 6A-13 10 . Remove fuel hoses from fuel damper, plug with suitableplugs.Refer Fig. 6A-14. 1 1. Remove cruise control power unit bracket mounting to cylinderhead bolts and removebracketassembly. ReferFig. 64-14. 12. Disconnect high tension wires and remove spark plugs, disconnect coil positive and negative wires and removecoil attachingbolt and coil. 13 . lf fitted with air conditioning,loosen drive belt idler pulleyand disconnectdrivebelt. Fi gure 6A -14 14. Remove compressor mounting and bracket bolts and position compressor and bracket away from the cylinder head. Refer Fig. OA-15. NorE: Do not bend metal pipes at compressor. This could lead to fracture of the pipes. 15. Remove the ventilation valve, valve rocker cover attaching bolts, the cover and gasket. 16. Remove rocker arm pivot borts, rocker arm pivot, rocker arms and push rods. NOTE: Remove each set (one set per cylinder) as a unit. It is important that the originar rocation of all pivots and arms is retained on assembly. For this purpose, parts should be placed rn a special rack, Tool No. 6A35. 17. Remove the cylinder head bolts, cylinder head and gasket. Place cylinder head on two blocks of wood to prevent damage. C OMP RE S S OR C OM P F ESSO R M OU N T I N G PU LLEY J AD J U ST IN G BO LT E N S U R E N U T IS R E TIGH TE N E D A FTE R B E tT A D JU S TME N T R E FE R S E C TION 28 FOR D E TA I Fi gure 6A -15 ENGINEMECHANICAL 6A.7 REINSTALL Installationis reversal of removal instructions.However, and Inspection' Operations','Cleaning additional'Service as describedin the lmproved PerformanceLO and V8 Engine Service Manual, Part No. M38388, must be carried out. Attentionmust also be paid to the followingitems. Correct adjustment of the throttle cable and cruise control power unit cable, ServiceOperations3.3 and 3.4, Section 6C, 'Fuel Injection',of this Supplernent. Check for fuel leaks hs described in Service Operation 3.2 'Leak Testing', Section 6C, 'Fuel Iniection' of this Supplernent. 2.4 ENGINEASSEMBLY(EST) -P IN K LE A D IN S L E E V E (A N TI D I E S E LIN G S OLE N OID REMOVE Removalproceduresfor a 3.3 litre engine equipped with EST are the same as for VH LG modelswith the air pump type Air InjectionReactorsystem. 2. The only additions are, the removal of wiring connectionsat the throttle position switch, coolant temperaturesensor and engine speed sensor.Refer Fig. 6A-16. TH R OTTLE P OS ITION S WITC H C ON N E C TOR- 1. C OOLA N T r C ON N EC T OR \ \_ o- '' --1i'');, - - [./ ,, - - t- Fi gure 5A -16 NOTE:The speed sensor must be removedfrom the rear of the cylinderblock before separatingthe cylinderblock Refer Fig. 6A-17. and the transmission. S P E E DS E N S OR S E N S ORMOU N T Figure 6A-17 6A-8 ENGINEMECHANICAL FAN SHROUD - ry ,- U P P E R S U P P OR T C LIP ^ _RADI A T O R LowcootRrvtJ / S E N S OR V IE W Figure 6A-18 2.5 ENctNEASSEMBLY(EFt) REMOVE 1. Disconnect batteryearthlead. 2. Remove bottom radiator hose and drain cooling system. Rernove top rediator hose. Disconnect automatictransmission cooler linesfrom radiator. 3. Disconnectradiatorfan shroud from radiator. Remove upper radiatorsupport clips, lifi up radiator. From the front of the radiator,disconnectthe low coolant sensor wire, if so equipped. Refer 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. F ig. 6 A-18 Remove radiator, taking care not to damage low coolant sensor, remove shroud. Drain o il pa n. Remove air flow duct as per Service Instruction 3.9, Section 6C 'Fuel Injection'of this Supplement. Remove engine hood. Loosen generator, and if fitted, power steering pump, air conditioningcompressor and remove driv-e belts. Ref er Fig OA-19 . Disconnect brake booster vacuum hose f rom inlet manifold. WA TE R P U MP ,. r GE N E R A TOR P OWE R S TE E R IN G P U MP C ON D ITION IN G C OMP RE S S OR C R A N K S H A FT Figure 6A-19 tr v - ENGINEMECHANICAL 6A.9 10, Disconnect cannister to throttle body purge hose, from cannister. Refer Fig. 6A-20. {\\r \ \\ CAN TH R PUR Flgure 6A-20 1 1. Rernove four retaining bolts from the cooling fan assembly, remove fan and associated parts. Fig. 6A-21. C OOLIN G FA N MOU N TI N G BO LTS (4 P LA C E S }-l I I F AN - nt Vl-\J I tTa !- l | \Jr I l ,.r-w A TE R P U MP r P ULLE Y F. \ IF - B E TA IN IN G B oLT (4 P LA C E S) '-gggLt\G FA N Flgure 6A-21 12. On models with air conditioning,remove the compres$r and mounting bracket from its position(refer Fig. 6A-22) and support it out of the way without disconnectingthe hoses. C OMP RE S S OR C OMP RE S S OR MOU N TI N G B OLT (4 P LA C E S ) ] PUL "' S TIN G A D JU B O LT E N S U R E N U T IS R E TI GH TE N E D A FTE R B E LT A D JU S TME N T R E FE R S E C TION 28 FOR D E TA I LS Figure 6A-22 C R A N K S H A FT PU LLE Y 6A-10ENGINEMECHANICAL 1 3 . Remove power steering pump mountingand adjusting bolts (refer Fig. 64-23) and supportpump out of the way withoutdisconnectingthe hoses. 1 4. Disconnectheaterhoses from engine. P OWER S TE E R IN G P U MP P U LLE Y A D JU S TIN G B OLT Figure 6A-23 1 5 Drsconnectwiring harness connectionsf rom starter motor, generatorand engine earth frorn generator bracket.Refer Fig. 6A-24. R IN G H A RIN I ESS floN -] -=l I I IFUJSIB LE / N5l Ltf \ t a \- I- 1," (S TA R TE R S OLE N OID ) fi IE D LE AD (GE N E R A TOR ) B LA C K LE E O ) (C ONN E C T TO E N G. B LOC K } V IOLE T LE A D (S TA R TER S OLE N OI D ) Figure 6A-24 1 6. Disconnectwinngconnectionsat oil pressuresender unit, coolant temperaturesender, ignition coil and auxiliaryair valve Refer Fig. 64-25. rM A IN WIR IN G H A R N . C ON N . , LT. GR E E N , P IN K & ',,oR A N GE LE A D S (TR A N S MIS S ION H A R N E S S ) \ ,,-D K GR E E N LE A D \ T4// I*_,.! .---v tr -: (cootillrEyP) : ^€:: -- \t ,, , _ _. 9.R5f q BLACKLEADSIN S LE E V E (A U X ILIA R Y A IR V A LV E ) D K . 3 LU E ,-eoo ] (OI L P RE S S U RE ) B R C WN LE A D IN S LE E V E (IGN ITION C OIL) .R E E N LE A D ;" /ss. (A /C C OMP R E S S OR ) E X C . C 6OTA P E B A C K TOH A R N E S S WITH GM658M Figure 6A-25 5 .. i. ENGINEMECHANICAL 6A.11 1 7. Disconnect auxiliary air valve hose f rorn inlet manifold. Disconnect throttle cable fronn bracket, and if so equipped, cruise control power unit cable from throttle body and vacuum hose from vacuum adaptor as rear of inlet manifold. Refer Fig 6A-26. 1 8. Depressure fuel system as per 3.2 'Depressurize', Section 6C, of this Supplement. 19. Remove fuel lines from fuel damper and plug with suitable plugs. c R U t s E c o N T R O^ g_ UNlT =.r ,!i/-, 'OWER ,,.-THR OTTLE CA BLE \- l - - \ \J VACUUM H OS E -----:t t,'F,r. ,- rl-1i AuXILIAR Y AIF 'r Ar - r .'F r ) \ .- E LE C TR IC A L C ON N E C TOR TO A U X ILIA RY A IR V A LV E MOU N TIN G B OLT (2 P LA C E S } Fi gure 6A -26 20 Removebracketmountingto cylinderhead bolts and removebracketassembly.Refer Fig. 6A-27. Figure 6A-27 21. Removewinngconnectorsfrom fuel injectors,throttle position switch, coolant temperaturesensor. Refer Fig. 6A-28.To avoiddamage,do not pull on wiresat the connectors, Remove f lexiblef uel hose from fuel return line at enginesideplate, FFi bl -? ?-tin I F r\ftH SENSCB -- Y E _LOW LE A D IN SLE E V E (l D r-= B OOS TS OLE N OID ) _ _ TH R OTTLE V A LV E ITC H S \,V Figure 6A-28 6A.12 ENGINEMECHANICAL 2 3 . P lug open end of flexible fuel hose with a suitable plug. Refer Fig. 6A-29. R E TU R N LIN E MOU N TI N G B OLT F LE X I B LE FU E L H OS E RETURTTT ilrr r \ {L--- -- MOU N TIN G B O LT FU E L R E TU R N LIN E Flgure 6A-29 24. Removevacuum hoses from vacuum adaptorat the rear of the inlet rnanifold, remove adaptor. Refer Fig. 64-30. 25. Raisethe vehicleand place on jack stands. 26. Disconnectthe gear shift from the transmission,refer to VB Commodore Service Manual, Clutch and TransmissionSection. 27. Remove the speedornetercable frorn the extension housing,or if fitted. disconnectspeed sensorwires at the extenslon housing. Disconnectdetent solenoid wire and TCS swtch from the transmission. 28. Removetailshaftand inserta protectorin the end of the transmissionextensionhousingto preventloss of fl u i d VACUUM A D A P TOR Flgure 6A-30 29. Install rool No. oAgT engine lifting hook or equivalent, raise engine slightly and remove the f ront engine mountrng to crossmember bracket through bolt s. Refe r Fig. 6 A-31 . 'm k' --'id G:-)A.b ^F ^gojt wX )'R,M$ f)\( -'(Sl -#di,)o- {{\.^ r cRossMEMEER B R A C K E TT H R . U G H B 'L T Flgure 6A-31 tt' r \ V1 ::, ENGINEMECHANICAL 6A-13 30. Disconnect exhaust system from exhaust extractors. Refer Fig. 6A-32. 31 . Remove engine rear crossmember. 32. Raise the engine with the front tilted upwards and lift the engine and transmission out of the vehicle. D IS C ONN E C T H ERE Flgure 6A-32 REINSTALL 1. Installationis reversalof removal. 2. Refer Section 6C, 'Fuel Injection'in this Supplement for conect hose and electrical connections. 3. Add recommended oil and coolant. 4. Check fuel system for leaks as described in service 5. 6. o pe ratio n 3. 2' Leak Tes t ing' Sec t ion 6 C , 'F u e l I n jection', in this Supplement. Start engine, check and adjust ignition timing, and for full throttle opening, check for air leaks. Check for oil and coolant leaks. 3. TORQUEWRENCHS P E CI F I CA T I O NS Nm EngineSpeedSens ort o C y l i n d e rB l o c k B o l t Cy linder Headt o Cy linder Bi o c k 30-40 Roc k er Ar m Piv ot t o Cy l r n d e rH e a d Roc k erCov ert o Cy linde r H e a d Fuel Ret ur n Line M ount i n g B o l t s Fuel Ret ur n Line t o Pr es s u r eR e g u l a t o rN u t . Air Flow Duc t M ount ing B o l t Air Flow Duc t M ount ing B r a c k e tt o C 'T l i n d e H r eadBolt Air Condit ioningCom pr e s s o M r ounting Bolts Com pr es s orBr ac k etBolt s Alt er nat c r M ount ing Nut Alt er nat or Adjus t ing Bolt . Power St eerng Pum p M o u n t i n g& A d j u s t i n g B o l t s Cooling Fan Reiar ningBo l t s EngineM ount ing Nut s Rear Tr ans m is s ic nM oun t i n g B o l t s Rear Cr os s m em ber M oun t i n g B o l t s Ex haus tClam p Nut s 30-38 3-6 8 - 10 25-30 8-11 20-27 20-27 40-54 20-25 12-16 40-51 27 -36 34-46 34-46 40-50 24 -32 54 tl rrst torque ) 102 ri q3i torque ) ENGINECOOLIN G68-1 SECTION68 E NG I NECO O LI NG INDEX Ref. 1. 2. Subject Page 68-1 GENERAL DESCR|PTION.................!r........... 68-1 SERVICE OPERATIONS ..,.....................or...... Ref. 2.1 Subject Pa g e RADIATOROVERFLOW/WINDSHIELD WASHERBOTTLE.................................,........ 6B-1 RgmOV€...............o...........,........................ 6B- 1 ReinStall .....r....r.........o...........-....-............ 6B-1 2.2 COOLINGSYSTEM. FLUSHSYSTEM...-.. 68-2 1. GENERALDESCRIPTION The cooling system employed on VK Series models is canied over from VH, with only a few minor changes. The radiator overflow/windscreenwasher bottle has been redesignedand repositioned(Fig. 68-1). All VK 3.3 litre engines have the thermostat housing, fan pulleysand fan belt from the L6 2.8 litre VH engine. 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS Service operations are as described in the VB and VH Series Service Manuals, except where noted in this Section. 2.1 RADIATOR WASHER OVERFLOW/WINDSHIELD BOTTLE REMOVE 1. Removeradiatoroverflowcap from bottle. 2. Disconnect windshield washer hose and electrical connectorfrom washerpump. 3. Remove two mounting screws (Fig. 68-1) and lift bottle assemblyout from its position. REINSTALL 1. Installationis reversalof removal. 2. Fill the radiator overflow boille up to the required level, as indicatedby the mark on the outsideof the bottle. 3. Fill up windshield washer bottle and test washer operation. 68-2 ENGINECOOLING M OUNT ING SCRE W RA DIA T O R O V E R F L OW/ WI ND S H IE L D W A S HE R BOT T L E v .WIN D S H IE LD WA S H E R H OS E A MO U N T I N G \ SCR EW )< -/\ '-t/ lp' c - I(--_-/. AD VE A 3.0 - 4.0 Nm Flgure 68-1 2.2 COOLING SYSTEM I FLUSH SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Placedraintray undervehicle. Removetop radiatorhose from thermostathousing. Removethermostathousingand thermostat. Place water hose into the top radiatorhose, tum on water pressure,and flush untrl water coming from rylinder head is clear. Flush heater core by removingtop heater hose from thermostathousingaM flush untrlclear. Flushradiatorby rernovingbottomradiatorhose from waterpump and flush until clear. Removeoverflowbottle,as per serviceoperation2.1, and flush. with the system f lushed clean, replace thermostat housing gasket and refit all cooling system components. Mix a coolant concentration of approximately21 mls of corrosion inhibitor, GMH SpecificationHN1109, with every litre of clean water. Add to the coolingsystem and check for leaks. ENGINEF UE L6C .1 SECTION6C ENG I NEFUEL CONTENTSOF THIS SECTION Subject Page ELECTRONIC FUEL lNJECTlON....-.r......................... 6C-1 CARBURETTOR (3.3 EST) ...........r.................r.......... 6C-67 5.0 LITRE ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM ..rr......!.............6C-87 FUEL INJECTION ELECTRONIC INDEX Ref. 1. 1. 1 1. 2 Page Subject 6C-2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION....,r.............r,.....o... MAIN COITPONENT SYSTEMS ...................r6C-2 6C-2 Alr FIOW SyStgm ...r.....r.......r.........r.......r 6C-3 FUgl SyStem.........D.......r'..................r...... 6C-5 Elgctrical System .t...........r....'.!............. FUNCTION OF MAIN COMPONENT SYSTEMS ............................r........t.r............r.....6C€ Air FlOw SyStem r........................r......r.t. 6C-8 6C€ 6C-g ElgCtrlcal System ..r........r.'..!.r.......!rr.r... 6C-12 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION.........r...r,.,...,r 6C-12 FUEL INJECTION TIMING ............................ 6C-12 FUEL INJECTION QUANTIW ...r...r.............r 6C-12 ENRlCHMENTS........r.........-.......................r..... 6C-12 Enrlchmgnt Sensors r.r...................-..r.. Accelgratlon Enrichment ...............t....6C-12 FUgl 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 SyStem 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 .......r .r ...............r .r .- .........r .... 6C-17 6C-20 Elgctrical Systgm ...r....................-......... 6C-24 sERVlcE oPERATIONS ................................ 6C-24 SERVICE NOTES .....r......r............................... 6C-24 FUEL SYSTEM .....o.......................................... 6C-24 Lgak TgStin$ ...'........-............................. o......6C-24 Depressurlzin$ ............................... 6C-25 Fugl Hosgs and G|amps...................r.. 6C-26 THROTTLE CABLE ADJUSTMENT.............. CRUISE CONThOL POWER UNIT CABLE 6C-26 ADJUSTM E NT .......-..........r........r.-.................... ADJUSTING IDLE SPEED AND ]TIIXTURE 6C-26 ldlg Speed Adjustment...............r.r......6C-27 ldlg llixture Ad1ustment...........,..........6C-27 6C-28 AIR cLEANER ELEMENT.............r.........r....-. 6C-28 ReplaCgmgnt o...............'.....i..............-.... 6C-29 AIR CLEANER HOUS1NG.....................r........ 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.9 3.10 6C-30 AIR FLOW METER.........,........-......,.......,........ 6C-30 RgmOV€.....-......r..........r.rt......-.........t........ 6C -31 R ginStall ................r.......................-......... 6C-32 .............-.-.r.rr....................t..'............. TeSt 6C-32 AIR FLOW DUCT ....r.r..r.......,'..r..........-........... 6C-32 RemOV€..................t...r............................. 6C-33 R ei nStall ...........r......................-......-........ 6C-33 THROTTLE BODY ......-...,.......rr..r......r.-...r.-.... ... . ..................... R e m OV€ ..' -.................... ". 6C-33 6C-34 RginStall ..-..............................r....'......r."' r....r.r.....r....o....rr...... ........ 6C'37 R gi nstal l ............. r.............r....,...........r,.... 6C -37 TgS t...................-.........r...... .......... 6C ' 37 FU E L P U MP .r...............r..........o...r..r,.... 6C -38 Rgmov€.............r.........r...,...... 6C-38 Reinstall .....................-..--..... -r.3... 6C-38 TeStin$ ..............-...-............................o.... 6C-38 FUEL DAMPER- REAR ........,....................... 6C-40 R gm OV€.......'..................-.'..........'r"......... 6C*f0 RginStall ....".....r........!r............................ 6C'40 FUEL FILTER ........r...,..,...........r...-.................. 6C-40 R gmov g................r...................!.......!.t.-.,. 6C-40 Reinstall ......... ..r..r..........r............ 6C-40 6C-40 FUEL DAMPER ' FRONT .............r.......,..rr.... Rgmov€....-.......r r..........r.......................!... 6C'40 RginSt?ll ..-....,....... .Fr..r...r......r.....r... 6C-40 FU E L R 4IL....................,..o...........r...............,.... 6C ' 4 1 RgmOv€......t.........r.r..r.........r.. r..... 6C'4 1 R gi n stal | .........-....r..............,...............r.... 6C-42 1N JE C TOR S .......r..r............................,........r..... 6C ' 42 P R E S S U R E R E GU LA TOR .............r.,..r.,..,......6C ' 42 R gmOV€........'......r............D....................... 6C'42 Rei nstal | .........r..J.....rr.!D.....................,-.... 6C-42 6C'42 CONTROL UNIT r.,..r...,........r..t.......!................ R gmOv€..........r.................r-..-...,r......rr,-...6C-42 6C -43 R gi OS tal l ...........'............r....-.........r.......... 6C-43 THROTTLEPOSITIONSWITCH.................. 3.23 6C-43 RgmOV€..'........,.........r.............................. 6C-43 Rginst?ll .....,.......,.................................r.. 6C'4 3 Ad justmeJ|t...............................,.......,...... COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR ........ 6C-44 6C-44 Re plaC€....................... '......r................-.... 6C-44 On Engine TgSt...............o...'.......-.........r 6C-45 Off Engine Tgst ...............................r.... 6C'46 CONTROL RELAY ...................................,...... 4. 6C-46 R gmOV€......'........r...r..."'.....r-............-...... 6C'46 RginStall ...................r.............................r 6C-47 DIAGNOSIS..'.....r.....-..'........'.....?....r................ 3.22 6C-29 R g mOV€........ .............. . ..............4.....1........ 6C-30 RginStall 3.9 Sublect Page INLET MANfFOLD .....,.................................... 6C-35 Rgm OV€...............................................r.... 6C-35 RginstalI .........,,.,...........r......................... 6C-37 AUXILIARY AIR VALVE ...............,................ 6C-37 RgmOv€.............. ................rrrr.r..r...!......r.t!.r... Full Throttle (Hlgh Load) 6C -14 EnflChmgnt................-............r-..r............ 6C -14 FUEL SHUT OFF ' COASTING r.....,..!.......... VOLTAGE CORRECTION FUNCTION ........ 6C-14 6C-14 coilPoNENT OPERATION .......-.................. 6C-14 Air FlOw SyStem ..,.'.....................r!'......r FUgl 3. 3. I 3.2 SyStem Ref . 3.11 4.1 4.2 5. 6. 7. 6C-47 CIRCUIT TESTING PROCEDURE................ Electronic Fuel Injection 6C-47 Test Equipmgnt .........-.-.,..r......r..........., TROUBLE DIAGNOSISr............,.......... 6C-61 6C-64 SPECIFICATIONS-...i......,....o.......i..'....---.-.-..... 6C€5 TORQUE WRENCH SPECIFICATIONS........ 6C-66 SPECIAL TOOLS ..-......................................... lrr 6C.2 ENGINEFUEL 1 . G E N E R A LDESCRIPTION The Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) used on VK series vehicles is the Bosch LE-2 Jetronic system. The LE-z Jetronic is an electronically controlled fuel injectionsystem which injects fuel at regular intervals into the inlet ports adjacent to the inlet valves. lt provides a method of more precisely metering f uel to satisfy the various engine operatingconditrons. In a carburettor type fuel system, the intake manifold design must strike a medium between low and high speed requirementsfor air flow. At idle, air flow is very low and in order to keep the fuel mixed with air, it is necessary to have small passages to keep up the air A tn velocity.when power is required,it is desirableto have as largea manifoldpassageas possible. To supplyboth these requirementsthe manifoldmust be a comprornisewhich resultsin passagesof such a size which limitsboth low and high speed performance. With EFI systerns, the elimination of the carburettor enables the induction passages to be designed to optimizeair flow and an increased engine performance can be expected with the resultant improvementin volumetric efficiency. Air is induced into the engine through the inlet manifold,and fuel is injected under pressureinto the inlet valve port. F L OW r F- FA ''.r= | trH I r ' A IR F LOW DUcr ,- TH R OTTLE B OD Y IN LET M AN IF O LD /(^ / / A rR.L E A N E R HO U S IN G AIR F LOW SYSTEM Figure 6C-1 1.1 MAII'I COMPONENTSYSTEMS The Bosch LE-z Jetronic Fuel Injection system can oe divided into three main component systems, they are: AI R F LOW SYSTEM C OMP RISING: Air Cleaner - Filters incc m r ng air f low f or t he englne. Ref er F ig. 6 C-1. Air Flow Meter - Measures the air inlet flow and sends an electricalsignal to the control unit where the required au/tuel ratio is computed. Refer Fig 6C-1. Arr Flow Duct - Transfers air f low f rom air cleaner to t hrot t lebo dy. Refe r Fig . 6C - 1. A ENGINEF UE L6C .3 Throttle Body - Located between the air flow duct and the inlet manifold, the throttle body incorporates the throttle valve with provision f or Exhaust Gas Recirculation, spark advance, canister purge signals and Positive Crankcase Ventilation connection. The throttle valve is connected to the accelerator linkage and controls the flow of air into the inlet manifold. Refer Fig. 6C-1. Inlet Manifold - Distributes air to the inlet ports of the cylinder head. Refer Fig. 6C-1 . Auxiliary Air Valve - Allows an additional amount ol air to bypass the throttle valve, to maintain idle stability with a cofd engine. Refer Fig. 6C-2. Figure 6C-2 FUEL SYSTEM CO M P RI S IN G : Fuel Tank - Containsa very fine strainerattachedto the fuel pick up on the fuel gauge senderunit. Also included in the fuel tank, is a fuel swirl pot, to minimiseaerationat fuel pick up point. Refer Section 8A of this Supplement for furtherdetails. Fuel Pump - An electric, rotary roller pump. Refer Fig. 6C-3. Fi gure 6C -3 Fuel Damper- Designedto removefuel pulsationsfrcm the fuel system. Two dampers are fitted in the fuel system.Refer Fig. 6C-4. \, Fi gure 6C -4 6 C . 4 EN GIN EFUE L Fuel Filter The filter contains a fine paper efement. R e f er F ig 6 C-5. Figure 6C-5 Fuel larl Drstributespressurized fuel to the injectors. Refer Fg. 6C-6. lt incorporates a schrader valve (wrth a specra fuel resistant valve core) for bleeding down fuel pressure and carryingout diagnostic procedures. FU E L R A IL-. fIN JE C TOR \ R E TA tN tN G \crre I\l OU N TIN G B OLT {3 PLA C E S ) Figure 6C€ I n ject ors Ele ctricallycon t r ofled f r on t he : ont r ol unit . T h e a-ount of fu el spr ay ed r nt c t he r nlet por t s is c o ntroled b y th e le ng th of t im e t ne : on: r c t unit s ignals t h e ' nlectorsto rema in op er ^ Ref e' F, g O C- 7. Fi gure 6C -7 Pressure Feg ula tor - Ma intainst he r equir edf uel pr es s ur e u n der all lo ad co nd ition s.Ref er Fig. 6C- 8. *H A&';€rdr'' s{l'' Figure 6C-8 E NG I NEF UEL 6 C - 5 ELECTRICALSYSTEM COMPRISING: Control Unit - Processessignalsfrom the enginesensors to calculate the amount of time the injectors rernain open. Refer Fig. 6C-9. Control Unit Inputs- Include:ignitioncoil, air flow meter, throttle position switch, engine coolant temperature sensor, inlet air temperaturesensor and ignition switch position. Fi gure 6C -9 lgnition Coil - The control unit receives ignition pulses from the ignition coil. From this informationthe control unit calculatesenginespeed.Refer Fig. 6C-10. Figure 6C-10 Air Flow Meter - The control unit receives information about the engine'sload conditionfrom the air flow signal sent from the air flow meter.Refer Fig. 6C-11. Throttle Position Switch The control unit recerves information f rom the throttle position switch when the en gin e is id ling or under high load. Refer Fig. 6C-12 Figure 6C- 12 6C.6 ENGINEFUEL Coolant Temperature Sensor - The control unit receives information about the engine coolant temperature from this sensor. The sensor is of a Negative Temperature Coefficient design. The resistance of the sensor decreases as the engine temperature increases, thereby allowing the control unit to shorten the injection pulse w idt h signal. Refe r Fig. 6 C- 13 Figure 6C-13 Air Temperature Sensor - The air temperature sensor is located in the inlet passage of the air flow meter housing. It is also of the Negative Temperature Coefficient design, and it applies a correction factor to the air flow meter output signal to compensate lor changes in inlet air t e m perature .Re fer Fig . 6C - 14. I , I -J I I I A IR TE MP E R A TU R E I Figure 6C- 14 lgnition Switch - The control unit receives a signal from the ignition switch when the vehicle is starting, and this allows a richer mixturefor starting. Refer Fig. 6C-1s. Figure 6C-15 The location of the various cornponentsare shown in Figs.6C-16, 6C-17. - - ENGINEFUEL6C.7 LOCATION OF COMPONENTS A t R F L OW- r METER \ \ A I R C L E A NER HOUSING A IR FLOW D U C T ,- TH R OTTLE P OS ITION S l VI TC H TH R OTT LE B OD Y FU E L TA N K llil ,11,^/,,, J r-4 \:t ,---> S='- _FU E L R A IL FU E L D A MP E R _ t\-,4 ,/ FU E L P uMPl I- IN LET M AN IF OLD - FU E L TA N 11GA U GE U N P R ESSURE R E GU L AT OR C ON TR OL R E LA Y - S IT-A T=] FU E L FILTE R - I\ FU S E B OX U N D E R I',E A -- .'=H IC LE C ON TR OL U N IT E H IN D L -': 33w 'L P A N E L Fi gure 6C - 16 l i '\J =C - C R S _ 6 P LA C E S I -) D AI.T PER - PUM P D A M P ER Fi gure 6C -17 f,.r . I 6C.8 ENGINEFUEL 1.2 FUNCTIONOF MAIN COMPONENT SYSTEMS AIR FLOWSYSTEM Inlet air flows through the air cleaner housing and is rneasured by the air flow meter. Air continues along the air flow duct into the throttle body. Air flow to the engine is controlled by the throttle butterfly opening inside the throttle body. During engine warm up, additional air flow is bypassed behind the throttle butterfly to increase engine speed, by the action of the auxiliaryair valve. Refer Fig 6C-18. FUEL SYSTEM Fuel is drawnfrom the fuel tank by the electricfuel pump and it is fed under pressure through the fuel damper. Pulsationscaused by the fuel pump are deadenedby the fuel damper.From the damper the fuel flows through a fuel filter, and through a second fuel damper to reduce the fuel pulsationsgeneratedby the openingand closing of the injectors.The fuel continueson into the fuel rail and then is injected into the inlet ports through the injectors. Fuel pressurein the system is governed by the pressure regulator,in such a manner that the pressuredifference between fuel pressure and inlet manifold vacuum is maintainedat 303 kPa (3 bar). Excess fuel is returnedto the fuel tank by the pressureregulatorvia the fuel return line.ReferFig. 6C-19. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The control unit receives informationfrom the various sensorsand, based on this information,it sends out an electncalpulse to the injectors,the duration of which controlsthe amount of time the injector nozle remains open In{ormatongatheredincludes,inlet air flow from the air flow rneter, engine coolant and inlet air temperatures from their respectivesensorsand engine speed from the ignitroncoil pulses.ReferFig. 6C-20. ENGINEFUEL6C-9 Figure 6C- 1I Fi gure 6C -19 'I 6C.10 ENGIN E FU E L o (\I () (0 I o L -9 tt E NG I NEF UEL 6 C - 1 1 Control Unit Signals The main f unction of the control unit is to generate injection pulses, Upon receiving electrical signals from the engine sensors, the control unit generates a pulse whose duration (injector opening time) is controlled to provide an optimum quantity of fuel according to the engine requirements. Because the opening and closing reaction time of the injectors is dependant on battery voltage, the control unit also varies the injection pulse width to compensate for fluctuations in the system voltage. T I- .'i R C T T LE PC SIT ION S\VIT C H 3C C LA N T TE MPE R A TU R E SE N S O R t'i t-? IGNITION COI L T IGN I TI O N SW I TC H AIR F L OW M ET ER C ON TR OL U N IT I N J EC T O R S a s, A I R T EN1 PERAT URE S ENSOR Fi gure 6C -21 6C-12ENGINEFUEL 2. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 2 . 1 F U ELI NJE C T ION T IMIN G With many early fuel injection systems, fuel was injected into the inlet port just prior to the beginning of the intake stroke. This is not the case with the LE-z Fuel Injection System. The signal for injection begins with the control unit receiving ignition pulse signals from the ignition coil. With a six cylinder engine, there are six ignition pulses for every two engine revolutions (three pulses every revolution). Upon receiving the third ignition pulse from the coil, the control unit sends the signal for injection to commence. All the fuel injectors are electricallyconnected in parallel to the control unit so they all inject sirnu ltaneously. Cnc injection of fuel provides only half the required quantity necessary for the operation of the 4-stroke cycle of the engine, therefore injection is made twice during one 4-stroke cycle, i.e. once every engine revolution. Refer Fig. 6C-22. Figure 6C-22 2.2 FUEL INJECTION QUANTITY Vehicle engine speed and load are the two requirements needed to calculate the basic fuel requirements for any engine operating condition. With LE-z, the speed of the engine is signalled from the ignition coil and engine load is monitored by the air flow meter. The signals from these two sensors provide the control unit with data to select the basic fuel rnjection quantity. 2.3 ENRICHMENTS The basic fuel injection quantity is not enough for all engine operating conditions. Extra fuel quantity is required for cold starting, engine warm up and acceleration. Refer Fig. 6C-23. Various sensors produce electrical signals which are directed to the control unit so as to provide the extra fuel quantity. ENRICHMENTTABLE F I z A FTE F S TA R T E N R IC H ME N T l o WA R M U P E N R IC H ME N T LIJ l TL C OLD S TA R T E N R IC H ITl E \T B A S IC FU E L R E OU IR E ME N T C R A N K I\G TIME /TE MP Figure 6C-23 ENRICHMENT SENSORS Air and Coolant TemperatureSensors Enrichment signals are generated from both sensors. The lower the air or coolant temperature, the longer the injection signal, the longer the inlectors remain open and the larger the quantity of fuel injected, until the engine reaches operating temperature when enrichment conpensationis no longer required. ENGINEF U E L6C .13 Throttle Position Switch The switch contains two contact point sets, one monitoring the closed throttle position and the other f or high load. An enrichment signal is sent to the control unit when either of the contact point sets are closed. At closed throttle, the idle contacts are closed and high load points are open. At part throttle, both contact point sets are open. At high load, the closed throttle contacts are ooen and high load contacts closed. lgnition Switch The start enrichment signal is generated in the 'START' position of the ignition switch. Various fuel enrichment corrections are computed as a result of these signals in order to provide optimum fuel injection under all engine operating conditions. Cold Start When the ignition switch is turned to the 'START' p osition a nd t he engine is ln t he' c r ank r ng 'm o d e , t h e control unit delivers 3 injection pulses p€r rev and extra fuel is injected into the inlet ports. Cold start enrichment can last for a period up to 10 seconds depending on the temperature of the engine. Refer Fig. 6C-24. FU E L I \ r\ rt a l Y ^ ^ N t Tt ' 1 -V | | | I TIME Figure 6C-24 After Start When the ignition switch is released to the 'ON' position from 'START', the cold start enrichment drops off. The 'after start' enrichment is provided to compensate for the sudden decrease in fuel quantity from 'START' to 'ON'. The control unit multipliesthe basic fuel inlectionquantity pulse by a factor of 1.7 at OoC, this factor decreases until the engine speed becomes greater than 600 rpm. Refer Fig. 6C-25 I I 17t I r./LLTIP LIC A TION F A C TO R 1.0 Fi gure 6C -25 Warm Up The warm up enrichment provides smooth engine operation once the engine is started. The control unit agatn multiplies the basic fuel lnjection quantity by a factor which is controlled by the engine's coolant temperature. Refer Fig. 6C-26. MU LTIP LIC A TIC \ FA C TOR I : OrI zdoc TE MP Figure 6C-26 ^l rooc 6C.14 ENGIN EFU E L ACC E LE RATION ENRIC HM ENT The control unit receives a signal from the air flow meter about an increase in airflow and if the coolant temperature is less than 70 o C, acceleration enrichment takes place. The control unit multiplies the basic fuel injection quantity by a factor to increase the fuel quantity delivered. The enrichment signal lasts approximately 2 seconds. Refer Fio. 6C-27. 1.3 r',,l U LTIP LIC A TION F A C TOR FULLTHROTTLE(HtcH LOAD)ENRTCHMENT The high load contacts within the throttle position switch close when the throttle is opened greater than 40o. With closed contacts, the controf unit receives an electrical signal and the basic fuel injection quantity is increased by 8 percent to give the au fuel ratio required for maximum p o wer Figure 6C-27 2 . 4 F U E LS H U TOF F - C OA S T IN G When the accelerator pedal is lifted so the vehicle is coasting, the closed throttle contact points wrthrn the throttle position switch close. With the points closed. the control unit receives an electrrcalsignal and fuel rnlection is stopped until the engrne speed drops to approxirnately 1 800 rpm. With en grn e s peed below 1800 r pm , f uel injection commences again to prevent the engine from cutting out. Refer Fig 6C-28. FU E L S H U T OFF o LU uJ (n LU = L! IN JE C TION S TA R TS A GA IN ,C ON S TA N T :TH R OTTLE 2.5 VOLTAGECORRECTION FUNCTION TIME Ljnder conditions of low system voltage, such as would occur with a battery in a low state of charge, the inlectors are slightly slower to open. Under these conditions, the pulse wrdth is automatically extended to ensure the full quantrtyof fuel is inlected N O FU E L U S ED Figure 6C-28 2.6 COMPONENT OPERATION C Ot\4P E N S A TION r AIR FLOW SYSTEM D A MP IN G C H A MB ER F LAP Air Flow meter The function of the air f low meter is to generate an electrical srgnal to the control unit proportional to the amount of air flow into the engine. This signal is the base engine load signal to determine the correct amount of fuel to be injected. fn the inlet passage of the air flow meter there is a moveable flap and as the air flows through the passage rt exerts a force on this flap. Depending on the air flow and the opposing force cf the flap return spring, the f lap is held open in a certain angular position which is converted to an electrical signal by a potentiometer (variable resistor). I r t ID LE MIX TU R E A D JU S TIN G S C RE W _ B Y -P A S S S E N S OR F LA P Figure 6C-29 ENGINEF UEL6C .15 when the air flow flap is moved with a change in air flow, a terminal connected to the air flow flap shaft slides on the variable resistor, causing the output voltage to the control unit to change. Connected to the air flow flap is a compensation flap working in a damping chamber. The need for the extra flap and chamber is to provide the air flow flap with a damper so that it cannot be disturbed by pulsations from inlet manifold vacuum during engine operation. In order to set the air fuel ratio at idle, an adjustable air bypass passage is provided. By varying the quantity of air which is allowed to bypass the flap, the air flow meter signal can be changed sufficiently to alter the air fuel ratio at idle. r ID LE MIX TU R E \, A D JU S TING S C RE W BY.PASS FLAP - SEN SC R C O M PEN SAT I O N F LAP D A[/PIN G C H A\,188R Fi gure 6C -30 Throttle Body The throttle body is located on the inlet manifold and it contains a throttle butterfly valve. This valve controls the inlet air flow corresponding to movement from the accelerator pedal. The butterfly valve shaft is connected to the throttle position switch. A D JU S TE R (D O N OT R E MOV 'E CAP TH ROTT L E A D JU S TER / - T i-. l FC TTL E B ODY Figure 6C-31 _ T H R O T T LE PO SIT ION ID LE S P =ED A D JU S -E 3 S U /ITCH --TFFOTTLE LE \/E R ID LE LOA D C OMP E N S A TOR Fi gure 6C -32 6 C-1 6ENG I NEF U E L ldle speed adjustment is carried out by loosening off the idle speed adjuster lock nut and screwing the adjuster in or out to set the desired idle speed. This allows a variance in the amount of air to bypass the throttle butterfly valve. This variance in air flow is measured by the air flow meter, and so the control unit changes the injector pulse width accordingly. Refer Fig. 6C-93. ID LE S P E E D ADJUST|NG S c R =y \ __f - A IR FLOW M E TE R F LA P ID LE MIX TU R E A D JU S TIN G S C R E W Figure 6C-33 When the vehicle is fitted with air conditioning, an idle load compensator solenoid is installed in the throttle body. When the air conditioning compressor rs operating, the solenoid is energized. This allows an extra quantity of air to bypass the throttle butterfly valve. The control unit increases the pulse width signal to the injectors because of the greater arr flow past the air flow meter and the engine idle speed is increased.Refer Fig. 6C-34. TH R OTTLE -.\ \.. VA LVE ID LE LOA D I '\coMP E N S A TOR \ L- AIR F LO W M ET ER F LAP ID LE MIX TU R E A D JU S TIN G S C R E W Figure 6C-34 AuxiliaryAir Valve when ine en gin e is cold . it m us t pr oduc e higher t or que durt ng td ie to o ve rco me r nc r eas ed f r ic t ional r es is t anc es , T heref o.e. in ad ditio n to a r ic her ar r , ' f uelr at io dur ing c old startrng ard warm up period, addrtronal rnixture is required tc rn cre ase th e engine' s r Cle s peed r ne addit ional n ixtu re is ob t ained by t he ac t ic n of t he auxiliary ar vaive The auxiliary air valve cperatior. rs conrolled by an electric heater coil whrch. w''ren the engine is cold. permits air to bypass the thrortie valve and enter the inle t man if old.The addit ional air ent enng the induction system causes the flap within the arr flow meter to deflect and the potentiometersignals the control unit that more fuel is requrredthereby maintainingthe air f uel rat io con sta nt. Refe r Fig 63- 35 TH R OTTLE \./A LV E - A IR F LOW ME TE R I\ \ L , o LE MI X TU R E A D JU S TIN G S C RE W Au) . l r - IAEY- /\f-A \t- Alf'1 , n -' , i Fi gure 6C -35 - - ENGINEF U E L6C .17 The auxiliary air valve contains a slotted disc that rotates to open, close or partially close an air passage in the valve. Current f lows through the heater coil which controls the operation of a bimetal spring which rotates the slotted disc. The current flow to the valve begins when the ignition is switched to 'STAFT' and continues whenever the engine is run nin g. With a cold engine, the bimetal strip keeps the disc positioned to open the air passage, permitting air from the air flow duct to enter the throttle body, bypassingthe throttle valve. As the heater coil warms up. the bimetal strip deflects, gradually closing the air passage in the valve until at a predeterminedtemperature, the dtsc has completely closed the passage and idle compensation via the auxiliaryair valve ceases. Refer Fig. 6C-36. S LOTTE D D IS C AIR O U T LET -- ! E A TE R A IR IN LE T Figure 6C-36 FUELSYSTEM Fuel Pump The electricfuel pump is a roller-cellVpe. Currentto operate the fuel pump is fed through a control relay, located in the fuse box. Refer Fig. 6C-37. The pump is driven by a permanent magnet electric motor which is permanentlyimmersed in fuel. Figure 6C-37 The rotor disc, which is eccentrically mounted in the pump housing, is fitted with metal rollers in notches around its circumference which are pressed against the thrust ring of the pump housing by centrifugal force and act aS seals. The f uel is carried in the cavtties which form between the rollers. The fuel flows directly around the electric motor. There is no danger of explosicn, however, because there rs never an ignitable mixture rn the pump housing. The pump delivers more fuel than :he rnaximum requirement of the engine So that the pressure in the fuel system can be maintainedunder all operatrng conditions. - AR \''IAT tR = S ID E fr OU TLE T ,( t ,i '1t t P R E S S U R ER E LIE F V A LV E \ \_ I Notj R OLLE R C E LL P U MP Fi gure 6C -38 VA L F= TU R N = ------- 6C.1 8ENG I NEF U E L The pump incorporatesa check valve to maintainsystem pressureafter the pump is shut off. Also incorporated,is an internal relief valve which provides protection from excessivepressure. The fuel pump capacityis 130 l/hr. NorE: This type of pump can be noisy when pumping aerated fuel, as can occur with a low fuel level in the tank under very hot is not harmful to the pump. The fuel pump is a sealedunit and is not repairable. RESSURE P U MP H OU S IN G R OL LE R R OTOR D IS C i FU E L N OT U N D E R P R E S S U R E :._----_: FU E L S U P P LY i: t: ffi D-r):i+t:t:\-.aiat lri;::::Si.;.:.:t ]: FU E L U N D E R P R E S S U R E Figure 6C-39 Fuel Damper The purpose of the fuel damper is to suppress the fuel flow pulsations from the fuel pump and the injectors. Two dampers are used in the system. The first is situated at the pressure outlet of the fuel pump and the other is placed prior to the fuel entry into the fuel rail. Changes in the f uel pressure drscharged f rom the fuel pump and the opening and closrng of the injectors, are monitored by the diaphragm and spring, which varies the volume of the f uel chamber thereby suppressing fuel pressure pulsations.Refer Fig. 6C-40. The fuel dampers are sealed units and are non adjustable in service and are not repairable. FUEL DAMPER A IR C H A MB E R D IA P H R A GM FU E L C H A MB E R FU E L IN LE T F U E L OU TLE T TY P IC A L Figure 6C-40 Fuel Injectors Each fuel injector incorporates a solenoid, controlled by electric pulses from the control unit together with an armature attached to a pintle vafve which, when activated, opens inwardly. A spring holds the pinile valve closed as long as the solenoid is not activated. When the solenoid is energized,the pintle valve opens and the fuel is metered and atomised as it enters the inlet port. Since the f uel pressure drop across the injector is always constant, the amount of f uel delrvered is direcily proportional to the pulse width and thei'efore,the time the i n j ectoris ope n. Typical inlection time for most engine cperating condrti_onsrange from 2.5 to 10 milliseconds.Refer Fig. 6C-41 for internal view of a typical injector. FI LTE R E LE C TRIC A L C ON NE C TION S OLE N OID WIN D IN G S OLE N C ID AR M AT t- .,r IR N E E D LE T YPI C A L Figure 6C-41 E NG I NEF UEL 6 C .1 9 The injector has around each end, a sealing 'O' ring, which should be replaced every time the injector is removed. Refer Fig. 6C-42. The cap on the injector tip is to protect the injector pintel f rom damage during handling and f itting and also, to provide heat insulation to prevent vapour formation. lt SHOUL D N O T BE REM O VED. Ref er Fig. 6C - 4 2 . s S E A LIN G R IN G \,O' \ \s ..,,r.*t\ T IP l ) ,J SU LA TO R 1 I I I I S E A LIN G 'O' R IN G / Fi gure 6C -42 Fuel Pressure Regulator The fuel pressureregulator(Fig. 6C-43) is a diaphragm operated relief valve used to maintain f uel system pressureto 303 kPa above the inlet manifolddepression. The diaphragmsenses fuel pressureon one side while the other side is exposed to inlet manifold vacuum. A spring, rnounted in the engine vacuum side of the diaphragm,establishesa nominal pre-load of pressure. With the f uel pump constantly supplying fuel to the regulator,a situationof too much fuel at the regulatoris created.When pressuregreaterthan 303 kPa above the inlet manifold depression is sensed, the diaphragm rnovesto allow excess fuel to be routed back to the fuel tank. The continuousflow of excess fuel to the petrol tank helps ensure that the injectedfuel is cool and vapour f ree. The regulator is a sealed unit and cannot be repaired. FU E L R E TU R \ _ C ON N E C TION gR ESSU R E RE G U L A TO R f FU E L \ coN N E C TION V ALV E P LA TE 1 .\ ---J i ;:;:;i;i;i;i;l "' ,'i, : --i --? -i V A LV E H O LD E R i :.- ,-J+ SPR IN G - DIAPHRAGM TY P I C A L Fi gure 6C -43 Fuel Filter Due to the extremely close tolerances of various components in the fuel system, it is necessary to fit a special, fine filter for the fuel. The filter retains impurities which maybe present in the f uel and which could affect the function of the fuel injection system. The fuel filter contarns a paper element. Refer Fig. 6C-44. Figure 6C-44 6C.20ENGINEFUEL when replacing the filter it is of the utmost importance that the arrow on the housing indicating the flow is complied with. Refer Fig. 6C-4S. The filter must be replaced every 40,000 kms or 2 years, whichever comes first. Fi gure 6C -45 Fuel R ail The fuel rail guarantees the same fuel pressure at each injector. The fuel rail has a storage function. lts volume compared with the amount of fuel injected during each workrng cycle of the engine is large enough to prevent varrationi in pressure, The injectors,connected to the fuel rail, are therefore subjected to the same fuel pressure. The fuel rail also facilitates fitting of the inlectors, and also lncorporates a schader valve f or breeding down fuel pressure and carrying out diagnostic procedures. Refer Fig. 6C-46. IN JE C TOR Figure 6C-46 ELECTRICALSYSTEM Control Unit The electronic control unit is a pre-programmed analog computer consisting of custom electronic circuits housed in a metal case. The control unit is rnounted behind the passenger side front cowl panel trim. Refer Fig. 6C-47. The control unit recerves information on the quantity of air drawn into the engrne,coolant temperature, position of the throttle valve, the starting process, as well as engine speed. lt processs this information and transmits electnc pulses to the injectors. lt is connected with the electrical components in the system by means of a multiple pin plug and wiring harness. ,,- a' ,/ P rAJ5trl\btrF{ A S S E N GE R s r D Ec o w L P A NEL C ON TR OL U N IT /. Figure 6C-47 Coolant TemperatureSensor The coolant temperature sensor is located towards the front of the cylinder head. on the manifold side. Refer Fig. 6C-48. Figure 6C-48 ENGINEF UE L6C -21 The control unit receives a signal from the coolant temperature sensor and uses it as one of the factors in determining the amount of fuel enrichment required. As coolant temperature rises, the output of the temperature sensor is changed. With this change, the control unit varies the amount of f uel enrichrnent by changing the duration of the fuel injector opening. Refer Fig 6C-49. lf the sensor is diagnosed as defective, it rnust be replaced. NOTE: The coolant temperature sensor for EFI is common with the sensor used for Electronic Spark Timing . C OO LA N T TE MP E R A TU R E S EN S OR C ON TR OL U N IT IN J EC T OR S Fi gure 6C -49 Inlet Air Temperature Sensor The inlet air temperaturesensor is built into the air flow meter housing. Refer Fig. 6C-50. The function of this sensor is to compensate for changes in inlet air temperatureby applyinga correctionto the air flow meter outputvoltage. A IR TE MP E R A TU R E S E N S OR TH E R M IS TOR Figure 6C-50 Throttle Position Switch The throttle position switch is attached to the throttle body and is operatedby the movementof the throttle butterfly valve shaft. The switch contains two sets of points,one set monitorsclosed throttle positionand the other set monitorshighload position.ReferFig. 6C-51. The closed throttlecontactsare closed when the throttle butterflyvalve is positionedat idle, and are open at any otherthrottleposition. The closed throttle contacts when closed, provide the control unit with an electricalsignal for the deceleration fuel shut off function. Deceleraticn condition is detected from the closed throttle contacts and engine rpm above 1800. Under these conditions,which occur while decendinghills or slowingdown from highwayspeeds,injectionis stopped to save fuel.As the engineslowsto 1800 rpm the fuel is in preparation for idle. reintroduced TH R OTTLE V A LV E S H A FT I D LE C ON TA C T _ Fi gure 6C -51 6C-22ENGINEFUEL Enrichment is also provided at higfr load as srgnalledby the closing contacts in the throttle position switch, when the throftle blade angle exceeds 40c Ar electricalsignal from the throttle position switch rS sent to the control unit tc increasethe injector pulse wrdth Refer Fig. 6C-52. - TH R OTTLE B OD Y /l /l . T HR O T T L E PO S IT I ON SW IT C H Figure 6C-52 Control Relay The electrical supply to the f uel pum p. c ont r ol unit , injectors, auxiliary air valve, throtile Dosrton switch and air flow meter is controlled by the control relay. The control refay itself is actuated by the ignition switch and also with either: a . T he en gin e cra nking . b. The ignition coil pulses being over the equivalent of 150 eng rne rpm. Figure 6C-53 , unng engtn e cra nkrng ,volt age f r om t he ignit ion s wr t c h a-d from the starter ^notcr solenoid croses the control reiay points. This allows current to flow from the banery, Supolyrngpower to the ccmpcnents mentioned above. F e f er F ig. 6C-5 4. TC E LE C Tq,C A I_ COMPCir.! ri -S ] I B A TTE R Y I I 3 rGN tTtoN S WITC H r---J I i S TA R TE R S OLE N OID TC FU E L P'- :"4P EN G IN E C R AN K IN G Fi gure 6C -54 ENGINEFUEL6C-23 Voltage frorn the ignition switch is still present at the control relay after the vehicle has started. The rotational speed reached as the engine starts, is high enough to generate the engine running signal, which is taken from the ignition coil pulses being above 150 engine rpm. Refer Fig. 6C-55. '_+ TO E LECTR I CA L coMPoNrrry: i I I I = B A TTE FY EA R TH I G N I TI O N S W I TC H r - - - 'J I i I G N I TI O N COIL TO FU E L P U MP EN GIN E R U N N IN G Figure 5C-55 The control relay remains switched on as long as the ignition is switched on and the engine is running. lf the ignition coil pulses stop because the engine has stopped, for instance in the case of an accident, the control relay switches off. This safety circuit prevents the fuel purnp from pumping fuel when the ignition is switched 'CN' but the engine is not running.Refer Fig. 6C-56. _l I PO IN T S O PEN B A TTE R Y S U P P LY TO E LE C TR IC A I E tf fS C C IvIP ON S TOP P ED B A TTE R Y I G N I TI O N S W I TC H IGN ITION C OIL P U LS E S B E LOW 150 R P M (E N GINE SP E E D ) E N GIN E S TA LLE D Figure 6C-56 6C-24ENGINEFUEL 3. SERVICEOPERATIONS 3.1 SERVICENOTES IMPORTANT:The following must be observed when working on vehicles with the electronic fuel injection system. 1. Never start the engine wrthout the battery being solidlyconnected. 2. Do not use a quickchargeunit to start the engine. 3. Never separate the battery from the 'on board' electricalsystemwhilethe engineis running. 4. when charging the battery, disconnect it from the vehicle'selectricalsystem. 5. Before makrngany test on the fuel injectionsystem, ensure that the ignition coil and distributorare in order, as the control unit operationis triggeredfrom tr,e ignition coil. checks should also be made of rgnrtron tirningand spark plug condition. 6. Never subject the control unit to temperaturesabove 80oc (1760F) i.e. paint oven, alwaysremovecontrol unit first if this temperatureis to be exceeded. 7. Ensure that all cable harness prugs are connected solidly and that battery terminals are thoroughly clean. 8. Never connect or disconnectcable harnessplug at controlunit when the ignitionis switchedon. 9. when making a compressrontest, remove control relay from the fuseboxto deactivatethe fuel pump and prevent fuel being inlected during engine cra nking. 3.2 FUEL SYSTEM LEAK TESTING Prior t o startin g the en gin e. f ollc wr r g t he ins t allat ionof a fuel system component. checx the fuel system for leaks. 1 check to e nsure th a::her e r s a s uf f ic ientlev el of f uel rn the fuel tank. 2 Activatefuel purnp tc pressurisesystem by: a Disconnect purcle lead f rom starter motor solenoid. c lold ign itionswitc h in ' c r anK' pos it iont o r un f ue D ump . 3 let -. n ign itionto'o ff'pos it ion. j 3re:k fu el syste m fo r leak s par t r c uiar lvar Dc r nt s -larked O in Fig. 6C-57. 5 ?ect f., aay fuel leaks. 6 R eccnre c: ea d to sta r t er m ot O r s olenor c D E P RE S SURIZING The f uel lines of ihe E Fl system retain a residual pressure,even when tne encine is switched 'oFF'. For reasons of safety, rt rs necessary to depressurize the fuel system before any sectro- c. ine pressure side of the fuel pump is disconnected The syst em is de pre ssur iz ed, . r s in?: r e nos e f r om f uel p ressuregau ge pa rt n o. SD 28018 o^ t he Sc ^r ader v alv e f t t ting at t he fron t of the fu el r ar l. The end c 3nnec t or of t're hose has a built in valve core depressor 10. Depressurizef uel system as per service operation 3.2 in this Section before disconnectingany high pressurefuel line, to reducethe residualpressurein the fuel lines. NOTE:with very hot engine up to a litre of fuel may be expelfedunder high pressure. 11- Before ?.terpting any electric welding on the vehicle,disconnectthe battery leads and Ine control unit connector. 12. when steam creaningengines, do not direct the steam cleaningnozzleat any EFI components.lf this happens,corrosionof the terminals€n take place. 13. Never attempt to bench test the fuel purnp as it is designedto run with the internalsimmersedin fuel. Runningon a bench withoutany fuel can cause the pumpto explode. 14. The throtile body must be removed every 40,000 kTr o]' 2 years whichever occurs first, ani ExhaustGas Recirculationdepositscleanedfrom the throttle blade and throtile bore. Reset idle speed after reinstallation.Failure to observe this requirement will result in the engine idle speed decreasing and stalling. 15. Disconnectthe batterybefore workingon either the fuel or electricalsystemsof the EFl. 16. Handle all EFr components carefully to avoid damage,particularly the air flow meter. ENGINEF U E L6C .25 IN J EC T OR S - 6 PLAC ES- r I F UE TAN DAM PE R Figure 6C-57 The following procedure should be used when the system:depressurizing 1. Detachhose from fuel pressuregauge,SD28018. 2. Removecap from schradervalve fittingin fuel rail. 3. Insert 'Gauge' end of hose into a containerwith a capacityof at least one litre. 4. Slowly install the other end of the hose to the schradervalve fitting and allow fuel to escape into the container(Fig.6C-57A). 5. When fuel flow ceases,remove hose from fittingand reinstallcap. Reinstallhose to gauge. Flgure 6C-57A FUEL HOSES AND CLAMPS inspectall fuel hosesfor cracksand swelling, Periodically replaceany hose that showssigns ol deterioration. NOTE:The EFI systernuses a specialgradeof fuel hose that is necessaryto withstandthe high fuel pressures and temperaturesof the system. The diameter of the hose is also matchedto the fuel pipes and clamps to ensure positiveretention.Use only the correct,genuine EFI system fuel hose. Carburettorfuel hose, emission hose or non genuinehose, even though it may have a high pressurerating,ls not suitable. Hose clampson the EFI systemare speciallydesignedto exert an even clampingforce around the circumference of the hose and have roundededgesto avoidcuttinginto the fuel hose. Tighten to the correct torque (refer Torque Wrench Specifications)and never use non genuine substitute hose clamps. 6C-26ENGINEFUEL 3.3 THROTTLECABLEADJUSTMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Depress accelerator pedal to floor. Adjust throttle cable outer lock nuts so that the throttle valve is fully open. Tighten lock nuts to 3.0 t o 4.0 Nm (Fig. 6 C-58) Allow accelerator pedal to assume free position. Adjust screw on pedal lever so that the pedal has no free play, but the cable is taut and idling speed is not affected (Fig. 6C-58). A C C E LE R A TOR P E D A L 7 A D JU S TIN G S C R E W i / v.-\J- iI _ TH R OTTLE V A LV E TH R OTTLE C A B LE OU TE R LOC K N U TS A ccE LE R A ToR pE D A L-----7 Figure 6C-58 3.4 CRUISECONTROLPOWERUNIT CABLEADJUSTMENT 1. 2. 3. Ensure ignition is switched 'off ' and the throttle butterfly valve is completely closed. Check slack in cable. Refer Fig 6C-60. To adjust the cable to obtain the correct amount of slack, loosen off lock nut Refer Fig. 6C-59. Turn the adjusting link to get the desired slack of 5.0 to 10.0 mm as sho wn in Fig. 6C- 60. E N S U R E P OWE R U N IT LIN K IS IN S TA LLE D TH IS WA Y A D JU S TIN G L IN K Figure 6C-59 Figure 6C-60 3 . 5 AD J U ST I NG ID L ES P E E DA N D M IX T U R E B efore m aking a ny a dju s t nnent st o t he idt e s enr ngs , ensure that:1. T he en gin e oil a nd wat er ar e at nor m al oc er at r ng ternperatures,preferablyachreved by drivinc 2 . T ransmissionin Pa rk o r Neut r al. 3 Air conditioning(if fitted) turned off 4. Disconnectcanister purge hose but do not plug (refit after test). E NG I NE F UEL 6 C - 2 7 Connect an ACCURATE CO-meter and tachometer. Record values and compare to those specified on the Vehicle Emission Control Information Label in the engine compartment and listed in Specifications in this Section. NOTE: Nominal values are for 'run in' engines. New engines should not be readjusted unless outside the range of 700 to 900 rpm during the first 1500 kms. The following checks must be performed and any defects corrected before any idle adiustrnents are made to the EFI system. 1. lgnition timing. 2. Manifold vacuum is present at fuel pressure regulator. (Disconnect vacuum hose at regulator and install vacuum gauge to hose.) 3. Throttle lever closing on to stop - if not check a. Throttle position switch adjustment. b. Throttle linkage and springs. 4. No leaks at hoses and duct between atr flow meter and manifold. 5. Running on all cylinders - if not check for a. Defective spark plugs and leads. b. Open circuit to injector. 6. Auxiliary air valve fully shut - check by pinching off air hose and observing engine speed - if speed drops, check for a. Engine not sufficientlywarmed up. b. Open circuit in electrical supply to auxiliary au valve. c. Auxiliaryair valve installed upside down. 5. 6. IDLE SPEEDADJUSTMENT adiustthe ln the case of deviationfrom specifications, idlespeedas follows: Loosenoff lock nut (Fig.6C-61). Install an accuratetachometer.Turn the idle speed adjusting screw to achieve the correct idle speed Fig. 6C-61. Screwingthe adjusterout, increasesthe idle speed, screwingin, decrea*s the idle speed.The specifica' tion for a 'run in' engineis:- 850 t 50 rpm. ADJUST DO NOT UNDERANY CIRCUMSTANCES THE THROTTLELEVERSTOP (ReferFig. 6C-61). 3. Check CO-readingafter speed adjustment.The specificationfor a 'run in' engineis .5 to 1.So/oCO. 1. 2. LOC K N U T - -=V E R S TOP ; .,/ ID LE S P E E D ,/' A D JU S TIN G S C R E W_ Figure 6C€ 1 IDLE MIXTUREADJUSTMENT This is preset and should not normally be adiusted. In the case of deviation from specification and all previous checks have been carried out and abnormalitres corrected, adjust the idle mixture as follows:1. Use only an ACCURATE Co-meter. T - J R OT T LE 6C-28ENGINEFUEL Pierce and remove the plastic cap on the air flow meter to expose the mixture adjustingscrew. Refer Fig. 6C-62. 3, Turningthe screw in, nchensthe mixture,screwingit out leans the mixture. ldle CO-specification is .5 to 2. 4. 5. 1.5%. Recheck idle speed after mixture adjustment. Reseal mixture adjusting screw with a new servtce, plastic cap. The service cap is coloured red, and is available from GM P & A, Part Number VS16400. Figure 6C-62 3 . 6 AI R C L E A N E RE L E ME N T REPL AC E M E NT 1. Drsconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Loosenhose clamp around arr flow duct at air flow meter.Refer Fig. 6C-63 3. Disconnectwiring harnessconnectorat the air flow meter, remove harness from retainer. Refer Fig. 6C-63. - H OS E C LA MP A IR FLOW D U C T F LOW ME TE R Figure 6C€3 I Remove air Fig. 6C-63A. flow duct mounting bolt. Refer H OS E C LA MP - A IR FLOW D U C T H OS E C LA *'/ \/ .----\ // --\\ ---v:\ / Figure 6C€3A ENGINEFUEL6C-29 iJnclipsnap locks around upper air cleaner housing. Refer Fig. 6C-64. 6. Lift upper air cleaner housing from its position and removefrom air flow duct. NOTE:When removingthe upper air cleanerhousing,be particularlycareful not to damage or knock the air flow meter. 7. Rernoveair cleanerelementfrom upperhousing. 5. R - - - - - Al R C:EA\ER H OU S I N G SIJ AP LO C K Fi gure 6C -64 8. Fit new air cleaner element into upper housing and check that it is seated correctly. Refer Fig. 6C-65. Refit upper housing, wiring connector battery lead and air flow duct hose clamp. Figure 6C-65 3.7 AIR CLEANERHOUSING F L3,'y ' * '.tET =R - REMOVE 1. 2. 3. Disconnect battery earth lead. Disconnect wiring harness connector at the air flow meter, remove harness from retainer. Refer Fig. 6C-66. Loosen the hose clamp around air flow duct at air flow meter. Refer Fig. 6C-66. C ONN E C TOR t, rl Figure 6C-56 4. Remove engine ventilation hose from the lower inner panel of the air cleaner housing. Refer Fig. 6C-67. Figure 6C-67 6C.30ENGINEFUEL 5. 6. Remove air flow duct mounting bolt. Refer Fig. 6C-67A. Remove the three air cleaner housing mounting nuts (refer Fig. 6C-66) and withdraw air cleaner housing by first sliding the air flow meter from the air flow duct and then removing the housing assembly. H OS E C LA MP A I R FLOW D U C T H OS E C LA MP ; / REINSTALL 1. Installation is reversal of removal. 2. -l/, Check for air leaks. )) /// /,/ Figure 6C€7A 3.8 AIR FLOW METER REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Loosen hose clamp around air flow duct at air flow rneter.Refer Fig. 6C-68. 3. Disconnectwiring harnessconnectorat the air flor meter, rernove harness f rom retainer. Refer Fig 6C-68. A IR FLOW ME TE R WIR IN G H A R N E S S C ONN E C TOR R E TA IN E R B O LT Figure 6C-68 4. Remove air Fig. 6C-68A. flow duct mounting bolt. Refer t u P P oR r B R A C K E T I -c /--/ FLOW r -A tR DUCT Figure 6C€8A _ ________ E NG I NE F UEL 6 C - 3 1 5. Open snap locks and remove air flow meter with upper section of air cleaner housing. Refer Fig. 6C-69. Remove air flow meter harness retainer bolt. Refer Fig. 6C-68. 7 . Removeair cleanerelementfrom upperhousing. L=ANER t'l G S NA P LOCK S Fi gure 6C -69 8. Remove air flow meter mountingbolts f rom upper innerair cleanerhousing.Refer Fig. 6C-70. Fi gure 6C -70 NOTE: A Square 'O' ring is used to seal between the air flo w mete r and air c leaner hous ing.Ref er F i g . 6 C - 7 1 . REINSTALL lnstallation is reversal of removal. Ensure 'O' ring is in Place. Check air flow meter flap for correct functioning by moving it all the way to the stop. The movement must not be ierkY. 4. Use a clean lint free cloth to remove any dirt in the area of the flap. DO NOT use any solvent or compressed air to clean the passage of the air flow meter. 5. Tighten air flow meter moulting bolts, and the wiring harness retainer bolt. 6. Refit air cleaner element to upper housing7. Check for air leaks. 1. 2. 3. -q Fi gure 6C -71 6C.32ENGINEFUEL TEST lf the following test is to be conducted on the vehicle, disconnect the battery earth lead and the wiring harness connector at the air flow meter. 1. Measure the resistance between terminals 7 and 5 while sliding the air flow flap. lf the resistance is at any value other than 0 and infinity, air flow meter is normal. Refer Fig. 6C-72. Figure 6C-72 2. Check insulation resistance between the air f low meter body and any of the terminals. lf continuity exists, the air flow meter is defective and must be replaced. Refer Fig. OC-73. Fi gure 6C -73 3.9 AIR FLOW DUCT REMOVE 2 Loosen hose clamp and remove hose to the auxilrary air valve from the air flow duct. Refer Fig. 6c-74 S U P P OR TB R A C K E T -i----- 7 r .{ ,/--T 't Figure 6C-74 A IR FLOW DUCT A U X ILIA R Y A IR V A LV E H OSE ENGINEFUEL6C.33 3. 4. Remove the engine ventilation hose bracket bolt from underneath air flow duct. Refer Fig. 6C-74A. Remove the air flow duct mounting bolt from support bracket. Refer Fig. 6C-74. E N GIN E V E N TI LA TI ON Figure 6C-74A 5. Loosen the hose clamps around each end of the air flow duct (refer Fig. 6C-75) and withdraw duct from its position. AIR F LO !'J D - ]- H C S= C LA\1P - REINSTALL 1. 2. Installationis reversalof removal. Check for air leaks at all connections to air flow duct (this will effect the air fuel ratio). Figure 6C-75 3.10THROTTLEBODY TH R OT-|-uI _ B oD Y REMOVE 1. Disconnect battery earth lead. 2. Remove air flow duct as per 3.9. 3. Disconnect throttle cable from throttle body linkage \: A C C I:E R A TOR C A B LE A C S E ::R A TOR r R E -I-LR NS P R TN G\ :*.'.---.--.{ '- -r--------=h-f _C C K --:-rlTS and air f low duct mounting bracket. Remove the upper accelerator return spring. Refer Fig. 6C-76. ".,]OU N TIN G ERACKET \ A C C EL E R A TO R LIN K A GE B FA C K E T Figure 5C-76 4 6C.34ENGINEFUEL 4. lf fitted, remove cruise control power unit cable retarnerfrom throttle linkage. Refer Fig. 6C-77. [r ,NKNUr ,l ,rTlRo.rr-LE \p Y--L'|NKAGE ,----&{ fr ^tr /v i P OWE RU N IT C A B LE R E TA IN E R Figure 6C-77 5 Disconnect vacuum hos es t o t hr ot t le body . not ing positions for correct reinstallation Refer Fic. 6C-78. C A N IS TE R TO TH R OTTLE B OD Y P U R GE - TV S S WITC H TO -I TH R OTTLE B OD Y E N GIN E V E N TI LA TI ON Fi gure 6C -78 6. Disconnect throttle positron switch wiring harness connector and, i{ fi:ted. rdle load compensator power f eed wire. Re fer F'E. 6C- 79. Remove the /- mcunting nuts securing throttle body to the inlet nanifold and remove throtile body and gasket. Refer Fig 6C-79. Remove the two bolts securing the throtile linkage bracket to the throttle body and disconnect the throttle rod from the throttle lever ball. Refer Fig. 6C-76. TH R OTTLE B OD Y MOU N TIN G N U TS (4 P r-A C E S ) MOU N Tl N G S TU D S 6g ID LE LOA D _ C OMP EN S A TOI RE IN S T AL L I n st aliat ionis reversalo f r em ov al not ing t he f ollowr ng: Use a new throttle body to intet manifold gasket. Before fifirng the throttle body wrpe Exhaust Gas Recirculationdeposit from the throtile blade and bore. 3low o ut the s mail d rilling s fo r t he s par k , EG R and c anr s t e r signals with compressed air. NOT E : Reset the id le s peed on r eins t alt at r on af ler c leaning,r e fer 3.5 Check for full throttle and adjust throttle cable as required,refer 3.3. lf fitted with cruise control, check cruise control power unit cable adjustment.refer 3.t. Start engine and check for air leaks TH R C TTLE _ PO SIT IS\ SW IT C H Figure 6C-79 ENGINEFUEL 6C.35 3.11 INLET MANIFOLD REMOVE 1. Disconnect batteryearthlead. 1) @ Remove air flow duct as per 3.9. Disconnect all vacuum hoses frorn inlet manifold and throttle body and remove inlet manifold vacuum adaptor from rear of manifold. NOTE: Observe hose positions f or correct reinstallation refer Figs. 6C-80, 6C-81. 2. 3. HOSE NOS. 1 15 2 4 5 3 SS I * tr' s peeds ens ort r ans duc er . l M oC t her m os t athous ingTVS . brake booster. aux iliar y air v alv e. aut om at ict r ans m is s ionv ac uum m odulat or v alv e. r egulat orv alv e, To f uel Pr es s ur e EG R v alv et o c y linder head EGR T V S s w i t c h . i To To To To To Figure 6C-80 HOSE NOS. T h r ot t le body t o c y linderheadEG R T V S s w i t c h . 61 T hr ot t le body t o t her m os t athousi n gT V S . 38 60 C anis t er t o t h r ot t le body pu r ge. Enginev ent ilat ionhos e. 6 38 Fi gure 6C -81 4. Disconnect throttle cable from throttle body linkage and air f low duct mounting bracket. Remove the upper accelerator return sPring.Refer Fig. 6G82. TH R OTT L E B OD Y A C C E LE R A TORA E TU R N S P RIN G .- : --_- -__l - AC C ELE R A TOR CA B LE ,_LOC K N U TS =l -{ F R ET U R N Figure 6C-82 SPR lN G 6C.36ENGINEFUEL 5. lf fitted, remove cruise control power unit cable retainer from throttle linkage. Refer Fig. 6C-83. LIN K N U T THROTTLE 1)-\-- LIN K A GE C R U IS E C ON TR OL P OWE R U N IT C A B LE R E TA IN E R ------> Figure 6C-83 6. Disconnect wiring harness connectors from the throttle position switch, idle load cornpensator if fitted, coolant temperature sensor, injectors and generator. Refer Fig. 6C-84. unclip wiring harness clips around fuel rail and top radiator hose and withdraw wiring harness towards the rear of the engine. C OOLA N T TE MP E R A TU R E S E N S OR_ID LE LOA D C OMP E N S A TOR I N JE C TOR S r6 P LA C E S ) PC S IT IO N Figure 6C€4 7 8. 9. Disconnect E.G.R. pipe from inlet and extracto' manifolds.Refer Fig. 6C-85. Depressurizefuel system as per 3.2. Disconn ect fue l rail h os e and f uel r et ur n hos e f r om fuei regulator. Figure 6C-85 ENGINEFUEL6C.37 10. Remove inlet manifold brace bar. Refer Fig. 6C-86. 11. Remove manifold to cylinder head attaching nuts and bolts. 12. Release inlet manifold from cylinder head. Once clear of manifold mounting studs, remove manifold and feed the automatic transmission modulator pipe from the manifold. REINSTALL Clean inlet manifold and cylinderhead mating faces and E.G.R. exhaust gas pipe and manifold surfaces. Install new gaskets Installationis reverse of removal operations. Tighten manifoldbolts, working from the centre outwards.Refer TorqueWrench Specificationfor details. Installinlet manifold brace after torquingup the manifold to head nuts and bolts.Tightenthe top end of the brace first to ensure the slotted end is correctlypositionedon the extendedhead bolt. Test fuel system for leaks as per instruction3.2 and check full throttle and adjust throttle cable as required, refer 3.3. lf fitted with cruise control, check cruise control power unit cable adjustment,refer 3.4. Start engineand check for air leaks. I I I 'T I Figure 6C€6 3.12 AUXILIARYAIR VALVE REMOVE 1. 2. 3. 4. ,tr - ,.ff 33'{ Disconnect battery earth lead. Disconnect harness plug at top of valve. Refer Fig. 6C-87. Loosen hose clamps at each end of the valve and disconnect hoses. Refer Fig 6C-87. Unscrew both mOunting screws and remove auxiliary air valve. Refer Fig. 6C-87. f 7 REINSTAL L 1. 2. Installation is reversal of removal. Valve is to be installed with the wiring plug connection upwards. Ensure that the cylinder head and auxiliary air valve mating surfaces are clean to provide the required heat transfer. Check for air leaks. TEST witha coldengineThistestmustbe performed Start engine and pinch the rubber hose between the throttle body and the air valve. When the air valve is cold, the engine speed should decrease as the hose is Pinched. With the air valve hot, the engine speed remarns unchanged as the hose is Pinched. ,.- -A I R FL O W D ri c T H A 3 \ E S SP IU G AIR 5**t HOSz_--'-i' fi--lt \ ,:,_[ __---t, H OSE C LA MP S | \l -t al -z- A U X ILIA R Y A rR vA L v E ;i6 1'ffiirui6 M o u N r lN G SC R EW S/ \-f{T \\!./ f l *- O AIR IN LET Figure 6C-87 (2 PLACES) H OSE 6C.38ENGINEFUEL 3 . 1 3F U E L P U MP REMOVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Disconnect battery earth lead. Drain tank to below level of fuel outlet. Disconnect wiring harness connections on the pump. Note which way the wiring connectors are fitted to the pump. Refer Fig 6C-88. Place a drain tray underneath pump. Depressurizefuel system as per 3.2 Remove fuel pump clamp bolt and clamp. Refer Fig. 6C-88 Loosen hose clamps at either end of the fuel pump and slide hoses off, withdraw fuel pump. Fig. OG8B, R EI NS T A L L Installationis reversal of removal. When installingthe fuel purnp ensure that the fuel line hose clamps are properly seated and check for fuel leaks as per 3.2. TESTING Volume Test 1. Depressurize fuelsysternas ger3.2. 2. Remove gauge hose f rom f uel rail, and using a schrader valve remover, remove valve core. Refit gauge hose to schrader valve fitting. 3. Place free end of gauge hose in a container with a volume measurementscale. NOTE: Ensure the container has a volume greater than 1 litre and that fuel tank has a sufficient level of fuel. 4. Remove purple lead from starter motor solenoid. 5. Activate fuel purnp by switching ignition to the 'START' position. 6. The volume pumped should be at least one litre in 30 seconds. lf the volume pumped is not sufficient: a. Jack up rear of vehicle and place on safety stands. b. Disconnect f uel hose between fuel pump and fuel filter at the fuel purnp end. Install one end of a suitable length of fuel hose to the fuel pump outlet pipe and insert the end in a container with a volume measurement scafe of at least 1 litre capacity. 7 . Retest as per steps 5 and 6. lf volume pumped is sufficient, fuel filter is blocked. 8. lf volume pumped is not sufficient: a. Remove fuel pump inlet pipe, install a test hose to the fuel pump inlet. lmmerse hose in a container having more than a litre of clean fuel. b. Place the fuel pump outlet test hose In the empty test container. 9. Retest as per steps 5 and 6. lf volume pumped is sufficient, the fuel tank sender unit stainer is blocked. Remove tank unit as per instruction 2.6 in section 8A of this supplement. lf volume pumped is not sufficient, replace f uel pump. Pressure Test 1. Install fuel pressure gauge and hose (par1 no. SD28018) to schrader vafve fitting at front of fuel rail (Fig. 6c-89). Hose has built in valve core depressor. FU E L D A MP ER OU TLE T H OS E i rlt v( FU E L P U MP ,,U P B OLT H OS E C LA MP Z F U EL _==-_ D AM PER rl L"- [ *,*,*] H AR N ESS T ER M IN ALS Figure 6C€8 ENGINEFUEL6C.39 Start engine and read fuel pressuregauge' Pressureshould be approximately25O 20 kPa at idle. The moment the acceleratorpedal is moved pressure should increase to approximately300 kPa (accelerator must be opened rapidly to give 'C' manifoldvacuum). 3. lf fuel pressureis not as specified,check for clogged or deformedfuel lines, blockedfuel filter or pick up strainer. 4. lf above the specified value, check condition and connectionof vacuum hose to pressureregulator,if hose is satisfactory,replace regulator and retest. lf the pressureis still not achieved,replacefuel pump- 2. Fuel Pressure Test r For Internal Leakage 1. Installfuel pressuregauge part no. SD28018as per previoustest. 2. Start engine and allow to idle, note fuel pressure gauge reading. 3. Switch engine 'off' and observe pressure gauge of an ihe readingdrops,it is an indrcation internalfuel leakage. 4. Under the vehicle,clamp the fuel pump outlet hose' Observe the fuel pressure gauge reading. lf the reading stops dropping, the fuel pump has an internaituet leakageand must be replaced. 5. lf the reading continuesto drop, while the hose is clamped, rernove the purple lead from the starter motor solenoid. Turn the ignition to the 'START' positionand allow the fuel pump to run. Once the iuel pressure reading has reached the same as recordedin step 2, switch'off ignition' 6. Clampthe fuel returnline from the pressureregulator and observe the pressure gauge reading' lf the reading stops dropping, the pressure regulator is faulty and must be rePlaced7. lf the readingcontinuesto drop, removethe fuel rail mountingbolts from inlet manifold' g. Carefullyremove fuel rail and iniectorsfrom the inlet manifoldand rest the fuel rail on the manifold' 9. Carry out steP 5. 10. Observewhich iniector/sis leaking' 11. Replace iniector/s which are faulty. Replace the sealing'o' rings on all other iniectors,and lubricate usingPetroleumiellY. 12. Refit fuel rail assemblY13. Refit starter motor solenoid wire- Start engine and check fuel pressure gauge reading. Switch'off' engineand checkfor pressuredrop' 14. Remove pressure gauge and install scrader valve cap. Figure 6C-89 6C .40ENG I NEF U E L 3.1 4 FUEL DA MP E RT RE A R REMOVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. Disconnect battery earth lead. Depressurizefuel system as per 3.2. Raise rear of vehicle and support on jack stands. Loosen hose clamp on fuel outlet hose frorn damper, rernove hose. Refer Fig 6C-90. Remove fuel damper mountrng nut from bracket, loosen hose clamp between damper and fuel pump. Refer Fig. 6C-90. Lift damper f rom mounting bracket and withdraw from fu el p ump ho se . H O SE C LAM P /t r" ---'' -/ ----'-' t: rl l ti J] lr ti H OS E MOU RE I NS T AL L 1. 2. 1r @ MOU N UT A CK E T Installationis reversalof removal. C hec k for fue l le aks a s per 3. 2. j = Figure 6C-90 3 .1 5 F U E LF IL T E R FR OM FU E L P U MP REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryearthlead. 2. Depressurize fuel systemas per g.Z. 3. Raiserear of vehicleand supporton jack stands. 4. Placea draintray underneathfilter. 5. Loosenhose clampsand disengagefuel hoses from filter.ReferFig. 6C-91. 6. Loosenfilter mountingclamp bolt and removefilter. Re fe rF ig. 6C- 91. REINSTALL 1. Replacingfilteris reversalof rernoval. NOTE:Directionof fuel flow arrowon filterbody rnustbe compliedwith (arrowto pointto front of vehrcie). 2" Make sure the fuel line hose clamps ate properly g.Z. seatedand checkfor fuel leaks.relerinstruction '/ > C LA MP C LAM P BO LT H OS E C I-A I'I,P-, T O EN G I N E' Fi gure 6C -91 3 .16 FUEL D AMP E R I FRONT R EM O V E i 2. 3. 4. Drsconnectbattery earth lead. Depre ssurizefu el syst em as per 3. 2. Locsen fu el lin e ho s e c lam ps at eac h s ide of dampe r, d lscon ne ctfuel hos es . Ref er Fig. 6C- 92 R emo ve mo un ting nu t . Ref er Fig 6c - 92 and wit hdraw d amp er. R E I NS T ALL 1. 2 Inst alla tionis re ve rsa lof r em ov al. Check fo r fu el lea ks a s per 3. 2. FU E L H OS E f- r-1u\l | !/t- r,- - D AM P E R \:3J\TIN G \-T FU E L H OS E --.^ ,{,2 A U X I LIA R Y A IR V A LV E Figure 6C-92 ENGINEFUEL 6C-41 3 .1 7 F U E L R A IL REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. fuel system as per 3.2. 2. Depressurize 3. Disconnectthe fuel return line from the fuel pressure regulator,disconnectvacuum hose to the regulator. 4. Disconnectwiring harness connectorsat the throttle position switch, idle load compensator if fitted, coolant temperaturesensor, injectorsand generator wiring.Refer Fig. 6C-93. Unclipwiring harnessretaining clips aroundfuel rail and top radiatorhose, and withdraw wiring harness to the rear of the inlet manifold. Flgure 6C-93 5. Remove the bolt securing the inlet manifoldbrace bar at the manifold and the nut on top of the cylinder head stud. Remove brace bar. Refer Fig. 6C-94. Figure 6C-94 6. Removethe injectorretainingclips.Refer Fig. 6C-95. F U E LR Ar L rq f $ 4 $s / ' , *J Ec r o R I K IP Figure 6C-95 -rfrt- 6C.42ENGINEFUEL Remove the 3 fuel rail mounting bolts. Refer Fig. 6C-95. Using compressed air, blow off dirt around the injectors. 8. Pull fuel rail towards the inlet manifold and CAREFULLY loosen injectors from the inlet manifold or fuel ra il. 9. Remove all injectors and place in a clean location. 10. Withdraw fue! rail toward front of engine, pushing down slightlyon top radiator hose. 7. l.t':llnar, FU E L R A I L .op'g { . , . ' rv y I rl \ \ l i 3 PLA C E S ) D \ , rL | -} *r'i ,, IN JE C TOR REINSTALL Before reinstallatingany injector, replace both sealing 'O' rings. lt will be necessary to cut the old 'O' rings fronn the injectors.Take care not to damage the tip insulator. S mear t he se alin g 'O' rings wit h pet r oleum jelly . lns er t each injector into the fuel rail, then install retaining clips. With all inlectors in fuel rail, carefully position numbers 5 and 6 cylinder injectors into the manifold ports. Next, posrtron the centre two injectors, then the remaining two injectors. With all injectors correctly positioned in the manifold, push fuel rail squarely in to fully engage injectors. Installationis reversal of removal, Check for fuel leaks as per 3.2. IN JEC TOR R E TA IN IN-TG C LIP - Figure 5C-96 3 . 1 8I N JE C T OR S For removal and reinstalling instructions, reter to Fuel Rail Rem ove an d Rein sta ll,3. 17. 3 . 1 9PR E S S U R R E E GU L A T OR REMOVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Disconnect battery earth lead. Disconnect vacuum hose at the pressure regulator. Refer Fig. 6C-97. D epr essu rizefue l syst em as per 3. 2. D isco nn ect th e f ue l c c nnec t ions t c anC f r om t he pressurereg ula tor.Re f er Fig. 6C- 97. R emo ve reg ula tor mo unt ing nut on f uel r ail br ac k e t and remove regulator.Refer Fig. 6C-97. RE IN S T ALL 1 2 lnstallationis reversal of removal. Check for fuel leaks as per instruction3.2. 3 . 2 0C ON T R OLU N IT REMOVE '1 2 Make su re ig nitio n is s wit c hed ' oFF' and dr s c onnec t battery earth lead. Rem o ve the left h an d c c w c anel t r im f r om t he f r ont passe ng ercomp artm ent "as des c r ibed in Sec t ion 1A of t his Su pp leme nt. Fi gure 6C -97 ENGINEFUEL6C-43 3. Remove the two control unit mounting screws. Refer Fig.6C-98. LE FT H AN D ----r. H AR N ESS PLU G /B MOU N TIN G B C -TS (2 P LA C E S T Figure 6C-98 4. Disconnectthe wiring hamess plug from the control unit by pulling up tang and swing hamess out from control unit. Refer Fig. 6C-98A. REINSTALL fnstallationis reversalof removal. Figure 6C-98A 3.21 THROTTLEPOSITIONSWITCH REMOVE 1. 2. 3. 4. Disconnect battery earth lead. Disconnect wiring harness plug from throttle position switch. Remove vacuum fitting from manifold next to throttle position switch. Remove 2 mounting screws and withdraw switch from throttle shaft. Refer Fig. 6C-99. ii r/ / _ T H R OTTL E P o s tr to N S WI TC H TH R OTTLE B OD Y -i rl REINSTALL Installation is reverse of removal, however the following should be noted. Ensure that the f lat section of throttle shaft slides into the correct position inside the throttle switch. Refit vacuum fitting into manifold and check that the automatic transmission modulator pipe rs f itted securely into the vacuum fitting. Do not tighten mounting screws as switch must be adjusted. ADJUSTMENT 1. The throttle position switch is to be positioned so that the closed throttle contacts open with the slightest throttle opening. lf the position of the switch is correct, a 'click' from within the switch is heard on opening the throttle. Figure 6C-99 f J N TI N G SCREWS 6C.44ENGINEFUEL 2. lf t her e is n o'click', r ot at e t he s wit c h s light ly and then operate the throttle, continue adiusting the switch until the correct position is found. Reler F ig 6C-9 9A. 3. Check that the switch is not preventing the throttle butterfly from returning to its stop and tighten mounting screws. NoTE: The high load switching contacts are non adjustable and are automatically set when the closed throttle adjustment is made. Figure 6C-99A 3.22 COOI-ANTTEMPERATURE SENSOR R EPL ACE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Remove wiring harness connector from coolant temperature sensor.ReferFig 6G100. 3. Draincoolantfrom engineto belowsensorlevel. 4. Removesensorfrom cylinderhead. 5. ApplyGMH sealantP/N 3835214,to sensorthreads, refit into cylinderhead. 6. Refit harnessconnector. 7. Add coolantto radiatorand check for leaks. O N EN GI NE T E S T The temperature readingshouldbe made and resistance beforeand after enginewarm up. Engine Cold 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Disconnect wiring harness temperaturesensor. 3. A s. 5. 6. connector Figure 6C-100 from Remove radiator cap, place a thermometer in the radiatorcoolant and read coolant temperature. Usrng an ohmmeter, measure the resistance across the terrninals of the temperature sensor. Refer F ig 6C-10 1. Connect wiring harness connector and battery earlh lead. w arm up e ng ine su ffic ient lyand t hen f ollow s t eps 1 t hru 4 . Che ck re su lt s wit h t he f ollowing c har t . lf results indicate suspect temperature sensor, perform the more accurate test below. C OOLA N T TE MP E R A TU R E S E N S OR Fi gure 6C -101 -- ENGINEF UE L6C -45 OFF ENGINE TEST RemoveSensoras per steps 1 thru 4 tor replacement. With the temperaturesensor suspendedin a beaker of 50/50 glycol/water, record resistance across the ReferFig. 6C-102. terminalsat varioustemperatures. Check the resultswith the followingchart. Fi gure 6C -102 tI I 8000 6000 RNT C 4000 3000 2000 1000 800 600 R E S IST ANCE 400 300 200 100 80 60 40 30 40 20 60 T E I \ 1 'E R A T U R E Figure 6C-103 lf, in either test, the resistance of the Sensorwith respect to coolant temperature is not as specified in the above graph the sensor is faultY. 01 ---- 6C.46ENGINEFUEL 3.23 CONTROLRELAY REMOVE 1. F U S E B OX C OV E R Remove fuse box cover. Fig 6C-104. Figure 6C-104 2. Pullout relayfrom its position.Ref er Fig. 6C- 105 REIN STALL Installation is reversalof removal. Figure 6C-105 ENGINEF UE L6C -47 4 . DI A G NO S I S 4.1 CIRCUITTESTINGPROCEDURE FUEL INJECTIONTEST ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT A set of special equipment has been developed for diagnosing and testing the EFI system of VK Series vehicles. The set consists of an ignition diagnostic system (part no. SD28013) and a companion electronic fuel injection accessory kit (part no. SD280 14). Part Nos. SD28013 and SD28014 are marketed only as a set and are not available separately. The EFI accessory kit includes a fuel pressure gauge. The ignition diagnostic system on its own, serves aS an effective ignition tester. The ignition diagnostic system and the EFI accessory kit must be used together when testing the EFI system. Operating instructions for the ignition system tests and the EFI system tests are included as part of the test equiprnent package. Details on availability of the test equipment are obtainable from: General Motors-Holden's Sales Pty. Ltd. Service Division, Box 5 48 D, G PO , Me lbo ur ne3001. Australia. Should the recommended EFI test equipment not be available, the following material may be used for checking the Fuel Iniection System. 1. 12-volt, 2 watt test lamp with standard test probes. 2. Ohmmeter, measurement range 0 to 5000 ohms. 3. Tachometer. The cable harness plug must be separated from the control unit in order to test the cable harness and the engine sensors. Since the contact terminals on the plug strip are not marked, the contacts must be counted for the various tests. Te rmina ls 1 t hr ough 13 ar e loc at ed on t he l o n g t e r m i n a l strip; terminal 1 is next to the cable entrance. Refer Fig. 6C-1 05 A. Terminals 14 through 25 are on the shorter terminal strip. Refer Fig. 6C-105A. Terminal 14 is next to the cable entranceSome tests involve cranking the engine, therefore appropriate safety precautions must be observed. 14 25 13 MU LTI_P LU G TE R M \A LS Fi gure 6C -105A I 6C.48ENGINEFUEL o o z LU J o CN T ^t- Ll- OF JE = (n ( Jz I t z c z cE ogr F F - @ c\| cP r4J - Fir = z ; 9 (o (v) c? '5 _ za 9E N sf N sf C\I c2 N OCSfLOco !F \\ c\t NN F \. c.l F ,F = cc N (9 @ o rF 6 C, = cc = IL cc O) O) O!- N !-!-F @ [f c? (\l O) ; 1 AD F \t F Lo( .or \o 3 !C OA (t) (l) lco = :* t- co '= : Lr- l- E Eg., (l)o:l= l- () u- tr- c! tr)' :st l- tO (0 t'\ @ F (c are r\ ol O c! -eri c.j + () (c' I o L = CD lr E NG I NEF UEL 6 C - 4 9 Function or Component to be Tested Measure Between Ter m ina l s Test With Tes t lam p | + and- on I f uel pum p Fue l p ump operatin g lnd ication (correct) Test Status Test lamp lights l f p u m p r u n s ,i t can be heard. lgnition in crank p o si t i o n l f D ef ecti ve Look for break i n cabl e harness or bl ow n fuse or faul ty rel ay. N otes runs but ergi ne w i l l not run creck fuel pres s ure anc \.c ;urne pumpe I'pum p aS P erS g' \' l C e I op.ra i ro- 3 13 Re layclo si ng Batte ry su pply to rela y i lgnition :n i lcrank I Position Lis t ent o r elay . 87 and ear t h be lCan lhear d or , t es t lam p , Tes t lam P Relay rernoved 30 and 31 R e l a yc l i c k sw h e n C h e c k c ur r e n t activatec. supply wires t o r el a y. L a mP i ; g h t s R e f e r Fi g . 6 C 1 0 7 Lamp l i gnts C h e c kfu si b l e link. B reak i n suppl y cr earth l eads to tP / lgn ition swit c h sign al Cra nk sig naI r Tes t lam p Lamp lights lgnitionon 15 & ear th I SV/itCf i Test lam p lgnition in crank 50 & ear t h Ij L u m p l i g h t s D O Si ttO r . lg nitio n p uls e sig na l lr.t, tamp Oh m m e te r Inje cto rvalv es an d wiring 1 & earth Engine crankrng Cy l. 1 t hr u 3 Ter m . 12 & 9 Cy l. 4 t hr u 6 Ter m. 24 & 9 A p p r o xi m a t el y lgnitionoff 3 to 4 ohms D i s c o nn e c t wrring p lSu g s har:^,eS a t ai . f ro r , r meter& arx, a i r v a l v e& throttle position switch. Cy1. 1t h r u 3 Ter m 12 & 1 3 Cy l. 4 t hr u 6 Ter m. 24 & 2 5 l g ni t i o n o n & in crank position ' ; I lTes t lam p I | ( 2 wat t s ) I I I Lannp f l i ckers aS ?nE ,n3 tU rnS L a r n pl i g h t s 'a ,, a B r e a k r n c - '- : ^ : supply in sta:::: s o l e n o i dc i r c ui t . I I R efe. F C h ec k ',: , brea k cabl € n3-nass C heck rnj ec:o-s i ndi vi duatl v w i th ohmmete: va l ue 16 oh ms. R e f e r Fi g . 6 C 1C g C heck fcr break i n {na^ l ta.c ;J . Tes t lamp ( 2 uv at t s ) l g^ r cr' Rem ov ep l u g f r om inje c t o r i crank pos : cr a n d m e a sure a cr o ss te rms. o n p lu g Lampf lickers brightlyinitially and dimswithin 10 s e c o n d s C h:c< w ri ng for supci v si gnal s at ccntrol uni t connector. l f control uni t i s consi dered fau ty test i ts operat,or' on another veh'c e. S u p p l y v o lta g e t o c o n t r o l u n it T e st la m o l g n i t i o n r '. and in c-ark positicn 9 & earth Lamp lights R el ay def ect i r.'e C heck i or break n w i ri ng f'orn N o.9 term na C hec< for break n w i ri ng f rom batte-y suppl y, fusi bl e i i nk bl ow rr. t, 6C 108 B r e a ki n l e a d f rom - coil t e r m i n a lo r f a u l t y i gn i t i o n s y s t e m cabte -a-ness. l nj ecto: , al ve defect . = S hort to ea:'.1 ^ '.vi res I Inje ctio np uls e sign alfro m con trol u n it B . e a< ' , R e f er Fi g . 6 C ' 10 6C-50ENGINEFUEL F unction o r Component to be Tested Test With Measure Between Ter m inals Test Status Indication (correct) Notes l f D ef esti ve C ont rol unit Te st la m p a nd systeme arth i 9and5 9and 13 9and25 lgnit ion on and in c r an k pos it ion Lamp l i ghts Check for break l e a d s5 , 1 3 & 2 5 . I n it iat ion of i n ject ionim pu lse Test lam p 9and1 Operate starter br ief ly Lamp f l i ckers C h e c kf o r b r e a k i n R efer wiring - ignition c o i l t e r m i n a lt o N o . 1 c o n n e c t o rt e r m . Faulty ingjtion system, Sta rt s ignal f r o m sta rt er f or co n t r o l u nit Test lamp 4and5 Op e r a te Lamp lights C h e c kf o r b r e a k i n wiring between s t a r t e r& t e r m i n a l 5 0 o n r e l a y .B r e a k in wire from c o n n e c t o rt e r m . 4 to starter. Test lamp will light only in crank mode. lf l a m p l i g h t sw i t h ignitionon, check why term. 50 has power. Refer Fig.6C-112 C h e c kf o r b r e a k i n c a b l e h a r n e s so r r e p l a c et h r o t t l e F o s i t r o ns w i t c h . R e fe r F i g . 6 C - 11 3 C h e c kf o r b r e a k i n c a b l e h a r n e s so, r r e p l a c et h r o t t l e p o s i t r o ns w i t c h . R ef er F i q. 6C - 114 star te r b r ie fly I I O perat iono f id le ' O h m m ete r contactsin t h rot t le valve switch 2 ano 9 lgnit ion of f Ac c eler ato r pedaI in id l e pos it ion 0 ohms approx. 6C-1 1 1 Ac c eler at o r pedals ligh t l y ccoh ms depr es s ed O perat ion o f f u l ' l o ad c ont act s i n O h m m e:3 r 3 anc 9 lg n r t:o r , o f f Acce le .a to r' p e d a l ir id l e th r ot t le v alv e body cc ohms Po sr tr o n Acce le - a to r p e d a ' fu lly 0 ohms approx. d e p r e sse d C oolant t e mperature s en sor O h r n m € te r 1C anC 5 lg n itio n o ff Temoerai ure oepentant Breakin cabfe h a r n e s so r r e p l a c e 0'C - 5500 ohms tem perature zO'C-2450ohms s e n s o r 8O"C-320 ohms 97'C- 200 ohms A r f low me t e r Ohmmet er 7and5 lgnit ion o; f Pus hair f low m : : ef ap S l"' , , ' y ' the ai r fl ow i s OK . - v! Aux il; ary air va l v e c irc uit lf the resistance i s B - e a E LU F c1 o o ltr -F l-6 F z! ,2 \r ( n.tnF \./ *yt U-WJ V a1 s ta N N s c\ s c! -FE (v) t; r) UJ C\ o z \\ NN arN \(, co ZJ -a\( F o) r\ o= NJ ;t vt r , F o I O @ ;'l = -l C? o) Ju l o \- - O E, iF( D C FC 'j E z :-LU F e- =u J @ H = YF UJ ==-ils o,l O) ocoo r- -l \- l- * I{'PP OOO( J c) q j ( l ) 0 ) tlrF' c2 t- :- (- (- (- (.- .- .- r n1j 1F - C C t N (v) (n K) F tn (c c\ 1- NCO$ O i: : : F Crt c 'l c:i N N N, c0 UJ E, -) U) LlJ = I lt 6C-52ENGINEFUEL o o z UJ J L./ (n IF O| . v F a ztr. O UJ . zz '^ Y @ c\I 59 (-)= z cc O 1. u 0? (o cf) c2 EE rn J- Ya H@ cc (o tr) tl- cc -F E N :E-l-F UJ E S NC\ rF- o iF 2 J \F zl et - cnz € o JE ful o-F o (o a= l' I o L zz our :-uJ F == I ZF 9H UJ E l- oa ll- r- LO F' N (o F .- LO( or \€ F D !- tFN O? Sf J cn (- (- (- sf : l- r P+r ,{- r r ) c) OQQ ( l ) ( l ) 0 ) q .) .- ;r ! t- oooo N F .- I UJ CD lr ENGINEFUEL6C,53 o /-\ v z I.IJ J o (n 9 o JF -rr F 0 9 = ( f) ()z @ N -) tr e eP ;F F ;t F(r -- z z 3 .^ o F. ra co Y Yo N sr C\l g (r F $ N c? N CJ) 1i J r\ z = t! LJ.J l- \-\ NN NN r z ^ v (' c zz N O) E o) o =N I E, o = 1- A, \( !- c) g= F F !-| t- F co c'j N F t- l- oooo t- OC ) ( JO !- .q.q .q .sr a iY N O) (o N ct co J ! - c/) F' LO F /R ' re r\ e\ -r it rO IF,FF F F N C \N N N N r qg /l ' a q \' /o 6- ; n- € $l O 6= e w F N = F | el ' .c. lc, F @ I o (o CD oC E -= Fur o ) OtF- N (F IF c/) F cc o) It ENGINEFUEL6C-59 c c z uJ J o a IE 90 F J = ( t) og C) z F c\ E6 6E F F , z ; g ca (Y) Ft r z! g- - .G-.-, r g € E F -r sf (\l CN 5 iE O Lo J z c? c\I t; = c " i s .l i t !-F F f7 b \\\ c\ (\ C \S FF a (\l ; N tr uJ oF 9,2 4. r- uJ v cno F UJA IY =z tJ lt rF l- F I O (o UJJ o L t ct) lt g i= F= O) II ct F FE ZFJ O) OFN IF F T - @ JZ OU J (') o= | --- --l-^- >^.-v cc .I J| ! l- t- l- !- \i,, \J P+JPP \r' OOO(J cJq)oro .q !L L |- \.' l.tJ F LU a .q I.JJ (\l E o) ,-a l.cj F- cct (o -\ J CN N UJ (v) = .g + )j U', -!- D LJ- t ^Y/ LF - \-, rv (-J 1l]) F l- #, at\ . c 6 6ofr FOIJ-LL 'N' ft ji lq 6s) ro -q' 6 cr >' r \ a\' ' a cc '!o' 6 co A 9. ,6 or)'.'<: > - : qr a q- .1 q? l $l ' :i S r n: NcDsf, -) q) 6C.60 ENGINEFUEL o o z LU J c U) TF *lI I .c l- Jl- = (/) c9 li: o cP F F F'rr cc \r o (\l O t4J != 00 5:: (o c) (Y) .J1 tr tr =3 Y'ch -)vw o a-L \v \./ -(- cr) \v F I \v ct ,Q \JCC V t-! L E 9 3 3 CD I LilT -l- ;) d-':li 6 43 -'/ tfu ,t- l t. .t 36 enA yv ff_r, Fi gure 6C -121 35 R E F E RN E X TP A G EF O RL EGEN D 6C.70ENGINEFUEL L EG EN D F OR F IGU R E 6 C -1 2 1 1. R e t a i n e r to va cu u m b ra ke s cr ew 2 . Ba f f l e f la p sh a ft 3 . N e e d l e r e ta i n e r 2 n d sta g e 4. A i r h o r n ve n t scre e n a n d retainer 5 . B a f f l e f la p 6. B a f f l e f la p scre w 7. C h o k e va l ve 8. C h o k e va l ve scre w 9 . Ai r h o r n to fl o a t b o wl screw 1 0 . A i r h o r n to fl o a t b o wt screw 1 1 . Ai r h o r n a sse mb l y 1 2 . Pu m p l e ve r a n d scre w a sse rnbly 1 3 . Ai r h o r n to f i o a : b o w i g a sket 1 4 . F l o a t p r vo t i n se rl 1 5 . Pu m p p i srcn a sse mb l y 16. F l o a t r eta ,7 '1 gpr ro 1 7 . F l o a t a n c re ve r a sse mb l y 18. F l o a : i e ve - to n e e d l e cl i p 19. F l o a r n e e d ,e va i ve a n d se a t assem bly 2 0 . F i o a t n e e d re va l ve se a t se a l 21 . Pu m p i nl e t b a l l 22. P i s t o n c u p 2 3 . P i s t o n r etu rn sp ri n g 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Dischar ge pur np Car bur ettor f uel Car bur ettor f uel Dischar ge pum p Dischar ge pum p r etai ner i nl et f i l ter f i l te. f l ar e nut s pr i ng batl M ixtur e by- pass s c r ew and s eal as m . M ixtur e by- pass s eal 32. Float bcwl to thr ottl e body gas k et 33. Ant r d ieseling sol enoi d 34. Pum p iink 35. ldr e needle scr e w and s eal as s em bl y 36. ld,s ne€dle seal 37 . Thr ottle body to f l oat bow t s c r ew 38. Secondar y dr ive s pr i ng 39. Pr imar y thr ottle l ev er 40. Fast idle scr ew a nd s pr ng as s em bl y 41 . Thr ottle body 42. Basic idle scr ew and s pnng as s em bl y 43. Fast idle cam r e tai ner 44. Fast idle cam as s em bi v 45. Fast idle cam oiv ot 46. 47 . 48 . 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55, 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. F l oat bow l M eter i ng pr i m ar y j et Pow er pi s ton s p r i ng Pow er pi s ton as s em bl y M eter i ng pr i m ar y r od and s pr i ng as m . C hok e l i nk c am end c l i p C hok e l i nk c am end bus h F as t i dl e c am to c hok e l i nk C hok e s haft C hok e l ev er C hok e l i nk c l i p C hok e l i nk bus h C oi i c ontac t s l eev e C hok e l ev er bus h Sec ondar y s haft s pr i ng Vac uur n br eak hos e C hok e c ov er and ther m os tat r etai ner Vac uum br eak hous i ng and s tem as m . C ov er and ther m os tat as s em br y Vac uum br eak del ay v al v e T h r ottl e pos r r i on s w i tc h Br ac k et 3. MAJORSERVICEOPERATIONS 3.1 CARBURETTOR REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth cable. 2. Removewing nut holdingair cleanerand removeair cleaner. 3. Disconnect electrical leads, fuel line and vacuum hosesfrom carburettor. 4. Remove throttle linkage and cable assembly from bracket. 5. Remove carburetlor to mount nuts and remove carburettor. DISASSEMBLY 1. 2. Remove fuel line flare nut and filter. Remove anti-dieselingsolenoid. Remove vacuum hose from throttle body and rernove the three screws from choke retaining ring. Remove choke cover and vacuum break dssembly (Fig. 6C-1zz). Figure 6C-122 v ENGINEF UEL 6C .71 3. Press off securingclip and withdrawchoke valve link from fast idle cam slot (Fig. 6C-123). 4 . Rernove pivot screw from acceleratorpump actuatrng lever. 5. Unscrew two short and four long retaining screws and remove air horn and throttle position switch assembly.Gasketremainson float bowl. NOTE: The acceleratorpump is spring loaded. NOTE: Do not rest air horn on protudingtubes. Figure 6C-123 6. 7. Remove acceleratorpump assembly(Fig. 6C-124). Remove gasket. Figure 6C-124 Remove power piston assemblyusing a patr of side cutters and screwdriveras a fulcrum(Fig. 6C-125\ NOTE: Prefcrredmethod is to 'flick' the piston down and allow the spring to hammer againstthe plastic retaining sleeve. This is repeated untit the assembly can be removed. 8. CAUTIOAT:DO NOr LEVER UF CN HORTZONTALIANG ABOVE POWER P'SION ASSEMBLY. GRIP POWER P/S7'ON ACHOSS INDENIAT/ONS /N BODY, ABOVE PLAST/C/NSEFI. Figure 6C-125 Remove f loat pivot insert and float assembly tFig. 6C-126) 10. Using a suitablescrewdriver,remove seat and seal. 9. ai|r Fi g u re 6C - 126 ---- 6C.72ENGINEFUEL 1 1. Using a suitable screwdriver, remove (F.g. 6G1 27). main iet Figure 6C-127 12. Remove four screws accessiblefrom undersideof carburettorand separatethrottfe body assemblyfrom float bowl assembly(Fig. 6C-128). Figure 5C- 128 CHECKS Clean all parts in suitable cleaning fluid. Blow dry with compressed au. Jets and ports should be blown dry in normaldirection of flow. All mating surfaces should be cleaned and checked to ensurethere are no imperfections. With float bowl upright, fill pump area with fuel. Check that fuel level does not drop. lf fuel is escaping, blow check ball passagesout with compressedair. Check main meteringrod. Ensure rod is conect unit, see specifications.Replaceif necessary. Check throttle body finkage for freedom of movement. Ensure there is no binding of throttle valves (Fig.6C-12s). Figure 6C-129 ENGINEF UEL6C -73 REASSEMBLY 1. Placegasket on invertedfloat bowl assembly.Ensure gasket is correctly located. Place throttle body assemblyover gasket and retain with four screws. Re-checklinkageoperation(Fig. 6C-130). Figure 6C-130 2. 3. Using a suitable screwdriver,reinstall needle valve seat and sealingring. Using suitable screwdriver, reinstall main iet (Fig.6C-131). Fi gure 6C - 131 4. Reinstall power piston and primary metenng rod assembly. Remember spring under power Piston (Fig.6C-132). Figure 6C-132 5. Hook float needle valve on float arm, Reinstallfloat and needlevalve assembly(Fig. 6G133). Fi gure 6C - 133 6C.74ENGINEFUEL 6. Hold needlevalve actuatingarm as shown and push down until valve rests on seat. Distancefrom top of f loat to top face of float bowl should be to specification(Fig. 6C-134). Figure 6C- 134 Adjustif necessaryby bendingarm (Fig. 6G13S). 7. Reinstallfloat pivot insert. Reinstallgasket in correct orientation. Figure 6C- 135 8. pumpassembly(Fig.6C-136). Reinstallaccelerator FiEure 6C-136 Reinstall air horn assembly ensuring accelerator pump push rod passes throughcorrect hole in air horn and gasketis correcilyseated(Fig. 6C-197). 10. Reinstallacceleratorpump actuatinglinkageon lever and reinstall pivot screw. Reinstallthrottle position switchto air horn. 9. Figure 6C- 137 ENGINEF UE L6C .75 11. Reinstallchoke valve link into fast idle cam slot. Ensure plastic sleeve is in place. Replace securing clip (Fig.6C-138). Fi gure 6C -138 12. Reinstallvacuum break assemblyand choke cover. Ensurechoke spring correctlyengageschoke actuating lever. Screw retainingring in place, ensuring arow on choke cover pointsto specifiedindex mark (Fig.6C-13e). Reinstallvacuumhose. 13. Reinstallfilter, fuel inlet flare nut and antidieseling solenoid. Figure 6C-139 ADJUSTMENT Wide Open Throttle Hold fast idle cam down and open throttlecompletely - ensure2nd stage valve is open as well. 2. Measure clearance between tang on intermediate lever and spring end. Bend tang on intermediate lever to adjust (Fig. 6C-140).Check Specifications sectionfor measurement. 1. ^-C YJ 900 PR IM A R Y SEC OIJ D AR Y \ I L -_-L tr PR IM AR Y C VER D R IVE Fi gure 6C - 140 6C.76ENGINEFUEL Secondary Throttle Opening 1. Open prirnary valve, ensuring secondary valve remainsclosed (lock engaged). 2. Measure clearance between tang on secondary throttle lever and intermediatelever. Bend tang on secondarythrottle lever to adjust (Fig. 6C-141).See specificationsfor measurement. C LOS IN G FOR C E B E N D TA N G TO A D JU S T S E C ON D TH R OTTLE C LOS E D Figure 6C-141 Secondary Closing Setting 1. ldle stop lever against slow idle stop screw (Fi g .6C- 142) . Movement of secondary throttle valve should be to specification. Bend tang on intermediatelever to adjust. ID LE ST OP LEVER AG AIN ST BASIC ID LE SC R EW FU LL C LOS E D P OS ITIONr OP E NIN G FOR C E B E N D TA N G TC A D JU S T_ Fi gure 6C -142 VacuumBreak Settings 1. ChokeSetting. a. b. Set the automatic choke to closed. Remove vacuum hose to vacuum break unil (Fig. 6C-143). Use hand vacuum pump J2393701 or equivalant to apply vacuum to vacuum break unit to fullv retract stem. Figure 6C- 143 ENGINEFUEL 6C.77 Distance between choke valve and carburettor wall should be to specification(Fig. 6C-144). Adjustby turningscrew 'B' (Fig. 6C-144). NOTE: This adjustmentshould be perforrnedin conjunction with 'Air Valve Setting' below. (Remember that interferencebetween air vafve lever and vacuum break stem will affect travel of vacuum break stem.) Lock stop screw with paint after adjustment. .\, F Fi gure 6C -144 2. Air Valve Setting a. Use J23987-01or equivalentto apply vacuumto break unit. b. Clearancebetween air valve lever and vacuum break stem should be to specification (Fig.6C-145). c. Bend tang to adjust. V A C U U T\4B R E A K S TE M FU LL IN _ WITH V A C U U M A P P LIE D A IR V ALV E FU LL C LOS E D Figu;'e 6C- 145 6 C-7 8ENG I NEF U E L Second Step Setting With choke coil cold (ambienttemperature), ensure fast idle screw is seated on second highest or 2nd step of cam (Fag.6C-146). With light pressure applied on choke valve, clearance between valve and carburettor throat should be to specification. C H OK E V A LV E OPENING F O R C Eo N - - 1 cHoKE VALVE \ r\ cLostNG FoRcEoN c H O K Ec o I L L E V E R -- T O P O R F IR ST J Fi gure 6C - 146 Bend choke link to adjust (bendingincreasesclearance, reducesclearance).See Fig. 6C-.,147. straightening Figure 6C-147 Wide Open Kick Setting 1. 2. 3. Choke valve held closed. Primary throttle lever held fully open. Push choke valve against kick lever to remove backlash. Dimension A, choke valve to carburettor throat clearance, should be to specification (Frg. 6C-148). Bend lever on fast idle cam to adjust. NOTE: Secondary throttle lockout lever must be fully engaged in tang on interrnediate lever. ,s3--.,_J C LOS IN G FOR C E ON C H OK E C OIL LE V E R . OP E N IN G FOR C E ON C H OK E LE V E R . P R IMA R Y TH R OTTLE WID E OP E N . Figure 6C-148 ENGINEFUEL6C.79 Secondary Lockout Lever Rotation 1. Choke controlleverheld fully open (use elasticband to overcomeautomaticchoke closingforce.) Clearancebetweensecondarylockout lever and tang on specification intermediate lever should be to (Fig.6C-14e). lf dimension is inconect, check 'Secondary Lockout Setting'below. C H OK E FU LL H OTT Figure 6C- 149 Secondary Lockout Setting 1. Chokecontrolleverclosed. 2. Primarythrottleleverwide open' 3. secondary lockout lever fully engaged. secondary throttle valve should have clearance as specified (Fig.6C-1s0). Bend tang on secondaryvalve leverto adiust. r v- r J1 n ,r h . PL - /v 4 - I S E C OND A R Y TH R OTTLE V A LV E FU LL C LOS E D P OS ITION ,A ' P R IMA R Y TH R OTTLE R OTA TE D TO WID E OP E N Fi gure 6C -150 Accelerator PumP 1. 2. 3. 4. Throttle closed, carburettor set 10r idle, choke held off slowly depress accelerator pump plunger until secondary spring resistance is felt. The distance travelled from reit position should be to specifications (Fig. 6 G 151) Bend pump arm to adiust (at B). Readjust throttle position switch if pump-arm is bent' Refei to Section 6D of this Supplement for details' REINSTALL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Clean all mating surfaces. Take care that material does not fall into manifold. Using new gasket, install carburettor.Torque nuts to specification. Reinstallfuel line, electricalleads and vacuum hoses' Reinstallair cleaner.Torque nut to specification' Install air pre-heat, engine ventilation and vacuum hoses on air cleaner. Fi gure 6C '1 51 S E C. LOC K OU T E N G A GE D 6C-80ENGINEFUEL 4. DIAGNOSIS The following DiagnosisCharts rnust not be taken as approval to carry out major operationson vehicles with less than 80,000 kms. ENG I NE CRA N K S _ N O S T A R T N O S TART COL D N O S TA R T H OT CORRECT ST ART ING EROCEDUREUSED ST I L L NO ST ART U S E P R OP E R i S TA R TIN G P R OC E D U R E I LI CHECK VACUU[1 HOSESAND EL EC;RICAL L EADS ? i-/ ENGrf\E FLOODE D C H OKE VAL VE NOT CL OSING CHOK E V A L V E NO T U N T O A D I N G CHECK AUT OM AT IC CHOKE COI L ADJUST MET \T CHE CK T H R O T T L E LI NK A G E F O R F U LL T B A V E L (W . C.T H R O T T L E ) CH ECK F OF BI NDI NG OR ST UCK CHOKE VAL VE OR L i\KAGE CHE C K F L C A T NEEDL E A N D S E A T FOR LEAKAGE CHE C K F L O A T * L E V EL . F LO A T F O R D A M A G E * CHECK A\D ADJUST VACUUM BREAK, = AST I DL E, AND UNL OADER i DO NO T A D J U S T F L O A T L = ' ",EL = XCEPT AFT E R M A J O R O V E R H A i.Jt- r-r.t' C OR R E C T S TA R TI N G P R OC E D U R EU S E D S TILL N O S TA R T C H E C K A LL V A C U U M H OS E SA N D E LE C TR IC A L LE A D S 'l : N o FU E L IN C A R B U R E TTOR N O FU E L IN TA N K FU E L LIN E S OR F ILTE R S P LU GGED D E FE C TIV E FU E L P U MP . P R E S S U R ETE S T C H E C K FLOA T N E E D LE FOR S TIC K IN G IN S E A T OR tsIN D IN G F LOA T C H E C K ITE MS 1 & 2 UNDER N O S TA R T C OLD ENGINEFUEL6C.81 ENGI N E S T A L L S S T AL L S COL D S TA LLS H OT U SE PROPER S T A R TING PROCEDURE U S E P R OP E R S TA R TIN G P R OC E D U R E C H E C K AL L VACUUM H O S E S& EL ECT RICAL L EADS C H E C K A LL V A C U U M H OS E S& E LE C TR IC A L LE A D S C H EC K ID LE C H E CK I DL E SPEEDT CHOK E C OI L ADJU S TED CORR E C TLY ST A L LIN G CON TIN U E S C HOKE COIL I NCORRECT L Y ADJUST ED I FU E L LE V E L H IGH IN * F LOA T B OWL FU E L P U MP P R E S S U R EH I GH TE S T FU E L P U N 1P CHECK C H OK E VALV E A N D L IN K A GE FOR BIND IN G OR STIC K IN G F LOA T N E E D LE S E A T LE A K IN G IF UNA B LE TO ADJI.JS T,C H E C K IDL E S Y S TE M FOR DIRT , A IR LE A K S , PL UGGED P A S S A GE S GA SK E TS N OT S E A LIN G CA U S IN G A IR OR FU E L LE A K S LEAKIN G C R BIN D IN G I D LE P A S S A GE S P LU G GE D ,ID LE A IR B LE E D S P LU GGE D I i C H E C K FOR D IR TY I on LE A K TN G FLoA T I S EC ON D A R Y THR OTTLE STIC K IN G OP EN F LC AT CARBURETTOR FLOOD I N G OR HIGH FLOA T LE V E L T EST F UE L PUMP FUEL LEVEL CK r vE E D L E D O N O T ADJUST F L OAT L EVEL EXCEPT A F T E R MAJOR OVERHAUL R E F E R SECT ION 2 F OR CORRECT A D J U S TM ENT PROCEDURE. .fr, --'..''"-ll' 6C-82ENGINEFUEL P OOR HIGH SPEED PERFO RM ANCE ENGINE RUNS ROUGH, SURGES C H E C K F O R F U L L T HROT T L E O P E N I N G A T C A R BURET T OR A D J U S T T H R O T T LE L I NKAGE A S N E C E S SARY C H E C K A LL V A C U U M H OS E S A N D E LE C TR IC A L LE A D S C H E C K FU E L P U MP PRESSURE A I R V A L V E B INDING, S T I CK I NG FU E L FILTE R S OR S C R E E N S P LU GGE D OR D IR TY A I R V A L V E OR S E C O ND A R Y VAL VE N O T U N L O C KING MA IN ME TE R IN G JE T P LU GGE D , LOOS E OR WR ON G P A R T P R I M A R Y O R S ECONDARY M E T E R I N G R OD BENT O R J E T S B L OCKED P R IMA R Y ME TE R IN G R OD B E N T, A LTE R E D OR IN C OR R E C T P A R T PO W E RP I S T O N S T U CK OR BINDING CH E C K F O R D I S T O RT ED SPRING F L O A T L E VEL * I N C O R R E CT F L OAT ST ICKING, M ISAL IGNED P OWE RP IS TON S TIC K !N G D IR TY , S P R IN G MIS S IN G, OR IN C OR R E C T P A R T FLOA T A D JU S TME N T IN C OR R E C T * G A S K E T S N O T SEAL I NG M A Y B E H A R D OR BRIT T L E C H E C K F O R L O OSE SCREWS F LOA T B E N T OR MIS A LIGN E D A D JU S T ID LE S P EE D I TO S P E C IF IC A TION S C H E C K ID LE S Y S TE M FOR D IR TY OR P LU GGE D P A S S A GE S GA S K E TS N OT S E A LI N G. MA Y B E H A R D OR B R ITTLE , C H E C K FOR LOOS E S C R E WS S E C OND A R Y TH R OTTLE V A LV E S TIC K IN G OP E N OR MIS A LIGN E D DO NOT A D J U S T F L O A T L EVEL EXCEPT A F T E R M A J O R O V E R H A UL RE F E R S E C T I O N 2 F O R CORRECT ADJ US T M E N T P R O C E DURE ENGINEFUEL 6C.83 P OORFU E L E C ON OMY R U N C ON S U MP TIONTE S T C H E C K D R IV E R H A B ITS IF C ON S U MP TIONIS P OOR , C H E C K TH E FOLLOWIN G C H E C K C H OK E V A LV E A N D LIN K A GE FOR B IN D IN G OR S TIC K IN G C H E CK POWER PIST ON S P R I NG F OR DIST ORT ION C H E C K P OWE R P IS TON FOR S TIC K IN G OR B E IN G B E N T OR LOOS E C H E CK M ET ERING RODS F OR BEING B E N T OR WRONG PART C H E C K MA IN ME TE R IN G JE T FOR B E IN G P LU GGE D , LOOS E , OR IN C OR R E C T P A R T C H E C K P OWER P IS TON V A C U U M P A S SA GE SFOR LE A K S OR B E IN G P LU GGE D tvl A K E S U R E GA S K E TS S E A L P R C P E R LY ON A LL V A C U U M PA S S A GE S C A R B U R E TTOR FLOOD IN G. S E E B E LOW C H E C K FLOA T N E E D LE S E A T FOR LE A K IN G FR OM D IR T, WE A R , D A MA GE , LOOS E NE S S FLOA T B E N T, S TIC K I N G MI S A LI GN E D , MI S A D J U S TED C H E C K A N D A D JU S T . ID LE S P E E D GA S K E TS N OT S E A LIN G OR C A S TIN GS LE A K IN G P U MP D IS C H A R GE B A LL N OT S E A TIN G, C H E C K FOR D IR T, D E FE C TIV E S E A T OR D IS C H A R GES P R IN G C A R B U R E TTOR FLOOD IN G R U N F U E L P U MPTE S T CHECK PRESSURE CH E C K FLOA T N E E D LE A N D S E A T FOR D IR T, WE A R , D A MA G: OR LOOS E P A R TS . C LE A N FU E L S C qE E N S A N D FILTE R S CH E C K F LOA T I-E V E L, C H E C K FOR D IS TOR TE D FLOA T A R N |SOR IMP R OP E RA LIGN ME N T CHE C K FOR FLOA T B OWL LE A K S (FILL B OWL WIT H FU E L ON B E N C H A N D OB S E R V E FOR LE A K S ) C H E C K S E A L ON A LL B OWL GA S K E TS D O N OT ' ADJUST F L OAT L EVEL EXCEPT A F T E R M AJOR OVERHAU L R E FE R S E C TION 2 FOR C OR R E C T A D JU S TME N T P R OC E D U R E . 6C-84ENGINEFUEL ENG I NE HESI TATE S O N A C C E L E R A T I O N A IR VALVE EINDING OA STICKING A C C E LE R A TOR P U MP C IR C U IT D IR TY , P LU GGE D OR IN OP E R A TIV E _ B A LL N OT S E A TIN G _ P LU N GE R N OT S E A LIN G A I A ' / A L V E OR SECONDARY T : r q C TT L E VA L VE L OCKOUT I,JOTOPERAT ING LOW FU E L LE V E L IN F LOA T B OWL C H E C K FU E L P U MP P RE S S U RE SE CONDARY T HROT T L E V A L VE ST ICKING OPEN S L I GHT L Y - CHECK FO R DAM AG E ENG I NE SLUG G I S H O N A C C EL E R A T I O N E N GIN E S LU GGIS H ON A C C E LE R A TION WA R M OR C OLD E NG I NE S L U G G I S H O N ACCELE R A T I O N D U R I N G CO LD D R I V E A W A Y ADJ US T A U T O M A T I C CH O K E C O I L AIR VAL VE BIN D IN G OR ST ICKIN G A DJ US T V A C U U M B R E A K S ECONDARY N OZZ LE PL UGGED OR DIRT Y: S E C ON D A R Y M ET ERING ROD M TS A LIGNE D , ST ICKING, DIRT Y OR B E N T, SECONDARY M ETE R IN G JET PL UGGE D CHE CK A I R V A L V E O R SECO ND A R Y T H R O T - I - L E VALV E L O C K O U T i FU E L FILTE R IN C A R B U R E TTOF D IR TY OR P LU GGE D . FLOA T S TIC K IN G OR N OT P R OP E RLY A D JU S TE D * P OIV E RP IS TON S TU C K , B IN D IN G, LOOS E \l A IN ME TE R IN G JE T D IR TY , P LU GGE D OR IN C OR R E C T P A R T. MA IN ME TE R IN G R OD D IR TY , B E N T, S TIC K IN G OR IN C OR R E C T P A R T TH R OTTLE V A LV E S TIC K I N G ID LE S P E E D T N OT P R OP E RLY A D JU S T E D * DO NO T A D J U S T F L O A T L EVEL EXCEPT AFT E R M A J O R O V E R H AUL . RE F E R S E C T I O N 2 F O R CORRECT ADJ US T M E N T P R O C E D URE ENGINEFUEL6C.85 5. SPECIFICATIONS CARBU RET TO R - 2 Bar r elVar ajet ll Ca libra tionlt em ( Aut om at ic and M anualTr a n s mi s s i o n) P.O.E. Bl eed 1. 4 2 m m P.O.E. Noz z le 1.85 mm P.O.E.Tu be . 0.65 mm Se co nd ar yM et er ingJ et 3.20 mm Se co nd ar yM et er ing Rod Full dia. 2 . 9 75 r nm 1.970mm Se co nd ar yM et er ing Rod Tip dia. . Se co nd ar y Ai r Bleed i .00 mm Primary Noz z le Relat ion 3.50 mm Main Well Boos t Bleed . . 1,00mm Auxiliary W ell Bleed 1.00 mm N OTE: P .O .E. ldle Tube M.B.P. Restriction Top M.B.P.Inlet . . M . B . P . D o w n C h a n n e li n F l o a t B o w i P r i m a r y M e t e r i n gR o d P r i m a r y M e t e r i n gJ e t . . l d i e N e e dl e O r i f i c e l d l e P o r t Wi d t h ldte Por: Length Pull O v er Enr ic hr nent M.B .P . FUEL PUM P: Pressu re Test 0 .6 5 m m 1 .6 0 m m 5 .5 0 m m 7 .0 0 m m 1 18 mm 1 .8 3 m m 2 .2 0 m m 0 .7 0 m m 3 .0 0 m m l / xi ure B '7-P ass 22 - 26 kP a @ 1000 'crn A DJ USTM ENTSPECIFI C A T I O N S ( A U T O M A T I C & M A N U A L T R A N S M I S S IO N S ) F IG . REF. I ITE M N. A. 6 C-134 I sPEc. LI Q UI D FUEL LEVE L ( Fu e l l e v e lt o f l o a t b o w l t o p - n o g a s k e t ) 1 7.Om m DRY FLO AT LEVEL SET T I N G ( F l o a t t o p t o f u e l b o w l t o p - n o g a s k e t ) 8 .0 m m 6 C_1 40 i W I DE O PEN TH RO TTLE - P RI M A R Y 90 Deg. 6C_ 140 I W I DE O PEN THRO TTLE - S E C O N D A R Y 90 Deg. 6 C-140 W I DE O PEN THRO TTLE - P R I M A R Y O V E R D R I V E 'tA "- 6C_ 141 SECO NDARY TH RO TTLE O P E NI N G I N I T I A L tt 6C-1 42 SECO NDARY CLO SI NG S E T T I N G tt CHO KE SETTI NG tt ' _ Att _ 0. 5mm 0.45 mm 0.60mm ^t, 6C_ 144 _ 4.2 m m A"= 0.3 m m ^tt AI R VALVE SETTI NG 6 C-145 D ST E PSE T T IN G 6C- 1 4 6 I SE C ON Att 6C_1 4 8 I W ID EOP ENK IC KSE T T I N G A"= 10. 0m m 6C- 1 4 9 I SE C ON D A R Y L O C KOU TLE V E RR OTA TION A"= 2 .0 m r n 6C_1 5 0 I S EC O N D A R Y L O C KOU TS E TTIN G A"= 0 .4 m m 6C_ 151 I RCCELERATO R PUM PSE T T I N G At'= 8.0 m rn = 3.70 mm N A. PUM P CAPACI TY FO R 1O S L O W S T R O K E S 14.5 cc N A. CHO KE CO VER I NDEXI N G 1 N.L N A. AI R VALVE O PENI NG N A. T rMEAT 22oc I c H o K E o P EN T N G 84 Deg. 2 - 3 mins I ENG I NE I DLE SPEED ( fn Neut r al - M anualTr ans m is s i o,nP a r k - A u t o T r a n s m i s s i o n Air Condit ioning" O FF" , Engin eWa r m) 850 t 25 rpm ENG I NE FAST I DLE SPEED L; wes t s t ep of f as t idie c am 1, 1 5 0 ! 2 5 r p m I 6C.86ENGINEFUEL 6. TORQUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS Nm Carburettorto Manifold Stud Nuts * Air C leanerSt ud. . Throttle Position Switch to Mounting Screws Throttle Position Switch Mounting to Air Horn Screws Throttle Linkage Bracketto Manifold Bolts . . Accelerator Cable Lock Nuts . 14 - 16 10 0.5 - 0.7 3.b - 4.s 12 - 16 3 - 4 * Usethread locking sealantsuch as Loctite 675. 7. SPECIALTOOLS HAND VACUUM PUM P J23987-01 ( or egui v al ent) ENGINEFUEL6C-87 5.0 LITREENGINEFUELSYSTEM INDEX Ref. 1. 2. 2.1 2 .2 Page Subiect 6C-87 GENERAL DESCRlPTlON.........!.................'.. 6C€8 SERVICE OPERATIONS .......-.r...................." 6C€8 FUEL PUi|P......................t..t................."""'i"' 6C-88 R e m O V € . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . '! " t " t " " " " - t t " 't t " " " t " " ' R glnSta ll ..................r........................ ts.o.- 6C€8 r r ...r .....- .....- ..........o..d..ts .....6C€8 RELAY C ONT ROL 6C€8 R gmOV€...............r.....r..........-................... R glnStall .......r .!r r ..r .....- ................... .......... 6C€8 I Ref. 1 2.3 2.4 2.5 Page Subject 6C€8 FUEL FLOW TEST....r...r....................o.....,...... 6C-89 PUMPPRESSURETEST.........'......o..........-.'.. 6C-89 coNTRoL RELAY OPERATION..............o-.. 6C€9 Battery Supply Voltage ............,.o...o... 6C-89 lgnltlon Supply Voltage .........r.....o..o... 6C-89 Control Relay Output .............r-.......... r3. 6C'90 SP EC I Fl CATIONS ....r.r...r.......!..........r..6.......... I 1. GENERALDESCRIPTION All 5.0 litre VK Series models are equipped with a revised fuel pump system to improvedriveabilityin high ambienttemPeratureconditions. The mechanicalfuel pump has been deleted, a cover plate is added to the fuel pump access hole on the ilming case cover. The inline plastic fuel filter has been deleted and replaced by a revised fuel vapour separator incorporatinga gauze filter screen,refer Fig. 6C-152. The revised fuel pump system includes,an electric fuel pump mounted on the fuel gauge tank unit, inside the iuel tank, refer Fig. 6C-153. The operation of the fuel pump is controlledby a control relay insidethe fuse box. The principleof operationis the same as describedfor the EFI System control relay, refer to 'ElectrOnicFuel The fuel lines Injection'in Section6C of this Supplement. hive also been revisedwith the deletionof the mechanical fuel pumPand inlinefilter. The float level height has also been revisedto 11.5 mm (.460 ins.). Refer to the Section10 'Enginef.un" Up' of ine lmproved Performance Engine Service Manual Part No. M38338,for adiustmentprocedures. FU E L R E TU R N TO C A R B U R E TTOR F(l ure 6C -152 6C-88ENGINEFUEL 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS 2 . 1 F U E LP U MP REMOVE 1. Remove fuel gauge tank unit, reter to service operation2.6, Section12C of this Supplement. 2. Disconnectwiringfrom tank unit to fuel pump. 3. Remove filter from pump. Slide upper rubber connectorfrom fuel pump outlet,then removepump by slidingout from lower bracket. FU E L GA U GE TA N K U N tT_i LOWEB E R A C K E T -\ -\ ., --. I I l \\ I -- r''rr i - gP P E R R U B B E R MOU N T REINSTALL , Instalfation is reversal of removal procedure. NOTE: The electric fuel pump is a sealed unit and non repairable. \ \ L \- W Ai N G C ON N EC T IO N Figure 6C-153 2.2 CONTROLRELAY REIIOVE 1. 2. FU S E 8C X C OV E R Remove fuse box cover. Pull out relay from its position in the fuse box, reter F ig. 6C-15 5. R E I NS T A LL lnstallation is reversal of removal procedures. lf the engine fails to start and the normal diagnosis procedure indicates to a fault in the fuel supply to the carburettor, check fuel pump pressure and fuel flow. Figure 6C-154 _ C ON TR OL R E E B OX Figure 6C-155 2.3 FUEL FLOWTEST 1. 2. Disconnect the carburettor fuel line at the carburettor - prior to the vapour seperator. Disconnect '+' wire at rgnitioncoil terminal, place a suitable container at the end of the fuel line and crank the engine a few revolutions. lf litile or no fuel flows from the open end of the pipe, then the fuel pipe is blocked or fuel purnp is inoperative. ENGINEFUEL6C.89 TEST 2.4 PUMPPRESSURE lf fuel flows in good volume from the pipe at the carburettor,fuel deliverypressuremay then be checked. This test is necessarybecause a weak pump can still producean adequatevolume of fuel when it is not under pressure. 1. Install a suitable adaptor and tee fitting to the fuel line at the carburettor fuel inlet line. Fit a short rubber hose to the tee piece and attach the other end to a pressuregauge havinga scale readingto at least 60 kPa. 2. Start the engine and run at idle, note readingon pressuregauge. 3. lf the pump is operating conectly, the pressure shouldbe approximately30-40 kPa after 30 seconds of running. 2.5 CONTROLRELAY OPERATION BATTERY SUPPLY VOLTAGE 1. RemovecontrolrelaYas Per 2-2. 2. Check for voltage supply to the terminal corresponding to terminal 30 of control relay and earth, refer Fig. 6C-156.lf not, check for continuityof wiring to teiminal.Refer to wiring diagramsin Section 12F of this Supplement.lf O.K. proceedto next test- 87 TE S T LA MP :[n \ n 15 | i - ll 87b || tJ t't : i'-1 r-] I [1 [] uo C ON TR OL R E LA Y TE R MIN A L B LOCK Figure 6C-156 IGNITION SUPPLY VOLTAGE 1. With control relay still removedand vehicleignition s wit c he d ' O N ' , c h e c k fo r v o l ta g e s u ppl y to the terminalconespondingto terminal15 o{ controlrelay and earth,refer Fig. 6C-1572. lf not, check for continuityof wiringto terminal.Refer to wiring diagrams in Section 12F of this Supplement.lf O.K. proceedto next test. - EST LAM P C ON TR OL R E LA Y T=R MIN A L B LOCK Fi gure 6C -157 CONTROL REI-.AYOUTPUT 1. Refit control relaYto fuse box. 2. Withthe enginecranking,checkfor voltagesupplyat the fuel pump terminalon the fuel gaugetank untt. ReferFig. 6C-158. 3. lf no voltage reading,check lor continuityof winng from tank unit to the terminal in the fuse box to terminal87b of the controlrelay.lf corresponding the wrringis O.K. replacecontrolrelayand retest. 4. lf the wiring and control relays are O.K., and the pump is stif not operating,removefuel gauge lank unit as per serviceoperation2.6 in Section 12C ot this SuPPlement. 5. Check wiring f rom terminalson tank unit to fuel pump for cohtinuity.lf O.K. removeand replacefuel pumpas per operation2-1 and retest. /- FU :L P U MP TE FTIi IN A LS Fi gure 6C -158 6C.90 ENGINEFUEL 3. SPECIFICATIONS FUEL PUM P: Pr es s ur e Volt age ( at f uel pum p - engineo p e r a t i o nt NOTES 30 - 40 kPa 13.5 t .1 volts ------------r ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D.1 SECTION6D ENGINEELECTRICAL CONTENTSOF THIS SECTION Page Subject CHARGING SYSTEM ........r.rr.rr....r................-..r..t.......6D'1 6D'1 5 STARTING SYSTEM .....r.r..............r.....r............r..r..... IGNITION SYSTEM......r............r...........................r...r.,6D'17 CHARGINGSYSTEM INDEX Ref. 1. 2. 2.1 2.2 3. 3.1 Page Subiect GENERAL DESCRIPTION...r...r.'r..........''r.r 6D-1 MINOR SERVICE OPERATIONS .'r....!!,.r,.... 6D-3 6D-3 SAFEW pRECAUTIONS ..........r...r.,.r...!.r.t.,r.. MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS........ 6D-3 6D-3 .............r ...........r r r ...r ............r . L UbflCatlOn Testlng the Generator Output 6D-4 and Voltage Regulator..r........r.,..'...,.. Tgstlng Generator Output ........ 6D-4 Testlng the Voltage Regulator 6D-4 Charglng Clrcult Voltage Drop 6D-5 t.rr..!t!.r.rr............r..o.............r..r. TgSt 6D-5 MAJOR SERVICEOPERATIONS.................. 6D-5 .r.r.r.r...r..r.r.r!.r.t.'r...r.r.......rot.!.....!. G E N E RATOR o...... 6D-5 R gmOV€.....r..r.....r...1...................o...... 6D-5 ......r.....r.--...........................r.r.... R gl nStall Ref. Subject Page Disassembly..r..,.r-........r..,......,.........r..... 6D-o C l e a n i n g a n d I n s p e c t i o n o . . . . . . . ............ 6D-B T e s t i n g C o m p o n g n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,............ 6D-8 Diodg Assembly ......r.........,.......,. 6D-B StatOf ...........r............'...............r..... 6D-8 lnsulation Test for the Stator.. 6D-9 BfU ShgS........!............r ......r ........ . . . . o 6 D -9 R O tOf 6D'9 ..r .......'..,......r .r ..,r ........... . . . . . . . . . InsulationTest for the Rotor C O i l ...r ..................r ....t'.......r ....r . r. . . . . . 6 D ' 1 0 4. 5. 6. Rgassgmblyr...............................r.....-..... 6D'10 ..........,.............,............... FAULT DIAGNOSIS 6D-12 S P E C I F I C A TION S ..............o.......r..........r..r..r.r.. 6 D' 13 TOROUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS........ 6D.13 1 . G E NERALDESCRIPTION The Bosch 45 amp generatorcarriesover from VH to VK Series for the base 3.3 litre Electronic Spark Timing rnodels. On models fitted with air conditioningor ElectronicFuel Injection,VK Series models have fitted a new Hitachi 60 amp generator. On models with both air conditioningand ElectronicFuel Injection,a new Hitachi70 amp generatoris fitted. Service proceduresfor the Bosch 45 amp generator are as publishedin Section 08 GeneratingSystems, lmproved PerforrnanceLO and VB Engine Service Manual No. M38338. The followingSection covers the service proceduresfor both 60 amp and 70 amp Hitachigenerators(Fig. 6D-1) Both models are similar in mechanical construction. Differencesin the numberof turnsand the wire gaugeon the respectiverotor and stator windings result in the differentelectricalperformancecharacteristics. The stator comprises a three phase star connected output winding on a ring shaped laminationpack. The rotor is of 12 pole constructionand carriesa slip ring fed field winding.The rotor is supportedby ball bearingsin both drive and slip ring end brackets. Fi gure 6D -1 6D.2 ENGINEELECTRICAL Rectificationof the generatoroutput is achieved by six silicondiodes containedwithin the slip ring end bracket and connectedin a three phase bridge circuit between stator and output terminals.A second rectifier bridge is formedby usingthree auxiliarylow currentdiodes used in conjunctionwith three main diodes. This supplies the currentfor the generatorfield coil via the brushes,slip ringsand voltage regulator(referFig. 6D-2). The generator output is controlled by an electronic voltage regulatorunit mounted inside the slip ring end bracket.Design featuresof the voltage regulatorinclude, ternperaturecompensation,radio frequency interference suppression.The regulator requires no adjustment in service. The 'generator has three external connections. The batterypositivelead to the 'BAT' terminal,the 'L' terminal for the generatorwarning light and the 'S' terminalfor sensingthe outputvoltage. The diode and stator windings are cooled by air flow throughthe generator,inducedby two internallymounted ventilating fans, one on each end of the rotor. STATOF rTror ---t ,-d^-b_ ^t H | -,tl s Alli - ix I | | I 'sffi 6E I L F ,^ r \- | e REFULATOF I I L AM P J. : BATTERY I t * SWITCH CONDENSER i ALTERNATOR Figure 6D-2 /,-8 // -2 r rl -3 t -rl [5 r-7 f-.1 f .-l lrrl'l I f- l I ll- - I I JED s0 /-4 rG .l I A\ a .,- - l t'Itf I w III.I fII I fl 0 =o-o --F -a / €-a rFl A-rf I'trlAI) t 'r-t ! U [12 \ o , o {\ I /o - t \ I v .- 1 \ I I I ,^. o '- r10 -17 15 i 7 \ T oo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 -13 -r'U SL: \ \ 7 I IL - EFI I.I-- o t aTF--''-- O 1$ T HRO U G H B O L T P ULL E Y N U T P UL L E Y RO T O R S CRE WM 4 _ R E T A I N ING PL AT E T O DRIV E E N D B R A C K E T 6. B E A R I N G R E T A I N I N G PL AT E E E t\ cu) @ c - E -14 7 . SEAL = D BALL B E A R IN G 8 . DRiVE END B R A C K E T 9 . NUT M 5 , NU T M6 _ D IOD E A S II T O SL IP RING E N D B R A C K E T 1 0 . SL IP RING EN D B R A C K E T 1 1 . ST AT C R Figure 6D-3 12, N U T M4 - FA N G U I D E TO D IOD E 13 FA N GU ID E 14 R IV E T 15. B A TTE R Y TE R MIN A L 16. D IOD E A S S E MB LY 17. B R U S H _ FE GU LA TOR A S M. ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D-3 2. MINORSERVICEOPERATIONS 2.1 SAFEW PRECAUTIONS Since the generator and voltage regulator are designed for use only on a negative earth system, the following precautions must be observed. Failure to observe these precautions will result in serious damage to the generator. 1. When installing a battery, first fit the positive (+) connector to the battery positive (+) terminal and fit the negative (-) connector to the negative (-) battery terminal. 2. When a slave battery is utilised for starting purpos€s, ensure the two batteries are connected in parallel' i.e. positive terminals together and negative terminals together. 3. When charging the battery, disconnect the battery negative C) cable, thus isolating the generator from the battery and external chargingequipment. 4. lt is recommended that the generator not be operated on open circuit (this is without battery in clrcuit), and the battery not be disconnected while the generatoris running. ll the battery is disconnected when the engine is running,do not operate above idle speed, and for only a limited Period. NOTE: This will enable exchangeof batteries,if a slave battery has been used for starting, when jumper leads are not available. 5. The cable connecting the generator and battery is 'live' even when the engineis not running. 6. Do not aftempt to polarisethe generator. 7. Always ensure that the generator lamp glows when the ignitionswitch is turnedto the 'ON' position. NOTE: As this circuit is related to and assists in the excitation of the rotor lield windings,do not proceed until any faults in the generator light circuit have been rectified. Refer to 4.0 Fault Diagnosisof this Section. AND ADJUSTMENTS 2.2 MAINTENANCE At regularintervals,inspectthe terminalsof the generator for corrosion,loose connectionsand the wiringfor frayed insulation.Check the mountingbolts for tightness,check the drive belt for alignmentand wear and the drive pulley for damage.Check the drive belt for correct tension as outlined under heading 'Fan Belt Adiustment' in the 'Cooling System' Section6 of the VH Series Service No M38731. ManualSupplement IMPORTANT:Becauseof the high inertiaand speedsof the rotcr used in generators,correct belt tensioningis critical. LUBRICATION The balt bearings in both end brackets are sealed, thereforecannotbe lubricated. lf the bearings are removed during overhaul, it is that they be replaced. recommended 6D-4 ENGINEELECTRICAL TESTING THE GENERATOR OUTPUT AND VOLTAGE REGULATOR Beforetestingthe output,make certainthat the generator circuitis thoroughlycheckedfor loose or dirty connections and the fan belt is correctly tensioned. The generatormust alwaysbe connectedto the batteryduring testingothenryise damageto the diodes could result.The batteryshould be fully charged.The generatorwaming light, in addition to indicatingthat the generator is charging,also carriesthe currentnecessaryfor initialfield excitation. The globeused shouldbe 2.2 watt. Testing Generator Output 1. Disconnectthe batterynegativeterminal. 2. Remove the wire from the 'BAT' terminal on the generator. 3. Usingan accurateammeterhaving at least an 0-80 scale, connect the positive lead to the generator 'BAT' terminaland the other lead to the disconnected positivewire. Refer Fig. 6D-4 4. Connectbatterylead, fit a loadingdeviceacross the batteryterminals,i.e, an adjustablecarbonpile. Refer Fig. 6D-4. NOTE: Loadingdevice must have a power consurnption of 1000watts mrnimum. 5. Connectthe positivelead of a voltmeterto the 'BAT' terminalon the generatorand the negativelead to a good groundon the generatorbody.ReferFig 6D-4. 6. Start the engine and increasethe engrnespeed to approximately 2500 rpm. Adjust the loading device to achieve a reading of 14 volts on the voltmeter. The generatoroutput should be over 55 amps for the LR160-706generatorand over 65 amps for the LR170703 generator,as indicatedon the ammeter. CAUTION:On completion of the above check, release the adjustment of the loading device and rduce the engine speed. NOTE: If the generatordoes not providerated ouput, it shouldbe disassembled and checkedfurtheras outlined in this Section. A D JU S TA B LE LOA D i--fJo A MP S + - o2{U . GE N E R A TOR + V OLTS - Figure 6D-4 Testing the Voltage Regulator 1. 2. Connect the positive lead of a voltmeter to the positive terminal on the battery and the negative lead to the negative terminal. Place a resistance or test lamp load across the battery and adjust to maintain a current flow of 11 amps or as an alternative, switch on the high beam headlights. ENGINEELECTRICAL6D.5 Run the engine at approximately2500 rpm, maintain this enginespeed for 15 secondsand check voltage volts. reading.This shouldbe 14.1-14.5 unit and NOTE:The voltage regulatoris a non-adjustable if provedfaulty rnust be replacedwith a new unit. 3. Charging Circuit Voltage Drop Test With the normal connectionsmade at the generator,the charging circuit can be checked for voltage drop as follows:1. Connecta low range voltmeterbetweenthe generator positiveterminaland the batterypositivepost. 2. Switch on the headlights, start the engine and increase engine speed to approximately2500 rpm and note voltmeterreading. 3. Reduce engine speed and transfer the voltmeter connections negative to the generator body and positiveto the battery negativepost, increaseengine speed to approximately2500 rpm and again note voltmeterreading. 4. lf the readingsexceed 0.5 volt on the posrtiveside and 0.25 volt on the negativeside there is a high resistance in the charging circuit which must be tracedand corrected. 3. MAJORSERVICEOPERATIONS 3.1 GENERATOR REMOVE f B R A C E sOLT CAUT,ON: Disconnect the battery ground (negative) cable to prevent accidentalshort circuits. 1. Removethe wire from the generatoroutputterminal. 2. Remove the connector from the warning light terminalon the generator. 3. Loosenthe generatorto support bracket bolt. Refer Fig. 6D-s. 4. Remove the generator brace bolt and detach the drivebelt from pulley.ReferFig. 6D-55. Remove generator to support bracket bolt and removegeneratorfrom engine.Refer Fig. 6D-5' REINSTALL 1. Positionthe generatoron the mountingbracketand installthe bolt and nut; do not fullytightennut. 2. Installdrive belt to generatordrive pulley3. Install the generator to brace bolt and washers, finger tight; generatorpulley should be alignedwith crankshaftand water pump pulleys. 4. Adjust dnve belt tension as outlined under the heading 'Drive Belt Adiustment' in the 'Cooling System Section 6 of the VH Series Service Manual supplement.Tightenthe bracebolt to 20-25 Nm. 5. Tightenthe generatorto mountingbracketbolt and nut to a torque of 34-44 Nm6. lnstallthe connectorto the warninglight (L) terminal. 7. Connectthe red wire to output(BAT)terminalof the generator. 8. Reconnectthe batterygroundcable' --r- \) GE I'i E R A TORTO S U P P OR T B R A C K E T B OLT Figure 6D-5 6D.6 ENGINEELECTRICAL DISASSEMBLY 1. Mark the relative positions of the slip ring end bracket,stator and drive end bracket. 2. Removethe four throughbolts ReferFig. 6D-6. 3. Separateand remov€the stator and slip end bracket from the rotor and drive end bracket,by insertingtwo screwdriverson opposite sides between the drive end bracketand stator core and prise apart. ._ tf- rr r D R IV E E N D B R A C K E T cAUTloN: care should be exercised so as not to damage the stator coil with the screwdrivers. S LIP R IN G E N D BRACKET TH R OU GH S '*F B O uTS Figure 6D-6 Hold the rotor in a vice (using copper iaws) and remove pulley attaching nut with a 22 mrn socket. Take care not to damage or bend the blades of the fan. 5. Remove pulley lock washer, pulley and distance collar.withdraw the rotor from the drive end bracket. 4. D R IV E E N D B R A C K E T r- P Ul -LE Y _ R OTOR Figure 6D-7 6. 7. Removethe four screws securingthe front bearing retaining plate to drive end bracket, remove the retainingplate.ReferFig. 6D-8. Press the front bearing out from the dnve end bracket.Discardbearing. Figure 6D-8 8. Using a suitablepuller, remove the slip ring end bracketbearingfrom the rotor shaft. Refer Fig. 6D-9. ' \\l n_ Figure 6D-9 R E MOV IN G B E A R TN G ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D.7 9. Removethe six slip ring end bracketfixing nuts and remove the slip ring end bracketfrom the stator and diode assembly.Refer Fig. 6D-10. r D IOD E A S S E MB LY i de t''O rr t- \ SI.- IP R IN G EN D EqA]KET NUTS{6}-=>r, e Figure 6D-10 10. Remove the stator coil by unsolderingthe three stator winding connectionsfrom the diode assembly and separating the diode assembly from the stator windingend points.Refer Fig. 6D-11. S TA TOR WIR IN G E N D P OIN T { srAroR t / D IOD E A S S E MB' " J Fi gure 6D -11 11 . Remove the five nuts holdingthe fan guide to the diode assembly.Refer Fig. 6D-12. 1 \ Nurs (5) 7-FA N GU ID E 6/ L D IO D E ASS E t . , t B! y Figure 6D-12 12. To remove the brush and regulatorassemblyfrom the diode assembly,remove the rivet by filing away peened end. Once the rivet is removed,removethe battery terminal and the diode and brush regulator assembliescan be seParated. NOTE: Never remove the rivet except when replacing diodesor the brushassemblY. B R U S H _ R E GU LA TOR ASSEM B LY /eattE R Y TE R MIN A L L DICDE A S S E MB LY Fi gure 6D -13 ItF 6D-8 ENGINEELECTRICAL CLEANING AND INSPECTION with generatorcompletelydismantled,the components shouldbe cleanedand inspected. 1. wash all metal parts except stator and rotor assembliesin cleaningsolvent. 2. Blow off any dust or foreign matter from the rotor and stator assemblieswith compressedair. CAUTTON:On no account should the rotor or stator windings be cleand in any degreasingcompound, since this might damage the insulationto the ertent that a short circuit or ground could subsequentlydevelop. 3. lnspect the slip rings, clean off foreign matter with cleaninqsolvent. TESTINGCOMPONENTS Diode Assembly Testof diodeconductivity. The currentflows in one directiononly in each diode. lt shouldflow down from the positiveside diode (at the top of the assembly) in the direction of the arrows refer Fig. 6D-14. -FIE LD D IOD E P OS ITIV E S ID E D IOD E -, U V W N E GA TIV E S ID E D IOD E ----< rl> BAT Figure 6D-14 Using a 1.5 watt test lamp and a 12 volt battery connect to each diode in turn to check conductivity refer F ig. 6D -1s. Connect one lead to the diode stem and the other lead to the diode base plate. Reverse the leads, the bulb should light in one direction only. Check all positive and negative diodes. lf any diode shows current flow in both directon or not at all, replace the diode assembly. To test the field diodes, located on top of the assembly, place the test lamp and battery lead at end of the diode. Check that the bulb lights in one directron only. Check all three field diodes. lf any diode proves faulty, replace drode assembly. t<- 1.5 WA TT TE S T LA MP 12 V OLT Fi gure 6D -15 Stator Open circuit test for the stator windings. The continuity of the stator windings has to be checked, by first connecting any two of the three stator leads in series with an ohm meter. Refer Fig. 6D-16. Repeat the test by checking at the third lead. lf continuity is found !n all windings the stator can be considered to be normal. Q n l v 1M ET ER S TA TO R WIN D IN G TE R MIN A LS S TA TOR C OR E Fi gure 6D -16 -v ENGINEELECTRICAL6D-9 Insulation Test for the Stator Using an ohm rneter,connect the test leads to the stator core and to one of the winding terminals. Refer Fig. 6D-17. lf continuityis found, the stator is consideredfaulty and must be replaced. S 'TA TOR\ry IN D IN G TE R n.l l NA L - / :-OH M ME TE R t Fi gure 6D -17 Brushes of brushlength: Measurement brushlengthis found to be less than lf the 'free-standing' 2 mm from the brush holder, then replace the brush holderassembly. This rninimumaccePtablelength is marked on the brush with a shallowindentation.Refer Fig. 6D-18. Gq n WE A R LIT\4IT r [\\..- / \-L-'1 tt /l _lv-A g = t:, Va -t !-tl - V Fi gure 6D -18 Rotor Open circuittest for rotor coil: Usingan ohm meter check for continuitybetweenthe slip rings.ReferFig. 6D-19. lf continuityis found, the rotor coil can be consideredto be normal. On the contrary,if no continuityis found,the rotor cotl is consideredto be defectiveand should be replaced. O -lNl l v lET ER q Lsl -rP R rN G Fi gure 6D - 19 q7 6D.10 ENGINEELECTRICAL Insulation Test for the Rotor Coil using an ohrnmeter,check the insulationbetween the two slip rings and the rotor core or shaft. Refer Fig. 6D-20. lf no continuityis found,the rotor coil can be considered to be normal. lf continuityis found, the rotor coil is consideredto be shortedand it must be replaced. The slip rings should be checked for wear or damage and polished with fine glass paper until smooth, or replacedif badly worn or damaged. lf necessary,the slip rings may be skimmeddown on a latheto a minimumdiameterof 21.6 mm. lf the outside diameterof the slip rings is found to be less than 21.6 mm, the rotor must be replaced. NOTE: No attempt shouldbe made to straightena bent rotor shaft. E OH M ME TE R \OO SLIP R IN G Figure 6D-20 REASSEMBLY The reassemblyof the generator is the reversal of the disassemblyprocedure,with considerationgiven to the following: 1. Tighteningtorques(refer Torque Wrench Specifications at the end of this Section). 2. Reassemblyof the slip ring end bracket and the drive end bracket. a. Holding the rotor, note the thin semi circular band located in the groove of the slip ring bearingoutercircumference. ReferFig. 6D-21. Fi gure 6D -21 b. By pushing on the pinched portion of the band, rotate the band to a position of least exposure (the deepest section of the bearing groove). Refer Fig. 6D-22. Figure 6D-22 ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D-11 3. Insert a pin into the small hole near the outside centreof the slip ring end bracket.Refer Fig. 6D-23. Qr $, c -/,t Figure 6D.23 Use the pin to hold the brushesback into the brush holder.Refer Fig. 6D-24. 4 . Assemblethe generatorby offenngdrive end bracket and rotor assemblyto the stator and slip ring end bracket assembly,aligning the marks made during disassembly. 5. Fit and tighten the four through bolts evenly to the torque specifiedat the end of this Section. Ensure the end bracketsare sitting evenly on the stator. Use the lower mountingbolt, or an equalsize rod through lower mountingholes in the drive end and slip ring end brackets,to ensurethe holes are aligned. 6. Slowlywithdrawthe pin used in step 3. Figure 6D-24 h 6D-12ENGINEELECTRICAL 4. FAULT DIAGNOSIS Beforeconductingany generatortest, ensurethat: 1. Batteryis fufly charged. 2. Generator drive belt is correctly tensioned.Refer Fig. 6D-25. 3. Generatormountingbolts and bracketsare secure. 4. Check battery terminals and check for loose or corrodedconnectionsto generator. TENSION NEW USED lbs. ks. lbs. kg. 90 41 55 25 A n y b e l t t h a t h a sb e e nr u n f or more than 10 minutes i s t o b e c o n s i d e r e du s e d . Figure 6D-25 S U ITA B LE WIR E Figure 6D-26 @ lgn it i o n s wit c h " o n " (Chec k I i g h t f or oper a t i o n r I - L g h t"o ff" Dis c onnec t lea df r o m ' L' t er m inalan d e a r t h ' L' t er m inal l e a d . ( Chec klight f or o p e r d i , o h) Li ght ''oft" r- B u r n t o u t b u l b , d e f e c t i v eb u l c s o c k e to r d e f e c t i v ew i r i n g . R e p a i ra n d r e t u r n t o ( A ) . I L ig h t " o n" Light " o n " Rec onnec t' L' t e r m n a l leadand gr ounC' F ' t e r m i n a l ( Ref er Fig. 6D - 2 6 ) F a u l t y v o l t a g er e g u al t o r . Li ght "o n " R epl ace. Faul ty generator. R emove and test components. Engine i d l i n g (Chec k li g h t f o r operat i o n ) L ' q h t "o n " ( d im lig h t, lig h i f ,,cke r s, bri ght l i ght) F a ul t y g e n e r a t o r . R e m o v ea n d t e s t c o m p o n e n t s . I Lign t "o f f " E nginespe ed; 1500 rpm (MeasureBAT terminalvo ltag e) H ig h e r 15.0V Faul ty vol tage regul ator R epl ace. ENGINEELECTRICAL6D.13 1. UNDE R C H AR G EBA D T T ER Y a. Loose drive belt. b. Defective battery. c. Loose connectionin chargingctrcuit. d. Corrodedconnectionsin chargingcircuit. e. Defectivewiring. f. Faultygenerator. g. Faultyvoltageregulator. 2. O V ERC H A R GE DB AT T E R Y a. Shorted batterycell. b. Fauftyvoltageregulator. c. Short circuitin rotor winding 3. N OIS YGE N E R A TOROP E R A TION a. Normal magnetichum. b. Badly dischargedbattery. c. Generatormountingbracketsand/or bolts loose. d. Worn or frayed drive belt. e. Worn or damageddrive pulley. f. Worn bearings. g. Loose drive belt. h. Loose drive pulleyattachingnut. i. Open or shortedmain diodes. i. Open or shortedstator windings. 5. SPECIFICATIONS GENERATO R: 1R160 - 706 L R 17 0 - 7 0 3 Ea rth Polar it y N egative N e ga itve No minal Volt age 12 volts 1 2 vo l ts Type No minal O ut put at 6000 gener at orr pm Reg ulat edO ut put Volt age@ 20oC. Sta tor Phas es. Stato r W i nding Connec t ions Nu mber of Poles . . 60 amps 7O amps Approx 14,2 - 14 6 volts A p p r o x 1 4 . 2 - 1 4 .6 vo l ts 3 3 Star Star 12 12 6. TORQUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS Nm Tr^r'o u gh Bolts P, ?' v Nut . . Fr c r ' t Bear ingRet ainin gP l a t eS c r e w s Fan G . r de t o Diode As s e m b l yN u t s End Br ac k et M 6 N u t s Siip R "g Slip R ng End Br ac k et M 5 N u t s G ener at orBr ac eBolt . . G ener at ort o Br ac k et B o l t a n d N u t 3.14- 3.92 39.20- 58.80 1.67- 2 35 1.67- 2 35 5.88- 7 84 3.92 3.14 20.00- 25.00 34.00- 44.00 ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D.15 STARTINGSYSTEM INDEX Ref. 12. Page Subiect 6D-15 GENERALDESCR|PT|ON.............................. 6D-15 SERVICEOPERATIONS................................ Ref. 2.1 Subiect Page STARTERMOTOR(EFr)................................ 6D-15 Remove........ ..................... 6D-15 Reinstall .... 6It-15 1. GENERALDESCRIPTION The starter motors used on 3.3 litre and 5.0 litre VK Seriesmodels carry over from VH Series models,except that the 3.3 litre starter motor now incorporatesa plastic shifterfork (similarto JB Camira). 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS The service operations for these starter motors are as described in the lmproved Performance LO and V8 Engine Service Manual, Part No. M38338, SectionA7 StarterMotor Rernovaland Installationoperationsfor 3.3 EST and 5.0 Litre engines, carryover f rom VH Series. However, revised proceduresare required for 3.3 EFI engines. 2.1 STARTERMOTOR(EFl) REMOVE Disconnectbatteryearth lead. Rernovebattery feed wire and starter motor solenoid wire from the terminalson the solenoid. 3. Removetop starter motor mountingbolt. 4. Loosen bottorn starter motor rnountingbolt. With left hand supporting the rear of the starter motor, removethe bottom rnountingbolt with the right hand. 5. Remove the starter motor from its positionand rnove it along between the exhaust extractors and the bottom of the passengerside suspensionstrut tower. 6. Pull the starter motor up out between Nos. 2 and 3 inlet manifoldbranches(refer Fig. 6D-271. 1. 2. Figure 6D-27 REINSTALL Installationis the reversal of removal procedures. Tighten starter rnotor mounting bolts to 20 - 28 Nm torque. ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D.17 IGNITIONSYSTEMS INDEX Ref. 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Page Subiect 6D -17 GENERALINFORMATION......................-..... 6D-18 ELECTRONICSPARKT1M1NG....,...........r..... 6D-18 Gengral Description......r..'.........rr......-. 6D -18 SYSTEM I-AYOUT ..................r..!......r....r.r,..... ELECTRONICSPARKTIMINGSYSTEM 6D-19 COM PONENTS .................r!......!t................r.r.. 6D-19 COntrOl MOdul€ ........r....r......r....r..r......... 6D-19 Englne Speed Sensol'.......................... 6D-20 Manifold Vacuum Sensor..........!r.r.....r Englne Goolant TemPerature 6D-20 Sen SOr ..... r.....rr....r...o. r.. ..... r.........r..t 6D-20 Throttlg Posltion Sw|tch...................... Staftgr MOIOr........r.rrr.............................6D-20 Alr Gondltlonlng ComPressor 6D-20 ClUtCh 6D-21 lgnltlOn COll ............r...................t......r.... 6D-21 HODES OF OPERATION r....r...............r........ 6D-21 r....r...r....rr..rrrr............r..........t.... Cranklr|$ 6D-21 6D-22 iiOdg.r........r........!.....i.t.............. NOfmal ...........r..rrtr............ 6D-23 Control Overspggd'. 6D-23 DgCglgfatlng 6D-23 HOmg MOde...r......t!.!!...r........r...... Llmp 6D-24 SERVICE OPERATIONS ........'.t........r....r...... !..rr...............r..........r.t.r.t...... 6D-24 NOTES SERVICE 6D-24 SETTINGlGNlrloN T1M1NG...............,.'.!..... D IS TR I BUTOR ...............r t.r .............r ...r t..!......... 6D'24 Rgm OV€..........................................a..1.....r 6D-24 R glnStal | ...........................................t.r .... 6D-25 DlSaSSem b 1y.r ........r F.' ................ ............. 6t>26 o............................. .....r ..'r .!. 6D-26 RgaSSem bly 6D-26 MANIFOLD VACUUM SENSOR ...........r.r...... R gmOV€ ...........- r........ . ...r .. .r .. . .. . . .. .. . r.a....... 6D-26 ..........r ......................r ...........r r ..r 6D-26 ReinStall ...r......r.rr.rr.!r.r.................o......r...!. 6D-27 Tgstinl$ l dl g 2. 2.1 2.2, 2.3 2.4 .at.r t..r r r ...a..!.r .r 1.r ...!r ...r .r .........r 1........ Ref. 2.5 2.6 Subject Page ELECTRONIC CONTROLMODULE............ 6D.27 R gm OV€'................................................... 6Ot27 RginStal | .....t....................r....................,.. 6D'27 COOI-.ANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR ....r... 6D,28 Rem OV€.......................r....................oo...... 6 Dt28 TgSt .............. 6 D28 -...........r.'...................o.o...... RginStal | .-........ts.'...,r..,......................r..... 6D28 2.7 THROTTLEPOSITIONSWITCH.............._... 6D,29 2.8 RemOV€.......................r.................r.......... 6D28 RginStall ...............................r.................. 6D'28 AdiuStment.......o... o...............-...rr...!......... 6D29 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR ..,.................rr.....,.. 6D.30 T eSt...r ...................r 3. 3.1 3.2 rr. . . 3.3 .r r ........ . . . . . . . . . r. 6 I )-3 0 RemOV€................r.......'..... ....................... 6D-30 ReinStall ......-...!.............-... ro..r................ 6D'30 D I AG NOSIS .........r........r...'.€..-... or.,'..............r. 6D'3 1 DIAGNOSIS LIMP LAMPT.!...-......,,.......,........ 6D-31 DIAGUOSTIC ELECTRICAL CONNECTION FOR EST...........-........-..r,.,..,.. 6D-31 DIAGNOSIS OF LIMP LAMP OPERATION 6D.32 Ump Homg Mode,.....................,..,h.,.... 6D-32 Poggible Temperature Sensor F aU l t.r ..r .....!..r .........r ....................o. . . . . . o . . . . . . .6 D -3 2 i 3.4 PossibleVacuum Sensor or Throttle Position Switch Fault (1) .... 6D-32 PossibleVacuum Sensor or Throttle Position Switch Fault (2) .... 6D-33 WIRINGHARNESSCHECKING 4. 5. 6. 6 D-40 SPECI F ICATIONS -.r.........'.........r..........'......... TORQUE WRENCH SPECIFICATIONS.O"""6D-41 6D-41 SPECIAL TOOLS ..........r.r.....r...'...r.............r... PR O C E D U R E .r .....'...r ...D .r .......r ...r r ..r .t... . . . . . . r.o. . . 6 D ' 3 8 1 . GENERALNFORMATION The ignition system employed on 3.3 litre Electronic Fuel Injected VK Series models is similar to the system used on 3.3 litre VH. Revisions have been made to the distributor advance mechanism and spark plugs have a revised heat range. Refer to Specifications at the end of this Section for details. 4-r The igniticn system for 5.0 litre VK Series rroceis carrles over from VH. O n S L a n c B e r l i n a m c d e l s w i t h t h e l a s e 3 .3 l r tr e e n g i n e , a Bosch Electrcric Spark Timing StSte'n tS used instead of the conventrcna rgnitionadvance svstem. 6D.18 ENGINEELECTRICAL 1. 1 EL EC T R ON IC S P A R KT IMIN G GENERALDESCRIPTION The Electronic SparkTiming(EST)systemreplacesthe tirning function of the distributor (conventional vacuum and centrifugal advance mechanisms are not used). The EST system accurately matches the ignition timing to the engine requirements at all speeds and loads. The EST system processes the input from six sources. These are crankshafl position, coolant temperature, inlet manifold vacuum, throttle position, starter rnotor and, if fitted, air conditioning load is sensed from the cycling of the compressor clutch. An electronic micro processor control module controls coil primary current and therefore the generation of the secondary voltage to fire the spark plugs. Distributors used in the EST system are a simplified version of those used in past High Energy lgnition systems. Having no mechanical or vacuum advance mechanism, the EST distributor simply switches high tension voltage to the appropriate spark plug. 1.2 SYSTEMLAYOUT Figure6D-28 shows sensorsused by the ControlModule to monitor engine operation.The only output from the module,controlscoil primarycunent. E N GINE S PE ED SENSOR IGNITION COIL EL E C T R O N I C CONTROL MODULE ENG I NE WATER TEMPERATU RE ll- I T H ROTTL E P OSITION S WITCH MA N IF OL D VA C UU M S EN SOR AIR C O ND I T I O N I N CL U T C H Figure 6D-28 .-r---.. STARTER MOTOR ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D.19 1.3 ELECTRONIG SPARKTIMING SYSTEMCOMPONENTS E LE C TR ONIC C ON TR O L -MOD U LE ),r g CONTROLMODULE The micro processorbased controlmoduleis located behind the left hand side cowl panel trim. Refer Fig. 6D-29. The control moduleperformsthe followingfunctions: 1. A mernory is used to store the micro processor programmeand data tables for spark advance as a function of speed and load, temperature, throttle switch positionand tjme after start. 2. The micro processorexecutesthe programmecontained in the memory. 3. The spark timing signals from the micro processor are converted into signals to control coil primary current. For every combinationof engine speed and engine load there is a unique spark advance value specified and storedin the controlmodule. The spark advance information is stored in a memory table. Each entry of this table may be specified independentlyof any other point. The electronic control module memory contains two tables. 1. Optimumadvancetable - for highwayuse. 2. Modrfied advance table - for low emission requirements. The memory tables are used by the micro processorfor everyignitionpulsecalculation. ENGINE SPEED SENSOR An electronicspeed sensor, inductivemagneticpick up type, is mountedon the rear of the cylinderblock.Refer Fig. 6D-30. Three mild steel timing pins spaced 120o apart, ate located around the circumferenceof the flyrheel or torqueconverterassembly,and the pick-upof the speed sensorextendsthrougha hole in the clutch or converter housing. As each pin passesthe sensor, a signal is generated which is sent to the control module.The pins pass the sensorat six degreesbeforetop dead centre. The time intervai Detween any two pins passing the sensor pick-up,allows the control module to calculate enginespeed. (--\ }--/ r''--1 sl ti ' :.a :.1 -:t i 6,e ii ' , 'a,(Z 1* I L -W I R I N G HARNESS C O N N E C TO R al - / - \ o <- M o u NTTN GscR EWS (3 P LA C E S ) Figure 6D.29 ..- TN GIN E B LOC K MOU N TI N G B O LT ..T-----spEED S E N S OR Figure 6D-30 6D.20ENGINEELECTRICAL MANIFOLD VACUUM SENSOR Mounted on the outside of the fuse box, the engine vacuumsensor relays informationto the control module regarding the engine'sloadcondition.ReferFig. 6D-31. The manifoldvacuum sensorsensesenginevacuumand from an input voltage of 5 volts from the controlmodule, a variableoutput voltage is sent from the sensor to the control module to inform it of the engine's load conditions. NOTE: Never apply battery voltage to the sensor terminals,as permanentdamagecan occur. The sensoris non repairable,if provedfaulty,it must be replaced. U N D E R S |D E V tE W OF -r \ FU S E B OX Figure 6D-31 ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR The coolanttemperaturesensoris mountedon top of the engine thermostat housing. The coolant temperature sensor determinesthe use of the appropriateadvance table during cold starts, normal operation and high temperatureoperation. The temperaturesensor (Fig, 6D-32) is of the negative temperaturecoefficientdesign (NTC).The resistanceof the sensor decreases as the engine temperatureincreases,this causes a decreasein the signal voltage beingfed into the controlmodule. NorE: The coolant temperaturesensor for EST is the samesensoras used for ElectronicFuel Injection. Figure 6D-32 TH ROT T LE POSITION SW I TCH The throttle position switch is mounted on the carburettor float bowl. Refer Fig 6D-33. The function of the throttle position switch is to inform the electronic control module w h en t he th rottle is closed ( idle pos it ion) . t Figure 6E)-33 STARTERMOTOR A signal from the starter motor solenoid informs the electronrc control module when the engine is being cranked. AI R CON DITIONING COM PRESSO R CLUTCH A signal f rom the compressor clutch, indicates to the electronic control module when the air conditioner compressor is operating. This results in an increased ignition advance at idle, thereby increasing the idle speed to prevent the engine from stalling or overheating. TH R OTTLE P OS tTtONS WTTC H _--____ ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D.21 IGNITION COIL The ignition coil used with the EST system is the standardHigh Energy lgnitioncoil. Coil triggeringis fully controlledfrom the electroniccontrol module, including dwell time. The electronic control module takes into account battery voltage to adjust the dwell to compensate for the time requiredfor the coil to reach full currentlevel at varioussupplyvoltages. 1.4 MODESOF OPERATION With the many varied conditions under which the engine is required to operate, the ignition system must cater for a nurnber of different operational modes. In addition, compensation factors in'ignition performance are required to allow for changes in engine temperature and load conditions, to ensure optimum engine performance with minimum emissions. For convenience, engine operation can be considered to have six operation modes. CRANKING The timing pins situated around the flytruheelor torque converter circumference are positioned at 60 BTDC. As the flyrruheelor torque converter assembly is rotated by the starter motor, the engine speed Sensor signals the electronic control module to trigger the ignition coil and firing occurs at 6 o BTDC. With a cranking speed less than 4OO rpm, the timing will remain at 60 BTDC. IDLE With electronic spark timing, idle is defined as follows: 1. Engine speed between 400 and 900 rpm. 2. Throttle position switch closed. There are a number of functions which operate at idle to maintain idle quality, compensate for loads and maintain idle speed and quality after a cold start. ldle advance without compensation f unctions is six degrees BTDC. This is retarded from the optimum advance for emission control. Compensatton functions operate to increase advance and maintain idle speed and q uality. ldle - Low Temperature Compensation To maintain idle speed and quality after a cold start, spark advance is increased. The amount the advance is increased is a functiOn of engine coolant ternperature at 'Engine Start' and time after start. This function is shown in Fig . 6D- 34 Fig. 6D-34 shows additional advance as a functron cf coOlant temperature at 'Engine Start' and time Srnce 'Engine Start'. lf 'Engine Start' coolant temperature is A. then additional acivance B is available for 12 mrnutes. provided engine is idling. lf engine speed exceeds 900 rpm due to additional advance, advance slowly decreases to effectively govern engine to 900 rpm. AD D IT IC N ,J AL AD \./AIi C E 17oc COOLA N T T E MP E R A TU A E AT E I{ GIN E STA R T 12 MIN U TE S TIME S IN C E S TA R T Figure 6D-34 6D.22ENGINEELECTRICAL l dle - H igh Temp era ture Com pens at ion lf the engine coolant temperature exceeds 95oC, while the engine is at idle, the spark advance is increased to improve idle quality and increase rdle speed for improved cooling. See Fig. 6D-35 lf coolant temperature exceeds 95oC, spark advance is increased up to a maxrmurl of 24o BTDC at 105oC, ldle advance will not exceed 24o BTDC under any circumstances. A D D ITION A L ADVANCE t 8oc gsoc t osoc ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE Figure 6D-35 ldle - Load Compensation The:gnit io n system ha s t he c apabilit y t o c ont r ol idle speec ':o compensate for loads impcsed by engine driven accessories. Air Conditioning Clutch Load When t he e ng ine is at idl e ar o t he air c ondit ioningc lut c h i s engaged, th e a dvan ce r S I nc ' ' eas edby 12o t o m aint ain a n idle sp ee d o f a pp roxm at ely 85C r pm . Engine Load lf the engine slows due to hrgh loads such as generator charging and power Steering, advance is increased as s hown in Fig . 6 D-36 . As engine speed falls below speed A, advance increases to a rnaximum at soeed B. MA N U A L A U TOMA TIC 760 R P M A D f ITION A L A DVANCE B TD C 4O O R PM 60 gtoc A E N GIN E SPEED Figure 6D-36 NORMALMODE Under normal vehicle operations, the contro ^nodule optimizes spark advance for improved fuel econcm/ and driveability.The control module also takes into acccunt the necessity f or meeting legislated emission levels. Normal mode is defined as engine speed above 900 rprn a nd throttle p osrtronswitc h O PEN. II t- ENGINEELECTRICAL6D.23 Normal Mode - Low Temperature Compensation After a cold start, advance is increased during normal mode operationto improve cold driveability.The amount of advance selected is based on engrne coolant temperatureat 'lgnition ON', and is gradually reduced with elapsedtime after 'Start'.Refer Fig. 6D-37. A D D ITION A L ADVANCE ooc'\ c ,t' to C O OLA N T TEMP E R A TU R E A T K E Y "ON " E ^.1I N U TE S T I\1E SIN C E ST AR T Figure 6D-37 CONTROL OVERSPEED When the engine speed exceeds 5800 rpm the control rnodule reduces the spark advance to 20o BTDC to avoid engine over speeding. DECELERATING When the throttleis released,the enginespeed is greater than 900 rpm and the throttle positionswitch is closed, the operationis definedas deceleratingmode. The control modulereceivesinformationthat the vehicle is in the deceleratingmode, and advanceis selectedby the controlmoduleto reduceemissionsunder decelerating conditions. LIMP HOME MODE During normal operation above 400 rpm, the micro processor in the control module calculatesthe required spark advance for each timing impulse. lf the micro processoris unableto operatenormally(due to mechanical damage for example)the system revertsto the Limp Home Mode. In this conditionall firing impulsesare at 6CBTDC. lf the limp mode is initiated,the diagnostic lamp on the warning lamp panel (Fig.6D-38) is lit in the normaldrivingmode. continuously .WA R NIN G LA MP PAN EL D IAG\OST IC LA\1P. Figure 6D-38 6D.24ENGINEELECTRICAL 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS 2.1 SERVICENOTES The following requirements must be observed when working on vehicles with the Electronic Spark Timing (EST)system. 1. Before removing any EST system component,disconnect the battery earth lead. Failure to do so could result in the service operator receiving an electricalshock. 2. Never start the engine without the battery being solidlyconnected. 3. Do not use a quick charge unit to start the engine. 4. Neve. separate the battery from the on board electrical svstemwhilethe engineis runnrng. 5. When charging the battery, disconnect it from the vehicle'selectricalsystem. 6. Never subject the Electronic Control Module to temperaturesabove 80oC (176oF) i.e. paint oven. Always remove control module first if this temperatureis to be exceeded. 7. Ensurethat all cable harness plugs are connected solidly and that battery terminals are thoroughly clean. Never connect or disconnect cable harness plug at the control module when the ignition is switched on. 9. Before attempting any electric arc welding on the vehicle, disconnect the battery leads and the control module connector. 10. When steam cleaning engrnes, do not direct the stearn cleaning nozzle at any EST component. lf this happens,corrosion of the terminals can take place. 1 1. Do not rotate distributor from standard setting as crossfiringwill occur. 8. 2 . 2 SE T T I N GIGN IT IONT IMIN G Since the ignition timing in the EST system rs electronically controlled, the distributor position has no effect on the engrneignitiontiming setting. The onlv requirement for distributor setting is that the rotor button must be aligned wrth the appropriate segments in the distributorcap to frre the spark plugs. To set distributor,loosen distributorclamp bolt and carry out steps 4 and 5, as descrrbed in 2.2 Distributor R e inst all. 2.3 DISTRIBUTOR REMOVE 1. 2. Unfasten spring clips holding distributor cap and remove distributorcap. Crank the engine until the distributor rotor rs in positionto fire No. 1 cylinder and the timing mark on the t orsion ald amp er is in alignm entwit h t he longes t mark (TDC) o n the fr ont c ov er t r m ing s c ale Fig. f u39 sho ws th e No . 1 f ir ing pos it r on f or EST engines w ith t he ma rk o n th e r ot or lined up wit n t he not c hed mark in the distributorhousrng. NOTE: The longest mark on the timing scale on the front cover is top dead centre number 1 cylinder. Figure 6D-39 ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D.25 3. 4. Clean all foreign matter from around the distributor and clamp, then remove the distributor clamp bolt a nd cla m p. Withdraw the distributorfrom the engine. REINSTALL 1. Align the centre line of the protruding gear retaining pin with the raised mark on the distributor body. Refer Fig. 6D-40. The rotation of the distributor rotor during meshing of the distributor and camshaft gears will align the firing position for No. 1 spark plug. When a replacement pin is fitted, the pin does not protrude. R A IS E D MA R K OI,J D IS TRIB U TOR H OU S IN G P R OTB U D IN G R E TA IN IN G P IN Figure 6D-40 Installthe distributorinto its position.Rotatethe body so as the distributorcap clamps are at approximately 45o to the crankshaftcentreline.Refer Fig. 6D-41. 3. Installdistributorclamp and bolt, do not tightenbolt. 2. C R AN K S H A FT C E NTR E LIN E Fi gure 6D -41 Place a right angled set square across the top face of the distributor body. Align the centre mark on the rotor button and the No. 1 cylinder mark on the distributor body by rotating the body. Refer Fig . 6 D- 42. 5. Tighten distributor clamp bolt and install distributor cap. lf the engine is accidentally cranked after the distrrbutor was rernoved, the following procedure can be used, for installing: 1. Remove No. 1 spark plug. 2. Place finger over No. 1 spark plug hole and crank engine slowly until compression is felt. 3. Align timing mark on torsional damper with the longest mark C[DC) on the front timing cover scale. 4. Install the distributor as previouslyoutlined. 4. Figure 6D-42 .*--L - 6D-26ENGINEELECTRICAL DIS A S S EMBLY 1. 2. 3, 4. Remove distributorand rotor. Remove circlip and upper distributor shaft thrust washers. Press out the pin securing the drive gear and remove gear and thrust washers. Refer Fig. 6D-43. Push shaft from housing by applying light force at the drive end. REASSEMBLY Reassembly is reverse of disassembly. 1. D IS TR IB U TOR C A P 2. R OTOR ? S H A FT 8 4 U P P E R & LOWE R B U S HE S 9 5 FIB R E WA S H E R 1 S H I\4 WA S H E R D R IV E GE A R D R IV E GE A R P IN D IS TRIB U TOR H OU S IN G Figure 6D-43 2.4 MANIFOLDVACUUMSENSOR ,- MOU N T| N G /' S C RE W (2 P LA C E S ) / REMOVE 1. 2. Remove the two screws securing the sensor to the bottom of the fuse box. Refer Fig. 6D-44. Disconnect wiring and vacuurn connectors. Refer Fig. 6D-44. R EI NS T ALL U N D E R N E A TH V IE WOFT FU S E 8OX , Installationis reversal cf removal. WIR IN G _/ CON N ECTO R Figure 6D-44 .-r..-f. - ENGINEELECTRICAL6D.27 TESTING Testing the vacuum sensor can be done on the vehicle. 1. Disconnect sensor vacuum hose from inlet manifold adopter. 2. Use a hand vacuum pump, such as Tool No.J2398701 or equivalent, insert end into open hose end. Refer Fig 6D-45. Figure 6D-45 3. 4. Connecta voltmeteracrossthe CB and CA terminals of the sensor.Refer Fig. 6D-46.Switchon ignition. With a varyingamountof vacuum,the output voltage variesaccordingto the followingtable: O U T PU TV OLTA GE 4 .4 to 5.3 3 .2 to 3.8 2 .0to 2.5 0 .7to 1.1 VO L T} I E T E R Any deviation in the output voltage figure with the nominated applied vacuum, indicates a faulty sensor, which must be replaced. Figure 6D-46 2.5 ELECTRONIC CONTROLMODULE REMOVE 1. 2. 3. 4. WIR IN G HARNESS E LE C TR ON IC C ON TR OL MO D U LE Make sure ignitionis switched'off' and disconnect batteryearth lead. Removethe lefi hand cowl panel trim from the front passengercompartment. Removemodulemountingscrews.Refer Fig 6D-47. Disconnect wiring harness and withdraw control modulefrom its position.Refer Fig. 6D-47 REINSTALL Installationis the reverseof removalprocedure. / ,//,i' ,rr r/ *}. %,' W Figure 6D-47 MOU N TIN G scR S C RE\vs. E IV S . (3 PiACES) 6D.28 ENGINEELECTRICAL 2.6 COOLANTTEMPERATURE SENSOR REMOVE 1. 2. 3. 4. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. Disconnect wiring harness connector temperaturesensor.Fig. 6D-48. Draincoolantfrom engine,below sensor level. Removesensorfrom thermostathousing. from Figure 6D-48 TEST 1. Suspendsensorin a containerof 50/50 glycol/water. Ensurethat sensordoes not touch the container. 2. Place thermometer,having a scale reading of at least 100oC, into containerand heat. 3. Record resistanceacross sensor terminalsat various temperatures.Refer Fig. 6D-49. Checkthe resultswith the followingchart. R ESI STANCE ohm s 5 4 to 6 .3 k a 2 3 to 2 .7 k n 300to 350 n 1 7 0to 2 1 0 n Figure 6D-49 Any deviation in the resistance values recorded at the norninated ternperature readings indicates a faulty sensor which mu st be re pla ce d. r -- B R A C K E T S C RE WS (2 P LA cE S ) RE I NS T AL L 1. 2. 3. Apply GMH sealant P/N g}3szi4 to sensor threads, refit in thermostat housing and tighten. Refit wiring harnessconnector. Fill up radiator and check for coolant leaks. MOU N TIN G B R A C K E T MOU N TI N G P LA TE C A R B U R E TTOR 2.7 THROTTLEPOSITIONSWITCH REMOVE 1. 2. 3. Femove carburettorair cleaner. Disconnectthe two wiring connectors at switch. Remove the 2 switch mounting screws, washers and mounting plate. Refer Fig. 6D-50. A C C ELE R A TOR LIN K A GE S C RE WS \ RE I NS T AL L Installationis reverse of removal procedure. The swrtch rnust be readjusted after installation. \ S WITC H A C TU A ToR Figure 6D-50 6D.29 ENGINEELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT 1. 2. Disconnect wiring connectors from switch. Connect an ohmmeter across the switch terminals (Do not use a test light). Refer Fig- 6D-51- TH R OTTLE P OS ITIONS W ITC H Fi gure 6D -51 Positionthe fast idle screw onto the second highest step of the fast idle cam. Refer Fig. 6D-52. Check that the switch is open, the ohmmeterreads infinity ohms. 4. Rotate the fast idle cam so that the fast idle screw sits on the third higheststep. Check that the throttle positionswitch is closed,the needle of the ohmmeter reads 0 ohms. Loosen mounting Screws and adjust switch as required to achieve correct adiustment. 5 . When switch is correctly adiusted,tighten mounting screws and recheckadiustment6. Reconnect wiring connectors to switch. Reinstall carburettorair cleaner. for the engineto On vehicleswith manualtransmissions, return to idle, it is essentialthat whenever the throttle closes onto the extended throttle nudger shaft, the throttlepositionswitchmust be closedlf the throttle closes onto the extended nudger without closingthe throttlepositionswitch,the enginewill run at 1400 rpm. approximatelY 3. To Check Operation 1. Disconnectthrottle positionswitch wiring connectors and connect together (this simulates a closed switch),connectan ohmeteracrossswitch terminals. 2. Start the engine. 3. Open the throttle until the switch opens, (ohmeter reads 'infinitY'). 4. Depress the spring loaded button on the throttle nudger and close the throttle.Waththe throttle lever resting on the extended nudger shaft, the ohmeter shouldshow zero ohms. 5. Readjustidle speed,fast idle speed,throttleposition switch or throttle nudger setting to ensure correct oPeration. F AST ID LE C AM \ \ I S E C OND S TE P Figure 6D-52 6D.30ENGINEELECTRICAL 2.8 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR TEST 1. 2. ME A S U R E A C R OS S TH E S E TE R MIN A LS Disconnect sensor wiring harness connection, at the fuse box side of the rocker cover. Refer Fig. 6D-53A. Connect an ohmeter across sensor terrninals shown in Fig. 6D-53. Resistance should be in the range of 1 to 1.2 k Q. Any deviation in the resistance value than specified the sensor is considered faulty and must be replaced. FR ON T V IE W OF C ON N E C TOR LE A D TO E N GIN E S P E E D S E N S OR Figure 6D-53 REMOVE 1. 2. Disconnect battery earth lead Disconnect engine speed sensor wiring harness connection, at the fuse box side of the rocker cover. Refer Fig. 6D-53A 3. Remove engine harness strap at rear of rocker cover. 4. Remove bolt securing engine speed sensor supporl to the rear of the cylinder block. 5. Remove sensor assembly from its location. NOTE: Do not damage support locating lug. 6. lf necessary, mount speed sensor support carefully in a vice with soft jaws, remove mounting bolt and separate sensor from support. E N GIN E H A R N E S S S TRA P MOU N TI N G B OLT SPEED S E N S OR S P E ED S E N S OR S U P P OR T S E C U R IN G B O LT REINSTALL Installationis reverse of removal operations. S U P P OR T LOC A TI N G LU G Flgure 6D53A ENGINEELECTRICAL6D.31 3. DIAGNOSIS 3.1 DIAGNOSTICLIMP LIGHT When the system is operatingnormally,the lamp is on during engine cranking and while the engine is not running with the ignition 'ON'. lt will go out a few secondsafter the engine starts if everythingis operating normally.lf the light does not come on at all, the bulb, the wiringor the modulemay be faulty. The lamp will come on whilst driving for one of two reasons. 1. lf the control module detects an operatingfault with one of the EST systemsensors. The control module assumes a normal operating value for that sensor, and continuesto supply the engine with a spark advance value, althoughtnot necessarily the optimumvalue. 2. lt means that there is a malfunctionin the control moduleitself. In this case the EST system wrll revert to a spark advancevalue of 6C BTDC (Limp Home Mode),this enablesthe vehicleto remainoperational at a reducedperformancelevel. ELECTRICAL 3.2 DIAGNOSTIC FOR EST CONNECTION Situatedwithin the EST engine wiring harnessassembly is a single cavity connector body and terminal, taped back to the wiring harnessas shown in Fig. 6D-54. With the aid of a jumper lead fitted with aligatorclips,this allows the connectionof the connectorbody terrninalto a suitable earth point on the engine. With this connection,the diagnosticlimp lightis activated. The diagnostrclimp light is located within the dash warning light panel. By means of a coded flashing warning,the limp light definesthe source of the EST systerncomponentfailure. MAIN W IRING HARNESS CONN. E.S.T.D IA GN OS TIC CON N E C TC R TA N & P IN K -=i D S (l GN l Tl ON C Ot :-' \) )c 'l . -/ | tx T R ANSM ISSIC\ H ARN ESS -'\ q_ DK SL UE L EAD ( OI L PRESSURESW i Figure 6D-54 6D.32ENGINEELECTRICAL ln the event of the limp light coming on to indicate a system component failure, make the earth connection to the connector body without turning off the engine, and let the engine idle. Description of the diagnostic limp light operation is covered in 3.3 of this Section. To reset the diagnostic lamp for normal mode condition, turn off the ignition and remove jumper lead. Restart vehicle and if the fault has not been corrected the diagnostic lamp will come on again when the appropriate test conditions are re-established. 3.3 DIAGNOSIS OF LIMP LAMP OPERATION (Refer to chart at the end of this Section.) L IMP HOME MODE lf the microprocessor (or computer) fails, a limp home mode is activated and the warning light is turned on. Limp home mode is provided to minirnisethe likelihood of the owner being stranded. Spark timing is very retarded in this mode (60 BTDC always) and this will €use increased fuel consumption, poor engine response and higher engine operating temperatures, Prolonged operation in this mode should be avoided. Monitor engine temperature regularly if limp mode operations is necessary at high ambient temperatures or while towing. Stop if necessary. lf the microprocessor starts operating normally, the light will be turned off in normal and diagnostic modes, provided no other faults have been detected. lf the diagnostic light is on continuously in norrnal mode and does not flash a recognisable code in diagnostic mode, the EST module should be replaced. POSSIBLE TEMPERATURE SENSOR FAULT lf a fault is detected in the temperature sensor circuit, the light is on in normal mode. In diagnostic mode, the light flashes on for 1 second in every 8 seconds. The control module does not check the temperature sensor circuit until the ignition has been on for 8 minutes. From I minutes onwards the module contrnuously checks for a temperature between 50oC and 125oC. ff the ignition is switched on without starting the engine the temperature may be outside the specified limits without a fault being present, I minutes after i gnit ion' ON'. To check for this false indication,switch ignition off, start the engine and check the light in 8 minutes. lf the light comes on again, it may be due to either an open circuit, a short circuit or a faulty temperature sensor. A faulty sensor may give the same symptoms as an open or short circuit. Short Circuit lf a shortcircuitis present, the temperature appearsvery high (130oC ) to the module. In the I minutes between the ignition being turned on and the detection of the fault, the module will increase idle spark advance as if the temperature really were high. This is done to increase idle speed for improvedengine cooling. After the 8 minute period is complete, the module detects the fault, turns the warning light on (or ftashes the diagnosticcode in diagnosticmode) and assumesa normal temperature(90oC). The light remains on continuously in normal mode (or continues to f lash in diagnosticmode) until the ignitionis switchedoff. when the light comes on, the idle speed will return to normalas the very high temperatureis no longerseen. Open Circuit lf an open circuit fault is present, the temperature appears very low (-14oC) to the module. lf the temperatureat ignition key on is low, the idle low temperature compensationis enabled. For the first 12 minutes of engine operation,idle spark advance is increasedfor improved idle quality. Note that this will cause the idle speed of a warm engine to fluctuateabout 900 rpm. This is because additional advance is only present at idle, which is defined as engine speed less than 900 rpm and idle switchclosed. lf the speed is above 900, the advance is slowly removedand the engine slows. lf it is below go0 rpm, the advance increases and the speed increases.This providesengineidle speed governingat 900 rpm. After 8 minutesof operationwith the open circuitfault, the module turns the light on (or flashes the code in diagnostic mode), assumes a normal operating temperatureand continues to provide additionalspark advanceat idle until 12 minutesafter ignitionkey on. POSSIBLE VACUUM SENSOR OR THROTTLE POSTTTONSWTTCHFAULT (1) whenever the engine is operating,the module is checking for a vacuumsensorfault. lf the throttle position switch is closed and the engine speed exceeds 1500 rpm, the rnoduleexpects to see a manifold vacuum greater than 30 kPa. lf the module detects a vacuum of less than 30 kPa under these conditions,it will turn the diagnosticlight on (or give z flashesevery 8 secondsin diagnosticmode) and assume the manifoldvacuumis zero at all times. lf the engine is switchedotf and re-started,the light will go out until the engine speed exceeds 1500 rpm while the throttle position switch is closed. lf the vacuum is again seen by the moduleas less that 30 kPa, the light will be turnedon again. This fault will be indicatedif the hose comes off the vacuumsensor,if the signalwires rn the vacuumsensor harnessare shortedtogetheror if the vacuumsensor is faulty. This fault may also be indicated if the throtile positionswitch wires are shortedtogetheror to groundor the switch itself is badly adjustedor short circuited.For example,the enginemay be operatingat 1600 rpm wide open throttle and with zero vacuum, lf the throtile positionswitch is operatingnormally,it will be open and no fault will be recorded.lf the throttle posrtionswitch wires are shorted together,the module sees the same inputas a closedswitchand recordsa fault condition. It is necessaryto assumethe engineis operatingat zero vacuum all the time this fault is present.This is to prevent the module frorn giving the engine excessive advance at wide open throttle and causing detonation damage. -----------r ENGINEELECTRICAL6D-33 POSSIBLE VACUUM SENSOR OR THROTTLE POSTTTONSWITCH FAULT (21 This section describes a second test for a possible vacuum sensor fault. lf the throttle position switch is closed and the engine speed is between 825 and 900 rpm, the module expects to see a manifoldvacuum of between10 kPa and 75 kPa. lf the moduledetectsa vacuumoutsidethese limitsit will turn the diagnostic light on (or give 3 f lashes every 8 secondsin diagnosticmode) and assumethe manifold vacuumis zero at al times. If the engine is switchedoff and re-started,the light will go out until the check conditionsare met and the fault re-detected.This fault will be indicatedif the electrical connector comes otf the vacuum sensor, a vacuum sensor wire is broken or the vacuum sensor is faulty. lt may also be indicatedif the throttlepositionswitch wires are shorted together or to ground or the switch itself is short circuited. EST DIAGNOSTIC LAMP CHART i FAUL T DESCRI PTI O N Poss ibleEST Cont r ol m odule f ault Po ssibleenginec oolant temp er at ur e s ens orf ault Possi blev ac uum s ens or o r thr ot t le pos it r on sw it c h f ault ( 1) FAULT C O N D I T I O N LIMP LIGHT OPERATION C O R R E C T SYSTEM o P E R ATTON Diagnostic Mode Normal Mode Cont r ol m o d u l e s e l e c t s lim p m o d e * Lamp uncontrolled u s u a l ly o f f Lamp or u n t i l r e s e ti s l successfu Assu m e s engi ne cool ant te m p e r a ture = 95oC O n e p u l s eo f lamp every 8 seconds Lamp on until reset successful Two pu lsesof lamp every 8 seconds Lam p on W:n throttl e po s i ::on s w i tc h Jrtil reset ci csed, engi ne v ac LU rn mus t successful be greater than 30 k P a As s um esva c u u m i s 0 k P a wit h t he t h r o t t l e p o s i t i o n s wit c h op e n o r c l o s e d c o n t r o l mo c - . the c re red - c light is no: ,A 'i er the engine n:s been rLtnrng for 8 m i -ru:= s , the er^Cne temperatu' = .' ,rl l be bei vveen 50oC t: ' ,25oC provi ded the engi re s peed s greater than 1 500 rpm Po ssi ble v ac uum s ens or o r th r ot t le pos it ion swit c h f ault ( 2) * As s um es v a c u u mi s 0 k P a wit n t he t h r o t t l e p o s i t i o n s wit c h o o e n o r c l o s e d 3 p u l s e so f l a mp e v e r y 8 seconds Lamp on until reset successfu I t h th rott l e po s r: ;o n s w i tc h ci osed and en gi rrE rdl i ng b e i 'v e e n8 5 0 a n ci9 0 0 r p m t h : e n g i n ev a cu um m u st b e b e : 'v e e n1 0 a n d 7 5 kPa Be ca us eof t he nat ur e of t his f ailur e it is n o t p o s s i b l et o s t a t ew h e t h e r the l amp w i l l be on or o'r or f l ashi n g. H ow ev er if th e l am p c ioesf las h it is v er y unlik ely t h a t i t w i l l c o r r e s p o n dt o a n y of th e va I i d di agnost i c codes. D espi te thi s i t sh ou ld be obv ioust hat t he EST is in t he i m p h o m e m o d e . d u e t o t h e veh c;es performance. 6D.34ENGINEELECTRICAL INIT IAL CHECKS t--- i ST A R T 1. Chec kt hat Diagr os t i c L e a d i s N O T e a r t h e d . 2. St ar t enginear d allo w t o i d l e . 3. Not e t im e v . , hens t ar t i n ge n g i n e . yES ( lsDia g n o stie I LamPon? i->- tttO I C o nn e c t D i a g n o s t i cL e a d t o e a r t h . A l l o w e n g i n et o idle until 10 minutes after start. C o n n e c t D i a g n ostic L e a d t o e a r t h. ls Diag -osticL am p f las'ring1,2 or 3 t imes every8 seconds ? l s l i ght fl ashi ng once every 8 seconds? NO NO Se e Ch a r t co r r e sp o n d rng to n u m b e r o f f la sh e s. 1. C o n n e c t t i m i n g l i gh t 2. Op e n t h r o t t l e w h i le engine is idling. 3. L o o k f o r t i m i n g m a r k o n h a r m o n i c b a l an ce r . END SeeChart 2 f or possible C o o l a n tT e m p e r a t u r e S e n s o rf a u l t . S e e C h a r t s3 & 4 f o r p o s s i b l e V a c u u m S e n s o ro r t h r o t t l e P o s i t i o nS w i t c h f a u l t s . D o e s t i m i n g m a r k m o ve as e n g i n e s p e e d c h a n g e sT W or k t hr ouc n Char ts Nos .2, 3 & 4 n t hat or d e r . ls light still on? Rep l a c e E S T C o n t r o l M o d u le NO CHART1. +YES- -l C h e c k Wi r i n g H a r n e s s , d e t a i l sa t t h e e n d o f this Section. ENGINEELECTRICAL 6D.35 E. S. T. DI AG NO STI C L I G H T F L A S H E S T H R E E T I M E S I N D I A G N O S T I C M O D E . PO SSI BLE ENG I NE VAC U U M S E N S O R O R T H R O T T L E P O S I T I O N S WI T C H F A U L T . START I t. 2 I A 9. 5. F ' t Tac hom et er . Fit M anif old Vac uum G a u g e . ldle Enginebet ween8 5 0 - 8 7 0 r p m w i t h 2 0 t o 7 0 k P a \ {a ^ ''o l d V a c u u m . Aut om at ic Tr ans mis s i o n- | n D r i v e , o p e n t h r o t t l e f u l l y f i 'o r - d l e . M anual Tr ans m is s io n- I n t o p g e a ra t 8 3 0 r p m , o p e n t h r o t t r e f r l y f o r 1 s e c o n d . Light YES - i s V acuum H ose connected to V acuum S ensor? RECTI FY I YES RECTI FY - l s Wi r i n g H a r n e s sC o n n e c t o ro n V a c u u m S e n s o ra n d r r : a kn g C O n t a c t ? NO YES RECTI FY - D oes Th rsl i l s P o s i t i o nS w i t c h o p : 'a : e NO as sP ec;fi eC o n E mi s s i o n L ab e ) YES I I T e s t a n d C h e c k E n g i n eV a c r u m S e n s o ra n o T h r o t t l e P o s i t i o nS w i t c h \ \ ' - i rQ H a r n e s s e s , d e t a i l sa t t h e e n d o f t h r s S e c t i o n , I RECTI Fy _ FAULT! - - - * i o.K. RE PLACE - FAULTY ( T e s t E n g i n eV a c u u m S e n s o ra s p e r s e r v i c eo p e r a t i o n2 . 5 i n t h r s S e c t i o n . t o.K. I R eol ace E S TC ontrol Modul e END CHART2. I 6D.36 ENGINEELECTRICAL E . S. T. DI AG NO STI C LI G HT FLA S H E S T WI C E I N D I A G N O S T I C M O D E . POSSIB LEENG I NE VACUUM SENSO R O R T H R O T T L E P O SI T I O N S WI T C H F A U L T . ; ST A R T 1 2 F i : T a cr o m e te r . F : l' t/an r f o ld Va cu u m Ga u g e D.ive v ehic lewit h an enaines peedof 2 0 0 0 r p m o r m o r e . Op en Thr ot t le unt il Vac uur ndr ops b e l o w 2 0 k P a a n d t h e n c l o s eT h r o t t l e u n t i l en gines peedr eac hesappr ox m at ely 1 6 0 0 r p m . Does Ligh t f l a s ht w i c e 8 seconds? YES ls Vac u u m H o s ec o n n e c t e dt o Vac uum S e n s o ra n d i s V a c u u m av a i l a b l ea t S e n s o r ? RECTIFY _ _, I F A ULT S YES R ECTIFY FAU LTS YES REPL ACE i SENSOR F A U L T Y -< . Tes t Eng i n eV a c u u m S e n s o ra s p e r s er v ic eope r a t i o n2 5 i n t h i s S e c t i o n . t OK I RE P A I R I HA;ruissl-- FAULTY a^d C h e c : gi : EJ 6 r z 6 I 2 i ,! R6 E Fi l t ; srr!i : ; < E I 3B; E e a e3 ( : d q s9 ;* Ezr; F L a 9 2 ; EiEEEE!E:Fg!F ; 5 : : : E:eEd9; E = H p 3:HH$9fr3E3$ I I I = z2 !3 -a oa, l l tl t Er .9 EMISSIONCONTROL6E-3 o ; a [9 ;o ; ; a Jei 4 F z o I E z ; o g F ,) 9 ; 9 d : tr' F 9 o tr I E ! B z 6 z )r I z F f XE F ?; i E ! lrl g u !-161: : *o > i i g ! E 3 :;:33! E ;-F:EE ; o giFFFF: E9 3 62=5= ! E F ieg gg d1 I isrr EEi 3 d E = i €- ? g :;:; z o I z 6 2 E " aiHbr ttt! I : 9r 6E-4 EMISSIONCONTROL z o 6 ti z \ /( it CE F tr F l J z I 5 !J z z F ,a, z tr l 9 = 6 E EO r z *z ,! j-A o;!E i;) 1:;a ! : q ii''rI "il 2 iicy t 3 q!E: JY = 096 I ! 4 i ddE i 3E =3 ll = EMISSIONCONTROL6E-5 1.1EARLYFUELEVAPORATION The EFE system is carriedover from VH for the L6, 3.3 E S T enginesan d 5 .0 l i tree n g i n e s .R e fe r F i g s .6E -1,6E -2 and 6E-3 for hose routing for L6, 3.3 EST enignes. 5.0 litre engine hose routing carries over from VH. The EFE is not used on engineswith electronicfuel injection. 1 . 2 E V A P OR A T IV EE MIS S IONC ONTROL On L6 engines,the EEC system has been modifiedto meet emission reeuirements.The cannister has been relocated in the engine compartment and has new m ount ing br ac ke ts (F i g .6 E -a ). R e fe r F i g s .6E -1, 6E -2 a nd 6E - 3 f or E EC h o s e ro u ti n e . . ief_F - SlUt l-l-{Al\ L -5): R ET !tr ' tJ= a Vr:! :- - \H C S' 'C AN l ST =A;]ST O N C AP W H =\. D R A IN C AP C I,TOU TS TO B E C O R R E C TL ' A LIGN E D W ITH LOC A TIN G B A q ON C A N IS TER r "/ ? FRONT OF CAR I \ S TA L L E D - :ANIST ER T O SIT ].' .] CAP WHEN ..S- AL L ED P liP cu T o u T S T o BE fF : " -Y CO;- :lAL IGNED WIT L L OC:_ 3 AR ON CANIST =".:J FR ON T OF C A R EEC CANISTER INSTALLATION DETAILS _ ENGINES WITH EFI EEC CANISTER INSTALLATION DETAILS _ ENGINES WITH EST Figure 6E-4 6E.6 EMISSIONCONTROL 1 . 3 PO S I T IV EC R A N K C A S E VENTILATIO?.I The PCV systemsfor L6, 3.3 engineswith EST and the 5.0 litre engine, carry over from VH. The system layout has been revised for engines with EFl. Refer Fig. 6E-5 for details. C ON N E C TOR zu+-.\ €, 6 GR OMME T \ VIEW P C V V A LV E \ TP C' '.U GF]O\1' . : - VIEW /7-==/\ ( )i/ f' l:. fFl \v . , I TH R OTT \*==r/f 'a'-zf- \o \,\ u,r*l-El \J V IE W POSITIV E CRA NK CA S V E E NTILA T I O NS Y S T E M- 3 . 3 E NG I NE S WI T HE F I Figure 6E-5 EMISSIONCONTROL6E.7 = E E8E ? a3'n ,-',:' z7 E E :i 95sj '@ q Ei:g;i _ 6 Ea 1 ,;6 3r s 3 6 I E 3E:!HE3E; r i:iai.!"!;" r i F aax E oo o E z E G 2 -u 5f 6 EE e iE E e E :i g ;i gE H : g E5 ::: r I tt - tlc4 ,/Lt _t )\z/,2\. 5 z DN tYl I E ; 9 = = 1 z F F o z z - z F l o E o I z ,' () a UJ I I 6 9 6E.8 EMISSIONCONTROL ,i------! o iz A 6 F :={ z ,j. n; : U; 9 5 o 6 6 z 6 2 E' d 2 " E d € z z F g F o r! z z uJ d IL E I z F l i? RE _ 5 Fi ;?:2 zJ .? e Ei3A sFi;i;6 e E Ei t ; i 2 ; : .c6?!!! i z 6 2 E :; 'yi ".P "'... ^.". I T IT 3 .9! !{ EM ISSIONCONT ROL6E -9 1.4 VACUUMADVANCECONTROL The ignitionadvance on engines with EST is electronically controlled,therefore no VAC system is used on these engines . Engines with EFI (except those for registrationin New South Wales) use a VAC system similarto VH with 3.3 engine and automatictransmission.The hose layout has been revisedto suit the EFI installation.Refer Figs. 6E-6 and 6E-7 for hose routinodetails. vAc SYSTEM(NSW) The vacuumadvancecontrol system ior 3.3 engineswith EFI and production option V7Y (New South Wales emission requirements)differs in certain respects from the system meetingthe nationalrequirement:The following paragraphsrefer to the V7Y Wpe system. Des c r ipt ion ln addition to the high temp#Jife (1O4oC) thermal vacuum switch in the therm6stab: housing, which is common to both VAC systems,thp:componenlsspecific to the VAC systemfor the V7Y option consistsof: r A low t em p e ra tu re(1 5 0 C ) th e rma l v a c uum sw i tch loc at edin t h e a i r fl o w d u c t a n d s e n s i n gthe i nl et ai r temoeralUre. r A m edium te m p e ra tu re (4 0 o C ) i h e rmal vacuum s wit c h loc ate d i n th e e n g i n e b ro c k a n d sensi ng engineblock metal temperature. r The necessary vacuum hoses to connec the components.Refer Fig. 6E-8 for componentlayout. LOW I:'.'': ? (15ocl -. s 1# ME D IL..'TE MP E R A TU R : (4ooc) TV S ] S TR IE U IOR _ Figure 6E-8 O per at ion - Re fe r F i g . 6 E-9 1 04oC T her m a l V a c u u m S w i tc h .1 The 04oC thermal vacuum switch in the thermostat housing,senses engine coolant temperature.When coolant temperatureis below 104o C, the TVS directs a portedvacuum signalfrom the throttlebody to the centre port of the 15oC TVS located in the air flow duct. lf coolant temperature exceeds 104oC, the 104o TVS operates to direct full manifold vacuum (rather than ported vacuum) to the distributor and provides full vacuumadvanceat idle to preventengineoverheating. 6E.10 E MI SSI ONC O N T R O L 1yg 4606 ---....-.( IN ENGINE B L OCK) f =i 1.; I ---7 A tR F LOW-\k< nl tnt- ' DUCI D IS T A IB U TOR A S S E MB LY \ i ) i{ MA N I FOLD V qC U U 1/] S OU FC E ..T\,. 10a c TI E P fOU S ,l"IOS ;G, TA T ) Oq--fE D V A C U U M - T HROT T L E B OD Y j Figure 6E-9 'l 5 o C Ther m al V ac uu m Sw i tc h Th e I5 oC t her m a v ac u u m s w i tc h i n th e a rr | o w d uct, se n se s inlet air t em pera tu reWh . e n i n l e t a i r :e rn p e ra ture rs b e l o w 15oC, t he p o rte d v a c u u m s i g r-a rs ro u ted c.e ctl y to t he dis t r ibut o r, b y -p a s s i n g th e :O:C T VS i n the en g i n e b loc k . W hen t h e i n l e t a i r te mc e ra tu rei s a b ove 15 .rC,the 15oC T V S r e d i re c tsth e p o (e d v a c u u ms i gnal awa v fro m t he dis t r ibut oto r th e l C , C T V S i n th e c y l i n der c o cK E\CJNE 4 0 o C Ther m al V ac uu m S w i tc h W h e n th e lnlet air t em p e ra tu re e x c e e d s1 5 0 C . th e D o r ted v a cu u ms r gnals dir ec t e dto th e 4 0 o C T VS v ra th e .l5 0 C TVS i n th e ar r f low duct. T h e 4 0 o C T VS s e n s e s e n gi ne bl o ck te mpe' at ur e. W hen th i s te m p e ra tu res c e l o w 4 0 o C , t he va cuums r gnalt hr ou g hth e .1 0 o CT V S rs b l o c k e da nd va cu u m aov anc e is d e n e d . Wh e n e n g i n e m e tal t e mp e ra t ur eex c eeds 40 i C :h e T V S ' o p e n i ' a n d t he portedvacuumsignalis tirecled lo the distributorvacuun a d va n ceunt t t o per m itv a c u u -na d v a n c e . Fig. 6E-10 summerizesthe operationof the VAC system when productionoperation V7Y is excersided.Figs. 6E1 1 . 6 E-12 and 6E - 13 s h o w th e e m i s s i o nh o s e ro u t i ni r wrthV7 Y . PORTE D VACUU[4 ADVAN CE A LLOW: D Figure 6E-10 w9 * EMISSION CONTROL6E-11 E 3?, rE...H i 3i i c = E;i i ,;9.. ! cPFt=.: 6 E" t1 ,;61i + ; ; s :J tr;O:^ ^ ^ F F E o i ilEi.r.;5EE i" ,ffi, 2 E t E i i sE'i3i!u 5 ; : F z @ E 9 E H e EFPEP" T'r:! f;E H: HP :::: .$^ c 5 e r r r ! -= E: =3 z 6 2 = = = z tr o F 3 z E z (9 z F l I z 9 2 E ii 1 m: \9 [. -$ 6E-12EMISSIONCONTROL E F z F P> 42 E F z E \ a' IE 5 z 6 "9 I = z , N 2 E z ; tr : E I F = ; 6 I UJ ! I z z 6; a ..': ..: U9 k I (9 z =z F l ; iiE E3 ut i i.rii,: !-EiiHF';3; E : FEHs:ii i sXis{{t H E EFFEPP9: I = e.Ptcq.1 6^ t'. ? s 3 E ? i :i e e e a .e Ep z 6 2 E EMISSIONCONTROL6E.13 o L z -FF ' - H: ! i I z d= Eu1;o ;xzE aEo* z 6 I E d2i,u, = lt-og z 1 Ee; z E F ? I F = z I :i z 6- .. 9 '), @ tl 1\\\ ,-' \ = B P E I z F l cc ru I 6IH1 *:oi.;F : i i e; 565 3 E_a'e'e'e E ; u^ u1.i 6.qq. yl 6 > 9> >> 6 z 6 2 = I I 1 6E.14 EM I S S I O NC O N T R O L 1.5AIR PREHEAT The air preheat system for L6, 3.3 EST and 5 O litre engines,carriesover in generalfrom the VH. No air oreheatis reouiredwith EFI 1 . 6 A I R I N J E C T IONR E A C T OR The air pump type a' ^.ecio- reactorsystem is fitted to 3.3 EST engines S r 3' 9 rp € Sa re b a l a n c e dfo r a i r fl ow by i n cl us ion: ' : " s c e c rfi c a l lsyi z e d fo r e a c h p i p e a nd lo ca te d a: : - : : , ^de r h e a d e n d . T h e s y s te r. rs esse n tra, : - = s a- e a s u s e d o n VH w i tl 2 .a tre en g i n e s : = ' : ' S ec t ion0 6 , V H S e rv i c e i l a .L ,a . S,.p pl eme n l '.'i : - 3' f or pr in c i p l e so f o p e ra ti c . a ' 3 s e rv i ce rp e ra :: - : elar ls . Ref er F i g s . 6 E-1 6 :-2 a .o 6 E -3 for r a c,-- ^ : s e r out ingdet a i l s . 1. 7 E XH A U S TGA S R E C IR C U L A T ION Th e EGR s y s t emf or t h€ : : .tre e n g i n ec a rri e so v e r rrcm r'H Th e E G R s y s t ens ' :' 3 3 l i tre e n g i n e s h a v e c een substantially revised.,/.' :f'reVH type. 3 .3 L ITR E E F I E NG I N E S The exhaust gas s Crrectedto the EGR valve via an : xte rn a l p ipe ( F ; a= - 1 4 )to a p o rt i n th e i n l e t m a n i fol d. -ie EGR val,,: s mounted on the inlet manifold, co p o si tet he p: : r r ef e r F i g . 6 E -1 4 ). Po rte d v a c u u m i s J rected to the iGR valve via a thermal vacuum switch, 'e 'e r Fi gs .6E - 6 6E 7, 6 E-1 1 a n d 6 E -1 2 fo r EGR s y s t em ^cse lavout. Figure 6E-14 3.3 L ITR E E S T E NG I N E S Th e i GR s ls r em f or E ST e n g i n e sh a s th e E 3 r mo u n te dc n : he , nletm a n i l o l d(re fe rF i g . 6 E -1 5 ) E GR V A LV E - rai ve GA S K E T _.. MA N U A L -TR A N S MIS S ION S ON LY Figure 6E-15 EM ISSION CONT ROL6E -15 Models with EST & Automatic Transmission Ported vacuum is directed via a thermal vacuum switch to the EGRvalve.ReferFig. 6E-2tor hose layout. Models with EST & Manual Transmissions The EGRsystemfor EST engineswith manualtransmissions incorooratesan EGR modulatorvalve located in the vacuumline betweenthe thermalvacuum switch and the EGR valve(referFig. 6E-16). The purpose of the EGR modulatorvalve is to control the ooerationof the EGR valve so that the admissionof exhaust gas into the combuslionchamber is highest at times of potential high oxides of nitrogen emission generation. Very little Oxides of nitrogen are generated at engine idle, light engine loads or on overrun.Oxides of nitrogen emissionincreasesduringacceleration. As the throttle opens, a ported vacuum signal is routed through a thermal vacuum switch. The switch 'turns on' at 40oC to prevent exhaust gas recirculationwhen the engineis cold. EGR valve operationis further regulatedon EST engines and manual transmissions by the operation of the modulatorvalve. EGR Modulator Valve Description The modulator valve is a bleed type vacuum control devrcewhich uses exhaustgas pressureto control an air bleed within the valve and modulatesthe vacuum signal from the carburettor to the EGR valve according to engineload. The valve (refer Fig. 6E-17) consistsof two chambers separatedby a diaphragm;the diaphragmhas a seat at its centre.The centre tube of the tee prece is retainedin the upperchamberwhich is ventedlo atmospherevia a filter. The two exposedbranchesof the tee piece each contain a restrictingorifice. One branch is connected to the vacuumline from the carburettorand TVS and the other to the vacuumchamberof the EGR valve. The purposefo the restrictorsis to damp any pulsations in the vacuumsignalfrom the manifoldand help control EGR valve responseto rapid changes in exhauslgas oressure. F= 1 rL - E GR V A LV E - ?,1'\\ r \ \. li \\ \\ \ ' ' --::/'/ E GF'.IOD U LA TOR V A L'.: Figure 6E-16 TO V A C U U I\,4 C_:"' 3E R OF E GR V A L..: - R ESTR I CTC F TO C A R B U R E Ti O= I ,,l A TV S _\r1 // : LL TE R D IA P H R A GT,' Figure 6E-17 The lower chamber of the valve is exposed to exhaust gas pressure via a hose from an adaptor located between the EGR valve and inlet manifold teter F ig.6E - 18 ). E C A ', A LV E TO B A C K P R E S S !A E TR A N S D U C E A a >-9 \" . A D A P TOB _ \ 649xg1- Fi gure 6E -18 l ! , r\ J A L _, T F AN Si \ I I S S O\ LY O )J S 6E.16EMISSIONCONTROL +-T O RESTRICTORS ^ CAR B U R E T T O R E GR V A LV E PO RT E D V A C U U M SIG NAL UPPERC H A M E E F - VACUUM VENT LO W E F CI ]A \ 1 B E q - EG F \ i O D U L A T OR ..,, VA L \ . ' E / A D A P TOR B A C K P R E S S U R E -/ TA P P IN G C ON TR OLLIN G OR IFIC E EXHAUST UAJ F ig ure 6E -19 EGR Modulator Valve Operation (Refer F ig. 6 E-19) With low exhaust back pressure in the valve lower chamber,the vacuum line is vented to atmospherevia the centrebranch of the tee and filter.The EGF valve remainsclosedand no recirculation takesplace. As exhaustback pressureincreasesduringacceleration or under load, the pressure on the diaphragm also increases, the diaphragmmoves the diaphragmseat and restrictsthe ventingof the vacuum line. This results n vacuum being appliedto the vacuum chamber of the EGR valve, the EGR valve opens and recirculatron commences.As engine load, (reflectedin the vaiue of exhaust back pressure)increases,the venting of the vacuumsignaldecreases,applyingmore vacuum to the EGR valvevacuumchamber,permittingthe EGR valve to ooen f urther and admit more exhaust oas rnto the inductionsystem. As engineload decreases,exhaustpressuredeCreases, diaphragmforce decreases,vacuum signal venting increases and the EGR valve reduces the amount of exhaust gas being recirculated.The valve thereiore modulatesthe vacuumsignalto the EGR valve to make EGR valveoperationsensitiveto enqineload. 1 . 8T H R O TT L EN U D GE R Vehicles with 3.3 EST engine and manual transmissions are fitted with a throttle nudger similar to that used on VH with the 2.8 litre engine and manual transmissron. Refer Section 06, VH Service Manual Supolement M38731 for descriptionand operation. Refer Fig. 6E-1 for throttle nudger hose routing. JIUtr MA N IFOLD S ID E EM ISSION CONT ROL6E -17 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS 2.1 GENERALINFORMATION Serviceoperationslor emissionsystemcomponenlscarry over in generalfrom VH Seriesvehicles. Service procedures for the following components are covered in Section 09 'EmissionControlSystems'of the lmproved PerformanceEngine ServiceManual part number M38338. . EGR Thermal Vacuum Switch Testing and Replacement. . EGR ValveChecking,Cleaningand Fleplacement. o EFE Thermal Vacuum Switch and Actuator Testing and Feplacement. o Air PreheatSystemTesting. o VAC SystemTesting. o Positive Crankcase VentilationSystem Testing and Servicing. . EvaporativeEmissionControlSystemServicing. for the Air Pump and ThrottleNudger Serviceprocedures. are coveredin Section06 'EmissionControl'of the VH SeriesManualSupplementpart numberM38731 The following service operationis new for VK series vehicles. 2.2 EGR MODULATORVALVE TEST 1. Disconnectall hoses from the EGR modulatorvalve and removevalve. 2. Installa vacuumsource such as hand pump J2398701 or equivalentto the bottomvalve port. 3. Operatethe vacuumpump, and it shouldbe possible to draw a vacuum on the valve diaphragm.lf a vacuum is not drawn, the valve diaphragm is defectiveand the valve must be replaced. 4. Connect the vacuum pump to one side of the 'T' piece on top of the valve, plug the opposrteend of the 'T' piece with a suitableplug. 5. Operate the vacuum pump and it should nol be oossible to draw a vacuum.This indicatesthat the valve fitter is operating correctly. lf a vacuum is drawn, the fitter is defectiveand the valve must be reolaced. 6E .18 EM ISSIONC ON TR OL 3. SPECIALTOOLS HA\D VACUUM PUMP J23738 (or equi val ent) NOTES ENGINET UN E6F-1 SECTION6F ENG I NETUNE INDEX Ref. 1. 2. 3. 3.1 Page Subject 6F-1 ............................ GENERALINFORMATION 6F.2 ENGINETUNERECOMMENDATIONS........ 6F.3 ENGINETUNE DATA. 6F-3 3.3 LITREEST .............. 6F-3 Tune Conditions............... .. 6F-3 Check List ..... I Ref. 3.2 3.3 Sublect 3.3 LITREEFr .. Tune Conditions 5.0 LITRE Page 6F-4 5F-4 6F-4 1 . GENERALINF ORM AT ION To maintaindesignedvehicleperformanceand emission levels, it is recommendedthat regular maintenanceand adjustments be carried out in accordance with the scheduleoutlinedin the VK SeriesOwnerHandbook. Engine tune specificationsnecessary to achieve the cor-rect emission levels are located on the Vehicle EmissionControl InformationLabel attachedto the right struttower underthe enginehood.The hand suspenslon label should be referred to before making any adjustments. The EngineTune Recommendations .ha1. sets out the items recommendedfor attention during an engine tune and cross referenceis providedto the appropnatesource of informationThe EngineTune Data charts (reler 3.1. 3.2 and 3.3 in this Section), provide abndgeo engine tuningdata for both 3.3 litre and 5.0 litre engines. 6F.2 E NG I NETU N E 2 . E N G I N ET U N E RECOM M ENDAT IONS ENGTNETUNE RECO M M ENDATI O NS E ngineComp ressio n Tes t EngineD.i,.'e3e rt. Chec k and adjus tas necessary. I REFEBENCE lS " . t 'o . 1 0 . " E n g i n e T u n e U p " o f t h e l m p r o v e dP e r f o r m a n c e E n g n e S e r v i c eM a n u a l P / N M 3 8 3 3 8 . F o r E F I v e h i c l e sa, l s o r e fe r S e c t i o n6 C E l e c t r o n i cF u e l I n j e c t i o n ,S e r v i c eN o t e 9 . o f tnis Suoolement. S e c t i o n6 , " C o o l i n g S y s t e m s "o f t h e V H S e r i e sS e r v i c eM a n u a l S u p p l e m e n tP / N M 3 8 7 3 1 . S e c t i o n6 , " C o o l i n g S y s t e m s "o f t h e V B S e r i e sS e r v i c eM a n u a l P/N M38145. l dle S oee C i Chec k anc aCjus tas A utomatic Ch oke Chec ks et t ingsand link age. A ir F rlter Ele men t V alve LashAd jus:^ le n1 3 . 3 L i t r e E S T . S e c t i o n6 C , " C a r b u r e t t o r s "o f t h i s S u p p l e m e n t 3 . 3 L t r e E F l . S e c t i o n6 C , " E l e c t r o n i c F u e l I n j e c t i o n , "o f t h i s Supolement. 5 . 0 L i t r e . S e c t i o n 5 , " E n g i n e F u e l S y s t e m s , "o f t h e l m p r o v e d P e r fo r m a n c eE n g i n eS e r v i c eM a n u a l . R e f e rt o s p e c iifc a t i o n s o n t h e e m i s s i o nc o n t r o l l a b e lo n t h e r i g h t h a n d s t r u t t o w e r . 3 . 3 L i t r e E S T . S e c t i o n6 C , " C a r b u r e t t o r s "o f t h i s S u p p l e m e n t . 5 . 0 L i t r e . S e c t i o n 5 , " E n g i n e F u e l g y s t e m s "o f t h e l m p r o v e d P e r f o r m a n c eE n g i n eS e r v i c eM a n u a l . S e c t i o n1 0 , " E n g i n e T u n e U p " o f t h e l m p r - o v e dP e r f o r m a n c e E n g i n eS e r v i c eM a n u a l . F o r E F I e n g i n e sa , l s or e f e r S e c t i o n6 C " E l e c t r o n i c F u e l In j e c t i o n " i n s t r u c t i o n3 . 5 o f t h i s S u p p l e m e n t . Non adjus t ablehy dr aulic I las hadjus t er s . i n'line Fue l F i l t e r gnit ion T imin g Chec k or r eplac e. 3 . 3 L i r r e E S T S e c t i o n1 0 , " E n g i n e T u n e U p " o f t n e I m p r o v e d P e r fo r m a n c eE n g i n eS e r v i c e[ \ 4 a n u a l . 3 . 3 L i t r e E F I S e c t i o n6 C , " E l e c t r o n i c F u e I n j e c t i o n , , o ,f th i s S u p p l e m e n t . CL e a n ,a d ju st o r r e Dla ce S e c t i o n1 0 , " E n g i n e T u n e U p " o f t h e l m p r o v e dp e r f o r m a n c e E n g i n eS e r v i c eM a n u a l - Chec k and r es etas necessa rY. S e c t i o r 6 D , " l g n i t i o n S y s t e m " S p e c i ifc a t i o n so f t h r s S uo o lem en t . .-- r9 nt t t on Ht g n l e n s t o n S e c t i o r 1 0 , " E n g i n e T u n e U p " o f t h e l m p r o v e dp e r f o r m a n c e E n g n e S e r v i c eM a n u a l . C ables Throt t le Nud ge r ' ES T manu al on ly) Ch e ck a n d r e se i a s n e ce ssar y. S e c t i o - 6 , " E m i s s i o n C o n t - o l " o f t h e V H S e r i e sS e r v i c eM a n u a l S uo pl em en t . E GR V alv e Air P rehea tSyste m Ch e ck fo r co r r e ct 3 p e r a tio n . E ngineV en tilaiio n Syste m S e c t r o ^9 , " E m i s s i o n C o n t 'o l S y s t e m s "o f t h e l m p r o v e d E v aporat iveEnrrssio ns P e r f o r m a n c eE n g i n eS e r v i c eM a n u a l . .8 e p a ce ca r isle - f te . a t S y st ems sp e cifie d in te r va l. Bat t eryand Ca ble s Chec k I S e c t i o n 1 2 , " E l e c t r i c a i S e c t i o n ',o f t h e V B S e re s S e r v i c eM a n u a l a n d S e c t o n 12 A " B a t t e r y a n d C a b l e so f t h s S u p p l e m e n t . Chec k all hos esand c onnec t or sf or air leak s . Chec k and r ec t if y as nec es s ar y . Throt t le P o s i t i o n S w i t c h E ST mode l s o n l y ) Ch e ck fo r co r r e ct o p e r a tio n . S e c t i o - 6 D , " l g n i t i o n S y s t e m " s e r v i c eo p e r a t i o n2 . 7 o f t h i s S up o l e m e n t . ENGINET UNE6F-3 3. ENGINETUNE DATA 3.1 3.3 LITREEST ENGIN E TRANSM I SSI O N I DL E S P E E D R P M (IN NEUTRAL) FA S TID LE SPEED S P A R KA D V . B E LOW 900 R P M S P A RK P L U GS 3 'e s e : '. , i s u a l 3 .3 L itre HC I EST ( 114) C^e:k crlv 6' : ,: M anualor Aut om air c 1 . 51! ! m - AC C42CLTSX NOTE:Carburettoris not to be adjustedpriorto 1500 km service. Only the idle speed may be adiusted from 1500 kms onwarcls. Prior to making any carburettoridle adjustments,refer to Section 6C, Garburettorof this Supplement. TUNE CONDITIONS Before making any checks or adjustments,warm the engine by running for 6 minutes wth transmtsstontn neutral and fast idle screw on second step of fast idle cam, refer Fig. 6F-1, or running for 10 minutes at 80 km/hr on a chassisdynamometer. Switch ignition off, restart vehicle with transmissionin neutral.Check engine tune specifications' ^,.a>\ ,J-/ ^ -/ Il i I 1sr.srE P I -t^rn 3FD. 2 -L_ n- QTtrp -,?+ STEPJ | aTH . S T:e '/A I,vr J ' . ' Fi gure 5F- l CHECK LIST (A) Engineidle speed exceeds880 rpm. 1. Checkthat enginehas been running15 minules. 2. Check that throttle closes onto stop. Ensurethat the throttlenudger,choke and throttlecable are ccrrectly adiustedto allow the throttleto close onto stcp. 3. Checkthat throttlepositionswitchis closed 4. Checkthat advanceat idle is less than 1O: 3TDC. (B) Engineidle speedis less than 700 rpm 1. Checkenginehas been running15 minutes solenoid. 2. Checkpowerto antr-dreseling 3. CheckPCVvalve for flow. 4. Checklor vacuumleaKs I 5 Creck for greaterthan 2 BTDCadvarce _l 6F.4 ENG I NET U N E 3.2 3.3 LITRE EFI E NGINE S IZ E i I DLE SPEED RPM OPTION RUN I N ENG I NE D l srR l B -u. T-oR ADVANCI BTDC* RpM ID L E co ^ "k EFI {L Lg r spA R KpLU Gs GAP 12"B E LOW 1100 AC C 42C LTS X T UN E CO NDI T I O NS Enginetune settingsare lor an enginewith:1. Engine coolant and oil at normal operating temperature,preferablyachievedby drrving(both CO and idle speed are dependant on engine temperature). 2. Transmission in oarkor neutral. 3. Air conditioning switchedofl. The followingchecks musl be performedand any defects correctedbefore any idle adjustmentsare made to the EFI system. 1. l g n i ti o nt im ing. 2. Vacuumto luel pressureregulator. 3. Throttlelever closingon to stop - if not check: a. Throttlepositionswitch adjustment. b. Linkagesn! 5prrngs. 4. No leaks at hoses and duct betweenair flow meter and engine. 5. Runningon all cylinders- if not checkfor a. Defectivesparkplugsand leaks. b. Open circurtto iniector/s. 6 Auxiliaryair valve fully shut - check by pinchingoff air hose and observingenginespeed.lf speed drops checkfor: a. Enginenot sufficiently warmedup. b. Open circuit in electricalsupplyto auxiliaryair valve. c Auxiliaryair valve on upsidedown. NOTE: Before adjustingthe idle speed, disconnectth€ canisterpurge hose from the canisterand then adJUSt idle speed.Referto serviceoperation3.5, Section6C of this Supplement. 3.3 5.0 LTTRE E NGIN E srzE coMp 5, 0 HC TRANS. N lAN. A UT O. IDLE SPEED R PM Jr-r?|, ] L31 sLow FASr ^a- ?1 15 0 0 2 n c ia T G H E S T ) ttrr D IS TR IB U TOR IN IT IAL AD VAN C E ET D C @ BPM Fo S P A R K P LU GS G AP mm TY P E 15 44Tx ptnn a50 F F^.' V A C U U M A D V A N C E I-,OS ED IS C ON N E C TE DA N D P LU GGE D For 5.0 litre Tune Conditions refer to Section 6 Engine Tune of the VH Series Service Manual Supplement. Engine Tune Specificationsare on the Emission Control label on the rignt hand susper iron strut tower. CLUTCH7A.1 SECTION7A CLUTCH INDEX Ref. 1. RefPage Subject 7A-',t 2. GENERALDESCR1PT1ON......................-....... Page 7A-1 Subiect SERVICEOPERATIONS 1 . G ENERALDESCRIPT ION The clutch assemblyused on VK Seriesmodels is carried over from the VH Series. 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS For clutch adiustmentdetailsrefer Figs. 7A-'l and 7A-2. For all service operations refer Section 7 of the VB CommodoreServiceManual,Part No. M38145. ,/t'/ -t ).-- .. EI --:'t ,ta // \ ds t / /' '\\ ' \(^\ \Y '/z \ .<_B E FC ,= A D JU S TME N TS A =: C A R R IE D OU T, E N S U R E IN B A LL S TU D . C LU TC ts FOR K IS FU LLY S :A -:] A D JU S - S LE E V E ON C A B LE :'i D ;ITTIN G,T O A C H IE V E C LU TC F C :D A L P OS ITION A S S H OIV NON F IG.7A -2, Figure 7A-1 To adjustclutchcable,lightlyload clutchfork in direction ol arrow Z, reter Fig. 7A-1, so that throwout bearlng contactsclutchspringfingers.Then usingcable adjusting sleeve set clutch pedal to correcl heightwith rubbertrim pad removedfrom Pedat. Figure 7A-2 MANUALTRANSMISSION 7B-1 SECTION78 MANUALTRANSMISSION INDEX Ref. 1. 2. Page i Ref. Subiect 78-1 | 2.1 GENERALDESCR1PT1ON.............................. 7B-2 I 2.2 SERVICEOPERATIONS ta g e Subjecl 78-2 TOROUEMASTER TOROT. 7B-2 BORG BORGWARNEB(5-SPEED).......................... 1 . G ENERALDESCRIPT ION The Torquemasterfour speed manual transmissionis standardequipmenton VK Series SL 19 and 35 styles with the 3.3 litre EST engine. The Borg Warger five speed manual transmissionis available as a productionoption on vehicles with the 3.3 litre EST engine.Transmissionslor 3.3 EST engine application,carry the code BE stencilledin yellow paint on the lefi hand side of the transmissioncaseare:Revisionsintroducedfor code BE transmissions peening. shot by relieved stress 1. GEARS: 2. 5TH SPEEDMAINSHAFTGEAR: needleroller bearing has been deleted (refer Fig. 7B-1). The gear now rotates on a revised bearing surface on the mainshaft. 3. GEARRATIOS: 3.23 1 rsr II 2 N D 3RD 4TH 5TH RE VER S E 1.96:1 LZO I The followrngchart sets out rnanualtransmission application lor VK Seriesmodels. B ody S tyl e 3.3 l l t:e E S T Torquemaster (3.50:l 'l st gear) E:r g l Var ner J Sta':a'c N /A N oi A,: !:, :r ent a: = Av ai r ac i ::s t- c :- c : on O pti on NOTE: Manual transmrssons are not available if an engine is equipped witn E eclronic Fuel Iniection 1.00: 1 THIS BEARING IS \OT USED tN CODE,,BE' . TRAf.r Sr ,ltSSt O N S - -,\ G!J. G._ .+ /:rE=\ -: i ,a - - ,\ u{,{ e = .*, ,J -JgE -zi 'L: Figure 7B-1 ' I 7B..2MANUALTRANSMISSION 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS NOTE: Before removingany manual transmission,the EST soeed sensor must be removedfrom the rear of the cylinder block. Refer to Service Instruction2.8, Section 6D, lgnitionSystem.of this Supplement. 2.1 TORQUEMASTER For removal and installationinstructionsrefer to Section 07 of the VB Commodore Service Manual Part No . M3 8 145. For overhaul procedures refer to the Torquemaster Service Manual,Part No. 92010388,and Torquemaster ServrceManualSupplement, Part No. M39043. 2.2 BORGWARNER(s-SPEED) For all service operations refer to the Holden CommodoreFive Speed ManualTransmissionServiceManual, Part No. M39071. AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION 7C-1 SECTION7C AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION INDEX Page Ftef. Subject 7C-1 1. GENERALDESCRIPT1ON.............................. 7C-1 CODES. 1.1 TRANSMISSION 1.2 & 2-3 SHIFT CONTROLVALVESAND 1.2 7C-2 SLEEVES 7C-2 1.3 1-2 & 2-3 SHIFT VALVES.......-..-....7C-3 1.4 MANUALVALVE 7C-3 LOW SPEEDTIMINGVALVE.......... 1.5 CONTROLVALVE.... 7C-3 1-2 ACCUMULATOR 1.6 7C-3 P|STONP1N...................... 't.7 ACCUMULATOR 7C-4 1-8 TRANSFERPLATE........... 7C-4 1.9 SERVOPISTON 7C-4 1.10 VALVE BODY IDENTIFICATION 1.11 VACUUMMODULATORVALVEAND 7C-4 SLEEVE... Ref. 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. 5. Page Sublect 7C-5 BANDAOJUSTMENT......... THIRDCLUTCHASSEMBLY 7C-5 7C-6 S E C ON DC LU TC HD U MPB A LL REGULATORBOOSTVALVE PRESSURE 7C€ AND SLEEVE TRANSMISSION SHIFT SPEEDCHART.... 7C-13 TRIMATICTRANSMISSION SPRING IDENTIFICATION CHARTS .... 7C.14 coDE LP (3.3 LITRE EST ENGTNE)............ 7C-14 ............ coDE LR (3.3 LITRE EFr ENGTNE) 7C-14 .................... 7C-15 coDE LS (5.0 LITRE ENGTNE) LINE PRESSURE SPECIFICATION ... . . . . . . . . .7C. . . 15 CHART ......7C-16 SPEC|F|CAT|ONS.............. 1 . GENERALDESCRIPTION The Trimatic Automatic Trasmissionis standard equipment for VK Series on Berlina and Calais. Trimatic is availableas an option on all other VK Seriesmodelswith the 3.3 litre EST, 3.3 litreEFI or 5.0 litreengines. Carryoverof the Trimaticto the above 3.3 litre engines has necessitatedthe release ol new Trimatic transmission codes. Transmissioncodes LP, 3.3 litre EST, and LR. 3.3 litre code FP, 3.3 litreVH, EFl, are the same as transmission exceptwhere noted in this Section. CODES 1.1 TRANSMISSION The lransmissionidentificationplate carriesthe transmission serial numberand applicationcode. The following codes are used with VK SeriesTrimatictransmission. TRANSM I SSI O N CO DE ENGI N E LP 3. 3 lit r e equippe C. '. t ' E S T LR 3. 3 lit r e equippe c '. '.l n E F I LS 5. 0 lit r e LP Code incorporates the earlierdesign olen converter housing and IR code uses the carry:ver 'full circle' converterhousrngdesign. Transmission code tS. 5.0 litre. ca" es over from 5.0 litre VH rrodels and WB Statesman The followingparagraphsset out the calibration details for eachof the rew transmission cooes 7C.2 AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION 1.2 1-2 & 2-3 SHIFTCONTROLVALVES AND SLEEVES All three transmissionsuse the same 1-2 and 2-3 shift controlvalves. ldentilicatronis by a ring aroundthe valve reier Fig. 7C-1 lor 1-2 shifl conlrol valve identification. ID E N TIFIC A TION R IN G Flgure 7C-1 For 2-3 shift controlvalve identificationreter Fig. 7C-2. The three transmissionsalso use the same 1-2 and 2-3 controlvalve sleeves. The 1-2 control valve sleeve is identifiedby a green colourmarkingon the open end of the sleeve. The 2-3 control valve sleeve has no colour markino on the open end of the sleeve. ID E N TIFIC A TION _ R IN G Figure 7C-2 1.3 1-2 & 2-3 SHTFTVALVES All three transmissions use the same 1-2 and 2-3 shift valves. The 1-2 shift valve is identifiedby a hole drilled in the end of the valve. ReferFig. 7C-3). This hole has a 1-2 shift valve spring inserted,which assists governor pressureto reduce the road speed at whichthe lightthrottle1-2 upshiftsoccur. with the Series 3 shift This valve is not interchanoeable valve. D R ILLI\G - Figure 7C-3 The 2-3 shift valve is identiiiedby a ring around the centreof the valve stem (referFig. 7C- ). This valve is not interchangeable with the Series 3 shift valve. ID EN T IF IC AT IO N R I\G- Figure 7C-4 AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION 7C-3 1.4 MANUALVALVE A modified manual valve is used with LS code transmissions. It incorporatesan end drilling with 2 bleed holes (refer Fig. 7C-5). The modifications to the manual valve improvethe shift qualityfrom drive into neutralrange. Figure 7C-5 1.5 LOW SPEEDTIMINGVALVE The low speed timing valve in codes LR and LS transmissionshas been revised.The overall lengthof the valve has been decreased from 48.M-48.90 to 43.543.8 mm (referFig. 7C-6). This is to allow the inclusion of a low speed timing controlvalve and sleeve. For details of the low speed timing valve and control valve operation,refer to page 40 of the ServiceManual 'TrimaticPrinciplesof Operation'Part No. M37823. Figure 7C-6 CONTROL 1.6 1.2 ACCUMULATOR VALVE use a common 1-2 All three new code transmissions accumulatorcontrolvalve. The diameterof the spool section of the valve has been 2 mm to 11.079-11.087 mm increased from 8.705-8.71 (referFig. 7C-7). This valve is not interchangeablewith the Senes 3 controlvalve. + _-_I_ 11 n70 :i :^: tt.u6/ DtA.! Figure 7C-7 PISTONPIN 1.7 ACCUMULATOR has The accumulatorpistonpin on all three transrnissions been increased in length trom 43.2 mm to 44.2 mm (referFig. 7C-8). The accumulatoroistonsorinqhas been deletedfrom the three transmissions. .<_ 43.2 _ 44.2 mm _ Figure 7G-8 ________> 7C.4 AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION 1.8 TRANSFERPLATE Transfer plates are identified by their part number stampedin the area shownin Fiq. 7C-9. T R ANSFER PLATE P ART NUMBER APPLI CATI O N 92017838 LP P A R T N U MB E R S TA MP E D IN TH IS A R E A I 9/' ( r-n l rl l f - -+t J 9242' , 278 o O Figure 7C-9 1.9 SERVOPISTON For identificationdetails of the servo piston used in all threetransmissions, referFig. 7G10. The servo piston is the same in all three transmissrons but the servo cushion springs ditfer. Refer to Spring ldentificationCharts in this Section for cushion spnng identification. D fME N S fON 'A ' = 21 .99-2'i .f4nm Figure 7C-10 1.10VALVE BODYIDENTIFICATION The valve body for each transmissioncarriesthree digits followed by the calibrationalpha letter stamped on the undersideof the body,adjacentto the accumulatorpiston pin (relerFig. 7C-11). T RA NS M T SS IOrN qODE_-- LP ---- -V A LV E B OD Y I D E N TI F I C A TI ON I eZe" LR c alib"at ion - aipha c har ac t er Figure 7C-11 1.11VACUUMMODULATOR VALVE AND SLEEVE - ID EN T I F IC AT IO N All three transmissionsuse the same vacuum modulator valve and sleeve. Valve identificationis by a ring aroundthe valve stem as shownin Fig. 7C-12. Figure7C-12 R IN G AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION 7C-5 The vacuum modulatorsleeve is identifiedby the length of the sleeve,Fig.7C-13, and a blue colour markingon the closedend. Figure 7C-13 1.12 BAND ADJUSTMENT The correctband adjustmentprocedureis as follows: 1. Remove oil pan and servo cover, loosen adjusting screw lock nut. 2. Using Tool No. 7AT4 and a torque wrench, tighten adiustingscrew to 4.5 Nm then back off screw. .1 .1 I: t- T U R N SBA C K E DOFF 3. Tightenlock nut and install servo cover and oil pan. Refill transmission with Dexron ll Automatic TransmissionFluid. OU IC K R E LE A S E V A LV E Jtr h . Figure7C-14 1.13THIRD CLUTCHASSEMBLY The third clutch assembly for code LS transmissions diflersfrom that used in the six cylindercodes. Revisionshave been made to the clutch piston return springsand spring retainer. Dimensionsfor third clutch returnspringsare as follows: ] I rnnrrrsrvrssroN cooE LP& LR LS Free Lengt h 26. 97 m m 29.13mm To t al Coils Diam et er 8 .7 5 10. 9 m m For identification of the LS return spring retainer,refer Fig . 7C-1 5. Figure 7C-'15 . 7C.6 AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION 1. 14SE C O N DC L U T C HD U MPB A L L Code LS transmissionshave incorporateda dump ball in the secondclutch circuit. When the second clutch is being applied,second clulch oil seats the ball and the leed is directed through an orifice. During the release of the clutch, the ball is unseated and the clutch can exhaust at a faster rate throughthe two onfices.Refer Fig. 7C-16. T F -O o z -oRrFtcE Flgure 7C-16 1.15PRESSUREREGULATORBOOST VALVE AND SLEEVE The transmission pressure regulator boost valve and sleevehave been revisedon LS code transmissions. For details ol the boost valve and sleeve used on the three transmissions refer to Figs.7C-17,7C-18and the charts below. VALVE CHART 15. 126- 15. 11 8 mm 1 1 .7 6 5- 1' l.7 5 8mm 15. ' 126 - 15.11 8 mm 1 1 7 6 5 -1 1 .7 5 8 m m 16. 502- 16.4 9 4mm r J /b o - tJ.//v mm Figure 7C-17 SLEEV E CHART r RAN S COD E B -l LP 15. 159- 15. 1 3 8m m 1 ' 1 .7 9 6 -i l 7 7 8m m i LR 15 .15 9- i5.1 38 m m 11. 796- 11 778m m LS 1 6 5 35 - 16 .515 m m i3. 8i9 - i3 779 m m ----T-A] il ii BA .L Figure 7C-18 AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION 7C.7 . '-;i-!sa-. ---"--"a- -\ ::/ . --\. -\--< -t. -'l , - =s . r . S E N S O RH O L : I // ) d%\ q-l ia ,a . \i @) \ r--- , w) _-___...-.r,,.,r, (\ tt /^J\ ^5,i : \ Ol - ; --E R TU B E A SM. ,.,- v@+s,t -(./' .\,, \ - \ i),X \l/ ) s/ \1. ,. --d /)\ O r A-------t\ L. \: CONVEFTE B --l 2 0 - 2 8 Nr V IE W MA TC H B LU E P A i N T B A LA N C E MA R K ON C ON V E FT=R \!ITH E LU E P A IN T B A LA N C E i \l A FK ON D R IV E P L A TE . 4 5 - 5 ONm 7 . 0 - 1 9 .0 Nm 6 1 -7 ONm INSTALLATIONDETAILS _ 3.3 LITRE E.S.T. TRANSMISSION Figure 7C-19 7C.8 AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION \\ I ,/. .. /.t:- ,e tv . ''i ' ,." ),, ,,2, . C ON V E R TE R H OU S IN G B OLTS 4 P LA C E S B:, t1 % / ?--",' <-- : --" 4 (R,' /J 5 3 - 10.6Nm ; 20- 2 8 N m L"_ A 45- 5 0 N m & A 61 - 7 0 N m A 40 z t\ ,A 1c r - 2 P LA C E S M A T C H B L U E P A INT BAL ANCE M ARK- O N C O N V E R T E R WIT H 3 L UE PAINT B A L A N C E M A R K ON DRIVE PL AT E. VI EW 51 Nm TRANSMISSION INSTALLATIONDETAILS- 3.3 LITRE E.F.I.ENGINE Figure 7C-20 AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION 7C.9 /^:L-- ^ tv Har t =F !r^ :H --:-/ T. lg rL-!:: % tr . ).\ :-{- \ \ \ € ! fr (aJi ,,/'4 PLACES .3 MA TC H B LU E P A IN T E A LA N C E \1A R K -' ON C ON V E R TE R WITH B LU E P A IN T B A LA N C E MA FK ON D R IV E P LA TE 3 7 . 0 - 1 0 .0 Nm , 4 0 - 5 4 Nm 1 40 4 8 Nr n TRANSMISSIONI NSTALLATIONDETAILS _ 5.0 LITRE ENGINE Figure 7C-21 i---tlrr- V IE W 7C.10 AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION q) J a = IJJ U o z o t u tr il tr .J gJ t2 l z O-^ => z; F 9- z o (-) q.1 Ll o> o-; =F t q@ o O-g 2o) u cc u.i iz YU' z- Ir =tr u ats LrJ c or-c r 9> + F 3 He ;.).; ; 4 I = r '4 6 --6 !:< z o rn = k -1 --;A * a -F UJ F X o € fv o z L a:o = IU O c't i ;:>F F J :- r--: uJ 6| 6| () t! sz i+ Y UO> - o 2 g > ) ) >e 2= '. :c !- >r =u 0- / 1r t> // ,/ -/ --. >ia / c : z r l LC)I A -\l AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION 7C.11 z 9 t UJ J 3 U : t. F vl ,, uiA enHi =vd! Zt!n{ "'A-,, U = u{ > z d Y OL !U loni F uJ a J F l a -L II U J '- t o o :o {< )> 6\, ( oF LIJ ) = T ; x :l /< = l\ \.. \ \,,,,: L 7- Gl O) \ U .:\-\ 1' \ ''\ ' Dn u rl tl ' rrt 7C-12AUTOMATICTRANSMISSION z a l= -L: J 7 --) it ,1 I J '1Tr u) z .n IIJ CL -U ul ,-x e -J \\/ \Yi \\\\t/ z o -- A / / E uJ ccE /,, I iv FF ,uJ \ U JF F O U Ur t -W z o cr I (h 2 A:Y:!C co E u) L- r ) O z (r "t!uu: -E zQrz; =U5;< IuE u* I+ 8 .. i , ^ 'o c z .^ Yl i >u z z =) l >, 2 N tttt- vvthL rul F UEL PIC K .U P FI LTE R L FuE L R E TU R N LIN E (FOB P R E S U R ER E GU LA TOR ) Figure 8A-1 FU E L GA U G: -A N K U N IT 8A.2 FUEL TANK 1.1 SWIRLPOT The plastic swirl pot, located inside the fuel tank on 3.3 litre EFI models, is mounted on the bottom of the tank (Fig. 8A-2). lt providesa reservoirof fuel to prevent the fuel pick up becominguncoveredduring corneringor when the fuel level in the tank is low. For practical purposes, the swirl pot is part of the tank and no servicework is possibleon it. -1 ; FU E L P IC K .U PP IP E \ S WIR L C H A MB E R _ Flgure 8A-2 The fuel return line is connectedto a venturiat the base of the swirl pot. This high velocity jet of fuel picks up extra fuel and delivers it to the pot through a tangential passage.This keeps the pot full of fuel irrespectiveof the level in the tank, and the swirlingaction separatesau and vapourfrom the fuel (referFig. 8A-3). The continuoussupply of luel to the swirl pot ensures that the fuel pick up does not draw any air into the fuel system. V E N TU R I :. ---->l FU E L E N TB Y F R OM TA N K 'l ]- V,,l FU E L R E TU FN IN G FR OM P R E S S !R = R E GU LA TOR Figure 8A-3 1.2 F U ELG AU GET A N K U N IT The fuel gauge tank unit (Fig. 8A-4) for the EFI systemis of a new design and is not interchangeable with previous Commodore tank units. The fuel pick up filter is immersedin fuel insidethe swirl pot. The gaugeunit is mounted to the tank by 5 screws and sealed against leakage by a cork gasket between the tank and the gauge unit. Sealant Part No. M39040 is appliedto the threadsof the screws and mating surfaceof cork seal to fuel tank. For removal,testing and reinstallationinstructions,refer to service operation 2.6, Section '12C in this Supplement. Figure 8A-4 !t- - v ry FUELTANK 8A-3 1.3 FUELTANK Fuel tank removaland installationinstructionsremainthe same as on previousCommodoremodels. The only differenceis with EFI models,on removal,the luel return line must be disconnectedand reconnected on installation(refer Fig. 8A-5). Extreme caution musl be exercisedwhen disconnecting either the fuel return hose or the fuel feed hose to the fuel pump, as a great deal of tuel will spill trom the hoses. Before startingvehicle,carry our fuel systemleak test as per service operation 3.2' Section6C, Electronic Fuel Injection,of this SuPPlement. FTE L FE E D LIN : / ---, -" Gh EIU - \ - U tr L h U Jtr Figure 8A-5 8A.4 FUEL TANK G LJJU cr r!< O C I r-n t ua r. == -- F : F ! z a F a (i 2 u aa :c f> ( - N II'::: t \ t! u tr' 6 u F F 1 = o l --=__ L z F X\ i: -\ \r ,,/ tr.J : 3 U a c F z (r qJ ct) U U J J z F cn q) ^J <\N.-,4 T - _--_\,_ z S-) rl \' \z -=+: U6 3 !t F :l o 2 o t u E ./' t't c/, -F -u,u U (/> \JE I IIJ z a a z F< lo Our ;cn ZY uJ> tll = (-) o I z F O U o ) <5 eE z-z - I U =uJ 1A _ . /I Ats '., __.)L:+b r{< )-o F E -1 Lu Jz UN -: ( I rl -l / +- f- + - '-tt -""/ t:- , I (o ru I rt- FUELTANK 8A-5 a F z Tz U] >l"d UiCE OrX @ o": @ I U! z E ,' i o '-=- ; \\-/ r I o \-': \ z cc uJ (J it' LIJ : I E F O U a F U tt) U z I tr I F O ul 6 r a'. B L u o cc a P J 2 vZ F -:== Z. - -z? !oI a 2r 3 ni >= I ,'i-;-el / - (E ,' B s6 = lr U' Y', z= -cc YU J *5 zu) <:z F> !! u.l Zs zJ c; o \ l-col E z lcu vN Fjg F FT 1d -=36^- ZL < aZ L', a q -Fl -1- 2@ F9 z L r z F nt! z= :> -U 3> FC Zr oa6 ct = F I I F ll. t- = c0 z J uJ 6 u z a J d o u @ i = = .a - z N € I 8A.6 FUEL TANK u oi zl L (I 4z u CE t= \ -\ 11 o I o z z o 0 (J ^L 0( ) =z 2 t" ^ L Il - F tnn* -t, Lv U "! o r a* O \ 7 LU F F l o z .U z auJ .. u - ttQ z " ( 0u t o) (D o 3 I tt 8A-8 FUELTANK (r l o c cr UI F = I \: z 9 F l 7 z F O U U) ,,4 -z J u II u u U n z -- o U ) il vl tr F u o z< I,.i <; ztr E t[ZJ) oa 3 u u cn II a F I -v) ( 9J F z o u =x n r L == oz so r:< o Y " z -: ?= sH < 5 .o I a a z o (-) U -a @ I o z tr U (o z - i.. N \J \-] FUEL TANK 8A-9 : u u- tr=< U@ >N Zl as >: uu z 9 = z o = F 6 z ) v) t1 =6 uJ> zq J6 P= a> >J ,i:./Z ,cY./.. / \ r e) v ) ,/ \,/ E2 ,3 ) ,/ lrl lol : t:l u - ^-- - @ ctt lt 8A.10FUELTANK U z = U cc co --'--, = i#{ ,r' -\ z! -= l-, a a? cc l u l z L F C) L !r lz t I ( -)) u( ! tr l o a r_T] II?J tr Z 't FUJ frOf co 4 ul z= t-l H t f= t? ?o t1 (n >! < cc r llJ i q, tr- ) z_ V --- --]:. --rr \ \\ \\ -. = J tz f= ol rF u\ C F = ! \Z > c! t\ I : 5 -rl 4 (o o I lt F UELT ANK 8A .11 I ,i\;(Jr ( u v,,, i,',* \*>6._, \ ( U F -,_lo-l J r a-41-r J U f L ,a; ?rt == tA 2_d = U L € o U 41J 2v r- : = ! - .2 : T ( //r = ..\ ItTtl lEl € lzl L (I cc o = u cc F ? z z tr f F U r O o F tr l < o -) u c l i I l( ); ce I U z_ ) z o F (-) U @ )) Z E l F U E 5 I az 2-a ; CU) zu) ,u !uJ =U) l -Y o I ll 8A.12 FUEL TANK 2. TORQUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS Nm Fu el Tank St r ap, Bolt s and Nut s Fu el P oe Hos eClam os Fu ei Tank SenderUnit Sc r er v s( E. F . l . o n l v ) . NOTES 26 - 32 1 2.8 -3.2 EXHAUSTSYSTEM8B.1 SECTION88 EXHAUSTSYSTEM INDEX Ref. 1. 2. 2. 1 Subject Page GENERALDESCRTPTTON .............................. 8B-1 SERVICEOPERATIONS 8B-1 EXHAUSTEXTRACTOR 8B-1 Remove........ 8B-l Reinstall 8B-2 j Ref. r 3. 4- Subject Paqe SPECtFtCATIONS.............. .......8B-i1 TORQUEWFENCHSPECIFICATIONS........ 8B-12 1 . GENERALDESCRIPTION All 3.3 litre VK Series models equippedwith Electronic Spark Timing (EST) have a single exhaust systemwhich carries over from VH L6 models. All 3.3 litre VK Series models equippedwith Electronic Fuel lnjection(EFl) have the singletype exhaustsystem, but in place of the standardexhaustmanifold.a set of stainlesssteel exhaustextractorsrs fitled Five litre VK Series models have fifted a dual type exhaust system.which is carried over from VH 5.0 litre models. 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS When installingthe exhaustsystem,care must be taken to install each part or assemblyin correct relationto one another. Inconect assemblyof exhaust system components can frequently be the cause oi rattles or 'booms' due to incorrectalignmentor clearancefrom the body or suspensionparts. When installing the exhaust system, ensure that the correct assembly, installation,tightening sequence and clearancefor the systeminvolvedis observed. 2.1 EXHAUSTEXTRACTOR REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Remove air flow duct and inlet manifoldas per service operations 3.9 and 3-11 Section6C (Electronic Fuel Injection) of this Supplement. 3. Removegeneratorbrace bolt (Fig.8B-1),disengage fan belt from generatorpulley. Loosen generatorto support bracket bolt and nut (Fig. 8B-1) and swing generatordown away from the engineblock. 4. Raise front of vehicleand place on stands. z- B R A C E B O Lt B R A C K E T E OLT Figure 88-1 8B.2 EXHAUSTSYSTEM 5. Loosen exhaust clamp around exhaust eltractors (Fig. 8B-2). Tie up exhaust pipe with wire, so that the pipe is supported when the extractors are removed. 6. Lowerfront of vehicle. 7. Remove erlractor end flange mounting bolts from cylinder head. Disconnectenractors from the exhaust pipe and lift out extractors from engine compartment. \ ,, { ,T E X H A U S T C LA MP 1r ^r ou* \=\ ----7 E X TR A C TOR S E X H A U S T P IP E- Flgure 8B-2 REINSTALL 1. Clean mating surfaces ol exlraclors, inlet manifold and cylinderhead. 2. Inserla new manifoldgasket in place on the cylinder head. 3. Positionextractors,engaging the exhaust pipe and positioningonto cylinderhead. Reinstall inlet manifold and air flow duct as per service operations 3.9 and 3.11, Section 6C (ElectronicFuel lnjection)of this Supplement. 5. Tighten e).tractormountingbolts to torque specified at end of this Section 6. Refit fan belt and generatorbrace bolt, readlustfan belt and tighten generatorto support bracket bolt and nut. 7. Raisefront of vehicleand place on stands. 8. Removesupportingwire.Tightenexhaustclampsand check exhaustsystemclearance. 9. Connectbattery earth lead. Check for fuel leaks as per service operation 3.2, Section6C (Electronic Fuel Iniection)of this Supplement. 10. Startengine and checkfor exhauslleaks. 11. Lowerfront ol vehicle. 4. ..--: EXHAUSTSYSTEM8B-3 E. ul ) LUL L ;> J O ) uZl -J J cc< I o ) +L m i I l.-L -T ; F * U a -l-4, @(!Nf (r U l@ rU I U d l @ F U) 6 O zz zz< T-,,, ;< -l >Y aOuJ i,r.. t^ ; iz ^A =; clr 3< .a 5 z ^N i t/ tu z z t! l 1 /o UA coY * ul co > r@> zz4 i! aa -L! ><= i Q =; J ;i o ao CO o '4= ( F J =k -tr, U tv^/.;rll P< UU -9 I $O F ll r ct) lt :d L e Ata Q uJ (t) ^ Y- _ { rr I cce F :Jvo u <* uo :< -m a /'L (J \-l !< rl z< dl z z 22 N3 - 'I 88.4 EXHAUSTSYSTEM 4 I co (i (, z cc^ ,6 =u P< u r U uJ O cri I co cc U a I l c! a z F z U E F; q a+a CC U 3 6J UJ z l (9 2 uJ ifi E ? r.,r >E ^St a u :> gc o >S Yt^ -U O F l v)l z J L == Y< /, Cu '! gu iri u -c: i= =5 z a- 1,' -< )(n z| oC E ir o- ia fu (9o' >: [-J ut<6 U,N : r@ - tr O 9> " ,=Yi i " - : .h 4 u uJ r '> d u ,. ! :, cf co > :(a Aa a u J[ t. ': -6 -n i: ,^ 1 \ z=- z 22* ,2#, F tr z F J o l -= _eel:v,j c-Jr(Jr - JJ- U f r A^ - q LlJ z FU z U: qJ F r.! 22 z\ >: -! X a/) u.J lu G U' )[ \..1 )J /> l C:=-1i\ U '='t\ X -\l ) \< F U.1 / \\-< '\. ,t( Rfi !3 \a / \-aP\!u a, ( : g.- UJ - U z< zz U7 z-! r:- = C ; F :ta = I llJ -\ ro o l! tr 88.6 EXHAUSTSYSTEM zz liP L/ a^a) .= 3-L -z @Y I I F tt I I z ^>z u.l q 6 zu z x= X >z J_ tt z ->) \o> a LLilI ;-C).^ zz :; J O- 6 <- @ i; > : uJi =z FF Bf r c/, g= t/, EH a 9 T> -z X .tt uJ uJ ulA ( ItY \ J O > -.; F< a. li! L z uJ FU J f,o: OF tJ) Y U tc ) - P<5=CO ;= > 6 -'a zz< Ir !! -l z ! u ><= >i 2 la3! ''t \ : z N s N \l (o @ o o g r EXHAUSTSYSTEM8B-7 z UU )-J FF (h at) : r,1\ o)6 \ LlJ / tt) \)l U- z^ o)o = /F U a I c) U I zo U cc a o U cr FJ U l - z f,z i r!v -1 C \ (" J r u tr I -; N li J () J ti il lll z ou I L tr o o OI of _U cc F U c/2 lll z ) U z J IJJ O (o \Z t\ @ @ = ul U uJ F ct) J F tr = o lt f C, I T I x (9 z o z F U ul tr U F i U ct) r F z o ct rI UU I I -- (t i: ;t (t ,c = a ) o .t I 3 l - "/,,tr o I o z qq I .z >- I E Ul F ,i FO ! a Uq-. ( ouJ C a o I -,,>, I - -\ < 88.8 EXHAUSTSYSTEM n I c0 U J z :> ( -) ,; ; \l ul n l<=J i\ J o I o (, z z I L U t^ ct U J : 5 U z l c ig 1< z : : o z a.< @l o : -j z c tr o o ) I T z o F O U 0 I z F a F O F O J tr @ ? ! q Lu z (9 z 'v //o ,' n //\r // - U :l ut FU J fE OF P > -i t; 5ro t&- cc CD nr\ iln, z 9 H! z \J, -) z l = r U z J J \ V' 'y'' ' r//z /=. . I -F O U a tr ct) sx Zo rE Xo uJ qJ uJ cn Y d \,r z q, g= :l : : : tr c z o FJ u a i5 '\ //// ,/ /// \, //t/rR / di dx u,7 I \ -r z = :: J @ tr F FF o o EXHAUSTSYSTEM88.9 REAR cRossMEMBER ---r, FU E L TA N K l ,\ ti Ai ra;-- fl \ \, \\ BAr \ VI \\ il\o __>120 l<_ SECT ION E_ E S E C TION F_F S :C TION G-G F O R L OCAT ION OF SECT IONS REF ER F IG ub-5 5 O LITRE D U A L lr FLOORPAN ,,-f:AR ^i: :: /T REARM UF F L ER -f /---\ I ("----'I <-- \ , F UE L TA N K 25.0->i <-- secrroru K-K :cr :.. L-L F O R L OCAT T ONOF SECT IONS REF ER F r GS 3B -3,5 ES E X H A U S TS Y S TE MC LE A R A N C Figure 8B-9 FU E L TA \K - ""t.' ' lJ.! ;\\ \ \ /-^\ {- --7 ----->1 \--'-'\ secrror A-A \ sEcrroru C-C S= C r r C NB - B F O R SECT ION L OCAT IONS REFER FIG 3 8 J EX H A U S T S Y S T E M C L E A R A N C E S Figure 8&10 '.' -;: -E R 88-10 EXHAUSTSYSTEM a o o tr ?,3 A[@ = c tr uJ 2 uJ f U; Y o z z tIJ F T tr d F z uJ E :> \ O =J J Ff niFc ^ ==v 4 t,' 4- 1 ^v^ Yc0=L:.1dFd -o Ho i" F ^Ou u ^ ^ >;= > uO< Yz r F;: ? * d 'u r -o ---zHo H.* 9io '-oicr s=JU)7=t? :; < ? =fr == rIF!UFYY Y uv^Fz:1'li \==!f- ** ; [ A 7^ ax o €= Z i, > = .E cc() . iT z J JV -E Y< ;o4 TU J H=9: !F8 -^="'r- 5 E: i f ,tP= l zl l u -r:, l^gUz^ U FE- a ir coXZ= 5 Y5 *! x ou9FU >=2L =uCE- ^cr < 1J' =::;]FFFI *o';o Flur> >;o !>>-'l o;><..,,;= B.^ .y oz = 2Y:. > ! -..: >u Er!> F E ;F} -J <:x? qd z =* :!> -:i ^7 gz ^ e= Y - 3= oe !r |lJ v7 ZY a? c) tr z E U F o g z = F E f X uJ F ./) T X UJ F l o UJ ( i a (, z U o F L I *1* ,# € qJ UJ F IL o F EXHAUSTSYSTEM88.11 r e: C R A i . ] K S I A FT + | | /.! -- V '<-2J2 0 mm --> EX H A U S TE X TR A C TORC LE A R A N C E S 3.3 LITR E E FI I]IOD E LS Figure 8B-12 3. SPECIFICATIONS Ty pe: 3 . 3 't r e E S T a l l r r o d e l s 3 3 t 'e E F I ( w : h e x t r a c t o r s ) Single. Single . Dual . . 5.0 'i tre mode s Ex haus tPipe 5C 8mm M a te r ia l S eam i ,n,el dedsteel tube En g in e Pip e Dia m e te r : Ex haus tEx t r ac t or pipe d a 3 s.zes I nt er m ediat epipe dia. 50 8 mm 50.8 mm 50.8 rrm M u f f le r co n n e ctin g p ip e d a T^ir^i^^ I orrPrPr l;^ uio. 35 mm x 6 PiPes 4 i . 5 m m x 3 P i P es 50.8mmx1pp- 88.12 EXHAUSTSYSTEM 4. TORQUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS Ex haus : Ex t r ac t or t o Head Bolt s Ex haus t Ex r r ac t or t o Head Nut s EnginePr peFlanget o M anif old Nu t s L 6 & V 8 Ex haus tClam p Nut s NOTES Nm 27 -34 41 -48 Iz - to 24-32 STEERING9-1 sEcTtoN9 STEERING INDEX Ref. Subject Page I Ref. Subject paae 1. cENERALDEscRtPTtoN.............................. sr 3. ToRouE wRENcHspEcrFrcATroNs........;i 2. SERVTCE OPERAT|ONS.................... 9.1 1. GENERALDESCRIPTION The steering system for VK Series mo'delscanies over from VH Seriesmodels. 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS For all service operations not noted in this Section refer to the VB CommodoreService ManualPart No. M38145 and the VH CommodoreServiceManualSupplementPart No. M38731. On VK Series models there is fitted two types ol lower steering shaft to intermediate steering shaft couplingclamp. Part No. 92021862is identifiedby a date code stamp, refer to Fig. 9-1, Part No. 7809433 which does not have a date code stamp. The clamp nut tighteningtorque specificationhas been revised,refer to specificationsat end of this Section. LUU tr _l> Flgure 9-1 3. TORQUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS CouplingClam p Nu i 42-48Nm WHEELSAND TYRES 10.1 SECTION10 WHEELSAND TYRES INDEX Ref. Subiect Page Ref. 3. page Subject TORQUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS........ 'Io.2 1. GENERALDESCRIPTION The tyre and wheel size on SL sedan models has been revised.The SL sedan has fitted a new 5.5 x 14 JJ steel wheelwith a BR78S14(P175/75SR14)sizetyre. A new tyre P185/75 HR14 is now used on 5.0 litre models, this replaces the CR78 H14 tyre used on VH models. All other wheel and tyre sizes remain the same as used on VH models. The Calais has fitted, as slancard eouipment,a newly designedallov road wheel. The atov road wheel as used on VH SLE modelsnow becomesocrronateouiomenton Berlinamodels. Service operationsare as described,n the Commodore VB and VH seriesservicemanuals. 10.2 WHEELSAND TYRES 2. SPECIFICATIONS Ste elWheel: 5.5 JJ (OnS L S edanonl y) 6.0 JJ Rim W idt h Di am et er Ma x im um per mis s abler adialr un- ou t Ma x im um per mis s ablelat er alr un- ou t Off s et . . . . . t.{ tncn 0.8 mm 1.0 mm 5.5JJX 14-37mm 6.0JJX 14-43mm Alloy Wheels : 6.0 JJ 15 i nch 0.25mm 0.3 mm 44 mm Rim W idt h Dr am et er . . . . Ma x im um per m is s able r adialr un- ou t lat er alr un- ou t Ma x im um per m is s able Off set Dyna mic Balanc ing: W heel/ Ty r e Ma x im um per m is s able out of balanc e Ma x im um per m is s able Ty r e r adial ist h a r m o n i c f or c e v ar iat ion( Ty r e only ) . 1.5 kg mm 80N Maximum Load Rat ing lper Ty r e) : B R 7 8 S1 4 c R 7 8 S' ,r4 cR 70 Hl4 P205i',60H R15 P 1 8 5 /7 5 H R 1 4 P 18 5 /7 5 5 R41 525 ks 560 kg 600 ks 590 kg 530 ks 585 kg RECO M M END E D C O L D I N F L A T I O N P R E S S U R E- k P a I t nE DE S T G N AT T ON u P T O 3 PA SS E N GE R S FRONT i U P TO MA X . H E A D RCAN FR ON T REAR BR 78 S14 200 200 240 240 P 1751 7S5R r4 200 200 240 240 P18 5/7 5 HRi4 200 200 240 240 193 10? 221 221 cR 78S',r4 | CR 70 H 1 4 193 193 221 221 P 205l6 0H R 15 200 200 221 221 3. TORQUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS Ro adViheelSec ur ingNut s . . 100- 108N m F! BATTERY& CABLES 12A.1 SECTION12A BATTERY& CABLES I NDEX Ref. 1. 1. 1 1. 2 2. 2. 1 2.2 Subject Page GENERALTNFORMATTON ............................ 124-1 DESCRTPTTON .................... 12A.-1 SERVICENOTES 12A.-1 SERVICEOPERATIONS 124-2 BATTERY,SERVICE 124-2 BATTERY,TEST...........,, 124-2 State of Charge - Low llaintenance Type Batteries Hydrometer Test -...-........ 12A.-2 State of Charge MaintenanceFree Batteries .............. 12A-3 Load Test - All Batteries .................... 12A.4 Ref. 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. 4. paqe Subject CHARGINGBATTERTES. ....... :nEA Low MaintenanceTypes .................... 12A-4 MaintenanceFree Types.................... 12A-5 VEHICLEWIRING,PERIODICAL CHECKS 12A-5 DRY CHARGEDBATTERY,STOREAND ACTIVATE .........t2A-s DIAGNOSTS ...... 12A-6 SPEC|FICAT|ONS............. .......12A-5 1. GENERALINFORMATION 1.1 DESCRIPTION In all VK Series models,the 12 volt batteryis locatedin the engrne compartment behind the passenger side headlamp.The main battery cables are attachedto the battery terminals by spring ring type clamps and the negativeterminalis earthedto the vehicle body and the engineblock. Vehiclesfitted with the 3.3 litre EST or EFI engine are equipped with a low maintenance 80 min/215 amp battery.(Optionalequipmentsuch as air conditioningand trip computerdo not requirea larger battery). Vehicles litted with the 5.0 litre engine, a 75 min/ 235 amp, maintenancefree battery is fitted. 1.2 SERVICENOTES NOTE:The spring ring clamp battery terminalsshouldbe removedas shown in Fig. 124-1. Never prise clamps off with a screwdriveror hammer. Push down as far as possibleon the battery post when refitting battery leads. CAUTION: Do not allow liquid from battery to contact eyes, skin, clothing or painted surfaces. Battery fluid containssulphuric acid which causes injury and damage in the event of contact. Flgure 12A-1 12A-2BATTERY& CABLES 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS The followingproceduresshould be used to service,test and recharge batteries. Unless these procedures are properly followed, good batteries may be replaced needlessly' 2.1 BATTERY,SERVICE 1. Check battery terminalsand around battery area for corrosion deposits.Remove any deposits and treat with a solution of warm water and baking soda or ammonia, then rinse otf with clean water. Smear battery posts and terminals with petroleumjelly to resistcorrosion. 2. Check battery case and replace battery if case is cracKeo. 3. On all batteriesexcept mainlenancefree batteries, check electrolyte level and carefully top up with distilledwater as necessaryto level of indicator.DO NOT OVERFILL. NOTE: Normal battery water usage is less than 30 ml per 10,000 km, but may be more for long continuous runningor high temperatures. 4. Check that batteryis firmly secured by its clamping bracket. 5. Check that battery cable terminals are securely attachedto batteryposls and that cable insulationis not damaged or wom anyrnherealong cable. Check that cables do not have broken or frayed strands and that they are securein their terminals. 2.2 AATTERY,TEST TYPE STATEOF CHARGE. LOW MAINTENANCE BATTERIES. HYDROMETERTEST NOTE: Ensure specificgravity of battery electrolytehas not been previouslyreduced to suit hot climate (explanatorytag specifying specific gravity of new electrolyteshould be attachedto battery in conspicuousposition.) b. lf water has been added to battery,do not use hydrometeruntil electrolytehas been mixed by chargingfor at least30 mins. Hold hydrometervertically and draw in sufficient liquid from battery cell to allow float to float freely with bulb fullyreleased. Compensatereadingfor temperatureby adding0.004 tor every 5oC that the electrolyte temperature exceeds 27oC, or subtracting0.004 lor every 5oC l e ssthan 27oC. a. Flgure 12A-2 BATTERY& CABLES 12A.3 Determine state of charge of battery using temPerature compensated specilic gravity and followingtable. 3. TemperatureComPensated SpecificGravitY Fully Char ged 1 .2 4 0to 1.260 Recha rgeW hen Below Fu lly Dis c har ged 1. 110t o 1 . 1 3 0 NOTE: a. lf electrolytespecilic gravity has been reduced b. for service in hot climates, typical temperature adjusted value of specific gravity below which battery should be rechargedis 1.150. The specific aravity of a charged battery should not vary more than 0.025 between cells. Large variationsindicatedefectivecells. STATE OF CHARGE. MAINTENANCE FREE BATTERIES NOTE: Maintenance free batteries operate on the same basic principle as other lead-acid batteries.As the battery is charged, lead sulphate in the plates is convertedto lead in- the negative plate, and to lead oxide in the positiveplate. Also, the specific gravity of the sulphuric acid electrolyteincreases. The essential difference between low maintenanceand maintenancefree batteries, is in the lead alloy in the grids.When the battery is operated in the car at 14.0 V to ta.S V, the rate of water loss is so low that topping up is unnecessaryduring the life ol the battery,and the top can be permanently sealed. In the AC Delco MainlenanceFree battery in the VK Seriesmodels,all of the acid is held within a hightlyporous separatormaterial. Even when tully charged,the gases which are normally evolved from the water in the electrolyte are fully reabsorbed.Acid cannot leak at all. There is much less risk of explosionwith this type of battery' '1. The state of charge of a sealed battery can be checked by measuring the OPEN CIRCUIT VoLTAGE. (O.C.V.) 2. Disconnectbattery from all loads. Measurevoltage across terminalswith a voltmeteraccurateto at least 0.1 volts. A digitalmeter is recommended. 3. Determine state of charge of battery using the following table, which is accurate if the battery has been off chargeor dischargelor severalhours' BATTER Y CO NDI TI O N Fuil v Char ged I Re ch ar geW hen Below Fully Dr s c har ged O PEN CI RCU I T V O L T A G E UVCT I I.Y V 1 2 . 5V Les st ha n 1 1 . 1 V 12A.4 BATTERY& GABLES CAUTION: lf battery is in a car which has just stopryd, or has just come off charge or discharge,the O.C.V. will be higher or lower. Reliable readings will be obtained if battery is left standing tor several hours, say overnight. For quick checks just off charge, connect a load of about 10 to 15 amps, such as headlights, for five to ten minutes. The O.C.V. will be close to the fully stabilized reading.A little experience,carefully noting if the voltage is varying duing checks, and how quickly, will soon enable reliable measurementsto be obtained. LOAD TEST . ALL BATTERIES 1. Check batterystate of charge as above. lf under half charge,rechargebeforeconductingthis test. 2. Connecta voltmeteracross batteryterminals. 3. Start engrnewhilst readingvoltmeter. During starting at normal temperatures,indicated voltage of a fully charged battery should not fall below 10V. lf voltage lalls away quickly, battery is faulty. lf battery and engine temperaturesare below 5oC, voltage may be 0.5 to 1.0V lower.lf one cell is faulty it will show up in this test by excessivegassing or overheating. NOTE: Battery €n be tested under load using a commercial battery tester as per manufacturer's instructions. 2.3 CHARGINGBATTERIES Proceduresfor charging low maintenanceand maintenance free batteries are basically the same. With both types,fully flat batteriescan safely be boost charged,but care is necessaryto avoid excessivecurrent if the battery is over half charged,and particularlyif it is almost fully charged.Slow chargingis advisableil time permits. CAUTION: During charging, an explosive hydrogenorygen gas mixture is released by the battery. Ensure there are no naked flames or electrical spark discharges in the vicinity of the battery during charging. NOTE: a. Fast chargingcan substantially'boost' a battery,but the fully chargedconditioncan only be achievedby slow charging. b. Fast chargingmust not be used if: i. Specific Aravity readings are not uniform between battery cells, or are above 1.200 at the start. ii. Electrolyteis discolouredwith brownsediment. iii. Either of the above two conditions develops after commencingfast charge. iv. in the case of maintenancefree batteries,if the O, above12.7 volts. c. The followrngtables assume 'constantcurrent' type chargers. lf 'constant voltage' charger is used, charge at 14.5V to 15.0 V the battery will automaticallyregulatethe currentto a safe level. LOW MAINTENANCE TYPES 1. Removebatteryfrom vehicle and removevent caps. Rest caps loosely in openingsto prevent acid mist escaoino. M I :rE R rov n l Ql =-119I- E A TTE R Y Flguro 12A-3 N BATTERY & CABLES 12A.5 2. Connect battery, with correct polarity, to charging apparatusand set chargingcurrent accordingto the followingtable. CAUTION: Refer note under low maintenance type regarding overcharging5. 6. 4 A appr ox . 3 5A appr ox . 1 24 hr s . m ax . 2 hr s . m ax Proportional to the charge at the start Atter a few minutes, check electrolyte specific gravity (as per operation2.2 in this section)and colour (see note iii). 4. Monitor electrolyte temperature during charging procedure. lf temperature reaches 55oC, switch otf chargingcunent and allow battery lo cool. Reduce chargingcurrentto preventsubsequentoverheating. NOTE: A fast charged battery can be brought to the fully charged condition by slow charging for a few hours. During the last few hours on charge the current should be 1.0 amp or less. 5. Check voltage and electrolyte specific gravity once per hour. Slow chargingis completedwhen there is no change in voltage or electrolytespecific gravity over a three hour period. 3. CAUTION: Charging at over the recommended times or cuftents can significantlyreduce battery life. MAINTENANCE FREE TYPES 1. Removebatterylrom vehicle. 2. Connect battery, with conect polarity to charging apparatusand set chargingcurrent accordingto the followingtable. 2 4 h rs .ma x Proportional :o the charge at the start NOTE: lf the O.C.V.was very low, less than 10.0 V, the initial charge current may be quite low. The current shouldincreaseafter a short time at the charge voltage. 3. Monitor battery temperalure. lf the battery feels noticeablywarm, switch off charging cunent and allow battery to cool. Reduce chargrng cunent to prevenl subsequent overheating. A fast charged bafterycan be broughtto the fully charged condition by slow chargingfor a few hours.Duringthe last few hours on charge,the current should be 1.0 amp or less and the voltage 15.0 V maximum. 4. Checkvoltageand currentonce per hour, as charge approachescompletion.Slow charging is completed when both voltage and currentare constant over a three hour period. Refit battery to vehicle. Operate starter motor for approximately10 seconds,to remove surfacecharoe from battery. Load test battery as previously described in this Section. 2.4 VEHICLEWIRING,PERIODICAL CHECKS To ensure etficientop€rationof electricalsystem and to safeguardagainst damage, the following checks should be carriedout periodically: 1. Check that all wires are held securely by their respectiveretainerclips. 2. Check wires for chaffing or damagedinsulationand repairor replaceas necessary 3. Check that wire terminalsand luses are secure and that fuses are as specifiedat end of Section. 2.5 DRY CHARGEDBATTERY,STORE AND ACTIVATE Dry chargedbatteriesare fully chargedwhen manufactured and contain no electrolyteuntil actryatedfor servrce. The dry chargedbatteryis completelyseaied and can be stored indefinatelywith no servicing untit actrvated.To activate a dry charg€d battery: 1. Remove vent caps and add electrolyteof 1.265 specific gravit_vto each cell until corect level is reached. 2. Several minutes after activating batrery. check electrolytelevel and add more electrolyte(not water) as necessary. NOTE: a. After dry charge battery is activated,il becomesa 'wet' battery and only water should be added in subseguentservicing. b. Althougha dry chargebatterycan be put into service immediatelyafter activation,the following tests are recommended: i. After adding electrolyte, check open circuit terminal'voltageof battery. lf less that 10V, replace battery. Check specificgravityof electrolytein each cell. lf any temperaturecorrectedreading(see operation 2.2 in this section)shows more than a 0.030 drop from initial specilic gravity of electrolyte, slow charge batterybeJoreuse as per operation 2.3 in this Section. i l t. Check cells for violent gassingand if detected, slow chargebatterybeforeuse. 12A.6 BATTERY& CABLES 3. DTAGNOSTS Bat t er y O v er f illed *-e Bat t er y Under f ; lleo l CAUSE X o Battery Cracked Bat t er y O ld Fault y O Volt age Regulat orFault y lg nit ion Swit c h Fault y O Fa ult y or W or n W ir e/ Cable O Bad Connec t lon( s) O o o o X o o Gener at o.Fault y O X X X I ndic at esoc s s r blec aus e. lnd; c at esm or e or obablec aus e 4. SPECIF|CAT|ONS B A T T ERY: R:-:el \/nlteno Ca pec it v . . . Ve h c leswit h 3. 3 l; : ' e EFI or EST Ve hic leswit h 5. 0 I : - : engine NOTE: 1 2 r 'o l t s Reserve/ColC d rankino 80 min./215 amp 75 min.l235 amp Spec ified r a: ngswhen t es t ed i n a c c o r d a n c e wit h Aus t r aliar St ^ andar dAS 2 1 4 9 - 1 9 8 0 1- LIGHTINGSYSTEM128-1 SECTION12B. LIGHTINGSYSTEM INDEx Ref. 1. 2. 2.1 Subject Page GENERALDESCRtPT1ON.............................. 12B,-1 SERVTCEOPERATTONS ................... 12B.2 REAR TArL LAMP (SEDAN).......................... 12B'-2 Rernove.......... 12B.2 Reinstall 128-3 LICENCEPLATE LAMP SOCKET (SEDAN) 12B,-4 Remove........ 12B.-4 Reinstall 12B.-4 Ref. 2.3 2.4 3. Subtect Page HEADLAMPSWITCH........ 128-4 Remove........ 12B'-4 Reinstall 12B,-4 DASH LtcHTS DTMMER SWITCH................ 12B-5 Remove............... 128-5 Reinstall 128- 5 sPECrFtCATtONS ........... 12B-5 1 . GENERALDESCRIPTION The lighting system for VK Series models carries over from VH Series models except where noted in this Section. On all models,the front turn signallamp assemblieshave a clear crystalappearancelens, with an amber inner lilter for amber illumination. On all sedan models,there is a new style rear tail lamp lens and tail lamp extensionmoulding,refer Fig. 128-1. f TA L .A MP LE N S ==--- Sil=== LTAIL LAf..p --\ E X TE N S I: ). MOU LD IN 3 Figure 128-1 On all sedan models,the rear licence plate is illuminated by a new licence plate lamp socket assembly and is attachedto the bumoer.refer Fio. 128-2. Figure 128-2 128-2 LIGHTINGSYSTEM On station wagon models,the rear licenceplate illumination is by two Camira sedan style licence plate lamp assemblies, mounted on the rear bumper bar. Refer Fig. 128-24. N U MB E R P LA TE LIGH T A S S E MB LY (2 P LA C E S ) R E A R B U MP E R Flgure 128-2A 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS Serviceoperationsfor the VK Serieslightingsystemcarry over from VH Series models.exceot where noted in this Section. 2.1 REAR TAIL LAMP (SEDAN) REMOVE '1. From inside boot, remove globe sockets from the rear tail lamp assembly that is to be removed, Fig. 128-3. NOTE: To remove the globe sockets on the passenger side tail lamp, removethe spare wheel. => LIC E N C E P LA TE LA MP C ON N E C TOR S Flgure 128-3 The two outer globe sockets on the passengerside tail lamp are removed by depressingthe lever (arrowedin Fig. 128-4\ and twist the gtobe socket in the directionof the REMOVEarrow. Figure 128-4 LrLuuE S OC K E TS (8 P LA C E S ) v LIGHTINGSYSTEM128-3 2. Remove the four screws around the outside of the tail lamp extensionmoulding,refer Fig. 128-5. NUT ITA IL LA MP _ E X TE N S ION MOU LD I N G SC 8:! V 2 9LA C : S R EAR LA'tl' SCREW 2 P LAC E S \*u-, - ,- / \-\ -- tr : AR BU M P E R B A R Flgure 'l2B-5 3. From inside the boot, removethe two nuts securing the tail lamp enension mouldingmountingbrackets to the rear end panel, refer Fig. 128-6. Remove e)|tension. NOTE: On Calais models, it will be necessaryto remove the boot caroet to reveal the two nuts. TA IL LA MP _ E X TE N S ION MOU LD IN G n,, - - - --: 5 Flgure 12&6 4. Remove the five tail lamp mounting screws from inside the boot, refer Fig. 128'-7,remove tail lamp assembly. ''.-.: REINSTALL Installationis reversalof removalprocedures.Check lamp ooeration. ,., Flgure 128-7 128.4 LIGHTINGSYSTEM 2.2 LICENCEPLATE LAMP SOCKET (SEDAN) R EMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. From inside bool, disconnect licence plate lamp socketwiringconnectors, refer Fig. 'l2B-8. 3. Pushgrommetand wrringconnectorsout towardsthe rearof the vehicle. 4. Remove rear bumper bar as per service instruction 1.3,Section'1D of tbrssupplement. GLOE E S OC K E TS (8 P LA C E S ) / P tnTE -/ -l C E \C E -A I,'1PC ON N E C TOR S Figure 128-8 5. Removescrew holding lamp socket lo bumper bar, referFig. 128-9 and removesocket. NOTE: Licence plate globe replacementis by pushing globe against spring in the socket and twisting globe, which releasesit lrom the socket. REINSTALL lnstallationis reversal of removal procedures.Ensure licence plate lamp wrring grommet is fitted correctly. Checklamp operation. BU M PER BAR - =- T \ Figure 128-9 2.3 HEADLAMPSWITCH R E MOVE 1. Removecover from lower right hand dash panel, re fe rFig. 128- 10. 2. Reachup behindswitch throughcavity in lower right hand dash panel,and pull wiringharnessconnector fromswitch. 3. The light switch is a snap fit into the instrument facia.Pushout lightswitchfrom behindJacia. REINSTALL Installation is reversalof removalprocedure.Check light switchoperation. Figure 128-10 r LIGHTINGSYSTEM128.5 2.4 DASH LIGHTSDIMMERSWITCH REMOVE 1. Remove headlamp switch as per servtce operation 2. 3. 2. Through the hole vacated by the headlamp switch, remove the two switch mounting screws, refer F ig. 128 -11 . 3. Pull the switch back and disconnectwiringconnector, withdraw switch. REINSTALL Installation is reversal ol removal procedures. Check operationof dash lights. R IGH T H AN D LOYJ ER D ASH PA\EL ( R EAq'i l EW ) D A S H L 3.ITS D I MME F SW ITC H / MOU N TIN G _, S C R E W {2) Fi gure 128-11 TU R N S IGN A L F LA S HE R U N IT .i S TR U I\1E N T E D GE C LIP -\ _-rhrtrH , : \ Er - 1 ,_ IT AZ AF D W AR N IN G F LASF ER U N IT "- Figure 128-12 3. SPECIFICATIONS T URNS IG N ALF L A SH ERU N IT M ak e. O per at ion . . L OCa tr o n Hella 6 0 l 1 2 0 f l a s h e so e r m r n u t ew i t h a u d i b e i3 u n c f n s t r u m e n tc a r e - p a n e l . R e f e r F i g . 1 2 8 - 1 2 A c c e s si s g a r n e dc v r e m o v i n gc o v e rf r o n l o r ve r r i g h t h a n d d a s hp a n e l ,r e f e r F i g . 1 2 B - l 0 . HA Z A R DWA R NI NG FLASHER UNI T : M ak e O per at ion Location Delco 6 0 / 1 2 0 f l a s h e sp e r m i n u t e . f n s t r u m e n tc a r n e ' p a n e l . R e f e r F i g . 1 2 8- 1 2 . A c c e s si s g a i n e dc y r e m o v i n gc o v e rf r o m l o w e r r i g h t h a n d d a s hp a n e l ,r e f e r F r g .12 B - 1 0. RATI NG O F G LO BES: Headlam p I ns t r um entPanelI llum inat ion 60/55 watt Haiogen 1. 2 w a t t e r P u s h - l n AL L S W I TCH & CO NTRO L I LLUM I N A T I O N : G ener at orChar geI ndic at or Bac k Up and Tur n SignalLam ps Dom e Lam p Eng ^e and RearCom par t m ent Dom e Lam p - Calar s Fr ont ReadingLam p - Calais . . lnt er r or RearO uar t er Lam ps- E x c e p t S L m o d e l . . . Fr ont Par k Lam p . G lov e Box Lam p Lr c enc ePlat e Lam p - Sedan. Lic enc ePlat e Lam p - St at ion W a g o n St op/ Tail Lam p 2 c.P. 21 watt Bavoret 10 watt Festcon 10 wait Fesioon 10 watt Festoon 12 watt Bayonet 10 watt Festoon 4 watt BaYonet 5 watt Festoon 10 watt Bavonet 3 watt Bayonet (2 off ) 2 1 5 't a '. t B a Y o n e t w -- INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C-1 SECTION12C INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,WINDSHIELD WIPERS/WASHERS INDEX Bef. 1. 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 Page I Sublect 12C-1 | GENERALDESCRIPTION MECHANICALINSTRUMENTASSEMBLY 12C -1 ELECTRONICINSTRUMENTASSEMBLY.. 12C-3 12C-3 Warnlng !:mp Panel. 12C4 Alpha lVarnlng Display... Temperature Gauge........... 12C-5 12C-5 Fuel Gauge.. Speedometer and Digltal Speed 12C-6 Dlsplays 12C-6 Tachometer 12C-6 Odometer and Trlp Meter .................. 12C-7 Trlp Gomputer Automatlc lnstrument Display 12C-7 Dlmming TOUCHSWITCHES- MECHANICAL& ELECTRONICINSTRUMENT 12C -8 ASSEUBLIEC ...... 12C€ TR|P COMPUTER............... ..... 12C-8 General Descrlptlon.. ... 12C-9 Functlon Descrlption.. 1 TRtP COMPUTERCOMPONENTS................12C-1 Fuel Flow Sensor 12C-11 .........12C-ll Fuel Level Sensor 1 Electronlc Control Modu|e..................12C-1 12C-12 Speed Sender 2. 2. 1 Ref. 2.2 Subject Page INSTRUMENT CLUSTEF. MECHANICAL INSTRUMENTS 12C-14 Remove............ 12C-14 Reinstall.......... 12C-14 INSTRUMENT CLUSTEB- ELECTRONIC rNsTRUMENTS ..............__.. 12C-14 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 Reinstall .... . . . . . . .1.2C. . . . 19 Fuel Tank .. . . . . . . . . . . 12C- 19 SPEEDOMETER GEARCHART....................12C-23 WINDSHIELD WIPERAND WASHER........12C.24 GENERALDESCRtpTtON .._................. .......... 12C-24 SERVTCE OPERATTONS ........12C-24 wfPER DWELLCONTROLSWTTCH..........12C-24 Remove... ................ 12C-24 Reinstall ..12C-24 1 . GENERALDESCRIPTION All VK Series models have a redesigned instrument assembly. 1 . 1 ME C H A N IC A IN L S T R UMENT ASSEMBLY SL models have a speedomeler, fuel consumption indicator, voltmeter, temperture, oil pressure and fuel gauges.An analog clock is situatedin the middle of the instrumentcluster.Refer Fig. 12C-1. Below the instrumentcluster is the warning lamp panel incorporatingturn indicator,charge indicator lamp, park brake and brake failure lamps, low oil pressurewarning lamp, high beam indicatorand EST diagnosticlamp. On Berlina models the assemblyis the same except tor the additionof a tachometerinsteadof the fuel consumption indication. A control panel to the left of the instrument cluster containstouch switchesfor the rear windowdemisterand other options for both Berlina and Commodore SL models.ReferFig. 12C-1. GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.2INSTRUMENTS, { 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. O I L P R E S S U R EGAUGE FUEL GAUGE T A C H O M E T E R ( E ERL INA) F U E L C O N S U M P T IONINDICAT OR ( SL ) A N A L O G U E C L OCK SPEEDOMETER mur 6. 7. 8. 9. IO. I 1. 13 > p; +2. rsr V OLTME TE R TE MP E R A TU R E GA U GE R E A R WIN D OW D E MIS T S WITC H (B E R LIN A ) A N TE N N A R E TR A C TOR S WITC H (B E R LIN A ) A N TE N N A E X TE N S ION S WITC H (B E R LIN A ) R E MOV A B LE B LA N K S : FOR S P E C IFIC OP TION S Flgure 12G1 1. 2. 3. 4. 56. 7. 8. A L P H A W A R N I NG DISPL AY E N G I N E C O O L A NT T EM PERAT URE GAUGE F U E L L E V E L G AUGE SPEEDOMETER TACHOMETER O D O M E T E R A N D T RIPM ET ER D I G I T A L S P E E D INDICAT OR T R I P C O M P U T E R AND CL OCK 9. 10. 11. 1213. 14. 15. P H OTOTR A N S IS TOR - A U TOMA TIC D TS P LA YD IMMIN G (D A Y LIGH T OP E R A TION ) FU N C TION C ON TR OL B U TTON S- TR IP C OMP U TE R WA R N IN G LA MP P A N E L TOU C H S WITC H E S S WITC HS Y MB OLS B LA N K S WA R N IN G B U ZZE R Flgure 12C.2 GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS INSTRUMENTS, 12C-3 1.2 ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT ASSEMBLY Calais models have a new Electronic Instrument assembly. The instrumentationis fully electronic and vacuum flourescent,featuringtrip computerand automaticdisplay dimming. Electronic instruments feature a combination of bar graphics in green light lor speedometer,tachometer, fuel and temperature gauges, with digital displays for speedometer,odometerand trip meter. The Electronic Instrument Assembly, as shown in Fig. 12C-2,consistsol the {ollowingcomponents: 1. AlphaWarningDisplay 2. EngineCoolantTemperatureGauge 3. Fuel Level Gauge 4. Speedometer 5. Tachometer 6. Odometerand Trip Meler 7. DigitalSpeed Indicator 8. Trip Computerand Clock 9. Photo Transistor - Automatic Display Dimming (daylightoperation)Manual Rheostat Conrol (night operation). 10. FunctionControlButtons- Trip Computer 11- WarningLampPanel 12. Touch Switches '13. SwitchSymbols '14. Blanks 'f5. Warning Buzer WARNING LAMP PANEL The warning lamp panel is located along the bottom edge of the instrumentcluster. The warninglamp panel containswarninglampsfor: 1. BatteryCharge 2. BrakeFailure 3. ParkBrake 4. Lett Hand Turn Indicator 5. Right Hand Turn Indicator 6. Headlightson (with ignitionoff) 7. High Beam Indicator L ReversingIndicationLamp Warningsare displayedand a buzzersoundedfor various componentfunctions. Bra ke Fa ilu' e Pa rk Bra k e YE S YE S YE S Rig ht Ha nd I ndic at o. L eft Ha nd lndr c at or W ar ning Reversing YE S Y ES Y ES R:tfor\/ Chrrnp NO 2 B EE P S 2 B EE P S (i f c a rmov;ng a b o v e5 k" hr) NO NO NO Th e 2 be eoswill s ound in a half s ec ondt im e i n t e r v a l GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.4INSTRUMENTS, ALPHA WARNING DISPLAY The alpha warning display comprises ten, 14 segment alpha is situatedin the right hand too corner of the instrumentcluster. When the ignitionis first switched 'on' and the motor is not running,the waming monitor displays'SEAT BELT' continuously,until the motor is started,after which the message will display for a further 10 seconds. Refer Fig. 12C-3. lf another messageis waiting to be displayedafter the motor has started,the 'SEAT BELT' warningwill display only for 5 seconds,allowing the olher messagesto be displayed. I f -!- L--!: t-1 T _ u _ rt t t-11- t T t _ lt _ l_ t Flgure '12G3 In the situationthat more than one warning occurs at once, the messagescycle through,each for 10 seconds and a 1 secondgap betweeneach messageand in order of priority.The priorityorder being: 1. O I L A L ER T 2. ENGINEHOT 3. LO COOLANT 4. LO FUEL ReferFig. 12C-4. lf 'ENGINEHOT' is displayedand 'LO COOLANT'is queued for display and then suddenlyan 'OlL ALERT' fault occurs,then the 'OlL ALERT' warningwill lump the queueand take precedenceover the other warnings. When an alpha warning is displayed,it is accompanied by an audible(5 beep)warning.This audiblewarningwill only occur once for the initial displayo.f each individual messageand every time the ignitionis switchedon until the sourceof the lault is remedied. Everytime an alpha warningis first displayed,the audible warningwill sound5 beeps in two seconds. I I - t- II' | l l tt In iit IItt /--l -[/ II -a- L_l \i l _ t t\l t__ t _ t t lt J t t \ t l tn l t t1t_t t I - t- I l-t t- t-t t-tt l_ t_t t-il\ | T t_ t_u_tL f lt \t t II -a- I l -t l_ l_l I t tt t | - r_t 1_ r_ Flgure 12C-4 When there is no warning message evident, the word 'MONITOR'is disolaved. Reier Fio. 12C-5. Figure 12C-5 INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.5 TEMPERATURE GAUGE The temperature gauge, rclet Fig. 12C-6, is located betweenthe alpha warningdisplayand fuel gauge on the right hand side of the instrumentcluster. The engine coolant temperature display consists ol 13 segment bars, the last three bars from the right are red and the remainingare green. With an increase in coolant temperature,the bars light up, one at a time, from left to right. When the red zone is reached,these bars light up progressivelyand remain alight so that at maximumtemperature,all the red bars are alight. When the coolant temperatureis sufJicientto cause the first of the red bars light up, the alpha warningdisplays 'ENGINEHOT' and the audiblewarningsounds5 beeps. Dt]OC TEMP -E lllililillill ---- Figure 12C€ FUEL GAUGE The fuef gauge, refer Fig. 12C-7, is located in the lower right hand corner of the instrumentcluster. The fuel gauge is a progressivebar display in which the bars light up to indicalethe level of fuel in the tank. The first three bars from the left of the gauge are red, whilst the remainingbars are green. As the fuel level drops below '10.5litres (approximately)and the last left hand green bar goes out, a 'LO FUEL' warning is displayed on the alpha warning display. An audible warning is also sounded,consisting of 5 beeps. When the last red bar goes out, there is less than 1.5 litres of fuel left in the tank. There is approximately3 litres of fuel in the tank for each lightedred or green bar. lll! llr U - FUEL llllilillililililil Figure 12C-7 GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.6INSTRUMENTS, SPEEDOMETERAND DIGITAL SPEED DISPLAYS The speedometer,refer Fig. 12C-8, is situated in the centre section ol the instrument cluster. lt has a green light bar graph commencing at 0 and finishing at 180 km/hr. When the ignition is switched on, all the digits light up. When the vehicle is moving, the bar graph lights up to indicatevehicle speed. To the lefl ol the speedometer is a digital speed display showingvehicle speed.The last digit of the digitalspeed display does not change more than once every half second, so as to guaranlee good legibility.When the vehicle is stationary and the ignition is on, the digital displaywill indicate'0'. ooocoD=q:= t- - .;= km/h Flgure 12C-8 TACHOiIETER The tachometer, reler Fig. 12GBA, is situated below the speedometerin the centre of the instrumentcluster. The digits 0 to 7 light up whenever the ignition is switched on. The green bar graph lights up as an indicationof engine speed. The colour of the bar graph above 5500 rpm is red, indicatingengine speed above this level should not be maintained. E: Flgure 12C-8A ODOMETER AND TRIP METER The odometer, reler Fig. 12G9, is a seven segment 6 digit displayand togetherwith the seven segment4 digit trip meter display,is situatedbelow the tachometer. The odometerindicatesdistancetravelledin one kilometer unitsfrom 1 to 999,999kilometers. The trip meter indicatesdistancetravelledin tenths of a kilometerup to 999.9 kilometers.Below the trip meter is a reset button. flflA.E F_IEEHEE TRIP ODOMETER Flgure 12C-9 GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C-7 INSTRUMENTS, TRIP COMPUTER The trip computer is situated to the left of the speedometer. It comprises three seperate displays for time, distance and fuel functions.ReferFig. 12C-10. For additionalinformationrefer to 1 4 in this Section. TI M E E, i_t.i:t i_t ELAPSED {-, {_,' !_, l_, DISTANCE AV SPEED nflnfi TRVLD !l t-l.t-t lJ TO Elv'lPTt' FUEL AV t/100 US E D EEI.EI.EI Flgure 'l2C-10 AUTOMATIC INSTRUMENT DISPLAY DIMMING The intensity ot the instrumentdisplay is automatically variedto accountfor surroundingdaylightconditions,by a photo transistor situated in the right hand side of the war ningla mpp a n e l(F i g .1 2 C -11 ). The photo transistor,upon sensrnga change in surrounding daylightconditions,will change the display intensity at one secondtime intervals. i -!!!!t! P H OTOTR A N S I S TOq Flgure 12C-11 When the headlightsare turned on, the displayintensity will, if the ambientlightis belowa daylightthresholdlevel (equivalentto dusk), immediatelydrop to the intensity level set by the rheostat(Fig. 12C-12).The intensitycan then be manually controlled by the rheostat during darkness. The rheostat is located next to the headlightswitch. lt ambient light is above this daylightthreshold,display intensity will be varied automatically via the photo transistor. This permits full display intensity in daylight even with headlightson. To preventflickering.a time For example,if enteringa tunnelor delay is rncorporated. a very shaded area with headlightson and tf display intensityis on a daylightsetting.the displaywill not dim to rheostat control till 5 seconds after the ambient light has fallen below the daylightthreshold.Displayintensity control will not revert to automaticuntil the ambientlight higherthan the daylightthresholdor level is significantly the headlightsare turned off- Figure 12C-'t2 , 12C-8INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 1.3 TOUCHSWITCHES- MECHANICAL & ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT ASSEMBLIES The touch switch control panel is located to the left of the instrument cluster, above the centre dash vents. Refer Fig. 12C-13. These switchesare activatedby pressingthe small raised finger pad in line with the symbol representingthe functionto be operated. Switches are provided tor rear window defrost, power antennaup and down. and on station wagon modelsrear windowwipeand wash. Flgure 12C-13 1 . 4 T R I PC OMP U T E R GENERAL DESCRIPTION The trip computerfitted to Calais models (Fig. 12C-14)is part of the electronicinstrumentassembly,and has three separatedisplaysto displaytrip intormation. The trip computer is located to the left of the sDeedometer. Fuel flow measurementis suppliedby the injectorsignal from the electroniccontrolunit for vehiclesequippedwith the 3.3 litre EFI engine,or from a Fuel Flow Sensorlor vehiclesequippedwith a 5.0 litre engine. An electronicspeed sensor is mounted on the cruise controltransducer. The eight different pieces of inlormationavailablefrom the trip computerare shownbelow: TIME (1) Tim e (2) Ela ps ed DISTA NCE (1) Av er ages peed( k m / hr ) (2) Tra v elied ( k ilom et r es ) (3) To en pt y ( k ilom et r es ) FUEL A,'e: s gg ( lit r es / 100k m ) Us ec ( lit r es) l k r - :Ir lns iant aneous( lit r es , r00 The trip computerdisplaysthree tunctionssimultaneously, one from each display of 'TIME', 'D|STANCE'and 'FUEL',and are calledup in sequenceby depressing the selectbutton. Each time the select button is pressed,the function in each displaywill incrementby one. 'TIME' and 'ELAPSED TIME' alternate with other functions,givinga variablecombinationol time with other functions. The trip computercontrol buttons are located below the displays(Fig. 12C-15)and are: 1. DISPLAY- (Displaystime with ignitionoff) 2. SELECT- (lncrementsfunctionsdisplayed) 3. HOURS- (Adjustshours when pressedwith display button) 4. MINUTES- (Adjustsminutes when pressed with displaybutton) 5. RESET- (Resetscomputerwhen pressedwith select button) To avoid accidentalreset,time adjustmentor calibration, a combination of two buttons must be oresseo simultaneously to performthe!; operations. TI M E ELAPSED E Ei:EE DISTANCE AV SPEED TRVLD TO EMPTY EIEI.E.EI FUEL |NSTt 100 Flgure 12C-14 Flgure 12C-15 INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.9 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Time The clock is a 12 hourclockwith flashingdecimalpoint. When the batteryis first connected,the clock will show 12.00 and if this is not the correcl time, the appropriate setting is achievedby pressingthe 'DISPLAY'and 'MlN' buttons together for minute adjustment and the 'DISPLAY'and 'HOURS'buttonsfor hour adiustment. It is recommendedthat the minutesbe adjustedprior to the hours becauseas the minutespass 60, the hourswill automaticallyincrementby one. The clock can be accuratelyset as the next minutewill not display until 60 seconds after releasingthe adiustment button. Elapsed Time Indicatesaccumulated'lGNlTlONON' time since resef ting in hours and minutesup to 99 hours and 59 minules. DistanceTo Empty(DTE) The distance to empty function is an estimate on how much turther the vehicle can be driven on the luel remainingin the tank, basedon the rate of fuel usagefor the previous15 minutes. The DTE readoutadjusts in 5 km incrementsfor values in excess of 50 km and single kilometre increments below this value. No computercan predict the future,so the DTE function can only be an estimate based on previously obtained information. For this reason, as conditions become more suited for economical driving, the distanceto empty can actuallyincrease,for example, from City to Highwaydriving. After initial batteryconnectionDTE will start at 500. The computerwill then performan initial update trom a short average prior to commencingthe normal long averaging process. A built-insafetyteatureallows up to approximately30 km of driving under highway conditions after DTE shows zeto. However, due to tolerance variations on the components from which the computer derives its information,this figurewill vary from vehicleto vehicle. The computer has electronic damping to flatten out fluctuationsof fuel level in the tank and rate ol fuel usage and will update the readout after consumptionof 0.32 litres of fuel approximately. Oue to the large fuel level fluctuationswhilst mobile,the readingsare heavilydamped and averagedover a long time - up to half an hour. This does not matter during normal operations,but after fuel {ill a long delay to displaya sensibleDTE is not acceptable.So with a fill of 10 litres or more the computerwill calculatea higher DTE from a short averageat the next normal updateand the long averagingwill proceedfrom the new figure. Distance Travelled/Calibrate This function reads distancetravelledin krlorneterssince the computerwas resel, showing two decimal points up to 100 and whole numbersthereafter. The calibrate function is designed to allow a very accuratedistancecalculationand is enteredas follows: 1. Selectdistancetravelledmode. 2. Line up the vehicle againsta known marker,e.g. cenlre pillaragainsta major highwayshield. 3. Press reset and hours buttons simultaneouslyand displaywill go to zero. Drive off and the displaywill increasein whole numbersup to a numberbetween 615 and 650, whilst travellinga distanceof 10 km. This is the cablibrationnumber.Stop vehicle exactly 10 km from startingpoint,e.g. centre pillar againsta major highway shield 10 km from onginal shield. Press reset and minutes buttons simultaneously. When these buttons are released the calibration number will enter the computer memory and the displaywill return to travelledmode, and shows the total distance travelledsince reset. This calibration cloesnot reset other functionsback to zero. The calibrationnumbershouldbe between 615 and 650 lor standard vehrcles, however, special tyres, transmission,axle, tyre oressures,vehicle loading, etc. will have a bearingon this number. Depressingthe reset and minute buttons simultaneously any time the distancetravelledrcaiibrate lunctionis called up, will displaythe calibrationnumber, For those who do not wish to have this degree of accuracy(1 metre in 10 km) or who do not have access to an accurately measured 10 km. an approximate numberof 625 is used for distancecalculations. When the battery is first connected,oalibrationnumbers will automatrcally be 625. lf requiredcalibration numberis know, select travelled/calibrated mode, press reset and hours buttonssimultaneously, drive vehrcleapproximately 10 km until requiredcalibrationnumber is reachedthen press reset and minutesbuttonssimultaneously. Alternatively recalibrateas describedearlier. Whilst in the calibrate mode, i.e. after the reset and hours buttonsare pressedand prior to depressionof the reset and minute buttons, the 'SELECT' button is inactivatedto prevent selectionof other functionsduring the calibrationprocedurebecausethis would affect the calibration number and compuler distance lunctions would be inaccurate. Average Speed The averagespeed readingdisplaysaveragespeed since the computerwas reset.The averagespeed is calculated by dividingdistancetravelledby the time that the ignition has been cn. To enable the computer to collect enough data to calculatea sensiblespeed,the displaywill show zero lor the first minuteafter reset. Readingis updatedat one minuteintervals. Instantaneous Consumption The instantaneousfuel consumptionfunction reads in litres/'lOOkm in whole numbersonly and updatesat halJ second intervals. When the vehicle is stationary,the display shows zero, however,when slowingdown to a stop, due to fuel being used and a small distance being travelled,some large numbers may be displayed.Also, when the function is first called up, some large numbersmay appear,due to the small time frame over which the comouter is Dre0areo. Average Consumption The averagefuel consumption readsin litres/100km and calculates fuel usage since last reset and updates at one minuteintervals. approximately 12C.10INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS F z (, zii zl FO a.- z< F; Q* :< '\- > SY /^ --->VC, | >co '|(t). ) I @ / &..' F o ca 8.. c z F z cc :) \>mJ. \ cn U F U UJ = U 3 o o t = L UI E, I u f I r o U f q .\ Y-.1 n'E F =.2 U n@ @7 uF oZ >l >^ :> 4(' oz -- E UI F ul ra z L 1- = v r- B o f y IL 2 'rL:- a l -= )>= c uJ 7 * {<. EE; zzI $€N-V t-- t1 A <\J (o o N o t o lr 12C'11 GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS INSTRUMENTS, Fuel Used Total fuel used since reset is measuredin litres to a maximumof 999 litres. The 'Fuel Left in Tank' is not normallydisplayed'but a in the DTE mode if the RESET can be displayed nrtO"t --ffnS 'M|-['IUTE buttons are depressed or "nO iimultaneously.This number is equivalentto the amount of fuel, in litres, remaining in the fuel tank that the cornprt'etis using to obtain its calculationsfor the DTE display. 1.5 TRIP COMPUTERCOMPONENTS FUEL FLOW SENSOR With the 5.0 litre engine,the fuel llow sensor.isthe same on VH Series models' Refer Figs 12G16' ;;"sedfor installationdetails. 12C-17, is On fuel iniectionequippedmodels,the fuel flow signal controls unit control The unit. control EFi the orouiOeObv is [n"-pJ""-*iOth signal to the iniectors'and.this signal and module control trip comPuter the toaiso-transmined used as a measureof fuel usage' FUEL LEVEL SENSOR unit The 'fuel to empty' is sensedby the fuel gaugetank in the i"titt"n"" reaOing.The tank unit may be checked *"ner (r-eterFuel Gauge SenderDiagnosis- 2'6 to readout "-o-ttJ ilfii; suppremdnUshould any query rrise as reaolng' gauge fuel actual and module on display ELECTRONIC CONTROL TTIODULE with the The electronic control module is integrated instrument"V and function module on electronic assemblies' - - - ,// Y. t,,r 7'l C . ) - 'r ^> j-\-i-\- -\-- \! f (3 t t o - T A P Ew t r H G M 6 5 8 M PL Ac=s FUELFLoWSENSoRW|R|NGHARNESS_5'0L|TREMoDELS Flgure 12C-17 fa- 12C.12INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS SPEED SENDER (For Electronic lnstruments) A Hall Etfect Speed Sender is used to produce an electricalsignalwhich is proportionalto the vehicle'sroad speed. This signal is used for the electronic instrument readoutsof speed and odometer. This signal is also used by the trip computer and is required for readings of distance to empty, average speed,distancetravelledand instantaneousand average fuel consumption. The sender consists of a metal body which houses a rotating16 pole magnet.Fitted into the metal body is a plasticcap which containsthe electricalterminalsand the Hall effect integratedcircuit. The soeed sender is mounted on the cruise control transducer.Refer Fig. 12Q-'18. \ ,,\ .l ^ I S P E E DS E N D E R - 7 6) ! / i 't/+)l / F!r1."r,r.'"i*t*o,TFA N S D U C E R I I SPEED O C ABLE - ' I _ C ON N E C TION TO E N GIN E H A R N E S S Flgure 12G'18 Theory Of Operation The Hall effect principleis shown in Fig. 12C-19 A constantcontrol currentis passedthrough a thin strip of semi-conductormaterial.When a magnet is brought near, such that its magnetic field is directed at right anglesto the lace of lhe semi-conductor, a small voltage appears .at the contacts placed across the narrow dimensionof the slrip. The hall effecl voltageis dependenton the presenceof the magnetic field and on the current flowing in the semi-conductor.lf eilher inout is zero. Hall voltaoe is N O MA GN E T EFFECT PRINCIPLE N O H A LL V OLTA GE 70f d INCREASES H A LL V OLTA GE D E C R E A S IN G rolr.t,tt t --t^:-5f, | ----=-rx--/ Flgure 12C-19 HALL VoLTAGE INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.13 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS For service operationsnot covered in this Section, refer to the VB CommodoreServiceManualPart No. M38145 and VH Commodore Service Manual Suoolementpart No. M38731. 2.1 TOUCH SWITCHCONTROLPANEL REMOVE 1. Carefullylift up front edge ol touch switch control panel so as to disengageit from the centre dash vent housing.Refer Fig. 12C-20. Flgure 'l2C-20 2. Raise the rear of the touch switch control panel and pull panel out slightly to gain access to the wiring harness connector underneath the panel. Refer Fig. 12G21. Disconnect wiring harness connector and withdraw switch. Figure 12C-21 TEST Using an ohmeter, test for continuityacross terminals when the touch button is pressed.Fig. 12G22. Refer to Section 12F 'Wiring Diagrams'of this Supplement for touch switch controlpanelwinng. REINSTALL Installationis reverse of removal proceduresensuring wiringharnessconnectoris securelyconnected. Figure 12C-22 12C-14INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 2.2 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER. MECHANICALINSTRUMENTS REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Remove touch switch control panel as per service operation2.1. 3. Removethe screws securingthe instrumentframe to the instrumentsunound.Refer Fig. 12C-23. 4. Pull the instrumentframe out, far enough to gain accessto the warninglamp panel wiring connectors. ReferFig. 12C-23. 5. Disconnectwiring connectors and withdraw instrumenttrame. 6. Removethe right hand instrumentpanel lower trim. 7. Reach uo behind the instrument cluster and disconnectthe vacuum hose from the fuel consumption meter (SL models), and the speedometercable by depressingthe springretainer. WA R N IN G LA I\4P P A N E L WIR IN G C ON N E C TOR S IN S TR U ME N T S U R R OU N D _ I N S TR U ME N T FR A ME LtrI\ I H: UA5 N - VENT TOU C H S WITC HC ON TR OL P A N E T Flgure 12C-23 8. Remove the five screws securing the instrument clusterto the instrumentsurround.Refer Fig. 12C-24. 9. Pull the cluster from its location and rotate the bottom of the cluster upwards to gain access to the wiringconnectors. 10. Disconnectwiring connectors and withdraw instrumentcluster. REINSTALL Installation is reversalof removalprocedures.Ensurethat all electricalconnectorsare securelvconnected. IN S TR U ME N T C LU S TE R - IN S TR U ME N T S U R R OU N D r:i N )) \3) N I O U N T I NS GC R E WS $\J Flgure 12C-24 2.3 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER. ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS REMOVE 1- Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Remove touch switch control panel as per service operation2.1. 3. Removethe screwssecuringthe instrumentframe to the instrumentsunound.Refer Fig. 12C-25. 4. Pull the instrumentframe out, far enough to gain accessto the warninglamp panel wiring connectors. ReferFig. 12G25. 5. Disconnectwiring connectors and withdraw instrumentframe. WA R N IN G LA MP ,f P A N E L WIR IN G C ON N E C TOR S I\ S T R U M E N T SLFBOUND-J I C EN T R E VEN T D ASH _ TOU C H S WITC HC ON TR OL P A N E L Figure 12C-25 - GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.15 INSTRUMENTS, 6. 7. 8. Remove the five screws securing the instrument clusterto the instrumentsurround.Refer Fig. 12C-26. Pull the cluster from its location and rotate the bottom of the cluster upwardsto gain access to the wiringconnectors. Disconnectwiring connectors, and withdraw instrument cluster. REINSTALL lnstallationis reversalof removalprocedures.Ensurethal all electricalconnectorsare securelyconnected I N STR U ME N T LLUJ I Eh -/. / I- IN ST R J ^J EN T ] SU R R O !N ...c N Tt N G S C R E WS(5) -/ - Figure 12C-26 2.4 MECHANICALINSTRUMENTS DISASSEMBLY Pall adiustingknob from clock. Remove the six screws ( 1) retaining the clear lacia panel to the instrumelt hYusing, rerioue facia. Remove the three screws @ retainingthe black instrumentsunound to the instrume-it housing,remove surround.(Refer Fig. 12C-27). o l o t 2' ir + i c ;- e-\ J_. Flgwe 12C-27 Speedometer, Fuel Consu4ption Indicator and Tachometer Remove retaining screws and withdraw unit (Refer Fig. 12C-28).When removingtachometer,carefullywithdraw contactsfrom printedcircuit. Flgure 12C-28 GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C-16INSTRUMENTS, Fuel and Temperature Gauges Removegauge retainingscrew (Fig. 12C-29).Compress plastic retainingtang and withdraw gauge contacts from printedcircuit.(Fig.12C-29). Flgure 12G29 Voltmeter and Oil Pressure Gauge 1. Remove overlappingfuei or temperaturegauge as previouslydescribed 2. Remove remainingscrew and withdrawgauge contacts from printedcrrcurt(Fig. 12C-30). R E TA IN IN G S C R E WS Figure 12C-30 Clock From behind the instrumenthousing,removeconnector from printedcircuit.Bemoverhe two screwsretainingthe clock assembly to the instrumenthousing and remove clock.(Fig. 12C-31). Figure 12C-3't INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.17 Printed Circuit Board 1. Compressand withdrawretainingclip/heat sink and voltage stabilizer assembly from housing. (Fig. 12C-32). 2. Slide printed circuit board to the right as viewed in Fig. 12C-32 and lift out. REASSEMBLY a Reverse removal operations. zInstall retaining clip/heat sink ensuring voltage stabilizercontactslocate properly. Install upper gauges first, ensuring gauge contacts are properly seated. V OLTA GE S TA B I LI:E R rr:JJ ruutrtntrn A \) P U LL U P Fagure1rc-32 2.5 INSTRUMENT TESTING For mechanicalinstrumenttesting refer to Section 12 of the VB CommodoreServiceManualPart No. M38145. Should a fault develop in the electronic instrument assembly, it must be returned to an authorizedVDO serviceagent for repair. In the event that the electronic instrument assembly provesfaulty,the odometerreadingmust be noted before lhe unit is removedto allow the VDO agent to transfer the odometer reading to the replacement instrument assembly.The VDO agent also has equipmentto read the odometerfrom the instrumentscomputermemoryif a displayblackoutoccurs. SPEED SENDER Remove 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Disconnect sender wirino connector. Refer Fig. 12C-33. 3. Unscrew sender from cruise control transducerremove senoer. Test 1. Connect4.7 ohm 1/4 watl resistoracrossterminais markedr and A. 2. Connect 12 volt DC battery supply to terminals marked= and - (observepolarity). 3. Connect pointer type multimeter s€t on DC volts scale to terminals+ and A (observepolarity,positive termanal of multimeter to terminal - , negative terminalof multimeterto terminalA). 4. Rotate sender square drive slowly by hand and observe multimeterreadingwhich should pulse between 12 volts and O volts. 5. No pulse readrng on multimeterrndicatesfaulty sender. NOTE:Senderis non repairable. Reins t all is reversalof removat. Installation -C ON N E CTION TO E N GIN E H A R N E S S TR A N S D U CE F )rtrtri! tqbLtr- Figure 12C-33 GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.18INSTRUMENTS, 2. 6 F U E LG A U GES E N D E RU N IT R EMOVE The removaland installationinstructionsfor vehicleswith 5.0 litre engine with the revised fuel pump system and 3.3 litre EST engine,are coveredin Section 8 of the VB CommodoreServiceManual. The followingremovaland installationproceduresare for 3.3 litreEFI equippedvehicles. 'l . Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Placethe vehicleon jack standsand drain the tank through fuel filler opening using a commercially availablefuel syphoning device. 3. Disconnect the fuel linelrom gaugeunit. 4. Disconnectthe electricalfeed and earth cables from unit.ReferFig. 12C-34. 5. Remove5 mountingscrewsaroundgaugeunit. 6. Removegauge unit, liftinggauge unit filter from swirl pot CAUTION: Care should be exercised during removal of gauge unit from the tank not to damage the filter. Before installingthe assemblyinto luel tank, clean the screen by blowing oft carefully with low pressuredried compressed air; replace screw if damagedor unable to clean. F UEL GA UG E S E NDE R U N IT D IA G N O S IS 1. turn ignitionto 'ON' and obsevethe fuel gaugefor one minute.The gauge readingwill do one ot three things. a. Gauge reads below empty - Fuel tank empty of gaugesenderis open circuited. b. Gauge reads between empty and full, but is suspectedto be inaccurate.Proceedto step 2. c. Gauge reads above full - Fuel tank is full or gaugesenderis shortcircuited. 2. Usinga voltmeter,check for a voltage readingat the fuel gauge sender unit flange to earth (ignition switched'ON'). lf recordinga voltagereading.correct faultyearth at fuel tank or add an earth wire. 3. Removethe wire terminalconnector(fuel gauge to sender unit) irom sender unit and check voltage at the terminalconnectorto earth with an accuratehigh resistance voltmeter(ignition switched'ON'), lf the voltagerecordedat the terminalconnectorts 10 0.1 volts, then the voltage regulatoron the instrument printedcircuitboardis OK. lf the reading is outside the specification of 10 0.1 volts, check for poor connections at the printed circuitboardand voltageregulator. lf the connectorsare OK, replacevoltage regulator,refer to service ooeration2.4 MechanicallnstrumentDisin this Section. assembly, lf the readingis withinthe specification of 10 0.1 volts, remove the f uel gauge sender unit, refer to service operation2.6 Fuel GaugeSenderUnit - Remove,in this Section. Checkthe senderunitfor bindingor sticking. Connectan ohmmeterto fuel gaugeterminalon sender unit and to the senderunitflange. Set the float to the variousheightdimensions, as shown in the followingchart, and recordthe resistanceat each dimension. r. ') ! -, / \ \ .-:,,,, ,/,>-^ :i I - -.-1_''\ @- i ; -\\ :< --(/<.: FU E L P U MP C ON N E C TOR S :-...2 \ FU E L GA U GE I C ON N E C TOR S Flguro 12C-34 GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS INSTRUMENTS, 12C.10 i nnoa.t He i g h t tmml 3.3 litre EST - Sedan Em pt y % FulI 2 8 3 !7 91=14 3 5 -4 0 @ @ @ 3.3 litre EST - W agon Em pt y Yz FulI 2 8 3 !7 @ 1001 14 @ 3 5 -4 0 @ O l5 o 66.5 top 3.3 litre EFI - Sedan Em pt y '/a 5.0 litre - S edan 2 8 3 !7 @ 0 1 4 5 .5 i 4 @ 35.25 '/, 9 7 .3 i 3 @ 69.5 % 6 6 .5 1 2 .5@ 103.25 FulI 4 0 !2 @ 140.8 Upper Stop U n d e r3 5 @ 147 - Wagon 2 8 3 !7 @ 0 1 4 5 .5t 4 @ ?A 9 7 .3 1 3 @ 67 6 6 .51 2.5 @ 100 Full 4 0 !2 @ ttz Upper Stop 189.4 Empty % Tz REINSTALL Reverseto removaloperationsnotingthe following: 't. Installseal betweenthe gauge unit flange and tank. 2. Apply sealing compoundpart no. M39040 to mating surfaces of cork seal and fuel tank, also to screw threads. 3. Fill fuel tank with tuel and check for leaks around gaugeunit. FUEL TANK Fuel tank removaland installationinstructionsremain the same as on previous models. The only difference with EFI models is on removal,the fuel return line must be disconnected and reconnected on installation. Refer Section8A in this Supplement for details. 12C-2OINSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS U Ut q (! (I = yr tr U U z -, FU UI sl u o l td u i> IP o -J J I i- ll l F ul o l ui oq { rjJ r f,l l U = al I l Jl I F t__-l (, o rm I u) @ J U @ a F 2 u = v) n a = uJco o i n1 F (J<( *-' t -z G= =? E,= =e th= cnz -o :<6 -l ir <( llJ ()? ?2, =o io C)F uJ qJ >v Q t l/ - l' [': { ro cit I N o g GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C-21 INSTRUMENTS, Zu r I cJ) ;- U7 l J z \> -, x? U _ F z J;^ U zZ l z> cc \J F LO = = uosN Sso .L o H d II F U J g z = f : ) uJ z : = -lro Mo ] ) UVd f ) V H8 -a I SU3 A:lU (n z F LU z z N UNI ]H9 IU HJI IAS dN - ) J V8 uos\rs ol oH d j F LIJ z z = O 'l tsv N H N- LT JSI ! s\ | 3l N t81l o3 't ^ s v t s r . l 3 3 N t 8 l A o c o J t-lJ o z rsNr 33Nr€t 03 ISNr33Nr8r 03 'w sv (n ^l I ' oooll^ Yt o iti' F ll o o lr - lo1 o / i@ U t- r-c- 2 z (J 1 (^e os 3) l sN | 3: \ rS t^l oS z A -r8WfS S V rN =WnU tS N I O3N l S l OOV rl H IU V 3 2 ( dtr J e- l ur M U n Il eur atx 3) 'W SV I- SN | C t\r dN O 3 3 = H 3 ] . r M S3 U n S S 3 U d r r OM O - r 3 -l 3N V d:S nr = vtn N ol trN 9rnzt E 0 F H C .LIMS3>V 88 )U V d r {H U ) H 3l -l MS IV N C IS N U nl . 6 i : u o r - vI I N l 9 l'€^ [i-]I^ ,: ![T i lll^ .-Jt r ( due- l =w= tv :r :l l- ur i l l uni l l l eur atx f ) H 3l .r M S 1H C | l a S l nOOW r_ S '3 ( ;otef,r pul uJ eag q6r H ) H 3t- r M SU IH SV- IIIt tAl C s s N N H JIIMS ''IIV J 3>V U 8 (Hl) H 3l - l M S - 1VN 9i S N U fl .L l- H I!Yf - c) U) N CD v GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 12C.22INSTRUMENTS, U J \ ;4 ]R H lill F U Y 6 t! a a F l L I = l u o o z : 6 o F l = U U F I F F l F f, L F = z F U = o U F uJ Y T U J U J U) uJ F f U J U th = L ut ) (, z = 2 t = IL o z :) J o tr tu 1N z F; Z: lN :l l c o UJ U I t o I L- F J o = 3 lo z q ul + r ]B z - 4 ol< l o o cr F u) ;- = JL aF F- U) z I F c/, I F U F F F z z U Y l-lr CC =z zz >z u Y o z) uu) A^ I F-j o z 76 l uJ I tll U I.U luJ t [,L | (ft iF rJ !z F U Y F O F dl uJ tr J uJ r- t, >i > i a,l) = I r F =1" = ;= F 1 1 3 U(n ;F l z_ J F 2= +1+ F l G lu F = F z : U F l F l z =, u v; -l -l z E = = F n i z o F l tr ) = = O UJ z z o T I. F F I z B @ l U) o I = -= ; U' n r.u T t T C) u) LU F l UJ Y () o (n cc z 5 IIJ I -.r o F f F = d U r l F uJ Y U t th J UU -- : -f z Q f gF r f Ztd-L,O l z zo-, = F U Jfr; z . \z f,i l + 3 = J I I E "z <=\ " ft? o = = o f E = I zo g Y E, tn (J UJ l i- zIJJ = \) (DA () #ls,g 3 l- ' ii LrJ B c, o N o GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS INSTRUMENTS, 12C-23 GEAR CHART 2.7 SPEEDOMETER REAR AXLE P/O I Ratio 2.60 : 1 G70 T RANSM ISSION Sp e e d oDr ive p l' Gear Colour M40 i L 3 . 0 8 :1 GU4 lvlc6 1 0 T e e th ye ilo w SPEEDOD R IV E N GE A R I Co lo u r N umber of Te€th Da r k Brue Gr e e n OB C 22 21 Red 18X X l X Re d 23 8 T e e th Wh ite Pin k Gr e e n 20 21 10 T e e th L ig h t Blue 7 Teeth TY R E OP TION N U MB E R S OC J X OC H OC R OB D X OS T ooY OFL OE U OB Y OON XI X XX X X Br own , M4O 9 T e e th X X X XXXX r-_f_- Biu e M76 L6 ut M40 I GV4 X X X X X X X X Ye llo w 3 .36 : 1J M 76 8 T e e th X Da r k Bl ue XXX \ X XX Pink K E Y TO TY R E OP TION N U ME E R S OBC ocJ ocH BR6OHl5 c R70 H14 c R78 H14 oc R oBD O ST cR78S14 B R 7 8S l 3 165SR14 00Y 175SF13 UFL rzJf, bu nn rf OE U E P ;O H 14 OB Y B F;E S 14 ooN P r75/75 S R 14 X 12C-24INSTRUMENTS, GAUGES,W'SHIELDWIPERS/WASHERS 3. WINDSHIELD WIPERAND WASHER 3.1 GENERALDESCRIPTION The windshieldwiper and washer system carries over from VH to VK Series models,except for the locationof the dwell controlswitch. On modelswith dwell wiper control,the control switch is now locatedon the left hand lower dash sunound. The windshield washers'in line',one way valve has been deleted. 3.2 SERVICEOPERATIONS Service operations arc as described in Section 12, Holden Commodore VB Series Service Manual Part No. M38145.exceotwhere noted in this Section. 3.3 WIPERDWELLCONTROLSWITCH REMOVE 1. Removeinstrumentassemblysurroundas per service instruction2.3, steps 1 - 5, in this Section. 2. Pull knob from switch. 3. Remove the left hand lower dash surround uooer and lowerscrews.ReferFig. 12C-38. NOTE: lt may be necessary to remove the centre consoleto gain accessto the lower screws. 4. Removethe righthand instrument panellowercover. U P P E RS C R E W P LA C E S ) 112 \/' /oor* suRRouND -{9 \ LOC A TIN G H OLE LOWE R S C R E W _ (2 P LA C E S ) \- LE FT H A N D LOWE B D A S H S U R R OU N D Flgure 12C-38 5. 6. 7. Disconnectthe wiper dwell control switch wiring connector from the main wiring harness. Reler Fig. 12C-39. Removelower dash surroundand switch. Remove switch mounting nut and separate switch from panel. REINSTALL Installationis reversalof removalprocedures.Ensurethe locatinglug on the left hand lower dash surroundfits into the locatrng square.Checkoperationof switch. .,.l'^sl:y11.'r ranr\trJJ / \V. x.} , \ e ,&5:< TSCREW (2 PLAcES *\eB ry ^ '- A -/ ./_ - . i V A IN WIR IN G HARNESS C ON N E C TION WIP E R D WE LL ] C ON TR OL S WITC H ! Flgure 12C-39 SW IT C H R ET AIN IN G NUT RADIOAND TAPE PLAYER 12D-1 SECTION12D RADIOAND TAPE PLAYER INDEx Ref. 1. 2. 2. 1 2.2 Subject GENERALDESCRIPTION SERVICEOPERATIONS..... RADIO OR RADIO CASSETTEPLAYER ASSEMBLY Remove Beinstall SPEAKERS.. Remove........ Reinstall Page 12D-1 12D-2 12D-2 t2D-2 12D-3 12D-3 12D-3 12D-5 Ref. 3. 4. 5. 6. page ............. 12D-8 sPECrFlCATrONS.............. .......12D-9 TORQUEWRENCHSPECIFICATIONS........ 12D-9 SPECTAL TOOLS...... . 12D-9 Sublect DIAGNOSIS..... 1. GENERALDESCRIPTION All VK Series models are fitted with a radio. SL models are suppliedwith a high performanceAM/FM radio with digital display for channels and frequencies,a 2 way speakersystemand a manual,key lock anlenna. Berlina models have an AM/FM stereo radio cassette unit,in lieu of the AM/FM radio.The radiois an AM/FM stereo signal seeking radio with digital display for channels and frequencies.The speaker syslem is a 2 way speal(ersystem. Calais models are fitted with a similarradio/cassetteunit to the Berlinamodels.Featuresof this radio/cassetteunit include a single joystick balance control lor a 4 way speaker system and automatic programme search for cassenes. The four speakers are located, two in the rear parcel shelf and one at each upper corner of the instrument dash panel . The operatinginstructionsfor each unit is includedin the OwnersHandbook. A power operated antenna is standard on Berlina and Calaismodels.The antennais automatically raisedto a medium height wnen the radio is turned on and can be turther raised or lowered by means of the antenna control switcheson the instrumenttouch control oanel. 12D-2RADIOAND TAPE PLAYER 2. SERVICEOPERATIONS 2.1 RADIO OR RADIO CASSETTE PLAYERASSEMBLY REMOVE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Removetouch controlpanel as per serviceoperation 2.1,Sectron12C of this Supplement. 3. Removeinstrumentsurroundand instrumentassembly as per service operation2.2 or 2.3, Section12C of this Suooliment. 4. Remove centre console, centre lower instrument panel, glove box, steering column lower surround, heater cover panel and lefl hand lower dash panel as per serviceoperationsdescribedin Section 14 of this supplement. 5. Removecentre air vent duct. 6. Remove radio - radio/cassetteplayer rear bracket screw/s from instrument canier panel assemblv. ReferFig. 12D-1. 7. Removeheal/ventcontrol assemblywith temperature control cable attached,removingvacuum hose and electricalconnectors. 8. Removelower lett side instrumentDaneland radio radio/cassetteplayeras an assembly. L Disconnect electncal connector and antenna from radio- radio/cassetteplayer. _ REAR BRACKET S C RE W/S a TN S TR U ME N TC A R R TE R / P A N E L A S S E ME LY FR ON T MOU N TIN G ----=: _ REAR BRACKET A TTA C H IN G S C R E W IN S TR LI\45N T P A N E L-, LOWE R ;A C IA Flgure 12I)"1 10 . Removethe front mountingbracket,screwedinto the top of the unit. Refer Fig. 12D-2. 11 . Removerear bracketattachingscrew. - FR ON T MOU N TIN G B R A C K E T ,,- MOU N TIN G S C R E W-2 o'5 I w_ i Flgure 12D-2 RADIOAND TAPE PLAYER12D.3 12. Insert removal tools CMT113 simultaneouslyinto slots in right and left hand sides of radio radio/cassette player facia, reler Fig. 12D-3, to disengagethe spring mechanismsecuringthe inner part of the radio facia to the left hand lower dash panel. 13. Removeradio - radio/cassettefrom dash panel. 14. From behind sides of radio facia, depress spring mechanism,which will release removal tools from radio - radio/cassetteplayer. 15. Removaltools, Part No. CMT113, which are released in pairs,are availabledirect lrom - S E R V IC E TOOL N O. C M T 1 13 EurovoxAustralia, 6 UniversityPlace, ClaytonNorth.Vic. 3168. Flgure 12D3 REINSTALL Insert radio - radio/cassetteplayer in dash apertureuntil the lockingspringsclick. The remainder of the installation is the reversal ol removal procedures. 2.2 SPEAKERS REMOVE /.S P E A K E R GR ILLE Single Speaker - Front 1. Removespeakergrille. screws,reterFig. 12D-4. 2. Removespeakersecuring 3. Litt up speaker to disconnectwiring harness Removespeaker,referFig. 12D-4. connector. S E C U R IN GS C R E WS PLACES) x C ON N E C T OR Flgure 12D-4 12D.4RADIOAND TAPE PLAYER Dual Speakers - Front 1. Using a wide blade screwdriver,insert betweengrille and instrumentpad. 2. Carefullylever speaker grille upwards. Lift speaker from its position, disconnect wiring harness connectorand removespeaker,refer Fig. 12D-5. FR ON T S P E A K E R A N D GR ILLE A S S E MB LY - IN S TR U ME N T PAD r- w tR tN G H A R N E S S coN N E croR Flgure 12D5 Rear Speakers - Sedan 1. Removepush-onspeakergrille. 2. Removespeakersecuring screws,referFig. 12D-6. . rrS P E A K E R GR I LLE ' @ .w , /-S E C U R IN G S C R E WS (3 P LA C E S ) -r-: s zz SPEAKER WIR IN G H AR N ESS h tr Ah SH ELF Figure 12D-6 Disconnectwiring harness connector,refer Fig. 12D7, removesoeaker. H AR N ESS Figure 12D-7 TAh L tr L -!t RADIOAND TAPE PLAYER12D.5 Rear Speaker - Station Wagon 1. Bemove the interiorside panel trim as per instructions in Section 01 of the Holden Commodore VB Series StationWagon SupplementPart No. M38265. 2. Disconnectwiringharnessconnector. 3. Remove speaker securing screws and remove speaker,refer Fig. 12D-8. REINSTALL Reinstallation in each case is the reversal of removal orocedures. IN N E R S ID E PA N :I- -S PE A K E R _ S E C U R IN G S C R E V ^J (4 P LA C E S ) WITH C ON N E C TION S FA C IN G R E A R OF C A R Flgure 12D8 12D.6RADIO AND TAPE PLAYER o ul J Iv F- uco U J l o tr 2 o rI F B U uJ ; t j o : I u r U I U r g O) lm] o 6 N = -9 E t q ---- | 'i.r' l\. cc \ F 'l ) U U z L J OF )z oc z< -z < : z^ ^z 2 z 7 .6 Z u ,- E p J= r ! ?3d3 I z z z (t F = CE z- - U I U a f, I JU 9< =- - tt RADIO AND TAPE PLAYER 12D.7 U J ?T za= cPv E-q 4u ! E r, + :< 4VU t .. =-t+ C ON NE C TOR ON L Y !WIR IN G HARNESS C ON N E C TOR TR A N S D U C E R (3,3 LITR E E S T ON LY ) Figure 12E-7 12E.4WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES 2. FUSIBLELINK 2.1 GENERALINFORMATION The chassis wiring is protected against short circuit damageby a fusible link placed within the battery wiring harness. It is taped back to the battery wiring harness, near the battery,refer Fig. 12E-8. An additionalfusible link is incorporatedfor 3.3 litre EFI modelsfor EFI is taped back to the battery wiring harness,between the battery and startermotor,refer Fig. 12E-8. *- - '!-..'\/ -r,z -. .==.- € WIR IN G HAHI YYtHil\tr HARNESS C ON N E C TION rvtAil\ ,-MA IN , n I \.\ *Y-il---., ..\-,r.^._ {l:-,'.S.. F US|B LE t F / 7 REPLACE 1. Disconnectbatteryearth lead. 2. Untapefusiblelink wire from batterywiringharness. 3. Disconnectfusiblelink connectorand install new link, referFig. 12E-9. 4. Tape back to harness. 5. Reconnectbatteryearth terminal. FUSEBox ,' L,NK B A TTE R Y FU S TB LELIN K - {EFr) Figure 12E-8 Flgure 12E-9 WIRING HARNESS& FUSES12E.5 3. WIRINGHARNESSES 3.1 GENERALINFORMATION All VK series models are served by two main wiring harnesses, plus associated ancillary wiring harnesses, dependingupon the equipmentlevel of the vehicle. 1. Main WiringHarness There are two levels of main wiring harness. The lower level carries only the base options and accommodatesEST only. The upper level accommodatesall availableoptions includingany EFI circuits. 2. EngineHarness Different engine harness assemblies are used for 3.3 litre EST, EFI and 5.0 litre. 3. Battery Harness A different battery harness is used for each engine application. 4- InstrumentPanel Harness There are two ditferent levels of instrument panel harness. a. Mechanicalinstrumentsand touch switches. b. Electronicinstrumentsand touch switches. Ancillaryharnessesare requiredwhen various equipment level optionsare exercised. a. Air conditioning. b. Power antenna c. Power windowsand door locks. d. Power operatedexternalmirrors. e. Readinglamps. f. Heated rear window. S. Rear speakers. h. Rear lamps. k 12E.6WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES 4. HARNESSDIAGRAMS z o F r I U N z aa ^:)r VU r z z o z cc F F tr o z z O frz za = rl !li c- zi U 3 o CAFi J L aYl UV zEl 8 UII z z I z U z z F t! z z o O >ii n- O U z F J U *. P ; i = l J I o cr U cr = I U U z z ; z I z F (J - ; z z o )\. Zt\ +\ I <\ I\. uJ Z.\ F ': ; (, =- ta = z cr 3 (n U) IJ z E U z I e ; t co J j Q = o = CD lr z C? l !z z 2g; F o z .(4t! = zz )< z trcco U \ U u : J -i = !! t F E >( -z ?A* -::v E z= Icr; trX - C) uJ z =X _2 I UJ N .; -Y z_ >a=e f ;2fi F tIr ,.. <FIU , , <=>u wl YUI".UF 1trLL- <;l rl i -J E \ ? O <=c oo \.1 o l,|. 12E.8WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES f o ^(J uul> <>: F i uluY \. \--\ =o1 ts t I F <6 u( h JU i( = ZF o F< a_ -\ E 3 U €o zL o U -) Ud cr- z aaa Y _U x i- :z c z J _F a UO X l >1 z t 3=:< 2; U7 RI HA z- -z U =o I o U I a F 3 J I U II o z U o & t4Yl 7 uJ F U J o E a? e) --- a uJ IJ,J J a a U u> € r! ; lJ. u U $Ar '1 " " /Jl 41 l g (r| ul N o ED lt WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES12E.9 )1 :'<*-,- < 6 "F ,). ua JU ' .- ' \ z* -1 ,^ l.ll= \\ / / t-^ v - - .. U U U J a\ v\ ': o: -- = : o < --i U= / /',9P , ts '// o U 57o zz dv dE .-"/t zz <(, 2=----t\ * JY Z= ul l J o U l U J c \ ,ll, - ' l ,/ ) o =*il 1t/ // =-':ll -i) lol = U ; Zw .^ZN // YO- U) ut r a Tiin =2fi <:E a z ul ! = a? co l UC sE € JE Z^ :,2 U ul l! c an UE (n z uJ z o E U L o9 20 J2 KH = ulF U .z J J a ,,,t =F vth < q) cou t^- = U Zu 3 s :- I ul z t^ Y t > f,,e a i;tr U< z E= k < E cc tr uJ EBa a t - -L U a 4 ?-z LrJB r r F [!F ulr \. t rt z9 f 1\o - 3 rfj ; c) lrJ ct) at ;< o O< j 1Y ^__-:_,,q ^'\ z u.rF >6 JE U- -a-^: \,.'H ) ,/-\ I \ = o !, \ r\\-----\ z ud J.. Zl (/) '9 \T ! 'iF F o I 12E-10WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES dd U l < -" J YnO (, = Zl o :N -U (/:F* = UUV LU -J z zt rzzi* J uZ z- t> ; >L! -[ U U- J z: v 2 d z 3o z - l _ .r F j o o = YJ tiJ (, ==,f' qY' V I o' -.1 c c =r n= 6 =4LU !i( ,co U uo4 --U 11 < u - uZ cc J z< /l {< o I o U )-o T' [ '-'i : ! z o| I< 2 U - Ua = 3sU E6_ v5 -vill K -i il< Jt! lA ' XC C UJO '.,/ ' c- t ,' . a' ' Kll Y. a= \o? .- \\ :--'':./)_. ...' z ,r ' .;;:-y'" / "'( ./ . '- , , t z/' /' !? t! c{ 3 'ra U u(, riinJ "> o ) auH ; / .-' a_ z= Nz -A, $ -4" -\ .N"i -4 m-F UAP *OrF F alZ f,?r ,lz 59*La J:l <'* z i, < > l- F-= iii=u =? FLJ | -< ------------>lZ=T-. ,r L < cz U "' t /= tiJ - ?? JU I U ^z uJ I J <'u) uJ j B 0 l! LU) UFU LX< < dg c o> f l U' U Our L u eff; < co E> J -(, z = e2ffp ; k> Fsco;h co 6 < ztt )oz I U E F N cc)OIlJ z ul u U t! c'j U) U) = d o IJJ z U U z z z {- f- VUm t:Z-. *d 6 r .^ \a ,4 4 | n - - z< ==.1o IJJ sF^ z oi- c > J ?PX I lt ; l g<- L G) \ t'r'--")rdlr-\- / u E J U F t \L\\ =< \ w e-r .,4 a F -J U ) a 7 \.t \ ; = : c ) 'ii lo F o o \\ f..l . \\V \.v i\ lrJ -zU J v l.-r' -r I r,H \ o = U ; m \- \ \5c - za L>- 2< u- ' :a r - 15 c EE z2 olq -o I SY NM .{< 12E.12WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES ./../' .a/. U t UJ (J U I = ttt 6 o aZ \ F J \l uI\ z< w,' I z- k z a, ; f- rd o 3Et r zzu U ^J lr -.t > <- <; q :a t! uf -u FF to v) v) vF z& z t9) =r ccu -"^ 6U tu u ,/. -.//a/^. . \:- J€ 9z \, \ a- (/' 'V ./ 4 E ut -U ^< >J 3I J< U, : <,,i tU rrr l '-co > z U >Y= =>z z; , - >-< ldc v ! z z @t' f?* m F -r sr u> :ol = rl -U e <:i 2 c!2 F OU 4 zt ^ ( F l z Al UU zN rr < -[ u r > o .ul '. cE dZ B \r ZC l> Y Fl =< YZ !,= UI 6U F \\!n JU UZ 1> ;g ./ l-! []l ,1 f,O ,4 ..\ \- -4 t9 lrJ sa o t CD lt WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES12E.13 (! a/) tu _ z^ =o z o u u u 7 U C -F =,^ - r :? -v=N Z'L oz z-. F9 -tr(J | - 7N zc) < ir ^Fz_ < I < IUJ uZ 1z 4? 1-L o<- r, uv- z '. F9 Z LL -U ouJ ;<;i r > tI I ( o6 IL LU j UJ : O N ri uJ t 9 tr : U E tr E hrl fr u I U t tr fil o tr ltzt t- l T 3 2 a 40 o t< L - Ful - U z z I -I r(J Q= aa a E tll o) z :N -O F < Ll.l lN '/F a E z >Y i: 9 [- I F 2 F I =2 dp9= 3=: E zr Ei CN vt- = v, IIJ = z E c u- J t F f, U z Y z U T F U d I O F nl) =2 s1h wUJF = ) J HaI! : a Y:Ua 24n EJ< 6L E lt UJ NN N IIJ UL < o> l -\ z\ z\ o (r -. rF o) o =c { ^o N (E UJ o L(J z e J[! I F <^ ru> urJJ = F JU i --Z ^z o f o( ) JF p U (9J c cu l-Z zz z> = U ; UJI B: JCC z^ cc = fP *O Z { >a UU YZ ) \--./ ^,= Jl t//t 1r I -a rw ---/ -'t- f't${ I (sJ\ | :- /) A --r..r/- ( ') -'^rtr €t'/ v =2 d >5 r E iX a9 c.: ) >r! o> J {}\\l '--- L! FL '\ 'r\J -\\)) i) ni lR\ Hr ; n "l U' -\..-1tt" n-'m-- cca - F .:(I t.-,'Q)-' \ = = t r= ulU\\\.(---. i I_ lz r= -F ______-"\-, f 3 = -. iii:.i,4q\av=" =i v:- '----d...............=\ ,,^ 8= :_ W Yr / LIJ: =i uZ ;- = ! l ; r f a/') IJJ = o- z o cn 'z "c E .I e gz zo ,1 \N lh 1- ' - an (n Etr =s? >u LlJ \ \" =2 ,-jl\ > l ff ' a u: u r = -n- -N '\ \\\ ', E E; a:= --A' (,, .-l- J = ;--,-<_ tE ==? 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F I CN UJ U o J z z I O - F (J U >P u ti U) an 3 r =2 UU F> s {. zi < z) L- <{ HP LF A - z o '/- l \ E - N N UJ c{ : .9 lr WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES12E.19 N m EI --\ z T U sN 6 U fi iI o O z T I F o UN -U L ..L r F :; L o uJ CE 2 l.ttl lvl - . L[lr-lO6 o :a s-: : tUU ltri = IJ uJr "16I A io (n u z<) o< q ttot FlL ; -:g;lo l nJ \J { = z = ; 2 aa u LU (n I c 2 FS- J v) v) uJ -ui i >( / ) \> 5o z L {n ccd g z T ) rlj z o F ) z F z _E = zQ* otl i \ = <=x - <. ^ . z N I U N ri = 5s E; tr r U =3H E F t! = F F ooY Iuu J .-L. I :-) .; l ' I ut I o I IU 3' uJ ' r J .\ | F L B: : q1 o a:1 I m( l- Uu rl , F = 3 >= U E I a a c (9= =-Z u:f * -a fr= J (, I ;l < zo o=o o< (J= o> (t) > u) (n OU UF f,o za (IO < o TI za 3r o< IF AUt^ E (^: 3 U t - aZ :<= z)l Jau N o '--,.-=-j:/ 2 @ oB >> > I]J LIJ 4JL- fu UV > f-: Q=; ;43 I = E = uJ J c se !z ;< iz a z z zrrt >a == tr tr t *-- \ : > fzu^ rk o (*p 7 i ! l: B: K, IA .A .\ .l = tt^ z < [i 9 =Z J >I u t iz <= o-F oF <)o Z':. {-* ;_ , : ro UJ uJ CD lt 12E.22WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES -l v) F za U- cc -= I JU- F ,a t U z ul rO uta ul F F 4 l o Ch LIJ o UJ z(r z I (9 Z= -= t r! l F Y co o = F (o o r U U ) F 3 lrJ O F= f\ EL -z ir 6t ;= cr U A c ui N zz = z I o N UJ FE Al o (n o r'' s< U 4 g o lt c/, u fr* g * {E EB F J U U d Y J F U I rrJ I d O E J co 3 U ; ': E 3 ! o o ; :7 : z ?: c r= c< za UU A <-- | 4 WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES12E.23 Hd E * ::6 4 fft8 coF< ff tr -H >=: g . UJ F =! O c z U z \ rr\ o ct) \\\\ z lu \\\ \, \- ; \l\t ,ulllil + +1, o o r o \ J:l \ 3 F U r )Y: Z 3 t'-. \ \F/ Z= U ccH ; /,,_ / t:*'=.' =x / e =, F= F zz uJo t F= ES fr,' E (J E uJ E -oI IT F U U :- ;- u (, JF U- [] -7 o O 6| UJ N o 3 I tt 12E.24WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES O N o ,U z z-N U = >9 Fu U z :c o z >; I Zo t sl - U tr l l < o UU ZJ cc: U U^ F U I I U LIJ F(, 3= oI (t z;i E LJ = u Ful O(E z- t H IEI rE z o tr tr= o I v) o u,l t 0c g U IJ,J z tr I (9 (, U; z U L L @4 ;1 r 9:1 .z= a 3s1 -uZ uL \./ -:/\,/ / / \ = o F I z Iu //-"\ ao t! N = ff= 0. \ z o E .^F IB \ xi o-< ;E 5 O U z z z z_ I I t - @ t- zl !tr -l z- z> O il -J r? z LU J- < - i=z n U L! u i^) t ttr )r ,- "" - 7^ L I c U: ;v i uL !.t Ho " J U N z- : c -F g -ro( J fc?ccG al fr = tt WIRING HARNESS& FUSES12E.25 F c |r c (,)= 2a > F AUU l i; 1 z -z- = f o li E a1 \. -. \-. --' -7 '' :\ l- --* o [ ,-=-D I +? Fffi 6u ul (1 \ 3 l s3 o z ^Y )o ') t! a- !J - v) I (,1) (n F o o m 4z UO JY ltt z C^ J UJ (N,r = U ; -)*/' il t\ u ! 6 J s ;9 ^r-l i . \#: tZ rZ rfq.: > gt 0 r'" tr U = -= z UJ 6a o g UJ E 3 \- (\| = E u E -= F !3 LA u.l E IO -fr a=I 3 u rI i .-r r-(:\ \rv. ' 1-< F l_-{ O E "'r,E = uJ a /r/ arU U L tr o o u U cc J U cc d ) N I F a J l z U) = =- u /1 F _-_._:=jL U tn \./ Xe ;E tr ,1 CE E 3 = J zfr t! F X uJ 2_= ,_\ U i o e.c C -oX= UJ > > |.r <( ) c - FUa,2 d 3* z rN cc = t.) z cE :- CE tr a U(r u -F LiJ F @ z CE z I = L-l (.)\ -j tr ! O' )l q /->\ (l a [, = ; a) LIJ o -9 WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES12E-29 \ o I U a U C. U N =< -O f, U (, tr IL z? o^, @ Fq lcr z- \ -=3 : -= l/ ' U I U = = Fr T1 cc co m I = ? xo rI -_----..._l \ (jd \ Yl ,5. I CN -: aa = i i l, ,,='--------- )4N ltr D'/ n z I c F -c LU a ! -a L = U) O r F xUJ :- i trl a Zu c v= a2 t-\t s: = z = r t i F -\ llr ; = o o 2 a 6 o UJ ._<= \) N o @ts -Y == tr o uJ o r[- o ,<,yir. _ (\-. - \ I cc: ir-; zv P ^, u I 3 I L -o 1=6 \ /) I aa :c 1 2> -4 i--). " _ L *t E :_ = U uJ > an FU gJ < (,) < -.r )) = AL ZN -- Z:- r i , h . l. l ? Ur =:3- E! . IrJ F LU cc o F a z E = U t 12E.30WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES tr 2 r U F X UJ Oo UA FU <= il< ot r !\ cc L U \ o 2 F Uf TIJ 2 z 3E i> uJ z = U il z o F- <; r^i 2> ; -.' 2u -N n at) LL u u@ VJU az $Jtr t< --v d9 fi r ao UX LU t - o J U J o L o U o F -o tJ) a cc = z tr o il =a U cn G t LU 1t ,//'/ i/i ,t// f^: z zi ; i-l !F E zy. LIJ xUJ O rL o: uu oo oz r-{ o z z zL o V F a !t o et lrl 6a OU ( 9N E o t F(, t; o *U o u) o o tr o o. {p UT n E = u WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES12E.31 (r tr 3 il ccu z oQa 6 ; FI <= U ?2 ) U Y il z," o- u t O6 Ftu rd :u A*, ,F U o F UO JL i> :< U Y z z lE E 3l l l s> o= o Y U 3 c 2 F tr . o sEn ok >t Jd ZL e o u 'l F t u.l o/-\ v o- (o a) l! c{ o t g WIRINGHARNESS& FUSES12E-33 \ ar \^ -g E: / - PE\ v FyN ' :_ I I e )_ E v@ fr t*- - .' i r U = N=/',BriFV = ; ! 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Re:r 8.0 Rl0lA.Ccr::orer I AJr -:- R 11 23 :? 30 t.10 200 255/ a/ o.2/ 30.0 21Ol 245 o.2l 30.o 2581 284 o.2/ 30.0 Pow .3e- ::r W i ndor r ae ar Starter [':. 2A i | ---f--- 235 F r3 S: ?no d Hazard Flasher ie,av R 17 Electric Doof Locks Relay 0.15/ 30.0 330/ 322 R 21 Heated Rear Window Relay O.2i 30.0 149 Eng. l dl e Sp€d Boos l Sol enoi d ( 6 C y l .) 0.45 R 30 C r ui s eC ontr ol T r ans duc erSol enor d 0.3i 2.2 ;? F Ini edor Val v e tc F 5: Elect. Mrrroi Mc:3 R.H. Horizon:a El ec t. M r r r or s Sel ec t.R el ay R .H . 186 Elect. Mirror fr4c:c L.H. Vertrcal a 53 i El ec t. M i .r or s Sel ec t.R el ay L.H . 0 15 3! J 181 179 R 55 M30 Elect Mirror l\'lcic L.H. Horizonr. C2 3l.l 241, 212 142 \,f W i nds hi el dW r p€ M otor ( Luc as ) 224 8.0 8 C,, M20 Rear !!1ndow Wioer fvlo:or M 21 Rear !!rndo4 Pump Mo:o. M22 Elect Motc M25 Elect. Doo- Lsck Motor Rea. L r'l M26 M29 I 3.E 2C 3 e 2E 8.0 \'oicr I Heated Rear Wrndow e 2 l ns tr . l l l um . Bhec s :.i E 3 Arr Conditioner Fan Resistors E 4 CAarL'ghter 45w 276 108 E6 Coolant Temperature Sender (8 & 6 Cv .) 103 E7 Fuei Level Sender Sedan Wagon E9 Ballast Resrstor E 1l Transistor Bes istor 22 1.8 Load . l A uxrrrary 1!l "T F us e 256 2t1 121 43 1E6 5 *, 37 F us e -5 25 - 241 6 F us e :5 313 7 F us e :5 8 FU Se 14 5 237 9 F us e 10 F us e 11 F us e , 15 '5 14 F use t5 r us e 136 32 201 I5 125 ?.26 3 "oo 262 G P, O Side Windows P Antenna R Fusrble Lrnk (E.F.l.) za 346 o 291 101 40 121 47t 18 1 _ 49 Molor F TR A N S FOR ME R S G E 15 F us e Fuse 105 C ool ant T em p. Sens or( EST & EF I) l 2 F us e Crurse Control Transd. Resist. 6 Ar r c ond. F an R e ay N egati v e 3 5 1451 150 Orl Pressure Senoer 0.80 . 0 15 30.0 4 r F us e V E5 13 138 237 C I R C U IT P R OTE C TIONDE V IC E S 5.O R E S IS TOR S ,R H E OS TA TS E tr 14.O Washer E I W i nds hi el dW i per I M otor ( Pr es l r te) 4 SE - 205 Doo- Lcck Rea'R H Elect. Mirro. R.H. Vertrca M 28 3.5 ' 20.4 6i X4 4 Loc. R 16 o Conneci a: _:'Tesl a l Rear Comparr-en: Lock Soleno c tr X3 Anti-Dieseling Solenoid r r ans m r s s r on D e:ent Sol enoi d 63 63 Horn Relav R3 224 342 E,ec r .D oor Loc k ' M oIor F r ont R - H 9e M I SCEL L ANEOUSIT EM S R1 Y"t Amp D r s tr i butor Vac uum Adv anc eSol enoi d ';;; 6a Name rrl R 14 I SS44 16.6 Power Operated Srde Window Motor 117 F uel 2.9 Fan Motor S S1 9 ss26 262 Code ?qq/ Coolant Level Warnrng Sensor ss20 ss23 r 5.0 lAirConditioner ss16 M 16 Loc 2.Ot9.O 29 f/oio. R E L A Y Ss, o L E N o tD s €N I lqn. Co,l (6 & 8 Cvl.) t.5 62 12F.4WIRINGDIAGRAMS SYMBOLSUSEDIN VK WIRINGCIRCUITDIAGRAMS o FIXED CO NTACT a FIXED CO NTACT ( UNDER PO W ER) c FIXED CONTACT (UNDER PO W ER THRU RESI STANCE) d d{ MOVABL E CO NTACT SIMUL TA NEO USLY MOVABL E CO NTACTS a fl LIGHT BULB S P E A K ER r x'r tr I r9,l HORN L?J I tr -r FUSE RELAY E€ q FUSIBLE LI NK b I T I SPARK PLUG 1 o' +! t =l RHEOSTAT <" . LOCATION OPTIONAL ^ LocATtoN FtxED By REstsrANcE SWITCH C O N N E C T O RB O D Y WI T H FEMALE TYPE TERMINALS MAGNET I C SENSO R MA LE TypE TE R MTN A LS -_1 {F i DIODE S tMP LtFtE D V tE WOF l c ol A cON N E cToR B OD Y ]" ol io of= _\_ R E D= LOC A TTON & C OLOU R OF LE A D RESISTO R SOLENOID l -l - @ MAGNET I C I NSTRTJ M ENT @ THERMAL I NSTRUM ENT @ EL ECTRONI C M O DULE c ELECTRI C M O TO R I +tI - SIMPLIFIED VIEW OF AN ELECTRICAL C O M P O N E N T( WI T H 2 M A L E TERMINALS) I I EARTH FROM COMPONENT TO VEHICLE BODY EARTH THROUGH EARTHING LEAD TO VEHICLE A L L S WI T C H E SS H O WN I N " O F F " P O S I T I O N F WIRINGDIAGRAMS12F-5 + l I :. I a GN 3: e3 - uJ ca l an ll tL z IJJ z F z ; = EZ 9l -l -s c __r iI I r a q. o l I I 6 E o @ o 3 lt N o I I B ! .R 12F.6WIRINGDIAGRAMS I l! N UJ E z -r z r z F G o. I () o E I o (, o ct E = N l_+-- -----1:ll tt o ED L 3z2 ;a = : t. ? 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