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The Indy pole-sitter's driving impressions of
a new-breed sports vehicle
From my first racer (a slab-sided
Morgan Plus 4, with high wheel
arches, genuine fenders and running
boards, cut-down doors and rear
mounted twin spare tires) to the ul
timate road-racing machine, the
M8 assigned to me by Team Gulf-
California-based bachelor, I had and were crowding around.
been mildly aware that the avantWhen I elbowed my way through
garde car fraternity there had been this good natured group, I was im
gussying up trucks for some time, mediately struck by the fact that it
prodded perhaps by the insurance looked different from any truck I'd
underwriters and the ecology pro ever seen. Sure, it said Chevy Blazer
tagonists, who have started to lean on the side, but it had a complete
on sports cars and muscle cars.
Indianbird paint job using the for
SPORT-Bird is a solid-perform
ward yellow running lights as eyes. A
McLaren,I believe I've driven every ing 4-wheel drive Chevy Blazer, into very durable roll bar was triangu
worthwhile sports car of the past which sport's editors have incor lated just behind the driver's head
decade. This includes heavyweight porated their ideas for a multi-pur —not a bad idea if you're going to
performers like the Ford GT40, and
the Ferrari 375LM, as well as ex
road or off, fun-oriented vehicle.
otic small-displacement cars, such
as the Alpine-Renault. But never
a sports truck, until I picked up the
keys to the SPORT-Bird at Watkins
Although I was supposed to roadtest the SPORT-Bird, even seeing
her wasn't too easy. A sizeable pro
portion of the 40,000 young people front of the rear wheels. The wheels
pose, go-anywhere-in-style, on the
go plunging full-tilt into the boonies. Believe me, I know how badly
you need a roll-bar when you need
one. A Nascar-style exhaust exited
a tuned expansion chamber just in
Glen the day before last July's big camping out at the Glen for the two- themselves were handsome wide
Can-Am event. As a car-loving. day race meeting, had discovered her based polished aluminum, with 6-
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and to me the idea made great good
sense. I get enough gear shifting in
chrome studs on which were mount
the McLaren, and the standard offroad combination of a stiff clutch,
one, two in the Can-Am—a back-
and a balky synchromesh, is not my
to-back win for me with Denny a
idea of fun.
close second. The Glen Can-Am
ed ultra low profile Goodyear G60
In general, for tough going offX 15 Polyglas GT tires. The "60" road, a good automatic gearbox can
means they're only 60% as high as do a better job of selecting the
they are wide.
right ratio for a given situation than
The combination of substantial
Perhaps the SPORT-Bird pole ex
ercise pleased the gods because we
went out the next day and finished
road clearance customary in 4-wheel
a skilled driver.
The access roads at Watkins Glen
drive units, plus the sporty low pro
on race weekend, are reminiscent of
pole-sitter, Jackie Stewart, who is
very, very quick on the race-course,
and equally quick in repartee, had to
settle this time for few splashes of the
Great Western Champagne that bub
bled so liberally at the finish line.
When the racing season's over, I'm
file tires gave the SPORT-Bird a
unique poised-for-flight stance.
Slipping behind the wheel, I no
the worst weekend Paris traffic jams. going to borrow SPORT-Bird back
Happily with SPORT-Bird you don't again. We're going to take a quiet
need roads. Ditches, gullies, rock trip over the desert from Los An
ticed that it was a three-spoked, piles, shale cliffet's don't cause geles to La Paz with nothing but a
foam-rubber covered racing type. SPORT-Bird a wing flutter. On Trailblazer stove and lantern along,
Should power-steering be missing or reaching the main highway,SPORT- and see if she is as adept at fishing for
not up to snuff, I visualized a dandy Bird accelerates like a well-tuned marlin in Baja California, as she is
new crop of blisters muscling this pony car, and the excellent choice at fishing for trout in Watkins Glen.
4000 pound package over the back
of gear ratios in the automatic gear
woods, with the same sized steering box becomes readily apparent. Cruis EDITORS' NOTE:
wheel used on a featherweight Can- ing at 50, tramping the throttle pro
SPORTs congratulations to
Am racer. Blisters are something you duces an instant, throaty down-shift '^Champagne Peter" Revson on his
don't need the day before a flatout and rapid acceleration for effortless sparkling Watkins Glen Can-Am
Can-Am race.
passing. The combination of a longer win and his writing debut—the first
"Backwoods" here means that than typical wheelbase plus the Poly
of three pieces the personable young
the locals farm only two cash glas tires, results in a surprisingly front-runner will do for SPORT. In
crops: Firewood for the race-week- comfortable ride. Having failed on our own travels in SPORT-Bird, we
end campers, and Indian arrow
my solo flight to extend SPORT-Bird
heads for the tourists.
SPORT-Bird's front
I sought help. Help appeared: my
Gulf-McLaren team captain and No.
big, thickly padded buckets de
signed to save your offroad posterior.
From them you have a high, com
manding view of the bonnet, the
squarish front fenders, and the coun
tryside. A twist of the key, and the
were struck by the variety of uses
that men who eye-balled the vehicle
came up with—deer hunting, bird
woodsman back home down under.
shooting, surf casting, surf boarding,
small boat towing, desert camping,
With Denny riding shotgun we set
just to name a few. Already an ar
1, Denny Hulme, a self confessed
out to get SPORT-Bird stuck. Down
in the Watkins Glen State Park, there
tistic success, SPORT-Bird enters
350 cubic inch V-8 burbles into life
bedded riverlets, most of which are
making a sound not unlike Junior
Johnson taxiing into the pits at Dar
endowed with waterfalls. The one we
the commercial wars this fall when
Chevrolet dealers will offer her In
dian-feather paint job, and other key
accessories on an optional-extra
picked to drive in had a lake instead,
lington. Happily some very potent
power steering burbles (quietly, of
three feet deep in mud, and out-of-
In his Los Angeles-Baja trip this
season brown trout. Proud SPORT-
winter Peter may get a chance to use
course) into life as well, and I can Bird slithered to a halt, but not a
stop worrying about blisters. When defeat. Instead, a wonderful oppor
I go to look for the shift lever, it's tunity to use the front-mounted
missing, so is the clutch pedal. In winch to haul us out of the treacher
their place, a handy three-speed ous bog.
hydramatic, with the selector
Having been a polesitter more
mounted on the steering column, often than anyone else in modern
plus a floor mounted 4-position sports car racing history, Denny
shifter for the "transfer case." The proved adept at a new sport—pole
transfer case is simply the mecha
hanging. He found a stout sapling
nism whereby the high and low and, positioning it between SPORTranges of the 4-wheel drive and 2- Bird's tail feathers, and a formid
wheel drive units are engaged. I had able rock, aided the winch in our
never before driven an off-road ve
extraction by dangling his compact
hicle with automatic transmission. 175 pounds from the butt end.
others of these accessories, a pair of
low mounted, rallye-type foglights,
and a "swinging gate" arrangement
for the externally mounted spare
tire, which allows extra cargo space
and the use of the tailgate at the same
is one of the area's typical shale-
time. And, Peter, sometime before
you leave the freeway and hit the
desert, better swap those quiet, easy
riding Polyglas GT tires for a set of
knobby L70 X 15 Suburbanites.
They're noisy but better suited to the
terrain. At 110° even an 18 second
Gulf-McLaren type pit stop seems